#rip alex
bun-fish · 8 months
If You Give A Bat A Burger by @noir-renard ,doodle dump part 4
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I wanted to draw Candle Girl for a looooong time, so. mission accomplished!
My brain settled on her looking like this while going through the story
I know it is said that she looks like Jazz, but the pixie cut lesbian vibes were too strong for me to ignore; it’s ok, they can still share similar features
Also I like to think Jess’s girlfriend to be blonde, just to match the ginger/blonde equation of Harlivy ;) Except the blonde is the low key insane one and the ginger is the actively insane one
Also also,
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The Ghosts of Gotham in the Ghost Apartment
Mixologist, Boxer and a literal child (full of justice
hi i love them. did i say how i love them? yeah i love them
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galaxyzone · 4 months
Random side note but I love how most people's 2 favorite MoM characters are usually either Fliss & Conrad or Julia & Brad lol
It's almost always one of those 2 pairs for some reason. I'm personally a Fliss & Conrad girl myself, of course❤️
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vertigoartgore · 8 months
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Lawrence Kasdan's The Big Chill is turning 40 today. Feel old yet ?
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That’s one reason I love his temper tantrum’s in season 6.
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Murder-snuggles has come along way❣️
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I found technoblad late, but in the time that I was blessed with knowing about him he has brought me happiness. His videos have helped me through so much of my own pian while he was suffering himself. I thank you, Alex , for existing, and choosing to use your precious time to help and bring joy. I never got to meet you here, I never got to physically thank you. There is no exaggeration in saying you have saved my life, and I'm most positive that you have saved many more. Please be at peace knowing how much better you made the world better for everyone that knew you and your online self. Peace to Alex's family and all those who loved him.
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imbasiclyblind · 2 years
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Alex may have passed away but Technoblade will always live in our memory
Techno, thank you for everything you have done. You have done so much for so many people and we thank you for that. May your legacy live on forever. Were going to miss you big guy, rest well <3
Technoblade never dies
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flameontheotherside · 2 years
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Did you know that when you cry for your dead, you cry for you and not them?
You cry because you “lost them”, because you don’t HAVE THEM by your side. You think it all ends in death. And you think they are NOT anymore.
So if your dead no more, where are they?.
Yes they have left, or they are now somewhere else, is that place better than this?.
Yes, definitely that place is better than this; so Why do you suffer for their departure?.
When you have finished accepting that they are no longer "NOT here", but they are still in another place even better than this, for there where they are no longer sick, or suffering.
Then you'll stop mourning them and you'll get them back in memory so they keep accompanying you with the joy of all that you've lived.
If you truly loved them LOVE them AGAIN and this time with greater strength, with greater purity, with greater delivery.
Today, there will be no more reproach of any kind.
Only LOVE, will be the essence between you, between us, between them.
I respect your pain, and the way you express it. I know you cry and you will cry without comfort.
But .. Today I say to you:
Don't die with your dead.
Remember we are only seeing one side of the coin (death).
We are not looking the other way; we are not seeing the wonderful place of light where they stand.
What if we start seeing “death” as a Second Birth?
Second Birth we ALL will go through.
Don't die with your dead, honor them by living your life as they would have wanted you to. , let them transcend. And you keep living.
Author unknown
Artist unknown
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websinthewillows · 2 years
The Blood God Challenging The Kingdom
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CW: cancer, death, mourning, suicidal thoughts and attempts, self harm, and depression
Technoblade is dead. I want to write him a memorial. I know basically no one will see this but, I need to write it.
My friend Lara died to leukemia on May 6, 2020. I didn’t find out until two days later. She was surrounded by her family when she passed. After her death I was in the absolute worst place I’ve ever been in. I was falling in an endless pit that I couldn’t leave. I was in such a bad place and the only way I could possibly leave it was to either cut myself to oblivion or kill myself. I was 13. I planned multiple times, wrote multiple notes -that I am still finding to this day- and got so close to ending my life multiple times.
Then I found Technoblade and the dream SMP. Their videos started to pull me out of that hole. They kept me alive when nothing else could. Technoblade was my comfort YouTuber. When he was diagnosed with cancer I felt the same rope that had almost pulled me completely out of those thoughts start to break. Bit by bit, as his cancer got worse it loosened. So I grabbed onto the edge of the hole. And when he died I watched that rope fall. I miss him and I feel stuck, hanging on that ledge and using all of my strength not to fall.
Tl;dr: technoblade kept me alive when I was at my worst and I looked up to him, now he’s dead and I don’t know what to do with myself.
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speedoverdeath · 5 months
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letsgetitblog · 11 months
I just finished watching who made the Disney Channel theme by defunctland and now I'm Incredibly emotional.
I'm this close to crying-
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norrisleclercf1 · 3 months
F1TV is being brutal right now they legit just said
"Happy Birthday to Alex Albon, and his gift, Logan Sargent's car"
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ohklah0ma · 2 years
i had a dream that they were making despicable me into a live action movie but eventually the style went from live action to the normally animated movie to some weird combination of playmobil stop motion and those adult swim cartoons that are animated like moral orel and then suddenly it was about my family living in some sort of ideal life and my brother got tired so my mom used a snapchat filter to alter reality and erase his body down to the legs to make it look like he was under the blanket and his legs were sticking out but then when she turned off the filter he was still gone but his location was still on her phone and i was like “oh i like this movie this just got interesting” and i was also like “lmao this is just like stranger things my brother is inthe fucking upside down” and then i woke up
the end ^__^
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yrsonpurpose · 5 months
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Hey, have I told you lately that you're brave?
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multiseb21 · 3 months
maybe Carlos’s appendix will restore the balance that was upset after Alex’s appendix was removed
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