#right auricle
severusskywalker · 10 months
I’m looking for some more podcasts to listen to.
I’ve recalling liked The Magnus Archives, Welcome to Night Vale, Malevolent, Wolf 359, and a couple others, and I’m looking for more. I like ones with overarching plots, if that makes sense? Any recommendations? Thanks!
Edit: A few more I have enjoyed/finished (including from the list below, as I listen to them!)
Archive 81
The Deep Vault
The Scarab Archives
The Technomacy Project
What Will Be Here
Re: Dracula
Stellar Firma
Out of Place
I Am In Eskew
Ars Paradoxica
The Antique Shop
And now the ever increasing recommendations, so they are all in one place… please feel free to keep recommending ones too, I love growing recs lists! (Now alphabetized!)
Alice isn’t Dead
A Voice From Darkness
Camp Here and There
Captain Skyjacks
Case 66
Critical Role
Dames & Dragons/LegendLark
Darkest Night
Death by Dying
Desert Skies
Dimension 20
Don’t Mind Cruxmont
Dungeons & Daddies
Ethics Town
Find Us Alive
From Caulk and Candles
Ghost Wax
Girl in Space
Greater Boston-the vignettes
Hello from the Hallowoods
Interstitial AP
Just Roll With It
Kakos Industries
Keep it Steady
Last Call at the Bluebell Cafe
Life With Althaar
Midnight Burger
Mission to Zyxx
Mockery Manor
Monstrous Agonies
Murray Mysteries
Not Quite Dead
Old Gods of Appalachia
Oz 9
Red Valley
Riley Hopkins and their Amazing Friends
Rusty Quill Gaming
Second Star to the Left
Somewhere, Ohio
Spirit Box Radio
Spirits Podcast
Steal the Stars
Strange Case of Starship Iris
The Adventure Zone
The Amelia Project
The Black Tapes
The Bright Sessions
The Cellar Letters
The Deca Tapes
The Invictus Stream
The Left Right Game
The Liberty Podcast
The Milkman of St Gaff’s
The Mistholme Museum of Mystery, Morbidity, and Mortality
The Newest Olympian
The Night Post
The Pasitheaa Powder
The Penumbra Podcast
The Sheridan Tapes
The Silt Verses
The SPC Foundation Database
The Storage Papers
The White Vault
Unwell Podcast
Vast Horizon
We’re Alive
Within the Wires
Wooden Overcoats
558 notes · View notes
bethanythebogwitch · 1 month
Wet Beast Wednesday: scallops
I may have only discussed them once before on this series, but I'm not saying "bye" to bivalves. One of the coolest bivalve subgroups are the scallops. While most Bivalves live in one spot their entire lives, scallops boldly go where no clam has gone before and take to the seas, actively swimming.
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(Image: a pile of captured scallops. They are bivalves with shells shaped like hand fans with two wing-like structures near the hinge. The shells have ridges running from the hinge to the outer edge. Small pink ID tags have been glued to them. End ID)
Scallops are members of the family Pectinidae. As with all bivalves, they have two shells that interlock with a pair of valves which form hinges. The two shells are not identical. Most scallops prefer to rest on one valve (usually the right one), which results in that shell growing more rounded than the other one. Growing from the back of the shell near the hinge are two structures called wings, ears, or auricles, which are unique to scallops. Another shell feature unique to scallops is the ctenolium, a honeycomb shaped structure that is used to help distrubute byssal threads. Byssal threads are structures found in most bivalves. They are strong and sticky filaments that attach bivalves to rocks. Most scallops only attach themselves to rocks as juveniles and lose the ctenolium as adults. The scallops shell has a distinctive and usually symmetrical shape. Many have distinctive ridges running from hinge to the front of the shell. These are supported by structures called ribs. These provide extra integrity to the shell, but increase weight, requiring an evolutionary balancing act to get the most benefit out of them.
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(Image: a live scallop with the opening facing the camera. Inside the shell is a fleshy structure with multiple small tentacles and two rows of small, blue eyes. There is algae and a barnacle growing on the shell. End ID)
The inside of the shell contains the body of the scallop. A large portion of the interior is taken up by the adductor muscle, which attaches to the inside of both shells. The adductor muscle of scallops is larger and more developed than those found in most bivalves. In all bivalve species, its purpose is to close the shells. Scallops also use it for swimming. The scallop adductor muscle is made of both smooth and striated muscle tissue. The striated muscle moves fast but tires out quicker and is sued for rapidly opening and closing the shell when swimming. The smooth muscle is slower but uses much less energy, allowing the scallop to hold its shell closed for a long time. As with all bivalves, the shell defaults to the open position thanks to a structure called the hinge ligament and require active muscle contraction to close. Most of the rest of the body is the digestive system, reproductive system, circulatory system, and nervous system. The nervous system is a fairly simple nerve net and lacks a brain. Unlike most bivalves, scallops do not intake food through a siphon. Instead, they open their shells to let water move over a structure that filters out food particles and imbeds them in mucus. cilia then moves the mucus into the mouth and through the digestive system. The digestive system also passes through the heart. Around the opening of the shell is a structure called the mantle. The mantle is lined with tentacles that help filter out inedible things from the water.
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(image: a scallop with one shell removed to show the internal anatomy. End ID)
Also along the mantle are two rows of eyes, one for each shell and up to 200 in total. Most bivalves don't have eyes. Scallops, being swimming animals, do have eyes and they are strange, not just in comparison to vertebrate eyes, but in comparison to the eyes of other mollusks. Each eyeball has a lens, a pupil, two retinas, and at the back, a system of mirrors that direct and focus light in a similar manner as telescopes. The mirrors are composed of guanine (the same stuff as the "G" nucleotide in DNA) and are shaped like convex squares. There can be over 100,000 mirrors in each eye. For a long time, it was thought that the proximity of the mirrors to the retinas would result in an unfocused, blurry image. It has recently beed discovered that the cells that eye can change shape, potentially adjusting the mirrors for a sharper image. Scallops also have more opsins (light-sensing proteins in the retina) than humans and they may not be evenly distributed, potentially allowing different eyes to see different parts of the light spectrum. While it's not clear how much information the scallops can interpret with their lack of a brain, they at least can tell the difference between ares of contrast and can detect motion. Scallops seem to mainly use their vision to detect predators and to adjust their swimming and feeding behavior.
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(Image: a close-up shot of scallop eyes. They are blue balls with a black pupil. End ID)
Now for the reason Spongebob turned scallops into the undersea equivalent of birds. Unlike the vast majority of bivalves, who are either immobile or bury themselves in the sediment, scallops are free-swimming. At least most of them, there are some species that live their lives attached to rock or another structure, like mussels or oysters. The body plan of scallop shells is adapted to facilitate swimming. They have two main means of locomotion called swimming and jumping. Both involve the scallop opening the shell to intake water, then rapidly closing it to force the water out. While swimming, the water is ejected through small holes near the hinge called exhalant apertures. The water is forced over the shell's wings and can be sent out over the left or right wing. Most of the time, they will alternate which wing the water is pushed over, resulting in a zig-zag movement. In jumping, the water is forced out the way it came, propelling the scallop backwards. It usually comes to a rest on the sediment between jumps. Both swimming and jumping cost a lot of energy and the scallop will have to rest afterwards. their locomotion is used to avoid predation, with starfish being their main predators. Some species also have a muscular foot that can extend from the shell and is used to bury the scallop.
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(Gif: a scallop swimming over a field of seagrass, showing off the zig-zag motion and its ability to alter its course. End ID)
Some species of scallop are dioecious, meaning they have distinct males and females. Others are simultaneous hermaphrodites while still others are protandrous sequential hermaphrodites, beginning their lives as males and becoming females when they get older. Their reproductive organs are called roe and are red in females and white in males. Scallops are broadcast spawners. They release eggs and sperm into the water column. After a few weeks, fertilized eggs will hatch into drifting larvae called spat. Spat look like miniature, transparent versions of the adults. As they age, the spat will drop to the seafloor. This event has the delightful name of spatfall. The spat use byssal threads to attach themselves to whatever they can find and will remain like that until they have matured. Most species lose their byssal threads as adults, but a few retain them and do not become swimmers. Depending on species, scallops can live for up to 20 years.
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(Image: a group of spat housed in captivity They are smaller, transluscent versions of the adults. End ID)
The part of scallops that people usually eat is the adductor muscle, though the roe is also edible. Scallops have been eaten by various peoples for millennia and excessive catching has caused severe declines in wild populations. This has led to the rise of many aquaculture methods for growing scallops from the spat stage. Because scallops are filter feeders, they improve local water quality and when their numbers diminish, water quality worsens. On the other hand, when massive numbers of scallops are raised together in aquaculture, they can cause localized eutrophication, an increase of nutrients that triggers massive microbe growth and reduces oxygen levels in the water. Dredging, the main method of capturing wild scallops, destroys benthic ecosystems, which can take decades to be restored. All of this for a food that tastes like congealed air.
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(Image: a scallop aquaculture setup. It consists of multiple nets hanging from the surface of the water, each separated into multiple layers holding multiple scallops. A SCUBA diver is swimming through the area. End ID)
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dinanikto · 6 months
I've seen this mentioned before once, but not really talked about
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Pyro doesn't have ears
Or, well, auricles.
There are no visible ears behind that mask of theirs. And it is not a stylistic art choice!
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Spy wears mask too, yet his ears are always visible. If he was to put a gasmask, his ears would stick right out. Speaking of which:
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Real-life gasmasks are also not thick enough to hide them!
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You can look at Pyro from any angle, and still find nothing.
I would like to believe that they were born with microtia:
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I'm not sure which type though. But I would bet my money they have a partial or full loss of hearing. This would be helpful at the battlefield, now that I think about. I mean, soundwaves would still hurt, but only physically. Or something like that, idk, I'm not an expert.
Anyway, Pyro is a...
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zoeykallus · 1 year
As always, your writing is one of my favourites! Hope you're also taking care of yourself 😘
So, I was re-reading the HC of the reader giving their batchers a massage (so far, one of my favourites ❤️). Can you do it the other way around? The batchers giving their Cyare a massage? (Can be GN or fen, whichever you feel like writing!)
(Sorry for my english, its not my 1° nor 2° language!)
Aloha! Thank you, dear! Love to read that! 😀
Oh yeah, I remember that one, one of my older, Spicy HCs. It's just fair to turn the tables for once, right? Also: Sorry for the wait!
The Bad Batch x Fem!Reader HCs - Relaxing You
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Warning: Partly Strongly Suggestive/Nudity/ Partly Sexual Content/ 18+/Fluff
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He loves to massage you, and he's damn good at it, too. Hunter likes to focus on your thighs and lower back area. Of course, he wants you to get undressed and comfortable.
Hunter doesn't miss the chance to pay some attention to your rear end as well, while massaging your lower back area he places a few kisses on your buns, soft and long, letting his lips glide over them.
When his hands reach your thighs, he takes his time. Hunter lets his skillful fingers, massage and slide, a delightful mix of massage and caress. He knows you're already warm and that you're moving from relaxation to arousal, he's already noticed.
As his fingers continue to work their way to the insides of your thighs, they get closer and closer to your pleasure center. But only barely at first, yet you feel it begin to pulsate in the heating triangle between your thighs in joyful anticipation.
Finally, his fingers ghostly move further up until they touch your moist folds and playfully, gently roam them.
With a smile, he hears the little sighs, the soft moans that his touches trigger.
"It's been a hard week for my good girl," he croons, "time to relax a little and give yourself some pleasure, don't you think?"
"Oh, absolutely," you moan softly, "I'm all yours."
He has only one hand, but he is very skilled with it. He likes to massage your neck and shoulders. Of course, Echo doesn't miss the chance to kiss your neck and your auricle while he massages you.
He has snuggled up to you from behind in a sitting position so that he can touch your neck and shoulder not only with his hand but also with his lips. Echo grabs neatly to loosen knots and tensions, but he is also very gentle and cuddly.
Echo doesn't give you half-hearted massages, he takes care of the muscles, but he also lovingly gives out caresses. Under his caring hand, you will quickly feel weightless and relaxed.
"Am I doing good for you, Cyare?"
"Mmm," you hum in agreement, closing your eyes and enjoying his touch.
