#practicing a style my boyfriend likes
roymuke · 4 months
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It's wimblin' time.
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Why the fuck did I decide Hank would be the best character to test paint markers on I've never used them for full pieces like this I've only ever used gold paint markers for backgrounds and accents hhhhhh-
You should totally reblog this that would be so cool guys
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break up with your boyfriend
Yandere trans!fem cheerleader x fem reader
It was so shittily made but I need to pump out more fics or else my blog will die. Thank you all for 1k followers though! I'll rewrite this in the future maybe
Tw: mentions of blackmailing, nsfw, slight breeding kink, batshit crazy girlfriend,not proofread, another oc mentioned!?🌺
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💄Eva saccharine has been your girlfriend since she first started transitioning. You helped her style her hair, do her nails, pick her clothes, find good makeup, anything she needed to feel like the real her. So when freshman year rolled in, it came as no surprise to you she fit right in with the clique.
💐Ofcourse you had your fears she'd choose them over you but that wasn't the case, because she'd make you eat lunch with them and sit on her lap, not so subtly humping your ass while talking all about cheer practice
🛍️boys wanted to date her, girls wanted to be her. She just wanted you, to just be the two baddest bitches on the block. It didn't matter if you were just like her or the complete opposite, she gushed over you. Praising you for being her good girl, her sweet little princess, her obedient pocket pussy-
💄but at this current moment? She was busy bullying your insides, forcing her fat cock into your slippery hole as she held you steady by your waist. Biting and groaning everytime she'd feel you squeeze that certain spot on her dick
"fu-uuckkk.. baby cakes, 'yer squeezin' me so goood.. ah.. hah.. you wouldn't mind if I pumped a few babes into your tight cunny right? Wanna be my baby mama?"
💐that made you squeeze tighter, holding onto the bedsheets for dear life. She had you face down, ass up and damn near breaking your back with how hard she was going. Hearing the normally composed and playful eva turn into a drooling pussy-drunk mess had you feeling butterflies, just going plap play plap-
🛍️let's just say, by the end of it, you couldn't walk for days afterwards. But no amount of hickies and perfume would be able to scare away a rather persistent guy. He was on the football team, star quarterback, rich asshole. sam white. Eva hated his guts, he thinks he can just waltz in and steal her bitch? Not on her watch.
💄this little feud had been going on for a while, and more times than you could count you've been caught in the crossfire. Though it was kinda funny, seeing them screeching insults at eachother and bickering. Eva would sassily flick her blonde hair and grab you by the collar of your neck, Dragging you away while Sam hooted and hollered at your retreating form
💐you never questioned her morbid fascination with anything horror or paranormal related. She was just obsessed with regular girl things. wanting you to help her summon a demon once, but you aren't that stupid, making blood pacts with them could result in very unsavory ending's and you quite cherished your soul and body
🛍️Eva has more than one account on different social medias, pretending to be multiple different people and Stalking your posts. She'd slide into your dms and flirt, seeing if you'd really cheat on her. She's so happy when you instantly block the account, guess you'll survive not being sent to her basement for another week
💄she has the audacity to grab a frilly pink pen and make you wear clothes that purposely shows off what she wrote. In bright bold lettering, Eva's little cum dump ♡ . Maybe she'll let you bring a jacket, only if you beg her really hard with those big doe eyes she loves. She put a collar and leash on you too
💐don't try breaking up with her, she takes 'they go low, I go lower" to another level. Threatening to post pictures of you in rather compromising positions. When did she record all of this? Who knows. She won't refrain from spreading nasty rumors of you that just force you to come sobbing into her arms, if you try and get comfort from somebody else she won't hesitate to eliminate them. Don't you see? She's the final girl, and you're her love Interest
"I told you not to run pretty baby.. now look what you've done. I gotta fix your mess up~.."
moral of the story: be a loyal loving girlfriend and she'll spoil you rotten with her daddy's black card ♥️
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luveline · 2 months
How about ploy marauders going to a party and Sirius promised to do readers make up, but is late so the other two are making an attempt. Sure they might know how to do Sirius's messy style, but do they know big dramatic styles? Can James do a perfect wing?
<3 fem, 1k
“Can you stay still?” Remus asks, turning your face a half inch where it’s held in his hand. 
“Can James stop kissing me?” you ask. 
James pulls his face from the curve of your neck, the warmth of his lips lingering on your skin. “Sorry, are you busy?” 
“You’re supposed to be helping.”
“Don’t act like you weren’t enjoying yourself.” 
You smile. Remus rubs the softest curve under your eye with his thumb, the tip of his tongue sticking out between his lips. He doesn’t know he’s doing it, concentrating instead on your face and the wetness of your makeup where it’s beginning to sink in. “I don’t know what I’m doing,” he sighs. 
“You know better than I do,” James says. 
You don’t know a thing about it, that’s why you’d arranged for Sirius to do your makeup tonight before Marl’s birthday bash, but where is your awful boyfriend? Late, decidedly unavailable for makeup-ing. 
“You’ve done his mascara a thousand times,” James argues with Remus. 
“Yes, but Sirius has never asked me to do his blush.” Remus’ hand moves to the side of your face. “You are lovely, though. I think using only a little of everything is working in our favour.” 
“Sirius only lets him do mascara because he already has nice eyelashes,” you worry. It won’t matter if Remus messes up or doesn’t get close enough to the root. 
“Yes, and because he likes it when Remus holds his face like that,” James points out, eyeing Remus’ hand where it stays at your cheek. Remus has long fingers, ever-so slightly thick with two golden rings that kiss your chin as he lets his hand fall, and he’s always gentle. 
“James, I’m tapping out.” 
James pretends to roll up sleeves he isn’t wearing, your bulkiest boyfriend in a short-sleeved t-shirt that showcases the lean muscle of his forearms, the not so lean ridges of his biceps. They tense as he sits up, his knee jabbing yours, the bed creaking dangerously beneath your angled weight. “What’s there left to do? She’s gorgeous.” 
“What did you want?” Remus asks you. 
“Uh, I wanted, you know…” You sound ridiculously shy. You wish you could just do all of this faff by yourself rather than force their attention, but neither boy seems annoyed. “He does that smudgey eyeliner, it makes my eyes look bigger. And lipgloss, but I can do that myself.” 
“Are you kidding? That’s the best part,” James says. He gives you a smile confident enough to reassure you and handsome enough to make you shy from his touch all over again. “Pass me the black pencil, Remus. I’ve got this.” 
James does not got this, his expression melding from happy, adoring, to perturbed, and then annoyed. “Aw, I’ve fucked it.” 
Remus shakes his head vehemently. “You haven’t! We just need a wet wipe.” 
They search the room for Sirius’ wet wipes and come up empty-handed. A towel is wetted and taken carefully to your eyes instead, cold and rough on your eyelids. 
“Be gentler,” Remus whispers. 
James is practically atop you know, your chin tilted up to his hand. “Sorry,” he whispers in turn, then to you solely, “‘m I hurting you?” 
“No.” You’re whispering too. It feels appropriate; they’re both very close to you, and this movement might fix or ruin your makeup with the party’s start time drawing ever closer. 
“I think I’ve fixed it,” James says, taking the pencil up again, the nib soft as it rolls over the corner of your eye. “Sirius can perfect it in the car, right?” 
“I thought you were good at everything?” you ask. 
James turns your face up impossibly higher, craning his head down for a peck. “Yes,” he whispers severely, “I’m good at everything. But Sirius is usually better. Quick, let’s find your lipgloss before we’re late.” 
Remus tries to tell James that it isn’t true, a serious conversation at a bad time, and James won’t listen to a word of it. They quibble over who’s doing your lipgloss, bathe you in compliments when they’re done —aw, dove, you look so cute, and cute? she looks perfect— then suddenly an abrupt beep is sounding outside. The three of you scramble into your jackets and down the stairs, meeting Sirius where he leans against the car. He throws the keys to Remus, ushering you into the backseat with him for some last minute clean up. 
“Hey, they’ve done a good job,” he praises, another hand on your face to turn it up kindly to the light. “Did you bring your lipgloss?”  
You nod quickly and dig for it in your jacket. 
“What!” James says from the front, turning in the passenger seat to complain. “That’s the one thing we did perfectly.” 
The car starts. Remus laughs to himself behind the steering wheel. 
“Did I say otherwise?” Sirius asks, letting his fingers curve toward the back of your neck. Pale in the light, eyes lit with something funny you’ve yet to hear, he dips in close to you and talks quietly, “I’m sorry, I promised I’d do your makeup for the party. But you’ve all done well without me, you look perfect, especially your lips.” 
“Then what did you want it for?” you ask, confused, your seat belt pulling as Sirius encourages you forward. 
“To reapply.” He taps your neck with a fingertip. “Spare a kiss? I promise I’ll fix any mess.” 
Commotion from the front seat.
“James–” Remus warns. 
“What? I want to watch.” 
“Freak,” Sirius says lovingly. 
“How am I a freak? She’s my girlfriend, you’re my boyfriend, and you’re doing that voice like you’re gonna lay her down in the back seat.” 
requests r open!! pls think about reblogging if you enjoyed, I hope u did either way!!!
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rafeandonlyrafe · 2 months
tee time
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words: 1.5k
warnings: really really overly fluffy, lots of golf talk that idk if its correct yall im not a golfer, rafe squeezes her butt but its not a sexual fic :), lots of kisses omfgggggg these bitches in LOVE (this is a really boring fic im sorry)
“does this look golf-y enough?” you ask rafe as you pout in the mirror, adjusting your skirt again, feeling like your tennis shoes are out of place when you'd usually be wearing heels or sandals.
“baby, we are just playing for fun. you look cute.” rafe says, glancing at his watch.
“should i do my hair differently? pigtails maybe?” you question, twisting your ponytail around your hand.
“baby…” rafe sighs.
“okay, okay.” you raise your hands up. “im done. sorry.” you giggle as you turn to him, pressing a kiss to his lips, having to bend down to where he's sat on the edge of the bed.
“it's okay, you're excited.” rafe says softly, reaching around you to grab the back of your thighs, fingers moving up to your skirt, squeezing your ass.
“i am excited.” you gleam at him. “me and bianca went to putt putt the other day to practice.”
“you're gonna do great, baby.” rafe gives your ass another squeeze before standing, taking your hand in his and leading you towards the door.
you've been wanting rafe to take you golfing ever since you started your relationship, but usually he'd already have plans with topper or his other country club friends, and you didn't want to intrude.
when rafe offered the other day to let you putt for him, you jumped at the chance.
“im not gonna like, ruin your average right?” you ask as rafe pulls into a parking spot.
“no, baby.” rafe laughs softly. “don't worry.”
“okay.” you smile as he gets out of the truck, rounding it to open the door for you. nobody would ever guess that rafe would be a sweet and caring boyfriend, but he looks at you like you put the stars in the sky, and treats you better than you could have ever imagined.
he takes your hand in his as he leads you towards the golf cart, frowning when he realizes you're squinting in the sunlight.
“stay here.” rafe says, allowing you to sit down on his family cart, his clubs already loaded onto the back.
“okay.” you watch as he goes to the truck, jogging to get back to you as he hands you a pair of sunglasses.
“whose are these?” you ask. they look like your style, but you're certain this isn't a pair you own.
“i saw them one day at the mall and thought you'd like them so i bought them.” rafe shrugs. “figured i could keep them in the truck in case you ever forgot yours.”
“raaaafe.” you coo out, pulling him in for a kiss, which he happily accepts.
“ill let you drive once we get further out on the course.” rafe says, sliding into the driver's seat and turning the cart on before wrapping his arm around your shoulder, willing to drive with just one hand even though it was harder, needing you close to him as you press your side against his.
rafe pulls up to the first tee, waiting for a moment to feel the wind on his face before he turns to look at you, noting the way your ponytail is being blown slightly eastward.
“give me a good luck kiss for this drive, baby.” rafe says.
you pucker your lips and press a smack against his lips before he grabs a club. 
you let out a cheer when rafe hits the ball, but honestly you lost sight of it in the air and even if you watched the whole way, you wouldn't have known if it was good or bad.
