#pre tied obi
tanuki-kimono · 15 days
I just found your blog and I am absolutely enamored by all these designs! I did have a quick question though
I'd love to one day visit Japan, and I love the idea of attending a festival in a rented yukata. However, I'm concerned about if I could wear one or not due to the sleeves. I'm disabled and get around using forearm crutches, and have difficulty fitting larger sleeves in them.
I guess I was just curious about if either the sleeves could easily be pulled back to my elbows, or if maybe there are yukata with shorter sleeves (I've never seen them myself at least.)
Hi! I am so happy you fell in love with kimono fashion <3
As for your question, there is a fantastic way to accomodate your crutches: tasuki 襷 sleeves holders. Those are cord used for holding up sleeves out of the way (when doing chores, physical/messy activity, etc).
You can see below how tasuki are tied: basically think of an ∞ with the crossing on your back and the loop up front gathering up sleeves on your sides:
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Depending on your mobility, you can pre-knot the cord beforehand then slip it around your body.
The "right" way of doing it is this one:
Though to be honest, most people do like this and call it a day xD:
I am not sure how your mobility is so I'll also add other options to mix and match in order to nicely enjoy summer festivals in kimono attire:
Happi 法被 (festival coat): if you don't feel confortable strolling all day/night in yukata (the tighness of around your legs might be cumbersome), wearing a coat like those over your "normal" clothes is a good option to still be in festival mood :) Some are sleeveless, some have tube sleeves, and if not pair them with tasuki sleeves holder and you'll be good to go!
(pic below from)
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Nibushiki kimono 二部式着物 / nibushiki yukata 二部式浴衣 (two parts kimono/yukata): exactly what it says on the lid, those are kimono/yukata tailored in two parts, a skirt and a top one. Those might be harder to find in rentals, but have the convenience of being super easy to put on while being less prone to unraveling :) The two parts are also gentler on the figure as you can more easily adapt tighness etc. If you're are able to shop for a yukata beforehand, altering is pretty easy: chop in two, add ties and you're ready to get dressed ;)
Tsuke obi 作り帯 (two parts belt): in the same spirit as above, those are pre-tied obi belt, with a wrap-around part and a knot part. They are super common for children, but also exist for adult. Altering a pre owned obi is also super easy, see for example this past note (for nagoya obi styled taiko knot).
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Yukata can be worn with hanhaba obi (half width belt), heko obi (soft belt), or kaku obi ("men" belt). Heko obi would be my recommendation as those are unisex, comfortable, and suuuuper easy to tie.
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If you want to try hanhaba or kaku, I'd advise for karuta musubi, a flat, sturdy, and unisex knot pretty easy to tie.
Hope your travel project will come true and that you'll have fun :D
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mmaaawww · 2 years
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once again drawing some idea of my cyar’ika. this time it’s high school padawan au
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here they are
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teddiebearie · 2 years
speaking of vintage. I want to get modern kimono/obi too one day but ;~; they’re like double the price of vintage items usually
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fanfic-obsessed · 1 month
Well...That Esclated Quickly
Here is another idea that came to me during my walk to work.  I want you to know, though it goes in a humorous direction it really is not a full fix-it. 
When Order 66 went live, some of the chips did not activate. There is no rhyme nor reason as to which chips activate and which did not. Not a huge amount compared to the whole, but some. Enough that a few hundred Jedi and a Few thousand Clones regroup in the aftermath. 
While you can fill in most of the blanks the following are included in my idea
Obi Wan Kenobi and a company’s worth of 212th clones, including Cody: Obi Wan was still shot off the cliff, to the horrified eyes of the still free clones. The still free clones don't have enough numbers to take on their brethren who appear to have gone insane, but do have enough to steal one of the midsized transport ships, one capable of hyperspace flight.  They reluctantly allow Obi Wan to go to Coruscant on his own, with the rationale that one person can sneak to the surface much easier than a whole company, while the clones establish a regroup point.  From there Obi Wan goes on the Mustafar, which ends as it did in canon. Obi Wan brings Padme to the transport ship where she still dies of complications of her pregnancy
Fox, Hound, a dozen other members of the CG, and the Younglings: Fox and the few members of the CG that were unaffected by O66 raced to beat the 501st to the Temple. They made it just a few minutes before their enslaved brothers. Just barely in time to evacuate the children in the creche with the help (and insistent sacrifice) of the adult Jedi.  While there were a few Creche Masters evacuated with the children, it was now basically just Fox and his CG functionally in charge of baby Jedi ranging from Babies to Pre teens. They connect with remains of the 212th before the events of Mustafar. 
Yoda, who did still have to kill his commander in order to escape, but was able to bring a few clones with him.  They still end up being collected by Bail Organa.
Ahsoka, Rex, Jesse and  a portion of the maintenance team for their battalion: They do not meet up with the rest for quite some time (at least three years). Rex’s chip did activate but he was able to get Ahsoka the message about Fives. After Rex is freed they find Jesse and the other free clones (soft shells all) looking on in horror at their controlled brethren. With the help of the maintenance team they are able to escape from the ship without freeing Maul or crashing into the moon.  By the time they are able to look past the immediate situation, the Temple is already burning and it has been announced that the Jedi are traitors. These 25 or so go to ground in Mandalorian space and try to figure out how to free the clones from the chips (beyond surgery which really does not work with the numbers they have to deal with). They do not realize anyone else has survived. 