Every time you're this close, Echo silently wishes he had a second hand, wanting to touch more of you, to do you more good. But that remains a silent wish. He will never have a real second hand again. But you don't mind at all, this one hand is very skillful, very loving and tender.
At a certain point, it's more kisses than massaging touches, and you feel his hard length pressing against your back as he nestles closer to you.
Echo is very easily aroused by you, seeing you naked is often enough and sitting so nestled against you and touching your warm skin, even more so.
"I'm sorry, Mesh'la," he apologizes quietly for his obvious arousal, "You know I can't resist you."
"Don't apologize for that, Echo, just love me, dear".
The first time, you might be a little nervous. You know how incredibly strong Wrecker is, but actually you also know that he can be very gentle, and he proves that to you.
His big, strong hands are very skillful and careful when he touches you. Back and shoulders are kneaded by him downright expertly. You lie stretched out in front of him on the bed, and he takes his time to take care of your tense muscles.
"We'll have you completely relaxed in no time, mesh'la," he assures you cheerfully.
There are few things he likes better than pampering you or being pampered by you. So whenever you have time, one thing or another will happen, usually Wrecker takes the initiative.
His hands are gentle, but you still feel the power behind it, and it's an exciting feeling. This strength, combined with his lively, gentle nature, will make you feel the famous butterflies in your stomach over and over again.
He is not afraid to surprise you with a tickle attack or to cover your back with kisses and leave hickeys on your neck.
It's not uncommon for his sweet little silliness, rolling around in the sheets with you laughing, to lead to more intimate moments that you both enjoy to the fullest.
Theoretically, he can massage anything, he has dexterous fingers and knows more about the human physique than most trained doctors. So whenever you are tense or need general relaxation, just tell him. Shoulders, feet, neck, calves, thighs, hands; whatever you need, you just have to tell him.
It doesn't matter which area of your body you choose to be massaged by him, Tech will gladly take care of it and of course tell you a lot of things about the properties of the respective area.
It's enough if you hum in between, he doesn't expect you to really talk to him, that would be rather counterproductive to the attempt to fully relax.
Tech is patient, he can do this for some time. However, he will eventually ask you, "Are you more relaxed by now? Your muscles certainly don't feel hardened anymore."
With a sigh, you say quietly, "Yes, but it feels so good. Do we really have to stop?"
A small smirk appears on Tech's face as you look over your shoulder to look at him.
"Seems like I might be a little too good at massaging," he teases you.
His eyes wander over your naked body, it seems like he's just now really noticing that you're naked. His brows slowly move upwards.
He clears his throat and says innocently, "We, um, could cuddle".
Slowly, a smile spreads across your lips.
"Cuddle, huh? Sounds good, come here my genius"
Tech lays down with you and wraps his arms around you, pulling you close to him.
Close to your ear, he asks softly, "Can you call me that again?"
He shivers softly, letting out a shaky breath.
"Yes, that's it. Can you call me that when you and I make love?"
You hook your leg around his waist and press closer.
"I'd love to."
His expertise lies with hands and feet. Especially with hands, he knows the most effective pressure points and massage strokes, even one-handed. Crosshair's hands often cramp up after a long day with the sniper rifle on the lookout. At some point, he asked Tech to find him information on how to get rid of the cramps.
You don't really have to ask him for a massage, as soon as you are alone and have some quiet time, he grabs your feet or hands, usually while you are watching a holo movie, and starts massaging. It's part of his love language, once he feels comfortable with you, these moments happen more and more often.
You don't really have to ask him for a massage, as soon as you are alone and have some quiet time, he grabs your feet or hands, usually while you are watching a holo movie, and starts massaging. It's part of his love language, once he gets comfortable with you, these moments happen more and more.
In general, Crosshair is very physical, but not just in a sexual way. He may not be a big cuddler, but small signs of affection like said massages are part of it too. But he also knows all the pressure points and sensitive spots, on hands and feet, that make you wax in his hands and ready for anything.
Crosshair enjoys this power over you. Of course, he never uses it against your will. However, he enjoys very well, if he can transport you with a few simple touches to paradise.
He's doing it again, you're watching a movie, your feet are in his lap and his hands are busy as you feel him teasing that tingle out of your soles. As you look at him, there's a small, cheeky smirk on his lips.
Another squeeze and you feel the tingling from your soles travel up your legs to your center. For a small moment, you hold your breath.
"Relax, keep breathing, Kitten, sit back and enjoy," he says purring, knowing full well what he's triggering in you.
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Ko-Fi (If you feel like giving me some coffee)
@andyoufollowyourheart @clone-whore-99
@brynhildrmimi @kaliel2310
@misogirl828 @tech-deck
@nahoney22 @ladykatakuri
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I finally reached my pure consciousness yey ^^
♡The first time I found out about Void State was in November 2021. I had terrible psychology, a bullying family, and a college exam that would determine my life. Every night without rest, I tried to persistently enter with a bad concept.And finally, exactly fifteen months later, I reached that gap.Yes, to return to the very beginning, I am an anxiety and depression patient. That's why bad thoughts are always dancing in my mind. (not anymore hehe ^^) I mixed my own method with the information I learned from you and woke up on February 17 with all my desires <3<3<3
♡I had written my desires in a google docs, and that damn thing was exactly 25 pages. I was constantly worried what if some of them didn't happen and my consciousness ignored some of them. We guess it's complete nonsense, void gives you everything you want ^^
🤍Here are some of my desires;
(i'm sorry I wrote in detail because I like to read in detail -_-)
ღ Name, date of birth, place of birth revision.
ღThe racial diversity in my pedigree. My mother is half French and half Turkish now. My grandmother is half Turkish and half Russian.
ღWhite, smooth, soft, clean, shiny, moist, evenly toned, free from all problems, (blackheads, acne, skin stains, cracks, cellulite, scars and dead layer, dead skin, excess oil, eczema, dandruff, wrinkles, blackout, the capillary blood vessel image, picture, sun spots, wrinkles, hair loss, dry skin, pore), which appears to have Foundation and always flawless, non-porous, permanently I have perfect porcelain skin.
ღI have perfectly sighted, healthy, attractive, bright feline rare green & blue eyes. My eyelashes are long, tight, curled and bushy. Everyone admires my eyes and compliments me. I impress people very well even with my looks. My eyebrows also never come out of excess, they always look symmetrical and perfect in a taken way.
ღI have an extraordinary, aesthetic, attractive, elegant, small, proportional, symmetrical, upturned, S-line nose that looks perfect in every way, looks like a work of art from the side profile, receives compliments and compliments at any time. There is no hair on my nose, there is never any snot on my nose, and this never affects my health badly.
ღI have the most plump, soft, moisturized, symmetrical, attractive, never-cracking pink lips that exist in the entire infinite universe. My lips never crack. I have pearl-lined, healthy, white teeth. My teeth will never turn yellow and will not be damaged. There will never be food residue on my teeth. I have a great smile and laughter. My laughter and smile literally fascinate people. My mouth always smells extremely good.
ღI have a symmetrical, proportioned, masterpiece, flawless, small short skull (angel skull), face, forehead and chin. I have perfect ears, small, proportional to my face. My ears are always clean, there are no hairs, and this never affects my health badly. I have three holes side by side and a helix in my right ear, two holes and an auricle in my left ear. They're all healed up and it never hurts.
ღI have a perfect and attractive hourglass physique. I definitely have an extremely seductive, feminine and sexy body. Upright 90° proportional feminine shoulders, a prominent collar bones, feminine, sexy Ridge, a narrow chest, arms tight slim feminine, upright, rounded, fleshy, erect, the tip is a small, pink tits, Skinny (56 cm), waist, upper and lower tight and tense abdominal, plump,round, and perfectly upright, hips, round hips, a thin medium like the great column proportioned legs looks perfect, attractive, fragrant, plump, tight, tense and white symmetrical labia majora, labia minor short little soft pink, soft pink anus long thin fingers, No. 36 feet clean and looking great at all times, I have white and rasped nails that never break. My toenails never grow, always stay at their ideal height and are always rasped and clean. Hair and feathers never come out on my body except for my hair, eyebrows and eyelashes. I got rid of them permanently. No matter how much I eat, I will not gain weight, my physique and image will not deteriorate. There is a small mole on the top of my left breast and on my neck.
ღI have dense, thick wavy auburn hair that looks perfect, perfect, plump, soft, shiny, does not get electrified, never breaks, never smells bad and does not get greasy, healthy, smells good at any time.
ღEverywhere I am, it always smells extremely clean, attractive, sexy and sweet.  I never sweat or smell bad. A sweat stain never happens. My clothes and underwear always smell very clean, beautiful and sexy.  My toilet, big and small, always smells good. My big toilet never makes a sound. I never have a current. I never gas or burp. This will not harm my health. My vagina and anus always smell extremely beautiful and attractive.
ღI have the ability to sing, ballet, ice skating, piano, cello, draw pictures and write books.
ღI am a graduate of Oxford medicine, harvard mathematics. My IQ is 157. English German French Spanish Italian Russian I speak and understand Turkish, English, German, French, Spanish, Italian, Russian with perfect pronunciation and diction, just like my native language.
ღI have $50,000 in my personal bank account.  I receive a $2,000 scholarship on a monthly basis, one of each month, and I will continue to receive my scholarship until I am 27 years old.
ღi have all the items on the dream wardrobe, dream jewelry & bags, dream shoes & socks, dream tec, dream books and vinyl, dream cosmetic (skin materials match my skin color and each product feels very good on my skin), dream things (gift &cargo section is all shipped and in my room) on my pinterest account.
ღi have a duplex loft house with earthquake resistant, rail system, top floor, attic, bosphorus view. The deed of the house is on me. A large, spacious, modern house with spiral staircase, terrace, American kitchen.  There is both a walk-in shower and a bathtub in my bathroom.The house is designed exactly like my dream. The bills and dues for the house are automatically paid by the company I received a scholarship from. I have a driver's license and I drive perfectly, perfectly. My focus and reflexes are very strong when driving. I have a white range rover. The tax and inspection costs of my car are covered by the company I received a scholarship from. At the same time, I also have a card that I can fill out 10 times every month by the company where I received the scholarship.
ღI look so beautiful and sexy in every way, in every way. When I'm laughing, crying, wet, sleeping, laughing, miming, making love, without makeup, when I've just woken up. I never drool when I sleep, I don't let out gas and I don't get delirious. I always sleep perfectly and beautifully like a baby. 'm Virgin. I give extreme pleasure to the person I'm with, the person I'm kissing. The person in front of me is dependent on my lips and skin. The person who is with me gets more pleasure, excitement and satisfaction than he has ever received before.
ღI'm living the wattpad book life. I always looked the way I wanted and loved the way I wanted. I am the main character of my life. My life is like a novel written in the hand of a perfect writer. Every moment of my life is a book fiction. I have always been rich, successful, lucky and living the perfect life.ღI have a lover who will enter my life on September 9, 2023 and who has been secretly in love with me for 4 years. he's just like in my dreams.. 1.95 bronze skin, amber eye, black hair, scruffy beard, muscular body, long lashes and succulent lips.. He is extremely handsome, sexy and intelligent. It smells masculine and attractive. Both serious and sarcastic.. billionaire, soldier, ceo, underground man. He loves, protects and movies me more than anything in the world. he loves like her baby and makes love like her enemy 🔥 He2s exactly a book guy.
