#remus have a bookshop in the town and is friend with james
sunny-prongs · 3 months
Jegulily ice AU
I have see people speaking about Jegulus ice AU, I have see other people speaking about Jily ice AU, now I'm proposing Jegulily ice AU because obviously my brain is full of them
Imagine Regulus and Lily being incredible ice skaters, they are skating in duo together, winning competition after competition and often travel in the world because of that (and also dating each other)
James is just a hockey player who got hurt at his prime and needed to stop his career making him come back to his childhood town where he now teach kids around to play hockey to and is the local team trainor
One day Lily and Regulus came in the town trying to find a bit of peace since Marlene (who is Lily's best friend) told them her home was always open for them, of course they still want to go on the rink and they meet James there
At first they both hate him because James is James and they are them you know butt slowly after seing him playing with the kids and all they realize he's more than just a big ego and slowly start to like him, it's not a problem for them but for James? The poor man is lost in his feelings because how can he be in love with two people???
Eventually the couple ask him in a date and he's so confused trying to understand where is the joke and all until he realize they BOTH want a date with him and be all together and he's just exploding with happiness, taking their hands in his and leading them to the best restaurant of the town (Peter's one of course 😌)
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thebibutterflyao3 · 4 months
Day 4 - Prompt: Evoke @pandalilymicrofics
February Daily Series - 963 words
<<<Previous Part OR Start Here
Lily eyed the four blokes blocking her way suspiciously. This impasse started about ten minutes ago and three aisles over with Remus distracting her from reshelving the returns with a long-winded story about a pair of “lost ships.” He clearly thought that it was the perfect allegory for missed opportunities, but it sounded particularly absurd to hear from his lips.
Then, Sirius appeared from nowhere and steered the conversation toward social media stalkers, which was apparently a little too on the nose for Remus. When she’d finally slipped past them, James stopped her in the next aisle to ask if she was attending the Yule Festival tonight, and when she said “yes,” he proceeded to incorporate her into their collective plans. Lily managed to duck into the last aisle and reshelve the remaining four biographies in her hands, only to find all four of them blocking her exit afterwards.
“What‘s this then?” she demanded, propping her hands on her hips. “I haven’t seen you here in weeks,” Lily pointed out to Remus before eyeing Sirius and James, “and the two of you are rarely indoors for more than twenty minutes.”
She gestured vaguely at the small stack of books in Regulus’s hand. “He’s the only one who seems to know what a bookshop’s purpose is.”
“I don’t know why they’re here, but I wasn’t going to turn down a chance to buy books,” Regulus admitted with a shrug. He glanced between Sirius and Remus curiously. “Why are you here?”
“We,” Sirius said, gesturing between himself and Remus, “are here to visit with Lily. Since I’m only in town for a few more days, I thought it would be nice to spend some time together. Evoke a little friendly comradery.”
James nodded avidly, which wasn’t at all suspicious. “Right, and I’m here to buy Regulus books for the ride home. I just figured you might want to join all of us tonight.”
“All of you? And how many is that meant to be?” she checked.
“My parents, Sirius, Remus, Regulus, me, Peter, and Pandora,” James replied, ticking the names off of his fingers. “Yeah, I think that’s it.”
Lily frowned as she went through the list internally. “So, is that four couples? And me?”
“Oh, no! Pandora is my flatmate from London, and she’s coming to meet James,” Regulus assured her. “I haven’t even met Peter yet.”
“He’s a friend from uni,” Sirius replied quickly. A little too quickly.
“Remus? What’s going on here?”
Remus rubbed the back of his neck and grimaced. “A coincidence?”
“If you say so.” Lily flailed her hands at the blockade until Regulus ducked behind James and Remus stepped out of her way. “I have work to do. Can whatever you’re plotting wait until tonight?”
“So, you will join us?” James asked, rocking on his heels like a small child.
“I’ll be at the festival. If I run into the lot of you, so be it, but I’m not committing to wasting my whole night following you idiots around,” she said, rolling her eyes at Sirius’s scoff. Spinning on her heel, she glared at Remus pointedly. “If I find out you’re trying to set me up again, and I will find out, you will not like the consequences, Remus John Lupin.”
“Definitely not,” he agreed.
Sirius looked gobsmacked. “John? Remus John?”
Lily strode away with her head held high and her arms swinging at her sides. She was confident in two things after that confrontation: Remus wouldn’t dare attempt to replicate the Gideon and Fabian incident from uni and the combination of James and Sirius was asking for trouble. As if she didn’t already know those two were as brilliant as they were foolish. She just wished that they didn’t drag Remus into their nonsense.
And me. Leave me out of this. Whatever “this” is.
She busied herself straightening the display tables out front until the quartet of chaos left. The last thing she needed was to be caught up in one of their “incidents.” The Potters may be dear friends of Mr. Lupin, but their son and his friends set off her red flag alarm. Individually, they were fine, but together? Pure chaos.
“Lily? Phone call for you!” Alice called, waving from the back office.
She waved back as she reached for the handset at the register. “Thank you, Alice!”
“Hello, this is Lily, can I help you?”
A long silence followed. It wasn’t one of those creepers that breathe into the receiver, or even the empty mechanical silence of a telemarketer who hadn’t connected yet. This was…shy.
Lily toyed with the old, misshapen cord that connected the phone to the wall. Mr. Lupin refused to replace it with a cordless or headset because he was afraid they’d lose it. The man could be such a dinosaur for only being fifty-five.
“Oh, sorry. I wasn’t expecting…I mean, you caught me off-guard, that’s all.” The voice was both timid and defensive, but slowly lifting in volume.
“Alright, what can I do for you?” she repeated, keeping her tone as professional as possible.
“I was looking for a book about…never mind, you probably don’t have it.”
The call ended abruptly and left Lily staring at the archaic device in confusion. It stung a little to be dismissed so quickly, which was stupid. She hung up the phone and shook her head clear.
Leave it. Just a weird one, that’s all.
Except it nagged at the back of her mind the rest of the day. The woman’s voice was strong, but she’d rambled as though her thoughts were scattered on the floor and puzzling them together was too much effort. The hang-up was likely from her own embarrassment for being caught daydreaming, and yet…she couldn’t help wondering who she was.
Next Part>>>
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limetimo · 2 years
RAB fics I read (13-22nov)
En Avant by bluerosebouquet oh my gooood. This one is *chef kiss*. Modern AU, James is trying to cope with losing Lily (reasons unknown) and raise Harry who's like 4 with the help of his whole friend group. Then Sirius gets a word that his brother Regulus is back in town and is really upset about it and refuses to make contact when Regulus passes on his phone number. BUT SURPRISE SURPRISE REGULUS IS THE BALLET INSTRUCTOR IN THE DANCE CLASS THEY SIGNED HARRY FOR! And James just can't see the monster Sirius made Regulus to be. (We learn all that Black Brothers Backstory in like chapter 23.) And they start talking, and James catches feelings, and he battles with the guilt of betraying Lily's memory as well as betraying Sirius and it's just really interesting, I love it.
Deep Blue Waters by ThatBlueNiffler Regulus gets himself sorted to Ravenclaw to escape his mother's machinations and not join the death eaters only for Grandfather Arcturus to be like "Sup kid you're going to become a Death Eater so that you can spy on them". slowburn Jegulus (they catch feelings pretty early on tho)
Black Moon by ouzell Regulus survives the cave, makes a deal with dumbledore, becomes a spy, tells his mum to go fuck herself, gets himself kicked out, and becomes roommates with Remus Lupin. basically Oh My God They Were Roommates but in the middle of a war
Let’s make the most of this by jelfulry !!! Trans Sirius texts a wrong number and catches feelings for the dashing Moony, also he has a son named Leo because teen pregnancy, and James and Regulus are dating
Wildflower by orphan_account Remus/Regulus smut, pure, easygoing smut
A Passing Dream by Elfflame Lily walks in on Regulus blowing Remus in an abandoned classroom
career goals: tyrant by justwhatialwayswanted :D :D :D
Waters Run Deep by knight_bus_of_doom :D :D :D !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Whatever I Want (Whatever That Is) by xylodemon remus and regulus have a secret sex thing going on
When did you last check? by camichats james: we're dating / sirius: wait what? impossibel *founces away to bother regulus* / Regulus: go bother your boyfriend / Sirius: the betrayal??? / James: :D
The Long Game by lackadaisical_lizard modern high school, jock james and artist Regulus get roped in the theatre club production! ft. Remus&Regulus friendship and monstermachine Lily
Pyrrhic Victories by dollteeth It's not Regulus' fault nobody else can appreciate a good Quidditch tactics
Toujours Pur (of Heart) by Nillegible for nitilia Regulus wants to say goodbye before the cave, Sirius shows up in his animagus form
(Not) Always Brave by Nillegible why was Sirius afraid he would betray James and Lily if they made him their secret keeper? it was simple, really - he still cared for his brother.
The Serpent's Tongue by Equinesandcanines sirius gets sorted into slytherin despite his best efforst, still becomes besties with james and peter (remus is ravenclaw). Reggie is a cutie
The Marauders and the Prisoner of Azkaban by SilverShadow1 ♥
On The Theory of Spontaneous Generation by FantasticalFairyFarmer harry luna hermione ron and neville have an accident in the department of mysteries battle and are yot to the late 70s. They're managing pretty well imo. Regulus is a stuck up cutie i want to bite him
to the dark lord by justwhatialwayswanted :D :D :D
Mark My Skin so I Can Laugh at Your Little Girlfriend. by Anonymous Regulus polyjuices himself as lily and fucks her boyfriend (his crush)
Beat Me Unconscious and Tell Me It's Love by Anonymous Jegulus, Regulus wants pain to equal love so that he can feel like his mother loved him. James safewords
From a Distance by unsmokedroses James has a part time summer job in his parent's bookshop and falls head over heels for a regular customer. i love the trope subversion, usually it's regulus behind the counter!
Salt in the Wound by saintsirius jegulus had a messy break up (my bet is it was regulus' parents threatening him) and now they have to act in a movie together! neither is over their feelings.
All of You, All of Me (intertwined) by ajom28 james is an actor and after a bad break up and bad publicity and two years of break he has a chance of making it back on the movie screen. the only problem? he needs some positive PR. Regulus is in a band and they're >this close< to a world tour, but the company wants them to gain more media attention first. Their managers are friends. say hi to fake dating! but Regulus and James absolutely despise each other. Can they get along for the sake of their careers (and for Sirius)?
We are younger and older now by PandaJ Regulus died. Evan died. They wake up the same night, back at Hogwarts.
Blood and Water by euphorial_docx the last of us jegulus au
Teach Me by gaycowboysyd regulus kisses a stranger in the bar only to find out later that fghj that's a father of one of his pupils. AND his brother's best friend!
Gods Under Broken Skies by SlyRaven_394 Regulus dies in the cave and is returned to the night Sirius is leaving. And, see, he's tired of this shit. Kreacher should be allowed more arson more often, as a treat ♥
Diptych by pansysnarkinson I would strangle Gandalf-ish Dumbledore his own natal chord if I could, I can't even. I hate that man with my entire being
R&J by catastropheof79 sirius ran away from home but he needs to get the key Alphard left him to access the inheritance. Cue in James crashing parties and climbing through Regulus' window to plot a heist. IT'S A LOVE STORY BABY JUST SAY YES
God Shattering Star(s) by mila_ngas Draco has dreams about REgulus
Tatterdemalion by blackkat Sirius just HAS to ruin all REgulus carefully crafted plans by escaping Azkaban, hasn't he?
an unfamiliar time by siaaa Regulus gets yeeted 28 years into the future, meets Drarry and learns to appreciate Muggleborns by working with Hermione on getting back to his own time. Ultimately, nothing changes.
The Post-War World by fuckthisshittillidie Draco does a Ritual and brings back to life (almost) everyone who died in the Wizarding Wars. Everybody has to deal.
so i dream, dream, dream of icarus by orphan_account Regulus is reborn as draco malfoys younger brother, it changes things
the longest year of my life by Kris678 draco gets his hands on kinda sorta not really ressurection stone and talks to Regulus
Snitched by mischiefwrappeddreams regulus has a crusssshhh (jegulus)
Danger By Day But You’re Evil In The Night by JBlackLupinMalfoy mmmm okay so this was a bit tagled one, starts with Dark As Fuck Regulus who Sees the Light after his revenge plot fails (not that he felt any satisfaction from it). bdsm jegulus
Cheap-Ass Screw-Top Rosé by mischiefwrappeddreams ♥♥♥♥♥ jegulus
unremarkable days. by sadgorl sirius is falling on his face waging a legal war against his abusive parents for traumatised regulus' custody. He doesn't have time to date a recovering-from-abusive-relationship Remus. it's not like either of them can stay away tho
Can't We Be Seventeen? by Dancersock for FlowerB James wants to tell his friends he¨s dating Regulus, Regulus is scared and gets a little nasty. angst but also cute
Snakeface by Mr_Customs_Man a prank goes WRONG and... there's a noncon-ish orgy
Observer by shyfoxling Sirius observes Severus fucking Regulus and wishes it could be him
Black Out by ThinLine_Archivist OotP Snape and Sirius fuck and talk about Regulus
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wolfstarlibrarian · 3 years
Hey Librarian!
Any modern AUs?
Oh goodness. The Librarian has gotten this ask many, many times and it’s a valid question! However, it is so broad that it’s impossible to make just one list? 
All that said, here are a few modern AUs that the Librarian loves but maybe hasn’t listed as often as the ones on their favorites list. Please know that this list is incomplete, so check out the other modern lists below the cut! 
Wolfstar Modern AUs: B side 
Ever Thus by @wolfstarting “Right, well I’d say it’s about time to put an end to this nonsense, wouldn’t you?” James nodded sagely. “You’ve obviously still got some things to chat through with him, but he will talk to you about it, Remus. He thinks the world of you, you know that. But the important thing is that you do talk because nothing’s going to get sorted if you just sit cry-wanking in your room.” The world is excruciating and enthralling in equal measure. The gang try their hardest to navigate it as real, legitimate adults.
Déjà Vu by @remus-john-lupin Sirius swears he’s seen this guy before, and he’s dying to figure it out.
A Promise by @kattlupin Remus Lupin and Sirius Black are two strangers both seeking solace in solo trips to Paris. Strangers that is, until happenstance sits them together on a plane and their solo trips turn into a romantic adventure together.
Chocolate Cake part of the Just Desserts series by @theprongsletthatlived “Yes, Remus Lupin is gorgeous, smart, funny, and hands down the best lay Sirius has ever had. Sometimes, Sirius just can’t get enough of him—of his plump mouth or the sweetness that seems to radiate out of his pores. He’ll even admit that he does prefer Remus’ company to anyone else’s ninety percent of the time. But—just because your favorite dessert is chocolate cake doesn’t mean you’ll never crave a cookie, right?” 
Lost to You Yourself by OfALaurel Sirius Black writes gay porn for a skin mag, and meets Remus Lupin, who does professional readings (audio recordings) of his fictions, and there is flirting, and courting, and love over narratives, cds, and fictionality.
Something Beautiful -orphaned account When Remus Lupin's ex talks him into a drunken tattoo mistake, he goes to his friend and co-worker Lily for help. Luckily her husband's best mate is a tattoo artist who can help with the cover up. Unfortunately for Remus, the tattoo in in a rather compromising area, and he'll have to get over his embarrassment. Luckily for him, Sirius Black is just the man for the job.
There is a Light That Never Goes Out by WolfstarGarden Sirius’ breath puffed a warm tickle around his ear. “You’re gorgeous... I want to take you out, somewhere nice, away from Prongs and Evans. Can I?” Remus opened his mouth, but the yes he had intended instead came out, “Why?”
The Barista, the Burglar, and the Sofa by SeasOfTrees This is the story of twenty-three year old Remus Lupin, an overworked graduate student and underpaid barista, who comes home one day to find an exceptionally attractive man has broken into his flat. Given the neighborhood he lives in, that isn’t a huge surprise. He is surprised, though, when the burglar comes back with a sofa. Alternatively, this is the story of how Sirius Black tries to seduce a man by slowly furnishing his flat.
here's to never growing up by @elixirsoflife A group chat documents the lives of four highly dramatic teenage boys as they navigate their A Levels. Or, like, die trying.
where are we now? by @miraxb
Sirius meets a familiar stranger while visiting Berlin. Everything is different. Everything is the same.
