#putting this on my art blog and not on my main just cos
Pardon the burner account, but I refuse to do this from my main as to avoid actual harassment from the gaggle of individuals participating in this nonsense.
The Situation.
@hlghlycorroslve , @catfire13, and co. have been childishly publicly vaguing and hounding @lyss-butterscotch for a "stolen Unparalelled Innocence design." After claiming they "attempted to resolve this privately" they took to making a public callout post, linked here.
I'd like to also preface this with the statement that I don't know Lyss. I don't even follow her. I am not her friend, or her, doing this. I am also not associated with anyone who has made any public comments about this situation. Do not implicate ANYONE in the name of this blog. I am someone who has seen your actions from afar and found you rude, alienating, and overall just bizarre.
The Design.
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Everything about these two designs are almost entirely different. Yes, they both wear ponchos. But when half of the iterator population wears ponchos, you cannot act like you're entitled to your design wearing a poncho. Especially when they have significant design differences, and the entirety of the rest of the outfits are completely and wildly different. Yes, Hicor originally made their UI purple long before the concept of purple UI became dubiously canon, but even the concept of a pale purple belonging to Hicor and Hicor ONLY is just not true.
The concept that Lyss stole Hicor's color palette also just doesn't hold true. Yes, they are similar by virtue of both being purple, but again, purple UI is especially not exclusive to any one person after Downpour.
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Lyss commonly uses desaturated and/or pastel colors for her designs. It makes complete and total sense for Lyss to have desaturated the bright neon purple on the new overseer to match the rest of her designs palettes.
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Admittedly, the antennae are the only part of this argument that holds any weight. Yes, they share similarities, like the fact that they both have three points. That is about where the similarities end. The silhouette, color, and everything about the antennae is completely different. The only thing they share is that there is 3 of them. This argument completely loses all of its weight when you put these two designs side by side and realize just how actually different they are. There are more differences between both designs than similarities.
Rain World is a very art oriented game and community. Especially when it comes to a character with no canon defining characteristics, it's normal and common that artists are going to find inspiration in their fellow peers. Inspiration is not a crime. The inspiration is derivative enough that it's not theft. None of this is theft.
The Conversation + Posts.
In the callout post, catfire13 shares screenshots from their private messages with Lyss concerning the situation. After approaching the situation by immediately claiming that Lyss was stealing someone's design, catfire is still intentionally vague about the entire situation even when trying to directly communicate with Lyss. Previously, catfire and co. had spent the past day making vague posts about Lyss, spam-reblogging them, and going into a popular Rain World fan-community server to vague and badmouth Lyss even before having contacted her.
(Although this is a public server, I am censoring those responding to catfire unless they are directly involved in this situation. There is no reason to include these people by name in this conversation.)
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Catfire also made a post about this situation on their OC sideblog about the situation BEFORE they ever contacted Lyss. This screenshot was taken after Catfire had finally contacted Lyss, but the original post was made before.
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While not directly saying Lyss's name, this is still a public callout. You are still publicly vaguing and calling someone out, even without saying their name. As well as being completely wrong in your final comment, by the way! Lyss has never once stolen art. Why you decide to paint Lyss as an art thief specifically is beyond me, because that is a straight up lie. Catfire, Hicor, and their gaggle of friends all spam reblogged this post, and other vague posts, multiple times while leaving cruel comments in the tags.
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You were having people in your inbox leaving threatening messages to Lyss without even knowing the entire situation, which now that you have made a public callout post that paints Lyss in a highly negative light for no reason, I wonder where these threatening messages are going to end up?
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This image from the callout post highlights so much, but says so little. You are demonizing Lyss for not knowing what design she was supposedly stealing from before you gave her a single hint as to what you were talking about, of course anyone would be confused in this situation. You use Lyss's initial confusion turned confession into being inspired as if she confessed to committing a federal crime. You hold onto her phrasing of "color shift" so hard because you have no arguments without it.
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You also rag on Lyss for the redesign "not being good enough" and as far as we're aware, you made no further contact with Lyss to express your dissatisfaction with the redesign. May I remind you, in your OWN screenshots, that Lyss makes a comment about changing the design until it's separate enough. There was nothing stopping you from approaching Lyss again and stating that you still felt like they were too similar, but you didn't do that. You resorted to making a public callout that makes you look incredibly entitled and foolish.
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You do better. You and your friends want to talk about respecting artists and what they make but you clearly have no respect for Lyss, or a majority of Rain World artists anyways. You point out that Lyss is a "post-downpour" artist for no reason, and many of this groups blogs are filled to the brim with posts and tags about how much they detest new Rain World fans, how they don't respect them, or how they even flat-out dislike them. You are not entitled to anything because you've been a Rain World fan longer than other people. Stop going on the Fandom website and complaining when there's Fandom.
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bluemoon1331 · 15 days
Hello, hello! Welcome to my main blog, where the DCA fascination consumes! My alt blog is @sharetheartman, go check it out if you wanna see the amazing art this community has to offer! Below is a list of my AUs that run wild both here and in my head, lmao. I hope you find something you enjoy!
Finished Works:
One Lost Star- You are a bit of a hermit, living solo off the land since the death of your grandfather. Until you draw certain godly attention, that is.
Scarlet Masquerade- The sole heir to your kingdom, you find yourself caught in the tangled web of the automaton emperor's plans. However, things are about to go from bad to worse when you catch the interest of the deadly automaton assassin sent to end you.
Dancing In Orbit- The lunar vampire is the last of his kind, a deadly plague on the Earth that refuses to yield despite the uncountable years that have passed since the last of his kin and kind died off. You, running from your intertwined past, seek to finally put an end to that, with some help from friends old and new.
Party Crashing 101- A piece inspired by the mafia episode from Helluva Boss. Badass, protective reader ftw XD
Blooming In Adversity- You and the princesses were great friends in your youth, until you had to move away. Years later, you return, your friendship blooming anew. However, dark plots turn in the background, and it may be up to just you to save them.
Phantom Tide- You are a siren, crushed under betrayal. Sun and Moon are brothers recovering from the throes of grief. Perhaps you may be just what each other need.
