#remote viewing
reality-detective · 2 months
Greg Reese Report 👇
Remote Viewing of the Rapture Ascension Event. The Future Forecasting Group sees a grim future for humanity. 🤔
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esotericworld · 3 months
Anyone who knows much about the history of remote viewing, knows that beyond Ingo Swann and Pat Price (RIP), Joe McMoneagle is the best, publicly known remote viewer.
He used to have a tv show in Japan where he would psychically find missing people for goodness sakes. Google him.
I try to avoid way out there things on this tumblr, and find a bit of balance of scientific understanding and the bleeding edge of the unknown. However, this is a bit different. The man remote views Mars.
So, weather you take it as science fiction or a thread of possibility, it is still very entertaining.
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Any tips on or recommended sources to research about astral projection/travel? :)
Thank you for your time!
Here are a few resources that helped me! Astral Dynamics Astral Travel for Beginners Erin Pavlina
My note: not everyone is going to have a similar experience astral projecting/traveling. For me, it was really hard while others seemed to have it easier.
That being said, there is one element that's helped me in understanding the astral a little better, as well, that I feel isn't talked about as much, and that is that the astral is more of a spectrum than an on and off switch. That's why bilocating is a thing; you're 50% here and 50% in the astral. Dream traveling is closer to projection because you're unconscious here but not necessarily out of body. Your consciousness is what travels, not your astral body, if that makes sense.
if I were to "rate" the spectrum from physical to astral, it would be: - 0%: physical state (those not in tune with anything from the astral, including clairsenses) - 10% clairsenses - 25-30%: remote viewing - 45% mental plane (magic in your headspace) - 50%: bilocating - 75%: dream travel/astral travel - 100%: astral projection
Furthermore, the points before bilocating or whatever else aren't "pre-requisites." You don't have to master remote viewing before astral projection, and you don't have to master being in the mental plane before dream traveling (although, it would help). It's like if someone says you have a "70% chance of rain," it doesn't really have to be 10% raining or 40% raining beforehand; it can just come in thunder-storming. Some people have more of an affinity to dream travel or project than they do with clairsenses, for example.
Basically, there's going to be a lot of information regarding astral travel, methods used, safety precautions, etc., but it's not as daunting as you may think. Exercise safety, of course, but perhaps you are already more in tune with the astral than you think!
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frank-olivier · 2 months
IRVA (International Remote Viewing Association, Alamogordo, New Mexico)
Ingo Swann was the discoverer and original developer of the remote viewing protocol. Already a widely-collected artist and an accomplished intuitive, Mr. Swann remote viewed the interior workings of a sophisticated quark detector in the physics department at Stanford University, the report of which attracted the interest of the CIA and led to the founding of the consciousness research program at SRI-International from which the military remote viewing program later sprang. Mr. Swann worked with Dr. Harold Puthoff at the SRI lab to create controlled remote viewing (CRV), which provides the foundation for the majority of remote viewing methods in use today, none of which has been able thus far to surpass it in effectiveness.
Mr. Swann will present a two-part lecture on the history and practice of remote viewing. His historical lectures, titled 'Remote Viewing Viewed from the Outside' and 'Remote Viewing Viewed from the Inside', promise to be exciting and informative.
Ingo Swann: Expanding the Information Base About Remote Viewing (2002)
Part 1: Remote Viewing Viewed from the Outside
Part 2: Remote Viewing Viewed from the Inside
Bill Eagles
Since the 1970s, the American secret service has been intensively researching the existence and possible use of paranormal techniques in intelligence gathering and psychological warfare. The result of years of US Government-funded research at the renowned Stanford Research Institute (SRI) is the technique of Remote Viewing. This technique makes it possible to recognize and describe in detail things, persons, events and places independent of local and temporal boundaries. Dozens of military personnel have been trained as Remote Viewers. The work of these PSI agents is documented in detail in this film. For the first time, Pentagon and Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) senior officers, Stanford Research Institute (SRI) scientists and Remote Viewers talk about the amazing success of this secret military development.
