#posting my opinions on twitter freaks me out
peachym00 · 1 year
I knew Twitter was a cesspit, but today has really proved that to be true. The sheer amount of people I've seen attacking Bible for his tweet supporting Build is sick. It doesn't make sense to me how you can say you support either/ both of these people and then spit vitriol at one of them on behalf of your fave. You don't know them! None of us know them!
Both Bible and Build have said on more than one occasion that they don't condone spreading hatred online, especially Build in his concert today. After everything he's been through. And yet, the sheer amount of 'beyourluves' and 'bubbles' spouting filth is astounding.
Can you put yourselves in their shoes and tell yourself what you're doing is okay?
Can you imagine reading thousands of tweets telling you you're disgusting (and much, much worse) every which way you turn, no matter what you do or say?
I don't think you can.
We can mourn the loss of BBB starring in 4 minutes, and all the missed opportunities that they could have had together. We can be upset that things haven't gone the way we hoped.
If this space no longer gives you happiness, then you can and should leave. Prioritise yourself—block or mute things you don’t want to see. But analysing everything Bible says in an entirely negative way, is not it. If you're allowed to respect Build's decision, why isn’t Bible?
Build wouldn't want you saying awful things to someone he cares about on his behalf. Truly he wouldn't.
It must be exhausting spreading so much hate. I beg you to get off the internet if you find yourself obsessing over something/someone in a way that causes you to be a cyberbully.
I truly wish for Build and Bible to find success and joy in whatever path they choose ahead of them. They deserve it.
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criticaaaaaaaal · 2 years
one day i will make that blog move. idk when but itll happen eventually LOL
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bookscandlesnbts · 2 months
Jikookery in the new Beyond the Story Doc
Don’t expect think pieces/summary posts from me on a regular basis because it’s only when I feel like I have something unique to say. I definitely agree with the majority of the opinions that I’ve read on the doc being sloppy timeline wise and not showing us much else new. This was in my drafts and I forgot about it, so I’m posting it.
But these last couple episodes were gems. And posed something interesting. I had seen the Jikook moments sprinkled on Twitter, but I had to wait to watch the episodes until I got off of work. In the context of the episodes, I think they mean sooo much more than how they can be perceived alone as snippets. Every other member besides Jin (who was with a non idol or celebrity friend group which warmed my heart so much honestly) was featured alone except Jikook. And I doubt all of them are truly alone as in they don’t have a significant other that they could have been seen relaxing with. And I think the answer is quite simple: because Jikook are always together and they have the power of plausible deniability because they are bandmates right?? That means they could never be together according to the court of homophobic public opinion and probably statistical data right??? I know everyone is freaking out about the date on the refrigerator when hunky bf JK cooks dinner at Mimi’s place but I think it’s actually very interesting that they chose that specific date to film them together. And it was the day before White Day too when they were also seen together. *sigh*
Maybe they thought it would be less weird for Jikook to be seen decompressing and hanging out right after a concert versus bringing a film crew in during their actual personal time that would expose them seeing each other outside of “work”. Jikook were very private too leading up to their companion enlistment. As much as JK went live even, we never saw the two of them together except for the minute where JK shows up on Jimin’s Face Documentary which was live, so I lied. I have no doubt that they saw each other all the time even if we didn’t see evidence of it. But that’s the point. They probably wanted to continue having their privacy. We don’t know what the date was when Jin with his friends but I would guess it probably wasn’t the day immediately after their last big concert in Korea. The other members I can’t say for sure but someone could probably analyze their hair or something and determine it was a later date. The point is that Jimin and Jungkook still wanted to be filmed hanging out together for the doc when none of the other members chose to film together. To me, that really speaks volumes to their bond and closeness.
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sparkly-caroline · 2 months
Okay, so basically, I've been revisiting the older FNF mods (from around 2020-2021), for nostalgia's sake. So I started rewatching the FNF HD mod. I knew it was 90% a reskin mod, so I did not have my expectations TOO high.
But for the most part, I don't dislike it as much as other people do, the artstyle's neat and it was one of the first few mods that tried to give FNF a story. Even if it's not as cool as it used to be back then, it was fine for its time.
But I do have ONE pet peeve with it. The part I remember disliking the most, even back in 2021:
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Pico. Yeah, I'm gonna be real, I did not like Pico in FNF HD. They just made him into the biggest dickhead imaginable in that mod.
I know Pico from FNF or even the Pico's School series isn't exactly a saint, I know that, but bruh, in FNF HD the guy was just insuferable.
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So it's true that GF's dad hired Pico to kill BF, that part is accurate.
But in vanilla FNF, Pico CHOSE to spare BF due to their past relationship. In HD, nah he's cool killing BF, he's just "playing with his food" before he does.
My dude, you have the gun, you want to kill BF, he's right there infront of you, why are you wasting your time doing this?? (Even if GF can just shoo him away with her demon powers anyway)
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Oh wait, he just does that anyway. He said "imma spare you if I jam to the beat". Nah, that was all one big lie.
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Screw you too.
And then there's the memey screenshot that's been flodding Twitter recently:
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No notes, 10 outta 10 /j
And then Pico loses again and GF sends him to the Shadow Realm. GGs, my boi, GGs.
That's about the only big peeve I have with the mod right now, the rest of it is fine... mostly. I mean, the dialogue is mostly some really sus stuff, a ton of innuendos, and then the Mommy Mearest week. That entire week was, uh... a little TOO much for me.
(rip the monetization of the let's play youtubers who uploaded videos when Week 4 HD came out lol).