Cosmic Journeys- Trapped in the depths of depression, you seek an unfortunate out. The nearby land owner won't let that happen, though. Thus begins a journey of self-worth and finding hope in a world of madness and compassion, monsters, saints, and everything in between.
Burning Stars- You run your farm alone on a world teeming with aliens and humans, content with your animal family and helpful community, even if you keep the latter at arm's lengths. Until your peace is interrupted by a certain intergalactic bounty hunter, anyway.
Rosewood's Serenade- The eldest child of your kingdom, you have trained since birth to be all your home needs and more, intent to take the throne when the time comes, marriage or no. However, your parents harbor a secret, a deal struck when disaster threatened to destroy all they hold dear, and you soon find yourself meeting a most intriguing being...
Come and Go- A Megamind-inspired AU with Sun as Metroman, Moon as Megamind, and Eclipse as Titan, while you are a delivery driver caught in the middle.
Never Play Cat and Mouse With Vampires- Living alone is a necessity, your skills in hunting, magic, and evasion giving you all you need for contentment, or so you tell yourself. In your newest home you, unfortunately, find that your capabilities only draw the infatuation of three local creatures that are intent to finally capture you and make you theirs. Annoyingly, they may just get that chance.
Demonic- The saying of Hell is empty for all the demons are here has never been more apt. Caught smack dab in the middle of the infamous Hell-Day event, you come out with an unexpected passenger woven into your soul. Now, you secretly fight to preserve the fragile balance between mortals and the demons trapped on Earth, all while contending with the fact your new neighbors are the very ones responsible for sealing the gates, the infamous Celestial Graces. They also happen to be the mortal enemies of the one currently living in you. Fun times all around, especially with devil himself on your heels, seeking to reclaim what he lost.
Unusual- An oceanographer, there is no place you'd rather be than scouring the depths of the seven seas, studying its plant life and creatures, in particular the infamous mers, beings most of your co-workers are quite wary of. They don't seem to mind you too much, though, a fact you try not to put stock in until an encounter on the beach near your house flips your entire world upside down. Strings of fate and a battle to rule the oceans with you as the key? Ridiculous. Right?
Unnamed AUs floating around:
Lich King AU- With the three realms in shambles, cut off from each other, it is up to the most powerful warriors of Earth to fend off the lich king and his Elite army, including his own brothers. You, whom offers them a secret safe haven and relaxation when they need it, cannot deny your love for Sun and Moon, nor they you, but with Eclipse hounding for any weakness he can use against his kin, is the danger really worth it? You find the answer may be coming sooner than you would like when the two go missing after a fight.
Spirited Away AU- You have moved to a more remote region in hopes of forgetting a troubled family life. Content to spend your time among the lush jungles of the land, you inadvertently stumble upon an obviously long-forgotten temple. Curiosity eats at you, and you cannot help get closer, initially unaware of the myriad of eyes watching you, until you spot...an icy blue leopard? It's a good thing you helped those snakes and that spider on your way here.
Harem AU- You are a villainess, a job you quite revel in, bringing chaos to the masses alongside the clan of vampire brothers you have wrapped around your pretty, deadly little fingers. The centuries come and go with you weaving stories of heroes and villains at your leisure, spending the rest doting and being doted on by your suitors. Unfortunately, things take a turn when someone invades your world, offering a weapon to your latest hero that may actually be a problem for you. Just where in the hell are your fellow Storytellers? What is happening?
Mature Works (Minors Not Recommended):
Familiar Constellations- The vampires get a bit quirky about you, especially when you egg them on. Mature. Very, very mature. Good gods they are rough, but you love it. After all, you can get a bit rough with them, too.
Along the Akesh- Blessed with visions since your youth, you were taken and raised by the temple, becoming one of the highest-ranked priests, second to only the grand heijut himself. With an awe-inspiring festival and ritual that happens only once every five centuries under way, you are eager to meet the moon god, one of the many you have had the pleasure of conversing with throughout your prayers and oracles, in person. Things take an unexpected turn, however, when the temple must pay recompense for an accidental screw up with a gift left by an old friend. You are about to learn just how intrigued you and the moon god truly are with each other.
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Hey, sorry to bother you but I’d like to request if you could write a list of all the things Mammon’s canonically good at- like his talents, his good traits, and things his done that caught your eye or things that just makes you love him. I just want to have a list to remind me of the things that make me love him. Again sorry for bothering you, take care and have a nice day!
It's not a bother at all! I've actually been coming up with this list for about a year now and I've actually spoken about it on this blog a few times too! I keep on postponing posting it cos I figure I should post it when it's finished but new things keep on getting added to it, so this is as good a sign as any to post it!
Like you said everything is based off canon (main story, devilgram, chats, events, manga & anime). I've probably gone into more detail on some of them in my other posts but if anyone wants me to clarify a point lemme know.
I will probably be adding to this with each new detail
Canon* Things Mammon is Good At
*(main story, devilgram, chats, events, manga & anime)
• Analytical
• Supportive
• Hand to hand combat to an extent
• Trapeze
• Balloon art
• Customer service - both as a waiter & as a host/entertaining customers
• Singing
• Dancing
• Chess
• Surfing
• Swimming
• Card games
• Cheating at card games
• Modelling
• Good with kids
• Emotionally intelligent
• Technology to a certain extent
• Cooking to a certain extent
• Maths - his mental maths is faster than a computer's and his answers are all correct
• Debating/winning arguments ?
• Teaching/being a mentor
• Leading the others
• Salesman
• Anything he tries if he puts effort into it/is serious about it
• Rope climbing/rescue
• Thinking on the spot/spontaneous decisions/actions during stressful situations/under pressure
• Inventing things using mechanics, engineering & magic (physics??)
• Multitasking
• Office work/ Sales
• Paper work? Organisation? Anything regarding being a Throne which is basically a Personal Assistant
• Can walk in heels very well
• Flying - either by his own means or with the help of magic objects
• Understanding others' emotions and manipulating them to get what he wants
• Calming down Satan when he's pissed
• Coming up with new extremely successful business ideas
• Designing clothes
• Driving
• Fixing up cars
• If you take just the card art as evidence - pole dancing
• If you're considering AUs, which I am, - he has the ability to rule a kingdom (with MC's help)
• Can talk to crows, command them & get them to spy for him (which he relays to Lucifer)
• Pushing down his own fears for others - Prioritises MC & Luke over his own fears
• With animals - volunteers at a human world dog shelter? Cat person.
