eretsmalak · 9 years
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eretsmalak · 9 years
iris west in 1.12
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eretsmalak · 9 years
“When I walk into a church, I only see paintings of white angels. Why?" 
Eartha Kitt
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eretsmalak · 9 years
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                                                       GIRLS SUPPORTING GIRLS.
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eretsmalak · 9 years
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Martin Vlach | Tumblr
Untitled, 2011
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eretsmalak · 9 years
oorworm replied to your post:“You smell old.”EXCUSE— “You smell like feces.”...
"/old lady~/"
“What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I’ve been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I’m the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across theUSA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You’re fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “clever” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You’re fucking dead, kiddo.”
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eretsmalak · 9 years
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But ayyyyy, considering Nanathiel was a Principle class Angel, a third sphere, and worked with Powers class Angels--She’s pretty powerful. Not so much now, more than likely a husk of her former glory but she can still be scary when angered or threatened.
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eretsmalak · 9 years
“You smell old.”
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“You smell like feces.” #SMITED.
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eretsmalak · 9 years
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eretsmalak · 9 years
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eretsmalak · 9 years
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Greg Pths
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eretsmalak · 9 years
⊰ Ⅸ▊ ;┈ taste-likedeath ⊱:
She wonders if snapping her teeth would make the angel flinch, but not yet.  There’s still time to spook her, and now would be a better time for consideration.  Either the angel’s been trained well, or she’s seen her fare of action.
"I’m not here without purpose."  The reply opens for the possibility of other questions.  It’s an inadvertent test, the devil decides.  "Can you say the same?  Or are you not allowed to answer questions like that?"
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Her lips curled up into a smile, the whites of her teeth showing.  As far as she was concerned, she held the authority here - even if they where from opposite factions.
Her former reply catches the angel's interest but she makes on move to question it. Were they not ALL here for a purpose? The defining moments were either black or white, sometimes grey. She figured the demon would prefer the darkest b l a c k. Yet a sneer does not don her visage, instead that smile remains, all knowing and gentle as the cypress leaves.
"I could." There was no harm in replying to a simple question like that.
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It was a tricky answer. For she was and wasn't. Purpose, reasons--Fate--It was all in a plan and she strayed from it, but still lingered on the map. How old was this demon? Already in a huff to prove dominance and claims on what it had. Baring t e e t h in what lingered behind such a smile, shark grin that would gobble her up in she dared to make a mistake. So haughty. 
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eretsmalak · 9 years
⊰ Ⅸ▊ ;┈ veillleur ⊱:
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    “It is not in my description to end others such as you, Nanathiel.” Once, & now no longer. Humans took the mantle of their priority until the next uprising comes forth. Wings of their own stretched, easing out in slow increments before shuffling near his back. Watchful lenses took in her human vessel ( & what laid beneath ); sympathy shown in the slight twitch of his stare.     He settles once more, position unmoving. “You all are missed, every last one.” Although he could not speak for the views of the rest of his siblings. Battle wounds & scars continued to cut deep eons after, memories as powerful as those brought them. “I was in the area & made the decision to follow a familiar aura.                                                    It was yours.”
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A swift movement as she caught that symapthy, though hidden, though nimble--She felt it pang the very roots of her bones. Deep brown, nigh black that reeked of fresh earth after the rainfall and sizzling metal, wings unfurl fully and shield her from his gaze; a poor attempt to soothe herself, provide comfort in her shame and in his words that brought such a pain within. "What is there to be missed if we were never in His eyes, Rem?" Gentle pessimism tinges her words, softness as well as pain (Too long with the humans that she once despised--She's adapted; they've changed her).
Slowly, her wings lower as her gaze remains on the ground strewn with assorted leaves and the occasional chipmunk that jumped through them and out in playful nature. "I'm sorry you have to witness me in such a state." Quiet. Calm.
Yet, she dons that cheerful smile once more, though mourning is worn like the veil it is on her earthy features. NANATHIEL twitches inside but the vessel does not (Centuries passed and already the two have fused; the angel weeps gently for the soul but the soul does not), "It's good to see a brother or sister down here, yet troubling. Is everything alright?"
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eretsmalak · 9 years
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and you and i will fall, too / from the beauty that we once knew
for the homesick pariahs, the saints turned sinners; the angels that god cast out and threw away to rot on the wayside. [listen.] 
for the unholynet.
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eretsmalak · 9 years
⊰ Ⅸ▊ ;┈ glaswen ⊱:
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    He hadn’t expected to be caught. Not here, not by her. A swear is marked in the forefront of his mind as digits tense to coil around the object of her focus. His smile in exchange of her own rings insincere & a full-out feint; but if there’s anything he’s unused to, it’s random queries sprung out with naivety. & that enthusiasm made her look full of it.       Precious moments of quiet fleeting, he brings the object a little more closer to himself ( He’s going to hug it soon. Maybe. )              “It’s nothin’.”            He couldn’t exactly find an excuse for the bong he was holding.
"But you make water to gas! That is...Extraordinary!"
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"You humans and your creations never cease to amaze me!" Oh! If she had her ring, her incandescent bones would be a beacon to all in all her jovial delight at this boy and his glass. Never had she seen such a feat, nor an item in question, that he was holding (whether it was of v i c e; unbeknownst to her).
"So, tell me. How does it change forms? What gas is this? It isn't helium...?"
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eretsmalak · 9 years
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“Skin”, 2012
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eretsmalak · 9 years
⊰ Ⅸ▊ ;┈ oorworm ⊱:
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      “I meant no offense. I forget how  … fragile you angels are. Are you one who fought in the first war? A watcher, perhaps? Or were you one of those that fell along the path?”      Tarnished  eyes remain on her, an intent mask worn if only to focus on the moving colours bountiful before them. They could hear the stiffening of her tone, and in turn the lips of their vessel would only lift. Dead & gone was the human spirit who once possessed it, his image living long past his original due date. “I have had guidance once, or I would not be where I am now.” They’re stifling the smile being so plainly bared on their face. “Much like you once had, I believe.     & I am here for nothing in particular.”
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"And demons are without their p r i d e, hmm?"  Though fallen, she still considered herself something of what she once was. Remnants, pieces, flittering of gold flecks and essence that clung to her so. A simple return to what it spoke of, her smile remains, genuine, as she perched on a nearby log blanketed with moss. The cool of the grass 'neath her feet offering comfort to the raging hellfire that o o z e d forth those tenebrific eyes. "So, curious. What do you believe me as?"
She is perhaps older than it. 
             A guardian that f e l l but a guardian nonetheless.
"I see. You've strayed so far..." But so has she. Two sides of the same coin, with a blurred line of difference. "Just a conversation? Actions beget reasons as reasons beget actions."
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