#ren x gakushuu
heyhellohihowareyou · 2 years
You know EXACTLY what I will request.
So, let's go with GakuRen and Karmanami for the ship bingo!
For Karmanami
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I like seeing more deep Karma ships so naturally I’d enjoy this one as well. It’s probably one of the very few bad boy x good girl ships that I like because they actually get along. Understanding each other is a huge point in relationships and these two definitely have that.
For Gakuren
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Oh boy. Asano is a pretty closed off person that strives to be perfect at everything. The fact that he has a person that he sees as the same level as him is just beautiful. They don’t have that many scenes together in canon but we do know that they’re still very close. Ren’s the only one that Shuu actually lets touch him and that alone proves their closeness.
Again, I have a hard time explaining things and I bet you can do WAY better than me. 😅
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meouwublog · 2 months
@emersondarling @heyhellohihowareyou @luna-loner @bismuthwisdom @aisha-galaxia
the cover has now acquired its final form, it was changed many times, since we could not find a suitable atmosphere for the plot, the very first version was also not bad, but it could not convey the atmosphere that I and my writing was put into the comic itself. Now this is the final result, and we definitely won’t change it. The title was also changed due to the plot. in general, if we talk about how the work is going, then we have almost completed the script itself, and I have started work on chapter 4, the work is in full swing. I devote every day and every free minute to work, I try to finalize something and remove something altogether (since I am not only an artist and an author, but also a screenwriter and editor), although it can be a little difficult since there are only two of us, but This doesn’t stop us from moving on and creating something that you might really like. I hope when you start reading this comic, you will like it and you will want to share it on social networks, thereby promoting me and my work. I say thank you in advance to those who are waiting for this project, patiently waiting for it to come out, thank you! Well, I guess I’ll finish here, see you later!
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drfirefly08 · 7 months
okay so like, my isosano where they were like friends since first year junior high? yeah i have a whole au about it in my head stirring around that i'd like to talk about, im not sure if these contradict my fic but like i did that fic months ago and then these thoughts started stirring after
so like,,, before junior high, isogai, maehara, hazama, and akabane all knew each other, theyre a friend group but maehara and akabane are super close that theyve become super gay for each other but as akabane becomes more violent he starts to distance himself from them, unofficially leaving the group during first year junior high
then isogai and asano become secret friends but then his father died so he started to distance himself too, which leaves maehara and hazama mostly being there for each other until maehara finds out about isosano and then tells hazama and the trio is a trio again but no akabane until third year first term finals where maehara talks to akabane privately to comfort him about his drop in rank to which akabane tries to push him away and maehara just snaps and yells some needed truth at him.
so during okinawa arc, akabane sees maehara is sick and panics because he hasn't apologized yet and hes still very gay for him. then after his fight with grip, isogai scolds him for being so reckless and that maehara would be extremely worried once he heard this. this kinda reignites isogai and akabane's friendship. then blah blah after everyone recovers, the quartet just sits together watching the sunrise as they talk friendship and become a full friend group again!!!
this leads to plenty of maekabane matchmaking from the other two, and after the pole toppling tournament, akabane finds out about isosano and joins the isosano matchmakers that consist of maehara, hazama, and sakakibara
so now the friend group gains two new members (asano and sakakibara) and some honorary members (the rest of the big five and the terasaka gang) who occasionally join in on their shenanigans, sometimes unwillingly
maehara and akabane get together during the valentines episode, and isogai and asano get together during third year highschool, while sakakibara and hazama are single and would like to stay single forever
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nicnsmth1 · 8 hours
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sketches at school!! one of my classmates complimented how confident my lines were and it got me really happy 🏃🏻‍♀️🏃🏻‍♀️
this page is more towards their high school life + karma, shizuha and their sister ayaka is in some sort of broadcasting club and these are their recorded memories 💀💀
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anzulvr · 2 months
୨୧ On Purpose Karma x (fem) Reader || Chapter: 04 ୨୧
Prev || 04 Oblivious || Next
— Since the entire student council was present and the library was notably crowded with students who had signed up for the lecture, [Name] entered the library on her own.
She felt guilty, having to ditch her plans with Karma after an unresolved argument they decided to brush over. To make matters worse, she has to sit through a two-hour session and watch Ren shamelessly flirt with every girl in the room. On the brighter side, this ordeal counted towards her volunteer hours.
"You're late. You missed my introductory speech."