• Making jewellery
• Soothing nightmares/getting his traumatised younger brothers to sleep
• Steering/Sailing a pirate ship
• Fastest of the brothers
• Quick draw standoffs/shootouts
• Juggling
• Script Writing
• Film Directing
• Editing Videos/Films
• Facing Interviews
• Agile
• Can waltz
• Really good at whistling - it sounds musical
• I vaguely remember "skating" but I can't remember where it's from so I'm not 100% sure if it's canon
• I don't have the band devilgram with Luke & Beel so dunno if he actually plays an instrument
• this is never stated explicitly in canon but considering he's the best at dancing and he's a really good trapeze artist = he's probably very flexible
*despite being good at all of this his skill level varies a lot depending on how motivated he is, how easily he'll get distracted, how much effort he puts into it, how much he's paying attention etc.
• He's good at sewing & and embroidery, though he can get bored and lose his concentration after a while which makes him pissed off/start spiralling
• Basketball
For example:
- he's still failing maths at RAD despite being very good at it & the best at math from all his brothers
- he made a plan (that included tricking Lucifer, Solomon and Satan) on the spot to steal a book from solomon that worked very well. He lost the whole game because he couldn't be bothered to read the cover of the book to make sure he got the right one - he immediately gave up after finding this out
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celaenaeiln · 6 months
Sorry I'm taking over your blog ahhh but it's just so cool to be able to get such detailed answers that make so much sense and to be passionate about conversation again! This is something I've been sort of stuck on over the years while writing (especially because they won't let them become adults in a main continuity) - what sort of lives/jobs do you think Tim, Damian and Steph would have in the future, and what do you think Cass would end up doing? I don't see Jason really having a "normal" job but I'd be willing to hear thoughts on that too!
Nws! Getting an ask is the highlight of my day!!! <333
I've never thought of that!!
Tim would definitely be the CEO of something, maybe a tech company? He would develop his own software and market and become rich and build a company off it.
Damian would take over Wayne Enterprises kinda like how he takes over Batman. It's just his future and I don't think Tim's interested in WE anyway aside from having it to fund his projects currently.
Steph would own a martial arts gym. Of all the batkids, I feel like Steph and Duke are really the ones who are connected to Gotham. Tim is part of the elites, Damian is Bruce Wayne's son, and Jason was on the offside of community up until 13. Steph and Duke though, they've lived there their whole lives even after meeting Bruce, they're still connected. Stephanie literally made her own costume and went after Cluemaster. Putting these two together, I feel like Stephanie with her headstrong personality and normal Gothamite background would build a martial arts gym where she would teach kids in troubled homes how to defend themselves.
Cass would co-own the gym but she wouldn't get as involved as Stephanie. She knows how to hold back but I feel like a part of her would be worried about accidentally hurting them because she's too good - she's too trained at being an assassin. Therefore I feel like she would turn to art as a pastime and turning it into a freelancing type of job. It's be so cool if she became a graphic designer! It would also work perfectly since she has dyslexia and reading is tiring for her.
Jason I feel would eventually settle down enough to have a normal job but maybe I'm just hoping for too much lol. I don't believe he would be a mechanic or something because truth be told, I don't know if Jason even likes cars. He stole a tire off the batmobile out of necessity but does that mean he likes dealing with cars and engines? Who knows - maybe he does or maybe he doesn't. Oh I GOT IT! Jason would be a bounty hunter. He's still working for the good but he likes the rough edge of life. He loves hunting and setting up traps and pissing off bad guys. A bounty hunter would be the perfect job for him. He keeps doing what he likes and he would be good at it.
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probably-ancient-evil · 5 months
Is this how I'm supposed to do it-?
Hi there, anonymous beings! My name's Mars. And...I guess that's it? I mean, there's nothing that special about me. I go to Hatchetfield High. I work a booth at the Honey Festival each summer. I get the hot chocolate at Beanie's down the block (it's surprisingly good! but you gotta catch it early before they spit in it). (Ohhhh yea… that’s always not fun—bdjeihwjkd Finch! You bastard! Give the phone back!) Life's good.
I guess. Except for the fact that I've been seeing things lately. I go to the doctor for them and they say I'm in perfect health, "just a strange mind." It's...wacky, to put it lightly. Sometimes I'll see giant eyes staring at me from the ceiling, or I look at my watch and the clock on the wall and they're showing different times. And there are voices, too. They're laughing. Always, always laughing. (Yeahhh they do that a lottttttt it sucks) But...I'm sure that's normal! I'm fine. I just have to get used to it. Right?
yeah right. totally. anyways, i’m finch! or stellar, either works. i’m mars’ BEST FRIEND EVER no you're not I've known you for a month and stuff so yea. also lol you added a bio? all you need to know about me is that I DITCHED HFH in 10th grade and have never went back since. it was completely worth it.
oh also i know a lot more about the LiB than this idiot. don’t tell them i said anything about them though…
The what.
[Hiya there! This is a hatchetblr rp blog. Please feel free to interact with Mars! I'd greatly appreciate it :) I love them dearly!]
[I use the pronouns they/them so please refer to me as such when OOC. Mars' pronouns are he/they and they're pan, single, and available ;). However please nothing NSFW, as he is a minor and so am I!]
[My main blog is @pine-the-mighty if you wanna go check me out!]
[Regards, Fledge :)]
[P.S.: the current pfp is a stand-in until I make actual art of the sillies :3]
{ALSO! HEY! I’m also here! Amazing co-owner of this amazing blog, @winty-doodles, or Winty! I go by… usually she/her I’m still working that out. My character is Finch (AMAB, gendefluid he/they, and something or other sexuality. Who knows. Haven’t figured it out yet.}
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sylvaridreams · 3 months
To be frank and up front and honest with all of you I DON'T know how much longer I will be on Tumblr. I don't intend to delete this blog, and in the event that my main ever got nuked I have this side blog co-admined by a backup account, so my posts won't vanish. Not yet.
