thescorpionmonarch · 7 days
Belated Astro forecast. I was very sick.
Full moon in Scorpio on April 23rd. Planet Rulers of Scorpio in pisces (mars) and Aquarius (pluto). Ruler of pisces in it's own sign (neptune) and in taurus (jupiter). Ruler of aquarius in Pisces (saturn) and uranus (taurus). Jupiter and Uranus are still conjunct each other in taurus. Ruler of taurus in Aries.
This transit has an emphasis on mental health, psychology, shadow work, the occult, intimacy, and luck.
Mental health is often heavier or more erratic during a Scorpio moon transit. Temptation by unhealthy vices is sensitive right now. It helps to have someone holding you accountable or helping you resist toxic behaviors or vices. It can be hard to open up about them, but please do. Talk to your partner about your fears, your shadow. Keep it open and loving. If they aren't able to do that (especially those who are in long term relationships), you need to evaluate the relationships worth to you (unless it just started, be patient then). Mental health as a whole is important ti talk about, keep an open mind on, and to be constantly doing research. Mental health as well as what heals it is evolving. New methods to heal are evolving.
There's an increased interest in studying psychology as a whole. Abnormal psych and social psych are emphasized.
Due to recent events, I think it's important for the spiritual community to keep digging on psychosis from both a psychological and spiritual perspective and also practicing self awareness on their own struggles with it. Do share the knowledge you have learned. Do share your self reflections. Do share your own mental health knowledge. Every message put it out is not for everybody, but it is for somebody. There will always be overlap somewhere between you and another who could use your specific approach. The more diverse the messages, the more help available for more people in need of healing or lost on how to heal.
This also leads me to believe that new resources for mental health is being developed or coming to light so that more people can get access to them. Due to the Jupiter conjunct Uranus in taurus transit we have to be willing to seek out new resources or even unconventional resources. We have to be willing to be adaptable and open minded to get our due abundance.
I do think it's a sensitive time for relationships as a whole. How society approaches romance and intimacy is changing. It's opening up to more ways of being in a bond to keep a bond thriving. This includes couples sharing what they have learned that has worked for them. Instead of going "that's weird" perhaps see it as a mother way to have a bond that fits a person. We need to go within and acknowledge our differences in how we related is worth acknowledging and honoring and to not judge another's way of relating. If it's not for you, that's OK. You don't have to be with that person and no one should force you to be in a dynamic that doesn't suit you. You shouldn't for another to stay in that dynamic either.
Spiritual relationships are on the rise. There is an ever increasing need to find your soul tribe, but also a romantic love on a soul level that really evolves your own soul in a way that feels like "home".
We are also starting to evolve in our relationship with nature. Gardeningv evolving. Foraging is evolving. Farming is evolving. Animal care is evolving. Science around these topics are evolving. We are breaking down limitations and looking to new ideas. For every way there is a darker nature wanting to destroy and take abundance away, there is every way to get around them. We are becoming less trapped in limited abundance and giving the finger to energies wishing to disrespect boundaries and be vampiric.
"Couples that garden together, stay together"
Developing a shared passion with partners is on the rise. Gardening is a big one, but there is more in development.
There is an infinite number of ways to be healthy on this planet with ourselves and others. The more we share that info, the better for humanity. We have to do the work to use it and become wise with this new info.
#astrology #fullmoon
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thescorpionmonarch · 10 days
Astrology Observations 1
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Disclaimer: I am not a professional. Observations may not resonate with everyone. 🙏
☁ capricorn prominence or stellium in IC persona chart is a sign of growing up too fast or having a very strict upbringing.
☁ maybe it's just me but sagittarius moons tend to intellectualize or rationalise their thoughts more than they should.
☁ if you don't know why you hate someone for no reason you could have moon square moon or moon square other planets with them.
☁ planets aspecting the moon can be indicators of how your periods are in general. lunar return charts can give details of each monthly cycle and your mood.
☁ unless there are other major aspects, moon conjunct ascendant almost always look like their mothers, doesn't matter if it is in the 1st house or 12th house.
☁ neptune placement indicates what you daydream the most about. eg, neptune in the 5th house natives may often dream of having kids or being in a relationship or being an actor.
☁ saturn conjunct mars transit is a good time to start things that you have been putting off.
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thescorpionmonarch · 11 days
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thescorpionmonarch · 22 days
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thescorpionmonarch · 23 days
Nothing like ovulating or starting your cycle on an eclipse day.
