#quigs is fandom posting
quiggel · 18 days
My thoughts on Dungeon Meshi ships
Falin x Marcille: It’s practically canon. Love it. OTP. Those girls gay good for them. They should be making out sloppy style. I’m obsessed. Laios x Kabru: I don’t ship it. However, Kabru 100% has a crush on Laios. Laois is simply disinterested and oblivious. (However if you draw them both as women I may consider.)
Senshi x Chilchuck: Only when it’s funny. They would be absolutely horrible together however that comic of Marcille judging them is hilarious so I’ll allow it.
There are probably other ships but uh I don’t know about them. Not sure why I made this post.
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The Story of the RTDLDX Box-art Leak
news of the Magolor Epilogue side mode is officially out! with that, say hello to @qui-gg , the original source of the RTDLDX box-art leak to the kirby fandom!
watching the leak spread in real time, the both of us talked and thought it would be fun to make a post about all of this later as a piece of fandom history. the reason why i'm making the post and not her is because while she was the original source, i'm the only one who witnessed the rest of the entire story firsthand.
note: all screenshots of dms/quig's initial reactions/info from quig and her friend posted here i received permission to share. all other screenshots are from public servers, so names are not censored unless someone asked me to, or unless they're the person who caused the leak to spread to the fandom at large. with that, let's get into the story 👇
the story starts with quig's friend, who works at gamestop, posting images of the the boxart to a mutual server they share
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the white is the name of quig's friend censored. also for consistency's sake, note that these screenshots from quig are in central time. the rest of the screenshots in this post are from me and in pacific time (2 hours behind)
quig's friend isn't into kirby and had taken and shared the pictures without the knowledge that there was even anything special or spoilery on them. they had only taken it to show quig, because they knew quig as the kirby person of their friend group. quig decided to share it to my discord server soon after
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a thread for the leak was made in the server instead of quig dming everyone individually, and we quickly established a rule against reposting it outside of this server. however, it was still allowed for it to be shared privately
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everyone talked about the news excitedly for a while. quig continued to feed us more early info from their friend that never made it into the main leak spread throughout fandom, like photos of the inside box art, preorder bonuses, and info that apparently the boxarts were going to be displayed in-stores in about a week, confirming some sort of announcement or trailer soon.
around 2-3 hours later, we started to hear about other places talking about the leak.
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at the time, no one suspected foul play. considering quig's friend's gamestop had received the boxart, everyone assumed that gamestop in general had received it and that other employees had also leaked it. however-
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also going back and checking the image shared to reddit, we confirmed it was the same picture. then begun several bouts of back and forths trying to figure out how it had been leaked
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apparently the very first leak of it outside of my server was to the r/kirby discord server. at this point, because im the owner and head mod of my server, and we had already established many times that we had not wanted it to be shared outside of there, and because quig was starting to get stressed about this immediately getting out of control, i decided to do my own investigating and find out who had leaked it so i could yell at them for breaking the rules
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these were the very first messages to r/kirby that started the leak getting out to the entire fandom. ive censored her name in pink because i dont want anyone to attack this person, and from this point on i'll be calling her "the leaker". interestingly, it was someone not from my server, however, by chance, i happened to know her decently well anyways because we share some of the same spaces. because of this, i just dm'd her directly asking where she had gotten the picture from, providing additional context because, while i knew her, we didn't talk much and i thought it would be rude to only ask that without letting her know why
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by that time it turns out she had went to bed, however. so for the rest of the night i did more asking around and found out who had shared it on my own. the person who showed it to her did end up being from my server. they were a friend of the leaker and had shared it to her in dms, but told me that they didn't know she had posted it to r/kirby because she never asked or let them know she was going to do so.
because i knew the person who had shared the box-art image to the leaker was cool, as well as sharing in dms not being against our rules, i decided there was no malicious intent and decided to lay off my "ass kicking" mood. i guess as you'd expect, the leak happened because it was shared from friend to friend and it took just one person not getting the memo it shouldn't be shared publicly for all of this to get out of control. that was my thought process at the time.
i already found out who had shared the image to the leaker, but since i had already sent a dm to said leaker about the event, i figured id just leave the messages to confirm and see what she had to say about it in the morning. like said in the beginning of this post, i did not get permission to share the dms so i will not post any screenshots, but ill summarize what was said next
i was told the next morning that, yes, the person who i had already known had given her the photo had given it to her. the leaker had taken it and immediately shared it to the largest kirby discord server out there because "shes incredibly impulsive" and "wanted the attention and clout", but otherwise was sorry. she told me she felt incredibly guilty about the whole event and went on to say stuff about how she was an "worthless human being". i told her it was fine and that she didn't have to be so harsh on herself, i had only wanted her to know the consequences, since at this point the next day, large gaming news sites had begun posting about it and it had gotten really big, to the point where quig rescinded her previous statement that her friend was in no danger and had started to worry this could lead to them getting hurt. the leaker told me she did all of this because she couldnt help wanting the clout over everything else if she wasnt told the consequences to her face
hey getting lost in the hype happens right? i wasnt the most happy that quig was feeling incredibly stressed now and that their friend could be in danger because someone wanted clout without thinking of the consequences, but this stuff happens. being impulsive happens. once the official news comes out sometime around a week later, this would all blow over. once again i reassured the leaker this was all fine, and we had a good friendly talk for several hours afterwards
later that day, quig found a youtube comment on the gamexplain video about the leak
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the detective work started up once again. the canadian portion could be assumed from the french text alongside the english on the box, but it shouldn't have been public that it was from a canadian gamestop employee. quig started to worry that people were now digging so hard for the source their friend would get doxx'd. we did not believe it to be a random lurker in the server, because none of the other info quig had told us had gotten out.
