#repetitive body focused behaviors
sabertoothwalrus · 9 months
I feel like BFRB’s are REALLY common despite being so stigmatized, and I wanted to see how many of you are out there :)
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goose-onthe-loose · 9 months
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whump-or-whatever · 1 year
Non-verbal Anxiety/Stress Indicators
For all those whumpees who try to hide how they're feeling from others or might not even realize themselves what they're feeling.
Wringing hands
Tapping/shaking foot or leg
Rubbing hand along leg or arm
Fidgeting with sleeve/zipper/loose string/etc.
Body-focused repetitive behaviours (twirling hair, biting nails, picking at skin, etc.)
Pacing/rocking/inability to sit still
Tapping fingers
Touching/rubbing face
Holding on to a comforting item
Darting eyes
Positioning oneself with back to wall/facing door
Looking around for potential exists/sources of danger
Staring unseeingly into the distance
Trying to make oneself seem smaller (slouching, crossed arms, curling up, leaning on something, etc.)
Angling body away from others
Avoiding eye contact
Tense facial features (clenched jaw, furrowed brow, pursed lips etc.)
Stiff body and posture
Cold hands/chills
Clammy hands/sweating
Numbness in extremities/chest pain
Being unresponsive/unable to speak
Quick shallow breathing/difficulty getting a full breath
Paler than usual complexion
Feel free to add any others y'all can think of!
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neuroticboyfriend · 7 months
the stigma and ableism towards mental health struggles like self harm, eating/feeding, substance use, and body-focused repetitive behavior disorders is incredibly frustrating and cruel. people aren't immoral for having behavior based health problems. it's not their fault they're struggling, and even if they're doing bad things, they still need help and support.
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sin-esthezia · 5 months
shoutout to ppl with trichotillomania (hair pulling disorder). love yall. remember you’re valid whether or not you have significant/noticeable hair loss and whether or not your hair loss is easy to hide. you’re valid whether you choose to hide your hair loss or not. you’re valid no matter what you look like. i hope everyone reading this who pulls their hair can get to a place where their pulling does not cause them any distress. sincerely, someone with trichotillomania
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bpdgotmelike · 1 year
does anyone also suffer from body-focused repetitive behaviours (like trichotillomania and skin picking) i really want to talk about it but i don't see many people do that on here
edit: i forgot to mention on this post that i made a bfrb safe space discord server! feel free to join here:
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youremyonlyhope · 5 months
Living with Body Focused Repetitive Behaviors
Me: *Is super stressed over life.*
Trichotillomania: Time to pull some hair! C'mon. You won't even notice you're doing it. It'll make you feel better.
Me: NO. *Spends 4 days putting hair in a mini twist protective style* There.
Dermatillomania: Hey. Your hands are free. And restless. And dry... Pick your skin. Bleed. Bleed.
Me: Stop! *Starts up a new crochet project to keep hands busy.* Ok cool.
Onychophagia: Hi hi. Your nails are.... perfect biting length... you should do that.
Me: Noooooooooooo *Paints nails.*
Dermatillomania: Oh look, you got some nail polish on your skin. Pick it off... now pick some more...
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scrupulosity-et-al · 2 years
people with trichotillomania aren’t ugly for having bald spots, short or missing eyelashes, or patchy eyebrows.
people with excoriation disorder aren’t ugly for having scars, scabs, and uneven skin.
people with BFRBs aren’t ugly for walking around with evidence of their mental illness on their body — rough skin, short nails, and scars of all kinds are not ugly
y’all are great just the way you are, and I hope you’re not feeling too self-conscious at the moment. you deserve to feel valued regardless of the visible signs of your mental illness
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my-autism-adhd-blog · 10 months
Hello everyone,
I thought I would share some information about body-focused repetitive behaviors (BFRBs). According to this article:
Body-focused repetitive behaviors (BFRBs) include any repetitive self-grooming behavior that involves biting, pulling, picking, or scraping one’s own hair, skin, lips, cheeks, or nails that can lead to physical damage to the body and have been met with multiple attempts to stop or decrease the behavior.
Types of BFRBs:
Hair Pulling Disorder
(Trichotillomania) causes people to pull out the hair from their scalp, eyelashes, eyebrows, and other parts of the body resulting in noticeable bald patches. Approximately 5-20% of people who have hair pulling disorder also swallow the hair.
Skin Picking Disorder
(Excoriation) causes people to repetitively touch, rub, scratch, pick at, or dig into their skin, resulting in skin discoloration, scarring, and even severe tissue damage and disfigurement.
Nail Biting Disorder
(Onychophagia) causes people to bite their nails past the nail bed and chew on cuticles until they bleed, leading to soreness and infection.
