#retinitis pigmentosa
gortycs · 1 year
Since our lovely new execs have decided that the department I work for is redundant and to be shut down, I will be out of a job by the end of February. I’m currently in talks with a lawyer to help me figure out what the best way forward would be here. However, until I am (hopefully) granted advisory assistance, I’ll have to pay these costs in advance, which is 190€ an hour (proof, although in German, can be provided). Not to mention that I desperately need money for tuition for the upcoming semester (to be paid by January 15th). Believe me, I am deeply ashamed and distraught to have to do this, but I don’t know how else to cover these particular costs. Finding a job as a disabled person (again, proof can be provided) without a driver’s license and on such short notice while studying is near impossible. Every single Euro counts, I do wholeheartedly mean that. To cover the aforementioned costs, I currently need an estimate of 500€ (for tuition and legal fees). My P*yP*l is [email protected] Thank you so very much in advance for sharing or donating. May 2023 bless you with happiness and health. ❤
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memoriesoftanalorr · 7 months
I really upset and angry recently because my dad always is so telling me happily or teasing me. I'll get you a cane soon. It's because I have Retinitis pigmentosa and I'm really bad at seeing things. Like it's funny. No it's not. I know some of the people who's have no health issues or disability like me is hating those people who's not like the others. It's my damn college experience. They're all was angry at me and aggressively asking what's wrong with you? It's not because they're care and it's for hurting me more. I hate my disability. And I'll never be like the others.
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aarohi285 · 25 days
The Hazards of Excessive Soorma Use: Understanding its Effects on Eye Health
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Soorma, also known as kohl, has held a revered place in traditional eye makeup across various cultures for centuries. Particularly within the Muslim community, the application of soorma is steeped in rich cultural heritage and remains a prevalent practice today. While it's widely believed that soorma can offer benefits to eye health, recent findings suggest that its excessive use may come with significant drawbacks. 
Numerous studies indicate that overusing soorma can detrimentally impact vision and lead to persistent itchiness and irritation of the eyes. Scientific research advises a cautious approach, recommending the application of soorma once or twice a day rather than indulging in frequent or prolonged use. 
While respected for its ability to enhance attractiveness of one's eyes with its deep, dark pigment, excessive soorma application poses notable risks to eye health. In this article, we delve into the adverse effects of over-reliance on soorma and underline the importance of moderation in its usage.
The Tradition of Soorma:
Soorma holds immense cultural significance, often symbolizing beauty and offering purported protective properties. Beyond its cosmetic appeal, soorma has been historically regarded for its medicinal virtues, including its soothing and cooling effects on the eyes. Nonetheless, like any substance applied near sensitive areas such as the eyes, exercising moderation and care is paramount to prevent adverse effects.
Excessive Soorma Use:
1. Irritation and Inflammation: Overusing soorma can lead to irritation and inflammation of the eyes. Ingredients commonly found in soorma, such as lead sulfide and carbon, can prove abrasive and harsh on delicate eye tissues, resulting in redness, itching, and discomfort.
2. Allergic Reactions: Soorma may contain allergens that trigger adverse reactions in some individuals, including swelling, itching, and excessive tearing of the eyes. Severe allergic responses could even manifest as dermatitis or conjunctivitis, worsening eye discomfort and inflammation.
3. Risk of Infection: Excessive soorma use heightens the risk of eye infections due to the potential breeding ground it creates for bacteria and pathogens. Poor hygiene practices, such as sharing applicators or using expired products, further elevate the likelihood of infections like bacterial conjunctivitis or styes.
4. Corneal Abrasions: Certain formulations of soorma may have abrasive properties, increasing the risk of corneal abrasions or injuries to the corneal surface. Corneal abrasions can cause pain, blurred vision, and light sensitivity, necessitating prompt medical intervention to prevent complications.
5. Lead Poisoning: Traditional soorma formulations containing lead-based compounds pose significant health risks, especially with prolonged exposure. Lead poisoning can lead to neurological damage and developmental delays, particularly in children. Ingestion or absorption of lead through the eyes can result in lead toxicity, underscoring the importance of caution when using soorma products.
