fireblts · 2 years
it aches a little part 3 (jily)
can be read from the beginning here!
The gentle clicks of James shoes echoed down the corridor as they patrolled, puncturing the stilted silence that hung between them. The only other disruption to the quiet was the nearly unnoticeable crackling of the amber flames that adorned the castle walls, flickering up out of the torch holders and casting soft shadows over James’s face. He was oh-so-lovely, in a way that sometimes physically hurt to look at.
The silence itself was smooth, almost silken, made of gossamer threads that hung between the two of them, pinned in place by small needles, fastening them invisibly onto Lily’s robes, onto her skin. Inescapable. Contrastingly, it felt as if the threads were merely draped over James, as if the discomfort was foreign to him, and the quiet could be shrugged off with a well-timed shake of his shoulders. There were other threads pinned to Lily’s robes too, interwoven amongst the silence, finer paradoxical strings of ease and discomfort that tangled together.
Nothing could ever be truly awkward, truly wrong when she was with him, but something between them had been upset, and their interactions felt considered and measured in a way that had become alien since the beginning of sixth year.
continue reading
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karistiltskin · 4 months
jily’s seventh year pining era will never not get me.
them looking at each other during meals and lily thinking james doesn’t like her anymore while james is just aching because she’s still so beautiful>>>
them going to sleep after a gryffindor common room party only to realize they spent the entire night together talking and laughing>>>
james trying his hardest to just be lily’s friend and respect her wishes while lily has been sending signals at him for weeks>>>
lily drooling over james after quidditch practice>>>
james being in awe of lily when she gets a question right during class after trying to compete with her a moment before>>>
them all of a sudden having inside jokes and being the first ones to look at each other when something funny happens>>>
my heart is always so warm thinking about them.
(btw remus and marlene were the most excited out of everyone)
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alltoounwellll · 1 month
a solar eclipse is such a good metaphor for James feeling like he’s taken a back seat in Sirius’s life after he and Remus get together
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number1abbasupporter · 9 months
james being sirius’ wingman
lily being remus’ wingwoman.
james and lily deciding to work together to get wolfstar together since they’re always pining and it’s very annoying.
lily realizing she actually likes james.
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suzyq31 · 5 months
Just some casual pining
@jilymicrofics, this just makes the cut at 976 words!
January prompts used: Primal, Apprehensive, Etch
This lightly connects to a few of my other James/Lily stories. Unsure if I'll turn them into a series on archive. Essentially just these two being idiots in love and denial while at school. Also note, this line is very much stolen from When Harry Met Sally.
“What about if they’re attracted to each other?” she asked, apprehension in her tone, and when her eyes met his he nearly swallowed his own tongue.  “Er—” “Or as Sirius put it, that ‘the sex part gets in the way.’”
Thanks to @charmsandtealeaves for looking this over!
Story below the cut 😊
James squinted at the sunlight streaming through the bevelled glass, a light September breeze coming in. Lily had crossed the stone floor within minutes of entering the cramped office earlier, jimmying with the latch on the window, and pressing it open with her upper body, before smiling at him over her shoulder. 
He was already sweating, but his body had only grown warmer at the sight. A year into their friendship and he still wasn’t used to having her smile at him like that, like someone she was glad to see.
They’d quickly gotten to work, both of them still adjusting to their new roles. Lily with far more ease than him. She had a leg up, of course, having been a prefect since fifth year. James found himself playing catch up, learning the patrol schedules, the intricacies of the points systems, and the group dynamics that he was now in charge of. 
Dumbledore had made a good choice the past two years, if he’d had this kind of power earlier, he could only imagine how much more of a nightmare he would have been. He also doubted that Lily would have ever come around to not hating his guts if that were the case.
She was close enough that he could feel her warmth and breathe in the scent of her shampoo, something light and floral that he’d always found pleasing. All at once her green eyes were holding his, and it took him a full second to realise he’d been caught. He stared back down at his parchment, willing himself to think, “Maybe we should switch David and Juliet.”
He lifted his eyes to hers. “Rumour has it they’ve broken up.”
“Oh,” she said, delicate brows furrowing. “That’s too bad.” 
He scratched the back of his neck. “Should I switch them then?”
Lily looked past him, eyes fixed on a far-off point. He followed her gaze towards the fiery sky, the sun giving its best showcase before it would sink behind the green hills. 
