#paul will always care more about his love life than his children and his family - we already know this and he wasn't even interested in
leotanaka · 3 months
mdp(p)s acting like no matter what paul does, the one thing you can't fault him for is that he'll always put terese first and treat her like she's more important than anything else in his life is actually quite amusing because how on earth can you even say that and think it's a good thing when discussing an episode where paul decided supporting terese and trying to get her back was more important to him than being a part of an event dedicated to honouring his dead son?
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redheadjustin · 2 years
Omg I would love a fic where Bella’s dad remarries a guy and Bella is like thrown off because she is too involved with being a vampire to notice her dad is bi and getting remarried 😂
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You sighed happy in your husband's arms. You and Charlie swan had been Married for a few years and you were happy. Yes, Charlie Swan was Bisexaul and it was something he regretted hiding for years. He could have found a partner who respected his wants and desires instead of wasting years in a loveless marriage with Rene. Charlie wouldn't take any of it back. It gave him his little girl. If only she deserved him. It had been years since Charlie heard from his daughter despite her and the Cullens still being in Forks. It was something Charlie held deep resentment over.
You knew of Bella. But, you never met her and hoped you never would. You had spent your life babysitting and taking care of children so you knew that Bella was a grade one brat. You were a pediatrician and knew more about raising children than any parent.  After all, you knew what not to do thanks to your parents. You were abused, mistreated and pushed to the side while your siblings were treated like princes. You became a pediatrician to make sure no child grew up like you did. You met Charlie when he brought a kid in with a broken wrist. You two had seen each other around town and had spoken to one another once or twice but for some reason you two hit it off when you talked about suspected abuse. It was how you also met your adopted son, Shawn.
You and Charlie adopted Shawn after the investigation concluded that the poor boy was being abused. It gave you a chance to heal the kid and show him the love you missed. It gave Charlie a chance to make sure it wasn’t his fault on how Bella turned out. You both showered Shawn with love and gifts. But, unlike Rene with Bella, you never spoiled him. You made sure he knew that if he wanted something he had to work for them. And it turned a Scared five year old boy into a strong, brave, loving, caring and respectful ten year old boy who would go on to do extraordinary things in his life.
You sighed as you heard a knock on the door. “I got it Charlie, just relax. I’ll bring back some coffee.” You told your husband as you stood to put your bathrobe on. You walked down the stairs cursing whoever thought it was a good idea to visit at eight in the morning. You opened the door and the person on the other side of the door was the absolute last one you ever expected.
“Charlie! Your Daughter’s here! Why don’t you come in?” You told the confused Vampire after hearing a shout from your husband. You knew she was a vampire as you were a member of the Quileute tribe. Plus your older brother, Paul, is a part of the wolfpack and you expected your little brother to rush to the house once he smelled a vampire near his baby brother.
“So, um, who are you to my dad?” the female vampire asked as she shifted on the couch uncomfortable. You were smirking on the inside. You knew that she smelt Charlie all over you. And she probably already guessed about your relationship but you couldn’t help the satisfaction that rose up at that. You always wanted to take Bella down a few pegs as she always seemed so Goddamn smug when you met her. You’d be surprised if she recognized you. You were always by Paul’s side and helping Emily before you went to med school.  
“Bella, I’m sorry you had to find out about this but Y/N is my husband.” Charlie said as he stepped into the living room with a matching robe around his waist. “Wait, so, You’re Gay??” Bella asked and you flinched at the accusation. You knew what it was like. “No Bella, I’m bisexaul and so is Y/N. You never knew because you never visit and you keep your family away. I only see my granddaughter when Y/N sees his Brother and Jacob happens to be there. So, if you wanted to know you should have come around more. And you’d know you have a stepfather and stepbrother.” It was obvious that what Bella had been told had hurt her. “You catch her up, Charlie. I’ll help Shawn get ready.” You said as you went to go help your son get ready for the day. You smiled as you saw your son already awake. It was the same every morning. Shawn needed help on things normal ten year olds didn’t. Unfortunately, the abuse Shawn suffered gave him nerve damage and developmental delays. It was like he was two instead of ten. “Hey bud. Sleep well?” You asked as you went over to Shawn's dresser. You helped Shawn get dressed for the day and as you did you felt someone in the doorway.
“He’s special.” Bella said quietly. “He is. Shawn was abused heavily and he got nerve damage and delays in his development.” You told Bella softly as you let Bella closer. It seemed Charlie had a talk with Her about Shawn. “...You’re a doctor. Do…do you feel bad you can’t cure him?” You didn’t mind the blunt question. It was natural that she’d wonder how you felt. Everyone did. “Sometimes, yes. But I love him just the way he is and though I look for treatments I don’t care if I take care of him like this till he’s forty.” And that was God's honest truth.
“I’m glad you two are family. Dad said your brother is part of the wolfpack. Who is he?” Bella asked, running her hand through Shawn’s curly, blue hair. “ Paul Lahote.” You answered, smiling at the thought of your hothead brother. “I’m sorry.” Bella said playfully. “I don’t know why. He’s your uncle in law now.” You told her with a shit eating grin. You laughed at the grouan that came out of Bell’s mouth. You were glad Charlie and Bella reconciled. Shawn gained a sister and a whole extended family to help him. And you got to see Bella as she is now. Not as she was and that was everything.  
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misslavenderlady · 1 year
The Lost Boys Former Lives - Dwayne❤️
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Others: David, Marko, Paul
TW: Poverty, Emotional Abuse (not towards Dwayne), Workaholic tendencies, Depression, Gun violence/Gunshot wound, Death
The mysterious one of our Lost Boys and the third of Max's "family".
This is what Dwayne's life was when he was human.....
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Dwayne was born in 1914 on a Wyandot reservation. Even before he was born there was quite an interesting family history. His father was a first-generation American citizen, as he was the son of Puerto Rican Immigrants. While still young and adventurous, he traveled the country, eventually finding his way to Oklahoma. During a camping trip, he met a lovely woman who was a part of the local Wyandot tribe. Smitten with her, he decided to stick around longer than originally planned so they could get to know each other better.
The two of them were inseparable, sharing details about their culture and language while also having fun exploring together. They fell in love, and thankfully, her mother, a highly respected councilwoman, allowed them to be in a relationship. While he stayed to help out with the community, he also started a family with the woman he loved.
Their firstborn was Dwayne, making him their eldest child. Dwayne had three younger siblings; two sisters and a brother. The earliest memories Dwayne had in his human era were of a blissful life with his family on the reservation. One of his favorite things to do was go scavenging with the other kids, trying to find treasures or pretty objects from the woods.
Unfortunately, the happiness was spoiled one day when local authorities passed through the area. Word had gotten out that Dwayne’s parents were married, and being an interracial couple, it was illegal in that time period. Very serious threats were made, and it scared them all. Out of fear for the safety of the community and their family, Dwayne’s parents decided to pack up and move with their children. Dwayne was only 6 at the time, and he never saw his grandmother or the rest of the tribe ever again.
It was a brutal travel period. His siblings were so young and so scared about where they were going, and Dwayne himself found it hard to be brave when things seemed so unsure. His parents were optimistic for the sake of their babies. After months of traveling across the country, they finally made it to his father’s original home in New York.
Dwayne’s father had plenty of family members living in Brooklyn, as more were immigrating to America to start new lives. While his father assured him they were somewhere safe, Dwayne felt very shy and reserved in the city. Unlike back in Oklahoma, he didn’t know anyone there and the city was far more crowded and noisy. He was incredibly scared, as were his younger siblings. 
Due to financial strain, they had to move into an apartment with Dwayne’s grandfather. While it was a rough start, his parents were optimistic, doing what they could to make their children feel safe and comfortable. Having a very kind grandfather certainly helped. He often told Dwayne stories of the beautiful beaches back home in Puerto Rico. How warm the sun was and how friends and family would dance and party together while the waves moved across the sand. Dwayne had never seen the ocean before, but his grandfather’s stories were an inspiration for him to do so one day.
Living next door to them was Dwayne’s extended family. While his parents went to look for work every day, his aunt would help take care of him and his siblings. She had been a teacher before moving, so he learned a lot from her. He got along well with her and all his cousins, but he never found his uncle to be very friendly. Since he always seemed to be in a bad mood, Dwayne and the other kids found it best to stay out of his way.
When Dwayne got a little older, he went to look for small jobs to help out his family as well. His parents were both factory workers, so they were quite exhausted most of the time. The stock market crash of 1929 certainly didn’t help their situation, but Dwayne was willing to take on any challenge necessary. He wanted to do whatever he could to help lift the burden, especially if it meant keeping his baby brother and sisters fed. From shoe-shining to newspaper delivering to ditch-digging, he took on anything. 
One thing he did in his free time to keep up his spirits was learn how to make his own jewelry. He had picked up some tips from his grandmother back in Oklahoma, so throughout the day, he’d collect trinkets to make into bracelets and necklaces for his siblings and cousins. It was a great way for all of them to bond together. His parents were proud of his hard work, praising his kindness and love for his family.
Times were already tough, but when Dwayne was 16, they got much worse. One night during family dinner, Dwayne’s father suffered a stroke as a result of the stress he had built up from work. Despite his and his mother’s efforts, his father died, leaving the family without their beloved patriarch. Dwayne held a lot of guilt, not being able to save his dad and feeling as if he didn’t help contribute enough to supporting his family so his parents wouldn’t have so much pressure.
From then on, Dwayne had to take on his role as the new “man of the house”. His mother didn’t want him to face the pressure of looking for more work, but after losing her husband, she had slipped into a deep depression, struggling to leave the apartment. Dwayne was insistent, promising to provide for everyone so she could stay and care for herself while his aunt and grandfather helped with the younger kids.
Dwayne jumped around from job to job, finding it hard to get hired for long-term work. However, he didn’t let it keep him down. He found that being serious and strong was the best tool for getting people to hire him. Whether it was factories or construction, he made it clear he was determined to work, and it got him what he wanted. Even if he was exhausted, he wasn’t going to let his father’s death be in vain. 
Eventually, Dwanye found a stable job as a mechanic at a motorcycle shop when he was 18. He found that he was quite comfortable with putting parts together and finding problems with the vehicles. He became the go-to guy, building a good reputation with regulars. People saw him as a good kid with admirable work morale. It made his family happy to see him actually enthusiastic to go to work rather than be exhausted. 
Dwayne had built up a steady flow of income, saving every little penny for his younger brother and sisters. He had dreams of setting them up in college someday and wasn’t going to rest until he did so. His grandfather would occasionally slip some extra bills into the stash to help rack up the total faster. He did a lot of little things for his grandson. Patching up clothes, making his favorite meals, and having some coffee ready for the two of them to drink and chat over. 
But while things seemed to be looking up, another problem arose. One day after getting home from work early, Dwayne walked in on a fight between his aunt and uncle. She had caught him trying to take the money he had saved up for his siblings, and he had gotten aggressive with her as a result. 
As it turned out, he had been stealing from both Dwayne’s father and grandfather. When his father died, his uncle started looking for his savings to make up for the financial loss. The worst part was that he was only interested in using the money for himself, not his children. He apparently hadn’t even wanted them in the first place and was bitter about having them in his life.
Fed up with his loved ones facing hardship and stress, Dwayne took action. Now a strong, young man, he was able to force the man out of their apartment building, dragging him into the street and threatening to do something terrible if he didn’t leave and never come back. He refused to let his cousins be poisoned by a leech of a father and see the rest of his family be taken advantage of. He would do anything to make sure nobody hurt them ever again.
Overwhelmed with the stress and pressure of protecting his loved ones, Dwayne decided he needed a hobby. Something to take his mind off of his problems. After doing some thinking, he ultimately decided to make his work his hobby, putting in the time to actually ride a motorcycle. He picked out his own special ride and tweaked it to his liking, making it all his own to enjoy for rides. The fresh air and speed of the bike helped take the pressure off of everything in his life. 
Though he found his distraction, Dwayne still carried quite a bit of exhaustion. During a drive on his motorcycle, he started to nod off while driving, causing him to veer off the road and fall into a ditch. Thankfully, two blond boys came to his rescue. 
His injuries were patched up by David and Marko. They explained they met in Italy and had come back to America after traveling throughout Europe for a few years. Their caretaker, Max, still had his fortune and was attempting to find opportunities to build up the economy in New York City. Dwayne was perplexed by the boys. They spoke as if they were old men with a lifetime of experience, yet they were both so young. 
Dwayne wanted to jump right back into work, but the two boys could tell he was quite burned out. Thanks to their charisma, they managed to convince him to have some fun with them. They went out to a few different jazz clubs in the city, and Dwayne had an amazing time dancing with them both. 
From then on, every night after helping get his siblings and cousins to bed, Dwayne would go out and have fun with David and Marko. He felt such a strong connection with them, never wanting the fun to end. They made an offer of such when they told him they were planning to travel through Canada and a few other states next. The idea of exploring more of the world reminded Dwayne of his father, who he still missed so much.
He was so torn. They were such amazing friends and offered him a life with no worries or cares, but he felt like he had a responsibility to his family. Dwayne wasn't entirely certain what to do…until the night he learned vampires were real.
David and Marko had walked him home when he noticed his uncle was back and shouting on the street. He was threatening to get violent with his estranged wife if she didn't give him some money. Without thinking, Dwayne jumped into action, wanting to protect his family. He and his uncle got into a fight, and the latter pulled a handgun out, shooting Dwayne in the stomach in the scuffle.
He ran away, leaving Dwayne to bleed to death in the street. Marko and David stayed with him, promising not leave.
To Dwayne's surprise, his friends offered to help make the problem go away. When he said yes, they revealed their vampire faces. 
Though he was frightened and confused and quickly losing blood, David soothed his mind with sweet promises of an eternal life of fun. That he could be turned and make his first kill right then and there, and his family would never be harassed again. He would be powerful, never tired or sick. All would be well.
