#polish langblr
pol-ski · 4 months
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lichozestudni · 7 months
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commissarabel · 7 days
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This is my workspace. I am joining the local studyblr community :)
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slaviclore · 11 months
pls choose the best option & elaborate in tags if you'd like.
some endings are cut off to meet poll limits...
Context below the cut, but please answer first :)
this is the opening sentence of a letter written by fryderyk chopin to his friend and/or boyfriend tytus woyciechowski in 1829. he's 19/20 years old (we're not sure about his DOB), and he's been spending some time with prince antoni radziwiłł and his family at their palace in antonin (near Poznań). radziwiłł is a huge music nerd, and chopin is having a great time over there. the mood of the letter is mostly positive and upbeat, and you can probably expect him to be at his cheekiest.
there are 3 published english translations of this letter. none of the 3 translators are native polish speakers. here are their takes on this sentence:
full original sentence from chopin's november 14 1829 letter:
Ostatni twój list, w którym mi każesz się ucałować, odebrałem w Antoninie u Radziwiłła.
EL Voynich, Chopin's Letters (1931), pg 73:
I received your last letter, in which you send me a kiss, at Antonin, at the Radziwiłłs'.
Arthur Hedley, Selected Correspondence of Fryderyk Chopin (1962), pg 36:
Your last letter, in which you send me your warmest greetings, reached me at Radziwill's place at Antonin.
David Frick, Chopin's Polish Letters (2016), pg. 143:
I received your last letter, in which you tell me to give myself a kiss, in Antonin at Radziwiłł's.
why is this important?
1) it's an interesting grammar problem where the combination of a referred statement (FC is summarizing what TW said), a command, and a reflexive (się) makes it unclear who is to kiss who.
2) we don't have any letters from TW to FC, so it's useful to piece together the way he may have written to him.
3) FC has a habit of teasing TW for not liking to be kissed, which historians have taken a bit too seriously, if you ask me.
4) we'll talk about arthur hedley some other time, but yeah... i know.
i read this letter in polish first, and i didn't realize this sentence might be ambiguous. when i started reading the translations, i was surprised to see the different takes. my reactions ranged from "?" to "????" i like remind myself that my perspective is also biased, though -- by the fact i speak modern polish, and this is a 200 year old letter. i think this is a good example of how subjective translations can be. you ask 4 different people to translate something, you might very well get 4 different translations.
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redhatmeg · 1 year
No to ustalone - Najgorszą Polską Lekturą z okresu Młodej Polski został noblowski cykl Chłopi (i słusznie). Aczkolwiek Żeromski dostał po głosie za Ludzi bezdomnych i Syzyfowe prace.
Przechodzimy dalej.
W sumie to się zastanawiam ile z nich się faktycznie czyta i omawia, a ile tylko omawia, bo nie starcza czasu i trzeba zaraz przejść do literatury wojennej.
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god-above-all · 3 months
anyone got any tips to learn polish?
i’m already doing spanish and french gcse (and ambitions to take them further) and speak english so i guess this will be my 4th, thinking about doing it for my dofe skill, i want to be a nurse and its the most common second language in the uk so im hoping it will help me communicate. just doing duolingo and falou atm, help me bc idk what im doing it would be really appreciated any tips and tricks
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er-cryptid · 10 months
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pleeezbarbra · 7 months
It’s messed up English language doesn’t have a perfect equivalent of the polish word już. It translates to already, or now, or yet, depending on context; it’s a word to signal that I’m doing it, get off my ass: już wstaję means I’m getting up, but also can you kindly fuck off. Już idę means I'm coming, stop badgering me.
już, już is used to soothe, like there there (or british now, now!), but it's so much richer in meaning.
Już?! is an exclamation of surprise, already? or right now?!
These words always make me think how nature of language reflects the nature of people that use it; it's so normal for polish people to wait for shit, to go slow about business. Not nearly as slow as the southerners, mind you, but I’d say we are chill compared to Western Europe
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gardens-and-cats · 1 year
Polish pronunciation tips
Pronouncing trzy (three):
If you're struggling with this, it may be because you're trying to say it like t-rzy, when really it is said t-szy. This is because putting an unvoiced consonant before a voiced one causes devoicing, so the consonant cluster becomes unvoiced. If you don't know what voicing in consonants is:
So a word such as żabka ("froggie", also the name of a major retailer) is said like żapka. Another thing to note is that the t in trzy must be pronounced distinctly and not said as if the word is czy (if, or, question marker).
Ę and ą - why do they sometimes sound like e and o?
A development in the Polish language is the loss of nasalization on ę and ą, particularly at the ends of words. This isn't universal across Poland, but it will be common enough that you should know it.
Ę and ą are nasalized except for when at the end of words. So mężczyzna (man) is said menżczyzna but piję (I drink) is pronounced like pije. Likewise, skąd (from where) is said skond but piją (they drink) like pijo.