Aayla survived, due to one of the clones (not Bly) pushing her out of the way and sacrificing his life for her. Bly’s chip does work. She escapes with two dozen free clones and six chipped clones tied up in the back (Including Bly, even the clones agree they cannot save everyone and hopefully it means that they can figure out what is going wrong).
Shaak Ti, 10 Veteran clones, 40 ‘Shinies’, 300 child and teenage cadets, three junior Kaminoan Scientists (not Nala Se) none of which knew about the chip or Order 66, and Omega.  Shaak Ti had been working with a few Kaminoan Scientists to see the clones as sentients in their own right and the reactions of the clones under the chip's control horrified a few of those scientists.  Between them and Omega, who had been paying attention and used this as a chance to escape the lab (the Bad Batch being off planet at the time) they were able to evacuate anyone not under the control of the chip. 
All of these people (Barring Ahsoka and Co) converge on the ship that had been stolen by the free 212th clones. Had less children survived (about a third of the living Jedi are children under the age of 11, plus the cadets) they all would likely have split into small groups and made their own way through the galaxy. But there was just no way to break into small enough groups to be safe AND still make sure the children (and to some extent the Shinies) were taken care of.  They were also too large a group to go anywhere in the Republic, or even anywhere in Mandalorian space (There were an awful lot of uninhabited planets in the galaxy but most were uninhabited for a reason). Thus there was only one thing they could do.
Take over the Hutt Empire.
To be fair the take over part did start out accidentally. The actual goal was to find a place to lay low in the Hutt Empire, possibly the only place Palpatine’s Empire could not reach quite yet(at least until Palpatine solidified his rule). 
So they found a planet within the Hutt Empire to lay low on, While Bail Organa left to begin planting the seeds for the rebellion (No Leia as the twins were not being split up). As much as I want it to be Tattoine, it just has too small a population to not have a couple of thousand people (Most of whom hide their very distinctive faces) showing not be noticeable. So they choose a planet with a higher population. 
This is where the trouble began. All of our adults are deeply traumatized, trained warriors who are not used to sitting by, universally feeling useless. They are facing an insurmountable task, still mostly directionless, and deeply angry at life.  
It starts with the local Hutt’s minions trying to shake down some newcomers, who were not looking for a target to vent their spleen but found one just the same. It does not end well for the minions. Nor the next six attempts, with different groups of Clones and Jedi each time.  No one has told Command yet, but they look at each other and ‘shit we can’t keep drawing attention to ourselves but we can’t leave either’
The solution (Commander Cody himself would like to reiterate this was not the correct solution)? Take out the Hutt. Then they realize that taking out the Hutt has just drawn more attention to this city as the other Hutts for the planet try to figure out who took out this one.
The next Solution? Take out the rest of the Hutts on the planet. 
They have now drawn even more attention to the planet from yet more Hutts. This is the one thing that is critical they do not have. 
The next Solution? Try three to make this plan work (Commander Cody reminds you that trying the same thing over and over again, hoping for different results, is the definition of insanity) and take out the Hutts looking for answers. 
By the time that these small groups have admitted to Command (Obi Wan, Cody, Yoda, Shaak Ti, Fox) what is going on, a few months later, they have accidentally taken over the Hutt Empire.
The Hutt Empire that is still nominally allied with Palpatine’s Empire. The Hutt Empire that has to stay allied to Palpatine’s Empire if they do not want to draw the attention of the entire Imperial Forces to the largest concentration of living Jedi and free Clones in the galaxy.  The Hutt Empire that no longer has any active Hutts. 
In this the human centric leaning of Palpatine’s Empire is actually helpful.  They very rarely wanted to deal with other species, so it was easy to appoint someone unknown but human to deal with the com calls and visits. It does mean that they have to make up a Hutt that they essentially have to play ‘Weekend at Bernie’s’ with, a couple of times a year when a representative insists on meeting with the Hutt in charge. 
Also the fact that Palpatine’s Empire is more interested in enslaving their own citizens for free as opposed to buying them from the Hutts means that they can shut down the slave trade within Hutt Space (over time).  Fox both loves and hates running a criminal empire. 
It should be noted that, even with Bly and the five other chipped clones, no one actually knows what is going on until Rex and Co find their way back to them.  We are going with the thought that a level 5 atomic scan is a ludicrously high level of scanning. Like sitting on a Nuclear Reactor to get an X-Ray kind of ludicrous, so not only does no one think to do that level of scanning to see what is wrong, but they do not even have that kind of equipment readily available.  The reports about Fives from Rex never made it to any kind of centralized repository, there is no way to know why most clones suddenly started to kill Jedi. Bly and Co spend the three years before Rex shows up in a makeshift brig, they can function almost normally until a Jedi is brought up or in the room with them. 
Bail laughs his ass off when he is told, through several intermediaries and coded messages, that the Jedi and the Clones accidentally took over a criminal empire.  Then he starts funneling the Path and the people his rebellion are rescuing into Hutt Space to find the Jedi. 
Three years in Rex, Ahsoka, the clones with them (now having grown to nearly another thousand) arrive with the news that they can disable the chips from a distance of about a large cruiser. 
That is how the Hutt Empire became freedom fighters.
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twinterrors29 · 1 year
Anakin: happy life day master! Obi-Wan: ...Anakin, why is Pre Vizsla, the governor of Concordia, tied to my reading chair? Anakin: I asked Master Vos what you'd like for your life day, and he said you probably missed Mandalorians trying to stab you! So I snuck off to Mandalore and brought back the stabbiest one I could find! Look, he even has his own lightsaber!