initially i thought this was my fault. i mentioned it was from a gamestop employee in the tags of this post when i had made it the previous day, and then deleted those tags about 15 hours afterwards once we realized this was getting way too big. while not unreasonable, i found it a bit strange that this info had come from me, though
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obviously people take tumblr as being the dead site that no one uses, and the leak news in general was spreading much more sluggishly over here with our smaller fandom and, compared to twitter and reddit, significantly less reach. not to mention i had left that information in the tags where less people read anyways, and with the word gamestop censored and my post itself not in the main kirby tags, the person in the youtube screenshot had to have been someone who follows me and was active on tumblr during that short timeframe for this to have happened
completely unrelated, later in the afternoon i decided to look in the r/kirby server's leak thread for fun, specifically the messages from the leaker. the previous day, people were swarming her about where she had gotten the image since she was the first person to post it to the general fandom. people were speculating that the leak was fake and that the leaker could've tried to fake it. there were lots of vague rumors about it being from "some random discord server out in the world". as my server was almost like the "ground 0" of the leak, it was a lot of fun watching this and watching people talk about us. i used the leakers messages as a boost to find these types of messages, since the r/kirby spoiler thread had dissolved to regular leak discussion.
and i found these
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(that last sentence is a straight lie. she had just never bothered to ask)
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(same message as in the previous screenshot, showing that the leaker had reacted with :true:)
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it turns out she was the one who had leaked that this was from a gamestop employee. from my dms without letting me know once again. this was almost exactly 2 hours before i had the aforementioned conversation in dms with her. before she apologized and told me she felt immensely guilty and asked if there was anything she could do. before she told me she leaked the initial info because no one had told her the consequences to her face
excuse me in advance, please take the following as my interpretation of the event alone. i say and assume these things because of many prior encounters with this person
there is a lot i could say about these screenshots. i was absolutely furious when i saw them. in my eyes, the blatant 180 shift in attitude and behavior when talking to the public and when talking to me in my dms only a short while later shows the exact opposite amount of care she told me she had. the complete lack of acknowledgement of several people mentioning someone could get fired because of her actions, instead choosing to focus on how confirmation of it being from a gamestop employee just confirms the leak is real now... the fact that she said behind my back that i needed to chill, right before telling me she thought she was a worthless human being for doing this... i'm sparing the full details of my grievances because i don't want to make this a vent post or about me; i say this as a conclusion to this part of the story. as in, i think there's zero reason to believe the leaker actually ever gave a shit. i fully believe she purposely stepped over the consequences for the sake of clout
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(to be clear i'm not trying to totally absolve myself of responsibility here, or make this some kinda persuasive argument. it totally could've been just my fault that the gamestop employee info got out. i don't particularly care if people think the leaker didn't do anything wrong either. whatever, make your own conclusions based off what's there)
thus ends the bias section. luckily the next news we got from quig's friend was very good
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really a one in a million event. we now had concrete proof that her friend was, for sure, at 0 risk by some stroke of luck.
with that, the server, and quig and her friend, enjoyed the leak chaos in peace. this stuff doesn't happen often in the kirby fandom, and we thought this was a particularly interesting leak story to share as people who were there from start to finish. watching everything play out from one person, to one group, to the whole fandom and more, while stressful at times, was a unique and overall really fun experience
thank you for reading if you've made it this far! i know this post is kinda long, but i hope you've enjoyed this (probably over-comprehensive lol) write-up. really my final words on the subject are: i hope people can understand from reading this that, while getting lost in the hype happens, please know that there are real life people behind leaks. there can be real consequences to one person letting it slip. don't spread leaks without asking and, if you know the source of a leak, don't go around shouting it from the rooftops. not to mention the amount of people upset that they got spoiled. even though this was very tame as a back of box-art leak, ultimately its best if these things are kept secret and in small groups
some final words from quig (that i'm paraphrasing on her behalf): she says sorry to anyone who didn't want to see the leak and got spoiled early. she never meant for it to spread out of control, and had believed the leak would spread from multiple sources at the same time, instead of being just from her
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riacte · 2 years
Results of Opinion on Dream + Hermits MCC Team Up Survey
Hello everyone! 401 responses were collected for this survey over the course of six days (22 September 2021 - 28 September 2021). Without further ado, let’s get started! (Warning: It’s like 3000 words long haha)
Question 1: What is your general opinion on Dream + Hermits team up?
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“Please I’ve been begging for this for five hundred years, Scott Major I am begging” took up 15% (60 responses), “Yes please” had 24.7% (99 responses), “Neutral / no opinion” had 23.7% (95 responses), “Not my thing” had 17% (68 responses), “Dislike it” had 13.2% (53 responses), and finally “OH GOD PLEASE NO. I will jump into fire if this happens” had 6.5% (26 responses).
Counting “Not my thing” as a negative response, 39.7% of participants viewed the team positively, 23.7% had no opinion, 36.6% viewed the team negatively. Around a quarter of participants were neutral, while the amount of people who viewed the team positively or negatively were around the same. It is safe to say participants of this survey are divided on this topic.
Of course, there are varying intensities to liking and disliking this team, which is why I put down one option for extreme like and one for extreme dislike. As expected, the “extreme dislike” option was chosen the least (6.5%), and the “extreme like” option was chosen the third least (15%). It should be noted that around 46% of participants who viewed the team negatively (68 out of 147 participants) chose the “Not my thing” option, which is the least intense in terms of dislike. People who actually “hate” this team are in the minority.
Question 2: Which one of the below do you use the most for MCYT fandom activity?
Majority of participants chose “Tumblr” (83.3%, 334 responses), followed by “Twitter” (6.7%, 27 responses), “Reddit” (3.7%, 15 responses), and “Discord” (2.5%, 10 responses). Other responses include YouTube, Instagram, and Tik Tok.
From my own experience, Twitter users tend to hate this team, Reddit users tend to love this team, Tumblr users are a mixed bag. So with Tumblr users dominating this survey, I didn’t think it was a surprise that the results of Question 1 were rather balanced.
Question 3: What SMPs do you regularly watch? (Participants could tick all that apply)
92.5% of participants watched Hermitcraft (371 responses), 86.3% of participants watched 3rd Life SMP / Last Life SMP (346 responses), 56.1% watched Dream SMP / adjacent (225 responses), 43.9% watched Empires SMP (176 responses), 15.4% watched Vault Hunters SMP (62 responses). Other SMPs include Legacy SMP, Truly Bedrock, Bear SMP, Origins SMP, HBG SMP, Shady Oaks SMP etc etc but there were only a few responses for each of them. I had some responses saying they didn’t watch DSMP lore but followed DSMP members (eg. SBI).