While soorma holds cultural significance and aesthetic appeal, its excessive use can profoundly affect eye health. From irritation and allergic reactions to the risk of infection and lead poisoning, the drawbacks of overusing soorma are evident. It is essential to use soorma sparingly, opt for products with safe ingredients, and prioritize stringent hygiene practices to safeguard eye health. By exercising moderation and caution, individuals can appreciate the beauty of soorma without compromising their ocular well-being.
Case Study: Fatima's Eye Health Journey
Fatima, a 35-year-old woman from a traditional household, had been using soorma for years as part of her daily routine. Recently, she started experiencing persistent discomfort and dryness in her eyes, accompanied by occasional itching and redness. Concerned about her deteriorating eye health, Fatima decided to seek medical advice.
Upon examination, at Sanjeevan for Perfect Eyesight, Mumbai, ophthalmologists diagnosed Fatima with severe dry eye syndrome, attributing it to the prolonged and excessive use of soorma. The abrasive nature of certain soorma formulations had caused irritation and inflammation, leading to the development of dry eyes.
To address Fatima's condition, a personalized treatment plan was devised. This included prescription Netra Jyoti eye drops to lubricate and hydrate the eyes, along with lifestyle modifications to reduce soorma usage and improve ocular hygiene practices.
Over time, Fatima's symptoms gradually subsided, and she experienced relief from the discomfort caused by dry eyes. Regular follow-up appointments allowed healthcare professionals to monitor her progress and adjust the treatment plan as needed.
Fatima's case highlights the potential risks associated with excessive soorma use and underscores the importance of seeking timely medical attention for eye-related concerns. Through proper diagnosis and targeted intervention, individuals like Fatima can mitigate the adverse effects on their eye health and maintain clear vision and comfort.Data Insights:
Studies indicate a rising trend in eye-related complications attributed to excessive soorma use, with a noticeable increase in cases reported annually.
Analysis of patient records reveals a correlation between prolonged soorma application and the development of dry eye syndrome, particularly among individuals using traditional formulations.
Surveys conducted among affected individuals highlight a lack of awareness regarding the potential risks of overusing soorma, emphasizing the need for education and preventive measures within communities.
Fatima's journey serves as a poignant reminder of the importance of mindful usage and proper eye care practices to safeguard ocular health in today's society.
In conclusion, this blog sheds light on the potential risks associated with excessive soorma use and emphasizes the importance of moderation and caution when incorporating traditional cosmetic practices into daily routines. While soorma holds cultural significance and aesthetic appeal, it is crucial to acknowledge its potential drawbacks, particularly concerning eye health.
Fatima's case study serves as a poignant reminder of the impact that unchecked cosmetic habits can have on ocular well-being. Her journey highlights the need for awareness and education surrounding proper eye care practices, especially within communities where soorma is deeply ingrained in cultural traditions.
As we navigate the delicate balance between tradition and modernity, it is essential to prioritize health and safety. By advocating for informed decision-making, promoting safe cosmetic alternatives, and encouraging regular eye examinations, we can empower individuals to safeguard their vision and overall ocular health.
Ultimately, through education, awareness, and responsible usage, we can ensure that the beauty of cultural traditions like soorma remains harmoniously intertwined with the preservation of eye health for generations to come.
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swishyclang · 11 months
my stepdad has a tradition of wanting to be the highest man in [place] on his birthdays. it's a harmless tradition, for the most part: on "little" birthdays we do something like climb the highest hill in devon, High Willhays, or the highest hill in cornwall, Brown Willy (nomenclature debated, but it's probably from the cornish Bronn Wennili (hill of swallows) or Bronn Ewhella (highest hill), so please keep your sniggers culturally appreciative). both hills are local to us and they're not particularly arduous, so they don't require much planning. which makes them perfect for a gentle birthday walk. for reference, they're only 621m (High Willhays) and 420m (Brown Willy) above sea level. easy pickings if you're relatively able bodied.
I should probably mention at this point that my stepdad is registered blind.
on his 50th birthday, he wanted to be the highest man in england rather than just devon or cornwall, and so we packed up and went to the lake district so that we could all climb Scafell Pike.