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gffa · 1 year
what do you think would have happened if the jedi had found out anakin was married pre-rots? would he be forced to leave/choose one over the other? are there any circumstances, even one where he was a completely different person, under which anakin would be able to marry padme and remain a member of the order, and if so, what would the consequences of that be (i.e. what would it look like)?
It's such an interesting question because we really know so little about the Jedi worldbuilding, the only two things I can really even think of that talk about it are : - Padme’s incredibly off-hand mention of how Anakin would be expelled if the Jedi found out about their baby.  What’s the context of this, where did she learn this?  Is Anakin the one who told her?  Because I have some Doubts about Anakin’s reliability on these things, considering that he also has shown an unwillingness to accept Jedi philosophy, according to Lucas.  Anakin, who thinks the Council hate him, may be thinking in extremes and wouldn’t even consider that they’d try working with him. - George Lucas gave a talk at Celebration one year and the subject of Jedi giving up marriage was talked about, where it ties into their willingness to be selfless, to be willing to give up everything (because life is impermanent and transient) when the time comes.  They love people, but they cannot hold onto them--and I think the way he’s framing it is that marriage should be selfish, if you’re going to make that commitment. But he doesn’t say anything about Jedi being expelled for it, just that it’s something they give up.  And given how we see Anakin actually breaking a ton of rules or getting into trouble in TCW and never, not once getting in any significant trouble for it, I think the Jedi would very much be willing to sit down and talk about this. For me, I think, yes, he would be asked to choose and, if he refused to, that’s a huge sign that he’s unwilling to follow the Jedi way of selflessness and a willingness to accept their duty to the galaxy, rather than personal concerns, that he could very well get someone killed because, in a crucial moment, he would choose his own feelings over his duty.  The only other time Anakin is threatened with expulsion is in exactly that kind of context--when he was willing to put his fear for Padme above his duty to help end the war before it even started, when he was willing to jump out of that plane on Geonosis rather than go face Dooku, it showed that he was tempted to put all those lives at risk for his own feelings.  Even Obi-Wan points out:  What would Padme do?  She would do her duty, Anakin grudgingly admits.  Because, in Star Wars, that duty is important.  Because, in Star Wars, that’s how the narrative of the story works.  That’s the themes we’re working with here. Is there any universe in which he could remain married and stay a Jedi?  I did once read a fic where Anakin was given the option to remain a Jedi, but he would never achieve the rank of Master, he would never be promoted beyond Knight, and iirc that he would never be given certain types of missions and I liked that fic a lot, it really worked for me.  I think he’d have to be willing to accept that and I’m not sure if he would, but without Palpatine’s influence, in a universe where Anakin was allowed to actually spiritually grow without Palpatine constantly urging him to give in to his worst impulses, he might not like it when he first agrees to it, but I could see him growing to find peace with it. But I can also see a world where, because Anakin is Anakin, he’ll never be able to find balance between these two marriages of his, one to Padme and one to the Jedi, that it only feeds his fears and his greed for the galaxy to bend to his will. But I like the idea that the Jedi love Anakin enough that they would be willing to find a compromise, one that keeps him from getting people hurt because he can’t achieve the balance necessary for the responsibility they’re given, but that he can remain a Jedi and maybe teach saber classes or engineering classes or something.  Jedi love teaching and while I don’t think Anakin has the patience for the toddlers of the creche, I can see him having a good time with a bunch of little gear-heads who love getting their faces stuck inside a droid just as much as he does.
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starwarsbutmakeitgay · 8 months
Miscellaneous Star Wars headcanons :3
((This aint all of them but we’d be here forever if i put all of them))
Ahsoka grows to be taller than Anakin (yes Anakin is offended by this)
Anakin’s first language isn’t Basic (its not even his second its like 4th. Outer Rim folk don’t speak a lotta Basic)
Tatooine is like Australia, Colombia and Texas combined SO the accent is Australian, Colombian and Texan combined. Luke’s Tatooine accent leans harder on the Texan side. He says howdy :)
Leia studied former politicians from the Pre-Empire days (because Bail wants his girl to be EDUCATED) and accidentally ends up learning a little about Padmé.
Leia’s first words would’ve been mama if Padmé and Anakin had gotten to raise their child
Luke felt isolated as a kid, even though he was very social. Partly because kids found him weird, partly because ‘Skywalker’ is a slave name.
Obi Wan doesn’t find it gross that Anakin eats bugs, he finds it gross Anakin eats RAW UNSEASONED bugs. So uncivilised
The Clones on Kamino have hug piles. (They need comfort ok)
Rex cries a lot in private.
Even though Aalya and Luminara are a few years older than Anakin, Anakin befriended them really quickly became friends :)
Canonically Anakin is a really good artist but doesn’t show people SOOOOooo the headcanon is Obi Wan finds a sketch of him one day by Anakin while cleaning up after Anakin’s mess in his room and loves it so much he hands it in how own room.
Padmé proposed to Anakin
Padmé gets just as jealous as Anakin, she’s just not as melodramatic and can destroy people with words
Anakin smokes from time to time (don’t tell Obi Wan or Padmé they will kill him)
Obi Wan had 0 spice tolerance before living on Tatooine and had to build it up when he started living there
Anakin, Leia and Luke are all autistic
Han is surprisingly good at mingling with ‘the higher ups’ during politics dinners/parties with Leia
Shmii was a lil bit Force sensitive and helped shield Anakin when he was little
Padmé experienced prenatal depression and didn’t tell Anakin. Or anyone.