Dwayne didn't even hesitate with his answer. He drank from the bottle David always carried in his coat, allowing the mysterious substance to heal his gunshot wound and change his body into that of an immortal being. He didn't know what he was getting into, but he trusted his new friends. He would do anything for them, and he has unfinished business with the monster that threaten his family.
With the help of the others, Dwayne hunted down where his uncle was hiding, and went in for the kill. Now half-vampire, he dragged his uncle into a darkened alley to finish him off. He snapped his neck and drank deeply. When his work was done, Dwayne tossed the body into a landfill. The job was done, and his friends were thrilled. 
However, the success came with a cost. He was now a vampire, and that meant he had to be with his own kind.
He knew he had to say goodbye to his family, and it was the hardest thing he had to do. Only his grandfather was still awake at that hour, and Dwayne came to him with a heavy heart and the money he had saved up, asking him to give it all to his mother and younger siblings. His grandfather was sympathetic, telling Dwayne how much he was like his father, and he also deserved to enjoy life and be with new friends while he was still young. He thanked his grandson for taking such good care of them all.
When he was ready, Dwayne headed out with David and Marko. In his eyes, they were his family now, and he was always going to be there for them. He vowed to protect them and anyone else who would join their pack. David affectionately nicknamed him their "knight". 
It would be the start of a carefree life for Dwayne. No more hardship or pain. Just fun for the rest of eternity with his beloved friends. 
Additional Facts:
Dwayne was 23 when he turned. Physically, he is the oldest out of the four boys, but David is still technically the oldest since he's been alive the longest.
He and Marko are the only ones in the pack that speak multiple languages (Dwayne speaks Wyandot, English, and Spanish)
The two fangs he wears as an earring and part of his necklace used to belong to his parents. They each had one to symbolize how they were stronger together. Now Dwayne carries their strength with him.
When he lived on the reservation, their home was a longhouse. Moving into a cramped apartment was a difficult change for Dwayne. When he eventually got to see the cave, he loved it because he had gotten back the space and privacy he missed for so long.
While still getting to know them, Dwayne took Marko and David on rides on his motorcycle. They loved the rush it brought them, so he got them set up with their own rides (thanks to Max’s money). Because of his experience as a mechanic, Dwayne is the one who makes alterations and repairs on all their bikes.
He’s also the one that made all their earrings. He values his friends quite a lot and passing on his love for making jewelry as a way to symbolize their bond is something truly special. 
After getting his first leather jacket, he thought it was missing something. Marko offered to use his skills and paint something on it. Dwayne picked a leopard because his grandfather’s nickname for him was “Gatito” (little cat)
When his father died and he had to look for more work, Dwayne reluctantly cut his hair so he would be taken more seriously. It broke his heart to do so, as long hair was a part of his and his mother’s identity. When he became a vampire, he vowed to never cut it short again.
Dwayne is incredibly fatherly from his experience caring for all his siblings and cousins. Though he’s more relaxed now, he still looks after his packmates like a big brother would. Whether that’s fixing something of theirs that’s broken or making sure they have someone to talk to, he’s there for them. 
He hates cold weather and winter is his least favorite season. It brings hardship and struggle, not to mention he has seasonal depression. He gets super gloomy during the winter months, as there are so few people out and less fun stuff to do. 
Dwayne cried tears of joy when he saw the ocean for the first time. He quickly learned how to surf and would spend as much time in the water as possible whenever he got the chance. Even though his human memories are gone, he still felt the warmth from his grandfather’s stories of Puerto Rico.
The others all secretly think Dwayne is the most attractive of their group. They never hide their affection for him and build up his confidence by telling him how handsome and alluring he is. He can still be quite shy, but when he’s feeling confident, he’ll woo them with sweet words in either Spanish or Wyandot. 
Speaking of which, he has special pet names he uses in said languages. His favorite ones in Wyandot are SkahIwaha (Pretty Flower) and Agwahitsa (Doll), while his favorite ones in Spanish are Mi Vida (My Life) and Cariño (Honey/Sweetie)
When skateboarding became a thing in the late 40s and early 50s, he was eager to learn how to ride. He found that the movements were similar to surfing, and became quite the natural. The others love watching him perform tricks whenever he got the chance to do so. 
He believes that his love of moving around comes from muscle memory of his human life when he was constantly busy with work. He truly does love to relax and slow down in order to enjoy life, but his body just still has the itch to keep active. The others are just grateful he’s doing it in a way to have fun, and not turning to back-breaking labor.
Unlike Marko and David who started a more intimate relationship quite fast, Dwayne took his time building up the romance with his pack mates. He loves taking them on dates and giving them presents while spending quality time with each of them. It doesn’t hurt that he’s also a very giving lover. 
Dwayne firmly believes in the idea of soul mates. He thought his parents were soul mates because of how much they loved one another, and now he believes that the boys are his soul mates. 
Dwayne is the muscle of the pack. He’s not looking for fights constantly, he’s just intimidating enough to make sure nobody hurts them, especially not David.
He adores Laddie because the boy is exactly like the little brother he had in his human life. Dwayne wanted children one day but never got the chance. He feels the need to care for Laddie and take him under his wing. Sometimes he’ll even call him hijo (son), because that’s what his father called him.
Dwayne loves rock and roll just like the others, but he also has an impressive collection of jazz records. Even if he doesn’t remember it, the music makes him feel the same happiness he experienced hearing it in New York.
(Dwayne being half-Latino comes from the novelization. Michael describes him as “Latin-looking”. Being half-Native comes from Billy Wirth’s own identity) 
He prefers warm beverages over cold ones. His drink of choice is a cup of plain, black coffee
Dwayne is an amazing dancer, as he learned quite a bit from both cultures he grew up in. He can be a little timid about dancing, especially in front of others, but when he’s feeling brave, he’ll dance with a partner. His favorite style is bachata. 
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jerrylevitch · 3 months
Chris is a harasser?! And Ronnie disowned his brothers and his mother?? And Anthony stole care money from his mother!?which Jerry was paying??? Why was Chris trying to distance his brothers from their father? (I hope you will correct any incorrect information for me and explain more to me) If Jerry was a bad father, was Patty a bad mother? She did not deserve this treatment at the end of his life, and to see his children in this state, and I was sure that Jerry had his reasons, I mean, from a person who loved his family to a person who disowned them…! I truly feel disappointed… I don't blame him, what a farce this is
Years ago on Facebook, Anthony had a public argument with his brother Gary on photos on his profile. I think it was a photo of their mom or something. Gary accused Anthony of not caring about their mother Patti, and Anthony shot back about Gary not being there for Joseph. Anthony alluded to Chris molesting Joseph. Anthony ended up deleting the comments soon after, but not before fans saw the exchange. This was like in 2012.
Anthony wasn't allowed to see his mom after stealing the money meant for her care. Jerry had been paying the money, then found out what Anthony was doing, and stopped communicating with him. They had been pretty close, before that.
There was an unfinished documentary that Scott was making, that was posted on vimeo. I saved some of those videos. Scott confirms that Anthony isn't allowed to see his mom though it's never specified why, and Anthony goes to see her finally in a nursing home, in the documentary excerpt.
Chris probably was trying to keep the other brothers away, because it just made Jerry upset. That is speculation there though. I don't think that Jerry was aware of Chris having a dark side. Anthony called him Chris the devil, a few times on social media. However Anthony is an awful person himself, and we have feuded with each other on social media. (Somehow he still has me as a Facebook friend?) LOL He told me I was a little person who is best suited to work with shoes..... I work in the entertainment industry and teaching field, but ok. Lol This was after I told him that some info he was saying about Martin and Lewis films was incorrect, and he couldn't handle a polite reply. He's such a pompous ass.
Ronnie disowned his whole family (not sure about Patti), likely partially because of the drama. I had suspected that Ronnie was Jerry's biological son for yrs, and last yr Rick Sapphire (Jerry's former manager/publicist) said that Ronnie is his biological child and when he found out, disowned the family. I don't tend believe Rick Sapphire on very much. Jerry fired him for taking money from fans for autographs and other stuff. Some stuff out of his mouth is just flat out incorrect, and to me he seemed to have vendetta against Jerry, after they fell out. He does currently represent Gary Lewis as his manager. I do believe that Ronnie is Jerry's biological son though. He always had the same dimpled chin. It's clear that the mother of Ronnie had blonde hair. Much like Dean Paul Martin Jr, had blonde hair and looked totally like Jeanne Martin rather than Dean at all.
I just don't know what Patti did for Anthony to treat her like that. He stopped speaking to her for years after Jerry and Patti's divorce too, and took Jerry's side only. She wasn't invited to his wedding, and didn't see her grandchildren for years. He helped her sue Jerry for proceeds from The Nutty Professor remake later, when they had made up. I guess Jerry forgave him after that, because they were close again in the 00's. He still seems very opportunistic.
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keycompany · 2 months
modern au paul’s in my brain so time to drop some info. lets establish his family dynamic first:
paul's Ma is named mary so thats what ill call her. he has two little sisters, kelly (5-6) and jenny (12-13). his dad's name is charles
charles is a fucking deadbeat. all he does is get drunk and complain about everything under the sun. he retired when paul got into high school and since then he just rapidly declined (he was always an ass but in terms of being an alcoholic). the only reason he keeps paul around is bc hes the only one that has a job, and he basically does all the house work. they have a HORRIFIC relationship and paul only interacts with him bc he cant stand being away from mary and his sisters
mary grew up and is VERY religious. she attends church every sunday, theres crosses all around the house, scolds the kids if they use the lord's name in vain, etc. very textbook christian Lord Lover. but shes also not very There. nobody knows what it is. she’s capable of taking care of herself (barely) but not 3 children. (paul guesses its bc she didnt sign up to throw her life away to raise 3 kids and marry an idiot)
anyway, since mary is religious (and he lives in fucking Georgia) paul grew up religious. during high school's when everything kind of Hits him. why does he have to work every day to support his family? why is he dirt poor when theres people that arent? he Doesnt Understand so thats when the relationship [with religion] gets complicated. he loves his ma more than anything in the world, but hes confused and lonely and doesnt see why shes not as mad as he is.
his angry phase fades pretty fast cuz he isnt an angry person, but thats when the crushing guilt sets in. this is around the time he starts meeting crash, burke, and ken (he met joe in middle school, joe meets them when he goes to college, the rest is history). theyre all going to university and they get to leave home and experience life while hes stuck in Fucking Georgia taking care of his kid sisters and ma and trying to keep the family afloat. the Guilt is because he's so jealous of them, but he doesnt get jealous. hes never been a jealous person. he shouldnt envy the people he loves so why does he?
he just doesnt see how any of its fair, and his entire life his ma is saying its God's plan and that this is meant to happen, theyre meant to live off dollar store food and second hand clothes and theyre meant to live in a house thats falling apart and paul's supposed to have a horrible fucking dad and sisters that wont ever see the beach or know anything other than being fucking poor and hes guilty. so guilty about thinking all of that. so guilty about not being able to do anything about it
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house-of-slayterr · 2 years
The Lost Boys as Gods
Inspired By: @oceansrose2002
Tag: @vampirism-and-slashers @tohuntafreak @vechkinfan @dickspaghettii
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I think Max would be Cronus. Cronus was the son of Heaven and the earth, and the youngest of his 12 siblings. He was king of the Titans, similar to how Max is the maker of the boys. He lived in fear of being overthrown by his own children, so he ate them. Of course, this didn't stop them from overthrowing him anyways. Cronus is highly egotistical and chronically paranoid. Max named a whole store after himself, how much more egocentric could you be?
Sweet Lucy would be Hera, the goddess of marriage, women and family. Being a mother suits Lucy, she cares deeply for her children and would do anything for them. She puts them before herself. Hera is the protector of women and childbirth. Lucy makes people feel safe and welcome. But that doesn't mean she isn't a threat. A mother who feels her children are in danger won't hesitate to attack. Lucy is fierce yet comforting, she loves deeply and it shows in her actions.
I think David would be Hades. No, not because he is the ruler of the underworld, well maybe partially because of that. But I picked Hades for him because of his leadership qualities. David was made to rule, and he just so happens to be the ruler of dead things. Many people don't think David to be much of an animal person, but I do think he would look good with Cerberus by his side. David would have a Doberman, that he would use to help lure in human victims. Hades was involved in the plot to overthrow Cronus, and I think David truly wants to be rid of Max.
Paul is a bit tricky but I think he would be Dionysus. Dionysus is the god of fruitfulness and vegetation, but more importantly, he is the god of wine and ecstasy. Dionysus was heavily worshipped and had his own cult, similar to how people flocked to him, Paul has the easiest chance of getting victims to come to him. Paul's flirtatious personality is intoxicating and effortless. I think if he applied himself, her could easily have started a cult. He would have people lining up, willing to sacrifice themselves to him. But he respects David and pretends to be dumber than he is because of this.
Now onto Marko, I think he would be Ares, the god of bloodlust and war. Marko is highly skilled at tracking, a skill that would be very useful in war. Marko has a bit of a sadistic air about him, but he's good at hiding it. He's incredibly handsome and smarter than he lets on. Unlike Ares's sister Athena, this god isn't nearly as serious and strategic. Marko could easily lead the pack if he tried, but again, he respects David too much to attempt to overthrow him. He'd enjoy the power but doesn't want the responsibility.
Now Dwayne, the love of my life, would be Hermes. Hermes is the Harold of the gods, better known as the messenger. Dwayne is a man of choice words, choosing instead to use nonverbal cues to convey most of his messages. He's more of a listener than a talker, always observant and always cautious. This is not to say he doesn't take risks, but they are always calculated ones. Hermes was dubbed, the protector of human heralds and thieves. I believe Dwayne views human life a little more sacredly than the others, of course, he doesn't deny his nature, but he'd sooner feed from the neck of a tyrant, than a civilian. Hermes is also known as the conductor of souls. I think Dwayne would be the best out of all of them to seek out new members of the pack, he is the best judge of character.