“yes.” rafe pumps his fist. “need you out here more often, my good luck charm.” rafe climbs back into the golf cart, taking off towards where his ball landed.
“gonna land this on the green for you, baby.” rafe says with a confident smile, and he does indeed get the ball pretty close to the hole. 
you're not sure if cheering is generally accepted on the golf course, but you can't help but hype your man up.
“alright.” rafe pulls the cart to a stop near the ball. “it's on you, princess.”
you step out of the cart, looking at your options before grabbing what you assume is the putter, only because it looks similar to clubs used for mini golf.
“if you don't make it the first time, that's okay.” rafe says, removing the flag from the hole. “i won't be mad.”
“mkay.” you look at the distance to the hole, no silly obstacles in the way like there was in your practice.
you give it the ball a tap, frowning with disappointment when it stops rolling only a foot away from the hole.
“that was actually so good!” rafe says, a smile on his face. “just a little more power and it would have been in for sure.”
you nod, taking a breath before lining up your next shot, letting out a scream and jump in the air as the ball falls into the hole.
“that's par, baby!” rafe wraps his arms around your waist, twirling you around.
“oh my god, we crushed that!” you cheer. 
rafe sets you down carefully, but not before pressing a kiss against your lips.
“wanna drive us to the next tee?” he asks, laughing when you enthusiastically nod. rafe drives you literally everywhere, so you haven't been behind the wheel of anything in months.
rafe retrieves the ball and places the flag back in the hole before getting into the passenger side, a smile on his face as you stick your tongue barely out between your lips in concentration. 
rafe loves the look on your face so much that he insists you drive for the rest of the holes. you're tired by the time you reach the last hole, but don't wanna disappoint rafe by not putting.
“you okay, princess?” rafe asks, running his hand over your ponytail, smoothing it down comfortingly.
“mhm.” you nod, but rafe can see that you're getting sleepy, no doubt ready to go home and take a nap.
“how about we do this putt together, yeah?” he asks.
“yes, please.” you pout out your lower lip, rafe leaning forward to capture it between his teeth, tugging it gently before releasing and kissing you.
rafe stands, moving slowly as you get yourself in position before coming behind you, wrapping his arms around your body to grip onto the stick over your hands. he controls the swing and you watch, your back pressed up against his chest, as it falls into the hole.
“perfect job, baby.” rafe says, snuggling into your shoulder, giving your neck a quick kiss before allowing you to go back to sitting on the cart. you slide over to the passenger seat as rafe returns.
he chuckles gently before driving you back towards the clubhouse, thumb gently stroking against your upper arm as you lean against him, tucked into his side.
“someone is sleepy.” rafe says.
you let out a yawn. “it's not my fault you like to golf early in the day. why can't tee time be after like noon or something?”
“i usually golf at this time because you're still asleep and i don't like to be away from you.” rafe says, parking the cart and leaving it to be put properly away by the workers, needing to get you back home and in bed.
the sun has been covered by clouds, so when you climb back into rafes truck, you take your sunglasses off and place them in the center console for next time you forget yours.
you struggle to keep your eyes open for the short drive back to tanneyhill, not wanting to fall asleep in the truck. you know rafe will drive around aimlessly to not disturb your nap, even if he's tired himself. one time he drove around for an entire night just because he said you looked so peaceful sleeping he couldn't bare to move you.
“home, darling.” rafe says, yours eyes fluttering open, not having gone fully asleep yet but the soothing driving by rafe and hum of the engine had your eyelids drooping.
rafe carries you inside and up the stairs, getting out a pair of pajamas for you to change into despite it being midday.
“how long do you expect me to nap for?” you giggle, changing quickly with the last bit of energy you have left.
you sit down on the bed, knowing you should take your ponytail out and brush through your hair, but your arms don't feel like lifting.
you don't even need to ask rafe before he's moving, carefully taking out your elastic before grabbing the brush off your vanity that he set up in his room not long after you started dating.
he brushes gently through your hair, getting out any tangles that accumulated throughout the golf trip.
you crawl up the bed as rafe changes into a pair of sweatpants, going without a shirt as he sees your eyes closing, struggling to stay awake until he's in next to you.
you snuggle instantly into his chest the second hes underneath the covers, sighing happily when you feel his warmth.
“goodnight, princess.” rafe kisses the top of your head. “i love you.”
with your last waking moment, you manage to mutter those three words back to him.
taglist: @drewstarkeyslut @forstarkey @f4ll-for-you @dilvcv @drudyslut @jjmaybankswifes-blog @rafescokenostril @jjsmarijuana @seeingstarks @angelofcigs @cece45450 @babygorewhore @vanessa-rafesgirl @michelleisheres-blog @outerbankspov @drewstarkeyswifehoe @cutielando @sourkittie @rafeyslove @rafeinterlude @bellbottombaby @deeaardiary @rubixgsworld @wearemadeofstardust0 @leighbronk @starkeysheart @pradabambie @tobesolovelysstuff @alexiskirkland @rafestar @brioffthegrid @juniebugg @magicalyoura @cokepewpsii @mysticallystilinski @luvdella @aerangi @vogueprincess @auryyz @raysmayhem-72 @thestarlithideout @marvelfanfics1recs @rafesgiirl @ditzyzombiesblog @chiaraanatra @tobiaslut @drewsephrry @1aarii1 @bejeweledreverie @winterrrnight
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mickyschumacher · 1 year
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𝐒𝐔𝐌𝐌𝐀𝐑𝐘: charles leclerc, at the end of the day, is a simple man. so of course, when you show up to the annual f1 dinner dressed like a goddess, it becomes impossibly hard for charles to keep his hands to himself.
𝐖𝐀𝐑𝐍𝐈𝐍𝐆𝐒: 18+ (minors DNI), established bf/gf relation, reader has a vagina, semi-public fingering, breeding kink (?), cum fetish, creampie, p in v, unprotected sex (wrap it before you tap it, folks!), edging, orgasm denial
𝐏𝐀𝐈𝐑𝐈𝐍𝐆: charles leclerc x gf!fem!reader
𝐀/𝐍: first post ahhhh... this was proof read but i wouldn't put it past me to have a few errors. hope you like it! ♡︎
⋆  •°.  。  .°•  ⋆
"Merde (shit)," Charles swore under his breath as he caught you finishing up.
You raised a brow at him through the mirror of your bedroom. Putting on your earrings, you asked, "What's wrong, Charles?"
You watched through the mirror as Charles walked up behind you. He gave a small smile to you, resting his shin on your bare shoulder and wrapping his arms around your waist. You returned a warm smile, leaning into him and resting your hands over his.
He pinched the silk fabric in his hands. "Can I convince you to change dresses?"
A small frown made its way onto your face while you mended your brows together. "Why? You don't like it?" You queried while eyeing yourself in the mirror. You thought you looked quite good.
It was a silk dress in pure white. It had its spaghetti straps that connected to the bunch of white silk hanging around your chest as the rest of the silk clung to you body, fitting each on of your curves snuggly. On the right side of your body, the dress had a slit for your leg to peak through. On the back, the spaghetti straps cross over each other as the fabric hung loose around your lower back.
You had paired it with a necklace Charles had got you for your anniversary: a thin gold chain with a small gold plated heart-shaped ruby. Your hair was also down and styled with a few soft curls that complimented your face.
Altogether, it was simple yet beautiful.
Your eyes snapped to your boyfriend who released a soft chuckle. Charles' eyes twinkled in the light. "Quite the opposite. I love it too much," he whispered into your ear as he rubbed the side of the your hip.
Your felt your breath slow incredibly fast, feeling his lips trail up your neck with small kisses. "Charles," you softly warned. You weren't necessarily complaining. You and Charles often had your hands on each other to the point where one might even say it was sickening. You didn't even have a bra on under the dress. But you both had somewhere to be.
Charles let out a small hum, meeting your eyes in the mirror. He bought his hand out, tracing your lips with his thumb. "Yes, mon amour (my love)?" He asked with feigned innocence.
Your eyes narrowed. "You can't start now. We're going to be late if you keep this up."
Charles pursed his lips, pouting as he turned you around to face him. He pushed your hair behind your ears. "Who cares? We can have dinner here. Just you and me. Doesn't that sound nice, amour (love)? I even know what I want for dessert."
You felt him pull you closer into him, his lips hovering over yours as his hand trailed up and down your leg.
You felt a grin play onto your face. You leaned closer, feeling impossibly close to him. "Oh Charles," You trailed you finger over his lip, in which he clearly invited the gesture as he bought your finger into his mouth. "In your dreams," you deadpanned, abruptly taking your finger out of his mouth and placing a kiss on his cheek.
You let out a sigh, pushing aside your own arousal. "Now come on. We need to leave."
Charles was not a happy man, to say the least. You had practically blueballed him and despite being thirty minutes into dinner, plus the twenty minute drive to the restaurant, all he could think of is you.
You were sat next to him, conversing with Lily, Alex's girlfriend, about her job as a professional golfer. A job that required a lot more training and thought than you had previously thought. Honestly, you were having a such great time that you hadn't realised you were even neglecting your on-the-edge boyfriend until you felt a hand on your right leg.
"Charles, you good?" You asked.
Charles wanted to laugh because you had asked in so much earnest. Like you had genuinely forgot. Of course, he wasn't one to let you forget.
You felt him tug your chair both closer to the table, so the laced table drapes covered you, and to him. His hand moved from your leg to receive the the warmth of your inner upper thigh.
You looked at him almost dumbfounded. "Charles, amour, no," you said through gritted teeth as you gave him a fake smile. It's not that you didn't want to, but how were you supposed to act normal for the whole dinner? Especially when you and Charles both knew what his fingers did to you.
Charles only sported a grin on his face. His fingers continued to creep up your thigh, nearing your white laced underwear, which you had worn for the sole purpose of matching your dress, of course.
Your breathed hitched as you felt his fingers skim over your underwear. Your skin, he could tell, was beginning to burn with heat as it glistened with small traces of sweat. Whether it was out of embarrassment or arousal, hell, or both, Charles didn't care. Whatever was going on, he enjoyed it.
His fingers slid under your panties and found themselves in the heats of your soft lips of your pussy. His teeth sunk into his bottom lip. You were soaked down there. His two fingers already felt drenched. Charles knew that this hadn't just appeared out of nowhere. "Ma belle (my beautiful), be honest with me. You've been wet since you teased me in your bedroom, right? All of this... for me..."
If the slight quiver of your walls near his fingers didn't give you the answer, you sure did with a curt nod. How were you supposed to feel nothing for this blue-eyed, dimpled man who looked good in everything, but especially a suit?
Charles smiled. "That's what I thought. Thank you for being so honest, ma belle. I think that deserves an award," he whispered.
You felt yourself still at his voice as his fingers trailed over your clit a few times before he pushed them into your pussy. You pressed your lips together, suppressing the moan that so desperately wanted to escape your throat.
Charles couldn't help but grin further, darting his eyes from the conversation he was partially in with Carlos and Lando and to the glorious sight underneath the table. He couldn't entirely see your pussy but god could he imagine. You enveloping his fingers entirely as he thrusted back and forth. The trickles of your body running down his fingers.
He cleared his throat, taking a sip of his champagne as he adjusted himself. He was growing hard as every second passed. As much as he loved teasing you and fingering you... he wanted to fuck you. He wanted to watch as his cock entered you... the ring of white you made around him... your hips bucking for more... fuck.
You clenched around his fingers, feeling a pit at your stomach grow. You let out the shakiest and quietest sigh known to Earth. There was no way Charles was about to let cum with some of your closest friends around you... surely...
The answer to that qualm was a 'no' as Charles' fingers started to speed up. Jesus.
You must've been flushed to the max as you had to awkwardly laugh off Pierre's comment to "lay off the champagne". Honestly, that was your limit.
Before you could get any closer to your climax and risk losing it in front of everybody, you placed a hand on Charles' crotch, making him still his fingers and flicker his eyes to you.
