#ridiculous plotpoint
namedathlete · 7 months
Reading a dumb beach read romance as a palate cleanser. Was a bit libfemmy and "my eyeliner is empowering!" from the start. But the ending is that she tracks down the man who raped her (as part of her tragic back story of why she closed herself off to love) and finds out he's now a trans woman. And they talk about that and she immediately forgives him because of course rape is justifiable if its because you have gender dysphoria. She's completely understanding that he violently raped her because his brothers called him gay and he had gender feelings and that makes everything okay!
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tsarinatorment · 4 months
okay so-
on the discord i was scrolling through past convos in a desperate search for a link that i've seen before, and i came across another one of your and fsinger's aus starring Michael👀
It was like a Kronos Wins/Time-Travels AU where Michael, Thalia, Bianca, Nico, and Hazel are the MCs and I was like !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
and then when the first main plotpoint was basically Michael going "SAVE MY DAD" my FIRST thought was that one Puss In Boots: The Last Wish scene;
Michael, about Apollo: I will save you!
Every other god, suffering in Tartarus: Save us too!
Michael: ...if it's convenient!
like. gnawing on this au rn. i gnaw on all of your aus. this one and the Lee Lives/Apollo Becomes Mortal/BotL Au are officially my favs (Eclipse at this point is basically canon to me lol)
but yeah. I know this au has a BUNCH of beloved characters die, which would have admittedly upset me like, three years ago, but now?
now i merely eagerly rub my hands as my brain imagines how this scenario goes down eheheehhe
Ah yes, this AU! Not one I've thought about in a while, but still a fun one!
Fun fact, for you if you missed the origin of it, and also for anyone else who might be reading this and hearing about this AU for the first time - this is an AU spinoff of my AU fic Tears Will Not Wash Away Your Crimes, where defeated!Kronos from canon timetravels back to the start of TLT to take Michael out before he could become the threat that saves Olympus (see: my long rants on how by being the one to realise Williamsburg Bridge needed to break, Michael stopped Kronos winning on the first day of the siege). In that fic, he succeeds in making Luke kill Michael, and while the fic never goes on to state it, it does become an alternate timeline where Kronos does, in fact, win (due to various factors such as Luke's betrayal not being discovered because Percy wasn't there to survive being poisoned and reveal that he was the traitor, etc. and also Kronos knowing how the demigods/gods operated and basically having the cheat code of being able to squash anything they try before they try it).
But also I am a perpetual Michael!lives fan, so with the enabling of @fearlessinger, as you mentioned, another AU spawned off of this, whereby when Luke carelessly mentioned Apollo by name, he caught Apollo's attention and the god himself turned up to whisk Michael away to safety. In the end, though, it doesn't stop Kronos from winning, because no-one knows enough to trump what Kronos knows. Hence, Kronos wins!AU.
But then!
There are some key changes that go down because of Kronos' prior knowledge... Change #1: Thalia is not restored by the Golden Fleece. Kronos did this because he wanted her as his host, but he tried that last time and it failed - he won't try again. Change #2: The di Angelos do not leave the Lotus Casino. No Thalia in the running suggests that Hades may not have bothered to pull his own children back into the prophecy race - if he really wanted them to be feasible as prophecy children, he'd have brought them out when Percy was claimed, as that would make Bianca a similar age to Percy and therefore viable as an alternative. Bringing them out a year or two later makes his kids younger than both Thalia and Percy and doesn't actually make sense, unless it was a response to being the only Big Three god with no kids involved... Change #3: Daedalus doesn't die, because Nico isn't around Change #4: All our Greek Hero demigods (and the Hunters) are dead, barring the above, and Michael, who was kept safe on Delos the whole time.
And these changes all line up quite neatly into a ridiculously large plot, based on the following consequences:
Consequence #1: the gods are thrown down into Tartarus Consequence #2: the triumvirate's deal with Kronos for their support involved getting Apollo as their prize so Caligula can still claim the sun god spot and Commodus gets his revenge. Apollo is passed to them, instead of Tartarus Consequence #3: Michael is rather pissed off about all of this
What happens after that, well. Imagine Michael, no longer trapped on Delos because the twins aren't there, making his way to Delphi. Imagine Phoebe initially reclaiming Delphi, before Kronos realises she was never on her side and instead release Python to reclaim it; Michael has enough time to speak with his grandmother, but only very little before he's forced to flee into the Labyrinth to hide.
