#karuta musubi
tanuki-kimono · 25 days
I just found your blog and I am absolutely enamored by all these designs! I did have a quick question though
I'd love to one day visit Japan, and I love the idea of attending a festival in a rented yukata. However, I'm concerned about if I could wear one or not due to the sleeves. I'm disabled and get around using forearm crutches, and have difficulty fitting larger sleeves in them.
I guess I was just curious about if either the sleeves could easily be pulled back to my elbows, or if maybe there are yukata with shorter sleeves (I've never seen them myself at least.)
Hi! I am so happy you fell in love with kimono fashion <3
As for your question, there is a fantastic way to accomodate your crutches: tasuki 襷 sleeves holders. Those are cord used for holding up sleeves out of the way (when doing chores, physical/messy activity, etc).
You can see below how tasuki are tied: basically think of an ∞ with the crossing on your back and the loop up front gathering up sleeves on your sides:
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Depending on your mobility, you can pre-knot the cord beforehand then slip it around your body.
The "right" way of doing it is this one:
Though to be honest, most people do like this and call it a day xD:
I am not sure how your mobility is so I'll also add other options to mix and match in order to nicely enjoy summer festivals in kimono attire:
Happi 法被 (festival coat): if you don't feel confortable strolling all day/night in yukata (the tighness of around your legs might be cumbersome), wearing a coat like those over your "normal" clothes is a good option to still be in festival mood :) Some are sleeveless, some have tube sleeves, and if not pair them with tasuki sleeves holder and you'll be good to go!
(pic below from)
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Nibushiki kimono 二部式着物 / nibushiki yukata 二部式浴衣 (two parts kimono/yukata): exactly what it says on the lid, those are kimono/yukata tailored in two parts, a skirt and a top one. Those might be harder to find in rentals, but have the convenience of being super easy to put on while being less prone to unraveling :) The two parts are also gentler on the figure as you can more easily adapt tighness etc. If you're are able to shop for a yukata beforehand, altering is pretty easy: chop in two, add ties and you're ready to get dressed ;)
Tsuke obi 作り帯 (two parts belt): in the same spirit as above, those are pre-tied obi belt, with a wrap-around part and a knot part. They are super common for children, but also exist for adult. Altering a pre owned obi is also super easy, see for example this past note (for nagoya obi styled taiko knot).
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Yukata can be worn with hanhaba obi (half width belt), heko obi (soft belt), or kaku obi ("men" belt). Heko obi would be my recommendation as those are unisex, comfortable, and suuuuper easy to tie.
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If you want to try hanhaba or kaku, I'd advise for karuta musubi, a flat, sturdy, and unisex knot pretty easy to tie.
Hope your travel project will come true and that you'll have fun :D
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moonlight-selkie · 4 months
Himeko - Refs - Other Stuff
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Kichiya Knot:
Kimonos that use this style are: - Everyday Kimono - Iromuji - Furisode
Bunko Knot:
Kimonos that use this style are: - Yukata - Usumono / Natsumono: - Komon - Cropped Kimono
Karuta Musubi / Card Knot:
Kimonos that use this style are: - Autuam Kimono - Tsukesage - "Ball Gown" Kimono Otaiko Musubi / Nagoya Obi:
Kimonos that use this style are: - Winter Kimono - Tsukesage - Houmongi - Irotomesode Hitotu / Darari Masubi:
Kimonos that use this style are: - Susohiki / Hikizuri - "Evening Gown" Kimono Double Bow Musubi:
Kimonos that use this style are: - Bell Skirt Style Kimono - Short Skirt Furisode
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The following items hear Himeko has had since the Edo Period:
- Kinchaku Bag - Coin Purse - Hakoseko Pouch (for cosmetics) - Kiseru Pipe + Tobacco Pouch - Combs + Comb Boxes - Hanko Set - Sensu Fans + Fan Cases - Uchiwa Fans
The following Items are ones Himeko has had since the Meiji Period
- Gamaguchi Purse - Notebooks + Fountain Pen - Pocket Watch - Pocket Mirror - Handkerchief
The following Items are ones Himeko has had in recent years (modern day)
- Phone - Headphones + Headphone Case - Keys + Keyrings - Hand Sanitizer + Hand Cream - Clutch Bag
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linssikeittomies · 2 years
Memoir Of A Moment
I guess the good thing about being an idiot and DELETING ALL YOUR FILES is that you're forced to go through your handwritten notebooks and rediscovering stuff you never fleshed out on the computer. I love Mononoke, the art style is wonderful and the stories tickle me just right. I would've loved to write a casefic, but I just couldn't come up with a good mononoke, and also I'm terrible at writing action and mystique, so I never finished it - and now I think that even incomplete, it could work as a Missed Opportunity type of story. Just imagine the adventure Kayo could've had if she stayed!
Figured it would be raining on the one day she was able to check out Harajuku. She had been planning this trip for almost a year, and took it  well before rainy season for this exact reason! Now there were only a lousy few people on the streets, and barely any of them worth photographing! And with such shitty lighting the photos would’ve turned out terrible anyways. Why had she even bothered leaving home? She’d seen the forecast...
Well, at least the trip wasn’t a complete failure. Despite the bad weather, some scattered groups and inidividuals were still around, and let Kayo take pictures. The gothic lolitas had been largely unbothered by the rain under their black, lacy umbrellas and safe from the puddles with their high platform shoes. The small group of ganguros had tried not to look bothered, not very successfully though... With their shorts and miniskirts you could see the goosebumps from the cold right away. Kayo had even seen a few angura kei girls, smartly dressed in kimonos to shield them from the chill. The cafes also let her take photos inside, as long as she also bought something - she was starting to feel ill from all the tea she'd been forced to consume and the excorbitant prices those places charged for absolutely everything.