Scafell Pike is a mountain in that way that particularly high hills are mountains (ie: a geologist said so). it's 978m above sea level - a considerable increase on High Willhays and Brown Willy - and at the top it's absolutely covered in shattered rock debris. you can imagine how much fun a blind man had navigating that. nevertheless, he persisted, and gave a deeply theatre kid speech at the summit (which has since also become tradition). it was a brilliant day out, and since then we've returned to the lake district every couple of years to climb a different mini-mountain because we all enjoyed it so much.
what's this leading up to? I hear you wonder.
this week was my stepdad's 60th birthday, and being the highest man in england was no longer enough for him. no, he had to be the highest man in the british isles.
the hubris of the man, honestly.
and so, yesterday, we climbed Ben Nevis.
Ben Nevis is 1345m above sea level, and it is a bastard of a climb even for those without sight impairments. the path is a zigzag taking you up the side of the mountain, and our poor delicate couch potato constitutions mourned the loss of the shade about a quarter of the way up. when you hit about two thirds of the way, the boulder path gives way to shale - not a problem for the sighted members of the party but my goodness did my stepdad struggle. all of this in blazing sunshine, which did wonders for the views (pictures to follow in a reblog, I promise) and absolutely wrecked our water supplies (fortunately there's a lovely burn halfway up where we were able to top up with fresh highland spring water, which seemed to make it all worth it for a while).
as we neared the top, we found residual snowbanks (always exciting when you live at the end of the island where snow is An Event), and even more shale. I'm pretty sure my mum was continuing out of sheer bloody-minded stubbornness at this point. my stepdad was disgustingly cheerful. it was agony.
and then... the summit. the most theatre kid speech I had ever had the pleasure of witnessing (some poor american woman was also present, and clearly felt obligated to listen to my stepdad's oration - she applauded afterwards). high fives were shared. my brother, who is part-mountain goat, climbed on top of the trig point to lord it over the rest of us. I pushed him off, as was my bounden duty.
now all we had to do was get back down.
you'd think that would be the easy part, right?
for most of us, you'd be correct. for my stepdad... nope! surprise! that's the hard part!
he has some sight remaining to him, you see, despite needing a guide dog to get around. it's extremely limited - think of it like... very narrow tunnel-vision, which is dotted with blank spots and distortions, plus severe light sensitivity in the sunshine and total blindness in the shadows or when the sun starts to get low in the evenings. also he has zero depth-perception for good measure.
going up the mountain was relatively straightforward for him - he has fancy light-filtering glasses that help with the sunlight-sensitivity, and he used walking poles to gauge the upward slope in lieu of his guide dog (much to Isla's chagrin, my stepdad deemed the climb too difficult for her). the shale was rough for finding where to put his feet and he did fall once on the ascent, but that was, in his words, "not bad going for a blind bloke".
on the way down, he nearly went over the edge. it was Very Dramatic. this was pretty near the top as well, so he would have made a heck of a splat. fortunately, he flailed instinctively and was quick enough to grab onto a relatively large and secure stone on his way down. the rest of the crew hauled him back onto the path (picture this: a large 188cm tall man hanging off the side of a mountain path, being tugged at by a group of frantic pasty potato people all under 165cm). we continued on.
remember that lack of depth perception and the lighting issues I mentioned earlier? those and his earnest attempt to catapult himself down the mountainside really did a number on my stepdad's descent speed. we had summited at about 1600, but we didn't reach the foot of the mountain until about 5 hours later. I spent most of the descent providing audio description of the path, since that really helps with knowing what to expect and what to use limited sight to look for. thank goodness for sighted guide training or we might have been on the mountain half the night!
blessedly, we did reach the base at last, and gleefully made a pact: "never again," we agreed, sore and tired, eyeing the new bane of our existence balefully.
he wants to climb Snowdon for his 70th.
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bpod-bpod · 1 year
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Blind Mice
Retinitis pigmentosa is one of the most common causes of inherited vision deterioration in humans. Because the disease is caused by genetic mutation, and because there is no cure, scientists consider it to be a good candidate for gene therapy, specifically gene editing – where a mutation can be corrected in target cells (in this case retinal cells) with molecular tools that replace the errant DNA sequence. And now, proof-of-principle experiments for such a treatment have been carried out in mice, with the animals’ vision being successfully restored. Notice the thin, degraded retina of an untreated mouse with retinitis pigmentosa (left), and the thicker, healthier retina with abundant photoreceptor cells (red) after gene editing (right). While many steps exist between these results and the clinic, the work provides hope that such a molecular fix may one day restore vision in patients too.
