hp-shippy-prompts · 8 months
The title Master of Death is a misnomer, created by men with delusions of grandeur. When Harry masters the Hallows, he becomes Death’s envoy, representative, servant. Harry essentially becomes a Reaper, and a not entirely alive one, considering he died, but also not an entirely dead one, considering he came back to life. He landed in this happy middle ground that infuriated his new boss.
As such, SoB as his boss was, he is given the tedious, frustrating, and at times heartbreaking task of gathering the souls of Voldemort’s victims, by his hand, orders, or influence, and crossing them over. Death knows no bounds, and nor does Harry, so he is cast along his enemies timeline.
Myrtle is his first reaping. He doesn’t really know what he is doing, so when she resists, it goes a bit wrong, causing her to remain as a ghost, never to find true peace. Harry regrets this failure, blaming himself for her fate, to remain until she slowly fades, and with every reaping after, he is more decisive and firm.
But the slow, terrible process continues, slowly gathering souls, knowing those he knows will fall to his scythe all too soon.
What he never expected was to reach that night, to be forced to reap his parents, and know his work that night wasn’t done. For after his mother, Harry had to reap the soul of his own infant self, before being required to follow Voldemort’s fleeing spirit as he always was.
But that left Harry wondering... If he had personally reaped the soul of Harry Potter, then who, or what, was he?!
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jarofstyles · 8 months
Reaper 12
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This is 14.1k of pure smut. I hope that makes up for the wait!😇😇😇😇
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Warnings- Dom/Sub dynamics, subspace, domspace, spitting, slapping/impact play, degradation kink, praise kink, kink negotiation, mention of knife play, name calling, a mix of mean and soft Dom H. oopses.
"What is it that you wanted to talk about?” Bunny couldn’t help the words from spilling from her mouth. They had just settled in back at the hotel after a quick stop to snack. Harry handed her some chips he’d saved from the airport lounge, wanting to make sure she was full as he took a seat next to her on the couch.
“I have some questions for you, that's all. If you have any for me we can also talk about it.” Harry spoke as he pulled open the bag of chips, “I want to know some more about what you like, yeah? Know I can make them all happen, want to see how you like it best.” He was already feeling himself get worked up.
He placed a few chips in his mouth to stop himself from revealing his true impatience. He loved to tease himself with it, hear her talk about all the things he knew he’d blow her mind with if she let him.
Bunny felt a warmth wash over her under his stare. Harry was like a wolf waiting to pounce, like an animal who enjoyed playing with his food. Her eyes locked with his again, eyes hazy with desire.
“I’m really curious. About a lot of things.”
Harry understood that. He hadn’t been sure what exactly she had been a part of or researched herself besides what she had already told him about the anal play, but he sure as shit was going to find out. “That’s good. Being curious and interested is a good thing. I think… I want to start off with what you definitely don’t think you want to do.” He stroked over her shoulder.
There was so much he wanted to do with her that the list of things he didn’t want to do was extremely small. “I know we’ve had rough sex, I’ve edged you, degraded you a bit. And you’re good with all of that, yeah?” He questioned, slipping his fingers under the neck of her shirt to feel the warm skin of her bare shoulder. Her nod was immediate and eager, making him smile. “Good. I just want to tell you that you can be comfortable with me. There’s no need to be embarrassed or hesitant to bring things up. I want you to be open and honest with me and tell me about the things you’d like to do. Your wildest dreams, things you fantasize about, things you are curious about. Should have had a better chat about this before if m'honest, and that’s my fault for not doing it.” He frowned. “But I’m gonna try to be the best I can here. So open that pretty mouth and get to talkin’.”
“I don’t think I’d be a fan of anything that could permanently harm me, but… I do enjoy a bit of pain.” She had always had an interest in it. Something about the rough touch always got her throbbing, aching for more. “The stinging feeling is really nice. I also don’t think I’d like to do anything too humiliating. I don’t think you would, because you know most of my limits. For most sexual things I’m more sensitive to rejection.”
Bunny knew she could get so into pleasing her partner, that it’s gotten her into trouble before. Sometimes she was so lost in the feeling that she forgot what she previously said she wouldn’t do. It was a shame she’d found out what she hated most was disrespect.
“I just know that I want to feel your touch on every inch of me so much that I feel it on me the next day.” The desire to be marked by his touches and kisses were overwhelming. “Want to give into you, want you to make me.”
The desires were tame, in his opinion. Dislikes basic and very do-able. He wouldn’t ever want to cause permanent harm. Quite frankly, the man would rather die than leave a mark that would last more than a few days. The thought of her in pain that didn’t lead to pleasure made him sick.
“Noted. I don’t think I need to tell you I wouldn’t ever do something that hurt you last fading in a few hours or days. But you like to feel it after, then. The burn, the sting, the ache. I like that.” He smirked to himself, fingers finding her necklace that had been tucked under her shift and fiddled with it.
“When you say pain, what are we thinking? Because there’s a few levels to it.” He shifted slightly, angling his body towards her. “We’ve got spanking, we’ve done that. Hair pulling. Biting. Scratching. All things I'm a fan of. Then you can go on to toys and impact play with them. Paddles, whips, canes. I’m not a massive fan of the cane, if I’m honest. Paddles, absolutely. Whips are a gray area for me. I’ve used them before and enjoyed them, but the person was a true masochist.” He explained. Bunny didn’t seem like the type to like whips, but he also had been shocked she liked anal play, so .
“We have pain that’s derived from pleasure. That’s what I like. Overstimulation. Making you orgasm over and over until it hurts and you’re sensitive- and doing it again.” He licked his bottom lip, knowing he had gone easier on her in the past. “I enjoy what we’ve done but I haven’t gone as heavy handed as I could be. Haven’t been as rough. We haven’t had this conversation properly, so I wasn’t ready to do that.” There was a slight pause. “You know subspace, yeah? It happens for dominant people too. S’called dom space. I’d like to venture into that at some point. Haven’t fully allowed myself to do it yet because, if I’m honest, didn’t really give a true fuck about anyone I was with beyond respecting them and caring for them as a human when we’d play like that. But I trust you.”
“Whips don’t sound fun and canes no… but I don’t mind a paddle, though your hands already feel good.” Bunny flirted, already a bit squirmy at the idea. She had a feeling he would be delivering many stinging slaps against her skin, the sounds she was already imagining ringing through her ears.
“Dom space? What does dom space feel like to you?” The girl was genuinely curious. She wanted to make sure that he was also properly taken care of, her hand reaching for his to place a soft kiss to it.
Bunny hadn’t had a proper dom before. She remembered her first time in subspace she didn’t realize what was happening, she just remembered how sensitive she had gotten and how much she forgot about. How easy it was for her partners to take advantage. Bunny had no doubt Harry would get her there and treat her appropriately.
“To me… it feels like I’m elevated. Maybe a little high. I haven’t fully felt it yet, but it’s similar in essence, I’ve heard, to subspace. I’m more aware, though. More in tune with you.” It was a difficult thing for him to explain out loud. “However, I’m okay with no whips and canes. Not my preferred method either way. I like feeling the sting in my palm.”
Harry liked seeing the flesh ripple under the hit, seeing it bloom. He loved watching her jolt and fall back into his hand, fingers digging into the sheets or curling into a fist as the hit strike went straight to their stomachs. The sound of it, the sharp snap, all of it appealed to him.
“And for us… I think aftercare will always be important. It usually is, but you’re very sensitive and I can imagine that if you drop in that way, s’intense for you.” He murmured, looking at her face as she was deep in thought. This was both an interesting and arousing conversation to have, but he needed safety first. He felt so much for her, he would never want to put any bit of it in jeopardy. “Can y’tell me some about what you’d like from me after doing something intense? Know you love to be held and praised but, do you need more? Something different?” Her needs needed to be catered to.  It was his first time doing this with someone who hasn’t actually participated in this, only by accident here or there. He wanted the experiences with him to be as positive as humanly possible. “Anything to avoid after?”
“Don’t want to be left alone, even if we have to clean up or something just take me with you or lay with me.” She knew that for certain. “Probably need some water and something sweet at some point to get me back if it takes a bit, I’ve never fully dropped so I’m not sure what exactly I’d need but… yeah, just don’t leave until you know I’m back.”
Maybe this was a new thing that was developing, but she always had this fear even without the subspace. Abandonment was a tough feeling to navigate, especially having her brother and her dad in and out of the house growing up. Sometimes she worried they wouldn’t make it back, one night her dad didn’t. It seeped through into her sex life and partners, she didn’t want them to leave.
“I know after we do something intense I’ll just feel very vulnerable, so just be gentle and I will be okay. You’re already good at it, you know? I’m sure it will feel amazing afterwards.”
“Okay.” He could manage that. Actually– he didn’t know how he could do anything but gentleness and sweetness to her after the fact. That was something he was usually quite good at with her so far, thankfully. He hadn’t been confident in his ability to be gentle before they’d started.
“I’ll take note of that. That’s pretty basic aftercare from what I’ve noticed so it wouldn’t be difficult for me. I kind of want to take care of you all the time.”
The admission took her by surprise, the smile blooming on her face as she felt heat under her skin. He liked taking care of her? She preened at that. He didn’t even seem like he had much of a choice. It was natural for him when it wasn’t for anyone else, which made her feel especially good.
“Next question is… what are you the most curious about trying? Things you’ve been wanting to try with me or been a bit nervous to bring up. I want you to be open with me and tell me the real things you want so I can make sure you’re satisfied.” He moved his hand out of his shirt to knuckle over her jaw, smiling when she tilted her head to lean into his touch.
“I um…” Bunny was a bit lost on how to properly say the words out loud. It would shocking for him to hear from her, but the thought of it sent shivers up her spine. “You’ve always been really adamant on not laying a hand on me physically, never with malicious intent.” She shifted so she was facing him better. “But that stinging feeling I was talking about earlier, I want you to slap me.” The words hung in the air for a moment. Saying the words out loud made her a bit nervous, “You just… look really sexy when you’re angry and I know that I should probably be scared when I’ve seen you like that, but I’m not. All I ever think about is you fucking the life out of me.”
There had been many fantasies Bunny had about him taking his rage out on her, through sex of course. Perhaps it was something she should work out in other ways, unpack why it aroused her, but she didn’t want to. That emerging side of her wanted to explore it. Her eyes blinked up at him, expecting him to try and convince her otherwise. It seemed like her words only made him think harder.
Harry looked at her, brows shooting up at the request. It was one of the last things he had expected her to say, really. One he had to take a second to think about.
“You want me… to slap you?” He said it slowly, looking at her curiously. Harry didn’t want to make her feel nervous or embarrassed in the slightest, but it was one he was going to tread with caution. “To hit you in the face? I need clarification.” This wasn’t something to assume about.
At her nod, he licked his lip nervously before brushing his fingertips against her heated cheek. “So… explain it to me. When would you want me to smack you?” He questioned, looking at her eyes, trying to gauge her emotions. “You’d want it when I’m inside you? Want me to just use my judgment to do it, or you’ll tell me when you want it?” He was full of questions, obviously. “I’m not opposed. I’ll keep it light, I don’t want any marks on your face and I know how to control my strength but, I’m very curious about how you came up with that. Is it something you’ve always liked or…” was it just for him?
Bunny felt playful, pressing a nip to the side of his thumb as he brushed over her lips.
“It’s a very recent thing, it’s definitely something you’ve made me aware of where I wasn’t before the spanking.” She thought back to the first time she felt those initial bubbles of interest. It made her cunt feel warm from the inside, the sting traveled through her in waves.
“I’d want it up to you, but I’ll also tell you if I want it… can deny the request if you need.” It was a layered request, she wanted him to claim a certain type of dominance over her. She was ready to let go for him if he let her. The conversation was making it harder for her to keep it together, but she wanted to see where else the conversation would take them.
“If you want to do it while you’re inside, that’d be hot. I’ll always tell you if it’s too much.” Bunny had a way about her when it came to him. She knew just how to deliver things to get through to him.
“Hm. Okay.” It was a little intimidating, that request. Mostly because he hadn’t imagined it before, never even dreamed of it, but he found that he would probably do anything for her pleasure. As long as it was consensual.. It was fine with him. He would try it. “We’ll try that. I wasn’t expecting that in the slightest… knew you liked spanking but that’s different. You’re gonna have t’tell me if you like it when we try it.” There was a chance she wouldn’t, and he was prepared for that. “It’s okay if you don’t. It’s exploring, isn’t it?” Her nod made him relax a little bit. He’d never had this sort of conversation with someone he gave a shit about.
“I do have some more questions though. I can see you’re getting worked up but I need you to know you aren’t getting a thing until we’ve finished discussing, so keep clenching your thighs if you want, but don’t tease me.”
Bunny was a tease and they both knew it. Harry was a weak man for her, but he wanted to continue. “What do you like so far? When we fuck… what’s the thing you like the most and want some more of? M’assuming a bit of the manhandling, moving you around and being a bit rough. I want to know what your favorites are.” He paused, tucking some of her hair back so he could see her face properly. “Cause I think I want to spit in your mouth a bit more. S’that okay with you?”
“That’s good, yes please.” She nodded and felt a tingle at the way his tone landed on her ears. So smooth and stern, yet so ready to devour her in every way.
“I really like it when you talk to me. You’re really intimidating but it’s so hot… makes me want to climb on top of you, like how you have your way with me.” Bunny was thinking about all of their encounters, thinking about how much attention he paid to her body. How he had made her feel dirty and beautiful. She wanted more.
“I love the way you talk about my body. How you make me wait. You love to tease me but I can take more.” Bunny liked a good challenge. “And um… since we’ve been in the clubhouse I um, I liked the idea of them hearing us. Part of me wanted them to see…” Her cheeks heated, looking down at her lap. That was more of a fantasy, she knew he would understand, but still intimidating to admit. “I wouldn’t mind someone watching if you approved of them.”
That got him interested. His girl was a bit of an exhibitionist, wasn’t she? He was very pleased at the moment, hearing her talking about what she’s liked that he’s done for her, what makes her go wild. He did tend to run his mouth a lot but Bunny liked it, encouraged it. He could see on her face right now that she would more than likely do anything he asked.
“My girl’s dirty, isn’t she?” He sighed, shaking his head with a little smile curled at the edge of his lips. “Like what you added there, at the end of that. If I approve. I do. I wouldn’t mind showing off. I just don’t want anyone else touching you.” That was a firm no go for him. He would blow their heads off. Harry wanted her solely to himself. “I’ll bring you somewhere to show you off if that’s something you’d enjoy. I’ve heard whispers of a club around here that we can do precisely that. But we aren’t going to let anyone else touch you. That’s a hard limit of mine. Y’understand me?”
His face was deadly serious and she felt a thrill go up her spine at it. He was that possessive of her. He’d shared partners before, she assumed, but he wanted her to himself only. The idea was very pleasing to her.
“Yes, sir. I’d love to go. I don’t want anyone else to touch us. They can just watch. I like the idea a lot.” She admitted, squirming again on the couch. The mere thought went straight to her cunt.
“Good. I won’t share.” He shot her a look that she probably didn’t need, but continued. “More hard limits of mine are vomit, bathroom stuff, not super into the food stuff besides whipped cream and chocolate, maybe… no cock cages for me, fisting for me, needles… fireplay. M’okay with wax or knife play but, I don’t want to be stabbed unless it’s a tattoo.” He was somewhat joking. He could see that intimidated her a bit, though.
