#qui gon: we need to take a moment to see where we stand
phoenixkaptain · 2 years
A brief summary of Star Wars: Cloak of Deception (novel):
Every Jedi: “I am going to make fun of Qui-Gon Jinn so hard today.”
Qui-Gon: “Can’t we make fun of Obi-Wan?”
Obi-Wan: “I’m going to make fun of my master so hard today.”
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renlyslittlerose · 1 year
In regards to this post, here’s a little sneak-peak of what I’ve been cooking up.  1980′s AU, where Obi-Wan goes through an early mid-life crisis brought on by the death of Qui-Gon. Deciding to leave it all behind, he packs up and moves to a small town on the outskirts of a desert, and attempts to live a quiet, hermited existence. It uh, doesn’t work out that way. 
At this point, Obi-Wan has already admired Anakin’s ass from afar
“Hello,” he said, eying the trio as they stood beneath the porch light. He tried to give them all the suitable amount of attention, but his gaze kept flickering over to the boy as he remained behind the pair.
“Hi,” the woman said, her smile faltering slightly, as if she could tell she’d intruded. “Sorry if we’ve interrupted something, but I saw you’d just moved in and thought maybe you could use some food - you know, in case you’ve not had time to cook what with all the unpacking.”
Obi-Wan was forever grateful they couldn’t see into the house and take in the pitiful display that was his life at the moment.
“I’m Beru,” she continued, “and this is my husband, Owen.”
Owen - the quiet fellow with the shag haircut - held his hand out to Obi-Wan, and they shook, quick and brief and without finesse. Spending so much time in upper class circles had made Obi-Wan dread the exchanging of formalities, but Owen wasn’t upper-class, and neither was Obi-Wan anymore.
It was a blessed relief.
“Nice to meet you,” he said. “I’m Ben.”
The boy moved then, shoving himself between Beru and Owen. There was an intense focus to his gaze, startling Obi-Wan.
“I’m Anakin,” he said, thrusting his hand out, ignoring Owen’s look of annoyance.
Anakin. What a pretty name for a pretty boy - delicate yet strong, with a nice click in the middle that bounced across the tongue.  
“Anakin,” Obi-Wan said softly, taking his hand in his own.
Anakin’s hand was rough to the touch, callouses and abrasions evident across his long fingers and wide palm. His grip was steady, and Obi-Wan held on for a little longer, desperate to soak in the feel of his palm across his own, warm and slightly sweaty. He wondered what Anakin’s hands would feel like across his thighs and between his legs, long fingers slipping between his crack to push and tease against his hole, before spreading him open, knuckles dragging against his rim—
“—thought you might like macaroni.”
Obi-Wan blinked, slipping back into reality. Anakin had taken his hand back but he was still standing close, practically having shoved Owen off the stoop entirely. He was still staring at Obi-Wan intensely, unencumbered by social rules and expectations.
Obi-Wan glanced down at the casserole dish Beru was holding out to him, and he took it with a tight smile. Clutching it against his chest, he used it as a buffer against Anakin.
“That’s very kind of you,” he said, fiddling with the edges of the tinfoil. The dish was still warm to the touch, and his stomach growled at the thought of having warm food settled inside of it instead of cold sandwiches and beer. “I’d invite you in, but my house is in a rather sorry state of affairs.”
“Oh, it’s no trouble at all - we don’t mind—” Anakin began, but then Beru placed her hand on his shoulder and gently, but purposefully, pulled him back.
“It’s alright - we just wanted to introduce ourselves,” she said, “and to let you know that if you need anything, feel free to come over and ask for it.”
Does that include Anakin?
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galacticwildfire · 2 years
Illicit Affairs | Obi-Wan Kenobi
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Obi-Wan Kenobi x Amidala!oc
Rhea Amidala meets Obi-Wan Kenobi when he and his master come to her younger sisters aid and he discovers the queen's sister was once a Jedi, expelled from the order for her unwillingness to forgo love and attachment. The two stranded together on Tatooine find common ground despite their differences, and above all a hope within the other for something greater than themselves.
Word count: 6k
Tags/warnings: some angst, mostly fluff, a bit of darth maul
A/N: enjoy the fluff while it lasts because my god will there be angst. Also this is one of my favourite star wars chapters I've ever written
Obi-Wan and I stand outside the ship, watching the sand storm in the distance as it becomes clear to us this won't be just a quick stop.
"Follow after them," I tell Panaka and for once we're in agreement. "The rest of the crew will be safe with me, but I need to know she's safe."
"At once," he says and leaves to track them down, leaving Obi-Wan and I in charge.
I know it's raised questions in his mind why I'd send the queens guard after a handmaiden but he isn't an idiot, he knows there's reasons why a young queen has a selection of nearly identical handmaidens. 
"Well, this is definitely going to slow them down," he comments while I nod.
"She better be careful," I find myself muttering and sigh "I trust her, but still."
"Still you worry," he finishes. "That's understandable. Let me guess, Padme is your sister and the queen inside is a decoy?"
Considering he's in charge of her safety as much as I am I nod. "Yes. That's right."
"It's smart," he appreciates. "So the queen is with my master then." I nod again and he assures me. "She is safe with him."
"I know, but I don't trust him to be able to keep her from doing anything risky, which is why I've sent Panaka. She'll listen to him."
"By risky you mean anything you'd do?"
That brings a shadow of a smile to my face. "Precisely."
I look at him and see a shadow of one on his face as well now we've called a truce and curse myself a little for actually liking him, I will give it to him that it's been a long time since someone's held their own with me in an argument and not despised me afterwards. It's an unfortunate past time for me arguing over ideology.
But that isn't why I like him, no, it's something deeper than a mere respect, perhaps an appreciation for his company during this anxiety. 
It's then I hear Rabe call for me "A transmission from home!"
Obi-Wan and I share a look before heading back inside the ship where Sabe takes the transmission and I brace myself as an advisor appears.
"The death toll is catastrophic," Padme's advisor tells us in a hologram. "We must bow to their wishes. You must contact me."
"No," I immediately say switching it off. "He's a captive, we can't trust him now."
"She's right it's a trick," Obi-Wan agrees. "Send no reply. Send no transmissions of any kind."
"They'll only use it to reverse the signal to find our location," I say and he nods in agreement as I order the crew "Ensure there is no way they can intercept a location from the ship."
"Yes my lady," they immediately say but Obi-Wan isn't finished.
"Obi-Wan?" I ask as he leaves the room and follow him into the cockpit. "Obi-Wan?"
"I'm contacting Qui-Gon," he tells me, bringing this to his masters attention. "Master Qui-Gon, there's been a transmission from one of the Queen's advisors begging the queen to bow to the Trade Federation's wishes and contact them."
"It sounds like bait to establish a connection trace," he says, agreeing with what Obi-Wan and I believe.
Obi-Wan looks to me as he apologetically asks "But what if it is true, and people are dying?"
"Then those decisions fall to me," I tell him with a weight on my shoulders since Padme isn't here. "All we can do is wait for them to return so we can get off this rock and appeal to the Senate."
If it were up to me I would have acted the moment they first threatened us as her advisor for military matters, except there is no military despite my urging of Padme to begin expanding the security force. If we had a military I'd storm the city and wipe out the Trade Federation but that's not the Naboo way, it's not how Padme was raised. It was how I was raised. With Mace Windu over my shoulder, being my masters master.
"Either way we're running out of time," Qui Gon tells us before cutting the connection and we share a heavy look.
"I'm sorry this has happened to you and your people," Obi-Wan tells me, and he genuinely does mean it, he wants to help as much as I do.
"The trouble with being a pacifist planet with no military is this," I tell him and remember "Mace Windu trained my master and took a liking to me because I suppose I was more like him than the others, I had his urge for action over inaction, the only issue was I took that too far." He takes my words in and treats them with concern. "He'd be useful now."
"Mace Windu is an oddity that much is for sure," he agrees, the purple lightsaber being the least of it. "But have faith in Qui-Gon."
"I do," I assure Obi-Wan as we head back into the room with the generator, empty of handmaidens and security, just us. "I don't know how many diplomatic missions I accompanied Master Billaba on and yet I'm useless when I find myself in the middle of my own. Panaka and the rest don't respect my council, they know Padme just appointed me that so I'd feel some purpose."
"You do have purpose," he says and upon seeing the look on my face insists. "You do."
"Whatever purpose I had I gave it up when I was just fourteen," I tell him and he's quiet as I sigh and finally admit the truth. "Five years ago I was Padme's age. I knew I didn't fit in how I should, so I'd look to Qui-Gon and Mace Windu to convince myself I had a place there, but that's the thing, they took me when I was still old enough that I could remember a different life."
He nods in understanding and confides as he may have before if I hadn't jumped to arguing for the sake of it. "I've tried to hold onto my own memories, they slip away with age but there's still fragments, my mothers shawl, my fathers hands." Emotion creeps into his voice. "I think I had a baby brother."
The way his voice wavers with vulnerability exposes my own. "I have an older sister, Sola. She's only a year older than me, we were inseperable, and Padme well, she was just a baby when they came for me."
He looks confused "But it's Republic regulation to test children upon birth for force sensitivity?"
"Somehow I slipped through the cracks," I find myself saying but remember "Now I think about it all those off world relief missions my father would take me on as a child may have been for a reason. He was the one who fought against me being taken after all so maybe they did come when I was younger when I wasn't there. I mean, what better excuse is there to give than the potential Jedi is away helping those in need? Perhaps whoever they sent thought it could only benefit me and decided to come back in a year."
"It is a reasonable answer," he says, seeming surprised almost but I can't pinpoint why. 
"I had just turned six when they came and tested the family, Sola was normal, Padme- I think she might have been a little higher than normal but whatever I am it's enough that they told me they couldn't wait any longer and that I had to go with them and my mother happily agreed." A tear slips from the corner of my eye despite my best efforts and I don't wipe it away. "I didn't understand, she just stood there with my father as my sister cried and I was screaming. It was actually Master Windu who took me and well, you can imagine he wasn't gentle with the dressing down he gave me about my emotions." I realise my hands are trembling slightly as I grip the flowing fabric of my jumpsuit, red and gold like the royal colours of Naboo but with none of the extravagance, a halter around my neck with a fitted waist and a flowing bottom. I cling to the feeling of the fabric, to ground myself as I was taught and look up at the ceiling as I ramble. "I know it sounds pathetic, all of the Jedi were taken from their families but for some reason it was something I could never get over."
I'm jolted out of my daze by the touch of his hand on my cheek, wiping away that single tear and the touch is so foreign, to be comforted. "It's okay Rhea," he says gently. "You don't need to explain."
I let out a tearful laugh as I reach up to touch his hand, grasping it tight for some sort of stability before pulling it away from my face, still unable to be contented with being comforted. "You can see why I never made it as a Jedi now can't you?"
He shakes his head. "You can't blame yourself for loving your family, it's only human. Master Qui-Gon tells me that it's not as if we aren't allowed to have these feelings whatever they may be, but that it's our responsibility to let them go instead of holding on."
I look at him finding a new middle ground, realising perhaps Qui Gon's led his interpretation of the code to something more human than I'd first observed.
"I wish all Jedi thought as you and Qui-Gon did," I admit to him. "If they did perhaps I would have come here with you as an ambassador instead of as an escapee."
My eyes meet his and I realise my hands been touching his for far too long and release it, not knowing what to do with how that makes me feel as he tells me "You might not be a part of the order, but that doesn't change what you are."
I give him the same kind smile he gives me and my eye catches the glint of his saber. "I do miss it, my saber."
He raises a curious eyebrow "What form did you study?"
"My master insisted on III but I preferred form V."
He's almost amused. "Of course you would."
"What's that supposed to mean?" I laugh.
"It's a form built on dominating your opponent," he says and remarks "If that isn't you in a nutshell."
I want to try to refute his assessment but it's accurate. "Well, you aren't wrong. I was top of my class at a young age with saber skills, I remember Master Dooku even paying special attention to me but he'd left the order by the time I was old enough to become a padawan and so Master Billaba took me on. I worked on my form but it was Master Windu of all people who saw the emotions in me and gave her permission to teach me VII."
"Seven?" he exclaims, truly scandalised now. "That's seen as taboo by the council, forbidden even."
There's a troublesome glint in my smile. "Exactly, but under certain circumstances they'll allow it. It was Master Windu who invented Vaapad and taught it to my master and she taught it to me with his permission. My masters believed my passion only fueled my strength because for me there was no darkness since it didn't come from a place of fear, but justice."
"Passion?" he repeats, and I know that would be a rare word for Jedi like him.
"Yes, the forbidden fruit," I say, tasting the words with a dramatic touch to my voice. "Oh such a dangerous thing passion, oh no Obi-Wan Kenobi don't dare speak the word or else you'll turn Sith!"
He can't help but laugh and so do I, smiling as I lean back against the broken hyperdrive generator, feeling a kinship I haven't felt since I left the order.
"That is one thing Master Qui-Gon does not discourage," he suddenly tells me. "Passion."
"Really?" I ask and keeping it light inquire "So, does that mean you've explored forbidden attachments."
From the way his cheeks redden and his eyes sadden I have my answer. "When I was a lot younger and a lot less wiser."
He'd be in his early twenties but Jedi always do grow up too fast and become consumed with grief far too young. I know many padawans would play kissing games and such, but have an inkling that what he's referring to isn't anything like that.
"Are they alive?" I ask, treading carefully, feeling the energy change between us.
He gives a stiff nod. "Yes, that's what I was assigned to do, keep her alive." Now it's him who struggles with words and hesitates before telling me. "For a year I was with her, protecting her, but I never acted on what I felt until the mission came to an end."
I'm quiet, his forbidden attachment wasn't playful or even sexual, it was something far deeper.
"You loved her," I realise and he looks away, I don't press further. "It seems I mistook you, because you would know the struggles between love and duty better than I ever could."
I see him realise that he does, perhaps more than he ever admitted to himself before. 
"It was a long time ago."
I nod, taking the burden of conversation off of him, finding myself able to speak with more ease with him than anyone I've ever known despite this short time in each other's company.
"I've never been in love despite all my concerns about attachment," I confide in him, finding irony that I raise such issues when I've never had to deal with them as he has. "I've certainly never been loved either."
His eyes meet mine and it's as if he can read my feelings "But you want to be."
"Who doesn't?" I reply quietly. "If you had the chance to love again wouldn't you take it? Code and duty aside of course."
I watch him ponder that question and he's conflicted "I wouldn't want to suffer that loss again."
"To love without fear, that's what I desire," I tell him, realising in my heart just how alone I've been for so long. "I'm willing to take whatever grief may come, if only to be loved."
Here we are, two Jedi, discussing the most forbidden thing we possibly can.
Before either of us can dig this hole any deeper I feel my transmitter going off and it jolts me back to the situation at hand.
"That will be Padme," I say, her call breaking the tension. "Excuse me."
I find myself breathless as I leave the room to enter the empty hallway, and feel hot tears on my cheeks as I'm overwhelmed by the loneliness I've been suppressing for so long without even realising it. 
How can I object to the Jedi's code of attachment when I've never even been in love? And yet here is Obi-Wan, carrying this weight in his heart that I could never understand and still obeying the code completely.
"Rhea?" I hear her asking and sniffle, wiping the tears away as he did before.
"I'm here," I say and force a smile, even though she cannot see me. "How are you?"
"Safe," she answers. "A boy has given us shelter from the storm, he's quite nice, the people here are welcoming, even if they are slaves."
She's always had a heart so big, and so did I once.
"I'm glad you are safe," I tell her. "Everything is fine here."
"You don't sound fine," she replies and asks "What's wrong?"
"The past always finds a way of coming back Padme, know that," I tell her and breathe, knowing even if I've never been loved in the way I crave that I have her and Sola. "I love you more than life, you know that."
"Of course I know that," she promises me. "I love you too."
Tears continue wetting my face. "I'll see you when you get back, okay?"
The communication ends and I'm crying, desperate to protect her and Sola, not out of fear of losing them, but just wanting to make everything okay for her so she never feels what I do. So she never has to know what it is to be thrown away and discarded, by your family, by the people who raised you, only to grow up and find that it was all for nothing. 
Because despite everything, I'm still alone inside.
It's late when Obi-Wan finds me outside, watching the setting Tatooine suns in contemplation, feeling the force more strongly than I have in years.
"It's a sight isn't it," he remarks, but I can hear the worry in his voice.
"It is."
I feel his hand on my arm, his voice gentle. "You should come inside, it gets cold at night here."
"Not colder than space," I reply, taking a moment just to stand there with him, with another person who understands the conflict in my mind. "I'm glad I've met you Obi-Wan."
"And I you," he says and I look back at him, immediately feeling a sense of comfort. "It looks like we'll get to know each other better than we planned, this plan they've cooked up means we'll likely be here for a while longer."
"Do I even want to know?" I ask him and he sighs.
"It involves a child and podracing."
I laugh at the ridiculousness of it, deciding I don't want to know. "That's all I need to hear."
He notices the goosebumps on my arms, clothes designed for weather on Naboo, for training in the sun, not for places like this and takes his cloak, wrapping it around my shoulders. The familiar feeling of a Jedi's cloak is oddly comforting, although I suspect it is only because it's his.
His hand lingers on my arm, neither of us go to remove it as we look back towards the setting suns and I say "No matter how ugly a planet's society may be, or how corrupt, there's always beauty no matter what,and I'd rather stand here watching setting suns a thousand time's over and feel peace then dwell on fear and all that horridness."
I can hear the tragedy in my own words, at how with age I've become more of a Jedi than I ever intended, and he can feel it too. "
"You can feel it here can't you?" he asks, that peace. "The force."