Written by Ruth Williams
Image from work by Huan Qin, Wenliang Zhang, Shiyao Zhang & Yuan Feng and colleagues
Institute of Visual Neuroscience and Stem Cell Engineering, Wuhan University of Science and Technology, Wuhan, China
Image originally published with a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0)
Research published in the Journal of Experimental Medicine, March 2023
You can also follow BPoD on Instagram, Twitter and Facebook
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corvikari · 7 months
Really trying to avoid post spamming but OH MY GOSH IT IS SO BRIGHT OUT, LIKE I EVEN HAVE MY SUNGLASSES ON TOO WTF >:[
(For those who don’t know I have retinitis pigmentosa, an eye disorder that deteriorates your eyes and can cause potential blindness. [not blind yet, doctors say i’m not legally blind so rn I’m illegally blind 😎] In my case this happens to be genetic, although I do have the strongest light sensitivity between the rest of my family who has it, sO That’s fun 👍)
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paperboy-pb · 1 year
Okay, so there isn't good art available of *everybody* yet, but I think you should all have a little somethin'-somethin' about Matthew's class. So... there's 12 kids you need to know!
1: MATTHEW I. BOSTON -- Our protagonist! Physically disabled, even though you can't see it. Often thought of as weak. He is artsy, imaginative, sensitive, and holds a great love for life itself. Wants to leave Special Ed in pursuit of a better life, due to the abuse that many of its staff dish out.
2: ANDREA Z. BELTRAN -- Matthew's best friend! Has Dyslexia & Conduct Disorder. Seen as a "lost cause" by most. She's a bit explosive, but there's more to her than that. Andrea is old-fashioned, cynical, surprisingly caring & MUCH smarter than she's given credit for. Tends to bully their bullies.
3: MATEO-RUDOLFO ("RUDY") N. DELACRUZ -- HoH (Hard-of-Hearing) boy who's known for selling all sorts of knickknacks-- snacks, fidget toys, etc.-- to his peers. Tends to hide his hearing aids under his long hair. Allegedly crushing on Aza. Doesn't talk much, not even with ASL. But his close friends know him to be serious, organized, a little uptight, & very stubborn... with a few silly or mischievous moments here and there. >:)
4: OLIVER K. HANES -- "Frenemies" with Matthew. Dysgraphic, Dyspraxic, + some other probably-undiagnosed neurodivergence. Is ALL about tech + social media-- even filming his own vlogs, skits & pranks! Oliver is very conceited, boastful, self-centered, impulsive, and a spoiled rich boy... but not at all shallow. Will always put others first when it matters the most. Close with Jack.
5: KARL HO -- One of Rudy's friends! Has Down Syndrome + Intellectual Disability. Is often babied & lowkey excluded by others... despite being (secretly) VERY perceptive. Known to be sociable, silly, messy, & chill. Absolute gamer. Loves cartoons. Always ready to talk about girls. Sometimes makes bad choices in the name of being included, like laughing along when other kids bully Matthew.
6: AZA A. KANAAN -- Disliked by Matthew, dislikes him right back. Loved by literally everyone else. Levi's "Right-Hand Man." Aza is an ADHDer, leaning way on the hyperactive side of things. Aza is rowdy, random, & LOVES immature, vulgar shock humor. Plus anything clowncore or neon. But somehow, those closest to her claim she's also the mom friend, very loyal, open-minded, and down-to-Earth. Matthew won't believe it till he sees it.
7: JACKSON ("JACK") J. MARINE -- Matthew's #1 bully since forever! Jack speaks with a very prominent stutter, which made him a bullying target. Started various sports outside of school, as well as Karate. Thus, Jack is now tough, mean, & the strongest of the boys. Uses that status to hold himself above others. Will ALWAYS take an oppurtunity to torment Matthew for some laughs. Still only has 1 real friend. (Oliver.)
8: AMELIA MILLER -- Matthew's 2nd favorite girl! Was born with one arm. Doesn't know if she's been diagnosed with anything else. Amelia is very bubbly & soft-hearted. She loves llamas, hanging out with friends, sweets, coffee, cute boys, and pretty much anything girly. More sheltered than other kids. Doesn't have much of a backbone. Seems to fear abandonment. Usually seen with Levi & Aza.