“Know that’s intense. But I had to list them. I’m open to most things.”
“Oh well— yeah I definitely don’t like the sound of a lot of that either. But whipped cream and chocolate sounds fun. And sticky.” Bunny scrunched her nose at the thought but carried on, not allowing it to distract her.  “Wax is good too… the knife play?” Bunny was intrigued but she wasn’t exactly sure if she would like it. “Can you tell me a little more about that? How would that work with us?” She wanted to see his vision, understand the filthy desires he kept quiet about. There was a thrill in the surprise most of the time, but she was in the mood to pick at his brain.
Harry looked so relaxed talking to her, his pupils dilated because he was truly in awe of the sight. Bunny got him going like nothing else, better than any drug or any revenge he’s gotten. His own vice.
“There’s a few ways we could do it. It’s a mix of wild adrenaline and your pain kink.” He teased, as if he didn’t have one to match. “I’d never go deep with it. Don’t even have to knick you. Just holding it to you, letting you feel the metal, the danger of it being close to your skin… it’s erotic. Danger is, I suppose.”
Harry’s whole life was danger. Filled with adrenaline releases and highs, it was something that he found to be creeping into his own sex life as he got older. He didn’t want to make her truly afraid, but the thrill went far. He knew that himself, the feeling of the cold metal running over his skin, even grazing him slightly had been enough to make him go wild.
“Could take the knife and hold it to your thigh. I’ve cut your panties off before, can do that with the rest of your clothes. Cut you out of them completely. Run it over your body. Even give you a little scratch with it. It all depends on your comfort. If you don’t want to, it isn’t a big deal. But I think you’d like it.”
It was really hot when he cut through her panties. That was a fond memory of hers.
“I did like it.” She was almost uncomfortably wet remembering how he looked at her, the slicing sound and her shock of her realizing what he had done. “I think I would like more, a scratch would feel good.” Bunny could already picture it against her skin, she did trust him with her life. He’d never harm her.
Her curiosity was getting the best of her, she wanted to hear more about what he liked. The answer didn’t quite satisfy the aching in her belly for more.
“Is there anything I do that you really like?” Bunny let her hand rest against his thigh, leaning closer into him. She desperately wanted to touch and kiss him, but they were having a serious conversation. It wouldn’t stop her from touching him.
It wasn’t that Harry had anything to hide, he just felt it was obvious. He was very vocal about the things he liked, practically everything she did got to him. The girl wanted to know.
His eyes went to her hand on his thigh, shooting up a brow as he looked back at her. She was trying her best to be good. He could see it, she was itching to be touched and vice versa, but she was holding on. It settled in his stomach, the satisfaction that she wanted to be good for him.
“There’s a lot of things I like. I like when you pull on my hair and you dig your nails into my skin. I like when you choke on me. When you let me use your mouth to fuck.” He took her hand in his own, tangling their fingers. Maybe he was taunting her a little bit.
“I like when you make noise. When you get so worked up that you babble a bit. Lets me know m’doing a good job.” His lips quirked up in a slight smirk. I do like occasionally when you’re a brat and you fight me a little bit, mostly because I like to take over and make you take it. I’ve been a bit tame with you so far with what I’ve done in the past. I’m going to keep going to work you up to more. But I want you to be vocal for me. Tell me what you like and what you want more of. That’s the shit I need for us to keep playing the way you want.” With a gentle squeeze, he released her hand and found her cheek, curling his fingers around it. Her body was practically vibrating with need and he could see it. He could feel it.
“Tell me what you’re feeling at this moment.”
“I feel really tingly…” She didn’t know what better word to use. “I feel like I need you to touch me or I need to touch you. Just want to kiss you so bad but we’re having a conversation and I don’t want to be rude.” Bunny was eager to play, she felt like she had had enough of the conversation now. It felt like it’s been ages since she felt his skin.
It made her feel so nice knowing there were things she did naturally that made him feel good. She rubbed over his hand with her thumb, though she couldn’t move it much. It was as if he was keeping her in place. Bunny kept her eyes on him, waiting patiently for his next move. His next words. She had been so good and planed on continuing. She wanted to get him in the best of moods, make him feel good after all the emotional turmoil they’ve both had.
Harry just couldn’t believe how good she was.
“I’m impressed with you.” He admitted to her. “You’re being incredible for me. Such a good girl.” The two last words came as a soft croon, his fingers gently squeezing her face as she melted into the touch. The praise itself has her toes curling, looking hazy eyed up at him with a new eagerness in her blood.
That was what she wanted. She wanted his praise and to impress him, to get him to be proud of her. That was the ultimate goal. Her restraint had given the desired effect, Harry’s approval making the tingles turn into vibrations in her body. Yes,  this was her being his good girl.
“You need to ask for what you want.” He instructed. “Whether I’ll give it to you or not is up to me. But I’d like for you to speak up and tell me what you’d like when you’d like it.”
This was a big deal to her.
Bunny had never been one to vocalize her wants. She had always kept them to herself and expected her signals to do the talking for her. That wouldn’t do with Harry, but she liked it in a way. It was a challenge, but she didn’t mind asking him.
“I’m still so needy for you, you know? I can’t get it out of my system.” Bunny didn’t think she wanted to. “You’re going to be hearing it a lot more now.” She couldn’t be shy anymore, if she needed it she would have to tell him. “Because I really want you to fuck me like you’ve always wanted to.” She felt her heart rate speed up. “Want to try something new, but you can surprise me. I like it when you pick for me.” When she got to give up control.
There was something else she knew she was forgetting as she tried to rack her brain, feeling a bit shy when she remembered. “Ah and I really want a kiss before we start.”
Harry sat for a moment, looking at her with pride. She was perfect for him. Bunny wanted to give him what he wanted because it would give her pleasure. He wanted to give it to her. He really just wanted to ruin her. Make her boneless and soft and useless just for him.
“We are going to continue using the stoplight system. Green is good, more, you’re fine. Yellow… slow down. You’re okay but you need a moment or we need to pause. Red is stop. No matter what, red is stop. If you can’t talk, hit or knock three times. Do you get me?”
Her nod was immediate. That’s what she had been missing. Safe word. The intensity of it already had her feeling hot and needy and she had been rushing but of course, Harry knew what was missing. He always did.
“Yes. Yes- I get you, Harry. Can we kiss? Please?” Her plead sounded whiny, even to her, but she couldn’t help it. She was desperate and she wanted to start.  “I was a good girl, right? I need a kiss. Please, sir.”
And so it began.
“Come on then. Come sit on me and give me the kisses you want.” He patted his lap, releasing her so she could climb on him.
It didn’t take much for Bunny to fling herself on him, wrapping her arms around his shoulders while her cunt pressed over his crotch. Her breathing was deep, heavy with need as she paused to take a look at him.
“You’re so handsome.” She spoke fondly, leaning forward to kiss him in a kiss that was so much warmer than it was needy. Bunny kissed with intention, making sure he could feel how serious she was about this despite her horny mind taking over. Kissing Harry always felt like she was breathing, keeping him close. She took her time leaning further into his warmth. Harry’s hands were already finding their place on her body, smoothing over her hips and perky ass.
He gripped at the skin, kneading and pulling just enough to give her some type of pleasure. Very light,  but sensual. His touch felt heavy with desire, every bit of pressure had a purpose.
“I am? M’handsome?” The words were spoken through kisses, right against her lips. Harry was smug. He was cocky and arrogant and it made her throb, the way he knew he was hot and he could give her what she wanted, it made her feel crazy.
“Mhm. So handsome.” She whispered back, needy with her kisses. The girl was barely giving them time to breathe, clinging to him with a need that Harry hadn’t experienced from her before. It was the most he had teased her since their first time together, the conversation having added to the arousal she felt. So desperate to be close to him, to have him all over her.
“Good. M’glad you think so, pretty girl. So fucking pretty, every inch of you. Y’know that? I think you’re the prettiest little slut that’s ever been in my lap.” He drawled, pulling back from her lips despite her whine. “You’ve got the sweetest cunt, too. Best I’ve ever tasted. Gets soaked for me. N’you let me take it bare, don’t you?” His hands pulled her closer. “You’re gonna let me do it again today. Stretch you open, fill you up to the brim. And maybe, if you’re a good girl and take it like I want, I’ll lick you clean. But you’re going to have to be well behaved and listen to every single thing I ask of you.” He nudged his nose against her own, but kept their lips from touching despite her frown. “You think you can handle it?”
“Yes, I can handle it.” Bunny was quick to answer but wasn’t so sure if she could. She was definitely going to try her best. Y/N wanted to see all that he had to offer, to listen to him despite how achy her cunt felt. He knew best it seemed. Bunny was hot, her clothes feeling tight on her skin but she didn’t dare move away from him. “Please don’t tease me too much, I really need to feel you.” Bunny wanted to connect with him desperately. She let her hand scratch at the back of his neck, smoothing her thumb over the side of it to show the sincerity in her tone.
“I will listen, I’ll relax, I just want to feel close to you.”
Their intimacy became the safest place for her. She never wanted that to change.
His eyes softened slightly at her request. As much as he wanted to play, he wanted to take care of her. He was going to make sure she was fully taken care of and her needs were met, but he was a tease. He supposed be could lay off a bit… for now.
“Okay. My sweet girl, you need to feel me inside of you. Is that it?” He stroked her hair back out of her face, smiling slightly at her nod. “Okay. We can do that. Let’s get you ready for me, hm?”
Harry slowly began to lift the shirt she was wearing, exposing her skin inch by inch. “I need to see this perfect body. Perfect cause every single inch belongs to me. Doesn’t it, my girl?” He questioned. “You let me have you as my girl. You let me touch you and kiss on you… you belong solely to me. Every fucking inch of you is mine.” His lips pressed against hers momentarily before he peeled the shirt over her head. “Tell me you’re my girl.”
“I am your girl, always have been.” She meant that as well. In her head she had always been his, it was only ever him on her mind. It was still settling in that he wanted her just as much. Even hearing him say she was his was sending chills up her spine. Did he really mean it?
She was going to believe it for right now. It felt too good to deny.
“I hope you like the sets I wear for you.” Bunny felt like they always got so caught up in the moment, rarely did they take the time to acknowledge them but she was sure he noticed. Bunny has tried her best to match the sets with her mood. The one she wore today was a deep wine color. Burgundy almost, clinging to her skin with lace detail.
She squeezed her breasts together using her arms, leaning into him to steal another kiss while he was thinking. She pressed another to his cheek and down his jaw, smiling to herself as he melted into her. It was her favorite feeling.
“Always. You’re the prettiest girl. Y’know that?” He was lucky. Harry had known that since she had actually given him the time of day. A girl like her deserved a lot better than Harry, but he was going to do his damn hardest to try and make sure he was good enough for her. To make sure he proved his worth just for her. She went around and wore pretty lingerie for him, dolled herself up and the least he could do was appreciate it.
“Love this one. The red….” It complimented her skin tone perfectly. He wanted to have this image engrained in his head forever. Her lips were moving on his skin, touching him and moving as she pleased, but he was letting her. He didn’t have any problems with it, actually. He loved letting her have her way- just for a little bit.  “Want you on your knees for me, baby. Don’t do anything without instruction… but get down on them and give me your eyes. Can y’do that for me?”
“Yes, sir.” She slowly made her way down to her knees but not without stealing one last peck to his lips. Her hands moved across his thighs, for support… sure. Bunny just really wanted to feel him up one more time before she fully gave into him and his filthy plans for the evening. Her eyes landed back on his as she settled on the back of her heels, hands folded in her lap on top of her jeans. It was a bit awkward being half naked, but there was also something so hot about being exposed to him. Harry was ready to have her fully naked or fully clothed. She could see it in his eyes.
Bunny’s view from the ground gave her a new perspective on why he always asked her to get on her knees. It was for him to get into the headspace, for him to give into the desires he holds back. She could see his demeanor changing, a wave of excitement rushing through her. They’d never been this open.
“Unzip me.”
His fingers had popped the button already, letting it be a bit easier for her as he sat with his length thick in his pants. He was drawing it out, keeping it moving ever so slowly because he wanted to cherish this. Every single time with her was special, but this was the first time they were going to properly play. Her shaky hands were quick to do as he asked, unzipping the pants and going to reach in to grab him- only to stop. She realized halfway through.
“Saw that. You stopped yourself.” His hand lazily pet over her hair. “Good. Look at that… You’re learning already. S’my obedient girl.” His hand did the honors, reaching into his jeans to fish himself out of them.
His cock was sensitive, his lips holding back a hiss as it was exposed to the cooler air. Thick and heavy in his palm, he gripped it at the base and slid it up towards the ruddy tip, letting his thumb slide over the slit. His stomach tensed as he hummed in his throat at the feeling, watching her distressed face.
She wanted to be the one doing that.
“Hands on my thighs. Don’t move them until I say to.” He instructed, feeling her comply immediately. He could get used to this. “Lean over and spit on it. Get it wet. You don’t get to have it yet, but you can help me.”
Bunny looked at him for approval feeling herself throb against the fabric of her panties.They were ruined. Something about spitting was so sexy to the both of them. Bunny enjoyed watching the thickness bubble up and coat the tip of his cock, how shiny and slick he became all because of her. Even the strands of spit coming from her lips drove her wild. She could imagine how it must look for him.
Her hands stayed still with their grip on his thighs, though she wished she could do a little more. She wasn’t going to test her luck so early on, she could wait. She knew she could.
Harry brought a hand up to keep the hair away from her face, wanting to give her the freedom to move her head as she pleased. Comfort was still the most important to him at this stage.
“A bit more, baby.” Harry was watching it trail down the length of his cock, but waited for her to finish before letting himself spread it. The slick sounds that came from his strokes as he pulled back up seemed to light a spark in Bunny’s eyes.
She glowed with that permission, moving down towards him again and letting another string of spit slip from her pursed lips down to his cock. His large hand was stroking himself slowly, spreading it around as she did so while the other held her hair back, fist loose in the makeshift ponytail. He watched the scene, catching the saliva with his hand and smearing it over the length.
“Christ.” He muttered under his breath. “Thatta’ girl. Knew you could be good for me. Looks good doesn’t it?” He taunted slightly. “Getting me wet just like I asked. Looks nice, doesn’t it?”
Bunny was gagging for it. As much as she tried to be good, she couldn’t hide the desperation. The whole day, hell- the whole trip-  had been foreplay. His still slightly bruised knuckles were teasing her. He was doing what she wanted to be doing, her hands tightening on his thighs as she gave him a soft little whine. “Yeah. I wanna taste.” She blinked up at him. “May I please? I want to have it.”
“You want it that bad?” Harry was fond of how eager she was to please him, his grip tightening only slightly. “Gonna stop when I say so? Yeah?” He asked her for confirmation, pulling her head a little closer to him. It was only a bit rougher than usual, but he wanted to warm her up to the feeling.
“I’ll be good.” Bunny promised him, her eyes widen and expecting to be guided down on his cock. She really liked the feeling of him tugging at her hair, it was only light, but she was already pulling her hair back a bit to keep the tension.
“Go on then, give it a taste.” He gave the go ahead, allowing himself to sit back and relax into the feeling of her hot mouth on him. Harry was never sure what to expect from her, the type of blowjob she gave usually depended entirely on her mood. It was exciting for him too, to see her open up to him in such an intimate way.