It's been a little long, I'm sorry, but I'm very excited and I'm living my life now. If anyone wants, I can also share how I got in 🤍
@lotusmi @uniquelymeandmyworld2 @voidprincessblog @voidsuccess @littlemissprettyprincess @rosellesworkshop @zen-shu @fleurlx Thank you, babies <3 I'm glad you're here <3 you taught me that I'm in control of my life <3
this is so amazing. thank you so much for sharing this with me ! congratulations ! you deserve it so much. ♡
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urvsion · 16 days
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♡ .. HEIGHT 172.72 CM ( 5'8'' ft ) ♡ .. WEIGHT N/A ♡ .. BLOOD TYPE O POSITIVE ♡ .. PIERCINGS 10 left ear : helix, auricle, rook, daith, anti-tragus, lobe right ear : lobe, helix, forward helix, snug ♡ .. TATTOOS 13 stars on her left pointer finger and waist - three on her finger and four on her waist, venus planet on her right wrist, constellations on her collarbone, her siblings names on her left arm, bambi on her right arm
♡ .. FACE CLAIM XUAN LU and JU JINGYI ♡ .. VOCAL CLAIM HWANG SEYOUNG ♡ .. RAP CLAIM MORI KOYUKI ♡ .. DANCE CLAIM AHN YUJIN ♡ .. SPEAKING CLAIM NING YIZHUO ♡ .. LANGUAGES MANDARIN ( fluent, native ) + KOREAN ( proficient ) + ENGLISH ( proficient ) + JAPANESE ( conversational, learning )
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♡ .. OCCUPATION IDOL + MODEL ♡ .. YEARS ACTIVE 5 YEARS ( 2019 - present ) ♡ .. YEARS TRAINED 6 YEARS ( 2013 - 2019 ) ♡ .. AGENCY SM ENTERTAINMENT ( 2013 - present ) ♡ .. GROUP NCT ( 2019 - present ) ♡ .. UNIT WAYV ( 2019 - present ) + NCT U ( 2020 - present ) ♡ .. POSITIONS MAIN VOCALIST, LEAD RAPPER, LEAD DANCER, CO-LEADER ♡ .. DEBUT DATE 17 JAN 2019
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♡ .. LIKES studying planets / astronomy, her members, listening to music, late night walks, making jewelry for the people she loves ( bracelets and necklaces ), taking care of people, baking and cooking ♡ .. DISLIKES public speaking, her lisp, long practice hours, sm promotions, airports, crowded spaces ♡ .. HOBBIES going on late night walks, listening to music, making jewelry, reading novels and poems, taking care of her siblings, learning how to play piano ♡ .. PHOBIAS glossophobia ( fear of public speaking ) + acrophobia ( fear of heights )
♡ .. HABITS accidentally forgetting to take care of herself + doodling on things + messing with her piercings + taking care of others + fidgeting and being unable to sit still for long periods of time + holding the other members hands while at the airport ♡ .. KNOWN FOR being the only female member within nct + being rather all-rounded and having quite a few random talents + having a slight lisp when she speaks + being soft spoken + having credits on a lot of different nct songs + her pet bunny + her fashion sense
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crd . @kiiyunz for the profile layout !! <33
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lotusmi · 1 year
I finally reached my pure consciousness yey ^^
♡The first time I found out about Void State was in November 2021. I had terrible psychology, a bullying family, and a college exam that would determine my life. Every night without rest, I tried to persistently enter with a bad concept.And finally, exactly fifteen months later, I reached that gap.Yes, to return to the very beginning, I am an anxiety and depression patient. That's why bad thoughts are always dancing in my mind. (not anymore hehe ^^) I mixed my own method with the information I learned from you and woke up on February 17 with all my desires <3<3<3
♡I had written my desires in a google docs, and that damn thing was exactly 25 pages. I was constantly worried what if some of them didn't happen and my consciousness ignored some of them. We guess it's complete nonsense, void gives you everything you want ^^
🤍Here are some of my desires;
(i'm sorry I wrote in detail because I like to read in detail -_-)
ღ Name, date of birth, place of birth revision.
ღThe racial diversity in my pedigree. My mother is half French and half Turkish now. My grandmother is half Turkish and half Russian.
ღWhite, smooth, soft, clean, shiny, moist, evenly toned, free from all problems, (blackheads, acne, skin stains, cracks, cellulite, scars and dead layer, dead skin, excess oil, eczema, dandruff, wrinkles, blackout, the capillary blood vessel image, picture, sun spots, wrinkles, hair loss, dry skin, pore), which appears to have Foundation and always flawless, non-porous, permanently I have perfect porcelain skin.
ღI have perfectly sighted, healthy, attractive, bright feline rare green & blue eyes. My eyelashes are long, tight, curled and bushy. Everyone admires my eyes and compliments me. I impress people very well even with my looks. My eyebrows also never come out of excess, they always look symmetrical and perfect in a taken way.
ღI have an extraordinary, aesthetic, attractive, elegant, small, proportional, symmetrical, upturned, S-line nose that looks perfect in every way, looks like a work of art from the side profile, receives compliments and compliments at any time. There is no hair on my nose, there is never any snot on my nose, and this never affects my health badly.
ღI have the most plump, soft, moisturized, symmetrical, attractive, never-cracking pink lips that exist in the entire infinite universe. My lips never crack. I have pearl-lined, healthy, white teeth. My teeth will never turn yellow and will not be damaged. There will never be food residue on my teeth. I have a great smile and laughter. My laughter and smile literally fascinate people. My mouth always smells extremely good.
ღI have a symmetrical, proportioned, masterpiece, flawless, small short skull (angel skull), face, forehead and chin. I have perfect ears, small, proportional to my face. My ears are always clean, there are no hairs, and this never affects my health badly. I have three holes side by side and a helix in my right ear, two holes and an auricle in my left ear. They're all healed up and it never hurts.
ღI have a perfect and attractive hourglass physique. I definitely have an extremely seductive, feminine and sexy body. Upright 90° proportional feminine shoulders, a prominent collar bones, feminine, sexy Ridge, a narrow chest, arms tight slim feminine, upright, rounded, fleshy, erect, the tip is a small, pink tits, Skinny (56 cm), waist, upper and lower tight and tense abdominal, plump,round, and perfectly upright, hips, round hips, a thin medium like the great column proportioned legs looks perfect, attractive, fragrant, plump, tight, tense and white symmetrical labia majora, labia minor short little soft pink, soft pink anus long thin fingers, No. 36 feet clean and looking great at all times, I have white and rasped nails that never break. My toenails never grow, always stay at their ideal height and are always rasped and clean. Hair and feathers never come out on my body except for my hair, eyebrows and eyelashes. I got rid of them permanently. No matter how much I eat, I will not gain weight, my physique and image will not deteriorate. There is a small mole on the top of my left breast and on my neck.
ღI have dense, thick wavy auburn hair that looks perfect, perfect, plump, soft, shiny, does not get electrified, never breaks, never smells bad and does not get greasy, healthy, smells good at any time.
ღEverywhere I am, it always smells extremely clean, attractive, sexy and sweet.  I never sweat or smell bad. A sweat stain never happens. My clothes and underwear always smell very clean, beautiful and sexy.  My toilet, big and small, always smells good. My big toilet never makes a sound. I never have a current. I never gas or burp. This will not harm my health. My vagina and anus always smell extremely beautiful and attractive.
ღI have the ability to sing, ballet, ice skating, piano, cello, draw pictures and write books.
ღI am a graduate of Oxford medicine, harvard mathematics. My IQ is 157. English German French Spanish Italian Russian I speak and understand Turkish, English, German, French, Spanish, Italian, Russian with perfect pronunciation and diction, just like my native language.
ღI have $50,000 in my personal bank account.  I receive a $2,000 scholarship on a monthly basis, one of each month, and I will continue to receive my scholarship until I am 27 years old.
ღi have all the items on the dream wardrobe, dream jewelry & bags, dream shoes & socks, dream tec, dream books and vinyl, dream cosmetic (skin materials match my skin color and each product feels very good on my skin), dream things (gift &cargo section is all shipped and in my room) on my pinterest account.
ღi have a duplex loft house with earthquake resistant, rail system, top floor, attic, bosphorus view. The deed of the house is on me. A large, spacious, modern house with spiral staircase, terrace, American kitchen.  There is both a walk-in shower and a bathtub in my bathroom.The house is designed exactly like my dream. The bills and dues for the house are automatically paid by the company I received a scholarship from. I have a driver's license and I drive perfectly, perfectly. My focus and reflexes are very strong when driving. I have a white range rover. The tax and inspection costs of my car are covered by the company I received a scholarship from. At the same time, I also have a card that I can fill out 10 times every month by the company where I received the scholarship.
ღI look so beautiful and sexy in every way, in every way. When I'm laughing, crying, wet, sleeping, laughing, miming, making love, without makeup, when I've just woken up. I never drool when I sleep, I don't let out gas and I don't get delirious. I always sleep perfectly and beautifully like a baby. 'm Virgin. I give extreme pleasure to the person I'm with, the person I'm kissing. The person in front of me is dependent on my lips and skin. The person who is with me gets more pleasure, excitement and satisfaction than he has ever received before.
ღI'm living the wattpad book life. I always looked the way I wanted and loved the way I wanted. I am the main character of my life. My life is like a novel written in the hand of a perfect writer. Every moment of my life is a book fiction. I have always been rich, successful, lucky and living the perfect life.ღI have a lover who will enter my life on September 9, 2023 and who has been secretly in love with me for 4 years. he's just like in my dreams.. 1.95 bronze skin, amber eye, black hair, scruffy beard, muscular body, long lashes and succulent lips.. He is extremely handsome, sexy and intelligent. It smells masculine and attractive. Both serious and sarcastic.. billionaire, soldier, ceo, underground man. He loves, protects and movies me more than anything in the world. he loves like her baby and makes love like her enemy 🔥 He2s exactly a book guy.
It's been a little long, I'm sorry, but I'm very excited and I'm living my life now. If anyone wants, I can also share how I got in 🤍
@lotusmi @uniquelymeandmyworld2 @voidprincessblog @voidsuccess @littlemissprettyprincess @rosellesworkshop @zen-shu @fleurlx Thank you, babies <3 I'm glad you're here <3 you taught me that I'm in control of my life <3
SUCCESS STORY!!! omgggg angell
I am so pround that you persisted for this long, like, fifteen months?? wowww!! And you diddd ittt I am so happy for you?? I am so happy you won't gave up because look all you gooot!!! And the way you were super specific HHAHAHA!! No but I love all you manifested for youuu, this is so amazing!! Tysm for sharing this 💗 I am so sure your story will inspire a lot of people!! I am excited for you too hhahah 💗Again, tysm for sharing your success baby, I wish you all the best in your life and more! Have an amazing day!
ps: no the book guy part 😭😭😭💗
ps 2: you soo smart and talented?? like omg all those languages and skillllss ps 3: the way you described even the moles 😭😭
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kiiyunz · 7 months
⠀੦ .⠀⠀💸⠀⠀⸻⠀⠀⠀(⠀not⠀that⠀lonely⠀to⠀love⠀you⠀!
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질문⠀so.. what’s kihyun really like?
정답⠀KIHYUN lives life on a fast track, spreading his infectious laughter and constant high-energy wherever he goes. he’s always on the lookout for the new trends to follow, the new music to listen to, the new restaurants to try out. he’s smooth and malleable, rearranging himself with ease to fit into whatever everyone else is going with at the time. being the life of the party is something he enjoys immensely, and standing in the spotlight and bringing joy to the faces of his friends makes him happier than anything. he exists purely in the moment and in the feeling of excitement—despite that not always being a good thing.
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⠀⠀ Ꮺ ⠀ ‹ ⠀ FILE.
HEIGHT ⠀ 178 CM ( 5’10” ) WEIGHT ⠀ 58KG ( 128 LBS ) BLOOD TYPE ⠀ A PIERCINGS ⠀ LOBE, SNUG, HELIX (left)⠀╱⠀DOUBLE LOBE, AURICLE (right) TATTOOS ⠀ SPIDER (hip bone, right)⠀╱⠀FIGURE 8 (wrist, left)
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with a keen eye for detail, a good ear for both what the people want and whatever problems his friends might be facing, and a strong shoulder to cry on, KIHYUN is a pretty good person to be around. he’s everywhere and nowhere, an ebbing and flowing tide that can go from livening up the mood of the party with his ever-enthusiastic and always-sunny disposition to sitting quietly and providing whatever advice a member may need when they confide in him about things they may be struggling with. he lives for the adrenaline of idol life, the instant rush of endorphins that he gets from the constant performances and photoshoots and recording sessions—so much so that his focus on getting the good things often overpowers the very real weight of the responsibilities he has on top of them. his friends have usually been there to keep him in check, to make sure his preferences for spontaneity and exhilaration don’t go too far, but it’s still something he needs to work on.
when KIHYUN feels, he feels all too much all at once. everything almost feels as if it’s to the extreme, turned to the max. when he was younger he used to flare up at almost everything, temper constantly rising and falling erratically, but now that he’s grown his temper is almost completely in check, and his anger is a rare thing to bare witness or be victim to. he’s empathetic with all of his friends, able to provide support for them when they might be going through fights with others or battling insecurities of their own, but conflicts or problems brought up against him is where he switches off completely. he’s flighty and avoidant, often deciding to simply push through the bad feelings and rising tension or attempt to escape it altogether by simply removing himself from the space of the person that has grievances with him—no matter how big or small the issue is—rather than actually sitting down and talking through it to resolve the rift. this habit of his has never gone far enough to permanently fracture his relationships with the other members, but in the past it had come close.
in the moments where KIHYUN himself isn’t feeling the greatest, he’s never exactly eager to let people know. much like his approach to conflict, he prefers to either breeze over the feelings of inferiority or insecurity and pretend they’re not there, hoping they fade away with time, or cope with them in ways that aren’t the healthiest. bottling things up (although it may seem like an odd thing for a thought to be ‘hyper-sensitive’ pisces to do) is by far his one of his worst habits and has landed him in hot water a few times in the past, but as he grows more and more he’s making more and more attempts to work on it—and those attempts are of course being assisted by his closest friends, the members themselves. where he would usually pick the more detrimental things to cope with his inner feelings, KIHYUN now tries to focus more on pouring it all into a creative outlet—namely music, or dance. he’s much better than he was when he was thirteen and looking for reasons not to drop out of the company altogether, and he plans for the improvements to only grow over time.
