#paul dano characters x reader
the-witty-pen-name · 2 years
Edward Nashton (The Batman) x F!Reader
18+ ONLY
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College AU
Warnings: Stalking & other creepy behavior, Manipulation, Incel/Misogynistic Mindset, Alcohol and other substances, Descriptions of Smut and Masturbation, Cursing
As usual, this is unedited and if there are any tags or warnings I may have forgotten to include, please let me know.
You’re so sweet. Soft and warm, and everything that just clouds his focus. He’s memorized every curve, and the natural sway when you walk into a room. It’s like sunshine when you smile, and he notices the way they gravitate towards you. Of course they do, they all do. He’s not naive enough to believe he’s not the only one who wants to be near you. It’s effortless, the way people are drawn to you. But it’s in vain, every time, polite rejections that leave people somehow liking you more. You’re loyal, such a good girl for him, because you know you’re his.
His first impression of you was stereotypical. He pegged you to be another daft popular girl who has clawed her way to the top of the social ladder. Superficial and dumb, being able to use your looks for everything. His observations of people and their trends led him to assume, which he regrets. Somehow, you break the mold, everything he’s observed about social hierarchy out the window. It’s infuriating at first, because you’re just so nice- like god just made you out of a small piece of heaven. Fuck, and you’re so smart.
The first time you interrupted the professor in lecture to correct him (politely, of course- a sweetheart) he thought it was puzzling. You were puzzling. A challenge to figure out, to open up slowly and unravel. It started out innocently, just the sheer curiosity gnawing at him. You were a mystery, and he needed to satisfy that curiosity that was becoming more and more bothersome.
It’s easy to find your full name on the professor’s class roster, all he needed to do was pretend to have questions during office hours. The dimwit goes to get coffee and he’s able to sneak a peak at the list without disrupting anything on the desk. It goes perfectly. And one search on Instagram takes him to your page easily. Except it’s a good damn book dedicated Instagram. Irritating, honestly, but he applauds you for keeping your actual account private, which is the second account in the list of suggestions. It’s dumb that you can’t zoom in on profile pictures.
For now, he settled on lurking at the bookstagram, as you called it in the bio. Cute. That night at home instead of working on his other projects, he stayed up reading each of the long captions you’d written out reviewing each book you had read. Some of them he recognized as ones that were very popular, others were classics, some graphic novels, it was a rather eclectic mix of genres. He liked that. No non-fiction though, he made note. Interesting. He can’t blame you for that.
Once he worked his way through your page, he ends up ordering a few of the titles on Amazon. He’d usually opt for the library, which he used for some other titles you said you liked that he placed holds for. But to get started sooner, the two day shipping was a godsend. He figured he’d have one with him in class, keep it on his desk, carry it around campus with the cover outward, an attempt to catch your eye. Strike up a conversation, figure out something else about you.
He also found himself wanting to read some of these just because of how your posts made them sound. However, his main motive was to use them as a prop in an attempt to have an excuse to talk to you. He would lure you in to him, so he doesn’t have to go out of his way. It’s more natural this way. You’re the social butterfly, fluttering around being outgoing and sociable while he was the quiet one. The mysterious, reserved one. It makes more sense for you to reach out to start that first important conversation than him. And with a copy of a book you rated five stars in hand, he thinks it will work out just as he would like to.
He’d document your schedule as close as he could manage. Observe your daily routine, where you go, when. That way he can plan where he can run into you. Running to the campus coffee cart between classes for you to see him casually reading Madeline Miller or James Joyce or Ottessa Moshfegh or Fredrik Backman something else you’ve read that’s just popular enough to not make you suspicious.
Edward is very good at being invisible. It’s not even something he needs to try at. He’s gone his whole life being naturally ignored, dismissible. He can hide in plain sight as he marks down the time in his journal when you are leaving your third and last class of the day. He sits at the picnic benches outside the dining hall that are on the far side of the quad. From here, he can see almost all of the main campus. It also helps most of the building are comprised of large windows. He can watch you in your dorm building, right up to your floor until you disappear behind your door.
It’s up to him to imagine the rest of your routine as he walks back to his own dorm. The things you do when your doors are closed and you realize you’re alone again, your roommate spending the night with that quarterback boyfriend of hers.
He imagines everything. The way your backpack thuds and how you kick off your sneakers and leave them haphazard on the floor by the door. Your bra off in one fluid motion and tossed into your hamper without even having to look to see if it went in. You sit at your desk, and feed the pet fish you aren’t supposed to have. Naughty girl. You get started on your work right away. Getting the tedious chore out of the way so you can surrender yourself to your bed. Most people just give in to that temptation right away. Not you. You opt to sit incorrectly in your chair, and change from one obscure position after the other (that’s why your back hurts by the way, darling) until you’ve written your last discussion post and submitted the last paper. Then, you enjoy yourself. He imagines you might love your routines. He can put himself right there on the bed, paperback book folded in his hands that is ignored, because he’s so focused on you.
You’re someone whose routine involves a lot of walking back and forth. From the bathroom, to your dresser, to the bathroom again, to your vanity, to your closet, until you’ve successfully paced around the room enough times to spark the carpet. He’ll tease you, his own routine more carefully constructed and requires much less products- although he can imagine himself adding more once you share with him the things he should be doing.
You’ll walk around in your favorite little pair of pajama shorts- or better yet you might steal his boxers to sleep in. Paired with his shirt, and he’s enraptured with the way your chest strains the material. He thinks you’d look really cute with the towel wrapped around your hair fresh out of the shower, walking around the room brushing your teeth desperately looking for something that is never in the right place. Then the towel strewn over your desk chair and he watches intently as you care for your hair. And the way you apply lotion head to toe, and the way the sweet scent of it fills the whole room. You’d get shy when you finally notice he’s been looking at you. It’s so fucking cute. He can hardly stand not holding you when you look at him that way.
He’s probably screwed himself, not thinking about the side effects of using a scented lotion until after he’s finished, but he can’t even find it in him to care right now. His heavy breaths fill his room, and he needs to clean himself up. It’ll be fine. It was worth it, he thinks, to have something that smells like you to allow him to slip into his little fantasy. His whole room smells of strawberry and brown sugar, and he just wallows in the way the empty feeling in his stomach just makes him yearn for you. That time it all felt too fucking real.
His mind almost scares him, how the imagines he conjures up can become like memories. He knows they are a figment of his imagination, but sometimes that line between his false memories and his much more depressing reality becomes more and more blurred the more he dreams of you.
It finally happens the next time he’s outside having his lunch. He’s sitting under a tree in the quad, occasionally taking bites of his sandwich but the book he’s reading is taking up the majority of his attention. He’s gotten lost in the pages, and he doesn’t even remember the rest of the world exists until a shadow steps in front of the sun, blocking the light from hitting the pages he was engrossed in.
“I loved that book,” a voice says. He can hear the smile in your tone. You’re actually acknowledging his existence. He needs to give himself a pep talk before he can even bear to look up and face you.
“I o-only just started,” he says sheepishly, looking down- adamant on staring at a blade of grass in front of him.
“Cool,” you reply, “You need to tell me what you think of it, okay? See ya, Eddie.”
Eddie? No one in his life has ever called him Eddie. He detested being called Eddie until this exact moment. He hated the nickname, always thinking it was childish and demeaning. But not when you say it. It’s so sincere, and so nice the way the syllables fall off your lips. Just you. You are the exception to his disdain for it. He’ll be Eddie for you- your Eddie. Loyal, devoted, head over heels for only you Eddie.
He thinks about all the ways he wants to hear you call him that. In-between laughs, slapping his arm playfully when one of his jokes makes you laugh. A lighthearted chastising, your head tilted in skepticism as he tells you about all the elaborate plans he’s made for the future. A choked sobbed in surprise and excitement when he gets down on one knee. A breathy, whispered moan in his ear when he’s fucking you gently, pulling you apart, or a scream out in ecstasy when you’re begging him to let you cum- shit. He places the book on his lap, and pretends to check his phone while he waits for when he can get up. He groans at how painful it is, to not be able to have you now like how he wants.
It’s not like he makes it a habit to follow you. Sometimes, it’s a pleasant surprise when it happens all on it’s own. However, more often than not, it’s not up to chance. It’s a calculated, meticulous plan to execute the ideal rom com meet cute. You deserve that. The movie perfect romance where he, the right guy, magically is ushered in under quirky circumstances and somehow the meetings turn into feelings.
This is too Pretty in Pink, the god awful frat party in this huge house on campus. He still can’t believe he got in. But as luck would have it, roommate’s quarterback boyfriend needed a few passing assignments to keep from failing Calculus. And with that, Edward Nashton has somehow managed to score an invite to the biggest Halloween party of the semester- and of course, you’d be one of the many attendees. However, you don’t need an invite. You’re expected. These are your friends and you run in their circles. Also, any girl who shows up on this doorstep tonight is going to get in without a fret- no invite or name drop needed. He on the other hand needs to convince the two surly guys at the door he got an invite from their surly friend and after a while of back and forth they reluctantly let him in.
He’s elbow to elbow with tons of sweaty, gyrating strangers as he tries his best to navigate the house. The stairs, the hallways, every room is packed and the flashing lights also obscure his vision. There’s a deejay in the common room, the speakers blasting electronic music are making the floor vibrate. He is so out of his element, but he’s here for you. Because he’s a good boyfriend to you, and he goes places he doesn’t like but that makes you happy.
He’ll gladly hold your bags when you go shopping. He’ll think about everything you find important. Color, texture, finding the perfect things… he will wander with you for hours until you’re happy. He’ll absolve any worry. He will never tell you the rather poor shape of his finances at the moment, but it’s not important. Anything you want, he’ll let you just charge his card. You’re worth it.
Book stores. He knows how often you frequent them from the time you spend together, and the library- based on the barcodes on the pictures you post on your Instagram. He’s even got your card number memorized. He’ll bring you there, find a corner and just read together. You seem to be more into contemporaries, it will be a good balance. He tends to favor more classics himself but he’ll appease you and let you tell him about whatever book you just read- cover to cover, fuck spoilers. He just wants to watch the way talking about it excites you.
He hangs back, just resting his back against the wall. He still hasn’t seen you yet, but he’s content to wait, you too have all night. He watches as people dance and try to yell over the music. The flashes from cameras make his eyes hurt. He’s never observed a more self-absorbed crowd. They chug down whatever mystery concoction they have in their red cups and he hopes that you know better than to trust whatever is in there.
There’s puffs of smoke from a girl in leather pants and basically a top that might as well be a bra as she passes around a joint for her and her friends to share. It stinks up the whole house, and he just knows he’s going to reek of it. He looks down at his phone, trying to pretend he’s doing something. Anything to make himself look indifferent and not at all desperate and out of place. He’s not sure how well he’s doing.
You’re holding a can of something. You’re a smart girl to choose something here where you can break the seal yourself. You hold it in a way where your palm covers the open top as you let your friend weave the two of you through the crowd, giggling amongst yourselves. You look radiant when you’re like this. Happy and carefree from letting just a little bit of your inhibitions down. You work so hard, you deserve a little bit of fun. He just wished it wouldn’t be places like this. He doesn’t understand how everyone here can just keep to themselves when just you passing through the room disrupts the atmosphere. You smell like peach body mist, and it just hits him back against the wall when it wafts by him.
“Hi Eddie,” you giggle as your friend drags you past. You offer him a friendly smile, and hold up your High Noon as a wave he thinks. Either way, he couldn’t care less. You look so beautiful, and you smiled at him. You’re happy because of him. You’re happy he’s here. His chest puffs up slightly in pride, and he can feel himself naturally stand up a little bit straighter.
“I finished the book,” he calls after you, instinctively reaching into the inner pocket of his coat to take out his copy- to give you his annotated copy. By some miracle, you hear him. He can see your eyes light up, and you signal to your friend to go on without you.
“Did you like it?” you ask excitedly, shouting over the music, leaning in closer to hear him. His breath catches in his throat and he’s not sure he can muster up enough air to answer. He finally manages out a yes, and you look confused- clear you can’t hear him. “Let’s go outside!” you say over the music and point towards the kitchen. He gulps and nods, following your lead.
Crowds just seem to naturally part for you, and your presence is met with hellos and other greetings. You smile, and acknowledge each person who acknowledges you and you just make it look so effortless. He trails behind you closely, trying hard to not stare. You push open the back screen door, and there’s a small back porch. You’ve clearly been here before. He wonders what has brought you back here. A fight, a messy breakup, just needing air, or maybe it’s the stress you must feel being so obligated to make appearances. Either way, it’s a special place, and he’s so honored you’re sharing it with him.
