#parts of it i drew while in english class
kinocharlley · 1 year
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poor little meow meow
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todayisafridaynight · 11 months
So there's my grammar teacher who used to be known as the intimidating one but like.. He's always been open to me and my friend about like what he watches and interests and has literally asked to see my writing
Do you know how awkward it is to explain the last thing I wrote was haha flower cough;"#+(@+%
(he liked the concept and deadass said "send it to me that's a command" and now I'm omw to write something entirely new because ain't no way I'm sending MineDai)
#snap chats#i could never be that open with a teacher bro id rather get shot#will be epic to see what you end up cooking up for him tho. in pursuit of Not sending slash fiction lmaoooo#i wish i was able to be close with my teachers- closest i got was my art teacher during I Think my 1st or 2nd year of high school#he was SUCH a cool teacher and he'd always work on commissions during class#he was color blind so he had this really cool system on figuring out what the appropriate colors were for a client's piece#i remember one time we were meant to sketch those like. japanese scroll pieces Yk What I Mean#and while he did have preexisting examples for students who didnt know what to do (or didnt care LMAO)#he was just 'you always know what you're doing so you can freehand it' so that was epic :)#i drew a dragon.... cause im predictable...... but he really liked it so :)#man high school sucked but i also remember my english/comics teacher.. she was a really big fan of mine#she was especially passionate about my doing comics and doing art related things.. i get sad thinking about it sometimes#part of why ive always wanted to make a doujin was for her so i could send it to her and be like#'hey teach i still really like art look :)'. like when i say she was SUPER passionate about me It Was Super Passion#honestly she was my first big fan if im tbh- id never gotten support like that and i wish i valued her enthusiasm more#i was just mad depressed and angry in high school i just wanted to be left alone all the time.. but oh well no point in crying about it now#it'd be better if i could start thinking of a teacher-friendly doujin to make and give her... lmao.....#BUT YEAH NOT TO HIJACK YOUR ASK TO RAMBLE i hope you think of something to give your teach LMAOOO#just change the names full a Fifty Shades it's fine. terrible example but we know what i mean is the worst part
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nothorses · 4 months
Let's Talk About Baeddels.
An (updated) retrospective on Tumblr's movement to make gender essentialism trans-friendly.
This post contains excepts from a longer article on Medium. If you have the time, please read the full article! I also request that you link the longer article if you use this as a source.
All links have been updated with archived versions of posts that have since been deleted (and otherwise might be deleted or lost sometime in the future). I have revised some sections, and included more context and examples, in order to clarify and strengthen arguments.
Transmisogyny is real, and requires much more acknowledgement than it currently receives. The trans community is very much capable of transmisogyny, and often does enact or enable it; likewise, trans people also often enact and enable transphobia against other parts of the trans community. Trans women suffer at least as much as the rest of us, and trans women — as a class — are not privileged, and do not hold the power to oppress anyone else.
If you take only one thing away from this post, take this:
Trans people all need to work on being better allies to each other. None of us can gain anything without the rest of us.
Establishing an Ideology
The first post on Baeddelism was by Tumblr user @unobject, on October 2nd, 2013:
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The post was quickly liked by @lezzyharpy, also one of the first to call themselves “Baeddels”.
This post first provided the name and defining ideology of the Baeddel movement. The implication of the post was, essentially, that because the root of the word “bad” was “baeddel”, and because “baeddel” referred to intersex people and “womanish men”, this old English slur was proof that transmisogyny was the worst form of bigotry; and even, perhaps, the root of all bigotry. (It’s worth noting that this interpretation of the etymology has been problematized.)
While @unobject was the first person to make this connection, @autogynephile (“Eve”) eventually became, in essence, the figurehead of the movement. Of the other Baeddels, some of them were explicitly aware and supportive of the ideology behind Baeddelism, some of them were young or newly-out trans women seduced by the personalities involved, and some of them were tangential enough to the movement that their understanding of it was wholly different from the understanding those at the core of the movement held and promoted. Baeddelism was a sort of trend, for a time, and many participants wore the name without entirely knowing what it meant.
It’s important to acknowledge that as much as there were dedicated members of Baeddelism, and as much as there was a unified ideology behind it, there were also individual Baeddels who did not understand — let alone support — the ideology.