“They were such good friends before.”
Her quiet declaration surprised him. 
She nodded absently, a hard to read expression etched on her features, voice hushed when she spoke.
“Do you remember what Sirius said?”
“Well, he says a lot of things.”
She rolled her eyes. “He said that men and women couldn’t really be proper friends. He said it about Marlene and Benjy, back in June.”
“Wouldn’t be the first dumb thing he’s said.”
Lily released a delicate little snort. “No…but do you think he’s right?”
“Er—no,” he said, palms suddenly sweating. “He was just taking the piss.”
Out of him. Not that he would add that part. He wiped his palms on his leg which had begun bouncing of its own accord. Lily simply looked at her notes. 
“What about if they’re attracted to each other?” she asked, apprehension in her tone, and when her eyes met his he nearly swallowed his own tongue. 
“Or as Sirius put it, that ‘the sex part gets in the way.’”
His lips parted but no sound came out. His stomach had flipped completely upside down, then rightside up, as if he’d attempted a Wronski Feint 
A smile pulled at her lips, green eyes dancing. Clearly joking, while he was acting like a demented goldfish. 
Finally he cleared his throat. “Depends.”
“On what?”
“I mean a lot of things. If it’s mutual, or one-sided…” He watched her closely and something in her expression shifted. “Are you talking about someone we know, Evans?”
Pink spread across her porcelain cheeks. He’d never outgrown his love of causing her to blush. A strange surge of confidence came to him as he leaned in. 
“So, purely hypothetical?” he added.
She sucked in her bottom lip, nodding. 
For a moment he felt suspended. Like he could tell her anything; like the fact that he was sure that he would always fancy her, even if she never felt the same way. Pathetic really, a truth he did his best to manage. Unwilling to jeopardise her hard-won friendship. 
He forced out a breath.  “I think you can be friends with someone you’re attracted to.”
She tilted her head, hair ablaze in the afternoon sunlight. “You think so?”
“I have it on good authority.”
Lily blinked at him. The pink hue on her face deepened and everything in him screamed to touch her cheek, to see if it was as soft as he imagined. 
His hand fisted where it rested on his leg. The desire burned through him. Being around her had always been like playing with fire; mesmerising, a primal instinct that only she brought out in him. She made the world brighter but with the potential for peril. His heart at risk. 
He stared down at her, the moment suspended. His fingers unclenching, their breathing syncing. He could imagine it so easily, closing the small gap between them, and brushing his lips against hers. 
A loud bang made them both startle, her body tensing before she relaxed back into her seat. The prefects began to trickle in. He was so flustered by the impulse he’d been close to giving into, that he’d nearly forgotten where they were or what they were even doing. 
Lily recovered quickly, standing and greeting the arriving students. He watched her take charge of the meeting. Graceful in her movement, the last bits of sun bathing her in gold. His heart beat erratically in his chest, body too hot in the crowded room. He wasn’t sure if he wanted to thank Sirius or hex him into next week. 
Then Lily turned back, a curious glint in her eyes that sparked him into motion. He took his place beside her, ignoring the gooseflesh that broke out when her arm brushed against his, pushing down how right it felt to be at her side.
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charmsandtealeaves · 1 year
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Evans Guide To Quidditch (and seducing James Potter)
Read it on AO3 | 8K One-Shot
Summary: It had all started out innocently enough, a small wager between housemates on the outcome of the Arrows Vs Catapults game over the weekend. Lily hadn't intended to let slip she knew more about quidditch than she was letting on. Or to set up a fantasy quidditch league with James, but well... what's the harm?
Tags: jily, hogwarts, 7th year , clueless idiots, mutual pining
It was almost cruel taking money from Black at this point. Yet there was something about watching his mouth pop open in incredulous surprise every time that just tickled her. At this rate she’d be able to buy herself an entire term's worth of potions ingredients out of him. Now there was an idea! She’d had her eye on a new cauldron upgrade now that they were doing N.E.W.T level potions. She had every intention of offering Sirius odds on the upcoming Cannons match, especially when she overheard him grumbling at breakfast on Monday morning at the other end of the Gryffindor dining table.  “I reckon she’s got someone feeding her information from somewhere. There’s no fucking way Lily Evans knows that much about quidditch. Three galleons. Three fucking galleons she’s won off me.” Sirius complained, stabbing angrily at his eggs, and then pointing his fork at James. “Ah yes because there’s no way her quidditch knowledge could be superior to your own aye Padfoot?” Potter chuckled. He didn’t seem the least bit miffed and she’d managed to lure him out of the similar amount of money.  “Not three fucking galleons worth superior. Once it’s a fluke, twice I’ll consider, three times she’s cheating!” Sirius grumbled indignantly. “Or she’s just that good Pads.” Potter shrugged.