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on a cold morning in march 2001, KIHYUN was born the first child of a young mother struggling to make ends meet (and who would also be labelled a ‘prostitute’ in rumours spread in early 2018, seeing as their small flat was only a stones throw away from the infamous capital alley—rumours that would never be addressed by SM and left to be speculated about) and an unknown father, who KIHYUN never once heard of again except in spiteful passing remarks made by his grandmother who lived with them in their two-bedroomed apartment. despite their living situation, KIHYUN was a happy child at home, always appreciating the love he was given, the roof over his head, and the food on his plate. problems only really started to arise when he started school.
school and KIHYUN did not get along in the slightest. making friends wasn’t the problem—KIHYUN was a social butterfly if you ever saw one, drawing people in like magnets with a smile and a joke whispered behind his hand, making them feel as if all his attention was focused on them—it was the education itself. the lessons were too hard, words swam around the page and danced off of the paper, numbers twisted themselves up into unintelligible shapes and floated off into the air around him, and none of it seemed to stick. KIHYUN loathed it from the start, and it only got worse as the years went on. in september 2009 his younger half-brother was born—to a father that he actually got to know, but a man his mother still wouldn’t commit to, still wouldn’t marry, a man that he only got to see from time to time, and suddenly there was one less person to talk to about the words that made his head ache and numbers that made his eyes water. he became a lot closer to his grandmother in those following years, moving from his mother’s bedroom to hers and cuddling close to her in the evenings when she let him stay up with a wink and finger to her lips as she switched the television channel to the the music shows. 
from the very first night he saw the idol groups, the men and women dancing in all their synchronised glory, hair perfectly styled and no blemishes to be seen, KIHYUN was hooked. he had found his dream. one that, from the looks of it, had far less of the numbers and letters he hated so much. his mother (and baby brother, even if he couldn't understand a word) had burst into laughter when he told them of his dream, but KIHYUN was adamant, and his grandmother had faith in him too. he started to learn all the words, memorise all the steps, until every day after school he was dancing around the apartment belting out SHINee and f(x) songs until his throat was hoarse. he knew what he wanted to do, where he wanted to go. SM ENTERTAINMENT was the company that housed most of his favourites, the so-called ‘greats’ of the industry at the time. he was going to get in, and get famous.
a late afternoon in april 2013 is when he did it. he got a leg-up from one of his friends out of the school gates and ran all the way to the train station, paying for a ticket with the pocket money he’d been saving up for months. he asked around for directions until he finally found the place the audition was being held, did all the things the vaguely frightening people in suits and ties told him to do, tried not to feel too much like a clown at the circus while performing, and held his breath. and by some miracle conjured up by the stars above, KIHYUN managed to make it through. he tried not to groan out-loud out of fear of being dropped again when he was told he’d have to continue his studies despite now being a trainee, neglected to tell his mother because he was scared he’d be kicked out (and was pleasantly surprised when she only told him that she better be seeing him on tv in a few years time), high-fived his grandmother with a wide grin on his face, and packed up all his things to make the official move into seoul. there he trained for three long years, until finally he was told he and seven others, seven fast friends he’d already made, were set to debut. NCT DREAM, their subunit was going to be called, and the rest was history.
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⠀⠀ Ꮺ ⠀ ‹ ⠀ PERSONAL & FACTS.
— MBTI ⠀ ESFP-T⠀( TURBULENT ENTERTAINER. ) — POSITIVE TRAITS ⠀ bold, original, aesthetics & showmanship, practical, observant, excellent people skills. — NEGATIVE TRAITS ⠀ sensitive, conflict-averse, poor long-term planner, unfocused.
— LIKES ⠀ his fellow members, travelling to new places, dancing, singing, fashion, shopping, accessories, music, street food & street art, manga, bungeoppang, cherry pepsi max, blueberries, goldfish, lego, songwriting. — DISLIKES ⠀ bugs, cooking, green tea, reading, puzzles & brain teasers, waking up early, sci-fi movies, crime shows, maths. — HOBBIES ⠀ playing football, playing pool, collecting albums & vinyls, collecting photocards (particularly of his members), (trying to) learn new languages, trying out music production. — PHOBIAS ⠀ atychiphobia (fear of failure), astraphobia (fear of thunder & lightning).
— HABITS ⠀ constantly repeating the new words or phrases he’s recently learned (in foreign languages, usually english or italian), doing tutting combos with his hands, snorting while laughing, cracking his knuckles, sidling up to his fellow members and (usually unintentionally) scaring them, rubbing at his eyes, clicking his tongue, playing his music too loud, idly tying his drawstrings into knots he then can’t get to come undone. — KNOWN FOR ⠀ his tendency to get lost while out & about, his holding up of the rest of the group while he poses for fansites (especially at the airport), his constant featuring of the dreamies & other members on his instagram, his spontaneous fit checks, his music recommendations (most of his lives are more a radio hour than anything), his love for pda & need to cling onto whoever he’s closest to, his tendency to try and answer a question in a few short words but end up going off into a long-winded tangent.
— FAMILY ⠀ MOTHER (임요미 — born 1981, alive)⠀╱⠀GRANDMOTHER (임중안 — born 1958, alive)⠀╱⠀HALF BROTHER (임선민 — born 2009, alive). — KIHYUN has never known & also never mentioned his father anywhere, and SEONMIN’s father was never in the picture as a permanent figure in their lives either. he credits his mother & grandmother immensely for working so hard to keep them afloat and never fails to speak of his gratitude for them. — his younger brother’s favourite member is DOYOUNG, but KIHYUN shared that if SEONMIN had to pick a favourite from DREAM then it would be JENO or HIMSELF.
— his favourite music genres are HIP-HOP, RAP, and POP. — his favourite artists are AZEALIA BANKS, EXO, F(X), BRUNO MARS, and GSOUL. — his favourite songs are LIQUORICE, CHILL, 24K MAGIC, and TEQUILA. — KIHYUN is a known lyricist and has contributed for lyrics on songs on multiple albums (both for NCT and a few outside of the group on occasion). he currently has 32 writing credits under his name. — he has said that in the future he wants to learn how to play the drums, and also try out music production.
— inside the group, KIHYUN thinks the members he’s closest with are CHENLE, MARK, JOHNNY, JENO, NIKO, and HENDERY. — although KIHYUN considers himself closest with his members, he also has a few notable friends outside of NCT (both from SM and other companies). the ones most known (and ones he’s seen interacting with most often) include TAEHYUN of TXT, GISELLE of AESPA, MATTHEW & HANBIN of ZEROBASEONE, SOHEE of RIIZE, and INTAK of P1HARMONY. — he shares a dorm with RENJUN and JISUNG, and says he likes to poke fun at the former’s cardigan collection. — a member KIHYUN wants to get closer to in future is YANGYANG. — if he could move to another unit, he would either choose WAYV or create a new one with all of his closest friends. — he named KEY of SHINee, D.O. of EXO, and TAEIL as his biggest role models and inspirations. — earlier generation idols he wants to meet are WOOYOUNG of 2PM and MINO of WINNER.
— fashion is one of the things he’s been very interested in since he was young, and both members & fans have coined him the nickname ‘johnny’s assistant fashion evaluator.’ — he first began to learn italian through old films and books his mother owned, and then slowly began to further his knowledge with both online lessons & a lot of self-learning whenever he found the time. it’s his dream to live there one day. — KIHYUN thinks his most attractive features are his EYES. — he’s a very good drinking buddy, as a lot of DREAM have mentioned. — a person KIHYUN gets compared to quite often (looks-wise) is JUNGKOOK of BTS. KIHYUN says he doesn’t see it. — he says the first idol group he can remember watching on tv was F(X), performing CHU~♡︎ — his favourite movies are THE BLING RING, TIME TO HUNT, and FLUSHED AWAY. — KIHYUN’s ideal type is “someone i can have a fun time with every day, and who shares my sense of humour.”
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emmanuelschmidt · 3 months
come take a walk on the wild side
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Rating: Explicit
Paring: Darry Jenner × The Creeper
Word count: 3260
cw: smut, dub - con, rough sex, sexual violence, monstrophilia, stockholm syndrome, romanticization, detailed descriptions of cruelty, angst.
Don't read this if you're under 18
Voices from the old basement tell him their tales… Tales of suffocating wandering on earth until the end of time without the right to find peace. An ugly mass of distorted grimaces dances in front of his eyes, feverishly bursting into eerie laughter. Their voices, familiar and completely alien, mingled in a single agonized scream. So loud that thin streams of blood sprinkle the auricles.
And at this moment, Darry wakes up from a demonic nightmare… He opens his eyes and finds himself immobilized. There is no way to move a single limb, they have become so numb during his imprisonment here. Having barely risen on his barely bending legs, he staggers and tries to orient himself in the surrounding space. He can't see a thing. There are no windows, no furniture, or any other identifying signs that someone is using this "room". Darry couldn't even tell what size it was. And was he alone in it…
The fabric of a torn T-shirt sticks irritatingly to the body. But the burning shame sticks to the inside even harder and more disgusting. If it were human, it would surely be a short, toothless old man, hunched over, shouting about his insignificance with all his appearance, but capable of exposing you from head to toe with one tenacious glance. He stares shamelessly and persistently. Involuntarily leaking saliva glistens at the corners of the slimy mouth. He's frail and even dystrophic, but his strength is that you can't take your own eyes off him.
Either it was insanely stuffy in this dungeon, or the adrenaline in his blood was responsible for the heat that had descended on Darry, but the smell of his sweat mixed with the damp earth, intrusively clogging his nostrils, only strengthened the feeling of nausea that was creeping up his throat. He can't remember when it began to dominate the feeling of animal horror, because the sense of time disappeared. Every exposed area of his body was covered in perspiration. And that didn't play into Darry's hands at all. It could hide in any corner, absorbing his fear with perverse pleasure, inflaming himself. The smell of its victim, natural smell, not tainted by the aromas of colognes, laundry powders or nasty shampoos, caused bubbling pleasure in the Сreeper and awakened his whole nature, convincing him to obey it, follow it, absorb into himself and predatory desire to make it his part.
His eyes are gradually getting used to the darkness, and now Darry can make out the outlines of a pile of bulky shelves that surrounded him. It was not visible what exactly lay on them, but all this together looked more like a warehouse of unattended junk. A landfill... Or a storage room. Apparently, he was honored to be one of the elements of this junk, which was left until better times. Or even not like that. For dessert.
With his peripheral vision, he catches movement very close by. Everything inside is compressed to a micron, and hid heart is pounding in his chest like crazy. After all, he wasn't alone. Apparently, the monster was very close. Maybe right now it's standing behind him, preparing to wring his neck.
—My God...," an exhausted whisper echoed off the cold earthen walls.
