#pre star wars prequels
duskyashe · 11 months
The other night I had a dream
It was a world full of kings and queens
But it was cold, dark as the night
We were the fire under moonlit skies
We were divided, we were the same
And we were free, but we all wore chains
We couldn't see it, but we created
A place between truth and overrated
Obi-Wan woke from his most recent series of visions gasping for breath, the remembered terror and heartbreak clinging to his consciousness like tar. He clutched his chest in a futile effort to calm his racing heart. That was the fifth night in a row that he'd woken from intensely clear and concise visions unlike anything he'd ever experienced before, and he didn't know how much longer he'd be able to handle them on his own. Not like I have much of a choice, he thought bitterly, pointedly ignoring the missing feeling of a braid over his shoulder.
After wiping his drying tears and shoving the emotions left over from his vision into a box in the back of his mind, Obi-Wan reluctantly sat up and leaned back against the wall of the section of sewer he'd claimed for his "quarters". He knew from prior experience that he wouldn't be able to get to sleep until he mediated, but after repeatedly getting no answers for why he was being forced to endure these vivid visions, he was getting more than a little burnt out on meditation.
Letting out a breath of frustration, he let himself fall into a deeper meditation than he'd tried since he first stepped foot on this Force forsaken planet. He flung out into the Force, Why? Why are you showing me all this? What do you want me to do with this knowledge?!
We had a plan to build a wall
A great divide that would never fall
To separate us from all the pain
And keep our skeletons locked away
And brick by brick we built it so thick
That it blacked out the sky and all the sunlight
And one by one we all became numb
We were making the bullets to a broken gun
<They're wrong,> came a whisper just within his range of perception.
What? Obi-Wan thought in confusion. Who's wrong? Why are they wrong?
<...di are wrong,> it whispered again. Obi-Wan sank ever so slightly deeper into the Force in an effort to hear it clearer. <They're wrong, the Jedi are wrong>
The Jedi? What were they wrong about?
If I could just see it all
Just like a fly on the wall
Would I be able to accept what I can't control?
And would I share what I saw?
Or just sit back and ignore
Like nothing never happened
Haven't seen you before?
Obi-Wan thought about that for an entire, blissfully vision free week before he sank into a deep meditation just before his sleep shift, looking for more answers. You said the Jedi are wrong about everything, but I've been taught all my life the exact opposite of that. Please, can you explain what you meant by that?
<The code has long been corrupted. The fundamental teachings of the Order are wrong, full of hypocrisy and falsities,> comes the whisper, along with flashes of both his own past and the visions that had set Obi-Wan on this path in the first place. Memories of being pulled to the side to be scolded for starting fights with his fellow initiates while Bruck, the actual instigator, walked away grinning in triumph. Snippets of missions to slavery invested planets to actively aid the slavers instead of the slaves. Feelings of being held to an impossible standard whilst constantly being scolded for each and every single shortcoming, real or imagined, briefly bombarded Obi-Wan from all sides before the whisper chased them away. <It shouldn't be this way. The Jedi are out of balance, within themselves and within the galaxy itself. The Order is wrong. The Jedi are wrong. You can fix it.>
I'm on the run from the thief I let into my head
I know, I hold the keys, so don't be scared
When I turn and shout
Obi-Wan's head spun at the thought of him fixing anything even half as large as the corruption of the entire Jedi order. He was reeling at the implications and could only find the presence of mind to ask a single question. How?
And the Force unfurled as it showed him exactly that.
I don't think I need you anymore
Take your words and your lies and just beat it
I don't think I need you anymore
Take the hurt and the pain, I don't need it
I wanna live, I wanna be the change
We can all be kings and queens
If we can just learn to believe
If we can just learn to believe
After helping the Young finish the civil war on Melida/Daan once and for all, Obi-Wan used the one functional long distance comm on the entire planet not to call Master Jin, like Nield and Cerasi had probably expected, but his longtime friend and pain in the rear end, Quinlan Vos.
The audio-only comm was answered with a soft buzz. "This is Vos," came the slightly tinny voice of the Kiffar.
Obi-Wan stifled a choked sob as he spoke to his friend for the first time in almost a year. "Hey Quin. It's sure been awhile."