Tagging as they asked to be tagged when I posted ageeeeeeees ago when I was sharing concept/snippets: @theresthesnitch, @petalstofish-deactivated2023062 @uncertainwallflower
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red-tsubaki · 1 month
Regulus and Severus having this tradition to go out and get pissed in silence every year in Lily and James' aniversary, never acknowledging and talking about it for the rest of the year.
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THE VIRTUE OF SHARING A @jilymicrofics. Prompt: comfort. Words: 878.
James had always fancied the armchairs beside the fire in the Gryffindor common room as the superior chair of choice. Cushy and red and comfortable and perfectly worn from years and years of use. They provided personal space, where the loveseat required sharing, a virtue his mother highly regarded. But one day, in the first term of seventh-year, while working on a gruelling essay due at the end of the week, something occurred that permanently and entirely changed his perspective. 
The armchairs had been taken, snagged by two fifth-years. James could’ve made a fuss, pulled rank, or bodily removed one of them, but he was drained from a long Quidditch practice, and honestly, there was nothing wrong with the loveseat. Especially when sitting on it was a Lily Evans, deep in her Transfiguration textbook, forehead ever so wrinkled with concentration. Lily Evans, red-headed, sharp-tongued, strictly friends. James plonked down beside her, and she looked up with a quick and cutting smile. 
“Hey, you.” She was already returning to her textbook. 
“Hullo,” James replied. He watched her for a moment before shuffling through his handful of parchment to find the desired sheet.
“How was practice?” Her voice was slightly muffled by the pages. 
“Eh—cold, long.”
Rain battered heavy on the windows dotted about the common room. 
“Bloody ruthless Captain.” Lily shook her head. Though her tone was dead-serious, James could see a small smile that she tried to hide behind her textbook.
James grinned. “Right twit he is.”
“Oh, absolutely. Massive twit.”
Lily looked at him now, eyes sparkling. Her finger twitched, and she glanced down at the essay draft in his hands, then back to his face. She sat forward, posing her next words carefully, “Could you help me with something? I’ll make it worth your while.”
James—thank Merlin—managed to stop himself from choking. “Oh, will you now?”
Lily nodded. “Absolutely.”
“How can I be of service?”
The facade fell, and she flopped back into the loveseat, sighing dejectedly. “I simply cannot understand a single word in this blasted textbook. It makes zero sense. Can you explain it to me?” She held the open textbook out to him, its pages flapping helplessly in the space between them. 
James took the book from her and skimmed through a paragraph. He looked up. “And what will I get in return?”
She was already snatching the essay off his lap, “I’ll edit this for you. Merlin knows it’s probably unintelligible, and we want you to graduate, don’t we?”
James barked a laugh, piercing her with incredulous eyes. “You, Evans, are a swot, and a mean one at that.”
“You love that about me.”
James swallowed a sudden lump in his throat. “Not if you keep this act up.” 
It was her turn to laugh. “I’m sorry. I truly do need your help. You’re so much better at Transfiguration than me.”
“Flattery will get you nowhere.”
“It’s bound to get me somewhere.” 
They were grinning at each other.
After a moment, James sighed dramatically. “Oh, alright, Evans. I’ll help.”
“I knew you would.” She was still grinning, scooting down the loveseat to sit directly beside him, her skirt-clad thigh pressing against his trousered. 
Another lump in his throat to swallow. “Right, well. What exactly is it that you don’t understand?”
Lily set about pointing out phrases and words, brandishing a page of notes filled with anxious scribblings. 
James wasn’t sure exactly why it happened. One moment they were sitting—admittedly very close together—going over a chapter on a complex branch of Human Transfiguration. The next moment Lily’s head was resting lightly on his shoulder. It was a small change. Nothing to blink at. But by Merlin, James was blinking. That pesky lump was back, and James couldn’t help but think that this didn’t feel like strictly friends behaviour. His breath caught, his body froze. James was quite sure Lily could hear the blood pumping through his veins, the cogs whirring in his brain. 