That's witchy
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thescorpionmonarch · 24 days
How to start your day according to your rising sign.
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Your ascendant/first house represents the sign that was rising above the eastern horizon on the moment of your birth. However, within a broader cosmological framework, where houses each represent a different time of the day according to where the sun is, the First House represents the time of the day where the sun had just risen above the horizon. After a bit of experimenting, I have come to the conclusion that the best way to start your day is to align your early morning activities with those associated with your rising sign’s ruling planet. Here I explain how.
· Aries rising: start your day with a stimulating activity, something that gets you fired up and ready to engage with the day ahead. A workout session, a morning run, some stretching, or something as simple as a walk under the sun. Either way, you’d better get moving as soon as you get out of bed. Avoid getting your most challenging tasks of the day done as early as you wake up — rather, start with the simplest tasks and work your way up as a form of motivation.
· Taurus rising: take as much time as you need to get up. You have your entire day ahead of you, so make sure your morning remains a leisurely time — though I advise you to write a list of tasks down to make sure you have a roadmap of your day planned ahead. No matter how busy things get, make sure you at least start your day with a generous breakfast while enjoying your surroundings by eating in a balcony or somewhere you feel cozied up and relaxed. Investing in a morning skin care routine that works for you can only prove to be beneficial.
· Gemini rising: immediately engage in some mental stimulation. read a few chapters of a book, listen to a podcast, read some news, watch a video. Hell, even scrolling through social media wouldn’t hurt. Give your brain some much needed dopamine shots to get it going. If you’re learning a new language, try to memorize a couple words every morning. If you’re a student, try to study a bit right after waking up. If you have some manual tasks planned, get them done first thing in the morning.
· Cancer rising: schedule your morning routine around moon phases & transits. There are certain lunar transits (cardinal signs) or phases (new moon) where I would recommend starting your day with a workout and energy demanding activities, whereas on other transits (fixed signs) or phases (full moon), I would recommend taking things one step at a time, waking up gently, having a warm cup of your favourite drink, taking a bath, cooking, doing some gardening, and enjoying a relaxing morning before starting your day.
· Leo rising: Make sure that each morning is «you» time and let nothing get in the way of that. Soak up some sun light, start your day with positive affirmations, do 10 minutes of dancing, listen to music, meditate, draw a bit. Get yourself in the mood where you feel most confident and yourself, as there’s one watching you — you’re performing for no one but yourself. Self-care can mean many things and you need to find the form that works best for you. If you enjoy doing make up, do a creative look. If you like reading, read. You can even adapt your morning routine according to the sun’s transits.
· Virgo rising: it goes without saying that starting off your day with some journaling, list making, intention setting, tidying your place up and task planning can prove to be globally beneficial for everyone, but even more so for Virgo risings. You need as much mental stimulation as Gemini risings, if only with some added structure to it. Put yourself in the right mood where you can be productive instantly, get your tasks done starting with the most difficult ones so you'll have the rest of entire day for yourself, and remember to take breaks. It’s still early in the morning, after all!
· Libra rising: your mornings set the tone for the rest of your day — so make sure your day starts off on a harmonious note. Create a classical music playlist & play it every morning, have a nice breakfast – a nice drink and your favourite treat, do some pilates, read a couple page of a book you love, set your intentions for the day, do some bird watching, take a walk in a nearby green space or riverside and enjoy the aesthetics of nature & the scenery, choose an elegant outfit and pair it up with some jewelry & a nice perfume. Harmony is a balanced act that can easily be disturbed so make sure you keep your mornings free of external disturbances.
· Scorpio rising: you will benefit from starting your day gradually, & at a very measured pace. Try to weed out the eventuality that unexpected disruptions may arise (as that might disturb your inner balance & emotional state) by establishing firm boundaries and prioritizing activities that bring you joy & contentment. Any activities that promote focus, introspection, and empowerment would be great — namely journaling, meditation, deep breathing exercises to center yourself, or a 30 minutes workout session. If you enjoy writing, write down your feelings in the form of prose or poetry. Lists will also help you stay structured throughout the day & ensure you won’t spend it entirely inside your head.