My smile comes naturally to me. "The force as it should be. No rules or order. Just being. Just living with it and feeling it. How it should be." But there's also something else and I look in the direction Padme and Qui-Gon went. "But there's something strange here, you can feel it can't you?"
"I can, and so can Qui Gon," he tells me, it's then his transponder beeps and his hand slides up and down over the fabric covering my cold arm as he looks and answers it. "Master?"
"I need an analysis of this blood sample I'm sending you," Qui Gon says and we share a confused look before heading back on board the ship.
"Wait a minute," Obi-Wan says as we return to the empty cockpit to receive the transmission and I sit beside him, his cloak still wrapped around me. 
"I need a midichlorian count," Qui Gon tells us and my stomach sinks with a sick feeling. He's found a child, but it's forgotten the moment I look at Obi-Wan's screen.
"Is that real?" I exclaim as the results come through.
"It's off the charts?" Obi-Wan says in equal disbelief. "Over 20 000. Even Master Yoda doesn't have a midichlorian count that high."
I'm speechless, the two of us sharing a look as Qui Gon says "No Jedi has."
"That- that's impossible," I stammer.
"What does it mean?" Obi-Wan asks Qui Gon.
"I'm not sure," he answers and trails off. "I'll check in with you soon."
The connection ends and Obi-Wan and I stare at the screen, then look at each other as if making sure it's real, and no matter how many times he runs the test it's the same result.
"So," I finally say. "It seems Qui-Gon found that strange something in the force."
"That he has," he agrees and we share an alarmed look, not even able to imagine what this will mean and gets out a device to test it. "Let's test ours to make sure it's not a system error."
I nod in agreement and he takes samples from us both to run and I'm actually curious to see what mine is, the results come back almost immediately. Obi-Wan and I's count is within a few hundred of each other, his 13000 and mine 13800, higher than some masters but nothing exceptional, it's only a guide for raw ability. Skill and force mastery as we're constantly reminded are far more important than that count. 
Obi-Wan's may be lower than mine but with a decade more of proper training I have no doubts he'd best me in a fight using the force. I would win hand to hand with a saber, I know damn well I always surpassed even the best students in my training, but the force is something else.
"So, it works," I say, us coming to terms with the fact Qui-Gon has found the most powerful child known to the Jedi Order. "I think Master Yoda's going to finally die when he hears this."
He nods in agreement, equally stunned. "I don't know how my master always gets into these situations."
"I dare say it's no coincidence we landed here," I realise. "It does seems we may be here for a long while yet."
He nods, coming to that possibility too and I sigh, pulling his cloak tighter around me as I stand and he asks "Where are you going?"
"Outside," I tell him, not wanting to stay cooped up in the ship. "I want to look at the sky." He hesitates and I coax "Come on."
He follows me outside and I look up, having rarely seen any night skies but Naboo's or Coruscants, and finding it almost as beautiful as the twin suns.
"One thing about our galaxy is every planets sky is always different, some barren and others filled with more than our minds could ever comprehend," I begin and tell him "It's where I often feel the force most and remind myself it is in everything, every star and planet in the sky and all the space in between."
He comes to stand by my side and admits. "With all the rules I tend to forget the force is more than just the code."
I smile to myself, us finally on the same page. "It's something I only truly discovered after I left the order, when I had to search for it in every living thing to find it instead of being reminded of it every waking moment." He's looking at me as I look at the night sky. "I find I only truly understand it when I realise it isn't meant to be understood, but felt."
His face is drawn in contemplation and I wander forward from the ship to bask in it, finding myself one in it and extend my hand to him "Come on."
He comes to me and takes my hand, letting me guide it up towards the stars. "Tell me that meditation could ever make you feel as one with the force as when you just let yourself feel instead of focusing on the absence of feeling."
Our entire lives we've been trained to feel the force through the absence of all other emotions, to feel only nothing, instead of feeling everything without blocking anything out, and I watch as he lets himself finally feel all of it.
"Luminous beings," he begins and I feel a change within him. "It's what Qui-Gon once told me we are, it's easy to forget it."
"It is," I admit, his hand now in mine and only now consumed by the force do I feel something else, a white light between us. "And just like finding that boy, I do believe things happen for a reason. Leaving the order, finding you and ending up stranded here." I have to believe it, despite how my mind likes to fight with my instincts. "I forget it, I get angry and hostile and forget everything I've ever been taught but somehow on quiet nights looking up at the galaxy I manage to find it."
All this time I've been lost, but finally I feel as if with him coming into my life I'm being pulled by the force in his direction, and I trust it. 
He squeezes my hand and I finally look at him, finding galaxies in his eyes. A man I fought so fervently with, all for the sake of letting my hatred loose, and now finding little of that left in my heart. 
I feel drunk on starlight now as I finally stop fighting my mind and let myself feel, pulling him down to the ground with me where we lay on our backs side by side to take it all in. 
"Do you feel it?" I ask him, the strangeness that we've both felt, not just in a boy miles away, but in the space between us.
I don't need to clarify just what it is I feel as he confirms "I feel it too."
He's the one now who guides my hand having studied the star maps, pointing out the distant star systems and nearer moons, both of us smiling and laughing into the night, our hearts lighter than I knew they could ever be. My own having never felt such pure peace in its nineteen years.
I look over at him as he explains something about the moons orbital cycle and find myself more entranced by him as I study his face in the moonlight, I don't know for just how long I do so until he turns his head towards me and whatever words he's saying are forgotten when he catches my eye and I feel my breath hitch. 
For just a moment I see a flash of something in his eyes, a hesitation, both of us knowing in the back of our minds this is everything we were always cautioned against, but it disappears with the feeling of the force and I see him let himself feel it, all of it, instead of trying to focus on the absence of emotion.
All I know as I look into his eyes is that this is that forbidden fruit, utterly unexpected and yet almost as if it has to be the will of the force in how we came to meet and unlike how I was told it would feel. There's no fear, no pain, nothing of the sort.
Only light.
The suns have risen as I stir awake and find my head resting on something unfamiliar and open my eyes to find my head resting on his shoulder, slowly feeling his arm around me and feel the weight of his cloak draped over us, not remembering quite how we ended up like this but vaguely remembering something about being cold. 
"Obi-Wan?" I murmur, and feel his hand smoothing over my hair. "What time is it?"
"Morning," he answers from the light that hits us, sounding like he's not long woken up himself. "It seems we dozed off."
I laugh softly. "No shit."
His hand is touching my cheek as I look up at him, a gentle smile on my face that quickly disappears the moment we realise just how wrong this is despite how right it feels and I suddenly go to sit up, sand falling out of my hair and he has to help me up as I twice at my stiff muscles.
"Up you get, there you go," he says with a hand on my back and we're both laughing quietly to try to ease the tension that is utterly different to how it was when we got on that ship. "Sleep well?"
"Better than I have in days," I answer truthfully, it being the first night I haven't laid awake in either frustration or fear. "And thankfully the world hasn't fallen apart while I did."
"Don't say that too soon," he cautions. "Our lives are depending on a nine year old with a podracer."
"Don't remind me," I say having to laugh from the ridiculousness of it. "Oh Obi-Wan, we are in quite the mess aren't we."
"That we are," he says, but it's with the accidental brush of his fingers along my spine I'm blushing and he looks around as if just remembering where we are. "But it seems we got the easier part of the mission, guarding the ship."
It's then I can feel something on the tip of my tongue. "Obi-Wan, Obi- Ben? Old Ben Kenobi!" I yell out in sudden realisation. "I do remember!"
"Oh no," he groans. "Masters nickname for me when I was younger."
I'm laughing as I finally realise why I couldn't place him despite knowing Qui-Gon. "Oh now I remember Master Qui Gon mentioning you, he kept calling you old Ben- I truly thought he meant an old man not you."
"Because he said I had the soul of a old man," I'm almost crying from laughter, still half asleep. "It's not funny!"
"It really is because it's true," I laugh and he laughs with me as I reach out to touch his face after having spent the night looking into those bright eyes. "You are an old soul Ben Kenobi,  but a beautiful one of that." At the colour that comes to his face I give him a thoughtless peck on the cheek and I get to my feet, a little dizzy, but happy. "Now we better actually check the ship's still intact."
I grab his hand to pull him to his feet and we walk through the ship with a newfound ease with one another, finding the pilots and security also at ease and the handmaidens giggling like the fourteen year old girls they should be, and I'm wondering from the looks they share as I walk past if they caught me outside with him.
"See, we're still flying half a ship," he says as we look around, everything in order.
"Except it's not flying that's the problem," I remind him and we head back outside to check everything out there is alright, no Tuskan Raiders creeping up on us.
I smile up at the suns kissing my face, feeling Obi-Wan slide his cloak off my shoulder's so I can feel the sun on my skin and smile up them as I bathe in it.
"Oh that is beautiful," I smile, craving the warmth it gives me and know I truly was built for Naboo's weath.
"It's not the only thing," he murmurs as if he half expected the words to remain in his head and I can't help the smile on my face as I look at him, standing there and looking at me in a way I can only call awe. 
"Is that so?"
"You're made for the sun," he tells me and after a moment of contemplation continues. "Tan skin, dark hair and those big brown eyes of yours, you look as if you could bathe in it forever and you'd only grow richer from it."
His words leave me speechless and I manage to get out "I didn't realise you were so poetic Obi-Wan Kenobi."
"And I didn't realise Rhea Naberrie was well, you."
"Me?" I question, suddenly confused and he elaborates.
"You aren't the only one who remembered some things, I remember the fuss now when you left,' he reveals, finally having placed me just as I've placed him. "They called you reckless and even dangerous but looking at you now, you couldn't be further from that."
"Reckless or dangerous?" I tease but the look in his eyes makes my breath catch in my throat.
"Well you might be a little reckless, certainly a whole lot of trouble but not dangerous," he tells me, and he might be the first person, or at least the first Jedi, who has looked at me and seen what I never could. "I have no doubt you'd be deadly in a fight, you're a Jedi after all, but there's no darkness, none of that, just light."
Now I am truly speechless, especially so as he extends his saber to me and I look up at him "Obi-Wan..."
"Go on," he says with a warm smile. "I know you miss it."
He places his saber in my hands, a sign of trust, and the rush that goes through me as I ignite it brings tears to my eyes and I smile at the blue light, and at him. 
"I do- I do miss it," I breathe, feeling it in my soul. "I truly do miss it."
"Then perhaps there's a way," he proposes and there he is, a light I never expected. "A way you could become a Jedi again." 
And something in me causes me to throw my arms around his neck, on the tips of my toes to reach, the saber in my hand hope materialised. When I pull back to look at him I can feel the space around us slow, his touch almost overwhelming as he holds my cheek, as my hand wraps around the back of his neck, and I realise what it is to be lost in someone's eyes.
It's in that very moment as the light is so blinding I can't feel anything else and as I search his eyes I realise just what it is I've been searching for since leaving the order, and it's right in front of me. Whether it's him, or the force, or something else. It's going to be with him. 
"Rhea," he begins as we become aware of this strange feeling between us until he looks past me, feeling it just before I do.
"What is it?" I ask him, unable to determine it myself.
"I'm not sure," he answers. "But it's something strange." He looks at me before removing my hand from the back of his neck only to take it in his own. "Come on, let's find out what it is."
Quietly we make our way through the desert, the force calling us over to the horizon and we trek until we find a cave that looks unsuspecting enough but still he draws his saber and discreetly puts himself in front of me. 
We expect something, anything, but when we enter we find it utterly empty, which confuses us both as we walk through it. 
It's only when Obi-Wan stops I realise he's in pain.
"I feel grief," he tells me as he walks through it. "Agony."
"I- I don't feel any of that," I say quietly, seeing only the light that breaks through the holes in the roof. "I just feel... relief, the type of relief that makes you want to cry, I-" 
I find myself lost for words as I put a hand over my heart at the emotions that come to me, stronger than anything I've ever felt or knew I could feel, even if it's relief it's accompanied by agony just the same. 
He looks back at me and I realise he's feeling it too as he reaches for his own heart. 
"Obi-" I begin as I step forward as he grimaces. "Obi-Wan."
"I'm alright," he tries to insist but we both know he's not. "It's just- I've never felt anything like this."
"Neither have I," I say and reach for his hand with the need to hold onto something for stability. 
"Are you alright?" he asks me as if he doesn't look as if he's about to collapse under the weight of the agony he feels. "Rhea?"
"I'm fine," I assure him, faring better than he is at least and see him looking around the cave with a pure dread. "Obi-Wan?"
He shakes his head and I hold onto him as begins "This..." he trails off unable to find the words.
"What is this?" I find myself whispering, the emotions I feel, I wish I could say they weren't my own but I know somehow that they are. 
"I don't know but I don't like it," he answers shortly and grasps my hand tight in his. "We're leaving."
I don't argue with him as we leave the cave behind and yet as I look back over my shoulder I leave with a knowing that someday we'll return to it. 
Neither of us acknowledges what we felt inside of there as we quickly make our way back to the ship, each of us with a newfound eagerness to get off this strange planet and just as we reach it we see them in the distance and I look at him in astonishment.
They did it.
"Rhea!" I hear Padme calling out and I let go of him to run forward towards her and she practically jumps into my arms. "We're back."
"Did you get it?"
"We got it," she smiles up at me and I instinctively look back at Obi-Wan, smiling in relief as I meet his eyes and nod in confirmation, hugging her again as Qui-Gon comes. Once the commotion has eased we realise Qui-Gon is not staying.
"I'm going back," he tells Obi-Wan and me. "Some unfinished business, I won't be long."
Obi-Wan sarcastically remarks "Why do I sense we've picked up another pathetic lifeform?"
"Don't insult Jar Jar," I retort, both of us laughing and Qui-Gon chuckles.
"I'm glad you two are finally getting along. It's the boy who's responsible for getting us these parts," he tells us and we quickly remember him, having forgotten about the boy with a midichlorian count that should not be possible after the events of the evening. "Get this hyperdrive generator installed."
"Yes Master," Obi-Wan says. "That shouldn't take long."
Qui-Gon goes again as quickly as he came, and we happily get to work.
I sit on top of the hyperdrive generator while Obi-Wan works on replacing the parts.
"You know what, I'm going to try to be optimistic and not worry about the ordeal that's going to be the senate until we actually get there," I tell him as I pass him the tools he needs. "But that being said I am worrying a lot."
"Your planet is under invasion, it would be strange if you weren't worrying," he replies as my legs dangle off the edge. "You quite happy up there at least?"
"Very," I answer, trying to make it last. "How are you going down there."
"Almost done," he answers and he lifts me off the generator by the waist, his hands lingering as he asks "Can you go check to see if Master Qui-Gon's near, he's been gone a while I'm starting to worry."
"Of course," I answer, still sensing some residual grief from that cave and peck his cheek again as I leave him to finish fixing the generator, but the moment I walk down the platform I know something isn't right. 
My eyes catch a droid nearby, a surveillance probe, and my stomach drops knowing we're the only thing in miles it would be looking at. My instincts kick in, whether it's from the Hutt's or someone else I shoot it down and at the sound of the blaster shot Obi-Wan runs out.
I turn back to him, blaster still in hand and warn "Somebody's been watching us."
It's then both our heads whip around to the sound of a speeder and we see Qui-Gon running towards us with a boy following and a speeder not far behind.
"Anakin drop!"
The boy drops to the ground while I fire on the speeder, only for Obi-Wan to grab me in equal horror as a red blade emerges, clashing with Qui-Gons green saber.
"Go!" Qui-Gon yells out. "Tell them to take off."
It's then me grabbing Obi-Wan, dragging him back to the ship and he remains calmer than I would be if that was my master, ordering the pilot to fly low so we can escape rather than fight, and I stare down at the red and black man who meets my eye and all I feel is pure darkness as Qui-Gon manages to jump on board and we disappear into the atmosphere.
"Master!" I yell out, Obi-Wan and I coming to Qui-Gons side while the boy yells out for him.
"I'm alright," he assures us, out of breath. "Or at least I think so."
"What was that?" Obi-Wan asks, my hand on his shoulder as I stand over them.
"I'm not sure," Qui-Gon admits. "But it was well trained in the Jedi arts, my guess is it was after the queen."
I feel Obi-Wans hand reaching out for mine now as I curse under my breath and the little boy asks "What are we gonna do about it?"
Qui Gon sighs and says "We shall be patient."
"Patient!" I snap, spinning back around and feel Obi-Wan trying to calm me down. "Whatever it is is after my sister and you're saying we should be patient?"
"There's not much else we can do right now," Obi-Wan tells me, hands gripping my arms to keep me in place. "Remember what you said about not worrying."
I narrow my eyes at him but don't argue, as at peace with the force as I may be in his presence when my sister is involved that goes right out the window. 
"If we see it again, it's dead," I say and he gives a permitting nod, not arguing with that after it tried to kill his master. 
"Anakin Skywalker," I hear Qui-Gon say and turn my attention to the boy he's taken. "Meet Obi-Wan Kenobi."
"Hi," the boy says happily, shaking Obi-Wans hand. "You're a Jedi too? Pleased to meet you."
The apprehension I had when we heard about the boy eases when I see he's happy and considering he was most likely a slave I have no arguments but Obi-Wan and I both look at each other when we realise his age. I was taken at six and this boy would be even older than that, nine or so maybe, far too old and yet everything on this planet has been nothing but strange.
"Anakin, meet the Queen's sister Rhea," Qui-Gon says to the boy and he happily shakes my hand as well. 