His eyes hardened as you slowly rubbed him through his pants. "Charles, if you continue any further, I swear to god, I will blueball you till the end of the week. Let's be patient, okay, sweetie?" The sickly sweet smile on your face was in a hard contrast compared to the harsh whispers falling from your lips.
Charles' tongue darted out his lips and fell to the side. He rested his hand on yours and patted it gently. Although, to anyone, such a promise sounded empty. He was sure you would do it. It happened all the time even unintentionally. He placed a small kiss to your cheek. With a calm composure and through gritted teeth, he murmured, "Okay, mon amour."
The ride back home was impossibly and scarily quiet. There was a lot of tension in the car. The both of you were still hooked on the adrenaline of risking yourselves in public and still horny as ever. Evident as Charles had applied more pressure to the accelerator and the cars nearby went from blurs to dashing streaks.
You were opening the door to your house as you felt Charles’ arms wrap around you. "Faster, mon amour, I can't keep my hands to myself," he whispered, starting kiss your neck.
You felt your heart pick up its pace when you heard the door click closed. Soon enough, both of your shoes were off, Charles' lips were crashing into yours, and your hands were in his hair. The fire between you two had reached a new height as Charles relished the moan that had fallen from your mouth. God, he had been waiting to hear that the entire dinner.
Bringing you back into your bedroom, Charles left kisses everywhere he could as he peeled back the straps of your dress, and gently removed the attired off your body, leaving you only clothed in your soaked panties and his necklace.
"Fuck," he groaned, hovering over you to hold the necklace between his fingers. "You look so good, mon amour."
The smile on your lips made his heart race once again. He smiled, planting a firm kiss on your lips before his hands started to trail down to your chest. Your breasts were what he considered a global treasure in his world, you. He loved everything about them; their softness, their plumpness... but especially, their sensitivity.
Charles latched his mouth around one nipple, leaving his hand to the other. His tongue swirled around the pebbled mound as his fingers circled the other.
You let out a sigh of pleasure, arching your back and raising your hand to feel his hair to push more of yourself into him. The obscene slurps of your breasts went straight to your core as Charles released your nipple with a slick pop.
"Ma belle," Charles breathed out, his fingers reaching your soaked panties. He pulled the drenched material away from your heated pussy. "I need to taste you," he spoke, himself drenched in desperation.
He pulled down the panties, revealing in all its glory, the pussy he had been thirsting over at dinner. He let out a moan as he prodded at your engorged lips.
You feel a shiver come over your body when his breath hit your pussy. His tongue took one long strip at your folds. His blues eyes averted back to yours, holding your gaze and blossoming an indescribable feeling within the both of you. "Look at me, love, while I devour you."
You managed to give a small nod as he returned his attention to your folds, all while maintaining eye contact. "Fuck," you moaned out, trying hard to not throw your head back as he dipped his mouth into you. It seemed that was still hungry from the dinner as he was true to his promise.
Charles was devouring you almost as if he were some sort of animal. He groaned in pleasure, sending a sort of vibrations through your core. He continuously lapped at your folds, drunk on the taste of you. "You taste so good," he grunted, bringing his lips around your clit.
You arched your back into the bed, toes curling at the sheets beneath you. "Fuck, Charles!" You bucked your hips into his mouth, giving into the need to roll your head back. When you looked back up, Charles was a sight to behold. His tongue traveled in circles around your sensitive nub. His stubble was soaked in your juices. He somehow even managed a smirk while eating you out.
"Charles... I'm gonna-" you began before cutting out as his tongue darted further into your folds. "God," you moaned out, your grip on his hair tightening.
"Don't say my name in vain, mon amour," Charles quipped, feeling a slight convulsion of your body as he thumbed your clit.
If Charles wasn't about to make you cum, you would've smacked that grin right off his face. But you were so close...
Charles placed a light kiss to your clit, removing his face from your pussy. He felt a sense of enjoyment follow him as a familiar terror spread over your face.
"No. Charles. Please. God, I want to cum," You whined out.
Charles looked at your flushed face, pushing your hair behind your ears like he did earlier this evening. Somehow, you had become even more beautiful. On the verge of a climax, fucked out, skin flushed and doused in arousal and sweat.
"I need to be in you... fuck, to fill you up, Y/N," Charles hissed in pleasure as he thought about his cum oozing from your hole.
"Hurry, Charles. I need you."
That was all you had to said as Charles rushed to finally take off his clothes.
You watched his thick cock hit his toned stomach and let out a small moan. Charles hovered over you, bringing you into a deep kiss. You could feel his cock nudge the sides of the pussy. Purposely, he dragged himself up and down your folds, intoxicated off the edging feeling.
"Fuck, Charles."
God, he loved the way you moaned his name. It was one of those other things that sent him overboard. Knowing that he was making you feel like that. That it was his cock teasing you. His fingers you clenched around. His voice that made you wet.
Charles looked down to your pussy, aligning his cock. He let out a ridiculously low grunt as he watched your folds cover his cock. You fit him so perfectly, it drove him crazy. His cock was snug and tight in you. It felt like one move in you would send him off.
You let out another moan, feeling his thick cock fill you up. His hands gripped your hips, turning you around so you sat on him. "Ride me, love."
There was nothing Charles wanted more than to see you ride his cock, tits bouncing up and down in sync with his your necklace. And you were happy to comply.
You began to move your hips, hearing the room begin to fill with groans.
"Y/N," Charles moaned, hips bucking to dive deeper into you.
You continued to ride at a semi-fast pace. Lewd sounds of your skin slapping and sticking against one another filled the air. You could feel his cock reach into the deepest parts of you.
Charles sunk his teeth into his lips, watching a white ring form around his cock. The twinkle of your necklace shone in his eyes, occasionally hitting your nipples as it swung around. It was all so much.
You could feel Charles' cock twitch in you, telling you he was close. You grabbed his hands and placed on them on your hips. Your own hands latched onto your breast and the other to your clit.
Charles tightened his grip on your hips before starting to thrust at an immense speed. "Merde," he swore, feeling you clench and take even more of him in you. He could catch the slight shake of your hands as you also neared your climax.
"Come with me, amour. Let me fill you with my cum," he groaned.
That dirty mouth of his and his rousing cock... it was enough to send you over the edge. You let out a high-pitched moan, the end almost silent as your orgasm hit you in hard waves. "Fuck, Charles!"
Charles followed you soon. He moaned, bring you down and holding you tightly. This new angle sent you both into a new spiral. His hips stuttered at an abnormal pace, feeling his cum paint your walls. He let out a string of colourful words, letting his orgasm take any extra drops of his cum into you.
Charles smiled, kissing the side of your forehead. "You did well, mon armour."
You gave him a tired smile. "You too, my love," you murmured before bringing him into a soft and lazy kiss.
Charles watched as you removed yourself from his cock. Only resulting him in a moan from the both of you as his cum trailed out of you.
"God," Charles gulped, feeling his cock harden once again.
You smirked. "I thought you were God, Charles," you teased.
Charles narrowed his eyes at you. "I guess I'm going to have to show you again, ma belle."
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cottontoru · 6 months
Rough Ride
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✧˖° summary﹕your boyfriend is quite the sore loser, and of course, you always have to deal with it.
content(s)﹕porn w no plot, praise and degradation, streetracer!toji, angry sex, creampie, semi-public sex (you fuck in his car), dacryphilia if you squint, spanking (one ass slap, clit smacks), squirting, cnc kinda (you beg him to stop but you want it), wc; 0.7k
pairing﹕toji fushiguro x fem!reader
a/n﹕my first time writing someone other than gojo... had this idea for months and finally wrote it, enjoy!!
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Toji hated losing. He was supposed to be undefeated, an unbeatable champion when it came to street racing, so he could he have lost a race this big?
You could tell from halfway throughout the race that he'd lost his temper simply from how his driving style grew aggressive. Toji was known for being aggressive in matches but being beaten put him in a full blown rage. A rage that couldn't be contained, and what better a way to release his pent up anger than fucking his girlfriend rough in the backseat of his black and white 1993 Mazda RX-7?
Folded practically in half, you're whining and squirming from how rough he's being with you. He's pounding into you with unimaginable force, his tip nudging that gummy spot inside that makes your brain feel like mush.
"Hngh...! Tojii- it's too much..!" you're basically crying, tears rolling down your cheeks as he slams into you. Right about now you two would be out at some fancy restaurant, celebrating his victory, except that isn't what happened today.
Instead you're being spoiled in a completely different way, one that makes you feel weak in your limbs as you hold your thighs and push them into your chest.
Rather than reassuring words, he simply smacks your clit, grunting. "Shut up and fuckin' hold your legs." he smirks smugly, slapping at your face between your legs.
"Tellin' me it's too much but yer taking me so fuckin' good," he continues, rubbing comforting circles at your sensitive clit, contradicting his rough demeanor. "Dirty fuckin' slut..."
You can feel the car rock with every thrust he makes into you, the windows fogged from the combination of your hot breath with his. There's no doubt anyone who passes can tell exactly what's going on inside, especially with how loud your cries and moans are.
His thrusts pick up both in speed and in force, practically stabbing at your sweet spot.
"Hurttss.. T-Toji! Please!" you sob, hot tears welling up in your eyes when he continues his rough, nonhuman pace. With each thrust into your pussy, the edges of your vision blur from the overwhelming pressure of it all.
"G'na cum princess, shit..." he groans, pushing your legs into your chest, trying to get deeper into you.
You cry and whine his name, pleading for him to stop despite every part of you wanting more. He continues hammering into your sweet spot, grunting.
"Just be quiet, almost done pretty girl..." he says hoarsely, pace unwavering as he continues to pound you with endless stamina. Your body is sticking to his leather seats from your sweat, causing pain with each thrust that drags your skin across his seats. Though you're far too focused on him as he presses his tip right into use sweet spot, spilling his cum into your cunt.
He stills his pace, keeping himself buried in your hole as he finishes coming inside you. "That's a good fuckin' girl," he coos in your ear. All you can do at this point is pant, mouth hanging open from the pleasure and exhaustion filling your body as you drench his cock in your own fluids.
With all his anger completely spent, he pulls out of you slowly, his cock soaked in your mixed fluids.
"Such a good girl f'me hm?" he hums, slapping your ass. "Lettin' me take my anger out on her pretty cunt."
Both your fluids drip out your cunt, his hand cupping over it to stop the leaking.
"Gonna keep it all inside, right pretty?" he smiles wide at your nod when you turn your head back to face him.
"That's my girl."
Pulling your panties up effortlessly, he dresses you back up before setting you back in the front passenger. Luckily, his backseat wasn't as messy as your sex was, the only thing drenching the seats being both of your sweat and some of your own climax moving in with it.
He slides in the drivers seat, starting up his car. You know for a fact his manager and any people still lingering from after the race had heard your... ordeal.
"Fancy dinner for t'night, princess?" his scar curls with his lips into a smile as he pats your upper thigh.
All it takes is a nod from your and he's off, driving you to whichever fancy revenue you request. What a gentleman he is.
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kitseraph · 2 years
New obsession time……..
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incandescentwarmth · 2 months
I think my favorite wolfstar trope is Remus braiding Sirius’s hair
He did it for the first time when Sirius got sick. The curls were sticking to his fevered skin and he wanted to make sure it was out of his face. It was a lose plait in the back that looked pretty terrible and didn’t hold but it did the job and was appreciated.
A few days later, Sirius left the door to the bathroom open when he was getting ready. Remus was watching him quietly, not wanting to disturb, and saw Sirius mess with his hair before getting frustrated and brushing it back out. He did this a few times before giving up and dressing for the day. Later in the afternoon, the two were lounging on the grass in the sun and Remus asked him to sit in front of him. He made two braids on either side, they weren’t fancy but he took his time and they were clean and framed his face nicely. James came out to find them and stopped in his tracks at the smile and blush adorning Sirius’s cheeks.
Sirius never asked Remus to do it but they both knew how happy it made him to have his boyfriend’s hands in his hair so Remus was never hesitant to volunteer. It was always the simple braids though until Marlene got back from quidditch practice one night with two dutch braids that were starting to come undone from the flying. He snuck up to the girls room that night and asked how she did them.
