#psychic forecast
ivesambrose · 1 year
✿ 𝓕𝓮𝓫𝓻𝓾𝓪𝓻𝔂 𝓶𝓲𝓷𝓲 𝓶𝓮𝓼𝓼𝓪𝓰𝓮𝓼 ✿
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Short & sweet, make the best of this month 💝
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You'll be finding more comfort in yourself by finally honouring your feelings, whatever they are. You had been running on logic and rigidity for the previous month but now you can feel at ease.
You may be feeling more sentimental as well a little more nocturnal than usual. If you feel like crying, please cry. It's okay.
Intuition will be very high as well.
You may cook or buy comfort foods or clothing that make you feel more comfortable. You might be into soft pastel or muted shades a little more. You'd like to make your surroundings more cozy as well.
You'll have a rather romantic month as well so stay open to this.
If you've been having health issues or were harsh or overtly critical of your body you'll recover and overcome it. There is a lot of emphasis on skin care rituals, spa days or a nice long bath or shower with some aroma therapy that will help you rejuvenate. Please look after yourself and stop skipping breakfast.
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It may not seem like it at first but this is going to be a very significant and dare I say, a big month for you. Almost like a bridge that leads to something bigger.
You'll be feeling lucky and more enthusiastic to learn, to travel, to experiment etc you may even get a new tattoo or some of you might get their visa for studies/work or travel.
If you've been the quiet type previous year or month I sense you'll start putting yourself out there more. Maybe indulge in photography and show off your artistic skills or you yourself. Maybe documenting or progress in something too.
You're manifesting something big, more structure, more success in your business or work and stability. You're seeing every little thing as something that adds to what you want. There will be a big ending like you're finally taking off a band aid or simply throwing expired food out. Better boundaries as well.
Your determination and persistence will get you the recognition you seek. I also see you attracting someone because of this but they may be slow to approach simply out of nervousness.
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I think some of you felt drawn to the 2nd gif as well. Y'all are my ambitious folk as you should be. I heard "ka ching!" While chanelling for this group so expect some (a lot) of money. You're focused on your reputation, fame, long term goals this month. You might be super busy since things finally start picking up for you.
Some of you working out or joining the gym, you'll start seeing the good results in 6 weeks. Don't rush this.
Something you've always loved as a child or teen is going to end up being the big thing for you. How is none of your business, you have an inner knowing, that's enough.
You'll be quiet about your moves but your work will start speaking for itself. I see some of you practicing something in front of the mirror or saying your affirmations to yourself.
I see new, playful exciting romances as well gifts for you. I also see you getting a lot of your vision board or wish list manifestions all at once.
Visualise your desires before you sleep and most importantly, fix your sleeping schedule and get a good 7 - 8 hours of shut eye.
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starshapedjello · 9 months
Moon in the 12th — Who hurt you?
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Moon in the 12th housers are some of the most empathetic people in the universe, but why are they impossible when it comes to expressing their emotions?
Further more…
It is so obvy that y’all are psychic af! But I can’t tell if you know you are or if you are so removed from your own feelings, that your psychic powers are hidden from even you. 🧐
If you are a 12th house moon and you can’t feel your own emotions, I think this is your sign to maybe start opening up to the idea of becoming a more spiritual person. 🙏 I know it can be scary to imagine that there’s more to the world than what is right in front of us, but you have so much potential just waiting to come out! ❣️
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thescorpionmonarch · 6 months
Astro forecast
Lunar eclipse in Taurus Oct 28th. Many other aspects going on. Scorpio and Taurus Stellium in effect.
Your resources vs other people's resources or with other people's resources is a theme. Watch for feeling greed or competition over resources. Vibe reminds me of "gluttony".
How much you eat and what you eat needs to be studied. Many of you are going through body changes. Either in weight, body type, taste bud shift, or just what your body can't deal with anymore. Some of you are frustrated because of the time it takes to commit to a better way of consuming food for your goals/needs.
Addictions in general are being brought up. Drugs, sex, food, exercise, self harm, chaotic bonds, isolation, spiritual/religious/addiction. Addictions can also be what you tend to abuse.
