deviantartdramahub · 1 hour
No way bro, DADN trying to post again?? https://deviantartdramanow.tumblr.com/post/749217566665441281/mod-s
LMFAOOOO GIRLLL YOUR FAVORITE HOBBY IS STARTING BEEF WITH PEOPLE, THAT'S LIKE THE ONLY THING THAT CAN BRING JOY TO YOUR PATHETIC LIFE, DON'T EVENNN. Mod-S, if you care so little, then continue to not post on your dumb blog. Come on sweetie, you were doing so well, but I guess you have to keep running back? But nah, you don't give a fuck!! XD
She talks the (very ripped off) talk, but can she walk the walk?
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deviantartdramahub · 2 hours
So then Jasper made a post about me on bluesky at the end of last year because 'oh noes how hard someone have different opinions than me, some guy in New Zealand still stalks me just because of my posts', like get over it Jasper, it three freaking years ago and this whole thing started in 2020. I used to like this guy but now I very much find him a garbage person.
He is a garbage person because he is a hypocrite for criticizing fat shaming while thinking that overweight men are 'hot' and 'aspirational', and said that I could 'stay mad' and that some people could 'die mad' i.e he was referring to me because I do not find real obesity to be sexy yet he has reposts of overweight gay men on his AD 'After dark' twitter account.  Not even kidding, he has those on there.  And those are somehow allowed on twitter?  But it's pornographic and they don't even bother to label it as 'sensitive' content.
Jasper's Letterboxd review on Burton's re-imaginging of Charlie and the Chocolate Factory very much a paragraph in it about him not getting what Augustus Gloop's punishment was (because he obviously never read the book) and acted like it was fat-shaming the character for being fat.  Oh and he said the same about The Whale too even though that movie humanizes an overweight man, and he also complained about Dan Brown's novel 'Digitial Fortress' having a fat character share the same name as Jabba from Star Wars. Like who cares if a fat character is named after a Star Wars character? 
He is not the one who should be talking about overweight people being shamed when half of the gallery content he has are TFs of him into overweight characters, apart from characters like Fear from Inside Out, the Noid, and for some weird reason Pepsiman (yeah Pepsiman tfs are a thing, be afraid, be very afraid), almost all of the characters he turns into are overweight.  It's like when Mrdrawinglover accuses me of being racist even though he only has a few characters of color in his gallery that he has done commissions of.
Also...he has a freaking were-otaku-fat-nerd-persona/OC he created and very gross lore about it. Yes, he even shipped himself with several of the characters he has done transformation commissions of.  He posted photos of his own privates on twitter, which is supposed  to be for everyone.
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deviantartdramahub · 6 hours
Then later that year Jasperrolls complains about me on twitter just because I don't like clown transformations which has always been something I dislike even before he got into them, I was subjected to several gross overly sexual RPs about it and that was enough to traumatize me.
I reported Jasper's twitter posts about me but the staff does not view them as harrassment.  Once again that is the only reason I am obsessed with Jasper's twitter and tumblr posts about me, because the staff on both sites don't view them as a type of harrassment.
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deviantartdramahub · 6 hours
So last year after the document got taken Mrdrawinglover still found the time to call me out, or rather vague post about me. I reported the posts he made here about me but the staff on this site are idiots and don't believe that obvious call-out posts = harrassment.  And I reported the ones he made on DA and those did not get taken down despite being reviewed by staff.
One of the two posts he made vaguely references me while also making an anti-ai comment as well. It's not that I hate character tfs, I hate character tfs with MC.
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deviantartdramahub · 6 hours
And then as if it can't get any worse...Jasper, Bernyx, Drawinglover and some others make a document about me claiming i'm a groomer even though clearly it wasn't even real it was just a roleplay they took out of context, and they accuse me of writing revenge-fics about them or other users or harrassing other users when I was just having a different opinion.  Just because I don't like drone transformations or sissyification does not mean I hate people who do like it.