9: WILBUR B. MORA -- Matthew's now-distant family friend. Only has one working eye, which is slowly but surely losing vision anyway due to Retinitis Pigmentosa. Wilbur is a calm, collected & peaceful math / science nerd. He especially loves animals, and can & WILL remind the teacher about the homework. Introverted, but not shy. Feels VERY held-back by Special Ed academically & tends to overwork himself at other programs, trying to fill the void.
10: AARAN PATEL -- Rudy & Karl's 3rd friend! Aaran has Tourette's, which makes him a bullying target. Not only that, Aaran's also a little awkward & VERY spiritual. He's super into Tarot cards, zodiac signs, fortune-telling, third eyes, religions, etc. And all of those factors tend to weird people out. So most don't talk to him. And they're missing out; because he's excitable, easily-impressed, and always has PLENTY to say! He also has a bit of a random fascination with superheroes & the idea of magic. Never a dull moment with this one.
11: LEVI T. TRAINOR-FANG -- Matthew's #2 bully! Claims to be his best friend despite hating him. Levi never discloses what she has, but she has implied that it's an emotion thing. Levi is an edgy, dark-minded, and cut-throat Queen-bee. Like Regina George mixed with a scene kid. Starts drama for fun & feels little remorse. While she & Jack both have the most fun tormenting Matthew as they find him to be weak & a crybaby, Levi will go after almost anyone. Her other victims include Andrea, Rudy, Amelia, Aaran, Linus, and even Jack himself. Almost everyone is terrified of her. Seems to respect Aza.
12: LINUS S. TRAINOR-FANG -- Levi's twin brother & the most disliked kid in the room! He has ADHD (Inattentive type this time!) along with Epilepsy. Linus is a gloomy yet chatty emo boy who loves writing, music, dance, & spiders. Unfortunately, he's also pretentious + overbearingly desperate to be cool. Instead of being himself or seeing others as people, he makes every trend his personality, puts people on pedestals they don't want, & refuses to talk to other "unpopular" kids like Matthew or Andrea in public. Only to be called cringe by the cool kids anyway! It's a vicious cycle that he refuses to break... and Matthew is lowkey kind of concerned.
Phew, that's a lot! It... gets easier to keep track once you see their designs, I promise, lol.
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anabanana-romanova · 10 months
The Journey of Making a Nutella Sandwich at 10:30pm
I was hungry and I wanted food, this was my thought process
I want food but parents are in bed and I should be in bed. Stealth mode activated (as stealthy as a deaf and blind child with hypermobile ankles can be)
Stands in doorway contemplating whether to get my phone for light because night blindness is a thing, then said "screw it I'm going blind anyway might as well practise"
Aggressive probing the dark with foot because there are two cats roaming around and they will get in my way, also we just rearranged the furniture last week and I haven't walked through it in the dark yet
I made it to the kitchen alive, people, no cats decided to trip me up
Had to feed said cats really quietly while they were meowing like the dramatic fludfballs they are and following me around like white shadows
Cats are fed and onto main mission: sammich
t h e b r e a d b a g m a k e s n o i s e
i f o r g o t
b e c a u s e i ' m d e a f a n d i h a v e a d h d
Bread is aquired
The Nutella is brand new and unopened and I forgot the foil thing was a thing
Cue me trying (and failing) to open Nutella without making a sound
I made sammich
I then remembered we bought pineapple juice
Side quest unlocked: find pineapple juice
It was not in the fridge
It was not in the other fridge (there was a paper bag in front of the fridge door and I got so paranoid it would make noise)
It was not with all the other unopened juices
Pineapple juice is now declared missing someone send out a search team-
honestly how could you do this to me
Pineapple juice is acquired after severe silent scolding by yours truly
Mission complete: now I must make my way back in the dark, this time with no hands
Realises that walking blind with two roaming cats and a glass of pineapple juice is probably a really dumb idea
I do it anyway and I don't die. Yay.
I then eat sammich and drink juice constantly in bed while the cats continue to want attention
The end
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jude-thedude98 · 1 year
By Mr. PoetAll
Even Sandra Bullock couldn't see this Blind Side
But I try try
To see sea
Wonders of Rays
Like playing piano keys and harmonica dreams all day.