Cheek Biting
Often referred to as "cheek chewing," chronic cheek biting can result in a myriad of complications. Redness, painful sores, and tears can occur in the mucosa, which is the inner lining of the mouth.
I will leave the full article below for anyone who wants to read it. I hope many of you found this helpful.
Body-focused repetitive behaviors (BFRBs)
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thelocalweird · 5 months
Yeah you support mentally ill people, but are you normal about bfrbs?
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safety-net-did · 1 year
Brain: remove skin
Me: whyyy?
Brain: gotta.
Me: ah yes, of course.
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a-linearis · 1 year
to my fellow humans struggling with bfrbs (body focused repetitive behaviours):
you are not a monster, you are not disgusting or shameful, you are a person worthy of love and care and respect :)
About a week ago, I had one of the worst episodes of skin biting in months, I'm doing better now but I wanted to put some tips and reminders here!
I didn't know that there was terms for my behaviours until like a few months ago (even though this has been a thing since I was really young), since shame and stigma got in the way of anyone in my family actually doing any research/getting me help (i.e. i had to deal with it on my own :<)
[note: a lot of these are for dermatophagia/onychophagia since I can talk from personal experience, feel free to add your own advice!]
Water is a big thing that can be triggering, since it can reveal flaps of skin (when your skin absorbs the water and your skin goes wrinkly), so a lot of these revolve around water.
If the skin around your fingers is affected, go wash your hands immediately after an episode of the repetitive behaviour! Rinsing my mouth also helps sometimes.
go get yourself some (cheap) hand cream from your local drugstore. I always keep moisturiser on me to use after I was my hands/do the dishes/have a shower/anytime my hands feel dry
Wash the dishes with gloves/use a dishmatic/if you have a dishwasher and it doesn't cost too much to use you can use that
Try turning off the water in your shower whilst applying soap to your body. If showers are completely too triggering, flannels and deodorant (but at least try to shower if you've exercised/once every few days). Equally, washing your hands should be fine, but if not, then hand sanitiser (be careful of cuts though!)
I exfoliate around my fingers with brown sugar like once every two days if my fingers don't hurt, I'm not sure of the proven efficacy of it removing dead skin from the surface but it makes me feel good (it's a good replacement activity)
nail oils! jojoba oil is known to be good, but i used to use virgin olive oil because it's also good (and it was something I had at home). Right now I just use shea butter! just moisturise in any way possible!
There are some things that people say such as bitter nail solutions and gum, but I used to just chew right through those, so remember that there is no one solution that works for everyone (some of these won't help you, and that's fine)
Plasters tend to stop air from getting to small cuts on your fingers so try not to use those (they weren't very helpful for me, at least)
When your hands start healing, gloves can help, but the fabric tends to catch onto skin/nails so be careful with that (and when you're putting on clothes in general)
Nail polish/rings if you like them! You shouldn't feel like you have to wait until your fingers are better before you can look nice :)
Knitting/fiddling with rings/making sure your doing something with your hands can be useful sometimes, but it's totally understandable if you just start with one little piece of skin and you end up like completely wrecking your fingers (when you start, you often can't stop)
Be aware of possible triggers. it's very hard to do this since sometimes episodes come out of nowhere, but I know i'm more likely to start biting my skin after stressful events or during task paralysis/when my brain is "stuck" (the logic is that my brain can be "stuck" on something else instead of all these impending things i have to do but can't get myself to start doing)
Remind yourself how much your hands help you to experience the world around you - You write, read, use technology, make and eat food, play your favourite games, hug your friends and create with your hands! You owe it to yourself to keep them safe and healthy where possible. Be compassionate with yourself (it will often be in spite of the way others treat you - but we are all here for you!)
talking about it can always help too with removing guilt/shame (I am always down to talk) and reading other posts on the tags here can feel v validating (@bfrb-culture-is has been so so helpful in making me feel less alone!)
I do hope this is helpful, this post is as much for me as it is for anyone else that comes across it <3
Have a good day~
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coffee-bat · 8 months
me: picks at my skin
my brain, for whatever reason:
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serenitypoetry · 2 months
Blood Beneath My Fingernails
not attacking or defending, but a third piece of the puzzle,
that I can't resist the urges when they're washing over me.
there is blood beneath my fingernails, the urge deserves a muzzle
my fingers say I have to, say I need to see it through.
call it what you like, call it compulsive or repeated,
the title doesn't change the type of habit that I do.
and looking through the ruin of the layer I defeated
you mock the type of person that you think I choose to be.
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mintmutationx3 · 1 year
bitches will pull their skin off and then be like “why am i bleeding”. (its me i do this)
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fairiencarnate · 1 year
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Hey you can go foundation-less with spots and be cute, just sayin' 🌼
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