He failed at the fancier styles the first few times, the hair would get tangled or just not sit right. It wasn’t until one night in the common room that Lily was leaning back against Mary’s leg who leaned over and whispered to Remus to pay attention. She did a long French braid down the center of Lily’s hair, going slow enough for Remus to observe. The next morning, Sirius came down for breakfast with two perfect french braids looking at Remus like he hung the moon.
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doumadono · 8 months
Turbulent temptations - Choso x Reader
Warnings: smut - oral (f & m receiving, 69), doggy style, fingering, rough p in v, angst, f!Reader, boyfriend!Choso Synopsis: Choso and you engaged in a heated disagreement, culminating in an incredibly steamy moments
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An atmosphere thick with tension hung in the air. Choso, the tall and muscular Death Painting Womb, stood before you, his piercing purple eyes ablaze with a mixture of anger and frustration. His jet-black hair was wild and unruly. He was a formidable presence, but tonight, he was more than intimidating.
You, a mere human, stood your ground, refusing to let him dictate your every move. His controlling tendencies had escalated to a breaking point, and tonight's argument was the culmination of weeks of mounting resentment. "You can't keep doing this, Choso," you said, your voice wavering but determined. "I won't let you control every aspect of my life. I need my independence."
Choso clenched his fists, his muscles tensing as he struggled to keep his temper in check. His lips curled into a snarl. "You don't understand, do you, my little weakling? I do it because I care about you. I'm trying to protect you from this cruel world."
You shook your head, your own temper flaring. "Protecting me is one thing, Choso, but suffocating me is another. I can't breathe in this relationship if you're always watching my every move."
Choso's face contorted in frustration. His cheeks flushed, contrasting sharply with his pale complexion. "I can't help it. It's in my nature. I've lost people I cared about, and I can't bear to lose you too."
Tears welled up in your eyes as you took a step closer to him. "Choso, I love you, but love can't thrive in an environment of control and jealousy. We need to find a balance, or we'll destroy what we have!"
"Y/N, I won't give up on protecting you because that's the only way I can be sure you're safe. You should be grateful!"
"Shut the hell up, Choso! Fuck you!" You practically screamed the last two words and delivered a forceful punch to his chest.
He blinked and seized you by the throat, his stature towering over you. He had long surpassed you in size and strength. His hand closed around your delicate neck, and he tightened his grip, eliciting a sharp gasp from you as fear instantly flooded your eyes. "If you ever lay a hand on me like that again," Choso seethed, his voice dripping with anger, "I won't hesitate to put you in your place." With that, he released his grip on you, and you stumbled, collapsing to the floor.
He moved towards you with a slow, deliberate pace, sending a shiver down your spine.
As you retreated, you found yourself backing up past your couch, your heart pounding in your chest.
"I don't know what it is about you," Choso uttered in a hushed tone that sent a chill through your bones. "You're driving me insane." He closed the gap until he was just a few feet away, and you couldn't help but tremble.
You remained silent, a mix of emotions boiling within you. Your face grew flushed, your fists clenched at your sides, and your teeth ground together in frustration. Choso's predatory gaze roved over your body, making you feel exposed and vulnerable. Anger surged through your mind, but your pussy ached, and in that moment, you despised yourself.
Finally, his eyes locked onto yours, and he advanced another step, a dark intensity in his gaze that made it clear he had no intention of letting you escape his grasp.
He grabbed your upper arms. His grip on you was a vice, a sudden and unyielding force that left you frozen in place. Choso's voice dripped with a chilling intensity as he snarled, his breath hot against your face, his eyes smoldering with a dangerous fire. "What are you gonna do?" The question hung in the air, heavy with an ominous promise. "I can take whatever I desire, whether you resist or not. So, what are you going to do? Scream? Fight me again? Beg for me to stop?"
Your defiance met his unyielding demeanor, and a silence thick with tension enveloped you both. You chose not to scream; words seemed futile in that charged moment. Instead, you defied his expectations and, with determination, rose onto your tiptoes, meeting his dangerous gaze. Without uttering a single word, you pressed your lips against his.
Choso's initial stillness and lack of response was deafening, a tension hanging in the air that was thicker than the darkest of clouds. But then, with a fierce intensity, he pulled you into a messy kiss that left your mind reeling.
Your thoughts raced as desire burned within you, an undeniable craving for him, an unspoken but unmistakable need that coursed through your veins. Your teeth grazed menacingly against his lower lip, sinking in for a harsh bite.
Choso's eyebrow shot up in shock, his grip on you loosening involuntarily.
Seizing the opportunity, you used your newfound freedom to forcefully shove him away. He stumbled backward and tumbled onto your couch, a mix of confusion and irritation flashing across his features. "The fuck…" Choso began, but you didn't let him finish.
With a predatory grace, you closed the distance between you, straddling his lap with an unmistakable air of dominance. The fabric of your skirt rode up your thighs, exposing a tantalizing expanse of skin against his robe.
You could feel his cock starting to harden beneath you, and you leaned forward, your lips almost against his as you stared straight at Choso. "Despite all of my anger and frustration, I still need you."
With a self-assured grin curling at the edges of his lips, Choso gently pushed you away, rising to his feet. He swiftly shed his clothes, and you mirrored his actions, discarding your own attire. The inexplicable rush of desire had taken you by surprise, and you couldn't help but wonder if his cursed powers were weaving their enchantment on your mind. Yet, at that moment, you couldn't find it in yourself to care - all you craved was Choso.
Your eyes drank in the sight before you.
He stood there fully naked, finally. Choso was facing you so you could see it all: his chest - strong and broad, his abs - perfectly toned, and his cock - thick and hard, precum dripping from the tip. He was the most handsome being you had ever seen in your life.
Soon, Choso was propped up on his elbows, looking at you, running the tip of his tongue along his upper lip; the head of his cock was nearly purple as his irises and the precum was literally dripping down his shaft - his excitement mirrored your own, unmistakable in his demeanor.
With a mischievous smile, you gracefully made your way onto the couch, letting your hair cascade around Choso's face as you descended to kiss him. His response was eager as he met your lips, and you allowed him to deepen the kiss, savoring the electric connection between you, before gently drawing back. "Let's find out if you can employ that tongue more effectively," you whispered, and with a swift movement, you were straddling his face.
Choso needed no further encouragement. Without hesitation, he dove into his task, sensually caressing your pussy with his tongue. Your reaction was immediate - a contented sigh escaping your lips as he expertly teased your cunt. As he continued, he gently sucked on your engorged clit, drawing a surprised moan from your lips. Unable to contain your desire, you began to move your hips back and forth, pressing your wet entrance against his eager mouth. Choso's skillful tongue danced along your slick folds, teasing the entrance to your throbbing core, ocassionally licking a long stripe along your slit. He lapped at your pussy like a starved man. Choso placed a few tiny kisses to your clitoris, eventually nudging the sensitive bud with the tip of his tongue. As your body responded with increasing fervor, he intensified his efforts, skillfully pleasuring your clit with his mouth. Waves of pleasure cascaded through your being, your fingers toying with your nipples as he lavished attention on your dripping pussy.
You shifted away from his face briefly, repositioning yourself to lean down and engage with his arousal. Afterward, you eased your wet pussy back onto his waiting mouth, and Choso responded eagerly, lavishing attention on your sensitive bundle of nerves. Simultaneously, you leaned closer to his hardened length, and with one dainty hand, you enveloped his throbbing shaft, commencing a leisurely and tantalizing rhythm of movement.
Choso groaned into your dripping cunt and the noise sent vibrations through your slick pussy. You moaned and stuck out your tongue, licking the precum off his tip. Choso's hips bucked as you did, and you licked up and down his shaft before finally taking him into your warm, welcoming mouth.
You could sense the mounting tension in the room as his deep, guttural groans resonated in the air. His hips subtly shifted, syncing with the rhythm of your movements as you pleasured him. Choso's commitment to your desires didn't waver, his attention unwavering as he devoured your cunt. But as you dared to take him deeper into your mouth, his reaction was palpable - his head tilted back, a primal sound escaping his throat as he drove his hips upwards, urging his hardness further into your welcoming throat. You gagged yourself around his cock, and found it impossible to stifle your emotions - tears streamed down your cheeks as you carefully bobbed your head, cupping his balls with your free palm, squeezing them slowly.
Choso let out a deep, sensuous moan as he spat on your slit. His intent was to ensure you were drenched, and he proceeded to resume his delicate attentions. With tantalizing tenderness, he showered your slit with gentle, kitten-like licks that sent shivers of pleasure coursing through your entire being. He occasionally enveloped your soft, plump lips within the warm embrace of his mouth after sucking them in.
Soon, you withdrew your mouth from his throbbing dick, releasing it with a soft, satisfying pop sound. You gracefully moved away from Choso's face, letting the charged atmosphere linger in the room.
"I nearly forgot the exquisite sensations of human pleasures," Choso remarked, his voice laced with surprise.
He wasted no time at all. Choso gently encouraged you to recline on your side on the plush couch. His fingers traced a voluptuous path from your side, along your thigh, and ultimately, between your legs. His focus was unwavering, and he began to tease your slick folds. Choso, with a witching vehemence, urged you to circle your arm around his neck, causing you to partially turn your upper body towards him. As your eyes met, he lavished attention on your breasts, his lips finding their way to one of your sensitive nipples. Contemporaneously, his skilled fingers delved deep into your sopping cunt, kindling a conflagration of passion and pleasure that consumed you fully.
"Ch-Choso!" You couldn't help but whine his name.
His tongue gently traced circles around your sensitive bud, and he playfully nibbled at it. Choso's fingers moved in a rhythmic motion, thrusting in and out of your cunny, inching you close to the brink of an ecstatic release.
The sensations were already sending delightful shivers throughout your body, and your soft, enticing moans coupled with the rhythmic grinding of your hips against his skilled hand only fueled Choso's desire. As your bodies moved in harmony, his palm expertly pressed against your aroused clit, intensifying the sensations as you eagerly responded to his every touch.
You found yourself perched precariously on the precipice of ecstasy, your body quivering with anticipation. With each passing moment, the intensity of your desire grew, and you knew that you were on the brink of an earth-shattering climax. It was the final touch, the masterful stroke of Choso's hand against your swollen, throbbing clit, that sent you hurtling into a tidal wave of pleasure.
"Oh, Choso!!!" Your body convulsed, an intense orgasm surging through you like a tempest, causing your hips to buck uncontrollably against his skillful touch. In the throes of ecstasy, you couldn't help but cry out, your head arching backward in sheer pleasure. "Yes, yes, yes, fuck!"
As the waves of pleasure began to recede, you felt Choso's hand, now tender and gentle, delicately caressing your sensitive, slick folds. You were left panting, your senses still tingling from the electrifying experience.
His throbbing dick pressed firmly against your ass as Choso's lips met yours in a passionate kiss. Your bodies radiated heat, drawing you closer together. In a moment of desire, he deftly maneuvered, lifting your leg and guiding it over his hip. Choso continued to press against you, and as your lips locked in a sensual embrace, the tip of his dick found its way between your slick folds.
A soft moan escaped your lips, your voice barely able to contain the passion that surged through you. "Oh, Choso!"
With each movement, he explored your neck with his lips, savoring the taste of your skin, while the intensity of your connection deepened, creating a symphony of desire and pleasure between you.
He moved his hips with a deliberate, unhurried rhythm, rocking back and forth in a sensual dance of desire. Every motion he made was slow. With each thrust, he found an opportunity to run his tongue along the column of your neck, heightening the intensity of your passion while his fervor drove you to ecstasy.
"Harder, Choso, harder, please…" You were moaning.
Some time later, he withdrew, prompting you to shift your position. You settled on all fours, your ass end provocatively arched upward.
He approached from behind, the tip of his dick making contact with your slick entrance.
You could sense it, delicately seeking access to your tight, inviting cunt, and you reciprocated by sensually wriggling back against him.