I Am A Mess Around You by @littlemissbennet Modern Setting AU - Remus finds out that a hot, beautiful man just moved into his building. But for some reason, every time they meet a disaster strikes and Remus makes a complete fool of himself. Why can't he act like a sensible person around this handsome young man?
Liebestraum by @quoththethestral
“Do you still have a lot of friends in the area, then?” “None,” Remus answered simply, which felt much easier than explaining at the level of detail that the question actually deserved.
Of Bookshelves and Baby Carriers by @poppunkpadfoot The customer standing in front of him is quite possibly the most beautiful man Remus has ever seen. Like, he looks like a model or something. He has long, black hair, flattened by water, and just the slightest amount of scruff on his face, and… And a baby strapped to his chest. Okay.
Cut Your Bangs part at the Introduction series by @notmycatsname "There’s something about him that catches Sirius’s eye. His voice is a little whiny, almost off-key. Sirius has heard it time and time again in the bands that Lily plays through their speakers at their apartment but it sounds more genuine, almost heart breaking, through his voice. Remus’s voice."
Saving Regulus Black by @toyhto A story in which Remus Lupin meets a dark handsome stranger and they go for a road trip to rescue one little brother who’s probably up to something bad.
We Will Fill the Cracks Together by newskyillusion  Remus works in a library and at his parents pub in a small, Welsh town. Sirius Black is doing his PhD on werewolves and comes to a small, Welsh town to do some research.
Find all the previous lists that feature wolfstar in a modern AU below!
The Librarian’s 12 Favorite Fics
Alternate Universe
Accountants + Finance
Babysitter Remus
Cafes + Artists
Camping + Roadtrips
Coffee Shop
Dating Apps
High School
Legal/Courtroom fics (Non-magical)
Movie RomComs
Muggle MWPP
Science Focused Fics
Skateboarding Remus
Social Media
Subway, Underground & Tube
Tattoo Shop
Tech workers/Programmers
Texting Fics 1
Texting Fics 2
Tumblr Mutuals to Lovers
Video Games
Writers + Authors
Fluff 3: Modern AU
Famous Sirius or Remus
If you need more just send an ask or check out the Card Catalogue!
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enbysiriusblack · 3 years
I keep posting non marauder content and I apologise (no i dont, you just have to deal with it)
A lil Jily story of angst and fluff kind of:
(its not lil,, its pretty darn long)
tw. brief physical violence and stalking
Lily hated the summer holidays. Her sister always complaining about her return, her parents struggle with keeping Petunia calm while still spending time with Lily, and Severus' change of character once they were back in the muggle town.
But this summer, she had more to worry about. Severus still hadn't left her alone after their fall out. He had started waiting for her in the library, following her in between classes, and and watching her hanging out with her friends at Hogsmeade.
And now without her friends and the separate common rooms in the way, it would be even harder to avoid him and she was worried for her own safety.
So as she stepped off the train, said goodbye to her friends and walked towards her family. She was miserable.
And as the days of summer ticked by, Lily had locked herself in her bedroom. Not wanting to go downstairs in order to avoid the endless arguments and shouting of Petunia, and not wanting to go outside to avoid Severus stalking her and pleading with her to forgive him.
But after a few weeks, her parents urged her to get some sunlight and got her to go to the shop round the corner to grab a few things.
Carrying 2 bags, filled with milk, bread, toilet roll, laundry detergent, the daily newspaper, and a litre bottle of fanta; Lily left the shop. Only to spot Severus a few feet away, and hurriedly following her.
She started walking faster towards her house, but only a few metres a way from home, a hand sharply attached itself to her shoulder.
"Lily!! I'm trying to talk to you!!" He yelled.
Lily shook her shoulder, flinging his hand off it and back to his person.
"I've told you a million times!! Leave me alone!!" She yelled back.
"But I'm in love with you" he said, stepping forwards and about to touch her cheek.
She took a step back and scoffed, "you can't love someone while hating who they are"
"It's not your fault who you're born as, it doesn't matter to me. It's like a curse being put on you, but you can still overcome it. The dark Lord himself is a half blood like me! But we know we're better than that, we just have to overcome that set back." He replied, stepping closer and closer to Lily.
A loud crack sounded and blood ran down Snape's nose. He lifted a hand to his face and felt the blood pouring out. Her grocery bags fell to the floor.
"Being muggleborn is not a setback to overcome. Don't ever come near me again" she replied, before picking up her bags and heading back to her house without looking back once more.
The next morning, she looked out her window to see Snape standing outside, holding a bouquet of lilies.
She shut her blinds and hid in her room. As the days ticked by, she never left the house and Snape stood there hour after hour, bringing different assortments of gifts to compensate his inability to actually care about her.
She decided she had to leave for the rest of the holiday. But Mary was visiting family outside the country, Marlene and Dorcas were in Italy together to celebrate their anniversary. Then she remembered Remus was at home.
She owled Remus straight away and got a reply from him fairly quickly, accepting her request of staying at his till the holidays had ended.
So the next morning she packed her things, said goodbye to her mum, and drove with her dad to the train station around 7 am, before Snape arrived at the house.
It was a long, confusing train journey to Wales. But once she got there after hours on different trains, she spotted Remus and his mum sitting outside one of the station cafes.
Remus looked up as she walked towards them, and he moved over a piece of chocolate cake and his cup of tea to make more room for her on the small metal table.
Lily grabbed a seat from an empty table nearby and sat it down. Hope passed a menu over to Lily and she ordered a cup of tea and a a hot sausage roll. The three of them ate and drank before getting to Hope's yellow volkswagen van to get back to the Lupin cottage.
Once they got to the cottage, Hope showed Lily around the house and brought her stuff to Remus' bedroom.
"We don't have any spare rooms I'm afraid so I hope you don't mind sharing with Remus?" Hope asked her.
"No it's fine thank you" she replied.
"Alright, oh also I need to get some more herbs and plants for my stocks so I was going to go foraging tomorrow, would you two like to join me?"
Remus looked towards Lily to see her thoughts, she nodded at him in acceptance.
"Yeah we would" Remus said.
Hope lifted her hand to affectionately stroke Remus' curls before leaving the room.
The next day the Lupin's and Lily set out to the forest, Lyall deciding to join them as it was his day off work. All four were carrying small handmade baskets, Lyalls was full of picnic food for lunchtime, while the other's were empty for foraging.
Remus and Lily went ahead in a different direction, agreeing to meet up at the usual spot at lunch time.
As Remus and Lily went through the woods, Remus sometimes picking up certain plants and flowers and putting them in his basket, while Lily (not knowing much about foraging or what Hope needed) only picked flowers she liked and had decided to make a nice bouquet for Hope with them.
The two chatted as they walked, talking about what topics they're studying in their classes next year, about Snape, about their what they had been up to for the last few weeks.
Once they got back to the house, Remus started writing a letter to James and Sirius, who had run away to James' a few weeks ago. While Lily and Hope were downstairs talking, after Lily had given her the bouquet.
Around an hour later, all four were sitting on the lounge for dinner, the bouquet was placed on the middle of the wooden table as a centre piece inside a tall mug with a picture of Phil Bennett on.
After dinner, Lily and Remus went out. There wasn't much to do in the small village in the evening so they ended up in the middle of someone's field. The two sat on the hill for a few hours, stargazing and mindlessly talking about whatever came to mind.
The days went by, with Lily staying at Remus' place. The duo found themselves spending most of their time in a small bookshop cafe and walking through the woods, Remus smoking his weed and Lily sometimes Lily would take a hit but she wasn't as fond of it as Remus was.
With only a week and a half till school started again, Remus and Lily planned to go to hogsmeade together tomorrow.
But midday, two figures appeared walking towards the Lupin cottage just as Remus and Lily got back from their walk in the woods.
As the got closer to the two, they saw it was James and Sirius.
Remus dropped his joint to the floor and ran to the two standing by the door to his home.
He wrapped his arms around Sirius, but felt them freeze up at the touch. So Remus moved to stop the hug, but at that withdrawal, Sirius wrapped his own arms around Remus tightly with no sign of letting go.
The two stood there for a few minutes, wrapped in an embrace while Lily and James stood awkwardly nearby them.
"... hi" James said, waving at Lily, but since they were near each other, Lily had to move backwards to avoid getting hit by his hand.
James quickly withdrew his hand, and stepped back. He looked down at his hand for a few seconds, before bringing it up again and saluting Lily.
As he was half way through saluting her, he realised what he was doing and quickly brought it straight down to his side, and froze at Lily with unblinking eyes like a deer stuck in headlights.
She started laughing, affectively ending the hug between Remus and Sirius, who turned to look between Lily and James.
At that moment, Hope came inside, calling Lily for something and waved in greeting to James and Sirius.
After Lily had walked into the house, James grinned widely.
"She laughed at me!! She thinks I'm funny!"
"She was laughing AT you, cause she thinks you're a wanker" Remus corrected.
Sirius grinned slightly at the retort and grabbed Remus' hand.
Remus looked to Sirius and James realised Sirius would talk to Remus and Remus could help Sirius, even just slightly.
"I'll go see if Hope needs some more help" James said before turning to the cottage and giving Remus and Sirius some time alone.
Inside the cottage, James and Lily were setting up cutlery around the table and helping Hope with the dinner.
James noticed the flowers in the mug, "wow, these look really nice Hope, my mum keeps trying to make some nice flower arrangements for around the house but she's not very good at it. I made this red and gold one, go gryffindor!! for her birthday a few weeks ago but it was no where near as good as this one!!"
Hope came out of the kitchen carrying a saucepan of curry.
"Oh no honey, I didn't make that, that was all thanks to Lily" she said coming round the table and softly touching Lily's arm in gratitude.
"Oh" James said, freezing again as he stared back at Lily. "Its.. um.. its really good.. I like the uhh,, its good."
Lily raised an eyebrow at him, "thank you?"
James nodded, and tapped the table, trying to think of something else to say.
His eyes glanced over the the window, spotting Remus and Sirius sitting on the edge of the woods on a small bench, still talking and holding each others hand.
"I should probably go get them for dinner" he said, about to get out of his seat.
Hope waved her hand absentmindedly, "oh leave them its fine, the lovebirds can eat later"
A few minutes later, Lyall came back from work and sat at the table with them.
The four ate in fairly comfortable silence, sometimes having small conversations.
The next day they went to Hogsmeade.
Sirius waringly looking out for any of their family members as they walked around doing their shopping. Remus stood by xyr side the whole time, with James and Lily awkwardly leading the group together.
Peter found them a few hours later, he was shopping with zir mum but stayed with his friends for a while.
In Flourish and Blotts, Sirius and Remus seemed to have disappeared together in a fiction section, bonding over their mutual love of books packed with monsters and adventures and swordsmen.
Lily gazed at books on the shelf closest to her, sometimes bringing one up to her eye line and reading the blurb before putting it back on the shelf again.
James stood there with Peter, who he was very glad of, Peter acting as a distraction of the awkward silence between Lily and James.
So as Peter rambled about how he's so glad ze doesn't have to do potions anymore, James took his mind of trying to impress Lily and put his focus on listening to Peter.
However in the next moment, Peter made a very tactical decision of engaging Lily into the conversation.
"So Lily, I'm guessing you're still taking Potions this year?" Peter asked.
Lily turned around, one hand still lightly touching one of the books on the shelf.
"Yeah, but it sucks that none of my friends are taking it. I tried to get Remus to change his mind and take it for weeks.. and then he blew up half the kitchen trying to make pasta sauce and realised my efforts were futile."
James laughed, "thats Remus, alright"
Lily looked over at him, contemplating. Before nodding her head and smiling slightly as she turned back to the bookshelf.
After around five minutes, Peter chiped up.
"Oh!! James is taking Potions still aren't you? You said you're dad really wanted you to get a Potion Newt. You two can hang out in class"
James sent Peter a 'what the hell' glare before Lily nodded again and clearly said the words,
"I guess we could, its better than the chance of getting stuck with Sev- Snape for the rest of the year... are you any good?"
James froze, "um.. yeah, yeah.. well no, not really to be honest"
Lily smiled again, "thats fine, I'm hood enough for the both of us"
She took a book off the shelf and kept it in her arms for the first time. And then walked back to James and Peter.
"If I'm helping you in Potions though, you've gotta help me with transfiguration."
She lifted up the book in her arms to show the cover, the transfiguration book they needed this year.
"I skimmed this a little, and it barely made any sense at all."
James lifted a hand to his hair, ruffling it up on a nervous habit.
"Minnie gave me a group of younger years to tutor last year, maybe you could come to those? .. not that I think you're as dumb as first and second years, far from it, you're one of the smartest people I know. But I just mean that a lot of our topics this year our ones that we did in first and second year but with more context and more advanced. So I thought that if you revised the basics then the more advanced parts would make more sense to you.. if you wanted?"
"Yeah that sounds great" she said, before moving to another bookshelf and flicking through it.
The rest of the day, the two of them talked and talked. And back at Remus' cottage Lily walked up to him before he had to leave with Sirius.
"Today was fun, friends?" She asked.
James nodded, "friends"
As him and Sirius left, Sirius hit his shoulder.
"What were you and Lily talking about? Declaring your undying love for her?"
James shook his head, "We're just friends, I need to just... move on i guess, friends is as best as it'll get. And its enough for me."
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the-starryknight · 3 years
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Today’s @thesleepiesthufflepuff‘s birthday, so to celebrate this lovely person, I’d like to share five of my favorite Bluefay fics.  Each of Fay’s fics have this soft, romantic feeling to them that leave me with a warm heart after each read.  I hope you’ll enjoy some of these wonderful fics and pieces of art!
🧶 The Way We Wind  { Drarry | E | 2020 | 47k }
After the war, Harry’s life falls to shambles. Each day revolves around an intense battle with his mental health, and there’s nothing that Ron or Hermione can do to help him. That is, until Hermione teaches Harry how to knit. Fast forward five years, and Harry is the proud owner of a renowned knitting shop in Diagon Alley, The Whomping Willow Woolery. Christmas season is upon him, and the shop is busier than ever. So, is it really a surprise that Draco Malfoy wanders in looking for a gift for his mother? Cue awkward meetings, fluffy knitting lessons, a truly horrible scarf, a cat named Stockinette who is readily obsessed with Draco, and falling in love with one’s worst enemy.
TWWW is a soft, lovely, and romantic fic that is all about healing and falling in love.  As Draco begins to heal and learn to knit, he finds so much joy and care in Harry’s shop and among his friends.  Harry, Ron, and Hermione have honest and direct conversations about mental health that feel genuine and beautiful.  Plus: a small kitten and all the plush knitwear you can imagine. You’ll fall in love too as you read along. 
🚗 Through the Night { Linny | T | 2021 | 3k }
Ginny tells herself that she's content with the way things are. Luna proves her otherwise.
Luna was softly humming along, and Ginny drank in the sound, not wanting the moment to end. If it was up to her, they would drive through the night, not stopping until they reached the edge of the world.
This fic feels so gentle.  Ginny is playing with the Holyhead Harpies, the loud and boisterous world of Quidditch and Luna is off doing her peaceful thing on her own on the edges of town. This is a delicate and at times painful telling of past trauma and how we can find love and beauty even as we keep going through it.  
💐 Nothing More Than That { Drarry | G | 2021 | 1k }
Harry goes to a florist on New Year’s Day to buy a bouquet for Molly. He leaves with an unexpected date.
“Nothing more than that” is exactly what Harry wants.  This lovely slice of life/getting together ficlet brings a smile to my face every time I reread it.  Fay has created a lovely little florist shop, and in it is the handsome florist Draco Malfoy and the tentative customer Harry.  Happy New Years to us, indeed, and may 2021 have some of the cheer this fic brings.
🧵 Long Tale Cast On { Wolfstar | T | 2019 | 25k }
When Sirius and Lily decide to start a craft night in the yarn store in an effort to draw in a younger crowd, they look to the bar across the street to provide refreshments. Sirius is taken with bar owner Remus from the start, but neither James nor Lily's encouragement is enough to bridge the chronic pain and anxiety that conspire to keep them apart. With time, effort, and some terrible knitting, Sirius and Remus eventually find that life has a strange way of working out.
"The thing you need to understand about Sirius is that he's very worried about making mistakes, about getting things wrong. When he's talking about knitting he's confident in his skills, so it comes easily. When he's talking to people about other things, especially with people that matter to him." Here she taps Remus' arm just lightly again. "His fear gets the better of him."