Micheal, the loveable fool, would be Hercules, the protagonist. Hercules is the divine hero, half mortal, half god. Although Hercules is typically known for his strength, he is also known for his beauty. Amongst the gods he ain't much in the way of looks, but hidden amongst the humans, it was nearly impossible for anyone to look away. Even the men of the time swooned over him, they were just something captivating and mysterious about his aura. Hercules must go on the typical Heros journey of self-discovery and self-reflection. Although he longs to be in Olympia with the other gods, his home is back on earth. Similar to how Hercules would sacrifice himself for those he loves, Michela would sacrifice himself for Star and Laddie.
Now, this may seem obvious, but I believe Star would be Persephone. She is the thing everyone wants, but can't have. David is very possessive and territorial, similar to how Hades is with Persephone. Persephone is the goddess of spring and growth. There is just something light and airy about the way Star feels. Despite David's desperation to pull her into the darkness with him, Star thrives in the light. She deserves to be in the sun half the year, and in the "underworld" with the boys the other half.
My sweet little baby Sam, would surprising enough, be Alastor. For those of you who aren't familiar with this god, Alastor is the avenger of evil deeds and familial bloodshed. Poor little Sammy learns that his own brother has been dragged into the world of vampires. It was hard for him because little boys look up to their older brothers. Micheal is supposed to be his protector, and his guardian when Lucy cannot be there for him. He's supposed to be the one he can go to with all his silly questions or comfort him when he's scared. Sam is forced to pick between doing what is right and protecting his family. All Alastor ever wanted was to be loved by the humans, but was condemned to a fate of eternal loneliness. Because the other gods weren't happy with his choice. But unlike our ill-fated god, Sam chooses correctly, and therefore does not suffer the curse.
Edgar would be Thanatos, the personification of death. Edgar takes his role as a hunter very seriously. If he was asked to make a choice between living a normal life or being a hunter, I believe he would choose the latter in a heartbeat. He has a great disdain so the undead. His mother was the goddess of night, and his brother was the god of sleep. Edgar belongs to the darkness, although not a vampire himself, he's fated to live his life in the shadows. To beat your enemy, you must first understand the world from their perspective. To fight a vampire and win on their terf isn't easy, unless of course, you even the playing field. But informally, his brother suffers the consequence instead. But I believe Edgar would trade places with him if he could.
I think Allen would be Prometheus. Prometheus is the Titan god of fire. He was discarded by the other gods for teaching the mortals how to use fire. Which is frowned upon because gods saw humans as beneath them. Allen's hamartia was showing Sam how to be a hunter. Therefore bring someone innocent into the world of the undead. This is why, despite all Edgar's best efforts, Allen is the one who is punished. He becomes the very thing he has sworn to destroy, but it's not all that bad. I think it's sort of funny that the brothers work in a comic book store because this means they definitely read the Blade Trinity comics. Blade is only as great a hunter as he is because he is a vampire himself. So as Prometheus was condemned to death for his sins, Allen suffers the same consequence.
And last but not least, my baby. Laddie would be Asclepius, the god of medicine. Now I know he's just the cutest little baby, so how could he possibly remind me of the god of medicine? Well, my interpretation for this one is a little more abstract. Asclepius was skilled in the art of healing and was punished by Zeus out of fear he would immortalise all men. Children aren't known to have the best emotional control, which is why in many stories, immortal children are feared. Laddie doesn't fully understand what he and the boys are, because he doesn't know any better. But nobody would be so heartless as to try and put down a child. Conversely, I think Laddie represents healing because of his childlike nature. Deep down, the boys want to be better for Laddie, they don't want him to live in fear, like how they fear Max. Laddie's smile alone can light up the whole cave. He brings with him a sense of joy, laughter and belonging. Laddie is what makes the boys feel like a family. Psychologically he is the essence of healing and growth.
So let me know what you guys think. Would you pick different deities? Or do you agree with my decisions? I must admit I spent way too much time on this, a little over 2 hours. So hopefully I won't get roasted.
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Confessions of an Imperial Concubine
Chapter Ten: I Promsied Myself I Wouldn’t Let You Complete Me
AO3 Author’s note/glossary/info one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven epilogue
I know a love like this will end in tragedy. You know every kiss suspendin’ gravity. Burns us both to love this close; we lose ourselves and I know we won’t get out alive.- Marianas Trench, Only the Lonely Survive
Since her accidental mental confession, Sera had been very careful about not giving voice to her feelings towards Paul. But four months into pregnancy, it was… difficult.
She hadn’t meant to fall in love with him. Truly, she hadn’t. There were still parts of him, parts of his life, that she was disgusted with— the concubines and the war, namely, though she understood the reasoning behind the two in a way she hadn’t before. As it happened, emperors couldn’t refuse concubines without insulting their families and were gifted them upon his ascension to the throne. As for the war, she’d learned that Paul had seen the future if he were to not take the throne, and apparently, the path he’d chosen had less death than the alternative. She was Hetaera now, and he never so much as looked at anyone else, that was true, but she knew he’d tire of her before too much longer and return to Caroline and Annette and the others.
He didn’t love her, and that was fine. Sera didn’t mind, not really. Well, alright, she did to an extent, but it was nothing she hadn’t expected. She’d always known he would never love her. It was only after she’d gotten to know him, truly know him, that she’d wanted otherwise from him, that she’d wanted him to love her. 
Paul doted on her a great deal, that was true. She had the finest gowns in existence, and more jewels and soostones than she knew what to do with. He gave her rare books and, after he’d discovered her pregnancy, had had one of the rooms in their shared suite turned into a library for her. He only wanted the highest quality foods for her, and it had therefore taken a great deal of convincing for him to allow her to eat street food when she was craving it. The savory delicacies he so enjoyed feeding her by hand were lovely in their own right, but sometimes, she just wanted the stew her grandmother used to make, or the deep fried sweetbreads she’d occasionally managed to swipe when the markets on Beakkal were busy enough. Her parents used to feed her a great deal of bread, true, but nothing like the honey-sweetened fried wonders that street vendors sold, and she’d been craving them all the more in her pregnancy.
Each time Paul gave her a new dress, he took great pleasure in stripping it off her, kissing and sucking bruises into her bare skin as he went. He liked to hold her at night, tell her he’d never let her go, never let her leave him. When he thrust himself inside her, he would get so close to her that she sometimes forgot where she ended and he began. 
So yes, he doted on her a great deal, but he didn’t feel for her as she did for him, and truth be told, that was for the best. If he did, it would hurt all the more when he lost interest in her and returned to her sister concubines. But still, she adored him. 
She was disgusted with him, though. He’d fathered children with other women. Children she’d grown to care for. She’d grown to care for the women, too—women he owned—, and that made her feelings for him all the more difficult. 
But if she could only have him for this short time, she might as well enjoy it, she decided. So she cherished the sweet words he whispered to her, the nights he held her against him, kissing her bare skin and telling her how lovely she was, how pleased he was that he had her for his own, to be the one to father her children.
The thought of him with anyone else made her stomach churn and her skin crawl, but he was Emperor and could do as he wished. And anyway, she’d known what she was getting into when she’d first allowed him to kiss her.
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Paul was still inside her the first time he’d asked her.
Or commanded her, to be more accurate.
His head was between her breasts, his lips against her skin. “Sera,” he murmured. She felt him prop himself up on his elbows as he gazed at her.
She hummed softly in response, not bothering to open her eyes. She was tired, the way she always was after he took her.
Cupping her cheek, Paul said, “Look at me, darling. Please.”
She adored when he called her that— darling. It made her feel tingly and content. She opened her eyes to find him smiling softly at her. “Sera,” he said again.
She looked at him expectantly.
“Be mine.”
She smiled contentedly at him. “I am yours.”
He shook his head, curls falling in his beautiful face. “No,” he murmured softly, “I want you to have a title no one else has. I want you as my High Concubine.”
Sera must’ve heard him wrong. She’d heard from the others that High Concubine was essentially a step down from Empress— the Emperor’s favorite, but with a title and headdress to go along with it. There was only ever one of them, and it was generally for life. There were even instances—rare instances, to be sure, but they certainly existed—of some of Paul’s predecessors marrying their High Concubines eventually. 
Many emperors went their entire reign without a High Concubine. Paul was well into his sixth year without one. He was the Emperor of the Known Universe. He’d been born into a Great House, had his family and status stolen from him— seen the death of all things and fought and bled his way to the throne to prevent it from happening, or so Sera had been told recently. And now he was telling her—a nameless little nobody from an insignificant little planet—that he wanted her for the rest of her life?
So yes, she must’ve heard him wrong.  
Her breathing stopped and she froze for several seconds before her eyes widened in shock.
“W— what?” she stuttered.
“I want you as my High Concubine,” Paul repeated, his smile widening.
Overcoming her shock and realizing what was happening—he was overtired and had lost his senses—, Sera rolled her eyes. He said the oddest things sometimes. “Oh, hush, Paul,” she scoffed. “Go to sleep. You know how illogical you get when you’re tired.”
He frowned. “I’m perfectly awake, thank you. I’ve wanted to ask you for weeks.”
“You didn’t ask me,” she pointed out, “you told me. And it’s nonsense anyway.”
“It’s not nonsense,” her lover insisted, taking her hand in his and pressing soft kisses to her knuckles. “I want you to belong to me, my darling.” More kisses. “My everything.”
“You’re being ridiculous,” she snapped.
He sat up, pulling out of her in the process, his frown deepening as he looked down at her. “I’m not. I want to be with you. I want you to have a throne next to mine so that I can hold your hand. I want everyone to know what you are to me, to know how precious you are to me.”
“The last few are already the case,” Sera reminded him, “and as for the first, you have me sit in your lap most of the time anyway, whether you’re on your throne or not.”
He shook his head. “That’s not enough. I want to introduce you as my High Concubine. I want to see you bear my children.”
“You already introduce me as your Hetaera,” she reminded him helpfully, “and I will bear your children, you know that. I’m very obviously pregnant, as you can see,” she gestured to her stomach before continuing, “but I’m not the first woman to fulfill that role, and I certainly won’t be the last.”
Paul’s frown morphed into an expression of shock and offense. “I would never be unfaithful to you!”
She blinked at him. “I’m your concubine, Paul,” she said slowly, as if he were a child. “You have thirteen more of those, if you’ll recall. You can’t be unfaithful to me by sleeping with them.” The bitterness in her voice when she spoke of this possibilty betrayed how truly awful it made her feel. 
“I haven’t touched half of them,” he reminded her, “and you’re the most important one, you may as well already be my High Concubine—“
“Oh yes,” Sera cut in sarcastically, “Just over half. Very impressive restraint on your part.”
“I thought we were past this,” he told her. “I thought you understood that it meant nothing to me, that you’re the only one of them who’s ever been special to me in this way—“
She scoffed, looking off to the side. “Special to you? They’re the mothers of your children.”
“And you’ll be the mother of my heirs,” he said firmly. “More than that, you’ll be the mother of the only children I’ve truly wanted. I love my daughters, of course I do, but... With them, or their mothers, at least, it was an obligation and nothing more. I want children with you.”
“And you’ll have them,” she told him. “I’ve said as much. I’ll give you as many children as you please for as long as you want me.”
“For as long as I—“ Paul cut himself off. “Do you think I’m going to stop wanting you?”
Sera grimaced, considering his words. “I suppose you’ll probably summon me to your bed on occasion even after you’ve tired of me for the most part,” she mused. 
“No,” he said vehemently. “I want you. I don’t want anyone else, and that’s never going to change.”
She raised her eyebrows at him. “You’re never going to look any older than you do now, glow-eyes,” she pointed out. “I’m going to age. You’ll lose interest by the time I’m forty at the absolute oldest. And even if you didn’t, you’re going to live a good two hundred years longer than me. So, like I said, this is ridiculous.”
Paul stared at her for several seconds before he spoke again. “Do you honestly think I would ever let that happen?”
“Even the Emperor of the Known Universe can’t control the aging process.”
“I absolutely can,” he informed her seriously. “I never intend to be without you. You must know that I wouldn’t allow you not to take spice.”
“Wouldn’t allow me? Since when do you tell me what I can and can’t do?” she snapped in irritation. 
“I’m the Emperor,” he reminded her. “I have the right to tell anyone what they can and can’t do. I could command you to be my High Concubine if I wanted to.”
“How dare—“
“But I would never do that,” he went on, reaching for her hand. She tried to snatch it away, but he was quick, his fingers wrapping around hers firmly. “I want you to want this just as much as I do. I want you to want me just as much as I want you.”
Sera sighed, closing her eyes on the frustration his face brought. “Paul…”
“Don’t you want to be with the man you love?” he asked softly, his voice barely even a whisper.
She froze, her eyes slowly opening.
“Did you think I wouldn’t be able to tell?” He was smiling softly at her, threading his fingers through hers. “I can see the future, the past, the present, and into people’s minds without even looking at them, and you thought I wouldn’t know when you fell in love with me?”
Well. That was true. He could do those things. Sera knew he could. Of course he’d be able to tell that she loved him. How could she have forgotten? She had hoped he wouldn’t be able to tell, wouldn’t notice how she felt. All this time, she’d been hoping that if she just didn’t project her thoughts of love at him, he wouldn’t figure it out.
Flushing and looking away, she said nothing for a moment. “How long have you known?”
He was silent for a beat. “Since Eden was born.”
God, he’d known how she felt for months. He’d known how she felt when he’d kissed her, when he’d taken her to bed… Sera clenched her eyes shut, her face flaming in humiliation. 
“It’s alright,” Paul assured her gently, cupping her cheek and turning her face to look at him again. “I knew you would.”
She frowned. “What’re you talking about?”
He paused as if in thought before seeming to come to a decision. “I knew you would love me long before I met you.”
“You had visions of it?” she breathed, eyes wide in shock.
He nodded. “I knew you were meant for me. I knew you’d love me.”
“So…” A nervous gulp. “That future you told me about. The one you described, of us together years from now, with children, that…”
He nodded silently.
“Paul, I—“
“Don’t you want that with me?” he asked insistently. “You do, I know you do, I can feel it.” Then, after several seconds, “Say yes, Sera. Say yes. Please.”