His shaft glided smoothly into your drenched haven, and he inched in gradually, a contented sigh escaping his lips as he felt your warmth envelop him. "Fuck."
A sensual moan escaped your lips as you felt him filling you completely, his pulsating, rigid length nestled deep within your core.
"Oh, Y/N," he gasped, his voice laden with desire. Choso's strong hands gripped your hips, initiating a slow, tantalizing rhythm, guiding you back and forth onto his throbbing cock. However, this leisurely pace didn't persist for long. He skillfully maneuvered one hand around your form, cupping your breasts, while his other hand found its way to your sensitive clit. With fervor, he began to thrust into you with an intensity that left you both breathless and consumed by passion.
"Ammmmpppp- fuck!" You groaned, pressing your head to the armrest.
He let out a deep, primal wail, and your breath caught as he passionately fucked you. The rhythmic sound of his balls slapping against your plush ass reverberated in the air, creating an intoxicating symphony. His every thrust found that sweet, sensitive spot within you, igniting waves of pleasure as the tip of his dick massaged that spongy place. Simultaneously, his skilled fingers danced over your sensitive clitoris, sending electric pulses of ecstasy through your body, while his teasing grip on your hardened nipples pushed you ever closer to a euphoric bliss.
"So good and so tight, fuck, Y/N, fuck," Choso moaned behind you, his head roled back a little. "I'm gonna cum, I'm gonna cum."
In an instant, Choso quivered with intensity, delivering one last powerful thrust into the depths of your wetness. The force of his movement was so overwhelming that it caused you to lose your balance, making you stagger forward. At that very moment, you could feel the scorching heat of his hot seed spurt into your cunt, filling you completely. It was this ecstatic rush that tipped you over the edge, igniting a second climax that surpassed the first in its sheer intensity.
Your inner muscles clenched tightly around Choso's remarkable length, coaxing out every last drop of his cum, which surged forth, spilling into your longing cunt. The sheer elatedness of the moment left you both gasping, lost in the intoxicating throes of passion.
After an exhilarating encounter, the two of you found yourselves on the couch, both panting heavily. You reclined on your back, the rise and fall of your chest mirroring your deep, labored breaths. Choso, his own breath ragged, turned over and nestled his head gently against your bosom, seeking solace in the tender connection you shared.
"You're fucking amazing," he stated. "I believe I should encourage you to engage in more argments with me," he quipped, a playful glint in his eye. "You're becoming incredibly passionate afterward, my sweet Y/N."
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Tagging: @roast-toast @bestliarr
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beautysamour · 8 months
𝐊𝐈𝐍𝐊𝐓𝐎𝐁𝐄𝐑 𝐃𝐀𝐘 𝟒: 𝐬𝐭𝐫𝐢𝐩 𝐭𝐞𝐚𝐬𝐞
—𝐣𝐚𝐬𝐨𝐧 𝐭𝐨𝐝𝐝 𝐱 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫
“Nice dress, hun. It looks good.”
You turn around wrapping your arms around your man’s neck, “Thank you, my love, it’s new!”
The soft smile already settled on Jason’ face only got softer, “Looks really good.”
You smile as he wraps his arms around you, melting into his embrace as he rests his forehead against yours. “I bet it’d look even better on the floor.”
He laughs as you lightly hit the back of his neck, “It better not end up on the floor, Jason.” You use his first name hoping he’d take it serious, only to have done the opposite.
He tilts his head up, making sure to make eye contact with you as he plays with the piece of fabric keeping your entire dress together. You internally curse yourself for your knees suddenly feeling weak, almost as if you would’ve fallen to your knees had he not had his arms around you.
“Jason,” he tilts his head to the side as if he had no idea why you were using his first name, “This takes a long time to take off.”
He pushes his thigh in between your legs, silently telling you to sit on it.
“I can wait. Take your time taking it off,” he eyes your body up and down, “I won’t go anywhere.”
His hands travel to your waist, pushing you down so you’ll be on his thigh. Your hands go from his neck to his broad shoulders as you feel his thigh muscles.
Jason Todd is a hot man, anyone given the chance to fuck him is lucky.
And fortunately, he only has one heart, and you own it.
Jason doesn’t let any time go to waste as he picks you up bride-style, “Jason!” You giggle as he shoves the door to your shared bedroom open dropping you on the bed.
You put a hand on his chest as he begins to get on top of you, “Ah—Ah,” you tut, “This wasn’t the deal, Jason.”
He stays still for a moment, dropping his head when he remembers the words he spoke just one minute ago. He falls onto the bed, “Right.”
You stifle your giggle at his disappointed tone. Pushing yourself off the bed, you wait until Jason sits up, “Excuse me, baby,” you move his arms out of his lap, setting yourself on your boyfriend.
You tsk as he tries to hold you waist, “No touching, my love, wait until I’m ready.”
He looked at you with a raised brow before nodding, settling his arms behind his back.
You smile.
He nodded already looking at your breasts that were being supported by your dress.
You smile again, seeing his dick painfully strain against his pants. So cute. “Can I use you for support?”
“Whatever you want.”
Happily, you grab onto one of his shoulder and your other hand travels to the back of your dress. You let your hand roam for a second before grabbing onto the ribbon that kept your dress from unraveling. You lightly pull on one of the ends of the ribbon, sighing at feeling the cool air hit your warm ish skin.
Your dress loosens as you undo the ribbon, each side of the dress falling to either side of your body. Jason watches as you slowly pull the right right side of your dress of your body; exposing the bra you worse under it.
Jason’ hips jolt under you, he acts like a victorian man seeing a women’s ankle.
You let the right side of the dress trail down your body as you start to pull the left side off your shoulder, letting the entire dress drop down your upper body exposing your entire chest to your boyfriend.
He watches with an open mouth, “You’re—“
“Shh,” you hush, “I’m not even done, my love.”
Jason gulps, forcing himself to look at your eyes. Your head swells as your practically see hearts in his eyes. You lean in letting him feel your lips against his—and he reciprocates immediately—you grab onto his hair with one of your hands and pull him away from you.
“Be patient, Jason, or else I’ll get up.”
“‘m sorry,” he says sweetly, staring at your breasts again.
“I forgive you,” you press a kiss onto his forehead then slightly push yourself up, pushing your lower body on his chest as you rest one of your knees on the bed, “Can you help me, baby?”
He looks up at you, lust fully filling his eyes, “Hm?”
You laugh, practically mocking him for his stupid question as you grab his hands and rest them on your waist when the rest of your dress stopped falling, “Can you take this off of me?”
He hesitates, and rightfully so. He was seconds away from ripping that dress off of you—the only reason why he hasn’t is because he knew that would upset you.
He rubs the tip of the dress as he gave you a nod.
“Thank you,” you say sweetly.
Slowly and carefully, he starts to pull the dress down your body. You lift your legs, pushing more of your weight against his chest as he drags it off your legs.
“Good jo—“
He wraps his arms around your waist, pulling your body onto the bed as he reverses your positions, leaving him on top, “I’m sorry, my love, but I can’t hold myself back anymore.”
You chuckle at his “confession.” “Really?” You question feigning surprise.
“Yeah,” he confirms again. His hand travels down to your clothed pussy, he presses a knuckle against your folds enjoying the way you gasp, “Can I please have you now?”
You want to pout, you want to tease him more but with the way he was playing with your pussy already…you weren’t sure you could wait anymore.
He calls out your name.
“Yes,” you breathe out, “You can.”
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whosjunglejim4322 · 1 year
Saccharine - E.M
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Warnings ® smut! Fluff, soft bf Eddie<3, first time sex as a couple! Nasty IN LOVE smut bc this bitch is a hopeless romantic! Eddie is super sensitive, Established relationship, you stroke his dick, Eddie almost cums in his pants, lil bit of dry humping, this is incredibly self indulgent but u didn't hear that from me, overly descriptive bc why not
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You shouldn't be nervous, really. It's just Eddie, who is your boyfriend of three months and twenty-six days. Who is sitting across from you on his creaky mattress criss-cross style, your knees touching. Your Eddie, who has two big hands flailing in the air as he goes on about the recent campaign, broad mouth etched into a whimsical smile, big eyes wondrous and full of excitement for the tale.
The bed bounces with his enthusiasm, and you draw closer to him with each syllable.
Your Eddie, who is doing nothing out of the ordinary, and who is as beautiful as ever in loose fitting plaid pyjama bottoms and a tattered black tee that exposes half of his collarbone and smudges of black ink - he doesn't even have to try, and perhaps these simple mundane realizations are what cause the flutter of wings in the pit of your stomach.
"And then Mike - hey, you okay?"
If it weren't for his vast change in expression, you truly wouldn't have realized what a trance you're in. Between the furrow of his unkempt brows and the amused but curious tilt at the corner of his mouth, you come back to earth. The weight of gravity settles in your bone marrow, as his calloused thumb quickly strokes your chin as if to remind you he is still here.
"I - yeah yeah, sorry I just," you grab his hand by the heaviness of his wrist, dragging it into your lap so you can stroke the back of his rough knuckles. "got distracted s'all."
Your eyes divert to where your fingers are joined and the sound of his airy, through-the-nose chuckle has more heat blossoming behind your ribcage, nudging at your organs.
"I'll stop with the D&D talk, know you hear enough about it from the kids. There's only so much dorkiness you should be subjected to, y'know?"
It's lighthearted, he's smirking and looking down at you with enough palpable fondness the apples of your cheeks feel like they're being stroked by a flame. Still, the implication that he may be bothering you in any way has an urgency filling your eyes. You shake your head.
"No, no that never bothers me Eds, don't be silly." The nickname makes his mouth dry, still, after three months and twenty-six days. You finally meet his glance. "You're just handsome, really handsome especially when you're talking about something you're passionate about and I just...yeah."
It's word vomit, messy and you feel like it makes no sense but then he squeezes your hand and you know that he reads between the nervous mumbo jumbo - you have no clue how you make him feel, do you?
"You're fucking cute." He breathes out earnestly, smoothing his grip upwards to your forearms and pulling you forward with minimal effort - right onto the stirdiness of his lap.
Your giddiness is the perfect portrait, your arms finding a resting place atop his broad shoulders. Curls tickle the tops of your arms and your wrists, and your thighs brace your frame by the slim of his taut waist. He can't help it, the giggles escaping his throat. The proximity is intoxicating for no reason at all.
"Can't believe this is our first time spending the night together, I'm so used to falling asleep on the phone with you that it really doesn't feel all that different." He smooths your hair out of your eyes, tucks it behind your left ear.
I get to touch her like this, he thinks to himself. His chest jostles underneath the muscle and bone.
"Yeah, except I get to fall asleep with you'n my arms, wake up with you in em' too. I'm one lucky son of a bitch, hmm?"
He's practically thinking out loud, but he's too far gone to feel shame. When you nuzzle your face against the warm nook of his neck, wet lips smiling against the flesh, his encapsulating arms squeeze you impossibly tighter. He buries his nose against the top of your head, inhaling the fresh scent of your shampoo. Your cheek grazes the side of his jaw as you meet him face to face, nose to nose.
He sees you trying to formulate words, a sentence, even a sound but none of it seems like a totally accurate way to express the adoration threatening to consume you from the inside out. You graze his cheek with your mouth, slowly, tentatively, and he hangs on with half an air full of lungs.
You suckle his bottom lip and he sighs into your mouth, the relief making him lightheaded. He kicks into gear and pushes back with an overlap of his mouth - hands wandering over the small of your back, to your soft lovehandles and upwards until his fingrtips have passed your jugular and he's holding your face as tenderly as you're holding his.
It's now, when you feel it - the growing firmness beneath he thin material of his bottoms. He tries to keep it at bay but it's damn near impossible, and the whimper, the fucking whimper you let out when his soft tongue touches yours from the warm cavern of your mouth - he couldn't stop it from twitching even if he wanted to. He's only a man.
And you're a menace. As new as this is, your body reacts to the prod in between your legs, underneath your crotch. You press yourself tighter to his frame, hips scooching against his hard-on in the process and he stiffens.