Majority of participants are familiar with Hermitcraft and 3rd Life / Last Life, with over half watching DSMP / adjacent. Empires SMP, which has an overlap with 3rd Life, is also popular. People also watched Vault Hunters, a project started by the hermit Iskall.
Question 4: When did you start watching / being invested in MCC?
I divided the options into “MCC1 to MCC3” “MCC4 to MCC8” “MCC9 to MCC13” “MCC14 to present”. MCC4 was a turning point in which many well-known participants were invited and became regulars, and was also the MCC in which SBI won. MCC9/10 was regarded as when MCC became more balanced/ competitive, and I put that down because the hermits won MCC9, so Hermitcraft fans might suddenly have an interest in MCC post MCC9. MCC14 is the beginning of MCC Season 2.
37.4% respondents (150 responses) answered “MCC9 to MCC13”, 33.7% (135 responses) answered “MCC4 to MCC8”, 21.7% (87 responses) answered “MCC14 to present”, 7.2% (29 responses) answered “MCC1 to MCC3”. A whopping 78.3% of participants answered MCC Season 1.
Question 5: Who is your favourite among the below?
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(Colours in the graph are edited :3)
The choices are (in no particular order): Dream, Technoblade, Fruitberries, Pete, Quig, Sapnap, Illumina, HBomb, I don’t know any of these people. These are the agreed-on top players in MCC, known by some as the “S Tiers”.
Predictably, Technoblade had the most votes with a whopping 40.9% (164 reponses), followed by HBomb with 18.7% (75 responses), then Pete with 11.7% (47 responses), and Dream narrowly behind with 11% (44 responses). The top three voted players have all played with the hermits, with Pete in particular known for being a regular hermit teammate in MCC S2.
Shoutout to the one (1) person who said Quig, you are so valid.
Question 6: Who is your favourite active hermit?
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(Colours in the graph are edited :3)
Predictably, Grian has more than a quarter of the votes with 28.9% (116 responses), then Scar at 13.7% (55 responses), and Etho at 8.7% (35 responses). As for the MCC hermits, in addition to Grian’s 28.9% / 116 responses, Ren has 4.2% (17 responses), Gem has 3.7% (15 responses), False has 3.2% (13 responses), Pearl has 2.5% (10 responses), and Cub has 0.7% (3 responses). From this, you can clearly see the disparity in popularity among the MCC hermits, with Grian having an obvious lead and everyone else at around the same level. Although do remember that I made everyone choose one hermit only, thus this is not wholly representative.
Question 7: What is your favourite Hermit MCC team?
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(Colours in the graph are edited :3)
You saw it right! MCC 9 Blue Bats have been DETHRONED! Oh, the scandal! /j
The beloved PinkP21 leads with 30.9% (124 responses), followed by the still-relevant-after-a-year Blue9 with 23.2% (93 responses), and the most recent hermit winning team Orange17 with 18.7% (75 responses). Then we have Purple15 with 6.5% (25 responses), Pink9 with 4.5% (18 responses) and Purple17 with 4% (16 responses). PinkP21’s lead is not a surprise due to the massive popularity of both Techno and Grian. If you consider the top voted six teams, Grian, False and Ren have each appeared 3 times, Cub once, and none for Gem and Pearl.
Question 8: Choose three Hermit regulars to be with Dream in a potential Dream + Hermit trio team
This is when the results get a little hard to present. False and Grian are by far the most popular choices, with False narrowly getting slightly more. 71.6% of the participants chose False as one of their three opinions and 71.1% of the participants chose Grian. Then we have Ren with 57.1%. Cub and Pearl have similar percentages (37.2% and 36.2% respectively), then Gem with 26.9%.
Stats of popular trio choices:
False-Grian-Ren 102 responses (25%)
Cub-False-Ren 42 responses (10.5%)
False-Grian-Pearl 35 responses (8.7%)
Cub-False-Grian 34 responses (8.5%)
False-Gem-Grian 23 responses (5.7%)
The particular combination of False-Grian-Ren has a quarter of the votes, which might have been influenced by the fact that this was a team (jokingly) offered to Dream.
Question 9: Why did you choose the above three Hermits? (Optional)
I’ll try to generalize the reasons below
He has an astrophysicists' degree [REAL] so it’ll be funny
Cub is interested in teaming with Sapnap / DSMP members
Okay with light swearing
Won’t take shit / keeps Dream in place
Knows about speedrunning
More competitive
Is a duo with Ren
“False Supremacy”
Communication skills / keeps the team together
Can get top 15
Good support player
Good PvPer
Can lead
Dream said she was strong in Dodgebolt before
Won’t take shit / keeps Dream in place
Well known in MCC circle
She can help Dream enjoy Build Mart
More competitive
Willing to practice / more competitive
She’s getting sweaty and it would be interesting to see her teamed with a sweat
She has potential to improve
Is sweet and can get along with others
More outgoing
Won’t take shit / keeps Dream in place
Can keep calm when stressed
Can stand up for herself
Dream complemented Gem’s MCC17 skin
Dream actually knows Grian
Well known in MCC circle
Bridge between Dream and other hermits (as both are very famous MCYTs in their circles)
Dream can learn more about Build Mart and its strategies
Want to see Dream enjoy / stop complaining about / do well in Build Mart
Dream can stop relying on himself (because he can rely on Grian in Build Mart)
Willing to practice / more competitive
Dream can keep Grian’s spirits up
Dreamslayer meme
Can lead
Because Dream asked for Grian
It’ll be funny
Grian and Dream are opposites when it comes to MCC so it’ll be interesting
Because Scott will get destroyed if he doesn’t put the most popular hermit with Dream
Grian wants to team with good players
Grian won’t see the whiplash because he’s not on Twitter
Willing to practice / more competitive
Communication skills
Won’t take any shit / keeps Dream in place
Consistently good
Is a duo with False
Communication skills / keeps the team together
Morale booster / encouraging
Always appreciative of Noxcrew / MCC
Ren can come up with a nickname for Dream
More outgoing
His mildly inappropriate jokes
Well known in MCC circle
Reduces tension
In for fun, can help Dream relax
General reasons seem to be about having good players (which lowers potential annoyance / frustration), having someone to “counter” Dream in case he gets frustrated / salty, and choosing a particular hermit because they deserve to pop off / be noticed / do good.