Cleanse. Wash up more. Do smoke cleanses more. Use a body spray for cleansing. Pray for cleansing. Go to therapy. Detox from substances. Do less with certain people. Drink more water. If you aren't going to use or repurpose an Item, donate it to someone, or ask someone who's in need, or donate it to charities. Throwing it out being the last option, but some items you don't have an option. Watch for hoarding. Dance the energy or items away over a bonfire (for what you can burn safely).
Speaking of item cleanse, some of you have this thing for going down memory lane of finding items. Moon in taurus is one of those "this item has sentimental value" placements. If you are feeling this vibe, I am talking to you.
If you are older, cleansing can be inheritance to your kids, nieces, or nephews. Scorpio energy is the placement for inheritance.
Feeling rebellious against the system over government resources and wealth imbalance, speak up.
--------Some of you might rebel in ways that errr...... I can't say here, but "undercover". Which I get.
Some are soul searching career wise. Just jumping from job to job.
Identity theft? As well as questioning one's identity. Death and rebirth of a present identity.
More likely to injure yourself during physical labor during this time. Also more likely to see b!00d as apart of that. Mars in scorpio increases being more abravise getting things done, which also increases harsher injuries. Not necessarily clutziness. Just need to slow down and acknowledge your physical abilities as is.
Extra sleep is needed when transforming internal and external situations.
Your ancestors may be more temperamental than you are about the same situations.
Imagine getting fired and hired on the same day (or the other way around).
"I need to be an adultier adult"
Some of you don't know what you want living situation wise.
"Free shit ". Because everybody is getting rid of their stuff and hate waste.
Scorpio season is grieving season.
Enhance psychic/intuitive senses. Increased accuracy. Veil is thin.
Lots of remote viewing abilities popping up.
Trust issues around spiritual and religious beliefs.
It's not your job to parent anyone else (unless they are your child, even then, adult kids have to be responsible for them).
Kundalini energy. Sex magick. Use it.
This is where I will stop because I heard a lot of messages that I found conflicting. It might be my beliefs, but it could the wrong types of entities trying to pass a message and I am just filtering a lot of it.
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esotericawakenings · 9 months
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taratarotgreene · 1 year
Mercury conjunct Saturn, King Charles news-final decree
March 2 At 9:34 an EST Mercury the trickster messenger Psychopomp conjuncts the serious limit making Saturn at the last 29th degree of Aquarius. Aquarius is a Fixed sign of invention, freedom, non hierarchical Structures, technology, organizations, management, collaborations, and revolutions. This can be a finishing touch to a proposed plan or innovation. A patent on an invention. Saturn can…
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deerbornintuitive · 2 years
Theme for your Month Ahead
Hello, friend!
Welcome to your month ahead reading! The cool thing about this pick-a-pile is that you can return to it as you feel called to it in the coming months. Energy readings are timeless, and the messages apply to you at the time you receive them. This is a free collective reading, so take what resonates. If you feel called toward a personal reading, you may browse my written reading options and Book Here!
 For this reading, I chose the Light Seer's Tarot
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 Take a moment to clear your mind,
slow your breathing,
and bring your awareness fully into the present moment.
    Pick a pile A-E (left to right)
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  Which pile most resonates with your energy? 
  Scroll down to go to your reading!
  Pile A
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  Pile B
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  Pile C
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  Pile D
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  Pile E
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    Pile reveals....
    Are you ready? 
        Pile A
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Judgement depicts a spiritual release, and you’re moving into a huge opportunity to experience this. In more recent days, you’ve been reaching a new state of understanding yourself. You’ve been paying close attention to your ideas, thoughts, and motives, and taking more care with your actions and words. You're noticing the subtle changes within and around you, and this is helping you to open up in new ways. 
There's no need to keep yourself from the world any longer. Embrace your truest state of being by being open and honest with your heart. Judgement card energy means that you're realizing that the only approval that really matters in this lifetime is your own. This month is about dropping your masks, and letting your true essence be what it is. When you do this, you pave the way for reaching your full potential. 
This time is likely to be a spiritual awakening, as you grow closer to this side of yourself. You will be feeling more connected to the Universe, the Divine, God, depending on your beliefs. 
How can you fully open yourself to this energy? Forgiveness of some sort is likely in order. It may be time to free yourself of this stuck energy by giving forgiveness to someone who has been needing it-- this includes yourself. Letting go, finally, of this old energy you've been holding onto is going to open up space for expansion. It will enable you to move into the next chapter of your life. 
