#poppy x tulip
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Tulip & Poppy, one of my favorite couples from Love Not Found :3 They’re such cutie pies in the comic so I went as cute as possible here!
LNF is currently running a kickstarter for volume 3! If you haven’t checked it out yet you should
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x-elyssa-x · 1 year
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I just want spring and a little sunshine
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chrisevansonly · 5 months
Happy Birthday Mummy (Lando & Poppy Series)
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lando norris x female reader
synopsis: it’s poppy and lando’s favourite person’s birthday, and what is more special then being spoiled by your loves
warnings: none, fluffy goodness
a/n: i just love lando and poppy so much, i hope you guys enjoy this
“Are you holding onto them tight petal?”
Lando asked the 5 month old Poppy softly, even if he himself was holding the flowers, his baby girl had the sweetest little gummy smile on her face as she looked at the pinks and whites in the tulip bouquet.
“Mummy is going to love the flowers you picked out Poppy”
She giggled feeling her dad begin to press kisses across her cheek, her hands flailing as the two of them got closer to the bedroom door. As soon as you were in view, sitting up against the headboard she squealed happily, your eyes coming up to see your husband and little girl.
“Hi my love, are you happy to see me?!” you cooed, reaching out to take her from Lando a smile on your face as you kissed her forehead gently. Babbles escaping her lips as she got some loving from her second favourite person in the world.
“Happy birthday baby”
Lando loved celebrating your birthday, every year he went above and beyond, and seeing your favourite flowers in his hands only made your heart warm even more.
“Thank you my love”
He was quick to lean down and press a kiss to your lips, watching as you set them down on the bedside table, moving to come lay next to you, Poppy happily cuddled into the spot between you two.
“You know I already have more planned but Poppy really wanted to give you her flowers”
“Aww my little love you picked out the best flowers for mummy, thank you!!”
Tickling her stomach lightly she squealed as you leaned down to press a few kisses to her cheeks. There was nothing better in this world than cuddling up as a family in bed, getting those extra quiet moments only for the three of you.
“I think I want to stay here just a little longer if that’s okay?”
“What the birthday girl wants, the birthday girl gets”
Tilting your head to look at Lando you smiled, leaning over to press a kiss to his lips, resting your head on his shoulder as he moved to lay Poppy on her back so she could see you both better.
“Best birthday ever…”
Hearing your soft mumble Lando smiled, he was nowhere near finished with your day, having everything meticulously planned for you, and you’d get to it eventually but right here right now was better than any gift Lando could have bought.
Poppy was the best gift of all, and she always would be..
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florapal · 1 year
enchanted to meet you.
welcome home ! / ot8 x human!reader , can be seen as romantic or platonic.
what they like abt u <333
no warnings.
first welcome home writing piece ever ... I hope you little tulips enjoy<3 inspired by so many human readers I've seen n read !
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that was what made you different from your neighbors— your humanity. your flesh, and your bone, and every blood vessel you had— every vein, every nail, every tooth and every beat of your heart— it made you different. they were made of felt. they had nothing but stuffing in their bodies, they were literally puppets. they didn't need almost everything you did— food, toothbrushes, skincare (probably). water made them sink so deep into the ground, they could barely move.
but you— you were vastly different from them, and you naturally— knew more. they came to you for most of their endeavors; even the smartest neighbor, your predecessor— frank frankly— came to you once in a while.
they asked you about what it was like , how it was like , to be a human. why did you need this? why did you need that? what would happen if [...]? what would never happen? curiosity, curiosity, curiosity. you couldn't blame them, either, seeing as you were equally curious about the world around you. this foreign world that you, like, literally dreamed of— you dreamed about this world so often, that you theorize its what got you sent here in the first place. a gap made in the multiverse, you theorize, opened during your sleep. until then, you had been an overseer, not directly interacting with anyone from the neighborhood.
it must've taken one gap in space. one lapse in time, in the order of the universe. one thing to confuse your conscience, and in turn confused your senses. your dream felt real, now, as a familiar voice called to you— and you opened your eyes.
wally darling.
you freaked out a bit, after that.
who wouldn't? who wouldn't, in such worlds like this one.
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the sky shines brighter here.
everything's brighter, to be fair.
even you are.
surrounded by constant support & love , comforted and relied on— you don't believe yourself deserving of this, but they do.
poppy partridge is, no joke, a mother hen. poppy is the first to offer housing, to offer nutrition and to offer company— she cares, she cares, and she cares some more. she finds herself running a wing down your hair , entranced by every strand and every split end. counting each strand you have eases her , to some extent. it helps her cool down, just as her presence in general helps you cool down.
julie joyful is as joyful as her surname suggests. she takes your hand without fear, she doesn't hesitate to know you— she pushes you to talk about yourself , even. she finds herself interested in your fingers. she fiddles with them unconsciously, intrigued by every callous, intrigued by every line on your palm— intrigued by your nails. she traces the lines on your palms absentmindedly — uncharacteristically quiet as she listens to you talk about your world.
barnaby b. beagle makes you laugh the moment you meet him. all it takes is a clever punch line , and you're giggling like mad— and barnaby prides himself on the fact he is able to make you laugh. he is curious about your smile— for the first time he saw it, he saw a row of white pearls shining up at him. it looked like a treasure chest being opened, as weird as it sounded. barnaby only hopes that he'll make you smile each and every day— he wouldn't know what he'd do if he saw your teeth gritting— be it in anger, or sadness. he hopes he never will know.
eddie dear is your pen pal who delivers his letters himself. in these letters, you tell him of your hobbies and your pet peeves, your no's and your yes', your dos and don'ts. you tell him everything, and in turn, he tells you everything aswell. can you blame him if he is enamored by how you speak? like, literally, how you speak. he does, indeed, find your voice calming— something he must savour. but he cannot fathom the fact you don't need a voice box, and whenever you speak— your neck?? vibrates?? he is eager to learn about human anatomy! it'd be even better from you, as sadly, what you say is almost always on paper.
sally starlet is in her prime theater kid era, as you said. you stated it once and she has never let it go. yes, she is infact in her prime ! she enjoys the thrill , the applause and the fun ! she's also, however, thrilled by your ideas. you, as someone from another world, bring such wonderful things onto the table that— in her brilliance, she makes possible. she wonders if the sun is inside of you, for your ideas brighten up every day she lives. yes, tell her more about your little disney movies, she's taking notes and planning to create another to add into that category! the best one yet! perhaps you could be the lead?
howdy pillar is , in your words , a funky dude with nice arms. he appreciates the compliment. the supplier of most of the towns goods, he gets in good business— but he thinks whenever you're there, he gets better business! your drive is contagious, and he wants to get more things done when you're in his vicinity. you motivate him unknowingly to better his shop, as you better your situation in this neighborhood. he's proud of you, neighbor, he hopes you are of him too.
frank frankly is fascinated with you. he seems to be interested in your knowledge of insects , but he seems to be interested in your general knowledge too. you know more than he does , been out and about more than he's been— seen more bugs than he has, you are literally from a different world— a world he wants to know all about. there is so much going on in your brilliant mind, every time you converse— he believes he's only ever receiving a morsel of your intellect. perhaps you'd be free tomorrow, to meet up and to engage in intellectual things?
wally darling is intrigued. he hears a beat in your chest, he says, and you nod. he places a hand on your chest, over your heart, and it beats. he looks at you in awe. he doesn't know what this is, but it is part of you, and if it's part of you— it's aweworthy. this mindset goes for every part of you— all of you is beautiful to him. however, he must say, he enjoys the way your eyes crease whenever you smile. eyes are windows to the soul, you told him, and he couldn't agree more— especially the moment your eyes sparkled when he told you he loved you. how did you interpret this ? you did not know, all you know is that you love him too.
each puppet finds solace in you, as cliché as it sounds. as different as you are from them, flesh & bone to felt & fur , they can not deny that, just as they were with every neighbor,
they were enchanted to meet you.