It sent a thrill up her spine as he gave in to her. She had been waiting for this all day. Part of her had loved the delayed gratification, sure, but there was nothing quite like getting her way. Immediately she took him into her mouth with excitement evident, her lips stretching over him. She focused on the tip, humming in relief as she tasted him on her tongue.
She couldn’t explain it fully, why she loved sucking him so much. With her other lovers, it had been nice but never this fulfilling. Half of it she attributed to the fact that it was just Harry. His approval, his pleasure, his affection was worth ten times more than anyone else she had ever been with. The physical act fueled her. The feel of him against her tongue, the weight of it inside of her mouth, how he stretched her mouth open to have a bit of an achy jaw as a reminder, all of it totaled up to the pleasure she got from it.
His fingers stroked over her head, eyes watching intently as she bobbed her head slightly. That part was just as thrilling, having his eyes on her as she did such an intimate act. She wanted to impress him. “You can take more than that, petal.” He clicked his tongue, hooded eyes looking down at her. “Don’t disappoint me. I want more of me in that mouth.”
Disappointing him is certainly something she did not want to do.
His instruction was all it took for her to take more of him. She took a moment to adjust her breathing and make sure she was going slow at first to get used to his girth. Her eyes began to water slightly as they usually did, but she took him like a champ. It was a struggle, but her need to please outweighed the discomfort.
“Fuck. Knew you could do it, perfect little mouth of yours.” Harry purred, already feeling the effects of relief. Just having her mouth over him was enough, the soft velvety walls were much more appealing than anything else he could imagine. She really was the perfect girl, there all along. “What am I going to do with you?” Harry asked no one in particular, locking eyes with her for a moment only to notice how messy she had gotten. “Look so pretty with your mouth stuffed, S’like you were made for it.”
She felt like she was made for it. Bunny was made for him and he knew that he was made for her. Her mouth had taken him so well, her eyes watering but the eagerness to please overshadowing any sort of discomfort she may have.
His hand pet over her face, tenderly stroking the cheek as he held her hair in the other first. His thumb smeared some of her spit over her chin, feeling her moan around him.
“Love that you’re desperate for it. S’how I feel when I get my mouth on that sweet cunt. You know that?” He thumbed over where her cheeks hollowed, taking him down again with a little gag. “Fuck, love to bury my tongue in you and make you messy for me. Tastes so sweet and you make the prettiest noises.” He pulled her further down on his cock, feeling that gag again and letting out a groan.
Bunny moaned at his words, the vibrations being sent down through his cock. Her eyes had started to water but none of it was stopping her from giving him the pleasure he deserved. His groans and the sight of his clenching jaw were enough to motivate her. He was so confident about what he wanted, never hesitating to pull her closer.
She could take it.
That was the beauty of it all. Looking down at her and seeing her needy eyes, hungry for more. Her tongue expertly rubbed over his most sensitive parts, she’d been such a quick learner. Harry swore there was no one who had known him better.
“So fucking good, came to me all on your own as well… opened up so nicely.” Harry rasped, a proud smirk appearing on his face. “Getting me ready, bet you’ve been soaked since we were in the store, hmm?”
She hummed an agreement against him, sinking down again and holding her spot there without his prompt. The need to make him feel good felt engrained in her, wanting to make her hand herself over to him on a polished silver platter to do whatever the fuck he wanted to her. Getting to pleasure him was her favorite thing to do. The weight of his cock on her tongue grounded her. She was making a mess, but it was out of pleasure.
Her trance was stopped as he pulled her off of his cock, a string of spit dripping down her chin to her breasts as she looked at him confused. She’d been doing good, just as he had asked. Why did he stop?
“Stand up.” The tone of his voice made her shiver. Harry’s demands lit a fire under her, clumsily standing up to meet him as he lifted up as well. His gaze was intimidating, her dazed eyes looking into his darkened ones with need to know what he wanted her to do next.
Luckily he had done it for her. His lithe fingers found the mess on her chin, wiping it up and smearing it on her mouth. “Open. Tongue out.” Obedient, the swollen lips fell open and Harry hummed in approval, taking two spit covered digits and wiped the wetness on her tongue. “Good girls clean up their messes. Suppose that’s why you’re Daddy’s slut.”
Bunny could feel that familiar tingly heat crawl its way up her body, a warmth only Harry could make her feel. She blossomed for him even when his words were filthy, when he looked down at her as if he was ravish.
That’s exactly what he planned to do.
Harry admired the glistening spit that stuck to her breasts, eyes trailing along the wetness until he reached her lips once again.
“So pretty like this, get to have you just how I like now. No distractions.” That alone was getting Harry harder by the second. It was just him and his girl alone in a different city. His city. “Gonna show you exactly how it’s supposed to be, just how I would have done it had I known what I know now.”
Harry promised on this trip they would pretend, but to him it felt like it was also his own fantasy that was coming true. A look into a future he never thought he could have. A normal life with the girl he wanted most.
“You want more, pretty girl?”
The desperation in her voice was enough to push Harry over the edge. She had told him exactly what she liked, exactly what she had been thinking about with him and her fantasies that had been lingering about her brain.
“Such a pretty girl. So beautiful, look at your skin. Flawless.” His fingers moved down her torso, feeling her tense up slightly in anticipation while he caressed her. “Beautiful little thing. Best part is, you’re all mine.” His voice dropped, slowly backing her up to the bed.
Bunny swallowed, eyes wide as she walked backwards as he coaxed her. His tone, his words, all of it was magic and sensual, hot and dirty. He didn’t stop talking and that was something that she realized she loved. How filthy his mouth could be for her. The throbbing between her legs was intense, surely enough evidence smeared on her thighs and wetting the skin. “I am. I’m yours.” She peeped, gasping as he pushed her back and made her fall on to the bed.
“M’glad you know that. Your body certainly does.” Hands urged her thighs apart. “Let me see now. I know you’re soaked. Could smell it.”
Bunny relaxed against the softness of the bed beneath her, closing her eyes to focus more on the feeling of the silky sheets and the roughness of hands over her thighs. She wasn’t trying to fight it this time, relaxing to fully spread herself out for him.
“You really are dripping, look at you..” Harry squeezed the inside of her thigh, rubbing over the skin before smacking his hand right over it. It was quick and sharp, the way she mentioned she’d like. “Could slip right in if I wanted to,” Harry dipped his head down to mutter against her skin, licking over it to soothe the sensitivity.
Bunny’s breathing was heavy, squirming at the new sensations he was bringing to her. His grip stayed tight on her, shifting her legs over his shoulders so he could have better access. “Been squeezing these pretty thighs, but you aren’t asking for what you want…” Harry was unsatisfied with her hesitation, biting into her skin just enough for her to let out a surprised moan. “Why so quiet?“
“Y-you didn’t tell me to make noise.” She squeaked, the sting of his bite making her pant. Bunny loved a bit of teeth, specifically Harry’s. She wanted his marks all over her body. To feel him when she walked. The incessant need to be owned by him was unforgiving.
“So now you’re choosing to be quiet?” He shook his head, looking up at her from his rightful place. Nestled between her thighs, his eyes were dark and glossy, hair tousled and unusually messy from her hands and the day’s work. The man looked edible. Her body reacted to every single part of him, but his beauty was something that couldn’t be compared.
“M’sorry.” She whined. “Wanted to be good. I want…” it felt hard to get the words out. His stare was almost intimidating to her, his hands squeezing over her skin and making her feel his fingertips as his lips brushed over the flesh right above her pussy.
“I want, I want, I want…” he mocked, sneering down at her. “Then say it. Tell me what you fuckin’ want. Or m’going to spank your cunt and jerk myself off onto it. Shouldn’t be this dumb before my cock gets inside of you.”
Bunny really couldn’t make up her mind. Part of her wanted his mouth on her, licking and sucking at her cunt as if it was his last meal. Another part of her wanted to feel his fingers rub up inside of her, forcing multiple orgasms from her with the calloused pads of his fingers. His cock was the most prominent thought in her mind, the feeling of fullness was something she couldn’t erase from her mind.
“I wanna feel full.” Y/N managed to say, hands moving to grab a hold of his. His forearm, his hand, anything to soothe the ache between her thighs. All she could feel was his hot breath on her, not daring to open her eyes and face him. Not when she could hear the smugness in his voice.
“Full?” He let his nose nudge through where her hip and thigh met. He pressed a few kisses there, nipping at the skin. “Not yet. Try again.”  Harry wanted to enjoy playing with her body just a bit more. He liked how reactive she was to him and just how much he could test her patience.
“Please?” Her voice frayed, opening her eyes to look down at him. “I want it. I’ve been good.” She insisted, stomach jumping with breaths as his lips kissed over the insides of her thighs. He was teasing her, taunting her. All the girl needed was tom cum, but she had to admit that the way he spoke had her eyes rounding.
“You have been?” He laughed under his breath. “According to who, darling?” Giving it to her too easily would make her spoiled. He knew she could hold out for a moment, so he decided to taste a little bit.  His eyes kept their vision in her face as he pressed a kiss over the top of her cunt, letting her wetness stain his lips. “A good girl would give me her eyes when she knows how much I like to see them.” The fingertips pressed harder to spread her legs open, moving his mouth down to brush his tongue up and over her clit. “Christ… Soaked cunt just from sucking me, having dirty conversations. Couldn’t believe it when I found out how nasty and deprived my seemingly sweet girl is. And even still…” he sighed, removing a hand to spread her cunt open for his viewing pleasure. “You don’t know how to ask for my cock correctly.”
Bunny tried her best to sit up, giving him her eyes just like he had asked. It was hard to keep herself up when she was already starting to float away in her mind, but his eyes caught hers and pinned her down. She couldn’t make herself look elsewhere. It managed to snap her out of the haze she was in, sinking into the sensual space they’ve created.
“I do know how…” She argued, breath mirroring the way he was breathing against her cunt. “Don’t want you to stop this though.” She collected herself, though she was still feeling shy about how much she loved his teasing. She loved when he drew it out. His mouth drew closer to her cunt once again and her breath hitched as his teeth grazed the skin and soothed it with his tongue.
“You really like teeth don’t you, baby?” He let the pet name spill from his mouth, he didn’t even realize he’d said it as he continued. “If you want my cock, ask correctly. Know you’re a bit empty, didn’t know it counted in your head too. Use your brain”
He licked a broad stripe up her cunt, sighing in relief as her hand made its way to the back of his head. He liked feeling it there. Normally he’d never let someone touch him without permission, but he craved her touch far more than he anticipated.
“May I please have your cock, sir?” Bunny asked, tugging at the hair at the back of his head. “Can I please feel you fill me? Want to feel you deep inside, want you to spank me, take me sir.”
He chuckled against her cunt, pulling back with the slight shining on his lips as he looked up at her. She sounded wrecked already, the poor thing. Harry’s favorite way to have her.  “Look at that, sweetheart. You’ve got a brain after all.” He cooed, the mean words given with a sweet, condescending tone. Pulling his head up, he moved up to sit on his knees as he kept her legs pried open. “You want to be full, I know. The spanking, I can help you with.” He kept his eyes on her as he used his palm to smack directly over her cunt.
She gasped, squealing at the sting. God, did the pain feel good, but it confused her body. It hurt slightly, but it triggered her pleasure. A new sensation for her and a confirmation for him as he did it again, causing her body to jolt on the blanket and give him a whine. Bunny felt hazy and hot, lifting her hips up to ask for more.
“None of that.” He chastised her with a frown. “Keep these legs spread. If you want my cock, you’ve got to be a good fucking girl for me. Know as soon as you get my cock inside of you, you’re going to be useless so m’talking you now.”
Bunny nodded, heaving a bit as the sensation spread in waves through her body. The gentle throbbing made her clench as he kept his eyes on her.  “I’ll stay still. I promise, I'm just excited.” Y/N could feel her heart rate picking up, the new level of roughness from him was turning her on even more. The way he mocked her had her jaw going slack.
“Still. Tell me what you feel, tell me if you can handle more. Need to open you up a bit.” Harry couldn’t take it much longer, he needed his fingers knuckles deep inside her cunt. The slickness he dreamed about was just in front of him, the smell he fell in love with. He thought it was time he tested her.
“Gotta stay with me baby, gonna do a good job for me so I can slip right in there. Fill you up like you’re begging for.” Harry let his fingers spread open her cunt, spitting right down onto it. “Been a bit greedy with my fingers, bet you can take a few?” He purred and slipped one finger inside.
She squirmed slightly despite her best efforts to sit still. Never in her life had she felt so empty before, but this whole day had felt like foreplay to her. His attentive nature all day, their conversation, sucking him off, all of it had her nerves on overdrive and ready to burst. His single finger wasn’t enough, but it was a relief. Her little noise had him laughing to himself, seeing her struggle with the efforts to keep her hips down as he had ordered from her. It was almost embarrassing to hear how wet she was, the sound of it audible with his actions.
“More. I can take more, I promise.” She needed more, really. Harry knew that and he was absolutely teasing her, but he loved doing that to her. He’s never gone very far with making her beg so far and their sex had been only slightly kinky, but now it was going to get good.
“You can? Greedy cunt can take some more fingers?” He taunted, grinning wickedly. It shot a fear that morphed into pleasure in her stomach. Harry noticed the way her stomach tensed allowing his free hand to rub over it, preparing her for another finger. He was still gentle, but slipped in with more force than Y/N expected.
“Oh— like that...” Bunny remembered he wanted her to speak up more, vocally guide him through the motions she was enjoying. “Like it harder, like the pressure.” It was as if he was reading her mind, fingers curling to press against her walls with more intent.
“I’m gonna stretch you out so well, love when I knead you open, how you relax against my fingers. Such a greedy cunt, still squeezing me so tight.” Harry breathed against her thigh, looking up at her through his lashes. He lapped up some more of her wetness before shifting up higher on her body.
He wanted to feel all of her, kiss her and fuck his fingers up into her till she was screaming for him to stop. Harry swore he never wanted to fill someone so badly, to take them and make them feel him for days. Another finger dipped inside causing her grip on his hair to tighten.
“Fuck me…” Bunny squeaked, feeling the burning sensation crawl up her thighs. Relaxing into the pain, the slow rocking of his fingers, the way he bit just along her neck. She was lost in it.
“M’gonna, angel. Don’t worry about that. All you’ve got to do…” he placed a sloppy kiss to the sensitive spot right underneath her ear. “Is be my good girl n’do exactly as I say. Shouldn’t be too difficult.”
She keened at the feeling. His fingers were filling her up and stretching her just like he had promised, but it wasn’t enough. Bunny had always known that she was needy for him, for his attention, for his touch, but it felt extreme right now. His hot tongue on her skin and the ends of his hair tickling her, the fingers fucking into her cunt nice and slow, it was enough to send her mind into a tizzy.
“Please, please, please, please… fuck me.” She sulked, trying her hand at begging again. “I’ll be good, I’ll be the best girl, just want you I-inside.” She stuttered, eyes wet with frustration. It felt like she was going to explode if she didn’t get what she needed.
Harry’s lips paused on her neck where he had been leaving traces of him, slowly moving up to peck her own. They curled up, a laugh against her mouth feeling especially cruel.  “One more please. I don’t think you really want it bad enough.”
“Please.” Bunny would say anything to get it from him, Harry was aware of that as well. His excited Bunny had never been good at waiting, he was expecting her to put up a bit of a fight. “Wanted you on the other day and on the plane, waited all day today while you were talking dirty and teasing me, I wanna be good— don’t you like how tight I feel? Wanna feel how deep you can go. Please sir.”