Shmii and Anakin couldn’t write and Anakin only knew how to read a few words. Anakin learnt when he was taken to the temple
Togruta’s yawns like a snake. When Ahsoka yawned infront of Rex for the first time his soul left his body
Yoda hunts frogs in the ponds within the Temple. Little Dooku saw him donit once. No one believed him
Owen mumbles to Cleigg and Shmii while he works like they’re still alive and with him
Shmii would tell Owen tales of what Anakin was like
Both Leia and Anakin make attempts to befriend any droids they meet. Its polite :)
Luke would dig for bugs with Beru and they’d pan fry them for dinner
Vader heard so much gossip because officers and stormtroopers just assumed he wasn’t listening to their whispering.
Ahsoka is banned from any and all kitchens because she burns 99.99% of everything she cooks
Shaak Ti had to babysit lil Anakin once and found him delightfully courious
Anakin swears in Hutesse to get away with it infront of Ahsoka. Ahsoka figures it out and starts repeating after him.
Anakin is banned from 501st game nights because he’s too competitive
Obi Wan experienced really bad nightmares after Qui Gon’s death for months
Anakin thrives in disfunction
Leia never really allowed herself to properly mourn her parents. Breha and Bail always plagued her mind.
Padmé is a dancey drunk. Anakin finds this hilarious
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podcasts-8-my-heart · 5 months
Hint of Sugar
Ao3 Link
Chapter: 1/1
Rating: General
Archive Warning: No Archive Warning Applies
Fandoms: Star Wars: The Clone Wars (2008) - All Media TypesStar Wars - All Media Types
Relationship: CC-2224 | Cody/Obi-Wan Kenobi
Characters: CC-2224 | Cody, Obi-Wan Kenobi
Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - College/University, absentminded kiss
Fic and Card under the readmore
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It’s one of the rare times that the Negotiator (The law students) and the Resolute (Anakin’s band of STEM majors) are able to meet in the same area, and have time for a shared meal with their hectic schedules. The y’re in the mess hall of the Law College because Obi-Wan swears it has better tea (and really, it does). Obi-Wan chose one of the tables in the middle with enough space for Waxer, Boil, Rex, Fives, Anakin, Ahsoka, and Cody to sit at. It was nice to be able to catch up with his fellow siblings and cousins, face to face, rather than through the group chat and TikToks.
Ahsoka was a freshman physics major that Obi-Wan’s adopted younger brother, Anakin, had become a mentor for her in making sure she wasn’t getting stressed out with her new workload. Cody later learned that Ahsoka had a girlfriend, Barriss on the volleyball team that they both played for. It was sweet, and reminded him of Bly and Aayla.
“So the homework from professor Ti is driving me up a wall,” Ahsoka said, through a bite of salad to Anakin.
“Did you ask Cal for help?” Anakin responded, looking up from his Mech-E textbook.
“He was busy helping another student with the homework and, well, Barriss and I had scheduled lunch…”
“Have you emailed Cal about it then?” Obi-Wan asked.
“Ahsoka, I can’t be the only one that helps you with your physics homework, that’s what the TA’s are there for, right Obi-Wan?”
Obi-Wan hummed, “He’s right, you know.”
Ahsoka sighed, “Fine.”
Cody watched out of the corner of his eye as Ahsoka pulls her strawberry pink laptop out to write an email. He took a sip of his evening coffee, sighed, before getting his own laptop out. Cody was working on a paper for his Ethics of Arts, which focused on the potential implications of A.I. when he heard Obi-Wan speak.
“Well, I need to get to a meeting with a pre-Law student, so I’ll see you in a bit.”
Cody looked up to see Ahsoka get kissed on the forehead, Anakin’s curls, and then himself?
He froze.
“Ah.” Obi-Wan, face flushed and ears pink, before looking at his watch, “I better get going.”
Cody blinked. ‘What just happened?’
“Did he just?” Boil said.
“So it would seem…” Waxer replied.
They watched as Obi-Wan ran from the hall.
“Should I…?” Cody started.
“Run after him?” Anakin replied, “Then yes, yes you should.”
“I’ll be right back, guys.”
Cody slammed his laptop shut and bolted after Obi-Wan, the ginger’s forest green sweater still visible in the distance. He knows his best friend is worth it, and if he gets a new boyfriend out of it, then it's worth it, right?
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tideswept · 7 months
Trick or Treat!!! Star Wars fandom please!!!!! 🖤🧡🖤🧡🖤🧡🖤
From this ask game |
🍷 ᴀɴᴅ ʏᴏᴜʀ ᴛʀᴇᴀᴛ ɪs…! 🦇
Trivia from stubborn in the bones! (potentially mildly spoilery about the fic, though I've no idea if these details will make it in.)
Anakin only grows when Obi-Wan undergoes growth as a person. His growth stalled because Obi-Wan remained largely the same person, but after the fight with Maul, Obi-Wan's brush with darkness and becoming a knight, Anakin grew rapidly.
Anakin is based off the continental tiger. At full size, he'll be over 600 pounds/270kg.
Anakin doesn't understand why Obi-Wan has sex because his kind don't have any sexual urges until they hit sexual maturity. So he's really just like 👀 what the fuck at Obi-Wan.