"My fault, I'll make up for it by working extra hard!"
She mentally thanked Karma for convincing her take the longer route, saying, "It's not a big deal if you're 10 minutes late... or 30." It was impressive how Gakushuu's speeches managed to put her to sleep every time, missing it was a win in her book.
Koyama called him over, something about a broken printer and an angry librarian.
 ...aaand she was all alone again.  [Name] decided to go check on the group at the back table.
"Oh, [Name] made it—she can help us!" The first year, Chisa blissfully smiled.
"But I wanted Asano to help. [Name] could you please ask him to?" Chisa's friend insisted, clearly not as enthusiastic about the anyone-whose-not- Asano's arrival.
[Name] tried not to let it bother her, being the only girl in the student council came with a lot of pressure.
She’s just as helpful and capable as the rest of the group but no one seems to acknowledge it. Everyone calls them the “Big Five” even though there’s technically six of them as her scores tie with Seo.
"He's busy with Koyama, but maybe later."
The girl groaned and sulked laying her head on the table. Chisa looked apologetic for her friends dramatics. [Name] offered them a polite smile and said, "Let's get through your assignments then."
After half an hour of helping the girls turn in missing work, [Name] decided to take a short break. She left for an empty table in the very corner of the room, the short break turned into a long one when she got distracted texting Karma.
‧₊˚ Message Log ‧₊˚
[Name]: can we talk? im super bored!!
Karma: Whose fault is that?
Karma: should have ditched to be with me the whooleee day
[Name]: ugghhh don't. Can you believe I still have another hour of this 
[Name]: anyway what are you doing?
Karma: I bumped into Nagisa on my way back from the library
Karma: now were at Maehara's house with Rio and Fuwa.
[Name]: Rio?? That one beautiful, smart, sweet, blonde girl in your class?
Karma: Sounds like you like her alot.
[Name]: She makes me nervous
Karma: Hey that's how you used to talk about me before we went out
[Name]: I can hear the disappointment through the text lmaoo
‧₊˚ Message End ‧₊˚
"You haven't even been here for an hour and you’re already slacking off on your phone?"
"Gakushuu! Geez you came out of nowhere." [Name] shut her phone off and patted the seat next to her.
To her surprise he slumped down next to her instead of insulting her and walking off, like he usually does.
"Are you feeling alright?"
"I'm exhausted to say the least. This was a stupid idea no one is making progress, well no one but Ren, he managed to pick up quite a few desperate ones today."
"That's not completely true, I helped Chisa and her friend turn their C's to A's. As much as I hate being here it's not useless. Useless was the Bakesale we tried last year where the cupcakes we sold tasted like horse crap. It was funny watching people pretend to love them and hold back the throw up because they came from you."
"Could of stopped at the first half, but thanks, I think. My father said I wasn't being organized enough, that this would be a failure on my half and an embarrassment on his."
"That's a little harsh, you're doing your best and you've done more than anyone else in the council. Ren's been giving out his number more than he's been lecturing, Seo has been in the bathroom for 20 minutes, Teppei has been stuck on the same group this entire time and to be honest Koyama is hard to look at. Im pretty sure I saw the girl he was teaching closing her eyes while he was talking."
The corners of his mouth twitched upwards.
"You're right I'll go yell at them in a few. It's not a big deal though, My father has said much worse."
"To be fair, I haven't exactly kept my promise either. Hard work turned into hiding in a corner to text my b- actually I should get back to work, actions speak louder than words!" [Name] stood up to leave. Asano grabbed her sleeve, it was impulsive and the immediateness of it made it all the more awkward."
"Uh, Asano? Is there something you still need?" She crinkled her eyebrows.
His cheeks became somewhat pink, [Name] thought he couldn’t have been blushing, maybe it was allergies.
“No, just don't get distracted on your phone again."
"Yeah Ive got it!" She waved him off and went back to work, 
Gakushuu sat there slightly conflicted with his thoughts and his feelings, He faulted the all nighter he pulled last night, sleep deprivation does negatively impact mind clarity. He decided he should get back to work too.
Meanwhile ☆ ༄
"Let me get this straight, instead of asking me like normal people the class collectively decided to stalk [Name] and I?"
"Pretty much... but I was against it the entire time!" Nagisa replied sheepishly, to his surprise Karma's response was a relaxed nod.
"You're acting weirdly cool about this."