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assets / pinterest ♡ property of florauna, 2023
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sanguineterrain · 1 month
Hey! Can I request a Clark x reader where they're dating but reader doesn't know Clark is superman. And then superman interacts with them for whatever reason and is flirty bc that's his person!!! But reader is like ☝️ hey buddy back off. I'm HAPPILY taken
this is such a cute request!!!! Argh!!!!
clark kent/superman x gn!reader. fluff, brief danger but r is okay. superman flirting with you but he's dating you? he's just a goober. i lub him <3 PLEASE feel free to imagine maws!clark. I feel like this is very himcore 🥰
Being a florist in Metropolis is good work. Lots of people still buy flowers, which is great. Many actually buy bouquets for Superman and leave them on display as support. Poppies, yellow tulips, and cornflowers. They're one of your favorite arrangements.
The downside to being a florist in Metropolis, however, is that on occasion, your flower display ends up the target of a killer robot.
You're not sure why that is. Mostly, you wish people would stop building killer robots.
You've gone outside to see what the commotion is about when you're grabbed by a metal claw. It squeezes hard, almost cutting off your air. You squirm in terror as the robot stomps down Main Street, crushing cars and asphalt in its wake.
"Help!" you scream when you catch your breath, and the robot squeezes you harder.
A dizzying blur of red, yellow, and blue zips past you. You think of your flowers.
The blur cuts through the metal like nothing. The robot begins to collapse, twitching and groaning. Its metal creaks, grip loosening on your body.
You hardly fall before Superman is there, cradling you to his chest.
"I've got you," he says, tucking you close.
You look up at him, and he beams at you, like saving you from a killer robot has been the best part of his day.
Come to think of it, Superman came to your aid surprisingly fast, even for him.
And he holds you... intimately. Like you've known him for years. Your heart picks up.
"Uh," he says, cheeks flushed. "Are–are you okay?"
You smile politely, arms around his neck. "Yes, I'm fine. Thank you, Superman."
He nods, flying down the street. "Good. I'll get you back to your shop and clean up the flowers."
You tilt your head. "How do you know I'm a florist?"
Superman looks at you, blue eyes wide.
"Oh! I... uh, I've seen your arrangements all over the city. They're beautiful. I'd never forget that they belong to an equally beautiful face."
Goodness. If Superman is this forward with everyone he rescues, it's no wonder your flower arrangements are in high demand.
"I'm flattered," you begin, and Superman once again aims that grin with the power of a thousand suns at you. "But, respectfully, I'm very happily taken, so I would appreciate it if you'd keep this rescue professional."
Superman raises an eyebrow. To your surprise, he smiles wider.
"Oh, I'm sorry," he says. "I didn't realize you were taken. My sincerest apologies. I hope I didn't make you uncomfortable."
"No, it's alright. I'm honored, but you couldn't pull me away from my boyfriend even with your super strength."
Superman's cheeks turn pinker. He sets you down in front of your store with the utmost care, not letting go until you have your bearings. He takes a step back, rubbing his neck. The gesture makes your brain itch. You don't know why.
"Well, uh, he must've done something right if he's lucky enough to be with you."
"Luck has nothing to do with it," you say fiercely. You don't know why you're so indignant about defending Clark's reputation to Superman. It's not like Clark will ever hear about it.
"Not at all. He's an incredible person, kind and smart and loving, and if anyone's lucky, it's me."
Superman makes an aborted gesture to take your hand, then redirects and awkwardly pats your arm instead. You squint at him. He quickly moves away.
"Ah. Sorry. Well, I doubt that. I bet you're equally spectacular."
"Oh. Thank you."
You primly take his hand and give it a good shake. Superman bows his head and laughs.
He takes a step back, eyes bright like you've just made his day.
"Well, I wish you the best with your boyfriend. I'm sorry for being so forward. I've seen your Superman bouquets; your reputation precedes you. I make it a point to know reputed people in Metropolis."
"I can't imagine I'm very high on that list," you say.
"Ah, you'd be surprised. Besides, I never forget a face."
Superman darts behind you and moves at neckbreaking speed to clean up your partially maimed flowers. In three seconds, it's returned to its former glory.
"Well, uh, I'll be seeing you," Superman says, hands clasped behind his back. "I mean, I hope not in a circumstance like this! Th-then again, when else would we see each other? Scratch that, I hope there's no reason for us to cross paths because that would mean you're in danger. Uh, but I don't mean that in a bad way! I just—"
You snort and reach over to take a yellow tulip from your display. You give it to Superman, who takes it like you've just handed him a newborn baby.
"I'm still taken," you say. "But you're very sweet, Superman. Take care, alright?"
"Yeah," he says, tucking the tulip into the strap of his cape. "Yes, you too. Goodbye!"
He soars away, the tulip like a star on his cape.
Superman is handsome and kind, no doubt. But he's certainly no Clark Kent.
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loveemii · 1 year
how the kamaboko trio reacts to their s/o doing origami !
tanjiro x fem - inosuke x fem - zenitsu x fem
enjoy ♡︎
Tanjiro Kamado:
y/n was making an origami frog that could jump when her boyfriend tanjiro walked into her room.
“Hey! What are you making?”
he asked her pointing to the half done frog, y/n smiled and held it up to him to show him.
“It’s a frog, I’m practicing origami.”
she said while smiling proudly of her work, tanjiro smiled and sat on the floor next to y/n.
“Could you teach me how to?”
tanjiro asked while keeping up his bright smile, she happily helped him.
“Ok so first you want to fold it to the corners like this.”
as y/n taught him how to make the origami frog, they both finished and showed them to each other with smiles still printed on their faces.
“Look I actually did it!”
tanjiro said happily in a lively voice, y/n giggled and placed hers on the floor. tanjiro watched as y/n took her index finger and pushed down on the frogs behind and let go to let it jump.
“Woah! That’s pretty amazing, can I try?”
“Mhm! Go for it!”
y/n said letting him use her frog to jump, he then tried it on his own frog and they played there for a while with each other.
Inosuke Hashibira:
inosuke was training when he went inside the butterfly mansion to find his girlfriend y/n, he forgot he was going to bother her earlier but got caught in training with zenitsu and tanjiro.
“The hell is that?”
inosuke asked his girlfriend y/n who was making an animal out of paper. she looked up at him and showed it to him, even though it wasn’t finished.
“It’s a boar! I was originally gonna give it to you as a surprise but. Well now you’ve seen it.”
y/n said as she finished it off quickly, she handed it to inosuke and he gave it a look around before putting it on the floor as he sat down.
he played with it like it was running, y/n giggled a little as she took off his mask to see his face.