And we have the Very Important Count of “people who alluded the False+Ren duo / not splitting them up”- 21 people did! :DDD
Question 10: Which Hermit are you MOST interested to see them team with Dream?
Grian gets almost the majority of the votes as 48.6% of the participants chose him (195 responses). Then it’s False with 19.2% (77 responses), Ren with 14% (56 responses), and Cub with 11.2% (45 responses). Gem gets 3.7% (15 responses), Pearl gets 3.2% (13 responses). If you look at this along with the results for the “choose any three hermits” question, it pretty much lines up.
Question 11: Why are you interested to see said Hermit with Dream? (Optional)
This question slightly overlaps with the one above, but I’ll record responses nonetheless.
Won’t take shit
The astrophysicist joke
“Prove” that hermits aren’t just builders
Won’t take shit
She has clout
Want her to be appreciated more
She’s a good team player + PvPer
Want her to be trained
Want to see her improve
She can gain a lot of publicity
They specialize in different things and can balance each other out
They have opposing views (eg. on funnel strat in Dodgebolt)
They’re both leaders
So Dream can like Build Mart
For the meme
He has clout
Can and will call people out
Won’t take shit
She deserves to win
Focuses on having fun
Lifts spirits
Similar sort of humour (*cough* mildly inappropriate jokes)
He can help Dream chill
Question 12: Which Hermit are you LEAST interested to see them team with Dream?
Again, Grian comes first with 22.4% of the votes (90 responses), closely followed by Gem with 21.9% (88 responses), and also closely followed by Cub with 20.2% (81 responses). Ren’s not far behind with 18.7% (75 responses), then finally False at 8.7% (35 responses) and Pearl at 8% (32 responses). Note that some participants said they chose the hermits they didn’t know / they don't have anyone they're not interested in, so the stats might be skewed towards Gem (a newcomer) and Cub (for some reason, he seems to be the least famous in the MCC hermits scene?). So don’t take these statistics to heart.
Grian ranks first in the “most interested” and “least interested” questions. He is the most popular hermit, but opinion appears to be divided.
Question 13: Why are you not interested to see said Hermit team with Dream? (Optional)
Critical of Dream (probably referring to the speedrunning drama, Cub said he would not involve himself even though he said he was qualified to)
Might get talked over
Might get talked over
Get affected by the pressure/ competitiveness
Might get talked over
Completely different styles/ attitudes in MCC
Too much hype (as both are huge creators) can lead to pressure for the whole team, and some responses don’t want that because they’re afraid that might influence Grian’s panic attacks / anxiety (Grian has talked about this in several MCCs, notably Parkour Tag in MCC11 and Dodgebolt in MCC17)
Let other hermits have the hype instead (because Grian+Dream team is the one most commonly talked about)
Grian might be too humble/ blames himself too easily
Grian said in the Pride21 stream that he didn’t like large unfamiliar audiences
Fandoms might clash
Might get talked over
Fear of facing ageism by toxic fans
Get affected by the pressure/ competitiveness
Toxic fans might attack him for being friends with people like HBomb (note: this point technically applies to everyone because they’re all friends with H)
Might easily blame himself
Different styles in MCC (fun vs competitive)
Common fears seem to be teammates being talked over, fandom drama, and clashing attitudes. Also, people seem to not want Grian because they want other hermits to get the attention.
Question 14: In a potential Dream + Hermit duo team, which MCC participant would you like to be the fourth member of this team? (Can be as unreasonable / overpowered as you like so long the participant has been in at least one MCC)
(Does not include responses with multiple answers. There are many responses with multiple answers.)
HBomb: 83
Wilbur: 33
Technoblade: 32
Tommyinnit: 19
PeteZahHutt: 17
Fruitberries: 16
Scott: 16
Ranboo: 12
Martyn: 10
Illumina: 8
Tubbo: 7
Shubble: 7
Philza: 7
Joel: 7
CaptainSparklez: 6
Seapeekay: 6
RTGame: 5
Sneegsnag: 4
Iskall: 4
Bad: 4
Punz: 3
TapL: 3
Oli: 3
Jimmy: 3
George: 3
Ponk: 3
Eret: 3
Niki: 2
Michael McChill: 2
Quig: 2
Fundy: 2
Vixella: 1
Puffy: 1
Sapnap: 1
Krtzyy: 1
Predictably, HBomb dominates. Out of the top 5 most popular choices, Tommy is the only one who hasn’t been teamed with a hermit (yet).
Shout out to the two identical responses that replied “Pete <3” with the exact same heart.
Question 15: Why did you choose that MCC participant? (Optional)
Friends with Dream and hermits
Can act as a bridge / be the glue
He has the sportsmanship
Twitter would hate this
Hermit defender
Respected by everyone
Hermitcraft fandom loves him
Watches/ knows hermits
Friends with Dream
Can be competitive/ chill
Has teamed with Grian / Grian simp
For the False-Wilbur interaction
Has teamed with Grian
Can act as a bridge
Knows when to chill
People want him back
It’ll be funny
Watches/ knows hermits
Can act as a bridge
Stays positive
For the Dream-Tommy duo
To watch him struggle to stay family friendly
Good leadership skills
Has teamed with hermits, knows how to communicate with them
Friends with Dream
For the Fruit-Grian duo
Can act as a bridge
Knows everybody
Not afraid to speak up
Knows Dream
Doesn’t swear
Can help the team to have fun
For the Ren-Martyn duo
For the Ren-Martyn-False trio
Not afraid to speak up/ roast
Knows both Dream and hermits
Can act as a bridge
It’ll be funny
Can act as a bridge
Less likely to get hate
Good at communicating
Family friendly
It’ll be fun
Friends with Dream
Good teamwork skills
Can be family friendly
Has teamed with Dream
Friends with hermits
Can act as a bridge
A great duo with Dream
Less likely to get hate from both fandoms
Takes no shit
Has teamed with Dream
Can help the team chill (like his name)
Knows Dream
Consensus seems to be anybody who can act as a bridge, be chill, and knows both sides is a good fit.