She’d been spoiled rotten with sex, Harry couldn’t bring himself to say no. It was hard to do so when she brought out the most primal parts of him, he had focused on her body and was going to have his way with it. With just a little more patience.
“Such a needy cunt I have, been nothing but nice to you and it’s still not enough.” Harry chuckled, moving his fingers just over the spot that made her shake. “What are you going to do when you can’t have me?“ Not that Harry was ever going to leave, but the thought of her crying and begging for his touch did make his cock ache.
That wasn’t a thought she liked to have. Why did there have to be a time where she can’t have him? She was his and he was hers and she wasn’t liking that idea at all. “No- no, I always want you. Can always have you, always.” She babbled, pressing herself against him. “Give it to me, give it to me, please.” A little sob left her mouth as she cried out in frustration.
The fingers weren’t enough. She needed the closeness, the fill that only he could give her. She wasn’t usually demanding but this was driving her absolutely mad.
“God, you’re such a whiny fucking brat.” He sighed out, taking his fingers from her cunt and slapping over her cunt firmly. Harry loved getting her to this point. He had usually given in, not wanting to push her too far in the past, but now that he knew she liked it? He wasn’t going to deny himself the answers to his curiosity. “Keep these legs spread. I’m going to give it to you, and you better not fucking complain. You get me?”
“Yes, sir. Please.” Bunny nodded, feeling out of breath with all the adrenaline coursing through her veins. She had been right about her love of pain, hell, she hadn’t expected it to be this good. The sting was enough to have her hissing.
“Never seen you this desperate for my cock.” Harry chuckled, using his hand to grip her jaw. He was feeling himself start to let go, the dominance inside of him had grown  comfortable with her. “You’d say anything for me to stuff you full right now.” He used his fingers to tap her face, as if to brace her for the slap that followed.
Bunny took a sharp breath, body going limp in submission. She herself hadn’t expected it to work so well.
“Give me your eyes.” He waited before removing his hand from her jaw. “Color?”
“Green! Please, sir— ah” Bunny felt his cock brush against her cunt. She had been in such a haze she hadn’t realized he stripped the rest of his lower half, leaving him in a shirt she was sick of seeing. Harry had managed to push them farther back up the bed, pulling her thighs up and over his shoulders.
“Y’want it deep? Fine” Harry didn’t hesitate to push himself past her puffy, slick folds and into the dripping cunt he’d been teasing for what felt like hours. “Fuck…” Harry breathed as he filled her in, grinding against her so she didn’t miss an inch.
“Good girl, take it… you want it deeper?” His voice grew darker, pushing himself even deeper just to hear her gasp for him again.
“Please, please, please, please…” the word fell from her mouth like a prayer as she tried to catch her breath. It was overwhelming. His cock was stretching her open despite the preparation, her eyes watering as he got her to a point she hadn’t been before. This level of need, the want to please him was lighting her nerves on fire.
“Please? You’ve got some good manners when you get what you want.” His voice was fuzzy in her brain for a moment before she felt his fingers dig into her legs. All she could focus on was the feeling of him. He was all over her, inside of her, his hands on her, his taste in her mouth, all she could think about was Harry. Harry, Harry, Harry. Her Harry.
“God… y’look so pretty like this, baby.” He whispered, dragging his fingers over her heated skin. Her legs erupted in goosebumps, not unnoticed by the man who felt satisfaction flood his body. He was the only one capable of getting her to this point. Sopping wet, begging, teary eyed and desperate to do anything for him. “This is what y’were made for. Made to please me, to be a hole for my cock. And you fuckin’ love it, don’t you?” He cooed, sweat beading on his brow as he gave a shallow thrust. “You love being mine.”
“Yours, yours, I’m yours, I love it.” Bunny cried out, squeezing her eyes shut to prevent the tear from falling but that didn’t seem to make a difference. A hot tear rolled down her cheek, her body buzzing with pleasure.
Her vision was blurry from the pleasure, the sound of her breathing grew louder as she slapping of skin led her closer to her peak. Her thighs tingled, stomach clenching as she took in the sight of his sweaty form. His muscles were tense, accenting all the ink on his body. He looked more relaxed despite his aggressive thrusts. He was finally giving her what she needed.
“Does it feel good princess?” He leaned down to kiss her cheeks, “Want me to keep working you into this mattress? You’re doing such a good job.” He breathed between kisses. “I can feel how close you are… you can let go baby, know you’re going to cum over and over again.”
The look on his face was so lustful, so intense. He was owning her. Bunny felt her cunt twitch around him. He was right, he’d keep going and going while she squirmed around in ecstasy.
She had been teased all day long. It wasn’t a shock to her that she would be close quickly, but this level of swiftness had her gasping. It shouldn’t be a surprise. Harry knew exactly what strings to pluck, what places to touch, what words to say. He was her ultimate dream.
He was hitting her perfectly. The slam of his hips into hers, holding her down, keeping her close to him, stroking her just right to make her body shake slightly with each thrust. She couldn’t get enough. The heat rose through her body as each fuck into her had her slipping onto the crest, head flooding her stomach.
A sob left her throat as she thrashed under him, his hands keeping her still as the last band snapped. Cumming all over him, she made noises she hadn’t ever before as her cunt pulsed around him, slick and hot while he fucked her through it.
“Yes, yes… that’s my fucking girl.” He snarled, smile feral as he watched her body tremble underneath his as she came for him. “Cum all over my cock. You’re perfect.” His praises washed over her, dropping her legs and moving to hover over her properly as he kissed her. He wasn’t going to give it up, keeping himself buried in her in short thrusts as he relished in the feeling of her hole clenching up around him, but he was giving her a reprise. “I know. I know, baby.” He cooed. “Feels so good to be fucked the way you’ve needed. Needed me all this time, didn't you?”
“Mmmmm” Bunny breathed out a heavy whine, at a loss for words with how alive she felt. The orgasm was still settling in. Her body was left pliable, completely at his mercy, though she was feeling more confident than ever before. Her nails were digging deeper against the skin of his back, dragging his body into her. “So long, I’ve wanted you like this.”
Her tone landed on Harry’s ears like honey, he could hear how turned on she was though she was so relaxed into it. He knew she would soon slip into sub space if she hadn’t already.  He could feel her hands moving over his back, how she melted further into the sheets when she saw his smile.
“Use me up, want to be covered in you.” Y/N was willing to push some limits, Harry would know what she was ready for. “It’s even better than I imagined—“ Y/N’s eyes rolled back at the extra roll of his hips that he managed to sneak in. “I want to cum for you again.”
“Covered in me?” He crooned. “Filthy girl. You’ve already covered me with your cunt. Creamin’ all over my cock. Made such a fucking mess.” He could see it when he looked between them. The mess she had made from her pleasure, how wet she was solely for him. He hadn’t seen anything more satisfying in his life. This pretty girl, all his.
“You will cum for me again, baby. Again and again and again…” his lips brushed her ear, shallow thrusts making her stomach jump. “Because you’re mine, aren’t you? My sweet little toy.” He pressed wet kisses against her jaw, sliding a hand behind her neck to arch her up and closer to him. “All mine. My mouth to kiss, my body to touch, my cunt to fuck. I own you.” Pulling his hips back, he thrust into her hard, stealing her breath. “You belong t’me. My girl. Gonna keep making you cum around my cock until you’re sleepy, barely able to take anymore. And you’ll take it because you’re my perfect little slut. Can’t believe how filthy you’ve shown me you are.”
Bunny’s back was arching up off of the mattress as the pleasure moved up her body, she was lost in the difference she felt post orgasm. With her body still sensitive, each lull of his hips made brought her higher and higher. Her moans were full of surprise, each feeling overwhelming in the best possible way.
Harry knew just how to guide his hips in the right spots, controlled and calculated. Reading her body was easy, he felt like he’d been waiting his whole life for it to be this easy. He was lost in her, his hips picking up their pace as her breathing started to pick up again.
“Know it’s a lot, yeah? You like it don’t you?” Harry needed the confirmation, he could see her eyes starting to glaze over. “Getting drunk on my cock, my sweet little slut? It’s okay, get spacey if you need to, I got you.” Harry was itching to get her to another orgasm, desperate to hear her screams for him.
Her vision was blurry as she let him wreck her. Harry was absolutely correct. He was getting her drunk on him, making her mind fizzle out and all she could begin to focus on was how good she felt. Her body was buzzing, like her nerve endings were on fire. His fingers had dipped between them to stroke over her clit, making her heavy breathing quicken.
It was so easy for her body to give into him. Part of her felt sensitive, almost overstimulated, but she loved the feel of his hands on her. “Y-yeah…” she whispered breathily. “So good. I’m hot.” Her words were slurred slightly as she let her eyes roll back, the beginnings of her second orgasm rolling over her. It felt like a chain reaction. The constant stimulation, the fullness, how safe she felt with him, all of it made her body open to his needs.
“There we go… absolutely stunning.” He grinned, watching as her mouth fell open. “Almost there. I can feel it. You’re gonna give me another one so quickly, perfect body was made to be fucked.” He nuzzled his face into her, biting down on the skin to make it sting.
That snapped the band again, a sob leaving her mouth as she dug her nails into his back. Cumming hot all over his prick, she shook under him and let out a pathetic whimper as he fucked her through it. Her mind was mush, heart beating out of her chest as the second orgasm crested. She could feel it, how wet she was making him, how she was soaking his cock, his deep groan as he felt her contract around him. She hadn’t had two in a row that felt this intense. “Oh my god.” She laughed, eyes rolling back as he pressed up against her as he kept her full while she came.
“There she is. Y’good?” He stroked sweaty hair from her face, moving it from her mouth. The check in was for both of their good. He wouldn’t be able to last much longer. “Color?” It was their first time truly playing and he needed that reassurance.
“Green. Green. M’so green, Daddy.” She mewled, eyes peeling open to look at him. His beautiful face, flushed and glistening with sweat as a tendril of hair curled over his forehead. His jaw was tight as he slowly ground into her, keeping it light as she recovered. “Do what you want with me.”
Harry took that green light and went with it.
Pulling up, he placed her legs up and gripped her thighs in his hands as he looked down at where they were connected. “You’re such a messy slut.” He groaned, pursing his lips and spitting right onto her cunt. “Rub it in. Go on.” There was a carnal lust, a primal urge to get messy and slick and have his scent on her and his cum inside of her. He was possessed, needing to get one more out of her. Her hand stroked over her clit, moving the mess of slick over her as he thrust in deep and slow. It was a warm up for the final.
“That’s good, enough.” He whispered, squeezing her thigh as he sped up a little bit. Y/N didn’t want to stop, though. As much as her clit felt a bit sensitive, the slight pain felt good. There would be a deep rooted ache in her core tomorrow, she would remember exactly what happened with every move she made- and she loved it.
“I said that’s good.” His voice grit out, looking down at her in warning as he watched her fingers circle her clit. The sight was too good. Watching her breasts bounce and her skin ripple as he thrust, her glazed eyes and swollen, messy lips? It was porn to him. Seeing her fingers touch herself was too much. She didn’t stop, though. Looking into his eyes, she smiled and continued the motions. Her face was smug, and Harry didn’t like that.
She continued her disobedience as she felt the pleasure coming back, his cock stroking deep and making her feel that fulness she had always wanted. It was a thrill to disobey for once, wanting to see what he would do. His jaw was tight as he glared down at her, giving her one more chance to pull her hand away- but she simply shook her head. It felt too good, his cock paired with her stimulation and then she felt it.
It happened so quickly. Her head moved to the side, a sting in her cheek. His hands dropping from her thighs and striking her face, not hard enough to make her ache, but enough to definitely feel it. His hand gathered her hand, pinning it to the bed as he snarled down at her. “What did I fucking say?”
A thrill went down her spine as she stared wide eyed up at him, her skin still stinging from the slap as he glared down at her with a look in his eyes he hadn’t shown her yet. “Are you that fucking cock dumb that you can’t listen to directions?” His thrusts sped up, looking down at the wide eyed girl underneath him. Her body jostled, a weak moan escaping her swollen mouth. “Huh? Didn’t tell you to keep touching that filthy cunt. Thought you were a good girl.” He spit, shaking his head. “Now look at you. Gushing all over my cock because I smacked you. I’ll do it again.” He warned, getting closer to her face. “I’ll make you fucking listen to me, brat. Knew you couldn’t be a good girl.”
Y/N let out a wet gasp, shaking her head as her brain started to swim. The shift in position had him right where she needed him. Her body was disgustingly hot, sweat dripping down her face as he got her closer and closer. It was pathetic, she knew. She was out of her mind, but the feeling that the hit had given her had gone right to her blood. Fueled her in a different way than sex had before. “Sorry, m’sorry, m’sorry, Daddy.” She whimpered out, trying to free her hand but to no avail.
“Yeah? You’re fuckin’ sorry?” He mocked in her whimpery voice. “Too fucking bad. Showing what a whore y’are. Cock’s too good for you, innit?” His grin was wide as he watched her nod. “Yeah, s’too good for a dumb little cunt like yours… Too fuckin’ bad it’s the only one I want.” He could see it, physically see it on her face how much she liked that combination. The degrading, the reminder that she was the only one he wanted. It was the beginning to her end.
“M’gonna, m’gonna cum.” She cried out, looking slightly panicked. “Please let me, I’ll be so good. I can’t-” She gasped as he gripped her face with his free hand, roughly holding her chin as he fucked into her without that control he used to have. He was fucking her the way he wanted to- and it was so good, it hurts.
“Hold it.” He grit, feeling his own coming on. He had never wanted to cum so badly in his entire life. This was the best sex he had thusfar, feeling his sweet Bunny clenching around his cock, sopping wet and enjoying his rough treatment. When she began to squirm, he repeated the slap, this time a bit rougher. “Impatient slut. My own personal whore, like being hit in that pretty little face. Shouldn’t let you cum at all..”
It was too late, though. That had sent her over the edge. She had tried, really. She really didn’t want to disobey, but the hit, the words, the perfect strokes into her cunt? The girl crumbled. A silent scream leaving her mouth as she took him, hips bucking up and moving down as she tried to escape the punishing thrusts. “No more- ohmygod, I’m sorry, I can’t-” She clenched her eyes shut as she tried to push him off, but he didn’t budge. It was too good.
“Fuck- fuck!” The struggling, the cunt clenching frantically around his cock, he couldn't hold on anymore. A growl escaped his throat as his balls tightened, cum pouring into her. The hot load fucked into her, his face burying against her own as his hips stuttered. White hot pleasure washed over him, her free hand dragging her sharp nails down his back as he grunted with each thrust, getting it inside of her. “Every drop. Take it.” He hissed, panting. His nerves felt like they were on fire, dipped into flames as he felt her body shaking under him while he filled her up.
Y/N mewled, eyes rolling back as she fell limp underneath him. The heat of his cum somewhat soothing, body twtiching slightly as he got deep one more time before stopping. She could feel his cock pulsing, cum weakly being shot into her as he finished his orgasm- but now she was hazy. Her mind clouded, slipping down into a lax state while she laid back, feeling his lips press against her throat.