(he only let y/n do that ofc)
she saw inosuke’s face blush as he smiled while playing with it, she then grabbed more origami paper.
“Want to make more?”
“Huh? HELL YEAH! Let’s make a herd!”
inosuke shouted in excitement as y/n slowly taught him how to make the boars, he got lost a few times and he had to restart more than 7 times but eventually he was making them like nothing.
Zenitsu Agatsuma:
y/n was making an origami flower bouquet, she was making yellow tulips, red poppy’s and orange roses.
“Hey darling, what are you up to?”
y/n’s boyfriend zenitsu came up from behind her as she sat on the grass continuing her work. he took a seat next to her as he watched her finish the bouquet.
“I’m making an origami bouquet, wanna help?”
y/n asked and he nodded, she gave him a green piece of paper.
“Ok so first you wanna start on the stem.”
y/n said as she placed her hands over zenitsu’s to help him. he blushed as he looked at her smiling face as she taught him.
“She looks so pretty I can’t even look at the origami paper.”
“Did you say something Zen?”
“Huh? Uh no! Let’s keep working on the bouquet ok?”
after his first origami work he wanted to do more, y/n ended up teaching zenitsu how to make a lama and a horse too.
please excuse any grammar or spelling mistakes
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sweatervest-obsessed · 7 months
Salvia Splendens Means Forever Mine - Part Four
Pairing: Spencer Reid x Reader
WC: 2.5k
TW: kissing, pg-13 thoughts, pg-18 thoughts, talk of sex, mentions of death, trauma of death, lots of flowers, mentions of violence, basically anything mentioned in the last chapter is a tw here
A/N: God thank you all for being so fucking patient with me. I really appreciate you all!! I hope you enjoy!!
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3
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Spencer’s lips were on your shoulder as he tightened his grip on you. His arm was wrapped securely around your waist, your back against his chest. You grumbled something unintelligible, but Spencer just hummed in response, kissing your bare shoulder again. 
“What are we going to do with you Doctor Spencer Reid.” 
He laughed quietly, his voice still gravely since he also just woke up. 
Mornings with Spencer always went like this. The two of you had been living together for over a month now, and you couldn’t be happier. Waking up next to the love of your life had major benefits. 
The first was morning sex. Waking up to Spencer kissing your neck, and your chest, and lips. Lazily breathing together, moving with one another. Feeling as his chest rose and fell while you riled him up and teased him endlessly. It was incredible. People seemed to notice your mood change when you showed up to work too, which definitely had its own set of perks. It was basically the best way to wake up, in your opinion. 
Then, there was the fact that you got to wake up and enjoy how gorgeous he was, how beautiful his eyes were. Watching as he finally was able to relax, stress free putty in your hands, melting as you played with his hair and whispered about nothing and everything to him. 
But the best part about waking up next to Spence, was that you got to start your days with him, knowing you’d get to come back home after work, sleep beside him, and wake up next to him all over again. It felt surreal at times. 
“What’s going on in that head of yours? I can hear the gears turning.” Spence muttered, kissing your shoulder this time. 
Your body rolled in his arms, causing you to face him, kissing his cheek softly. “How much I love you.” 
You felt Spencer freeze for a moment, and you looked up to find his eyes on you. 
“You don’t have to say it back Spence.” You slid your hand up, and cupped his jaw. “It’s a really big commitment. But you not saying it immediately back doesn’t mean you don’t care about me or don’t love me back. You might just not be ready to say it out lou–”
“Look who’s the one rambling now?” He smirked slightly, making fun of your conversation from the previous night, in which you cut him off with a kiss when he was too busy telling you about something that wasn’t relevant to the task at hand. Spencer followed your model and cut you off with a kiss that you melted into. “I love you too.” 
Spencer had been sitting next to your hospital bed for a whole day now. He was exhausted, hungry, dehydrated, covered in blood, and looked like shit–but none of that mattered since you had been in a medically-induced coma since the ambulance brought you to the hospital. 
Watching as you coded not one, but twice during the ride to the hospital just continued to confirm Spencer’s greatest fear. Hearing your heartbeat flatline is something he never ever wants to experience again. Ever.
The room was filled with vases of flowers. It made the air sickly sweet, the bitter opposite of how he was feeling, looking down at your sleeping body. But he knows you would have found some of them funny. 
There was a vase of red and white camellias, meaning you were the “flame” of someone’s heart, but also adorable. Someone else had sent you declarations of love (red tulips) with hints of declaring war (tansies) throughout. But the one from Spencer was the best. 
He had bought you a bouquet of red poppies: meaning consolation. Spencer had gotten you a consolation prize for being on the team and getting stabbed in the stomach. He was hoping your sense of humor would still be intact when you woke up. If not, then they were also from Derek. 
Just then, the machine made a sound Spencer hadn’t heard before. Then it made it again. A long beep, loud enough to wake the dead, but somehow not you. A nurse came running in and ushered him out of the room, much to his opposition. 
He fought with two different nurses, trying to stay in the room with you. Apparently having three Phds means nothing when they aren’t the right ones to keep him in that room with you. And regardless of his relationship status, he was now stuck back in the waiting room with the other peasants. 
Spencer looked up at Derek. 
“How long.”
“Not in the mood right now Derek.” 
“No, no. I wanna know–how long have you two been sneakin’ around. I mean, for gods sake Reid, you managed to keep a relationship hidden from some of the best profilers in the country..” 
“Well.” He grumbled, looking back at the hallway you were down. “Over a year now–almost two.” 
“I’m sorry–two? Two years?.” 
Spencer nodded, looking back at Derek. 
“Damn.” He muttered,  shaking his head. “Now I–”
Whatever Derek was going to say was paused when a nurse walked in, a slight splatter of blood over her scrubs. Both of them turned their attention to her, fearing the worst by the solemn look on her face. 
“She’s awake.” 
“Holy shit.” Derek mumbled while Spencer let out a breath he had been holding for what felt like millenia. 
“But.” The nurse continued. “She can only see one person at a time. And she’s asking for Agent Hotchner.” 
Neither of them had realized that the solemn looking section chief was sitting quietly in the corner. Derek and Spencer shared a look with another, while Hotch got up from his chair and followed the nurse down the hallway and into your room. 
“Aaron.” You smiled at him, though it was an exhausted smile. “Thought you’d come in with blood on your shirt from having to fight through Spencer and Derek.” 
Hotch chuckled and closed the door behind him, sitting down next to you and placing a hand on yours, squeezing it. “The nurse shot them both a look and told them ‘not to try anything’. But I do have to ask, why me.” 
You closed your eyes. “I want to give you my recount of what happened while I can still see it.” 
“Y/n you do–”
“Hotch I want to. I watched as she stabbed that woman over and over. I watched as that asshole buried her body. I want to tell you what I saw. I want to tell you so that there’s no fucking way either of them will ever see the light of day again.” 
Hotch didn’t feel like now was the appropriate time to mention that one of the unsubs was dead. He wanted to hear your memory of the events. He pulled out a mini black notebook, and a pen, from inside his suit jacket pocket. “Whenever you’re ready Y/N.” 