Imagine Daedalus trying to atone for all the deaths he's caused by keeping this one demigod still alive, hidden in the Labyrinth while Michael tries to work out how the fuck he's supposed to save the gods, but never even considering not doing it ("the gods", of course, meaning "Apollo, mostly").
Imagine Apollo weakened, but still able to make dream contact. Apollo not being able to dissuade Michael from trying to save him. Apollo with nothing left to lose except his one son he can't protect himself, so he gives Michael knowledge, things to help him stay alive.
Knowledge, like how the daughter of Zeus is a tree but isn't dead, can be healed by that golden fleece (Percy, Annabeth and Grover retrieved it still, but the tree was not sick and so it was never hung upon it). Knowledge, like how there are two more Big Three kids trapped in a place where time doesn't move.
(Imagine Apollo chained up and forced to be his own oracle as his divinity is drained away. Imagine a little girl with sickle-rings on her fingers being drawn to him anyway, this captive god of the Beast. Imagine the god that still wants to save a child, if only he had the chance)
Imagine Michael healing Thalia with the fleece, the pair of them fleeing from the remains of camp (the remains of Michael's home) as Kronos realises he's there. Imagine Michael and Thalia edging into a casino that's too bright, too jovial compared to their broken world, and pulling two younger demigods back into the timestream. Imagine lurking in the Labyrinth, in the Underworld and discovering a dead girl who still remembers when she shouldn't.
Imagine these demigods plotting, scheming, desperate, and the power of three children of the Underworld combined, pooling their powers together until they can go anywhere the shadows touch.
Imagine them rescuing a god, and the little girl coaxed along with them.
And when they've got one god back... it's only a matter of time before they get the rest.
(And when Kronos discovers it's Michael, again, that foiled him in the end... Well. Some Fates can't be denied)
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takaraphoenix · 27 days
I know it's almost the end of the season and I know having 12 PCs in a room is lunacy. However, I am still a Bad Kids + The Seven team up truther. The foreshadowing supports me.
*laughs* I feel like it would be too many, and not set up enough, for this season. HOWEVER, I fully do think that it would be such a fun season to have a mash-up between them.
Like, you don't have to have 12 players in every session? Focus on different scenes between different characters. Six players in the room at a time, but we switch around between which ones. I would love that so much.
But yeah, prior to this season airing, I had had the hope of The Seven maaaybe being guest-players. And as things stand, we are so getting a season four (because at this point it would be ridiculous to not finish their high school career) and I will transfer that hope onto season 4.
Because guest players make not too much sense on short campaigns, in my opinion at least, since you barely have enough time to focus on and give all the main PCs their due arcs and establish the world and have the plotlines unfold. But FH is unique among D20 campaigns by having such a fleshed out and established world, and so many established NPCs and us knowing the PCs' arcs too, like, this campaign is primed to actually HAVE guest players on and I desperately hope that the amount of mentions that the Seven have gotten in this season of FH is setting that up.
PARTICULARLY the Society of Shadows name-drop just feels like it will be a bigger plotpoint in season 4 and it would be so good to have Becca Scott as a guest-player and get to see Penny team up with Riz.
Same goes for Lola Embers!! Sure now she is no longer Fig's manager, but damn did I want her to be a reason for Sam and Fig to interact with each other!!
I want a season 2 of The Seven and I really, really want them to come on as guest players for Fantasy High: Senior Year, even just one episode per player.
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cutebutalsostabby · 1 month
Any really weird or funny things in the LoZ games you think deserve attention in LU fics?
Oh, a bunch. Where to start?
Firstly: they should play more minigames. Especially dancing. Weird that the Gorons moved on to wrestling as their main sport by Twilight's era; frankly that's a downgrade. Legend and Time should remind them what tradition looks like.
And some minigames are just... ridiculously dangerous? They would make GREAT crack fics. Any myths of Sky being normal and well-adjusted would crack under the weight of that game where you get shot out of a cannon and then skydive down to slam your face into a giant roulette wheel. Or that game from Labrynna (Legend) where this Goron throws a whole heap of bombs at you to see if you can dodge them. Only slightly safer than a similar game involving cuccos.
And on the more serious side of lore that I think is under-explored: the Royal Family has a daaaark side. In a lot of ways, really, which are HINTED at in the games, but rarely actually detailed. For example, it's mentioned in Twilight Princess that the Royal Family have been exploiting the Twilight Realm since LONG before the Twilight Realm started fighting back. And in TotK's ancient Hyrule, we never did find out what happened with the rest of the Zonai, or how exactly Rauru ended up in charge of things.