Queer joy, found family, and deep love are key to Long Tale Cast On.  With a dear Sirius who is effusive and anxious and incredibly kind and a Remus who is funny and charming, and Lily who is so loving, and Dorcas and Marlene (yes, Dorlene!!)... This fic is one that will make you fall in love with Wolfstar all over, and with what it means to care for one another even with all the hard stuff.  An iconic Bluefay fic!
📚 H. J. Granger’s Book Emporium  { Hermione | G | 2021 | Art }
Hermione buys a bookshop after the war.
As though Fay wasn’t already impressive enough with her writing, she has also offered us this lovely illustration.  Featuring a big and well-loved Crookshanks, a joyful Hermione, and the AU I didn’t know I needed, this piece is one that will certainly make you smile.  
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ao3feed-jily · 3 years
You Drew Stars Around My Scars
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/3pQcxd6
by Star_enthousiast79
Sirius Black lives life at its fullest to escape the chaos of his mind. He loves big cities, noise and fun, and is bloody terrified of relationships and emotional closeness. His only family? One James Potter and Lily Evans. While they*re the perfect friends, James and Lily*s relationship is slowly falling apart. The long distance is wearing them out, and they have trouble staying close. When one day, Sirius accepts to follow his best friend James to Lily*s hometown for a visit in hopes of helping them fix their relationship, he is devastated. A lonely town with nothing to do, a town with nothing to distract his mind. What he hadn*t expected when coming to Millsbury, however, was meeting one eclectic, mythology-loving, bookshop-owning, very anxious and lovely Remus Lupin. Suddenly, this trip doesn*t seem so bad after all.
Words: 7457, Chapters: 1/13, Language: English
Fandoms: Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling
Rating: Not Rated
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: M/M
Characters: Sirius Black, Remus Lupin, James Potter, Lily Evans Potter, Marlene McKinnon, Mary Macdonald
Relationships: Sirius Black/Remus Lupin, James Potter/Lily Evans Potter, Mary Macdonald/Marlene McKinnon
Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Modern Setting, Gay Sirius Black, POV Sirius Black, POV Remus Lupin, Sirius Black & Lily Evans Potter Friendship, Platonic Soulmates, First Meetings, Bookshop Owner Remus Lupin, Himbo James Potter, Strangers to Lovers, Hurt/Comfort, First Kiss, Pansexual Remus Lupin, Remus is a hoe for crystals tarot and astrology, and Sirius loves it, Desi James Potter, some non explicit sexuel content, Sirius Black has ADHD, Remus Lupin Has PTSD, Remus Lupin & James Potter Friendship, adding tags as I go, Remus has a Non Binary Cat
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/3pQcxd6
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mimssides · 4 years
Life on Crow Avenue: Part 3
Read on AO3
Masterpost | Taglist
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“I swear to god, Patton, if you’re going to flirt with this man for the whole evening, I’m going to change tables,” Logan complained anew and shot Patton a dirty look.
Patton nudged the smaller man in the side and shook his head with a big grin.
“Come on, Lo” he said barely defending himself, “I’m not that bad.”
“You have been talking about this Remus since you saw him outside two days ago! What is it about this man that riles you up so much? The moustache? The absence of any body fat? The terribly orange beanie?”
Patton snickered and watched his friend before taking a deflective sip from his drink. He liked Remus’s moustache and thought that he was generally good looking and also could get behind the fashion statement of terribly orange beanies. But it was not what attracted him to the man. It was something else. Something sad and forgotten, something that usually attracted him in men.
And yet Remus was somehow different. He was odd and bold enough to speak freely without restriction, but then again was so patient and kind with his customers. Even when speaking with him, there was kindness in the core of his words. Something so gentle and hidden by so much loudness and a façade which Patton believed Remus did not want to hold up at all.
But probably Logan was right and Patton was all over his head again. It wouldn’t be a first and he turned to look to his friend, who was checking something on his phone. Logan was quite a bit shorter than him, had short orderly slicked back dark brown hair and wore a black turtleneck pullover and dark navy slacks. This particular outfit was meant for night outs, and Patton was very fond of it. It just was so nice seeing him not wear his tie and even put in contact lenses instead of his glasses. Not that he not liked the rectangular glasses of his friend, he just knew that it was a form for Logan to dress up, make himself feel a little special and Patton appreciated it that he did that every single Friday when they went out together.
Patton loved their Friday night outs. He loved the atmosphere of the little bar, the dark brick walls, the creaking floor, the posters of Jazz legends, he had never bothered to look up. Jazz music played pleasantly in the background through and Patton sat in their usual corner booth with Logan, where he had a general overview of the whole bar. It was always fun to do people watching here and the bartender, James, knew both him and Logan all too well. Patton always made an effort to go and talk with him, when it got late and most patrons had left for the night.
But now Patton looked over to the band at the other side of the room. Janus sat his chair, usual yellow shirt, black waistcoat and the black suit jacket hanging over the back lean of the chair. He was speaking with a few of his band colleagues and looked as suave and charming as ever. He had not been the worst man to have a fling with and Patton did not regret that one night at all.
Then Patton checked the time and glanced over to the door. It was about time for them to show up. Patton was certain they would. No doubt.
But it was almost half past seven and Patton started to feel a little nervous since-
Just then the door opened and two men entered, one with a not so orange beanie, who was clearly looking for him. Patton smiled widely and yanked his hand in the air to catch Remus’s attention. He probably had not needed to do that as Remus had started grinning before he had begun to wave and pulled his companion towards Patton and Logan’s table.
Quickly, Patton nudged Logan in the arm not looking away from the two men. He had seen them both from afar in their work attire but this hit quite differently. Remus wore make-up and a different beanie than this afternoon. And his clothes were so fun and colourful! And he wore pink shoelaces!
Meanwhile, next to him, Logan was about to ask what Patton was so excited about when he spotted the two men from the florist shop. The one in front was Remus, Logan recalled. He looked a little less pale than he remembered and seemed to have cleaned himself up quite a bit. He looked almost presentable; Logan had to admit to himself.
The man behind ought to be Roman. Remus had told Logan so at least at the opening, since the other had been occupied with some middle-aged women, who had come to inspect the new flower shop in town. Next to each other Roman and Remus looked rather similar and Logan’s suspicion that the two were related grew. Yet before he could muse longer the two had reached the table and Patton slid out of the booth to stand up and greet the pair.
“You made it!” Patton exclaimed happily and pulled Remus in a hug.
Logan rolled his eyes, as Roman’s expression changed from a surprised one into a smug one and he crossed his arms casually.
“I said we would, Poppy,” Remus said just as joyously when they parted and stepped to the side to introduce Roman. “Ro, this is Patton. Patton this is Roman, my brother. Think, I didn’t mention that before.”
“Figures that he’d forget that. Hello Patton! It’s a pleasure to meet you,” Roman greeted the tattoo artist with a wave followed by a light bow of his head.
Patton made a funny face but then grinned and said: “Pleasure is all mine, Roman! You’ve met Logan here before?”
Roman and Remus turned their attention to the small man behind the table, who simply nodded at the two. Roman smiled cordially and Remus smirked with mischief glittering in his eyes.
“That’s the guy, who’s glared this terrible woman down who was complaining about the little pride flag we have on the counter! Never saw someone turn around and walk away so ridiculously like her in my whole life!”
Remus grinned and Logan just stared at him in slight disbelief. How could this man believe that this was an acceptable way to start a conversation?
“Oh, now I get behind why you said Lo has rage in his eyes! If that was the first thing he did when you two first met, he’ll definitely made an intimidating first impression!” Patton said oddly cheerful.
And as both men in their colourful attires stared at each other, Logan exchanged a look with Roman who seemed to be just as frustrated as him. Then Roman gave him an apologizing shrug and put his hand on his brother’s shoulder.
“You know, you could just have said that he had come to the opening instead of mentioning - this woman first thing when we get to know new people. Anyway, I’m sorry for his behaviour, Logan. He has little filter in his best day and less than none at his worst,” Roman tried to smooth the tides with the bookstore owner.
Logan raised his eyebrows and looked form Roman over to Patton, who did not seem to understand what the whole fuzz was about but looked concerned ever the less. Certainly, he had sensed Logan’s unpleasantness by now which was probably the source of his concern.
But then again, Logan had been insulted far worse in his life than by this misplaced comment from a strange man in an eye staining outfit. He did not need to concern Patton just because of one jab that did not really sting and ruin their Friday jazz night with it.
“It is quite alright, Roman. I’ve been insulted worse before,” Logan said and put his glass up to his lips to take a drink.
“Lo-” Patton started but was promptly cut off as Remus took the word.
“Insulted? That wasn’t by any means an insult! That was rad! I would have loved to listen what angry words flew through that big brains of yours as you glared her down, but am kinda grateful that you held back and didn’t make a scene at our opening day. Would have been bad for business, I guess.”
Taking a sip had not been the smartest move, as the liquid now was stuck in Logan’s throat. Only with great control he managed to swallow it and then cleared his throat, immensely grateful for his darker complexion, so the strange florist could not see his flush.
“Well in that case,” Logan uttered in the hope to play his awkward pause down, “excuse the misinterpretation. Yet I do not see how my actions were in any way remarkable or “rad” as you put it.”
Remus shot him a lopsided grin and then looked over to Patton who shrugged in response. The tattoo artist then started sliding back into the booth and motioned Remus and Roman to sit with them. Remus was quick behind Patton, as Roman took the seat to the edge of the table next to Remus and gave the place a look through.
“Well, to me the whole thing was totally rad! You’re an interesting guy and the pastel cutie, here -” Remus patted Patton on the shoulder – “only kept mentioning you, so I’m even more curious!”
Logan’s demeanour shifted and with something that could have been interpreted as amusement and raised his eyebrows and looked to Patton as he rested his chin on his hand.
“Well, I can’t miss a chance to show off my best friend, can I?” Patton said a little sheepishly.
Logan rolled his eyes as Remus quirked up his eyebrow. That stoic façade of the bookshop owner broke down quickly. There must be some history in between the two of them, Remus suspected but did not get to muse longer about his whim, when Roman nudged him in the arm and let out a gasp.
Both Patton and Logan looked curiously over to Roman who now turned to Remus. Quick he pointed over to the jazz ensemble at the other end of the room and asked: “Which one of them we’re here to see?”
“Guy on the chair with the saxophone, if my eyes don’t betray me,” Remus answered and shot a quick look over his shoulder to Patton to confirm that he was indeed right.
“Yes,” Patton said and set his arms on the table, “that’s Janus right there.”
As the name fell Roman’s eyes lit up and he looked back to the man on the chair for a moment.
“Janus, you say? Funny.”
“Yeah! J-anus is a really funny name!” Remus cackled and promptly earned a heavy shove into the side by his brother.
Offended Roman glared at Remus, who rubbed his arm, blinked a few times before it dawned on him and he let out a groan.
“I did not mean that!” Roman hissed and pressed his lips together as Remus nodded with an annoyed expression.
“Yeah, yeah, I get it now. But since when are you falling for guys you’ve seen from like a 50 feet distance? You’re usually a lot pickier.”
“I’m not picky! I have taste,” Roman said smugly and crossed his arms in front of his chest. “Also, I’ve already seen him today. However, I didn’t think we’d meet so soon again.”
Roman’s voice trailed off as he turned back to look at the man with the saxophone. He did not look over to their table but was intertwined in a conversation with the bassist and the banjo player, talking smoothly and readjusting the hat on his head. Patton had seen him like this many times. This was the most relaxed but also the most enthusiastic they usually got to see Janus and he could see very well, why Roman was so fascinated with the man. Patton himself had been charmed by his flair and charms as well but somehow, he doubted that Roman really understood what kind of man Janus was. What was kind of character he had beyond the persona, which he played so well.
“Oh, apparently today we’re honoured by the Virgil’s presence,” Logan ripped Patton out of his thoughts and he looked over to the bar’s entrance.
The brother’s turned to see about whom they were talking and spotted a thin, tall man entering the bar. He had an undercut and the black hair on top of his head was braided in small braids, in which some purple beads were woven in. He wore a black hoodie with purple sleeves and black leggings with a spider net pattern on it, as well as a pair of black sneakers. He seemed nervous, looked around and froze for a moment when he noticed the twins sitting next to Patton and Logan.
Patton knew instantly that he was thinking about just turning around and leaving again, but as he started waving, the tall man sighed and continued walking towards them. As he came closer Patton smiled happily and greeted him warmly: “Virgil! It’s so nice of you to join us tonight!”
Virgil rolled his eyes and only barely managed to make fleeting eye contact with the brothers, as he took the chair next to Logan and then focused back on Patton. Roman and Remus assumed that he was a bit younger than the two other men and they themselves. Probably something around twenty.
“Yeah, yeah, Pops, hello to you too. Promised uncle J to come by tonight. Thought, I could not always turn him down,” Virgil replied and fumbled on the wood at the edge of the table.
“That is very nice of you! Do you think you have two more greetings for our guests in you?”
Had anybody but Patton asked this question, they would have come off as sarcastic and belittling. But the tone the tattoo artist used made it crystal clear that he was genuinely asking for Virgil to greet Roman and Remus properly.
Virgil sat up a bit and squinted over to the brothers. He scrunched his nose a little to which Roman leaned back while demonstratively crossing his arms in front of his chest, as Remus tilted his head curiously.
“Sup’? I’m Virgil. Good to see ya and stuff,” Virgil mumbled and looked down on his fingers.
Promptly Remus started to chuckle and scratched his nose. This man was a mess. And Remus loved to mess with messes.
“Hello, beanpole! I’m Remus and this is my brother Roman and you look as excited to be here as a fish slowly drying out in the desert. So, how does it come that you got your ass out of your hole and sit here with four old geezers like us, huh?”
“We’re not old!” Roman protested offendedly as Logan supressed a snort and Patton just pressed his lips together.
“To this one? We’re probably ancient,” Remus slurred and shot a look to Virgil.
Virgil frowned and said as he shook his head: “How old do you think I am? Twelve? None of you are old, evil Luigi.”
Remus laughed at the comment and slammed his fist on the table while doing so. Virgil shot a look over to Patton and Logan who both did not know what exactly was so funny to the florist. Meanwhile Roman simply buried his head in his hands. He loved his brother but there were days when he just wanted to end him on the spot.
Yet before anyone could say or do anything else, the playlist from the loudspeakers stopped and was replaced by the jazz ensemble on the other side.
And Roman forgot to be annoyed at his brother and just glanced over to the little ensemble, which started playing. Jazz was not what he usually listened to. He was not sure what instruments belonged into a jazz ensemble and on the top of his head he couldn’t recall any jazz musician except for Louis Armstrong. But that could not bother him any less at the moment. Not when he felt himself drift away and get looped into a rhythm that felt a little otherworldly to him.
Remus noticed quickly and grew quieter. It has been a long time, since they had been at a life music event and he did not want to ruin that for his brother. Logan too seemed rather captured by the music and Remus kept his voice down as he started to converse with Patton for a bit. A few minutes in Virgil said he’d get a few drinks and asked Remus if he wanted something as well, who then asked for a beer and any sweet mocktail they served. Virgil nodded and got their drinks, as the music played and time passed.
Waiting for their drinks Virgil leaned against the bar and watched his uncle play, before he glanced over to their table. When was the last time he had someone seen stare so smitten at his uncle? And why did this particular guy have to have the weirdest man for a brother? What was it with Janus and his ability to draw chaos into their lives with his stupid flings?
Virgil’s beer came and he took a sip and sighed. Maybe he’d find out tonight, he thought, and took the two other glasses and went back to their table.
@sammy-is-obsessed / @exhaustedfander
For this fic:
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legumelupin · 4 years
Cake Week!
here it is! the first chapter of this story that i love so much but is ruining my life! and here it is on ao3! it’s over 11k so please enjoy
“It’s the moment every dessert lover, every pastry lover, really any kind of bake lover has been waiting for. The tent is staked and there are 12 new bright-eyed and bushy-tailed amateur bakers ready to battle it out. These bakers are some of the finest in the United Kingdom and were hand-selected out of thousands of applicants. 
“They practiced for months and months to perfect new and old skills to take on a new set of challenges. Original signatures, grueling technicals, and spectacular showstoppers that are all made to push the baker's creativity and determination to the edge. Who will come out victorious? And who will collapse under a soggy bottom? 