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ilonas-diaries · 1 month
2024.03.25 ──★ ˙ ̟🐻
☆ day 16/100 days of productivity ☆
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paperwork (i believe i'm done with what i was able to do, and now all i need is to complete it with my psychologist! cheers!)
polish learning session (text reading + writing)
read a few chapters from a novel
exercised (dance + weight lifting)
worked on an illustration + filmed the process (to hopefully do some speed-art + voiceover video)
listened to podcasts/essays while doing so
edited a speed-art video
posted the video
japanese lesson
started a new sketch 🤫
watched a few episodes from the "one piece" anime
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I'm starting to feel better and more motivated again (yay! 🎉)
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Things on my mind:
finish decluttering the painting/art shelves
continue reading “l'interprétation des cotes de fées” + take notes from it
put my frame on the walls
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I was tagged by @zzzzzestforlife for this cute picrew game! It's how you look now vs when you were younger :)
Young me used to spend around 20 minutes each morning to straighten her hair because it used to be a complex... 🥹 I always thought my hair was just "messy wavy", never the "pretty wavy/curly" so I didn't like it!
I don't really have anyone to tag, so anyone who sees this, feel free to do it!
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clemjolichose · 10 months
I just finished unit 6 of Polish in Duolingo, so I'm at the same level in Italian and in Polish, but I feel like I'm better at Italian than at Polish. Which is VERY frustrating because Polish is the second language I started learning after French meanwhile I just started Italian with Duolingo. And I'm still looking for native speakers to talk to and improve myself with in both languages.
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pol-ski · 2 years
USA 🇺🇸 vs. Poland 🇵🇱
Winnie the Pooh 🍯
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lichozestudni · 8 months
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commissarabel · 8 days
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Hello, Tumblr. My name is Stanisław, and I want to find new friends on this site.
Topics that interest me now:
Polish language. I study it slowly, tragically and thoroughly. I can say that I am in love with the Polish language and Polish culture.
Writing. This is not even a hobby for me, but a lifestyle: when we first meet, I often forget to say that I write texts, because for me it is as natural as breathing.
My job. I am a marine surveyor who is in love with my job. I promise that I won’t talk about this all the time, but I must show you beautiful photos from the sea.
To complete the picture, I’ll add hobbies that I remember from time to time: these are Soviet films and music, religious studies, quantum mechanics, linguistic design, the history and symbolism of Freemasonry, psychiatry, sports, cryptography and heraldry.
If at least something has responded, let's get to know each other. Write to me, write about your life goals, your interests, what is important to you.
Maybe you will find a friend in me.
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slaviclore · 10 months
Another letter from Fryderyk Chopin, folks.
He's still living in Poland at this point, and he is 20 years old. He's writing to someone he knows very well, but we don't know if this was a romantic relationship. Note that kisses may have been part of a common greeting between friends/family members -- it's up to you to decide if that's relevant here or not. Please vote before reading further context below, and if the context makes you change your mind, please let me know in the tags or reply :)
This passage is a bit (in?)famous in the Chopin world as it is regarded by some as the sexiest thing he'd ever written (that we have on record). He wrote it to his friend/maybe-boyfriend Tytus Woyciechowski on September 4 1830. Here's the full passage with my translation, the parts in bold are what's in the poll:
"Idę się umywać, nie całuj mię teraz, bom się jeszcze nie umył. – Ty? chociażbym się olejkami wysmarował bizantyjskimi, nie pocałowałbyś, gdybym ja Ciebie magnetycznym sposobem do tego nie przymusił. Jest jakaś siła w naturze. Dziś Ci się śnić będzie, że mnie całujesz. Muszę Ci oddać za szkaradny sen, jakiś mi dziś w nocy sprowadził."
I'm going to wash myself, don't kiss me right now because I haven't washed yet. -- You? even if I smeared myself with byzantine oils, you wouldn't kiss me, unless I used some magnetic means to force you. There is some power in nature. Today you will dream that you're kissing me. I have to pay you back for the terrible dream you sent me last night.
Right. So I'm trying to figure out what exactly about this seems erotic. Are the last 2 sentences (the ones I'm asking you to translate) about the kiss in the dream enough to call it sexy? Or is the perceived eroticism primarily in the references to bathing and oils, etc?
Poll responders will have to decide how the word "szkaradny" is used here. This adjective directly describes the dream, and it usually means something like awful/terrible. It can be used to describe both objects (like an ugly building) or actions/people (possibly immoral or in some way repulsive). Published translations of this passage translate "szkaradny sen" as things like: nightmare, horrible dream, or nasty dream. Contemporary interpretations sometimes convert it to "dirty dream".
Responders will therefore have to decide if there is irony in this passage. Did Chopin literally have a bad dream? Or is this an ironic way to describe what was actually a good dream, erotic or not? Or was it an "immoral" dream, and if so, does that mean sexual?
Have at it. I'm really giving you the good stuff today.
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redhatmeg · 8 months
Update odnośnie "Lalka Daily"
No więc tak:
Ściągnęłam sobie z Wolnych Lektur wydanie Lalki, które ma 470 stron. Sprawdziłam też na szybko w internecie, ile ta książka ma rozdziałów i wychodzi na to, że 37.
Tak więc w sumie można by zrobić tak, że codziennie przez jeden miesiąc i przez tydzień można by rzeczywiście - jak proponowała jedna z użytkowniczek - przesłać jeden rozdział do omówienia.
Tylko nadal pozostają dwa pytania:
Ilu byłoby chętnych?
Jaki nadać temu tytuł, aby było chwytliwe?
Gdyby nie to, że ma być jeden rozdział dziennie, to można by zorganizować Listopad z Lalką.
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