And they bring up the whole Avianine thing, look I DON'T hate that artist. I used to follow and like that artist until she did those Changed related commissions and I don't like that game anyway, I just hate her OC Ciel Scarlet (a phoenix-girl who turns people into things) and think her OC is evil), and yeah...the document even had screencaps of an RP I did with a friend in the comments section, like what buisness is it of Jasper's to know what said RP was about? None.  And they bring up the Brandonkong thing too,  I don't hate Brandon, I made a worst Deviatations list about him before and we do fight but I do not hate him, I actually like him as a friend. I just thought the RPs he did with his character were a bit questionable, that's all.
And yeah that person who said 'no one cares' to a commission of a drone transformation clearly must have been offended by that, and for the record the Kurvos thing was only because I find Kurvos to be very insufferable and gross.  I am sorry but the only reason I disliked anime character transformations was because I read some of Bernyx's and some others and thought they were too creepy because of the MC (mind change).
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deviantartdramahub · 6 hours
So I try reaching out to Awestriker007 telling her I would never harrass anyone unless they truly were obsessed with me, she acts like i'm in the wrong and tells me to get therapy before blocking me and keep in mind this is the same woman who bitched over an OC of mine commenting on someone's RPs? I know RPs aren't real, i'm not an idiot, so I try reaching out to her again on other sites and she responds with this:
She very much threatened to 'go public' (as if anyone would take her petty rant about me seriously) just because I name-dropped her, what a fucking egotistical bitch.  And her friends/yes-men totally agreed with her?
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deviantartdramahub · 6 hours
So Mrdrawinglover apparently believed I was transphobic just because of that rant that nobody was supposed to see because it was an incomplete one and he dedicated yet another journal to me.
The comments section:
Note how the comment is from Awestriker007 who was also prior to this, was my friend. Out of all the people to berate me for something that nobody was supposed to even see it's HER?  Come on, how can I be against people of different gender identities when she was my friend and she's trans.
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deviantartdramahub · 6 hours
I got in a bit of drama over the past couple of years because of a few toxic members mainly Drawinglover, Bernnyx, and Jasperrolls. Basically it started in 2020 after the second member had left deviantart, basically she asked me on to a mature RP server even though she did not tell me it was a mature one and I quit because I was uncomfortable with people asking my age, so months after Jasper blocks me because apparently he found out about me supposedly being creepy with Bernnyx even though I was just roleplaying (I was NOT grooming or controlling her no matter what she says) and I respected her decision to leave me and yeah I did take her leaving me not well at all.   I very much vilified her character in a series of pictures but I took them down.
The fact is when this person left me as a friend she said so in a way that sounded like half 'i'm sorry for you' and half 'the other guy was right' and she called me out for supposedly fetishizing covid19 when it was Mrdrawinglover who very much bullied me with that stupid 'kim, people are dying meme' over a fucking story no-less. Oh and he took me mocking his Deviantart tagline a bit too personality, I didn't say that he was a necrophiliac, I just said I thought his tagline read that he would bang a corpse when it was 'i'd fuck a zombie', so this guy despite claiming to say he doesn't want to hear from me, dedicates post after post about me, like dude if you want me to leave you alone, DON'T make a post about me saying I should contact you in a note to personally berate you.  And it gets worse, Jasper very much did this too. He dedicated more than a few posts to me for the past couple of years, oh yeah sure dude...i'm the obsessed one, says the person who is still mad about something that didn't even concern him until he got involved himself.  Like seriously everything in the document that was made about me prior to 2020 had nothing to do with Jasper, why Jasper felt he had to know about that is beyond me.
I do an incomplete rant about anime character transformations and the writers using different pronouns and all of a sudden I get labelled transphobic?  Nobody was supposed to see that rant because it wasn't completed, I never meant any ill will on the LGBT community at all.  But Anonymousdevi just had to accuse me of being transphobic and apparently she/they thought my song parodies were terrible and had no rhyme or rhytmn.
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Noname234252's post at https://www.deviantart.com/noname234252/journal/An-extensive-rundown-of-Triagonal-Tynan-Laird-1046099342 he worked so hard on... is gone. There's definitely proof it existed, but it got hit with the moderation stick. Or did he... just flippin' surrender? I guess there's more than one way to make someone see the error of their ways. There's no shame in that buddy, we're just glad to have someone more who has learned that not all that glitters is gold.