And I like the new remixes of the songs for the most part. And as far as 2021 mods go, it didn't age THAT badly. I've been an FNF fan (ugh cringe) since Week 5 came out, I've seen WAY worse mods than HD.
But yeah... fuck Pico HD, don't like that guy. They did my fav character dirty... and that is the post. Follow for more ramblings/opinions of random stuff I find online, and hope y'all were as freaked out by this portrait as I was when I first saw it, peace-
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roadhogsbigbelly · 5 months
she did NOT say that fictional csa is fine though, that’s the thing that everyone is very expressly telling you. and IM not defending ““people who jack off to fictional children”” either, where the fuck are you getting that, do you just say this shit to every trans woman you see? you can’t argue by putting shit in people’s mouths. the “standards” you are describing are the same standards that the people you’re smearing agree with. im not saying its all or nothing at all, you just can’t take anything we’re saying seriously
when you read "stopping being mean to sex freaks who like ageplay and incest shipping" why do you think that suddenly stops at loliporn or fictional csa when that's part of the package? do you think "ageplay and incest shipping" only applied to game and thrones fanfiction and mild "daddy" play? like of course those posts saying "don't be say you love sex freaks if you don't include ALL sex freaks" is also including fictional csa, like fucking cailou porn or whatever. because the posts those are response to are like "stop being mean about people with weird fetishes that make you uncomfortable! (except fictional csa fuck you you can die)" if she's not supporting fictional csa great, but why did she reblog the fucking post than?
and again the fact that i criticized her has nothing to do with her being a trans woman, that didn't even cross my mind, and i've criticized cis men, cis women, trans men, non binary people and people of all genders and sexuality that have been dismissive of concerns over this shit. i've criticized cis women on twitter for publicly posting their weird underaged boy rape fantaties and i got accused of "hating women's fantasies", i've also critcized other cis gay men for drawing actual "toddlercon" and got accused of being a "pick me" gay, and other variations of "stop criticizing grown adults for what they do in private even if they post in publicly actually oops"
i don't actually care what people do in the privacy of their own homes, but the only reason people on tumblr make posts about how "you should stop being mean to people about their age play, incest porn" is because most people don't actually keep it private actually, or else other people wouldn't be seeing it and complain about it. like if you go into someone's dms or a locked private space to "out them" for being into scooby doo or even some actually more harmful fantasy than that's still kind of gross and intruding and they shouldn't do that, but if said person is doing it in a PUBLIC FORUM than yeah they're not above criticism because it's their own "private fantasies" when it's clearly not.
(and before you take words out of my mouth i am not inherently against public displays of sexuality or even kink, i don't think a child seeing a man in a pup mask and harness is going to tramatize them, i think they'll be fine, and in general i think try to hide the fact "sex" like. exists from children does not nothing to deter grooming and kind of causes it in some cases. i've seen people insisting that people who don't lock their nsfw twitter accounts of adults have regular but explicit sex that they're are personally grooming children who might have to figure out porn exists, and i think that's an unhealthy attitude to have. my point is more that the entire argument that noone can criticize or have a negative opinion on "ageplay" or "incest kink" because "it only exists between two private consenting adults" is just. not true.)
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khiita · 2 years
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this is a warning to tumblr and twitter artists + people in the interactive fiction fandom about my experience with faeinthefog/ElouanVT. faeinthefog seems to be a polish person that goes by the names Anna/Andi/Anka. they are also associated with the acct names AnnabelleShep13, sapphovonchat, andi-the-cat, and their username in AO3 is Mephale.
if you are an artist and have been commissioned by FAEINTHEFOG / ELOUANVT / ANNA or ANKA W**** in the past year, please contact me. there is a 99.9% chance that you unknowingly drew an original character that they stole from me. the other 00.1% chance is that it was stolen from someone else. for the record, at least two of the artists i managed to contact are involved in the mo dao zu shi / the untamed fandom.
i didn’t know that this person existed, hadn’t ever–knowingly–interacted with them in my life until yesterday (august 22nd), when i found out that they had been stealing my art and every single detail about my ocs for months. but what they did to me goes way deeper than that, so here it goes:
this all started yesterday morning, when scrolling through tumblr i saw that a friend had reblogged a commission of a main character for The Nameless that looked startlingly like my oc, Euridi. Euridi is a character i first created in 2013 and, just like with all my ocs, everything about her is deeply personal to me–i’ve drawn vent art featuring her plenty of times, so i immediately felt sick seeing that she was stolen, and contacted the artist.
while i was trying not to freak out and waiting for them to reply (which they did, and they were very kind and understanding–took everything down, cleared up some things for me) my friends started digging into faeinthefog, and everything went to shit after they found their twitter account, ElouanVT. in it, this person seemed to have frankensteined a fake personality, using selfies of a small polish influencer called igarosa as their face, and they posted not only the Euridi commission, claiming she was their oc and not bothering to even change her name, but they also posted my own art, claiming it was theirs, as well as multiple other commissions they had gotten of my characters.
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besides this artist, who had done three commissions for faeinthefog, my friends and i were able to find four more of them. i’ve heard back from two of them so far, and i want to clarify that none of the artists seem to have known that the characters were stolen, and they are not to blame for what faeinthefog had been doing. it seems that the way faeinthefog would commission the artists was sending them profiles and descriptions they had copy-pasted from my blog, as well as sending them picrews that i had previously posted. both of the artists i talked to confirmed this. i believe faeinthefog started stalking me and stealing my creations about 9 months ago, since that was when they created their (now deleted) account on notebook.ai where they had uploaded at least 15 of my characters, if not all (i felt too fucking nauseous about it all to scroll through everything).