The next three questions are about MCC games. Build Mart is there because it’s controversial, Grian (and other hermits) love it, Dream not so much. Parkour Tag is there for the same reason as Build Mart but reversed. Sands of Time is there because… it’s a self indulgent question. I just want to see the SoT love lmao. And I guess it’s there to act as a “control” because from my experience, SoT seems to be loved despite which streamer you main.
Question 16: Opinion on Build Mart?
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47.9% of participants (192 responses) answered “Love it”, 33.9% (136 responses) answered “Like it”, 9% (36 responses) answered “Neutral / no opinion”, 7% (28 responses) answered “Dislike it”, 2.2% (9 responses) answered “Hate it”.
81.8% of participants viewed Build Mart positively, 9% were neutral, 9.2% viewed it negatively.
Question 17: Opinion on Parkour Warrior?
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6.5% (26 responses) of participants answered “Love it”, 18% (72 responses) answered “Like it”, 34.2% (137 responses) answered “Neutral / no opinion”, 26.9% (108 responses) answered “Dislike it”, and 14.5% (58 responses) answered “Hate it”.
24.5% of participants viewed Parkour Warrior positively, 34.2% were neutral, 41.4% viewed it negatively.
Question 18: Opinion on Sands of Time?
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68.6% (275 responses) of participants answered “Love it”, 20.2% (81 responses) answered “Like it”, 8.5% (34 responses) answered “Neutral / no opinion”, 2% (8 responses) answered “Dislike it”, 0.7% (3 responses) answered “Hate it”.
88.8% of participants viewed Sands of Time positively, 8.5% were neutral, 2.7% viewed it negatively.
Highlights from the “anything else you’ll like to add section”:
“Of course blue9 is the example”
“dream (derogatory)”
“sapnap grow up challenge”
“The temptation to paste the full lyrics to hermitgang was There”
“This got me imagining blue bats 9 but it's Dream. An au where oops wrong green guy”
“They should add find the button”
There were also long essays of people explaining their thoughts, but I think they overlap with the results mentioned above. Thank you for all the responses!
Concluding thoughts:
Participants of this survey are divided. Many are worried about the reaction of both fandoms (something the CCs cannot fully control) and whether the MCC players will have a good time. Some are very excited by Dream and hermits, some are wary. We can only wait to see whether MCC will give us a team like this in the future. Apologies for the super long wait, I really did try to put in effort to show all the wonderful and thoughtful responses I received :3 Thank you for reading this almost 3k post! If you did participate in the survey, thank you very much for your insight! If you didn’t, thanks for reading this far! (It’s very long, I know)
Feel free to make analysis posts based on the numerical data collected from this survey (with links and credit), I would be more hesitant to use non-numerical data (such as reasons for so and so) because of paraphrasing :3
Reblogs are very much appreciated! <3
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quaranmine · 3 years
I think one of the main reasons I'm annoyed about the buildmart discourse this time around is that it feels like it's overshadowing Orange's win? And buildmart discourse pops up all the time, and I know most people discussing it do in fact think Orange got a deserved win. You shouldn't have to put a disclaimer on your buildmart discourse posts that you think Orange deserved to win, but people are getting the wrong implications and it's causing friction.
But I think one of the reasons it's so bad this time, is because of the timing. It feels dismissive to all of the Grian fans, who are overjoyed, because Grian in particular is good at the game and his viewers normally like it and Grian finally won. So people are on edge--when severe buildmart discourse pops up immediately after someone good at it wins, us Grian fans feel like there's an implication that Orange didn't deserve to win or they only won because of it. And, while I don't review statistics, I don't believe that's true--Orange were in either 1st, 2nd, or 3rd basically the entire event. Grian never left the top 10 the whole time. They popped off and I truly think they could've won without BM.
But when you're looking at rancid tumblr discourse, you got to realize that the pro-buildmart side is on the defensive. They feel talked over and ignored because their fave players are normally ones who don't get the highest views or do the best at pvp games. Dream is allowed an opinion on the game, and I know he doesn't control his fans, but his timing is pretty bad this time because he has a HUGE fanbase on twitter who is already upset he lost and looking for something to blame. They're his fans so they're empathetic to his frustration, but not all express it well. As a result there ARE people on twitter saying the Orange didn't deserve to win. There ARE people whining and being rude in the qrts of the winner announcement. There ARE people accusing Scott of being biased and keeping buildmart only because he's good at it, despite him not controlling games. There ARE people who sent death threats to Quig for wanting buildmart (and proof exists.) There ARE people who consistently belittle the hermits and make fun of them, and sometimes when you're a fan of them or smaller streamers it feels like you're fighting for your life to get some recognition in the face of the wider fanbase. People aren't upset over nothing.
I also think Dream made a mistake mentioning Grian by name in his comment--we can argue all day whether or not his points were right, I'm not talking about that, but i think the timing of it right after Grian's win was poor because it set off a wave of people belittling the win or saying he only won because of BM. It drags Grian and his fanbase directly into the discourse when they're at peak excitement, and thus they go on the defense. They accuse Dream of being a sore loser. I think Dream should've waited until a day or two later and it might be better, but I genuinely don't know since we've become so polarized as a fandom. And it didn't help that Sapnap literally called people pussies for not wanting pvp games (implying that being bad at pvp makes you a pussy.) I hope he intended it as a joke but it just came off as incredibly rude and Hbomb rightfully called him on it. That attitude is one everyone feels they're fighting against when they're fans of non-pvpers. Sapnap obviously isn't Dream and Dream doesn't control what his friends say, but the Dream Team "brand" is strong enough that what any single member says will reflect onto all of them in some people's eyes. Whether or not that should be the case I'm not arguing, I'm just stating how I've seen people view it.