As for Evie, it has been noticed she posted the post at https://www.deviantart.com/oh-my-arceus/status-update/IMPORTANT-Please-read-1046277972 (also archived) to aid his post, probably in agreement with it, which breaks the rules. A sign that senior members are not infallible, they are people who can be guided or misguided, despite such senior members being viewed as perfectly obedient. A report to the help desk for co-op targeting will most likely serve as the next fate when it comes to this.
Especially considering the "cosplay" as my Reddit Snoo, it would be a shame if they both got the suspension hammer together. Or to fall into anymore traps.
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deviantartdramahub · 2 days
dear abyss, my friend cherrylime ghost is in need of money for surgery to help with his bone infection. a friend of his has been helping out spreading these links: https://www.deviantart.com/cherrylimeghost/art/COMMISSION-INFO-PRICES-EXAMPLES-1010326246  gofund.me/dfcc0d8e https://www.paypal.me/crypticlimeghost
but he has been lying to people about some stuff and it could get cherrylimeghost framed fro fraud. his friend told me he was sorry and that he "got the information mixed up" but i don't know if i should trust him. so can i have some advice, please? i know this doesn't have anything to do with deviantartdramanow or whatever but my cherrylimeghost needs help. and it's clear his "friend" isn't making things better
As a commissioner, it does have a little relation. Deception, at least in the eyes of authorities, requires intent, and with a little explaining, people prepared to rule on kind of situation will know whose is whose. Framing is itself fraudulent. The best response is withdrawal.
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deviantartdramahub · 2 days
Hiyo, former veteran member of DA here. Posting here (in DeviantArtDramaHub, since DADN got in trouble with Tumblr and cannot post anymore) as an anon because I don't want what I'm about to describe to happen to me again.
I haven't used DA for a while but decided to come here to voice a complaint after someone sent a message about something I had never noticed before. Apparently someone signed up with a user name bearing my literal one (minus the last part).
Official eh? And you don't consider this doxxing/impersonation/whatever/etc.? And not just on there but on Instagram...
Finding out someone has the same name, especially a senior member, is like a one in a billion chance, so this can't be what happened, no? And everyone's protective of it. How about no, let everyone know that if anyone is guilty, it's those who infringed on me (going by the page, I even came first). Or if they're going to talk the talk, they should walk the walk. I want answers, and then I'll switch this from anon to non-anon.
They're being summoned. And are free to make their case, however unwell.
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deviantartdramahub · 3 days
Due to it being campaigned around (funny how the same EvieJulia who denounces all concern about lurking hackers isn't questioned when her alliance/friendship with an openly admitted one is in plain sight), my entire front page of DA is filled with links to content related to Triagonal disdain, and it has found its way across all parts of the public sphere onto DailyMotion, 4chan, etc. Is this really necessary guys? Did Anonymous reject your application, like seriously...
Someone who I'm sure genuinely believed there was merit to what the posts are saying asked me what it would take to share them... well they aren't exactly trustworthy. The same guy claims he has been barred from other sites he once interacted with Triagonal within on a non-genuine bases, but proof has been provided of otherwise; he claims in one post doxxing only reveals one's city and not one's location, but then claims at different times he does know her location (not to mention the whole point of swatting, which also happened, is that people know where you are with precision); he claims revealing Evie's name was considered oversharing personal info despite it being the whole of her username once yet shares almost everything else about Triagonal such as photos and socials, excusing himself by saying the exact same thing; he is a known showman when he posts and sometimes posts just for the spite; and he claims browser fingerprinting is an infallible tool used for identifying others, which is wrong, as the bottom of the main page for browser fingerprinting shows.