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the reason that this freak shit flew under the radar for so long despite the considerably small size of the IF fandom is that when faeinthefog posted the commissions on tumblr, they never once said the oc’s name and rarely credited the artist responsible. meanwhile, on twitter they not only name-dropped my characters, but also (in my opinion) seemed to claim that each interactive fiction that features the characters is a story of their own making, as seen in the way they talked about Parker's The Nameless in their tweet featuring Euridi. it should be noted that in their tumblr blog description they referred to themself as a “game dev”, i've yet to find anything they have actually made themselves besides my trauma, however. here are examples of commissions they’ve gotten of my characters and the way they talked about Attollo, Body Count, Swan Song and Andromeda 6 as if those stories were their own work.
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not only did faeinthefog steal my designs, my art and any word i’d typed about my characters, they also stole my oc spotify playlists as well as my pinterest boards, pin by pin. before they deleted their pinterest account, i saw that the last time they’d pinned something was two weeks ago. truly fucking insane behavior.
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i have noticed that they even copied who my ocs were in a relationship with in each game. furthermore, whenever this person posted my art on twitter, each and every single time they would also copy the exact caption i had written on tumblr. even if it made no sense at all out of context. when it came to posting my ocs as their own, they also used quotes that i had already used in my own profiles.
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i want to add that i am either friends, in semi-regular contact, or alpha-reading for five out of the ten authors i mentioned, and from what i gathered none of them were truly aware of this person or what they were doing either. the authors who had reblogged commissions that faeinthefog posted were kind enough to delete them after they found out as well.
speaking of friends though!!! as if all of this creepy bullshit wasn’t enough, besides reposting my art, faeinthefog would repost gift art i’ve received from my friends, claiming it had been made for them by their friends–without changing any names. i also found at least one instance of them reposting art i’ve made for artfight, name-dropping the giftee even when i hadn’t, which meant they had to go digging through other people’s blogs to get them.
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(the embed for this one broke and i couldn’t include the picture, but the repost was of this art i made last year during artfight for tumblr user @/whoreromancer, with my signature cut out.)
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as you can see, this person had been blatantly stealing from me for months, claiming to have made the things i’ve created and claiming the people i love had any sort of relationship with them. i honestly can’t find any other explanation for this behavior + the fact that they commissioned my characters multiple times other that calling it an obsession with me (after some digging done by my friends, we haven’t seen them steal from anyone else, for better or worse) and honestly, fucking insanity. as i have stated before all of this hurt me deeply and freaked both me and my friends out a lot. anyone who knows me knows how much love and dedication i put into everything i make, including my pinterest boards and playlists, so thankfully i received a lot of love and support from my community.
it does make me wonder though, whether faeinthefog targeted me thinking i had a small blog and no one would notice/care? wherever this person is now that they’ve deleted the accounts i knew about, i have no doubt in my mind that their behavior won’t change, and if they don’t continue to rip me off, they might invent themself a new personality and pick someone else. my friends and i have reason to believe that (despite their clear lack of imagination) this person is willing to switch identities in order to have an online presence, and we have no reason to believe that they won’t come back. i hope the IF fandom continues to watch out for each other. i added watermarks to all my art, which i think might be a good idea for everyone to do? i never thought someone would steal my art/ocs and yet here we are.
thank you for reading, and thank you to everyone who helped me and supported me during this mess.
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biolizardboils · 5 months
so heads up! im popping a LOT of Prime Season 3 posts into the queue--they'll start coming out one week from now, on January 22nd! if you can see this post and haven't watched it yet, here's some tags to block: #prime spoilers, #sonic prime spoilers, #sonic prime s3 spoilers, #sonic prime season 3 spoilers.
got all that? great! here's my final unorganized little rambles about the show:
shoutout to Rusty Rose's Birdie, who only appears in the very first and very last eps for some reason 😭 her speech about it not being her power source came outta nowhere too, but i loved the message behind it
when everyone arrives at the Grim, just before the ep ends, Nine starts breathing heavily and it. instantly reminded me of Movie!Tails when the bar was calling them freaks. fuck. its a nice reminder of where Nine's coming from
speaking of Nine his poses getting more unhinged over time!! hell yeah
i love that the final fight(s) felt like a kid smashing 3 different Lego sets together, real Robot Pirate Island shit
i laughed a little too hard when the Grim's dome started closing in cus Nine's citadel-thing already reminded me of a thing that happened in Fortnite once, but hell naw they had to add The Storm too sdfghj
METAL BIG DESTROYED ME LJKHGFDV im SO glad i wasnt spoiled about it!!! a while in i started finding it creepy instead of funny, which is an added bonus
i was spoiled about the Advance flashback and its clashing sprites though. the utter whiplash of seeing that without warning mightve made me choke on my hot cheeto puffs. someone's already remade it btw, check it out
i fistpumped at the small reprise of "me beauty" gfhjk ill miss you so much Dread
we're four years into the 2020's and Sonic has nearly died an agonizingly slow death 3 times in 3 different continuities! and dare i say it was delicious every time >:)
unless Word of God says otherwise I'm gonna assume that the giant shadow at the end was The Return Of Metal Big lpoihgfds
So... Twitter, huh? My spoiler filters there had some leaks, and I saw some discussion out of context that... actually made me kinda scared to finish the show. But then I did, and had fun with it just like the other two seasons, and I remembered that Twitter gets high-strung about things that don't matter so much, and that giving it sway over how much I enjoy things is silly lol.