I pray
That I never end up fully blind.
From a Mr. PoetAll
To a
Mr. Hill
I had to climb that hill
To get to the top of this mountain.
A fountain of youth
I choose
To drink from.
How si
Can you remain young
Question answered -
Speak your life into existence.
Sometimes.. .you gotta be the one to believe
That although the world is painting you dark
Tell them yeah
But I still see the light in the tunnel and even if the rivers may have flooded this earth of mine
I still see Noah's Arc.
And It's high time
That I listen To The Ravens
That fly by
I notice
My iSight
May not be as 20/20 as the next guy
My American Broadcasting Company .is the exact ABC
That taught me to
Because although people can't see me in the Light that He sees
I know that in this legal darkening
I will emerge with the elegan mce of a Phoenix,
The fearless gracefulness of a dragon
And the effect cause of the butterfly wings.
And even in this RP
I promise to be as majestic as a little mermaid.
Wearing suits of birthday
Every day.
Not in a sense of nudity
But in the sense of you get what you are seeing.
So challenging
It is
To not see things
But how vision works
Is foreseeing.
Without the foresight
I could not have the insight
To envision innovation.
So I use my lack of iSight
As motivational foresight
To inspire others with insight
That no matter the challenge
No matter the sense
Or lack of ability
You always must continue to fight.
So a huge part of my story is this: I am legally blind and have been such all my life. At the age of 34, now, I know now that I have to share my story. Not just for me but for others. I've been running from this all my life but the truth is I was diagnosed with retinitis pigmentosa as a kid.
Always have eyesight problems, missing the toilet when I stand up to pee, not cleaning something properly, not being able to see things at jobs i.e. memberships at Sam's Club or barcodes at a trucking company or even more importantly the specific lip gloss that goes with another specific lip gloss at Bath & Body Works.
I have been let go from BBW, quit Sam's Club before they could fire me, quit Quizno's because I couldn't manage working fast enough and trying to see what I am doing at the same time.
Truthfully eyesight has plagued me my whole life.
I've almost walked off the pier in the middle of the night going from boat to pier. And if it weren't for my dad being there to snag my arm and hold me up and keep me from falling over where there was no light or not enough light for me to see my planned footsteps I would've been in the ocean somewhere.
Though I have walked in a pool twice without knowing where the edge was.
I laughed when I watched Taken in the scene where he was taken and in the trunk counting seconds and turns but then i started thinking that it I do that too it could save me. So in Tennessee I used that additive to count my steps. Not just the stairs but everywhere. I counted all the way from my apartment to the field I used to take my dog top to use the bathroom.
I hadn't realized then but I do know with having the same dog, Cocoa for 6 years. She used to buck and pull me and I'd always end up tripping over sticks, lnee buckling in a divitt, or stepping over jagged rocks. I realized soon enough that she was trying to warn me to walk around or a different way. Danger she was saying if you will.
I found it truly a blessing to have her as I said I still do and we are doing better. She is not certified to be my service dog or my emotional support dog but she is both.
Having retinitis pigmentosa taught me a lot about life.
The most important thing that it taught me with the addition of you really find out who's there for you is that even with no sight, some sight, or very little sight you can still see. How you may ask?
Good question and one I used to ask myself and the one I pray to.
The answer is more simple than you might think.
Sometimes sight is touching. Sometimes sight is tasting. Sometimes sight is hearing or smelling. Sometimes sight is in your dreams. But ALL TIMES sight is imagination. If you have an imagination then you have eyesight.
It's funny that I realize that even more as I'm typing this because imagination and eyesight has both 3 eyes.
Don't believe me?
Spell imagination to yourself out loud.
Then spell eyesight.
Even in spelling eyesight the e's cover each h eye. And even more deeper than that if you imagine right eye looks like two eyes and a nose so either way your foresight is fivesight and eightsight with imaginations 3 i's. .now you may think that I'm crazy, high, or off my rocker and you'd be right to think them all hut let me challenge you before you go.
Some say seeing is believing. My question to you reader who stopped by and have made it thus far, why can't you simply believe without seeing.
No one in this world can tell you that what you see or don't see is what it is or isn't what you say it is. Perception is believing. Believing is perception. And how you believe is your own perception. And how you perceive is your own belief. There is no other argument further needed.