Ocarina of Time has the darkest portrayal of the Royal Family - even though Zelda is the only member of that family that you ever actually see (the king is somewhere offscreen at the time you meet her). Although everything seems fine and normal at first - notwithstanding the giant war that happened before the start of the game and which left Hyrule Field SWARMING with undead - you eventually come across Bottom of the Well and the Shadow Temple, which uhh... don't paint the Royal Family or Sheikah in a particularly nice light.
And then there's Zelda II's background lore from the game booklet, which says that a king from long ago created the monsters that guard the Palaces:
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Are we just going to skip past the fact that the King can create monsters?? That feels important! When and how did he learn to do that? Does that have anything to do with how Dead Hand and Bongo Bongo came into existence? Or anything to do with BotW's Guardians, WW's Tower of the Gods, SS's Lanayru facility or the transformative shadow magic in TP? Possibly not, but it's fun to think about. Teehee conspiracy brain go brr.
There should be more spooky scary horror fics, maybe. Maybe I should write this. (It's vaguely included as a plotpoint in my longfic, but I am SLOW right now.)
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pinktom · 4 months
another day, another hater: LS comments edition
You ever get a batshit review on your fic where someone writes an AU of your story and proceeds to tell you they're annoyed you didn't write it how they would've? 💀
[I wouldn't normally share this on tumblr but there's real comedic value in the review, where they speculate how much cooler their Marauders AU would be.]
highlight of this truly unhinged review has got to be:
"Is it just that in tomarryLand, there can only be one (Tom Darko) very smart and deep individual, counterpart to naive/pure/cute, oblivious!trope himbo harry (slightly emo bc mean parents uwu) for the dynamic to hit the right buttons? With background characters all some variation of braindead normies who can never understand them, thus deverving only contempt? Hopefully not."
They read my fic where Tom is a panty-sniffing stalker dweeb who is broadly and thoroughly ridiculed by the entire world and concluded I'm trying to make him a "very smart and deep individual." I fear for our future if this is what passes as smart and deep. 😔 
On a more serious note, if you're going to give unasked for concrit, you've gotta have the courage of your convictions—you've got to read the fic in its entirety. Otherwise, simply DNF and withhold your opinion.
If someone who only read my story halfway is going to tell me stuff like —
"Having reached the end of the chapter, I can see now it's going in the 3edgy5you direction I was fearing with this pair."
"I’m assuming all character except Daddy Tom Sr. for which this fic obviously simps will be shown as various shades of stupid and stop now."
— I cannot imagine they really expect me to care; I can only assume they're trying to hurt my feelings, because I didn't write the fic how they would wanted it to go. This isn't criticism or helpful feedback: It is entitlement.
They told me a number of unkind things, based on assumptions that are actually quite false. I do not see these characters as stupid nor do I treat them with contempt. I love ordinary people; I love life itself.
"James is obviously set up as an obstacle!plotpoint poorly disguised as a character"
I actually do not see him that way. He is one of four characters who are the heart of the story, and I love him as much as I love Tom Sr. in the story. And also the story is not going anywhere in the direction this anon implies, which makes them not only look entitled but embarrassingly presumptuous.
While cowardly, I understand why they're on anon. Even they know they're just whining at me for having the audacity to tell the story I wanted to tell, and not the story they wanted to read.
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azquine · 8 months
This may be for too niche of an audience, but fuck it, I'm reaching the fixated audience of me.
The captain from BBC Ghosts and Abed Nadir from community share quite a few similarities, at least from the way I read them.
They both hyperfixate, and their broad hyperfixation shapes the very way they view reality.
For the captain every interaction is a battle he has to strategize through in order to succeed. People are divided into allies and enemies, ranked into inferiors and superiors. Everything is war to him.
And to Abed the world is a show, every event a plotpoint with tropes he can either embrace or subvert. Their sequence he can break down into genre and predict. Every person is a character with a role, with consistent traits and desires he can navigate.