“Much better,” you note, the sounds of the party muffled. “So you liked it?”
“Y-yeah,” he fumbles trying to take the copy out of his coat. He somehow manages to hand it over to you. “I uh, thought you’d want to look through my notes.”
“Cool,” you smile, “Definitely. Thanks.” You tuck it under your armpit, opting to give him your full attention. “What was your favorite part? Ah, none of my other friends are readers and I’m desperate to talk to someone about it!”
His brain short circuits when you say the words ‘I’m desperate’ out loud and he pretends to clear his throat. You also said ‘my other friends’ which clearly implies Eddie is a friend. That’s it? That’s okay, he tells himself. Good girls like you go slow, and he knows that you’re worth it.
“I really loved- uh, I underlined it,” he begins, and gestures to the book. You hand it over and he mumbles a small thanks, pushing his glasses up. He flips through the tabbed pages, and searches until he finds the right page.
“The feelings that hurt most, the emotions that sting most, are those that are absurd – The longing for impossible things, precisely because they are impossible; nostalgia for what never was; the desire for what could have been; regret over not being someone else; dissatisfaction with the world’s existence. All these half-tones of the soul’s consciousness create in us a painful landscape, an eternal sunset of what we are.”
He looks up, and the way you are looking at him has him convinced you know. You know that quote pulled every single thought that he ever thought of you and put it there in black and white. The way he feels the tension between the two of you rise as a silent lull clouds gently over the two of you- like you’re the only two people here. Every painful reminder of the false memories he conjures feels like they are slipping away, and his mind is ready to make tangible ones with you- memories he can feel, and experience with all his senses.
“That’s one of my favorite passages too,” you muse, and he nods. He’s sure his face is as pink as your top that he’s just noticed how it fits so snugly around your chest just oh so perfectly- fuck are you even wearing a bra?
“Yea- uh..” before he’s able to even respond, the screen door creaks open and someone calls out your name. The interruption seems to startle you both slightly.
“Oh, sorry I didn’t mean to interrupt anything,” the guy says poking his head out. Muscular, tall, backwards hat and a tank top with arm holes that almost reach the waist of his… ah, camo cargo shorts. Seriously, sweetheart, where do you even find these people? Oh, a mouth breather as well…
“No it’s okay, Chris, um,” you force a smile, and take a step back from him. Your attention now focused on the frat boy who looks like he’s trying his hardest to spark a thought by rubbing his two final brain cells together. “This is Eddie,” you say, introducing him, “We’re in a class together. We were just talking about a book we both read.” He purses his lips together and forces a closed lip smile toward this other person.
“Eddie, this is my boyfriend Chris.”
The large doofus has the audacity to just jerk his chin upwards as some form of acknowledging Edward’s existence, before he steps out onto the porch to press a kiss to your lips, and Edward feels like his entire world is just going to collapse in on himself at any moment.
How could you have a boyfriend? You made no attempt to see him these past weeks, or Edward would have seen. How could this major fucking road block not have reared it’s ugly head until now? You have a boyfriend, and it’s not looking like he’s going anywhere the way he’s snaking his arms around you from behind. You wiggle out of his grasp, not comfortable with the PDA which he can appreciate at least.
“Nice to meet you,” he manages to stutter out before sliding the book back into the inner pocket of his jacket. “I’m gonna be heading out soon anyways so-”
“It’s so early though!” you pout, “It’s too bad, but we’ll hook up at the next one, yeah?”
You have no idea how you’re able to take his breath away. It gets lodged in the back of his throat and he feels his cheeks redden. He knows what you mean, nothing sexual or physical by any means, but fuck- he could swear you do this on purpose. Your little innocent phrases with double meanings, and your suggestive stares, and just how fucking sweet you are.
“Y-eah, f-for sure,” he blushes, making his leave heading down the back stairs. He cuts across the back yard to his dorm building to call it a night.
You’re right that it was early, but there was no point in sticking around that cesspool of a house if you were just going to be tongue tied with that fucking guy for the rest of the night. He’d rather not see that. He needs to devise a new plan. A way for you to realize you’re wasting your time with this loser, and to realize that your Eddie has been there this whole time- patient and just ready to worship you if you only let him.
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starlightsearches · 2 years
for hand holding prompt: 12 and/or 13 w riddler maybe pls 🌷🎀💝
Affection Prompts—possessive hand-holding / linking hands together during sex
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requests are always open / let me know what you think!
Edward Nashton x Femme! Reader
Warnings: 18+ only, PIV sex, shitty guys, possessive behavior, established relationship, language.
He'd never believe it, but there's so much you love about your boyfriend.
Like how you'd sent him a text to let him know you'd be home late, and now—hours later—he's waiting outside the door of your office, standing under the streetlight as rain drops collect on his too-big jacket.
You see him, and it's like your heart is fighting to hop out of your chest, desperate to greet him. God, he's too thoughtful, too sweet. He's not like any other guy you've met before.
You couldn't tell him that, though. Eddie would think it was a bad thing.
"Hi, honey," you greet him, pressing a kiss to his cool cheek. Your boyfriend's never been a fan of PDA—doesn't like how red his face gets whenever your lips touch his—but this is a fine consolation.
"Hello, dove." He presses one of his gloved hands forward, holding out a dark coffee to-go cup you hadn't noticed before. You can smell the contents, lashes fluttering a little in pleasure with the heavenly scent of chocolate.
"Seriously?" —you take the cup, already feeling the heat seep through your gloves— "you're the best, Eddie."
Your favorite cafe is a few blocks out of the way, but the hot chocolate is the best in the city. It's exactly what you needed after a day like today.
He flushes again, dipping his head to the ground until his glasses slip toward the end of his nose, shoulders drooping with the weight of your praise.
God. You want his dick down your throat.
Taking his empty hand instead, you start the chilly walk home. Gotham's never quiet—cars buzzing by and shouting from distant alleyways, but you and Eddie seem to travel in your own little world, speaking quietly about your days, plans for the weekend, sharing thoughts you'd kept to yourselves while you were apart.
You're almost back to your apartment when you notice Eddie shifting closer, arm pressed tight against yours. You don't have to ask why.
There's three of them headed your way—overgrown frat boys in collared shirts like they hit the bar straight from the office—laughing and jostling each other as if the whole street is their fucking living room.
You grip Eddie's hand tighter, keeping your eyes on your feet, praying they won't bump into you, won't notice either of you as they pass by.
But all the gods in Gotham must be busy, because nobody hears those prayers.
"Where you headed, beautiful?" It's the tallest of them who talks to you, smiling with too-white teeth and stinking of beer and sweat, his breath so sharp with the smell of alcohol it has to be flammable.
If you only had a match.
"Home," you answer curtly, trying to sneak past with Eddie in tow. His friends block your path, trapping you up against a long-empty storefront.
"Don't be like that, baby," he coos, trying to brush a hand down your arm before you pull away, "you should come with us. We could show you a real good time."
Eddie's shaking beside you. He tries to move in front of you without dropping your hand and you pull him back, catching his red-splotched skin and a vicious look in his eyes.
"I'm not interested," you say, "and my boyfriend and I would like to leave now."
"Boyfriend?" The man smiles wickedly, and you know what's coming before it happens, watching every moment with a painful double vision.
"This guy?" he laughs, and his friends join in a mocking chorus, "sorry buddy, I didn't even see you there."
He slaps Eddie harshly on the shoulder, looking down on him although Eddie's a few inches taller—and then they walk away.
Minutes pass before Eddie's ready to move. He stands there beside you with his eyes shut tight, stiller than stone except for his lips parting softly in the silence. You think he might be praying under his breath.
You walk the rest of the way without saying a word. Eddie's footsteps broadcast his thoughts well enough, growing heavier with each flight of stairs you climb before reaching your small apartment.
"Eddie, honey?"
He's dropped your hand, shrugging out of his jacket and journeying deeper into the apartment. In the half-light of the kitchen, he leans heavily on the counter, head hung low.
"Eddie," —he hardly moves when you slide up beside him, resting a hand over his own— "you know I love you, right?"
The look he gives you is ripe with hurt, threatening to spill over with every blink of his big, sad eyes.
"I'm serious. Do you really think I'd rather be with a guy like that?"
Eddie doesn't answer. He doesn't have to. Your heart fucking breaks—snapped right in half along the dotted line. He thinks you'd leave him. Like it wouldn't break you just the same.
"Honey . . . do you think a guy like that would care if I got home safe? Or go out of his way to pick up my favorite drink for me?"
That gives him pause. You take advantage of the gap in his armor, sliding between the place he stands and the table until your bodies are flush, wrapping your arms tight around his neck.
"Guys like that are selfish, Eddie," you whisper, trailing kisses down the side of his face, "he wouldn't treat me as well as you do."
Eddie shudders in your grasp. Your tongue just brushes the shell of his ear. "He couldn't touch me the way you do."
He's already breathless at the idea. "God, can I touch you?"
You guide his hands to your waist in silent permission. Eddie's grip is tight at the fabric of your skirt, nails digging at your hips when his urgent mouth meets yours, kissing you reckless. He's sloppy, impassioned—the way he normally gets when you both already have your clothes off and he can't pretend he has any self-control anymore. His tongue is past your lips when he stumbles backwards, pulling you along with him until his knees bump the couch.
And if this were a normal night, he'd sit down on the cushions before pulling you into his lap. On a normal night, you'd ride him, bouncing on his cock until there were tears on his cheeks and he was begging you to let him cum.
But things are different with this shot of confidence in his veins, because he guides you down onto the couch—hand at the back of your neck so you couldn't stop kissing him even if you tried—laying you down against the overstuffed cushions as he crawls on top.
"Can I?" he asks again, fingers already pulling haphazardly at the buttons on your top. Your mouth has gone dry. All you can offer is a nod.
And he's so sure of himself as bares your skin, mouthing at your neck until your own hands shake. He's so sure of himself, sliding down the zipper on your skirt, getting it out of his way, a warm hand between your thighs.
"Eddie," you whisper.
"Yes, dove?" His wet words hit right at your collar bone, and he peers up at you with big dark eyes from behind fogged glass.
You don't remember what you were going to say. Maybe something like I need you or fuck me, please or I think I'm in love with you, but nobody needs words in a moment like this. You slide your hand into the space between your bodies, slipping his belt from the buckle.
And he understands that perfectly.
You're still half-dressed, feeling dirty and desperate while Eddie grips at your breast over your bra, hyper-aware of his other fumbling hand pressing the hot tip of his cock against your hole.
Your back lifts from the couch, curved like a half-moon from that first, deep thrust, a low moan on your lips. Eddie pauses, fully seated inside you, and he curls one arm around your waist, holding you closer. His other hand travels the length of your arm, slipping his fingers between your own.
He keeps his eyes on yours, and you maintain the contact even though it feels like you're dying, like you won't live another second if he doesn't give you the pleasure that's been promised.
He lifts your hand to his mouth, presses his lips to the soft skin on the back of your hand. His lips are wet enough that the print turns cold when he pulls away.
"You're mine," he whispers. He leaves no room for argument.
And then he's thrusting so deep inside you it's changing the rhythm of your heart. He buries you against the old, over-stuffed cushions, hand squeezing yours and his teeth scraping along your neck, mouthing those same words until they're etched into your skin.
You're mine. Mine. Mine. Mine.
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lovely--lover · 2 years
Immediate Response
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Request: Dwayne tells reader I love you and their immediate response is to say something mean like fuck off. It’s not on purpose it just slips out 🤭 thank you @sapphicandserendipityy for the idea!!
Peering at the contents in your basket you made a mental note of all the items you have selected so far; beef jerky, candy, headband, a toy plane. Something was missing? Pulling out your shopping list you scanned the items until you found it, notepads. How could you forget?!
Two months had passed since Dwayne began his vow of silence. He mentioned something about self-restraint and dedication? In the beginning you thought he would only last a week or two.
But here you were two months later. Dwayne’s dedication and self-restraint was growing by the day. The sound of his voice was one of your favorite sounds, and you missed it dearly, but understood that it was something Dwayne needed to do.
Dwayne was focusing and working so hard to reach his dreams. You wanted to reward him for his efforts and motivate him to continue. 
Your eyes widened as you entered the stationary aisle there was rows of notepads in different colors and designs. There were so many options. Reaching out you grabbed a yellow, black, and a pink one covered in red hearts.  It was cute! Dwayne would hate it. 
A giggle slipped out as you imagined his reaction. Or maybe if you were lucky he would suddenly get the hint that you lov- liked him...You really hoped he would like it.