"Mmm, baby baby..." your pout is immediate when he breaks from your mouth, brows furrowed and lips a kiss bitten fuschia. For a moment, you think you've taken it too far too fast - he's stopped you from moving completely. Your whole body burns with a tingly sensation somewhere between shame and the aftershocks of arousal.
"Are you...are you okay? Did I do something wrong?"
You sound so sweet, it makes his lower belly ache among other things. He stifles a laugh brcause he knows it will only make you feel worse. Something wrong. Something wrong.
"Fuck no, I-sorry I just uh...almost..." He can't bring himself to say it, you guys haven't even been kissing for five whole minutes and here he is about to blow his load. When you realize how close his dark lashes are from kissing his cheeks, how his pupils have almost turned the whole of his irises onyx, you connect the dots.
Woah, you did that to him? That moth in your belly threatens to take flight, and without much thought, your mouth is moving before you can stop it.
"I wanna see."
Those are the only words your brain allows you to spit out. His chest has gone still, and you feel that twitch against your center again. Your thighs have begun to tremble.
"You wanna see...? My cock?" He shouldn't sound so incredulous. You're his girlfriend for christ's sake, but you are important to him. More important than he ever thought anyone could be, and so he has kept his lust at a minimum of 48% when he's around you for the most part. Save for intense makeout sessions.
"Yeah, I wanna...well I wanna know how to make you feel good."
He's worried for a moment that he's having another wet dream, but he's sure this is real life because he feels how warm you are against him and you are so close he can see his own reflection in your eyes. You toy with the shell of his ear and a chill ascends his spine.
"Sweetheart if you touch me m'not gonna last long." His skin is pink and scarlet, and he's gotten at least ten degrees hotter judging by the heat billowing off of the back of his neck. His adams apple bobs when he swallows.
"That's okay, really it is. You have nothing to be embarrassed about....I like it. Like that I make you feel that way. " You rake your fingers through the front of his hair, pushing it away from his pretty face. He checks your eyes again, needing confirmation.
"Are you sure? You don't have to do anything you don't want to." He gnaws on the inside of his plush mouth, tries to calm the animal inside of him that wants to fuck your brains out right now. He almost feels guilty just thinking about it, until you lean over to peck the side of his stubbly chin, fingertips grazing his taut belly.
"Yes, really wanna."
There is a curious, nervous anticipation in the crinkle underneath your eyes.
"Kay' baby, explore all you want." The boyish smirk he gives is enough to have that knee buckling tingling sensation coming back full force as he presents himself to you like this. Does he seem as pulled together and totally not overly nervous as he thinks he does? Probably not.
His arms depart from your body, ribs expanding as he reclines on his palms. Tendons flex and stretch underneath the black bats and fuzzy layer of hair atop his forearm. You swallow, intimidated by the beauty of the boy.
You find the courage to finally move off of his lap so that you can take him all in, and the bulge of his cock swipes the underside of your thigh as you slide off.
You don't know where to touch first. That's a lie, your hands almost instinctively slip underneath the hem of his old shirt, where that dark thatch of hair trails under his belly button. He's soft, so soft it's unreal, he is velvet and delicious scarring and beauty marks. His tummy convulses underneath your hand.
He watches you with complete fixation. You have your bottom lip tucked between your teeth and you don't even realize it, all perched and pretty in front of him. He closes his eyes when you explore his sides, over the planes and arches and past the small stretch marks by his chest.
You can't ignore it anymore, the tent that has formed at his crotch and continues to throb with each passing touch.
The blunt of your nails rake down the soft plaid covering thick thighs, and he takes this sharp breath that has you glancing up at him with heavy eyes.
"So pretty...Eds you're so pretty." You say it ardently, your voice small and weak. An arm reaches down, strong but gentle as he strokes the back of your plush cheek with his ring covered knuckles.
"Can't fucking believe...can't believe you're mine, finally. Shit." He's almost murmuring to himself again, on the verge of cardiac arrest. Maybe he's losing his mind, maybe this is heaven.
Then your palm presses against the thick of his cock where it's bulging out, and his thighs spasm.
"Oh, oh." He's all curses and praises, giving you encouraging glances each time you look up at him to silently ask for guidance. You move your hand up and down what you assume is his shaft, and he keeps his hips from bucking into your touch. He feels thick, and the back of your mouth starts to water.
Without warning you're hooking your fingers into his waistband, and he lifts his hips in compliance so that you can pull them down to his mid thigh. He has no time for nerves anymore. Any fear he previously had about what his dick looks like, or what you'll think of it, is stripped along with his clothing. You're looking at him with too much love for him to be insecure - and that takes him by surprise the most.
At this point his checkered boxers are just in the way, and you take it upon yourself to pull those down too. A thud hits his belly.
And really, you should've known. He's big. Not because he's impossibly long, his size is above average but he's thick - the tip iridescent with precum, the same shade of plum as his lips underneath the slick sheen. He is slightly curved upwards, a prominent vein decorating the underside parallel to his frenulum. It's pretty, just like the rest of him. He's neatly trimmed, which is the most surprising part if you're honest - but nothing about Eddie could ever be displeasing to look at.
Your mouth is parted with this expression of surprise, and Eddie almost can't believe what this is doing for his ego.
"Woah." Is all you say, transfixed when you reach out to grasp the appendage. He hisses through his teeth when your small hand finally grasps it, so fucking warm and so gentle it's almost maddening. You both feel it, the invisible weight that has settled in his small, messy room.
The weight of being alone, together, all night and all of tomorrow afternoon while his uncle Wayne is away on a business trip that is probably more lucrative than what he leads on - but Wayne has never been one to boast or speak about things like that out loud. Says it'll jinx the whole thing.
The feeling hits you first, as you find this foreign courage to lean over and dribble spit over the slit of his cock. He gasps, watching the glob of saliva drip down the front of his dick till it's soaking into the curls at his pubic mound.
"Is this okay?" You already know the answer but you ask anyways, taking more pride than you should at the expression on the pretty metalheads face. He nods his head fervently, unable to respond right away.
You twist your palm, spreading your spit further until his whole head is covered and you're able to stroke him with no resistance.
"Fuuuck, yes. Yeah, that's so good baby." He's panting as you begin to properly jerk the tip of him off, the sounds in the room too lewd for you to handle. A squelchy feeling has developed between your thighs, led by each filthy groan that leaves your boyfriend's throat.
Then you're looking at him through fluttery lashes and a gone expression, with your chest rising and falling almost as rapidly as his and thick fingers grasp your wrist quickly, rougher than anticipated.
"Sorry, just - close."
Seeing his hand blanket yours over his cock is doing something to you. You know his palms like your own, hold them more than you look at your own, and yet right now such a sweet thing has never been more provocative.
"Shh, no more apologizing," you lean over and he meets you in the middle. The kiss is sloppy this time, evidence of the maddening desire taking him over from the inside out.
"Not fair," his voice is strained through your mouths ministrations. "Got me all worked up and you're sitting there neglected." He smiles and his tongue strokes your bottom lip. You shudder as that heat comes in an overwhelming wave.
He's gripping the back of your neck now, properly hungry and your hand continues its ministrations between your bodies, that wet sound prompting a shared groan from the both of you - intensifying the feeling. His nose is scrunched against your cheek from the vigour of his kisses.
"You can undress me."
He doesn't waste time once you've granted him verbal permission, and with an exhale you're being tipped over onto your back, breathing in the weight of him as nimble and eager fingers pull his tee shirt over and off your body.
"Jesus," He whines, and you're captivated by the look on his face. It's impossible not to feel flustered.
"Can I-" you don't let him finish.
"Yes, please touch me." You're just as fucked as he is, arching your chest upwards and into the warm, all encompassing mass of his palm. He stifles a groan, cock bobbing up and down in the space between you two, dribbling with a bead of pre arousal. You feel like you're losing your mind.
Eddie short circuits for about five whole seconds flat, and he can't concentrate. He makes a bee - line to your chest, plush lips sucking your swollen nipples into his mouth. A gasp and a pulse of your poor clit later, and your fingers delve into his curls like they'll keep you here in this moment forever.
He's sloppy, moving between the valley of your breasts to the other one, leaving trails of spit across your flesh.
"Eddie, that - that feels so good, can't - mmph." You're a mess. How are you such a mess? He's a phantom, a head of hair across your sternum until he glances up at you with saliva soaked lips and red cheeks and a sweaty forehead.
"Sweet girl, oh god I can't believe..." All you taste is him, the words being uttered between the space when he forces himself to breathe. "can't believe you're all mine, wanna make you feel so fucking good. Give you anythin' you want."
He lies his full weight on you, and through the thin sleeping shorts you've got on, his cock beckons you with throbs and weeps. You feel drunk off of him, every sense surrounded by Eddie. Eddie. Eddie.
His shampoo from two days ago, the old spice lingering under his arms, the natural scent of his skin, the sweetness of his breath and the perspiration that's formed in little beads on his upper lip. He's all but devouring you, lust and admiration for the angel beneath him taking over any sense of importance regarding anything else.
Your heels dig into the back of his bum, knees pulling inward so that his hips come clashing into yours. Your fingernails claw on the material covering his back, taking it upon themselves to pull it over his head. He's beaming like a kid in a candy store at your eagerness, eyes all crinkly underneath.
"Want me to grab a rubber now?" He mumbles between the sloppy kisses, hoping you can't hear the hitch in his throat at the prospect of this finally happening.
"Mhmm, yes." It feels just as surreal for you.
He whines as he departs, reaching over across your head to pull open his bedside drawer and ungracefully tear open the new box of condoms. His eyebrows are furrowed, arms flexing with intensity from his excitement. He groans out of frustration, and you giggle, grasping his thick forearm.
"Let me help baby." You reach in the drawer for him and pull the box out, finishing the rip he'd made and pulling out a metallic row of squares. You tear one at the perforation and hand it to him, grinning at the entire situation. He huffs and rests his forehead between the valley of your breasts.
"What would I do without you?" He mutters, matching your expression when he lifts his head back up and pushes forward to kiss you on the tip of your nose.
"Not have sex, I suppose." You bite back with no hint of malice, only an insurmountable level of love and he sees it shimmering everywhere around you. His girl. His.
"You're somethin' else, sweetheart." He mouths the side of your face, across your jaw and underneath your ear.
You feel like you're in a psychological limbo, in a world between consciousness as he sits back on his haunches and lifts his shirt off of his body from the back of his collar. That may be a dramatic sentiment to many, but it's fitting.
He does it so casually, throws his shirt to the side with the rest of discarded clothing and stray items that live on his bedroom floor. You feel weak in the knees when he tears the condom package and pulls out the slippery rubber, unraveling it before bringing it down to his cock.
You watch his face the way his pink tongue darts out and nips the tip of his tongue, brows furrowed in concentration and arousal as he fits the condom down his thick shaft. You watch his biceps twist, his taut abdomen clench, the black ink coming alive with the ministrations of his muscles underneath.
When he meets your eyes again, you look completely overtaken with desire, eyelids heavy and breath bated. Your pebbled nipples stand at full attention, mimicking his dick and Eddie hooks his fingers underneath those infuriatingly sexy shorts of yours so that he can get rid of them.
You're not wearing underwear. Of course you aren't. Your entire existence is specifically designed to test the bounds of his composure, of his strength. The gold room lighting from his lamp illuminates your body and your shy thighs only part when he's placing his palms between them, slowly encouraging them to allow him a peek or two.
You reach out to stroke his arms as he separates your legs, his jaw hanging ever so slack, cock twitching just a few centimeters away from your opening.
"Fucking hell...you're so goddamn pretty." He strains, swallowing hard as he touches you with hesitant hands, as if he's scared to break you. Your hips lift, just enough to make contact with the tip of his dick and you whine. It's a sound so sweet he almost whimpers himself.
"Please, Eds. I want you inside of me. Please."
His stomach tightens and he crawls over you once again, stroking your cheek with his thumb.