And then, slowly, he manoeuvred his arm around her. His heart had definitely stopped. His lungs too. He was quite sure he was dead. Then Lily sighed, a small sound, barely distinguishable, but all the same. She sighed, and she folded her stockinged feet up and under herself. James was definitely dead. Dead and gone to some better place where a version of Lily Evans snuggled into his side. 
Mind exploding, throat thickening, lump refusing to be swallowed. 
She had said something. She had definitely said something. She pulled away slightly, and James loosened his arm, prepared to have his whole world ripped away from him. She remained, dropping a tentative hand on his chest and tilting her face up to peer up at his.
“Crinus Muto?”
“Oh—yeah, right…”
The armchairs had been abandoned. He looked over at them out of habit, but between the forgotten draft essay, the open textbook in his lap and the red-headed, sharp-tongued, strictly friends, Lily Evans, whose head was resting on his chest, breath tickling his neck, fingers absently playing with a loose thread of his jumper, he found he could not care less about the cushy, red, comfortable, perfectly worn chairs of choice. He much preferred the loveseat. And, after all, sharing was a virtue. 
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A Greenhouse Detention Written for @jilymicrofics, Prompt 13: Shiver (355 words)
For James, love began with an eye roll. An exasperated sigh in the middle of a Potions lesson that only barely hid the amused smirk that Lily fought so hard to suppress.
Would you give it up, Potter? You’re not as funny as you think you are.
He took it as a mission. A goal. A sacred oath, forged in the heat of the Hogwarts dungeon.
He would make Lily Evans laugh, if it was the last thing he did.
For Lily, love began with a shiver. A natural reaction in the middle of a detention she did not deserve.
“You’re cold,” James said. A statement, not a question.
“I’m fine,” Lily replied sullenly.
“You’re shivering.”
“It’s winter,” Lily retorted, her hands red as she scrubbed the greenhouse floor.
James shed his cloak silently, wrapping it around Lily’s shoulders before she could protest.
She was surrounded by the smell of him, woodsy and inviting –– with just a hint of firewhiskey. She breathed it in slowly, her grip slackening on the scrub brush in front of her.
“What, no comeback?” James teased, and when Lily looked up, his hazel eyes were bright and playful. And God, she thought, she could just get lost in those eyes. And those lips, plump and red as he breathed out a foggy breath in the freezing greenhouse…
Lily shook herself, tearing her eyes away from him like she’d been burned.
I do not fancy James Potter, she thought fiercely to herself –– an old mantra, one that weakened with every passing day. I do not.
Except, maybe, she did.
“You think you don’t need a cloak?” she challenged. “You think you’re tougher than me?”
“Definitely not,” James replied evenly. “And I’m not just saying that because I’ve seen your Bat Bogey Hex in action.”
It wasn’t his best joke. Mildly funny at best. But something about it struck a chord with Lily. She laughed. Louder than she’d laughed in a long time, her head thrown back as tremors of amusement shot through her.
And when she looked at James, flushed and grinning beside her, she thought he looked a little triumphant.
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rockingrobin69 · 2 years
1.4k (gasp) for dear anon, AU full of - family, friends to lovers, and of course pining
It was cute when they were in school, the whole rivalry thing. Draco’s “I got an E in potions” versus Harry’s “my mum sends the best parcels”, Draco’s “Padfoot let me ride his bike” to Harry’s “I’m still faster on a broom”. It was fine. Fun, even, rolling around the Gryffindor common room, teasing and screaming and laughing, endless nights of sneaking around and annoying the shit out of everyone.
(Draco told him once, hiding underneath a desk in an abandoned classroom, waiting for Filch to leave the library. How his Father always said he’s meant to be in Slytherin. Father, with that look in his eyes, detesting and sneering and a little hungry. But then he got Moony and Padfoot, and can you imagine the look on Pads’s face if he got sorted there? Mental. Besides, who would want to anyway. It was better to be here with Harry, making sure his stupidity didn’t get him killed.)