“This season, the bakers will be judged by none other than the lovely baking queen of Scotland, Minerva McGonagall. She’s hard to impress and incredibly blunt but boy does she make spectacular ginger biscuits. Her co-judge is the man who looks great for his age and who’s palate ranges from lemon sherbert to cockroach cookies. That’s right, it’s the ever-serene Albus Dumbledore. But the bakers had better watch out, our dear Dumbly isn’t afraid to shatter hopes and dreams. And as always, this season will be hosted by myself, Horace “Sluggy” Slughorn, and the large and in charge, Rubeus Hagrid.
“For their first week, our brand new bakers will have to overcome the woes of cake week. That means avoiding dry sponges, merengues that aren’t whipped properly, and batter that is over’werked’ as our dear Minerva would say.
“Welcome to Season 7 of the Great British Bake Off!”
Remus tied the apron around his waist, his hands shaking uncontrollably as he was still processing where exactly he was. He was in The Tent! The people in charge of the Great British Bake Off chose his application as one of the ones to be a part of the next season. Him! Remus John Lupin! What the fuck? What were they thinking? What was he thinking? He had let his mother convince him into applying, citing his bread and his knack for precision as qualities that could help him. He just never thought he would be here, ever. But he was! 
He took a look around, noting all the cameras and feeling his stomach start to twist itself into a knot a bit. Oh gods, what in the world was he thinking? He’d be on TV and chances are he’d make a fool of himself for everyone to see! He thought of the day the camera crew had shown up to his family’s small cottage just outside of Cardiff. He had been maybe even more nervous then than he was now considering how intimate the whole ordeal was. They just followed him around for a few hours and had him hang in the kitchen with his mother while his father sat at the counter reading the paper. They followed him to his job at a bookshop just inside of town and he talked about his dream to go to university to study literature. If he didn’t think too hard about it, being in The Tent didn’t seem so bad anymore. 
And then one of the Minerva McGonagall and Albus Dumbledore walked in. Gods, he wished he packed a joint in his bag for after. Or even his pack of cigs. He was going to need it afterward judging by how hard his legs were shaking. He looked to the workstation across from him and found a woman with long, red hair and he remembered her vaguely from the little mingling session the producers of the show hosted for contestants the day before. Remus did his best to socialize but he mostly kept to himself, thinking about the book that was waiting for him on his train ride home. But looking at her now, she was hard not to remember with hair like that and green eyes that pierce him even from the distance he’s at. 
She caught his eye and offered him a kind smile that he returned easily, feeling a bit better. He could see the worry lines etched on the side of her mouth. Honestly, Remus should have been paying more attention to the competition if he wanted to win but he’d been so inside his head that he didn’t even remember any of their names let alone what they looked like. All he remembered from the night before was the piercing blue eyes of Albus Dumbledore and the raucous laughter of Rubeus Hagrid. He was so shell-shocked that all he could do was tell himself not to panic and have a drink with a few of the other contestants that he didn’t remember the names of. 
But now, here he was, smiling at the girl with flaming red hair, waiting for the camera crew to give the cue for them to start. They’d gotten the opening shots with all the new bakers lined up outside the tent and all of them walking into the tent for the first time. Remus was almost positive that his gaze was downcast the entire time. It was almost like he was asking to leave on the first episode but in reality, he did really want to win. He was terrified and an anxious disaster. But he was a terrified and anxious disaster with a passion to win.
“Psst, hey!” a voice whispered behind him and Remus raised an eyebrow, turning his head to find the most gorgeous man his bisexual eyes have ever seen. Remus suppresses a groan. Why did Gorgeous-Man have to get his attention before the first task? As if it wasn’t going to be hard enough before, all Remus would be able to think about now were those stormy grey eyes and long, very soft-looking black hair. He would definitely overbake his sponge. 
Sirius Black was very nervous. He was incredibly proud of himself for making it onto the show but he was also still in disbelief. Even when he was standing at his workstation for their first bake of cake week, he didn’t believe he was actually going to be on his favorite TV show. The night before hadn’t done anything to soothe his nerves or let him know that this was actually real but he did meet a really wonderful bloke by the name of James Potter who was also a contestant on the show. They hit off on their first interaction and hit the pub right after the little event had ended. Sirius felt he’d made a friend forever in the guy.
“Hey man, this is crazy right?” a brown-skinned guy with unruly black hair and kind, hazel eyes said, gesturing to the large white tent that was just down the hill from the little area of the grounds the newest contestants were all gathered in. He looked to be around Sirius’s age. “Never thought I’d be here but I guess they liked my application enough even though I made a complete fool of myself,” the guy snorted and Sirius raised an eyebrow. 
“I suppose they just wanted a village fool and they thought you’d do the best job,” Sirius snarked and the guy looked affronted but to the point of mocking him.
“You say that as if it isn’t a high honor, young sir!” the man proclaimed and Sirius cracked a grin. 
“I have to say, kind fellow, I’m going to put up a hell of a fight to be crowned the title of fool before you,” Sirius jested back and the guy laughed heartily. 
“I’m James Potter,” he extended his hand and Sirius took it in his own. 
“Sirius,” the pale male answered and James quirked an eyebrow but didn’t let go of his hand. 
“Course I’m serious, why would I lie about my name?” James asked and Sirius snorted.
“No, I’m Sirius,” he replied and James just leveled him with a small glare. 
“About what, mate? You haven’t even said anything,” James shot back and Sirius rolled his eyes. 
“No, you oaf. My fucking name is Sirius,” he laughed and James’s face fell for a second before it broke out into a large grin. 
“That’s right funny, Sirius. You can make a lot of jokes with that,” James smiled and Sirius laughed. 
“Just did, mate,” Sirius remarked and James didn’t stop grinning. 
“Wanna grab a pint after this?” James asked and Sirius knew. He just knew. This guy was gonna be his best friend after this night. 
“Sounds like a plan to me. I’d get out of here right now if it weren’t the set of fucking Bake Off,” Sirius murmured and James grinned at him again. 
“Is someone nervous?”
“As if you aren’t. Or I suppose you’re too daft to feel nervous.”
“Oi! Now that’s just rude!”
“You didn’t even understand when I introduced myself!”
“Your name is fucking Sirius! Pardon me for not knowing very many people named after celestial bodies!”
“Well, you’re pardoned! Happy?”
“Incredibly, good sir!”
They hit the pub together after the party as promised and got properly shitfaced and Sirius was sure that he would want to remember that night forever. Bake Off was already getting his mind off his shit life but this bloke, this James Potter, seemed to be a forever friend. 
James was sat at the station on Sirius’s right and they kept glancing at each other. Both would be lying if they said they weren’t nursing a bit of a hangover which is not ideal considering it was their first day on the set of a baking TV show that would be broadcasted all over England. James pointed to the woman who sat in front of him and made a face at Sirius that indicated that he was absolutely smitten with this woman. He’d never even talked to her. Sirius rolled his eyes and shook his head. James glared at him and stuck out his tongue, and then feigned absolute hurt when Sirius didn’t change the look on his face.
Sirius could only roll his eyes again but with a smile this time. He turned his attention to the guy sitting in front of him who was wearing a sweater that was definitely not appropriate for this fucking disgusting weather. Sirius knew it wasn’t his place to say shit to the guy but holy fucking hell it was as hot as Satan’s balls out! So, like a typical Black (and he was well aware of his cousin’s presence in the tent which was kind of crazy but he tried not to think too hard about it), he said something. 
“Psst, hey!” he whispered loudly and thankfully, the guy heard him and turned around briefly. Sirius’s gay panic went haywire at that moment. He forgot about the sweater all at once and was stuck between a sea of honey brown and a forest of glorious summer green and freckled cheeks with a couple of faint scars running across a beautiful nose. He had fucking freckles and heterochromia. Oh gods, he was toast. Pun intended. 
“Yeah?” the guy asked, his voice sounded strained. How had Sirius not seen him last night? Or this morning? Was he seriously so far up James’s ass and happy to have a friend that he didn’t even notice this hot string bean amongst the ten other contestants? Yes, yes he was. But that wasn’t an excuse!
“Oh, um, I was just… Mate, how the hell are you wearing that thing right now?” Sirius asked incredulously and the man’s face fell to be quickly unimpressed. 
“I've been cold on the inside since I’ve been ten,” he deadpanned and Sirius raised an eyebrow at him. “Basically I’m depressed,” he continued after before making to turn back front. 
“Wait, you’re not even gonna tell me your name Mr. I- Wear -a -Sweater -in -the -Dead -of -Summer?” Sirius quipped and the guy actually managed a smile. Sirius groaned internally. No one should be allowed to look that hot!! And he was just fucking smiling!! At this rate, Sirius couldn’t even bring himself to think about fucking cake (unless it was this guy’s cake, if you know what he’s saying. Wink wink).
“Remus Lupin. Care to tell me yours? Mr. I-Have-No-Manners-and-Can’t-Recognized-a-Depressed-Bastard?” the guy snarked back, not losing the amused look on his beautiful face.
Sirius barked out a laugh causing the other contestants to look over to them and Sirius feared of being shushed so he quickly said, “Sirius Black.”
Remus nodded at him, a small smile still piquing on his lips before turning back around. And finally, the set fucking called for action. Now, what was the cake he’d been practicing for weeks?
Marlene McKinnon was an absolute ball of nerves and it was obvious to everyone around them, too. They couldn’t sit still. One minute they were bouncing their leg up and down, another they were wringing their hands, another their fingers were twisting around their long chestnut brown ponytail, and another minute they were braiding that ponytail. But before they knew it, Sluggy and Hagrid were welcoming all of them to Cake Week and giving the prompt, which they already knew, before the legendary send-off:
“On your marks,” said Hagrid.
“Get set!” Sluggy cheered.
“BAKE!” they both rang out together and it was like Marlene blacked out. 
Their adrenaline took over and they raced around her work station, grabbing sugar, eggs, and flour for their orange zest angel food cake. Their workstation was one of the first two from the tent’s entrance which they were honestly thankful for because that meant the judging and hosting teams came to them first. And they wanted as little distractions as possible. 
“Marlene, what kind of angel food cake are you making for us today?” Sluggy asked, peering around her workstation. They looked up and saw the calculating gaze of Albus Dumbledore on their batter in the mixer and the stern eyes of Minerva McGonagall boring into their own. Their knees wobbled and they fought to keep themself upright. Minerva was an inspiration for them and now the woman was going to be judging their bakes. 
“Oh, um.. I’m going to be making an orange zest angel food cake with chocolate glaze and fresh whipped cream,” they said while trying to keep their voice from shaking. 
“Sounds quite lovely,” Albus said serenely. 
“Yes, I expect a strong orange flavor in your cake,” Minerva insisted curtly but with a small peak of a smile. 
“Of course! I hope it comes through,” Marlene smiled and they knew that this was where her little introduction would be placed in post-production of the show. The production crew followed them around Cambridge and talked about how they worked as a physician's assistant for a nephrologist and lived with their two cats. 
 They were quite happy with their life at the moment, they kept up with their family who didn’t live that far away and their job was fulfilling. But they were a hopeless romantic and were on the lookout for a lovely lady to woo or for one to woo them. 
They glanced around their station once the judges and hosts moved on and caught the eye of a dark-skinned girl named Dorcas Meadowes that they met yesterday along with a red-head named Lily Evans and another woman with mousy brown hair named Alice. Dorcas gave them a small smile before turning back to her own bake and Marlene felt their cheeks heat up a bit and really hoped no cameras were pointed at them. 
The bakers had two hours for the first bake of the season and Marlene thought everything was going well. Their egg whites whipped up well, they zested many oranges, everything seemed to be going alright. They couldn’t say the same for the man across from them. He had long blond hair and a permanent sneer on his face that said he thought he was better than everyone. Marlene remembered him from the night before and rolled their eyes then just like they were rolling them now. 
He fucked up his egg whites it seemed like and was obviously disgruntled as the camera crew moved to his station for what kind of angel cake he was making. Marlene marked him as a weak link in their head but they didn’t dwell on it too long as their egg whites weren’t yet stiff peaks. They kept beating them. 
Marlene was a whirlwind of movements for the next hour and a half until Hagrid announced they all had a half-hour left and they felt absolutely overwhelmed despite actually being in a pretty good place in their bake. Their sponge was cooling and it looked well-baked but not over baked, their chocolate glaze was almost ready and all they had left was their whipped cream and to slice some oranges as a garnish. 
“Looks like he broke your focus,” the woman behind Marlene’s station smirked but not unkindly. 
“Oh, uh yeah,” Marlene answered with a breathy laugh. 
“Sorry if that was weird, you’re just in front of me and you’ve been in the zone the entire time. It’s admirable, I hope it’s all going well for you,” the woman smiled sweetly and Marlene smiled back at her. They noticed all around the tent, bakers were conserving and bantering with each other and they hadn’t said a word since the very beginning. 
“No, it’s not weird and thank you. I hope it’s going well for you too, this is all so scary,” Marlene answered and the woman smiled at them more. She didn’t seem too much older but she was definitely on the older side of the contestants. Almost everyone else looked to be Marlene’s age. 
“Yeah but think about it, if you didn’t deserve to be here, you wouldn’t be,” she reminded Marlene and the person nodded. “I’m Andromeda, by the way. It’s nice to meet you and hopefully, there’ll be a friendly face around here over the next few weeks, assuming I make it through,” she said softly and Marlene nodded again.
“I’m Marlene, it’s good to meet you too,” they answered before turning back to their bake, making sure their chocolate glaze wasn’t burning or anything. 
There was a minute left before they could even realize and their cake was glazed, their whipped cream was cold and sitting like a cloud atop the cake, and they were just finishing slicing their oranges. They chanced a glance up and around and saw the blond man across from them struggling. His sponge looked overdone and his lemon glazed looked too runny. They could only hope that the orange was strong enough in their cake to compete with their chocolate glaze and cut through it. 
“Bakers, time is up! Please step away from your bakes and move your Angel Food cakes to the end of your table!” Sluggy called out to the group and almost simultaneously, everyone out down what they were doing and stepped back. Marlene was satisfied with how their cake looked, they really only wanted it to taste good now. They took a look around at everyone else’s.
Sirius had dried batter on his face and his usually pristine hair was rather disheveled but his angel food cake looked delicious, at least in his eyes. It was a vanilla sponge with a sweet cranberry sauce running down the sides with strawberries on top. He looked forward at Mr. Remus Lupin’s cake and groaned. His looked fucking delicious and it looked like he made a chocolate angel cake sponge? The fucking drama of this guy! He looked over at James who looked very proud of his key lime pie inspired back and he had to admit it was impressive. 
“We got this in the bag,” the man whispered-shouted across the way, his arms crossed proudly over his chest. The girl in front of him who he was gaping at two hours ago turned and gave him a slightly disgusted look and he noticed and grinned at her. “Like what you see?”
“Aha, you wish,” she sneered and Sirius decided she wasn’t his favorite person. What was her deal? Sure James was a little cocky but so what? 
“Oh come on, Red. You don’t think my sponge looks good?” he asked with an easy grin and the girl rolled her eyes before facing forward. Judging was starting. 
Remus’s internal panic alarms were ablaze. He was proud of his bake for sure but it wasn’t up to his usual standard in his opinion. There was a good chance the sponge was dry on his vanilla one and his chocolate one had a very good chance of being underbaked. His pastry cream was set well enough but he was nervous all the same. All he could hope for was that it tasted better than how he imagined it did. 
He watched Albus and Minerva make the rounds with Hagrid by their side from behind him. They were tasting a greasy-haired guy’s cake and they seemed kind of meh with it like it didn’t do anything special for them and from what he could tell, it was just a normal sponge with some powdered sugar and strawberries on top.
“I’d like to see more,” Minerva said, a tone of disappointment in her voice. The guy just gritted his teeth and nodded shortly before turning to look forward. 
The judges moved onto the guy in front of the one they just judged who’d been talking to Sirius just a minute ago. He looked very proud and boastful of his bake and with good reason it seemed as the judges loved it and the guy who was judged first seethed very visibly, glaring daggers at the back of Sirius’s friend’s head. But Remus’s view was obscured when the judges crossed over to Sirius’s station. He could hear everything they were saying. 