But I do not like what Tumblr is doing. I don't respect the decisions being made here and I think ignoring them longterm is insane and cruel at best, and ignoring them short-term and hoping it smooths out for now is no better. Like frankly it's just not. I follow my gw2 mutuals for gw2 so I don't expect you guys to be reblogging posts about the bans or anything, like this is the silly game zone. So that's not the point of this post. I'm not shaming the gamers for posting games instead of "holy hell they already banned another."
I do wanna say, I've had this blog almost 10 years (making it my oldest surviving blog! It's followed me from my first account that I made in 2011!) And for a long while I felt like an outsider to the gw2 community and it was really hard for me to find a niche where people didn't shun and ignore me. So I love you all and appreciate how welcoming everyone last year when I came back to gw2blr. I didn't expect that. I didn't expect I'd make friends out of this at all. I turn 30 in about 2 weeks, and at a certain point it's hard for me to meet people and make friends, even online. It's just tough to do somehow. You think at points "this is what I have now, from here to the end" and then new people are nice to you anyway. I love this community here. I hope we can keep playing and talking ocs and doing silly stuff at art party and tagging each other to say "this is nearly as sad and wet as your commander!" for a really long time.
And all that said. Maybe I'll leave. Maybe I'll start over elsewhere or just not have anywhere to post. I don't know. I'm trying out some other places. I'm investigating what my options look and feel like and determining where I might want to start planting seeds for sylvaridreams to start over.
If things go how I anticipate they will, I'll set up shop elsewhere. And I'll stop putting new posts here. And then I'll start cleaning up. Scraping out my old posts from the back to tidy up and consolidate for that new place. We'll see.
Even if everything does rocket to the bottom and fizzle out and some wealthy man's tantrum about trans people existing online shuts down Tumblr's servers for being completely unprofitable, I genuinely do hope that we can continue to have fun together somehow. Whether it's a mass relocation or just monthly art parties. Mayhe we'll see each other in game. Who knows.
I'm currently trying out cohost.org as a new place to post. I don't have a site set up yet for gw2 blogging but I might head that way soon, and meanwhile youre welcome to follow my main site if you want, it's damazcuz just like my main blog is. That said, if I do make a gw2 cohost I'll post about it again with a link.
This isn't a goodbye post and I'm not gone yet but I'm a sappy person and I like what we have here. And I want to give a solid heads up of where I might be heading before I just go.
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new-greens-primeau · 3 months
Welcome to my AU blog!!! hiii !!
My first post will be here ! this text post. Here I can go over what this AU will include and some important information. I'm going to put it in bullet points because that's my favorite way to organize. Info is under the cut !
• We'll start off with the name! Why is it called "New Greens?"
New Greens is the name of our first universe (New Yoke) after it's been reformed again. This is to spite the council after they lost control, of course.
• The content of this blog will be character ref sheets, minor comics, and misc art pieces!
• This AU will focus soley on the after of the other universes. green hill will very rarely be mentioned. Though Sonic's impact will be prevalent
• More characters will be brought into these universes! Cream and Vanilla already have heavy plans if you love those guys!
• We'll be focusing on a lot of stories! Again, this is very self indulgent so this will just be me twisting the story around and expanding it to my liking. Though they'll all be much more character centric.
Things like how Nine handles things after Sonic leaves, Chaos Sonic having normal Metal Sonic issues after it realizes it will not be replacing sonic, and how Black Rose & Rusty will go on as captain and co-captain.
• Chaos Sonic lives of course.. I love that guy. Sudden given free will and identity issues for him.
• After everyone returns home, they're locked in. Most are content with this. Without the shards there are no longer gateways so they'll be made to live their lives in the respective universes they decided to enter. Most return home, though with some exceptions. Rusty remains with the crew, with no intent to go back to "New Yoke"
•Chaos Council ends up in custody! Upon making it back to their universe it turns out they're powerless without a shard. All 5 are locked up for their crimes. Except the baby, which will be expanded on
With these main points out of the way, that's about it! Minor and specific info will come with later posts.
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shifting---patterns · 5 months
Elena Dawson: The Art of Artisanal Fashion
Today's blog post marks a special moment for me. Not only because it's my first on Shifting Patterns, but also because I deeply admire and enjoy the work of this designer. So much so that my wife and I even got married in her garments. Today, I want to introduce you to Elena Dawson.
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Elena Dawson, a London-born fashion designer for menswear and womenswear, keeps much of her personal life under wraps.There's no existing website anymore, and her former blog is no longer accessible. Only a Instagram account with a couple of posts and a contact email serves as a point of contact. It all somewhat reminds of the enigmatic Paul Harnden, doesn't it? But we'll get to that later. She studied Art and Fashion Design at the University of Brighton and worked as a seamstress after completing her degree. At that time, she said, "I draw on the knowledge I learned at the tailors still now in the way I make clothing."
In 2000, she co-founded the clothing line "Paul Harnden Clothiers" with her ex-partner Paul Harnden. She was an integral part of the design, concept, and business until 2009 with Paul Harnden, who was primarily known under the name "Paul Harnden Shoemakers" until then, when she decided to establish her own clothing and shoe label in East Sussex. Her studio is located there as well. Despite Dawson's departure, Paul Harnden's ready-to-wear collections continue to this day. Since 2009, the brand has naturally grown, but Dawson still produces her clothes and shoes herself, supported by a small team. Everything is produced in-house in multiple studio spaces, but all is handmade.
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The aesthetic of Dawson's work at Paul Harnden and her own brand has definitely evolved over the years. Paul Harnden, who is now known not only for his shoes but also for his blazers/jackets, coats, trousers, and shirts, has a rather clean cut and neatly sewn edges. On the other hand, Elena Dawson has a rather rough look and is known for her unfinished seams with dangling fabric scraps. It's sometimes hard to describe, but she has a very romantic, poetic, Victorian look that partly reminds me of Tim Burton movies.