         Pile B
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King of Wands and 6 of Wands represent new opportunities for success! There’s so much wonderful potential surrounding you. You are filled with great ideas that are bound to bring you to new heights. It’s likely that you’ve already been building up to this success... the cards show that you're on the brink of reaching a big goal or milestone!
This is your sign to be proud of all your hard work. Let in those good feelings, and feel proud of your accomplishments. Accepting success will serve to seed more of it. Lean into your successes, and let it expand your confidence and optimism. Your Solar Plexus chakra is activated and flowing strong, which means that you’re in touch with and utilizing your own personal power in a positive way. You're mental energy is strong, and you're better able to make the correct decisions that lead you in the right direction. 
Do you realize that you're a natural-born leader? Maybe you have yet to discover this part of yourself; but you're close to this realization. Wands have a strong energy of inspiration and pure action. 
This month, you're able to take on more responsibility. You have what it takes to be in charge of group projects and important tasks. People are taking notice of your charisma, success, and ideas. The 6 of Wands especially points to a victory. What you set out to do, you can accomplish. You just need to have faith in this!
         Pile C
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The Empress is all about abundance, and this can come in many forms: relationships, creativity, spirituality, even finances. There are lots of positive, loving things coming your way this month. Be open to accepting!
The card represents Mother Earth. You will be feeling drawn out to nature, to the expanse of the sky and the untamed wilderness. Your Soul is craving to return to the comfort of the outdoors. Let it soothe and fill your very being with love and care. Feel the nurturing energy and unconditional love of the Mother and the Divine Feminine. This is where we come from, and where we belong, but all too easily become detached from it by the modern world. 
Connections with animals, plants, and people will come more easily as the month carries on. Intuitive energies, empathy, and compassion are heightened for you. You can expect to feel emotions fully and deeply. You can more clearly see how the small things are what really matter in life. 
For some, we may be nurturing our connection with our children or our mothers, or our mother figures in our lives. This is a good time for honoring the wise women in your life. 
Additionally, honor yourself. This card shows that you’re taking great care in nurturing your own well being, which opens up your world and attracts good things your way.  What you put in this month will be doubled. Expect a full and wonderful 'harvest'. Good things are on their way!
         Pile D
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The Fool and the 9 of Pentacles represent that you're stepping into a new beginning in your own personal journey. You may not be feeling ready, but it’s time to take that first step! This is an exciting time, and there may be some unexpected twists. You are being brought to a place you haven't been before.
There’s an awakening occurring within you, likely Spiritual, but in any case, very personal. You may not yet fully understand everything occurring, but keep faith that this will lead to great things. 
This is a wonderful time for you to try new things. Allow yourself to explore all of your options-- don't limit yourself. Remain open to new experiences and ideas. Follow your heart. Others may not completely understand your journey, but this isn't about them. This time is about you doing what is right for you. Let outside judgements roll right off of you.
The cards show a very positive omen indicating that your efforts and new adventure will pay off in a beautiful way. Everything is aligning to bring you into a place of comfort and gentle optimism. Whatever occurs this month is enabling you to meet your needs in a more effective way. You're able to be more independent and confident. You're maturing, and you're realizing the well of wisdom that you do hold. 
Prioritize you; focus on finding yourself and enjoying the good things that life has to offer. Your journey hasn’t been easy, but has finally brought you to this sense of achievement. You're starting to see that everything is really going to be OK. Be sure to thank the Universe, and pay it forward.
         Pile E
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The Lovers represents coming into alignment with both your spirit and your emotions. This means you'll be experiencing a better state of balance. Your social life will be harmonious and full! You're able to more easily communicate whatever is on your mind and in your heart. People are more receptive to listening. This is a good time for forming healthy boundaries. Overall, there are lots of positive feelings going around, and you feel more comfortable opening up.
It's hard to ignore the steaminess of this card. There's a high likelihood for romance this month! Present now is this energy of giving in, of allowing yourself to feel emotions to the fullest. Singles, you're experiencing a new spark, possibly even moving into relationship territory. Those in relationships will experience a deepened connection. You're mutually feeling ready to enter the next stage. 
Additionally, it appears you have a decision to make, which has been likely going ignored and avoided... or in the least, put off for as long as it can be. This month's energies open you up into a more clear mental state. You're better able to see the full picture and make decisions. This is a good time for making plans and agreements. 