She sat up, pulling the blankets up to her shoulders. “I can’t,” she whispered, staring down at her lap.
“Why not?”
“It’s a lifelong contract, isn’t it?” she asked tentatively. “Agreeing to be High Concubine is for life?”
He smiled slightly at her, glancing briefly up at her hair where the headdress would sit if she accepted. “It is.”
“Then I can’t. I’m sorry, but I can’t.”
Paul frowned. “Why?” 
“Because you’ll tire of me eventually,” she whispered miserably. “I know you will.”
“I won’t,” Paul insisted firmly. “I’ll never have enough of you.”
Sera sighed. She didn’t know how else to get this across without being blunt. “I cannot pledge myself to a man who has other women at his disposal. I cannot pledge myself to a man who will father children with other women after I’m bound to him. I’m sorry. I can’t.”
He took both her hands then, lifting them to kiss her knuckles again, his blue-blue gaze boring into her. “Have I been with anyone else since I promised you I wouldn’t?” he asked softly, seriously. “Since our first night together, I have spent nearly each one after with you in my arms. You know that.”
“Yes,” she agreed, “for now. And soon, you’ll grow bored of me.”
He shook his head. “I’ll only ever want you.”
How can you possibly know that if you don’t love me?
“I know about your time with the Fremen,” she said softly, looking away.
She heard the confused frown in his voice when he spoke. “Everyone knows about that. I was with them for years.”
She shook her head, her curls falling in her face. Things were different on Beakkal. No one shared a bed if there was no emotion between them. It simply didn’t happen.
“Sera,” Paul cut into her thoughts gently, “what is it, darling? Tell me.”
He could be so stubborn when he wanted to know something.
Taking a deep, shuddering breath, she finally gave in. “The rites they have,” she explained, “I’ve read about them. I know you…”
“If you mean when they take spice,” Paul told her quietly, “I was present for that, yes, but I didn’t have you yet.” He reached for one of her hands again. “I didn’t love you yet.”
All thought left her mind, all breath her lungs.
“What?” she finally managed to choke out.
“I hadn’t fallen in love with you yet,” he told her, his gaze never leaving hers as he lifted the hand he held to press a soft, gentle kiss to her knuckles.
Now you’ve gone and mucked it up, she thought furiously. It’ll hurt like a bitch now, dammit.
“What’d the hell you go and do that for?” Sera demanded. 
Paul seemed amused at this. “Was I not supposed to?”
“No,” she hissed vehemently. “No, you weren’t.”
“And why not?”
“Because— because—“ she sputtered, “because it’ll hurt that much more when you decide you’re done with me!”
He crawled back on top of her, kissing her deeply. “Sera,” he said firmly when he pulled back to look at her, “hear me now: I will never be done with you. Never.” His hand slid between her legs again, stroking where she was still wet from how good he’d given it to her before.
“Don’t be jealous of anyone from my past,” he murmured. “As if any of those women could hold a candle to you, anyway.”
She huffed a wet, somewhat sardonic laugh. “And the men? Could the men hold a candle to me?”
He exhaled through his nose, the sound almost a chuckle. “There were no men,” he told her. “At least, not with me— but if there had been, it wouldn’t matter now.”
She didn’t say anything. Couldn’t say anything.
“Sera,” he said softly. “Please, darling. Tell me what I have to do to get you to agree. Please.”
“I don’t know,” she admitted.
“Please,” he was practically begging. Despite this, he teased her with the tip of his cock at her entrance. “I’d give you the stars if you wanted them.”
She gasped, lifting her hips in an attempt to take him inside her. Desperate, her inhibitions gone, she admitted, “I just want you to love me back.”
That seemed to be too much for Paul, because he immediately thrust himself inside her to the hilt, leaning down to capture her lips in a fierce, hungry kiss. “I do,” he swore, beginning to roll his hips into hers. “I swear. My darling, my Sera. My love.”
She moaned and lifted her hips to meet his thrusts, lost to sensation. 
“I love you,” he insisted as he rocked his hips into hers. “I never want to be parted from you.” He stroked her cheek, nuzzling her nose with his. “I love your laugh; how loud it gets when you can’t keep it in.” Another thrust. “I love how the green in your eyes is only visible if you look closely, as if it’s for me and me alone.” Another. “I love that you spend hours reading and sometimes you don’t even notice how much time has passed.” Another. “I love the way you look at me, like I’m not the Emperor, but instead just a man you fell in love with.” Another.
“Paul—“ she gasped, her eyes filling with tears.
“Shh,” he hushed her gently, wiping the tears off her cheeks before they could fall. “Say yes, darling. Please. Say you’ll always belong to me.”
Sera reached up and tangled a hand in his hair, pulling him down to kiss her.
“I was yours before I even existed,” she told him ardently, needing him to understand, truly understand, how deep her feelings for him ran. “I’ve been yours since before time began, and I’ll be yours after it stops.”
He reached down with one hand and held her hip tightly, squeezing the flesh and kneading the skin there. “If you’re mine,” he growled into her mouth, “if you’ve always been mine, then why do you refuse me?”
“I’m afraid,” she admitted.
“Why?” Paul demanded, kissing her neck, her collarbones, her breasts. “I want nothing more than to take care of you. Why do you fear that?”
“I’m terrified you’ll hurt me,” she confessed tearfully. “You’ll break my heart, and I’ll let you. I can’t help myself.”
“Sera,” he groaned, holding her close as he rocked his hips. “I’d never hurt you. I’d slaughter anyone who tried to hurt you, tried to take you from me.”
She frowned at that.
“I told you that first night that I wanted every piece of you,” he reminded her, thrusting a bit harder now. “Do you remember how you pledged yourself to me? Promised you’d never leave me?”
“Yes,” she gasped, lifting her pelvis to meet his. 
“I want your heart, too,” he practically growled. “Give me your heart, Sera.”
“You have it,” she whimpered, clutching at him, needing him closer. “I never wanted you to, but you have it anyway.”
Paul cupped her cheek and kissed her with such passion it was almost terrifying. “Don’t regret what we have,” he begged. “Please don’t tell me you regret this. That you regret me.”
Wrapping her legs around his, she breathed, “I could never regret you, Paul.”
He groaned at her admission and slid his arms beneath her to pick her up slightly off the mattress and hold her against him. “Then say yes, my love,” he pleaded. “Don’t deny me this. I’ll give you anything you ask for. I swear it.”
Sera bit her lip anxiously, considering. He clearly wanted this with her. He wouldn’t have asked otherwise, nor would he be so insistent. He didn’t even seem to mind that she loved him— in fact, he seemed thrilled by it. She wanted him for the rest of her life, of course she did, but did he really love her?
“Paul,” she said softly, and he hummed against her neck in acknowledgement. Taking a deep breath and trying to find the words she needed over the exquisitely distracting feeling of him moving within her, she finally asked, “Have you ever been in love before?”
He froze, and she realized he hadn’t been expecting that question.
Pulling back from her to look in her eyes, he searched her face. Finally, “Once.”
Jealousy churned in her stomach. “What happened?”
“I left for Arrakis,” he informed her. “She married another man.”
She took a deep breath before speaking. “Did she love you?”
“Yes,” he admitted, “but she’s happy with her husband now.”
Sera sighed, closing her eyes and nodding.
He pulled her close again, his bare chest against her own. “Don’t be jealous, love,” he murmured into her mess of curls. “I haven’t thought of her in years.” A kiss to her hair. “I only want you.”
She couldn’t help it— tears filled her eyes again. She’d gotten so goddamn emotional after getting pregnant.
“Say yes,” Paul begged once more, rocking his hips slowly into hers, his length moving deliciously inside her. “Please, my darling. Please. Don’t deny me this.”
She wrapped her arms around him and kissed his neck softly. “Okay,” she finally acquiesced. “If you really do love me, then… okay.”
Paul held her tighter, driving into her a bit harder but not faster. She moaned low in her throat, and he kissed her breasts.
“I never would’ve let you leave me regardless, you know,” he informed her, each thrust harsher than the last. “You were always meant to belong to me, and I to you.” 
Joy filled Sera's heart, and he peppered her face with kisses.
“But now,” he went on, “now everyone will know that you will always be my woman, that no one can take you from me. One look at you and they’ll know you are above all others. You will be the mother of my heirs, of the next emperor. You will be by my side until I leave this world, and I will follow you wherever we go after that.”
She was outright sobbing by that point, overcome with emotion, and he stroked her hair reassuringly. “I love you so much, Paul,” she sniffled. “I can’t hold it in anymore. I’ve tried, but I can’t. I love you too much to keep it in.”
“Good,” he growled, taking her lower lip between his teeth and tugging gently as he drove into her. “Never hide it from me again. Never, you understand?” When she nodded, he went on, “I want to feel it. I want to hear it. Let me feel your love, my darling, and I’ll shower you with mine.”
Sera smiled through her tears, planting her feet on the mattress and lifting her hips to meet his. 
“I love you,” she breathed. “I love you, Paul.”
“And I love you,” he growled, grasping her hips and taking her roughly now. “Oh, Sera,” he moaned, her name sounding like a prayer on his lips. “I’m going to cum, darling. I want to cum inside you.”
“Fill me,” she encouraged.
“Fuck,” he groaned, reaching between them to rub at her clit while fucking into her harder. “Cum for me first. Please.”
Paul was always so sweet with her, so generous. He kept thrusting and rubbing her clit with that expert precision that drove her wild, and it wasn’t long before she burst.
Her walls were still pulsating and clenching down on him when he moaned her name against her neck and came inside her.
Afterwards, he wouldn’t let her go, not even for half a second.
“I’m gonna stay right here,” he told her, stroking her stomach affectionately as they traded slow, lazy kisses. “I’m not pulling out. I’m going to stay inside you until I want you again.”
“Fine,” she sighed. “At least let me turn over so I can sleep, would you?”
He frowned but allowed her to do as she’d asked, spooning her with his softening cock still buried inside her.
A few hours later, he hardened inside her and woke her up with his thrusts.
Sera had never been so content in all her life. 
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Yes, I know, finally they confessed! Yay! I’m so proud of them.
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andileighwrites · 1 year
We Ran and Found Home - Chapter 3 | Nancy (April 1957) BOOK PREVIEW
The morning air was crisp as Nancy held on tightly to her boyfriend. The motorcycle engine roared as the pair zipped down the road. The couple were on their way to a park to enjoy each other's company; getting together was becoming more limited with passing time. Nancy's family did not approve of Lonnie. He worked in a mill. A low-level position that her father thought to be beneath the family. 
"You can do better than that rubbish!" her father would say. "He's nothing!"
Nancy's family was more than well off. They were incredibly wealthy. Her father was an investment advisor that worked with clients across the country. Her mother never worked a day in her life and wished the same for her precious angel.
"Oh honey," her mother would say at least once a week, "once you get Lonnie out of your system, you can move on to someone better! Someone who will take care of you. Someone with real money. Lonnie is not good enough for you, baby." Nancy wouldn't hear it. She made sure her parents knew that she didn't approve of their non-approval.
She would sneak out, day and night, to meet with Lonnie. And when her father caught her sneaking back into the house at 2 a.m. he blew his top. She did the same; she was her father's daughter.
"How could you want to waste your life with someone like him?!"
"Because I love him!" Nancy said. "He's kind to me. And he's real. Not like the fake boys you try to introduce to me!"
"Why don't you give Paul a chance? He's a stand-up guy! He's a doctor for Pete's sake, Nancy. A doctor! You'd rather live like a common dunderhead!"
"Paul is rude and I know for a fact he likes to hop around with other girls."
"Well, you need to make up your mind in the near future. You're nineteen! Do you know how odd it looks for us that you haven't yet married? A girl from a respectable family is unable to wed and have proper children because she's messing around with a mill rat? Nancy, you know better. You were raised better."
"I will marry Lonnie!"
Her father scoffed. "And how is Mr. Lonnie going to pay for your wedding, hm? How will he afford an engagement ring? The dress? The venue? How will he pay for anything, Nancy? Because I sure as hell will not pay for this ridiculousness. And don't even think to tell me that you don't need any of that. No daughter of mine will elope! I won't have it, Nancy! Our family displays model behavior and nothing less!"
When Nancy and Lonnie arrived at the park, they set up a little picnic under a couple of trees that shaded them from the sun. Nancy had swiped cucumber sandwiches from her kitchen that the staff had made. She also grabbed fruit and a small bottle of wine from the cellar. This was the first time in two weeks that Nancy was able to see Lonnie. In that time, she missed him dearly, but she knew he was probably busy with work and didn't think too much of it. The two of them sat on a quilted blanket in the grass as they ate and drank.
"I'm so glad we got to meet today. I've missed you," she said.
"I've missed you too, Nan."
"How are things going at the mill?"
"Oh, there's nothing new. The same old thing as always."
"Remember the last time we were together? And I snuck back home at two in the morning?"
Lonnie nodded. "Of course."
"My father caught me," Nancy giggled.
"Oh no," Lonnie laughed with a bite of sandwich in his mouth.
"He told me to stop seeing you and think about marrying Paul Anderson."
"Oh? And what did my Nan say to that?"
Nancy laid back on the quilted blanket. "I told him I would marry you."
Lonnie said nothing. It went silent between them.
"What's wrong?" Nancy asked.
Lonnie took another bite of his sandwich and sniffed, wiping his nose.
"Lonnie, what is it?"
Lonnie cleared his throat after swallowing his food. "Nan, you know I love you, truly. But you have to know by now that I'm not right for you."
Nancy sat up from the blanket. "Well, you know my family wants me to get married."
"But not to me. No way in hell."
"Lonnie, I don't care about that. I would marry you if you asked me."
"Nan," Lonnie took a deep breath. "I can't marry you. In fact, it pains me to say it but I can't see you anymore. This is the last time."
Nancy couldn't believe what he was saying to her. "What do you mean you can't see me anymore and this is the last time?"