There was muffled cursing on the other end as Quinlan seemed to have dropped his personal comm in his shock. "Obes? Oh Force, is that really you?"
"Yeah," Obi-Wan breathed out shakily. "Yeah, it's me. Hey listen, are you and Master Tholme free? I could use a lift, and there's some things I think the two of you need to know. About the Order's history."
"Where are you?" Quinlan asked without hesitation, audibly changing locations. An indistinct question from a half remembered voice barely registered over the comm, but the older teen's slightly muffled reply made it obvious who it was. "It's Obi-Wan, he needs a lift."
"Melida/Daan," he nearly whispered in relief as silent tears started dripping down his cheeks. "I'm on Melida/Daan. I'll forward you the exact coordinates as well as where to land when you get here. Th-thank you, Quin." Thank you for believing me, for coming for me, he didn't say. The Force draped itself comfortingly around his shoulders, sending warm reassurance tingling across his senses.
"Always, Obes. All you have to do is call," the Kiffar replied seriously.
I don't think I need you anymore
Take your words and your lies and just beat it
I don't think I need you anymore
Take the hurt and the pain, I don't need it
I wanna live, I wanna be the change
We can all be kings and queens
If we can just learn to believe
If we can just learn to believe
<Change. Change it all. Start anew, start again, do it right. Fix it, Obi-Wan Kenobi, Chosen Son of the Force.>
Aaaaand that's a wrap! I'm not sure if I'll continue this one or not, yet ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠⊙⁠_⁠ʖ⁠⊙⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯ I had a crap ton of fun writing it, but it also took me, like, five multi-hour long breaks to do so lol
The lyrics are from the song Fly on The Wall by Thousand Foot Krutch, which actually inspired this fic! If you haven't listened to it, I'd highly suggest doing so, it's honestly amazing.
Also, I've finally figured out how to do the "keep reading" thing on mobile! Let me know if you guys like it or not, and if I should keep doing it or not, please? 乁⁠|⁠ ⁠・⁠ ⁠〰⁠ ⁠・⁠ ⁠|⁠ㄏ
Also also, I've decided that, since I'm modding the Patrol Partners event as well as doing Camp NaNoWriMo this month, I'm taking Sundays off from writing. I'll post fics on AO3 that haven't been posted yet, I'll answer replies, asks, and DMs, but I won't be doing any writing on Sundays. Therefore, there's no day 2 fic that y'all missed, I just didn't write one (⁠^⁠~⁠^⁠;⁠)⁠ゞ (I'm going to post this at the end of my author's note tomorrow as well so more of my readers see it, but I wanted to put it here now while I'm thinking about it)
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emily-escott · 11 months
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These nerds WOULD dig up 500 year old recordings just to prove a famous battle master was overrated, dress up in vintage formal attire, and present their findings to the council (who are not impressed and generally uninterested)
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strawberryvulture · 11 months
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she was very beautiful. kind, but sad…
Ophelia by John Everett Millais (1851-1852)///Padme Amidala, Revenge of the Sith dir. George Lucas (2005)
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carrionmagpie · 2 days
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Custom Pre Vizsla
This was my own personal take on what a realistic Vizsla would look like, taking inspiration from Jango and the live action mandos we've seen.
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mann-walter · 2 months
I Strongly Dislike the Concept of Palpatine as Naturally Evil
I am a Palpatine fan because I like how fun he is on-screen being evil (largely due to Ian McDiarmid’s acting and the overall shallowness of the characters in the movies), but forty-something years after the Emperor (and I like him called that way better than “Emperor Palpatine”) first graced the screen, I do feel tired of the same tricks played over and over again, that Palpatine is basically a male evil witch. I’ve long been a supporter of a deeper dive into Palpatine the person as a solution to this fatigue. We don’t have to have a formally Palpatine-centric major story (i.e. something on-screen), just something explaining his personal philosophy a little deeper would be welcome. Sadly, I do think such a project is unforeseeable in the near future because there’s a shift in vision.