Yes, I think the last season could've been paced differently so it wasn't 5 episodes of the same Final Boss Fight. Yes, I think the writing switches jarringly between gearing for a young new audience and for a seasoned old one. Yes, I think the 2D flashbacks look and move worse than what fans constantly make for free. Yes, I think the final episode doesn't do nearly as much housekeeping as it should (does the Shatterverse still exist or not??). Yes, I think declaring the show is canon to the games or whatever they said probably wasn't the best idea. And yes, I think Black Rose should've had a shoulder-parrot!Birdie to match the other Amys. All valid critiques! All sensible things to think when you've been around the Sonic bush!
But I swear to god, people on Twitter act like these things spoil the whole package. Where's the nuance? Why does every opinion there become an absolute worth tearing others down for? Is it the character limit? I bet it's the character limit.
There's so much I love about this show that were infeasible for the Sonic brand just 3-4 years ago. Externalizing the characters' facets to explore them in-depth. Said exploration spanning multiple episodes instead of being one-and-done. The sheer amount of genuine Sonadow food (and I don't actively do shipping, so me adding it here should hold a lot of weight). The snappy, playful, yet blistering fight scenes that, dare I say, feel like a successful TV-budget Spider-Verse. It was all so much fun!
But I guess stuff like Green Hill being the gang's "home" is a big deal-breaker?? Like?? I thought that was silly too, but not worth ratio'ing people with Mickey Mouse Clubhouse over? Get well soon, I guess??
Rambling over, shout-out to the entire country of Canada for giving me the most fun I've had with a Sonic show since X! I'm gonna go figure out how to address all this as The End lol
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deviantartdramahub · 1 month
So then Jasper made a post about me on bluesky at the end of last year because 'oh noes how hard someone have different opinions than me, some guy in New Zealand still stalks me just because of my posts', like get over it Jasper, it three freaking years ago and this whole thing started in 2020. I used to like this guy but now I very much find him a garbage person.
He is a garbage person because he is a hypocrite for criticizing fat shaming while thinking that overweight men are 'hot' and 'aspirational', and said that I could 'stay mad' and that some people could 'die mad' i.e he was referring to me because I do not find real obesity to be sexy yet he has reposts of overweight gay men on his AD 'After dark' twitter account.  Not even kidding, he has those on there.  And those are somehow allowed on twitter?  But it's pornographic and they don't even bother to label it as 'sensitive' content.
Jasper's Letterboxd review on Burton's re-imaginging of Charlie and the Chocolate Factory very much a paragraph in it about him not getting what Augustus Gloop's punishment was (because he obviously never read the book) and acted like it was fat-shaming the character for being fat.  Oh and he said the same about The Whale too even though that movie humanizes an overweight man, and he also complained about Dan Brown's novel 'Digitial Fortress' having a fat character share the same name as Jabba from Star Wars. Like who cares if a fat character is named after a Star Wars character? 
He is not the one who should be talking about overweight people being shamed when half of the gallery content he has are TFs of him into overweight characters, apart from characters like Fear from Inside Out, the Noid, and for some weird reason Pepsiman (yeah Pepsiman tfs are a thing, be afraid, be very afraid), almost all of the characters he turns into are overweight.  It's like when Mrdrawinglover accuses me of being racist even though he only has a few characters of color in his gallery that he has done commissions of.
Also...he has a freaking were-otaku-fat-nerd-persona/OC he created and very gross lore about it. Yes, he even shipped himself with several of the characters he has done transformation commissions of.  He posted photos of his own privates on twitter, which is supposed  to be for everyone.
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quartztwst · 4 months
based and correct 🫵
I've been really wanting to say it and I have been on my tiktok stories but they always expire but most of those are directed to the weird adults on Twitter.
I find it so funny when twsttwt makes fun of twsttok because of the toxicity when they are also toxic. They are actually the most toxic I have ever seen and of course, it's TWITTER.
They would be hating and doxxing black and trans people when there's literal people sexualizing kids and liking sh0tacon in our fandom. I love the priorities!!! /sarc
And I would love to talk about it on Twitter because this is mostly shit I've seen on there but you know, I don't wanna get doxxed or get told that I'm racefaking!!! Omg!!!
I can't wrap my head around THOSE twst twitter adults on that site. Once someone says "I don't think adults should be sexualizing the twst characters", they genuinely start freaking out and getting angry like LMAOOO
I remember that one time of Twitter where one person said that adults shouldn't yumeship with characters that were under 18 and those adults starting posting and saying their opinions about it.
Like it was pretty stupid. They were saying shit like "omg but they're fictional!!" "They're telling me not to yumeship!!!" "WOW!! SO WE CAN'T LIKE CHARACTERS ANYMORE??" "They look older than their age" "ermm.. ACTUALLY!!! ☝️🤓 TWST is targeted to adults bc the characters portrayed as sexy so it's not our fault!!" and some other shit. "twst adults assemble!!!" or smth.
Basically they all got butthurt about it LMAOOO they tried their best to give out their defenses and reasons. it was so stupid. That almost made me lose respect in adults in certain fandoms.
I explained my thoughts about it better during the time so here's some screenshots of it:
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TWST Twitter is such a shocking place to be in.
I still can't forget the time someone doxxed a user JUST FOR BEING BLACK AND TRANS... That's so disgusting. I can't believe we went passed that because it's always in my brain.