So the issue is that we're both at severe odds to each other and nobody is getting anywhere in this discourse. People who like buildmart feel attacked and on the defensive, because it gets used to belittle their faves and the CCs who dislike the game have much larger fanbases to argue against. They feel the games inclusion gives an opportunity for non-pvp players to shine, and worry that if it gets removed, it'll put MCC one step closer to being catered to pvpers. I'm not arguing whether or not this logic is sound, I'm just explaining what I perceive to be the issue. It's also worth saying that Dream fans also feel attacked and on the defensive. Dream is a large CC who's been in a lot of controversies (and we're not gonna discuss his faults in that) and as such, his name gets dragged through the mud a lot. He has the largest fanbase but also the largest amount of hate. He also takes most heat from outside the fandom--most people who "hate mcyt" actually just hate Dream. People who are fans of CCs other than Dream benefit from this shield, but Dream stans get hate from all sides. Therefore, it becomes really easy to interpret any crit on Dream as hate that needs to be defended against. So that side of the fandom is on the defensive too.
So we go in circles on this discourse. "Everybody hates it and it adds no value to the event." No, not everyone hates it--and those who don't hate it aren't only Grian or hermits either, they include people like Hbomb and Shubble and Fruitberries and other CCs. Does it add value? People argue all day over that and I won't get into in my post. People have widely differing opinions on it and I don't actually think there is a right answer, despite everyone arguing like there is one. Is the game ableist? Absolutely not, and i can't believe we got discourse over that. Is it still possibly causing issues for some neurodivergent CCs who dislike it and overwhelming them? Sure, it totally could be! I can see how it might mess with Dream's ADHD and make it hard for him, thus making him hate it, although people should stop speaking for him on his own experiences and saying it's definitively the case. Maybe something can be tweaked to help that. But remember that accessibility and neurodivergence is varied and there is no "one size fits all." I've seen just as many ND fans saying that buildmart causes no problems for them as I have ND fans saying it overwhelms them. There's no simple right answer to most of these questions brought up in discourse.
So what's the answer? I don't know. I don't know and I cannot speak for everyone. But I do know it hurt really badly to be so excited for Grian's win, only to watch my dash plummet into some of the most hateful discourse I've ever seen.
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420pogpills · 3 years
hi! I think your stance on build mart is very valid! I don't think there's anything wrong with talking about how to improve games so that everyone enjoys it.
however, I do have to say, as someone who spends my entire life on the MCC reddit, most of the time it's the fans that get a bit overly toxic and exaggerate how many people dislike build mart. someone did a stats post where they analyzed the reactions of MCC participant toward build mart for the past few MCCs and it was about 40% disliked it and 60% were either neutral or enjoyed it. but it's really easy for people who watch creators who don't like build mart to say that the majority of people don't like it. shubble said on Twitter that there's been build mart discussion in the MCC discord and most people don't have strong feelings, and of course not everyone will talk about it publicly, but I would still argue that most people are pretty neutral, and they like it depending if their team is good at it.
this is a long way to say that criticism of games is valid, but so many ppl, and unfortunately a lot of dsmp fans, are overly toxic. Quig made a statement about death threats and Scott and Noxcrew are getting so much harassment about being biased towards Dream for not getting rid of build mart, or saying things like build mart will never be removed because Scott is good at it. and then of course, this type of behavior reflects badly on Dream, even if it's not his fault that people are toxic.
oh thank you!!! ❤️ i don't ever tend to contribute to mcc discourse because i really don't know what i'm talking about lmao especially in game mechanics so i was a bit worried about posting that but since this is coming from someone who seems to know a lot, i appreciate your ask so much!!! 😁
yes i absolutely agree there's a massive issue with toxicity in the fandom. and people will make things seem a lot worse than they are, like how you said it's give or take 40% of participants who say they dislike it, which is less than half. and i also know that not as many people hate buildmart in the same way dream or sapnap do for example haha, but my issue is that they do dislike it THAT much. and it isn't just them who do, there's a good handful of people who just genuinely feel awful about it, and that's what bothers me.
my problem doesn't lie with a majority disliking a game, my problem is with there being a number of people, even if it's an insignificant number, who feel so discouraged about the game that it genuinely takes away all joy that they may be feeling in the moment, or it drops the mood and morale of the team as a whole. even dream himself said that if build mart isn't rotated out or changed up for the next mcc, he probably won't participate, and i just think that's a massive issue with a game - that's not just dream disliking a game. that's someone genuinely not wanting to play a game that badly that he'd rather sit out a whole tournament, despite previously telling us that it makes him feel like a kid at christmas. that's why i think the current build mart is an issue :(
obviously anyone who isn't great at building isn't going to love the game, but i feel like every game should basically have a chance for someone to enjoy it in some form. and this opinion stands for every single game!!! there's pvp games that other people really dislike because they're better at building/problem solving/etc, and i think a lot of games could be revamped in some form to give everyone a fair shot of enjoying themselves! 😁 i hope that makes sense hehe
people who send death threats to anyone at all don't even deserve to have their opinion considered or listened to, so i just ignore those people. because i know if they think it's acceptable to do that - it means there is absolutely not a single thing they can say that will hold any form of intelligence. the fact that anyone does it, and especially over a minecraft tournament - a FREE minecraft tournament - is mind boggling. i don't think that's an issue with toxic mcyt stans though - that's an issue with genuinely immature and rather brainless individuals who think a death threat is ever acceptable, and i believe they would do it to anyone, in any setting. it happens in every single fandom, over the smallest and most insignificant things. it's just a goddamn shame it happens so much in this one. 😞
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bluemedallion · 3 years
So I started the hogwarts au like i dunno, 3 weeks ago? And i wasnt like, sure into dsmp lore by then. I like threw myself into the mcyt fandom shdhs.
I think I was like, kinda in it, finally understanding how to keep up with the lore, but only really paid attention to the ccs I already knew about (the dteam, wilbur and tommy, some others).
So when I made the hogwarts au I like, it was still good. But because I'm me i did it the way i wanted, and decided to center the au mostly around the charas i knew. Idk if i mentioned it anywhere but i made a list of like, the charas i cared about most to least.