· Sagittarius rising: start your day by doing some manifestation. Pick a method you prefer, and make sure you spend at least 5 minutes manifesting and setting intentions for the day ahead, as well as some long-term goal you’re working on. If you’re into philosophy, read a few pages of a philosophical book of your choice first thing in the morning. If you enjoy language learning, spend ~30 minutes learning new notions teaching yourself a full lesson. Drawing or making a moodboard can also help you manifest for the day. A morning walk where you take in your surroundings will also help you get into the right mood.
· Capricorn rising: buy a planner, and start your mornings by writing down your to-do list. Make sure you also have a couple pages dedicated to short term projects, and long term projects — try and check out a case from either every so often, every morning. Doing so will fill your mornings with intention as you will feel like you did something great for yourself (and you did indeed). And as is the case with every other cardinal signs — include a physical activity into your mornings. A 15 minutes run, a 30 minutes walk — whatever you deem best.
· Aquarius rising: write down your dreams & ideas fresh out of bed. Your mind comes up with the best scenarios & concepts early in the morning, so write them down — you never know, maybe one day you’ll find the resources, energy or will to expand on one of them. I have noticed that Aquarius risings come in two fixed archetypes, the type that enjoys socializing fresh out of bed and the type that needs 3 business hours before being able to utter a single word to others – so my advice is simple: if you’re the former: start your day with some socialization, text your friends, post on social media, and if you’re the latter: put your headphones on, read something (anything) and block out any and all external noise.
· Pisces rising: the transition from the realm of dreams to the waking world is a tougher challenge to you than most, so try to start your day slowly and gently. No abrupt and aggressive tasks, no strong drinks, no heavy food. Pressure is of 0 benefit to you so do not put yourself in your “awake” mode until you’re about to go outside. If you’re working on an art piece, draw some of it right now. If you’re writing a book, write down a couple lines as soon as you leave bed as your dreams might provide some extra insights & creativity you wouldn't be able to conjure up while awake. If you have plants, water them. If you have a balcony or garden, spend some time there just sitting & doing absolutely nothing.
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If you’d like a reading, more details can be found here!
Have a nice day!
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thescorpionmonarch · 24 days
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Venus enters Aries
Friday 5th April 2024
Passion ignites as Venus enters fiery Aries, fueling desires and sparking new romances. Relationships take on a bold and adventurous tone, with a focus on spontaneity and excitement. Embrace your individuality and pursue what sets your heart ablaze. Take bold steps in love and indulge in thrilling experiences together.
Yoga: The Warrior Pose (Virabhadrasana) embodies the bold and assertive energy of Venus in Aries. Stand tall, step back with one foot, and bend your front knee deeply. Extend your arms overhead, palms facing each other. Feel the strength and determination in your stance, channeling the passion and courage to pursue your desires fearlessly.
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thescorpionmonarch · 24 days
Your untapped talents according to your fifth house.
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In traditional astrology, being Venus’ joy, the fifth house is (among others) a signifier for natural talents, as well as hobbies you would enjoy most or thrive at.
Which are yours?
· Aries in the 5th house (Sagittarius rising): you possess a proficiency in competitive or energetic sports and activities, a natural ability to lead a team, an uncanny ability to face & overcome your fears, as well as high stamina & endurance. Steadfast in your beliefs and capable of debating in their favour anytime of the day.
· Taurus in the 5th house (Capricorn rising): you’re naturally talented in gardening & cultivating a beautiful, lush & luxuriant outdoor space, effortlessly skilled in arts like painting, sculpture, or pottery, and excellent at cultivating artistic talent in others (would make a great art professor).
· Gemini in the 5th house (Aquarius rising): you have unrivaled storytelling and writing skills, an innate versatility in performing arts such as acting or comedy, & skilled in employing incisive language to convey complex ideas or emotions. You may have a talent for photography, drawing, or manual/visual arts.
· Cancer in the 5th house (Pisces rising): you’re skilled in acting out intense scenes or writing emotionally charged stories, talented in interior design and making every new place you inhabit feel like home. Usually talented in cooking &/or baking. Great swimmers too.
· Leo in the 5th house (Aries rising): Leo fifth houses are highly creative in fashion-related endeavors such as designing clothing items or costumes, have natural flair for performing arts and a natural ability to captivate an audience or command attention. Great at improvising and coming up with stories on the fly.
· Virgo in the 5th house (Taurus rising): you’re talented in crafts like knitting or woodworking, editing or artistic critique, photography. You’re the go-to person for event organization & planning. Skilled at DIY crafting projects, scrapbooking, manual creations such as jewelry making or ceramic works. Great debators, too.