"I do love you, Nan. But your family will never accept me. It would be hard on me, hell, it would be hard on you. I can't deal with that. I can't mess around anymore."
Nancy scoffed. "Mess around?"
"There's someone else, Nan. Her name is Jane. I can see a future with her. An easy one where we don't have to live up to someone else's expectations. Her family loves me." Lonnie had his head down. He wouldn't look Nancy in the eye.
"So," Nancy said, "you're saying that this is over?"
Nancy pursed her lips and tightened her fists around the quilted blanket that they were on. She never thought Lonnie would suddenly up and leave. They were going steady for two years.
"I'd like you to take me home now."
Lonnie helped clean up the picnic and drove Nancy home on his motorcycle. They were silent the entire drive there. When they arrived at her house he didn't even kiss her goodbye. He only waved as he took off down the long brick driveway. Nancy wandered through the front door of her house. She was greeted by the head butler, Willard.
"Miss Nancy, your father requests your presence in his study right away."
"What for?" Nancy was fed up. All she wanted to do was crawl into bed.
"Your father has a piece of exciting news for you, miss."
Copyright ©️ Andi Leigh, 2023
Thank you for reading chapter 3 of We Ran and Found Home. Chapter 4 (out of 6 chapters for the book preview) will be available tomorrow!
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kayspaceprinceart · 2 years
I’ll Be Good
Aysa’s playlist + some explanations!
1. Teach Your Children  - Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young
2. All Good Gifts - Godspell Soundtrack
3. Angels Meet Me at the Crossroads - Bobby Horton
4. *God's Promise - Ellis Paul*
5. The World Upside Down - Chumbawamba
6. Healer's Dilemma - Mercedes Lackey
7. Meet Me on the Battlefield - SVRCINA
8. I'll Be Good - Jaymes Young
9. O-o-h Child - The Five Stairsteps
10. You'll Be in my Heart - Phil Collins
11. *Comes and Goes (In Waves) - Greg Laswell*
12. For the Widows in Paradise, for the Fatherless in Ypsilanti - Sufjan Stevens
13. Metaphor - The Crane Wives
14. Little Lion Man - Mumford and Sons
15. **Holding Out for a Hero - Hildegard von Blingen' and Whitney Avalon**
16. **Always - Erasure**
17. **GUY.EXE - Superfruit**
Teach Your Children
This is a good song for Aysa because of his relationship both with his parents, who were very protective of him as a half-elf in their almost entirely human society, as well as his relationships with the younger members of his church and his siblings. He very much has oldest child syndrome, feeling like he has to take care of everyone and teach them the peace he believes in.
Don't you ever ask them why/If they told you would cry/So just look at them and sigh/And know they love you
All Good Gifts
While his family was never very religious, when he was younger Aysa would occasionally see the god Torm in his dreams. This experience made him into a very devoted follower, and the overall vibes of this song suit his general attitude. While Torm, as a god of duty and protection, is not responsible for things like the harvest, Aysa considers him a kind of guide in life, and therefore at least indirectly responsible for the good things in his life.
No gifts have we to offer/For all your love imparts/But that which thou desirest/Our humble thankful hearts
Angels Meet Me at the Crossroads
This one is just mostly because it's an upbeat religious song, good to sing while working (when he's not nursing the injured, he does a lot of handyman work and rebuilding), as well as touching on the fact that Aysa doesn't really consider himself a good person.
Angels meet me at the crossroads/Don't charge a sinner any toll
God's Promise
This one is just basically very literally Aysa's relationship to Torm, from Torm's persepctive. All he asks of his god is guidance and light (both metaphorically and literally in the case of his spells). As the campaign is progressing, this is only becoming more true in that Aysa has started having dreams from Torm again, and their relationship is becoming closer to friends than disciple and master. Still, Aysa desperately wants someone to tell him what to do; he isn't confident in his own choices and is at heart a follower.
All that I promise/Is strength for this day/Rest for my worker/Light on your way/I give you truth when you needed my help from above/My undying friendship my unfailing love
The World Upside Down
Another song that Aysa would actually sing, just his general hope for a better, fairer, world. The setting his game is in has a lot of inequality and problems with racism, which he's had to deal with the lighter end of all his life as a half-elf. Because of this, he's rather naive about it, and believes that by being good enough or kind enough he can change people's minds and the world, which causes friction between him and some members of the party who have suffered much worse.
I dreamt all men were equal/And there were no starving poor/And nations never did quarrel/Nor never went to war
Healer's Dilemma
This one is also a fairly straightforward one about Aysa learning to be a cleric, how to heal, and how to deal with the emotional fallout. While he hates to cause any harm, as he's grown and learned, at this point in his life if a friend begged him to help them pass peacefully, he would. Aysa loves his job, but simultaneously wishes it wasn't needed.
Oh child your healing hands are guided by your healing heart/And that is all the wisdom my learning can impart/You take this pain upon you as you challenge life unknown/And there can be no answer here but one that's your own
Meet Me on the Battlefield
Aysa is fiercely loyal to anyone he feels a duty towards, especially the paladins it's his job in the church to back up and heal. Specifically, this song relates to the inciting incident of the campaign, where Aysa's company is sent to a town to find out what wiped out the previous company. At the time, the carnage was one of the worst things he'd seen, and it quickly became his new nightmare. Still, he treasures his comrades from that time, even and especially Cedric, the lone survivor of the previous company. Aysa also considers himself something of a shield in general, preferring to be between anyone and danger.
Meet me on the battlefield/Even on the darkest night/I will be your sword and shield, your camouflage/And you will be mine
I'll Be Good
This one almost makes the 'practically canon' mini playlist, minus the references to alcohol. Aysa has a LOT of guilt, over the trouble he caused his parents, anyone he couldn't save, and more pointedly his reasons for joining the church (he believes that if he truly were a good person, he would be a worshiper of Ilmater, an ally of Torm and the god of self-sacrifice, as well as still living in his hometown. Instead in his view, he ran away to join the church and seek honor and acclaim to protect his family, and he sees this as a less-than-honorable reason). It also connects back to his more frequent childhood nightmare, men from the guards coming and taking his father away because he had been a bad child, living up to stereotypes about wood elves.
I'll be good, I'll be good/And I'll love the world like I should/I'll be good, I'll be good
O-o-h Child
Look, sometimes Aysa just needs a little hope. Ironically, this could also go at the beginning where his mother is comforting him, or here at the end where he insists on hope for his community.
Some day when your head is much lighter/Some day yeah, we'll walk in the rays of a beautiful sun/Some day when the world is much brighter
You'll Be in My Heart
***spoilers for my dnd party!!***
This song is specifically about his relationship to Dresden, another half-elf child adopted by the River family. If Aysa hadn't been called away by the church at the time to a very dangerous mission, he would have likely adopted the boy himself. Aysa loves kids, and was especially close to Dresden. They have not been able to communicate for 2 years at the current point in the game.
My arms will hold you, keep you safe and warm/This bond between us can't be broken/I will be here, don't you cry
***end spoilers***
Comes and Goes (In Waves)
This was one of the first songs I ever connected with Aysa. It really captures his gentle, caring side, as well is the origin of his first love (a little orc girl that came through his town with her family. He was too shy to make friends, so instead he taught himself orcish). Basically, Aysa tries to take life in stride and help those around him.
This one's for the lonely, the ones that seek and find/Only to be let down, time after time/This one's for the torn down, the experts at the fall/Come on friends get up now, you're not alone at all
For the Widows in Paradise, for the Fatherless in Ypsilanti
Another vibes-based one! Not much to say beyond that, but it also connects to his feelings about Cedric- at this point in the campaign, he's all at once Aysa's underling, living proof of someone surviving Aysa's greatest fear (being a lone survivor, the ultimate failure of a protection cleric), and someone his god had charged him to protect. Even before that, Aysa "misled" the church for him. Needless to say, there's very little Aysa wouldn't do for the kid.
If there's anything to say/If there's anything to do/If there's any other way/I'll do anything for you
This one is a reflection on how Aysa has changed, particularly how he feels like he's been telling more half-truths and keeping secrets lately which he understands, but hates. Also again, he finds it hard to state his own opinions on things, often hiding them behind the words of others like church rules or holy books, or just Not Thinking about troubling things.
I've gotten good at leaning on metaphors/I've gotten good at living on someone else's page
Little Lion Man
A classic. Aysa's time in the church (over 15 years now) has taken a toll on him. Especially over the course of living on the island, he's become much more fearful. Along with that, he feels that much of the worsening of the troubles are his fault - he didn't notice his superior was replaced, he didn't have the courage to truly help Cedric, and he is choosing the party over the church.
Weep for yourself, my man you'll never be what is in your heart/Weep little lion man, you're not as brave as you were at the start
These are mostly here because Aysa is a Bi Disaster tm, but there is a kind of serious section in Always - when it's cold outside/am I here in vain?/Hold on to the night/there will be no shame about him eventually fully choosing the party over the church and his own internalized guilt and shame.
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chezzabellesworld · 13 days
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This place is crazy , so many people I've told stories about Hollywood and what it's like that you get people just shooting up on the street so smoking cracked and meth , that people are just wondering around aimously and in mental States and that it's not unusual to see bodies dead bodies scary hey, Hollywood in the last few years I believe as well as other massive homeless epidemic and a lot of people who started off out there has to have ended up in other places such as Texas Nashville or New York or many other places, you see what it does to celebrities and how it changes them so quickly people like Beyonce is a perfect example I always say who is a Christian girl supposedly who came from Texas and her dad gave up her career as a kind of Joe Jackson figure in her life and became the manager he even said how white axe got the way more Than Black acts and how it was very racist in the industry, Michael Jackson used to say this about Tommy matola and called him the devil, this is the man who is married to Mariah Carey who is like 20 years his junior at the time he met her at a party and she gave him a tape of her singing, he was responsible for her early career and was the head at Sony. But Paul moriah got work to the bitter end she wasn't allowed to wear any clothes that showed off her figure had to be a black dress down to her feet and hardly any cleavage he was a very jealous man he didn't even want her working with any male acts even though she loved hip-hop and grew up on it, in fact Mariah Carey is a white passing woman who when she talks in her book she talked about how her black side wasn't embraced as much and how her mother was an opera singer and to some degree Mariah has always been controlled, even her older sister tried to pimp her out, the sister was a heroin addict prostitute who was a lot older than Mariah along with the brother they have both been quite disloyed Mariah over the years and expected her to pay for things that she had willingly given them anyway I think supposedly now the sister has HIV or AIDS, and in the career it can literally take you and tell you apart it literally chooses the people it does this do as well, it all works on blackmail and what they can get on you so if you see a celebrity on the cover of your favourite magazine I can guarantee you they have been bribed into doing this for some sort of repayment of something or other.
Then you get young party girls and groupies and models who want to make it out there and when they make it out there they become a hooked on drugs with eating disorders and really depressed they have this distorted image of themself because they've been told such bad things, Bobby Jean Brown Tommy Lee's girlfriend when he got with Pam Anderson they don't talk about this but they were together for like 18 months before he got married to pamela on the beach a few weeks later, then because Tommy Lee had a feud with the builder at their home he came in and took their safe and release their sex tape on the internet it wasn't one of these Kim Kardashian ones where the mum was her pimp it literally was taken from their home and was their personal honeymoon video I believe, if we're going to be honest I'm sure Pam has a sex tape with Brett Michaels before she even got with Tommy, not that makes it right for this material to believe in released even if this woman was very sexually in the price it doesn't matter that's a perfect personal private business and what they do in their own time should be their personal business and their thing.
Then you have people like Drew Barrymore and Nicole Richie two girls who are very similar I believe and a Hollywood's children that start with Nicole she was at a prince concert when she was a really little girl and she was like playing with instruments backstage and with her family I think her father was in the band possibly, and the mum took these places that weren't very suitable for her soon she was in the care of Lionel Richie and his wife, and they really fell for and looked after her seeing the ended up having half a longer than they were meant to and she was adopted by them later and said how much she was loved by both of them. Then you have Drew Barrymore who is a famous Hollywood family she is from a famous Hollywood family this is the girl who was doing drugs from so young you can see pictures of studio 54 when she is like eight years old well her mom was partying she let her daughter do whatever she wanted and was getting sober at the age of 14, most people you know don't even start drugs by that age if they do but she was in this world and it was just became normal to her she's very nice person it from what we're seeing.
But Hollywood seems to be a drug on its own we've seen many times over Harvey Weinstein Jeffrey Epstein the island the Lonely to express all the scary things that you would see and roseme's baby or eyes Wide Shut I really believe that these things that happen you have seen it time and time again and people are questioning it still even when the story Remains the Same it's quite terrifying to believe that this is all true and you can even think your favorite celebrity has probably had connections to it in some way or another even if they were as touched at the Epstein flight logs it doesn't necessarily I don't think mean that they went to the island for whatever I think it just means that maybe they use the plan I'm not too sure and I don't think we will ever know that the degree that maybe we should. Then you have people like Mark latia, who has a YouTube channel called soft white underbelly where he talks to drug addicts, prostitutes, pimps, PDF files, Runaways, War veteran's and many other kinds of people most of which are on the Hollywood strip or figaroa it has been attached now to quite controversial things one of which was a girl who had been on these channel many times, she was a crack addict who'd been abused by her dad and she spoke about it many times on the channel then there is this woman called Lena who ran some kind of rehab center where you were visual devices where you are faced with your addiction in a room,. The side part of this is she was getting clean and doing alright people for and there was updates on this they even had the dad on the channel who is supposedly the one who molested her sat with this woman, and this rehab Center where she had these visual aids a woman who was mentally ill and it made her very unwell and she ended up dying when not too sure of the cause of death and let's face it we don't even get told the proper cause of death a lot of the time .
And a lot of people felt that Mark wanted someone who is the most fucked up on his channel to go to this centre with this woman to make money and make profits and make views very sad rest in peace.