Anakin partly subsists off the Force. He still needs to eat, averaging 7 pounds of meat per day, but he spends far less energy than you'd assume an animal his size does. (And he's perfectly happy to hunt for his meals if Obi-Wan lets him.)
people that Anakin allows to pet him that aren't Obi-Wan: Qui-Gon, children, Dex, Plo, very old people, Shaak Ti.
Obi-Wan cannot have a Padawan in this 'verse. The only reason his training bond with Qui-Gon survived was because it pre-dated Anakin, and Anakin was a baby through most of it. If anyone else attempts to form a bond with Obi-Wan, it won't work. (And Anakin will try to eat them because again, what the fuck, why does no one respect scent marking?!)
Anakin loves water, loves bathing, and he hates being dirty. Or god forbid, sandy.
His kind may or may not have heat cycles. 👀👀
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tanuki-kimono · 4 months
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Kantsubaki (Chinese winter camellia) themed styling, used for Ichishi Akane's album preview.
I especially like the camellia pre-tied obi by Asobiya:
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eveningdreams8 · 9 months
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There is a doll meet with a friends/ lovers theme next weekend and I am scrambling to get some of my crew dressed in time
This motivated me to finally hem the edge of the obi which was all it needed for finishing if I don't make it a pre tied one (I will post the other outfit I finished later, of course for a doll that is not a mach to this one so I still don't have a 'pair' to take with me;;; )
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phoenixyfriend · 3 months
writing patterns tag game
Rules: list the first line of your last 10 (posted) fics and see if there's a pattern!
Tagged by @threebea!
I think I tend to lean heavily into either a curiosity-raising short statement, or more commonly, something that establishes context and how it differs from the canon/where or when it takes place generally.
Like slamming a map down on a table and planting a "You are here" flag.
They Went to Live on a Farm (Ahsoka/Rex ambiguous relationship, & Wolffe)
She comes to the planet on public transport, safer now than she has been in years. She pays for a ticket, and hardly worries about bounties or Imperial inquisitors. She’s outlived that regime.
Shmi Acquires Some Teenagers... Sort Of (Shmi & Obi-Wan & Satine & Jango)
Shmi is twenty-eight years of age when she is purchased from Gardulla.
This Child of Ours (Shmi/Mace pre-ship, Mace & Anakin & Obi-Wan)
Shmi has been alone for a very long time.
Familiar Face (Face Me Now) (Anakin/Jango pre-ship, Jango & Myles, time-travel)
Skywalker stares.
Small Talk (Fox/Anakin/Padme)
It’s not how Fox expected anything to go, honestly.
Aspire to Be (Aspire to Do) (Padme/Kryze)
Padmé Naberrie is eleven years old the first time she encounters Duchess Satine Kryze.
yeah these kids are totally mine (Ahsoka/Jango, time-travel, ft. toddler Ferus and toddler Padme)
"He's mine."
A Wedding Night to Remember X-rated (Shaak Ti/Jango, history/fantasy au)
Lady Ti is the eldest unmarried daughter of one of the twelve noble houses of the Jetii.
(We Both Know Why) You Come to Me X-rated (Fox/Anakin, Anakin/Padme)
Skywalker’s breathing is heavy.
Lazy Morning X-rated (Mace/Anakin)
Rebuilding from the hell that Sidious had left behind was exhausting.
Tagging: @sergeant-angels-trashcan @itstimeforstarwars @thefoundationproject @noturusualpotato @other-peoples-coats @archangelsunited @loosingmoreletters @jebiknights @willowcrowned @yellowocaballero
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sarcastic-sketches · 2 years
The Palpatine Issue
(Continuation of my Kitsune!Anakin AU - ya boy gets turned into a Kitsune for fun and profit by a Force Temple pre-AotC)
Given the majority of Anakin’s spare time ends up being spent in the Temple he ends up seeing a lot less of Palpatine. Not even in the way that Anakin clocked something was off about his vibes and decided to stay away he just chose chilling in the Creche over his old mentor. Palpatine had always been so kind and understanding with him before, why wouldn’t he be now?
Of course, Palpatine has no choice but to say ‘of course!’ when Anakin blows off meeting him again or he’ll lose any chance of keeping Anakin’s confidence. With a sprinkling of emotional manipulation, of course. He tries to guilt trip Anakin, once or twice, hoping he can make him feel guilty about not seeing the old man who took time out of his day to find a spot in his schedule that he could free up for him. But in the end, Palpatine loses him simply because Anakin lets their friendship die. Friendships just fizzle out sometimes and Anakin found things he’d rather do.
The idea that Anakin never once thought that Palpatine would be mad at him for not seeing him and that he would be understanding and happy for him of the choices he has made because Palpatine’s friendly old mentor act worked a little too well is so funny to me. Meanwhile, Sheev is seething because he didn’t make himself indispensable to Anakin enough. He lost to a bunch of rugrats.
It hits Anakin later that he doesn’t especially miss meeting the Chancellor. All the things he used to get from him he can get in passing from people in the Temple for now or his mother and … he feels better hanging out with the kids. He feels better all round actually and his relationship with Obi-Wan has never been stronger. But it’s also Rex he’s spending time with, just for the fun of it while on Coruscant. Introducing the man to Padme and on the rare occasion the younglings when he can convince the Council to let Rex in (it doesn’t take much). The kids have never seen a clone before and this is the man who keeps their big fluffy playmate safe when he’s out of the Temple.
Rex is very proud of that and may or may not do some flashy gunslinger moves to impress the kids Anakin’s kids. He just hopes Cody doesn’t find out about it later.