The Real X-Files: America's Psychic Spies (UK, 1993)
Steve Murillo (UPARS, Los Angeles)
Angela Thompson Smith: "High Strangeness" Remote Viewing (September 2015)
Jeffrey Mishlove (New Thinking Allowed)
Paul H. Smith: Remote Viewing of UFOs and other Mysteries (November 2018)
Daz Smith: Ingo Swann's 'Penetration' (November 2021)
Talk with Daz Smith: Ingo - Beyond Penetration (Applied Precognition Project presentation, 2021)
Society for Scientific Exploration
Jessica Utts: Why All Scientists Should Take Psi Seriously (June 2023)
Dr. Harald Puthoff, Dr. Russell Targ (Electronics and Bioengineering Laboratory, Stanford Research Institute, Menlo Park, California)
Magnetometer Experiment with Ingo Swann (April 1976)
In early April 1973, in an effort to emerge from the daily boredom of repetitive testing, Ingo Swann suggested that the he and the SRI team once in a while do something far out, something that might reintroduce a sense of adventure, excitement, and enjoyment.
The planet Jupiter was literally far out. NASA had earlier launched Pioneer 10 and 11 to fly-by that planet, and information telemetered back by the two crafts would undergo technical analyses. Information from Pioneer 10 would commence in September 1973.
The only real difference between Jupiter as a “target,” and mundane target objects in the next room, was its distance from Earth. But for Ingo Swann there was another difference. It would be exciting to try to extend one’s ESP to the planet, a form of remote viewing. Jupiter was more remote than the next room—and there might be a thrill of “traveling” in interplanetary space.
Ingo Swann and Harold Sherman compare notes of their planetary probe of Jupiter over the Phone (April 1973)
Saturday, February 24, 2024
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godsyrup · 1 year
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redrabbitkreations · 5 months
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Applied Projects in Remote Viewing with Jana Rogge
Jana Rogge is the executive editor of the anthology, The Foundations of Controlled Remote Viewing. She is also the publisher of Center Lane Books, specializing in scientific parapsychology. She is a remote viewer, a remote viewing project manager, and a remote viewing researcher. In addition, she is the managing editor of the New Thinking Allowed Magazine.
Here she describes many of the subtleties, nuances, and difficulties involved in working with remote viewing clients. In particular, she focuses on working with large business and government clients.
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omegaremix · 1 month
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Omega Radio for March 14, 2020; #222.
Harvey Pekar “Tittering Smoke”
Prayer Group “Code Black”
Sunstroke “Revival”
Great Falls “Kettle Logic”
Agenda “Life Left Behind”
Cancer Bats “Inside Out”
Help “The Devil Is A Snake”
Verdun “L’Enfant Nouveau”
American Nightmare “Life Support”
Buildings “Sit With It”
Horsewhip “Fires”
Exhalants “False (St)art”
Remote Viewing “Whitney Houston, We Have A Problem”
Divide And Dissolve “Prove it”
Human Impact “November’
Big Business “Heal The Weak”
Keelhaul “39F”
Pigs Pigs Pigs Pigs Pigs Pigs Pigs “Reducer”
Anywhere But Home “We Should’ve Stayed Strangers”
Drug Church “Blissed Out”
Less Art “Mood 7 Mind Destroyer: Guilt”
The Body “Myth Arc”
Pinko ‘Spit On The House”
Faking “Less & Less”
(J.J. Paradise) Players Club “The E.M.P.”
The Hope Conspiracy “They Know Not”
Caspain “Vision Blues”
All twos. Noise rock, doom, sludge, stoner, and metalcore volume.
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saygoodnight2theworld · 7 months
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theinvitedrider · 2 months
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esotericworld · 4 months
This is the best, craziest interview I’ve ever heard from Chris Bledsoe.
What do you think?