They laid in silence for a moment, Harry’s arms trembling slightly as he lifted up to look at her. “Baby?” His gruff voice had softened, no more steely tone to it as he watched her lay still with her eyes close. “Hey… sweetheart. Need you to open your eyes n’tell me if you’re alright. Check in.” He leaned down to kiss her lips chastely, watching her eyes peel open and take him in.
“Daddy?” She croaked, brinkley wetly up at him as her lip started to tremble. “Thank you. Need you. Please.” Her shaky voice made him coo, lifting a hand to push her hair out of the way and wipe the sweat off the best he could. “Was I good? I’m sorry. I didn’t listen.”
Harry had a feeling that would happen, but he was quick to reassure. “No, none of that. My perfect girl. Did so good for me. Came for me three times… Just perfect. M’so proud of you.” His voice was the most soft he had ever heard himself speak. Then again, he never had wanted to take care of someone like this before. Aftercare was important for all, but for this girl? He would do anything for her.
“Really?” She blinked up at him, hand reaching to him to place it on her cheek again. “I just want you happy. I want to make you proud. I feel so good.” She rolled nudged her face into his hand as his thumb swiped over the skin. She was definitely in some sort of subspace, had been slipping into it all day. Thankfully, Harry was somewhat prepared.
“You always do. M’so happy you shared yourself with me.” He replied, leaning over to grab a few tissues from the side table. When she began to fuss, he comforted her with a kiss to the forehead, returning to his spot. “Not going anywhere. Just want to clean up. I think we should do a bath in a few minutes. What do you think?” He nudged her to open her eyes that had drifted closed again. “Hm? Need those pretty eyes, baby.”
“Yeah.” she peeped. “So sticky.” The mix of cum and sweat, while erotic at the time, was uncomfortable to lay in. “Can we cuddle? Please?” There was a slight hesitance in her tone, as if he would say no to her about anything at all. As if he wouldn’t hand her the world in the palm of her hand if he could. She had no fucking idea how much she meant to him, how he would do anything he could for her. She was his angel, his temptation, his treasure.
“Always.” Lips pressed against her own, exhaling as he pulled back. “I’ll do anything for you, Y/N. Anything at all. You’ve just got to ask.”
“Never leave me.” The reply was quiet, mumbled into the warm, sex stained air. “Keep me. I need you.”
His heart stuttered in his chest at the request. He wasn’t sure she would always want that- but for as long as she did?
“Promise. As long as you’ll have me, I’ll be yours.”
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trexalicious · 3 months
The Grim Reaper at King Charles' Coronation and Rachel on her new site...🤔
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asterclaw · 7 days
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never read the hp books
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blackoutdays13 · 22 days
My hogwarts house headcanons for the tbosas tributes :)
To start us off I am going to say the one I feel the most strongly about, but am sure people might disagree with. Reaper - Hufflepuff. Reaper shows the main traits of hufflepuff in my opinion. Loyalty, dedication, and kindness. Yes one might say he would be in gryffindor for his bravery or slytherin for ambition. But I feel as though Reaper is a hufflepuff. He is fiercely loyal to Dill, and dedicates his life to protecting her. He also shows kindness to the other tributes by giving them a makeshift funeral in the arena, and I feel like his alliance with Lamina in the books was kind. Also the Hufflepuff crest is a honey badger, and Reaper was the scariest tribute and badgers are scary as hell when they are in fight mode.
Coral - Slytherin. I swear I am not saying this because slytherins are perceived as the “bad guys”, I just genuinely believe Coral is a slytherin. She is very determined throughout the entirety of her time in the arena and is very ambitious. She is also very cunning when it comes to being in the pack, specially her relationship with Tanner.
Lamina - Gryffindor. Lamina is one of if not the bravest tribute in my personal opinion. She reminds me of Neville Longbottom in the sense that everyone underestimated her, and saw her  as a weak child. Then ended up landing the first kill in the book, even though it was mercy. Even when the pack goes after her she remains courageous and fights for her life. Book Treech - Ravenclaw. Treech, even though he is a coward, he is very smart. In the books he waited until there were less tributes until he decided to attack too. I feel like he shows the correct intelligence and wit that a racenclaw would. His actions were well thought out (I assume), and he seemed to be very careful.
Movie Treech - Slytherin. I was originally just going to put Treech in Ravenclaw, but when I thought about the differences between him in the movies and the books I had to put movie Treech in slytherin. This one is due to his self preservation and how easily he left Lamina. He was also cunning much like Coral, but still a coward.
Remember these are my personal opinions and you are aloud to disagree. Just not with Reaper. If you disagree with Reapers then I don’t want to hear about it. I do plan on sorting the rest of the tributes. I’ve just had this sitting in my drafts for weeks, waiting to be posted. Also I’m a Hufflepuff in case you had wanted to know. @americqnheartss @crazycriter
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awkward-sultana · 4 months
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Dance Macabre, 1918, Robert Warren Harrison/atticus/Harry Potter and the Deathly Hollows, J.K. Rowling/Tiktok: Mary/Garden of Death, Hugo Simberg/ O' Death, Frances Molina/Nāve (Death), 1897, Janis Rozentāls/@rumpledspinster/Kinder Than Man, Athea Davis/Death and the Maiden,1908, Marianne Stokes/@liliesabounded/Mother and Child, Xi Pan/Sadegh Hedayat/@babymancatman/@Jenny_Jinya/@booktheif1/The Canterville Ghost, Oscar Wilde/The Blind Owl (trans. D.P. Costello), Sadegh Hedayat/The Angel of Death, Evelyn De Morgan/Necrophilia Variations, supervert
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mistical52 · 3 months
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Sooooo I may have done some fanart of 'Trenches' by @shadow-of-the-eclipse because that last chapter hit hard. I don't think I've ever done any Harry Potter fanart but this fic has gotten me to do it.
Idk what exactly Harry's Dark Lord outfit looks like but a big long black coat and him mostly looking like a regular guy tracks I think.
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thymbyll · 1 month
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Hammer Hotter [The Sexy Side Of Classic Hammer Horror]
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childotkw · 1 year
Harry pretends to be Death to prank Tom?
Joke’s on him.
He is Death.
Turns out he’s been slacking on his duties.
Harry thinking he’s playing a joke on Tom:
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Random Reaper appearing: hey so…actually
Harry, discovering he IS Death:
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witch-of-sound · 2 months
Looking for an rp partner over the age of 21.
Please understand that I do not ONLY write in paragraph form. I also use one liners. I like moving the story along a bit more quickly. Too much detail isn't needed. I'm pretty chill.
I rp NSFW stuff but if you aren't comfortable with that, please communicate and it can be all fluff or angst or whatever you wish.
Here are a few ships I rp:
FrostironStrange (willing to bring a 3rd person in for this one)
Original character/Original Character (will make ocs with you. I enjoy that a lot)
Throw any sort of ship out and I'll let you know of I'm up for it. :3
A little about me:
My name is Lauren/Alex. I am 34 going on 35 and non binary. My pronouns are they/them. I'm a Slytherin, Gemini, Norse Pagan, and a vocalist. I am located in central Nebraska, USA. I am in the central time zone, but i keep odd hours and reply as much as I can. Which can be a lot actually. I enjoy anime, books, comics, music, movies, cartoons and more. If you have any questions please ask.
I rp solely on discord. So add me. :3
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jarofstyles · 8 months
Reaper 13
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This is SUPER LONG and dirty but enjoyyy it for as long as it lasts hehe.
Check out our Patreon for early access and exclusive writing
Warnings- possessive behavior, aggression, threats, mention of murder, stalking, illegal acts  we do not Condone, knife play, impact play (slapping x spanking), daddy kink if you squint, breeding kink mention, degradation, dom/sub dynamic, dumbification if you squint, choking, bondage w belt, hair pulling.... you get the gist everything is filthy as per usual 
WC- 11.3k
Tourist attractions really weren’t Harry’s thing, especially in his own city. He thought it was all a bit underwhelming, he’d rather look at a photo and be over it. He never thought he’d ever step foot in the Victoria and Albert Museum, Kensington was no place for someone like him. Yet there he was, watching his own work of art, Bunny, read the plaques by each painting.
The way her eyes lit up this morning when he told her they’d do whatever she wanted, he didn’t have it in himself to say no. So he let her drag him along to all the sites, even going as far as taking photos with her. If she were anyone else, he would tell her to stuff it- but that smile made it worth every moment of internal suffering.
“I’m getting hungry,” Bunny whispered to him, wanting to be respectful of the environment. Her arm had snaked its way under his, her hand curling around his bicep for comfort.
Harry chuckled when he felt her squeeze at the muscle, mindlessly going to place a kiss on the top of her head. The mindless affection had become more and more common. “You okay to head back towards the hotel? The options around here are a bit shit.” Harry continued in a hushed tone, guiding the two of them towards the stairs to begin exiting. “Plus, there are a bunch of pubs back that way… can get you some of that authentic food to try.”
“Authentic food?” She raised a brow. “You mean beans on toast? Egg in the hole?” There was teasing in her tone, a giant grin on her face as he looked down at her. She was taunting him, but it was good to see her really fucking smile after these last few weeks.
A scoff sounded from his throat, eyes rolling as they continued. “Lucky you’re cute. Or I’d toss your ass into the Thames, and that is particularly unpleasant.” He retorted, lightly pinching her side to make her squeak.
“Oi! Precious cargo here.” Her hip bumped into his as they walked, looking at her fake wedding ring. Although it wasn’t real, seeing it and what it represented made her stomach flutter. Would that be a possibility? Would he ever actually propose? What ring would he actually choose? He’d probably do it somewhere very private and secret, just the two of them. Shaking herself out of that thought, she continued. “What I was saying was, yes. I’m happy to head back. Your arm must be tired from holding all of my stuff.”
It wasn’t too bad. A few bags with the very tacky and overpriced London swag, things he knew she would probably stick on a shelf and not use- but part of him felt some sort of happiness that she liked it enough to buy souvenirs. “S’fine, darling. Snow globes and tee shirts and magnets are surprisingly lightweight.”
“Right, so you don’t mind if I drag us into the gift shop?” Bunny teased and squeezed his arm, tripping over her feet a bit as she leaned up to press a kiss to his cheek.
Harry had never thought he’d experience this type of relationship. It almost felt juvenile with how they clung to one another and got shy at each other's teasing ocassionally. It felt so out of character for him, but then again, it came naturally with her. He thought, if his life had been different, that maybe that’s how he was meant to be.
“Thought you said you were hungry?”
Pubs were a quintessential part of the British experience. You could go just about anywhere in the UK and there would always be a pub to welcome you in. Sure, the decor was a bit outdated, but Harry always thought it made them more charming. No two pubs were exactly alike. Some had different stools.
“What do you fancy? Fish and chips? Bangers and Mash? Gonna take you for a roast at the weekend.” Harry’s speech had already adjusted, his accent thicker than she’d ever heard it before. It made Bunny smile fondly, she’d never seen him in a mood like this and she was cherishing every second.
“Fancy, huh? You’re sounding incredibly British today, Mr.Davidson.” She winked, wrapping her arms around his shoulders and looping them as they settled at the end of the bar. The mood was just so good today, and she was relishing it.
“Fancy, yes. Like I fancy you.” His voice was quiet, a tiny smirk on the corner of his lips as she felt her heart stutter in her chest. His hands came to hold her hips, cuffing them with his cool skin and making her shiver. Her outfit wasn’t particularly thick- which was why she had stopped to buy the coat she’d hung up when they walked in. If someone stole it, oh well. It was pretty cheap.
“You do?” She peered at him through her lashes, toying with the hair at the nape of his neck. “Gonna make me blush. Look at you, flirty man.” Harry had been exceptionally affectionate today and it had almost taken her off guard. Like he could finally let go a bit and give her the proper boyfriend treatment, loved treatment, whatever it was called. It made her all fuzzy and hot in her stomach.
“Good. Like making y’shy.” He tugged at the ends of her hair. “Soon as a table opens up we can sit down and properly eat.” But he didn’t mind standing here. He soaked in every second of her leaning into him, playing like a proper couple on a ‘honeymoon’. He liked the feeling of the ring on that finger.
Bunny nodded along, letting her eyes wander around the dimly lit space. The place wasn’t too packed, though as the clouds drew in it seemed everyone was looking for shelter.
“Y/N? No fucking way.” A familiar voice interrupted Bunny from her train of thought. Her head snapped in the direction the voice was coming from, swallowing thickly. Fuck. Not here- not now.
“Ian?” She hadn’t seen him in years, not since he moved away for college. She had been so devastated back then. Sterling’s departure had taken a toll on her and well, Ian wasn’t man enough to tell her he too would be leaving her.
“Are you stalking me?” He joked, taking a step towards her. It seemed as though he hadn’t noticed just who she was there with.
Harry was quick to place himself between them.
Who the fuck is this? And why the fuck did he know Bunny? His jaw clenched so hard he was surprised his teeth didn’t crack, feeling fingers gently pressing against his arm as he looked down at the shorter man.
Was this some sort of sick joke?
“Who the fuck are you?” His words were cold, his molten relaxed nature from before cooling quickly before shattering like glass on the pavement. His eyes were sharp and hard as he looked down, feeling her peek over his arm and try and move closer but he extended it to keep her behind him.
Whoever the fuck this Ian was, he was in London. A place where she knew no one. The world couldn’t possibly be that small, and he was on edge all over again. “Are you following her?”
Oh god. Bunny stepped forward, clutching Harry’s arm in her grasp to try and chill him out. It looked bad, it definitely looked bad and she could understand his irritation, but-
“H, it’s okay-“
“No. It isn’t.” His harsh tone stung his own ears as he approached further, eyes zeroed in on him. “I’ll ask again, How the fuck did you find her here?”
“Find her?” Ian looked like he had seen a ghost. He had remembered Reaper, very very well. How could he forget all the times he’d come over and he’d be outside working on his bike? The death stare he gave was enough to have him rushing inside without turning back. He was aware of the reputation Reaper held, to say Ian was scared was an understatement.
“Dude, I swear I wasn’t trying to make any moves, just surprised she’s here— I live here man.” Ian was in a rush to finish his sentences, attempting to clear the lump forming his throat.
“Baby, you know that, remember? I was dating him before Sterling left.” Bunny peeped up from behind him, her heart beating out of her chest. The last thing she needed was for Harry to cause a scene when they were trying to lay low. While the coincidence was shocking, she knew full well Ian was too stupid to pull off what her stalker was pulling.
“Where?” Harry barked, preparing to grill the man for all he was worth. If he couldn’t tell him a way a Londoner would understand, he was worried he would do his head in right here on the bar. His stomach had already been turning at the mere mention of him dating her before, but the thought of being face to face with someone who could possibly be part of this ongoing torture of his girl? He was seething.
“Canary Wharf, a few stops on the DLR. I’m not giving you my address, sicko.”
“Sicko?” He laughed without humor. “I’m not the one following girls around. How’d you know she’d be here?” He took a step closer, the hair on the back of his neck prickled as he tried to scan the man’s face for any hint of lying.
He was scared shitless, as he should be, but Harry was thrown right back into the paranoia that he usually felt back home. The hesitation and distrust of anyone who got around her. How perfect would it be for her obsessive ex to be the one following her around?
“I didn’t! I swear I didn’t, bro. I’m just as surprised as she is- t-tell him, Y/N. Please!” He was backing up slightly as Harry took another step forward, making her grab his arm and try and tug him back.