“Hello everyone, my name is Doctor Y/n Y/l/n, and I am going to be your speaker today. I have been with the BAU for about a month, and they wanted me to come in and speak to you about it—a newbie’s experience.” 
That earned you a couple of laughs scattered throughout the crowd. You were asked to come in and speak about what it’s like to join the BAU to anyone interested in becoming profilers. You were not expecting for it to be a full house, but every single seat had someone in it, with overflow huddling around the back of the lecture hall by the walls. 
“Now, I’ll try to stay within my time limit since I know standing and listening to someone blab on about themselves is not the ideal situation; however. That’s exactly what you signed up for. So–.” 
Spencer stood in the back of the room, watching you speak to all of these students with ease–your peers really. Some of them even older than you, and yet, there you were, confidently smiling and maintaining their interest. It baffled Spencer. 
He wished he knew how you were able to captivate so easily, especially since he was completely enamored by you. Derek knew it too—well the whole team really knew, except for you. 
The crowds laugh pulled him out of his thoughts as you continued on. 
“Right. Now.” You clicked the little clicker and the pictures shifted behind you. “It’s time to get serious. I know I said that already, but I mean it this time.” You smirked a little bit and went onto the next slide. 
“The first case I ever worked with the BAU, I was just a temp filling in Elle Greenaway while she was away on some family matter. I was assisting in some case where—”
Spencer’s train of thought got the better of him. All he could do was think about the day you subbed in for Elle. He could remember it like yesterday, even though it was almost forty days ago, not that he was counting. He didn’t remember much of the case though, which was a sore subject that Derek and JJ would tease him about still. 
“Does anyone have any questions about the process?” Your voice brought him back to the lecture hall once again. 
“How old are you?” Some random guy’s voice rang out amongst the crowd. 
“Well.” You laughed. “I’m twenty-two.” 
Spencer heard some of the people around murmur, and he chose to ignore whatever they were saying about you, since he wasn’t one to win most fights.
“Why the BAU?” 
You paused and bit your cheek, thinking really hard about that question. 
“Honestly? I was obsessed with the serial killer documentaries when I was like fifteen/sixteen, and then one of my family members was murdered when I was fourteen. It’s not something I talk about a lot, but I remember my biggest question was why. It’s why I was so obsessed with those documentaries, because I wanted to know why someone felt that they could just take someone away from a family, from the world, and I realized that the only way I could find out the answer was if I did it myself.” 
There was a murmuring throughout the crowd once again. 
“I don’t think I’ll find the answer any time soon, if at all. But I love being able to protect people. I love being able to know that what I’m doing every day matters–to everyone sure, but mostly to me.” 
Spencer, and the rest of the team, had no idea you were connected to such a tragic event at such a young age. You didn’t show the signs of someone who had gone through something like that. But now that he knew, he wanted to find out everything about it, find a way to bing you peace of mind. God, it sounded so stupid. He barely even knew you. 
He was lucky you were extraverted in that since he could barely form a sentence around you. God he couldn’t wait to listen to you talk to him on the car ride back to the BAU. 
You ended up talking to Spencer last. 
One by one you smiled at your friends, reassured them you were feeling better, and told them you would rest. 
But then, Spencer was standing in the doorway, and he was looking at you with such pain, with such distraughtness, that tears started to stream out of your eyes–you didn’t notice. But Spencer did. He quickly closed the door behind him and walked over to the bed. Clasping your hand in his, he used his other hand to wipe away the tears on your cheeks. “Sweetheat, baby, it’s okay. I’ve got you. It’s okay.” He whispered, trying to provide you with some comfort. 
“Did…Did you get my necklace back…” 
That was not where Spencer thought this conversation was going. “I–”
“Be-Because I can't ... .Spence I’m so sorry. She just snatched it off of my neck while I was unconscious and, and, and she put it on, and fuck–”
Spencer squeezed your hand, causing your rampage to stop, but the tears pushed on. “We have it.” He said quietly. “There’s no way in hell I’m ever letting anyone else take that necklace okay?” 
You nodded and used your other hand to wipe at your cheeks, managing to get rid of the tears. 
Spencer kissed your hand again. “It’s at home, right on the kitchen counter. I got it professionally cleaned and everything.” 
You nodded and sighed. After a moment of silence, you peered around his frame, taking in all of the flowers and balloons and cards that people had left you. 
“wow…This is…”
“A lot?”
You nodded, brows furrowing as you bit the inside of your cheek. Spencer watched as your eyes slowly scanned across the flowers in the room, landing on the bouquet from Derek. 
“Is someone trying to declare war on me?” Your laugh was a bit garbled as you swallowed down the rest of your tears, trying desperately to change the subject. 
“Morgan thought you would think that was funny.” He whispered, his eyes only focused on you. On the way your lips parted when a particular inhale hurt your chest since they had only taken the catheter out an hour ago, or the way your chest rose and fell, the bruises scattered across were blooming into nasty blues, purples, and greens. 
“Who got me poppies?” 
Spencer met your eyes, a small cheeky smile on his lips. 
You slapped his arm with no mirth behind it, a grin spread widely across your face. “I’m sorry. But did you get me a consolation prize for surviving?” 
Spencer nodded, watching as you laughed to yourself, wincing when it would hurt a bit too much. “I love them, Spence.” 
“I love you.” 
“I love you too.” 
There were more flowers you couldn’t see, at your home. There was vase upon vase, filled with plenty of flowers for you to decode their accidental (or purposeful) messages, each with their own ‘get well!’ card attached. There was only one bouquet that mattered above the rest, made of completely fake flowers. There were bright red Salvia Splendens, contrasting against the white of the kitchen counter, waiting for you to come home and see them. 
Spencer had thought that he should buy you flowers that lasted forever, just as long as his love would, just as long as he would forever be yours.  
SSMFM Taglist: @raely-study @multifandoms-assemble @marylovesevanpeters@shqwqrma @niya06 @freefallthoughts @fansformentalydistroyedmen @r-3dlips @xholdinmebackxx @universallyblizzardlove
Reid Taglist: @s1lariathas
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moodywyrm · 1 year
basketball!abby with bookworm!reader where at abby’s basketball game reader gives her flowers but not regular flowers ones made out of old book pages/newspaper and abby’s never been given t flowers before
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combining these two bc basketball! abby x chubby bookworm reader are my everything <3
just imagine learning like two months in advance that abby has a huge game coming up. n ur like? well obviously she's gonna I have to get her something great. n I imagine that u get her a gift or flowers after every single game, but the first time it happened (like two months before u even started dating) she absolutely cried. u got her a bouquet of gladiolus, hyacinths, tulips, trying to put into practice some stuff u had read about the language of flowers. now? that bouquet is dried and hanging above the reading nook, bc she never wanted to get rid of it <3
but back to this game! u wanted to get her something really special, considering how important this game was gonna be! there were gonna be scouts there! so ur wracking ur brain for like a week until it hits you! u two met over books! paper flowers! so u spend like two months making these paper flowers absolutely perfect, collecting books from the thrift store to make her roses n peonies n the like! u even add tissue paper to make poppies n extra lil details! u hide them at Ellie n Dina's apartment so abby doesn't find out and every time ur there working on them, Ellie and Dina are like ur so in love its both adorable and sickening.