In Lucas’ era (pre-2013, let’s just say), Palpatine is incredibly evil but there are still gapes of humanity within him, there even—as some visual guides, interviews, and novels would indicate—an attempt to build some type of “molding the world according to what I see as good” character with him starting in the Prequels years up to 2012. As a digression, I do find this concept coupled with his pursuit of power fascinating, “he is selfish, but” but “he is for progress, but”. A rather brain-tickling fictional fellow if executed correctly. But, and I do sense it becoming more and more evident, the idea has never been advanced since. There’s a prevailing concept of Palpatine as naturally the personification of evil nowadays.
On a more laughable basis, I don’t like the concept because it prevents my favorite character from being something much more interesting through character study pieces or simply by not being always relegated to the role of Final Boss in a Popular American Sci-Fi Franchise. On a deeper note, I think that the core message of Star Wars is choices between doing the right or wrong things. The story of Anakin’s redemption is ultimately that, his fall too though within more complicated circumstances. Ben Solo made the decision to emulate his idealized grandfather, and so on. I do think it would be unfair to suddenly enact extreme predestination on one guy to be evil (but how does “the will of the Force” work, does it set a rigid roadmap for everything?). And more, it would erase the profundity of his evilness so much if you think about it.
See, you have this man right here, he is incredibly evil, billions suffer because of this single human being. But then you find out that he has a severe, undeniable urge to maim, to destroy, to oppose all authority, value, and system, to play God whatever the cost, all for his own natural satisfaction. I do think there could be arguments for him not fully out of his mind, intelligent and educated enough to know norms and values, and there are steps to prevent natural predispositions to become harmful, but I personally would be a little less harsh toward such characters compared to characters who without any internal or external pressure choose evil freely. This relates to accountability, how much can we attribute to his free will?
I like my villains soberly choosing evil. (this doesn’t mean I sideline the “nurture” factor or the more complex “nature” reasoning, only that I hold them to some extent lesser of a consideration when judging). If he is evil out of his own free will, the question would be “Why?” which would be answered with a multitude of interesting personal history, cultural influences, and beliefs, making the character interesting. Let’s compare that to a scenario where Palpatine is naturally evil. You ask “Why?” and the answer you’ll get is akin to “It is how it is”, which is an incredible bore for me. The more freely the person chooses evil, the better for me.
So, yeah, I don’t like Palpatine fixed as the Dark Side incarnate. I like him incredibly evil but still very much human. Note, I do not see his pursuit of power as something inhuman, it is terrifyingly human, but maybe couple it with something else (needn’t be redeeming or sob-story-ish). Or maybe, let him mature into the incredible evil with nearly all of his humanity absent. I can totally enjoy that, as long as it’s not him being born evil.
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Fic Summary:
Maul dies on Tatooine and wakes up over 40 years in the past. He quickly seizes the opportunity to change his fate and free himself from his Master, to save his brothers, including the one he doesn't yet know he has, and plot a new revenge against Darth Sidious with the advantages of time, foreknowledge and a surprisingly familiar Mandalorian face. It isn't only his own destiny that Maul's actions will change for the better, but that of Jango Fett and the entire Mandalorian people. As far as the Force and the Ka'ra are concerned, healing hearts through the power of family and friendship will just be a nice side effect of saving the galaxy from its terrible future.
Chapter Summary:
Reinforcements are on their way but will take a while to arrive. Maul is left with more time on his hands than is wise for a former Sith Lord.
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themoonking · 2 years
people who think that tcw "fixed" the prequels need to actually examine the pt vs tcw for a while because. first of all girl what was there to fix? second of all how is tcw an improvement? what was changed for tcw that wasn't worse than the prequels?
obi wan was made to be a huge flirt who hits on everyone he meets which was not even a little bit supported by the pt and also was given a love interest for no other reason than to fridge her for his manpain (and also, apparently, to make him more “relatable”??? barf). plus the entire rako hardeen arc, in which obi wan is just a fucking horrible person who doesn’t care about his friends, i guess.
padme went from a strong and central character who was brave, powerful, and involved to being shoved to the side in favor of dave filoni's pet character and completely defanged. she’s ignored to the point where "prequel" (read: tcw) fans will say "the pt trio 🥰" and not even include her despite her being a main fucking character
anakin went from being a complex yet compelling character who genuinely loved padme, who was deeply compassionate for the most part, and who also was allowed to show emotions to being an controlling misogynistic asshole who's in mustafar mode at all times and doesn't have any emotions except for rage, lust, smugness, and embarrassment (because these are obviously the only emotions that men are capable of experiencing). i don't think he cries once in the series, which is wildly out of character on its own.
how is any of that “fixing” anything?? and everyone in the sw fandom stans tcw so hard that even if someone’s talking/writing about the events of the actual prequels, the shitty tcw characterization creeps its way in
also obikins don’t interact this post ain’t for you
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Dooku, waking up in the Halls of Healing: Am I in hell?