When I put on one of her beloved blazers, I often feel like a part of Bertolt Brecht's Threepenny Opera, almost like a wardrobe from the 19th century. I own 2 blazers (linen and wool), 1 linen shirt, 2 pants (linen and cotton), and silk accessories from Dawson. My wife has a mix of a coat and dress. All her clothes are labelled with the classic "Elena Dawson - Made In England" label and the washing/material information written in her really unreadable handwriting with a Sharpie.
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The coats and blazers (mostly) feature beige/white cotton lining, and the classic look, often seen online, is achieved by rolling the sleeves backward, exposing the lining through the open seams. She works with a dress form, sculpturing everything, and only uses natural materials. Her favorites are English wool, Indian cotton, Irish linen, and Chinese silk. She describes her work as follows: "When you work on alterations you are really tearing the guts out of the garment, performing a sort of autopsy—you really get to see a garment at its most vulnerable point. Observing this state of semi-deconstruction in the making of a garment or shoe is what I like to retain in my finished work."
You'll rarely get the chance to buy her pieces online, as there are hardly any retailers offering her items online. She mentioned: "We don't do much press or social media work and we don't sell online at all. I'm not against that. It's just not the brand's main job." Elena Dawson limits the maximum order quantity and carefully chooses her retailers. She prefers to keep the brand small, and even on classic online platforms like Grailed, Vestiaire Collective, or eBay, you won't find many of her items used.
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I highly recommend visiting a retailer near you for the experience alone and trying on the clothes in-store. In my case, it's Harvey's in Berlin. However, the most well-known point of sale is probably Dover Street Market in London, with whom she has a strong relationship, as Dover Street Market has actively supported her brand from the beginning, granting her a significant presence there. In Tokyo, I was also able to find her pieces at DSM and at the Comme des Garcons Pocket Store.
The result is garments full of personality that evolve over time alongside one's own personality, incomparable to any other looks consumed and worn nowadays. Each piece, crafted by her hands, is unique, and I'll tell you, the first time I wore an Elena Dawson blazer at Harvey's in Berlin, it resonated with me. The look, the weight, the fit… it felt like a second skin, and over the course of 2 years, seeing how it aged with me, it became more like an extension of myself each day.
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Here's to Elena — may your artistic journey continue to inspire and captivate for years to come!
Davis Jahn
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general-yasur · 1 year
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Welcome to my Art (and things) Blog!
Other socials
Commissions: Open!
Requests: Open
Aye! I’m Yasur. Currently a college student studying art and animation. At my heart I tell stories and have used just about every medium to do so, writing/music/ and most notably illustrations. I love digital painting/ illustration and use my art to make cinematic pieces that tell stories.
My main interest has been Ninjago and that is where I conjure many stories and ocs in that medium. But I love other stuff that may pop up on here too:
Steven Universe
Legends of Korra
Love Death and Robots
Saiki. K
And so many more…
#fanseason: neon warfare
Ninjago: Neon Warfare is a years long 2-part fan-project of mine written entirely in screenplay format. It’s a sequel to season 11 and deals with the aftermath of Zane’s reign as the Emperor when his past leaks into his home realm. His status, relationships, and health are put in jeopardy.
Information on my fanseason can be found on my blog, on ao3 and on it’s website.
Ninjago 2510: My cinematic universe where many of my stories and ocs reside in (most notably Neon Warfare and Let’s Play Pretend.) It’s relatively canon-adjacent meaning all the stories and lore should fit in canon.
Let’s Play Pretend: After Crystalized, Lloyds destructive nature finally takes over. Can he be stopped and brought to his senses, or will he be lost to suppressed side of himself?
Golden-Ice-Emperor-Zane: The Ice Emperor is infused by golden power and the Overlords influence. Co-creator: @diisdoodles
Spellbound: A villain casts a spell on all of ninjago and sends them into a world where they believe they are fairy tale characters. Though one individual slipped through the cracks and must make the ninja remember who they are, or all that was is lost.
Fantasy Au: Story that focuses on the beloved Prince Lloyd. When he finds out that he’s been lied to and his father is up to no good, he vows to take over the kingdom for himself, with the aid of the Shining Stallion: Jorge
60 years: Zane tries to survive on his own after losing his memories. On a journey of self-discovery and a search for purpose, Zane gains and loses many families and homes. All the while he dreams of an Ice man with a great big staff, and uses those dreams to enhance his own icy abilities.
Julien and the Prism of Imperium: How a young Julien got ahold of a source of power that he’d eventually use to create his only son. Fast forward decades later, the one who loved and sacrificed themselves to help Julien has survived as a nindroid. They have created a nindroid empire underground, and Zane learns he has not one but 24 other siblings. A certain Cryptor reawakens, seeking to destroy Zane’s new found family.
I have many ocs across all my stories and you are welcome to ask me about them, but Jorge Lash is my favorite lil guy. He is a genius inventor who uses his tech to preserve the smiles of the people. More on him can be found all around my blog, but if you’re curious you can send me an ask too!
I do not condone anti-lgbt/racism/abilism/pedophilia behavior at all. You will be blocked
I try to keep my blog mostly sfw but I am 18+ and my art/stories often contain heavy themes. I will use tw: and cw: tags.
Especially where Ninjago is concerned. Do not come to me hating on mine or other peoples headcanons. Be respectful of headcanons within reason.
My inbox is open if you wanna chat! I love hearing about your stories or whatever questions you have about mine. Please do not send me nsfw, request nsfw, or extremely long inboxes.
Do Not Repost My Art.