Darry had never been devout, but at that moment he was ready to pray to anyone in return for getting rid of the torment. The agony that rolled down his dirt-streaked cheeks in bitter tears. He was not cowardly. But if it meant desperately avoiding the fate of being stolen for "spare parts" by an extraterrestrial carnivorous creature, then Darry was a hopeless coward. Oh, how he cries out to the Almighty that everything that happens turns out to be a dream, just not to be another item in the creature's track record.
The creatures that circle around like a bull next to a red rag. It stops a couple of centimeters away and forces all the fibers of the soul to start up in a single burst from its ominous rumble. That's it, and it will tear into shreds… But he did not tear it out, but only caused a premonition. The premonition that covered the skin with a thin layer was hot and salty. A premonition that he wanted to capture with special trepidation on the tip of his tongue, licking it off the curve of someone else's neck.
"I wish I were dead" — a craven thought flashes through Darry's head and seems so insanely correct when, in response to such non-trivial "caresses", it burns badly in the solar plexus area. Darry makes an attempt to turn away, to distance himself as much as possible, but that won't do.
He wants to be looked into the eyes and squeezes Darry's jaw with a powerful paw. Darry makes only a painful whine from an overly "demanding" grip, but still does not dare to meet his captor's gaze. And this is his fatal mistake.
Now the monster is too close to his face and almost runs its nose over his wet cheek and cheekbones, once dotted with freckles, which, under a touch of earthy and bloody stains, have ceased to be visible at all. Its hand methodically moves to his neck, scratching the delicate skin with far-reaching claws. The victim is breathing excessively hot and intermittently. Sometimes his breath is mixed with thin threads of sobs, hoarse from a broken voice, and therefore excessively attractive.
The stench from the Creeper is terrible. If it wasn't for an empty stomach, Darry would have thrown up right this second. Instead, he experiences only mocking spasms and a rumble that makes his stomach seem to vibrate. It seems that all the internal organs will now come out on their own, and he will not have to go through a humiliating execution. In this he finds something comforting for himself. Although these thoughts are fleeting, for when it bares its rotting fangs, the prospects for natural death fade in one insidious moment. At least, that's what it seems to Darry himself.
His plump lips, bitten to the bone in some places and bright pink from the rush of blood, become its first target. It digs into them with his slimy mouth and pushes its rough, sharp tongue through his teeth. It makes its way so persistently through the mumbling protesting on the verge of horror and overly active attempts to escape that this only adds strength.
The more resistance there is, the more sadistic and exaggerated the pressure the Creeper puts on Darry. Until he breaks. Or until he runs out of strength. And he gives up, allowing himself to be tormented by spoiled fangs, envelop his mouth with fetid saliva with an admixture of unknown mucus and fumble with a long tongue so deep that it almost reaches his throat.
Darry squeezes his eyes shut so as not to see the full scale of the horror that is being done to him. His heart won't hold out. He can only hear the excited snuffling and some kind of animal ominous rumbling coming from the depths of the monster's interior. He torments the unfortunate man methodically, with masterly confidence and disgustingly to the point of goosebumps.
The mark of Creeper's tongue was still burning on his neck, right above the throbbing vein that was ready to burst and pour out a stream of blood.
And it's all too much. It's too much beyond the expectation of what monsters usually do to their victims. They let out their guts, poke out their eyes, skin them alive — yes, but they don't kiss them passionately. So long, fervently and excessively wet that eventually Darry starts to get hard.
And the hatred of this fact far outstrips the disappointment of it. Darry was hardly as unhappy at any other time in his life as he is now. And, oh God, witness, he found within himself a rebellious thought about prolonging this misfortune.
It's as if a hundred hunched, toothless perverts are looking at him at the same time, and he, as if under hypnosis, exposes himself even more. There is a hole burning in the heart, an indistinct scream of pain comes from it, but it reaches the brain completely mutated, in the form of exponentially increasing excitement.
Alien claws lead along the stomach, a little more effort, and Darry's belly will be ripped open, but the Creeper deliberately circles around the deadly danger, giving the victim the illusion of salvation. Darry knows about it. He knows he's going to die today. Death is already waving at him from around the corner, waiting for him to get his last pleasure.
It gives him time to catch his breath, gain strength for more screams and sobs. For new confused and therefore charmingly desperate requests to leave him. Darry swallows noisily and looks down, trying to follow every action of the monster.
But imaginary control will not be able to save his life. He was strong by the standards of a teenager, and he knew that girls and sometimes even guys were staring at his muscular body. But none of that mattered now. If desired, the Creeper can tear him into two halves with one blow, can cut off his head with one wave of his hand. And besides, the more Darry, the less Darry. That was the unspoken law. A maniac doesn't need bulging ribs or slender hips. He needed a life. There is a lot of life in every cell of the body, which he wanted to appropriate for himself.
When its claw deliberately slowly passes over the vulgar tattoo around his navel and gets to the edge of his jeans, Darry has a very obvious boner. It's too painful even within the confines of his wide jeans, and not because they're too tight for him. Rather, the whole situation did not fit into the boundaries of his consciousness. Therefore, it was treacherously bulging out of them.
The monster's palm is disproportionately large, lies on his crotch, causing a powerful release of adrenaline into the blood, even to dizziness. A cocktail of infernal fear and an inexplicable craving for this humanoid creature hit Darry in the head and broke him. The remnants of common sense kept him from leaning towards someone else's hand, which, like an emergency generator, blinked red in the completely disbelieving mind of the unfortunate. You couldn't play with it, you couldn't ask for anything. This weakness only drive it crazy. It amused it when cornered prey dared to beg, rub, look with eyes wet with tears and hate himself for his own instincts.
God, Darry is definitely infected with something. Like those mice that go into the clutches of a predator themselves. A predator that caresses them with this paw, driving them to frenzy, and himself to uncontrollable delight.
Its almost cadaverous stench crept deep into his throat and settled on his tongue, and it was the most wonderful taste of all the most disgusting. Darry wanted more. Especially when their natural scents mingled from strong intimacy and became a symbol of their intimate connection. They became a pass to any, the most secret places.
Creeper tears the flimsy fabric of his jeans in one sharp movement, not giving Darry time to shock and roughly turns him around with his back to himself. He does not see how it rips off its cloak and casually throws it into a dark corner. For some reason, the thought flashes through Darry's head that soon he himself will be lying in this place.
He flinches when Creeper clings to him with its body. There are too many growths and protrusions on it, so even in theory it is impossible to say unequivocally why it needs them, but the pain from how tightly they bite, they cause unbearable. It scorches the skin with its disgusting breath, which has become too sensitive to all kinds of irritants. So sensitive that Darry flinches as if electrocuted. It is pressed closer to himself, as if wanting to unite into a single whole. The pain from the piercing thorns only for a second obscures the realization that something hard and incredibly large is resting against him. It rubs between the buttocks and smears something slippery and cold in the lumbar region.
Probably, against the background of Creeper's cock Darry looks comically petite, but the last thing he wants now is to smile. And he knows that it will not be in him only if a miracle happens. But how does he pray for this miracle while the monster drips saliva on his bare shoulders and godlessly strokes his waist, bringing himself to condition with his greasy actions. A little more, he will get a taste and slap his ass with his paw, cutting through the delicate skin with his claws, and marking it with bloody stripes.
There is already a noticeable ache from all these thoughts downstairs, and heat is rushing to his face, but Darry does not dare to touch himself. Not now, he's still holding on, he won't fall without trying to fight.
He just tolerates when it is preparing to fuck him, without trying to cover the lust oozing from every pore, it pointedly disdainfully grab him and stick his face into a cold wall, forcing him to bend harder. He suffers because he does not want to die, bullied and torn apart in an unequal battle. He tolerates it because it will end faster this way. Or he tolerates it, because he has never been so hard before. Because this anthropomorphic beast wants him and takes him too passionately. Because he wants to experience the almost orgasmic pleasure of this shame at least once in his life.
- Don't ... - without much hope, but with desperate pleading in a darkened voice, Darry mutters somewhere into the wall.
The next second, he feels pain. The pain, comparable at the moment to the pain from the instant rupture of all organs, overcomes the young unprepared body. Darry screams and bangs on the wall, smearing dirt on his sweaty palms. Like a distraught bird in a cage, the thought of pain beats in his head, he hears his screams even inside the skull. But it doesn't stop. Those painful moans sound too sexy even for a monster like him. Especially for a monster like him.
All it wanted to do was hear more of them, three times as many. To hear Darry drowning in them. And it pushes even deeper, despite the fact that the inside is too narrow for such gestures. So much so that he has to give the victim time to get used to it.
Tears literally flow down Darry's cheeks, and heart-rending moans echo from the walls of the closet. It seems to him that in a few more moments he will lose consciousness from the pain. But he won't be able to. It won't let him. Darry feels a rough palm on his stomach, as if Creeper is trying to feel himself.
" Bastard" - Darry mumbles between sobs, but he can't take his eyes off this sight, which makes him dizzy again, and justifies his attraction with oppressive eroticism.
Another push. And again, the pain piercing to the very brain. He won't be able to take another one like that. Darry begs "enough" and surprisingly, it listens to him.
It did not enter completely, but what is there is already enough. He leans back sharply, which causes another scream mixed with a groan. It definitely likes this effect. He likes to listen to the guy under him choking on his own screams, as he begins to breathe more and more noisily, unable to contain his tension from such brutal pleasures. He fucks Darry like he hates him. He hated him all his life, and the purpose of his life was to fuck him before he murders him.
It gets a little freer and a little more humid inside. Thanks to his own grease or Darry's blood, it's impossible to tell in the semi-darkness. But it doesn't matter in the slightest. What matters is that as time passed, he began to make fewer and fewer sounds, and they became dimmer. The broken voice and growing weakness did their job and instead of the screams so adored by Creeper, Darry was now just whining exhausted. His mind is too clouded to continue processing what is happening around him. The sharp pain continues to rape his internal organs, but there is no need to slogging his guts out anymore.
Two fingers with razor-sharp claws reach into his mouth without any warning. Almost immediately, Darry feels the taste of blood mixed with his viscous saliva, which has been oozing out of his mouth in the agony of hysteria for a long time. The Creeper deliberately spreads its fingers wider inside wet mouth, releasing new portions of blood from the tender walls, climbs deeper, pressing on the root of the tongue and forcing Darry to suck them to the last phalanx. How humiliatingly dirty and at the same time thrillingly exciting. Darry is being used like a doll, getting deeper, bolder and more painful. It pulls his fingers out of his mouth with a loud squelching sound, causing an immediate coughing fit on the verge of suffocation. Its palm, wet with his own saliva, covers his cock and even such a careless grip still seems too painful. It doesn't want to please Darry. It just got bored. But he has no choice but to obey. The worst possible outcome. He is fucked by a huge monster, simultaneously screwing him with his ugly paw. The shame of everything that was happening was so great, as if its human incarnation was sucking Darry off on his knees right now. Stimulation from two sides at once, so rough and dirty in every sense of the word, making him going crazy, forcing chaotically to scoop up clods of earth that fell off the wall under the pressure of tenacious fingers. Gradually, the bliss began to fill his mind again, and he felt that he was already close. His throat is sore, and even moaning now comes at a huge cost, giving rise to new coughing attacks that feel like breaking ribs. The tremors became more and more ragged, more brazen, and Creeper's body was completely pressed against him. How wrong it all is, insanely immoral and inhumane. And the moral pain is almost equal to the physical pain. The pain of fullness and rupture of internal organs is equal to the pain of sexual attraction to a monstrous maniac cannibal. Especially when this maniac removes sweat-soaked hair from Darry's temple and nuzzles him like he's nailed.
— Damn it…
Treacherous euphoria glows in his chest, and Darry himself wants to snuggle up to the hot body that clings to him so tightly and penetrates so painfully and indecently deeply. From the latter, he is pleased only morally. But it's nice that he tries to blurt out something unimaginably ridiculous and laudatory, but because of an overabundance of feelings and emotions, he doesn't do it. He feels unimaginably vicious, rotten through and through, fallen. And he sincerely thanks God that Trish and their parents will never find out what Creeper did to him. How he molested him before he died, and he shamefully enjoyed it.
"Kill me soon" is his last request before the eternal agony of a fragile mind that will not have time to realize what has happened.