"Pleased to meet you too," he says and tells me "You look like Padme."
I chuckle and so does Obi-Wan, the boy's bright or at least fascinated with my sister.
"I'm pleased to meet you Anakin," I say and check him over to make sure he's not hurt after that ordeal. "Come on, let's get you some water."
With everyone back on board and hours now into our journey to the capital I stand with Padme as she watches the transmission we received while she was away, her face stone as most of the crew sleeps. 
"We determined it was a trick to provoke us into giving up our location," I tell her, but it makes little difference. "We don't know if the reports of the death toll are true."
"But they could be," she says and her attention is only taken away from the matter by the boy sitting nearby and I watch as she goes over to him, her compassion stronger than her fear.
"Are you alright?" she asks him.
Only now the reality of leaving home is sinking in for the boy and I watch with concern as he says "It's very cold."
I watch as she brings him over a blanket and feel a familiar hand on my shoulder. 
"You look cold as well."
I run a hand down my bare arms, not protesting as he wraps his cloak around me. 
"The boy's right, space is cold," I say turning to Obi-Wan, leaving Padme with Anakin. "Is Qui-Gon alright?"
"Thankfully yes," he answers and asks me "But are you?"
In all honesty I shake my head. "My planet has been invaded and now someone who is trained in the Jedi arts is after my sister. I'm far from alright."
"Come on," he says guiding me somewhere quiet. "You should be sleeping, or at least resting. Once we reach the capital I suspect we won't be getting much."
"There's not many places to sleep on a ship like this," I yawn, despite having slept well I dare say we spent the better half of the night awake with one another. "Padme's only fourteen and dealing with all of this and more, she needs me."
"She has her handmaidens and you both need sleep," he says, likely knowing the sleep I got with him in the night was all I've had in days. Now I've had a little my body craves more, it craves it with him beside me. 
We sit down together in the engine room, warmth radiating from the shield generator and I turn my head to look at him, us shoulder to shoulder, and notice the tiredness in his own face. The grief that's been there since we walked into that cave.
"So do you."
"Well come on then," he says, wrapping an arm around me with the excuse of keeping me warm and immediately he puts me at ease in a way that no one else ever has. "Let's sleep."
"Let's sleep," I repeat, him taking me in his arms enough that my head rests comfortably against his shoulder, both of us finding comfort in one another and I swear as I fall asleep I feel his lips on my forehead. 
"Sweet dreams."
And I smile it back as I slip into sleep. "Sweet dreams."
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6rookie-writer0110 · 2 years
Love, powerful then the Force
Qui-Gon Jinn x Male reader
Request - Hi, i saw you're reply, thanks for the answer!🥰 I just wanted to request a Qui-Gon Jinn x Male reader, where the reader is getting exiled from the jedi order for not agreeing with the jedi methods (but also not joining the sith) and Qui-Gon is afraid of losing him without confessing his love and they both end up confessing to each other. Something like their first kiss?
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Qui-Gon meets Y/n at a secret location. They always meet each other, they smile at each other.
“I thought you weren't going to show up,” Y/n said.
“Took a while to get away but I am here now. Shall we?” Qui-Gon smirked.
Qui-Gon takes out his lightsaber and Y/n did the same thing.
“I’m ready,” Y/n said.
Qui-Gon is helping Y/n train to be a better fighter. They start to fight and Y/n is starting to move quicker. But Qui-Gon is catching up and moving a little faster.
“You are getting better, Y/n,” Qui-Gon said.
“I have a great teacher,” Y/n said.
They continue to fight for a while. Their lightsaber is touching each other, and Qui-Gon is pushing that Y/n has his back against the tree. Y/n couldn't help to stare into Qui-Gon’s eyes and Qui-Gon is starting to feel nervous by being too close to Y/n.
Later, they are sitting close to each other. Qui-Gon brushed up against Y/n’s hand and he starts to blush. Y/n couldn't help to smile and Qui-Gon starts to stutter.
Qui-Gon went to see Anakin and Obi-Wan. They need to speak to him about Y/n.
“What do we need to talk about?” Qui-Gon asked.
“We need to talk about Y/n. He is going to be exiled from the Jedi order-”
Qui-Gon didn't let Anakin finish his sentence.
“For what? Just because he sees everything differently? He isn't the bad guy” Qui-Gon said.
“We don't see him as the bad guy. The others don't agree with his views. We are letting you know what will happen to him” Obi-Wan said.
“This is wrong. Can't you make them change their minds?” Qui-Gon said.
His mind starts to race and he is trying to think of an idea. Qui-Gon is very protective of Y/n and he is in love with Y/n. But Qui-Gon never told him because he didn't know how to confess his feelings to Y/n. Qui-Gon sighed and he is trying to think of something fast. Qui-Gon walked away from them
“Qui-Gon!” Obi-Wan yelled.
Qui-Gon kept walking away from them.
“Let him go. We have to go and this won't be easy to fix” Anakin said.
Y/n is standing in front of Queen Padmé Amidala and other leaders. But Anakin and Obi-Wan are standing and watching what is going on.
“I won't change my views to please you” Y/n said.
“No Jedi can't be in the middle. You must choose whether you are a Jedi or a Sith” Padmé Amidala said.
“No, I won't choose,” Y/n said.
Everyone is in shock that he won't choose a side.
“Are you sure about that?” Padmé Amidala asked.
“Don’t exile him. Just because he sees everything differently doesn't mean he will be a sith-” Qui-Gon said.
“And if he turns against us!?” Padmé Amidala yelled at him.
“That won't happen,” Qui-Gon said.
“How can you be so sure that he won't become a sith?” Padmé Amidala said.
“I won't become a sith,” Y/n said.
“I don’t believe you, Y/n,” Padmé Amidala said.
“Wait, are you going to exile him!?” Anakin asked.
“Yes, Y/n will be exiled. I won't take a chance that he will be a sith and try to kill us” Padmé Amidala said.
Everyone is stunned by what she said.
“You can't do that! He helped us countless times and he saved you” Qui-Gon said.
“I won't change my mind. Guards take him away” Padmé Amidala said.
The guards surrounded Y/n and she ordered them to exile Y/n. Y/n and Qui-Gon stared at each other and Qui-Gon starts to panic.
✫ ✯ ✬ ✫
Qui-Gon met Y/n outside the gates.
“What are you doing here?” Y/n asked.
“Y/n, I'm not good at expressing my feelings. But what I feel for you is something that I haven't felt before. I never had feelings for men before and I can't lose you. I always hesitate to tell you how I feel and I know this isn't a good moment. But I want to be with you, Y/n no matter where we are” Qui-Gon said.
“I do feel the same way. I always assumed you would never be interested in being with me. But I have been exiled now Naboo can't be my home anymore,” Y/n said.
“I don't care we will go. I will leave with you, Y/n” Qui-Gon said.
He gently places his hands on Y/n’s face and kissed him.
“I mean it, Y/n we can go anywhere in the galaxy and I will be by your side,” Qui-Gon said.
“I will always be by your side,” Y/n said.
They kissed each other again.
Anakin and Obi-Wan helped Y/n and Qui-Gon leave the planet Naboo. They are heading to a planet called Bespin. No one knows where they are and they will be safe together.
They are in their new home and Y/n is looking at the widow. Then Qui-Gon wrapped his arms around Y/n.
“What are you thinking about?” Qui-Gon asked.
“Do think she is right, that I will be a sith?” Y/n asked.
He turned around and he is looking at Qui-Gon.
“You will not be a sith. You see things differently and that doesn't mean you will be evil. I like that you see things differently, Y/n. Don't ever doubt yourself” Qui-Gon said.
Qui-Gon starts to kiss Y/n and he pulls Y/n closer to him. They go to bed and Y/n has his head on Qui-Gon’s chest, they talk for a little while then they fall asleep.
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indigostars · 2 years
disaster trio appreciation week, day seven: constellation
Ahsoka’s the first one to speak. “You don’t see stars like this on Coruscant.”
She’s lying on her back, sandwiched between Anakin and Obi-Wan. The grass is damp from an earlier rain shower — she knows the soft fabric of her cloak will be stained green — but Ahsoka is content to stay where she is.
Anakin hums in agreement. Ahsoka turns her gaze to see him staring at the sky with a transfixed gaze. She doesn’t think she’s ever seen him look so at peace and so filled with wonderment.
“It does give off an openness Coruscant certainly doesn’t have,” Obi-Wan says wistfully, and they lapse into a comfortable silence.
“I missed this,” Anakin says suddenly, minutes later. His voice is soft, as if speaking at a normal volume would break the ground beneath him.
“What do you mean?” Ahsoka whispers back.
“I used to spend every night on Tatooine looking at the stars and wanting to be a part of them.” Anakin doesn’t look at her, but Ahsoka can see the way the stars reflect in his eyes. “Coruscant doesn’t have stars to look at, and it’s very different here, being in a different system — but it’s also the same.”
“You have such an extraordinary way of explaining things, Anakin,” Obi-Wan comments fondly, letting out a laugh.
Ahsoka looks back and forth at them. “I still don’t understand.”
Obi-Wan pushes himself up on his elbows. “It means the star patterns are different in this part of the galaxy than on Tatooine.”
“Oh,” Ahsoka says. She looks up at the sky again, where the stars are glittering silver over a midnight blanket. “They all look the same to me.”
“They all do at first,” Anakin admits. “But if you look at them long enough, you start to discover patterns.”
“Patterns,” Ahsoka repeats, slowly.
“Yeah,” Anakin answers, eyes roaming the stars with a practiced ease. A few minutes of silence goes by before he lets out a laugh of triumph and points upward. “There’s a cluster of stars that look like a varactyl.”
“I just see a bunch of stars,” Obi-Wan says, and Ahsoka nods along with the statement. “Where is it?”
Anakin scrunches his nose. “I’m not sure how to explain it. I wasn’t looking for it, I just… found it. My mom always had a way — there’s a constellation on Tatooine that looks like a parent holding a child. She called it Protector, because people could look up to it in their greatest need. It’s said those who saw the Protector would have their life changed for the better. My mom saw it before she had me, and she said to find it, you needed to wait three hours after the setting of the suns and turn your head north. I wasn’t able to find the Protector until the night before Qui-Gon came.”
“Oh,” Obi-Wan says, sounding choked up.
“Yeah,” Anakin shrugged. “I guess that’s the thing about constellations — you always find them when you’re not actively looking for them. And once you do, you always know where it’ll be.”
Ahsoka places her hands behind her head. “Skywatcher and Skywalker. It’s very you.”
There’s a moment of stillness before Anakin starts laughing. It doesn’t take long before Obi-Wan joins in, followed by Ahsoka.
“Well,” Obi-Wan says, after they’ve all managed to calm down. “I think it’s safe to say that no matter where we are, together or apart, we’ll always have the stars to keep us company.”
Anakin reaches over Ahsoka to slap Obi-Wan on the shoulder. “Why do you have to make that sound so depressing?”
“Yeah, Obi-Wan, nothing’s going to happen to us,” Ahsoka chimes in, and continues as Obi-Wan opens his mouth to protest, “If the stars are a constant, then so is hope — the hope that everything will be okay between us, always.”
(One year later, Obi-Wan is trailing alone in the desert, wrapped in a torn cloak and carrying a heavy heart. He looks back towards the moisture farm he has left hours ago, and stills when he spots the pattern of the stars of a guardian and a child.
Hundreds of thousands of miles away, Ahsoka stands on the edge of a forest, overlooking a sea with the stars twinkling overhead and on the water. She thinks she can spot the shape of a varactyl, but it disappears before she can truly make it out.
And Anakin — Vader, now — isn’t able to look up at the stars anymore.)
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yuristarwars · 2 years
10 LEGO Set Ideas
Okay I have multiple ideas for new LEGO Star Wars sets especially with all the content coming out in the next couple years, so here we go!
1: The Mantis
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This ship would be perfect for introducing Jedi Fallen Order Minifigures into rotation, especially with the announcement of Jedi:Survivor. A lift-able top looks totally doable and that back wing could certainly be used well as a handle.
2: Third Sister Duel
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A great way to introduce Mega-Figures other than the Wampa into LEGO Star Wars and could possibly imitate the likes of Vader vs Kenobi’s latest duel set, with unique play features to put them up against each other.
3: LEGO Mossy AT-AT
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Another great JFO piece could be this, a take on the AT-AT without being an exact copy of the last two. It could be like the Rebels AT-TE where it’s like the past few, but stands apart. They could even introduce some great figures like Saw Gerrara and a purge trooper!
4: Black X-Wing
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Moving on to the Andor section, we have the Black X-Wing, which I think should be fairly easy for LEGO, just a reskin of the old X-Wing and add this new interesting looking character and some metal crates and they’re all set!
5: Luthen’s Rebel Starfighter
This is a new and interesting ship which I think LEGO could do very well, with its unique shape, interesting gun mechanics, and opening exit. This could be really cool and unique, if done right. Not to mention they could make new minifigures like that droid we see in the trailer
6: Cantwell Class Star-Destroyer
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This could make for a great $160 set for Andor if LEGO needs the money and would be a great pairing with Luthen’s Starfighter.
7: T-47 Airspeeder
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A classic that can be reconfigured and re-tooled. Would love to see some spring-loaded missiles for better playability.
8: Mon Cala Cruiser
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Since next year is gonna be the 40 year anniversary of Return of the Jedi, this could be a great reward and be comparable to the likes of the UCS Star Destroyer. It could include fan favorite characters like Admiral Ackbar, Mon Mothma, and Nien Nubb, ofc with RotJ Lando Calrissian.
9: Ahsoka and Rex Order 66 Escape
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This one would be great for many reasons. For one, Ahsoka as a character has experienced a surge in popularity both from the fandom and from the franchise, so this would be a guaranteed sell for anyone who doesn’t have her from the 2 previous sets that contained her. Secondly, this would be a great place to include Jesse and Rex figures, that many classic Clone Wars fans would enjoy
10: Theed Palace
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This would be great for fans of the prequels. The LEGO STAR WARS:The Skywalker Saga video game has already done a lot of the heavy lifting for designers, and it doesn’t necessarily have to be Minifigure Scale, but birthplace of many great Star Wars moments would also be a great place to include: Nute Gunray, Young Padme, Captain Pannaca, Qui-Gon Jinn, Young Obi-Wan, Darth Maul, and maybe two or three Battle Droids and Royal Guards. It’s the one piece of the Phantom Menace LEGO hasn’t done to death already and I feel like it would be a good change of pace for people who are sick of ships and speeders and wants something more like the Mos Eisley set.
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theweepingvulcan91 · 2 years
We Stayed Up All Night
Pairings: Qui-Gon Jinn X Female OC Dia
Rating: M 18+ only
Word Count: 3,328
Summary: After an event held for the Senate Qui-Gon takes Dia back to her apartment where he is invited in for tea. A lot of firsts happened this evening ending with them having tea and talking
This 1st my first time in this universe but just watched the Phantom Menace and thought I could do it. I had a song challenge thing on Facebook and drew the song We Stayed up all night by Tourist ft. Ardyn. So this is the result :) Hope it is enjoyable
“Thank you for your help this evening Qui-Gonn. It was something…”
Dia chuckled as she had filled her social meter with this event. She had never met so many people in such a short time. Waves after waves of senators seemed interested in speaking about their power. It was her first real life example of the world beyond her planet. Mar’sheth had only been part of the republic for three years and had just begun true participation in republic events. Any tensions were lessened as she saw the constant laps of her friend the Jedi. It was like he wanted her to not hide in the temple any longer.  Was he excited to show off what the republic had to offer? Or was it something else? Something more personal? She had never been so happy for a trip to her apartment since coming to Coruscant.
“I’m sorry if it was a bit much. I thought it would be interesting to see all the history that the temple had to offer. You’ve been here all this time and yet no one has shared anything outside the temple with you.”
Qui-Gon said as he had led her out to a shuttle. Once outside his eyes never left her face. The rumors he had heard at the beginning of their journey were correct. The beams of light from the moon above reacted to her skin causing it to almost hum with a greenish blue luminescence. Catching a glance of a nearby shuttle caused him to faintly smile as he led her towards it.  It would be rude if he didn’t escort her home was his thought as he did so. Once by the ship he opened the door and helped lead her inside.
“It was nice to see you get excited to share with me. It isn’t often that someone like you has so much to share.”
Dia’s face had never left the smiling pose as she was led to her seat; yawning softly as she adjusted in her seat. Once seated she could feel her body’s need to recharge. The aching feeling of dancing and standing washed over her as she tried to not lay in the seat. She could’ve fallen asleep right there, if her nerves weren’t getting the best of her.
“Is there anywhere special you’d like to go? I mean you had many stories about above and below this bustling city…you can’t just want to go home from here?”
“You were the one yawning just a moment ago. Are you sure you’d not rather head home to bed?”
The paternal tone he had always made Dia smile. This was not the first time he had seen past her excitement to the reality. The reality was she could feel the tension washing out through the bottoms of her feet. Her body was telling her that it was time to shut down. Yet here she was ready to run into the deeper parts of this world, so long as he would be with her.    
“Are you ready to just drop me off Master Jinn? Or would you care to share a cup of Mar’shethian sleep spice tea with me before you leave?”
“Tea with you always sounds lovely.”
Qui-Gon said with a smile as he began to travel towards her apartment. Dia had memorized every turn and way to get to her home from the Jedi Temple. Thhe changes in directions being felt against her skin; it was nicest way to travel. With the ship coming to a stop, she knew that she was home again.
“Welcome to my abode. It isn’t going to be too fancy, but it’s mine.”