Anakin doesn’t realise why he doesn’t miss Palpatine but eventually he’s put off meeting the Chancellor so much it becomes one of those things you keep putting off out of awkwardness. The Council knows what’s up because Palpatine accuses them of keeping Anakin Temple-bound while he’s on Coruscant, which they deny. And it’s the truth.
Padme probably mentions that the Chancellor has been looking for him and how he keeps lamenting over how he misses their little chats and it’s such a shame that the Order is keeping him away from the Senate. Which obviously doesn’t ring true to Padme but you know that’s the angle Palpatine would go with. Poor Chancellor misses Anakin Skywalker and those horrible Jedi have barred him from having any political ties. Meanwhile, Anakin just hides part of his face with his hand in embarassment when talking about this with Padme because yeaaahh it has been a while maybe he should make a quick visit. If for no other reason than to assure the man (who is so clearly worried about him) that he isn’t being placed under house arrest by the Jedi. He’s just busy with the kids now.
This man is just so fucking oblivious to the game of 4D chess that’s being played around him.
It’s at that point Palpatine realises he has lost the chance to have Anakin join him willingly. Anakin has clearly made his choice. Which leads me onto my latest thoughts…
Anakin as a Kitsune would be seen as the very last of his kind, definitely now set apart from the other Jedi, Prophecy or not. If Anakin can't be convinced to Palpatine's side, the man might very well hunt him instead.
O66 goes out with the exception of Anakin Skywalker still, only this time the exception is to capture and detain. Alive.
Oh, what's that Anakin? You have past traumas related to being caught again like a commodity? How about getting hunted periodically for being a rare species? Palpatine is very intent on capturing you alive. Unlike the rest of the Jedi.
I want him to be panicked about his own wellbeing for a change, rather than someone else's. I want him vulnerable and Rex not standing for it, vowing to keep this demi-god of a man safe with his twin DC-17 pistols and sheer determination. How could Skywalker not go heart-eyes for that?
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tennessoui · 1 year
omg imagine if there was a quinlan in playmaker verse. vader would try to kill him on the spot😭
quinlan vos in the playmaker au who went undercover early on in his career before obi-wan ever even graduated the academy -- he's been put under ventress' mob and has worked his way up pretty far when he gets the shock of his life seeing jinn's kid obi sitting pretty right next to mob boss vader's chair when vader stops by ventress' town for a chat
he can't believe jinn would send his own kid undercover, especially not when the kid is obi-wan, who isn't built for this kind of work, anyone could see that -- and what the hell is he doing, so close to vader? that's dangerous, vader is unpredictable! yeah obi-wan is only five years younger than quin, but he watched the kid grow up you know? helped him with his homework when he was sitting around the station waiting for his father to finish up and take him home, kept him entertained.....
what happens of course is that during a break in the meeting, vos gets obi-wan alone to interrogate him about what he thinks he's doing, and obi-wan tells him he has it under control (he doesn't), no one suspects a thing (they do), and he's the one leading vader around by his nose (literally just a lie, obi-wan spent most of the previous night tied up in vader's bed)
vos probaby accidentally says something that implies obi-wan can't do this or jinn was out of his mind giving him to vader (out of concern for obi-wan), and it steps on all of obi-wan's self-worth issues, leading him to be very angry and loud and for them to be discovered
two rats in a dark corner together is suspicious, they both know that, so quinlan pushes obi-wan up against a wall to make it look like they're in the middle of something much dirtier
it's only when he registers the look of terrified horror on obi-wan's face that he realizes he's done something awful.
when the meeting comes together again, vader's man that found them goes to vader and whispers something in his ear. his eyes snap to quin's down the table, and he only looks away when obi-wan slides from his chair into vader's lap.
two days later, vos is made as a rat in ventress' mob. ventress reluctantly outsources the kill to vader for a favor later. astonishingly, all of vader's pre-kill interrogations have nothing to do with ventress, her mob workings, or even the police department. he wants to know about captain jinn and obi-wan kenobi.
(vos dies silent.)
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fionajames · 8 months
pt. 2 of pre-christophsis
this is for @taylorswiftscar, you ask for pt.2, you get pt.2.
although this is super shot and i did this instead of my science work.
sorry its so short and its more angsty than the last. if you want, i can do more.
Rex stared at the rolling waves of Kamino, chin resting on his hands as Cody continued to mumble something incoherently - still rather offended he hadn’t been sent to Geonosis.
“Do you really wish you’d been at the battle, Cody?” Rex whispered, his stomach hurling with emotions he didn’t fully understand. He could feel a lump in his throat form as he spoke. 
“I mean, yeah,” Cody began, turning to his blonde brother. “I want to fight, Rex! We’ve been trained to do it all our lives! I didn’t want to sit here and think about how you might be injured out there while I sat here hopelessly!”
The blonde turned to him. “Cody, our brothers died out there” he whispered, and Cody felt his heart shatter at Rex’s heartbroken tone. 
“Oh, Rex,” he murmured, outstretching his arms. Rex lunged forwards into the hug as he began crying softly, eyes squeezed shut as tears spilled down Cody’s neck. “I’m sorry, you know I didn’t mean that.”
“I saw our brothers die,” the blonde whispered again, sobbing. “I never want to fight again.”
A few weeks after the battle of Geonosis, Rex had been promoted to Captain and Cody was now a Commander. Both of them were practically bouncing to meet their troops.