It was still a little cute after graduation, when Harry came to stay with them for three months. Draco’s “I know the best restaurants” to Harry’s “I made your favourite pasta”, Harry’s “early registration” to Draco’s “already have a job”. Moony and Padfoot let them do whatever, almost, treated them like adults, in a way Harry’s parents never really would. Although Sirius got so angry one morning, when Draco came back from a night shift he wasn’t meant to do. He hasn’t told anyone about it, and Pads was worried about him, wanker. Draco had tears in his eyes when he shouted back, about back off and shut up and this isn’t even, a lot of “you don’t understand”s that Remus actually laughed at.
(Harry never had shouting matches like that with his parents. His mum would usually storm off to cool down, and his dad never raised his voice. But Draco and Padfoot made up before breakfast was finished, frowning around their toast and glaring at Moony, who was still laughing, and it was okay. Then at the end of summer when Draco handed them the envelope with all the money he’s saved—“I just wanted—to give you something back—” Harry was glad he’d be leaving soon, because it was terrifying, watching Remus and Sirius cry so fucking much).
It was less fun during Uni, because Draco never went, and Harry had no one to compete with. Draco got a better job than his crappy summer one, and Moony got him his own bike, which was really unfair. Harry’s shitty old car used to be his gran’s and it didn’t go thirteen miles without falling apart. Whatever. They met every break, sometimes during the semester too. Often as they could travel. But it wasn’t the same, because their lives were so different now. “Submitted my essay on the very last minute” didn’t really compare with “getting an actual office here!”. And Draco looked so grown up in his black jacket and that annoying new eyeliner-habit, so good and—far away, and it hurt, a bit. To not be a part of it all. Of his life.
(He went to see Father, he said, a rare three AM phone call the night before Harry’s organic chem exam. In prison. He went to visit him, mostly because—well, he didn’t really know why. And it was awful. Which Harry was a little happy about, because he always hated the man, and it was easier, he imagined, not to be so torn up. But Draco sounded so sad. Heart-breakingly so. There were lots  of pauses on the phone, like Draco was smoking fifteen cigarettes one after the other. “Anyway,” he said in the end, sighed again. “Don’t tell Pads or Moony. They’ll break that man’s face, and I can’t have my real dads in prison, right?”)
It got infinitely better when Harry moved to the city in work placement. Draco got his own flat—a horrible, dingy little place he was endlessly proud of, and Sirius and Remus came by every weekend. Harry loved it and hated it and decided he was moving in too, to which Draco laughed and said, I already have a room for you. Supposing he won that round.
(it was messy, and gross, and wonderful. They found the best-worst pubs in the neighbourhood and became friends with the old queer couple the floor above. A lot of things became—clearer, and more confusing, and his mum almost got a stroke when she came to visit the first time, and dad and Sirius warded the entire place like it was a national security issue. It was amazing, and Harry was a little bit in love. Oops.)
It got worse again, because being in love (oops) meant Harry lost every single argument, seeing as he couldn’t think straight anymore. He forgot to tell Draco about his big findings because the bastard wore the tightest trousers. Draco’s ‘hilarious’ stories about his ‘hilarious’ ‘’handsome’’ (!) colleague made Harry green with nausea, which meant he couldn’t form any good rebuttals with his co-researchers. It was a disaster, and Harry hated losing, and losing to Draco all the more—then Draco got that promotion offer in Italy, and—it was getting worse and worse by the minute, because he was actually thinking of going—
(“I have to be my own man,” he said, with that face he makes when he’s hurt, like Harry’s betrayed him. “I need to find—it’s not that easy, not like it is for you, it has nothing to do with—” and Harry didn’t know how to ask him not to leave, how to make him understand he’ll be taking Harry’s heart with him too, how to keep Draco from doing what might be the best thing for him. So he only nodded and said, “You should go.” And Draco turned around, still shaking, and left.)
Then it was the worst, because Draco was in fucking Italy, and the flat was so empty it made him sick. His mum and dad came over, and when it wasn’t enough they brought Moony and Padfoot too, so his whole family was there, and they had nothing to tell him. Harry hated his job, hated his life, hated everything and everyone—and no, even if it wasn’t true, it felt like it, because Draco wasn’t there. Sirius patted his arm, and mum hugged him so tight, and Moony sighed, but dad was the brightest, because he said, “Why don’t you go too?”