Then you get people like Julia Roberts there have been in the industry for fears and have been told that they're a bitch for many many years, this is one I actually believe but a lot of the women who have been called bitches I have a lot of respectful because these are ones who protect themselves and they get called this because they have looked after their self and their power and don't just expect anything last and good good on them if a man did they would be completely different and there will be calling his praises anyway this is just a little intro until some of the ways of Hollywood, there's also a lady called Angeline who is profit of looking like a Hollywood woman what you imagined big tits curvy body blonde big hair there's even a documentary series about I haven't seen it but it looks interesting and she makes money by with her interesting car and her interesting unique looks.
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orthodoxydaily · 4 months
Saints&Reading: Friday, February 2, 2024
january 20_february 2
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The Monk Euthymios the Great came from the city of Meletina in Armenia, near the River Euphrates. His parents, Paul and Dionysia, were illustrious people and pious christians. For a long time they did not have children, and finally through fervent prayer a son was born to them, whose appearance into the light of day was preceded by a Divine apparition foretelling a great future for the child.
 The father of the Monk Euthymios soon died, and his mother – fulfilling a vow to dedicate her son to God – gave him over for educating to her brother, the Monk Eudoxios. He presented the lad to the bishop of the Meletina Church, Otreos, who with love took upon himself to care for him. Seeing his good conduct, the bishop soon made him a reader. Saint Euthymios later accepted monasticism and was ordained to the dignity of presbyter. At the same time, he was entrusted with the stewardship of all the city monasteries. The Monk Euthymios often visited the monastery of saint Polieuktos, and during the days of Great Lent he withdrew into the wilderness. The position of steward of the monasteries weighed heavily upon the ascetic seeking quietude, and in his 30th year of life he secretly left the city and headed to Jerusalem where, having prostrated himself before the holy places, he withdrew into the Tharan Lavra. Having found outside the monastery a solitary empty abode, he settled into it, securing his subsistence by weaving baskets. Nearby, the Monk Theoktistos pursued asceticism. They had both one striving for God, one will, one purpose. Usually after the feast of Theophany, they withdrew into the Kutilleia wilderness (not far from Jericho). One day though they left there, having chosen a place in the mountains difficult of access, and settled into a cave. The Lord however soon revealed their solitary place for the benefit of many people: shepherds driving their flocks came upon the cave and told about it in the village. People seeking spiritual benefit began to throng to the hermits. Gradually a monastic community grew up – several monks came from the Tharan monastery, among them Marin and Luke. The Monk Euthymios entrusted the running of the growing monastery to his friend Theoktistos, and himself became a spiritual brother. He exhorted the brethren: "Know, that one desiring to lead a monastic life ought not to have his own will, he is always to be found in obedience and humility and to be mindful of the thought of death, to fear the Judgement and the eternal fire and to desire the Heavenly Kingdom". The monk commanded young monastics to tackle bodily labour with an inner thought of God. "If laymen, – he said, – work much, to feed themselves and their families, and besides this, they give alms and offer sacrifice to God, then all the more so ought we as monks to work, to avoid idleness and not be nourished by the work of strangers". The abba demanded, that the monks keep silence in church during Divine-services and at meals. He did not allow young monks, wishing to fast more than others of the brethren, to follow their own will, but urged them to partake of all the food at meals with temperance, not having over-eaten.
In these years the Monk Euthymios converted and baptised many Arabs, among whom was the military head Aspevet and his son Terevon, whom the Monk Euthymios healed from sickness. Aspevet received the name Peter in Baptism and afterwards, he was a bishop amongst the Arabs.       The fame of the miracles accomplished by the Monk Euthymios spread quickly. People began to throng from everywhere; brought with sickness, they received healing. Unable to bear human fame and glory, the monk secretly left the monastery, – taking with him only his closest student Dometian. He withdrew into the Ruv wilderness and settled on the high mountain of Mardes, around the Dead Sea. In the quest for solitude, the monk explored the Zeph wilderness and settled in the cave, where formerly holy king David hid from the pursuit of king Saul. The Monk Euthymios founded there a monastery, and at the cave of David he established a church. During this time Monk Euthymios converted many monks in the wilderness from the Manichaean heresy, he worked miracles, healed the sick and cast out devils.
Visitors to the saint disturbed the tranquillity of the wilderness; loving silence, he decided to return to the monastery of Saint Theoktistos that he had forsaken. Along the way the monk took a fancy to a solitary place on a mountain and he remained on it. There afterwards his holy body was buried.       Blessed Theoktistos went out with his brethren to the Monk Euthymios and requested him to return to the monastery, but the monk did not comply. However, he promised to come to the monastery on Sundays for community divine services.       The Monk Euthymios did not wish to have anyone nearby, nor to organize a general monastery or lavra, but in a vision, the Lord commanded him not to drive away those who were come to him for the salvation of their souls. After some time brethren again gathered around him, and he organised a Lavra, on the pattern of the Tharan Lavra. In the year 429, when the monk Euthymios was 52 years old, the Jerusalem Patriarch Juvenalios consecrated the lavra church and supplied it with presbyters and deacons.
 The lavra was at first poor, but the monk steadfastly trusted on God to send down all the necessities for people. Once there came to the lavra about 400 male pilgrims – Armenians from Jerusalem who were starving. Viewing this, the Monk Euthymios summoned the steward and ordered him to feed the wanderers. The steward answered that there was no such quantity of food in the monastery. The monk, however, persisted. Going to the room where the bread was kept, the steward found there a large quantity of bread. With this came forth wine and oil. The wanderers ate to the glory of God: they ate their fill and after this there remained a three-month supply of food for the brethren. Thus the Lord wrought a miracle through the faith of Saint Euthymios.
Once one of the monastics refused to carry out an obedience assigned to him. Even though the monk having summoned him urged him to comply, the monastic remained obstinate. The monk then shouted loudly: "Thou wilt see what the reward for disobedience is". The monastic fell to the ground in a fit of raving. The brethren began to make entreaty to the abba for him, and then the Monk Euthymios healed the insubordinate one who, having come to himself, asked forgiveness and promised to improve himself. "Obedience, – said Saint Euthymios, – is a great virtue. The Lord loves obedience more than sacrifice, but disobedience leads to death".
 Two of the brethren in the monastery of Saint Euthymios became overwhelmed by the austere form of life and they resolved to flee. Foreseeing in spirit their intent, the monk summoned them and for a long time he urged them to give up their destructive intention. He said: "Heed not that state of mind, of having sorrow and hatred for the place in which we live, and being prompted to go off to another place. Let a monk not imagine that, having gone to another place he arrives at something better, since good deeds are realised not by a place, but by a firm will and by faith. Whence the tree, which often they transplant to another place, does not bear fruit".
In the year 431 was convened in Ephesus the Third OEcumenical Council, directed against the Nestorian heresy. The Monk Euthymios rejoiced over the affirmation of Orthodoxy but was grieved about the archbishop of Antioch John who, being orthodox, defended Nestorios.       In the year 451 was convened at Chalcedon the Fourth Oecumenical Council against the heresy of Dioskoros who, in contrast to Nestorios, asserted that in the Lord Jesus Christ there is only one nature – the Divine, having in the Incarnation swallowed up the human nature (thus the heresy was called Monophysite).
 The Monk Euthymios accepted the confession of the Chalcedon and he acknowledged it was Orthodox. News about this spread quickly among the monks and hermits and many of them, having previously believed wrongly, through the example of Saint Euthymios accepted the confession of the Chalcedon Council.       For his ascetic life and firm confession of the Orthodox faith Saint Euthymios received the title "the Great". Having become wearied by intercourse with the world, the holy abba settled for a time into an inner wilderness. After his return to the lavra some of the brethren saw that, when he celebrated the Divine Liturgy, fire descended from Heaven and encircled the saint. The monk himself revealed to several of the monastics, that often he saw an Angel celebrating the Holy Liturgy together with him. The monk had a gift of perspicacity – he saw the innder workings of the spirit and he discerned human inclinations. When monastics received the Holy Mysteries, it was revealed to the monk – who approached worthily, and who unto condemnation of self.       When the Monk Euthymios was 82 years old, there came to him blessed Sava (the future Sava the Sanctified, Comm. 5 December), who was then still a youth. The elder received him with love and sent him off to the monastery of the Monk Theoktistos. He foretold, that the Monk Sava would shine in the monastic life.
When the saint had become 90 years of age, his companion and fellow Monk Theoktistos became grievously ill. The Monk Euthymios came to visit his friend and remained at the monastery; he took his leave of him and was present at the end. Having consigned the body to the grave, he returned to the lavra.       The time of his death was revealed to the Monk Euthymios through a particular mercy of God. On the day of memory of the Monk Anthony the Great, 17 January, the Monk Euthymios gave the blessing to make the all-night vigil and, summoning the presbyters to the Altar, he told them that he would no more celebrate with them another vigil, because the Lord was summoning him from earthly life. All were filled with great sadness, but the monk commanded the brethren to gather together with him in the morning. He began to instruct the brethren: "If ye love me, observe my precepts, acquire love, which is an uniting of perfection. No virtuousness is possible without love and humility. The Lord Himself on account of His Love for us humbled Himself and became Man, as are we. We need therefore unceasingly to offer up praise to Him, particularly we, who have renounced the passions of the world. Never leave from church services, observe tradition and monastic rules carefully. If anyone of the brethren struggleth with unclean thoughts, – unceasingly guide and instruct him, so that the devil does not carry off the brother into the pit".       "I add likewise another command: let the gates of the monastery never be bolted to wanderers and everything that you have, offer to the needy, for the poor in their misfortune do what you can to help". Afterward, having given instruction for the guidance of the brethren, the monk promised to remain in spirit with all who desired to bear asceticism in his monastery until the end of the ages.       Having dismissed all, the Monk Euthymios kept about him only his one disciple Dometian and, remaining with him inside the Altar for three days, he died on 20 January in the year 473 at the age of 97 years.
At the burial of the holy abba there immediately thronged a multitude of monks from the monasteries and from the wilderness, among whom was Saint Gerasimos. The Patriarch Anastasios came also with clergy, the Nitreian monks Martyrios and Elias, who later became Jerusalem Patriarchs – about which the Monk Euthymios had foretold them.       Blessed Dometian did not leave the grave of his preceptor for 6 days. On the 7th day, he saw the holy abba, joyously having returned with love for his student: "I have come, my child, in preparation for thee in peace, wherefore I prayed the Lord Jesus Christ, that thou be with me". Having told the brethren about the vision, Saint Dometian went to church and in joy offered his spirit to God. He was buried alongside Saint Euthymios. The relics of the Monk Euthymios were situated at his monastery in Palestine: the Russian pilgrim hegumen Daniel saw them in the XII Century.
© 1996-2001 by translator Fr. S. Janos.
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HEBREWS 13:17-21
17 Obey those who rule over you, and be submissive, for they watch out for your souls, as those who must give account. Let them do so with joy and not with grief, for that would be unprofitable for you. 18 Pray for us; for we are confident that we have a good conscience, in all things desiring to live honorably. 19 But I especially urge you to do this, that I may be restored to you the sooner. 20 Now may the God of peace who brought up our Lord Jesus from the dead, that great Shepherd of the sheep, through the blood of the everlasting covenant, 21 make you complete in every good work to do His will, working in you what is well pleasing in His sight, through Jesus Christ, to whom be glory forever and ever. Amen.
MATTHEW 11:27-30
27 All things have been delivered to Me by My Father, and no one knows the Son except the Father. Nor does anyone know the Father except the Son, and the one to whom the Son wills to reveal Him. 28 Come to Me, all you who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. 29 Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. 30 For My yoke is easy and My burden is light.
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lonerswhimsie · 8 months
My Pleasantville Rotation Round 1 Summary
I think I’ll do some Sims 2 story summary once in a while because it makes me enjoy my gameplay more and keep my blog active. Don’t worry, it won’t be too often and flood my blog, I promise! ✒️🛣️
🍁 Lothario-Goth Household (Cassandra, Don, Victor, Nicolo, Tuxedo🐈‍⬛)
Cassandra Goth finally gets married to Mister Lothario, they have two beautiful children, both male. Their name is Victor and Nicolo, after their great-great-grandfather and their grandfather. But oh no, don’t get it wrong, she hasn’t tamed the playboy down at all. He still has a wondering eye, only his new fatherly duty delayed him a little. He’s still a great father after all.
💵 Goth Household (Mortimer, Dina, Gabrielle, Olivia)
Dina finally got a hold of her bag, but for extra security, she decided to have a baby with Morty. Wait, but I thought you had Gabrielle AND Olivia? Yeah... Olivia is an oops baby... Oops… Oh well, extra secure I guess. But Dina isn’t so fond of child care, so most of the work falls on Mortimer. He’s not complaining tho, he loves them. And remember when I said Lothario still has a wandering eye? He comes to visit Dina every day! So scandalous.
🎀 Girlies Household (Nina Caliente, Kaylynn Langerak, Peek-a-boo🐹)
After getting fired from “The Pleasant Housewreking Incident”, Kaylynn finds comfort in Don Lothario. He knows about the incident from his wife and suggests she move in with Nina (his other fling), she’s been looking for a new roommate after her sister moved out. So Kaylynn did, and they’re so compatible it’s awesome. But this still isn’t a life Kaylynn wants, so she keeps working and saving money so she can move out and start her own family soon. Oh, what about Nina? Yeah, nothing much, she’s happy with what she has now. But she does become a dancer, a girl gotta pay bill somehow.
🏠 Pleasant Household (Daniel, Marry-Sue, Angela, Lilith)
Marry-Sue caught Daniel cheating on her with the maid, but luckily she got a promotion that day so she didn’t have a mental breakdown. Well, I guess luckily for Daniel too because, in the end, he manages to climb back into his wife's bed. Poor Lilith still lives a miserable life, but she plans her escape with her law job. She wants to be a lawyer/judge and get justice for every mistreated teen. Go, Lilith!