It is through these lenses that they try to control others sometimes, and are occasionally controlled in turn. Though honestly, when he tries Abed is more effective in this regard. Think about the American poultry episode, the captain could never. The captain attempts to pull rank and order more than he manipulates. That's more Julian's thing. Whereas Abed isn't trying to be the leader, he knows he isn't the main character, but he does want to lead the story where he thinks it would be best
They are both outwardly stoic seeming. If you look at them as a stranger all you will see is a straight face and blunt words. But if you pay any attention to how they actually act, you can see that they actually feel things very deeply. They care a lot. Their way of expressing themselves just isn't the exact same way as everyone else. But if you know what to look for it is not subtle in the least. Every little action is practically dripping with their thoughts and feelings. The way they position their head, the way they fiddle with things in their hands, their habits are visible and consistent. If anyone so wished they could make a list of each one and what they mean. So what if they don't laugh or smile the same way that other people do, if when they try to do it normally to fit in it is a little 'off'. If sometimes people call them emotionless. If sometimes they think that of themselves. They aren't.
This is most visible when they get to interact with their fixation, or when that fixation is taken away from them. Their joy, or upset, is practically palpable. You can see them visibly brighten up when the opportunity to share or interact with the thing they enjoy arises.
And then there is the abandonment that fundamentally changes them. Havers and Troy. Both gone to another place far away, leaving The Captain to stare at an open gate and Abed at an empty chair. The person most important to them, who bothered to understand them more than anyone else ever did, ends up leaving them behind. And it hurts them. A lot. It's one of the last things they speak about with the other characters and audience before their show ends.
For the comfort of hetronormative society they appear as a friend or a working partner to them. Though there is clear subtext that there was something more underneath. That they wanted something more. Even though it was not something they openly spoke of.
They are also both just kind of silly. This is completely unintentional on the captain's part, who would prefer to appear perfectly serious and professional. Abed however does not really give a shit how others see his activities and interests. They just get so into everything they do that it quickly veers into ridiculousness, focused on their task long after everyone else gives it up.
I don't know, I didn't really have any point to this post other than to talk about my current favourite two queer autistic characters. I would highly recommend that if you like Ghosts and the Captain, or Community and Abed, that you also watch the other show. Both will make you laugh and also kick you squarely in the sternum. And if any of you have any thoughts please let me know, I am dying to talk about these things.
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liquidstar · 9 months
Ok so, I have only ever watched one episode of Adventure Time, and it was on a hotel room TV, in terrible hindi dub, and I barely remember it on account of being 10(?) but it horrified me.
I remember the MCs trying to get Ice King a girlfriend or something, but he keeps being a gross asshole so they take him to a lake and point at some swans to try and explain love to him. They point to two swans kissing like ':D' and he's like 'ewww' and then the male swan suCKS IN AND EATS THE FEMALE and IK's like ':)))' while the boys stare in horror.
IDR how the episode ended or how much I watched, but I remember thinking 'wow american cartoons are hardcore. I'm sticking to pirated pokemon from now on.'
And you are telling me that show had lesbians in it leter????
oh my god im so sorry but imagining you watching that swan scene as a 10 year old is so fucking funny, i can understand why you stuck with pirated pokemon LOL
adventure time is absolutely very fucked up in a lot of different ways. the early seasons leaned into that type of absurd shit you just described a lot more especially. while the later ones actually started getting more existential and building on the worlds lore.
there wasnt exactly a focused plot, per say. i mean, there was, but it wasnt something methodical and planned out, it was played by ear. and i think it really worked. the way they did it turned out a really cool magic system (based on the idea that reality is just collective perception, and magic users are aware of this and can manipulate perception ergo reality. but the more cosmic knowledge you have the more insane or depressed you become etc especially if youre mortal), and also cool world building (it takes place in a post apocalypse after a nuclear war, now far into the future the face of the earth has completely changed but the horrors unleashed still impact it today), and also a lot of really amazing themes (the world is always changing and nothing is ever permanent, but no matter how things change things also stay the same, in a different way. especially where bonds and love are concerned. everything stays.)
and YEAH there are lesbians (i mean i always hc marcy as bi but still). and they also come from the shows improvisational nature. theres a lot of genuinely really amazing relationships and plotpoints born out of that to me. like, as the show starts to get a lot more thematically dense later on it can seem like a weird shift. some ppl say it got pretentious over time bc its not as goofy (its still pretty goofy lol), but i think it worked... like... perfectly.
because its a coming of age story where the main character actually ages, it actually feels so right that the world around him begins to seem different too. it makes sense that when he was 12 we were doing stupid goofy adventures, when he was 15 we were watching him deal with a lot of really fucked up trauma, and when he was 17 we watched him learn to grow as a person who thinks beyond simple terms of good and evil.
i know im tottaaallly rambling at this point but theres really an insane amount to talk about with adventure time. the timeline alone is ridiculous. but mostly i think my passion comes down to the fact that i was also growing up with the story, always around the same age as the mc going through similar stuff... even now, the story is focusing on a depressed 20-something trying to find whimsy in her life again. and technically the last episode timeline-wise is about accepting death lol
so like idk how exactly id recommend it to a new viewer, its really possible that a lot of ppl wont be able to really tolerate the early seasons as adults (i mean, i think theyre charming, but i have nostalgia goggles lol). that being said i think that its a series totally worth a shot for everyone... eventually. if it sounds interesting you just gotta accept the goofiness at first and trust that youre in for something wild in a totally different way later on. and totally unique and cool and special in a way nothing else has really been able to capture for me since.