(It took three Floo calls, a month of preparation, and five job interviews. Dad bought him a new suit, mum rewrote his resume, and with some of Pads and Moony’s contacts, they got him this magical-researcher position in Verona. Booked the portkey and everything, and didn’t tell Draco he was coming. And then, suddenly, they were all coming: always wanted to see Italy, apparently, and hey, they missed Draco too, he was basically all of theirs son, and—butt off, mum—didn’t help. They all got tickets on the same key, and ambushed Draco outside his new, fucking-gorgeous building.
He came down the street around half five, laughing with this handsome Italian bloke, and Harry wanted to die. But then he saw them all and stopped still in his tracks. Blinked and blinked for an impossibly long time. Tilted his head, blinked again, then said, out loud, “What the actual fuck?”
The others waited, thank god. Harry ran forward, so nervous he was choking, and said, without a single thought in his head, “I missed you so much. You’re so fucking beautiful, I missed you, who’s this guy, I missed you I missed you I—”
Draco smiled, that lopsided thing with the eyeroll and said, “I missed you too, but why did you have to bring my parents?”
And then he kissed him, and Harry felt like he’s floating, like fireworks went off—no, it was just the others, cheering like bloody idiots. Harry’s grin was so wide it hurt.
“I know the best ice cream place in town,” Draco whispered, conspiratorial, still smiling. “Fabio’s wife owns it, right around the corner. Want to go, catch up a bit? Just the two of us? Before we… with everyone else? I just. I really missed you.”
And maybe it wasn’t a competition, not exactly, but Harry still felt like he won.)
It got even better after that. Pretty-fucking-great, actually.
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nami501 · 6 months
I need a fic where Lily and Remus are super close like siblings. Like Lily has a moon necklace and Remus has one with a Lily and their most (all) the time together and Sirius and James are jealous (respectively) and it takes so long to realize their just friends cause James is very respectful, so he is falling for Lily, but respects her "relationship" so he is like "if friends is all we can be, so be it", and Sirius just straight up thinks (cause he is an idiot) that Remus is straight so he just yearns for something that "can't never be"
And Lily is losing it cause she is giving all the signs and doing all the necessary things and they're basically dating, but James is for some reason not making any moves
And Remus is yearning as well but he is like he would never looked at me like that and is happy with being just friends cause friend Sirius is better than no Sirius.
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midnightelite · 9 months
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So @magic-girl-in-a-muggle-world and I have been writing a fic together! If you're interested you can read it on AO3!
We've been having a lot of fun writing it and we post new chapters every week-week and a half!
Lily is just trying to grow her business. She does not need the added distraction of a whirlwind of a man.
James is trying to get things sorted so Sirius won't kill him in the process of getting this bar ready for opening. But an entrancing red head is skewing his priorities.
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mppmaraudergirl · 2 years
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She thought things might be different after all this time. After all, she was a mature twenty-three, not some wide-eyed seventeen-year-old just starting to experience love. She was practically seasoned by now, having fallen into and out of love with reckless abandon in the years she didn’t have James Potter in her life. Why should his return cause such a stir in her heart?
And now, here she was. A vision in a traveling cloak as she entered Hogwarts castle, as vivid and beautiful as the day she left, he was certain. As heart-achingly beautiful as ever. How was he supposed to survive a whole year living in the castle with her again without falling back into the habit that felt a lot like being in love?
read on AO3 || 8.7k, rated M
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startanewdream · 1 year
#11 - kneel, for @jilymicrofics. Inspired by The Accolade, by Edmund Leighton
(my first entry, hope I did everything right!)
James' polished armour shines as he walks down the red velvet carpet; when he reaches her, Lily’s crown reflects the light on his eyes, but he holds her gaze a second longer than proper before bowing his head.
"Princess," he calls, voice smooth. Lily's quick-fluttering heart jumps even faster when he raises his head to meet her gaze; the gold stripes of his cloak match the hazel of his eyes.
"James Potter," she answers, his name rolling softly over her tongue. "My country owes you a great debt.”
“I was just doing my duty, princess.” He gives her a lopsided grin that does nothing to calm her racing heart. “It was just one dragon.”
“I owe you even more. You saved my life.”
“Just doing your duty, I suppose.”
Something softens in his face. “There was duty, but also—I could never let anything happen to you.”
Her breath catches. “I owe you a gift. Ask me for anything and I shall be—and it shall be yours.”