“H- Hey.” She gently dragged her fingers down his arm. “Please. It’s okay. He’s been here for a while, he left a while back. I didn’t know where he was moving to.” Trying to diffuse the situation was unnerving. She’d seen Harry get like this a few times, but she didn’t want to make a scene here. “Look at me, please. He’s not the person you think.” Meaning her stalker. She could see the cogs turning in his mind, the nervousness from how he worked his jaw, how his other hand had slipped behind him to have a hand on his gun if he needed it. They couldn’t afford to have that happen in such a public place, but it was well known that Harry, when he was Reaper mindset, didn’t care. He would take out a threat and deal with the consequences. As much as it warmed her that he was that dedicated to her safety, it wasn’t any good if he went down for taking out the wrong guy.
“Babe.” Her stern tone cut through the tension, her hand moving to squeeze over his hand tightly. This couldn’t happen. Bunny’s heart was beating out of her chest, looking between the two of them as she tried to figure out what her next move was. “Ian, you remember Harry yeah?” She began, her fingers rubbing gentle circles over the wedding band on her boyfriend’s hand. It would be hard to explain it to Ian, so she figured it was best to keep them hidden. “He brought me here to London to show me around, we’ve been together for a while now so it felt like a good time to see where he came from.”
Harry was still sizing Ian up, chest heaving slightly. Focusing on the sound of Bunny’s voice, he could still hear the faint sound of blood pumping in his ears. This guy was harmless, she had ruled him out but Harry’s brain was still on high alert.
“Anyways, we were just leaving,” Harry interjected, no longer wishing to be in this idiot's presence. He needed to be back in a safe space with his Bunny.
“We don’t have to-“
“I just remembered our reservation. Let’s go.”  The tone of his voice had taken her off guard, unfamiliar with the sweet one he usually held specifically for her, but she would let it go despite how it stung under her skin. He was wound up and nervous, and he had just had a scare in the one place he had seemed to key his guard down. She had to remember that. He had just been knocked over, metaphorically speaking.
“You don’t have to run off,” Ian said with a laugh, feeling a bit bolder and wanting to reclaim that stupid masculinity he had felt was stripped of him from the interaction. “I’m not going to try and steal her-“
Before he could finish, his shirt was fisted in Harry’s hand, his body whipped around and pressed to the bar as the cocky look on his face faded to fear. His eyes were dark and cold, though the anger was simmering under the surface of his skin.
“You can’t have her. She isn’t an item to be stolen. I’ve heard about your puny cock and the lack of care you’ve given my girl. Bold of you to assume she’s mentioned more than her dissatisfaction over you.” He did indeed remember this dickhead. It made him want to drag him to the back alley and use the silencer on his gun to take him out. But he was in public. So threats would have to do. “If you breathe a word of her being here, if you try to contact her, if you even look at her again tonight, I will end you. Make your life a living hell, and end it with your body sunk in the Thames.” His words were quiet, but so matter of fact that Bunny’s eyes widened. The pub noises would filter out anyone else hearing, but she could.
“I know the people from the deepest depths of the underground here. One fucking call and I’ll have your entire flat ruined, your bank account drained, and your body strung up in an abandoned building before they dispose of you. So heed this warning very, very carefully.” He got closer. “You’ll stay here, order a pint, and forget that this night and my woman has ever existed. If I hear a word of this breathed out -and I will- I’ll make good on my phone call.” Eyes traced him in disgust. “And you won’t make very good fish food, either.”
Finally, he dropped the guy and pulled Bunny with him, trying to be mindful of how hard he pulled so her shorter legs wouldn’t make her fall. But he was livid. Angry, his face blank and nostrils flared as he grits his teeth.
She decided to stay silent, following him and wrapping her arm around his, their connected fingers an anchor for the both of them. “I’m sorry.” Her voice peeped, looking up at him. “I-didn’t know he would be there. I swear I haven’t known anything since he moved.”
He froze. Why was she apologizing?
Harry could hear the sound of his teeth grinding, though it seemed he felt no pain. His focus was purely on getting her back to the hotel as safely and quietly as possible. Stupid fucking idiot had to choose this pub of all pubs in London to walk into and ruin the perfect end to the day for his perfect girl.
“S’ fine, Bun.” Harry tried his best to reassure her, though his breathing was still heavy and his mind was still racing. He was on high alert as he guided the two of them through the busy crowd of Leicester Square, no one paid much attention to them there. Only one more turn and they’d be safe in the street right by their hotel.
Bunny wasn’t sure what she was expecting as they entered the hotel and made their way up. She chose to stay quiet, her arms wiggling their way around his waist as her head rested against his chest in an attempt to soothe them both. His heart was pounding, though his muscles were noticeably less tense than they had been at the pub.
She didn’t think she’d be able to eat much now, her main concern was tending to Harry. It’d been a good while since he’d snapped back into his protective state, they’d worked so hard to get him to actually relax on this trip. She had been worried it was all for nothing.
“Talk to me.” She murmured as they entered the safety of their room, the sound of Harry double-checking the locks behind them had her eyes squeezing shut. She wished he didn’t have to go through this. If only they didn’t go to that pub.
His throat bobbed as he scanned the room again, only broken out of the trance when her hands gently grabbed his face, cradling his jaw. All she did was gentle. She treated him with a softness no one else ever had, one that he had never even thought of himself being able to have.
There was a moment he stood without a word, looking down at him as he tried to gather himself. The last thing he wanted to do was scare her or make her feel neglected like he had the time before, but it was really fucking hard to do that. His body was taught, tense and he held back tremors of both rage and fear. It was a false alarm, sure, but he had felt all the feelings he imagined surfacing from finding the son of a bitch stalker. His uneven breathing filled the room as she continued to try and soothe him, her soft and concerned gaze killing him. How the fuck was she being so good with him even after what he had done? How he had shut down?
“I was terrified.” He admitted into the silence of the room. “That it was him. I’m still not convinced he isn’t involved.  I was letting myself get too relaxed. You’re in danger.” He stressed, head tilting back as he ran his hands over his face. There was obvious regret and self anger in his tone, breaking her heart just a bit more. “I was selfish for not letting my head be on a swivel.  I could never forgive myself if I let you get hurt. Ever.” Hs hands peeled off his cheeks so he could look at her, the seriousness of his words bleeding through.
“I promised to protect you. Not only to your father, to your brother- but to myself. This whole thing, you and I? It isn't just sex to me, Bunny. You’re- you’re mine. In every fucking sense of the word. The one person that means anything to me and if I fuck up because I want to- I want to be selfish and just let go? I’d die. If you hurt, I hurt. I can’t ever let it happen.” He felt the intensity in his stomach rise, the feelings he had been trying to keep in check boiling over in the pot. Frothing over the edges, he couldn’t stop himself from falling for her, no matter how many times he had stirred and tried to keep the overflow at bay.
“You mean the most to me. I’ve never cared this much about a person. I felt so much rage… not only at him but at myself. I’m so angry.” He growled. “He looked at you. He touched your arm. How much fucking clearer does it have to be?” Slowly backing her up, Bunny trusting him as her back bumped against the door and her head tipped up to look up at him. Her angry knight. So passionate about protecting her. “Do I have to get you a sign to tell people you’re mine? That I’m yours and I will rip their hearts from their chest, I will slice off any finger that touches you?” His eyes blazed, Harry’s discomfort obvious. He meant every word. AS gruesome as he could be, she hadn’t seen the whole of it yet. This girl got to see the good parts of him and he was convinced that she would be the only one they were reserved for.
Bunny’s eyes searched his, trying to find some kind of sign. Sure, his emotions were on high, but he meant each word he was saying. She could feel it— never once did his words falter, his gaze never leaving hers as his fingertips delicately began to push her jacket off of her shoulders.
“Say something.” Harry breathed, his eyes too scanning hers in an attempt to anchor himself in the moment. When he was with her nothing else mattered, he didn’t have to be anyone he wasn’t. With her he was free. “I mean every word—“
“I know.” Bunny’s voice had been so quiet she wasn’t even sure if he heard it. The words she had wanted to say were hiding just under her breath, if only she felt brave she would tell him. Profess that she loved him and that she trusted him more than anyone else in this world. “I keep thinking,” She started, her sentence interrupted by the thump of her jacket falling on the floor. “You’re the only one I’d want to be here with. The only one I want…” Her words trailed off with a soft moan. God, she was sick.
Cold fingertips dragged up along her arm, Harry’s other hand finding the warmth of her lower back just under her top. He really couldn’t help himself, she was the only thing that could get him to relax.
His stomach heated with a different sort of passion. A flick of a candle, a switch of a blade, a single moan. Her soft body melted into his own as her eyes bore into his own, that calming energy sinking into his skin and melding into arousal that he couldn’t help. She was aroused by this?
Yes. She was. The woman was affected by his words, by his protective nature. Even as deprived and awful, inhumane as his version of justice could be perceived as, she was excited by it. Flattered. His face got closer to hers, bracing with his arm against the door.
“I mean it.” His words were a shaky exhale. “I mean every fucking word.” His hands slipped further under the fabric, her hot skin melting his icy interiors yet again. “Anyone touches you… anyone even thinks about stroking this perfect skin… tasting your mouth…. Harming a single hair on your head. I’d end them.” He pressed closer, fingers finding the nape of her neck. “I’d kill for you, baby. D’you know that?” Harry doubted that she would ever actually know the full extent of what he would do for her. How close she had him to being on his knees at her wish.
She nodded, their noses brushing together. Harry smiled, not a normal one but what she could consider almost feral. Hot. Her thighs trembled as she couldn’t recall anyone else who had been able to gain such a reaction from her body. Their interactions were always something she felt fully, but his intensity was ringing in her ears, throbbing through her body. There wasn’t a shadow of a doubt that he would.
“I almost did tonight. I meant every word. And I’ll do the same back in Vegas. I’ll find who is tracking you… I’ll send them to meet Hades myself. And then… then I’m going to take you on a proper vacation. I’m going to take you to a beach and fuck you on the sand, I’m going to fuck you on my bike, I’m going to do everything you deserve.  I know I don’t deserve you. But I’m a selfish son of a bitch, Bunny. I’m mean, I fight, I do illegal shit, I’ve got blood on my hands and targets on my back, but I’m keeping you anyway.” Their breathing mingled as he tried to control himself but it was slipping.
His lips pressed against hers hard, feeling her fists on his shirt to pull him closer. It was no use.
“I will burn the entire fucking city down to make sure you’re safe. I’ve never been afraid of anything. Death, fire, pain. But I’m fucking terrified of losing you.”
Time stood still as the two of them stood barely a step into their hotel room. Harry cradled her with his arm, unable to get enough of his skin on her own. Her shivers only drove him all the more insane, he was hypnotized by the feeling she brought him, the comfort of her existence was something he felt himself continuously getting drunk on. He didn’t want to stop himself, he couldn’t. Not when every moment felt like it could be their very last.
“I’m not going anywhere, Harry. I’ll always find you.” Bunny knew there was very little could do, but on the off chance that this fucker managed to find her she would leave as many clues for Harry as she possibly could. No way would she let some monster get in the way of this beautiful blossoming relationship. “Even if it hurts me.” She whispered, eyes flickering down to his lips. She was hungry to taste them again, it was the perfect remedy for the comedown of shock. What if she wanted it to hurt?
“Please let go just for tonight… just take me how you want to.” She would do just about anything to get him back to a relaxed state again. This feral look on his face awakened something in her, he’d previously mentioned he’d been holding back. There was something about the dark breathy chuckle he let out that had her mind reeling.  “I’m serious.” Bunny felt her heart rate picking up as he toyed with the delicate skin of her neck. “Please.”
“You don’t know what you’re asking.” He whispered, trying to keep that curated delicacy he had reserved for her at hand- but failing. Failing miserably.
“I do.” She whispered back, arching into him. “You’re upset. You want to prove that I’m yours?” There was danger in taunting him. The girl knew that. But she wanted him to break down, to give in to those urges again. The last time had been so, so good. She could still feel the slight ache but she wanted more. Greedy. She was so incredibly greedy for every lick and drop of affection, his real self she could get. Her hand reached for his, pulling it towards the front of her throat to collar it.
“Fuck me, Harry. Own me. Use my body, mark me, make everyone know.” She bleated, eyes wide for him. “Please?” Her lips pressed against his. “Please, please, please. Just for tonight- make me ache. You know my limits. Push them.”
“Baby, I don’t want to hurt you.” Harry breathed through his nose, trying so hard not to give in to her even though she was offering herself up on a silver platter. The feeling of his hand around her throat was something that’d felt natural, her kiss tempting him even more. She knew just how to get him to succumb to her desires but there was still that bit of fear.
Sure, the other night they dabbled into the territory. A few good slaps, her slipping into subspace. This, however, was a whole other beast. Harry could be truly sadistic, relentless in the way he fucked women. While his girl had proven to be the perfect slut for him, he still worried that he would lose himself. There would always be more caution in this because he cared about her, he adored her, her life meant something to him. It just made him worry a little about self control when she taunted him. Especially when he was in a mood like this. Where he knew he wouldn’t stop himself from absolutely ruining her.
“I want you to.” Bunny was confident that she could take it. The slaps yesterday were manageable, hot, even and with the right aftercare, she was positive there was nothing he could do that would truly hurt her. Harry in his feral state was terrifying, yes, but a thrill that made her sopping wet. She was the object of his desire, surely the aggression he would lay upon her would translate differently than it had with anyone before her.
“Want you to show me the real you… want to know what it’s like, I can handle it.” She had opened up for him so nicely, let him see her slip into the softest of spaces. She had hoped to see him enter his own headspace, one where they could interact together.
“God….” Harry rolled his head back on his shoulders, his erratic breathing amplified by her fingers pressing over his own, making him squeeze. It got his attention right away. Damn it all to hell. The woman had a road map to the paths to drive him wild the quickest, the buttons installed in the tips of her little fingers.
She moaned. The vibration of it stung his palm. She was serious. Her head rolling back on the door as she hated herself to him with her eyes fluttering at the feeling. She was showing him, taunting him, and Harry could feel the tether to his rational being fraying.
“You… can handle it?” His lips curled up in one of the most cruel little smirks she had ever seen. “The soft, sweet little slut can handle it? Just a bit of slapping has you slipping. You really think you can manage it? When I make a mess out of you?”
Her nod made him narrow his eyes, watching as she blinked up at him. Did she?
He tested the waters, gathering saliva under his tongue and spitting it right on her closed lips, getting a surprised gasp from her. A flinch. “Lick your lips. Clean it up.” He stood straighter, seeming to loom over her. She stood with wide eyes, looking like she was going to speak before he took his fingers from behind her and lightly smacked her cheek.
“I didn’t fucking ask you to speak.  Did I?” Her head shook, a tiny whimper making him laugh before continuing on. “No, I didn’t. I know you get a little brainless when I touch you, all you can think about is cock… but I gave you instruction. Try again.” He hissed, feeling his cock throb at how quickly she let her tongue rub over her lips. Pink brushing over the glistening pair of lips wet with his spit, she slowly dragged the muscle over the pout.
“There we are. Pretty little pet does have some sense floating up there.” He cooed, thumbing the rest she couldn’t get over the rest of her chin and rubbing it into the skin.
There was a pause, his eyes softening for a moment as he checked in. “My messy baby. Are you sure you can handle it? Y’know I adore you.” He pressed a soft kiss to her wet mouth, a direct contrast to his previous actions. “You’re my girl but… I’m gonna be mean to you. You know how to get me to stop, yeah?” It had to be abundantly clear. There wouldn't be unnecessary risks of losing her trust.