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panoralis · 10 months
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❝  I  CAN’T  SEE  MYSELF  THROUGH  YOUR  EYES  ˒  𝐢.  astre’s  anatomy
STAGE  NAME  :  calista  ❪  칼리스타  ❫
BIRTH  NAME  :  roh  aejeong  ❪  노애정  ❫
ENGLISH  NAME  :  laurine
BIRTHDAY  :  july  9  ,  2002  ❪  cancer  ❫
BIRTH  PLACE  :  seosan  ,  south  korea
ETHNICITY  :  korean
KNOWN  FAMILY  :  father  ,  stepmother  &  younger  brother  and  sister 
LANGUAGES  :  korean  ,  french  ,  english  ,  japanese  &  chinese
⸻  𝐚.  darling  ,  how  do  i  LOOK ?
FACE  CLAIM  :  kang  hyewon  of  ex  -  iz  *  one
HEIGHT  :  one  hundred  seventy  point  two  centimetres  or  five  feet  seven  inches
BODY  MODIFICATION(S)  :  standard  lobes  ,  auricle  on  left  ear  &  tattoo  on  right  side  of  ribcage
⸻  𝐛.  watch  myself  bloom  through  the  DOWNPOUR .  
FLOWERS  :  there  is  little  to  nothing  that  scares  this  woman  .  she’s  been  put  through  a  haunted  house  and  somehow  ended  up  befriending  the  scare  actors  .  her  charisma  is  undeniable  ,  even  if  she’s  not  the  center  of  attention  ,  she  will  unintentionally  pull  people’s  gaze  towards  her  .  maybe  the  reason  people  can  connect  to  her  on  a  deeper  level  is  because  she  keeps  her  mind  open  to  anything  and  everything  .  
SHOWERS  :  she  gives  so  much  that  sometimes  ,  she  forgets  to  take  care  of  herself  .  and  no  one  ever  really  knows  because  she  conceals  the  “  bad  ”  parts  of  her  ,  especially  her  fatigue  .  there’s  also  times  where  it’s  like  she  talks  in  riddles  ,  rarely  disclosing  what  she  means  when  she  says  such  things  .
⸻  𝐜.  you  will  always  be  my  CELEBRITY !
LABEL(S)  :  source  music  entertainment  ❪  2016  -  2019  ❫  ,  belift  lab  ❪  2019  -  2023  ❫  &  astre  entertainment  ❪  2023  -  present  ❫
PROFESSION  :  actress  &  idol
GROUP  :  pandora
POSITION  :  rapper  ,  vocalist  &  dancer
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YET  YOU  NEVER  FAIL  TO  WEAR  MY  SMILE  ˒  𝐢𝐢.  and  her  history  ❞
❪  tw  :  loss  of  a  parent  ,  irresponsible  management  ,  s*mu  and  b*lift  ❫
VINTAGE.  fairytales  portray  stepmothers  as  cruel  women  who  refuse  to  love  their  husband’s  child  .  and  honestly  ,  aejeong  wondered  if  she’d  be  like  cinderella  —  a  princess  who  had  an  evil  stepmother  after  her  birth  mother  passed  .  but  as  the  little  girl  came  to  learn  ,  not  everything  written  is  true  .  because  her  father  married  a  woman  who  loved  her  like  her  own  ,  who  was  willing  to  give  her  the  world  if  she  could  .  
by  the  time  she  turned  eight  ,  she  wasn’t  a  stepmother anymore  —  she  was  her  maman  .
CURRENT.  being  passed  between  companies  can  really  fuck  you  in  the  head  .  first  debuting  in  the  acting  industry  under  source  music  entertainment  ,  aejeong’s  contract  was  transferred  to  belift  lab  where  she  debuted  in  enhypen  .  once  the  seven  years  were  over  ,  it’s  no  surprise  that  she  refused  to  continue  her  contract  with  the  company  .  so  while  remaining  as  a  member  of  enhypen  ,  she  moved  into  astre  entertainment  and  was  introduced  as  the  tenth  member  to  the  public  .  calista  doesn’t  regret  it  ,  because  she’s  treated  fairly  and  gets  babied  by  her  new  members  (  you  know  ,  since  she’s  now  the  maknae  )  .
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garunsdottir · 2 months
WIP Wednesday So, I was tagged by lovely @lord-aldhelm and decided to take part! <з
Please share your last sentence; or, if you don’t have one, share a plot bunny or idea!
If you follow my blog, then you probably know that I make gifs (mostly TLK & some other shows I'm currently watching), but I do write from time to time. Firstly, I share my wip gif project, which I hope to post this evening. Then I'll show something from my wip fan-fiction, but with a long ass explanation on how to perceive it lol
I. So, the gifs in progress:
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Currently working on these two toxic boyfriends! It's gonna be a sort of 'web weaving post', so there are a lot of quotes and some paintings.
II. Now for the writing
The thing here is that I write in my native tongue, and, truth be told, I break a hella lot of rules. What is the point of knowing grammar perfectly if you are not going to butcher it later? I always play with grammatical cases and omit subjects (because the language allows it and the sentences are still comprehendable), invent weird-sounding descriptions, or let nouns drive the sentences. And when I write in English… Let's say it's complicated, as it is my second language, and I won't ever be able to convey my thoughts properly and with the depth that I was initially guided by. But yet, I've decided to try and exercise my brain a bit. So if you see strange grammatical constructions and incorrect word order - I'm sorry, but it is what it is, and sometimes I struggle to translate it.
background context: I write for small and strange fandoms, cause I love my characters and pairings. For instance, Ruby x Moody (awae), Warren x Layla (high sky), Jonas Baerb (RC: Psi), some modern hotd (mostly the greens), and Felix x Wendy (ouat). This super small part is from my wip 'Cheerful oblivion' in which Wendy is stuck in Storybrooke but is not being accepted by her former family because of how drastically she has changed on the island. Guess who is ready to open his arms in exchange for some fairy dust and help getting out of this shithole? Yep, Felix. Of course, they both had toxic connections with Pan. Of course, they both have an undeniable unhealthy attraction to each other.
Her tender smile, instead of an answer, slowly shakes her head from side to side.
This is her reality now.
Not going to high school, the iridescent chime of Grace's voice after classes, and coffee at Granny's. Wendy Darling doesn't wear skinny jeans, doesn't know how to use messengers, and, at seventeen (give or take one hundred years), doesn't know how to drive.
'Let's come to the table, or the food will go cold.'
The role of "mother"—Wendy has mastered it skillfully. Not exactly the best one, but impeccably needed. Once the one and only for boys on the island. Brutalised orphans demanded fairytales and medicines during the day, and at night they whined in her arms, writhing from screams in their own nightmares.
Wendy remembers everything: the first hunt, self-made spears, and arrows ineptly smeared with poison. The club on the shoulder of the great hunter, his sneaky, almost auricle-licking:
'The bird sings sweetly in the wild but looks much nicer in a cage.'
Prickly chills on the spine, aching tension in her calves—Wendy grabs the edge of the table, trying to keep her balance. Since then, she has also learned to run quite well.
From the living room, John screams something about an extra knife. The girl inhales the air into her lungs and raises her head, emerging from that deep maelstrom of rotten memory.
That's right, dinner.
The last one. The boys will be back in Boston tomorrow.
The food on the plate became cold because she had to tend to the pudding that was adored by the eldest as a child. The nervous laughter of the youngest, who is so eager to stuff himself with the second portion of the pie to make Wendy happy. The clatter of cutlery is annoying; the room begins to shrink, pressing against her temples.
A salt that John could go get on his own.
A thick mass of cream that seems too heavy to Michael, although Wendy took butter and milk in equal proportions.
Palms on her knees, right tops left one in an attempt to stop damaging nails and cuticles, shoulders lowered. Wendy's forehead itches at John's probing gaze.
'We'll find a way to get you out of here,' he says abruptly.
Michael freezes with a fork in his mouth. John's lips are a crooked line, a desperate attempt to make himself believe what he just said. He avoids her eyes, a torn scar on her lower lip, and an unseen habit of biting her nails.
As for Wendy…
Wendy'd just rather be left alone.
I don't know whom to tag, so if you see this and you want to participate, pray, do so!
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raging-tackeydios · 10 months
shitty idea time: monster hunter monsters if they had personalities/characters and bantered with the hunter mid-fight instead of being mindless animals
for context the variant, deviant, subspecies, etc. monsters would have the same lines as the vanilla species but with different VAs, paralleling how their hunting horns are the same melody with different instruments
i didn't do all of them because i couldn't really think of personalities for all of them
okay go
"great/drome" monsters: somewhere between the soldier and charlie from pikmin 3: military commanders ordering about their pack members in battle with...less than effective results
(blue) yian kut ku: constantly scared, bellyaching about how his auricles hurt or he's out of breath and such, and would very much rather be somewhere else: he's a big chicken, after all
(scarred, deadeye) yian garuga: basically imagine scratch from adventures of sonic the hedgehog if he wanted sonic ground into a bloody paste instead of merely hurt or captured: he even has the voice too. throws huge temper tantrums when you get knocked out of the arena or another monster intrudes because it means he can't fight you any more
cephadrome: constantly taunting the player about how he's so hard to hit under the sand, but the moment he gets dragged out he starts begging for mercy and running away
(ruby) basarios: too fat and stupid to even realize you're trying to attack him, or that he's attacking you...kinda like louie from pikmin honestly
(black) gravios: lazy, almost depressed, even, and doesn't really care about the fact that you're trying to beat the snot out of him: if you win, he dies, and if your weapons bounce off of his carapace he gets to wallow and be miserable more, so it's a win-win situation
(purple) gypceros: adhd personified. hyperactive as hell and constantly getting distracted during the fight, only to circle back and get super pissed at you: when he "dies" the first time he gets sad that his prank didn't work if you don't fall for it
(red) khezu: weird scrimbly bimbly thing that only talks in short sentence fragments, is constantly sniffing around to get a read on you, and sounds garbled like he's underwater. also the screaming. he's constantly screaming seemingly at random. kinda like a much more gooey hyness
(gold, pink) rathian: more down to earth than rathalos (because she stays on the ground.) she gets tired of having to basically babysit rathalos sometimes but she still loves him with all her heart. constantly trying to rein him in and get him to take you seriously during the fight when they're fighting together: regardless of whether he's killed or captured she breaks down sobbing and trying to avenge him
(silver, azure) rathalos: imagine a flying version of bowser from the mario RPGs. dumb as bricks, and he's not really treating the fight as life or death, but more like just a thing he does every tuesday: he's happy to see you, but he still has to act like the bad guy. you can hear him trying to practice his evil laugh as he's flying away, then berating himself for it not being good enough. if he's fighting with rathian he gets a lot more meek when she's captured and almost goes dead silent for the rest of the fight when she's killed
diablos: has a potty mouth that would put a sailor to shame. during his turf war with black diablos they both get off on the fact they're beating the crap out of each other
bloodbath diablos: basically a fusion between kai yan and tartarus from dragalia. believes that the philosophy of "might makes right" is the ultimate creed, and wipes out any monsters near him because he believes they're weak and unfit of fighting to live. meanwhile he kills humans for the slight they inflicted on him in the past. gets more desperate as the fight wears on because he cannot be anything less than the perfect being, and when he dies/gets captured he's not mad because he lost, he's mad because he lost to you.
black diablos: horny. angry and very very horny. does not care about the fact that you're a fraction of her size: she's getting off on the fact that you're dealing intense bodily harm to her and thus she wants you inside her. basically the embodiment of this meme here:
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(white) monoblos: a friendly rival to diablos, and treats the entire fight as a huge pissing contest between them, even when the former is nowhere to be found. very proud of his horn. knows hunters are always after him as a rite of passage, so he's sort of fallen into a mentor-like role, and he's always proud when he gets slain or captured
(plum, stonefist) daimyo hermitaur: scared and is constantly hiding behind his claws, prioritizing keeping you the hell away at all times. very antisocial.
(terra) shogun ceanataur: extremely proud of his claws, yelling about keeping your hands off "the merchandise" once he gets enraged, and both figuratively and literally starts foaming at the mouth once they get broken. gets really embarrassed once his shell is broken, and stays meek like that for the rest of the fight
rustrazor ceanataur: acts like a drug addict, only with the drug references replaced with references to sharpening his claws on glavenus' skull
(green, lucent, silverwind) nargacuga: wants to act like a ninja. ends up acting more like something out of naruto. also he recites his own version of darkwing duck's "i am the terror that flaps in the night" thing at the beginning of the fight
(molten, grimclaw) tigrex: dim, but a really nice guy, kind of like a large dog, and actually doesn't mind you fighting to the death that much: the problem is that he's CONSTANTLY FUCKING SCREAMING EVERYTHING HE SAYS AT THE TOP OF HIS LUNGS. his violent charges aren't actually charges he's just trying to give you a big hug. with his mouth.