and the day of the game rolls around! abby is ridiculously anxious but trying not to show it bc she's the captain! she has to be confident! and her nerves are calmed a lil bit by seeing u front n center at ur courtside seat bc her coach loves having u there, wearing one of Abby's jerseys thrown over her hoodie and her favorite of ur miniskirts. the paper bouquet is hidden behind ur seat and a couple of bags. the whole gym is buzzing with nervous, excited energy the entire game and in the final seconds. abby scores one more point, tipping it over and the gym fucking explodes.
everyone is up, out of their seats, stomping and cheering and abby is locked on you, having immediately sought you out when she heard the final buzzer. and there u are, standing all pretty at the sidelines, letting her team celebrate with her. and in your arms is the bouquet.
and abby is running at you when you hold it out to her. she registers what it is and the tears start flowing, falling into her gorgeous smile as she wraps one arm around ur waist and lifts, hauling u up as u wrap ur legs around her waist and kissing her silly while she hoists the bouquet up. when she sets u down and they hand her the trophy, she kisses the bouquet and hands it to u for safe keeping, keeping one arm around ur waist while the other holds the trophy up the same way she did for the bouquet. they're equally important to her and you don't think you've ever seen abby smile so broadly, her arm locked around u as she presses another kiss to ur lips, giddy with excitement and relief. u can hear the 'awwws' from people around u, but ur too caught up in your best girl to care.
later, when u both get back to the apartment, she walks to the reading book and sees another bouquet, real roses and all the flowers you could find that mean love and admiration made into the most beautiful arrangement you could pay for. she sets the paper bouquet in her favorite vase, one you bought her, and reaches for you, pressing her lips to yours, smiling through the kiss. her hands are planted so firmly on your waist, reassuring herself that you're both real and present and she just changed your guys' life.
"I love you so much baby. I did this for us. It's all for us." and she's crying and ur crying and the kiss is so sweet n a lil messy and so full of love. afterparties and whatever can fucking wait, she needs this time with the love of her life.
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ginabiggs · 4 months
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Revisiting a favorite sapphic Valentine's art of years past.
Tulip x Poppy. Valentine's Day 2021.
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eleonoraalbright · 1 year
The Decision of Daisies
Pairing: Peter Maximoff x fem!reader
Summary: You play the child's game of He Loves Me, He loves Me Not. You do not expect the very subject of your affection, Peter, to participate as well.
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Cumulus clouds drifted across the bright blue sky, song birds were chirping their cheery melodies in the trees, and a warm breeze caressed your face. Everything was perfect. It was a beautiful Sunday morning at Xavier's school. You were walking in the pleasure garden and breathed in the delightful aroma of the flowers.
There were blooming roses, a multitude of red tulips, yellow gladiolas, orange dahlias, pink peonies, and purple poppies. All lent their heavenly fragrance to the air. There were also daisies. They were scattered among the rest, interrupting the multicolored flora with their stark whiteness. 
You cut one from its stem for a closer look; twenty-two delicate petals surrounded the yellow center. It was a plain plant but had a certain type of beauty within its simplicity. The daisy reminded you of a particular game played in afternoons in your backyard, one that always gave way to blushes and suppressed giggles. It was He Loves Me, He Loves Me Not.
Pensively staring at the modest flower, you debated whether or not to indulge once more in such childish antics of your elementary school days. There was no one else around to ridicule your fatuous action and it was just an inconsequential game too... Peter would never find out. 
You held one petal between your thumb and index fingers and plucked it, softly saying, "He loves me." You repeated the act again. "He loves me not." The thought of Peter not returning your affection was upsetting, however, if the flower granted a favorable outcome maybe it would help you gain the bravery to confess your romantic feelings to him.
You pulled off every petal, murmuring the words under your breath until three remained attached to the flower. "He loves me not." You picked the second to last petal, wishing that it had been the final one. "He loves me." That left only one petal which seemed to mock you with its miserable existence. "He loves me not."
Dejected, you sat on a wooden bench and flicked the pitiful petal less flower to the dirt. You kicked a few pebbles away with your feet, upset at the unfortunate result. After all, what was a stupid daisy to decide if Peter Maximoff liked you back. It wasn't as if it even mattered, although there were plenty of other daisies.
You jumped off your seat, grabbed another of the white flowers, and began plucking off its petals with superfluous feverishness. "He loves me. He loves me not. He loves me. He loves me not. He loves me." You recited as if in prayer. On the last one you whispered, "He loves me not." The words tasted bitter upon leaving your lips. 
You stamped on the wretched stem, unleashing your frustration on it. Perhaps, a third try would bring about success.
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Jean sipped her coffee while gazing out the large window overlooking the gardens. Her boyfriend, Scott, spoke about their most recent calculus problems, but she was not paying complete attention to his lecture. He soon realized this and asked, "Jean. Jean! Are you listening to me?"
"No," she answered honestly. 
"What're you watching that's so important then?"
"Her." Jean nodded her head in the direction of the garden where you were some distance away, picking daisy petals in a frenzy. 
Scott peered as well, confused at what he was witnessing. "What is she doing?"
"She's playing 'he loves me, he loves me not'." 
"Really? I wonder who she has a crush on."
"It's Peter." Before he could reprimand her, she continued. "No, I didn't read her mind. It's just obvious she likes him."
Scott raised one eyebrow in skepticism, unconvinced. "How is it that obvious?" 
Jean laughed at his obliviousness. "Because I notice the way she acts around him and, yes, sometimes her thoughts are loud enough that I hear them when my guard is down."
While the couple discussed this occurrence, they were unaware of another presence listening to their conversation with bated breath. Peter was behind the corner with a big grin on his face. His original intention had been to steal Scott's backpack to check if his friend had any unusual knick-knacks to steal since his previous inspection a week ago.
Of course, that mission would have to be postponed in light of the startling information he had overheard. Peter had liked you for quite some time now but never took the initiative to make his feelings known.
He came up with a new excuse every few weeks; either he convinced himself you were interested in someone else, or that he shouldn't date his fellow X-Man, or the world's robot overlords were drawing near, so there would be no point anyway. But armed with the knowledge that you liked him back gave him the needed boost in confidence to declare the truth. Peter had a big, fat crush on you and nothing could stop him from admitting it. 
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Ignorant to these events happening inside the mansion, you pursued your petal plucking with ever growing resentment. All eight daisies had pronounced he loves you not! Was this the fates' way of letting you know Peter and you would never be together? As if summoned by your thoughts, Peter appeared standing by the bench on which you sat.
He lifted his goggles to rest on top of his beautiful silver-colored hair and regarded the situation in front of him. You were surrounded by torn off pieces of little white flowers; a slight manic gleam glinted in your eyes. 
"Oooh, are you playing a game? Lemme join." In a blur, he picked a daisy and sat quite close, so that your sides were pressing against each other. One of his arms hung around your shoulders and he plucked the first petal, letting it fall onto the pavement.
"She loves me." He picked a second one. "She loves me not." He picked a third. "She loves me." He went on and your heartbeat quickened with each second. Was it possible the flower would confess on your behalf? It didn't. The same as your own pathetic attempts, he concluded with, "She loves me not."
He scoffed in disappointment and tossed the stem behind him. "Pfft, what does a dumb flower know anyway? Nothing!"
"Yeah, I kept getting that too. Guess we don't have any luck in the love department."  