The ones near the top were the ones I knew the most about, so I decided to put a list of like 10ish of the ccs i knew the most about and only went into the complicated lore (what their wands were, what their pets were, their patronuses, etc) for those ccs
But heres the problem
Now more stuff has been added to the dsmp, and I'm finally caught up with lore so I'm like, actively here now. I joined around like, ok so I first heard of and was looking at the smp when the s1 finale happened. Then I spent maybe like 2 weeks figuring shit out? I think i started actively watching Tommy's streams (he was the only one i watched at first besides george, now i still mostly do tommy and techno but i also love watching Karl's streams, ranboos, but the rest of the lore is a lil hard for me to keep up with lol @starwither on tumblr is my savior) like, maybe a week before i made the hog au. Ok I'll be honest i dont remember the exact timeline, but luckily for you it's not relevant at all
So the problem is, over the past 3 weeks I got into the lore officially sticking with the streams, exploring different characters, and actually looking at the rest of the streamers instead of the main ones I lister previously
So now, like, for example I did not know who fundy was at all. I had heard of quackity and realized he was super relevant to the schlatt arc cause I think I was catching up to that at the time so he was on the lsit, but I didnt know shit about fundy besides that he was Wilbur's son in canon so I was like "ok I'll make him younger than will but idk him so I wont put him in the list"
But now I've watched more shit and like--- I'm love him🥺🥺🥺
But I already went and added all the random facts and itll be so much work to add fundy and ranboo and the ppl I know better now that i think will be more involved in the stories cause ik them better
But ugh so much workkkkk😔😔😔😔😔
But honestly I'm probably gonna do it
At least for fundy and ranboo (and possibly quig and pete they're not dsmp but they're crazy relevant cause I mean look at their mccs)
I'm p sure there are others but those are the main 2 I can think of that I didnt know shit about before
Ugh the problem is also that I just dont know nobody
Like captain puffy I decided to make a prefect literally last second so thered be 2 relevant chara 5th year prefects, but like, that was a guess I havent seen a single stream of hers. I'm thinking I'm gonna go through mcc vods of diff teams to try and knock off 2 stones at once (learning charas AND deciding their strengths and weaknesses in the hcc and quidditch n stuff)
Last night I went and finally did quidditch shit (I dont know how quidditch works I had to do research shdhshd idk shit) and I didnt have enough charas
I based it on rocket spleef (yall dont even know this yet my tumblr followers yall get sneak peek) and so I had like, maybe 10 charas I wanted for sure on teams. Then I had like 4ish that didnt do mcc but i thought i wanted them on a team (example: minx)
And that sounds like a lot yeah
Then I realized that it equals out to like 3 members per house and theres supposed to be 7----
So I kinda bsed the rest of the team
I went to the list of caring most to least, looked at the least section cause that's streamers that I dont know ANYTHING ABOUT but they're still current mcytbers/streamers so yeah
And I basically just threw all the ones who were in mcc into it 🤡🤡🤡
And I also bsed their houses so bad cause I DONT KNOW THEM HSHDSHS so it's probably fucking awful but I once again do not care
I still only ended up with 5 ppl per team but it's fine I mostly just didnt add some chasers theyll just be Generic BG Character That's Probably A Fandom Character That I'll Yearn For Someone To Comment About
I cant wait to post the quidditch chapter smile
Anyways rant over lmaoooo
Uhhh if you read to the end you get a prize
(Heres your prize!!!!: the temporary title of tHE NEXT IDEA FOR THE SERIES 👀👀👀👀 IM WORKING ON IT RIGHT NOWWWWWWWW)
"Brothers Bond by Making Drugs"
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quiggel · 3 months
Something that I really like about The Owl House is the fact that Luz never got to do regular magic.
Like, she’s human. 100%. No secret witch ancestry. She is human. And I like how the show was saying that there’s nothing wrong with that. You’re allowed be human. It doesn’t make you unmagical. You don’t have to be some mythical creature to be awesome. Idk, I just feel like most shows and stuff are like “oh but sercretly the main character was actually 1/5 blah blah blah” and it’s like. Okay cool. But them just being human and doing stuff the human way is also cool.
She’s Luz the human. And I like that.
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quiggel · 8 days
Desperately need a TMA S5 AU where Martin doesn’t follow Jon to Scotland immediately or some for whatever other reason he isn’t there and the plot of like the first bit of it is Jon going off to find him. He still has to go through all the domains and do the statements but this time he’s alone. And Martin is in his domain, also alone, possibly falling back into the lonely, or something. I don’t know I just need this.
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quiggel · 1 month
I need to learn to animate for the soul purpose of being able to create the fake trailers for the Magnus Archives that are roaming around in my head.
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quiggel · 1 month
Season 5 Jon is the human embodiment of wikipedia and when they went into Salesa’s hoise he lost imternet connection and when he lost his memories of the tome there it was lile when you write stuff in like a goodle doc or am but you dontk have connection amd then it all gets deleted I am so very tored I hope this post makes swmse.
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quiggel · 2 months
Just finished TMA. The ending was so good I’m gonna go throw up and then cut my ears off so I never have to listen to it ever again.
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re: last post sorry in advance to mobile users. it probably looks like total shit at parts because i hit the image limit and had to squish multiple screenshots into one image LOL
anyways hope some people enjoy reading that, it took a while to write. i've always wondered how this stuff happens and i found the whole thing to be really fascinating, which is why i asked quig if i could write the post in the first place. fandom lore enthusiasts out there this ones for u
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riacte · 3 years
Unnecessary Hermit MCC Team Speculation
So according to Scott, teams are in the works, applications likely closed a few days ago, MCC 14 date is known to participants, MCC Twitter says they’re gonna steal CPK’s spotlight after wishing him a happy birthday. So we’re getting MCC 14 relatively soon. Hence I’m making my 284927391 hermit MCC team speculation.
Hermit duos:
Actually I think we’ll be seeing more duos in MCC S2.
1) Hermits and Scott have probably realized hermit duos perform way better than trios/ quartet (the only hermit duo team that didn’t get to DB is the first time False and Ren played)
2) They wanna meet new people, but they also want to play with friends. So 2+2 will be a good combo. You can meet new people while having a buddy you a stick to.
False + Cub
I don’t think any of the hermits are confirmed to join (Doc has shown interest) but I feel these two would most likely be in MCC 14?