I want you to not even think about the box that society tries to put us in. Instead think of an open sky where you are sitting on whatever makes you happy whether it be a cloud, a magic carpet, a dragon, a mermaid, a Phoenix, a football, air alone, or wjateverbyou perceive in your own imagination. With that imagination imagine ONLY the dreams that you have aspired to achieve. Once you do that think not of what you cannot do because I'm a firm believer that you CAN DO ANYTHING. Think more of, "how can I tweak this so it'll work for me and not against me?" Because the idea of working is not to work your ass off (sorry elders) instead it's to make your niche work its ass off for you.
See this come true as I have being an author of a poetry book. See this as I have with have written 7 fiction books. See this as not a challenge but a tool. And even if a challenge that should be more the reason to be a stubborn male to get up the Grand Canyon of Your Success in your own way and at your own speed. As I always tell my friends in the writing group that I have is that you should always remember imagination and opportunities are always endless. So is LOVE. And so is TIME! So find those who love to help you imagine and give you opportunities with their love. Time is inevitable. Be your authentic selves and get out of life what you want out of life because you can. No. You WILL get out of life what you want out of life.
I hope this story inspired you! And if you made it this far please reblog this and share with everybody. I'm just trying to spread love and joy. More laughter produces more peace. So please spread the peace with me.
Thank you and I love you, Reader!
Mr. PoetAll
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simplecharm369 · 1 year
Do THIS 7-Second Trick Tonight To Support Your Healthy Vision
100% Natural & Premium Ingredients
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gortycs · 1 year
Since our lovely new execs have decided that the department I work for is redundant and to be shut down, I will be out of a job by the end of February. I’m currently in talks with a lawyer to help me figure out what the best way forward would be here. However, until I am (hopefully) granted advisory assistance, I’ll have to pay these costs in advance, which is 190€ an hour (proof, although in German, can be provided). Not to mention that I desperately need money for tuition for the upcoming semester (to be paid by January 15th). Believe me, I am deeply ashamed and distraught to have to do this, but I don’t know how else to cover these particular costs. Finding a job as a disabled person (again, proof can be provided) without a driver’s license and on such short notice while studying is near impossible. Every single Euro counts, I do wholeheartedly mean that. To cover the aforementioned costs, I currently need an estimate of 500€ (for tuition and legal fees). My P*yP*l is gortlys @ hotmail.com (without the spaces). Thank you so very much in advance for sharing or donating. May 2023 bless you with happiness and health. ❤
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memoriesoftanalorr · 1 year
February is Retinitis Pigmentosa (RP) Awareness Month. That's rare eyesight issues.
I have Retinitis Pigmentosa probably from childhood but it get worse when I'm get 18 years old, few days before college. Is this ruined my life? Huh kind of but now at least I can read and watching TV but it hard to watch anything on PC sometimes. Sadly. Well yeah I'm sucker I'm didn't get a job. But at least I learnt how to cook. I don't even know if I should write my experience with my college life huh, it's still haunting me in my dreams but I have few nice memories.
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cxyotl · 2 years
happy disability pride month. im proud to be the best breaking bad lovin schlannie with retinitis pigmentosa in the whole world.
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percki · 19 days
one thing they don’t tell you about getting diagnosed with a chronic disease or a disorder is that you get REALLY good at explaining it in ten words or less
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aarohi285 · 20 days
Exploring Advanced Eye Care Technology: Understanding Its Functionality
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In the rapidly evolving landscape of modern healthcare, technology plays an increasingly crucial role across all sectors, including eye care. The importance of maintaining optimal eye health cannot be overstated, as vision is fundamental to our daily lives. In this blog, we will delve into the significance of technology in the field of eye care and how it has revolutionized treatment approaches for various eye conditions.
Historically, traditional methods of eye care often relied heavily on surgical interventions or alternative treatments such as Homeopathy or Ayurveda. While these approaches have been effective to some extent, they often posed limitations in terms of efficacy and accessibility. However, with the advent of advanced technologies, the landscape of eye care has undergone a remarkable transformation, offering innovative solutions and improved outcomes for patients.
In today's fast-paced era, where technological advancements are occurring at an unprecedented rate, eye care has transcended the boundaries of conventional practices. Researchers and medical professionals have embraced cutting-edge technologies to address a wide spectrum of eye disorders, ranging from common refractive errors to complex retinal conditions.