“Captain Rex,” Shaak Ti called out and Rex strolled to meet the Togrutan Jedi. She had red skin with cream markings with dusty blue and white lekku. She gave him a reassuring smile. “You’ve been appointed to the 501st, your General will be General Anakin Skywalker.”
He nodded - trying to contain his excitement - as he headed off to the side. 
“Commander Cody, you’ve been appointed to the 212th, your General will be General Obi-Wan Kenobi.” Cody’s face matched Rex’s joy as they linked arms, high-fiving and clambering into the gunship. 
When the gunship took off, all the clones shrugged off their helmets to relax and Rex beamed. 
“Uhm, excuse me” a voice came from behind the blonde and he turned to see a clone with a mop of shaggy dark hair. “7567!” The clone practically squealed and Rex’s stomach lurched in recognition. 
“Serpent!” He cheered, wrapping his batch-mate up in his arms in surprise. “You’re a Lieutenant!”
“Yeah he is,” a voice called from the side and Rex turned with a grin at the recognizable cropped brown hair. “I’m assuming you’ve got a name now?”
“Rex,” the blonde replied with a huge grin. “You got one yet, 4826?”
“Of course he does!” CT-7786 called from behind the others, CT-3383 at his side. “He’s Quip, I’m Chase and this is Rip.”
Rex’s smile couldn’t get any better as he reunited with his old squad, introducing them to Cody with a grin. 
All reunited. 
“Flare, watch your left!” Rex shouted as he ducked behind a turned up piece of rubble, glancing absent-mindedly to the side to check that the blue glow emitting from his General’s lightsaber was still there, signalling he wasn’t dead yet.
The trooper cried out as he fell to the ground, a blast hitting him square in the chest. Rex restrained himself from flinching. He had to be brave for his troops.
“Rip!” He heard Chase shriek as the clone trooper beside him fell. Shock shot up through Rex’s body, horror engulfing him as he stared motionlessly at the body of Rip, of CT-3383, of his friend.
“Rex, get down!” He heard General Skywalker shout but he was too frozen to move, to hear, to do anything as he stared helplessly at the corpse. His hazel eyes glossed over with unshed tears, one drop falling from his eye. Someone grabbed him from behind and pulled him to the ground, blue eyes searching his own horrified ones. “Rex? Rex?! Are you okay?! What happened?!”
But Rex couldn’t find the words to speak, to explain.
So he stayed silent.
Cody watched as Rex left the ship and instead of running to hug Cody like the clone expected he would have but instead, the blonde walked slowly to meet his brother. A frown appeared on Cody’s face as he hurriedly made his way to the other’s side, instantly worried.
“Rex?” He asked, as he stared into the visor of the Captain’s helmet. “Are you alright?” When Cody got no response, he reached up and pulled his helmet off the blonde’s head, revealing his bloodshot eyes and the bags underneath them. “Oh, Vod, what happened?”
“Rip,” Rex managed to stutter out. “He’s-he’s dead.”
Cody’s face crumbled as he pulled his brother into a hug. “Oh, Rex, I’m so sorry.”
“3383!” CT-7567 cheered as his brother appeared around the corner. “Your back! How’s your arm?”
“Better,” the other clone cadet sighed, running a hand through his curly brown hair. “Still hurts a bit but much better than before.”
“I told you the Kaminoans would fix it!” CT-7567 laughed, draping an arm over his brother’s shoulders and pulling him closer to his side. 
“Yeah you did, Vod, you did.”
“When are we being sent out, General?” Rex asked, helmet in hand as he stood by Cody’s side. General Skywalker turned to him, his face fixed in determination.
“Tomorrow, Rex, I recommend you enjoy our stay while it lasts,” the brunette replied shortly, and Cody nudged his brother gently.
“I thought you hated the fighting, hated the war?” He whispered and Rex turned to him, face cold and bitter. “I’m fighting for Rip, Vod,” he replied and Cody nearly flinched at the harsh tone. “I don’t care anymore. This war took him. The Separatists killed my brother. And I am not letting them get away with that.”
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emcaro · 1 year
untitled jedi story | chapter 1
A/N : Here’s the thing…for this whole story to work, there has to be no Satine/Mandalore mission. This is also pre-Phantom Menace and because I don’t like to write with Y/N, the main character is a female OC named Myria Vikar. Just go with me on this because the outline I have written is pretty sweet.
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Obi Wan has been my closest companion for as long as I can remember. Even though he is two years older than me, we were brought into the Order at the same time and brought up together. We did everything together; training, sparring, and even meditations. Obi Wan and I were initially paired together for saber practice because, while he favored a mixture of defensive and acrobatic in Ataru and Soresu style, I naturally preferred the offensive wider reverse grip of Shien. This made us the perfect pair to enhance awareness of opponents and adaptation to unexpected combat styles…but, of course, we’re not friends. That would be an attachment and those are strictly forbidden for members of the Jedi. At the very least, Obi Wan would never admit to being attached. He’s been a stickler for the Jedi Code since we memorized it as children. When we were assigned to our masters, Obi Wan almost fainted when he found out he would be training with Qui-Gon Jinn— a notorious rule breaker. Although we were always in close proximity, I never caught on to the strictest interpretation of the Code to which he holds. Thank the Force that my master, Shaak Ti, is of the same inclination. Even now, as we train with our respective masters, we are able to remain together significantly more than we would have thought. Master Jinn and Master Ti work well with each other and are effective in negotiations, so they are often paired for off-world meetings by the Jedi Council. Our last trip together wasn’t too long ago, but Obi Wan and I haven’t had a chance to practice lightsaber skills together in quite some time, so today I am determined to do so.