Who knew when she’d be able to make a more successful trip? With her financial situation, it had been hard enough to scrounge up the funds and free time even for this one-day trip. In the morning, it would be back to work, back to scrolling through fashion blogs and online stores. Never contributing to those blogs or buying anything from those stores.
As midnight approached, Kayo finally decided it wasn’t worth the effort to keep looking for more subjects - she only had a few hours before her early morning train back home, and she needed the sleep more than she wanted the photos. Sighing, she put away her camera - her most prized possession, a genuine professional-grade DSLR, bought used from a relative who ran a photography studio - and headed for the capsule hotel. Leaving behind the chic, neon-lit fashion highway felt like such an appropriate metaphor for Kayo’s life - ever the visitor in such splendid places, never allowed to stay for longer than a few hours. The dim side streets were much more her place, getting dingier and smellier the further she walked. Only some hundreds of meters from the hotel, Kayo stopped. Ahead of her stood someone with a large wooden backpack, and a colorful haori. Perhaps she had found another subject, after all!  Must’ve been making their way back home from Harajuku, like her, another sorely disappointed fashion fan. Not old-school, with such unorthodox patterns and garish color combos, but clearly taking inspiration from traditional garments. A paper umbrella and geta, paired with what might have been an exceptionally long heko obi, since the ends were long enough to dangle past the knees. Kayo didn’t know that much about obi knots, not being all that into kimono herself, but she knew the backpack had to digging the knot uncomfortably into the person’s back. The only style she ever wore was karuta musubi because it was so easy and flat.
Digging out her camera again, she took one candid photo - only one, that she would ask permission to keep - because the composition of the figure standing in the middle, faintly haloed by the rain and streetlights, the street stretching out behind him, well...  it was just too photogenic to pass up. The shot even turned out well despite the dismal lighting, and some color correction on photoshop would fix the values. She would send a printed copy to her subject, if they wanted.
“Excuse me!” she called out and started jogging up to her target. They must’ve been wearing earphones, not hearing her, since they didn’t turn around. Well, at least they stayed still - a man, it turned out, and a beautiful one at that. But not wearing earphones, and talking to himself silently - so, a weirdo. But definitely a beautiful weirdo. A cosplayer, surely, from the markings on his face and the pointed ears. Very good quality prosthetics, looked completely real. The blond wig was just as good, a naturally plucked hairline and very fine mesh to hide the edges perfectly. This person had a lot of time and made good money. Also pale, flawless skin, and long, elegant fingers, and mesmerizing blue eyes. They didn’t even look like colored contacts, the look in them wasn’t uncomfortably staring at you with pinprick pupils. It might have even been his natural eye color. Half Japanese? If that was the case, then the hair might have been real, as well. His nose also suggested non-asian heritage, as long and pointy as his ears.
It felt like Kayo had been taking in the stranger’s appearance for minutes, him never acknowledging her until he finished his silent monologue. Only his eyes turned to look at her, a small, knowing smile on his already makeup-smiling lips.
“Good evening.”
His voice was pleasingly low and steady, his speech calm and slow. He kept looking at Kayo from the corner of his eye. The markings under his eye and on his nose intrigued Kayo, what was the story behind the character’s design? And the lavender smile, not something Kayo remembered seeing on any other -
“Ah - good evening!”
How rude, she had just kept staring!  Even if he was dressed to be stared at! So embarrassing, getting caught up in her thoughts! Just because someone looked good and strange was no excuse for bad manners. Thankfully the man did not seem to mind, just kept smiling faintly, and slowly lowered his eyes to the camera Kayo was still holding tightly in her hands.
“You are a photographer now?” he asked, not really making it sound like a question, and the now part bothering Kayo. She didn’t think they had ever met before, she was sure she would remember eyes like his even if his appearance otherwise had changed completely.
“Well, yes, not professionally - I came to take photos, but the weather - could I take your picture? Fashion is a hobby of mine.”
 “That never changes.”
Kayo was almost regretting talking to the guy, he might have been high. He was acting weirdly enough, and his halting speech wasn’t exactly helping dispel the thought, either. It was oddly hypnotic though, with his quiet voice you had to stop and listen, and with the slow rhythm you had to keep listening, and with the weird pauses mixed in he sounded otherworldly.
“A photo in exchange for a favor, perhaps?”
He was still calm, the half-lidded gaze not threatening in the least, but no matter how unassuming a guy looked, Kayo was not stupid enough to agree without knowing the terms. She steeled her face, trying to appear as someone you couldn’t bend.
“Depends on the favor. I’m not desperate so don’t even dream of anything pervy!”
The man chuckled softly, his eyes crinkling in amusement. He finally turned to face Kayo directly.
“Some things do change”, he commented cryptically. Kayo decided not to question it, the guy was clearly either on drugs or having a psychosis. Why did he keep thinking he knew Kayo? Maybe she resembled someone he did know, or used to know?
He lifted a finger, pointing with it’s sharp claw to an alley. “Can you see anyone on that street?”
A quick look revealed the two of them were alone, everyone else having opted for the better-lit main streets, and Kayo was starting to feel more nervous. Not that the guy was looking or acting any more threatening, but being alone with a male junkie on a deserted street in the middle of the night  tends to make a girl jumpy.
“No, seems empty to me”, she said in a confident tone, like she wasn’t even thinking of the possibility of being assaulted. A strong girl like her? No one would attack her!
The stranger made a non-committal noise, and his eyes turned more serious. He looked at the alley thoughtfully. “A most troublesome form, indeed. I wonder, why do some see it while others don’t.”
“Was that the favor? Can I take that photo now?”