TL;DR: no yeah the show was incredibly fucked up and that swan did eat that other swan. but it does have themes and also lesbians.
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mikami · 5 months
I found an interesting question on reddit
I guess it makes him look to the task force like he's trying to "do" something about Kira, but L already talked through this option with the task force and determined it would be a bad move because it would provoke Kira to kill innocents instead. So Light could have just kept up that pretense of respecting L's decision/wishes and not done anything while continuing to benefit from gaining information on criminals via news outlets.
But instead he did this and just as L predicted when reporting on criminals' names and faces was ended, instead anon flooded the internet posting the information of alleged 'criminals' with no proof that they committed or were even suspected in any crimes. So for 5 years essentially Reddit/4Chan was Light's main source of information on who to kill?
If Light is sincere about trying to make the world a better place and truly only wants to kill proven criminals this makes no sense, it just makes it much harder for him to do that.  Am I missing something?”
What are your thoughts on this
The 'no proof that they committed or were even suspected in any crimes' part is conjecture, if i am not totally mistaken - and I think it is reasonable conjecture to make based on current day society and internet? But I think this is also one of the things where perception now is very different than it was in 2005 when this plotpoint was written.
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This is the image that is shown when this is discussed - what we see here is leaked police files, including fingerprinting data etc, not forum posts. The idea is that Light was working off basically the same information as before, just obtained through illegal means.
And I think this idea of a dark net where you can obtain reliable information that is not publicly available was a lot more believable to an audience in an era that still predates the prime internet age. People simply weren't very online in 2005 - as evidenced by lines like Misa's "I don't even use the internet", which seem ridiculous now.
From today's POV this all seems insane because manipulated information runs rampant online and we cannot conceive of a way in which this method of obtaining information is anywhere close to being reliable... but that's not what a contemporary reader might have thought.
Combining this with the knowledge that during the whole first arc Light actually researched every single case and took mitigating circumstances into account... I really don't think the 'Light got his info from 4chan' interpretation is how we're meant to see this.
(Like, I can absolutely imagine Light's standards getting looser over time, but like... not that loose.)
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mayawakening · 4 months
No Pressure Writer/Artist Game!!
Thank you @lost-in-derry !!
Rules: In a new post, post the names of all the files in your WIP folder regardless of how non descriptive or ridiculous. Let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them and then post a little snippet or tell us about it. Then tag as many people as you have WIPs. If you don't write, list your art/photography WIPs!
Stories, plotpoints and headcanons!!
•Agent Kallus: Academy Student
•Kallus gets an actual therapist
•Someone harasses Sabine and Kalluzeb are NOT about that
•Kallus helps Kanan with cooking
•The Whump-est backstory
•The evolution of Kallus
•Pre-Bahryn hatesex
•Sweet Adventure prequel
•Kanan and Hera learn to communicate (sort of)
•Accidental spicy comm call
So like, I have no idea who all has already been tagged for this, so apologies if you get tagged again lol, no response is required, and it doesn't have to be Star Wars related at all!!
@rinrose @squeegeeweegerton @astudyinpanda @hedgehogcody @princesstadashi @humankarkat @whale-biologist @meliwurm @nifftychaos @bearboyboy @astralalmighty
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terezbian · 9 months
people post about characters being "doomed by the narrative but their friend saves them" mostly just means that they don't know what doomed by the narrative means. Except in homestuck where the text itself gives characters antagonistic relationships to canon and the writer. And the biggest plotpoint involves obtaining the ability To alter the narrative itself. Because homestuck is obsessed with metanarratives to a degree that is beyond ridiculous. And Also, because terezi is the best dyke in the history of time absolutely bar none
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anarglitch · 6 months
it's a poem, not an equation
RTD doesn't care about making sense. I don't say this as a bad thing! I'm not sure I say it as a good thing either. Sometimes I like that attitude, sometimes I don't. His plots were always vibes based. Sometimes he bothers to entertain the nerds with some techobabble, sometimes he doesn't, but logic isn't his north star. If there's any structure to his process, it's something closer to poetry. Word association. Semantic games. And these can be fun! Magical even. In past seasons, they've gotten a couple tears outta me.