"I wouldn't say that. What counts is if the other person says they like you. Why ask a flower when–"
"–when the person is right beside you?" You finished. A moment of silence passed when both of you waited for the other to divulge the secret which wasn't much of a secret anymore. At the same time you said, "I like you." Peter had something different on his mind.
"If you could see one color for the rest of your life, what would it be?" Dumbfounded at his unexpected question, you were unable to respond. He cupped your chin with his free hand. "Because I'd be fine with seeing only the color of your eyes forever."
Your mouth dropped open in shock. "Oh my gosh, how long have you been waiting to use that?"
"It's been knockin' in my noggin for a long time. Did it work?" His eyes twinkled in amusement, already knowing the answer. 
"Surprisingly, yes. This means you like me too. Right?"
"What do you think?" He bent his head and joined his lips with your own. Butterflies of pleasure blossomed in your stomach and spread throughout your entire body. After some consideration, you believed that the daisies' decision of who loved whom was not reliable. At least, they were wrong with Peter's case. 
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Pokémon Human Character Tournament: Round 1, Matchup 17
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charcadett · 1 year
How would the Gym Leaders and the Elite Four react to holding a baby for the time? Plz and thanks
I am not a baby expert in the slightest. The last time I held one was, like, five years ago and for five seconds. Ended up making this holding a baby, but also babysitting scenarios.
Gym Leaders And Elite Four Holding A Baby For The First Time (Sort of. Kofu and Rika have experience)
- She’s a natural. At first, she’s a little nervous, so she handles the baby as if they’re made of glass. After about a minute, she’s got the baby swaddled in one arm as she sprinkles powdered sugar on a new batch of donuts. Between reading orders, she has small conversations with the baby. “Woah! Don’t want to over mix.” and “Do you think we need more strawberries in this? I think so too.”
- Very awkward about the entire situation. He’s fine to babysit if it’s an emergency, though he’d prefer if whoever asked didn’t make a habit of it, but he has no idea what he’s doing. He resigns himself to not getting much sculpting done today, he worries he’d accidentally leave the baby on a pottery wheel, so he finds a bench and sits with the baby in his lap until their parent comes back. Incredibly stiff the entire time.
- Kofu is 100% a well-seasoned veteran of taking care of kids. I can’t imagine a scenario where he doesn’t know what to do. He has a baby carrier at the ready and will continue going about day-to-day life with the baby sitting at his front. He engages with them a lot, casually pointing out the sights of Cascarrafa, mixing his responses with mimicked baby babble or full sentences.
- Really doesn’t know what he’s doing. He tries to mimic the way he’s seen on television but ends up holding the baby on his shoulder, too used to Poppy’s insistent piggyback rides. Takes the baby to work with him and responds to emails by taking the baby’s hands in his and pressing random keys on his keyboard. It works out well because they start laughing. When it’s time to feed them, he tries the baby food himself. He thinks it’s gross and feels bad for making the poor kid eat it.
- Another person who doesn’t know what she’s doing, but she does well. Like Larry, she brings the baby to her job, with carefully placed sunglasses over their little eyes. When she goes on stage, the baby is settled comfortably on her hip. Midway through, she’ll hold the microphone to the baby's lips and the crowd goes wild as they let loose a string of giggly gurgles.
- She has absolutely zero experience with children, especially not babies. Awkwardly holds the baby against her chest, her arms making an X across their back, with her phone held between her shoulder and ear. Tulip talks to the baby like they’re an adult, which is endearing to watch, as she tries her best to take care of them. Breathes a sigh of relief when their parent returns.
- He holds the baby by the armpits, far from his body, as he tries to stutter out an excuse. It doesn’t work, his friend has already hurried off down the mountain. Grusha awkwardly shuffles the child into his arms; it’s uncomfortable for the both of them. He hurries inside out of the cold. Ends up watching children’s shows with them as if he’s watching a reality show. “I can’t believe they didn’t like Rarity’s dresses. Twilight Sparkle looks like a wizard.”
- Surprisingly, and contrary to his raw grandpa energy, has almost no experience holding babies, though he’s more than happy to babysit. He spends the first few hours reading a parenting book he got from the Academy’s entrance hall so the way he holds the baby is exactly as recommended. Plays peekaboo and gets his hair pulled the majority of the time. He’s a good sport about it despite sporting a missing chunk of hair on his scalp.
- Another baby-holding veteran. I headcanon her as Poppy’s cousin, and I can easily imagine Rika frequently babysitting for her when she was little(er). Holds the baby on her hip as she meanders about her apartment getting some chores she’s been putting off done. Very playful with them, her favorite thing to do is blow raspberries on their belly. Poppy always burst into giggles when she did it and this baby is the same.
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yunacoeur · 1 year
our last dance
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links will be added as parts are released!
playlist (listen while reading for the full effect!)
synopsis: here!
spoiler i: here!
spoiler ii: here!
all these people you meet, do any catch your eye? enough to distract yourself from all these other choices?
warnings: gender netural royalty!reader x differing types of royality or nobility!zb1, alcohol, possibly more in the future
chapter i - the worlds that collide
chapter ii - the lovers who dream
chapter iii- the choices we make (coming june 5th 10am pst!)
chapter iv - the end of the beginning
the white poppy
the white heather
the bluebell
the cornflower
the daffodil
the white lily
the iris
the orange rose
the yellow tulip
please fill this form out if you’d like to be on the taglist!
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viviennevermillion · 1 year
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Giving him flowers
notes: some headcanons about what kind of bouquet would fit pantalone based on the flower's meaning and how he'd react to you giving them to him! might make more of these with other characters! ❤️
contains: pantalone x gn!reader
warnings: none
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╰┈➤ red tulips — perfect and deep love
the most common symbolism of tulips is "perfect and deep love". red tulips in particular stand for passion and eternal love. they're perfect to convey your feelings of love to pantalone, signaling the wish for your relationship to last forever. your bond with pantalone is one filled with passion; constantly supporting each other to reach new heights of greatness. his business partners and wealthy aquaintances commonly regard you two as a power couple; passionate about what you do and capable of shaking heaven and earth if someone dare challenge you. pantalone is on a path to pursuing radical change; however your love is something both of you wish to remain as solid as stone. you may be a force to be reckoned with in public but when the two of you are together in private, one could practically feel the deep adoration you feel for one another. when he's alone with you, pantalone only has eyes for you and he wishes for nothing more in those moments than for these feelings to be returned in full. when he's with you it's like everything glows and your love has a strength that may outlast even the hardest times and disasters.
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╰┈➤ alyssum — worth beyond beauty
alyssum as a flower means "worth beyond beauty" and "sweetness of soul". day by day pantalone moves in a world that is quite shallow and superficial; attending gatherings for the wealthy is a big part of his job and as such, he witnesses the full spectrum of vanity. aside from himself, you're the one reminding him of what truly makes him remarkable; the qualities hiding beneath the surface, always there and present in his schemes but truly visible only to those he trusts fully. you're privy to seeing into his heart, witnessing the full extent of his intelligence and also the sides of him no one but you gets to see. how he can actually be very sweet and how much he adores you whenever he has the time to. in private, pantalone is sweet. he prepares baths for you after a long, stressful day with only the most luxurious products; he has his moments of holding you close in his arms and telling you what's on his heart; all the unconditional love he feels for you and tries to put into words once in a while. he's mindful of you and your needs; he makes sure you feel valued and appreciated. he doesn't shy away from complimenting you and letting you know exactly what he loves about you. pantalone is so sweet to you and only you; he's sensitive but hardly fragile and he's so much more than a pretty face with worldly power. you make sure he never forgets that.