The amused smile came back.
“Take as many as you like. But I must keep working, do not disturb the scales.” And with a small gesture of his finger, a drawer in the backpack slid open and something flew out.
Okay, it was official - Kayo had gone nuts. First going on this trip even knowing it would fail, then talking to a total stranger in an empty street at night, then not walking away when it turned out the guy was on drugs. Now her madness had extended to seeing hallucinations.
At least the hallucination was polite - a metal thingamajig that looked like an art deco butterfly bowed to her before continuing on its way further down the abandoned alley. Its friends soon followed, a veritable swarm of metal butterflies - scales, the man had called them. Kayo couldn’t possibly say what they measured, or how. By the time she shook off her stupor, odd paper charms had also appeared on the walls out of nowhere. A staticky hum filled the hair, raising the hairs on Kayo. Some form of electricity, maybe.
“Kayo-san, is it? You came here to take photos, and your time is limited.”
A cold wave washed over Kayo. She knew for a fact they had never met in their lives, and there was no way he could know her name. They had come across each other by pure accident... It just wasn’t possible...
“Do you know me from somewhere?” she asked, stupefied, heart skipping beats here and there. This was so odd, scary, and yet she was not nearly as scared as she felt she should be.
“We know each other from several places, but we have never met before.”
“How does that even make sense! What the hell do you mean by that? Which one us has gone crazy here, I don’t understand anything anymore...”
But even so, she lifted her camera and started taking pictures. Of the man, of the scales, of the empty alley. She didn’t even care about angles, lighting, composition, she just pressed the shutter. She ended up with nearly a hundred photos, majority of them incomprehensible, before the man directed her to keep going on her way. She had obeyed without question - the atmosphere had gotten oppressive, the feeling of a storm encroaching.
All her life, Kayo often thought back to that night. It felt unreal, but the photos were undeniable evidence of the opposite. Sometimes she thought she really had experienced some sort of short-lived psychosis, but mostly she had no idea what to think of the event - of the one time something strange happened in her life, something intriguing. She only talked about it to someone twice on her life - once to her husband, and once to her daughter. She did eventually develop one of the photos into a print - the one she had taken first. The nameless man, standing alone on an empty street, rain streaking the lens. A beatiful picture, a strange memory, and a lifelong regret.
She should have stayed.
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shiroi-o-no-kitsune · 3 months
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For top to bottom, left to right :
Chidori musubi (plover knot) ちどり結び .
Shôryû musubi (little dragon knot) 小龍結び .
Kichiya musubi (Kichiya knot) 吉弥 結び - named after onnagata actor Uemura Kichiya I in Genroku period, who single handedly launched a new type of knots and obi fashion .
Koman musubi (Koman knot) 小万結び - named after a kabuki character in play Yakko no Koman .
Nagoya obi (Nagoya belt) 名古屋帯 - Azuchi Momoyama/Early Edo era silk kumihimo tied in butterfly knot .
Yanoji musubi (arrow knot) 矢の字結び - created by onnagata actor Segawa Kikunojo II. Also found under the name tateya musubi 立て矢結び (standing arrow knot) .
Yoshio musubi (Yoshio knot) よしお結び .
Rokô musubi (rôkô knot) 路孝結び - created by onnagata actor Segawa Kikunojo II .
Karuta musubi (card knot) カルタ結び - created in early Edo period, looking like 3 playing cards side by side .
Hitotsu musubi (single knot) 一つ結び - during Edo, was also called darari musubi だらり結び. Note that it differs from is nowadays called darari obi (worn by maiko) .
Tate musubi (standing knot) 立て結び - see yanoji/tateya musubi for variations .
Bunko kuzushi (unbalanced knot) 文庫くずし .
Heijûrô musubi (Heijûrô knot) 平十郎結び - created by actor Murayama Heijûrô III .
Sageshita musubi (falling knot) さげ下結び .
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leirandha · 6 years
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Oumi Jingu, Otsu, Shiga. This place is a MUST for chihayafuru fans! I got here by train (via. JR Otsukyo station) It's a short walk from there and a bit of stair climbing. It's not as crowded as i expected. Before you go up to the red gate (romon gate) There is a traditional hand washing place.. there are a lot of Chihayafuru Live Action posters and big karuta cards on the wall. outside the shrine (on the right?) there is of course the Omi Learning Center where the karuta competition takes place. As ou entwred thw building there will be a lot of Chihayafuru merchandise and you can buy your own karuta (as I did).. there are three types of karuta: 1. 1st verse cards ¥2700 (the card for reading) 2. 2nd verse ¥2700 (the card for playing) 3. Learning card ¥1620 (both for reading and playing. The play card has a watermark of special syllables, just like in the anime where Kana-chan and the rest are learning karuta for the first time) There are also two tatami mat on the ground floor with karuta cards, it's like a small exhibition. Also there are a lot of character life size cardboard prints (The misuzawa gang, Arata, Shinobu, even the Meijin Suo) I went to the second floor and wow it felt like I was in the anime it self! Oh and there is a kimono./ hakama rental where you can be a Karuta Meijin / Queen The price is ¥1000/hour
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jdramastuff · 6 years
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namjhyun · 5 years
MOVIE REVIEW | Chihayafuru: Musubi
The review is based only on the events of the film. I feel the responsibility to point this out because the manga is on going, which means the story might take a turn to any possible direction in the future.
I finally got the chance to watch this film this week, a very nice and neat conclusion to the world of competitive karuta. For those who need a little reminding, the story follows Chihaya and her friends as a team trying to win the national high school competition and, for some of them, even dream of becoming professionals. But the films also tells us about their personal struggles, sometimes on actual lines of dialogue and, other times, through out the poems been read in the karuta competitions.