Dia chuckled as opened the door and made her way towards her building. Smiling she joked as if he hadn’t just spent hours with her before this event. As if they hadn’t had many casual conversations in that brief time. Sitting and speaking about the wonders of the temple and Coruscant. With a hearty chuckle of his own Qui-Gon followed behind her. Finding the nearest lift, they made their way up to the fifth floor of the building. The walk down the halls were silent. Hoping that he couldn’t feel the emotions booming within her she scanned her hand to open the door.
“Would you mind if I freshened up a bit before tea? If you’d prefer, I could keep my scrubs to myself.”
Dia had always called her pajamas scrubs. Did others use that phrase too? She shook her head trying to stop herself from jumping down a rabbit hole of thought.  
“Not at all. This is your home. I would hate to see you be uncomfortable for my sake.”
Qui-Gon had made his way towards the chair by the window. Sitting down and adjusting in it he could feel his body relax. It was a perfect spot in the apartment, having vantage points to all major rooms in the area.
“Do you want to change? Obi-Wan brought back the clothes you wore to Mar’sheth. It might not be too different, but it may be a little comfier than your leathers.”
“That boy never ceases to amaze me. What would make him think…”
“It may have been because I told him that we recycle the warrior robes. I think he wanted to do his part to help my planet recycle.”  Dia chuckled as she made her way into the room. After a few moments she had pulled out Qui-Gon’s clothes. He had worn the colors of the bear clan not knowing anything about its significance.
“Found them,”
Walking out of the room she made her way towards the couch. Resting the clothes on the arm of the couch she smiled.
“I can get those clothes sent off in the morning with my dress. Just fold them and leave them on the table there”
Dia said as she turned back briefly; a flash of Qui-Gon’s back being exposed. The things she would do to that back if allowed. Moving swiftly towards her room she began to undress. The latches of her dress got stuck briefly. With a soft swear she had finally gotten out of it. What should I wear to bed? She thought as she grabbed her standard shirt and shorts, she always wore. She couldn’t believe that once again he was here in her apartment. Was this how he spent time with everyone? Or was this different? Jedi couldn’t have attachments though…could they? Adjusting her clothes, she released her hair from her tight updo. A deep content sigh emanated from her belly as she took her hair completely out of all its trappings.         
“If you’re going to make this a regular thing, I think we may need to keep a bag here for you.”
Qui-Gon adjusted his shirt and looked back at Dia. His eyes widened as he saw her for the first time with her hair fully down. She always normally had it up in a ponytail but tonight the waves cascaded free.
“This? You mean us spending time together outside of the temple?”
“I mean you coming over to my apartment. I don’t mind it one bit, but I’m starting to feel like quite the bad host only having tea for you.”
Dia walked past him into the small kitchen area. Reaching up she grabbed her few tins of tea. After a few negative sniffs she found the sleep tea. Lavender was at the forefront of the bouquet as it mixed with the earthy tones of her home. Filling the kettle, she lights up her stove and begins to heat it up. Making tea like this reminded her of being home. Tandala scouring the pantries for something sweet as the earth scents filled the kitchen.
“You don’t need to keep such trinkets around. If necessary, I can bring things myself.”
Once again, she was only thinking about what she could do for me. He thought as he rose to his feet. Did she really feel like she had to having things for him? It had to be that.
“You know it is what friends do Qui-Gon. If you were back on Mar’sheth you would have your own part of the kitchen. It would be filled with anything and everything you could think of. Well, if we had access to it…but you’d bet your ass that if we didn’t have it, we would get it for you.”
Dia couldn’t help but chuckle. Did he not have things in his space for his guests? Lifting her hair off the floor she smiled as he walked beside her. Vulnerability…that was what she was showing now with her hair exposed. Don’t let others see your hair down Dia. It’s a sign of weakness.  The floods of voices from people back home pulsed in her mind. Taking a deep calming breath, she looked down at the kettle trying to refocus her mind.  
“If I remember correctly isn’t Mar’shethian tradition to keep their hair up so that no one can harm their status?”
Right on cue.
“You did listen to our traditions? Yes, some people believe that it isn’t right to share openness with people other than close family and friends. It has been said to some that being that venerable with your power symbol was a sign of extreme cockiness or stupidity.  Though I do believe I’ve taken a shining towards you Qui-Gon Jinn. So, behold the darkness which is my power”
Dia said with a fake maniacal laugh as she hid her face playfully behind her fanning oak colored hair. It was a simple status symbol. Long hair took lots of work to maintain and to have it meant you could afford to maintain it. Any annoyance was washed away with his knowledge of her people. He had listened when her parents had told him all the inner workings of the southern people of Mar’sheth. Wrapping her hair around her arm she stretched up on the counter to grab two cups. Huffing she hopped down and began to prepare the tea.
“Darkness…ha Dia you don’t have a dark bone in your body.”
Qui-Gon said reaching down towards the tan colored mugs.
“You wouldn’t know that at all Qui-Gon. For all you know I could be a murderous humanoid under this glowing skin.”
“Oh really? I’d bet my beard you have never harmed let along consciously killed a person.”
“Now you’ve done it Qui-Gon,”
Dia huffed as she turned her back towards him and removed her shirt. Taking her hair off to her left side she revealed to him a pale slash across her back. It trailed deep against her skin like a mountain ridge.
“There was a man who had had ingested three parasitic worms. They went straight to his brain and turned him violent. As I was preparing a salve to attempt to remove them, he took a plasma saw and hacked away at my back. Once the adrenalin kicked in, I grabbed a heavy piece of equipment and bashed his head in.”
She spoke so calmly about the event. It was honestly one of the scariest moments in her life. Not because she was attacked but because she had lost control and killed someone so easily. Someone was here for help and all she did was attack him. Even though she was defending herself from the parasitic infection guilt consumed her.
That was all that consumed the space in between them. Qui-Gon rested his hand against her back. Tracing all along the ridges he closed his eyes and attempted to send her a calm feeling. Dia pulled away from his hand. Her heart sighed as she put her shirt back on. He was the first person she had shared that with. And she had shared that with him on a lark.
Thank you for your warmth. I just wish to not speak about it anymore.
Her voice filled Qui-Gon’s mind as she made her way towards the kitchen. Forgetting that the kettle was cooling she focused on making tea. Embarrassment consumed her as she completed the task in front of her. Sharing her one of her most venerable moments in response to being told no. She hadn’t acted this childish even in her own childhood. Her eyes widened as she could feel him wrap his arms around her waist in a hug. Once he had pressed is body against her own, she looked up at him. A wave of calm rushed over her as Qui-Gon began to mutter a meditation.
“I am at one with the force…and the force is one within me.”
With each repeat of the calming phrase, she matched his deep inhales and exhales. Snaking her hand around his own and squeezed it as she followed his breathing pattern.
“Is this always how you comfort your friends?”
Dia pulled away and turned to face him. She wanted this. Wanted the calm peace of his touch but couldn’t take it like this. Not when she didn’t know why he was doing it. Yearning for permanence she knew that a Jedi couldn’t provide she began to fill herself with nervous energy as she waited for his response.
Qui-Gon stood there in thought. His aura still calm and inquisitive as he thought of the best words to speak to her. He could feel an almost hurt sensation in the space between them. One thing her teachings have done is opened the door to deeper more empathic connections to people. He could feel the turmoil and it caused a sense of sadness in his own mind. He was hurting her…giving her what she wanted by caring so deeply only to leave her unsure of what they could do together.
“It just felt right Dia…”
“I want this Qui-Gon. I want to be more venerable with you like this…but I can’t. Not when you have sworn yourself to a way of life that doesn’t allow for attachments.”
Dia said as she took a deep breath. Her heart was racing as she forced herself to focus on the tea in front of them. Closing her eyes, she began to count down from ten as her breaths got slower and deeper.
Qui-Gon bent down and gathered her hair off the floor. Furling the thick oak hair around his arm he made sure to be as gentle as possible as he closed the gap between them. Once her hair gathered below her shoulders, he used his free arm and wrapped it around her waist. Sliding against her back he rested his cheek against the top of her head.
“My connection with you was never something I wasn’t aware of. It had grown much stronger as you had helped me expand my reach into the force. And because of that bond I didn’t have to hide anything.”
“The question isn’t if you feel something…. you’re right. That bond has proven quite a useful tool in both of our emotional expressions. But it is the fact that I can not give you what it is I desire most because of what you gave up. I can’t ask you to lose everything….”
“Are you quite certain that I will in fact lose everything?”
“There aren’t many stories of Jedi keeping sweethearts permanently...”
Qui-Gon loosened the wrap on his arm so that he can now stand in front of her. The fragrance of rose and patchouli filled the air as he released her hair to the floor.  Dia it is okay. I wish to be here with you. The words consumed the quite space in their bond. He always filled her with a warmth she had felt with no one else.
Dia all but whispered as she danced her fingers across his jaw. Tracing the outline of his beard she looked up into his steely grey eyes. Whatever would happen going forward she knew she would be happy no matter what. Qui-Gon smiled as he nuzzled his cheek against her fingers.
Dia was cut off as Qui-Gon’s calloused fingers took hold of her chin and pulled her into a kiss. The nerves in her mind fizzled out as they existed in the moment. Nothing else existed, this was the permanence that she wanted. She wasn’t afraid anymore as she reached up and embraced his cheeks. Reading his features with her hands she wanted to remember this exactly as it was.
“What about the temple?”
Dia asked as she hovered against his lip. Resting her forehead against his she focused on her breathing. Though her mind was now calm her body pulsed with excitement.
“What about the temple? It is you I desire, and it only makes sense to live in this moment.”
Qui-Gon reached down and kissed her again. Hunger fueling his lips as he cupped her cheeks in his hands. Gripping his forearms, she relented into his hunger. Their lips only parting briefly for him to claim her lips with his silky tongue. This is the turning point. She thought before pulling away from the embrace. As she stood there gathering her thoughts, she attempted to send that calming energy between them. She could see the shock in his eyes and didn’t want him to feel negative about her response.
“I’m sorry Qui-Gon. That was just… I just…”
Dia huffed looking back up at him. Her words failed her once again. She needed to make sure that this was something that wasn’t just heat of the moment. She needed to make sure that they both wouldn’t regret their decisions.
“I understand Dia. I didn’t mean to…”
“Mean to what? Expose your desires for me and in doing so shut my brain off? “
A hearty chuckle left Dia’s lips as she took hold of Qui-Gon’s hands. The force was both a blessing and a curse. {It was nice that true emotions could be shared easier, but it was also easy to project things}.
“I had a big reaction Qui-Gon. A reaction based on fear,”
She said squeezing his hands. It was an action to both reassure him that all was right and to make herself believe that.
“Fear that you were only responding because I wanted you to. That there was going to be no thoughts about the consequences of us beginning down this path.”
Qui-Gon returned the chuckle and the squeeze as he looked down at her. All this worry over me. He thought as he shook his head. She had made it sound like there was truly no thoughts in his actions.
“Dia there is no need to be so worried. It was your concern that cemented my desire to express my feelings. I want us to go down this path.”
“The path of secrets? Of suppressing our emotions…how will this effect Obi-Wan? Will I have to leave the temple?”
Dia’s words projected from her lips as she began to pace from side to side. So many things consumed her mind as it was no longer about just the two of them. Now the consequences were all right in front of her.
You are quite adorable when you panic.
Qui-Gon sent her his calming words through their bond before wrapping her up into another hug. Pulling her against his chest he smiled turning her face, so it laid flat against him. Enveloped in his warmth Dia’s mind all but cleared. Focusing on her breaths she smiled feeling his heartbeat.
“There is no reason for you to worry. I wish to stay with you permanently.  We can talk about what this means for us if that will help you feel better.”
Looking up at him Dia smiled. Hearing his conformation and desire to communicate about that conformation made her heart flutter.
“I would love that. But I think we need to clean up the tea first.”
Dia pulled away, reached up, and kissed his chin. Your bristles tickle. She thought in their space before turning back towards the kitchen. Putting the kettle on again she went to actually prepare tea.
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phoenixyfriend · 3 years
Uncle Ben and Little Luke
AKA we combine several types of time travel for maximum Soft Chaos, let’s go
EDIT NOW THAT I’VE WRITTEN THIS UP: jfc this ended up much angstier than initially intended uhhhhhhhhhh sorry
So a common enough thing I’ve seen in time travel fics is characters getting de-aged when tossed back physically, to neither the age they should be in that time, nor the age they were from the time they left, but whatever is most convenient. This is usually de-aging OT Obi-Wan into his TCW self, for reasons relating to, chiefly, removing the damage of Tatooine absolutely destroying his body alongside PTSD-driven alcoholism, but also because fic writers are horny, and Ewan McGregor playing a late-thirties negotiator is on average more appealing to people than Alec Guinness playing a vaguely feral desert hermit.
So, here’s how it plays out:
We take Luke and Ben from some point in the OT. There are a variety of options depending on how angsty we want it to be. My first instinct is ‘right after Owen and Beru die’ but I want to have that sweet angst where Luke knows that his dad is Vader and that Obi-Wan was trying to convince him to kill his own father without telling him that.
We’ll go with shortly after Bespin, and then they end up significantly before TPM. The Obi-Wan of the timeline proper is, eh, let’s say eighteen. Not really ready to be a knight, but old enough that we don’t have to worry about “if we go save Shmi, do we somehow wipe out Anakin?” which is absolutely a worry. Anakin is a toddler, and is in no place to be evil, on account of being literally two years old. He can’t even explode people with his brain yet.
Now, Ben finds himself mid-thirties, as is traditional. He’s not upset at this, because his joints hurt so much less than they used to! His knees aren’t exactly teenage-perfect, but by the Force are they better than they were in the years before he died! His hair has color! He doesn’t have arthritis! And, goodness, no physical withdrawal symptoms! The psychological aspect is still there, but nonetheless, he’s in much better shape than he last remembers being.
Luke looks like he’s about six. He was recently twenty-two. This is not an upgrade. Ben keeps having to carry him. He can’t see over the counter when they enter a bar for information. He can’t enter the bar in the first place. He’s very annoyed by all of this.
Ben is not annoyed. Ben is having a lot of emotions, actually, but annoyance isn’t one of them. He didn’t get to help raise Luke the way he might have if Anakin hadn’t lost his shit, okay, he sees a small Luke and he wants to hug him and cry.
Luke would like to be able to purchase a speeder part without the lady at the stall asking him if he needs his “dad’s” permission.
Once they figure out when and where they are, they need to decide where and how to leave. There are general shenanigans to gamble their way into enough money to hire a ship. They are in the ass end of nowhere, but definitely not Tatooine. There appears to be a jungle. There appears to be a significant variety of man-eating creatures. There appears to be a temple to the Force of questionable origin. None of this is actually helpful, except for the moment they find a “baby’s first lightsaber” in the temple.
Luke only has one hand and, being a six-year-old, his body is growing too fast for him to bother with getting a wired-in prosthesis the way he could as an adult. He can get a more basic prosthesis, but nothing that attaches to the neurons. He’ll outgrow it too fast.
He’s tiny and he’s not used to doing things with just one hand. He uses the Force to do what one hand can't, and every time someone tries to tell him he's misusing the Force he whaps them with the empty sleeve.
So, you know, they find out what year it is. Ben has a breakdown. Luke is upset that he left behind his friends. Ben admits to him that Leia was his twin. Luke stares in horror because dude, she kissed him, you couldn’t have mentioned this earlier???
Ben points out that Beru and Owen were keeping Luke away from him for nineteen years, and then they had about three days of awkward travel to find Leia in the first place, and then Ben died. He didn’t have a whole lot of time to figure out how to tell him.
(This sparks an argument that lasts several days. All onlookers assume that Ben’s son is throwing a tantrum. He doesn’t correct them, even though this is a very valid reason to be upset, because the truth is much harder to explain.)
Sooooo they travel. Mostly, Ben plays Sabacc, cleans house, and pays their way towards Coruscant. Luke still really wants to learn to be a Proper Jedi, even though Ben is pretty sure that Luke would have... a lot of difference of opinion with the Temple, but sure. Coruscant. They can at least stop by, and see Qui-Gon, and Mace, and Quinlan, and Bant, and everyone else that’s still alive and not tragically deceased in the horror following the start of the Clone Wars and then the birth of the Empire, and Ben can have a nice sob over all his dead friends being alive again.
Ben is only barely holding it together while Luke is in the room with him at any given point. But it’s fine! It’s fine. He’s fine. All of his loved ones have come back to life! It’s great! HE’S FINE.
He is not fine.
Luke is also grieving all the people who haven’t been born yet, but he’s... significantly more okay than Ben is.
The closer they get to the Core, the more often people just assume Ben is Luke’s father, and then look shocked and uncomfortable when Luke flatly calls him by his name, and they just... compromise. This is the point at which Luke starts calling him “Uncle Ben.”
Ben cries in his bunk later that night. Luke overhears it and wonders how the HELL Ben is more unstable now, when there’s a chance to fix things and no Vader or Empire trying to kill or capture both of them, and all his friends are alive.
(Luke will later learn a lot about PTSD and realize this is actually a fairly normal situation, to process significant events and emotions only after gaining safety or catharsis.)
(Twenty years on a ball of sand with an alcohol addiction and debilitating fear of the man you raised as your own brother is not, in fact, safe or cathartic.)
At any rate, they’ve settled into that pattern by the time they reach the Inner Rim. The Inner Rim is the part of the galaxy at which they’ve collected enough money (and mental stability) to travel a little better, and to take a few more risks.
Risks like “manipulate people with those baby blues.”