“Right, Sirius my boy, this is vanilla angel food cake with cranberry sauce, right?” Albus asked and Sirius nodded while chewing his lip. He was fucking hot when he chewed his lip. Gods, Remus was so fucking bent for this guy and he had one conversation with him if it could’ve even been counted as a conversation. And he was a dick during the whole thing! How could he be a dick to the one attractive guy who’s talked to him in months? Remus held back a sigh as Minerva and Albus tasted Sirius’s cake. 
“Hm, that is scrummy. The cranberry is sharp and tart which is an excellent contrast to the sweetness of your sponge,” Minerva attested and Sirius’s face broke out into a smile. It was radiant and Remus never wanted him to stop. 
“Yes this is delicious, thank you,” Albus commented, giving a slow nod to Sirius. 
“Thank you,” he said softly, the smile never melting off his face. 
As Minerva and Dumbledore moved onto the person behind Sirius with Hagrid, Remus caught Sirius’s attention. “Nice one! Looks great,” he smiled and if it were possible, Sirius’s smile grew even bigger. Remus’s heart clenched because he made that happen. 
“Thanks, mate! Yours looks really good, a chocolate angel food cake is impressive,” Sirius whispered back and Remus flashed him a smile this time. 
Remus faced forward again and waited for the judges to come to his station with a large amount of anxiety that grew with every second. He resisted the urge to bite his fingernails to shreds as he knew the cameras were still around and taking shots of people other than those who had the judges at their table. But Remus needn’t wait very long as the next person they came to was him. He sat up straighter when Hagrid addressed him. 
“Remus, what have you made fer the judges t’day?” he asked and Remus swallowed loudly. 
“Uh, it’s alternating chocolate and vanilla angel food cake with pastry cream in between the layers, topped with fresh whipped cream,” he said quickly but his voice didn’t waver thankfully. He was a mess. 
“It looks very neat and your pastry cream seems to have set very nicely. Quite ambitious for the first bake of the season, let’s just hope you pulled it off,” Minerva remarked but there was a shine in her eyes. 
“Yes, I hope I did too,” he said softly as they cut into his sponges and took a piece onto the plate set in front. 
“The vanilla sponge looks well baked,” Albus commented, tapping his fork lightly over it. “But I fear you may have misjudged the timing for your chocolate sponge, it appears a bit underdone,” he remarked and Remus nodded. He figured. “Best to try it.”
The two judges put a piece of his cake into their mouths and looked thoughtful for a moment. “These flavors are wonderful. And it’s quite a feat that you got your chocolate sponge to rise and still have such a profound flavor. The pastry cream is a nice texture too,” Minerva commented and Remus smiled at her. 
“Yes, this is very good indeed however your chocolate sponge is underbaked,” Albus continued and Remus nodded. 
“Right, sorry about that,” he murmured. 
“This is a very fine cake you have, Remus,” Albus finished and Remus tipped his head in thanks. 
“I’ll jus’ be taking a piece o’ that,” Hagrid said sneakily, taking a piece of chocolate sponge with him and Remus snickered, gesturing for him to take as much as he pleased. 
“Oi, mate, that’s amazing!” Sirius whispered from behind him and Remus turned to face him, both of them wearing dazed and happy smiles. Honestly, it went better than Remus had expected it to go for their first bake and he felt ready for the technical, though he didn’t want to be too cocky just yet. 
When the judges got around to that bloke Lucius, the one across from Marlene, they couldn’t help but roll their eyes despite the large number of nerves setting their entire body on fire. Oh gods, they were the last to be judged and from what they were hearing, the majority of the others had done really well. The bar was too high!! Too high!! Marlene wished they were high right about now but instead they had to listen to Minerva and Albus be disappointed with the blond git’s bake. At least that was something positive for them. They had heard high praises for Lily and Dorcas’ bakes and they really enjoyed Alice’s flavors. Marlene thought for a second that Andromeda was going to get a Minerva McGonagall handshake and here they were with just a plain old orange-flavored sponge and some chocolate sauce. 
They barely even registered when Hagrid addressed them due to never-ending nerves but stood up straight once they realized, watching Minerva and Albus inspect their sponge. 
“Looks to be a very good bake and the chocolate has a beautiful shine to it,” Albus remarked and Marlene smiled a bit. 
“Yeah let’s just hope the orange came through,” Minerva replied before putting her fork in her mouth. “And it does,” she added immediately after. “Beautifully, too,” she continued and Marlene’s shoulders sagged in relief. 
“That’s a very lovely sponge you have there,” Albus praised and Marlene grinned at him. 
“Thank you,” they said quietly and the group moved away. 
There was a flurry of movements but they were told to leave the tent so they could prepare for the technical and so the camera crew could get a few testimonials from the contestants. They called out a few names of who they wanted. 
“Lucius Malfoy, Severus Snape, Remus Lupin, and Alice Fortesque,” one of the crew members shouted. “Everyone else, please exit the tent. You may wonder the grounds and enjoy something from the buffet but you are due back in a half-hour for the next bake!”
Marlene hurried out of the tent and into the fresh air, feeling as though they were able to breathe for the first time that morning. Gods, if that was what it was going to be like for the next ten weeks, they didn’t know if they could make it! That was one bake and they were already knackered! They would really need to pack a joint with them for their travels back home if that’s what it was going to be like.
“Hey, Marls! Where’re you headed?” a voice that she recognized as Dorcas shouted from a few meters away. They looked up and saw the dark-skinned girl with pale-skinned Lily by her side, both with wide smiles and welcoming hand gestures. 
“Nowhere in particular!” they called back as they headed to join them on their walk. 
They talked and gossiped about the first challenge. Lily ranted about the guy behind her, James Potter, being an absolute git who was too cocky for his own good. And while she did sound truly exasperated by this man, Marlene could also tell she fancied him even if it was just a bit. Lily didn’t seem like the type to appreciate being told this though so Marlene kept a tight-lip and settled for exchanging knowing glances with Dorcas who couldn’t hold back the smirk from her face. Gods, Marlene was absolutely smitten with that look and they couldn't even admit to themself. They wouldn’t be surprised if the word hypocrite was emboldened on their tanned forehead. 
Sirius was a bit bummed that Remus got called for a testimonial. Not that he wanted to give one or anything but he was hoping he could drag the guy along with him and James during their break. James was great company though, he always had something to say and it was usually hysterical. It’s only been 24 hours since meeting the guy but it felt like they’d been friends since secondary school, if not before. 
“Hey, mate, you there?” James’ voice filtered into Sirius’s thoughts and he snapped his head towards the man. 
“Huh?” he managed gracefully. 
“I said that bloke sitting in front of you seemed pretty cool,” James repeated, not letting on if he noticed Sirius blatantly ignoring him for a minute. 
“Oh, Remus?” Sirius perked up causing James’s eyebrows to raise by a fraction before shrugging. 
“I suppose if that’s his name,” he jabbed and Sirius laughed a laugh that sounded to be that of a bark. James quite enjoyed it and thought it fit Sirius’s persona perfectly. 
“It is. And yeah, he’s very cool. Talked with him for a bit before we started,” Sirius insisted and James quirked a smile. 
“Wanna grab a nightcap tonight? We can invite this Remus character as well,” James offered and Sirius’s eyes shone brightly. He couldn’t help it. Remus was cute. 
“Yeah, sure! Sounds great to me, honestly anything to stay away from home for the night is good for me,” Sirius grinned. 
“Well if that’s the case, then you’ll just have to get too drunk to go home Mr. Black, causing me to insist you stay the night at my place so I can be sure you don’t sick up in your mouth and choke on it,” James grinned and Sirius grinned back. They looked like a right pair of scoundrels right then even if they had no intention of getting drunk enough to even feel their cheeks grow warm. They had the blasted show-stopper tomorrow! They couldn’t make fools of themselves just because they had a pint too many!
“Is that a challenge Mr. Potter?” Sirius poked and James laughed.
“Is that how you see it?” 
“I think you mean mayhaps,” James corrected and Sirius snorted. 
“You’re fucking weird, Potter. That something you learned in Godric’s Hollow, some posh lingo or whatever?” Sirius taunted playfully and James scoffed. 
“You’re one to talk about bloody posh, mate. Sirius Black, named after a fucking star and grew up in rich London. I look like a right plebeian standing next to you. I might as well get down on my knees and kiss your—“
“Alright, alright, you can shut it now.”
“Eh, didn’t go too far did I?”
“Absolutely not, you prick. I’m just annoyed you refuse to acknowledge your own poshness, even if it’s more eccentric and fucking loony.”
“I’m not loony.”
“You just told me to say mayhaps.”
“As a joke!”
“Uh-huh, I’m sure.”
“You better watch your tongue, Sirius Black, I’m not afraid to tell on you to Minerva McGonagall! We’re close personal friends!” Sirius erupted into laughter and James followed suit. The break didn’t seem to last long enough. 
Remus stood back at his station rather disgruntled despite having gotten high remarks from the judges. But the attitudes of the two other guys chosen were just abysmal and Remus did not feed well off of negative energy. Thankfully, the girl Alice was an absolute sweetheart and he managed to occupy his waiting time talking with her and ignoring the two other assholes. However, when Alice went to give her shpiel on the first bake, he was left alone with Lucius Malfoy and Severus Snape, neither of which displayed any kindness. 
“That old bat doesn’t know what she’s talking about,” Lucius had snarled. 
“Neither of them can appreciate true artistry,” Severus had implored and Remus rolled his eyes but his ears burned as the man continued, “Praising an underbaked chocolate sponge. How very soft. I suppose they feel bad with all those scars. Paints a very interesting picture.”
“Hmph, I have to agree. And with all the praise for that brown skin and that black girl,” Lucius had sneered. Remus could tolerate slander directed at him but he drew the line at any kind of racism. 
“Hey, you better shut the fuck up,” Remus snarled as he turned around. “To be quite honest I couldn’t give a damn about your bitterness towards the judging but don’t go blaming it on others and don’t you dare bring anyone’s race into this. They have just as much of a right as you or I do and the fact they’re better than you makes you feel inferior. Well, I got news for you mate. You are inferior. And if I ever hear you badmouthing anyone for their race, I will fucking slug you where you stand,” he bit out quietly and without wavering. “Fucking trash,” he gritted out, spitting at Lucius’s feet and glaring at Severus before turning back to ignore them.
The pair behind him continued their conversation much more quietly then and Remus failed to hear any of it but it wasn’t too much longer before Alice came back and Lucius left. She could sense his anger but didn’t ask him about, choosing instead to ask about what he did for a living. 
So there he stood, his arms tightly crossed over his chest, glaring daggers into the back of Lucius Malfoy’s head, waiting for the hosts and the judges to arrive, signaling the start of their first technical challenge. 
“Psst, Remus,”.said a voice behind him and he really thought about ignoring the guy just because he was in a foul mood. But he relented anyway because he had a feeling that Sirius wouldn’t stop calling out to him until he answered. He turned. 
“Wanna grab a pint with me and James after we wrap up for the day?” he asked with a brilliant smile and expectant eyes. His heart melted a bit at the sight and he smiled softly. It took him a minute to register what the guy had asked him and then he felt his cheeks flush. He was asking him to hang out after? Him? Remus Lupin?
“James?” Remus asked without thinking or hesitating and Sirius pointed his thumb over to the guy at the station across the way. The man called James smiled a brilliant smile and waved enthusiastically. Remus snorted. 
“Sure,” he answered with an easy smile before turning back forward to hide his burning cheeks. He managed to catch a glimpse of Sirius’s own burning cheeks though and the thought made him warm inside. 
The technical was a disaster. At least it was for Sirius. He couldn’t be sure about anyone else but he was sure he fucked up his bake beyond repair. All his good graces from the signature challenge would go out the window because he would surely be crowned twelfth place and he would have to claw his way through the ashes during the showstopper just to stay in the competition past the first week. He was embarrassed and he was annoyed with himself for cracking under pressure. Surely he could’ve handled twelve miniature tres leches cakes, right? But no, not at all apparently! His whipped cream was running, his sponges well weak and didn’t hold well after being doused in milk and to top it off, he cut his finger when slicing the strawberries! No one was having a worse time than him, surely.
Except for maybe Marlene McKinnon who was almost in tears at how everything was turning out. How could it be that only an hour ago they were making perfect whipped cream and now it just wouldn’t stiffen? They were on their third attempt and there was only five minutes left in the challenge so if it didn’t work then, they would be serving naked, milky sponges and they absolutely loathed the sound of that. They beat their whipping cream and sugar harder. 
Remus Lupin felt oddly calm during the technical. His sponge came out well or so it appeared and he had no way of testing it, his milk concoction was mixed well and his whipped cream wasn’t grainy. All was well at station Remus and he was quite proud of himself although he doesn’t have the self-confidence to believe he’d place even in the top three. But he was still proud of himself. 
“Alright bakers, that’s the end of your first technical, if you could, please bring your tres leches up to the Gingham altar and place them behind your visage!” Sluggy proclaimed and everyone seemed to take a collective breath as they stepped back for the first time since starting. Thankfully, Remus had just finished setting his last strawberry atop his cakes and couldn’t help but be pleased as he brought up his platter to the front. He was seventh in the judging so he’d have to wait for Albus and Minerva to get to his bake but he didn’t seem to mind actually was a nice change of events from this morning. He began to fear that his lack of anxiety would be his downfall though and that he’d be taken by surprise and his tres leches would actually be terrible and his sponge would be cracked and dry. 
He sat in an odd mixture of fear and calm. But he was sat next to Sirius so that was nice. Sirius looked upset and Remus searched for his photo which was second from the start and frowned. They certainly weren’t the prettiest but they didn’t look awful and as long as they tasted good, he would be fine. 
“It’ll be alright, mate,” Remus whispered, trying to sound encouraging and Sirius just shrugged. Remus risked it. He took Sirius’s hand and held it. Yes, he was attracted to the man but also they were in this together. As much as Bake Off was a competition, they were still fighting the same battles and Remus would hate to see Sirius feel alone during this. Luckily, Sirius held on. 
“Right,” Minerva said, catching their attention and looking over the bakes with scrutiny. “Let’s see how they did, shall we?” she asked, gesturing to the first bake which was behind the photo of a man Remus had never talked to. 
They seemed to enjoy it enough but remarked that the cakes weren’t milky enough and Remus had to stop from blanching at the term used. Milky. Ew. Gross. But they moved onto Sirius’s and the man held Remus’s hand tighter. 
“These look a little… disordered,” Albus said serenely. “But hopefully the flavor is good,” he continued as he and Minerva put a piece in their mouths and immediately hummed in delight. 
“Quite delicious,” Minerva remarked and Albus nodded in agreement as they moved onto the next bake which was Severus fucking Snape’s. 
They didn’t like it. Good. 
Next was the red-headed woman across from Remus and they really seemed to like it, stating it almost near perfection. Next came a brown-haired woman that Sirius’s hand tensed at when they got to it, causing Remus to frown. He hadn’t seen the man interact with that woman at all. Interesting. 
After the brown-haired woman (Remus should really learn all their names), they moved onto the black woman who was stationed in front of Remus and they also really enjoyed hers, and then it was Remus. He gripped Sirius’s hand a bit tighter. 
“They all look very neat which is good, let’s just hope they taste as good,” Minerva remarked as she put a bite in her mouth, Albus following suit. They hummed in approval. 
“Quite delicious,” Albus remarked. “This one is going to be hard to judge I can see,” he continued and Remus had to school his face from beaming. But Sirius gripped his hand tighter which made Remus squeeze back. 
James was after Remus and he did well but he had thirteen inside of twelve. (Sirius thought James would say something like ‘Well I should get extra points, right? It could’ve been eleven instead of thirteen.’ Sirius would have replied, ‘I think you’re just shit at maths, mate.’) A tanned girl with chestnut brown hair was after James and like Sirius, they looked very messy but the flavor was good. 
“The cream is a bit too runny for my taste,” Albus commented and Remus sighed. This is not easy for anyone and it was only going to get harder. Minerva and Albus were picky. 
They moved onto Lucius’s which weren’t even topped with whipped cream which made Remus smirk, and then they headed onto Alice who’s were satisfactory it seemed. And they ended with another guy who appeared slightly mousy and even his picture on the altar conveyed a strong sense of panic. He did what Remus would describe as a ‘meh’ job. 
And then the judging. Remus kept waiting for his name and he held onto Sirius’s hand tightly and he couldn’t tell who was sweating more. Unsurprisingly, Lucius was last, then Severus, the mousy-looking boy, named Peter, was tenth, followed by the person with the chestnut brown hair, named Marlene, was ninth, followed by the first guy, Frank, then Alice, the woman that made Sirius tense up was named Andromeda and she was sixth. Sirius tensed up again and stayed that way when he was announced to be fifth. 