It sent a shiver down his spine, in a weird way Karma was scarier when he didn't react. Not knowing what he's thinking was an uncomfortable feeling.
"It's not a big deal- unless you guys tell people, that's when things will leak."
Fuwa's voice highers a few octaves in concern "What things?!" 
"Telling you would ruin the surprise wouldn’t it?”
Maehara, reckless as always chimes in “I wanted to go and see [Name] but I couldn't. We were almost a thing before you stole her ya know?"
Nagisa, being the good friend he is, rushes in to save him "That's not it at all! Isogai told us she rejected him a bunch of times since he's a womanizer!"
"I'm not a womanizer, I'm smooth."
"Smooth is the surface of the floor you'll be on when I knock your sorry ass out."
Maehara quickly moves behind Rio who changes the subject with a flood of questions;
"How long have you been dating? Why would anyone go out with you? Did you scare her into saying yes?"
"I’ll tell you if you buy me soba. Better question is: Why wouldn't someone go out with me? I’m tall, handsome, smart, charismatic… and I have a sick spice collection.”
“Im also all of those things.” Maehara jokes, cautiously this time, using Rio as a human shield.
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the bracket... again
ok uh apparently tumblr x laws posted (shredded basically) the bracket post so here it is again. tumblr gods hate me etc etc
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you can view it on this website (that I saw @ungodly-amounts-of-godly-trauma use and was actually very helpful)
tried my best to keep the matches fair, but a couple of your blorbos may get floored. I apologize
if two submissions from a piece of media made it in, they’re against each other round one
full list of rivalries (in order) below read more!
Soul and Black☆Star (Soul Eater)
Maka and Crona (Soul Eater)
Goro Akechi and Ren Amamiya (Persona 5)
Phoenix Wright and Miles Edgeworth (Ace Attorney)
Hinata Shouyo and Kageyama Tobio (Haikyuu!!)
Asano Gakushuu and Akabane Karma (Assassination Classroom)
Seto Kaiba, Yugi Muto, and Yami Yugi (Yu-Gi-Oh!)
Asuka Langley Soryu & Rei Ayanami (Neon Genesis Evangelion)
L & Light (Death Note)
Takumi and Ryosuke (Initial D)
Sanji and Zoro (One Piece)
Sugasano Allen and Yatonokami Kanata (Paradox Live)
Allen Walker and Kanda Yuu (D. Gray Man)
Tao Ren and Horohoro (Shaman King)
Leorio and Kurapika (Hunter x Hunter)
Sonic the Hedehog and Blaze the Cat (Sonic the Hedgehog)
Red and Blue (Pokemon)
Gary Oak and Ash Ketchum (Pokemon)
Isagi Yoichi and Itoshi Rin (Blue Lock)
Goku and Vegeta (Dragon Ball)
Fushi and Kahaku (To Your Eternity)
Sayaka and Kyoko (Madoka Magica)
Tsubakura Enraku and Kuroji Shitodo (Len'en Project)
Adora and Catra (She-Ra Princesses of Power)
Nakahara Chuuya and Osamu Dazai (Bungo Stray Dogs)
Moriarty and Sherlock (Moriarty the Patriot)
Lestat and Armand (The Vampire Chronicles)
Luz and Amity (The Owl House)
Hijikata and Gintoki (Gintama)
Sasuke and Naruto (Naruto)
Yusuke Urameshi and Kazuma Kuwabara (Yu Yu Hakusho)
Gojo and Geto (Jujutsu Kaisen)
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le-panda-chocovore · 1 year
New Ship unlocked : Karma x Ren after loosing Asano Gakushuu.
This ship only works if the boy they both love more than anyone else died and left them empty and angry. They hate each other, but they're the only ones that can understand what the other feels, so they comfort each other as they can (and they're bad at that). They try to not cry in front of the other because they're too proud for that, but they know. There's an awkward pat on the hair or the shoulder, a silence move to say "i understand" and "you're not alone." It grows slowly, it's shy, warm and sad.
A love that is born in death. What's more beautiful than that ?
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hellokittysasuke · 6 months
A assassination classroom x erased crossover....
Ohh my god my mind...im gonna make a fic THATS SO NICHE...
Gakushuu as satoru..which means gakuhou as yashiro,, i have no qualms abt making him a child murderer hes creepy enough anyways..ren or karma as kenya? Im leaning towards ren..