Taking a deep breath you tried to calm the nerves. What was the worse that could happen? Dwayne doesn't like it? Dwayne doesn't like a lot of things it will be okay. He definitely wasn't going to say anything.
Raising a hand you pressed the doorbell. You could hear feet running through the house and a voice yell out “I got it” When the door opened you were met with Olive smiling up at you.
Before you could say hello she was yelling through the house “Dwayne! Y/N is here!” She stepped out of the way and waved you inside.
“Come on Y/N” Olive grabbed your free hand and led you through the house towards Dwayne's room “I don't know why he can’t hear me.”
Once you reached Dwayne's door Olive didn't even knock, she just threw the door open. You were met with Dwayne on his back lifting weights above his head, heat flooded to your cheeks, as you watched him. The muscles in his arm were still small but more toned and you could see the outline of musc-
“Dwayne did you not hear me?! I said Y/N is here” Olive’s voice broke your thoughts.
Dwayne let out a sigh as he placed the weight down and sat up. The corner of his lip turning up slightly as his eyes met yours. Walking over he grabbed your hand, it was sweaty and calloused, pulling you into his room. While simultaneously pushing Olive out and slamming the door in her face.
“Hey! You’re so rude” you giggled as Olive stomped down the hall. It was now just you and Dwayne facing each other with your hands intertwined. There wasn't much time to enjoy the contact as Dwayne dropped your hand heading towards his bed and sitting down patting the open spot next to him. 
“So…you’re still not talking Hoover?” you teased. Dwayne responded with a roll of his eyes as he patted the spot next to him again. Finally you plopped down next to him and placed the gift bag in his lap. “Well good! Or else this would be awkward”
Dwayne looked between you and the bag with furrowed brows. “It’s a gift for you. It’s been over two months since you stopped talking and I thought you deserved something. I just know I couldn't last a day without talking!” 
A full smile formed on his face as he smiled in agreement. “Hey” you gently pushed him “Don’t be rude I got you a gift. Now open it!” 
Sitting up straight you watched in anticipation as Dwayne started pulling out the wrapping paper, giggling as he rolls it up and throws it at you playfully. He reached in without looking and pulled out the beef jerky, slightly nodding his head in approval.
“I got that because I know you like it and it has a lot of protein so it should be really good for building muscle and stuff” Dwayne listened to you with raise eyebrows and waited until you were done to pull out the next item.
Red was being pulled out of the bag and your mouth opened before you realized. “That’s a headband for when you work out so your hair’s not in your face and you don’t get too sweaty.” You felt the need to explain the reasoning for each item. 
Dwayne pulled out the notepads looking through them. “Those are for…ya know” you giggled. He got to the pink notepad with hearts. He looked up at you with an eyebrow raised and titled head as if to say ‘Really?’
Secretly Dwayne loved it! It was cute and reminded him of you.
With each item Dwayne pulled out his heart beat faster and he became overwhelmed. It was all so simple but-
Everyone else had been harassing him to speak telling him there was no point and refusing to understand. But you…you have supported him the entire time with no complaint. You always supported, listened, cared, understood him. It seemed like you were always around so he took you for granted. But you were everything and he…
Dwayne's eyes widened in realization, hurriedly he opened the notepad and grabbed his pen, scribbling out the words. His hands shook as he stared down at the writing contemplating if he should show you. Glancing up he was met with your amused face “What is it Dwayne?” 
Dwayne held the note up “I love you” was written across the page in messy letters.
A laugh left your lips as yo read the words “Oh fuck off Dwayne” His brows furrowed, placing the pen back on paper he underlined the words twice shoving the notebook in your face. 
The smile on your lips slowly fading at the realization “Oh wait…you love me? You love me!” Dwayne rolled his eyes and tossed the notepad into you lap pointed at the words.
You held the notepad up pressing it against your chest as you took in the moment another laugh escaping your lips. “Well good Hoover because I love you too!”
This is my first time writing for Dwayne so I hope it was good and I hope you liked it 💛
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hvman-scvm · 6 months
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🥩— MAINBLOG ;; @roadkill-bf
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imagine--if · 2 years
what about a yandere riddler that loves babying his s/o and never lets her do anything by herself? ♡
A/N: He doesn’t 😍 and I don’t mind, Eddie could baby me any time and I’d die happy lmao - did a hc and blurb 🥰
Pairing: Dano!Riddler x reader (The Batman 2022)
Warnings: Obsessive fluffy Riddler 💚
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•★ Edward absolutely treasures you, he sees you as an angel and the perfect reason to ‘clean up the city,’ you’re his everything and he’ll be damned if you’re not treated like it
•★ Getting shopping? No, don’t worry, he can do it for you - or you could go together?? Ed’s still carrying the bags though
•★ Making food? That’s so sweet, lovely, but you really don’t have to - he’s cleaning up everything afterwards, and making food for the rest of the week
•★ You could literally be doing the simplest of things and Edward will come and cuddle up close to you and get involved with those big, lovestruck eyes and grabby hands
•★ Especially if you’re fairly innocent to the wrongs of Gotham and reluctant about his crimes, he finds it adorable and endearing and makes it his goal to protect you from anything and everything
•★ Edward definitely babies you when you’re cuddling or having an intimate moment, in the mornings when you wake up and before you sleep - even as the Riddler, when you watch with a hesitant, wary gaze at his rambles and previous kills, he cops to you from where he’s sitting that it’s all for you and he wishes the chat could see how lovely you are for themselves-
•★ If you’re kind of shy to his smothering affections and go all blushy on him, Edward absolutely loves it and finds it so sweet, further encouraging his little kisses and long whispered components in your ear
•★ If you try telling him softly that you’re capable of taking care of yourself and everything, he’s like, “Of course you are, darling, but you’ve got me now! So don’t you move a muscle, okay?”
•★ Edward just loves you so much and shows it through how he acts around you and can’t be bothered to hold himself back from squeezing you tightly when you hug and reminding you over and over that you’re his perfect little angel before letting you go and doing things for you ♡
“Eddie… I need to go out, before it gets dark.”
Edward looks up at you with a dopey smile, previously peppering your neck with wet, loving smooches and nibbles, his arms around your waist and cradling you close against him. He glances out the window at the early evening sky, then returns his attention to you.
“That’s alright, sweetheart. I’ll go.”
You smile, shaking your head. “No, Ed, really, I can do it, I just-“
“If you think I’m letting you go out there by yourself now,” Edward giggles with a shake of his head, smiling at you fondly as his hands come up to stroke your cheeks lovingly with his thumbs. “I’ll go and get the food in a minute, alright?”
“You really don’t have to,” you respond, as Eddie goes back to kissing your neck, working up your jaw and planting a big one on your cheek with a playful chuckle. You can’t help laughing slightly with him, used to his odd but endearing, clingy behaviour by now.
“But I want to,” Edward replies earnestly, nuzzling his nose against yours as he gazes into your eyes adoringly. “I can’t let you go out there by yourself, sweet angel… you know what a cesspool it is out there on those streets.”
“I know, Eddie.”
“It’s okay, though,” he assures you contentedly, reassuring himself at the same time. “You’re with me, and nothing could ever hurt you with me, could it, darling? No… of course not,” he answers for you, tickling your neck and grinning as you laugh and give in, letting him resume his trail of gentle kisses over your face. He pauses for a moment, taking you in as he lets out a happy sigh.
“Oh… look at you! Aren’t you just so beautiful? Ah- I should get the camera!! Wait there!”
.・ Taglist: ・.
@bimboanime @phoenixgurl030 @dangerouslittlefairy @katjourno @yoyoanaria @yaeyuuki @vinxlsketches @beenz-beenz @ghoulsgraveyard @birds-have-teeth @repostingmyfavs @r3ptiliaaa @for3v3rda1sy @glitterycheesecakegladiator @moonwritesblog @lilyevans1 @httpsunflowers @hxney-lemcn @confusedchildsstuff @callsigncrash @sugahbabieexo @bokksieu @skateb0red @wilburrrsworld @philiasoul @darthcringe @felicityofbakerstreet @bloodypantomime @deadlights-darling @tianotfound @mortem-muse @ireadandream @tinyryder @kpopgirlbtssvt @truecobblepot @jessicainhell
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annika-thelostlove · 2 years
The second time, you chose right - part 1 // Edward nashton x fem!reader
Word count // 3816
Summary // In an Alternate timeline Edward Nashton quits his job as a forensic accountant in Gotham city to become an IT support for a lawfirm. You notice the new guy at your work, eddie. He's chubby and quiet and shy, and you think it might just be love at first sight.
Authors note // I got waaaaay into building your character, I'm sorry. You're kinda a crazy person and have a dark past. But you're perfect for Edward
Warnings // mature fic, twisted fluff and angst, dark past from both of them, past muĺrder and crimes, morally grey, sexual themes, attempted sexual assult, stalking, but mostly being in love with Edward ❤
Can be read as a oneshot
Part 2
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Eddie's gained some more weight, he's noticed it because he's had to use the next larger belt hole when he puts on his pants now. It should be the least of his problems, but it's another hit on his self esteem that he's very carefully been trying to build since quitting his forensics job.
He focuses on the positives, seeing a therapist in the last few years changed the direction of his life and for the better. He could be in worse mental and emotional conditions by now if he kept discovering more horrible things about Gotham crimes. He was glad for that day in the ally, meeting Batman, the hope incarnate. Finally there was someone to bring light in this city. Edward passed all burdens of duty, of making the city better to the Batman, and left the life of vengeance and violence behind.
He gathered as much evidence he could, and did his best not to become obsessed with the injustice of it all, and then anonymously tipped off evidence to batman. That was more than a year ago. Hes in a much better place now. If he wants to help the city, he has to do it with a clear mind. He's accepted that he's a genius after all, as many others have complimented him in the past. He knows his worth. Now in a good stable job, a new career in IT at a small law firm, he has a nice boss, and the people at work are decent enough to send him little gifts on public holidays.
And then at night he becomes the online hacker vigilante 'nigma', stealing money from the rich, and giving to the poor.
But sometimes things like this make his days hard. Eddie slowly grabs at his love handles, and grips it hard. He sighs. He doesn't know when he's ever felt attractive. But I guess his life has never felt privileged enough for him to care about his appearance till now. He guesses it's a testament to a better quality of life. He read that somewhere, he thinks. Edward is not quite sure he believes it. He throws on his raincoat and gets to work.
< 💚 >
You have been peeking over from your reception desk over to the cubicles for the last year hoping to get glimpses of him when you can. You love the shape of his cheek, and his round shoulder that peeks out from his cubicle wall. He's so beautiful, you think. But he's never once looked in your direction since that first time you met. Edward nashton, he was the new guy. And you think that maybe that feeling you had the first time you saw him last year might be love at first sight.
All the men and at times the ladies in the office have all made a pass at you at some point. You think it's because since you work in reception, you have to be friendly with everyone at the front desk. Still, some part of you feels you were somewhere above average attractive, you've turned down a couple of people in the past. So maybe you're hotter than you give yourself credit for.
But Edward, he updated your computer twice since working here, and one of those times you were on a sick day. No real conversation has happened between you since you met apart from the occasional sounds of agreement from Ed.
'How has your day been?' - 'good'
'I heard you worked in forensics before!' - 'yes'
'I'm in love with your little succulent!' - 'thank you'
He has a little pump bottle sanitizer on his desk that you watch him rub into his dainty hands occasionally, a tiny little cactus plant, a funny favourite mug that's in the shape of a pill bottle that always makes you laugh, and a row of little notebooks in the corner you think are full of his thoughts and musings perhaps even poems. (They are actually great little collection of his own riddles) and alot more the little things around him that just make you fall deep into him even more. You are doomed, and hopeless, and desperately in love with Edward.
Today you will try to get his attention again. Walking by his desk you compliment him on his shirt. It's a pink button down.
"Uh, thank you." He says barely acknowledging you.
He's so uncomfortable, but not as much as he had been last Friday after he turned you down for drinks. You're sure he smiles often at the others, just not at you. You long for it.
You can't help yourself, despite getting hurt last Friday, and endless signs that he has no interest in spending time with you. You put yourself out there anyway.
What you didn't know though, was that Edward came home last Friday crying into his pillow after comming in his hand thinking about how you must have wanted to humiliate him. He thinks that of course your interest is just some sick joke that you're pursuing for a laugh.
"Well, Eddie, I know it's Monday, but- um, I'm going to a late night diner tonight, and- not the bar from last week. And I was thinking coffee was more your style- maybe, if you were free to check it out…with me."