The film choose to make a time jump between the second film and the third, putting the last installment of the trilogy on Chihaya’s senior year of high school. She’s only have one goal in her life: becoming the Queen of karuta but now teachers and even friends are taking different routes in life, choosing professions and paths in which they won’t be able to talk together as the tight-knit group they become, so she needs to start thinking what else lays beyond karuta.
On this point, I feel the story failed and achieved something at the same time. It was nice to see Chihaya think of things beyond her karuta bubble with the film didn’t developed properly. I like she kept her goal of becoming Queen until the very end, because at her core that’s who she truly is, but at the same time I didn’t get to see her spend enough time thinking of life outside the sport.
Other professional karuta players are shown to have their own personal and professional lives outside the competitions, so I guess I would have like to see Chihaya be a little more motivated or explicit on what other thing she might want to pursue. Whatever it tis, I’m sure it would have been with the same savage passion she has for everything she loves.
Meanwhile, Taichi finally reached a boiling point. I guess it’s fair to say Taichi has been competing his entire life: against Arata but most importantly against his own insecurities. Taichi’s biggest roadblock has always been himself, by putting others before him to a point of whatever he wants becomes irrelevant in his own life. When he first started playing karuta again, in freshman year of high school, he didn’t do it for himself. He did it for Chihaya, and unlike her his development about what he wishes to do in the future beyond the world of competitive karuta was properly developed.
Taichi finally loses to the pressure and feels forced to leave the karuta team. It’s a nice call back as to the same reasons why Arata quitted karuta in the first film. Back then, Arata lost all motivation when his grandfather had died. He was the reason why Arata started and continue to play the game and with him home he needed two films to find a reason to do it for himself.
The same thing can be said about Chihayara. She’s always played for her, a point the film makes perfectly, and because of that she’s able to support her teammates, show respect to her opponents and inspire her juniors.
If you ask me, the third film in this trilogy is Taichi’s film. It’s the conclusion to his journey and the answer his been looking for since day one. The card choice at the end, where he’s putting all his feelings out in the open, is him finally stepping forward and withholding nothing.
As for the love triangle, I would rather concentrate on the personal story of our three main characters. I believe this story is so popular because of the everyday and common struggles the characters go through that resonate with people, and not because of a love triangle.
Chihaya’s answer remained true to herself, as mentioned before, because she’s never really thought of anything beyond the karuta world. Of course, Arata put himself out there, in all the ways possible, because Arata never doubts himself once he has set his eyes on the prize. And, of course Taichi is the last man standing next to Chihaya because that’s also part of who he is.
That said, of course, I have a team I’m rooting for and personally I believe the story told in this film serve for the benefit of one team rather the other. But to get a real and final answer about Chihaya’s feelings, we will have to keep on reading the manga.
Kudos, to the amazing supporting cast who it’s as wonderful as always. Making the smallest moments incredibly funny and heart warming, even sometimes stealing the entire show from the leads. Thank you!
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culmaer · 6 years
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Perfume “Mugen Mirai” karuta for the release of Chihayafuru: musubi (2018)
天の上 震える光 STARRY 醒めない夢に SO, MAYBE SO
den no ue   furueru hikari   sutārii samenai yume ni   sō, meibi sō
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mackencchi · 6 years
[TRANSLATION] “My heart was so moved that I can’t stop crying.” - Arata Mackenyu on his BEST 3 Slice-of-Life Movie Genre!
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“Chihayafuru” which was known as a big movie hit with its two previous movies will finally be completed with the release of, “Chihayafuru – Musubi” on March 17, 2018. Arata Mackenyu plays the role of Wataya Arata who taught his childhood friend, Ayase Chihaya (played by Suzu Hirose) the world of Competitive Karuta.  
In this interview, he will talk about his top 3 favorite movies and which movie he would like to appear!
1.      “Session” // Original title: “Whiplash”
Mackenyu: I like every movie that I have watched but I really can’t rank them according to which one is my favorite so I will just rank them by the order of which I have watched first. 
The movie “Session” is about a story of drum students and teachers who teach them, but the teacher that is played by J.K. Simmons was too scary!  If I had a teacher like him, it would be impossible not to freak out! (*laughs*) I was overwhelmed by how the main actor played the role very well. Among all slice-of-life movies that I’ve watched, I loved this one the most because the main story was about music. I’m also impressed with the movie “La La Land” even though the genre is kind of different.
2.      “A story I read for you” // Original title: “The Notebook”
Mackenyu: This movie isn’t just an ordinary love story movie. The story goes on as it intertwines with the past and the present, the strange mystery unravels and everything finally connects in the end. I can’t say much detailed things about this movie or else it will become a spoiler but the scene where the old man and old woman cuddled in the last scene really made me cry! Even if I watch it with someone, or watch it wherever, when I’m crying because of a movie, I really don’t care about my surroundings anymore because I’m tearing up. (*laughs*) This movie really made me cry all over.
3.      “I am Sam”
Mackenyu: This is a story of a father named Sam and her 7-year old intelligent daughter. The two of them are pulled apart with each other but a woman came to see the father to strengthen their bonds again. Both of their hearts are so beautiful. It was too beautiful, it hurts. Furthermore, the role of Seann Pen as a father was really amazing and wonderful that it was almost surreal. I really like watching movies like this and as an actor, I think I’d like to appear on movies just like this.
[T/N: The interview has actually 3 different parts featuring Macken’s other Top 3, and this is one of them. I will translate the other 2 when I have time so please look forward to Macken’s other top 3’s that he shared! 
You can also read this on my LiveJournal!