This is not to mention he often fluctuates between claims he might have proof for, claims where he says he has proof but it's anecdotal if he does, and claims he doesn't have proof for. This is also not to mention browser fingerprinting is something site owners and admins can do, not ordinary members, which means that if what NiotaBunny from Reddit says is true about only using Reddit, it isn't what is going on, meaning there really would be doxxing involved if his claims were true, which brings us to the fact that other people are claimed to be Triagonal too. On what basis? If you could cite browser fingerprinting with one match, surely you wouldn't have to rely on hysteria to see if any other pair of people are the same person. Which proves the browser fingerprinting claim is false.
A site rulebreaker is a site rulebreaker, even if that can only be said on a subjective basis, which is defined by TOS. With one exception, even if she is unpopular (that's not to say I trust the majority) Triagonal has neither broken site TOS or the law, which if you're scratching your head in response to, thinking "I never thought of that", well that shows you're just quick to judge. Noname234252 meanwhile is BS.
All who are wondering about Inkblot Art since the association is well-known might wish to know you can be banned from there without breaking their TOS. Which would subtract a site from any such list of places where you broke the rules. Making a new account though would (as it would on any site, even where you had your account removed by AI) change that. As for the other part... it also ignores how ipads work versus other things.
Tumblr media
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deviantartdramahub · 4 days
The DeviantArt forums: Goes nuts at https://www.deviantart.com/comments/18/2734252/5131483577 supposedly over someone making a shoutout thread.
Also the DeviantArt forums: https://www.deviantart.com/comments/18/2733490/5130162494 is supposedly fine.
There's trusting the peeps of a site to tell you what's okay and what's not, and then there's not trusting they can reliably represent themselves in such a context.
Not that it's invalid, but it's relevant here to mention the foundation on which a site would dish out discipline would be argued as subjective, not objective, in that "I'm removing you from my domain because my image of who I want here comes first" is different from "I'm removing you due to you breaking universal houseguest rules".
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deviantartdramahub · 6 days
Not to be toxic, but that moment when high-on-his-horse Twonaps vagueposts against his arch nemeses' intellectual disability by trying to establish an objective, universal definition of low intelligence that couldn't possibly be wrong, and all the repliers respond by using the opportunity to show how dumb they are. Keep in mind there's only one individual in this context who is actually perpetually sober, and she has two thumbs *points at me*
Twonaps was so left field that at https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/opinion/21-obvious-signs-of-people-with-low-intelligence/ss-AA1nA2pK?ocid=msedgntp&pc=HCTS&cvid=5333759b5298490aa02a28a4e58f377f&ei=16 even MSNBC stepped in to outdo him (unless, I don't know, he was the writer for that piece, though he is implied to be on that list many times over, if not implied by every single last entry claimed to apply to dumb people, yeah how is that for an esteem drop).
Here is the actual truth, something all victims and suspects of intelligence shaming should hear: Despite people shaming each other's intelligence for the whole of human history, one, intelligence pales in moral comparison to the importance of a kind heart (if only intelligence shamers had one, heck what Twonaps' archnmeses do to intelligence he does to humanitarianism such as at https://www.deviantart.com/forum/community/complaints/2706291 and https://www.deviantart.com/forum/community/complaints/2689416 and https://www.deviantart.com/forum/community/complaints/2681038 and https://www.deviantart.com/forum/community/complaints/2660755 and https://www.deviantart.com/forum/community/complaints/2655778 where he basically says people aren't worth it while in the last one showing he just might have a pattern of projecting, anyone can even go to https://www.deviantart.com/forum/search?q=twonaps to get an idea), and two, there is no way to actually measure intelligence, especially if like at https://www.deviantart.com/forum/devart/general/2702470 your criteria includes a whole country. Intelligence has so many possible components (as https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zaR0Xs0eG8Y shows, even fungus would tell us humans we're dumb by their standards if it could talk) that the stupid people are anyone who attempts to definitively define it, not those who inspire posts like https://www.tumblr.com/deviantartdramahub/740191941542739968/a-few-weeks-ago-i-was-encouraged-to-try?source=share
You are valid my friends, so is your intelligence.
Based on what it says, would you believe I was responsible for that on MSNBC?
Take that, as they say. Being a reporter has advantages.
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deviantartdramahub · 8 days
Noname234252: Makes the claim or implication that being banned off of certain sites is a badge of wrongdoing.