Reaching out through the Force, I wait to feel the bright yellow Force signature that is my friend, just to make sure he’s somewhere in the Jedi Temple. Sensing him nearby, I decide to check the spot he’s always sure to be near when he’s at the Temple: the meditation gardens. “Perfect,” I think and begin to move in that direction. The gardens are usually empty around this time, so we’ll be able to talk without interruption.
When I pass through the doorway, Obi Wan is first to catch my eye. He’s sitting as he always does; facing the sunset, legs folded under him, eyes closed. This time, though, his brow is furrowed and his shoulders are tense. He must have sensed my arrival because he turns to me, his face immediately lighting up. Moving swiftly past the carefully maintained flora, I meet Obi Wan halfway and promptly become wrapped in his arms. Sensing unease in him I cut the hug short, pulling back to see his face. There’s enough distance between us to be respectable, but not so much that I can’t see in his eyes that there���s something he needs to tell me. “Obi, what is it?” I inquired, using the nickname that always put him at ease. “Master Qui-Gon and I just got our next assignment — we’re being sent to Naboo to protect their queen.” The assignment sounds more like a break from the incessant meeting and negotiations we had recently been sent to, but his tone implies that it was a harrowing ordeal to undertake. “Okay…it seems like it might be a simple trip.” Still sensing his trepidation, I continue, jesting lightly. “What are you so nervous for?” His eyes drop for a moment before meeting mine again. “I—I’m not sure,” he hesitates, “There’s something awry — a disturbance in the Force — but none of the Masters seem to notice. I might just be apprehensive because this is our first time in a war zone. They teach us about it, but you know it won’t be the same once we’re there.”
So, that was it. Obi Wan has always been very sensitive to the Force in situations yet to happen, but this has often made him feel foolish. Especially when the Masters always cautioned him “be wary of visions, Obi Wan. The future is always changing, what you see may never come to pass. You must not let yourself be drawn into imprudence.”
“Have you told Master Qui-Gon what you feel?” I ask.
“Of course I told him! He suggested that I meditate to find clarity.”
“Well…did you find any?”
His shoulders slump in disappointment, “No, but there’s still a thick haze in the Force around this mission and I think I might have finally lost it.”
“Listen to me Obi Wan Kenobi and listen well,” I demanded, “You have not lost your mind. Trust your sensitivity to the Force and don’t you dare let anyone take away your assurance in that.”
“Myria, please.”
“No. You are a capable Jedi and I won’t hear of you believing anything less!”
He takes my hand gently, looking into my eyes through the intensity held in them. “Thank you,” he whispers, just forceful enough to get my attention without hiding the tenderness in his voice, “for knowing that I’m not a fool and reminding me of that fact when I forget.” Taking a deep breath, I nod in an attempt to calm down. “Anytime.”
The sun has long since set on Coruscant, but it’s hardly noticeable. The night has come alive just outside the grounds of the Jedi Temple and the lights of the city cast a golden glow over the main area of Obi Wan’s living quarters. As this is one of the few times we are at the Temple at the same time and not pulled into obligatory meetings or functions, Obi Wan suggested that we spend the evening together. Shortly after dinner, we find ourselves reverting back to routines from the years we spent as classmates. Obi researching one of his hobbies with me curled at the other end of the small couch reading on our respective holopads.
Pausing as a thought captures my attention, I put down my holopad. Obi Wan catches the movement out of the corner of his eye and puts his down as well. “When do you and Master Qui-Gon leave for Naboo?” I ask. He pauses, seemingly forgetting in our time together that he and his teacher had been appointed to an off-world mission. “We’re supposed to leave first thing in the morning, but you know how he is, always ready to move as we ought and never as we naught…whatever that means. Why?” It takes almost eight full standard days to reach Naboo, plus however long they are needed to stay there. I can already feel a pit begin to form in my stomach. “You’re still going to call, right? I mean, when you can. Definitely don’t put the queen of Naboo at risk for a phone call to catch up with me. That would be ridiculous,” I ramble. “Yes,” he says affectionately, “I’m still going to call you every time something important happens.” Breathing a heavy sigh of relief, I feel the concern blow away like a gentle breeze through my mind. With that matter settled, we contently return to our previous activities. Soon after, my eyes begin to droop alerting me that it’s time to return to my quarters for the night. Obi Wan and I say our farewells, knowing this will be the last time we see each other before he is off to Naboo. Before I can make it to the door, he calls my name and wraps me in a strong hug for the second time today. I take the opportunity to breathe in the scent of warm amber and sage that is so unmistakably Obi Wan. When he lets me go, I immediately miss the comfort of his arms but quickly remember that Jedi are not to have attachments, which this is becoming dangerously close to.
“Goodnight, Obi. Travel safely and try not to push Master Qui-Gon toward insanity.”
“I wouldn’t dream of it,” he laughs. “Goodnight, Myria.”
As I walk the short path to my quarters, I think maybe this assignment to Naboo will be good for all of us. I could use some time to recenter and focus on entertaining no attachments and Obi Wan could use this time to learn about Master Qui-Gon. He sometimes does things through alternative strategies, but he’s a good teacher. Maybe they’ll return with a stronger bond with each other. Maybe for once Obi Wan’s inklings of things in the Force will just be his apprehension and not a forewarning of things to come.
part two
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