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╰┈➤ california poppy — true gold is in the heart
you see through pantalone's shady business man facade and treasure him for who he is deep inside. similarly, the most precious gift he can give you is his love. he still hasn't quite gotten that yet. pantalone's love language is gift giving and he has a habit of taking that to the extremes with how wealthy he is. sometimes you don't even know what to do with all the gifts he gives you. but he feels like this is how he can show you how special you are to him. nothing is too expensive for this man when it comes to spoiling you but he does need a reminder once in a while that that's not what counts for you. that the affection he gives you and the love he feels for you is all you'd truly need and that you'd love him even if he was back to being dirt-poor and destitute. because it would still be him and that's all you need to be in love. what's in his heart is so much more valuable to you than anything he can provide to you with money. and even though he won't stop his lavish spending, he's grateful whenever you convey that to him. he treasures you so much; you who appreciates all sides and secrets of him and chose to love him not despite but because of it.
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╰┈➤ peony — good fortune, wealth, love
peonies symbolize good luck, wealth, honor and love. they're perfect for so many occasions; especially anything containing well-wishes and congratulations. they can stand for everything you and pantalone have in your relationship and intend to keep. they're a celebration of where you are in your life; more than well-off financially and deeply in love. of course pantalone should have a flower symbolizing wealth in his bouquet, as that's the thing he worked so hard for; getting from the bottom to the top. he wants to share all of that with you. and he considers himself so lucky to have met and fallen in love with someone so honest and true; especially considering the type of people he's usually around. and so do you. you hope to retain all the happiness and the life you currently live with him. and you only want the best for him too; prioritizing his happiness and making sure he's as content as you are.
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╰┈➤ ivory roses — luxury, thoughtfulness
roses are a symbol of love and ivory roses in particular stand for thoughtfulness and gracefulness; traits that pantalone embodies perfectly and just some of the many things you love about him. additionally, ivory roses also symbolize luxury and charm. they make you recall the memories of how you fell for each other; him taking you to balls and banquets out of custom only at first; then realizing you genuinely enjoy each other's company and could talk about pretty much anything. you think pantalone has a beautiful mind; for someone who pulls strings behind the scenes and doesn't show much of what is going on in his head usually, he has so many interesting thoughts you were ready to hear more about. you loved to talk to him; especially when it was just you and him cuddling in bed and discussing whatever came to mind. you also appreciate his elegance; the way he'd walk into every room in public dressed in the finest of clothes like he owned the place made you swoon and feel a sense of pride over being with him. it was also a facet of him and it was one of the ways he'd be unapologetically himself in public; that you couldn't help but love this side about him as well. his confidence, elegance and the way he'd flirt with you even after getting together with you; as a way of still conveying his love to you in public even when he couldn't be as affectionate as he was in private.
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"Pantalone", you call out to him as you opened the door to your shared living space, "I got you something." You chuckle at how he instantly walks towards you, his curiosity getting the better of him. Even though he could get anything he wanted with the wealth he had, he still loved when you surprised him with a gift, especially when it had meaning or you put thought and effort into it.
"Now you're making me curious", he admits, giving you that warm smile that was reserved solely for you and that you loved that much.
You pull the bouquet of flowers out from behind your back, handing them to him in anticipation. His facial expression softens even more upon seeing them. "Thank you so much, my love", he wraps an arm around your shoulder and presses an appreciative kiss to your forehead. You can feel him smiling against your skin; obviously happy and feeling honored to receive affection from you in this way.
Pantalone puts the flowers in a vase and listens attentively as you explain their meanings to him. His smile gets wider as you continue on and whenever he feels particularly touched by the thoughts you had while picking out these flowers for him, he leans against you and nuzzles your neck happily.
"I know it's not even close to the expensive gifts you-", you can't finish your sentence as your lover is too busy pressing his lips against yours and kissing you sensually. You bury your fingers in his hair and smile into the kiss.
"They're perfect, love", he reassures you and squeezes your hand, "I can tell you put a lot of thought into this and I feel honored receiving such a gift from you. I love them." He presses another kiss to your lips sinking back onto the couch with you to cuddle. "I love you", he looks into your eyes and softly kisses your hand while holding you close.
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author's note: i hope you guys liked this one. i'll probably do capitano next because giving the buff scary man pretty flowers and watching him feel loved is a big yes. 👀❤️
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unreadpoppy · 4 months
Wash My Dreams Away - Chapter 7
Halsin x Gwen (Tav) / Raphael x Gwen (Tav) on the side
Read on AO3
Chapter 6
A/N: Dream sequences are back baby. Also, Raphael is a menace. (also i finally get to use this damn picture)
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Gwendolyn was in a garden. The place was illuminated by a few torches, and she could see that the sky was clear, the moon shining bright. Looking down at herself, she wore the same blue gown, with an off the shoulder sweetheart neckline, puffy shoulders and long sleeves. Most of her hair was down, as she felt it brushing on her back. 
Picking up her skirts, she walked around, looking at the different flowers. There were tulips, poppies, and some of her favorites like magnolias and forget-me-nots. In the distance, she noticed a bush of white roses, and walking towards it, she gently picked up one, sighing at the scent. While still holding the flower, she felt something nudging her shoe.  Looking down, Gwendolyn saw a fox. 
“Oh, hello.” She said, crouching down to take a better look at the animal. It looked at her for a moment and then ran away. “Wait!” Gwen shouted, standing up and running after the fox. 
Eventually, she lost sight of it but found herself near a fountain. Raising her skirts, she knelt beside it, looking at her reflection in the water. There were no circles in her eyes, her skin looked refreshed and she wore minimal makeup. She put her hand in the water, watching her reflection. 
She smiled at it, at first, but her face soon fell when the water stilled again and besides her, was Raphael. Taken aback, she looked around and noticed she was alone. He appeared only in the water, next to her own reflection. 
With cherry red skin, four horns and a devilish smile, Raphael’s reflection said “Hello, little butterfly.” He said, curling a lock of her hair around his fingers and bringing it close to his nose, smelling it. “It has been a long time since you were last here.” 
Gwen moved her head away from him. “It’s been a long time since I last slept.” She explained, squinting her eyes. “Although, I have a suspicion you have something to do with that?”
“I have told you all that I know.”  He chuckled. “I have no control over dreams, or sleep, now…” She saw him moving and appearing behind her, his breath tickling the back of her ear. She felt goosebumps as he moved her hair to the side. “If you were troubled after my last visit then… I fail to see how that concerns me, dearest.” Raphael kissed the back of her exposed neck. 
Gwen turned around again, seeing nothing, only the faint sound of his laughter hanging in the air. She groaned “Stop these tricks and show yourself.” 
“As you wish.” She heard him say, and soon, Raphael appeared a few feet from where she sat, one arm bent at the waist, the other spreading out as he bowed. This time, the devil was dressed mostly in red.