· Libra in the 5th house (Gemini rising): you have outstanding diplomatic skills & are capable of negotiating your way through just about any situation. You're skilled in creating harmonious compositions in visual arts or music. You would definitely enjoy ballroom dancing, painting, & decorating spaces. You also have a natural sense for aesthetics & beauty.
· Scorpio in the 5th house (Cancer risings): you would make a great taboo/erotica/crime fiction writer or visual artist. You're also talented in writing intense and charged scenes or lyrics, & are capable of evoking strong emotions through artistic expression. You would probably enjoy investigating mysteries & delving into occultism.
· Sagittarius in the 5th house (Leo rising): you’re amazing at inspiring others through creative expression, great at documenting experiences through photography or journaling whether in remote destinations or within your hometowns & making the mundane seem interesting. You’d make a great writer of philosophical or esoterical fiction or analysis.
· Capricorn in the 5th house (Virgo rising): usually great at forms of art that demand focus and discipline. you're the type of person that can master more than one classical instrument if you were to put your heart into it. You would enjoy collecting antiques as a hobby, & have potential to be an eloquent & articulate speaker & writer.
· Aquarius in the 5th house (Libra rising): terrific at advocating for social change & making unheard voices feel heard through artistic or creative expression, and creating experimental or avant-garde works. Potential great musicians. The type of person who can turn even the blandest looking items into something uniquely gorgeous.
· Pisces in the 5th house (Scorpio rising): you have an innate versatile talent at anything creative as you’re capable of creating immersive artistic experiences that can even cloud the senses. Potential talent for dancing, occult or spiritual pursuits and intuitive painting as well. Would definitely enjoy swimming & marine life exploration.
P.S : one configuration cannot describe your entire experience. you may not relate to certain points, as you have had life experiences that shaped you and an entire chart consisting of inextricable elements that need one another to make sense.
Click here for readings !
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thescorpionmonarch · 24 days
ASTRO FORECAST!! TOTAL ECLIPSE IN ARIES (new moon). Moon, Sun, Chiron, North node, and Mercury are all in a conjunction. Chiron in an Aries cazimi. Aries stellium. Venus has also Joined in Aries recents. Ruler of Aries In Pisces and conjunct saturn in Pisces 1 degree apart. Rulers of pisces in Pisces (Neptune) and Taurus (Jupiter). Ruler of taurus is Venus (see Venus in Aries). Reminder that Mercury is still in Retrograde
Spiritual and religious communities are just... not getting along lol. There debates on what info is the truth. What is fact from fiction? Many have blocked intuition on receiving the truth happen to also be loud... almost aggressive even. How are everyone claiming to be experts on the same thing or similar yet... can be wrong or in less unity. Especially on spirituality?
Ego death has been heavy. Painful. Society is changing in intense ways and by the many.
Our connection understanding where we get our resources needs to improve.. Respect and gratitude for what goes into us even getting resources is needed as well as more improvements on how they can be less blocked off from the common people.
People's temper is all rooted to seeking unconditional love and yet not understanding how to practice it well. Some of us feel very new at it. Wanting to rush learning before we can truly absorb it at our own pace.
Deities, celestials, and spirits connected to water and storms need to be taken into account. Accidents in the water, water pollution, water based technology, tidal waves, tsunamis, sea creatures, storms, rain, flooding, droughts, showers and baths, laundry, water connected to gardening, and more topics are being affected. Violence on the water or by water is also a possibility.
Sleep is being affected with more aggressive dreams. Arguing, fighting (even physical), even if Sci fi like, are getting frequent. Dreams itself are very disruptive.
What are the karmic affects of violence and pacifism and how do we find balance in it or another option entirely?
We'd all be proven right more if we let our intuition lead instead of a tempermental ego.
Check your Mars sign and placement since Aries is ruled by Mars.
This post is a little scattered in how I organized the points, but it's mercury retrograde and so, I wrote what I wrote.
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thescorpionmonarch · 29 days
Mercury retrograde starts today and goes until April 24th in the the sign of Aries.
-you may be more clutzy with your hands
-you may have increased typos
-increased dyslexia and dyscalculia
-slow down on making decisions
-reread everything at least a few times before making any response.