1) False has been in every MCC since debut
2) Cub plays every other MCC, and he skipped MCC 13
3) Most important of all, they’ve both been polishing their skills through parkour and speedrunning etc. I think they’re currently the most competitive of the hermits, so I won’t be surprised at all if they pair up for a competitive team.
False + Grian
A surprisingly popular duo in post-MCC 13 team predictions. I like them as a duo, and I used to think we’ll have a bigger chance of getting False + Cub/Ren, but now I think about, the team predictions may be right.
1) False has been with Ren and Cub for their first victory, so according to ✨meta✨ she’ll be with Grian for his first victory and her third. The Hermit Winner enabler.
2) Grian is the only hermit regular who hasn’t won yet, and really really wants to win (he said he was gonna cry himself to sleep after he lost MCC 13 lol)
3) False is seen as the most competitive
So if Grian wants to win and go full competitive, and I feel Scott will likely pair him with False. Also Reddit loves this duo apparently. Another incentive.
False + Ren
Ah yes, the hermit team staple. Ex base-buddies my beloved. The duo that’s always been together. I miss them lmfao
I feel they’re gonna continue pairing up because False said she’s gonna collect all ranks with Ren? Also I feel Ren likely asks for False every time (Scott said someone asked for False back in MCC 9, we thought it was H, but apparently neither H or Fruit specified a person, so I guess it’s Ren. Makes sense because Ren’s with False literally every single time).
There’s not much to say except if they team up again, everyone saw it coming.
But also exactly because they’ve teamed up for so many times that they may decided to split for a MCC or two? That doesn’t seem to be what they’re doing though.
Ren + Cub
Honestly every time I think of this potential duo, I just see False sandwiched between them lmao. Because this a hermit trio. These two are probably False’s most frequent collaborators?? (Although there’s not much False and Ren collab this season)
Basically I somehow can’t see this happening without False. I’m sorry lmao
Grian + Cub
To a lot of people’s surprise, they haven’t teamed before. They’re probably the duo that collabs the least often on Hermitcraft so I kinda get why. Still wanna see this duo.
Grian + Ren
They’re close enough that they apparently visit each other irl. Which is very sweet. I can honestly see them as a duo, just chilling and having fun.
Hermit trios:
False + Ren + Grian/Cub. With the FRG trio happening more often in recent MCCs, FRC trio happening more often in the early, chill days. Hermit trio + S tier (aka. Lime Liches) is the most powerful version of hermit trios, and may even rival the strength of hermit duo + S tier teams.
Honestly this seems like a feasible trio, especially when Cub skips a MCC/ plays with non hermits (MCC 7, 11, 12). There’s also the Lime Liches bias with this trio, so Scott might be more inclined to put them together?
Also if Cub skips, it means Scott will either have to make a hermit duo + solo hermit OR make a hermit trio. And Scott will probably put the solo hermit with hermit adjacent (eg. Grian with Pearl). Also pretty sure for this case, it’s gonna be False + Ren duo, Grian with hermit adjacent people just like MCC 9. That being said, MCC 9 was special because I think False and Ren specifically said they were gonna go competitive, while Grian not, so it makes sense for the split. For the current meta of competitive hermits, it might be easier for Scott to stuff the hermits together in a trio (eg. Lime Liches)??
The last time this trio appeared was MCC 8. From that moment onwards, Cub has been in competitive teams either in a duo or solo, and had gotten to Dodgebolt in all his post-MCC 8 tourneys. So I honestly don’t know if we’ll see them together again. Maybe we’ll get something like Lime Liches.
New hermits:
I can see False-Ren-Doc as a trio for Doc’s first MCC.
1) This team appeared in CotC
2) To use Ren and Doc’s words: #ShipRendoc
3) Putting False here because I feel non hermits will be very ?!!???? at the Rendoc flirting
I can also see Iskall in a hermit trio. In particular Iskall-Grian-Ren
1) We got Team FRIC in MCC 5, so maybe something new?
2) Renskall. That’s it.
3) Everyone wants Grian-Iskall interaction, especially because they don’t collab that much this season compared to the last
But really I can see Iskall with every hermit regular. The reason I feel newcomers will be in trios not duos is that having two veterans to coach the newbie(s) is better than having one.
Hermit quartet
Genuinely don’t think this will happen if the hermits go competitive. Maybe we’ll get this for a chill MCC. Maybe not.
The hermit quartet in MCC 5 did pretty good though, but team standards have changed a lot since then. I kinda wanna see Iskall in another hermit quartet.
The famous Grian-False-Techno-Wilbur team, if you ignore the swearing thing and opposite Dodgebolt strategies. This team will have a fuckton of clout, probably comparable to MCC 13 Pink.
I actually feel this might happen because it’s highly popular and highly requested
But also 1) the swearing thing 2) Scott tends to put people who have similar attitudes (eg. hermits play with people who advocate arrow splitting) 3) they’re a powerful team. So maybe not.
Lime Liches. I seriously believe this might happen because of the very high demand and the Blue Bats bias. They got screwed over bc of parkour, many people think they deserve a redemption. They’re not too strong as a team either. It’ll be like MCC 8/9 Green.
Also the Fruit+Grian duo. I’m pretty sure this duo will happen at least once in S2. Grian famously commented he wants to team with Fruit, Fruit replied, even had an alt Twitch called “grianstanaccount”. Won’t be surprised at ALL if they ask for each other. Maybe this will happen along with LL redemption.
Hermits and H? This is to pacify the Blue Bats fandom. Also if we have hermit trio + Fruit, why not H lmao. But H said he wants to play with new people, and I think he said he wants to team with Puffy, sooo.... imagine we get sth like False Cub H Puffy. Lmao.
Hermits and Dream? I said I can’t see this happening, esp with Ren, but maybe Scott will do it for the Dreamslayer memes
Hermits and Quig? After Pete and Fruit, Quig is probably the most hermit friendly S tier. I think people said he would vibe well with the hermits. Quig is also involved in the X Life circle, which overlaps with the hermits’ circle.
Anyways. I’ve liked all Hermit teams so far, I’m sure Scott will make them fantastic as always. If you’ve reached this point, thank you for reading my pointless speculation. See you when MCC 14 teams are revealed :)
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