Quickly, Gwendolyn stood up as he marched forwards to her, offering an arm. “Walk with me.”  
She raised a brow. “Will you give me answers?”
Raphael shrugged. “You’ll only know if you accompany me.” Gwen sighed, and grabbed his arms, allowing him to lead the way. 
He took her through a different path, and more flowers appeared. Oleanders, nightshades and foxgloves were the few that the tiefling could identify, although she was more focused on where the devil was taking her. It appeared that they had entered a maze of sorts, as she noticed the giant walls of green around them. Gwen gulped and inched closer to him, suddenly feeling claustrophobic. 
Raphael chuckled. “Dreams are quite an interesting thing, wouldn’t you agree?”
Her brows furrowed at his question. “I would, if you hadn't told me otherwise a few weeks ago. I mean, you were the one that said they were meaningless.” 
“A devil can change his mind, can he not?” He stopped walking and turned to her. “In truth, dreams are a reflection of oneself.” Raphael got closer to her, causing the tiefling to take a step backwards. “They can show parts of our day, relive old memories or glimpses of the future, torment us with our biggest nightmares.” 
Gwendolyn’s back hit one of the walls, feeling her dress get caught in it. She raised her hands to try and pry herself off of it, but she felt vines wrap itself around her wrists, pulling her further into the walls, trapping her there. Gwen’s hands were pinned next to her head, and her heart raced as Raphael stepped closer and closer. 
“But the most important thing is that dreams show us our deepest wishes…our deepest desires.” Raphael whispered, his body inches from hers. 
“You confuse me.” Gwendolyn breathed out. “You brush me aside, tell me that this means nothing. Now you come here, with all this talk of dreams and desires.” She chuckled nervously. “It’s-it’s like you’re trying to charm me or something.” 
“Isn’t that what you wanted?” He raised a brow. “I know what you told the druid, about your feelings towards me.” He trailed one long nail from her cheek down to her cleavage, smirking as she shivered. 
“How…how do you know that?”
Raphael smirked, his eyes darkening. “I am the devil, dear. I know everything.” She felt the blood rushing to her cheeks as he momentarily looked down at her lips. “I know how you want to be desired, how you want to be seduced. Just tell me what you want, and I’ll provide just that.” 
Gwen struggled weakly against the vines, but that only made its grip on her wrists tighten. “Raphael…” she whispered. Gwen looked in his eyes, feeling like a fly caught in a spider’s web. 
“Shh… there’s no need to fight.” The devil said, wrapping a loose strand of her hair around his finger, inching closer to her. The more she looked at him, deeper into his trap she fell. “Be honest with yourself.” He whispered in her ear, body pressing close to hers. “Tell me what you want.” 
“I…” Gwendolyn gulped, conflicted. She knew this was wrong, that this whole situation was strange. But would it be too bad to indulge? For once, to give in to what she wanted? Besides, this was just a dream, right? 
“Say it.” He demanded, breath tickling on her ear. 
“I-I want you.” Gwen breathed out. “I want you, Raphael.” 
In an instant, his mouth was on hers, his hands holding her face. When she gasped, he pushed his tongue through. He was dominating and strong, and there was nothing Gwen could do to stop him. 
Like a moth is drawn to a flame, even if it would only burn her in the end, she couldn’t stop herself from being attracted to it - to him, to wanting him, to even…liking him. When he let go, she let out a whine as he smirked. His kiss was like a poison she wanted to drink more of. 
Halsin pressed a damp rag to Gwendolyn’s face, trying to help cool her down. After her days long insomnia, she fell into a deep sleep. A full day had passed, and she showed no signs of stirring up and now, she was burning up with a fever. 
Both him and Shadowheart had tried using their healing magic, but nothing worked, and so, the druid resorted to natural means. They had moved her to the tent he shared with Minthara, since it was the biggest one at camp and because he would keep a better eye on her, with his materials nearby. 
It had been Lae’zel’s idea, to keep up with their search for a way to end Ketheric’s invulnerability while Gwen slept. Halsin had agreed, stating that it would have been what she wanted - for the others not to stall because of her.
Halsin had decided to stay behind as well, in an attempt to try and bring his friend back. He had his suspicions that whatever liquid was in that vial was the reason for this, but with no way of contacting the devil, Halsin could only do his best and hope that she would pull through. 
Halsin sat down next to her, noticing the owlbear cub and Scratch curled up by her feet. Just like, they hadn’t left her side. He grabbed one of her shivering hands and pressed a quick, gentle kiss to her knuckles. Still holding it, he murmured a small prayer to the Oak Father, asking for strength. After that, he wiped a strand of her from her forehead, he said “Come back to us, Gwen. We need you.” Halsin paused, and whispered “I need you.” 
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hmshermitcraft · 9 months
Some fluffy Grian x Cleo maybe?
Cleo has gotten used to Grian's pranks by now, and since they started dating they've gotten a lot cuter, but no less annoying.
Cleo had received coordinates and a time on a sign in her base, with a heart and a 'G' carved next to them. The time listed was midnight, so she prepared some throw-away armor just in case she died and set off soon after the sun had set.
It was only a quick fly away, no Nether travel needed, and was a little glass platform in the sky. Grian was nowhere to be found. She cautiously landed, looking around for any hidden mechanisms, before catching a glimpse of the ground below her.
It was a beautifully lit up field of flowers, forming the picture of her face. Well, as much as it could with the wind blowing the plants around. Blue orchids were used for her skin, the lighting making them slightly paler. Her eyes were made out of oxeye daisies and wither roses, her hair a beautiful mix of poppies, orange tulips, and dandelions. The entire scene was surrounded by beautiful light fixtures of sea lanterns, painting the field in a gentle blue that made it look like it was glowing.
Cleo was so entranced that she didn't hear the rockets or the person landing behind her. Rather, they made themselves known by pushing her off the platform.
She screeched, elytra twirling around her and offering no help in actually gliding down safely. She could faintly hear the sound of a firework behind the rushing wind and then arms were wrapped around her torso as she was carried into a smooth landing.
There were tell-tale snickers next to her ear, her short boyfriend's face partially buried in her back. She twisted to look at him, saw his glinting eyes, and promptly pushed her hand in his face and pushed him away. He squawked, nearly losing balance, and she couldn't keep her smile down for long.
"And what is all this?"
"A bunch of flowers," was Grian's cheeky response, and Cleo reached out to pinch his nose. He was able to pull away easily.
"A bunch of flowers that I nearly died in. I nearly died in my face, Grian."
"I had to do something to sweep you off your feet."
Cleo laughed, "You pushed me off my feet."
"Still counts. Now do you want dinner or not?" Grian grabbed her hand, pulling her towards a clearing in the middle of the flowers where an orange blanket was spread out, a few candles (carefully) lit, and a picnic basket with some wine and glasses set up.
"You know," she said as she settled down onto the blanket, letting Grian pour her a glass of red wine. "You could have just told me you set up a date for us rather than leave an ominous sign in my base."
"But that's no fun! If I'm not leaving you guessing, what's the point?"
"You're so lucky you're cute."
"And kissable. You've said it yourself."
Cleo sighs to cover up her amusement, grabbing his chin and leaning over to give him a small kiss, even if it only proved his point further.
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