He releases a shaky breath, and looks up at you. "I haven't…changed my mind. S-sorry."
Your palms tingle and tears prickle in your eye, he really really really doesn't want you. You put on a smile.
"Okay, okay, that's okay. Well, see ya tomorrow then!"
You rush to your desk, not knowing that Edward actually saw the genuine hurt in your eyes. He was shocked, maybe you were genuine about spending time with him. He sees you hide at your desk furiously wiping at your eyes. He feels his stomach drop, he really didn't know that it mattered to you so much. You work at reception, you're friendly with everyone. You couldn't actually be interested in him?
< 💚 >
The walk down to the club next door to the dinner was a no-brainer for you. You need to get drunk and get rid of this horrible feeling of rejection fast.
Edward follows you after work, and worriedly watches you from afar as you enter a club. you've been in there for a good hour. He's worried, maybe you've looked for a quick hook up. A horrible feeling burns in his stomach, jealousy, maybe regret, and a twist of anger. Did you only see Edward as a means to fill your own needs? Sighing, that is not possible you could want that with him of all people when he feels so, ugly. Horrible feelings are stirring within him, he fights them. Clenching his fists he takes deep breaths, he's trying to be good. He needs to be.
You finally emerged from the club, looking sad and only partly drunk. You angrily fix your jacket and begin your walk home. A few moments later a rough looking man also comes out looking around, agitated and begins to follow you. Edward quickly jumps out of his hiding spot and pursues. His nerves are up. This dosent look good. What could this man want? He tries his best to hide in the shadows.
< 💚 >
An asshole at the club wouldn't get the hint, you're not interested. So you had to leave that shithole club early.
You notice that there seems to be some footsteps behind you, following for a few minutes now. So you walk faster. You hold on to your sharp blade on your keychain inside your pocket tighter.
But before you could pull it out, someone comes out of nowhere and throws you into an alleyway. Your shoulder collides with the concrete wall and your whole arm is in pain. You are violently grabbed and held tightly with two arms around you then a small knife pushes at your throat. You try not to scream.
"Shush, it's okay it's just me from the bar, be quiet alright." That sleezy voice you heard from the club murmurs behind you.
You beg him to let you go, but he hurriedly starts to shuffle his and your clothing, tugging at yours and his pants to open unsuccessfully. You gasp and yell no, and realise exactly what the asshole wants.
In your struggle you manage to pull your arm free with your small sharp weapon in your hand and thrust it as hard as you could into the body of flesh behind you. He grunts in pain.
But before you could stab him again, you hear a high pitch yell and another series of heavy thuds against the body that's holding you captive. The wet sound of his body being stabbed with a sharp weapon. And not yours. Someone else is here in the ally way with you.
You scream once in confusion and fall forward onto the wall, you turn to see your attacker's body fall to the ground. And another person was on him, stabbing him with a knife. You gasp in shock. You have a hero. At first you think it must be Batman. But he was not cloaked or in a mask, this man's appearance was familiar. Your heart skipped violently in your chest when you realised who it really was.
It's Edward!! He's rescuing you!
"Edward!" You say excitedly
The sound of you calling him stopped him in his trance, with a gasp he drops his weapon. As if he didn't realise what he just did. He's stabbed a man five times with his pocket knife. Frozen in shock he falls backwards on the ground.
What has he done? He looks at his hands, they are shaking and red. His glasses splattered with blood, he shakily wipes at them but it gets worse. It smudges everywhere.
You see that he's scared now. He looks lost, oh sweet Edward. But you notice the man on the ground is still breathing, and Edward is not in the condition to make a choice right now. So you make up your mind.
It's us or them. Your thoughts click into place, yes you are meant to help him, eachother, its destiny. So you hurriedly pick up his knife from the ground and finish what he started. You slice the man's neck, taking the nameless perv out of his misery.
It goes quiet, the silence was deafening between you. You look at one another in suspense. Both covered in the man's blood. You crawl over to Edward then grab his trembling hand.
"We have to go Edward. We have to hide."
He comes back for a second and sees you with those green eyes "Oh, Yes yes we should go. My apartment is just up the street."
"Okay, let's go"
The two of you hold hands dodging all street lights to stay in the dark. Despite your situation, it felt like an epic romance. Getting to run away with him in the dead of the night. The two of you make it to his door. He brings you inside, but still no words are exchanged.
He's standing very still in his apartment now, his face you can see he's thinking a mile a second even though he faces you. He seemed to finally remember your presence after noticing a little heart shaped blood splatter on your cheek.
"Oh, golly." He runs his hand through his hair and says your name in the most endearing way. "I-I ill let you use the bathroom first. It's, it's over this way" He points over to a door to his left. He doesn't look so well. But you can't help but think of how handsome he is, his face full of gentle worry. Despite the blood.
You close the bathroom door behind you, and without a second thought stripped down and used his shower.
You didn't know though that Edward out in the living room was spiralling. His head in his hands, this was the kind of thing he's been trying to fight, the person hes trying not to become. He stabbed someone tonight. Without a second thought. And planned to complete it if it wasn't for you. You. You finished it off. How, how were you going to get away with it? It's was his fault, he made you murder a man. They're gonna take you away. Somewhere, somewhere-
You step out of the bathroom forgetting that you didn't ask for spare clothes, you're glad he had a massive towel to wrap yourself in. But Edward doesn't even notice you standing there practically naked in his living room.
"Edward, honey are you alright?" No response
"Lets get you cleaned up now alright?"
You pull him along by this arm to the bathroom. His eyes distant, hes not really with you now. So you let him sit on the toilet seat and while you just fill up his bath with steamy water waiting for him.
"Eddie can I clean your clothes honey?" You test the endearment on your tongue and begin with removing his stylish glasses, he seems fine with that. Next his bloodied jacket and shoes and socks. Feeling encouraged by his calm response you try to remove his shirt, unbuttoning him. Then he grabs your arms, stopping you.
Now he finally looks shaken. His lips tremble, like there is something he just can't say. You wait for him to say them. But he's breaking apart quickly.
"Okay, it's alright, just let me hold you." You reassure him. He releases you and you take his head into your chest. "It's okay sweetheart, I want to make you feel better, make you feel clean" you repeat these words to him until it was the only thing on your mind. Same words you have used on yourself many times in the past.
Something in him finally breaks, and you feel him begin to sob into you. It's heartbreaking, he wails loudly in his own towel that you're wearing at your chest. Holding you tightly against him.
You wonder if it was his first time, seeing death, it certainly was not yours.
But you were wrong, it was not the death. His tears were from something else. It's you. He's never felt someone's affection like this. Being held, and told words of reassurance. Feeling like a treasure in your arms. In the trouble you both were in now 'how could he let this go once it's taken from him?'
Edward was inconsolable for a little while, but you love him, it was a privilege to have his tears against your chest. You soothed his back and head. He had such lovely brown hair. Giving his hairline a kiss, he calmed down enough for you to continue undressing him. You recognize this behaviour, he's dissociated for a little while. He needs some rest.
You have him naked in his tub in just a few minutes. He's only a little shy now. Trying to cover his privates while you soap him clean. It feels like a test, temptation on a silver platter. You control yourself from touching the most beautiful body you have seen. He blushes so prettily, the pink runs down his chest, and your eyes roam down to his round belly and thighs, desire heats up between your legs. But it's not the time to think about yourself, he deserves to be loved and respected.
When you're done, you try to dry him off, but he grows shy and quickly takes over wiping himself. When you two enter his bedroom he dresses himself in cotton shorts and a thin sweater, and he gives you some of his clothes to wear. You settle on a long pajama shirt, the pant were too long to wear.
"We can, talk tomorrow..about what to…do.." He quietly says and hesitates.
"We can…share the bed" his whole face turns tomato red at his own suggestion. After all what's happened tonight he feels confident that you want to be near him.
You give him a sweet hopeful grin and you both climb into bed. With your head on his chest, you smile and inhale his scent deep, and think that this is how it should always be before falling fast asleep.
< One year ago >
Three new people will be added to the company. The welcome party was quite nice so far, nice little finger food, you've already put a few in your bag.
They did the same thing for you few years ago when you got this job. No one questioned how you got it. And you're so grateful for Mr. Wayne.
Six years ago you were just a teenager working at one of Salvatore Maroni's drops factory. When the drug finally killed both your brothers, you started adding undetectable poison into your own mix of drops in an attempt to get back at the dealers who sold them to kids. You killed some successfully, but not without getting innocent deaths. Whole families died from your drug mix. Fueled by hate and obsessed with cleansing the city, dozens of people died by your doing, many unnoticed and only marked off at drops overdoses, and even unfortunate bystanders had to go. Many of the deaths of mafia big names made the news, dubing you as The Pusher Killer. But after years, you couldn't carry on living with the hate in your heart and the guilt. You were suffering from the darkness of your life.
Then one day a masked man approached you and asked for locations of the drops factories in exchange for the start of a new life. The man looked alarmingly similar to the young bruce wayne you see on the news. But with the scarf and hood you couldn't confirm it. You took the deal. And here you are now with a new name and a clean start. Though what you've done, will always haunt you. The guilt follows you like a ghost, a prison you have not escaped.
The three men that have been added to your IT department, they all look a little similar to eachother. One of them has stylish translucent glasses on, maybe you should introduce yourself. He was unassuming though he was tall, and simply stood off to the side of the snacks table offering anyone who came by him a little smile. Cute.
You introduce yourself "hey I work in reception, what's your name?"
"Welcome to the team! But the IT and reception departments don't overlap much." He blinked a few times, trying to get a baring of things perhaps. "So I'm glad to have a chance to talk you you." He blushes and is thinking of saying something, but it's a few moments till he says it.
"What happens again, but different both times?"
"It- its a riddle. What can happen again, but is different both times?"
"I..uh. um."
"No, no, let me think for a moment"
"Kay" He waits patiently with his lips pursed together. You go through a few options first. He shakes his head, all wrong.
What can happen again, but is different both times?
Then it hits you, like opening your eyes for the first time. The answer hits home so closely, you almost feel like a child again in wonder with the wide world.
"Is it..a second chance?"
His smile blinds you, Edward shines like you've never seen anyone before. "Yes!!" He giggles. "Yes, and we will have the chance to see each other again!" He revels in both of your victories, unaware of what had just happened to you. As if he had no idea that your world just got a little brighter, because he's made you remember where you are, in the middle of your second chance. The look in his eyes, they are like yours somehow. And he knows it too. You look at him I awe, laughing along with him. While all at once you are falling.
Is this it?
"Do you- well, I know it sounds lame, but- do you believe in that?" You ask him and look past those spectacles he wears and see his big green eyes magnified and blinking down at you.
"In- in second chances?" He doesn't really think for even a second when he says. "Of course I do." And he smiles till it reaches his eyes. Oh. Of course, its him. He's the one for me. Your heart just soars.
But in the first week working there, Edward began to ignore you, you were not sure why. Edward is ashamed to say, but at that welcome party he felt special after you talked to him. But it turns out you're quite friendly with practically everyone else. He won't get his hopes up if he doesn't talk to you as often, so he just won't.
< Present >
You awoke when it was still dark, checking your phone time, it says 2:33 am.
Sometime in the night Edward pulled away from you and curled up in a little ball. You look over and try to get a look at him. He's fast asleep, the way he sleeps seems a little tense. But cute nonetheless. You slowly curled over him, becoming the big spoon. He relaxes a little.
After a few minutes he begins to shiver. But not from cold. You think it's a dream. He suddenly gasps and wakes up, opening his eyes which have become glassy.
You hold him tighter, letting you know that you're there. "I'm here with you"
"Yeah, it's just me. What- what did you dream about?"
"Hmn, the same things really. From the orphanage that I was raised in. Just how…cold it was… how lonely."
"Oh eddie." You rub his skin gently. "Im sorry, but I'm glad, that it's in the past. You're here now, with me. Together. Im happy."
"You're happy with me?"
"Yes, I am"
You roll him over to face you. You see the sadness of his brow, he worries just like you. Where will all the pieces fall? The two of you will have to face whatever consequences come through from the events of Tonight. Maybe Gotham detectives will only find the body in the morning. Find you and lock you away. Maybe they don't suspect you at all. Maybe you will be together with Edward from this point on and never be found out. Maybe in a few moments they will break into Eddie's apartment and take him too.
It was a long tense pause before he responded to your bold implication about the two of you. "Well. I'm not so sure how long we have till it's all taken away."