Plotpoints relying on the multiple meanings of "binary" or "bi" are about as silly as the "not-things", or YANA (god, YANA makes absolutely no sense, why would the chameleon circuited master in the future and the face of boe know anything at all about each other and why would they use that knowledge to make a silly cryptic acronym). Bad wolf doesn't make any sense either btw. But it's all in good fun.
The difference is this time he's playing with heavy toys. Words that carry weight. Whether you're on the (cool, sexy, smart) side that wants to see discourse around gender and sexuality well represented in mainstream media, or the (wrong, bad, stinky) side that wants to keep these ideas outside of media entirely, very few people are as neutral about it as they are about the mechanics of reversing polarities.
I liked the Bi-generation concept (cause hey, more story opportunities!). I'm not sure how I feel about the execution. Same with the metacrisis solution. I guess I'm trying to resonate with his value of thematic parallels and lack of concern about silly fictional mechanics as his artistic truth and not a personal offense. Approach it like a dialogue to an artist, not a bully. I like ridiculous sci-fi explanations, but I don't want to be someone who needs other artists to like them.
I wanna become someone who loves these wonderful stories about love, stories that love their characters too much to kill them even if it defies logic. I don't want to leave behind the part of me that gushes over fictional systems, but I want the freedom to fly away from it at will. I, too, want to be two.
Does that make any sense?
Can I find a way to be okay if it doesn't?
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indigoidiot · 5 months
It is I, anon from the 14th Dec last year. Just finished what I’m sure will become a yearly re-read of Lifeboat. I have thought about it at least once a week all year. It’s kinda crazy the impact it’s had on me, cuz I used to be a Pegoryu girlie but since reading it I’ve just went full Ryugoro truther. More than once did I have to take a break from reading and stare at the ceiling in Feelings. I cannot stress to you enough the impact this story has on me. I hope this past year has treated you well.
You are so sweet oh my god hello again I don't have the words to express how grateful I am for you and anybody else who follows Lifeboat despite my slow as hell pace bc it really is a passion project that I am dedicated to finishing and getting just right. The impact this little thing has had on both you and me still boggles my mind a little. 2023 has been a pretty involved year for my personal and irl life with a lot of changes I've been making to my routines and self-care efforts and I hope to continue that into the new year. BUT back to Lifeboat i am hoping to have another chapter up remotely soon, I'm aiming for early march at my current pace because i got stalled on one scene for a frankly ridiculous amount of time and I finally cleared that hang-up spot a couple of days ago. The story beats we're coming up on are also pretty major and bc of that I'm refining and refining leadups and plotpoints so everything ties up nicely :) Thank you so so so much for your message and nice to hear from you again!!! As a little treat have a teeny tiny snippet of a scene I just finished refining <3
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eldesperadont · 1 year
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now with Jay White having left njpw ….. im mourning all the interesting development for his character that they didnt do. It makes me so tired of njpws „longterm booking“ and how it doesnt really work with their big name gaijins cause nobody stays long enough like an Okada or Naito.
since he joined Bullet Club it’s basically been the same plotpoint on repeat with some characters around him getting changed and replaced, and everytime sth happened that had me hoping for bigger development it just .. was the same again.
And i know im not alone with having wanted more out of Jays character, just look at the fan reaction to his WK loss to Ibushi, how that match and the promo afterwards got people to genuinely care for this pathetic asshole, cause of Jamies amazing performance as a broken insecure fucked up dude. Wishing for a faceturn or literally anything that wasnt the same “oh actually im great and im gonna ignore my issues”-thing again.
Over the last 5 years ive seen so many interesting ideas and speculations fans had about what we were shown on screen, but barely any of it actually led anywhere. (the amount of times they could have done an interesting betrayal with interesting fallout is driving me insane, instead they dragged this storyline forward like a corpse till Jay left)
I know that they needed Jay in that role with BC cause it makes them money, but as someone who enjoys wrestling the most cause of the stories: they are not getting me to pay for their product when i constantly have to hold back my excitement over sth cause the chance of it actually leading somewhere satisfying has been so damn low in the last 2-3 years.
from the top of my head: the last njpw storybeats that stayed with me and had me go „god this is why i watch wrestling“ were
Ibushi vs Despe cause of how perfect it was with their history (and that was on accident!! If hiromu wouldnt have been injured we wouldn’t even have gotten that)
the ELP/Robbie single matches saga
pretty much all of Jays big matches, BUT *read the above paragraphs again*
Hiromu and Desperados first BOSJ Final match cause of everything leading up to it and everything in the match - after that they kinda hit the repeating storybeat problem too
double champ Naito.