And that one time I saw a post that was "exposing" someone for race faking and I KNEW DAMN WELL HOW SUSPICIOUS IT WAS ONCE I SAW THE SCREENSHOT PROVIDED OF THE SOMEONE SAYING "Japan doesn't support sh0tacon yall are fucking gross"
Meaning they only posted the "exposed" tweet so they could cancel a person who didn't like sh0t4c0n. Ok. Wow.
Anyways twst twitter is gross and toxic don't talk about drama on there if u don't wanna get doxxed.
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athousandbyeol · 1 year
stray thoughts on forcebook's acting
honestly, i'm not an OG forcebook fan. i wasn't there from their enchante days. in fact, i started liking forcebook's acting three weeks after a boss and a babe aired. so, i don't know if i'm qualified to state my opinion (because i once posted this on my now-deactivated twitter, and the discourse wasn't pretty), but here goes nothing.
forcebook's commendable acting in a boss and a babe
so, after episode 9 of a boss and a babe, i now believe forcebook are capable of carrying heavy roles. they're dynamic actors, and now it's clear how many facades both gun and cher are wearing. even though i don't watch enchante, from the clips i saw here and there, they've improved tremendously. and kudos to them for their hard work.
gun gungawin, at the beginning of the series, is very stoic, strict and unfriendly. he shuts people down with his signature cold stare. he doesn't have a close friend. he's alone, and he prefers it that way. he overthinks but doesn't show. i personally think gun doesn't like skinship because it creates this bond, and he can't bear the thought of losing that someday (like how he lost thyme). yet, when he meets cher, his walls crumble. he becomes friendlier and happier. he doesn't care about what others think (contrary to how he was before cher). p'force portrayed him really well.
then comes the sunshine, cher saran, the bright and kind of idiotic intern (sorry, cher T_T). he's the mood maker. he's everyone's helper. very selfless because he has a gigantic heart. he ducks every conflict and traumatising emotion like a pro gamer. he cares so much about gun, but doesn't know how to show it with words. he's goofy and silly. and he keeps all the pain to himself. he hides them in the deepest part of his heart because he doesn't want anyone to know. he doesn't like talking about his struggles because that's who cher saran is. but you see the pain in his eyes when the light goes dark. and p'book's ability to distinguish the happy cher and sad cher so smoothly blows me away every single time.
episode 9 is a whiplash of pain, heartbreak, sadness, confusion, betrayal, loyalty, trust, disappointment, true love and sacrifice. i just want to say kudos to forcebook for bringing guncher to life. i shed so many litres of tears last night. i still will cry if i rewatch ep 9.
my bias towards p'aof's works
i'm a huge fan of p'aof (the director/screenwriter of he's coming to me, 1000 stars, bad buddy and moonlight chicken). i adore his works because of his precision in crafting the characters, choosing the most suitable bgms, his vision, the cinematography, the richness of symbolism and metaphor in his works, and his ability to bring out the best in his actors.
i'm beyond excited knowing my beloved jimmysea is now under p'aof's wings with another potentially heartbreaking series, last twilight, soon-to-be-aired this year (or early next year). i know p'aof will trigger all these emotions and potential in jimmysea, and i'm just ecstatic to see them nailing mork and day.
so, i posted this thought on twitter, and some didn't agree. i do understand that p'aof's works can be quite conventional and old school, but hear me out; even though it is, he's so good at it.
and it's funny how when i look at forcebook, i'm like— damn, p'aof really needs to give them a script. i've been manifesting a forcebook + p'aof collab ever since.
perhaps, i am biased. because i like p'aof's style, and i'm confident he has that freaking good script for forcebook somewhere in his stash (or his galaxy brain), and i hope god listens to my prayers. but as always, it's ok to disagree. this post doesn't intend to impose my thoughts on anyone.
so, yes. i just hope one day, forcebook will get a very good script to match their abilities, because god damn it, please don't waste their talents. i'll be furious.
and i hope only friends will be the beginning of forcebook's reign because these men know how to act, and they're nailing it.
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himboskywalker · 1 year
Tag what is your opinion on fandom cliches and hierarchies? There’s been talk on Twitter about how hard it is to break into the obikin community (which I disagree wkth) but I wondered if you had saw this going on and what your thoughts are as someone who’s been here longer than me
*sighs for a solid 10 minutes* I’m going to sound extremely grumpy answering this and it’s because seeing this kind of stuff pisses me off like nothing else in fandom. I wholeheartedly disagree,as I’m sure you guessed I would,and I have seen similar arguments on tumblr,as I avoid fandom Twitter like the plague. I’ve never seen a more welcoming,friendly,community driven fandom space as I have in the obikin community,and I’ve been in a lot of fandom spaces for a long freaking time. Back in 2019/early 2020 when I made my existence known in obikin,I felt like I was welcomed with open arms and a heartwarming level of love. For the vast majority I’ve found this space to be extremely uplifting,supportive,and positive. And I’m not saying this now as a creator who’s well known in some circles, I’m saying this as the nobody who everyone was extremely kind to when I wasn’t known from Adam,I have been treated the same way from my first chapter to now in regards to peoples’ welcoming kindness.
I’ve seen a couple people on tumblr complain about how hard it is to break into the obikin space and how they feel like nobody cares about them or what they create,and that they feel there’s cliques guarding the supposed gates of…obikin success? I don’t even know. But in my opinion that’s folks waltzing into fandom with an agenda and need that just isn’t compatible with the community spaces of fandom. If you come into a space with the expectation of accolades and popularity you’re not here to actually make friends and have fun,you’re here as a popularity contest.