“Sirius, overall a good set of bakes, just a bit of a mess,” Albus noted and Sirius smiled with a nod. 
James was fourth and then came the top three which hadn't registered yet that Remus was in. But he quickly realized as Sirius squeezed his hand tightly and Remus held his breath. 
“In third, is this one,” Minerva said, gesturing to the bake with the photo of the redhead who’s station was across from Remus’s. “Lily, a really good bake the sponge could be just a bit wetter.”
“These two were really hard to decide between, it was a really a toss up but in second is this one,” Albus stated and Remus raised his hand. Second in the technical! What the fuck! Is this the same Remus he woke up as this morning?
“So that means Dorcas, you are first,” Minerva smiled at the woman’s who station was in front of Remus and Lily leant forward to congratulate her and so did the guy named Frank. She was shocked. 
Remus, Dorcas, Snape, and Lucius all got called for testimonials and again, Sirius was bitter. They had a few more things to film just to wrap up the day but either way, he was going to get a pint with Remus and James. But gods, what a day! He had a pretty good signature and he did well in the technical! And he made friends with the hot guy who sat in front of him! Maybe Bake Off is exactly what Sirius needed to turn his life around and to start actually living happily and not in his family’s shadow. It’s only been two days and he already feels like a different person and as long as he doesn’t muck everything up with the showstopper, he feels pretty confident he’ll make it to the next week. 
He was packing up his things and also taking out some things he would be using for biscuit week next week just as preparation when Remus finally came back over. “Hey, mate! You did bloody amazing!” Sirius said happily and Remus beamed at him. 
“Thanks, Sirius! You did really well, too!” he answered and Sirius grinned. 
“Oi, Remus! Remus Lupin!” shouted a voice from across the tent. It was the redhead Lily that James was absolutely smitten with already. 
“What?” he asked, his face neutral as she stomped over to him, an unreadable expression clouding her face. 
“You and Dorcas, are you two some kind of wizards or something?” she asked, sniffing afterward and Remus grinned at her. 
“What, jealous?” he asked, poking a bit of fun but the reddening of his cheeks was absolutely noticeable and Sirius smiled carefully to himself as he watched the exchange. 
“Jealous? Me? Absolutely not,” she scoffed. But she smiled after. “Congratulations, you and her seem really fantastic at baking.”
“Hey, you do too,” he answered softly and she smiled at him. 
“Yeah well, I was only complimenting you to make you more comfortable so you’d let your guard down,” she shrugged and Sirius watched Remus roll his eyes. 
The two of them almost seemed like him and James in the sense that they immediately hit it off. There was no bite behind their words or actions, they were just banting with each other. Sirius felt a green ugly monster want to rear its head in the back of his mind but he quickly shut the door on it. He did not know Remus and he certainly did not know if he was even into blokes. Sure they held hands during the judging of the technical but it was just a high stakes situation. It didn’t mean anything. 
“You’re Welsh, aren’t you?” she asked him and Sirius saw the honey-haired man nod out of the corner of his eye. “Could tell from the accent, eh. Well, I’m from Cokeworth, you know in the midlands. I reckon the train comes by both our stops so if you want a friendly face to sit by tomorrow, just shoot me a text. And maybe we could grab a quick cuppa in town before shooting in the morning,” she offered and Remus seemed to light up at the suggestion. It left a warm feeling spreading in his chest. 
“That’d be nice! Here, let me give you my number,” Remus answered and both of them pulled out their phones, exchanging numbers and laughed. 
“I’m gonna name you Wolf McWolf in my phone,” Lily snorted and Remus playfully glared at her. 
“Uncalled for, ginger,” Remus shot back. “Just for that, you will be Little Red to me,” he grinned deviously and she scoffed back at him. 
“Hey, there chums!” James’s booming voice interrupted and Sirius was grateful. He was growing tired of watching the two of them flirt or whatever. Yes, he was bitter. Yes, he was a petulant child sometimes. It came with the territory, he was used to getting what he wanted and he wanted Remus. Gods, he’s a mess. 
“Ugh, you,” Lily sneered but there was no real malice behind it, Sirius noted. “What is it that you want?” 
“The lads and I were going to grab a pint when we wrapped up here. I suppose you wouldn’t want to join us, Evans?” James inquired, his eyes shining brightly and when she snorted, his face fell a bit. 
“Not tonight, we have the showstopper tomorrow. It’s rather immature of you to get a drink after today, you couldn’t wait till tomorrow?” she pointed out and James shrugged. 
“We could also go tomorrow if you wanted to join then,” the brown-skinned boy offered eagerly and Lily tried to stop the smile from growing on her face. 
“Well, we’ll see four eyes. If the three of you make it through tomorrow, then I will think about grabbing a drink with you lot,” she snorted and James was back to full-on grinning. 
“Oh I think she’s challenging us, mate,” Sirius finally remarked, glancing over at his new friend who nodded solemnly. 
“It would appear so, perhaps tonight we should practice one more time at my place,” James offered and Sirius couldn’t tell if he was serious or joking. 
“Alright, everyone! That’s a wrap! See you all bright and early tomorrow! 8 am sharp!” Sluggy called and all of the contestants broke apart and finished getting everything ready for tomorrow. And then he headed out with his new best friend and his new crush. Bake Off was getting interesting.
Remus woke up the next morning with a fond smile already on his lips despite the ungodly hour of the morning he was awake at. The night before had been really fun for him and they hadn’t gotten drunk at all really, just enough to feel a slight buzz but with the promise that no matter what happened today, they would go out again after the showstopper and get properly smashed. Remus was looking forward to it. 
He changed quickly and headed downstairs, kissing his mum on the cheek as he entered the kitchen. “Toast for my boy,” she said sweetly and Remus gave her a quick smile before stuffing a piece in his mouth. 
“Nervous, fab?” (Nervous, son?) his dad asked from his usual seat at the table, the morning paper open in front of him. 
“Ddim mewn gwirionedd, yn ddideimlad yn bennaf,” (Not really, mostly just numb.) Remus answered easily, being completely truthful. His nerves felt fried from yesterday and he knew he practiced as much as possible the weeks following up to the competition. He wouldn’t say he was ready and he also wouldn’t say it would turn out well or he was super confident. But he’d made as much peace as he possibly could with the weekend. Whatever happened would happen and he wouldn’t be able to change. (That’s not to say he wouldn’t be a mess during the actual competition, he figured it was kind of calm before the storm.)
He finished off his toast, grabbed his bag and rushed to the door so he could hurry to the train station. He couldn’t afford to be late. 
“Let us know if you’ll be home late,” his mom called and he called back an acknowledgment. 
“Hey Little Red, hopping on the train right now, second cart from the front,” Remus sent the message as the train pulled up to the station. He had only arrived a mere 30 seconds before. 
Lily texted back immediately. “Sounds good, Wolfie. See u in a few.” Remus smiled and settled into a seat, taking out his headphones and shuffling his guilty pleasure playlist that’s filled with Britney Spears and Lady Gaga. 
Lily joined him at the Cokeworth station and he quickly hid away his phone with the incriminating playlist and struck up a conversation. “So, you’re from Wales,” Lily stated and Remus raised an eyebrow. 
“So I am,” Remus agreed.
“Speak Welsh?” she asked, light in her eyes and Remus snorted. 
“Siarad Saesneg?” (Speak English?) he shot back and Lily grinned. 
“Wicked,” she gasped. “What’s it like? Wales, I mean. I’ve never been despite it being just across the way,” she asked and Remus shrugged. 
“Green, small, Welsh. I live just outside of Cardiff and the city’s rather nice. If I’m being honest I do love it, I just wish I could get out for a little,” he sighed. 
“Like, uni or something? I mean I get it though, Cokeworth is small and everyone knows everyone. It’d be nice to get away but I can’t exactly afford uni,” Lily revealed and Remus looked at her for a second before nodding. 
“Me too,” he answered. “I’ve always wanted to go, I love learning, I love studying, I love reading but, uh, we can’t afford it either,” he finished with a mumble and Lily gave him a piercing look. He felt uncomfortable. He knew his scars were noticeable and he knew people would always have questions but it wasn’t their business. 
“I say go for it. We both should, money be damned,” Lily retorted finally and Remus raised an eyebrow. “You’re what? 21? I am too, it’s not too late, it’s never to late,” she continued and Remus smiled. 
“How’d you guess my age?” he asked and she snorted. 
“Didn’t you know? I’m a Seer,” she joked and Remus laughed. “By the way, did you know that Severus lives just over the tracks from me in Spinner’s End?” she added on and Remus tried not to let his mood turn sour. He didn’t want to talk about that dickhead.
“Oh how interesting,” he mused carefully and Lily’s face turned hard. 
“The guy is a prick. We used to be friends, you know. When we tykes, inseparable and all that. But he changed and I tried hard to forgive him and help him but he’s just a slimy git,” she huffed and Remus glanced over at her. 
“I’m sorry,” he said sincerely and she shrugged. 
“Past is past, it’s just crazy to see him here after a couple of years of not seeing him and knowing he’s still the same twat he’s always been,” she sneered and Remus nodded.
“I had… a… friend like that,” Remus bit out, trying to keep himself under control as he thought about Fenrir fucking Greyback. 
“I’m sorry, too then,” Lily said softly and Remus smiled at her. 
“Eh, you know, past is past. A guy tries to rape, permanently disables you as a result, and then you beat the shit out of him. Casual, right?” he offered with a flimsy smile and Lily laughed. He was glad she did. 
“You’re a right riot, mate,” she said. “At least you got him back and gave him what’s coming. Fuck that guy,” she continued and Remus scrunched his nose. 
“Yeah well, now we’re on fucking Bake Off and Snape may be here too but there’s no way he’s winning. Not with you on the show too,” he offered and Lily rolled her eyes. 
“Yeah I think you’re more of the threat to be completely honest,” she answered and Remus smiled a toothy grin. 
“We’ll both give him a run of it,” he compromised and she smiled back at him. 
Remus was sure he and Lily would take the train to the tent together every morning they could. He was sure he’d just found a friend forever considering they’d just had a heart-to-heart at 7 in the morning on the way to a baking competition. Plus she shared part of her chocolate scone with him and he’d always been a sucker for chocolate.
Marlene got to the Bake Off grounds earlier than most, the only other person there was Frank Longbottom and they had a very brief but friendly exchange of hellos. Marlene just wanted to get there early to clear their head a bit and focus on the task at hand. They’d practiced their cake sculpture for weeks and they knew exactly what they needed to do in order for it to succeed. As long as there weren’t any major catastrophes, they’d be fine. 
They were sat on a tree stomp only a small distance away from the tent when Dorcas Meadowed showed up out of nowhere and plopped down right next to them. “Morning,” Dorcas drawled out with too much pep in her step for 7:41 in the morning. 
“Hullo,” Marlene answered with a very small smile. “Lovely day innit?” they asked and Dorcas scrunched her nose. 
“Yeah, it is. But it got even better with you in it,” she answered and Marlene immediately blushed. Was this flirting or was she like this with everyone. 
“I could say the same for you,” they answered cheekily. “But maybe if you brought me a coffee next time, it would be even better.”
Dorcas smiled. “Oh so, I’m not enough? Need coffee too? Alright, fine. How’d you take it? Black? Cream? Sugar?”
“Black,” Marlene answered back with a playful grin. “One sugar.”
“Oh that sounds gods awful,” Dorcas gagged and Marlene giggled. 
“Hey, to each their own,” they snarked and Dorcas rolled her eyes. 
“You nervous for today?” she asked and Marlene shrugged. 
“Yeah, I mean I think it’d be weird if I weren’t,” they replied and Dorcas nodded.
“Me too, but also. Not really? I don’t know I guess I just feel confident,” she continued on and they nodded along. 
“Yeah, I think that’s a good way to describe it,” Marlene concluded, smiling at Dorcas who smiled back. 
“Wanna get a drink after today?” Dorcas asked and Marlene snorted but nodded at the same time. 
“Yeah, I really do,” they answered. “If you’re interested I packed a joint in my bag, we could share if you want,” they continued and Dorcas lit up at the suggestion. 
“Sneaky little thing, aren’t you?” she laughed before saying, “Yeah, that’d be nice. Need something to take the edge off with this competition.”
“Precisely my thoughts,” Marlene smiled and Dorcas smiled right back. Gods, they wanted to kiss her so badly but it’s been less than two days of knowing each other and that was way too forward. But still, the want was there.
James and Sirius showed up to the tent together as Sirius really did spend the night at James’s place. James was oddly kind and perceptive to Sirius’s weird moods when his home life was brought up and he had made a genuine offer for him to stay the night. 
“That is if you don’t mind the lunacy of Godric’s Hollow,” James had snorted and Sirius grinned.
“No, I very much welcome lunacy,” he had replied and that was that. Sirius met Fleamont and Euphemia Potter and spent the night in the bedroom next to James. They hadn’t practiced the showstopper challenge like James had suggested earlier in the day but even if they wanted to, they would’ve been able to, considering the size of the Potter’s kitchen. It would send Wahlburga Black on a fucking rampage.  
They took their stations easily and Sirius admired Remus from behind as the guy took a spot at the station in front of him, just like the day before. “Still on for tonight?” Sirius asked quickly and Remus turned around to smile and nod. 
Sirius took a glance over to find James trying to chat up Lily again and he held back an eye roll. The guy was an absolute disaster but he seemed to thrive on being that way which made Sirius appreciate him even more. He, too, was an absolute disaster. 
They settled in quickly after that and the cameras started rolling as Minerva, Albus, Sluggy, and Hagrid all walked in. 
“Welcome to your very first showstopper!” Sluggy called out and Sirius leaned forward on his station, tucking a strand of hair behind his ear that fell loose from his bun. “Albus and Minerva would very much like you to make a sculpture of your favorite world monument out of cake. It can be the Eiffel Tower, the Statue of Liberty, the Great Wall of China, anything you want but it must be made entirely out of cake and your landmark must be decorated to the highest degree,” he explained and everyone stared at him.
“Yeh have three and a half hours! So on yer marks!” Hagrid boomed. 
“Get set!” Sluggy chimed.
“Bake!” the two hosts called together and Sirius rushed to start his bake. 
Sirius ran through the process of making his batters very quickly, double-checking that his oven was preheating. He was briefly aware at some point that the judges were making their rounds and they were standing in front of Remus who was explaining his sculpture. He caught words like ‘Northern Wales’ and ‘Devil’s Bridge Fall’ but he was too focused on pouring his batter evenly to be able to entirely hear the explanation. 
Just as he was ensuring the pans of batter were even and ready to go in the oven, he was interrupted. “Sirius! How are you today?” Sluggy asked cheerfully and the man smiled at the two judges and the host. 
“Hello Minerva, Albus, Sluggy. I’m well today, a bit nervous, but okay,” he answered and they smiled back at him. He bent down to put his sponge batter into the oven. He needed them in as soon as possible. 
“What are you preparing for the judges today? Where are you taking us?” Sluggy asked and Sirius held back an eye roll.
“Calais, France. I’ll be sculpting the Calais Lighttower out of raspberry and vanilla elderflower sponge with chocolate buttercream holding it together and fresh-made fondant covering the outside,” he explained and they nodded, obviously wanting more about why he chose the Lighttower. “My family, they have strong roots in France and I used to go there at least twice a year with them. I always loved Calais and the Lighttower is so beautiful, I hope I pay it homage well,” he continued and they seemed satisfied.
“That sounds lovely and you seem to have a lot to do so we’ll let you be,” Albus conferred and Sirius nodded his thanks before running to start his buttercream icing. 
Before he knew it, there were five minutes left and Sirius was honestly not very pressed for time. He’d had some banter with the bloke behind him, Peter, as well as Remus which kept the mood light and calm (despite Peter’s obvious nerves and lack of time management; he seemed to be a good artist though). He didn’t have any trouble constructing the tower thankfully and the hardest part of covering it in fondant went better than it did when he’d practiced. All that was left was to imprint the brickwork of the tower with a toothpick and paint on some cracks with black dyed buttercream. 