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sporesgalaxy · 1 year
since i dont want an entire "zim age debate" on your blog im keeping this off anon so you can answer this privately if you want
im ALSO not trying to "convince you" to change your interpretation of zim because thats stupid and completely defeats my entire point that its up in the air. thatd also be pretty mean of me!
but my main point is that i think different writers on the show have different ideas for how they see him, considering jhonen is not the sole opinion-haver there and his favorite thing to do is make shit up. like richard and andy((zim and dibs voice actors, respectively)) im pretty sure dont think hes an old man otherwise the puppet kiss incident or the "i love you zim" wouldnt have happened. ((not that i want this to be About shipping but thats a big example)) and then theres advertisements calling zim an "alien kid" or jhonen himself calling zim a child in the old pilot bible
i understand what you mean with tak the hideous new girl however thats also the episode where he tries to Date tak under the impression that shes a human child and id rather not see my funny greenboy as a predator. i just always thought that the 60 years joke was "haha isnt it funny that were using ridiculously long periods of time and theyre still children"
not to mention mopiness of doom where it shows that zim and dib are grossly codependent enemies and i just dont really want to imagine a 60+ year old man and a child depending on eachother like that,,,,,
theres more "evidence" but i think this ask has gone on long enough
ALL OF THAT BEING SAID!!!!! theres no definitive proof either way and i find that unless youre shipping or really want to dig into the child soldier angle((which i personally find interesting)) it doesnt really matter. again this isnt supposed to be a persuasive essay just like,, idek. i like discussing this show and the characters in it! theres story benefits to either interpretation of zim and i like your art either way
uhh,, cheers and also sorry i think!!
eh. I had to write so much to respond to all this, it seems wasteful not to post.
There is no way for me to 100% guarantee that zadr will be read the same way by everyone, because it won't be, as is the nature of all media. That is exactly why I don't think that everyone who interprets Zim as a child necessarily has ill or manipulative intentions.
But I can provide arguments like the following for why I think zadr and kids who ship it would be a likely target for groomers, and therefore why I feel it is a good idea to discourage this ship.
As I mentioned in the previous ask, I think that said discouragement should be approached with the mindset that not everyone involved is malicious or arguing in bad faith. It is necessary to determine how best to act depending on the situation.
Personally, I'm going to continue pointing out the problems I see with the ship as much as I can in hopes of changing peoples' minds, whenever I have the time and energy to do so.
re: the VAs: This does not refute my point about Zim being easily read as an adult bc of the 50 years comment/ many other contextual implications made by the show. If anything the vagueness about Zim's age because of his alien society could make this a more useful grooming tool. I feel the same way about Bill Cipher x Dipper. Bill has just as much childish adult coding and just as little certainty about his age within the context of his alien species.
re: the pilot bible: the show changes lots of things from the pilot bible so this is no more reliable than any other "word of god" (input from creators of the show rather than material within the show) from Jhonen.
That said, I think the VAs were joking around and did not put much thought into it. Joking around by making characters act the opposite of normal (hating each other -> liking each other) is common.
That said, I think the unprovable nature of the intentions behind the VAs comments is a good argument for excluding word of god from the Zim age conversation entirely. I think that zadr is still Not Good and should be Discouraged even if you only look at the show with no additional outside input, for all the reasons I explained in the first ask and have added here.
re: advertisements calling Zim an alien kid: a bunch of characters in the show call him a kid because they are genuinely convinced he is one, so it doesnt surprise me that advertisement/bumper writers who arent really paying attention would call him that.
re: trying to date Tak: in that episode it is made VERY clear that Zim does not understand romance at all, and does not care to beyond what's necessary to blend in. He clearly does not genuinely want to date her and only wants to use it to seem more socially normal. The Keef episode established a precedent for how Zim treats human relationships he's unfamiliar with, and it's by doing the bare minimum and then ditching them immediately. It's not GOOD behavior by any stretch, but he isn't acting with genuine predatory intentions.
re: 60 years joke: yeah sure that is a joke the show might make. But the additional cultural context we have for Zim's life (that he has been a soldier for a long time + that he trained to become a soldier for a long time, as we see in The Trial) gives Tak being a janitor for 50 years more potential to be taken literally.
re: mopiness of doom: yeah honestly I just personally don't like that episode script. But also, as codependant as they are and as weird as that is, nothing about it is inherently romantic. My frenemies argument from the end of the original post still stands, as do all of my arguments about the ship being potentially useful for grooming because of the lack of clarity.
re: your conclusion: The fact that Irkens HAVE child soldiers IS interesting, yes, and we see in The Trial that Zim has been trained to be a soldier basically since birth, which is also interesting to consider for Zim's character.
However, I explained in the previous ask how I think reading Zim as a child during the current events of the show weakens some of the show's core themes about incompetent, unquestioning adults. I think the whole show just makes more sense if it is centered around a socially shunned child and socially shunned adult fighting against each other. The fact that Zim is old and still a loser further highlights how futile both his and Dib's aspirations to greatness are within their respective societies-- and they are CLEARLY meant to be seen as futile.
I cannot think of a theme or character arc that would be served by Zim's age being unclear, so I do not think it comes across as intentional, even if you rule out word of god. But still, even if nothing I've read into here was intentional, what matters is that it is lends itself to being interpreted as an adult/child ship, or being interpreted as an age gap that "doesnt count" for superficial reasons. And NO I am not claiming that there is any way to conclusively determine that a ship with an unclear age gap has crossed the line into potentially harmful territory. It HAS to be considered on a case-by-case basis. And you've made it clear that there are muddling factors to sift through for this one in particular!
But I feel very strongly that these muddling factors are more circumstantial than, less intuitive than, and ultimately outweighed by, the parts of the text which contextually place Zim as an adult, and will continue providing examples supporting this conclusionc whenever I am able to.
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neilsanders · 1 year
i've been waiting forever for you to open your asks because i love your animations so much, they're so fun.
i've been doubting that i might ever make a livable career out of my art; but then i saw that you did some vault guy animations for fallout and i realized that there's a niche out there for everybody, including me! so, thank you.
I had a little rummage around on your bloggo but can’t see any pictures you cheeky fellow! I love to draw lots of dumb stuff, I think the key for me is to be working outwardly, as in making work with other people in mind, but without compromising too much on your personal taste. It’s the old thing of making what you want to see, but hoping that there’s enough people out there to warrant it as a commercial venture. Blah blah blah, I just draw lots and lots then sift through them to find things that work for me in the moment, then try and flesh those out a bit. That said it’s easy to have integrity when you’re not relying on it as your main income source. I’m an art teacher four days a week, so making art is the fun in my day rather than a stressful challenge of tight deadlines and huge expectations.