Also Noname234252: Keeps complaining certain people should be banned despite the site saying those people aren't breaking rules, as if he didn't already imply that not being banned is a sign of not having done any wrongdoing, and saying others are being falsely reported which would imply bans would not correspond with guilt.
Also Noname234252: Gets banned off of Reddit thirty times with heavy documentation, or rather his thirty comrades got banned if one is to believe him, though he himself contradicts him when in video descriptions he compares himself to a hydra whose posts will keep growing back each time he's reported.
Yeah, that's a good question to ask here, what is this place's philosophy? Is it a badge of wrongdoing?
And here I'll make my case.
A week ago, I might as well have predicted he'd act this way, going to show it's not rocket science to infer it's him who is in the wrong, and it has also been predicted he's not doing this genuinely, he's doing it for the bluff, with some hinting they're sick of him (who shouldn't, when you outright admit to just trying to find new avenues for harassment) as well as defending him in ways that imply they have no point to make and just wish to attack others, such as defending the act he and EvieJulia/Oh-my-arceus/Morothias/MagistraInferna/Jellybeanism (who I will say to take her own knights' advice about her well-documented complaints on the matter) cite as his motivation to attack others over, all while he even pulls outright peer pressure moves to inflate himself and while many who fall for his peer pressure treat bans like a game while not caring when their friends break rules on the site. His YouTuber subscriber count is also increasing after it was criticiqued but interaction on his content isn't, an infamous symptom of buying subs on YouTube to make up for losing.
It's possible that, by the time this post is read, the thread's poster will have been banned for other reasons, a precaution on any site, with the thread removed, so a Wayback of it has been archived showing the post has reached its ten day anniversary at the time of this post and the archive in question, and that Noname234252's threat to report it is itself two days old, not that nobody else has reported it and failed (and the forums have an epidemic of abortive spam that the mods are dealing with after over-appealing to it in a well-documented way, so we know they aren't just turning a blind eye). Perhaps this is all frustration about how ill DA culture has become and how that's leaking into other places which meshes with a sense of counter-obsessiveness.
To all who question his victims, this post may be linked to, because Noname234252 undeniably are attackers with nothing more than a grudge and the side effect of demonstrating the dubiousness of anyone claiming to be anonymous, not that his selfie blunder doesn't give that away, though a bigger contradiction strikes his supposed goal of awareness if his goal really was image.
In a world where he has definitely lost, he's not taking it well.
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deviantartdramahub · 8 days
"Okay I just read your note. You know, if you're going to randomly accuse me of being someone else at least make the effort to find someone whose art style is even remotely similar."
Actually, it's not a "random accusation". I know it's you "MissEldritch", because you're that fucking gullible in doing what people have already predected you'll do next!
"https://www.deviantart.com/magicclan what even makes you think I'm that person? Are you just trying to troll on a 3 month old account with a gallery full of AI generated crap?"
Shaing a link and then claiming you're not the same person, funny, wasn't that long ago you claimed I was this "Pro" dude and never gave me any links, or evidence to prove it! And sure , you'll side with anybody,"MissEldritch" who claims to have "evidence" on this "T-person" who was wrongfully banned. Too bad you're fucking ugly mug wasn't banned instead you fucknig freak! Oh, and speaking about AI stuff, I've been on there for 3 months you thick fuck, and what have you done in 4? FUCK ALL So sit there, and shut the fuck up bitch! I've got more fucking followers, and uplaods than you in 3 months. Where as you're a fake ass bitch, who use AI generated "crap" and pretends that people are blind, lol
Who are you responding to?
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deviantartdramahub · 12 days
As someone who was recently outed on another site, I've wanted to mention this for a while but it sort of fell into the back of my mind (and take all the links I'm about to mention here as proof of other things I consider fair to mention). I find it really weird that, when it comes to so-called trolls that the members really dislike, forgetting all the times these same Australia-phobes they literally rose up against the moderation and anyone suspected of being T.
Yep, they be onto "T" like Koopa is onto plumbers.
Pro life tip, turn off autocorrect when hyperlinking.
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