-may not hear things right the first time
-increased issues with sensory processing disorders
-delays in getting documents completed, signed and return
-tax return delays for usa folks for a variety of reasons
-driving delays
-car maintenance needed
-slow down on driving. Stay safe. Cars are vulnerable right now
-roadwork needed. Roadwork delays
-transportation industry delays
-delays in deliveries. Also influenced by supply and demand issues
-physical and spiritual traffic jams
-please don't let road rage become you
-also getting things earlier than expected leaving you less prepared.
-speak slower. Listen more. Misunderstandings increased. Check your irritation to see if you got the right info or didn't understand something or missed a different perspective
-increased injuries to hands
-internet delays. Internet maintenance needed.
-phone issues. Phone maintence needed.
-satalite issues giving and receiving signals
-anything communication based is affected.
-increased or decreased physical stamina than usual
-difficulties staying focused
-rushing makes all the above worse
With the solar eclipse coming, the lessons you learn this retrograde is more profound than others.
Best use of the energy is to review old things already set in motion before starting new ones and taking Time to make edits, reviews, or need to reschedule stuff. It's also a good time to review limiting thought patterns, beliefs and how you communicate with others and yourself. May also need to review self motivation and new ways to do so.
Check your house placement and aspects for your own specifics.
I provide paid astrology services if you need more info on the specifics for your chart. I do advise you to do your own research first.
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thescorpionmonarch · 29 days
You ever get angry or irritated when you see someone practice the toxic behaviors that you used to practice, but healed?
It's a different kind of anger.
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thescorpionmonarch · 1 month
Astro Forecast that passed. Lunar eclipse in Libra. Sorry i forgot to post here
Moon opposite Neptune (out of sign) in pisces. Moon trine Pluto in aquarous. Venus and Saturn conjunctbin pisces still. Both are sextile Jupiter and Uranus in taurus. Uranus and Jupiter in a loose conjunction still.
What do you need to let go of relationship wise or a relationship pattern wise is reaching a lesson conclusion. Some of you may have passed the test without knowing and some well... feeling a hard set back. Some are ready to start the grief process. Some are ending the grief process (for the most part). The karma has balanced itself out between you and past people.
Some of you will find yourselves finally agreeing to new relationships after a long series of tests being alone and rejecting people who are the past testing you. This includes recognizing the patterns that created repeating relationship cycles that you didn't like. If you can recognize and reject them well, that's a good sign. Some may attract a partner that is a symbol of all the relationship tests you have had. Some of you already have that partner and they are reminding you how far you have come making better relationship choices.
Some of you are getting help with the grieving process from your current partner.
Some of you are grieving the lost of a partner who has passed away has been doing so for awhile and may need grief counseling.
If you had money issues with anyone, their is more than one way it can be sorted out. Karma is... creative.
A lot of this can be applied to ex friends that you were close with once.
Some of you are getting financial help or financial opportunities through romantic relationships, their family, or through friends that you do have.
Spirit guides are bringing you opportunities as well. They know someone who knows someone who knows someone.
There is an idea that you are never more than 5 degrees away from any one person or contact.
Proposal/engagement or just more commitment is possible (like moving in together).
May be witnessing another person's relationship trials and/or successes. May witness a proposal between people that you know.
Watch for gossiping about relationships or or group gossip. Stay out of the gossip fest. Watch for those who gossip behind your back. Keep your distance, remain private. Less info you give out, the better. Few will pass the vibe check. Anger may be justified, but watch how you channel it.
Unusual schedule changes will be happening to make ends meet, have time to relax, have fun, and to still invest time into your loved ones.
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thescorpionmonarch · 2 months
the signs from the first quarter of the zodiac (self-oriented) often grow up in environments which didn’t encourage or allow them to set boundaries. there might’ve been a messy pattern in their upbringing, the parents usually don’t set a working system of rules or if they do, it’s oppressive and changeable. the kids grow up feeling as if there is no solid ground to step on and there are no firm boundaries they can rely on. of course, the extent of this feeling varies - not everyone grew up in a toxic environment. this feeling for lack of privacy or shifting boundaries often leads to focusing on developing and asserting the self when you grow up, because you don’t want to end up in such situations again. and life often serves you circumstances in which you have to consciously choose yourself over others. aries often fights to be first in what they do and to be able to meet it all headfirst, taurus tries to own everything they need and be self sufficient like this, gemini spend their lives trying to figure out a working identity for themselves and jumping from one to another cuz they’re unstable, and cancer have to learn to set boundaries in their relationships so they don’t end up being used again.