Thank you so much for reading! ]
Source: X
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ambarawanihonkurabu · 6 years
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Perusahaan Provider Seluler Jepang Rilis Video Chihayafuru Musubi Versi Kucing Yang Menggemaskan
Sekuel ketiga film live-action Chihayafuru yang diberi judul Chihayafuru Musubi akan tayang perdana di bioskop Jepang mulai tanggal 17 Maret 2018 mendatang. Untuk merayakan perilisannya, perusahaan provider seluler Jepang au telah bekerja sama dengan film tersebut dengan meluncurkan sebuah video berjudul Chihayafuru -Neko no Ku- (Chihameowfuru: Cat Verse).
Dalam video kolaborasi itu, karakter utama Chihayafuru diperankan oleh para kucing yang bermain karuta, sebuah permainan kartu tradisional dari negeri sakura, lengkap dengan pakaiannya. Meski berdurasi tak lebih dari dua menit, namun video tersebut dibuat sangat mirip seperti manga asli, maupun adaptasinya, yang membedakan hanyalah tokoh pemerannya.
Untuk membuat video Chihanyafuru -Neko no Ku- sendiri sepertinya bukanlah satu hal yang mudah, video di balik layar pembuatannya pun ikut diunggah di kanal YouTube, CinemaStyle for au. Terlihat bagaimana kucing-kucing tersebut justru bertengkar, hingga mengacak-acak kartu karuta sebelum akhirnya kembali diletakkan oleh para staf.
Selain video, kolaborasi au dengan film juga ini mencakup kampanye pembuatan karuta online dengan hadiah yang menarik, Real Escape Game oleh SCRAP, dan private screening film tersebut.
Film Chihayafuru sendiri diangkat dari manga berjudul sama karya Yuki Suestugu yang pertama kali dirilis oleh majalah Jepang, Be Love pada tanggal 28 Desember 2007 silam. Setelah sukses dengandua film sebelumnya, kini sekuel ketiganya yang diberi judul Chihayafuru Musubi akan segera hadir dengan dibintangi aktris cantik, Suzu Hirose, bersama dengan Shuhei Nomura, Mackenyu Arata dan masih bayak lagi.
The post Perusahaan Provider Seluler Jepang Rilis Video Chihayafuru Musubi Versi Kucing Yang Menggemaskan appeared first on Japanese Station.
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dizzydennis · 6 years
Did you start playing karuta just because of Chihayafuru?
Actually no! I started playing karuta when I was a college student in Nagasaki. I really liked it and a classmate of mine noticed. She introduced me to the manga. From there, I read every volume, saw the anime, and just in time for the two movies.
Now I play karuta with a real team and I am very excited to see Chihayafuru -Musubi- in March! Less than 2 months!
Thank you for the message! I don’t often get to talk about karuta!
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tanuki-kimono · 6 months
Hello, I have a weird question but maybe you can answer it. When I was a teenager I was gifted a yukata and taught to tie the obi to make it look like a bow. That was cute then, but now that I'm in my mid 30s I wonder if this is still appropriate. Are there other ways to tie the obi of a yukata that are maybe a bit more mature ? I love wearing my yukata, but I'm starting to get self-conscious about maybe being too old for that… (I only wear it for matsuri in Japan so it's not like it's often, but it makes me even more self-conscious because I am very clearly not Japanese so I don't want to look ridiculous.) Thank you !
Hi fellow mid-30's kimono wearer :D It's true some styles can feel a bit weird depending on ages.
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Though nothing truly forbids you to keep wearing bunko musubi, if you don't feel confortable with a bow knot or its variations (for ex. this one or this one?), don't despair! there are many (like MANY) other knots which would work with your age and "status" :D
If you wish for something classical, I'd recommend:
Kai no kuchi musubi (clam mouth knot) - a super all purpose knot, worn by women and men alike. It's been around for ages and never went out of style!
Ronin musubi (ronin knot) or katabasami - unisex knots that have been around for a long time too, pretty sturdy and chic.
Karuta musubi (card knot) - easy to tie and quite flat so perfect if you have to ride a car/train or sit on Western chairs.
Taiko musubi (drum knot) or tsunodashi musubi (also called Ginza musubi) - you can fake those ones (usually tied with wider obi) with a hanhaba obi, see examples here and here.
More on the novelty side :
Kamifusen musubi (paper balloon knot) - a more whimsical knot but could still work depending on your style. It asks for preparation but it's very cute :)
Neko mimi musubi (cat ears knot) - there are many variations, with or without hanhaba obi - look at this one for ex
Not-tied obi, a super modern way of wearing obi. Ayaaya has a lot a those, check for example this one and look at her socials for more (especially "frilly" variations)
Any variations of what I call the "waterfall" musubi, where obi ends are elegantly arranged thanks to elastique belts. It's super fashionable atm, see it shown step by step on Billy Matsunaga's channel.
To go further, searching for "hanhaba obi musubi" will gives you a lot of other ideas ;)
Hope it helps, and that you'll have a lot of fun at matsuri!
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naruto-oc-critiques · 7 years
Hello! Could you review my OC please? I’m just in the beginning stage of creating her so I don’t have a lot of background yet orz. (Also, I’m sorry if my english is bad TAT) 
Name: Fujiwara Miyabi Kanji: 藤原 雅 Meaning: Fuji: Wisteria Hara: Field, Miyabi: Elegance Alias/Nicknames: Miya, Miyabi-chan Gender: female Sexual orientation: heterosexual Birthday: 03/15 Age: Part I: 16 Part II: 18 The Last: 20 Zodiac sign: Pisces  
— Clan information — The Fujiwara clan is an old shinobi clan focusing on the use of wagakki (japanese traditional instruments) for genjutsu techniques. The family is also a musical troup that tour the festival every summer. Each member is in charge of an instrument but they all learn different instruments. 