Bunny nodded her head, not wanting to risk speaking and making him unnecessarily angry. Just one word, that’s all it would take for him to stop. She decided to take his word for it and behave while she was still grounded in reality, god knows what she’s getting herself into when she was drunk on him and his cock. He’d given her a taste of it last time, blown her expectations out of the water, but she was his greedy girl after all.
His actions had shaken her up just enough for wetness to start pooling in her panties. She loved seeing him in this state, it was so animalistic. He was only focused on one thing and that was pleasure— in this case, his own. She would happily give herself to him a million times over if this meant he could get it out of his system. If it was anything like before she knew she’d enjoy it.
He’d never been mean to her before, it would definitely be a new feeling. However, it was all in the name of sex. Sex makes you say all sorts of things, it’s part of its nature. It’s a connection people can’t properly put into words. Bunny was eager to explore their connection even further and prove their trust.
“That’s a good girl.” He sighed, stroking over her hair before wrapping it around his fist. “Come.”
There was no other option- but Y/N didn’t mind. She followed, relishing in the slight prickling pain on her scalp as he stayed true to his word and led her like a naughty pup over to the bed.
“You’re such a nice girl. It really is such a shock to me that you love acting like a depraved whore.” He said with a chuckle. “Y’know, I thought… the first time we saw each other again, you were so sweet looking. Grown up, not a little girl, but sweet. That big smile and sparkling pretty eyes, bouncing on your feet. And then, later in the night… you crawled up on my lap. Tried to tempt me, with your brother just feet away. That’s when I knew there had to be something with you. Something that made you dirty, just like me.”
He undid his belt with his free hand, the sound of the leather snapping out of the belt loops making her whimper. His start was intense, intently on her eyes as he released her hair. “Wrists in front of you.”
There was no second request. She did it quickly, letting herself feel the warm leather wrap snugly around her wrists and through them. There was a shot of jealousy when she realized she was not the only one he had done this to. No- Harry must have done this dozens of times because of how well he did it, but she kept her mouth shut as he secured her.
“There.” One last tug and she was secure enough to not escape, but easy enough for Harry to be able to undo it quickly. “What a fucking vision you are, darling. Look at you.” His voice aired out, walking in a circle around her. Reaching into his pocket, he steadied himself behind her. His nose brushed her neck, inhaling the scent of her. This was enough to get him drunk. The perfume, her soap, the scent that could only be her…. Biting down on the flesh in a nip to make her yelp.
“Too good. Too fucking good for me, and yet…. You let me do such filthy things to you. I wonder what everyone would think if they knew how eager you were to get my cock in your mouth. So quickly after we agreed I’d be your boyfriend… taunting me. Almost crying because I didn’t give you my cum. And now? Now you want it dripping down your thighs.”
There was a metallic slice in the air, Bunny stiffening as she felt cool metal brush her chest. The flag of his pocket knife. “If they knew you shivered in anticipation while having a knife held to you. You know how nasty you’ve got to be, darling?” He laughed, the heat of it making her shiver again. “Oh, that’s why you’re so perfect for me, little Bunny.”
She gasped as he sliced through the upper part of her top in a swift motion, using his hands to rip the rest off. “But what good is having a beautiful slut at my beck and call if she’s clothed?”
The anticipation was killing her, all her senses heightened. She’d been waiting for him to bring the knife out again, but the unexpected action had her feeling warm. There was something that washed over her, a feeling reminiscent of embarrassment but was much more pleasurable. Sitting there exposed to him, clothes cut, unable to move her hands. The danger of it all was too appealing, Harry played the part well. Though, he wasn’t playing at all.
Harry noticed her breathing pick up, the way her chest was heaving made his cock stir in his jeans. He let the blade of the knife trace down her denim-clad leg, teasing her with the sensation before the tip met the zipper. “I bet you’re soaked under these, my perfect whore. Always ready for me to stuff you.” He was debating cutting the jeans off of her but decided against it, using one hand to unbutton them and pull them down.
Harry wasted no time in slicing her panties off, a dark laugh leaving his lips at her gasp. “Always liked that move, hm? Filthy slut. Open.” He commanded, waiting for her jaw to drop down before stuffing her mouth full of her panties. “Don’t trust you to stay quiet so I think this will do.”
It was degrading, absolutely, but there was just something about the way Harry could make it feel good. The humiliation swam in her stomach pooling down to her cunt, the damp spot on the fabric pressed against her tongue.
“Tastes good, doesn’t it?” He ran the cold metal over her thighs, over her mound ever so carefully to get it wet before moving in front of her. His eyes were dark, tongue licking up the flat of the blade and groaning at the taste. “Yeah. You can see why I love being parked right between these gorgeous thighs. If you weren’t such a baby, you’d stop complaining about being over-sensitive and let me lick you up. But…” he tossed the knife to the side. “I think….” His hand pushed her to fall on the bed. “It’s time for a proper taste. I’ve got you gagged, bound… I can lick you up, and prepare you for my cock. How does that sound?” He turned his back towards her to the drawer beside the bed, where he had left the cleaned and unpackaged toys. “Oh, that’s right. Y’can’t reply.” The snarky reply somehow left her feeling a bit more hot. How did he manage that?
“Gonna make you so sensitive, and you’re just going to lay there and take it. You loved being my fucktoy last time, so let’s see.” Standing between her legs, he tugged her by the ankles toward the end of the bed while he ignored her muffled squeak.  “Three kicks with your foot if it’s too much. Otherwise? Don’t complain.” Establishing a safe system was imperative regardless of verbal ability.
Bunny felt her cunt throbbing but resisted the urge to squeeze her thighs together. It wouldn’t do her any good, not when Harry was standing there looking down at her cunt as if it was his first and last meal all at once. He took his sweet time, picking up one of her legs so he could kiss and bite his way down to her core.  He loved the way she reacted to him, her sensitivity made him crave her that much more. Her scent had him forgetting what he had initially planned to do, eyes zeroing in on her puffy slick folds. Harry’s hands gripped around her thighs, lowering himself till he was kneeling on the floor.
With the panties gagging her, Bunny assumed her moans would be silenced. Instead, she was met with muffled sounds that only elevated the feeling of Harry’s tongue lapping her up. It was an erotic blend, the sound of slurping and sucking making her legs twitch. He was so good at this. Creating environments built to break her down little by little.
He was relentless.
Of course that was a given, but it seemed he was even more desperate tonight to get her, to get every bit of her slick on his tongue and she couldn’t keep quiet, even with her gag. He wasn’t holding back, licking up from her entrance to her clit before spitting back down and using his hand to gently smack over her.
When she squealed, Harry’s wet mouth grinned, filthy promise written in his eyes as he smacked harder over her clit and watched her hips buck up. “Slut for pain. Like when I do that to you?” He shook his head, picking up the toy and dragging up her wet folds. “I hope that extends to some overstimulation. I want you to cry for me today. Good tears. Tears only I can ever get out of you.”
Turning it on he felt her jump, the lower setting making her squirm as he situated it right on her clit whilst his finger slipped into her cunt. “Drooling little hole you’ve got… you’re lucky you love this so much. It’s going to make it far easier for us when I’m fucking you.”
The woman’s breathing was staggered, her stomach clenching at the tension he was creating. It hurt so good, the burn paired with a deep lull of pleasure creeping throughout her body. The gentle vibration of the toy was tormenting her, if only he had turned it up even just one degree she swore it wouldn’t be as agonizing as this.
Whimpers managed to push through the fabric lodged in her mouth, her thighs twitching in his grasp. She was trying her best not to squirm, breathing heavily through her nose as she mentally coached herself through the pleasure. Her cunt squeezed around his fingers, desperate to be filled by his cock once again. He said he was being mean, there would be no point begging. She did tell him he could do what he wanted. Bunny would be good.
“What a perfect fucking whore, I can feel you squeezing me. Want more?” Harry mocked, rubbing the pads of his fingers over her precious g-spot. He was slow with the movements, coaxing more of those delicious little moans out of her. “Should’ve known you could take it— don’t you dare cum before I say so.” He didn’t want to stop touching her, he intended to flood her senses for a good while before giving her her first of many orgasms.
Harry clicked the toy up a speed, chuckling darkly at the way her body jolted. “So sensitive, so greedy…” He just about growled into her thigh, teeth sinking into the skin enough to satisfy him. The man could tell she was gone, but he didn’t want to stop it. Not when she was taking it so well, not when she so clearly wanted more.
She yelped against the fabric, body jerking as his teeth marked her. He hadn’t been joking when he had said he was going to go for it. While he’s bitten her before, this one was a claiming one. Dark and hard and a promise of more, making her drip for him.
“So-ee.” The poor attempt of ‘Sorry’ was muffled through a gag, apologizing from her jolt. His eyes glazed up at her, shaking his head but continuing his slight torture.
Harry loved to see her wet like this. To see the wet juices of her cunt coat his fingers and drip down her folds, all the way down to her ass. Soon enough it would mark the bedcover, and he couldn’t wait for that. His cock was aching, pulsing in his briefs but he was satisfying a different urge.
“Sorry? Mm… Slutty thing is sorry she can’t take a bite. What are we going to do with you?” Adding another finger, her legs twitched as her toes curled, the sloshing, wet sound of them fucking into her the music he needed to hear to his ears. “Don’t fucking cum.” He warned, pressing the vibrator harder against her clit. “Don’t do it. I know you’ve got a filthy set of holes back here, but have some self control.” He could feel it, the beginnings of clenches around his fingers and her thighs trembling as she began to protest behind the gag.
She almost did it. The pain had buzzed on to pleasure as his joined fingers curled right against a spot that had her stomach jumping, but he could tell. Immediately, her muddled moans were disrupted by a screech. His hand yanked away the toy, his fingers pulling out and the wet palm of his hand coming rough roughly onto her cunt.
“What did I say? Did I not just fucking tell you to hold it? You were going to do it anyway.” Again, his hand came down right over her clit, the sharp sting making her writhe under him.  Again. And again. The stringing of slaps to her most intimate area hurt, but they felt good. So good, and Bunny could feel tears gathering at the corners of her eyes.
With a glare, Harry’s fingers pulled her spit soaked panties from her mouth and held her jaw roughly, speaking to her through a cruel smile. “Does it hurt too bad?” He cooed, shaking her head back and forth before he narrowed his eyes. “Or…Did you like that? Did my pretty little pain slut like having her cunt smacked around?” He asked, wiping his wet fingers on her cheek. Y/N was stupified, eyes wide and wet and mouth open as she tried to find the words. “Yes or no, Bunny. Use those words. Or did Daddy take them away from you so quickly?”
“Yes, I liked it, Daddy.” Bunny could feel her face heating up as she breathed out her answer. Admitting it to him always made her feel so shy, even more so than being spread out like this. Her body belonged to him, she never wanted to hide from him after the first time. But saying she liked his twisted methods of domination was another story.  She used all the strength she had to hold herself up, using this opportunity to take in his expression. His face was wet—covered in her arousal, and his eyes were dark with pure lust. Primal desire, he couldn’t help himself. Every bit of her struggle to manage the immense pleasure sent him further into the headspace. He swore he could swallow her whole if she’d let him.
“Yeah? You like it, gorgeous?” Harry cooed, noticing the floaty look in her eyes. She was just as far gone as he was, he was glad she had convinced him to give in. His perfect girl, she really could take it.
“I do... I do, I love it.” She mewled, seeking his approval as she looked at him with glassy eyes and pouty lips. “Love e-everything you do to me. I want to make you happy.”
Harry felt that tiny bit of softness leak through the primitive layer, making him pet over her face softly before it melted away. She was dazed, looking like a baby deer- his helpless little Bunny. “I know you do. I could do anything I wanted and you’d thank me for it.” He sighed, shaking his head before pressing his lips to hers. A hint of softness before he had her.
“I could take this little toy….” He took the vibrator, switching it back on to a higher setting and placing it on her clit as he loomed over her shivering body, her mouth open and wet as she took uneven inhales. “And I could tape it to you. I could keep this little thing connected to your poor little clit and make you cum over and over for me until you can’t take it. And you’d thank me.”
A tear dripped down her cheek as she tried to hold back, the orgasm quickly rising as he had found the perfect spot, the perfect pace. “H-sir, sir- please let me cum, please, please, please.” She wrung her hands in the belt, the bite of the leather making her moan. “I can’t hold it, I can’t hold it, I wanna be good-“
And then, it was gone. A sob left her throat, frustration raising as Harry’s smirking face was her only vision.
“That was a cute beg. I liked it.” His smile resembled a wolf. Hunting her down, playing with his food. “Let’s try it again.”
“No, no, no— Please!” Bunny cried, thrashing slightly in disapproval. “Please, please, please, please—“
“Quiet,” Harry commanded, his voice stern as his hand roughly gripped her face. With furrowed brows he stared down at her, daring her to look away. “You were doing so well, what happened?” He kissed his teeth, dropping her from his grip. “If you want to cum you have to listen to me, brat.” He was testing his own patience. Hearing her beg was a weakness of his, but he wanted to prove a point.
Bunny simply nodded, bottom lip quivering for a moment. She wanted to cum so bad she could cry, the smack he placed across her cheek only fueling the fire in her core. “I’m sorry, sir.” She squeaked, blinking away her needy tears in hopes that he would touch her.
“Can I have a kiss? Please.” Her voice changed momentarily, needing him to ground her and remind her that she was doing well despite his harshness.
It was a moment of clarity, her shaky voice bleeding into a slightly unsure tone that had him softening up nearly immediately. It was good to know that his body truly could tell a difference. His fingers stroked her cheek where he had smacked, eyes gentle as he tipped her chin up and pressed their lips together for a loving kiss. “Doing so well for me. Can’t believe how well you’re taking this.” He murmured against her lips. “You’re okay?” The last thing he wanted to do was upset her seriously.
Thankfully she nodded, puckering her lips for a few more kisses which he readily gave to her before he could sense her melting back into position. “There. Good girl. Just tell me if you need me to stop, you know the safe word.” He gently tapped the tip of her nose before he let that dark mask take back over.
She was in awe of how he could do it. How he could be so loving and tender to her and then call her all the names in the book- and even more so because she loved it. Ate up every single piece of it
Without a word, he slipped his hand under her jaw to keep her eyes on him while the other flipped the vibrator back on. “You can cum this time. Then I think you’ll be nice and open for my dick. I want to see you be the pretty, needy little brat. Talk to me. Because as soon as I’m inside you, you’re not going to be able to.” He nudged their noses together. “Because you get so dumb on my cock. I love every bit of it. But someone’s got to remind you who you belong to.”
She belonged to him.
Everyone in this hotel would know that by the end of the night, Harry would make sure of it. Granting her permission to make noise, he knew there was no reason for her to hold back. He himself was tired of the muffled sounds, he wanted to hear her loud and clear.
“Thank you, sir, I-aH” Bunny’s breath hitched, relaxing into the feeling with a low whine. He had started it off deliciously slow again, though the pain from his previous torment had built up. She was sensitive.
“Just wanna cum, wanna show you how good you make me feel.” Bunny’s hands instinctually went to cup her tits but forgot about her bound wrists. She cursed him in her head, quickly losing herself in the pleasure as he turned the toy up another speed.