“Bakers, your time is up! Please step away from your bakes!” Sluggy called from the front and Sirius took a deep breath, taking in his full creation and feeling rather proud of it. It looked like a Lighttower and it was standing upright. He just hoped it tastes good. Sirius looked past his own bake and saw Remus’s and was astonished. It was amazing, it looked like he’d painted all the colors of the waterfall and greenery onto the buttercream. And there was a bridge made out of chocolate work that was spectacular. Unless it tasted like horse shit, Sirius was positive that Remus would be Star Baker. The guy was bloody brilliant. 
“That looks amazing, Rem,” Sirius gushed and he saw him blush while muttering a quiet thank you as they settled in for the judging to start. 
They started with Marlene and went up her row. Sirius watched as Andromeda displayed a beautiful Eiffel Tower and tried not to seethe as she got glowing reviews. He liked Andromeda, she was always his favorite cousin but she was still part of his family and he did not do well with family. Thankfully, neither of them had tried to make contact with each other and that’s how he really preferred it. 
James had a beautiful Taj Mahal but apparently, his flavors were a little lacking and Severus’s looked pretty terrible but apparently tasted great. It was a shoddy Big Ben and Sirius thought him to be a prick. He’d never had a conversation with the guy but he just seemed like a fucking douchenozzle. 
They went down Sirius’s row and that bloke Lucius who’d been mucking everything up had a lackluster showstopper and Sirius couldn’t even make out a church building let alone the Norte Dame, Alice’s was average it seemed to be, Dorcas’ received rave reviews and Remus’s received glowing remarks about design (as it should’ve). They liked the taste of it and Remus was absolutely blushing on his walk back. It was a great look on him. 
“Sirius, would you please bring up your monument,” Sluggy encouraged and he stood for his moment of truth. Honestly, if anyone besides Lucius was booted this weekend, Sirius would be shocked but needless to say, he didn’t feel too particularly nervous about judging. He didn’t know if that was good or bad.
“Well it certainly looks fantastic,” Albus remarked. “Very tall.”
“Yes, the fondant looks well made and it’s homemade?” Minerva asked and Sirius nodded. 
“Yes, it is.”
They sliced through it and the whole thing remained standing, thankfully. They inspected his sponge thoroughly. 
“Both looked to be well baked and the buttercream is nice and smooth,” Minerva inspected. The raspberry sponge is a brilliant pink and the vanilla elderflower sponge looks quite airy. Let’s just hope we actually get the elderflower flavor along with the vanilla,” she continued and Sirius watched as they put a piece in their mouths. 
Albus hummed. “That raspberry is quite lovely with the chocolate buttercream, sharpness and sweetness both come through really well,” he said simply. 
“Yes, I quite agree and it’s a beautiful texture, a wonderful bake on this one. Now for elderflower and vanilla,” Minvera remarked, taking a bite onto her fork, Albus following her lead. 
After a second she sighed, “Pity. The elderflower doesn’t come through at all really and the vanilla flavor is very overpowering.” Sirius nodded. 
“It’s a bit dry too,” Albus added and he nodded again. 
“Thank you,” he murmured, waking forward to receive his bake and head back to his station. 
Peter was last and he did fine but not good and that was that. They had a quick break while the judges deliberated, all of them gave small testimonials and then they convened back in the tent for the final judging of the week. All of this was a whirlwind for Sirius, he was dead on his feet but he was still ready to go out for the night with Remus and James.
“This week, I have the pleasure of announcing Star Baker. This baker seems to have an eye for chocolate and a hand for design. Remus, you are this week’s Star Baker,” Sluggy announced and Sirius leaned over the person named Marlene and patted his thigh, congratulating him as he sat there absolutely awestruck. Lily patted his head in congratulations and Sirius sat back in his seat. 
“Now I ‘ave the very, very, very sad job of telling yeh who’s leavin’ us this week. I tell yeh, I don’ wanna see any of yeh go and I barely even know yeh!” Hagrid exclaimed, almost crying it seemed like. “This week, the one who’ll be leavin’ us is…” Everyone held their breath but Sirius felt as though it was more for show rather than actual nerves. It could only be one person. “… Lucius.”
Lucius stood up and gave a curt nod and sneered a little but everyone still stood and gave hugs for the week as was tradition on the show. Albus and Minerva went around and congratulated everyone, gave advice to those who seemed to need it, praises to those who deserved it, all while Remus was bombarded with hugs and Lucius was not approached at all very much.
It took too long for the camera crew to call cut on the day in Remus’s opinion but he did cry when he called his mom to tell her he got Star Baker. He honestly couldn’t believe it, he really thought Dorcas deserved it more than him and told her so. She told him to shut up and be more confident in his abilities. 
But now, he was heading into the nearby town with James and Sirius to grab a quick drink and maybe get drunk. He was going to get drunk. For sure. Especially with Sirius and James, they seemed to be the types to get absolutely hammered when possible. Lily had in fact tagged along like she said she would and she brought Marlene, Dorcas, and Alice with her. 
Remus got progressively more drunk and closer to Sirius throughout the night. Alice left rather early, Marlene and Dorcas spent the entire time talking with each other and Remus almost asked why they hadn’t started making out yet. (Honestly, he might’ve said it later in the night but he was a bit too drunk to fully remember.) James and Lily were talking almost the entire time and she had a hard time pretending to be annoyed by him, even when he really was annoying. 
Sirius and Remus spent the entire night talking and he’s pretty sure Sirius told him his whole life story and Remus was also sure he told Sirius his but he was even more sure neither of them would remember in the morning.
Near the end of the night, Remus sent his mum a text that he wasn’t coming home because he was staying the night at one of the other contestant’s houses with a few other people. Lily made sure Marlene and Dorcas got home safe, promising that all three of them would text in the giant group chat they started at the bar. And then he settled in bed with Sirius and James, all three of them muttering drunken nonsense. 
“Guys, I have work tomorrow,” Remus murmured, his cheek pressed against Sirius’s arm. 
“You can’t go Moony, you’re Star Baker,” Sirius slurred and Remus laughed a very drunk laugh that was all deep and stomach-ish. 
“Moony?” he asked.
“Awhooo! Wolf Wolf,” Sirius murmured back. “Moony.”
“Doggy,” James drawled and Sirius pushed him a bit. “Sirius star, Canis Major,” he explained weakly. 
“Not Doggy,” Sirius huffed. 
“Toebeans,” Remus said flatly. James snorted loudly. 
“Absolutely not,” Sirius growled. 
“Padfoot,” James stated easily and Sirius huffed as Remus cheered. 
“Wha bout me?” James slurred. 
“‘Ou got big ears and you get tha-.. tha-.. you know…. ahh-face like that… thing,” Sirius said in an extremely unhelpful manner. 
“Oh, I know like the uh… animal.. that..” Remus added trailing off and James let out a noise of impatience.
“What?” he whined, drawing it out as his new friends were being extremely unhelpful. “Moony, Padfoot,” he cried and both other men laughed but Sirius hiccuped loudly causing Remus and James to laugh again. 
“Hm, Prongs,” Sirius said, snuffling further into the pillow of James’s bed, perfectly content between his two friends. 
“Hm yeah,” Remus agreed. “I have work tomorrow,” he said again and James reached over and pushed on his arm. 
“Shu up, Star Baker,” he grumbled. “Tell them no. We have bacon here and you live in fucking Welsh,” James murmured, pressing his face into his pillow. 
“Wales,” Remus corrected. “Bachgen ceirw mud,” (Dumb deer boy.) he muttered. James said something absolutely unintelligible 
“Hmm quiet, sleepy time,” Sirius yawned and neither of the other two boys said anything as they both thoroughly agreed. It was indeed time for bed. 
And Remus did not end up going to work the next day, instead, he spent the day extremely hungover with his two newest and best friends: Padfoot and Prongs. He loved Bake Off before, but now he absolutely adored it. 
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deathlyhogwarts · 7 years
if u haven’t noticed yet, Remus John Lupin is the love of my life
This is part 2 of Truth or Dare, but it could also be a complete different imagine, so you don’t really need to read part 1
Feel free to request!
word count: 1521
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“Hello, Y/N.” You look up from your book only to see James taking a seat next to you. “Why are you reading? You’re supposed to eat. Did you accidentally switch reading with eating?”
“No, I already ate breakfast, James. What is it?” you ask, as courteously as possible, eager to go back to your book. You were in the Great Hall, finished breakfast quite early and it was Saturday, so you didn’t have anything to do until afternoon.
“Can’t I make conversation with my friend?” he asks innocently and you raise your eyebrows at him. “Fine, fine,” he sighs. “I just… you have a date with Remus tonight, am I right?”
“Yes,” you answer and can’t help the redness appearing on your cheeks.
“Well, you see, I’m really not supposed to tell you this and I know we’re all friends, but…” he trails of, taking a deep breath. “Remus has liked you for a while and he was and still is very insecure about himself. We always try to raise his self-esteem… he has some… problems, which he should tell you about, it’s none of my business, but sometimes, most of the time, it’s not really working.“
“What are you trying to say, James?”
“That he’s head over heels for you and don’t expect him to act as a tough boy or something, he’ll probably be shy and closed in himself because, as I said, he’s very insecure and probably thinks he doesn’t deserve you-”
“That’s nonsense! I like him very much, he deserves me as much as I deserve him,” you say, frowning.
“I know, Y/N, that’s why I’m saying this. You both are amazing persons and I am very glad you two finally are dating, but be gentle with him. Please,” he looks at you hopefully.
“There is really no need to ask me to be gentle with him,” you say softly. “Repeating myself, I happen to like him very much and I wouldn’t hurt him. He’s also my friendーwell, now obviously more than that, but he was my friend first.” You smile.
James smiles, nodding. “I’m glad to see someone finally treats him the way he deserves, so with all of this being said, I wish you luck with your date. Oh, and Y/N?”
“Whatever he tells you, don’t say something that could hurt him. Where are you going, anyway? He wouldn’t tell any of us, he said we’d make fun of him.”
“Oh, just Hogsmeade. Where else could we go?”
“Remus,” you said, as though making sure he knew you were here. You were supposed to meet in the Entrance Hall to go together in to Hogsmeade.
He turned around, facing you, and a slight blush appeared on his cheeks, along with a sincere smile. “Y/N. You look amazing.”
“I’m pretty sure I look like any other day, but thanks, Rem,” you laugh.
“Yeah, but the difference is that now I can tell you without it being awkward. It’s just that you look amazing everyday,” he smiles cheekily at you.
“Oh, aren’t you charming.” You laugh, trying to hide the fact that you were blushing. “Shall we go?”
He nods and you two start walking in silence, both of you being scared to ruin the mood, until you both reach the magical town. “So… where were you planing to go?” You ask, looking at him for a second, then back at the road, recognising a few of your house mates.
“Well, there’s this book shop-”
“Ah, books. You know me very well, Remus Lupin,” you playfully wink at him.
“Y/N, we’re both bookworms, how can I not know?” he laughs. “And after that we could go wherever you want to go, as long as you’re happy.”
“We should do something that makes you happy as well,” you look at him, frowning slightly.
“Y-yeah, well, um, what about Honeydukes?” he stutters.
“That’d be great,” you smile and remembering what James said about his insecurity, you take his hand in yours and drag him towards the bookshop.
You enter, hand in hand, something that made you feel protected and giddy, because, as cheesy as it sounded, it felt like it was made to fit in yours. The smell of old books fills your nostrils and you rush toward the shelves with your favourite genre of books. You’ve never been to this bookshop before and it was very far indeed, but you would have noticed it. “Pretty awesome, isn’t it?” Remus whispered in your ear. “They have a section with muggle books as well, isn’t it just perfect?”
You turn aroun, facing him. “How come I didn’t know about this place?”
“What can I say? I’m full of surprises,” he smirks. You put your arms around his neck and press your lips on his. “Yeah, you are,” you said.
You started looking at the books, finding all of them very interesting, but one of them caught your eye, so you took your wallet out, ready to buy it. “Dang it,” you mumble. You took the wallet with your muggle money.
“What is it, love?” Remus appears by your side, wrapping an arm around your waist.
“Nothing, nothing.”
He frowns. “No, really, what is it?”
You sigh. “I took my muggle money instead of wizard money, no big deal,” you smile up at him.
He takes the book from your hand and goes to pay for it. “No, Remus, don’t!” you whisper-yell after him, but he already paid for it.
As you get out of the shop, he hands you the book you wanted to buy and smiles at you. “Remus, you didn’t have to,” you sigh.
“Nonsense, love. You obviously wanted that book, consider it a gift,” he smiles innocently at you. “Besides, would you rather me buying you a drink or a book?”
“What did I do to deserve you?” you mumble to yourself, smiling at the ground.
After you both went to Honeydukes and bought a lot of sweets and candy, which he paid for again, because you had muggle money, you went to sit on a bench and eat them. “You know I’ll pay you back when we get back to the castle, right?
He chuckled. “You can try, but I won’t accept it.
“But why?” you whine.
“If money can buy things that make you happy, then I don’t care, Y/N,” he doesn’t look at you, but distracts himself with opening a bar of chocolate.
“You’re being so nice to me,” you mumble, now imitating him and opening more sweets to eat.
“Because you deserve it,” he looks up at you. “But Y/N, there’s something I need to tell you before we take this further. I know it’s just our first date, but… it’s important. You need to know what you’re getting yourself into.” He frowns. Was this what James was warning you about?
“You know you can tell me anything Remus, you’re still the same in my eyes and will always be.” You look at his concerned face and suddenly start to become worried. “What is it, Remus?
“I-I just don’t want you to see me different, t-that’s all…” he trails off. “You just, you just mean so much to me and I don’t want to ruin this day we had together, but you deserve to know this before we get into something serious-”
“It’s okay, it’s okay,” you cup his face in your hands, letting him know that you’re here for him. “Whatever it is, I’m sure I’ll still see you the same loving, kind and wonderful person you are.
“I just don’t want you to leave me,” he sobs.
“I won’t, I promise. Just tell me so you can get it off your chest.”
“I’m-I’m a werewolf,” he looks down, as if ashamed of himself. “Go ahead, you can gasp, widen your eyes and run, I won’t bite until it’s full moon,” he says in a low tone.
You wrap your arms around his torso and squeeze him as tight as you can. “That’s okay.
“You don’t wanna run away?” he mumbles in your shirt. “B-but I’m a werewolf!” he pulls away, looking at you surprised.
“So what? That doesn’t make me love you less,” you smile endearingly.
He had his mouth open, as if trying to find words, but now knowing how to put them in a sentence. “I love you so much, Y/N, you don’t know how happy I am that you’re not scared of me,” he pulls you back in the hug.
“I’d be a twat if I’d do that, honestly. Hey, Remus?”
“Yes, babe?”
“Do you wanna be my boyfriend?”
“I was supposed to ask that! Don’t take away my masculinity!” he exclaims with the biggest grin on his face.
“Oh, so you don’t wanna be my boyfriend, fine then.” You get up from the bench and start walking, until he grabs your wrist and yanks you towards him, making you bump into his chest and kisses you passionately.
“How stupid I’d be if I’d say no to such an opportunity?”
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theweasleysredhair · 7 years
Mistakes [J.P.]
Character: James Potter
Word Count: 2167
Requested?: Yes/No
Summary: James doesn’t react well to getting his best friend Y/n pregnant. When will he finally decide what he really wants?
WARNINGS: Mentions of pregnancy
Other Parts: Part 1 Part 2
Disclaimer: Gif isn’t mine, credit to whoever made it
Note: This imagine is based on the prompts: 1. “Please don’t leave me.” and 20. “I’m pregnant.” I’ve not written a full imagine in a while (and I’ve never written for James before), so I apologise if this isn’t very good. Also, I love James Potter ❤️x
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“This was a mistake, okay? We never speak of this again.”
The words swirled around your head like a swarm of bees, your heart beating fast. James didn’t love you - he made that perfectly clear a couple of weeks ago when you spent a drunken night together and he told you it was a mistake.
It hurt more than you cared to admit, especially since you always had a crush on your messy haired best friend. The worst thing about it was that he was in love with someone else.
Lily Evans.
Lily was a beautiful girl, with flowing shoulder-length red hair that contrasted perfectly with her bright green eyes. With freckles scattered across her rosy cheeks, her clear, porcelain skin, and her rosebud lips, there was no questions as to why James had fallen for her.
Though it hurt to see him pine after her, you knew it was better to be friends with James than to ruin your relationship completely. Which is why, ever since that fateful night, you had pretended that you were okay with you and James going back to being just friends, with your feelings and the memories of the night being suppressed, for fear you would lose the one person you felt closest to.