Working with Ivan Dixon and Greg Sharp at Rubberhouse was a dream come true, they had loads of great creative projects where we got to animate in authentic styles from the thirties, forties and fifties! I didn’t know what Fallout was when they put me on the gig, hadn’t played many games since the PS2 generation. The studio has disbanded now with Greg running Truba Animation and Ivan being a co-director at Studio Showoff, but they’re each still running amazing 2D productions.
As far as finding your style and audience goes I owe a lot of it to contributing to and running @loopdeloop-blog , it’s a monthly animation challenge where we would all make something dumb around a theme and then get together and have a public screening. It’s a very surreal feeling to be at a screening with everyone watching something you made and taking in their reaction. We’re just getting it back up off the ground after things got all screwed up with covid, you should check it out! It’s a great way to get animators out of their caves to socialise each and I’ve made so many lasting friendships because of it.
Here’s a loop think I spent almost all of my free time on one month back in 2012 for a LoopdeLoop screening, no idea what the theme was… but I guarantee I wouldn’t have worked so hard on a personal project without wanting to impress everyone at the screening as a goal.
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asksoldieron · 2 months
SO-24: Whatever Happened to Poor John?
If there's a lot of engagement on this, this post is liable to get real long, beware before you expand.
No art, but I am working on it and I will add it retroactively. The eyes are letting me draw, just real slow.
Welcome to the Engagement Lounge, for La Goualante du Pauvre John (253|24) an instalment! Short comments can go in the replies, but there's a 475 character limit. Longer ones will need a reblog. Remember to @asksoldieron if you're reblogging someone else's reblog, so I can see it too!
Woo! We just got back from a 2 night stay on a houseboat, it was definitely trying to kill us (I'll do a post on the main blog later, I have so many scary pictures), and we loved it anyway. So I'm distracted, but I did manage to unwind a little. No wifi, only phones! But I think I got pretty much everything formatted OK before we left. We'll see!
Now it's time to back up and see what happened to John after he smacked into the Elysium Inn's glass door and escaped into the wild! His friends picked him up and they're ready to do more terrorism together! ...Well, maybe in a little bit. They all need a break to unwind, too, but they're not gonna get it. Jenny will put her big brother back together as best she can, but she's going to be a little irritated with Erik and Co. and everyone else who allowed him to break down that badly.
And we end on a cliffhanger! The "real spy" is suddenly revealed! Unfortunately, that'll be all you get for about two months, unless I can put something cool together for our birthday in April. It's doubtful.
The spouse and I are about to have the most stressful two months of the year (probably... hopefully). He's got to prep for his CPA exam, which is 8+ hours of testing over multiple days. They will require him to do two practice cases a week, timed, the longest of which will take 5 hours. We expect adding that much fake accountant business on top of his actual job and everything else we gotta do will fry his brain. And there's the added stress that the test costs thousands of dollars. If the unlikely happens and he fails this time, taking it again will hurt. We can swing it, but it'll hurt.
It looks like his current employer has his back, though. The capitalist exploitation is different up here! A promotion to a better-paying position that will qualify for the experience he needs to be a full CPA (he needs 2.5 years) is in the works. If he gets it, he can stay with them, and they'll pick up his school costs. His dream job is still doing actual, meaningful work for a nonprofit of some kind, but he can hack this one for another 2.5 years if necessary. As long as we can still afford food and housing! I think we can. The whole immigration thing seems a bit backed up, but when we're allowed to own property, we can afford a floating house like that houseboat we stayed at. Not exactly like it, dear god no, but similar. That may be what our future holds.
But we gotta make it to June, first! I have no idea what my internet life will look like or how often you'll see me, but I'll try to get some stuff done. Hopefully, I can come back with another six, illustrated, as soon as the stress abates. Thank you for your patience until then!
[Back to Site?]
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blueberry-mono-skies · 3 months
❝Aren't you a curious critter, landing in my garden...❞
Hey there ! Finally decided to put this up after ages of not doing it.
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Listen to some music while you read !
About me !
My name is Blueberry, but I also go by Monochrome, Outer, and Constellation !
[She/Her is not preferred but okay]
The shortened versions of those being, Blue, Mono, and Constell.
I'm a minor, so DNI NSFW blogs please ! Also PRO/COMSHIP blogs DNI !!!
My main interest is UTMV ! Though I also enjoy other things such as HTTYD, MLP, Horror movies [of all kinds], and more !
I mostly draw UTMV content, but do draw ocs as well.
My main tags !
"#blueb draws"
"#blueb writes"
"#blueb rambles"
"#blueb talks"
"Minor"/not used much, tags !
"#blueb ocs"
"#blueb refs"
"#sweetmeatstale" - my au that I will get around to posting about !
Blogs !
As well as this one, I am a co-owner to the @hhssau blog ! [ Former Co-owner @funtime29nm ] !!
I help with the story and design ideas and suggestions. Angel/Nightmare did most of the art !
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This is my carrd ! There's a couple more things about me, as well as my socials links on there !!
My pronouns page ! Please take a look through and call me by what is written as preferred !
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just-paradox-things · 5 months
Pinned Post
Who are we? Paradox System. 50-someodd members. Most of them don't bother to front.
Who is the host? You're welcome to call me Dirk, Logan or Lou. I'm also the Core. My co-host is Hal.
What is this blog? If you didn't read our bio (which is fair,) it's a sideblog separate from our main where most of our system posts will be, since I don't think it's a good idea to post about it on main.
Goofy anecdotes, art, and general comments on the plural experience will be posted here. Feel free to ask any of us anything, but no promises on answers from everyone. I (Core) will always answer questions, though. :)
Important shit:
Yes, we do have a high member count. Yes, we are fictive-heavy. We are autistic and split easily, especially when spiraling. We split a lot really close to the beginning of finding out and managing ourselves because I (the core) was incredibly stressed out. It just sort of compounded the more people showed up because it felt out of hand.
No, we are not diagnosed and are not interested in being diagnosed, but we're in dialogue with a professional who has confirmed our experiences align with DID.
This is not a safe place for syscourse. If you send me syscourse, you will be blocked.
Emoji key for posts. They will be in the tags.
Some people use typing quirks. I'll try to make sure there are warnings and translations for screen readers.