      Thank you for taking part in this reading!
It's a pleasure to deliver these messages to you, and provide you with some support. Always rooting for you and wishing you the best! Please leave a comment below with the Pile you chose :)
Courtney Deerborn Follow me on IG CourtneyDeerborn Twitter Deerborrn DeerbornIntuitive.com
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nativenumerology · 17 days
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Native Numerology
Unlock the mysteries of your future with Native Numerology! 🌟 Dive deep into the secrets hidden within divine numbers and gain valuable insights into your destiny. Our Numerology Reading will reveal the unique patterns and energies shaping your life. Don't miss this opportunity to discover the powerful guidance that lies within these sacred numbers. Embrace the wisdom of Numerology and unlock a brighter future today. #NumerologyReading
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billa-billa007 · 8 months
Virgo New Moon Horoscopes Tarotscopes | Astrological Forecast
The New Moon is a lunar phase that occurs when the Moon is positioned between the Earth and the Sun. During this phase, the side of the Moon facing Earth is in shadow, making it appear as if there is no Moon in the night sky. The New Moon marks the beginning of a new lunar cycle, and it is associated with fresh starts, new beginnings, and setting intentions for the future.
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sreehari28 · 9 months
Ready to make next week great!!! Tune into This Week Astrology – your ultimate star-studded forecast – for the week of July 23–July 29, 2023!
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henryshaa · 11 months
Aries New Moon Solar Eclipse Horoscopes.Are you ready for the Aries New Moon Solar Eclipse and how it will affect your sign/rising sign? Join me LIVE on Tuesday, April 18, 2023, at 10 am Pacific, 1 pm Eastern for your horoscopes and tarotscopes!
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starcana · 1 year
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This week's #cosmic #forecast ~ #Pluto enters #Aquarius ~ As we attempt a new approach toward passionate living, transformative Pluto exits from authoritative Capricorn (since 2008) on Thursday March 23, and moves through humane Aquarius for the next two decades. Pluto holds the power to harm and to heal; terminating what we’ve been obsessively holding onto - despite what has dried up, decayed and died… becoming toxic and unhealthy for our individual growth. While Pluto is associated with purge, destruction, endings and death, it is also connected with transformation, resurrection, rebirth and regeneration. Put whatever remains unhealthy to rest - and start living your best. #astrologyposts #horoscope #horoscopeposts #intuitive #psychic #mystic #astrologersofinstagram #lifecoach #psychicreading #greensburg #greensburgpa #pittsburgh #advice #tarotreading #tarotreader #lifecoach #spiritual #spirituality #universe #planets #cosmos #greensburg #greensburgpa ##business #biz #pennsylvania (at Pennsylvania) https://www.instagram.com/p/CqLjMXeOynF/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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sagewordstarot · 1 year
CrystalCast for week of 5 Dec 22
CrystalCast for week of 5 Dec 22
The story continues. It always does. Hi and welcome to the TaoCraft Tarot blog and Podcast. I’m glad you are here. I hadn’t planned on doing one of these this week, but when the time presented itself, well, the schedule is that there is no schedule so here we are. This is a new blog & podcast feature that I’m developing. It’s purely intuition driven, using crystal chips and rune stones tossed…
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thescorpionmonarch · 1 year
New moon in Aries AstroForecast March 21st, 2023
A timing of new starts, new births, rebirths, New jobs/Careers, new Relationships, new Living situations, new Interests, new Friends. Watch out for new bad habits/addictions/topic situations/toxic people though.
A good time for prayer/ritual work for self love, initiating something to gain something, embracing boldness, working out, and being creative.
This energy embraces a bit of risk taking and using physical intuition to move forward. Study what claircognizance and clairsentience is.
Don't rush. Steady pacing, but things will pick up speed over time. Don't let your excitement in getting goals met override the people in your life who matter. Everybody else needs space and support for their goals too. It's not just you out there making changes and manifesting.
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esotericawakenings · 1 year
New blog is live now! Check it out!
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taratarotgreene · 2 years
Mars trine Saturn image
Mars trine Saturn image
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officialleobrown36 · 2 years
Leo's Weekly Forecast (10/24-10/30) The Veil.
Hey Sugarbears, here is today's weekly forecast. The card of veil is telling us to connect with other worlds as the veil thins. Set your intentions and go forward.
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