One of the notable advancements in eye care technology is the development of non-surgical treatment modalities for various eye conditions. Conditions such as Retinitis pigmentosa, optic neuritis, color blindness, and squint, which were once predominantly managed through surgical interventions, can now be effectively treated using non-invasive approaches. These advancements have not only expanded treatment options but have also minimized the risks and complications associated with surgery.
One of the prime examples of this can be one research case study of how complementary medicine is effective in treating RP. While surgical procedures like LASIK and cataract surgery remain prevalent, complementary therapies such as acupuncture, natural nutritional  supplements, and dietary modifications have demonstrated promising results in improving eye health and visual function.
In addition to innovative treatment approaches, technological advancements have also enhanced diagnostic capabilities in eye care. Advanced imaging techniques, such as Optical Coherence Tomography (OCT) and retinal scanning, enable precise assessment of ocular structures and aid in early detection of eye diseases. These non-invasive diagnostic tools allow clinicians to identify and monitor subtle changes in the eye, facilitating timely intervention and improved patient outcomes.
In India and around the world, several renowned eye care centers are at the forefront of utilizing advanced technologies and integrated treatment approaches:
1. Sanjeevan for Perfect Eyesight (Mumbai, India): Recognized as one of the top 4 eye clinics globally, Sanjeevan for Perfect Eyesight offers state-of-the-art non-surgical treatments and integrated methods utilizing advanced technology. With a proven track record of treating thousands of patients worldwide, Sanjeevan specializes in managing severe eye disorders such as Retinitis pigmentosa. Their comprehensive approach includes vision therapy, micro-current stimulation, hydrogen therapy, natural nutritional supplements, electro-acupuncture, and dietary guidance.
2. Eye Health Institute (Westfield, New Jersey, USA): Dr. Andy Rosenfarb, a leading expert in the field of integrative eye care, has been pioneering innovative treatments for degenerative eye disorders since 1997. His holistic approach combines Traditional Chinese Medicine, Naturopathic Medicine, and cutting-edge therapies to improve vision and preserve eyesight for patients worldwide. Utilizing techniques such as micro acupuncture, acu-laser therapy, electro-acupuncture, and functional medicine, Dr. Rosenfarb addresses underlying health issues to promote holistic well-being.
3. Bumrungrad Medical Eye Center (Bangkok, Thailand): The Eye Excellence Center at Bumrungrad International Hospital is renowned for its specialized ophthalmologists and cutting-edge treatment modalities. With a focus on delivering expert care and achieving superior outcomes, the center offers a comprehensive range of services, including advanced diagnostics, medical and surgical treatments, and personalized patient care.
Advanced eye care technology has ushered in a new era of possibilities, offering innovative solutions and personalized treatments for a wide range of eye conditions. From non-surgical interventions to integrated holistic approaches, patients now have access to a diverse array of options to address their vision needs. As technology continues to evolve, the future of eye care holds promise for further advancements, ultimately improving outcomes and enhancing quality of life for patients worldwide.
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bpod-bpod · 2 years
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Building Sight
Tucked away in the retina at the back of our eyes are specialised cells called photoreceptors that convert light into electrical signals to fire towards our brains. A hereditary disease called retinitis pigmentosa causes these cells to degenerate over time leading to blindness. Photoreceptors have an outer ‘light-sensing’ segment (green) and an inner segment that acts like the cell’s engine. They‘re joined by connecting cilium (CC) made up of molecular scaffolding called microtubules (magenta). Patients with retinitis pigmentosa can have structural CC defects, but what those changes looked like was unknown. Using a technique called expansion microscopy, researchers observed retinal tissue in mice with a resolution never achieved before. They found that a group of four proteins were essential for the thin and bridging CC to form, acting like a zip bringing the two photoreceptor segments together. Without this molecular zipper, the scaffolding collapses, the photoreceptors collapse (the dishevelled green layer) and can’t survive.
Written by Sophie Arthur
Image from work by Olivier Mercey and colleagues
Department of Molecular and Cellular Biology, University of Geneva, Geneva, Switzerland
Image originally published with a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0)
Published in PLOS Biology, June 2022
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