He maintains eye contact, breath fanning your mouth as he slips an arm between your bodies and grips his shaft, lining it up with your entrance. Your thighs lift towards your chest, ankles stationed at his waist, and you feel the welcome intrusion of his tip as it passes your slick labia.
You both take a breath in, your fingers needing a vice and moving to the back of his neck as he pivots his hips forward and slips himself into the tightness of your cunt. The stretch causes you to hiss, both in pleasure and pain.
"You okay? Let me know if I need to stop." He grunts, kissing your chin.
"M'okay, don't you dare stop."
His eyelids flutter in tandem with yours, a choked moan leaving his throat as he continues to push himself in, till he's nudging against the soft roundness of your cervix and his balls are resting against your ass.
It feels right. Having him this deep, this close.
You shudder nuzzling your face against the bicep that holds him up. You kiss the skin there and he groans, dragging himself back out and then back in. Your whole body jostles with the movement.
"Jesus Christ, how do you feel s'fucking good? I don't - I can't, fuck." He's a slur of words, beginning to form a steady rhythm. Your moans are more like squeaks the faster he goes, increasing the lewd, sticky sounds between your legs that squelch with each drag and pull of his cock.
"Eddie...E-eddie." Your words are hiccuped from the impact, his hair dangling in your face, tickling your cheeks. His belly is pressed right against yours, the curls at the mound of his pelvis pressed against yours. He lets out this pained sound and goes to bury his face in the crook of your neck.
"My name, fuck say it again. Say it again." It's muffled but you can hear it right underneath your ear, his lips a soft vibration against your flesh. You feel so full, it's hard to speak at all. To say anything other than his name. So you recite it like it's the only words you know.
"Eddie Eddie Eddie Eddie." They're all punctuated with a whimper that starts from your diaphragm and crawls it's way out of your throat, pistoned by his hips and their grueling ministrations. Skin against skin can be heard from down the park, you're convinced, with how he's fucking you.
Eddie is fucking you. Your boyfriend, Eddie, is fucking you.
"Ohhhh, god, please." You cry out, heels digging into his back, hands splayed across the broad expanse of his shoulder blades. Every breath that passes his lips is followed by a grunt, a groan, a sound that is so close to agony and even closer to toe curling pleasure.
Each stroke of his cock inside of you feels like a pull into his being, and you get frustrated with the fact that you can't see his face, tugging at the back of his neck.
When you look up at the boy above you, reality, for once, feels like the most beautiful thing you've ever endured.
He's flushed, all sweat and shades of pink and red. His eyes are glassy, mirroring yours in the way that it almost looks like he could shed a tear. You move his sticky bangs from his forehead and Eddie is sucker punched in the gut with a wave of adoration.
"Oh, sweetheart," he leans down, slowing his thrusts so that he can kiss you steadily, purposefully. Somehow he feels deeper this way impossibly so, and he nips your bottom lip when you flutter around him. "didn't mean to...to not show you attention m'sorry, just...you feel so good. S'like heaven."
He's half sober half drunk on your pussy and it's so fucking endearing. Neither of you can make out a coherent sentence.
"Keep - keep going, just like that, ohhh." You glance down between your bodies and somewhere behind your organs a warmth, teetering unbearable, flutters throughout your limbs. His arms shake with the fight to hold himself up, until he doesn't anymore, and slips his hands underneath you till they're sandwiched between the mattress and your back. Snug, safe, he engulfs you.
His thrusts are deep and slow now, meaningful instead of mindless bunny fucking. Which, he's not opposed to, but you're you. He wants to fuck you like he might not ever get the chance to again.
"I love you, I love you." He whimpers against the crook of your shoulder. You hold him with the same ferocity that he's holding you, staring up at the ceiling and the stars that blanket your vision instead of the fan above.
"I love you too, fuck, Eddie."
He makes this noise, it's almost pathetic. Petulant. That coil holding you tight, snaps and all at once you're gasping, thighs a deadly grip around his waist.
"Cu-Cumming, I'm cumming." Your walls flex and spasm around his length and Eddie thinks he might pass out. You're still twitching and whining his name with his balls are emptying, when he's spurting into the condom, nudging your cervix.
"Fuck, fuck just like tha- ohhh fuck." He thrusts like he's fucking his cum into you, like he's filling your womb up and making you his forever. He made you cum. He's never felt this high before, and he's a fucking drug dealer.
It's a mixture of panting and the thud of your shared heartbeat for what feels like eternity and one split second. You feel his lips peppering soft, gentle kisses along your jugular, and your fingers trace lines up and down his warm back as his cock softens inside of you.
He rubs his cheek against you, and your fingers pull his hair away from his pretty face. He's looking at you with so much love you could burst again.
"I love you so much." He speaks tenderly, softly, for once. It's scary and breathtaking all at once. The tip of his nose rubs yours, your smiles a reflection of the other.
"I love you too, Munson."
And you do. You really fucking do.
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heizlut · 3 months
Praise kink for kazu? <3
he’s my lil baby, definitely a soft dom for sure that would give you endless praises🥲:
Sweet Little Angel
cw: none, this is cute as hell
tags: shy sub fem!reader, soft dom!kazuha, (also lowkey possessive!kazuha), praise kink, mostly proofread
nsfw under the cut
m!list here
゚。·*・。*.。🍁 ゚。·*・。*.。🍁 ゚。·*
You were a shy little thing, always clinging to your boyfriend like he could protect you from everything (and he damn well will try his best to do so!). Kazuha loved you, loved everything about you. Especially the way you clutched his arm while you walked or when you’d subtly hide yourself behind him as he socialized with others. You were just too cute for your own good.
Kazuha had recently returned from travelling on the Alcor and made his way to your quaint home in Inazuma. Once you saw him walking up to your home, you practically flew out the door and into his arms making him laugh. You both stayed in each other's arms for a moment before he pulls away first and holds out a wrapped gift and smiles sweetly, "I brought something back for you from Liyue." Your face lights up and you beam at him, pressing little kisses all over his face.
Once inside your home, you unwrap his gift to you, letting the patterned paper flutter to the floor. You pause when you hold up the most beautiful red silk cheongsam-style dress, intricately patterned with golden swirls and leaves. Kazuha sits there smiling as he takes in your reaction but tilts his head slightly when he sees your eyebrows furrow, "Is there something wrong with it, angel?" You study the dress, focused on the cutout that would show off your cleavage and how short the hem of the dress actually was. Your eyes move to Kazuha, "Can I really wear this?" Kazuha looks a little confused but smiles anyways, "Of course, it's for you. Go on, put it on for me."
You peek your head out from behind the bedroom door, cheeks bright red as Kazuha gives you an encouraging soft smile, "Come out. Let me see." You hold your breath as you come out in the beautiful dress, nervous to be wearing something so gorgeous...yet revealing in the right places. Kazuha's breath catches in his throat when he sees you, his vermillion eyes trail down your body. His eyes linger on the little circular cut out in the chest that exposes your cleavage, "Oh, angel... Turn around for me. I want a full view." The blush on your cheeks refuses to go away as you do a slow turn for him. Shit, the dress hugged your curves and your ass so perfectly; the hem sitting pretty on your upper-mid thighs.
"Come here...", Kazuha's words were soft but laced with lust and he holds his hands out to you. You walk over to him and he places his hands on your waist, "Such a pretty angel... Let me take out you in this." You almost choke on absolutely nothing, "In this dress?" Your mind floods with everything that might go wrong if you wore this out, feeling way too shy to wear something like this while walking around Inazuma, "But what if I ruin it, Kazu..." Kazuha's hands slip from your waist and into your hands, "Don't worry about hypotheticals, just let me take you out." He presses his lips to the tops of your hands. You finally relent. Kazuha was just too sweet to deny.
Clutching at his arm as you both walk through Inazuma City, you feel so aware of yourself. You felt the eyes of passersby staring at you and Kazuha was most certainly aware. A surge of pride runs through him that you're on his arm looking the way you do; that you're all his and no one else's. Your confidence was only boosted when Ogura Mio, the lovely woman who ran Ogura Textiles & Kimono's gushed over your dress saying the material, the intricate pattern, and the way it fit you was simply divine. More eyes fell on you when you walked with more confidence instead of leaning into Kazuha's body.
He couldn't tear his eyes away from you when you walked up to Tomoko, the street vendor, and began chatting away, using your little boost in confidence to spur you on. Kazuha was quick to catch Tomoko's eyes wandering down your figure and that bright smile that he flashed you when he told you that he was also offering tri-color dango that day. You smile happily when Tomoko hands you the stick of tri-color dango and you bounce as you excitedly turn back to where Kazuha was standing. Kazuha's affectionate gaze falls on you as you walk back to him, hips swaying and all. Did you know how sexy you looked?
"Got everything you wanted?", Kazuha asks in his usual soft tone. "Mhm!", you express with a cute grin on your face. He hums in acknowledgement and wraps his arm around your waist as you continue to walk. A little crumb of dango sticks to the corner of your lip and Kazuha chuckles, pointing by his own lips to let you know you had a little something. Your cheeks heat up and you giggle, swiping your thumb on the spot then bringing it to your lips, sucking the crumb off your finger.
His cock stirs to life in his pants at the promiscuous action you just pulled with such a doe-eyed look on your face and in that sexy little dress no less..., "Let's go home, angel." You pout a little, "But I was just starting to have fun being out..." Kazuha takes your free hand, "I have something more fun for the both of us at home." You look a little confused because he hadn't brought anything else home with him besides the dress he had gifted you, but you let him lead you home.
As soon as the door shuts, his hands are all over you and he kisses the corner of your lips, down your jaw, and to your neck. You suck in a breath as your fingers tangle in his soft white hair, "Kazu..." He sucks at your neck, leaving a dark hickey in its place as he groans against your skin, "You're too pretty...too cute and sweet..." He trails off as he sucks another mark closer to your collarbone now, "You don't realize what you do to me, angel..." Kazuha's voice was husky as his breath fans over your sensitive skin.
Kazuha presses a hasty kiss to your sweet tasting lips, the flavor of the dango you ate earlier lingered there. He licks his lips as he steps back and starts removing his clothes, tossing them off somewhere in the room, he didn't care at the moment. Your pupils dilate as you watch in awe of the beautiful man in front of you and your hands reach around to the back of your dress, fumbling for the buttons. But Kazuha clicks his tongue, halting your movements, "Keep it on. You look so beautiful wearing my gift."
Arousal pools between your legs, wetting the cute white pair of panties you had put on earlier today. You squeal when Kazuha picks you up and places you on the bed. His vermillion eyes sparkling with affection and desire for you and only you. He crawls up on top of you, kissing you slow but with a heated passion. Kazuha moves down and carefully lifts the dress up to your waist, revealing your cute soaked panties. You whimper his name when he drags the material down your legs and tosses them to the floor, "Be still for me, angel. Let me taste how sweet you are..."
A high-pitched moan falls from your lips as his tongue drags up your wet slit. Kazuha groans against your clit, unable to help himself as he grinds his cock into the mattress at the taste of you alone. He laps at your juices as if he was a starved man, tongue flicking at your clit and prodding your pulsating entrance. Your thighs squeeze around his head as you come undone with the most beautiful noises. Kazuha makes you whimper when he drags his tongue against your entrance, overstimulating you, "You did so well for me, pretty girl. You're always so good for me..."
Kazuha doesn't bother to wipe the sticky slick mess from his lips and chin as he moves up again, capturing you lips in his in a hungry kiss. His tongue licks at your bottom lip, begging for entrance, to which you grant. You part your lips, letting his tongue dance with yours, tasting traces of your own arousal. Kazuha's leaking cock rubs against your pussy; his upper body brushing up against the smooth, silky fabric of your dress. The feeling was overwhelming him, making his mind go blank. He looks deep into your eyes, both sharing a loving and heated gaze. You speak first, your words coming out in little pants of breath, "I want to feel you inside me, Kazu..."