— Characteristics —
Blood type: A Height: Part I: 165cm Part II: 170cm Weight: Part I: 45kg Part II: 50kg Eyes: Brown Hair: Brown, almost black. Long hair with the Hime cut (straight bangs). Skin: Fair Unusual Features: Has a scar in the back of her shoulder
— Ninja information —
Affiliation: Konoha gakure Current rank: Jounin -Genin promotion: 12yo -Chuunin promotion: 15yo -Jounin promotion: 19yo Occupation: She works with her family as a musical troupe. She is in charge of the Taiko. They often participate in festivals in Konoha and other countries. Status: Active Ninja-ID: Team: Asahi Kayo (朝日 加陽), Chiba Ryôsei (千羽 綾西) Sensei: Kanako (夏菜子) Chackra nature: Water, wind Ninjustsu range: Short-mid range Deffensive/Offensive type: More of the offensive type. Dominant hand: Right handed Weapons: Has scrolls with different kind of taiko to perform genjutsu. Uses mainly the Yari spear. Summonings: Name: Shishou Species: Kitsune fox Abilities: Tracking Missions completed: D-rank: 20 C-rank: 11 B-rank: 16 A-rank: 13 S-rank: 2 Total: 52
Abilities: Strength: She is very calm, a very talented taiko drummer. She is also quite a good actress. Weakness: Has a fear of failure. Can be seen as stuck-up and cold-hearted. Taijutsu: Good Ninjutsu: Good Genjutsu: Excellent Fighting style: She usually traps her enemy with genjutsu before closing in and fight with her taijutsu.
Ninja stats: Academy: NIN: 0.5/5 TAI: 1/5 GEN: 1.5/5 KEN(intelligence): 2/5 RIKI(power): 0.5/5 SOKU(speed): 1/5 SEI(chakra): 1.5/5 IN(finger sign): 1/5 Total: 9/40
Genin: NIN: 1.5/5 TAI: 1.5/5 GEN: 2/5 KEN(intelligence): 2.5/5 RIKI(power): 1/5 SOKU(speed): 2/5 SEI(chakra): 2/5 IN(finger sign): 1.5/5 Total: 14/40
Chuunin: NIN: 2/5 TAI: 3.5/5 GEN: 4/5 KEN(intelligence): 3.5/5 RIKI(power): 2.5/5 SOKU(speed): 3.5/5 SEI(chakra): 3/5 IN(finger sign): 3/5 Total: 25/40
Jounin: NIN: 3/5 TAI: 4/5 GEN: 4.5/5 KEN(intelligence): 4/5 RIKI(power): 3.5/5 SOKU(speed): 4.5/5 SEI(chakra): 3.5/5 IN(finger sign): 4/5 Total: 31/40
— Techinques —
Ninjutsu: She is good in Ninjutsu but use it rarely Techniques: Technique 1: Chôchô Musubi (water). Create a lasso of water. Used for capturing and hinder a target.
Taijutsu: She is skilled in taijutsu. With her artistic upbringing people often say that it looks like she is dancing.
Genjutsu: She excells at genjutsu since she is learning it from a young age. Use the taiko for creating illusions.
— Personal traits —
Personality: Good traits: Honorable, Kind, Intelligent, Calm Bad traits: Easily scared (she dislike ghosts stories and things like that), stuck-up, Likes: -foods: Katsudon -colors: Purple -favourite animal: Cat -what she likes to do in her free time: playing the taiko, baking and reading poetry Dislikes: -foods and drinks: Alcohol, fish -colors: Yellow -less favourite animal: Snakes -what she doesn’t likes to do in her free time: Cooking Habbits: Touch her nose when embarassed Hobbies: She is quite a bookworm and collects poetry books. Her favorite book is the Hyakunin Isshu. She alos like playing the Karuta Fears: Fear of failure Ambition: Become recognised as a great genjutsu user and protect her village and the people she love.
— Relationships —
Parents: Father: Hajime (一), Mother: Shiori (栞) Siblings: Misaki (美咲 20 f), Kuon (永遠 14 m), Kotone (琴音 f)/Suzune (鈴音 8 f) Relative(s): Uncle: Idzuru (居鶴) Aunt: Migiwa (汀) Cousins: Ageha (紅葉 19 f), Junna (淳和 15 f), Naoya (直也 13 m) Grand father: Haruo (春雄) Grand mother: Wakana (和奏D.) Teammates: Kayo, Ryôsei how they get along? She gets along well with her teammates even though Kayo and Ryôsei tends to fight a bit. She is usually the one to calm them down. Is like the big sister of her team. Friends: Fujita Hikaru (藤田 光): The son of her father’s friend. He acts like a big brother and has a slight crush on Miyabi. He can be quite overprotective but she appreciate him nevertheless. Best friend: Saionji Umeka (西園寺 梅香), she is her best friend since they were born. Umeka isn’t a shinobi but they like to spend time together.
Let me preface this by saying: Your English is wonderful. I like how much thought you put into your characters interests, and I LOVE the fact you included her family a little on her (especially since it wasn’t an overwhelming wall of information about each member.
I will point out that Fujiwara (藤原氏)  means ‘Wisteria Branch’, originating in the 600’s with Nakatomi no Katamari (later Fujiwara by Emperor Tenji). 
I like the concept of music and theater being the main basis of your character. I think there are a lot of possibilities you can explore on this front. 
Wagakki appears to be a band and is not the name of a set of traditional instruments. For further research, I recommend this link right here
You could potentially look into Min yo, thought it seems more like gagaku (orchistral court music) appears to be more of what you’re looking for.