But also way too many that led nowhere/had immersion breaking ridiculous outcomes (I’ll never be over how dirty they did Kenta with that stupid US title).
Theres small stuff inbetween that i enjoyed, and theres definitely stuff i missed that i might have loved if i would have seen it, which i didnt cause all my issues with their product led me to stop watching 🙃
anyways: i have a toxic love hate relationship with NJPW and all their characters that i like are my ocs now, i took the kids in the divorce
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designernishiki · 11 months
nishiki 12, 29?? 👀 i want to create chaos -squishy
sorry this was so late aghsdhahdh I always write too much and then have to whittle things down a bit so my thoughts are comprehensible
12. sexuality hc?
wellll I can pretty easily accept either gay or bi, but the way I interpret some of his actions/history/behavior/etc makes my personal view of him lean more towards gay than anything.
he’s never really shown real interest/attraction to women beyond using them as status symbols, and the whole thing with yumi made no sense (for him and kiryu both- you know my opinion on that plotpoint by now) and if I had to explain it rather than ignore it I’d have to say it was a weird half-assed excuse he came up with to explain some of his actions instead of addressing his actual issues at first.
but yeah I mean come on. have you SEEN reina. she’s cool and ridiculously pretty and goes above and beyond to care for him and others in general and etc etc etc, she was interested for YEARS and he never reciprocated At All. to me the Easiest explanation for that, whether he was aware of it or not (probably not), is just. him not really being into women. and possibly (at least at first) respecting reina enough to not fake her out and treat her like the girls that he had hang around him at the bars to look good to his superiors. in fact I think if he were to open up about all this to anyone it would be her (drunk, crying).
idk, a lot about him just sort of makes sense when you consider him to be gay and very repressed. boy’s got identity issues off the SHITS already, so it ties into that quite naturally.
29. how do you think they would be as a parent?
I think it depends on where he is in his recovery (mentally and physically) and the circumstances leading to that parenthood. similar to kiryu, I think he’d connect with orphans well and empathize with them strongly for obvious reasons. if he were to spend time in okinawa, perhaps to help him recover after The Incident, he’d be pretty closed off and prickly with everyone, kids included, at first– but honestly I think they’d help alot to get him to open up, regain trust, and enjoy life again. I don’t think he’d want to do it alone, or trust himself to, but he could end up fitting in pretty naturally as a guardian to them, and on the flip side, he’d benefit from having genuine care and lack of judgment through a tough recovery.
(I think he’d become quickly attached to riona above all else due to them sharing some feelings about their burn scars and how they look, and survivors guilt surrounding their parents)
#nishiki#asks#rambling#this was my only ask from this ask game and I was still ridiculously late agdhdshshshdhd#sorry squishy it’s not u it’s me………..#I have a LOT of thoughts about that situation of nishiki at morning glory during recovery and all that….a lot of thoughts#I mean shit having to cope with the burns is one thing but getting used to an entire limb missing potentially??? that’s a MAJOR lifestyle#change that everyone would end up helping with at least a little I think#I can just imagine him going to help the kids play baseball on the beach and realizing as soon as he picks up a bat that he doesn’t have#two hands to swing with anymore and that just sorta. breaking him#it’s reminding me of an oc of mine who lost an arm in a train/car collision and afterwards when he was having to return to everyday life#(especially before getting a prosthetic) he goes and tries to cook for his fiancé before he gets home and his fiancé ends up coming home to#find him on the floor on his knees in the kitchen with some stuff knocked over on the ground that he presumably tried to pull from the#cabinet and hold with his arm that isn’t there or something along those lines and he’s just. sobbing.#his fiancé ends up helping him out and holding things for him and all that but yeah point is I feel like nishiki would have alot of these#kinds of moments but Worse and More Often and more regarding his appearance than anything else#cause we know this boy’s already got some major self image issues#it’s very sweet to think about how he’d bond with riona and how she’d help him open up a bit more and come to terms with his physical state#long post
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greysunshinexx · 2 years
about to commit the Tumblr equivalent of a subtweet
Tumblr media
i know.