(furious) rajang: imagine goku but like a minimum of ten times as violent and with the battle-obsessed stalker-ish qualities of nemona. can be sometimes heard humming parts of the DK Rap when calm. his fight is as much him showboating as he is trying to maul you
(flaming) espinas: talks in his sleep. starts off asleep and mutters stuff like "just five more minutes mom" as you hit him, then gradually starts groggily walking around. then when you hit him enough he loses his shit and starts swearing up a storm while beating the tar out of you...and then eventually the adrenaline wears off and he reverts to the passive half-asleep version of himself.
akantor/ukanlos: acts like a JRPG villain's monstrous final form, with parallels to each other's lines
arzuros: expy of banjo. one of the few monsters that actually gets along with qurupeco
(snowbaron) lagombi: sort of like a skier. less focused on fighting you and just happily slip-sliding around on the ice.
volvidon: constantly warning you to keep your distance mid-fight: since the Soiled gas is actually just flatulence, he's worried he's going to have a bit of stress-induced incontinence
(crimson) qurupeco: you know how squidward believes he has lots of talent with the clarinet but he actually plays like ass? yeah imagine that but replace the clarinet but with monster roars. all the other monsters only come to his "aid" just to shut him the hell up, and he's gleefully unaware of this even as he's being ripped to shreds
barroth: has a couple pebbles rattling around in his crown in lieu of a brain, and thus goes nuts like a dog seeing a mailman with a single minded pursuit to run you over
nibelsnarf: obsessed with food. will eat any bombs you put down and deem them delicious, even after they explode in his gullet and he calls them "a bit spicy."
(steel) uragaan: basically a goron in all but name: loud, boisterous, rolls to get around, and loves eating rocks
(rust) duramboros: basically an old miner that mostly just wants some peace and quiet. has to put a considerable amount of effort into all of his attacks, especially the one where he throws himself into the air like a shot put, and starts complaining about his back after he lands
(thunderlord) zinogre: a breakdancer. constantly boasting about his moves in battle and treats his fulgurbug tenants as "special effects."
brachydios: acts like a hammy heel wrestler such as rawk hawk or incineroar...even though he's supposed to be a boxer instead of a wrestler. sometimes he acts like he's sparring with you instead.
raging brachydios: the same heel persona from before, but now all washed up and depressed, desperately grasping at his former fame. near the end where he traps you in his lair he gets his old passion back as he goes completely apeshit for one last fight
(savage) deviljho: not really much different from his canon incarnation, except now he just moans or roars "STILL...SO...HUNGRY..." at times
(ash) kecha wacha: somewhere between a class clown and a memelord. hangs on branches and canopies specifically to cackle at you.
(desert) seltas: speaks like a stereotypical robot. not much to him unless he's being used as a puppet by the seltas queen: he is a drone, after all
(berserk) tetsucabra: somewhere between big the cat and big man. the rocks he pulls up are supposed to be for him to hide behind, but he's so dim he thinks you're gone too.
(tidal) najarala: a stereotypical snake character that speakssss like thissss. sometimes he accentuates the hissing noises by rattling his tail along with them. gets pissed off when you escape his "ring of doom" attack, as he has to spend a lot of time positioning himself to circle around you and enact it.
(shrouded) nerscylla: looks intimidating but is actually really shy and timid (sorta reflects real tarantulas tbh). her gypceros pelt is like a beloved hoodie to her and she gets really sad when it's destroyed
(tigerstripe) zamtrios: actually a really nice guy. the problem is, like real sharks, he figures out whether something is food or not by biting it. obviously most hunters don't let him nibble them and just whack him, so he ends up fighting most people he meets. also he makes the "dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun" from Jaws while he's swimming through ice. his voice lines get pitched up super high when he's inflated.
(desert) seltas queen: speaks much like A Certain Other Queen (The One Who Is: At The Very Least Kinda Sorta Famous) and treats her seltas underlings like garbage. once she fully takes control of the seltas they speak in unison
seregios: imagine jaleel white's sonic if he could shoot his spines. and also fly. spins the fact that he's basically a refugee by saying he's spreading freedom wherever he goes, much like the real sonic. deep down, he isn't buying it.
(boltreaver) astalos: crackheaded hyperactive maniac. makes a lot of references to monster energy: this is because his electric powers don't come from his special muscles, but from him guzzling down a potent cocktail of stimulants and cans of monster by the truckload. explains the crackheadedness i guess. repeatedly denies that he's crazy to the rest of the fated four
(violet) mizutsune: huge bitch. he wants to be looked at and for everything to be about him all the time, and he throws temper tantrums sometimes when it isn't. also he's horny. very horny. he sounds snooty and effeminate like Juno Songs' portrayal of rubber band from Paper Mario: The Origami King
soulseer mizutsune: f u c k i n g sans undertale
(acidic, hellblade) glavenus: acts like a noble knight and will lay down his life to protect other members of the fated four. gets into quarrels with gammoth who is of a similar mindset. despite being a protector, his real love is cooking, which he does with his heated tailblade.
(elderfrost) gammoth: also a protector, but in a more motherly sort of way i guess. big enough to encompass the entire rest of the fated four so she just uses herself as a shield.
(nightcloak) malfestio: somewhere between a jester and a magician. constantly talks a big game about gaining sleight of hand on you, and gets flustered when you can outgambit his dirty tricks
ahtal-ka: imagine peridot's voice and personality crossbred with the mechanical ingenuity, scientific passion, and sheer psychopathic bloodlust that TotK's version of link is known for. basically treats the entire fight as a giant experiment and actively takes notes each time you defeat her ahtal-neset, so she can get rid of the weak spots you target.
(fulgur) anjanath: basically the jerk jock trope personified, fitting how it's known as the "relentless ruffian." talks a big game in battle but is quick to fold when something bigger, like a rathalos, enters the scene
(ebony) odogaron: you know that scene from gumball where it's shown from the Evil Turtle's perspective and it's like "BITE BITE BITE EAT FOOD FOR STRENGTH TO BITE BITE BITE MAKE LITTLE TURTLES TO BITE EVEN MORE" ...yeah that's basically how this guy operates
tzitzi-ya-ku: basically a paparazzi/photographer. flees peacefully once he gets good "shots" of monsters (read: blinds them) and when he's fighting you he's more concerned about getting your good side and putting you in the right light than he is about self preservation
(seething) bazelgeuse: basically a much angrier version of the soldier. barely even knows why he's in this locale or that: all he knows is that he's not going home until something dies. flies into battle screaming at the top of his lungs.
aknosom: an acrobat and a performer. more concerned with stomping on your face like a goomba than actually doing anything effective. tries to lick you once you're close to its head while it's downed.
tetranadon: another wrestler-inspired character like brachydios, but this time he's a face instead of the heel. very self absorbed and is convinced all of the small monsters watching from the sidelines are there to cheer him on and boo you.
(blood orange) bishaten: an even bigger shitlord than kecha wacha. could not care less about whether he lives or dies because he had fun and he got to see you get pissed while doing it.
(magma) almudron: a cantankerous old dude. he's less interested in actually protecting his territory and more so just chasing you off it. constantly complaining and bellyaching regardless.
somnacanth: a parody of an idol. her singing voice is actually really good but she gets so passionate that she releases her signature narcotic dust, which puts any prospective audience to sleep. still, she tries to put on the best performance she can even mid-fight
auroracanth: the idol from before but now jaded and disillusioned with life.
(pyre) rakna-kadaki: a wicked witch-archetype character that cares really deeply about her rachnoid minions. gets really distraught when you kill them or knock over the sac she's using to incubate them. this does not stop her from eating the rachnoids that are males. basically imagine Magica deSpell (2017) if she had an entire army of lenas instead of just one
(scorned) magnamalo: a mirror to the fierce flame, constantly spouting out cheesy puns and one liners with almost all of his attacks. starts laughing like a maniac once he does that move where he runs around like crazy.
garangolm: very peaceful, even to the point that he's willing to forgive you up to a certain HP threshold or if captured. but this guy hates anyone who would disturb the peace or bully others, and eventually lose his shit and decry you going "YOU! ARE NOT! A NICE! PERSON!!!" or something like that
lunagaron: tries to put on a sonic.exe-esque vibe to seem more intimidating, contrary to what his werewolf-like design would suggest. he's very terrible at it and ends up flubbing his "lines" often.
(ashen) lao-shan lung: basically that hobo who sits on the street holding the "The End Is Near" sign. only this time the end is actually near because the only reason he's there is because he's fleeing from fatalis.
kirin: h o n s e
chameleos: basically scampton from deltarune chapter rewritten if he was a magician as well as a jester. his entire fight is, from his perspective, mostly a bunch of cool magic tricks, but he's also screwing with you a bit too. the problem is that he's not satisfied until you're having as much "fun" as he is, and he's insane and his desire for fun is insatiable. kinda like caine from the amazing digital circus
teostra: basically @darbycupit's portrayal of king leongar, but as a good guy. he's revered and treated by a noble king by all the other monsters.
lunastra: violently protective of teostra. will go apeshit on anything that so much as looks at him funny and he often sheepishly has to reel her back in. basically the opposite of rathian.
yama tsukami: basically a super-sized supernatural patrick star. doesn't really care about what he's doing or where he ends up as long as he gets to eat stuff.
alatreon: completely batshit insane. the schizo to end all schizos. the voices in his head are actually mental representation of his various active modes. with his dying breath he thanks you for keeping him from suffering split between multiple personalities.
amatsu: believes it is his divine right to take territory he wants, blowing out all others with mighty storms, and treats the fierce flame (and other animals in general really) with nothing but contempt. gets more desperate and rageful as the fight goes on because he doesn't want to be killed by what's basically an ant to him
gore magala: acts aloof and ominous in an attempt to appear cool. however, he's basically still just a kid on the inside, and as such his true childish personality often slips through the cracks
chaotic gore: incapable of making any speech other than pained howls. when killed he thanks you for ending his suffering.
shagaru magala: basically @stelyos' portrayal of fecto elfilis: a YHWH-like warlord god who sees all life as beneath him and worthy only of subjugation
nakarkos: starts the fight trying to keep up the facade that he's a two headed bone abomination, using his tentacles like puppets to keep up the con. however, as the fight rolls on and the tentacles get uncovered, he half-heartedly tries to keep up appearances before going "fuck it" to pop out and reveal his true form, and with it his true personality: a very gluttonous and boisterous pirate
(crimson glow) valstrax: the fastest thing alive, more concerned with showing off his incredible speed than actually fighting you. once he realizes he might actually be in trouble, he just doubles down and starts showboating harder instead of making an effort.
(blackveil) vaal hazaak: a mysterious necromancer-like character. what he actually wants is friends due to being holed up in the bottom layers of the vale and being too hazardous to approach, and when killed, he'll lament that he could really only have friends through effluvium necromancy.
(ruiner) nergigante: yet another bowser expy, this time of juno songs' portrayal of the character
velkhana: actually pretty chill. however, she has to keep up appearances, namely those from the frozen corpses she leaves around, and acts like a supervillainess while fighting you
namielle: dumb as a rock and only really cares about looking cool in battle and looking cool in general. basically an inkling in all but form and name.
malzeno: despite his elegant appearance he's actually a huge chuunibyou. he's really new to this whole "bad guy" schtick after becoming the qurio's host to protect everybody, so he's putting all the effort in all the wrong places of his performance.
primordial malzeno: a noble hero that willingly accepts the fact that he needs to die for the sake of everyone else at the beginning of the fight. as the infection progresses further he becomes less and less coherent and at the end he's basically only making pained screeches, begging for the fierce flame to end his misery during his brief periods of lucidity
zorah magdaros: the entire fight dialogue is basically a never ending long winded rambling old man monologue
shara ishvalda: basically imagine that thing about monika knowingly shutting down any streams she detects at her part of the story in DDLC, except different. shara ishvalda's banter isn't directed at the hunter. it's directed at you specifically. if you have an xbox kinect maybe the game would turn it on to look at you and better fit said banter.
safi'jiiva: similar to the other part of @stelyos' portrayal of fecto elfilis: a world-shaping godlike being that firmly believes that survival of the fittest is the only way the world can work, and since he is by definition the fittest, he's the only one that deserves to survive
ibushi: no thoughts only horny
narwa: constantly talking smack to you through the twins
gaismagorm: sounds like a massive mishmash of voices sort of like @darbycupit's portrayal of fecto forgo. it's not actually anything supernatural the voices just echo around in his weird flower mouth thing and they all sound different
all of the fatalises: somewhere between tartarus from dragalia lost on steroids and calamity ganon: a being that was so consumed by its hatred it turned into a nearly mindless shade of its former self
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rudjedet · 9 months
welcome to the 3 lobe holes club! it’s such a fun number of earrings to play around with, i love how it looks.