If someone says something abhorrent, please put them on blast. Normally, they are kept from doing so, but I'd like to know so I can apologize on their behalf and delete the post.
DNI / Block on sight:
Syscourse blogs
People who argue in bad faith
Anyone who wants to start shit with me or a community I'm a part of
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Hi I’m Emmy! And welcome to my tumblr! I’m an artist that loves all sorts of shows/movies (currently on rise of the tmnt). Any tcest or homophobes don’t interact plz. I also am Christian but I won’t push it on anybody, just plz be respectful and keep it in mind!
Meet the artist!
Also if ya’ll got any questions or just wanna talk don’t be afraid to ask :>
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One of the co-creators of the extended family au! It is a co-op au and we do got stuff goin.
Co-creators: (give them some love)
@cookiekate-art @kaysdenofchaos @alexthenerdbird @ariel-gremlinzkeep @quirkycorgianimations @/bloodyballoon on tiktok
ASK BLOG: @ask-the-extended-fam
Art (from me): | 1 | 2 |
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Also a co-op to “The Employees”. A Rottmnt au where a bunch of OCs work for Hueso at Run of the Mills restaurant. Shenanigans and angst insue~
Main platform: @theemployees
(Where my OC Sylvia is in)
Also AU’s of this AU??? Go to @/aumployees
The whole collection of content and stuff of my Rottmnt oc Sylvia (is also in The Employees AU) and her in different AU’s (most of them are AUs of The Employees)
What happens when a father figure becomes THE father figure? That’s basically what happens to Old Peepaw Leo here lol.
After being sent back in time to where splints dies saving the turtles, Leo couldn’t just sit there and let them die, their himself and his brothers after all. He might have raised Casey, but it’s a whole new ballgame for 4 mutant turtles in a world with no apocalypse, how hard could it be?
Main Link to Fanfic
PercyJackson x Rottmnt AU
Oh ho ho boi, what happens when 4 demigod brothers get cursed by an angered god? And have to find a way to uncurse themselves? It’s a bit harder than expected—
After 5 years of being cursed into being basically turtle monsters, their still waiting at camp halfblood for a prophecy so they can go on a quest to undo this spell that’s been put upon them. Leo being impatient, decides to take things into his own hands, Mikey ofc not letting him go by himself. Raph and Donnie suddenly finding them gone, go on a quest to bring them home.
Leo full of guilt, and apparently chosen by the ancestors, goes back to the prison dimension himself to end things. Once and for all.
Part 1 - going solo
Part 2 - battle
Part 3 - revenge
Part 4 - acceptance
Spider Bro AU
An AU where Izuku Midoryia from MHA was adopted by the Parker’s in NYC and was raised along with Peter as brothers!!
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Link to webtoon
Ref sheets
Doodles/short comics
| 1 | 2
Cass Apocalypse Series: | 1 | 2 |
OC Sylvia: | 1 |
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Hey everyone, guess what’s on the internet? It’s the Daniel Kitson archive 2.0!
This first appeared on the internet a few months ago, and by "appeared", I mean I did a small amount of work and someone who isn't me did a large amount of work, and that put it online. My contributions were mainly listening to too many hours of radio files so I could work out what each one was, digging through things like old message board threads to match dates and radio stations and other metadata to those files, and cutting up some of the older ones to make song-free versions but saving titles and artists of those songs to make tracklists. Most of the files where I did the editing were from the older years when Kitson was not so diligent about back announcing and on some occasions told us that even he didn't know what the song was, so this involved a fair bit of Googling lyrics to indie music. That was my main contribution, really. I Googled a lot of lyrics to indie music. Those were my contributions, unless Daniel Kitson ever breaks his promise that he doesn't Google himself anymore and finds that website, in which case, my contributions were nothing and I have never heard of Daniel Kitson.
Seriously, though, someone else who has been amazingly helpful to me for the past year did all of the actual work of designing and creating the website, amassing the collection of audio files over many years, and quite a lot of the editing too, and I am very grateful for that, and all other comedy fans should be as well, and everyone should check out this beautiful bit of archiving.
A few updates have been made to the site since I first posted it months ago, and this weekend, a whole bunch more updates were made, which is how I justify the 2.0 designation. I re-listened to Kitson’s 2019 run last week to complete the last few tracklists that we were missing – so now every file that has songs also has a text-based tracklist as well as a music-free version. And for the 2019 run specifically, may I recommend the music-free version? Going back over that one really reminded me of how bad the music was in that year specifically – I didn’t love it in 2018/2020/2023 either, but I think 2019 was the worst. Anyway. Daniel Kitson has put some great music on his radio shows over the years and has introduced me to lots of music I now really like. But most of that is stuff he played before he got really into LCD SoundSystem in 2012.
 Anyway. There are other significant updates, as compared to when it was first posted, in the misc. radio section. A bunch of files that I haven’t seen floating around anywhere else, and I have looked quite hard. The BBC Loose Ends clip from 2003 that he famously told a long story about in one of his early shows, and it is fascinating to get to hear the actual episode and compare it to the story (he is, of course, spot on). Just this weekend, a radio interview from 2002 was added that was fantastic Classic Kitson. And a bunch of guest spots on Australian radio from various years between 2006 and now. It’s good stuff.
The biggest update is that there’s now a whole new tab for writing. We avoided including reviews of specific Kitson shows, but it includes all kinds of other stuff, like interviews with him and profiles about him and even a few things written by Kitson. It’s heavy on stuff from early in his career, before he stopped agreeing to do interviews or be profiled. But there’s some recent stuff, from people who have profiled him whether he wants them to or not. A lot of those PDFs back up my theory that there are like five people in the world who are capable of sounding like a normal person while talking or writing about Daniel Kitson, and none of those people work for any major arts-reviewing publications (to be fair, none of them write this blog either).
I highly recommend going through this thing, even if you're not hugely into Daniel Kitson, because this is a great way to start. For specifics of what's contained in each section of the archive, I'll just link to the post I made when it first went up in May, since the information is basically the same now as it was then. But there's more of it now. A whole bunch more and it's all enormous fun.
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