And I think the fundamental misconception people have is that they are inherently deserving of space and attention just for them coming in and existing. And like, I’m sorry but you have to put in the groundwork to make friends and connections and to find a place you feel you belong. It goes both ways, you have to reach out to people and be friendly and chat,don’t just expect people who have been in this space to magically be your friend and know you when you’re brand new and haven’t made an effort to flag you exist. And that’s what people call “it being hard to break into the space and it’s cliquey.” Because no,that’s how socializing works, you introduce yourself and you chat and you get to know people and you put yourself out there and engage with others. Sometimes you create art and people engage with you over that,sometimes you have funny things to say and people can laugh and bond over that,or sometimes you let other artists know you love what they’ve created. Imagine it as going to a cocktail mixer at an art gallery, you can’t just stand in a freaking corner staring at everyone talking and interacting and then get mad and storm out like “those people are such a clique and not welcoming!!!!” Like bro did you make an effort?
And if you’re coming into fandom as an artist or writer or gif maker or whatever,not everyone is going to like or engage or interact with you and what you create. People in your fandom space are not obligated to reblog your posts or comment on your fics. Especially a space like tumblr,it can take a while for people to notice you and start interacting with you,it’s how algorithms work and is just one of the pitfalls of an online community space. If you make a fandom tumblr I think it’s extremely conceited,self-centered,and like weird to expect to be a popular creator instantly. I’m sure there are people who think I ignore them or am cliquey and barring the door for them when in fact it just takes me a while to notice people. I’m not going to magically remember your username,but what I will notice is you making posts and tagging it in my ship tag, I’ll notice you systematically engaging with people and creating stuff,and l’ll notice if you engage with me. It takes time to build connections,and it takes work.Friendship and community is not owed to you, you must be the second half of the bridge and you must build those relationships and that space for yourself.
We’re a small community, this isn’t a huge popular ship. And it always boggles my mind when people are like iTs sO hArD tO bE iN oBiKiN. Like I notice new artists and writers and gif makers after they’ve made a couple things. We don’t ignore new people but on the flip side it’s not a popularity contest and you’re not owed fame and worship because you were popular in another fandom or because you create art. If you’re here for those reasons then you’re not going to be happy in fandom,especially a small niche part of it where you’re not going to get anywhere near as much attention as you would in a big popular ship.
And I don’t completely buy into the write for yourself mindset and ignore all else. I get what it’s like to want people to enjoy the art you pour yourself into,that’s not a crime. The very act of putting something on tumblr or ao3 means you’re not just creating for yourself. But the key it not to just “create for yourself” but to create what you love. We’re here because we love the same characters and the same world,we want to share that love! And be excited over pouring our love into our art and sharing it with other people who feel the same way!Create and engage in fandom not for popularity or attention,but because you love this thing and it’s inherent human connection with other people who feel the same way. That’s how you build friendships and a community. That’s what fandom is,connection with others over shared love. So engage and create and participate and laugh and chat and cry and connect through shared love. It’s not about our differences,or how we sometimes like different things or find different meanings,that’s what makes these spaces eclectic and fun,it’s not about liking the wrong thing or liking it in a wrong way. If fandom isn’t fun for you because you can’t stand people loving what you love in a different way,or not giving you the attention and praise you want for creating what you love,then that’s a you problem that you should self examine about.
We’re treated like lepers in a lot of spaces for liking the “wrong” thing,and we’re tight knit because of that. Which just means all the more that we can’t afford to be cliquey snobs about “allowing” new people into our space. From every avenue I’ve seen obikin fans are ecstatic to welcome new faces in,it’s just more friends to connect over what we love. Sometimes you like parts of this world or dynamic others don’t,sometimes you create art that means a lot to you that doesn’t mean a lot to everyone else and that’s okay. We’re allowed to have our personal preferences and our likes and our dislikes. But when you start treating other people in the same community like they’re bullying you for not liking the same thing as you and engaging with your content simply because they don’t vibe with it and then accuse the entire fandom of being a gatekeepimg snobby clique,then that’s you just being a whiny baby and I’ll say it to their faces. Your are not oppressed or being bullied because people in obikin don’t like what you do and you’re the one creating divisiveness by saying it’s a problem,no one is obligated to love what you do. And for those who are saying their content isn’t welcome,we’ll that’s just a further cry for attention because there will ALWAYS be someone who will enjoy the dynamic you do,and just because everyone doesn’t,it doesn’t make you a martyr.
So create what you love,put forth a fucking effort to connect with people who like the same shit you do,and don’t push half your fandom away by being a negative black hole in the tags and acting like everyone is out to get you and being mean.
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prototypelq · 6 months
This is by no means hate, but putting that one post in the BG3 tag was an interesting choice. The tag is predominantly occupied by fans of the game and kinda comes off as a bit needlessly antagonistic? I just don't want people to be hurt and I also don't want you to end up receiving hate. Again sorry if my tone doesn't come through very well in this, this is just meant as a friendly heads up type thing. Hope you have a good day!
Hi, thanks for the message. No worries, your post doesn't come off as anything but a cautious message for me. And it's warranted.
Eh, I don't care about upsetting some toxic fans, they will be upset no matter what you do, and I think this is an issue worth highlighting. Obviously, a big fandom attracts...I can't phrase this any better - a bad crowd. And, well, while I am outside the fandom I can kind of not care about them most of the time, but the one comment about BG3 deserving the Best Narrative over Alan Wake 2 had me a bit foaming myself xD
I value arguemented opinions of all kinds, but fans like those are usually just rabid. Mostly for Astarion. Which, yeah, from what I've seen he had the most of the writer's an animators attention, so it's valid he is a fan-fave, however it does come at an expense of Almost Every Other Companion and you can't really remove or ignore that context now, can you. Thing is, again, not really my problem at the moment.