It would have most likely worked out well, and you may have even gotten over your feelings for the boy, if it wasn’t for the sickness you started to feel barely a week after what happened, and you feared for the potential cause.
It took you a few days to hype yourself up to get checked out, with help and persuasion from Remus, who happened to catch you throwing up at one point, leading to an entire confession on your part.
That lead you to the current moment, where you sat clutching Remus’ arm as you waited nervously for the results.
“It’s going to be okay Y/n. If it turns out you are, and James doesn’t seem to want to step up, then you know you always have me. I’ll always be here for you,” Remus reassured you. You smiled at him gratefully, but deep down felt bad - you didn’t want to ruin Remus’ life with a baby that wasn’t even his.
“Miss L/n?” Madame Pomfrey spoke as she headed over to the bed you were sat on, “I have your results here. Congratulations, you’re pregnant!”
“This is the worst possible thing that could have happened to me, Remus. How could this have happened? Why? I just… Oh Merlin, I’m going to lose James!” You paced back and forth in front of the werewolf, chewing your lip frantically.
“You’re not going to lose James, don’t talk like that. If anything, it’ll bring you closer,” Remus said, reaching out to stop you from pacing, and pulling you beside him on the couch. “I don’t know how to tell him,” you admitted quietly, looking down at your lap.
Remus grabbed your hand with his, and squeezed it reassuringly, “Take your time with it, make sure you rehearse what you’re going to say, and remember that no matter how he responds, I’m still going to be Uncle Moony.”
You grinned at the tall boy, bringing him into a hug, “What would I do without you?”
“James? Can I talk to you?” You asked the brunette as you entered the common room. James looked up at you and grinned, “Yeah sure babe, what about?”
You gestured for him to follow you, and headed up to your dorm room. The room was thankfully empty when you got upstairs, and you closed the door behind you both.
“Are you okay? You seem out of it,” James noted as he sat down on Lily’s bed - something you noticed bitterly.
“Yeah I… I mean… I have something to tell you, but before I say anything, I want you to know that I’m scared and I don’t know what I’m doing, but I’m just hoping really that you can help, but you don’t have to, it’s your decision and-”
“Y/n, babe, it’s okay, just tell me what you need to say, I’m getting worried about you here,” James said as he leant over to hold your shaking hands. You took a deep breath and forced yourself not to blush at his hands holding your own.
You nodded and looked away from his eyes, your gaze resting on his hand enveloping your own.
“I’m pregnant.”
James blinked, pulling his hands away and shaking his head ever-so-slightly.
“James?” You whispered as the boy turned to the door, “James!” He opened the door and slammed it behind him. Your lip trembled as a tear dropped down your cheek,
“Please don’t leave me.“
The following month had been hell for you. Not only did you have to put up with changing mood swings and morning sickness, but you hadn’t spoken to James since you told him about the baby. Not for lack of trying on your part, however James seemed pretty adamant that he was going to cut you - his best friend apart from Sirius - out of his life completely.
It hurt at first, but with every passing day, the pain faded just a little, especially with Remus’ never-ending help.
You thanked Merlin that he was around, because you doubted you’d be able to get through this by yourself, and you were so grateful that the robes you wore for school were large enough to cover the small baby bump you were sporting, as you didn’t think you could bare the judging looks or questions.
With one hand absent-mindedly holding your stomach, you walked down one of the corridors, heading towards to library to meet Remus. Hearing a very familiar laugh drift towards you, you felt your heart beat faster and, as soon as you saw the brunette heading your way, you hid behind a large pillar, not wanting to face him and Lily together.
The couple walked past you, oblivious to your shaking figure as you felt your heart ache just looking at them holding hands. You didn’t know when they got together officially, but it must have been recently.
You watched them until they disappeared out of your view, leaving you alone with your envy for the redhead, and how she managed to capture the heart of the boy you loved.
You were around 4 months pregnant when you could finally see a real baby bump, as opposed to the slight roundness of the previous weeks. There was something oddly calming about seeing your stomach growing, ready to hold the baby you were certain to love with all your heart.
The zip to your jacket was strained a little as you pulled it over yourself more, before leaving the dorm room to join Remus downstairs.
“Are you ready to go?” The werewolf asked as he held out his arm for you to hold onto. You nodded, “Yes I am. Thank you for taking me Moony. I know you chose me over the boys today.” “It’s my pleasure. You’re in need of some company today, and I’m more than willing to provide it. Besides, you’ve not been out in months now, and visiting Hogsmeade will do you some good.”
The sun was out, beaming down across the small town of Hogsmeade, which would have made the day warm if not for the cold breeze that swept across every so often.
“Where do you want to go first?” You asked Remus. “Well I’d quite like a look in Tomes and Scrolls, and Scrivenshaft’s. Apart from that, I don’t mind wherever you want to go,” Remus replied, shoving his hands into his pockets as he walked alongside you. “Oh I love Tomes and Scrolls! Let’s head there first!” You said excitedly with a grin.
You arrived at the bookshop and opened the door, hearing the little chimes of the bell as you stepped inside. Immediately, you found yourself engrossed in looking around at the books, a soft smile gracing your features.
Outside, Remus paused on his way following you, hearing his nickname being yelled. He turned around, his eyes focusing on the messy haired lad that just caught up with himself. “Hey Moony, why didn’t you join us today? Thought we were all going together,” James said as he pulled a hand through his hair.
“I um… I told Padfoot to tell you I’m actually here with someone else,” Remus said, his voice wavering slightly. “Really? Like a date? Go Moony! So, who is she?”
“Remus! Remus I found this amazing-” You trailed off as both the boys’ heads turned to look at you when you opened the door to grab the werewolf’s attention.
“Y/n,” James breathed out, his eyes widening slightly at seeing you so close after so long. You cleared your throat and stepped towards Remus. James eyes wandered down your form, his eyes fixating on your baby bump.
“Is-Is that-?” He couldn’t bring himself to finish the question, so you rolled your eyes and finished for him, “My baby, yes.”
For some reason, James felt his heart ache when he heard you refer to the baby as yours and not his as well. He pulled a hand through his hair again, this time due to nerves, “Boy or girl?”
“I don’t know yet. And it’s none of your business anyway. Just leave us alone - you’ve already made it pretty clear that you don’t want us,” you said as you began to turn to head back into the shop.
“Y/n wait!” You paused, your hand lingering on the door handle as you slowly decided to turn back around.
James looks at you desperately, trying to think of something - anything - to say to you. “I want to help you.”
You glanced at Remus, who was looking anywhere but at the two of you. You shrugged, “I’m not sure what you want me to say to that Potter.”
James winced. You never referred to him by his last name unless you were really really mad at him. He sighed, “How about “I’d love you to help out”?“
You looked at the boy with fake confusion. “Why would I lie?” You asked, before turning around and heading back into the shop.
You didn’t hear from James for a few days, which bothered you greatly. You’d hoped that since he told you he wanted to help out, he’d be around you more, at least trying. But sadly, he had done nothing.
The next thing you heard about the boy was that he and Lily broke up; the news travelled through the school quick, and reached you within the hour it happened.
Though you felt guilty for the redhead, you couldn’t help the hope that surged through you. Maybe James was serious about wanting to help. Maybe, just maybe he wanted to mend your friendship.
The same afternoon, James headed down the stairs from his dorm to the common room. He was alone with his thoughts, trying to distinguish between those of Lily and those of you. He reached the bottom of the staircase and stepped into the common room, finding you and Remus together - again.
He knew his friend was just helping you out, but he couldn’t help but be mad that it was Remus helping you, and not him.
“Want a drink?” Remus asked as he stood up from the couch, “It will have to be decaf though, if you want tea or coffee because you can’t drink caffeine, it’s bad for the baby.” You smiled at him, “I’ll just take a water, thank you.”
James waited until Remus left the room before stepping out of the shadows. “Can someone please let him know that the baby isn’t his?” James said as he entered the room, his annoyance at the fact you spent more time with Remus than with him evident in his voice.
“Maybe not by blood, but Remus has been around more than anyone,” you replied, grabbing a book from the table and lifting up your feet onto the couch beside you.
“The baby is mine, Y/n, and I want to be apart of his or her life,” James admitted, coming to a stop in front of you. You didn’t even look up from your book as you replied, “Maybe you should have thought about that before you walked out on us, okay? You can’t just pick and choose when you want to step up and be a dad! It’s not fair to me, and it’s certainly not fair to my baby.”
“Our baby.” “My.”
Everything James felt towards you finally fell into place as he began to speak again, “Our. We’re meant to be together Y/n. I know you know that too. Yeah, I’ve made mistakes, horrible ones, when it comes to you. And I’m sorry, I really am. But now I’m trying, I’m here, and all I want to do is let you know that I’m ready. I want to be a dad, and I want to be with you. Please.”
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wolfstarlibrarian · 3 years
hey! do you have any true crime fics? i recently read “the rosary” by fluorescentgrey on ao3 and it was probably one of the coolest things i’ve ever read. thanks for everything <3
Hello friend! The Librarian did a little detective work and was able to find some fics just for you. There are also some related lists, just in case you need some more crime fics. 
Artists, Heists, and Assassins
Wolfstar + the Mafia
Wolfstar Crime Mysteries
Non-Magic AU
The Rosary by @yeats-infection On a Thursday in April 1943 Remus took the train from London to Birmingham, where a stately black car was waiting at the station to take him a short drive southwest to Hagley. In a wood on the estate of the Viscount Cobham of Hagley Hall four local boys hunting quail had found a woman’s skeleton in a wych elm tree.
Three Card Monte by @enjambament In which you can’t cheat an honest man, or, in which Remus and Sirius steal a piano.
flesh and blood needs flesh and blood, and You're the one I need by @theprongsletthatlived In 1968, Azkaban State Penitentiary reported finding convict Sirius Black stabbed to death inside the prison hospital. In 2003, Hogsmeade P.D. finds Sirius Black's fractured skeleton in an escape tunnel outside the prison. Homicide detectives Nymphadora Tonks and Charlie Weasley now must try and crack two puzzles: how it's possible for a man to die twice, and more importantly—who wanted Sirius Black dead at all.
Retrial by phoenixgal
Remus Lupin, host of the popular podcast Retrial, decides to focus on the case of Sirius Black, a man convicted of murdering his high school best friend, for his upcoming season. Remus has gotten too close to his subjects in the past, so he promises himself that won't happen this time.
Caught by phiso
Sirius Black was the thief no one could catch – at least, not until he met his match in Detective Inspector Remus Lupin.
Where the Mist Falls by @yumenouveau Remus loves being a deputy in the snowy mountain town of Greyback Peak. But when a crazy cult leader escapes in his woods and the FBI is called in, he's not about to just hand everything over to the stuffy know-it-all feds. That is, until he's confronted with silvery eyes, perfect cheekbones and a tailored suit that make his heart beat so loud it might start an avalanche.
Magic AU
The Killing Moon by @kattlupin After a lifetime of dreaming of another mans life, Sirius finds himself in a race against time to find and save the man from the tragic fate that has befallen him in each of his previous lives.
Wilde and Whimsy by achilees, chasingbluefish In a world where Dumbledore defeated Voldemort during the first war, the wizarding community is picking up the pieces and getting back to their lives. Remus Lupin becomes a person of interest in a murder at the bookshop where he works and Sirius Black and James Potter, aurors, are sent to investigate. As they navigate the crime itself, Remus and Sirius realize that there is something to their instant chemistry. But they need to keep their newfound attraction under wraps while trying to find the killer and stop them from claiming more victims.
Perfect Strangers by @remuslives23 An anonymous encounter in a nightclub brings Sirius Black and Remus Lupin together in a tangle of sex, lies, and murder.
Runes by @yumenouveau In 1860 Hogwarts is a prestigious and diverse learning environment filled with bright young minds and forward thinking wizards. When Remus takes a job teaching Herbology, an incredibly annoying yet roguishly handsome Professor Sirius Black has inexplicably taken a keen interest in him. For whatever reason he can't seem to say no to this man and finds himself surrounded by friends and companionship for the first time in his life. But something mysterious is happening under the castle eves and Remus and Sirius take it upon themselves to discover an evil hiding in plain sight.
For more crime fics check out @wolfstarwarehouse ‘s list here!
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wolfstarlibrarian · 4 years
Hello lovely librarian! I was wondering if you had any wolfstar fics with mystery as a theme! Magical mysteries are probably more common, but I'd be happy with either canonverse or AU. Thank you ^^
The Librarian thought about listing a short description with a link for each these so they’d be a mystery when you clicked, but decided against it. 😉 Hope you enjoy the final list which has a big mix of both magical and muggle mysteries.
Wolfstar Mystery Fics
The Killing Moon by @kattlupin
After a lifetime of dreaming of another mans life, Sirius finds himself in a race against time to find and save the man from the tragic fate that has befallen him in each of his previous lives.
Perfect Strangers by @remuslives23
An anonymous encounter in a nightclub brings Sirius Black and Remus Lupin together in a tangle of sex, lies, and murder.
Cirque de Lune by @quoththethestral
The same words that have been whispered around the country for years now — the circus that travels with the moon. The circus that appears suddenly like clockwork, the new moon announcing its arrival, but the location always left a mystery until it’s not. No announcements in the paper precede its arrival, no advertisements printed on black and white ink are posted throughout the town. One day it is not there, and the next, it simply appears.
Runes by @yumenouveau
In 1860 Hogwarts is a prestigious and diverse learning environment filled with bright young minds and forward thinking wizards. When Remus takes a job teaching Herbology, an incredibly annoying yet roguishly handsome Professor Sirius Black has inexplicably taken a keen interest in him. For whatever reason he can't seem to say no to this man and finds himself surrounded by friends and companionship for the first time in his life. But something mysterious is happening under the castle eves and Remus and Sirius take it upon themselves to discover an evil hiding in plain sight.
Grimsfall by @remus-john-lupin There is a legend in the old city of Grimsfall that a large, black creature used to emerge from the forest at night, and anyone who met its gaze would be driven to madness before the thing dragged them into the depths of hell.
Neighborly Conduct by bshiat 
Sirius starts fooling around with his neighbor, and is unpleasantly surprised when he refuses to take things further. Sirius must find out the secret to why this man would refuse to go out with him.
Ba-Dump, Ba-Dump, Ba-dump by @artymakeart There was once a cozy cottage with a nice room, Then during a bright full moon, Ba-dump, ba-dump, ba-dump, Something went bump, bump, bump.
flesh and blood needs flesh and blood, and You're the one I need by @theprongsletthatlived
In 1968, Azkaban State Penitentiary reported finding convict Sirius Black stabbed to death inside the prison hospital. In 2003, Hogsmeade P.D. finds Sirius Black's fractured skeleton in an escape tunnel outside the prison. Homicide detectives Nymphadora Tonks and Charlie Weasley now must try and crack two puzzles: how it's possible for a man to die twice, and more importantly—who wanted Sirius Black dead at all.
The Rosary by @fluorescentgrey-blog
On a Thursday in April 1943 Remus took the train from London to Birmingham, where a stately black car was waiting at the station to take him a short drive southwest to Hagley. In a wood on the estate of the Viscount Cobham of Hagley Hall four local boys hunting quail had found a woman’s skeleton in a wych elm tree.
The Thing in the Woods by @toyhto
Special Agent Sirius Black comes back to Twin Peaks after thirteen years. Some things are still the same.
Wilde and Whimsy by achilees, @chasingbluefish
In a world where Dumbledore defeated Voldemort during the first war, the wizarding community is picking up the pieces and getting back to their lives. Remus Lupin becomes a person of interest in a murder at the bookshop where he works and Sirius Black and James Potter, aurors, are sent to investigate. As they navigate the crime itself, Remus and Sirius realize that there is something to their instant chemistry. But they need to keep their newfound attraction under wraps while trying to find the killer and stop them from claiming more victims.
Sirius's New Year Mystery Kisser by @remus-la-swearwolf
It's Remus Lupin's last New Year's Eve at Hogwarts, and Sirius seems to have forgotten all about him.
Retrial by phoenixgal
Remus Lupin, host of the popular podcast Retrial, decides to focus on the case of Sirius Black, a man convicted of murdering his high school best friend, for his upcoming season. Remus has gotten too close to his subjects in the past, so he promises himself that won't happen this time.
For more Wolfstar mysteries, check out @rsfiresidetales! 
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