🧓🏻 Oldies Household (Herb, Coral, Buffy🐕)
Both Herb and Coral go back to pursue their dream job, what are they gonna do in their free time if not more work? Herb works in music and Coral in oceanography. That’s not the most shocking, they start having polyamory relationships with none other than Kaylynn Lagerak! Oh my.
🍼 Broke Household (Brandi, Dustin, Beau, Skip Jr.)
Brandi popped out her unborn baby, it’s a boy! So she named him Skip Jr. She always loved babies but WATCHER this one she swore was a devil reincarnate because he’s so difficult! He says no to everything, making Brandi not want to have any more babies EVER. So Homegirl starts focusing on feeding her family instead, sadly she gets fired from her first job tho. But the kids (except Skip Jr.) seem doing good, Dustin found his love in drawing, and Beau in cooking!
🎨 Dreamer Household (Darren, Dirk)
Nothing happens much tbh. Darren guy still in love with Cassandra, oh, Dirk won’t do his homework anymore. If he keeps it up he might not be able to go to college. But hey, at least Darren and Dirk are really close now.
🌾 Burb Household (John, Jennifer, Lucy, Paul)
Nothing much happened in this household, except Jennifer thrived in the business career... and other oops baby. Hey, but at least this one is long-wanted by his dad. Can’t say he’s been taken care of so well though, his father is busy gardening.
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muqingt · 1 year
Love You the Way I Want To -- Phantom Thread
Love is exclusive. All kinds of love involve jealousy when there are more than two parties involved. We started feeling jealous when we were kids, fighting for more attention from our parents with our siblings, or trying to be the preferred student of the teachers among classmates. We wanted to be loved in a similar way that we need care and attention, but love works differently when it comes to how do we want to love the person we care about. 
The protagonist, Reynold, in the film Phantom Thread (2013, dir. Paul Thomas Anderson), has been spoiled as his mother gave him all her attention and love, and passed him all her skills as a dress designer. His sister, Cyril, is the marginalized one in the family compared to Reynold. As the favored child and the famous designer whim that the prettiest and richest women desire his work, Reynold is rarely challenged in the way he views things he loves and be loved by other people. However, things change after he meets Alma, a waitress in an ordinary restaurant. 
In the beginning, Reynold loves Alma completely in the way he wants. He takes Alma to dinner after a few minutes they meet each other, and he brings Alma back to his house to measure Alma’s body and dress her. When Alma tries to ask if there is a hidden tenderness or weakness in him, Reynold rejects with no hesitation. He takes absolute control over Alma even before their relationship begins and loves her selfishly, showing no consideration for how Alma wants to be loved. Reynold almost never says how much he loves her directly because his way of love is to keep Alma by his side the entire time and make her the one who is lucky enough to be dressed by him every day. Reynold loves Alma with power and control like how he loves everything else in his life, without considering what Alma wants. 
Nevertheless, even though there is a huge gap between the social status and lifestyle of Reynold and Alma, and Alma is undoubtedly insecure about her background since Reynold has first shown interest in her, she isn’t as obedient as other women in Reynold’s life. Alma is like an intruder in Reynold’s consistent life. She makes noises at Reynold’s breakfast, she challenges Reynold’s priority about his work, and she always wants to take care of him as his mother, rather than placing him in the same high position that everyone else around him does. Alma displays all the elements and attributes of jealousy – the insecurity about herself that leads to the unwillingness to share Reynold with any third party, the desire to completely own Reynold, and the wish to be favored – that Daniel M. Farrell mentions in his paper “Jealousy.” Alma loves Reynold the way she wants to love him, ignoring what Reynold usually wants, just as Reynold has been living without considering anyone else’s needs and wants. 
Alma’s way of love indeed shows a strong similarity to the love between a mother and her child. As mothers have the role of teaching their children the way they perceive the world, the love we receive from our mother is mostly the way she wanted to love us instead of how we asked her to love us. Just like the simplest example of how most mothers tend to affect their children’s decisions from the meals they eat to career development and marriage, they show their love based on what they believe is the best way to love. No matter this is beneficial to the children or not, it is one of the strongest love and bond that most people receive in their lives. 
Not only does Alma actively loves and nourishes Reynold like his mother, but whenever she is passively receiving love from Reynold, she also takes the love as a mother would do. When Reynold measures her and asks her to be his model, Alma never rejects him. Even though there are times that Alma challenges his lifestyle and workflow, in the end, Alma will never cause any difficulties to Reynold’s work. Alma values and protects his work more than himself when she finds some of Reynold’s clients are ruining Reynold’s reputation by not showing enough manners in his dress, and she fights back against whoever is against Reynold with no fear. All of Alma’s actions are voluntary as Reynold never asks for her help and her love. Or we could also view this as Reynold’s confidence as a spoiled child who knows his mother will always love him without requiring him to ask for any love. 
However, Alma’s love does have a morbid side that mothers don’t usually do. In order to keep Reynold from needing her care, Alma poisons Reynold with mushrooms and makes him sick on the bed. She hurts her to create an opportunity to take care of him, and she takes care of him because she wants to show her love. And when Reynold is sick because of the mushroom, he indeed has the illusion of seeing his deceased mother from Alma. The simplest need to be loved and taken care of when there is a physical difficulty occurs further pushes Alma to love him the way she wants, instead of satisfying all his commands when he is strong. 
In this film, they both love each other the way they wanted to love, ignoring how the other person wants to be loved. Although we tend to believe that people will love their partner better when their significant other can love them based on our wishes, but the film presents that it is also possible for us to be ourselves and love in the way we want. Reynold and Alma have successfully reached the balance of alternating the love and beloved one in their relationship, giving each other a chance to express their love in their preferred way. Regardless of the physical damage and mental consumption, Alma can love Reynold as his mother, taking the most important position in Reynold’s life; and Reynold can love her with his full masculinity and dominance when it is his turn to love. 
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misslavenderlady · 1 year
The Lost Boys Former Lives - David 🖤
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Others: Marko, Dwayne, Paul
TW: Child abuse, neglect, depression, illness, runaway, smoking, fatal injury, death
The leader of our Lost Boys and the first of Max's "family".
This is what David's life was when he was human.....
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Born in 1885 as the only child of wheat farmers, David was brought into an impoverished and struggling world. In his early childhood, his parents faced a decline in the quality and production of the wheat they desperately tried to make. They had to downgrade significantly and could barely afford to feed themselves, let alone their son. 
David had so little in his life. Nothing but his imagination to play with, a cold, gray house to call home and no friends to make due to where they lived. Life was so dull and when his parents grew angry with the struggles they faced, it also became hurtful.
His parents used their words as weapons, telling him what a burden he was on them as another mouth they had to feed. That him being alive was a mistake. Not once did he ever feel any sliver of love from his parents. He felt like a stranger in his own home.
So David took care of himself. He stayed out of their way, finding time in the early morning to travel long distances by foot to attend school. It was his saving grace, and he actually thrived when he learned how to read and write. It made him feel confident for once.
He longed to travel to new places and see the exciting things life had to offer. He could never tell his parents about his wishes, as they only saw him as potential labor for them as he got older. They would never understand. So whenever he borrowed books from the schoolhouse he went to, they were always hidden in various spots of his room. He even preferred to stay up late into the night and read his stories. 
His love for the night followed him into his second life.
The older David got, the more he feared what kind of life awaited him. His parents already put him through back-breaking labor, as they had no other children or workers to help out with their duties. Every day, he was exhausted and struggling with pain. He didn’t want to die knowing he never truly got to live as he wanted. So when he was 17, he ran away from home, stealing one of the horses to sneak off into the night.
It wasn’t an easy journey, but with time and patience, David made it to the city of San Francisco in 1902. Never before had he seen anything so incredible before. It was bustling and exciting, full of shops, restaurants, entertainment, and people from far and wide. For the first time, he had a sense of hope for his future. A reason to keep going. He’d never been happier in his entire life.
David still struggled to care for himself. He lived on the streets most of the time and did a series of odd jobs where he could find them. Still, he never regretted his decision. Seeing the flashy sights of the city kept him motivated.
When he found honest work wasn’t enough, he turned to more devious ways of earning money. He became a natural pick-pocket, robbing wealthy travelers and socialites blind. The more he stole, the less he felt bad about it. After struggling to keep warm and be fed all his life, why should continue to suffer while others got to spoil themselves?
Though he thought he'd be better on his own, David found himself struggling with the loneliness that came with his new life. He yearned for someone to talk to. A companion, a friend, a lover. Anything. Every day, he wished to have someone by his side.
In late 1905, David made his way from San Francisco to Santa Carla. It was even more exciting than the previous city. There were lavish hotels and resorts that filled the city and brought in more wealthy travelers. More suckers to rob blind.
In his downtime, David loved the beach most. The sound of the waves crashing onto the sand soothed him. It felt good to be somewhere so colorful, warm, and lively, unlike the home he grew up in.
One night, he got curious and found himself in front of the Atlantis Hotel, the finest resort in all of Santa Carla. It was New Year's Eve, and he had quite a bit of cash to spend from his dirty work for the day. He had been careful about spending his money on only necessities, but for the first time, David decided to treat himself. He snuck in amongst the crowd, enjoying fine wines and treats while listening to music. He’d never felt so alive until then, finally experiencing the joys of life as he always wanted.
However, his festivities came to a halt when he was cornered by the proprietor of the establishment— Max Lawrence. 
David denies this claim, but he was terrified of Max when they first met. The man was so tall and intimidating with his calm, collected personality, even when he was angry. Not to mention, when he grabbed David’s arm to get his attention, he found the man’s touch to be incredibly icy. He could feel the chill in his bones.
To his surprise, Max didn’t want trouble. He wanted to ask questions. It started off with the simple ‘why are you in my hotel when you’re not a guest?’ and ‘where did a poor-looking boy like you get that kind of money?’. David was purposely vague in his answers, not wanting to fess up to a total stranger.
But then Max started digging a little deeper. He wanted to know where David had come from and what kind of life he was running from. If he had a family that cared for him. The strangest question of all was whether David would want to live forever if given the chance.
He was thoroughly creeped out and tried to leave. The only thing that stopped him was Max’s offer to give him a room to stay in, free of charge, for as long as David desired. It certainly intrigued him, as it would be the first time in years he wouldn’t have to sleep in the gutter or in local poorhouses. 
The catch? Max wanted to be an official caretaker for him. 
Confused and skeptical, David asked for time to think about it. Max allowed that, giving David the key to his room. Before leaving, Max told David he could be found during the night hours. It was all so baffling, but with the desire to enjoy a bed and a warm room, David decided not to question it. 
He did his best to avoid Max for a while. Something about the proprietor thoroughly creeped him out. Since Max was only busy at night, David woke up early in the morning and turned in fairly soon into the night to avoid any confrontation. The times he did bump into Max, he feared the man would demand he take on the offer. Instead, Max just asked if David had eaten or if he needed anything.
A few months went by, and David grew nervous. Max always seemed to be lurking, waiting in the shadows to strike. David sought refuge in the Resort’s library. He spent days and days lounging in the sofas and reading any book he wanted. He learned more about other countries, history, art, culture, languages, fashion, absolutely everything, and anything.
Despite living in Santa Carla, he still had the desire to see more of the world. There was so much to see and do, and he wanted to witness it all while he was still young and healthy. 
And then it happened. April of 1906. The Great San Francisco Earthquake.
The ground on the Bluff split open from the force of the earthquake, creating a crack so massive, the Atlantis Hotel fell in, taking down all of its guests deep into the caves and sea below. David was one of them. He survived but was impaled through the chest on an iron spike from the infrastructure of the hotel. He was paralyzed with shock, too scared to move and make it worse, and too weak to scream for help. For hours, he was stuck like that, slowly dying with no sign of hope.
When the sun went down, a figure stepped through the rubble of the fallen resort. Even in his injured state, David could see that it was Max. Unscathed and surprisingly unbothered by the ruins of his beloved hotel. He simply called it “a bother”. 
David used his dwindling strength to plead for help. Whether it was for Max to save his life or put him out of his misery, he wasn’t certain. Max had a smile on his face as he made his offer again.
“Would you like to live forever, David? Thrive and enjoy life while surviving terrible things like this? All you have to do is say ‘yes’, and I’ll help make that dream come true”
Of course, David said yes. Moments before he could take his final breath, Max forced a bottle of liquid down David’s throat. It was the last thing he remembered before blacking out. 
While the rest of California was suffering the disaster, Max had freed David from the spike and had taken him away to recover in a neighboring state. For days, David’s body recovered from the injury. He was half-conscious the entire time, only remembering Max pushing him around in a wheelchair and feeding him sips of the same drink from the bottle. It was absolute hell, and each time he closed his eyes, David feared he wouldn’t wake up.
One night, when David was nearing the end of his recovery, Max sat him down, finally explaining himself. He was actually a vampire. One who had been alive for over a century. He had spent decades building up a status of wealth and success, thriving in every place he went. But the years of loneliness were catching up to him, and Max admitted he longed for a son. He explained that with David being estranged from his family, he could be like a father to him, taking him along to see the world and make the most of it all while humans suffered around them.
All David had to do was make his first kill and complete the transformation he hadn’t realized he had started.
It was all so much for him to take in. He was surprised by how grateful he was to Max for such a thing. After all, he would have died the day the Earthquake hit. His life would have been over before it even began. He would never have to know pain again. No sickness, no struggle, no death.
So when he was ready, Max took him back to the site where it all happened. David was nearly finished healing thanks to the power of Max’s blood. They traveled through the wreckage, searching for a sign of life. A survivor was found in the ruins of a cave, barely clinging to life. To this day, David doesn’t know who that person was. All he knows is that he fed on them, which ended their suffering and completed his transformation all in one go.
David was reborn that night. He was permanently made a vampire, and Max was incredibly proud. Finally, he had the son he wanted, and David was ready to live life to the fullest. He held a deep sense of gratitude to his Sire, promising to be devoted, no matter where they went. David still doesn’t see Max as his father, as the previous father figure he had was a terrible one, but he holds a sense of respect for him.
From then on, he would get to experience the world how he truly wanted to.