What is my problem is when the hype goes so out of hand it starts spreading out of it's fandom containment. If I see a person claiming 'BG3 is the best game ever', or 'RDR2 is the best game ever' or 'Witcher 3 is the best game ever' or any other popular title, I can and will confidently say in your face - No. It might be the best game TO YOU, and that's great! Everyone should have a favourite title!
But no game is perfect, so having a favourite doesn't mean you can barge everywhere screaming 'my game is so superior why didn't it get every single award i'll write death threats on twitter about it'. And those kinds of rabid fans usually are the type to do just that.
I would gladly listen to anyone discuss/write an essay about their favourite game, and it can absolutely be any of the titles I mentioned above, they are popular for a Reason, after all. At least, in these cases they are popular for a reason, that's not applicable to everything in my experience. But, when it comes to critics awards things are different, that should be a time for a more critical view. Which, to be fair, is extremely freaking hard to do, as being objective about anything is impossible, and being 'objective' about thing you're Emotional about is impossible by definition. That's why the end of the year awards are such a conflicting time and topic to discuss. Valuable critics opinion is also absolutely NOT to be expected from TGA as it's a hype train for the hype train and ads sake, but it's also a cool fun show, and we can enjoy what we get there.
tldr Alan Wake 2 absolutely deserved that Best Narrative Award, BG3 fans I am open to discussion about this. oh, and all rabid fangirls get immediately blocked, of course, I don't need you here or anywhere on the internet at all.
Anon, again, thanks for the warning, but I'll be fine) I also hope my reply doesn't come off as antagonistic to you in return. Have a great day yourself!
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chibipandaao3 · 3 months
Tangentially related to fics and there sources, but it’s really kinda upsetting to see the decline in media literacy.
I know that those words have become a buzz word in many instances and I agree they’re overused. However, it’s something I see near daily.
I’m big on analyzing and deep diving — a solid 90% of my posts on here about Between Us/Hemp Rope, Middleman’s Love, and Pit Babe have been just that. And I’ll admit, that love of breaking apart things to find meaning is probably a remnant from university. I have a degree in English Literature (among a few other things) — I know hard to believe with my shit spelling and grammar lol I blame the dyslexia — and I’ve done so much close reading that it’s second nature for me.
I’d also like to state clearly that you can enjoy something and never look past the surface — that’s a completely acceptable and reasonable way to enjoy something.
I just find the lack of close reading a bit disheartening at times I suppose.
I’ve had several discussions on here, TikTok, Reddit, and Twitter about Babe’s disinterest in having children for example. A few people will point to a bonus chapter as to why he “wants” them. However, I read that chapter — it concludes with him reaffirming his disinterest in children as a whole. Do he and Charlie have some interest kinks? Yes. But kinks and fantasies are not equal to actual desires. And based on what we’ve been given — Babe is very much a child free kinda guy.
And you can disagree. You can read it differently. Differing analysis is like cookies and cake to me, but don’t discount another’s interpretation simply because they are reading something more in depth.
Especially with fiction.
I also saw this a lot with Win in Between Us — specifically the events following Team’s near drowning. A lot of people claimed Win going out for a drink and “ignoring” Team was out of character. It wasn’t, Win had been confronted with the reality that losing Team could happen in multiple ways. That reality freaked him out.
But anyway — agreeing and disagreeing with analysis or close reading is all good. But be considerate about it 😂 in fiction (unless you’re taking a class) there really is no right or wrong way. And I know I can come off as argumentative on here with my opinions — I just get bored and this is an outlet.
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adreamingofguns · 3 days
Reverse Unpopular Opinion: tell me what you love about Saw
Takes your hands. We are going on a journey. I'm probably doing the reverse unpopular opinion thing wrong but ❤️ it's 5 am by me. we deal.
Personally I like that some of the traps are done with practical effects, much to the detriment of the VERY ENTHUSIASTIC cast who are surprisingly chill with almost drowning IRL and/or having to suffer through wearing 30+ lbs of jagged steel while having the flu and/or actually being stuck in the shackle prop because there was a malfunction while everybody else goes for lunch and/or requesting real glass for the stunt scenes and insisting on throwing real punches in the stunt fights because they're a masochistic freak of an actor (the masochism isn't the bad part, the EVERYTHING ELSE about him sucks) Some of the worst traps and effects are when they use cgi. Looks bad, tom.
I also appreciate that the through-line of the movie is not only justice (and the malformations of it) but also love. Love is what drives the characters to do what they do!! At least three of the apprentices/jigsawers do what they do because they are doing it for love of another person!! And not even romantic love for most of them. I love that the fandom has led me to more friendships and sparked more creativity in me that was lacking for a while. I love that the cast list is just random b-c list actors and also Greg Bryk is there and every time I see him I get jumpscared. I love that it gave me an idea for a tattoo (original idea do not steal!!!) where it'll say "do you like how brutality feels?" but in the shape of a spiral and I kinda wanna get it on the inside of my forearm.
