#ram and kurt
bennyyrabbit · 6 months
Max Jägerman is if Ram, Kurt, and JD had a love child and it was raised by Bud Dean, but a version of Bud Dean that was forced to stay in one town forever.
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slashingdisneypasta · 8 months
-Kurt Kelly in 'Our Love Is God', Heathers (West Side Ver).
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theatrekidsstuff · 10 months
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Not Clone High art but it’s from my favorite musical so..
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killerswife · 10 months
Yo, Blue from Heathers goes so hard ngl
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mushr00mlady · 2 years
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Thoughts! Post your own version
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cherrycro · 4 months
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*Combines the things i like* *Combines the things i like**combines-
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xan-the-emo-trans-man · 3 months
”you can’t prove they were gay!”
well you can’t prove they weren’t gay
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mylifeingotham · 1 month
This is so random, but I feel like Jason went through a Heathers phase
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midnightdemonhunter · 10 months
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halfway to an epiphany here
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happyyft · 4 days
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theredengineapologist · 6 months
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I said what I said.
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crackedoutwalnut · 6 months
Headcanons for my outlaws au:
Veronica is an undefeated bounty hunter
She gets hired to capture the three members of the Heathers Gang by the Sheriff of Sherwood (Sheriff Kurt and his Deputy Ram)
The heathers gang is a violent group that is known for seducing and robbing men
Veronica fails to capture the heathers and gets taken hostage for information on her employers
Veronica strikes a deal with Heather Chandler to help her hunt down the sheriff in order to avoid being killed
chansaw spends the entire time threatening each other as thinly failed attempts at flirting
They slowly start to pine for each other more and more until finally Duke and Mac (who are in this au believe it or not I just haven’t drawn them yet) force them to sort out their weird sexual tension
The Veronica cat picture is what Heather chandler saw when she first met Veronica
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slashingdisneypasta · 8 months
It is hard (... pardon my pun) to pinpoint a particular part of Blue that is the most disturbing 😅🤣😅🤣, and 'they're all beat up' 'like a tackling dummy!' is definitely a runner up, but
'They'll curl up on your face' 'And purr like kittens' ALWAYS garners a reaction out of me 🤣🤣🤣 Holy Smokes, Kurt and Ram. What on earth do you even m e a n you horrible drunk boneheads?? Why are your balls purring???
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leoleolovesdc · 7 months
It’s so weird that Heathers the musical toned down so many things from the story (Veronica’s gray morality, JD’s behavior as a whole, Kurt and Ram’s sa on the girls, etc.) but decided to make the Heathers way bigger assholes than they are in the movie.
McNamara doesn’t do anything in the movie, she just goes along with Chandler and kicks Veronica one time at the beginning but then in the musical she’s setting up a fcking date rape??? She goes along with the boys during Sword Fight in Her Mouth and is just a bitch to Veronica all of the time, but everyone in the fandom (and also Veronica somehow) kind of ignores it because she acts innocent.
Duke, even though she isn’t made that much worse from her movie version, (except for the date rape thing with McNamara) is also way more agressive and obnoxious. In the movie, even after Duke turns into a Chandler carbon copy she’s still a funny and likeable character. In the musical she is an asshole even before Chandler dies and her and Veronica keep antogonizing each other from beginning to end when in the 1989 version they were pretty much friends until the last minute.
I think one could make an argument that Duke’s bullying of McNamara is also worse in the musical, but I’m a bit lazy to adress that, so just have in mind that in the musical she’s also more agressive, screaming at Mac at live TV instead of just writing “poor little Heather” on the board.
Chandler in the musical is more of a cartoon character than a person. She screams at everything and everyone for no reason whatsoever, she isn’t necessarily a worse person, just very flanderized and, I’m sorry, but I can’t believe that somone who acts that way could even have a chance of climbing so high on the social hierarchy of a school. Heather in the movie was a bitch, but she knew how to keep up appearances. She acted nice, she played people, she never had to scream to get things to go her way, that was how she managed to be so powerful.
The movie is a parody of teenage narratives, the musical takes that parody and plays it straight. That’s how you get an absurd story where the three mean girls of the school are annoying bitchy monsters and the literal murderer is a sympathetic villain.
I think the Heathers 1989 is interesting because of how literally everyone is a bad person, but at the same time not everyone is the same kind of bad.
You have bad Chandler, an fatphobic asshole who doesn’t care about anything unless it affects her. You have bad Kurt and Ram, homophobic, sexist guys who have raped multiple girls. You have bad McNamara, only follows other people’s leads which makes her act like an asshole. You have bad Duke, is not evil when controlled but when given the opportunity she will become an asshole. You have bad Veronica, an uncaring and murderous person who in the end makes the right choice. And you have bad JD, the kind of guy who he thinks he’s justified in blowing up a whole school just because everyone there kind-of-really-fucking-sucks.
All of these people are assholes and some of them should be in jail, but that doesn’t make the psycho who’s killing them some kind of martyr, he’s still just as bad, maybe even worse, than all ofthe others. The musical makes JD look justifiable.
He was good person, he was just traumatized!
If only he had gotten help!
No. Just no. JD was psycho. He was trying to blow up a school. That’s not justified, doesn’t matter what sort of heroic reason he may have he had. Which, by the way, he didn’t. He wasn’t killing people because they were assholes, he was killing people because he was an asshole.
Anyway, thanks for coming to my Ted Talk. Yes, I still love all of thsoe characters despite how much shit I talked about all of them, sorry this got long, one thing lead to another, and now I have spent like two hours writing this and my arms hurt from holding an ipad. Bye.
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im-not-a-l0ser · 8 months
... there should've been a musical number about the students gossiping that Richie killed himself over the loss of Max.
But yknow, I guess Hatchet Town was good too.
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spinningerster · 8 months
love how when I was watching npmd last night the one thing my brain kept consistently focusing on is the fact that max jagerman would most definitely be best friends with kurt kelly and ram sweeney
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