Ben tells Luke that he’s a menace, after he pouts so cutely that he gets a free scarf added on to a purchase that Ben makes. Luke responds that Ben has no room to talk, since he flirted a free breakfast out of that one inn owner.
Also, Luke is currently physically six. That is objectively a situation that sucks. He deserves to use it for all it’s worth if he’s stuck like this.
“You know, if you keep wearing all-black and looking longingly at the velvet cape and Space Chanel boots, the temple is going to worry that you’re a darksider.”
“Uncle Ben... you told me, yesterday, that I sparkle so brightly in the Force that it’s almost blinding.”
“Yes, but the gloves--”
They don’t agree on this, but Ben relents. He does actually understand good fashion, unfortunately, and he’s not unaware of how much Leia taught Luke about such things.
Luke’s about forty years ahead of the curve, of course, but Skywalkers are prone to such things. It’s usually in regards to technology, granted, but...
They get to Coruscant. Ben is very obviously a Jedi. He knows all the right words and walks like a Soresu master and feels warm and comforting in the Force. They let him in with minimal questions. They note down “my first padawan left the order to have a child, but died shortly after; I consider Luke here to be my nephew, and have raised him as such,” and move on.
Luke is vaguely annoyed because he already had an uncle (and aunt) that raised him, but he admits that a person can have more than one uncle. He can live with this. Ben was more family to Anakin than Owen was, in some ways, so it’s kind of true. Luke is even working on feeling more childish affection for Ben instead of the complicated mess of emotions that come from being lied to about some very large and important subjects, and then seeing the person saying those lies have regular emotional breakdowns due to something as small as Luke saying he likes the curve of the hull on that freighter.
(Apparently he sounds just like his father did as a child. This is almost heartwarming.)
The thing is! The thing. The thing is, they almost make it to the Halls of Healing to get looked over for weird viruses, or Outer Rim Parasites, or whatever the hells needs to be happening. They almost make it without Ben having a flashback to dead younglings or brainwashed troopers or the declaration of a Sith Empire. They almost make it without incident.
Then Ben sees Qui-Gon, and freezes, and does not move again.
Luke cannot get him to restart.
People are staring.
They haven’t even made it to Medical, Uncle Ben, come on.
Young, local Obi-Wan comes over and asks if there’s something he can do to help. Or maybe this “Ben” knows Qui-Gon? Master Jinn doesn’t recognize Ben, but maybe Luke knows more?
Luke does know more, but what Luke actually says is “he probably needs a mind healer.”
(Ben will not appreciate this.)
(Ben is unfortunately standing in the middle of the hallway and completely unresponsive, and is unable to argue with this assertion.)
(Ben is pretty much proving this assertion entirely correct, actually.)
Obi-Wan is helpful, if a little bitchy in the manner of most late-teens individuals, and offers to help get Uncle Ben down to the Halls of Healing. It involves Obi-Wan gently pushing on Ben’s shoulders, and Qui-Gon offering to carry Luke so he can be in Ben’s sights (because Ben is a Mystery, and Qui-Gon is quite fond of those, so he wants to stay involved). Ben kind of just... shuffles on down.
There are medical tests. They ask about how Luke lost his hand. He refuses to talk about it. They ask how Ben got all his scars. Luke says he doesn’t know. They ask if he knows why Ben looks like he’s been through a war. Luke says it’s because he probably was.
They check for foreign viruses. They find evidence of thus-far-unpatented vaccinations. They ask Luke if he knows what he’s vaccinated for.
“How would I know? I’m six.”
They agree that this is a good excuse.
(It is not. He’s lying. They do not know this.)
They do some more tests. They find a lot of questionable medical bullshit in Ben’s body. Most of this is from the clone wars, but they don’t know this. Someone realizes they haven’t gotten a ping back from the Shadow Network regarding “do we have permission to pull the medical file of a Jedi that isn’t in the normal database? We’re assuming you know who he is, since we don’t.”
The Shadow Network does not know who Ben is.
The healers, of course, go “huh, that’s weird, but maybe the name he gave his nephew was fake. We can’t exactly ask ‘Ben’ for more details right now. We already had to sedate him. Let’s check the DNA!”
The DNA pulls up as Obi-Wan Kenobi.
The padawan who brought this guy in two hours ago.
“Huh, that’s weird. Let’s call in Kenobi and ask if he knows what’s going on.”
Obi-Wan absolutely does not know what’s going on.
They ask Luke.
“Oh, I don’t know,” he says, lying through his teeth and not even pretending otherwise.
“You’re not a very good liar,” teenage Obi-Wan tells him.
“I’m not trying to be,” Luke says. “Can you get Master Yoda? I feel like we’re going to need him.”
They normally wouldn’t get Yoda on the request of a six-year-old, but they also normally don’t have a catatonic thirty-something Jedi who looks like he’s been through a war popping up in the medical database as the pimply teenage padawan that broke his pinky trying to do a Badass Ataru Flip last week.
Or... whatever Luke i... is... oh dear.
“Young one,” Qui-Gon asks, while people whisper-shout behind him, not realizing he’s cutting the Correlian Knot and just asking the kid himself. “Do you know why your midichlorian count is so high? It’s almost unheard of.”
“Uncle Ben said my dad was the Chosen One,” Luke says, because he is capable of being a little shit and is actually really eager to let Ben deal with some of the fallout. He feels for the man, really, but he’s also tired of being the one to field every single question.
Also, the expressions that pass on Qui-Gon’s face are hilarious.
(Luke may or may not be more affected by his six-year-old brain than he would like to admit.)
“Thank you,” Qui-Gon says, sounding more than a little strangled about it.
It takes another three hours for Ben to wake up.
He listens to the questions. He hears what they say his ‘nephew’ said. He looks at Luke.
“Is this revenge for not telling you about Leia?”
“It’s not revenge,” Luke does not lie. “I just don’t know how to explain it.”
“It’s pretty easy to explain.”
“It’s not my secret.”
“This is revenge for the Leia thing.”
“No,” Luke says. “Revenge for the Leia thing was when I ate a live frog in front of you.”
This is the point at which someone interrupts and points out that they appear to be stalling.
“Oh, he is,” Luke tells them. He gestures at Ben. “I can’t tell you more, because it’s more his story than mine.”
“I’m afraid, Master, that I am very likely to have an emotional breakdown if I allow myself to consider the reality of this situation for longer than the fraction of a second I already have,” Ben reports, full of false cheer. “Suffice to say, I am far from stable and have only held out this far for Luke’s sake.”
“Can you explain why you have my DNA?” Obi-Wan asks, as the person who’s most concerningly involved in this situation.
“You can,” Ben says, smiling like there is absolutely nothing wrong in the slightest, ever. “I’m you, from the future. I actually died and spent a few years dead before coming back. I’m not sure why I’m younger than I was when I died, but I appreciate being able to put on my shoes without my knees attempting to mutiny.”
“He needs a mind healer,” Luke reiterates, in case the strained grin hasn’t made it clear. “So do I, but not as much.”
“I have felt literally every person in this Temple save for Luke and Yoda die,” Ben reports, looking a shade more manic than a few seconds earlier. “It’s very overwhelming to feel you all being alive again. I may be approaching a mental breakdown, and I’ve been rather strictly advised against using alcohol to treat my traumas again.”
Luke kicks him in the thigh. It’s not a very hard kick, because he is very small, and he does actually like Ben. “I’m not letting you turn into an old drunk again.”
After several seconds of silence, a healer quietly suggests that everyone clear the room, and asks if someone could fetch Master Yoda as the youngling requested.
(THIS IS ALMOST THREE THOUSAND WORDS. I started it less than two hours ago. Why am I like this.)
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generalobi · 3 years
I absolutely adore the Melida/Daan story so far! I was wondering what Jango and the others reaction to Obi-Wan being a Jedi was? Seems like it would be a fun conversation.
There is a universe, Obi-Wan is sure, where Qui-Gon Jinn was a better man. Or perhaps just one where Obi-Wan was more desperate for the future he was promised. In that universe Obi-Wan Kenobi would be just one piece of a larger puzzle. He would be a warrior, a peacekeeper, a Jedi.
In this universe, Obi-Wan is the only Force Sensitive on the planet. He is a politician, a peacekeeper, and perhaps even something of a warrior. He is many things but he hasn’t been a Jedi for a very long time.
Such things won’t matter to Mandalorians. It’s a shame really, he thinks, because he was really starting to like them.
His arms shake with phantom weight and sweat cools on his temple. The screams of children echo in his ears, threatening to drag him away into bloodsoaked memories. Despite it all, he can see the moment it clicks in their eyes.
“You’re a Jedi,” Jango says hollowly.
Not anymore, Obi-Wan thinks but when he opens his mouth nothing comes out. Holding up large buildings with nothing but the Force and determination is not as easy as it looks. He’s running out of energy.
He takes a deep breath, “Call Daria, Prince Fett, she’ll be able to help you. Tevari, what’s happening?”
There’s a groan from somewhere behind him, “Evacuation protocol has started. All the babies are out, but the third floor is blocked off. And I’m… Obi I can’t feel my legs.”
He curses silently. The floor they’re on was the second until it became a pile of rubble. It was also their improvised NICU. So the rest of the floor has been cleared then, and it’s just him and Tevari here. Him, about to collapse, and Tevari, trapped.
A particularly shrill scream sounds from the floor above them and the rubble shifts with Obi-Wan’s flinch.
Jango doesn’t know what to do in this situation, he just knows that people are dying and he’s staring at a comm. Minister Kenobi isn’t looking at them anymore. There’s someone else in the room with him, someone who sounds young and scared.
His buir swears, and snatches Jango’s comm from him.
“Minister Kenobi, what is the situation?”
“Bad,” Minister Kenobi wheezes, “There’s a fire spreading and the whole building is unstable. We need help. Call Daria.”
The connection cuts out, and Jango can’t be sure if it was interference or Kenobi just hung up on them.
“You heard him,” Myles interrupts, “Call Minister Daria. There’s a hospital full of children that’s been bombed, and they need help. We can deal with the maybe Jedi problem later. Call Daria, Jango.”
Hands shaking, he keys in the code for Minister Daria.
Daria wants to scream, to cry, to collapse on the floor and curl up in a ball. She can’t do any of those things, so she calmly directs the flood of people leaving the hospital and hopes Obi-Wan will appear among them. Daria was eleven when they ended the war. He’s been there, a guiding star and her best fucking friend, since then. She doesn’t want to see a world that doesn’t have him in it.
The Mandalorians are helped to evacuate the building, no doubt looking for Obi-Wan so they can- well she’s not sure exactly what they want with him.
After she hugs him, she’s going to kill him. How hard would it have been to include this in the brief. Hey Daria, the Mandalorians kind of really hate Jedi? Might want to watch out for that as well as the war stuff. See? Not hard! Idiot. She’s going to strangle him.
“If you have minor injuries please get checked out at the blue tent! More severe injuries will be treated in the green tents. If you are not injured make your way home and attend a check up in the morning. The situation is under control,” Herti says into their megaphone, “If you need help, Minister Daria,” Daria raises an arm, “and Minister Sergild will direct you. If you cannot find either of them, inform your evacuator of your needs.”
They’ve been making that announcement every ten minutes for the past hour.
“Minister Daria,” she jumps at the voice in her ear, “This young woman insisted she be brought to you first.”
Behind her, stands Ser Myles with Tevari in his arms.
She could try with relief, “Tevari, you’re okay! Obi-Wan-”
Tevari grasps her arms desperately, “He went further in, to try and keep it stable longer. He told me to find you. Obi says that he can keep going for at least an hour but-”
“He lies,” Daria says, “He always lies.”
The Mandalorian tilts his helmet in confusion.
“He can do it,” Tevari clarifies, “But it might kill him. It would definitely leave him in a coma. He’s injured, Daria, and it’s almost too much. He hasn’t had to do anything like this for ages. We have to find him.”
She nods, trying to be soothing, “It’s going to be okay, Teva. The evacuation is nearly finished, they’ll find him. It’s all going to be fine. Take her to the green tent, Ser Myles.”
Tevari’s hands fall away from her, eyes closing, “You lie too.”
There is fire and smoke and Jango can barely see anything. There aren’t many people left inside, but the search for Minister Kenobi continues. Another injured child had reported he went further into the collapsing structure. (They’re all children, how can they all be children?)
A grunt up ahead draws Jango’s attention and he hurries forwards.
Minister Kenobi stands with his hands thrust into the air, knees bending and blood streaming down his face. There’s a child clutching his legs, and their terrified eyes find Jango’s.
“Help,” they whimper.
He does the only thing he can think of. He sets the child on his shoulders and scoops Minister Kenobi into his arms.
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into-daylight-hope · 3 years
Qui-Gon Jinn: Certified Hypocrite, Fascinating Failure, Mass of Contradictions
For starters, I am just going to let direct quotes from the man speak for itself.
Some excerpts from Master & Apprentice
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Wise words.
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Wait a minute...
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😯😯 What the hell is happening here? All quotes are from the same man in one book.
Qui-Gon Jinn doesn't have an ounce of self-awareness and it is so hilariously terrible.
What is even better (or worse), this is perfectly in line with The Phantom Menace characterization .
I mean,
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Remember when he said all this than spent the rest of the movie obsessing over prophecies, the chosen one and literally the future?
"He still has so much to learn of the living force." Qui-Gon Jinn about Obi-Wan in the council scene
After that scene
"The boy is dangerous. They all sense it why can't you?" Obi-Wan Kenobi about Anakin Skywalker to Qui-Gon Jinn
You see Obi-Wan, Master Jinn here has completely lost any sense of "here and now" between his crusade against darkness and divine mission to save the Galaxy.
This in turn, unsurprisingly blinds him to the fact Anakin is not suitable to become a Jedi. Or at least not ready to directly move on to becoming a padawan.
Anakin himself would suffer in a road that is not meant for him. But he is not planning for Anakin the child. He is thinking about The Glorious Chose One.
He is the chosen one. You all must, see it.
And yet from Qui-Gon's perspective it is Obi-Wan who doesn't understand the Living Force.
I have to say if he is truly a student of the living force as many fans claim he has been failing the class for at least 8 years.
Let's move on to another set of entertaining and horrifyingly oblivious quotes from M&A.
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If you look upward you can observe Mr. Here and Now in his natural habitat.
He really acts like future is set in stone than thinks he is the right person to talk about about concentrating in the moment. Unbelievable.
Let's look at this dialogue again. In contrast with the excerpt from above.
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He is all about the future when it suits him. But when Obi-Wan makes a remark on it he obviously should just focus on the moment. This is actually the third time in this post where he contradicts himself while specifically chastising or criticizing Obi-Wan for something Qui-Gon actually does.
Now I don't think Qui-Gon acts with malice. But it is important to point out his obliviousness has become a way of ensuring he is never in the wrong.
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He suffers from an immense hubris. And a man obsessed with prophecies and chosen ones definitely has some kind of savior complex.
But notably Jinn doesn't actually want to put any effort into enacting real change with his limited yet existent capabilities.
He turns down a council seat in M&A because he thinks it would hold him down. From what? Dear God, the reason they offered him a seat was for different opinions. Qui-Gon can complain all he wants but one time he actually had a chance to make his opinions a reality he freaking bailed.
Why? He doesn't want to face his own limits. He can't bare to try and fail. It is much easier to sustain a superiority complex when you are complaining from the sidewalk.
So he fixates all this belief onto prophecies, visions that will magically cure the Galaxy. And of course his place to help fulfill them. To the point where it is the one thing that keeps him standing.
He has binded meaning of his life and belief for goodness dangerously close to his supposed importance in the Galaxy. (You can feel the influences of his former master)
His absolute refusal to engage with reality turns him into mass of contradictions. Cause he doesn't know what he will find or become if he is mistaken in his belief of himself.
He can't face reinvention on the event of defeat.
But this situation was different. It had to be, because the only thing Qui-Gon knew to be absolutely true was that his vision was real.
Oh by the way, it turned out he misunderstood the vision. But when does being wrong ever stopped Qui-Gon Jinn?
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No words.
Only Qui-Gon could have come near declaring himself a prophet after making a mistake. Maybe stop and reflect man? Just stop and think about your actions.
Obi-Wan Kenobi: I have a bad feeling about this.
Qui-Gon Jinn: I don't sense anything.
Of course you don't.
Honestly he doesn't have much to speak for in the cosmic force department either.
(There is the whole force ghost thing I guess. But I have no idea if that is more connected with living or cosmic force. It seems to be more about spiritual enlightenment. Which is ridiculous when you consider Yoda had go through so many trials, face his darkside, learn to truly let go just for Force priestesses to deem him worthy enough to study immortality. Yes Qui-Gon never became a force ghost but he had started his training before he died. And much of Yoda's tests on TCW was about self-awareness. It is not just about being a good person. How did Force Priestesses approve Qui-Gon "I was meant to misinterpret this vision." Jinn? I would understand if he became wiser after death and faced his flaws and all but he never was on that level before he died. You might say even Anakin became a force ghost. But I would remind you, Anakin in the end broke out of denial, acknowledged the wrong of his ways and took that leap to the light side. Self-awareness seems such an important key to becoming a force ghost. Right there with selflessness. Personally it doesn't quite feel right for a character whose biggest flaws are their lack of introspection and hubris which we never see him rise above to be the one that discovers immortality again. It feels more like a rushed plot point to explain how we get from A to B.)
This post got out of control 😂. I honestly just wanted to point out lack of communication might be one of the reasons Obi-Wan and Qui-Gon have trouble understanding each other but it is sometimes even harder to understand Qui-Gon when he actually says something. Cause ration is not what drives him.