Who'll be kayo, kayano? Hm...who else..nagisa can be that other kid whos killed.....
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bbgthoma · 2 years
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asassination classroom: 1. gakushuu asano 2. tadaomi karasuma 3. ryunosuke chiba 4. itona horibe 5. karma akabane 6. yuma isogai 7. nagisa shiota 8. ryoma terasaka 9. ren sakakibara 10. rio nakamura
attack on titan: 1. armin arlert 2. ymir 3. jean kirstein 4. connie springer 5. levi ackerman 6. historia reiss 7. marco bott 8. sasha braus 9. niccolo 10. falco grice
black butler 1. vincent phantomhive 2. edward midford 3. snake 4. prince soma asman kadar 5. snake 6. sebastian michaelis 7. grell sutcliff 8. agni 9. lau 10. undertaker
bungo stray dogs: 1. chuuya nakahara 2. kenji miyazawa 3. sakunosuke oda 4. ryunosuke akutgawa 5. fyodor dostoevsky 6. ranpo edoagawa 7. gin akutagawa 8. edgar allan poe 9. sigma 10. ango sakaguchi
death note: 1. l lawliet 2. misa amane 3. mello 4. near 5. rem 6. ryuk 7. naomi misora 8. light yagami 9. touta matsuda 10. light’s sister
free: 1. natsuya kirishima 2. rin matsuoka 3. go matsuoka 4. kisumi shigino 5. isuzu mikoshiba 6. momotaro mikoshiba 7. ikuya kirishima 8. haruka nanase 9. ryuji azuma 10. seijuro mikoshiba
genshin impact: 1. thoma/tartaglia 2. kaveh 3. kazuha 4. chongyun 5. xiao 6. cyno 7. kaeya alberich/diluc ragnvindr 8. dainsleif 9. albedo 10. tomo
haikyuu: 1. yu nishinoya 2. tetsuro kuroo 3. kenma kozume 4. hajime iwaizumi 5. toru oikawa 6. hitoka yachi 7. keiji akaashi 8. kei tsukishima 9. lev haiba 10. ryunosuke tanaka
hunter x hunter: 1. kite 2. chrollo lucilfer 3. leorio paradinight 4. kurapika 5. alluka zoldyck 6. shalnark 7. killua zoldyck 8. pakunoda 9. shizuku murasaki 10. gon freecss
jujutsu kaisen: 1. toge inumaki 2. megumi fushiguro 3. mai zenin 4. yuta okkotsu 5. yuji itadori 6. choso 7. ryomen sukuna 8. utahime iori 9. kento nanami 10. suguru geto
kuroko’s basketball: 1. ryota kise 2. kazunari takao 3. tatsuya himuro 4. atsushi murasakibara 5. seijuro akashi 6. daiki aomine 7. tetsuya kuroko 8. taiga kagami 9. yukio kasamtsu 10. riko aida
moriarty the patriot: 1. james bonde 2. sebastian moran 3. william james moriarty 4. fred porlock 5. sherlock holmes 6. louis james moriarty 7. albert james moriarty 8. john h watson 9. lucien atwood 10. frida macaulay
my hero academia: 1. hitoshi shinso 2. hawks 3. oboro shirakumo 5. eijiro kirishima 4. dabi 5. mirko 6. shota aizawa 7. denki kaminari 8. rody soul 9. mirko 10. hanta sero
neon genesis evangelion: 1. rei ayanami 2. kaworu nagisa 3. toji sukuhara 4. shinji ikari 5. ryoji kaji 6. ritsuko akagi 7. asuka langley sohryu 8. kensuke aida 9. hikari horaki 10. pen pen
seraph of the end: 1. guren ichinose 2. shinya hiragi 3. mikaela hiyakuya 4. yuichiro hiyakuya 5. shiho kimizuki 6. lacus welt 7. yoichi saotome 8. makoto narumi 9. shinao hiragi 10. mitsuba sangu
sk8 the infinity: 1. reki kyan 2. miya chenin 3. cherry blossom 4. joe 5. langa hasegawa 6. nanako hasegawa 7. koyomi kyan 8. shokichi oka 9. shadow 10. reki’s childhood best friend
spy x family: 1. yor forger 2. anya forger 3. loid forger 4. becky blackbell 5. damian desmond 6. franky franklin 7. bond forger 8. sylvia sherwood 9. yuri briar (ik he’s obsessed with yor but still…) 10. henry henderson
the case study of vanitas: 1. astolfo granatum 2. dominique de sade 3. noé archiviste 4. louis de sade 5. vanitas 5. chloé d’apchier 6. jean-jacques chastel 7. olivier 8. roland fortis 9. murr 10. loki oriflamme
tokyo revengers: 1. takashi mitsuya/seishu inui 2. hajime kokonoi 3. kazutora hanemiya 4. keisuke baji 5. hakkai shiba 6. chifuyu matsuno 7. shuji hanma 8. atsushi sendo 9. naoto tachibana 10. kakucho
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Am I going to be enough for you all?