  Unless you oc is extremely strong, a taiko would not be a good idea. I don’t know if you’ve looked into the history of the taiko drum, but they were previously used by blacksmiths as a means of signaling or warning of incoming attacks. Having actively played the taiko drum before, I can verify that it takes a tremendous amount of upper body strength to even get it to make a sound, let alone keep a steady rhythm enough for it to be played for any amount of time. If you have your heart set on having her play the taiko, I strongly recommend making her a strength-based kunoichi, with a body type to match (broad shoulders, muscular, which would also make her a bit heavier and not as agile). 
I really do think using a taiko would be going on the 'offensive’. She could potentially use the vibrations to send some sort of disruptions into the opponent, casting a genjutsu, or even causing minor earthquakes that would disrupt the opponent. 
I would like to see her noted strengths expanded more. What makes her a good actress, if she’s calm or not very emotive? What sort of acting does she do? We know she can’t be Kabuki, so does she do noh or kyogen? Perhaps she acts as musical accompaniment to bunraku? Or is it a more contemporary type of acting? 
Where does her fear of failure come from? Is she a perfectionist, or is she just ambitious and drive, or have something to prove (to herself or to someone else)? In what was is she stuck up and cold hearted? Is she particularly cruel or aloof? Be careful in this that you’re not sounding like Koyuki from Clash In The Land Of Snow. 
I do feel as though 'kind’ and 'stuck up’ are contradictory. Perhaps 'aloof’ would be a better description? Perhaps she takes a while to warm up to people.
How does her water Lasso align with her other skills? How is she good at ninjutsu if she uses it seldom? Does she practice a lot? Could you maybe substitute fans instead of a lasso, so it would fit in later with her taijutsu ability? Is her style  of taijutsu more of a traditional dance, or is it more modernized/western? Who is saying she looks like she’s dancing? If it’s her enemies, then stop right there. If it’s her teachers, is this a critisicm, or a praise? How will her movements benefit her, or are they just pretty? Could this be a point of future character development?
I feel like you’ve picked good ages for promotion, though I might push back the jounin until she’s a bit older (20-22) just to space it out a little bit and make it seem more natural. I imagine it takes a bit longer for a chuunin to become a jounin than it takes for a gennin to become a chuunin. 
As for her summon…hmmm….I would be extremely cautious about summoning a 'kitsune’ due to their status in Japanese folklore. Up until now, I haven’t picked up on anythign that your OC would imply that the kitsune plays any significant role in her life. Kitsune’s are traditionally shapeshifters, and are frequently known for being tricksters as well as untrustworthy and unlucky/evil (particularly during the Edo period, where superstition reigned supreme). I can see how that may play into a genjutsu user, however, how else would the kitsune play into her life? What makes the kitsune choose her, or what makes her choose the kitsune? 
She likes baking, but not cooking (though they’re pretty interrelated, so this is confusing to me).
So she likes playing cards? Or is it specifically kyogi karuta? We know she likes Sengoku-era literature, perhaps have her look into the Chushingura, which is a fairly well-known bunraku play. Since she has a history in theater, this might interest her. She might also like Murasaki Shikibu (who was also a Fujiwara) or Sei Shonagon’s work. 
I’m spotting a theme here, which ties into her calmness. I would like to also see her have a few weakness’ as well, other than her fear of failure. Perhaps she’s calm on the outside but can be extremely irritable or has outbursts where the facade is broken. If she’s calm all the time, it starts be be a bit Sue-ish and can make a character difficult to relate to for a reader. She is human, after all, and every human has their moments of frustration or anger.  Other than that, i think you’ve done a great job of putting together a group of friends and family members for her.
I hope this helps flesh her out a little more! Best of luck in pushing forward with her in the future!
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haro-hawayu · 6 years
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My random, all-over-the-place thoughts on Musubi: Over all, I liked the movie, but there were tidbits that I didn’t like so much as well.
Thanks to the first two live action movies, I was able to appreciate Taichi/Chihaya more (I’ve shipped Arata/Chihaya from the beginning, and on the occasion, my heart wavers LOL, Suetsugu is good). This is because everything with Arata was a total flop. I guess with the time constraints you get with 2 movies, you can’t really expect them to do something about Arata/Chihaya’s side of the triangle when they’re not even in the same city. So I think I’ve long since been prepared should they actually make Taichi/Chihaya canon (in the movie, lol). I was 90% convinced this was going to be the case in Musubi considering that the scenes with them were done reallllly well. 
Also, with this movie, I think I was finally able to embrace the love triangle (lol, before, I’d be like uhhh what triangle??) more because the three of them had more screen time together (NOT ENOUGH but better than nothing), and the ambiguous ending, lol. Still, the confession scene with Arata--although done in the same fashion in the manga--was not so convincing just because of all the other past Arata/Chihaya scenes that have been cut out (LIKE THE CHIHAYABURU SCENE, ugh). But I loved the scene where they were together at the ending after their matches.
Anyways~~~I didn’t like the addition of Iori in the series. I think she was meant to be just a little extra spice to all of this, AND she was going to be another member to Arata’s newly formed club (so might as well make her stand out). Essentially, her role was similar to Koishikawa from the manga--he was one the who would confess to Momo and ask her to date him if he wins. Anyways~~I did like how Arata would just reject her with “Sorry, there’s a girl I like” and when the other karuta club members hear this, they’re all flipping out like crazy.
Shinobu is amazing as always, I loved how the actress portrays her. I kinda wished there were more interactions between her and Arata in this movie like the previous ones, they were fun to watch. Their chemistry in the previous movies blew everything else out of the water imo. In this movie, the whole thing with her spazzing out over Snowmaru, or Chihaya’s towel was like +1000pts of awesome.