Additional Facts:
David was born with brown hair. When he ran away from home, he used hydrogen peroxide to make it blond. He saw it as a form of changing who he was for his fresh start. When he became a vampire, the color change was permanent. He secretly enjoys it when people say he looks undead with it. They’re technically correct.
He can’t remember his parents’ names or faces. One of the effects of vampirism is the memory loss of human life. What he does recall is the suffering he went through, and that’s enough to make him not regret his choice.
He actually goes by his middle name. David is a junior, as his first name was his father’s name. When he ran away was when he started going by “David”. He can’t remember what his first and last names were.
For several years, David's parents thought he was mute because he spoke so little. He just didn't have anything to say, nor did he want to speak to them. He was much more talkative in school.
One of his favorite activities was horseback riding. He loved the wind on his face and the rush of going fast. When he got his first motorcycle years into his vampire life, he felt the same rush, choosing it as his go-to transportation when he’s not flying.
Speaking of motorcycles, the Triumph motorcycle was invented the same year he was born. Technically, he's as old as the bike he rides.
His favorite power is hallucinations. He has excellent control over it, creating physical sensations along with visual changes. The others have called him a magician for how good he is.
Max gave him a cigar on New Year's Eve when they met. It was the first time he ever smoked, and he’s been hooked on it ever since. It makes him feel mature and distinguished.
In life, David constantly had a bad cough. His parents never took care of him, just telling him to "knock it off". He actually had asthma, which went untreated. It was cured when he became a full vampire, and he's grateful to have strong lungs again so he can smoke without issue.
The reason why he screamed “no” when Michael shoved him onto the antlers was that it brought back the trauma of the first time he “died”.
David loves causing mischief whenever he can because he knows there are no consequences to his actions. Max thinks it has spoiled him a bit.
David is secretly a hopeless romantic. Whenever he read stories about romance, he longed for someone to love him so passionately. He never had a crush as a child and he never saw his parents display affection toward one another. The first time he saw a couple kissing in public, he was astounded. Overcome with a sense of longing like never before. He promised himself that if he ever fell in love, he'd never stop showing his partner adoration and attention.
When Max first brought him to Europe, David took a variety of dance lessons. He's surprisingly graceful (thanks to the flying ability he has), and his favorite style is the Viennese waltz. At some point, he's danced with all three of the boys.
Although he is a delinquent, David actually likes it when he comes off as someone who is well-spoken or dignified. He really valued his education in life and enjoyed showing off what he knew. Though he talks very casually with slang, sometimes he’ll slip more into a mature style of speech. The others describe it as “poetic”
He has little patience for people he deems to be rude. He had enough of that in life, and now, with his power as an undead vampire, he quickly gets rid of the cruel, snobby, and obnoxious people he comes across.
In life, David’s favorite food was lobster. When he got to San Francisco, he loved getting it straight from the ocean.
Max offered to get him a hellhound for protection, but David insists he can take care of himself. The feeling got stronger for his boys, as he wants to prove he can protect them on his own.
The wheelchair Max gave him during his recovery is the same one we see in the hideout. David left it there the night he completed his transformation. When they returned to Santa Carla after decades of travel, he immediately went to find it. In a strange way, it brings him some comfort to sit in it.
He will usually only hunt people who cause problems for him first. He and his boys are like bees, they won’t attack unless you attack them first. 
He met Marko in 1920, Dwayne in 1937, and Paul in 1960
David has a very warped view of what love is because of his past and how things are with Max. Despite their differences, he has always been thankful for Max giving him the gift of immortality, and in David’s mind, that’s the biggest form of love you can offer someone. If he offers it to you, that means he loves you. When Star and Michael try to go back to humanity, it breaks his heart because he sees it as them denying his love for them. 
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your-dietician · 2 years
Cynthia Nixon Shares Update on Sarah Jessica Parker Following Her Stepfather’s Death: ‘It’s Really Tough’
New Post has been published on https://medianwire.com/cynthia-nixon-shares-update-on-sarah-jessica-parker-following-her-stepfathers-death-its-really-tough/
Cynthia Nixon Shares Update on Sarah Jessica Parker Following Her Stepfather’s Death: ‘It’s Really Tough’
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Doing her best. Cynthia Nixon shared an update on how her And Just Like That costar Sarah Jessica Parker is doing following the death of her stepfather, Paul Giffin Forste, last month.
“I think it’s really, really tough, you know?” Nixon, 56, told Page Six on Monday, October 10, about how Parker, 57, was doing amid the grieving process. “It’s not just tough for her own loss but certainly for her mom.” The Hocus Pocus star’s mother, Barbara Parker, was married to Forste for more than 50 years.
Last month, Us Weekly confirmed that Forste had died after an undisclosed illness on September 29 at the age of 76.
In a statement to Us at the time, a rep for the Sex and the City alum said that Sarah Jessica’s stepfather was “surrounded with the love and gratitude of his adored wife Barbara of 54 years and children.” The New Year’s Eve star, for her part, was also with Forste at the time of his passing.
“Paul will be remembered with the spirit of loving kindness which was his faith, his special delight in his 13 grandchildren, and his sustained belief in making the world a more charitable, tolerant and beautiful place for all,” the statement concluded.
News of Forste’s death came just hours after it was reported that the Family Stone actress — who shares son James Wilke, 19, and twin daughters Marion and Tabitha, 13, with husband Matthew Broderick — had missed the New York City Ballet’s 10th Annual Fall Fashion Gala following a “sudden devastating family situation.” Parker serves as the vice chair of the NYCB’s board of directors and has attended every autumn gala since its 2012 debut.
Following his passing, the Divorce alum took to social media to pen a touching tribute to her loved one.
“Godspeed. RIP. Strong like a bull. Til the end,” Sarah Jessica wrote via Instagram on September 30. “At home and among all those who loved you dearly, you will be missed always. We will take good care of Mommy, who you worshipped for 54 years.”
Forste was a big presence in the HBO star’s life starting from the age of three. Throughout the years, the Ohio native has been vocal about her difficult childhood.
“We were on welfare,” Sarah Jessica told the New York Times in 2000. “I remember being poor. There was no great way to hide it. We didn’t have electricity sometimes. We didn’t have Christmases sometimes, or we didn’t have birthdays sometimes, or the bill collectors came, or the phone company would call and say, ‘We’re shutting your phones off.’”
Despite their hardship, the Square Pegs alum and her seven siblings grew up in a house full of love — something she and Broderick, 60 — made sure to instill in their own home.
“I thought a lot about my children and their romantic life. Matthew and I would do our very best to be decent and civilized and hospitable to somebody who we’d think is not deserving or worthy of our children,” Sarah Jessica told Vulture in December 2018 “It would be a thrill. I don’t know what you do if you don’t care for a child’s romantic selection. I don’t know how you’re supposed to get through that.”
While the Ed Wood actress may be grieving in her personal life, her career has kept her busy. In addition to the premiere of Hocus Pocus 2 last month, she — along with Nixon and Kristin Davis — have begun filming for And Just Like That season 2.
“It’s very, very, very exciting,” Nixon teased to Page Six on Monday. “Sarah Jessica, Kristin [Davis] and I have been texting each other a lot. We did a read-through of the first two episodes a couple of weeks ago and that was amazing and exciting, as it was the first time we were reading it.”
Read full article here
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lollytea · 2 years
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My fun spooky scary OCs, the Santos-Umbra family!! Designed by @ask-artsy-oncie who made them look SO cool!!
I took a lot of inspo from the Addams family and the Munsters (obviously) but also stuff like Billy and Mandy, Edgar and Ellen, Scooby Doo and the Ghoul School etc. Anything with weird monstrous kids just living day to day lives.
Some info about each family member 
Paul Santos - What can be said about Paul really? He is a simple man. As mentioned above, he likes to grill and mow the lawn and he probably plays really old Rock n’ Roll in his car way too loud when he pulls up to the kids’ school. He collects 70s-80s memorabilia and is currently learning to knit. He is not very good at it but he figures he’ll improve some before winter when he’ll need to start churning out a bunch of little hats and mittens. His family knows full well that these garments will be terrible but they also know that they will be wearing them anyway as not to hurt Paul’s feelings. 
Paul strongly believes that the reason to be alive is to find joy and help others along in finding their joy, whether it be through humour, affection or an ear to listen. This was the disposition that convinced his wife, Venus, that he was a keeper. 
He’s always wanted a big family but he never expected....a family like this. But hey, life is all about taking left turns and he couldn’t be happier with how things turned out. Paul doesn’t always understand his non-human kids. He doesn’t know much about vampires or werewolves or any of that stuff but he knows about love, so he’ll live and he’ll learn and he’ll love. And hopefully he’ll do a halfway decent job. 
Venus Umbra -  A true lady of mystery. Is she a vampire? A ghost? A witch? Something far more frightening entirely? Nobody really knows for sure. (Except her lovely husband of course but he’s not gonna go blabbing about his wife’s business.) Some believe she dresses herself in shadows, that she eats the hearts of men to keep herself alive, that she was summoned to this world via some taboo ritual. If you ask her about any of this, she’ll just smile secretively, shrug and say “I’m a mom~” and she’s not wrong. 
One thing for certain is that Venus is not human and this has certainly had an impact on her life. She spent her entire childhood being passed around the foster care system but never managing to find her forever home. Potential families found something so eerily off about her that no one ever wanted her in their house for long. Venus promised herself that when she was grown she would take in children that were like her, so they wouldn’t have to feel that sort of rejection and over and over again. And she did just that! :)
Venus is a lot more equipped to handling her childrens’ “monster-y” problems than Paul but she still struggles when it comes to their “kid/teen” dilemmas, which Paul excels at. She’s not much of a people person and isn’t very good at making friends in this squeaky clean suburban neighbourhood. But she’s in the adapting phase. 
Killian (Age 15) - The oldest kid, a baby grim reaper with some crazy levels of power over death. When he was younger, he was an absolute terror. He really sold the whole “hellspawn child” thing and was constantly raising the dead and scaring the absolute fuck out of his classmates. 
But now that Killian is a teenager and he’s calmed the FUCK down and has basically decided “Ok enough being evil I want to be loved now” so he’s trying his absolute best to keep his head down and fit in at school and be a normal kid but obviously he’s still very eccentric and naturally spooky and now that he’s not actively trying to use his death powers, it’s become harder to control it so he’s struggling a lot with this whole “being a normal kid” thing. 
And also his little siblings keep dragging him into trouble because OF COURSE they need his powers for their shenanigans.
Killian is very insecure about being seen as scary and it’s sort of affecting to ability to be the person he wants to be. Fortunately, he has Elroy, his best friend who is scared of everything remotely creepy. But not of Killian, he would never be scared of Killian <3
Zosia (Age 12) and Nikolai (Age 11) - A baby werewolf and a baby vampire respectively. 
Zosia is prim, proper, sophisticated, studious and is absolutely hell bent on causing as much problems in this town as she is capable of. A Disney Villain in the making. She’s training to become a witch and her spells are coming along excellently. (There is very little Zosia is bad at. Except being nice.) 
She is usually the one behind and in charge of most of their evil little plots but she is also a very fluffy little puppy dog girl and her dad has a very hard time staying mad at her. Even when she commits atrocities.
Zosia has naturally acidic tongue and uses it on everyone, even her own family. She can be dismissive of them at best and outright disgusted by them at worst. And yet, by this stage, her family has come to understand her strange love language. She is furiously loyal and protective of her siblings and still likes to have Venus sing to her and Paul read her a story every night. And that’s not even mentioning Nikolai, her best friend in the world. 
Nikolai is just a very fun very very energetic vampire who likes to dye their hair wild colours and talk about anime but also they are here for the chaos. They don’t have the same diabolical drive that Zosia has but they’re prone to boredom so they’re often like “Yeah, sure, I’ll help you summon an eldritch abomination to unleash on the town. That sounds wild and I wanna see how that plays out.”
They are very much the sibling that deliberately pesters the others the most. Nik is annoying all the goddamn time but especially with Zosia who they annoy to the point that she’s screaming at them. And yet for whatever reason Nik and Zosia are constantly a duo. They’re just as much of a trouble maker as her so they work as a team. Together they are fucking unstoppable. 
Nikolai has a fascination bordering on obsession with humans depiction of monsters, especially vampires. They have gathered as many forms of media as possible, from the original Dracula novel to Twilight. They are a walking encyclopedia on the topic. Please ask them their opinions. Please for the love of God they are dying to talk about their opinions. 
Lizzy (Age 5) - The most stereotypically “creepy child” who is unnervingly polite, speaks in a monotone voice, stares at you with huge unfathomable eyes and tells you the time and date you’re gonna die and shit like that. But that’s just her way of making conversation. 
She means no harm whatsoever. She’s probably the sweetest of all the kids and doesn’t have a lot of evil in her. Unless it’s stuff like not wanting to eat her vegetables or being picked on at school. Then it’s like the fucking exorcist. Horrifying screaming, shit flying all over the room, the gates of Hell opening up. But that’s just Mog'drannel (Age ???) the demon who channels itself through Lizzy, either using her body to communicate or choosing to take up residence in her doll. They don’t really mean any harm either but they don’t like it when anybody is mean to Lizzy. They can usually be pacified by peanut butter sandwiches.
Cobra (infant) - Paul and Venus don’t know exactly where Cobra came from or what he is but he has snake eyes, a forked tongue and venomous fangs (which he has had since he was born weirdly enough) so they thought the name was charmingly fitting. 
There are allegedly prophecies all over the place about this child being the anti-Christ but his parents are all like “eh maybe? It’s too early to tell. We’ll see. Maybe he’ll be a dentist, who knows. We’ll support him in whatever he decides to do.” And people are like “he is LITERALLY an abomination. His bite has killed people” and they’re like “that doesn’t prove anything.” 
Be nice to Cobra. Sometimes he plagues the neighbours with terrible misfortunate if their loud music or leaf blowers wake him up from a nap. (Allegedly. It can’t be proven that he was responsible for anything.)
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