He felt his eyes glaze over at your words and the look on your face and he releases a shaky breath, "Anything for you, angel..." It doesn't take much effort for the fat head of his cock to breach your entrance, making both of you suck in a harsh breath. He's the one that whimpers when he sheathes himself fully inside of you warm, wet walls that flutter around his cock. You wrap your arms around his neck as you look up at him with so much need. Kazuha catches your gaze and whispers sweetly, "Gonna move now, alright?" Your lips part slightly as you nod, "Uh-huh..."
Your expression twists to one of deep pleasure as Kazuha fucks you slow and deep. The drag of his cock in your tight pussy had you seeing stars as his name falls from your lips like a desperate prayer. He does his best to keep quiet as he grunts and moans while your cunt squeezes him so perfectly, wanting to hear each noise you make for him. He simply cannot get enough of you, not daring to tear his eyes away for risk of missing every little expression you make.
Kazuha is mesmerized by you, the way you moan his name, they way the gifted dress bunches at your waist, the way you cling to him desperately as he fucks into you at a sensual pace, and the way your hair is splayed out across the pillow. His heart felt like it could explode with the love he has for you, "You're the most beautiful thing I've ever laid eyes on. As if you descended directly from Celestia and right into my arms... A beautiful angel taking my cock so well..." Your lips form a lazy smile, finding it cute that his poetic nature remained with him even during such a sinful act. Your smile turns to an "O" and your eyebrows knit together as he hits that spot deep inside of you.
Kazuha feels his end coming near, but he wasn't about to finish before making you cum one more. His thumb moves to your sensitive clit, rubbing frantic circles as he pants above you, his thrusts getting more sloppy, "Cum for me, angel. Let me hear you pretty moans..." Your vision goes white as you arch your back off the mattress, letting out a cry of pleasure as you release all over his length. "That's it, pretty girl... Fuckfuckfuck-", Kazuha almost collapses on top of you as ropes of cum spill inside of you. His cock throbs to the beat of his racing heart as he stills inside of you. He presses his forehead to yours, eyes locked on each other and your heart swells with the way he looks at you, "You did so well for me. My sweet little angel. I love you..."
゚。·*・。*.。🍁 ゚。·*・。*.。🍁 ゚。·*
a/n: got myself in my own feelings with this one🥹
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lev1hei1chou · 3 months
Orange Peel Theory
Gojo x reader, Nanami x reader (individually) Genre: Orange. Words: 630 Synopsis: Orange peel theory Masterlist
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You sat on the kitchen island, a pile of oranges in front of you and a mischievous glint in your eyes. You had seen the latest social media trend of asking people to peel oranges for you, and you couldn't resist trying it out on your boyfriend.
"Hey, Satoru," you called out, a subtle smile playing on your lips. "Can you peel an orange for me?"
He looked up from his phone, his grin widening. "Of course, my dear. Anything for you."
You handed him an orange, fully expecting him to play along. Gojo took the orange and began peeling it, but instead of doing it the normal way, he started creating cute patterns on the peel. Hearts, stars, and even a smiley face adorned the orange peel. You couldn't help but laugh at his antics.
After a few minutes, you decided to leave the kitchen to enjoy the sunny weather outside. "I'll be back in a bit," you declared.
Gojo winked, still peeling away. "Take your time, sweetheart."
When you returned, you were greeted by the citrusy aroma of freshly peeled oranges. To your surprise, there were not just one or two, but a whole array of them neatly arranged on a plate. Gojo sat there with a proud expression, a twinkle in his eyes.
"Ta-da! I hope you like my masterpiece," Gojo said, presenting the plate to you.
You couldn't help but burst into laughter at the sight his creativity. "Wow, baby! You really went all out."
He chuckled, leaning back in his chair. "Well, when Gojo Satoru does something, he does it with style."
You picked up one of the oranges, appreciating the effort he had put into making them special. "Thank you, love. You always know how to make everything more fun."
He grinned, leaning in to give you a quick peck on the cheek. "Anything for you, my dear. Now, let's feast on these."
And so, the two of you spent the afternoon enjoying the sweet taste of oranges. Satoru Gojo sure knew how to make even the most normal tasks better.
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You and Kento Nanami were spending a lazy Sunday afternoon together at your shared apartment. The atmosphere was calm and comfortable, with the soft hum of the air conditioner in the background. You found yourself craving something refreshing, and the pile of oranges on the kitchen counter caught your eye. Quickly, your mind went to the new social media trend. You knew Nanami would do anything for you, but still you decided to test it out.
"Hey, love," you called out from the living room, "could you peel some oranges for me?"
Nanami looked up from his paperwork, his expression serious as always. "Sure, I can do that."
You handed him an orange, expecting a straightforward peeling process. Nanami approached the task at hand with precision, his movements methodical. He peeled the orange so carefully that you couldn't help but watch in awe.
As he handed you the perfectly peeled orange, he spoke in his usual composed manner, "There you go."
You couldn't resist teasing him a bit, "Wow, baby, that's quite the skill. Are you sure you haven't been practicing your fruit-peeling techniques in secret?"
He quirked an eyebrow and looked at you, with a hint of amusement in his eyes. "I assure you, it's a basic skill. Efficiency is key in every aspect of life."
You couldn't help chuckle at his seriousness but appreciated the effort he put into such a simple task. "Thank you, Kento. You're unexpectedly good at this."
Nanami nodded, a small, satisfied smile playing on his lips. You fed him an orange, which he accepted almost instantly.
You continued enjoying the peeled oranges together, savoring the quiet moments and appreciating Nanami's hidden talents. This might have been a simple act, but it was one that showed the silent love that Nanami always had for you.
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moonkissedvisions · 3 months
Pick an image: Your beauty + How you can express it˚˖𓍢ִ໋🌷͙֒✧˚.🎀༘⋆
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In this reading, you are going to remember what makes you beautiful! Remember that this is a general reading. Take what resonates and leave the rest.
Now, relax and let your intuition guide you to the right pile for you. ✨
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(images from pinterest)
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💄 Pile one
-your tenderness
-your emotional expression
-your loving presence
-your femininity
-your gentleness
-your soft features
-your calming aura
-your pure heart
-your empathy
-your compassion
-your slow, gentle movements
-your soft voice
-your sensuality
-your clear and beautiful eyes
-your consideration
-your creativity
-your glamour
-your hands and feet
-your art
-your shiny hair
-your sensitivity
-your patience
-your receptiveness
-your curves
-your resilience
-your success
-your thoughtfulness
-your independence
💄how you express it: stay away from toxic environments. go to the beach and connect to the ocean. learn to make decisions. if you have a tough time making decisions out of the fear of hurting others, remember that you are only deciding for yourself and others make their own decisions for themselves. seek masculine energy. dont compromise your own well-being just to help other people. protect your heart. dont be afraid to show your feelings. make loving connections. be around uplifting people. be around energy giving people. channel your creativity. wear lightweight fabric clothes that are soft and comfortable. moonbathe.
💄zodiac signs: libra, taurus, cancer, pisces, scorpio.
💄song: Temptation by Raveena.
"In my dreams I can feel your softness. Get lost in your head of curls. I tell you things I can´t tell my boyfriend"
💄potential style:
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💎Pile 2
-your ethic
-your fair-mindedness
-your awareness
-your integrity
-your smile and laugh
-your detachment
-your darkness
-your symmetrical features
-your deep voice
-your mind
-your fitness
-your melancholic gaze
-your poised aura
-your deep thoughts
-your writing
-your eyebrows
-your persistence
-your charm
-your life experiences and stories
-your face
-your resilience
-your courage
-your ambition
-your strength
-your skin tone
-your fun personality
-your wisdom
-your hips
-your determination to push forward
-your relaxing and comforting aura
-your luck
-your endurance
-your mystery
-your reflectiveness
-your elegant style
-your success
-your carefree personality
💎how you express it: find a community in which you feel like you belong, participate in it. let go of the past. give help to those who need it. celebrate your beauty and your life. focus on gratitude. i got the vibe you are a survivor of something, so embrace your strength and share your story. be present. wear head/hair adornments. wear black and red clothes. journal. practice meditation. sports/exercise. you may be a conventionally attractive person or an underrated beauty. eye makeup. you probably look good in short and dark hair.
💎zodiac signs: aries, libra, sagittarius, scorpio.
💎song: Carmen by Lana del Rey.
"She laughs like God, her mind´s like a diamond".
💎potential style:
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💅🏻 Pile 3
-your calmness
-your dreaminess
-your solitude
-your tranquility
-your simplicity
-your logic
-your responsibility
-your baby face
-your confidence
-your spirituality
-your contemplative gaze
-your reserved and aloof personality
-your knowledge
-your cute facial expressions
-your capacity
-your sleepy/big eyes
-your sense of duty
-your fairy-like beauty
-your powerful words and voice
-your potential
-your fierceness
-your healthy appearance
-your optimism
-your nice clothes
-your luscious hair
-your talents
-your confrontational and challenging nature
-your fearless personality
💅🏻how you express it: boosting your self-esteem. sharing and celebrating your achievements with people. affirmations. let others admire you and give you compliments. either a simple and basic style or a striking one flatters you. good quality clothes. resting and rejuvenating. use your alone time to boost your beauty. ask for help when you need it and stop taking on a lot of pressure. just take the weight off your shoulders. get massages often. improve your posture. learn a new hobby. pray and meditate daily. grow your hair/experiment with different hairstyles. be free of other´s expectations and projections.
💅🏻zodiac signs: leo, libra, sagittarius, aries.
💅🏻song: LEAVE ME ALONE by Kari Faux
"I like the truth and my clarity. I kneel and pray for my enemies. ´Cause hate would take up my energy. And i do not need that, mentally, so".
💅🏻potential style:
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Thank you so much for being here! Hope I see you in another reading :)
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lilmashae · 4 months
jake may not be the most romantic — but he always makes good on his promises: so when he promised to give you some of the best head of your life when he got home from tour — you more than believed him.
the first thing he does when he steps into your appartment is drop is bags and run into your arms. you've been looking forward to his return all week — of course you missed your boyfriend: but right now you could only think about the flat of his tongue sauntering your cunt. he knows that you're impatient — he doesn't make you wait:
carrying you to your bedroom, he lays you on the bed and spreads you out with his lips molded onto your own. jake's hands eagerly paw at your sides... the taste of you has been on his mind for what feels like an eternity: remembering the echo of your sweet moans and how your fingers felt tangled in his hair makes him grunt — cock grwoing heavy in his sweatpants as he slots a knee between you thighs.
you can feel yourself growing wet as he grinds into you — his lips are soft trailing down your body and lingering on your neck and collarbones, leaving purple bruises adorning your skin. the dim light glows off of his cheek as he looks up at you with his hair lazily falling over his eyes. " 'missed you s'much, baby..." now above your bellybutton, he leaves hot kisses leading above your lounge shorts. "fuck..." you huff. "i missed you more, jakey."
his fingers tug at the hem of your shorts, pulling them off he continues to peck at your thighs before licking a stripe up your cunt — fingers sliding under your panties and removing them he dives into your cunt, nose gently rutting against your clit. "you always taste so good, don't you, princess?" he smiles, slipping his middle finger into your sopping heat and mimicking a curling motion. "please, baby..." your voice barely above a whisper as his lips softly vacuumed around your clit. underneath you, you could feel jake's thrusts into the bed — a desperate attempt to get off. the feeling only got you wetter: seeing your pretty boyfriend humping into the mattress without a care in the world.
his other hand held your thighs open, firmly in pace as you squirmed from pleasure. another one of his fingers dive into your cunt, slick lathering his fingers and pooling into palm. "aw, princess... 'pussy's so wet f'me... yeah?" you arch your back against the mattress, feeling the scissoring motion of his fingers reach deep within your gummy walls.
the faster jake's tongue laps your cunt, the hotter your skin feels — you're practically burning up. "mm, m'close, jake..." you could feel your orgasm quickly approaching. jake hummed into your heat as a response — sending vibrations throughout. soon you were cumming in his mouth: that tight knot winding itself in your stomach, finally unraveling as you gushed all over his tongue ♥
guidelines and disclaimers | this feels sloppy..? but i'm just trying to get back into things so i'm starting slow with this ! am trying to rediscover my writing style and find what i really like i think :)
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