ive watched the movie 17 times. i know its flaws. nobody is claiming it to be an unproblematic fave. and we should definitely talk about it, and above that we should let the actually affected community speak louder than us.
we have a long way to go still with how our media protray minorities. (any minority, even women. we're seeing success with female led movies like 'darlings' only recently. back in my day, female led movies always underperformed.) a very long way until we get to see them on-screen with any amount of accuracy. but that doesn't mean we can't enjoy what we have now?
correct me if im wrong, but the real harm comes from someone who watches it with no context and accepts the stereotypes as fact, because then the movie has created one more ignorant person. but if im aware that the protrayal of gond people in the movie was crude at best, then what is the harm done by me enjoying it?
you can't deny there's something there for everyone. incredible cinematography, thoughtful and rewarding plotpoints, the amazing score, and the relationship between the two main protagonists.
which brings me to the next point.
what is with the balefulness towards shippers? why are we deigned to be in the lower echelons within the fandom?? basically what ssr did was write fanfiction with real life people, and when we do it with the fictitious versions he made, it's wrong/something to be shamed or ridiculed?
what you're telling me is that writing about two men who never met as friends is ok in your book. but when it's reading the chemistry between two onscreen characters as romance, it's no good. why? is it because you view gay romance as inherently more offensive? bromance shipping and romance shipping are pretty much the same on one main front -- connection. between the two or more shipped characters, and between those characters and the audience member. if you think one kind is amenable while the other isn't... check yourself.
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kiitoskiitos · 2 years
what did you think of quackity’s final lore stream omg!! i know you’ve been busy so get back to this ask whenever you can!
<3 <3 <3 <3
cc!quackity did an incredible job, his passion and dedication is intoxicating. hearing him shyly yet so excitedly address chat after an emotionally heavy creative project like that is one of the best things in the world. simping, parasocially obsessing, maybe a little horny grip, you name it, i do it.
thoughts-vice it took me a while to process this lore stream actually. i get too lost on how annoying big-bad-dream plotpoints are even if this time it was fully justified (it does work since dreams need for revenge is based in quackity's horrible actions, it's one part of the massive house of cards now falling on Q).
As it often is for me, only the writings and reactions i read here on tumblr actually end up solidifying how i feel. This piece is incredible.
I do respect the concept of Slimecicle being just an embodiment of everything wrong with Quackity's hardened cruel current personality and actions finally catching up to him and ending him. But I've mostly seen slime as way more independent and emotionally mature, hiding an immerse character behind his "malleable" form. So I think he kills Quackity out of empathy in the end. He realises nothing less severe than death will be able to change Quackity. Even Slime's own death couldn't do it, actually only hardening the dis-illusion and trauma coping mechanisms, as seen in the way Q creates the slime army (i'll be real this was a bit too silly for me at first. mcrp, never change. bless up.) mixing the way his self worth is tied to his accomplishments (he needs for las nevadas to succeed) to his unresolved mourning for his dead friend (he isn't thinking clearly, he's literally recreating zombie version of slimecicle). this is not hot girl behavior. your employees are feeling very awkward rn. (also love the way people pointed out that foolish doesn't confront quackity in any point no matter how wild he goes, since they are not real friends, he's only there due to manipulation and business.)
(and i think there is obviously the compicated way the slime and Q relationship was.... not good. i still don't know how to view it. did quackity truly have someone he treated as an equal and trusted, or did he see slime as someone trust worthy only because he was, in his eyes, innocent and controllable. I think it is very fresh for slime to kill him, it's a clear switch of powerbalance between them -> at least in quackity's eyes, since i see that slime has always had way more self control and choice among the two of them aka power)
god, im so happy how this ended. i was fearing it would end in either only punishment and crucification or acceleration of greed and power. but these creators truly love their characters so much, its beautiful. Quackity going around and apologising, both for his own sake and others. HOT GIRL MOMENT!!!
also, i genuinely adored the scene between ranboo and mexican dream. they really went to limbo just to perform a boke and tsukkomi routine. though i don't even know which one is which because ranboo is the one being ridiculous tbh. Just truly... the visuals in that scene, the ways they both cope with being there, how neither's way is better, ranboo's "acceptance" which grants him no clarity or peace, Mexican dream's fragile denial which however makes him more versatile in this situation. It is probably one of my all time favorite scenes from dsmp. wanted it to last for way longer and it wont leave my head :D
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