the second quarter of the zodiac (partner-oriented) often grow up with people - usually parents - that demand perfection of them. they often hear shit like…oh no, you’re embarrassing me like this, get yourself together. it often feels as if their parents don’t really care about their emotions and well-being, they just want them to APPEAR as if they’re well. so other people won’t talk shit and see their parents as “bad”. that’s why in order to receive love, those kids try hard to always appear perfect. which leads to tremendous intimacy issues - you feel like you’re a festering wound and it’s ugly up close, so you can’t really let someone see that, you have to keep your distance. and it’s a theme in your life as an adult - craving intimacy yet trying desperately to come to terms with your own imperfection before you allow yourself to feel it. leos try to see themselves and project an image of them that present them as good and feel so deeply wounded and rejected when someone doesn’t validate that, virgos always try to fix others and themselves so they can be “worthy”, libra live with a vision for the perfect relationship and the perfect roles in it and their hearts break every time they’re met with the reality of things, and scorpio… I can’t count the times I’ve heard a scorpio say something in the lines of “I’m scared that people always leave when i let them in and they see I’m not that interesting”. you guys build up your entire life on protecting who you are out of fear that once you show it this will render you unlovable.
the signs from the last quarter of the zodiac (relationship oriented) often are the ones that feel robbed of their childhood. the circumstances were such that you felt as if you have to parent your parents mors than they did it for you, you’re often forced to grow up too soon and be more mature. maybe you have younger siblings you have to take care of or because of whom you were neglected from your parents. maybe your parents were quite young when they had you and didn’t know what they were doing - or they’re just emotionally immature. maybe you had to start working early to support the family. maybe your parents demanded you to be self-sufficient and to act “mature” and collected when you were still small. but it put a lot of responsibility on your shoulders - and you spend a lot of your years as an adult struggling with where to put it all down. you feel responsible for everyone’s well-being and overspend yourself on helping others. you have to realize you’re not everyone’s mom - sagittarius try to teach everyone something so they can live better, capricorns take on everyone’s work on their shoulders and always try to do the most, to make it all happen no matter the effort they have to put in, aquarius are visionaries that take into account everyone’s position in society, casting aside their own vulnerable feelings and disconnecting from them in the process, and pisces try to heal even those who don’t know they are sick… maybe especially them. this shouldn’t come at the price of your own comfort and needs, fellas! let the burden down here.
check sun/moon/ic/descendant
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thescorpionmonarch · 2 months
Inferior & Superior Aspects
When we talk about aspects in a chart and how to interpret them, we can look to placements of those planets to see which way the energy flows and what planet is the one acting as support. I'll be explaining how to find if your sextile, trine or square is a superior or inferior aspect.
Superior does not mean better, it means in front or above. Inferior mean behind or below.
Sextiles, trines, and square aspects will be either inferior or superior. One planet will be receiving support from the other, one planet will be dominant and one passive.
The opposition and conjunction are aspects where the two planets are on equal footing (opposition & this is one of the reasons oppositions are such strong aspects) or are blending together (conjunction). They aren't aspects that are superior or inferior.
So, in general, this helps show how the energy of these aspects flow in your natal chart. This can help you see which planet has more of an influence in each aspect.
I'm just going to use my moon to show how you can tell what kind of aspect you're looking at.
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Looking at all the aspects my taurus moon could make if I had a planet in the following signs.
On the left we could have a sextile to pisces, a square to aquarius, a trine to capricorn.
On the right we could have a sextile to cancer, a square to leo, a trine to virgo.
Basically, to get to my sextile to cancer we have to go in order of the signs (taurus, to gemini, to cancer)/forward/or to the right. This is a superior sextile. If I had a sextile to pisces, then it would be an inferior sextile.
To get to my trine to venus you go backwards/to the left/or opposite the order of the signs (taurus, to aries, to pisces, to aquarius, to capricorn). This is an inferior trine. If I had a trine to virgo, then it would be a superior trine.
Ex: If we look at my moon trine venus. Moon is in the 12th house and forms an inferior trine to venus in the 9th. This means that the planet in my 9th (venus), pulls support from the 12th house planet (moon) and that Venus has the upper hand here and is the planet dominating this trine.