"I won't waste time then." Your hand holds the apple of his cheek, and he closes his eyes from the feeling. Once they opened you close the distance between you and kiss him the way you've always dreamed of.
Part 2
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pastelclovds · 1 year
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the riddler/edward nashton masterlist !
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⋆˚ 🐀 ༘ —ONESHOTS !
→ coming soon !
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⋆˚ 🐀 ༘ —HEADCANONS !
→ coming soon !
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⋆˚ 🐀 ༘ —DRABBLES !
→ coming soon !
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all rights reserved © pastelclovds. all fanfics belong to me, please do not copy, translate, repost, nor recommend on tiktok the fics seen below as this is strictly prohibited. anyone found doing so will be contacted immediately. all characters i I write are above 18.
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sweetiebelllamb · 6 months
Is there like actually no dano riddler x black reader fics or am I just not looking hard enough????????????????
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A little melanin in his life would probably be very beneficial!!!!
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Sub!Edward Nashton x Dom!Reader
Word Count: 2029
Warnings: Mommy petname (no mdlb though), pegging, light bondage, handjob, making out
Summary: After Eddie mentions wanting to be pegged in passing, reader decides to take the initiative and...provide that for him ;)
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You and Eddie had been dating for a while, and already lived together. You had done some kinky stuff together, quickly figuring out that Eddie liked to be dominated. Today, however, you were going to kick it up a notch.
A few weeks ago, Eddie had joked about how work had been "fucking him in the ass" lately and you joked about how that should be your job. You didn't mean anything serious by it but he had gone quiet, looking up at you to say "Would you?"
"Would you um...be into that, I mean. Like...fucking my ass" He cringed at how lewd the end of the sentence was, but you could clearly see his cheeks tinted red. Wow, he was serious.
"I would definitely be into that. We should try it sometime." You responded with a wink. Later that night, ordering a strapon.
Well, it finally came and after trying it on and seeing that it all fit right, you made a plan.
The second you heard the key turning in the lock, indicating that your boyfriend was home, you ran over.
"Hi honey, I-"
You slammed your lips into his, cutting his sentence off as you cradled his face. Instantly, he started kissing back, pent up from the stress work had given him today.
You hummed in response to his immediate submission, sucking his bottom lip between your own, bringing out a whimper from the taller man. Your hand snaked around the back of his head, lightly tugging on his hair until his head was pulled back to give you access to his jaw, which you quickly started sucking on.
"F-fuck! Y/n...oh GOD" he was so responsive, already bucking his hips into yours where you could feel him already starting to get hard. God, he was adorable. As you moved down to his neck, you slowly pushed his jacket off of his shoulders and down his arms, intertwining your fingers with his as it fell to the floor. His chest was pushing against yours over and over from his heavy breathing as you pinned his wrists to the door, licking up his Adam's apple at the same time.
"Baby...oh my god...I can't..." He moaned out, his glasses quickly getting fogged up from his quick panting.
"Can't what, sweetheart?" You drew back, pulling him down to your height by his tie.
"I can't fucking think. You're so...god I don't think I can last long" he admitted, his hands shaking as he brought them to your chest.
"Okay, well let's take a break and go to our room then, yeah?" You smirked, picking up his coat and other things he brought home and headed to your bedroom; him following you like a puppy.
Once you set everything down, you backed Eddie into the bed, pushing him down by his shoulder so he was sitting on the edge. While kissing his forehead, you started unbuttoning his shirt, taking notice of how much he was bulging through his pants.
"Can I...take this off?" he whispered, his fingertips grazing your skin from underneath your tanktop.
"Of course, sweetie" You smiled, letting him lift it up nervously. It was so cute how he always acted so timid despite you both having had sex and seen each other naked dozens of times by now. You couldn't get enough of him.
His eyes went wide once he lifted it higher at the sight of your nipples. You weren't wearing a bra cause...well...you'd been home for a few hours and who the fuck where's a bra at home.
Helping him take it off the rest of the way, you leaned back into him and his arms immediately went around your waist. His eyes not leaving your tits, you giggled.
"You can touch them, Eddie" his eyes lit up, removing one of his arms from around you to lift your tit to his mouth, sucking on the nipple and swirling his tongue around it. You moaned at the contact, looking down and realizing his glasses were still on and very much fogged up.
"Can I take your glasses off?" You asked softly, knowing how much he cared about them and not wanting to trigger anything.
Without stopping his sucking, he hummed 'mhm' which sent vibrations through your already sensitive nipple. You carefully took them off his face and set them down on the desk behind you, choosing to work on taking his belt off next.
"Good boy" you whispered, unbuckling his belt and pulling it from his pants as he whined in response to the pet name. You felt his hand hugged around you start pulling on the back of your skirt, clearly wanting it off. Understanding the signal, you turned around, noticing his whine at your tit leaving his mouth, and bent over as you slowly pulled the skirt down.
Once it was past your ass, you felt Eddie lick from your cunt to your ass over your panties. Whipping around, you lightly smacked his cheek (something he said he was into and you've done before), and pushed his chest so he was lying back on the bed.
"Did I give you permission to do that!?" you feigned anger, knowing he knew that as well but liked the roleplay.
"Mmmm... 'm sorry....I couldn't help it, you just looked so delicious" He whimpered out, his eyes glazed over with lust and essentially making the "🥺" face he knew you always gave in to.
"Alright. Well I don't believe you're gonna keep your hands to yourself because of how naughty you are. So I'll just make sure you do this time" Crawling up onto the bed, you pinned his hands up to the headrest, using the discarded belt to wrap between his wrists around one of the bars of the bedframe.
"Awww....Y/n pleaseeeee...I want to touch you!" he begged, his hands desperately to pull out of the restraint.
"Well, you should've thought about that before misbehaving, huh? Guess you'll just have to watch tonight." You grinned at him sadistically, following it up by licking from his abdomen, chest, neck, and up to his lips.
"FUCK...please...oh my god please!" He thrusted up involuntarily with need. Looking down, his bulge almost looked painful with how much it was straining against his pants.
Silently, you leant down, giving him hickeys all along his abdomen as you started to undo his pants, slowly pulling them off of him, leaving him in his underwear. The whole time, tears started rolling down his bright red cheeks, his mouth hanging agape with an attempt at a desperate plea for more that only came out as groans.
He looked so picturesque like this, you couldn't give in just yet. You wanted him completely at your mercy. So, you watched his reaction as you slowly licked up the underside of his cock through his underwear, pushing his legs up at the same time so you could wrap your arms around his thighs.
"AHHHH! PLEASE! Y/n please I'll do anything! Please!" His speech was starting to falter, clearly getting close despite you not even directly touching him yet. You had to stop to make sure he wouldn't cum too early. So, after pulling his underwear off, you walked over to the nightstand.
"Wh...what are you doing?" He tried peering over his arm at you, even though you could guess that he couldn't see anything at all without his glasses from that far.
"Eddie...remember a few weeks ago you said you'd like to try pegging? Well, I got a strapon now, would tonight be a good night? We don't have to tonight, or ever for that matter, we can continue what we were doing either way." You sauntered over to him with the harness in place, close enough til he could see it.
His cheeks somehow seemed to get even more red as he drew his bottom lip into his mouth before nodding his head.
"I need to hear you say it, sweetheart. We aren't doing this otherwise."
"Ye...yeah. I want it. Please fuck me already, pleaseeeee!" He whined out, bucking into the air for good measure.
Laughing at his urgency, you picked up a bottle of lube and grabbed a pillow from the side of the bed, making your way back around. You had already fingered his ass before and he was good at communicating when to stop or slow down and you had a safeword, so you weren't worried.
Crawling up the bed, you lifted his hips up and put the pillow underneath him to prop up his ass for you. Deciding to tease him a bit, you poured a line of lube down his cock, some of it dripping from his tip onto his stomach which made him whine again. Kissing his leg, you pulled both of them up onto your shoulders as you wrapped your hand around his cock to spread the lube around, making him moan even harder.
The lube still on your fingers, you slowly pushed one of them into his ass, letting his leg fall from your shoulder. Once the second one was in, he threw his head back and groaned in a way that sent tingles right down to your core. His groaning only grew louder as you pushed a third one in, curling them up to push against his gspot and seeing him tense up. Pulling them out quickly, he reacted almost instantly.
Leaning your head against the knee still propped on your shoulder, you just smiled. "I know baby, that's why I pulled out. You don't get to cum quite yet."
Listening to his continuous pleading as background noise, you worked on lubing up the strap and surprised him by teasing his hole with it. That finally shut him right up. Not that his pleading wasn't angelic of course.
"Are you ready, baby?" You kept still, taking in the disheveled mess he was for you.
"Yes, please, I can't take it anymore jus- AHH" he moaned so loudly you were almost worried you hurt him. But no, he was thrusting helplessly against you, trying to get you to go deeper, so you did.
Pushing in all the way to the base, you listened to his array of pleads and started slowly fucking him, taking his cock in your hand to start pumping at the same time.
"What? What did you just call me?" You stopped fucking him, shocked at the new pet name, but quite delighted.
"I'm...I'm sorry! I said mommy...is that okay?" He looked down at you, barely even registering his own words through his lust.
"Of course, baby, of course. What would you like mommy to do?" You smirked, loving how submissive he was now.
"Just keep fucking me, please, I need it so bad mommy"
You went back to jacking him and pushing into him, albeit slowly since you wanted to edge him a bit.
"PLEASE! MOMMY GO FASTER. HARDER. ANYTHING!" He almost shouted at you.
Finally giving in, you did just that, pressing your thumb over the top of his dick as your hand slid up and down it, and turning on the vibration button on your strap with the other hand, a surprise you hadn't told him about, you fucked up into his gspot.
Within seconds, he came harder than you think you've ever seen him do all over his stomach. Him calling out mommy and moaning so loud you were sure the neighbors were going to complain, you slowly stopped your movement, pulling out and taking the strap off.
He was panting hard, trying to catch his breath coming back down from his high as you leaned up to kiss his lips deeply. You would clean up and get food and water for him soon, but first you just held him in your arms since you knew he loved that most.
"I love you, Y/n" his gaze was akin to a painting made my aphrodite herself, his eyelashes lidded with his pupils blown wide still.
"I love you too, Edward" You leaned into him, brushing the hair from his forehead to press a long kiss there.
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lovelybunn · 2 years
ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ⟡ ⋆。˚ㅤㅤ𝐍𝐀𝐕𝐈𝐆𝐀𝐓𝐈𝐎𝐍 .
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*requests OPEN!
꩜ ㅤsouth park m.list
꩜ ㅤpaul dano m.list
꩜ ㅤhaikyuu m.list
꩜ ㅤmandela catalogue m.list
꩜ㅤ welcome home m.list
꩜ ㅤdhmis m.list
꩜ ㅤtf2 m.list
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Recalcitrant - Paul Dano’s Riddler (Chapter 3)
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Word Count: 3.5k
Warnings: brief mentions of past trauma, obsessive and posessive behavior, and male masturbation
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I kept looking at the clock. It felt that time was going by slower than usual. No matter how exhausted I was, the thrill of my first date in a really long time kept my mind awake. Well, actually, I wasn’t entirely sure if it was a date or not. Should I have asked him if it was? Maybe he just wanted me as a friend. Before I continued down my spiral, Bonnie broke me out of my thoughts. 
“What’s got you in a rush today?” 
I glanced over at Bonnie. I looked away and continued to refill the condiments. I tried my best to keep busy to keep my nerves at bay. 
“I have a date tonight—well, I think I do.” I did my best to suppress my smile. 
Without a doubt, I was super excited. I am nervous, though. I don't have an off feeling about Edward or anything like that, but it’s because I haven’t had a good history when it comes to dating. If anything, I'm more self-conscious about the whole thing.
“Oh, hun, that’s exciting,” Bonnie exclaimed. “Did Martinez finally ask you out?”
I knew Bonnie meant well, but I did get tired of her speculation that Martinez and I would be something more despite me constantly telling her we were just friends. He’s a very nice man, and I respect him for being on the force. I knew he was in it for the right reasons, unlike Smith. I knew Smith was in it for power and control; I wouldn’t be surprised if he were corrupted either, in all honesty. 
“No, it’s with Edward.”
I looked up at her as her mind contorted to place a face with the name. Then the realization set in, and it clicked. 
“Oh, that shy boy with the glasses?” I nodded before she continued. “That's not surprising at all. He only really talks to you when he comes in. Dorky looking but cute.”
I chuckled at her brief description of him. He had a “dorky” quality, but I didn't mind. It made him more adorable, in my opinion. 