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spaceintruderdetector · 2 months
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remote viewing experiments late 70s
CIA Reading Room cia-rdp96-00787r000500070001-1: PSYCHIC PROCESS, ENERGY TRANSFER, AND THINGS THAT GO BUMP IN THE NIGHT. ROBERT G. JAHN '51 : CIA Reading Room : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming : Internet Archive
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frank-olivier · 2 months
IRVA (International Remote Viewing Association, Alamagordo, New Mexico)
Russell Targ: The Reality of ESP - Learning to become a Remote Viewer (Contact in the Desert, 2021)
Thursday, February 29, 2024
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creature-wizard · 3 months
What are your thoughts on "remote viewing"
Fascinating anecdotes, not a whole lot to reliably suggest that there's a whole lot more to it than any other similar practice where you're most likely exploring a kind of dream realm.
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gravityofforteana · 11 months
According to a CIA document declassified on 08/07/2000 titled “Coordinate Remote Viewing (CRV) Technology 1981–1983,” submitted to the organization August 4 of 1983, coordinate remote viewing “utilized through the methodologies that have been developed…works with remarkable precision,” but the individuals who submitted it admitted that they were “unable to explain in conventional terms why it is that the co-ordinate serves as a stimulus in the manner it does.” Nevertheless, they were convinced that David Bohm’s model of quantum mechanics provided a potentially plausible explanatory hypothesis for the mechanisms that make it possible.
David Bohm was a controversial yet brilliant luminary in physics who argued that the entirety of the cosmos is populated with quantum black holes that lead from the “explicate order” of spacetime to a realm that transcends space and time which he referred to as the “implicate order.” These black holes were termed “holospheres,” and hypothesized as the mechanism which connects the implicate order to the explicate order. From the perspective of the remote viewer, it is possible that the signal line we acquire is mediated by these holospheres, which connects us with an implicate order that is conceptually more or less identical to the Eastern concept of “Akasha” or the “Akashic records,” as articulated in the work of writers such as Swami Vivekananda. The explicate order in which we ordinarily live and move and have our being is “unfolded” from this implicate order and houses the world of ordinary objects and consciousness, which includes what remote viewers known as the liminal, subliminal and subconscious orders.
Bohm’s “implicate order,” he hypothesized, contained sub-quantum variables that were responsible for the alleged “hidden variables” that made quantum phenomena so unpredictable. In this respect, he was not merely engaging in quantum mechanics, but sub-quantum mechanics, which he believed contained the key to understanding how the universe unfolded from a kind of Universal Mind that pervades the entire cosmos at all times. According to this model, data is unfolded from the non-spatiotemporal implicate order, which forms within the explicate order, at which point the explicate order then once again communicates with the implicate order in a way that impacts subsequent unfoldings within the explicate order from the implicate order.
Bohm used the term “implicate order” because of the etymological roots of the word “implicate,” meaning “to fold inward.” Indeed, the implicate order is “implicit” in that it underlies all of reality. Everything in the universe, for Bohm, is enfolded into everything else; a position which informs his highly relational and holistic worldview according to which all vectors necessarily impact all other vectors. This view, of course, is quite contrary to the more atomistic physics that preceded the quantum model within the Western world.
The reason the CIA was (and likely, still is!) so interested in Bohm’s physics is because of its crucial ramifications for subjectivity. Bohm was an idealist, like many of the most important founders of quantum mechanics, which means he believed that consciousness was primary. Rather than emerging from a fundamentally physical, inert, mechanistic world, according to Bohm, there is a kind of Universal Mind that precedes the physical world and generates it from its storehouse of meaning. On an individual level, a thought is enfolded into your consciousness, which then unfolds a certain thought, which then folds back, and so on, in a kind of reciprocal dynamic that mirrors the fundamental nature of the cosmos itself. Bohm labeled the cosmic embodiment of this principle the “holomovement”, which he saw rooted in the implicate order. Furthermore, he saw these thoughts as enfolded into the totality of the implicate order itself rather than restricted to individual, atomistic selves.
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