Qui-Gon is such a complex character. He is undeniably good especially compared to other SW characters. Yet for all fandom's deifying he might be the most flawed Jedi we see on the franchise. (The ones that fell to the dark side not included.)
It is a shame wider fandom completely write off his flaws to the degree I can't even recognize the character when they talk about Jinn. Cause that Qui-Gon is so hard to feel empathy for.
When people constantly make statements like "He is The Wisest sw character." his hypocrisy stops being amusing. It doesn't end on screen or page instead often used to bash other characters.
An unbelievable analysis from Wookiepedia:
When Jinn saved the Gungan exile Jar Jar Binks, who in turn swore a life-debt to him, his compassionate nature was such that Jinn took the hapless Gungan under his wing, much to Kenobi's dismay. His empathy toward all life forms, including the most pitiful and unfortunate, was Jinn's greatest strength. Additionally, he remained understanding and patient with Queen Padmé Amidala. During the short time they knew each other, he never asked for her to do more than she was willing to.
You know out of the two, Qui-Gon was the one who insulted Jar Jar to his face. And he didn't took Jar Jar under his wing. They forced him to take them to a city where Jar Jar could have been punished for entering. Now it was the pragmatic thing to do. For all three's survival not for their own gain. Understandable. But compassion is just pushing it.
Also he never asked Padme to do more than she was willing to do?
Padmé : Are you sure about this? Trusting our fate to a boy we hardly know? The Queen will not approve.
Qui-Gon Jinn : The Queen does not need to know.
Padmé : Well, I don't approve.
And he is aware she is the queen, herself. Padme was nearly tearing out her because of this man in TPM.
What is weird, Jinn in his bewildering hypocrisy probably thinks he is being admirably compassionate with Jar Jar, highly understanding and patient with Padme. We clearly see he is not.
Out of universe he has been a force ghost for decades now but fandom is nowhere near acknowledging his flaws than he is.
And honestly SW doesn't have that many major morally complex characters. People like Maul, Palpatine, Anakin,Ventress don't think they are serving a higher purpose or oblivious to the evils they commit.
Emotionally complicated, yes. Going through moral dilemmas, no.
Three major characters come to mind who make huge mistakes, condone or commit atrocities while thinking they are in the right/with good intentions/for a greater cause. With varying degrees of culpability.
Qui-Gon. Padme. Dooku.
In that order.
Let these characters be interesting instead of demonizing nearly inhumanly selfless Jedi characters. (They make mistakes too but funnily enough they are still way better beings than most people on our planet.)
By the way I found the epitaph "Fascinating Failure" from the article here. Especially the last paragraphs make some interesting points. ⬇️
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This post might seem harsh but that is expected since it focuses on Qui-Gon's flaws.
"People are more than their worst act,” Quote from Qui-Gon Jinn in Master & Apprentice
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swbumblebee · 3 years
What if Qui-Gon Jinn was not particularly special in his post-mortem abilities?
AKA “Old Ben” and his many Force parents.
They had all watched, their collective Force aura swamped in sadness, grief and longing, as Qui-Gon finally introduced himself to Obi-Wan.
They’d never call him ‘Old Ben’. The fact that he was only 40 years old notwithstanding, this was the boy they’d raised, grown up with, idolised. They remembered him toddling about the gardens, fascinated by the brightly coloured flowers; Getting shy around pretty people and developing awkward crushes. They remembered him standing alone at the head of an army, quietly confident and immeasurably capable. They had vivid memories of him carrying them back to the creche, so steady and strong; of his measured wisdom, and the confidence that Obi-Wan Kenobi would always triumph.
They remembered the mullet.
Nobody named “Old Ben” ever had a mullet.
The man they now, as they always had really, looked to for a light when everything else went dark.
They didn’t catch the murmured words. They were Jedi after all, (even if they were now technically one big Jedi rather than a temple full of Jedi) and eavesdropping was rude. Nobody listened to the sulky mutterings of the presence that was Quinlan Vos.
Their boy was nodding, sitting quietly on the floor whilst he finally, finally after weeks of careful and gentle persuasion, of them all keeping a tight rein on the order’s maverick (“Do not, we repeat do not, come out of the water tank. You’ll give him a cardiac arrest or something”) believed in the presence he saw before him.
They watched once more, pleased, as their missing piece allowed himself to be bullied to his feet, and guided over to the pile of blankets he called a bed.
They could feel Qui-Gon’s bitter relief as he perched next to his former student, his longing to pull the blankets up around his boy and smooth back his hair.
But words were all they had.
Still, as Obi-Wan Kenobi had shown the Galaxy; you could do a lot with words.
They’d argued (as much as an incorporeal fusion of spirits could argue) at length over who got to go next.
“I knew him longest, he’ll trust me!”
“He needs someone calm, measured. I will go”
“No offence Master Plo but you’ll make him cry. He needs cheering up, I’ll go!”
“Vos so help me Force-“
“I was the Master of the Order, I should do it”
“Master, we’re dead. I’m not sure seniority applies.”
In the end it was narrowed down to two options; Bant Erin, Obi-Wan’s oldest friend. Sweet natured and kind, she would be the perfect choice.
And Mace Windu.
It turns out seniority does still apply beyond the grave.
A small part of Obi-Wan’s subconscious was telling him that it was starting to get a bit awkward.
The transparent blue form of Mace Windu was looking down at him, the welcoming smile quickly turning into a grimace.
No. no no no this was not happening. He didn’t have time to go round the bend he had a child to protect!
He wasn’t sure if it was reasonable to measure sanity on the volume of dead loved ones he was hallucinating, but somehow one seemed saner than two.
Though it turns out he’s insane, and so not a good barometer of these things.
He knew his stare was starting to get very unnerving as his hysterical inner-ramblings reached a fever pitch.
“…Obi-Wan, are you alright?” Imaginary Mace Windu asked, concern and a tiny bit of nervousness showing on his face.
“I’m fine, how are you?” Obi-Wan asked, remembering a solid piece of advice from his formative years; Always fall back upon good manners when in unfamiliar territory Padawan mine.
Well, this was about as unfamiliar as it got.
Imaginary Mace looked at him, utterly baffled for a moment.
“Well…I’m dead, I suppose, is how I am” he answered awkwardly.
“Right. Obviously.” Obi-Wan nodded politely. “My condolences”
There was another awkward silence.
Imaginary Mace tilted his head for a moment, listening for something.
“Well…here I am” he said, spreading his arms a little.
The other Jedi frowned at Obi-Wan’s strained reply and his act of scrubbing his hands down his face as if to wipe away the image in front of him.
“Qui-Gon didn’t…didn’t mention we were coming?” he asked tentatively.
Obi-Wan shook his head, wordlessly.
The frown on Imaginary Mace turned into a complete scowl as the pieces seemed to fall into place.
“JINN” he bellowed, and Obi-Wan felt it echo in the Force like nothing before.
“He can’t hear you, he’s with Yoda”
Another figure popped into existence next to Mace, and Obi-Wan rubbed his eyes once again as Depa Billaba bowed to him.
“Obi-Wan” she greeted with a grin.
“…hi” He took a deep breath, mentally cursing his absent-minded Master.
“Are you alright?” Depa didn’t stop for a reply as she looked down with him and gestured at him, gently instructing him to get up from the floor. “Oh look you’ve scraped your knee there! Master I knew you’d startle him!” she scolded her former Master.
It felt like he was having an out of body experience as Depa ushered him into a chair (the only chair in the hut), Mace looking on anxiously.
“There we go” Depa soothed as she got him settled “I wish we could make you some tea my friend.” She said disappointedly.
Obi-Wan cleared his throat.
“You ah…you can’t?” he asked, something permeating the haze. Of this whole situation, that seemed by far the most unfair thing.
Mace smiled encouragingly, seemingly happier to be on more binary ground.
“I’m afraid not, we are beings of the Force, like your Master.” He explained, before scowling again. “Who, I would kill if he weren’t already dead,” he growled.
“I’m so sorry Obi-Wan” Depa said, dismayed “We all wanted to come and be with you, but we though Qui-Gon might be best to start with, so as not to overwhelm you”
“Sorry about that” Mace said apologetically.
They sat in silence a moment, Depa and Mace watching him process.
For the first time ever, Obi-Wan had exactly zero thoughts in his head.
He was starting to feel the pressure.
“All?” he tried.
Depa and Mace looked at each other.
“You ah…you said ‘all wanted to come’” he clarified.
Depa nodded happily.
“Yes yes, we’re all there Obi-Wan” she smiled at him
“Any Jedi slain by a Sith, or the machinations of the Sith, is there” Mace explained.
Obi-Wan was having the slightest bit of trouble taking deep breaths. Neither of his companions seemed to have noticed.
“Where?” he asked, only mildly aware that his voice was getting just a little pitchy.
“In the Force, we’re all one in the Force” Depa started again, and then paused a little lost for words.
“We’re all together and we kind of…share our presences” Mace picked up, with difficulty “Everyone who was killed by Palpatine’s evil, everyone from us right down to the littlest initiate, we share one consciousness in the Force.”
Obi-Wan was none the wiser.
Mace waved a hand frustratedly.
“Sorry, Plo explains it better”
“Plo?” Obi-Wan loved Master Plo. He loved all of them. And they were gone.
“Hello Obi-Wan”
“Well, if Plo and Depa get to see him I’m bloody well here too!”
“Hi Obi”
He could only watch, speechless, as the faces of old friends, comrades, mentors and carers crammed into his hut, all looking at him with unadulterated, unfiltered pleasure and love was the last thing he saw before his scrambled brain decided it’d had enough, and he knew nothing but darkness.
It turns out, living with the forms of all your dead teachers, carers and friends was actually rather trying, after a while.
“Oh thank goodness you’re not still drinking that awful caff”
“I like caff – Master Plo please don’t try and lift that”
“Relax Obi dear, we’re incorporeal”
“Can still see things though”
“Vos get out of my fresher!”
“What does this do?”
“Never you mind. No don’t – Ugh. Why don’t some nice, well behaved padawans ever come to see me?”
“They’re not allowed, only those who knew you personally can visit. We thought it might get a bit stressful otherwise.”
“…I can’t imagine.”
Aside from having to adapt his busy routine to accommodate half a dozen fidgety and curious…ghosts (?) poking around his small hut at any one time, another unexpected addition to his (attempted) isolation on Tatooine was the nagging. And Force could they nag! The concentrated worry of many, many, beings with nowhere else to direct their extra energies was powerful.
“Obi-Wan you haven’t drank enough today. Go and check the vaporators”
“Padawan aren’t you going to eat?”
“Listen, that plie of cloth can’t be good for your spine”
“Force! Get some sun block Kenobi or you’re going to look like an old shoe in three months”
“No right, I saw a sunhat he can buy at the market”
It was…weird. He’d always been very self-sufficient, not to mention being the centre of everyone’s attention was difficult, to say the least. But as the months went on, he found himself transitioning from awkward acquiescence to see-sawing between mulishness and good-natured obedience. The stubbornness rising usually when the despair did. But those days were few and far between.
And now, when they did occur (for one can only avoid one’s demons for so long) and he felt like he was drowning in the weight of existence, he could rely on his friends for encouragement, care, and the motivation to carry on.
“If you join us before your time I will KILL you Obi-Wan Kenobi. Now kriffing well eat something!”
Of course, when their brother, friend, son, comrade, teacher and last hope did at last join them, there was no nagging or disappointment (or violence). The ultimate Jedi was back in the fold and they were once again complete.
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obiwanobi · 3 years
I blame @quiet-oracle and @theevildevices for this, because I couldn’t resist the urge to write 2k of hurt/comfort for the ‘Jedi but enemies’ AU, where Qui-Gon trained Anakin, and now him and Obi-Wan are well-known for despising each other but working exceptionally well together when they’re not lost in ridiculous banters and petty arguments to hide the fact that they’ll be lost without each other;
Obi-Wan winces.
Skywalker’s hand immediately withdraws. “Does it bother you when I—”
“You don’t even know what I was going to say!”
“The answer is still the same.” 
Skywalker’s sigh is heavier than the entire Republic navy.
His mouth is too close to Obi-Wan’s shoulder, and he shivers as a result. But it’s only because the cold of the never-ending rain outside still lingers on their clothes and in their bones, even under the tent and close to the portable heater that a clone is still trying to adjust. And also because he’s been sitting there bare-chested for the past five minutes, with Skywalker’s clumsy fingers poking at his hip and ribs, probably way harder than necessary, just to see him suffer. 
“I can apply a bacta patch myself, you can go n—”
“Would you please shut up? We both know a bacta patch wouldn’t be enough.” 
Only the sound of a packet of antiseptic wipes being opened, gauze being stretched and the clone pushing buttons with no effect can be heard for a moment. 
 “I don’t think you’ve ever said ‘please’ to me before,” Obi-Wan notes lightly, then grimaces when Skywalker starts pulling on the cloth pressed to his side.
“Don’t get used to it. But if it’s the only way to make you stop being so difficult and contradictory all the time, I will gladly say it more.”
Instead of looking at his own wound —the pain in his hip is enough, thank you, he doesn't need to see the extent of the damages— Obi-Wan glances at Skywalker. Gaze focused and mouth in a thin line, there’s only concentration written on his face. 
No one could guess that only half an hour ago, on the battlefield, panic and terror were the only two emotions Skywalker was projecting loud enough in the Force to bring Obi-Wan out of unconsciousness.
Unbelievable, Obi-Wan has thought once he was aware enough to realise that it was Skywalker's hands on his face and Skywalker’s voice in his ear, begging him to come back. He would find a way to be annoying enough to drag me out of a coma if he could. 
Surprisingly, the thought has felt like a comfort. 
The clone working on the heater stands up suddenly. Obi-Wan almost forgot about him. He nods his head towards them, and goes out of the tent at the exact same moment Hyoid enters.
At the sight of the clone, all modicum of appreciation for Skywalker evaporate. 
“You called a medic?” Obi-Wan scowls, with the tone of someone who has just been the victim of a vicious mutiny. 
“Of course I called a medic. Half of your tunic is covered in your own blood and you were knocked out for a while earlier, what do you think I was going to do? Tell you to go back out there and watch you slowly bleed to death?”
“Generals,” the medic calls. In vain.
“You would enjoy that,” Obi-Wan grumbles.  
“Well, yes, but then the Council will ask me why I let you die just a few meters away from a first aid kit, and then I’ll have to explain that I gently push it away from your weak hands every time you reached for it, and how will I look, then?”
“Like someone who could have let me die on the battlefield and get away with it, but decided instead to choose the most idiotic and time-consuming option available, and I would have enjoyed that very much.” 
“Exactly,” Skywalker nods, “and I can’t let you enjoy things.”
“I know. Don’t think I never realised who was flushing the toilets every time I was in the shower when the hot water came back two days ago.”
“You were so cheerful,” Skywalker says, as if the mere thought disgusts him. “I took that as a personal affront.”
“Sirs, please,” Hyoid implores louder. Both Jedi turn towards him, almost surprised to see him there. “I’m just here to see General Kenobi’s injury, I’m sure you can continue your conversation right after. Sirs. Please.” 
It takes them a second to realise that they’re sitting so close together that Obi-Wan’s hand has settled on Skywalker’s knee when they weren’t paying attention, while Skywalker’s fingers are still maintaining Obi-Wan’s pants low on his hip so it won’t come in contact with the long gash on his side. The intimacy of the scene isn’t completely lost on Skywalker, it seems, because he rushes to take his hands away and stands next to his chair, suddenly too self-conscious to know what to do with himself. 
“I’m very sorry about him,” Obi-Wan apologises, as the medic takes Skywalker’s seat and starts assessing the mess Skywalker undoubtedly made of his hip and ribs. “He’s a rescue. He still has no idea how to behave appropriately in polite society.”
An outraged noise comes from Skywalker behind him, and despite the throbbing pain, Obi-Wan can feel the corners of his mouth turning up. A hiss replaces his smile rapidly enough when Hyoid applies a spray and starts cleaning what Skywalker missed, before pressing stingy patches on the wound. 
The medic is wise enough not to reply to him, but it doesn’t stop him from making a comment or two about how ‘this isn’t superficial sir, you should be more careful from now on,’ or ‘you’ll have to change the bandages, and I’ll get some pills for you to take’ and ‘ok, now let’s see your head, sir, don’t think General Skywalker didn’t mention it’.
His head is, indeed, becoming heavier by the minute, and he can feel himself growing too tired to care enough to listen carefully after that. Once he gives up answering questions and lets Skywalker do it for him, Obi-Wan doesn’t even need to concentrate to feel him poking obnoxiously at him in the Force, testing the limits of his consciousness. It reminds him a bit of when Skywalker was a child, tugging on his robe every two minutes to make sure he was paying attention to him.
No wonder Obi-Wan always tried to avoid him.  
“All right,” the medic finally says, pulling him out of his reverie. He stands up, seemingly satisfied. “I’ll get you your pills, and then you should rest.”
Rest sounds amazing. Obi-Wan would kill Skywalker for a good mattress and a soft pillow right now. But it doesn’t mean anything; he would probably kill Skywalker for two minutes of peace on the best of days. 
The sudden silence that falls under the tent once Hyoid is gone seems almost unnatural. Obi-Wan doesn’t understand why the faint pitter-patter of the rain outside unsettles him so much, until he realises that it’s the first time since the battlefield that he’s alone with Skywalker. 
“Are you going to keep sulking behind me?” Obi-Wan asks, finding his robe discarded on the floor and wondering if it’s worth leaning down to get it. No reply comes. “Well, you heard the medic. You can go now. I, unfortunately for you, will still live to see another...” he trails off as two arms slide over his shoulders from behind, wrapping around his neck and resting there. 