Tyyy! I dig it too, initially I was going to have three done on either side but the shop that did my second lobes did them unevenly, so there's not enough space on my right ear for the full set but eh, I might get a stacked lobe going on that side. Once the auricle on the left is healed up I'm going to get a regular helix done on the right as well, and then maybe a conch or an orbital. Plenty of options!
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pitgritted · 6 months
🫂 ( but … maybe spirit… blossom … )
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𝐇𝐄 𝐂𝐎𝐔𝐋𝐃 𝐒𝐌𝐄𝐋𝐋 𝐀 𝐒𝐖𝐄𝐄𝐓 𝐈𝐍𝐂𝐄𝐍𝐒𝐄 𝐅𝐈𝐋𝐋𝐈𝐍𝐆 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐂𝐀𝐕𝐄𝐑𝐍𝐒 𝐎𝐅 𝐇𝐈𝐒 𝐍𝐎𝐒𝐓𝐑𝐈𝐋𝐒 .                                            it  was  poignant  &  overwhelming  .  the  suffering  he  had  endured  for  unspoken  interminability  of  wander  &  loss  ,  the  clutches  it  had  on  him  would  buckle  him  down  on  his  knees  .  he  remembers  dragging  the  callouses  of  his  feet  across  a  small  clearing  pathing  into  a  vibrant  cerulean  gorge  ,  trees  arched  in  unique  patterns  ,  wilting  ever  the  frequent  pink  petals  that  pelted  the  forest  &  water  floor  .  his  toes  make  headway  for  the  water  first  [  ;  ]  the  chill  &  wet  embrace  molding  into  his  shape  .  he  wanted  to  drink  ,  quench  the  dryness  of  his  esophagus  .
                                            fraternal  claws  plunging  into  the  cracks  of  pearled  surfaces  [  ;  ]  one  littered  with  a  decorum  of  small  scratches  &  scars  ,  veins  outlining  the  mounds  of  muscle  stretching  up  past  his  bicep  ,  naked  &  the  palm  wrapped  in  a  rough  fabric  .  the  other  donned  a  more  dominant  color  ,  a  searing  purple  ,  accenting  the  sharp  lines  of  his  tendrils  .  it  took  up  the  brunt  of  his  right  arm  ,  surrounded  with  spiritual  beads  &  a  patterned  silk  vambrace  .  he  flicks  specks  of  water  off  his  hands  ,  his  jaw  warm  &  relaxed  as  he  laps  up  eagerly  .
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a  wrist  comes  to  wipe  underneath  the  curve  of  his  chin  ,  his  mane  of  white  split  in  overturned  angles  &  most  of  them  pools  across  the  broadness  of  his  shoulders  &  down  his  back  .  a  string  of  unintelligible  profanity  denoting  his  enjoyment  &  relief  .
                                            the  next  thing  he  knows  he’s  being  held  .  had  it  been  under  the  radiance  of  evil  ,  he  would  be  belying  a  fear  he  would  certainly  never  admit  to  out  loud  .  but  it  wasn’t  the  case  .  metal  tendrils  come  to  scratch  at  his  scalp  ,  dislodging  a  few  white  strands  in  the  process  .  sett  discerned  the  body  holding  him  was  smaller  &  more  lean  ,  as  opposed  to  his  more  stalkier  ,  heavier  muscled  body  .  the  weight  was  like  a  feather  to  him  .
his  nostrils  wriggled  slightly  ,  the  scent  this  spirit  gave  off  [  ;  ]  it  was  feminine  ,  judging  by  the  sweetness  his  keen  senses  rewarded  him  .  his  akana  discernments  weren’t  proven  wrong  ,  judging  by  the  voice  that  so  clearly  reached  his  lupine  auricles  .  ❝  spirit  of  love  [  ...  ]  should’ah  known  y’d  be  on  my  tail  .  haven’t  i  already  told  ‘ya  ?  i  don’t  need  any  guidance  .  ❞
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                                            as  the  title  he  bears  ,  was  he  a  challenge  in  his  speech  .  though  his  voice  dripped  with  distance  ,  his  body  stayed  in  place  despite  .  he  reached  a  wet  claw  to  grasp  on  the  arm  that  lagged  around  his  neck  ,  squeezing  it  .  ❝  but  that’s  not  what  you  are  here  for  ,  is  it  ?  damn  [  ...  ]  am  i  really  that  bad  at  hiding  how  i  feel  ?  ❞  the  more  burly  half  -  spirit  sinks  his  weight  further  against  evelynn  ,  letting  her  warmth  seep  into  his  tanned  pores  .
❝  [  ...  ]  just  stay  here  ,  for  a  bit  longer  .  this  is  as  close  as  i  can  get  to  bein’  with  my  ‘ma  .  ❞
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m-myrddin · 1 year
Basil “The Beast” Alzanar
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Roles: The Disciple 
Patron Deities: Time, Earth, Stars, Death, Music
Basils full title of “The Beast that Hunts the Gods” derives almost entirely from Basils attitude and temperament. It's not uncommon to see her running head first into a fight, seemingly without having thought it through all the way. Many people believe that she would not hesitate to fight a God if given the chance (or if the need arose) even if it was detrimental to herself. She is relentless in her pursuit, and unforgiving in her act of the Hunt. 
 To those who are not in her Clan, the title instills fear and a sense of unease. To them, it entirely represents her mercilessness in battle. It brings forth the imagery of a woman painted in blood and gripping the scalp of the beheaded grand Disciple of the Ramfaild Clan.
Hearty Soups
Sun bathing 
Doing her own stitches
Sitting still
Physical description:
Since Basil was not granted some of the same natural strength other hunters have, she had to work for it a bit more. She is built sturdily with broad shoulders and thick muscles. Still, she is slighter than some of the others in The Council, having lost some of her muscle mass after being appointed Disciple. Her hands are a little knobby and worn from work, and her arms are a little hairier than many. 
Sharp jaw, strong brow, and some freckles. Basil is tan from her time bathing in the sun during her few leisure hours. Her expression is unusually soft for a Hunter, though this is because she is constantly actively attempting to make herself look approachable. Basil is highest in ranking, so she has the most traditional facial piercings. 
4 symmetrical eyebrow piercings (two on each side)
Symmetrical anti-eyebrow 
Symmetrical nostril
Snake bites
angel bites
Symmetrical dimple piercings
Triple lobe
Helix, mid helix and forward helix
Each piercing is used to define her rank, and in traditional or formal settings she wears prominent jewelry to better show off each. The jewelry she wears in these settings is different than others as well. Where Creature wears a chain that connects his ear piercings to his septum, Basil wears chains that connect to the nostril piercings. She also wears more chains and more long and flowing jewelry that others. The spikes worn in the piercings on her lips during these settings are also much larger than others, giving the appearance of large fangs.
Like most Hunters, Basil is covered in scars, with the majority being centered on her arms, legs, and lower back. However, unlike most Hunters, she lacks some of the larger scars gained while hunting monsters. Most of her scars are long cuts or slashes gained instead from fighting humans or other Hunters. 
A large slash starting from the top of her left shoulder and ending directly in the middle of her spine. 
small scars around her shins from treading through thorns and thistles carelessly 
claw marks that look like they were made by human nails along her stomach, hips, and throat
arrow wounds in her right thigh and left arm
Fun fact: Basil loves to cook, but gets extremely anxious about feeding others. She gets too focused on whether or not the people she is feeding like the food she has made, and often wonders if everyone secretly hates her cooking (they love it). She taught herself to cook when she was young so that she could feed herself and Creature, not trusting the other members of the Clan to cook for them. He remains the only person she never feels nervous about feeding. 
Want to get a better feel for her vibe? Here's a couple songs from her playlist to get started:
Slip away - Mother Mother 
Me and the Devil - Soap&Skin 
Faith - Ghost
Chop Suey! - System Of A Down
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eunsaedol · 6 months
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✧ BIRTH NAME : ivy lee
✧ KOREAN NAME : lee eunsae (이은새)
✧ NICKNAMES : eunnie, eun-ah, v, sae-yah, kq’s golden girl, 5th gen it girl
✧ BIRTHDAY : february 14th, 2002
✧ ZODIAC SIGN : aquarius
✧ BIRTHPLACE : los angeles , california
✧ ETHNICITY : korean
✧ LANGUAGES : english (fluent), korean (native), japanese (conversational)
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✧ ⁺ ⁺  ° PHYSICAL
✧ FACE CLAIM : yeri (red velvet)
✧ HEIGHT : 5’5
✧ PIERCINGS : right ear ; lobe, upper lobe, orbital, auricle, helix, industrial, flat | left ear ; lobe, upper lobe, orbital, conch, helix
✧ TATTOOS : three small butterflies on the back of her right arm, one medium sized butterfly on her left forearm, a small spider behind left ear
✧ VOCAL CLAIM : bibi (soloist)
✧ RAP CLAIM : irene (red velvet)
✧ DANCE CLAIM : woonha (1million)
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✧ ⁺ ⁺  ° CAREER :
✧ AGENCY : kq entertainment (2019 - present)
✧ DANCE ; 10/10
✧ VOCAL ; 8.5/10
✧ RAP ; 7/10
✧ PRODUCING ; 8/10
✧ FANDOM NAME ; saedolls ((eun) sae + dolls)
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✧ ⁺ ⁺  ° FUN FACTS :
✧eunsae joined kq entertainment in 2019, but she originally joined as a producer. she didn’t start preparing to become an idol until mid 2022
✧ she wasn’t that much of a kpop fan before joining kq
✧ her mbti is istp
✧ she can play electric guitar
✧ she debuted on her 21st birthday
✧ she has a brown and white maltipompoo (maltese, pomeranian, poodle mix) named mocha
✧ she uploaded music on youtube and soundcloud under the name “misae” before she joined kq
✧ she has writing and producing credits on many ateez songs
✧ she can quote more the half of the entire ‘dance moms’ series
✧ she originally wanted to be a professional commercial dancer and trained in la before moving to korea
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✧ ⁺ ⁺  ° BACKGROUND :
✧ lee eunsae, born ivy lee, was born february 14th, 2002 in los angeles, california to her mother, min hyunjoo, and her father lee jaebeom. her parents were never officially together, hyunjoo cut all contact with jaebeom before eunsae was born. at the age of 1, her mother moved her to gangnam, south korea to live with her grandparents.
✧ at 6 years old is when she moved back with her mom in beverly hills to attend school. growing up, her mother was fairly absent in her life. hyunjoo struggled with alcohol and drug abuse, often neglecting eunsae. the older eunsae got, the longer hyunjoo would leave her home by herself. there were times when hyunjoo would be out for days, leaving eunsae to believe the worst.
✧ eunsae lived her teenage years recklessly. her mother didn’t care about what she did, therefore she had no consequences for her actions. she would stay out late with friends, not coming home until 3-4am, go to parties, drink, smoke, and hang out with older people who ultimately did not have her best interest.
✧ when eunsae was 15, she was able to contact her father after demanding her mother for his information. just a week after they met, she officially moved in with her dad and her younger brother, mason, whom jaebeom had with his now deceased wife.
✧ in the summer of 2019, eunsae traveled to korea for the summer to spend with her grandparents. it was that summer when she was contacted by kq entertainment after her music was discovered online. that year, she permanently moved to korea after signing with kq as a producer.
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