“Please slap my tits, want you to bite me again— I wanna cum for you over and over and over like you said, sir.” She was gone, far gone.  “I’m your good girl, I promise.”
Harry loved this. He loved every bit of it.
This woman called to every single part of him, making him feel slightly feral as she spoke. This was his best friend’s little sister, the woman he was supposed to protect, and yet she was here telling him to slap her tits, bite her, to make her cum. It was wrong in many senses of the word but Harry had found that part of that made it feel even better.
He growled under his breath, doing exactly as he wanted. “That’s what I wanted.” He chuckled, slapping her bare breast before pinching her nipple. The noise that came from her swollen mouth was unlike what he’d heard before, but it continued when he pulled on it. It was visible in her face, she was wrecked already and he wanted to get her there. Make her babble again, her shaking legs struggling to stay open as he leaned down to bite right on the swell of her breast.
Bunny let out another desperate mewl, the bite hurting so fucking good she was close to seeing stars. “Please, please, I’m a good girl. I’m a good girl for you, I’m yours, keep biting me- M’gonna cum, gonna cum, gonna….” Her frantic squeaks were paired with a dark noise from Harry’s throat, moving to her neck to bite down on the soft curve of her shoulder. As soon as his teeth dug in, she lost it.
The vibrations, the pain of them, his fingers twisting and pinching her breast, the perfect mixture to make her cum. A wail left her plushy mouth as Harry rutted slightly against her thigh, pulling his teeth away to watch her face scrunch in pleasure.
She could feel pins and needles in her legs, crying as she came. The work up to the orgasm, the restraint, his closeness, she was greedy and got one of her wishes.
Bunny sighed in satisfaction, her body convulsing as she rode out the orgasm. “Fuck! Ah-“ She hissed, finally feeling the buzzing of the vibrator on her clit. It seemed that Harry wasn’t satisfied with just the one. “It hurts, Daddy.” She couldn’t bring herself to tell him to turn it off though.
“Shh, give it a few moments, pet…” Harry mumbled against her skin, knowing if she waited long enough the pain would turn to pleasure. It took a few more moments and whines from her till he felt her hips buck up against the toy. “That’s it, give me another one like the greedy little whore you are.” He let his mouth move back down to her chest, sucking at the skin before finding another perfect patch to bite.
Her skin was so warm and smooth against him, though he was starting to get annoyed at the layers he still had on. He hadn’t even bothered to rid himself of his clothes, getting carried away in the moment. He couldn’t bring himself to let go of her either.
“Can I? Fuck— can I cum again? It feels so good, can I, can I, can I—“ Bunny’s breathing was picking up again, eyes squeezing shut as if that would stop the quickly building climax from ripping through her. “I can’t hold it, please say yes, please—”
Pulling off her nipple, his hand smacked against her breast before he barked out the order.
She felt like she wasn’t in her own body, on her way out. Halfway in. She was hot, sweat on her brow as she shuddered under him. It was fuzzy, her eyes clenching shut as her mouth opened in a silent screech.
Harry loved watching her cum. How her body arched, how she shook, her jaw clenching and her chest heaving. He was going to make sure he could keep this vision exclusively his for the rest of his life.
“That’s it, that’s my fucking girl.” He praised, laughing in disbelief as he felt her gush a little on his hand that held the toy. Messy, wet, everything he had been going for. He knew when it was starting to get too much, her squirm and whine signaling him for the right moment to stop. Pulling it off, he tossed it to the side and pressed their lips together, peppering filthy praises between the kisses.
“My fucking girl. So pretty when you cum for me. You drive me crazy. I’m so obsessed with you.” He panted, pulling back and taking her bound hands, and untying the belt off of her wrists.  They looked a little irritated, making him take a second to stroke over them and bring them together to kiss the irritated skin. “M’not sorry, precious. You loved it.”
He was quick to dispose of the rest of his clothes, kicking them whenever they landed. He just wanted her. She was boneless on the bed, his gorgeous woman, panting as she looked at him with wet cheeks and clenched thighs he had to pry back open.
“C’mon,Baby. Up.” He lifted her towards the top of the bed. settling her onto the pillows, her hair haloed across the linen pillowcases, her bitten lips plump and dark, cheeks wet with her tears from the pleasure. His angelic picture with a frame sent from hell.
“You can touch me now, but I need to be inside of you.”
“I want you,“ Bunny’s hands immediately flew up to his hair, tugging at the roots with vigor. She had been itching to do it since the minute his tongue swiped over her clit, her grip so tight she swore her knuckles were white. “Inside. Right now.” She was still breathless, lifting her head to connect their lips once again.
She loved to kiss him. She would be happy just kissing him forever, but why would she want to when he could fuck her like this? “You’re so hot,” She whined against him, “please put your cock in me. I can’t stop thinking about it.”
Bunny let one of her hands trail down his back, nails digging into the skin to inflict a bit of pain and emphasize her words. She needed his cock. “Call me greedy, I don’t care, I want it so bad— I wanna make a mess all over you. Want to feel you,” She trailed off, her eyes glazed over with desire. Her hand moved to grab his, placing it over the softest part of her belly. “Here.”
He had definitely broken her a bit. That shy, soft spoken spirit with a hint of tease had gone full blown need, showing her hand as she broke,  egging him for it. Whining. She liked to be manhandled, she liked how regardless of his rough actions he took time to praise and check in and it drove her mad.
His hand flexed on her stomach, a fire flaring through his body.  His Bunny begging him for it, not a hint of hesitation- it did something for him. A new wick lit inside, engulfing the rest of him in flames.  It triggered a thought. One that would have repulsed him had it been quite literally anyone else…but the girl under him had a way of making him completely and utterly ruin any walls he had up. Rubble on the pavement.
He obliged, settling between her legs and brushing the dripping, ruddy tip of his engorged cock through her slick and puffy lips. It was so easy to get wet enough, wasting little time as he began to push in.
“Then take it.” He whispered, sliding his hand under her neck to hold her there. Right at the nape, eyes watching as hers watered at the stretch. “You want me in your belly, baby? Want to be full of me?” Lips brushed hers. “You are such a needy, desperate little bitch. Y’know that? I adore every part of it. Makes me even more glad that you’re mine… but…” he hissed as she welcomed him in, finding his home deep seated in her cunt with his balls up against her ass. “When you do things like that, makes me want to breed you.” Their mingled breathing paused as Bunny’s caught in her throat. “Ought t’knock you up. Keep you full….. because you’re mine. You know it… but the world should know too, shouldn’t it? Should know *exactly* who you belong to.”
Y/N whined, wide eyed looking at him as her body reacted to the ultra possessive claim. He’s always been a domineering man, but something about such a permanent claim had them both hot. It would be the worst timing, but her legs tightened around him to keep him close.
“Please.” The bleated word hit his lips. “I- yes. Yes. I want it, I want you in my belly. Please do it.”
Harry snickered at her pleading, feeling his cock grow impossibly heavy inside her. She was begging for his load, to have his child. Part of him knew she was just spacey, but he decided he’d let himself imagine she truly meant it for the moment. Would hurt right?
“Asking so nicely, like a good little slut.” He purred, the same feral smile returning to his face. His hips pulled back only to snap back inside her with a guttural moan leaving his throat. “Fucking love your cunt,” He set a slow pace for himself, wanting to meld his cock into every part of her walls. “Think I could spend days inside of you and still never get enough…. And you’re squeezing me so tight, you still aren’t satisfied?”
“No, too slow.” Bunny breathed, at her wit's end. Feeling full of him wasn’t cutting it in this state, she was feigning. Her hips bucked up on her own, her back arching to lean further into him. Her bratty self wasn’t taking too well to this position. He was still going easy on her. “Don’t tease me anymore, know you want to fuck me stupid. Make me hurt. Show me how you want it.”
What she hadn’t expected, though, was the sting in her scalp as he gripped her hair and kept her face still as he filled her to the brim, stopping the thrusts.
No. No, she needed more.
“I think you forget who’s in charge here.” He snarled. “No matter how good your cunt is, I’m the one who owns it. Making demands?” He laughed through his nose. “I’ll do as I damn well please.” His cock pulled back out to the tip before slamming back in, making the bed lurch and hit the wall.
She swore she saw stars, a scream leaving her lips as he repeated it again. Deep, so fucking deep that she didn’t know what to do with herself.
“Where did my good whore go? I love that beg but-“ he gave another devastating thrust, making her pant, nails digging into his back roughly. “You turned into a brat. Lucky I need to empty my balls and you’ve got a perfect hole for it, or I’d take it away from you.”
Her grip was strong enough to break skin, nails clawing down the length of his back with primal need.
Harry groaned at the feeling, the burn adding to his arousal. He liked the pain she was inflicting upon him but needed to be closer, deeper.
Without much of a warning, he pulled out and flipped her around, slamming back into her with such force the bed frame smacked against the wall again.
“No more words, Princess? Already gone dumb on my cock?” Harry couldn’t stop his hips from pistoning in and out of her with force. The feeling of her milking him was far too good, he’d teased himself enough and it was time to give in. “Take it. Every, last, bit.” His voice grew dark, pushing himself up off of her so he could take in his view.
Beautiful supple skin ready to be marked in any way he pleased. Her ass was something he couldn’t resist. “Wanted to plug you up today, make you squirm till you begged for me to fill both of your holes.” Thwack. Harry paused to admire the trace left over on her skin. “I couldn’t wait. I knew you couldn’t either— filthy little slut. You’re dripping f’me.” He smirked, placing another heavy handed smack on the opposite cheek.
She didn’t know how good it would feel.
There had been a feeling. With how he had smacked her before, how he had held her a bit rough. She knew that she liked pain and liked to see him in a darker, dominant headspace- but she hadn’t expected to feel the stinging prickles on her cheek and have it travel down to her cunt, showing clearly now as he fucked into her. His smacks had made her moan, the garbled noise fueling him further. His fingers brushed over her hot skin gently and massaged the flesh as his cock pounded into her. A contrast to the heavy thrusts stealing her breath and the slamming of the headboard into the wall behind them.
“Fu-uck. I can’t- I….” She choked on her words as he shifted, one leg over her hip while he stayed between his thighs with the other one. Her ass was spread open with his hand, thumb pressing into her hole as she squealed and thrashed under him.
It was too much. Both her holes being filled, the jostling of her body, being tossed around with her face in the sheets, she came without permission. Screaming muffled into the fabric as her face was stained with sweat and tears, noises punched out of her as he didn’t let up.
If anything? It spurred him on.
The steady sound of the headboard smacking against the wall kept the two of them anchored in reality. They paid no mind to the slow cracking in the bed frame, instead, Harry found himself sinking deeper into a new headspace.
“Greedy girl,“ He growled lowly, his voice settling in the thick air of the room. The smell of sin was enough for him to feel high. “Can’t wait for permission?” Another smack reverberated throughout the room. “You‘ll give me another.” He demanded.
Bunny opened her mouth to speak, but nothing came out. Unable to form a single sentence, she screamed while writhing beneath him. Everything felt fuzzy, her vision blurry, her body completely open. His words made her cunt clench, surprising herself with how much she could take. Her body was begging for more. Her head turned so she could catch her breath, attempting to stabilize herself with her grip on the sheets and mattress. It was no use.
“Knew you’d shut up.” Harry was feral. “Keep screaming, slut. This is exactly what you wanted wasn’t it?”
It was, it was exactly what the both of them wanted- and they wouldn’t be stopping.
Not until it was 3 in the morning, the bed had broken, and their muscles ached.
And a hole in the wall from the bed frame- but that would be a problem for when they woke up. So would Harry’s raised and bleeding scratch marks, the bruising on Y/N’s hips and wrists, the lack of voice she was going to have from screaming when he hit it just right- but that was tomorrow’s problem. Right now, it was time to relish in their unfiltered, unadulterated passion.
Who knew when they’d get this opportunity again?
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cwazytvthings · 2 years
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In the mood to draw some fellas, my asks are open for requests if you're interested in a quick sketch^^
List of characters I'll draw are in the tags below :3
If you want to request a character not mentioned in the tags by all means ask and I'll draw them!
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realitybitesyouknowit · 8 months
Chapters: 38/38 Fandom: Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling Rating: Explicit Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence Relationships: Harry Potter/Severus Snape Characters: Harry Potter, Severus Snape, Portrait Albus Dumbledore, Lily Evans Potter, Remus Lupin, Original Characters Additional Tags: Drama & Romance, Lily is alive, Horcrux Hunting, Potterwatch, Grey Dumbledore, Idiot Ron who eventually redeems himself, Art, Dumbledore is a Scheming Sociopath, Brief M-Preg, No Hallows, Mostly Sub Severus, mild D/s themes, Fluff, Creature Fic Summary:
Headmaster Snape is discovered as a spy and stumbles into the Golden Trio's camp injured, and carrying nothing but an old, bloodstained journal, a map of the UK with strange dots on it, and the clothes on his back. Oh, and the Sword of Gryffindor? He demands Sanctuary from Harry, an old wizarding custom that forces Harry to give the man food and shelter for one month while Severus pleads his case. Harry reluctantly agrees, and so begins the maddest month of his life. Between finding out the truth about Severus, translating Voldemort's twisted journal, and discovering even his own life is nothing like he thought, Harry has to rebuild his world from the ground up, all while knocking the pieces from Voldemort's soul one by one.
Harry finds his wings, his mother, his mate, the mentor he believed dead, and his true destiny all in four short weeks.
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asterclaw · 7 days
I wanna hear more about the new art you posted just now Tell me the story I beg
welp, not much so far but
Reaper looooves infodumping at people about their trauma cuz he knows the ways to find it all out. People usually look at them just like Geno does <3
The reason why Reaper knows about Geno's shit is because they both are from quite powerful Slytherin families (death eater families???? kinda the same thing???? maybe i should have read the books or smthn). Reaper currently leaves with Life who is his aunt (or no??) because "do i look like i know the reapertale lore well?? or that i care?????" (maybe, i'm not sure about that yet, maybe he lives on the street or something <3). Yep, so, and Geno... Well. His father – Gaster – doesn't exactly like him, or his brother, who's, well... A hufflepuff which doesn't make his life easier one bit. Geno, unlike him, can actually stand up for himself.
That's as much as I worked out so far. Not even sure if Geno's Paps is alive rn or no. And also trying to work out if Error's closely related to him or not because he's DEFINITELY a hufflepuff. Fresh's in Slytherin, so no issues with that.
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hp-shippy-prompts · 10 months
Harry is a reaper. In their last moments, when he comes for them, people see him as a relative, or a friend, or a crush, or an attractive stranger. They see what they want to see, and when he speaks, they hear what they want to hear. They never see Harry.
Until he’s tasked with reaping Tom. Tom sees him as he is, responds to his words, and for some reason (horcruxes), he can’t be reaped. But the longer Harry stays with Tom to try to reap him, the less sure he is that he wants to.
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tryingssss · 4 months
i don't know if were still doing this when it's not the year 2014. but!!! the harry potter character who would win the hunger games is hermione and anyone who disagrees just doesn't want to admit that the strongest character in that franchise is a girl. she is both street smart and book smart. she would trick and fool anyone and could come up with something clever. she is foxface because she is smart and cunning. but she also knows every spell out there. tom riddle could use his charm to get sponsors and would do something evil but would eventually overrate himself and his ego would cost him his life. hermione would't let that happen to her. she's the only answer.
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