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/tyzob5T
by Animegurly09
In a world where there are people who perfect their talents, there also people who don't or can't.
But there is also him.
Poor him.
 __________________________ TW:Killing and sensitive topics
A danganronpa x Assassination Classroom AU
Gakushuu is the main focus here. Other characters will also have an important role though.
Words: 1930, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Assassination Classroom, Dangan Ronpa Series
Rating: Mature
Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death
Categories: F/F, F/M, M/M, Other
Characters: Asano Gakushuu, Akabane Karma, Shiota Nagisa, Korosensei (Assassination Classroom), God of Death (Assassination Classroom), Irina Jelavić, Karasuma Tadaomi, Ritsu (Assassination Classroom), Okuda Manami, Horibe Itona, Terasaka Ryouma, Muramatsu Takuya, Yoshida Taisei, Kayano Kaede | Yukimura Akari, Nakamura Rio, Fuwa Yuzuki, Sugino Tomohito, Mimura Kouki, Hara Sumire, Takabayashi Ikuo, Chiba Ryuunosuke, Hayami Rinka, Yada Touka, Kanzaki Yukiko, Class 3-E (Assassination Classroom), Hazama Kirara, Kimura Masayoshi, Kataoka Megu, Okano Hinata, Kurahashi Hinano, Okajima Taiga, Sakakibara Ren, Asano Gakuhou, Other Character Tags to Be Added
Relationships: Akabane Karma/Asano Gakushuu, Asano Gakushuu & Class 3-E, Asano Gakushuu & Maehara Hiroto, Asano Gakuhou/Karasuma Tadaomi, Other Relationship Tags to Be Added
Additional Tags: Blood and Gore, Killing, Asano Gakushuu-centric, Asano Gakushuu is Bad at Feelings, Protective Akabane Karma, LGBTQ Character, Plot Twists, Shiota Nagisa Is A Good Friend, Asano Gakuhou's Bad Parenting, Denial of Feelings, Denial, Hidden Talents, Child Abuse, Character Death, Gakushuu is way too intelligent in this, but I swear it has it's reasons
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/tyzob5T
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heyhellohihowareyou · 2 years
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@bismuthwisdom Oh, I’m doing it!
When I started shipping them: I’ve thought about them for a while but it’s you who fully convinced me
My thoughts: Adorable and angsty. Nice 😌👌
What makes me happy about them: The fact that Shuu actually has someone who he’s close with (whether he admits it or not)
What makes me sad about them: All the angst fics I’ve read
Things done in fanfic that annoys me: None that I’ve seen
Things I look for in fanfic: Just accurate characterization and good character writing. (I usually look for this in fics in general)
My wishlist: Just for them to be happy. Also maybe more content of them
Who I’d be comfortable them ending up with, if not each other: For Shuu, Kanzaki or Isogai (a bit weird I know) and for Ren, Maehara solely on the amount of comedic potential it has
My happily ever after for them: Shuu moving in with Ren and away from his father
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meouwublog · 3 months
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I'm back! >:)
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emersondarling · 4 years
Yo guys so I suck at writing but I have literally so many ideas for assclass fanfics and I was wondering if you guys wanted to see them and maybe use them or not? My main ideas are for KarmaxNagisa, IsogaixMaehara, GakushuuxRen, and the five virtuosos so uhm yeah?
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yaoiotakuforever · 5 years
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akabane-yum · 2 years
Ren: Happy birthday Akabane!
Karma: Oh, thank you
Ren: By the way, have you seen Gakushuu?
Karma: You mean Gakushuu who’s into older men?
Ren: What
Ren: Is there something you have to tell me?
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azz-clazz-shit · 3 years
Ren: Dont worry. No one else is going to ask Karma out.
Gakushuu: Why not?
Ren: Because Karma is terrifying.
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