“Just know if he tries anything he shouldn't, he’ll have me to deal with.” I smiled at her protectiveness. Sometimes it's hard to comprehend how well my relationship is with Bonnie. She's never completely judged me, but she doesn't hold back on stating her opinion. 
“I appreciate that, Bonnie. But, like I said, I don’t know if it’s a date or not, so we’ll call it a friendly hangout until further notice.”
She gave me a bright smile before walking away to do something. I looked back at the counter as my thoughts wandered. I had no expectations for tonight. Growing up, I realized it was better to have no expectations for anything; that way you won't be disappointed if it doesn't go according to plan. 
Usually, life never went according to plan. I would be an expert in that field. If life went perfectly for me, I wouldn’t have to work two jobs, barely scraping by in this hell hole city struggling to get my degree. No. If it were perfect, I’d be successful, and cover stories people needed to know about. 
The rest of my shift dragged. The business was steady; it wasn't anything too chaotic nor too dull. It felt tedious. I mainly just hoped to make a decent amount of tips that day. Bonnie told me I usually did since I was still young and had a pretty face. Then she went on a ramble explaining that she didn’t mean that as if I wasn’t a good worker. I never took anything she said negatively. She’s one of the best influences I have had in my life. 
When I walked home, I rushed. It wasn't because I wanted enough time to get ready for my date, which I did, but you never wanted to take your time walking alone, especially at night in Gotham and more so as a woman. I hated that this was a reality for me and many others. Crime rates were rampant in this city.
I've seen some of the reports on the news. Even though the city now has the Batman, a masked vigilante, for about a year, Gotham’s crime rates remain high. He may instill some fear, but it isn't enough to keep the criminals silent. 
The Batman was an interesting topic for people here. We've had a fair amount of debates in my journalism classes discussing him. There are a lot of people who think he's amazing and others who think he's a psycho hiding behind a mask. As for me, I think he's the small shed of hope people like me need. 
Without some form of order, chaos continues to spread like wildfire. A never ending cycle that only brings destruction and an inevitable end to civility. 
I let out a deep breath as I entered my apartment and locked the door behind me. I dropped my keys and bag onto my small kitchen table. It's not like I ever had people over, so it was suitable enough for one other person and me, if necessary.
I organized my place a little–more like as best as I could. It wasn't messy since I didn't have many belongings, but I gradually felt more aware of the possibility that Edward could come into my place after our hangout. 
As I got ready, I realized I didn't know what to wear. What if I dressed too casually? What if I dressed too formally? I knew if I overthought it, I wouldn't settle on anything. 
Sirens filled the streets when my phone started to ring. I picked it up before smiling once I heard the voice on the other end. It was Edward. 
“I'm, um, here. Downstairs,” he nervously spoke. Somehow it was reassuring to know he was equally anxious. I felt less alone.
“I'll be out in a moment,” I replied. Butterflies filled my stomach. I clutched my purse in my hand as I headed downstairs, inching closer to him by the second. With each step, my heart beat faster.
I didn’t know what to expect once I saw him. He dressed relatively similarly to how he looked coming into the diner. His hair looked like it was cleaned and brushed more than usual.
“Hi,” I greeted with a smile as I closed the building door. I opened my bag to put my keys in it before looking back at him. “You look nice.”
“Thanks,” he softly replied. “You—you do too.”
“What’s the plan for tonight?” I asked him as we started to walk. A small part of me wanted him to reach out and hold my hand. Logically I knew it was too soon and made no sense, but my heart still desired it. 
“Do you like the movies?”
I lightly chuckled at his question. He looked at me as if he had made a huge mistake, and worry filled his eyes. I looked at him reassuringly with a smile.
“I love the movies. I haven’t gone to see one in a really long time.”
“How come?” he questions, genuinely curious.
“I barely have the time,” I started to explain. “Plus, I’m behind on what movies are even out right now. I mainly remember the theater always having horror movies as options. Is that still true?”
“Yes.” He looked over and saw me slightly disappointed. Honestly, I wasn’t a big horror movie person. They never appealed to me and made me uncomfortable, especially when I watched them alone. But I’m not alone this time. 
“We can do something else if you don’t like the idea of a movie,” Edward added.
“No, I like the idea of seeing a movie again. I’m just not a big horror movie person.”
“But since it’s both of us, it’s fine,” I reassured him with a small smile. That seemed to put him at ease again. I didn’t realize how nervous I was since all my focus was on him.
Once we arrived at the cinema, we went to the box office to see what our options were. Unfortunately, the only options we had were two horror movies. I still don’t get Gotham’s obsession with horror when we lived in a highly criminal city where horrors were constantly around us everywhere. 
Edward asked if I had a preference, but I shook my head. I told him I was content with any of the options. Sure, I wasn’t a huge horror film person, but I could manage. 
He paid for both of our tickets, which was very sweet of him. I told him I could pay for my own, but he insisted. I thanked him again while we walked inside. 
We didn’t get any concessions. He did ask if I wanted anything, but I figured I wouldn’t be able to stomach anything once the movie started. I couldn’t handle very gory themes in movies, and it looked like it might be one of those. So, to be safe, I decided not to fill my stomach up with contents that might fight their way back up.
Once we sat down, he looked at me. He seemed nervous again and uncertain. 
“Are you sure you’re okay seeing this? We can watch something else.”
I looked into his eyes and shook my head. It is endearing he wanted to ensure I was fine with the movie choice. 
“It’s okay.”
During the movie, a scene came on that terrified me. Without thinking, my hand grabbed his on instinct. Before I realized and could pull it away in case it freaked him out, he gave my hand a comforting squeeze. He leaned over and whispered in my ear.
“It’s only a movie. It’s not real.” His breath is on my skin, sending a warm feeling throughout my body. “They can't hurt you.”
He didn’t let go of my hand. I leaned in closer to him and pressed my head against my arm. I knew he was there due to him holding my hand, but pressing closer to him gave me more comfort that I wasn’t alone. 
After the movie, he walked me home. We talked some on the way. It didn't feel uncomfortable when it was silent between us, which was nice. Most silences between another person and me are usually very uncomfortable.
When we reached the entrance of my apartment complex, I turned to face him.
“Would you like to come up? I can make us some coffee, or I have tea.”
“Are you sure?”
“I wouldn’t offer if I didn’t mean it,” I replied, referencing the night he walked me home after my late shift. Edward gave a small nod.
We walked up a few flights of stairs to my floor and then to my apartment. I admit I was a bit anxious for him to see my place. I didn’t have many people over, so I hoped it looked at least decent. My textbooks, assignments, and notes were splayed all across my table.
“Sorry, it’s a little disorganized,” I apologized as I walked over to my table to tidy it up a bit. 
“It’s more organized than mine,” Edward softly reassured. I stacked my belongings up and grabbed some of them to move to the side. Without hesitation, he followed and grabbed the rest of the stack for me.
“Oh, thank you. You can just set it on top of the others.”
“Do you like your classes?” He asked me as we walked back into the kitchen area. It was a small apartment, so the kitchen halved as the living room. 
“My journalism classes are interesting, but they’re all a lot of work. It’s honestly a struggle to manage everything. Anyways, I can brew some coffee, or I have some teas.”
“Tea is fine.”
I put the kettle on the stove. We sat at the table as we waited for it to boil. I’ll admit it was peculiar to see Edward outside the diner, much less in my own home. I’ve been so used to seeing him sit in the same spot at the diner for weeks that I never pictured him in other environments.
“How do you manage?” I pushed some of my hair behind my ear as I took a deep breath and shrugged.
“I just do what I can and hope for the best,” I candidly responded. “I don’t get much sleep, but I want to finish this degree as soon as I can. This place is small, but it isn’t the cheapest and neither is the tuition. I use what I make at the diner for bills and what I make at the Iceberg Lounge for tuition. It’s a lot, but it’s ok.”
“It’s not okay if you’re exhausting yourself.” There was a slight edge to his voice. It sounded like he was mad. I don’t think he was mad at me but more so about the situation. “You shouldn’t have to do all of that.”
“It’s just for the time being.”
“Do you not have any family that could help?” I didn’t expect the topic of family to be a discussion possibility for the night. 
“I, uh, don’t really have a family,” I cleared my throat. 
“I’m sorry.” I could tell he regretted asking. He didn’t know my family was estranged. The water started to boil, so I stood up to pull some mugs out of the cabinets.
“You don’t have to apologize. It wasn’t something you were aware of,” I said. Before I continued, I turned to him and held up the teas I had, which were Earl Grey, green tea, and Oolong. “Which tea would you like?”
“Earl Grey.” I nodded as I put the others up and opened two tea packets for us.
“I don’t discuss my family with anyone,” I started to explain. I poured the hot water over the tea bags in the cups, allowing the water to change color. “My dad left when I was young. I barely remember him. My mom didn’t handle it well, so I removed her from the picture when I was old enough. I haven’t talked to her since.”
I placed one of the mugs in front of him before sitting down with my own. I finally looked up at him to see him looking back.
“Sorry,” I looked away.
“You have nothing to apologize for. You had every right to cut her out of your life.” His understanding and validation felt comforting. Sometimes I would wonder if I did the right thing, and now I have consolation.
“Do you have any family?” I asked, trying to get the focus off of me. I raised my tea to my lips and blew on it to cool it down slightly before taking a small sip.
“No,” he shook his head. His hands were clasped around the cup, soaking up the heat. “My parents died when I was young.”
“I’m so sorry.” I felt horrible for him. I didn’t want to imagine a younger Edward growing up in a horrible orphanage. I wanted to console him. 
“Don’t be.” We sat there in silence for a few moments, drinking our teas and trying to think of something we could discuss.
“Why did you become a forensic accountant?” I asked, finally breaking the silence. 
“Numbers make sense to me. I like puzzles.” I smiled. He liked puzzles. That’s good information to know. “Do you like riddles?”
“Riddles? I’ve never given them much thought. I’ll admit I haven’t done a lot of puzzles or anything related to those in my life.”
“I can introduce you to them,” he said. “I-if you want.”
“That sounds fun.” I could tell that made him happy. I looked down at the table with a smile on his face. We talked for a while until he noticed how late it was getting. He would have liked to stay longer but said he wanted me to get a decent amount of rest. It was nice how much he cared. 
I leaned against the door as he stood in the doorway to leave. I said I didn’t have expectations for tonight, and I agree I still don’t, even though this night would surpass the expectations I theoretically would’ve had. 
“Thanks for a great evening, Edward,” I told him. “It was nice taking a break from everything with you.”
“Me too.” It felt like he wanted to say more, but he was still too nervous. 
“Be safe getting home.” He smiled at that and nodded. I leaned forward and placed a soft kiss on his cheek like I did last time. “Good night.”
“Night,” he barely got out before I closed the door. A smile stayed on my face as I went to clean up. The way he held my hand during the movie. He’s so awkwardly adorable.
I sat on the couch after setting my alarm for the morning. I usually fell asleep on the couch doing assignments, so I’ve made it a habit to set my alarm before I sit down. My eyes felt heavy. I don’t remember getting much work accomplished before I went unconscious. All I remember is thinking of Edward before I fell asleep.
< ? >
Finally getting alone time with her was more than pleasurable. I gradually got closer to having her myself. Being patient was hard, but it would pay off.
I loved the way she grabbed my hand during the movie. A gruesome scene came onto the screen, followed by a jumpscare when she did it. I wouldn’t have minded staying in that moment forever with her needing me.
“It’s only a movie,” I told her. “It’s not real. They can’t hurt you.”
I wanted to tell her nothing, and no one would ever hurt her. I wouldn’t allow it. I’d kill anyone who ever tried to hurt her.
Rage filled me when I found out about her family. What kind of father leaves his daughter at such a young age, especially to an abusive mother? She didn’t explicitly say her mother abused her, but I could tell. I’d make her mother pay for her crimes.
She wasn’t as innocent as I originally believed, which made me want her more. Her trauma tainted her. I wanted to alleviate her trauma. She deserved a better life. I can give her that.
I preserved moments with her in my mind. She should be admired like art, but she needed to be my personal art. No other man deserved to look at her. 
Introducing her to riddles and puzzles was something I was extremely looking forward to doing. Open up her mind to new possibilities. Introduce her to my first love.
I couldn’t wait for her to see the world as I did. I couldn’t wait for her to see how I was going to change the city for her and me. Gotham was a filthy place full of corrupted people. People who even corrupted her when she didn’t deserve it. 
When I returned to my place, all I could think about was her. Her hands felt calloused yet soft in my own at the movies. Her body felt warm pressed against mine. I couldn’t deny the sensation the thoughts sent down to my cock.