Vokara: No, Dooku. If you were in hell, you'd be on a throne and the devil would be packing.
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chi-chi-chimera · 7 months
Maul dies on Tatooine and wakes up over 40 years in the past. He quickly seizes the opportunity to change his fate on Naboo, to free himself from his Master, to save his brother, and plot a new revenge against Darth Sidious with the advantages of time, foreknowledge and a familiar Mandalorian face. Learning the meaning of friendship and family is just a bonus.
Chapter Summary:
Maul grapples with what it is to be Sith and Mandalorian; Jango grapples with an equally personal question.
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perhaps-perhaps-not · 2 years
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Star Wars character alphabet: U-W!
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emily-escott · 2 years
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That one scene in tales had me wondering how many times he did embarrassing shit like that before he was an intimidating jedi master…
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unabashedllamamusic · 2 months
Tell me why I’m lying in bed at three AM, trying to sleep, “I can’t wait to tell everyone at the cantina!” pops into my head, and I start tearing up. Tales of the Jedi (the comics) are so criminally under-appreciated. Hoggon also doesn’t get nearly enough hate from the fandom as he deserves. Vima Sunrider also doesn’t get nearly as much love as she deserves- her and Ulic’s dynamic would fit perfectly with the current wave of “traumatized hot old man adopts local feral girl” stories.
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PIC INFO: Spotlight on concept art for "STAR WARS: Episode III -- Revenge of the Sith" -- Derek Thompson’s artwork for Jedi Master Ki-Adi-Mundi in battle dress, and submitted to George Lucas for consideration on December 6, 2002. Lucasfilm Ltd.
Source: https://twitter.com/kershed/status/1468338251735912456.
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anakinsafterlife · 1 year
To all my fandom oldies, I am looking for a fanfic that was online in the mid-nineties, so it was probably geocities or angelfire or tripod or something like that. Anyway, it was a Star Wars prequel style fic written before the prequels were released, even before the first rumours came out of Lucasfilm. Anakin was an officer in the Republican army, and his wife was an admiral (I remember that her name was something original and *not* Arcadia, which was always her name in fics of that period). The fic takes place primarily after she asks for a divorce or right after they get divorced. Anakin is not onboard with the separation, but because his wife has connections in the upper echelons, he can't oppose it. So he goes to a bar and gets angry-drunk (I think Palpatine might have been in the bar with him, but not sure about that??), and then crashes his speeder on the way back home or to wherever he was staying. He's massively injured, and this ends up being the reason for the life support suit.
I can't remember the name of the fic at all, or the name of the webpage, but if anyone has a copy of this secreted sonewhere, or at the least some information that I can plug into the Wayback Machine, I would be terribly grateful. I do know that it was someone's individual webpage, and the story was never posted to any of the bigger archives of the time.
My sincere thanks to anyone who might respond or reblog for signal boost. May the Force be with you!
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Hot Toys' Star Wars Episode II: Attack of the Clones 20th anniversary Anakin Skywalker sixth scale figure
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Fic Summary:
Maul dies on Tatooine and wakes up over 40 years in the past. He quickly seizes the opportunity to change his fate and free himself from his Master, to save his brothers, including the one he doesn't yet know he has, and plot a new revenge against Darth Sidious with the advantages of time, foreknowledge and a surprisingly familiar Mandalorian face. It isn't only his own destiny that Maul's actions will change for the better, but that of Jango Fett and the entire Mandalorian people. As far as the Force and the Ka'ra are concerned, healing hearts through the power of family and friendship will just be a nice side effect of saving the galaxy from its terrible future.
Chapter Summary:
The New Mandalorians have taken a few body-blows but they aren't out of the fight just yet.
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