As the adage goes, one must cultivate their online experience because there are some WEIRD ASS headcanons out there. That being said, I love and appreciate the people who are normal about the fat characters. I love that people banded together against an artist who was very adamant and weird about drawing fat characters (which there are a few) like twinks. I wish they kept that energy going. I LOVE that seeing a specific fat character and the way he's built/the way people draw him voluptuously (😂) gives me so much gender euphoria. I love when people acknowledge this character as an erudite and well-dressed man with an art degree and a secret passion for home remodeling (this is canon) who also happens to be a fat man. Like fat people are real three dimensional human beings or something. He's also super deranged and mows down like 70+ people at once in a spree that ends in him stuck and trapped, possibly killed and possibly just held captive by a cunty evil doctor in the basement of his own home like how in the Sims game where you make somebody live in the basement and paint constantly so you can make money selling the paintings.
I love how a few months ago on Twitter the fandom came together to mourn as the bot that goes through the script line by line came to a particularly devastating part and that stupid image of the cat puppet from the OLD Dr Who
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(this image) was the only thing keeping me sane while I was in the trenches of crying in school over stupid bullshit.
I did my final in my religion in film class about Saw and used the following image. My professor and classmates were wowed.
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Sadly the accompanying paper sucked major ass (I wrote it in the span of an hour and it's ADHD core topic jumping like HELL) but it got me an A and the respect of my asshole professor 😂
I kinda rambled a bit sorry 😂 here's a gif of Peepaw Jigsaw himself zooted off his ass and staring at a fishtank in his ex-boyfriend's office.
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nellievances · 6 days
🍄 ⇢ share a head canon for one of your favourite ships or pairings
i am a chrissyheather truther and my hc is that they were both on the cheerleading team together. chrissy is canonically a flyer and heather was one of her bases. heather used to drop off chrissy after practice and they were always a little late getting home because they had to "help roll up the mats" (kiss in heather's car) and chrissy used to visit heather all the time at the pool! also they shared scrunchies <3
🍬 ⇢ post an unpopular opinion about a popular fandom character
all of my opinions are unpopular actually!! i can't think of something right now but if you stick around you'll definitely see a lot of them <3
🥤 ⇢ recommend an author or fanfic you love
okay, on a totally unrelated note: i am simply obsessed with everything that @hypnagogicpunisher writes. With Your Hands Clasped Together, Praying Like a Fucking Sinner literally changed my life. my best friend @steepleowl and i will sometimes just hauntingly say "Seresin for Bradshaw" to each other and re-freak out over the fic. i know it’s deeply personal to the author & in the same ways it’s very personal to me as a gay girl who grew up religious and left the faith. i re-read it constantly and i cry literally every time i do! it's probably my favorite fanfic of all time. it's a masterpiece! i feel like i could talk about it forever. i’m so grateful it exists.
all of their other work is really great. some of their other ones are also very deeply personal in my heart!! i can't even recommend a specific one because i went to go link a few and ended up re-reading a bunch of them and i love them all.
i think they're very cool and we're mutuals on twitter & tumblr but i've always been too afraid to ever say anything so. if u are seeing this hypnagogicpunisher. i think you're the coolest thanks for writing the best top gun fanfic of all time. i hope you're having a great day.
truth or dare asks!!
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yonemurishiroku · 9 months
This is a different anon then the one that mentioned this before, but about the really popular twitter post about shipping only percabeth has some shockingly hateful comments :(( There were multiple twitter posts in that thread saying that people that shipped percy with anyone other than Annabeth should k*ll themselves or go to hell, twitter is getting to be just a very scary place in general for pjo multi shippers.
Eh. twitter has never been a safe place for shipping. Not as far as I know it. Since the dawn of shipping culture and the emergence of social media, there have always been people who are parasocial enough to death-threat someone else over, literally, 2D pixels.
Jesus Christ, I experienced it myself LMAO. Albeit on this hellsite called Tumblr.
Anw. A few words about this. These words apply to all fandom, not just PJO (unless it's a irl/real people fandom, then Idk ab that lmao)
I remember something I read from the Chinese fandom: The shipping culture, down to its very core, has never been about morals or righteousness or canon or whatever appropriate thing you come up it, but the genuine joy you yourself gain from the experience. It's about you.
Does it mean you win when your ship is canon? No. Absolutely not. That's just a narrow-minded view. The winning one is the one who gets the most joy out of this whole shipping delusional, imagining thing, regardless of the nature of the ship or whatever that is. Are you happy? Yes? Then you win!
Whoever said otherwise does not understand the purpose included in the shipping term itself.
About the specific post, I would suggest that you block whoever shows hostility that way on sight, especially if you're in the US or whatever country that enables gun possession I guess...
I mean. Where I live this shouldn't be too much of a critical issue, but I'm kinda worried when the Western Twitter users start getting... vicious (?) when the possibility remains that they would very much likely go to whatever they had in mind, with... dangerous weapon... to boost.
And it'd be so, so, so absurd to get killed over a fictional ship. it just isn't worth it. Not that death-threating ppl is worth it, but it's hard to change stupid opinionated dogmatic people's minds on the other side of the screen, so. 🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️ Don't risk your (online or irl) safety over it.
By the way it's the 21st century. who tf cares about going hell. I'm the manifestation of Satan itself, ok!? If you're worried about going to hell, just hit me up, I'll prepare the president's room for you with the view overlooking the tormented souls of those who think their fictional morals are worth more than real people's lives. I'll build you a sanctuary for you to create whatever the hell you want and god can try to pry it out of my black and blue hands. TRY ME.
Now, excuse you, I'll just go brainstorm a bunch of non-Percabeth ships. Damn I'll run a freaking crackcanon/crackship week if I have to.
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