Images filled my mind. The thought of her hand wrapped around me, stroking me. I couldn’t contain myself anymore. I unzipped my pants and pulled my cock out with pre-cum coming out of the tip.
My hand wrapped around it. As I closed my eyes, I imagined it was her’s instead of mine. Her soft lips pressed against mine as she gave me a handjob. Her hands working skillfully, drawing me closer to the edge by the moment.
I’d imagine her saying filthy things to me about my size and asking if it felt good. I’d wrap my hand around her throat, feeling her pulse intensify underneath it as I asked her who gave her the right to have a flighty mouth like that. She would tell me no one before I told her to get down on her knees.
She’d look up at me with those gorgeous eyes of her’s as I told her to give me a blowjob. She’d be eager to please me. Her mouth would wrap around my cock, taking it as far as she could. Gurgles escaping her mouth as I hit the back of her throat. Her hands would wrap around the rest of me that her mouth could reach.
My head fell back as the euphoric thoughts and feelings took over me. I moved my hand faster as I imagined fucking her throat. My hands would pull her hair back as I got ready to throat fuck her. I buck my hips faster into her mouth, reaching the back with each thrust and making her gag.
I let out one more moan before cumming in my hand. I gave a few more strokes to drag out the high. I reached up with my other arm and wiped the sweat that formed on my forehead. 
I went to wash myself up. I couldn’t wait for my fantasies to become my reality. 
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riddlerxl · 1 year
Decided to start doing Match-Ups!!! So send in some info and I’ll try my best to match you up with a Dano character! I’ll even make you a lil playlist for you and your character’s relationship.
18+ only please
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starlightsearches · 2 years
Truth or Dare
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Part 1 / Part 2 / Part 3 / Part 4 (WIP)
Part 3 is finally here! Hopefully we all haven't forgotten about this one 😬 comments and reblogs are always appreciated!!
Klitz x femme reader
Warnings: fake dating, language, sexual references
Not thinking about Klitz has been harder than you anticipated. 
It’s not just that he was sweet enough to pay for your popcorn and drink—even though you’re the one who invited him—or the way he went still every time you pressed your face into his shoulder when the candy-red fake blood started to splash across the screen. It wasn’t just the burn in your stomach as he walked you to your door—the thought of him trying to kiss you at the front of your mind and the turmoil deciding whether or not you’d let him. It wasn’t just the sinking feeling when you’d watched him walk away after an adorably awkward hug initiated by him and the chaste kiss you’d pressed to his cheek. 
No—instead you keep thinking about the way his eyes caught the light of the movie screen behind his glasses, dark green with streaks of golden brown, and the curve of his smile. You’re thinking about his long, lean fingers gripping the back of your seat when he’d pulled out of the parking spot, about the slightest hint of muscle you could trace beneath his sleeve. And you need that gone ASAP.
Sitting in the scorching sun in Amber’s backyard, you’ve emptied your head of everything but the smell of chlorine and sunscreen and your brain’s soupy remains. You’re almost at peace. You’ve just about burned it all away.
And then there’s a splash and the shock of cold water as Tyler shoves you from off the float, and all of that peace is gone. 
You splutter when your head breaks back through the water, hair dripping stinging chlorine into your eyes.
“Ugh, seriously? You asshole!” You swing at him, barely grazing skin as he dances out of your reach.
Tyler gives you a shit-eating grin, splashing some more water in your direction. 
“What’s your deal?”
You’ve never liked Tyler. He’s one of Luke’s friends—always loud and obnoxious, taking every joke too far. Amber only let him hang around her because his parents had a hot tub in their backyard and never lock their liquor cabinet. She’s lounging on one of the daybeds now, sipping from a Starbucks iced coffee and working on her tan. You swim in that direction, lifting yourself out of the pool by the ladder and yanking your towel from one of the empty chairs. 
“Ignore her, Tyler,” she says, “she’s just mad her date last night didn’t go the way she wanted.” 
You shoot her a wide-eyed warning look, and she just smiles back, too bright. You’d purposely avoided the topic with her, hoping she might forget after a few non-committal nods and a swift change of subject. She spent most of the morning spewing bullshit theories about how he spent the night after your date, and you laughed half-heartedly, waiting for her to run out of steam.
But it doesn’t seem like that’s going to happen any time soon. 
“Oooooh, a date?” Tyler swims to the edge, jumping from the pool and you grit your teeth. The last thing you wanted was his full attention. “Did you and Luke get back together?”
“God, no,” you say, glancing at Amber one last time, hoping she might offer something since she’s the one who brought it up. She’s not even looking at you, sipping pointedly from her drink. 
You plop down on one of the chairs, adopting the most casual tone you can manage. “I went and saw a movie with that guy, uh, Tim.”
“Tim who?” Tyler’s walking on his hands across the edge of the pool. You just barely resist the urge to plant a single, solid kick to his chest. 
You sigh instead, bracing yourself. “Tim Klitz.”
He almost falls into the pool on his own, scrambling back to his feet. “Holy shit. Are you serious?” Tyler snatches the towel from your hands, throwing it over his shoulder, on his knees at your side. “You went on a date with Tim Klitz? Glasses? Bowl Cut? Oh my god, did he pay you?”
“No.” You take the towel back, maybe just to cover the heat in your cheeks, “I asked him.”
Tyler looks like you just said you really enjoy the taste of pool water. “Why?”
“Because I wanted to,”—true or not, you still say it, and whatever you say to Tyler, you say to everybody— “he sits behind me in English and he’s nice and since I’m single now . . .”
Tyler actually looks thoughtful for the first time in his life. “Damn . . . Luke’s gonna be pissed when he finds out.”
“I don’t care if Luke shits himself when he finds out—he’s not my boyfriend anymore.” 
That, at least, is true. 
The thoughtful look on Tyler's face is immediately gone, replaced with a shitty little grin. “Yeah, now you and Klitzy are gonna get it on.”
You roll your eyes, but there’s something hidden in your voice. “He’s not my boyfriend either.” 
“When are you going to see him again?” Amber finally decides to cut in, pushing her sunglasses up over her nose and into her hair.
You hadn’t thought you would see him again. The date was fine, of course . . . maybe even more than fine, but you never really expected to go out with him again, regardless of the “plan” Amber had initially outlined. One date to get Amber off your back was harmless. A second would be on the verge of cruel.
You shrug one shoulder, and fake some nonchalance. “I don’t know.” 
She flips over onto her stomach, pillowing her head on the backs of her hands. “Just call him up right now.”
“Uh, now?” you ask with an awkward laugh, sparing a glance in Tyler’s direction. You can hear the little warning signals in your brain pinging when you notice how closely he’s watching, “there are easier ways to get rid of me, you bitch.” 
“Don’t be so dramatic,” she says, “you’ve been moping all day and you obviously want to see him again, so just call him up.”
Biting the inside of your cheek is the only way you can keep yourself quiet. You hadn’t been moping all day—she’d purposely misread your silence as sulking, just because you didn’t want to make up shit she could use to get a laugh at Klitz’s expense.
You know Tyler’s still watching you, and Amber’s got a smug look on her face that says you fell right into her trap. You had no excuse to get out of it; the only plans you’d had for today were with her, and she seemed plenty willing to cancel. If you blew off this chance, Tyler would think that the date was just a lost bet or a joke. If that got back to Luke he’d brush it off, sure it was a desperate ploy to get his attention, and if it got back to Klitz . . . 
“Actually, Amber, that’s a great idea.”
You reach for your phone, walking to the shadier part of Amber’s backyard so neither of them could hear your conversation, and it does start to feel like every step you take is lifting a weight from your chest. You don’t know if that’s because it’s bringing you closer to Klitz or further from Amber and her bitchy attitude. 
The dial tone sounds in your ears—its steady, measured rhythm cut off after a few rings—but there’s no greeting from the other end of the line. Instead, the speaker is filled with fuzzy static and a chorus of quiet, overlapping voices. You recognize Klitz’s voice easily enough. The others must be Eli and Matt.
Whatever chaos is happening on the other end goes quiet. “Hello?”
“Hey, Klitz?” You do your best to ignore the little thrill that comes from hearing his voice again—his tone sweet and buzzing with nerves. 
“Uh, yeah, hey.”
“Hey, so listen,” you shift the phone in your hand, trying to shield the speaker from picking up Amber’s screams as Tyler threatens to throw her in the pool, “I’m such an idiot and I totally forgot that we have the fucking Shakespeare final on Monday, and I haven’t even started studying. I was flipping through the study guide Ms. Hurst gave us and the thought of going through it all alone was actually painful, so I was maybe wondering if you’d want to study for it together?”
“Uh, sure,” he says, voice ripe with disbelief. He must get some coaching from his friends, because he doubles down on his acceptance, “yeah, actually, that would be great.”
“Okay, awesome. Are you free right now?”
“Well, I don’t—” there’s static again on the other end of the line; you can just make out Eli’s high-pitched shouting, “I mean, yeah. I can be free.”
“Cool. Would it be okay if I came over to you?”
“Sure. I’ll see you . . . soon.”
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Klitz is just lucky he’s a fairly neat person.
He’d raced here from Eli’s house, taking the stairs to his room two at a time. Grabbing fistfuls of clothes off the floor came first—shoving basketball shorts he used as pajamas and a few suspiciously stiff t-shirts into his laundry hamper before forcing it inside the closet. He’d taken out the trash by his bedside next, hidden the tissues and lotion in his night stand. The Victoria’s Secret magazines he’d stolen from the mail before his mom could notice went in the shoe box underneath his bed—just in time for your knock on the door.
Klitz has never run this much in his life. Bounding down the stairs, he manages to reach the door before his mom could call out, or god forbid, get it herself.
He finds you standing on his porch, looking like a punch to the gut.
You’ve got so much skin—still glistening from the time you’ve spent in the sun—bare thighs stretching from the hem of your shorts, the deep v-neck of your t-shirt exposing the cups of your black bikini top and the plush skin of your tits. You’ve tied the strings at the back of your neck in a sweet little bow, and he fights the itch in his fingers to reach for one of those strings and pull.
He isn’t going to need those magazines any time soon . . .
Klitz pulls his eyes back to your face with some superhuman effort, feeling his cheeks go red. You’re smiling at him, scuffing the tip of your flip flop against the welcome mat. 
“Hi.” There’s no way you didn’t notice him staring, but the giggle in your greeting tells him that you didn’t necessarily mind.
“Hey,”—he overcompensates, regardless, looking anywhere but you as he steps out of the doorway, “uh, come in.” 
“Thanks. I hope I don’t smell like chlorine; I was just at Amber’s pool when I remembered the test and I didn’t want to drive all the way home to change when you’re so close by.” 
“That’s okay.” He should be thanking you, really, but all he can think about is popping the button on your shorts, shimmying the denim down over your thighs, running his hands under the hem of your shirt as you wrap your arms around his neck, straddling his lap . . .
You slip your sandals off and that feels like a safe place to look—white-painted toenails and the faded, woven bracelet tied loosely around your ankle. His hands would fit there so well, tasting the coconut sunscreen you’d massaged into your thighs, warm and soft. 
Klitz bites down hard enough on the inside of his cheek to taste blood. 
“So should we—”
“Oh yeah,”—shit, you’ve got this wicked spark in your eyes when he looks at you. Now you’d think he has a weird thing for feet— “uh, my room is just—”
“Tim, honey, who’s at the door?”
Fuck. Fuck. Fuck.
His mom peers her head around the corner from the kitchen, flour in her pale brown hair and covering the front of the old Winnie the Pooh apron he bought for her a few Mother’s days back. 
Her face lights up when she sees you—Rockefeller Center Christmas Tree bright, smiling so wide he almost expects to see tears in her eyes.
“Tim,” she says, practically breathless with surprise, “I didn’t know you were having a friend over.”
God, she looks stunned—wide-eyed—turning to Klitz for an explanation that he can’t offer except that maybe you’re performing some kind of community service.
He wonders when he’ll get past this—if people will ever stop staring when they see you with him, if he’ll ever be able to see one of those looks without going no, really, she’s mine. He wonders if he could ever believe it himself.
“Hi, Mrs. Klitz,” you turn on the charm immediately—to your credit—offering your name with a friendly wave, and his mom just gushes, telling you to call her Janey, reaching for you with open arms and the gentle warning that I’m a hugger. He wants to disappear into the floor.
It’s not like Klitz is embarrassed by his mom—they’ve always been close, especially since it’s been just the two of them after Stacey left for Harvard a couple years ago—but he had hoped this could have gone differently. He’d have liked to let his mom know that you were coming, first off, and maybe warned her against the hugging. 