Skywalker is warm against him.
For a second, Obi-Wan thinks he’s finally going to strangle him, but a golden head falls on his shoulder gently, face hidden by a cascade of curls, tickling Obi-Wan's neck and collarbone. 
“Don’t be an insufferable asshole for a minute,” Skywalker mumbles, breath hot against his bare skin. “Just let me have this.” 
Ah. It’s one of those moments, then. 
He thought they were done with that for the day after what happened on the battlefield. Earlier.
With Skywalker’s face looming over him. Eyes so wide and so blue. One hand pressed against the wound in his side to stop the bleeding, one hand twisted in Obi-Wan’s tunic, right above his heart. 
Being the one injured and barely conscious, but also being the one calming Skywalker down. Managing to get him to release his death-grip on him. Assuring him that he wasn’t going to die.
Promising it. 
Soothing the Hero with No Fear as he would soothe a lost and abandoned child.
“I told you already,” Obi-Wan says quietly. It feels wrong to speak louder when he knows they won’t look at each other for some time after that. “It’s all right. I’m fine now. It’s over.”
The arms around him tighten, mirroring the weight of Skywalker’s presence in the Force around Obi-Wan. 
“I thought you’d left me,” Skywalker says accusingly, sounding remarkably like his nine-year-old self. “I thought you’d left me behind again.”
Obi-Wan closes his eyes, as if not seeing it would erase the fact he’s indulging his instinct to nuzzle his face against Skywalker’s hair. He smells like the rain, muddy but fresh, and feels like lingering distress in the Force. It’s far from pleasant to remain close to such an unbalanced mind, and their position isn’t comfortable either. But Obi-Wan doesn’t shiver from the cold anymore. So they don’t move.
They’ve earned that second of weakness.
Obi-Wan’s hand comes up to scratch at Skywalker’s head gently, fingers tangling with unruly locks of hair. Slowly, his muscles relax and he leans into the touch, chest slumped against Obi-Wan’s back. Skywalker’s face turns towards his throat, nestled under his jaw, before exhaling, deep and warm. In the Force, Skywalker’s signature curls against Obi-Wan’s and quiets down to a low satisfied rumble, dragged away from dread and terror one caress at a time.
Obi-Wan’s mind is suddenly way too tired to be bothered by the tenderness of it all.
“I’m here now, with you,” he whispers in his hair. “That’s all that matters.”
It’s a quiet apology that Skywalker accepts with a satisfied humming noise that resonates in Obi-Wan’s whole body.
It feels a bit like an apology for more. For everything. For all the times he avoided and pushed him away as a child. For condemning him for reasons he didn’t want to admit to himself. For wanting to blame him, for taking his master away, for being such a better padawan than he was, for rubbing it in his face.
For wanting to be his friend, always. 
Obi-Wan has been wrong for so long.
When the medic comes back, Skywalker is kneeling in front of the heater, cursing it quietly, and Obi-Wan is adjusting his robe around his shoulders with slow movements. 
“All right, sir, this is what you’ll have to take before every meal,” Hyoid says, showing him a small bottle, before putting a white box on the table. “And these are the bandages and the bacta to change every day. I would advise you not to do it yourself, and if you don’t have anyone to—“
“I’ll do it,” Skywalker declares without looking up, and Obi-Wan immediately narrows his eyes.
“You? I can’t even trust you with my toothpaste tube, what makes you think—“
“I don’t care what you say Kenobi, there is no wrong way to squeeze toothpaste!”
“There is, and you do it on purpose. What kind of savage would squeeze it right in the middle—”
Skywalker suddenly turns towards Hyoid, talking over him. “How many pills would it take to be considered a lethal dose, do you think?” 
It is, of course, the one comment that ignites a virulent and pointless argument that makes the poor medic reconsider all his life choices and wonder if chloroforming Jedi generals would get him court-martialed.
After seven minutes of a loud and dramatic dispute ending with Skywalker promising to never take part in anything related to Kenobi anymore, except maybe his funeral, Hyoid decides to risk it.
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en-chant3d · 2 years
Let me stay right here| Obi Wan Kenobi x Reader
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Inspired by the song 'photograph' by Cody Fry
It was a cold evening on Coruscant. The sound of air speeders whirred softly in the distance, lights from buildings and speeders blurred together and created a comforting ambiance against the hustle and bustle of the Capital.
You were leaning against the ledge of your open window, taking in the view of your only known home. It had been a while since you'd been back at the Jedi temple- 2 months to be exact- and you had missed the familiar scent of the sweet, heavy air of the building. It was warm and inviting, like a hug from a loved one. A cold breeze blew past you; in reaction, you tightened your grip around the small blanket that draped over your shoulders. You felt so at peace that you didn't want to close the window and cut yourself off from that gorgeous scenery.
You had been so enthralled by the seemingly magical blend of white noise, blurred lights, and incense smoke that you hadn't even noticed the woosh of your quarter doors opening and closing.
Propping one arm up on the wall and one hand on his hip, the Jedi Master gazed lovingly at you, admiring how your hair looked as it moved with the breeze, how the city lit up your stunning figure as you stood there, occasionally shifting your weight between one foot and the other. He loved how you adored the city despite its unforgiving nature. You always saw good in people. He admired that trait as both a Jedi and a lover.
Your relationship was hidden from the galaxy and only lived through secret kisses in empty hallways, lingering touches, and passionate nights in your separate quarters. It was a shame you had to hide your love for each other. Obi-Wan wanted nothing but to show you off, he wanted the galaxy to know you were his and he was yours. You both knew it was forbidden to have attachments as Jedi. He argued this when you confessed your feelings to each other to which you pointed out that "As Jedi, unconditional love is central to our lives. If we are encouraged to love, how could it truly be forbidden? The way I see it, we should have the freedom to love who we want and how. As long as that attachment doesn't impact our actions and roles as Jedi" He couldn't disagree, and he wanted to love you. Maker, he needed to love you.
You had been all he ever wanted ever since he was a padawan, back when you two trained together. His feelings deepened after the death of his master, Qui Gon Jinn. You were there to comfort him. There to ease his pain and help him move on and realise that Qui Gon was now at peace and one with the force. You rose through the ranks together, from padawans to where you were now; Jedi Masters on the seat of the council.
How could he not fall in love? Any sane man would. You were truly divine. Your grace and skill in battle were truly something to behold as well as your mastering of the force.
Obi-Wan continued to study every inch of you, wishing that he could make time stand still, so he could live in this moment forever. He could forget the war, the order, just for a moment he could forget the cruel of the galaxy as long as he was here with you.
Snapping out of your meditative trance, you turned your head to the tall figure in the corner of the room. In any other situation, you would have instantly reached for your lightsaber but you recognized the presence of the man and knew you could instantly let your guard down. You stretched your arms out as if to invite the man into your embrace, to which he obliged. As he stepped into the light that poured from the open window, his features were illuminated. His auburn hair and beard suited his face well, he had certainly matured since his years as a young Jedi knight. His blue-grey eyes were easy for you to get lost in, which you did very often. Each step the man took seemed to take forever, but you waited for him to make his way across the room until he finally stood in front of you.
Obi-Wan brings his hand up to your face and holds your cheek, tracing your lip with his thumb. He does this for a few more seconds; then without a word, he pulls you in for a tight hug. You rested your head against his chest and breathed in deeply. Just as you thought he still smelled of cypress, musk, and battle smoke. The latter smell brought you back into the moment, you pulled away slightly and looked at him.
"I missed you, my love. The days seem to grow longer when I'm so far from you." You stated, looking from his slightly chapped lips back up to his beautiful blue-grey eyes.
"I can promise I missed you much more my darling," Obi-Wan whispered before leaning in to meet your lips. The kiss was short but passionate. After months of restricted contact and no secret kisses in empty hallways, no lingering touches, and especially no passionate nights in your quarters, it was pure bliss to be able to just hold each other and feel each other's warmth again.
The Jedi Master's hands were wrapped around your waist firmly, and yours were wrapped around his neck. After another minute or so of being in each other's embrace, Obi-Wan moved to a seat near the open window and parted his legs for you to sit in between. You happily plopped yourself down between his thighs; Obi-Wan wrapped his arms back around your waist. You could feel his chest rise and fall softly against your back. You could sense the peace within him and couldn't help but wonder if it was because of your presence.
"Darling?" You cooed, as you leaned back into his chest.
"Hmm?" He hummed back, pressing a kiss you the side of your face.
"The sun is going down, you may have to head back to your quarters soon." You responded. You didn't want him to go, you wanted this moment to last for hours. You wish you could make that happen. Stars, you wish you could take a picture with a holocam so you could have some way to prove that this is real and not just a dream because it feels so perfect. Memory is not enough to cherish this moment between the two of you.
"Let me stay right here. Just a moment longer" He quietly spoke into your ear. Tightening his grip around you and pulling you closer into him, he placed countless kisses on your shoulders and nape before resting his head on your shoulder.
"Please let this last forever" He muttered before placing a kiss on your cheek.
You spent the next few hours in Obi-Wan's arms, staring at the city together and watching the blurred lights become brighter as the four moons rose before you fell asleep in each other's loving embrace.
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the-last-kenobi · 3 years
*kciks down door* ReQuEsTs?!??! uh, 18. “Is it all right if I hug you?” with Obi-wan and character of your choice (please, this boy needs a hug so bad)
Hugs!!!! What an excellent ask.
Took me forever to pick a character though. I came this close to writing multiple hugs throughout the years but it would’ve been very long...
It’s still long. Whoops.
Note: I skipped the actual sentence and instead went for ✨vibes only✨
(From this various prompts list.)
Obi-Wan is twenty-three standard years old, very nearly twenty-four.
It is a delightful stage of life. (It’s awful.)
He’s growing in independence, so close to Knighthood he can almost taste it. (Is he? Nobody seems to have a clear opinion.)
He’s receiving more and more solo assignments, and on his missions with Master Jinn, the older Jedi makes an effort to at least await the Padawan’s input before making a decision, sometimes even deferring to Obi-Wan’s word. (Only in public, though, is there a sense of equality. Behind the scenes, Obi-Wan is still very much the learner.)
He longs to be free. (He doesn’t want to be alone.)
The confusing clash of thoughts and emotions is, in and of itself, a creator of more clashing emotions, all resulting in a bundle of self-doubt that crouches near his heart, like a greedy bird, picking away at his strength and certainty when he most needs it.
Doesn’t your doubt show you that you’re truly not ready? the pestering creature asks.
Doesn’t your longing for freedom prove you don’t deserve it? it says, tapping against the veins of ice and fear that lie right against the heat of his heart.
Doesn’t your need to be reassured tell you that you’re too hesitant, too weak to be alone?
His desire to fly is wrong. His desire to be sheltered, even more so.
Both together, coexisting in his heart and mind, could quite possibly mean the one thing he had been dreading for over a decade now, the thing older Jedi, real Jedi, had put into words and addressed to his face when he was only twelve, only eleven, only ten.
You are too emotional, they said.
You are overeager, they said.
You are not destined to be a Jedi, Qui-Gon had told him. I will not train you.
He had, in the end, and Obi-Wan has been wondering in the depths of his heart for all these years of it had not been a dreadful mistake. As much as the Force sings in his ears Jedi, Jedi, Jedi, endure, Jedi, Jedi, it felt like everything he touched, everything tangible, argues back failure, weak, selfish, foolish, unwanted, not fit.
Obi-Wan is twenty-three, almost twenty-four, and he is years into adulthood and light years away from proving that he’s capable of handling it.
When will he be Knighted?
Nobody seems to be expecting it from him.
Do they know, he wonders, have they known since the beginning that I am doomed to fail? Has this all been a gracious attempt, a thank you for my actions on Bandomeer, and they have drawn this out and out and out as long as they can?
How much longer can this go on?
Still, there are moments when he is at peace, when Obi-Wan is sure. When he meditates, when he accomplishes something new, when he walks away from an assignment feeling unashamed when he translates his memories into a tidy mission report.
When he has one of his long talks with Master Yoda, or Master Windu, who despite their revered status have taken to talking to him more like a friend than a child, outside of the Council chambers.
When he remembers the Force whispering inside, Jedi Jedi Jedi Jedi, endure, Jedi...
And then, on one of the missions assigned to both himself and his Master - still the overwhelming majority of his assignments - he and Qui-Gon are separated during a violent uprising.
There are bodies in the streets and buildings are aflame; children weep over the bodies of their parents and parents cradle the bodies of their children and scream as if the sound is their only companion left in the world. The standing government has a point, the rebellion has a point, the civilians caught in the crossfire don’t say which point they agree with because they’re too busy screaming and perishing, and Qui-Gon is simply gone.
Obi-Wan, faced with the threat of further bloodshed right here and right now even as the air is still clogged with ash and flame and as another body topples from a rooftop in front of his feet, raises his hand in surrender and calmly proposes a truce, offering himself as a legal hostage against the government that brought the Jedi here.
Obi-Wan is led away with his hands bound behind his back and his lightsaber taken away, and though his face is calm, the furrow between is brow speaks of his inner turmoil, which sounds like tapping against the cracks in his heart and Qui-Gon, where is Master Qui-Gon, I don’t know what I’m doing, if I fail more people will die, if I fail it will be my fault, is this taking charge or stepping aside, am I a leader or a victim?
He spends not days, not weeks, but three standard months as a hostage. He spends a terrible amount of time sitting in a cell and pondering his uselessness, the gravity of his foolishness, but every time someone opens the door and escorts him out to hold parley with the leaders of the rebellion and the ministry of the planet, he holds his head high, tempers his fear, and speaks to them with all he has.
Which is honesty. Humility.
You don’t know what to do, he says. Neither do I.
We all know we must do something. No matter how much blood you spill and how much earth you scorch you will eventually come back here to this table to have this same discussion until either both of you are broken beyond belief or one of you has been crushed, and half your planet’s voice stolen away. And you will have sacrificed two of the Republic’s Jedi along the way, a black mark against whichever victor is left standing.
Or, he says, we choose to pass over the violence and talk here and now, and choose this again and again and again. You have already had your fighting. Your people are already hoping for negotiation.
Are you here for their sakes or to kill them for show?
He does not use these exact words.
He sews them into his brief speeches, hammers in the point sharply when he must, weaves the common thread over and over again.
He knows they fight while he is locked away.
But he believes, from the growing respect in the eyes of these people who hold him both by his and against his will, that he is making a difference. He must be.
And Obi-Wan is twenty-three, very very nearly twenty-four, when he finally walks free to witness the signing of a treaty like this planet has never had before, to witness the formation of a new government, and he discovers not ashes and mass graves when he sees daylight for the first time in three months — but instead, a city and a planet marred only by scattered battlefields, and marked more clearly by the way its people have fought to keep it clean, to keep it safe.
Children race through the streets, unafraid, because they have had real shelter during the war. It has not entered their homes since that first terrible day.
Neighbors from opposing sides of this fight and friends who staked no claim in this war mingle freely. Their smiles are a little hesitant, but they are there.
The dead are all honored equally.
It is leaps and bounds, it is a civilization that propelled itself through years of struggle in three months, and Obi-Wan is awed by them.
He knows it cannot be this way everywhere.
He knows that there will be wars where no one wants to surrender, or where one side will be so certain of their point of view that they would rather raise hell than cease, and he knows there will be people who resist them.
But today it is real.
Obi-Wan looks at his pale and clammy hands, the marks around his wrists where he was so often bound, and feels the way his limbs shake from months of too little sunlight, not quite enough food, and more than his share of fear and doubt and self-recrimination.
As he smiles for a camera that will record this moment forever, he glimpses Qui-Gon amongst the crowd.
Someone explains to him, when he asks, that his Master had been injured during the uprising and spent the first three weeks of Obi-Wan’s captivity in convalescence. The remaining time, he has spent on the sidelines, forced there by his Padawan’s actions. With Obi-Wan a willing hostage, playing negotiator and leverage both, Qui-Gon had no role except to mingle with the people, offer them comfort and aid.
Something Obi-Wan knows his Master loved, but — he had still stolen his Master’s role.
He had thrown himself into a stupid, foolish situation, and how many times had Qui-Gon teased him about playing damsel in distress? And here he has gone and surrendered of his own accord. What would Qui-Gon have done if Obi-Wan had led them all to ruin?
Obi-Wan slowly loses his confidence, his relief, his silver tongue, as the press and the people recede, and he and his Master walk to a room that has been prepared for both of them, as honored guests by this new government.
Qui-Gon says nothing to him.
They walk in silence for twelve minutes.
And then, as soon as the door has shut behind them, Obi-Wan finds himself pulled into a fierce embrace, one of his Master���s hands buried in his hair, Qui-Gon’s chin resting atop his head.
Obi-Wan hesitates.
Does his Master think him a child?
Perhaps Qui-Gon senses his thoughts, because the man pulls away briefly, still holding his Padawan by the shoulders, as if unwilling to let him go completely, else he vanish like smoke.
“Padawan,” Qui-Gon says, and his voice is loud and strong and brimming with warmth that washes over Obi-Wan like sunlight, like water, like an embrace. “Well done, my Padawan.”
And then he is pulled again into Qui-Gon’s comforting arms, and Obi-Wan breathes in and gives in, folding against his teacher like a child, and if a few tears stain Qui-Gon’s robes or drop into Obi-Wan’s hair, neither of them speaks of it.
Obi-Wan lets his Master hold him, lets go of fear and pride and doubt, and finds that he is safe.