I would think that when it comes to squares, having a benefic planet being the dominant planet would help out a lot (venus, jupiter). And having a malefic (saturn, mars) as the dominant planet would be a harder square to deal with.
Likewise, despite trines and sextiles being "easier" aspects, having a malefic as the dominant planet would make it a more difficult trine or sextile.
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thescorpionmonarch · 2 months
New moon In Pisces today. We have a pisces and Aquarius stellium. About a month away before the solar eclipse kicks off spring and the rest of the astrological year.
-finalized lessons
-prep for New lessons
-spiritual studies are intense
-new spiritual and religious studies info
-accuracy of intuition is high
-don't know if we want to be alone or with people
-subconscious leading behavior
-interpret those dreams
-ancestral advisors
-researching different spiritual practices
-increased headaches
-watch technology headaches. Take breaks.
-interupted sleep
-over sees travels
-water and air/smoke energy cleanse
-new mental health info
-psychology studies
-volunteering work
-increased tech info and changes
-studies on technology and its influence on behavior
-studies on technology and its influence on spirituality and religion
-how are we working as a team.
-make decisions with love
-collective planet issues
-feeling like an outcast. Need for more alone time. Too easy to pick up on collective energy.
-star wars vibes. Force users. How spirituality is connected to politics. Order 66 feelings. Pushback against what is heavy energy and unfair.
-"Who is God really? Past all the books?"
-spiritual views going through a change. Changes in the way previous info is viewed with new info
-keeping an open mind
-questioning prayer, how to pray, or what to pray about?
-need to go to metaphysical shops
-deservingness of divine help being brought up. Feelings of undeservingness and digging into how it came to be.
-forgiveness, how it is viewed, how it can be used, when, should it
-art obsession
-become a metaphysical shop owner
-astrology studies and history
-cyborg talks
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thescorpionmonarch · 2 months
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Sunday, March 10, 2024 Good morning, Lovelies. Today is about Balance, Flexibility, Prudence Tarot of the Day: Two of Pentacles
This is a card of perception and balance; the right choice, the strongest approach, and the inner and the outer views – balancing spirit with practical, life demands. It denotes a need for wisdom, meditation, or consultation to see all sides, and then decide your course of action.
This Two often appears when there is a need to keep two broad areas of your life in balance; money and health, love and work, etc. Multi-tasking is not likely to work today so take a step back from all the things you are 'juggling' and choose the two most pressing things to prioritize; the rest will fall into place.
💚 Pay particular attention to work and whatever endeavours you have going that affect your finances; there may need to be a better balance there to keep them growing. You may have to take a risk where your finances are concerned but don’t worry overmuch as long as your foundation is solid.
💙 If you are in a relationship, you and your partner may be finding it challenging to get time and energy to focus on one another. Ensure that you keep your relationship high on the priority list and that it isn't getting lost in the juggling; balance time and be flexible. 💙 If you are looking for a relationship be sure that you are truly ready. Finding a partner should not be your chief priority but neither, should you be seeking a partner before you are willing to dedicate the time, space, and energy to put romance in your life.
🧡 Wherever this card appears in your day, remember to stay in the moment, keep body, mind, and spirit balanced and nourished, and all will turn out well. Gun a-màireach (until tomorrow), Lovelies Peace out
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thescorpionmonarch · 2 months
Astrology forecast for TODAY. Mercury cazimi with sun in Pisces. Then tomorrow saturn cazimi. All maintained a conjunction. To each other for a few days in Pisces.
-Speak only healing energies.
-dream interpretation
-weird dreams. Change in dream topics
-sleep disrupted
-astral projection for communication
-telepathy sensitivity.
-shating helpful info to those in need
-giving people in need rides
-review mental health and sleep medication
-career boost for those looking into healing fields for therapy, sleep, reiki, and other spiritual services.
-need to ground. Go outside
-need to do art or create with your hands
-might be the one getting help
-those with signs making aspects ti there within 5 degrees of 8-9 degrees gets a stronger influence
-all the clairs are sensitive
-"i see dead people"
-longing for large bodies of water
-water scrying
-crying a lot
-be sensitive about the words you use towards others
-some are sensitive to others words
-premonition/foresight accuracy is up
-"soul mates" "soul tribe"
-ancestral info. Talking to ancestors. Empathing off of ancestors
-take a long bath or shower
-emotional karma. What you influenced emotionally will come back to influence you in the same way.
-spiritual awakenings and education pursuit
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