The first time he introduced you to his mom, he’d hoped it would be as his girlfriend.
It’s stupid, and naive, but still . . . 
You’re going on about AP lit, your plans for after graduation and all the colleges you applied for, and his mom is just eating it up, like she’s about to suggest you ditch her son to spend the afternoon with her, and the way you talk sounds like you might take her up on the offer.
“Anyways,” Klitz jumps in before that could happen, “we should probably get started on studying.” 
To her credit, his mom reads the look he gives her loud and clear. “Right, right—of course. Have fun!”
“Will do,” you answer, offering his mom one last smile, “it was nice meeting you, Janey.” 
She heads back into the kitchen with a flattered giggle, and you climb the stairs only a few steps behind Klitz, following him into his room. He presses the door shut behind him with a soft click, wondering if you, too, can only hear the sound of his breathing.
He’s never had a girl over before, not in his house, and definitely not in his room. He watches you take in the space with an inscrutable expression, and he desperately wants to know what you’re thinking, wants an itemized list of every reaction you’re having to his space and what caused it. The Star Wars posters, the plain blue bedspread his mom got him from Target—he needs to know what it’s telling you about him, and he needs to know if you like it.
“Your mom is sweet,” you say, sitting down on the edge of his mattress with a chorus of squeaky springs. He presses his sweaty palms against his slacks, trying to look in your eyes and not at your crossed legs.
You came over to study, he reminds himself, to study.
“Uh, yeah,” he coughs, “yeah, she is.” He takes a step towards the desk chair, but his ears are ringing, filled with the sound of Eli’s voice calling him a pussy, and in an uncharacteristically brave move, he falls to the bed beside you.
And you don’t say a word about it, leaning back on your elbows like you hang out on his bed together every day of your life. 
“So . . .  do you have the study guide?”
And it’s all . . . easier than he thought it would be. There’s no awkward silence, no fumbling from his end—he even manages to make you laugh a few times, bringing up some mildly-funny incidents that had happened in class, almost like the two of you have inside jokes.
It’s strange that in all his day-dreams, sitting behind you in class, wondering what it would feel like to have you notice him, to spend any amount of time with you, he never thought it could be so . . . comfortable.
The study guide is limp in his hands, flipped to the last page. It had only taken around an hour to cover all of the material, but you haven’t even hinted that you might want to leave, resting on your hip with your head cupped in one hand, nose scrunched up in laughter at something he’d just said.
It would be too easy for him to kiss you like this. You’re not that far from where he sits with his legs crossed—he could span the distance by just bending at the waist, could shift onto his stomach if you pulled him in closer, could rest his weight on top of you and bury you against his mattress.
There’s nothing he can do to stop himself from blushing. “Sorry, what’d you say?”
You haven’t stopped smiling at him. It’s kind of freaking him out. “I just wanted to know if you have an idea for the essay question?”
“Oh, I dunno,” Klitz shrugs, “I was thinking maybe one of the sonnets. What about you?”
“Probably Romeo and Juliet.”
He can’t help but make a face. “Really?”
You bring your brows together. “You didn’t like it? That one was my favorite.”
Klitz knew that already. He knew because you’d mentioned it when you volunteered to read for Juliet, and he remembered because he thought about volunteering for Romeo’s part—maybe hoping that some of your love for the play would rub off on him. He’d chickened out, though, spent the class listening to some other guy tell you you looked like the sun when he didn’t even know what that meant. So maybe the play is a little sour in his mind.
“I just—” he sighs, “I mean it’s really sad, right? They both, you know, die, and it’s not like they were actually in love with each other or whatever. They only knew each other for like a couple weeks, and they were both kids . . .”
“That’s what I like about it,” —you’ve shifted towards him, leaning on both elbows so you can look him in the eye. From this angle, he could glance down the front of your top if he wanted, might even be quick enough that you wouldn’t notice, excited as you are, but his gaze is trapped in yours— “maybe they’re not in love with each other—but they’re in love with the idea of love. That’s what makes them break the boundaries. It was the only thing strong enough to end the feud between their parents. It’s a tragedy, but it’s also about the ways love can save us.” 
Klitz hums. It’s weird hearing you talk about something he’s had the barest experience with. He knows he loves his mom and his sister, and he loves his friends—even though they’re kind of dorks—but that’s not the kind of love you’re talking about. You’re talking about the kind of love that makes his palms sweat and his glasses fog at the edges. 
“Have- do you think you’ve ever been in love?” He swallows, knowing you must be thinking about Luke. The study guide has turned a darker blue where he grips it. 
“I don’t know . . . I guess not; if you’re in love you’d probably have to know it. Have you?”
He drops his eyes from yours, maybe so you won’t see how thrilled he is by your answer. “No.”
“Hmmmm. Well, when it happens,”—there’s the soft shifting sound of the comforter beneath you as you slide your hips forward— “you’ll have to tell me about it.”
You’re so close, and it’s a kind of close you’ve chosen, bright eyes on his before they wander down the slope of his nose, over his rounded cheeks, landing on his lips. Klitz swallows harshly because he knows what that means and he’s still so fucking afraid, heart on its way out of his chest, stomach roiling like he’s gonna puke the organ right out his mouth and hold it still-beating in his open hands.
You rip away from him just as he was about to push forward, and he turns instead to the now-open door, his mom standing there with her hand still on the door knob and her mouth shaped into a surprised little o.
“Mom.” Jesus Christ, he wants to kill himself. Out of all the times she could forget to knock.
“Sorry honey,” she laughs, rapping her knuckles lightly against the door, way too late, “I just wanted to let you know that there’s cookies out of the oven, if you wanted to come down and get some, or I could bring them up—”
“You don’t have to do that, Janey,” you cut in casually, calm where Klitz is flustered, “we can come grab them.”
“Okay, perfect. Well, I don’t want to interrupt your studying, so I’ll just, um, I’ll just go now.” She steps back through the gap in the door, leaving it conspicuously open behind her.
That gap is mirrored between the two of you; Klitz doesn’t know how to get that closeness back.
He clears his throat, and decides to start with something easy, sliding his hand across the mattress until his pinky just brushes against yours. “Sorry about that.”
“Don’t be,” you’re trying to smile at him, but it doesn’t reach your eyes, “it’s just—”
He’s waiting for it. Waiting for you to say I think we should just be friends. 
But those aren’t the words that come out of your mouth. “I really like you, Klitz, but I just got out of a really long and kind of messed up relationship. I’d need to . . . take it slow.”
You press your hand on top of his, squeezing a little at his fingers.  
“Slow?” Klitz asks, little rivulets of hope streaming through his chest. It’s not what he wants, but it’s something.
“Is that okay?” 
You catch your lip in between your teeth, watching him with apprehensive eyes. Klitz just nods. He wonders whether a kiss would fall within the bounds of taking it slow. 
There’s no chance for him to find out; you stand, bouncing a little on the balls of your feet.
“Are you hungry? I’m fucking starving. Let’s go get something to eat.”
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lovely--lover · 2 years
Edward Nashton with a Seamstress
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Request: Edward Nashton with a seamstress s/o who likes to help make some of his gear and repair his clothes. Thank you @callsigncrash 
❔Eddie is a little chunky and gets almost all his clothes secondhand so he is prone to holes and tears in his clothing. So he would adore it if his partner could mend his clothing
❔He will approach you with red cheeks the clothing item folded in his hands. “My shirt ripped again....”
❔Every time he looks at a mended seam or added patch he thinks of you and the love you sewed into it. 
❔It can get quite cold in Gotham so you make Eddie a new set of gloves and a scarf (green of course💚 )
❔Eddie ask you to teach him how to sew so that he can fix his own clothes when you are busy. 
❔One day you meet him at the dinner and he has bandages all over his fingers. When you ask what happened Eddie tells you how he tried to fix the ripped seam in his slacks but he kept stabbing his fingers 🥺
❔You upcycle thrifted clothes into matching outfits for you and Eddie!! Eddie loves wearing them in public with you because it is a silent way of showing everyone who sees that you are his.
❔Eddies blankets definitely have holes them so you add colorful patches, cut into hearts, to mend them. His blanket is now covered in a rainbow of hearts 
The Riddler
❔”Can you sew leather?” 
❔Eddie comes to you with his mask design that is scribbled on a crumpled up piece of paper. The design was difficult to understand so you add your own changes to the mask.
❔When you show Eddie the mask he squeals “It is so much better than I could have ever imagined!” He tries it on immediately (makes you take the iconic polaroid photo 🤭)
❔You make mini shirts for his rats and he gets mad 🙄 “Why did you sew names on them?” “Because those are their names...” (your rat privileges are revoked😔 ) 
❔Ask you to add the question mark design onto his his jacket. He shows you the different question marks he made. “Which one looks the coolest.....it needs to be simple but also me?”
❔You gift his a teddy bear with a mini Riddler outfit that you handmade (you’ve got build a bear at home😊 )
I hope it’s not too short and you enjoy!!
@sapphicandserendipityy @mufnasa
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forkgirl · 2 years
'*•.¸♡ welcome to my blog ♡¸.•*'
here i will write headcanons, drabbles, and maybe even the occasional fic for any of the fandoms listed below!
team fortress 2
danoverse characters (most)
ace attorney (trilogy, AJ, DD, SOJ)
any batman character (excluding batfam, sorry)
this list will expand! these are just my main current interests!
now onto what i WILL write…
- basically all of that fun stuff. go crazy in my ask box!
what i will NOT write
anything pedophilic
character x oc/character x character - this blog is for everyone!
anyways.. requests are OPEN!
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imagine--if · 2 years
Hcs for Eddie reacting to his s/o coming back from a weeklong work trip? I feel like he’d be sooo clingy 😂
A/N: Your feelings are 100% accurate 🤣 enjoy! Ooo also I'm gonna be releasing a Riddler and Joker x reader imagine tomorrow so watch out for that 😁💕
Pairing: Dano!Riddler x reader (The Batman 2022)
Warnings: Clingy obsessive Riddler fluff 💚
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• Firstly, how you even managed to convince Eddie to let you leave for a whole week is mind-blowing, so it must have been super important to you, and would have been full of FaceTiming and texting him every single day
• Edward probably cried after a day or two while talking over the phone to you, because he finds it really hard to be without you properly ♡
• So when you come back, he's all over you, and I mean all over you.
• Edward was sooo happy that you were back, like you'd been gone for half a year instead of seven days as he picked you up and spun you around, not letting go from the hug for a full ten minutes
• Eventually you were like, "Eddie, can I get in the door now, pretty please?" 😂
• So, he's clingy all the time naturally with you? Welcome to Phase Two lmao, because this man will literally start to cry if you try to leave the house without him for anything other than work
• Even when you go to work, he'll probably be FaceTiming you while he's at his work too, or just hangs around and spies on you when he isn't - Edward just loves you so much, you're the light of his life and every part of your life has to be a part of his too!
• He's super cuddly in bed and drags you back under the covers when you try to get up because it's getting late in the morning, he wants to savour the warmth and intimacy and can't get enough of the feeling of you being there 🥰
• Anywhere you go in the apartment or wherever you are, he'll follow you like a lost puppy, arms around you from behind when you cook and practically in your lap when you're watching TV or lounging around
• Eddie's definitely the little spoon for the next few weeks, until he's totally reassured that you're here to stay, and constantly reminds you he loves you and will do anything for you to keep you hugging or kissing him for as long as possible
• I've mentioned this before in another fic, but Edward would definitely make you answer super hard riddles before letting you go, since he loves riddles and also thinks it's perfect and beautiful when you get them right
• "Wh- wait, where are you going, angel? Can't you stay here for a little longer… please?? I love you…!" when you literally move an inch to get more comfortable 😂
• He clings to you like a lifeline all the time, and it's really sweet, if you can take the suffocating affection hehe
@katjourno @yoyoanaria @yaeyuuki @vinxlsketches @beenz-beenz @ghoulsgraveyard @birds-have-teeth @repostingmyfavs @r3ptiliaaa @for3v3rda1sy @glitterycheesecakegladiator @moonwritesblog @lilyevans1 @httpsunflowers @hxney-lemcn @confusedchildsstuff @phantomofthecathedral @sugahbabieexo @bokksieu @skateb0red @wilburrrsworld @philiasoul @darthcringe @felicityofbakerstreet @bloodypantomime @deadlights-darling @tianotfound @mortem-muse @ireadandream @tinyryder @kpopgirlbtssvt @truecobblepot @jessicainhell
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