“My heart’s desire?” He asks hopefully. Lily is shivering as she nods, and for a moment, she sees James sweeping her off in his arms, holding her to share a kiss worthy of the end of this story as he claims her for him—
But James just bows his head once again and kneels in front of her. “I humbly ask to be your knight, princess.”
There is a sword in her hand that Lily can’t recall taking in the first place, but she just accepts. She walks down the one step that separates them, pushes aside the long sleeve of her white-cream dress, and raises the sword, letting the blade brush his shoulders in turn.
“Raise, Sir James Potter.” When their eyes meet again, she adds softly, “my knight.”
“Princess,” he answers, and then are at the same level, just a few inches separating them. His eyes bore into hers before James lets his gaze fall to her lips. “My princess.”
And then his arm wraps her waist, pulling her closer as his mouth captures her, his tongue coaching moans from her—
She opens her eyes, confused. Everything around her looks the same; she is in a room with tapestries, red velvet carpet, a huge fireplace, and swords decorating the wall. James is there as well, a few feet more apart than he had been a few seconds ago, only he’s wearing his usual red sweater with gold stripes, and Lily realises she’s wearing trousers instead of her gorgeous long-sleeved princess dress—
Of course. She is not a princess, James is not a knight. They are in the Gryffindor Common Room, not in her castle.
Lily blinks again, sitting up straight. James' face comes into focus and he looks concerned, not madly in love with her. “Hey,” she says, voice still groggy.
“Sorry to awake you—I thought you wouldn’t want to sleep here all night.”
“Ah?” She doesn’t remember what she was doing before. “Thank you?”
He chuckles. “Just doing my duty as a Head Boy.” James bends down to pick up a book on the floor. “Reading was boring you that much?”
He turns the book around to take a look at the cover. Lily knows what he will see—the picture of a red-haired woman dubbing a knight with a sword; she jumps to her feet, suddenly awake, but it’s too late.
“The kneeling knight,” James reads out loud. “What is it about?”
She grabs the book out of his hand before James manages to flip through the pages. There are some scenes there that will take Lily to an early grave if James reads them.
“Muggle kids’ tales,” she lies quickly. “You know, princesses and princes and knights. Dragons. Swords. Towers.” And a scorching romance that is not historically accurate at all, but who cares.
His eyes sparkle. “Oh, that seems nice! I’ve never read muggle tales before—can you lend me later?”
Never. “Sure, sure.”
James glances at the cover. “Is that a princess?” Lily nods, rushing to gather her things and hoping by the next morning James will have forgotten about this novel. “She looks a bit like you.” Her face is in flames now; she thought the same, and that's why it had been so easy to drift off to sleep, pretend she was the prince and that James was the knight... “How should I call you if you were a princess? I don’t know the titles.”
She avoids his eyes just in case James has any Legiliment talent she is unaware of, but she can’t control her tongue. “You could just call me your princess.”
“Hum. My princess. I like it.” James tilts his head, curious. “Which character would I be? I don’t see myself as a prince.”
Again, she can’t control her voice any more than she can control her dreams when it comes to him. “No, I think you would be a knight. Sir James Potter.”
James grins; it’s that same lopsided grin that has been driving her crazy all term. “Sir,” he agrees gladly. “It has a nice ring to it.” Then he bows. “Good night, my princess.”
She pictures herself as Sleeping Beauty, waiting in her tower for a kiss from her knight—even if James is only her friend now. “Sweet dreams, my knight.”
She knows she will have.
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almosttenaciousmoon · 7 months
suburban legends is lily singing about james when she thinks she's too late
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fizzyginfizz · 4 months
I know you probably hate this but are there any spoilers / peaks you can give for hufflepup?
“Honestly,” Sprout mused. “What makes any person think any other person is disposable? Ginevra Weasley? Why can’t you date a nice girl from your house? The Abbott girl, or the Bones -“ “The heart wants what the heart wants,” Remus said. “Says the man who wanted the babysitter,” Sirius muttered. “I wasn’t the babysitter when we started dating!” Tonks huffed. “You’ve got to stop saying that - someone’s going to end up arrested.” “Disposable,” Professor Sprout scoffed, unable to let go. “Like tissues.” “Lils little pink razors,” James smiled gently. “Plastic forks,” Lily added with a laugh. “Coffee filters,” James, his voice lower. “Marriages,” Harry muttered.
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