Some other shuffles---they added Sumire and Tsukuba in Chihaya’s third year, which is kinda interesting... since in the manga/anime, they’re only a year under our main cast. This isn’t a bad decision actually because I don’t think I would have liked it if they added the actual “first years” (Tamaru & co.) cuz it’d be a whole different set of themes that need to be explored. So it’s actually a pretty good call with how they handled this.
Regrets: No Rion---but I think they did give Fujisaki High a bit of a cameo with Sakurazawa!!
Forever bitter: The movies not showing scenes where Chihaya really sees Arata playing in full power. Like, c’mon it was what made her think of “chihayaburu” and the imagery!!! I’m just bitter because that was one of my favorite parts from the series that never made it to the movies. I guess I’m due for a rewatch of the anime series (maybe when S3 is about to drop).
Lol, that sounded pretty negative overall, but I swear it’s not the case!! I did enjoy it :3
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gamezonemalang · 6 years
Hai Gamezoners,
Online Games | Anime permainan karuta “Chihayafuru” diumumkan akan mendapat adaptasi season ketiga untuk tahun 2019. Pengumuman ini dilakukan melalui acara “Chihayafuru in Awara Week” oleh para seiyuu dari anime ini. Anime Chihayafuru awalnya di adaptasi dari manga josei Yuki Suetsugu, anime Chihayafuru memiliki dua musim yang sukses di tahun 2011 dan 2013 yang keduanya diproduksi oleh studio Madhouse.
Cerita ini mengikuti petualangan petinggi SMU Chihaya Ayase dan rekan-rekannya di Karuta yang mencoba menjadi pemain Karuta terbaik di Jepang. Selain pelatihan kartu dan pertandingan kejuaraan, pertunjukan ini juga berhubungan dengan cinta segitiga yang tak terucap di antara Chiahaya dan teman-temannya yang lama, Taichi Mashima dan Arata Wataya
Sinopsis Anime Chihayafuru Season 3:
Chihayafuru menceritakan perjalanan Chihaya Ayase dan teman-temannya dalam Klub Karuta Tanding, demi impian menjadi yang terbaik dalam karuta di seluruh dunia. Karuta adalah permainan menebak puisi Hyakunen Isshu yang dicetak dalam seratur buah kartu. Pemain dibacakan penggalan utama puisi klasik Jepang lalu pemain menebak kartu apa yang mengandung kelanjutan puisi tersebut yang tepat. Hal ini memerlukan ingatan yang kuat dan kegesitan tangan
Karuta adalah sebuah permainan menebak puisi Hyakunen Isshu dimana penggalan puisi akan ditulis pada sebuah kartu. Saat memulai permainan, pemain akan didengarkan sebuah penggalan utama dari puisi klasik jepang, lalu dengan segera pemain harus menebak kartu apa yang menjadi lanjutan dari penggalan puisi yang dibacakan tadi dengan tepat. Hal ini tentunya memerlukan ingatan yang kuat dan kegesitan tangan yang tinggi. Bahkan di dalam cerita Chihaya Ayase sering pingsan setelah bermain karuta, karna otaknya sampai kekurangan zat gula.
Untuk season ketiga ini, tiga seiyuu utama akan kembali berperan dalam anime ini:
Asami Seto sebagai Chihaya Ayase
Mamoru Miyano sebagai Taichi Mashima
Yoshimasa Hosoya sebagai Arata Wataya
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Tidak hanya animenya saja yang sukses membuat puas penonton. Chihayafuru juga ada versi Live Actionnya, bahkan sampai 3 Seri Live Action loh.Live action ketiganya yang berjudul Chihayafuru: Musubi, akan mulai ditayangkan di bioskop di negara Jepang mulai tanggal 17 Maret 2018 mendatang.
Baca juga : Preview Supergirl Season 4 Episode 5 ‘Parasite Lost’
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Season Ketiga Anime "Chihayafuru" Akan Tayang Pada 2019 | Online Games #warnetmalang #onlinegames #infoanime #animeterbaru Hai Gamezoners, Online Games | Anime permainan karuta “Chihayafuru” diumumkan akan mendapat adaptasi season ketiga untuk tahun 2019.
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recentanimenews · 6 years
"Chihayafuru" Manga Author's First Original Art Exhibition to be Held This Spring
In commemoration of the 10th anniversary for her Chihayafuru manga series, shoujo manga artist Yuki Suetsugu's first original art exhibition "The World of Chihayafuru" is confirmed to be held in Tokyo (Seibu Ikebukuro main store/March 23-April 1), Osaka (Abeno Harukas Kintetsu main store/April 4-16), and Nagoya (Sakae Mitsukoshi/May 9-21).
  The competitive karuta-themed shoujo manga series has been serialized in Kodansha's biweekly magazine BE LOVE since 200, and has released 36 tankobon volumes with over 21 million copies. It has been adapted into two TV anime (2011-2012, 2013) and two live-action films (2016). The third and final live-action film Chihahafuru -Musubi- is set to be released in Japan on March 17.
  "The World of Chihayafuru" exhibition will display her 130 original manga arts mainly from Chihayafuru, which have never been shown in public before. In addition, she will offer her arts drawn
for the collaboration projects with various companies, video footage of the drawing process of the key
visual for the event (see below), a replica of her atelier, and her idea notes. Other manga artists from
the BE LOVE magazine will provide their tribute arts for the manga, and messages from the cast and
staff of the anime and live-action films will be also introduced at the venue.
  Newly-drawn key visual by Yuki Suetsugu
  Chihahafuru manga tankobon 1st and 36th volume covers
  Source: Kodansha press release
  © Yuki Suetsugu/Kodansha
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