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nevertheless-moving · 2 years
Obikin Crisis AU
Part Five (In Which Cockblocking Occurs)
Part One - - - Part Two - - - Part Four - - - Part Six
The hyperventilating ceased eventually, as all things must. While communication was not what one would call clear or coherent, in a happy coincidence, Anakin and Obi-Wan leveled their accusations at the two beings in this universe most likely to comprehend their insinuations. And so, the four found themselves squaring off:
“He’s half your age!” Obi-Wan shouted.
“I know,” Obi responded shamefacedly.
“No I’m not!” Ani protested indignantly. “And it wouldn’t matter anyway, because I’m an ADULT not to mention a KNIGHT—” (Obi cringed at that) “—and I’m mature for my age, anyway—” (Obi cringed agan) “—and it’s none of your business!”
Obi-Wan drew himself up, sputtering. 
“It’s gross!” Anakin added, feeling the need to say something. Ani shot him a look of pure irritation and betrayal. 
“Nothing’s happened anyway, nothing’s going to happen, obviously,” Knight Kenobi whispered.
Ani looked frantic. “We have a bond,” he said desperately.
“NOT THAT TYPE OF BOND!” Anakin and Obi-Wan said in unified horror.
“We’re not you!” Ani shouted back. “Our connection is different! Obi—you can’t deny there’s something between us, not now—”
“I’m sorry,” Obi muttered. “Terribly sorry. I—I should go—”
“Wait—” Ani tried to say, but the Knight Kenobi had already fled the room.
“I’m not done!” Master Kenobi shouted, standing up in outrage. “Anakin—just—try to talk some reason into your alternate.”
“Ugh,” Anakin said, in disgust and acknowledgment. 
“I don’t need sense talked into me—” But both Kenobi’s were gone.
Ani fell to the couch, pressing his hand to his face and groaning.
“What are you groaning about?” Anakin said indignantly. “You’re not the one who had to—had to see—” he couldn’t even finish.
Ani pulled his hands away from his eyes to glare at his counterpart. “Do you have any idea how much this is going to set me back,” he snarled. “I’ve been trying to get him to take me serious as an adult for ages and now—ugh!”
The revulsion made it easy to ignore any pangs of empathy.
“How can you even think of him that way?” 
“Are you kidding me? Have you seen him! He’s perfect!”
“No, Padme’s perfect. You’re just—confused because she died in this universe,” Anakin said, not without pity.
Ani scoffed. “No, you’re just to trying to rewrite your own past.”
“What you mean by that?” the dimension jumper said, bristling.
“You were in love with him the first moment you saw him walk into Watto’s shop!” Ani accused.
“I—what? He never even came into Watto’s!” Anakin said in exasperation, throwing his hands in the air.
The argument faltered as they stared at one another, processing that.
“Wait you mean—”
“So in your—”
“Obi, Qui-Gon, and the Queen—
“Jar-Jar, Padme, and Qui-Gon—”
“Who’s Jar-Jar?”
“You don’t know Jar Jar!?”
“Hold on, then when did you meet—”
“On the ship! Wait, did you carve a Jaipur—”
“—Pendant? Yeah, for Obi—”
“What, was Obi-Wan just the first person you saw in Watto’s who wasn’t—”
“No! Maybe! Was Padme?”
They glared at each other.
“You can’t flirt with Obi-Wan in front of me,” Anakin said finally.
“If anything, I’m just going to flirt harder because you said that!” Ani replied, rolling his eyes. 
Anakin desperately wracked his brain. “If you flirt with Obi-Wan, then I’ll—then I’ll flirt with your father figure!”
ok so this is where the au kindof diverges
in what we’ll call 18.1 i desperately want to retcon myself so Qui-Gon is still alive
(I SWEAR I already posted about this but for the life of me i can’t find it so:)
in 18.1 Qui-Gon survived this universe’s Genosis equivalent, meaning Anakin threatens to flirt with him
which is horrifying enough for Ani that it works for a while
but then something something Obi-Wan inadvertently says something like ‘i know my counterpart thinks he’s in love with you but he’s wrong’
Ani: WAIT he’s IN LOVE in love with me
Obi-Wan: “that’s not what I—that is not the takeaway—”
which means Anakin is forced into mutually assured destruction and Qui-Gon fuckin goes along with it because 
a) ‘hey he’s not actually my padawan they feel completely different in the living force’
b) he’s 95% sure Anakin won’t be able to go through with it
c) he has way too much chill
d) it’s really funny
so you get alternate universe Qui-Gon Jinn playing gay chicken with Anakin Skywalker which is a concept so cringy I’m profoundly incapable of writing it but if someone else wants to I’ll read it one sentence at a time running away and hiding after each exchange before crawling back to my laptop in shame because i have a low tolerance for second hand embarrassment but also this concept is really funny
Anakin is grimly determined to make his alternate self suffer so he just does the classic Anakin Skywalker thing and focuses on revenge. this is very in-character. he’s very motivated by revenge, it’s a whole thing, watch episode ii.
in 18.2 qui-gon is dead, so anakin threatens to flirt with *spins wheel*
“What Master Koon?” Ani scoffed. “He’s way to used to rebuffing padawans with a crush on him, it wouldn’t work.
In 18.3 qui-gon is dead so anakin threatens to flirt with *spins wheel*
Ani drew back in alarm. “You wouldn’t,” he said. “You don’t even like Master Windu, I saw how you—”
“Master Windu!”
“kriff, shouldn’t have that—”
“With the force as my witness, I will put the same disgusting effort into romancing—ugh— your Master Windu—as you do into romancing your Obi-Wan.” Anakin shuddered slightly.
Ani narrowed his eyes. “You are not attracted to him. You’re attracted to Padme, and you can’t be attracted to more than one person at a time. Also, you can’t flirt. And, since you’re the one doing it, that would be even more awkward for you than me.”
“Obviously I’m not into him!” Anakin replied incredulously. “But that would just make my flirting better—between you and me, I’m pretty sure I kindof suck at flirting if I actually like someone because I get all flustered. But if it’s for a mission—.”
“You flirt on missions?” 
Anakin rolled his eyes. “It’s like, 80% of Obi-Wan’s negotiation tactics, and he was my Master. It’s not my strong suit but—”
“Isn’t it weird?”
“Yeah, obviously, but Obi-Wan said it’s better than murder and I don’t love mind tricks so, you know. Anyway, my point is, if it’s for a mission, I can at least deliver a full compliment”
“oh gods”
“AND I would get to leave this universe—you have to deal with everyone remembering how—how you batted your eyes and complimented Mace on his, um, skincare routine. And sure, plenty of people will assume that I’m just doing it to mess with you, but consider how little I flirt, everyone will assume there’s some attraction there...”
Ani cut him off, horrified, “Your Obi-Wan will never let it go!”
“Oh we have gone so far past the point of taking-the-details-of-this-mission-to-our-pyres. You do get that as freaked out as I am by your whole creepy thing, he is 1000x more disturbed?” Anakin responded smugly.
“Yeah, I know,” Ani groaned and collapsed onto the couch dramatically. “Your Obi-Wan has pretty much convinced mine that he’s an absolute monster for taking advantage of me, even though he didn’t actually raise me, so theres no ‘latent power imbalance’ and I’m the one pursing him.”
at some point they figure out the artifact but it still has to recharge so you get this delightful
Ani grabbed Anakin by the elbow and hissed, “If you don’t stop cockblocking I swear to the force I am going to use that thing and find a universe where you were raised by Padme.”
Anakin gasped, “You wouldn’t.” He paused for a moment. “Wait, that doesn’t even make sense.”
“Doesn’t it?” Ani asked with a manic look in his eyes.
“There’s gotta be at least galaxy out there where the Jedi didn’t accept you, and if that happened, you almost definitely would’ve ended up on Naboo, and she would have been like an older sister to you,” Ani mocked.
“Ok, ok I absolutely believe you would use the amulet to do that.” Anakin sighed. Fine. Just...don’t be too gross right in front of me.”
“We’re around each other all the time! And now I have to redo all the progress I lost because of you!”
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stolen-pen-name23 · 3 years
Any prompt you want. I just want some Padme and Obi-wan friendship (yes, I’m aware these are angst prompts. I don’t care)
Hello my friend! Here's my final prompt fill from this round! Thanks for the prompt! //prompts now closed
Here ya go!
“You cannot possibly go like this.”
“Yes, I can,” Anakin says, panting slightly.
Obi-Wan raises an eyebrow at Anakin, standing over his former apprentice as he leans heavily over the toilet bowl. Anakin groans and allows his body to fall back against the wall.
With a concerned “hmm,” Obi-Wan crouches down beside Anakin and places a palm on his forehead. The younger Jedi pulls back but is unable to elude Obi-Wan for long. He is concerned but not surprised by the heat that greets his palm. Sweaty hair tangles in Obi-Wan’s fingers as he tries to smooth it back. His concern deepens when Anakin stops resisting his touch.
“Oh, Padawan,” Obi-Wan says, slipping into the old title like it’s muscle memory. He grabs a damp towel and dabs it at Anakin’s sweaty forehead. “This isn’t good.”
Shivers course through Anakin’s whole body and his cheeks are flushed pink with fever.
“I can still go, M’ster,” Anakin says, though it comes out as more of a whine than an assurance. “Please, Obi-Wan. I can’t disappoint Pa– Senator Amidala.”
“Anakin, you can’t even stand up without keeling over,” Obi-Wan says. “How do you think you’re going to last through a whole senatorial ball?”
“I can stand,” Anakin pouts. As if to demonstrate his point, Anakin climbs to shaky feet. “See? I’m st–”
Anakin sways and his knees buckle. Obi-Wan takes a heavy step forward and grabs a hold of Anakin before he can collapse again.
“You were saying?”
Anakin’s face is pressed into Obi-Wan’s chest and he sags into him.
“Come on,” Obi-Wan says. “Let’s get you to bed and out of that suit. You won’t be wearing it tonight I’m afraid.”
“But Padmé…”
“I’m sure Senator Amidala will do just fine for a night,” Obi-Wan reassures, dragging Anakin down the hallway.
“She’s gonna be all ‘lone,” Anakin slurs, and Obi-Wan can feel guilt and disappointment clouding Anakin’s Force presence.
“She’s a very strong woman, Anakin, she’ll manage.”
“But I promised,” Anakin whines.
“She’ll forgive you, she’s very kind,” Obi-Wan says.
“I know,” Anakin says wistfully. “She’s just the best.”
Obi-Wan rolls his eyes. “Come now, Anakin, let’s get you in bed before you say something I’m going to have to pretend to forget.”
“Kay,” Anakin says, too delirious to truly catch Obi-Wan’s meaning.
Like any good Master would, Obi-Wan helps Anakin out of his fancy suit and provides him with fresh, soft tunics to sleep in.
“Get in bed,” Obi-Wan commands, leaving no room for argument. “I’ll be right back.”
Anakin grumbles but slides under his sheets.
Shaking his head, Obi-Wan heads to the kitchen and pours some tea he made shortly before he found Anakin hurling his guts out. It was still warm, but not scalding — perfect for Anakin who has an impatient streak a mile wide.
He returns to Anakin’s room to find him with half-closed eyes and an arm wrapped tightly around his abdomen.
“Drink this,” Obi-Wan says, handing the tea over to Anakin. “It will settle your stomach.”
“What about Padmé?” Anakin says again.
Obi-Wan frowns. He does feel bad that Padmé will be left without a date to the senatorial ball. He glances over to the chair where he draped Anakin’s tie and groans internally. Obi-Wan hates senatorial balls.
But he cares about Anakin and he cares about Padmé.
With a long-suffering sigh, Obi-Wan pulls out his commlink.
“Master Kenobi?” Padmé answers. Her expression is passive, but her voice betrays her confusion. “Is everything all right?”
“Everything is fine, Senator, but I’m afraid there has been a change of plans.”
A gentle knock at the door tells Obi-Wan his date for the night has arrived to pick him up.
“Hello, Master Kenobi.”
The young senator is radiant in her evening gown. Fine lace patterns web over the length of her slender arms, but cut off at her shoulders, leaving them bare. The rest of the gown, a solid, navy blue, cascades down her body just as a waterfall might plunge from a mountainside. She is a dazzling sight and Obi-Wan thanks the stars that Anakin is asleep in his bed and not out here attempting to prove his healthiness. If illness didn’t make Anakin fall at her feet, this dress would certainly do the trick.
“Thank you for meeting me here,” Obi-Wan says. “It is not the most chivalrous thing, but I’m afraid I was short on time.”
“What you’re doing is chivalrous enough, Master Kenobi,” Padmé says. “You didn’t have to do this.”
“Of course, I did. I could not possibly let you get stood up, especially by a Padawan of mine.”
Padmé giggles. “It’s hardly his fault.”
“Oh, I know, but giving him a hard time is much more fun than giving him my pity,” Obi-Wan says. “Give me one moment, Senator. I just need to find… ah, here it is.” Obi-Wan grabs the tie he had thrown haphazardly on the kitchen counter while he was getting ready.
He had rushed to throw together an outfit that would be acceptable for the ball and was pleased to find that his blue coat coordinated quite well with Padmé’s gown.
The tie is made of a silky material and his fingers fumble with the unfamiliar article of clothing. Qui-Gon taught him how to do this a long time ago. Now if only he could remember which way to pull…
“Let me,” Padmé says gently.
“You’re hopeless. Let me do it.” Padmé strides over to him and takes each side of the tie in either hand.
“I assure you, Senator, I am perfectly capable–” Obi-Wan starts as he tries to grab hold of the tie again. Padmé bats his hand away.
“Stop that,” she says. He squirms backward but she grabs hold of his shoulder to pull him back. “Hold still, would you?”
Obi-Wan sighs in defeat and allows Padmé to finish the knot. She carefully tucks the tie under his collar and she brushes her hands over his shoulders. “There. You look dashing.”
He smiles softly at her. “Thank you, Padmé. You look quite beautiful yourself.”
She bows her head graciously.
“Where is Anakin?”
His smile tightens into a grimace. “He’s asleep. I hope he stays that way. I gave him something for the nausea in hopes that it will help him sleep.”
Obi-Wan can sense her conflicting emotions in the Force and he already knows what she is going to ask.
“Are you sure he will be okay by himself?”
“He should be fine for a few hours. If not, he knows I will have my comm on me, though I anticipate we’ll be back before he wakes. Unless, of course, this is not the stuffy senatorial ball I was promised?”
“I’m afraid it is the stuffy senatorial ball you were promised.”
“Very well,” Obi-Wan says, extending an arm for Padmé to link hers around. “Let’s get on with it shall we?”
“You’re a good dancer,” Padmé observes.
“You don’t need to sound so surprised,” Obi-Wan says, before twirling her around. Her dress splays out, its flared edges brush his legs.
“I’m not,” she says. “I suppose it’s a Jedi thing?”
Obi-Wan laughs at the mental image of Yoda dancing at a senatorial ball. “It is hardly a Jedi thing.”
“Anakin is a good dancer too,” Padmé argues.
“And pray tell, who do you think taught him?”
“Fair enough,” Padmé concedes and then she laughs.
“Something funny?”
“No, it’s just… I’m picturing you teaching a teenaged Anakin how to dance.”
“Yes, looking back it was probably quite amusing. It was less funny in the moment when he managed to step on all of my toes.”
Padmé laughs even more and the musical cadence of it blends in with the song the band is playing.
“So, Master Kenobi,” Padmé says. “Who taught you to dance. I’m having a hard time picturing Qui-Gon doing it.”
“That would be because he didn’t teach me,” Obi-Wan says.
“Then who did?”
Obi-Wan thinks back to a time long ago — to two kids and a Jedi master on the run. Blonde tresses and the gleam of beskar. Long nights under star-speckled skies.
“An old friend,” he says.
“Your friend did a good job.”
“She was a good teacher — stubborn and willful — but a good teacher nonetheless.”
One song ends and another begins.
Obi-Wan and Padmé continue their dance through the magnificent ballroom, their steps falling perfectly in time with the music and with each other.
“Thank you again for doing this. I know this kind of thing isn’t… well… your thing.”
“All things considered, being in good company certainly makes it more tolerable,” Obi-Wan says.
“Oh, only ‘tolerable’?” Padmé says with a smirk and a raised eyebrow.
“Maybe after another glass of champagne, it will verge into enjoyable.”
Padmé grins brightly as he spins her around again. On beat with the music, she steps back perfectly into place, one hand in his, the other on his shoulder.
“You’re a good friend, Obi-Wan,” Padmé says. “To me and to Anakin.”
“Thank you, Senator. You’re a good friend too.” He pauses, but then adds on, “to me and to Anakin.”
Padmé bites her lip and averts her gaze. “Do you think he’s okay?”
Obi-Wan feels the tension in her body as she asks the question and he can tell she has been wanting to ask it for some time. Her worry clouds the Force, but he parses through it to poke at the bond he shares with Anakin.
“He’s fine,” Obi-Wan reassures. Padmé’s shoulders remain rigid. “I would be able to sense if he were not. He’s fine, Padmé.”
Padmé relaxes at his words and returns to gently swaying with the rhythm. They move together, perfectly in sync with one another.
Only a few heartbeats more, and the song finds its end. Obi-Wan bows to Padmé and she inclines her head in polite acknowledgment.
“Another dance?” he asks.
“Maybe in a little while. Let’s see about getting you that glass of champagne first, shall we?”
“You read my mind, Senator.”
Arm in arm, they walk together laughing and smiling — not as a Jedi and a senator, but as two friends enjoying the simple pleasure of one another’s company.
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