The Ideology
Baeddels essentially built upon the foundation of @monetizeyourcat’s ideology that had been gaining traction on Tumblr in the years prior, with some additions that ultimately defined their movement:
Transmisogyny is the form of oppression from which all (or most) other forms of oppression stem.
Privilege is granted on the basis of assigned sex. (“AFAB” or “Assigned Female at Birth” vs. “AMAB” or “Assigned Male at Birth”)
These fundamentals of Baeddelism were essentially a rebranded form of Radical Feminism. In particular, they drew from the Radical Feminist idea that misogyny was the “primary” form of oppression; that which all other oppression stemmed from. Baeddels only tweaked this idea to replace “misogyny” with “transmisogyny”, which led to the rest of the conclusions Baeddels drew:
There is no “transphobia”
All “transphobia” stems from transmisogyny first, and transphobia as it impacts non-trans-women (or, sometimes, non-transfeminine people) is incidental.
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There is no “Trans”
If “transphobia” isn’t real, what else is left of the transgender identity?
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While this is by no means the dominant understanding of transgender identity or community, the equivocation of oppression to identity is, in many ways, core to Baeddel ideology (and we see the lasting impact of this in still-widely-used “TME/TMA” termingology). By this logic, if transphobia doesn’t exist, neither does trans identity or trans community (though they obviously believed that transmisogyny, and subsequently trans women, do). Therefore, there are no “trans men”, and belief in the existence of “nonbinary people” is highly contingent on whether an individual believes in the oppression of nonbinary people.
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“AFAB Privilege”
The idea that within the queer and/or trans community, people who were AFAB/CAFAB (Assigned Female At Birth) receive unique privilege and positions of power that people who were AMAB/CAMAB (Assigned Male at Birth, a counterpart to “AFAB” and “CAFAB”) do not.
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Trans Lesbian Separatism
… was what the movement was ultimately defined by, as the logical conclusion of their other beliefs (much like Lesbian Separatism was the logical conclusion of Radical Feminist beliefs).
Baeddels believed that only trans women can understand, or be truly safe for, other trans women; therefore, contact with anyone who was not a trans woman was deemed “dangerous” and highly discouraged.
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Trans Men
… also played an important role in Baeddel ideology, and the resulting treatment of trans men is what is often remembered today. Baeddels generally believed the following, either explicitly or implictly:
Trans men are not oppressed, or experience so little oppression that it hardly matters.
Trans men do not experience misogyny, even prior to transition.
Trans men have access to male privilege, or trans men have an easier time passing, and frequently go “stealth”; thus benefiting from male privilege as well as cis privilege.
Trans men are often (or always) misogynistic and transmisogynistic, and are not held accountable for this.
Trans men oppress cis women.
Trans women enacting violence on trans men is “punching up” at oppressors, and therefore not only permitted, but encouraged.
Trans men are inherently violent, or become aggressive and violent when they go on testosterone HRT (Hormone Replacement Therapy)
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The impact of this ideology is often discussed among transmasculine people because of the depth of harm it caused, directly and indirectly — and it was very much intended to. Harm caused to transmascs was not only permitted or excused, it was often actively celebrated.
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Nonbinary People
… are often overlooked when summarizing Baeddelism, but Baeddels did have plenty to say about them. Baeddel ideology relied on the idea that privilege was granted on the bases of assigned sex, and nonbinary people’s genders were thus treated as irrelevent; they essentially did not believe nonbinary people truly existed.
CAFAB nonbinary people are either trans men attempting to invade women’s spaces, or cis women pretending to be trans.
CAMAB nonbinary people are actually just trans women who haven’t accepted it yet. They must transition, or they are transmisogynistic.
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Intersex People
Intersex experiences, and intersex history, were often co-opted and erased by Baeddelism. This was often more a byproduct of their beliefs than an overtly-stated idea, but most notably, the term “Baeddel” itself is likely more applicable- if not exclusively applicable- to intersex people, rather than trans women. Making their reclamation of it as a “transmisogynistic slur”, or their claim that the word’s existence means that “transmisogyny is the root of all oppression”, incredibly ignorant- if not actively harmful misinformation.
Notably, Baeddels also believed that intersex people- being “more androgynous” (a harmful misonception)- were able to pass more easily as the opposite assigned sex, and that intersex people (even within transfemme spaces) had “intersex privilege”. Some even believed, and openly claimed, that intersex people were “hermaphroditic”; a slur against intersex people, and typically implying that the individual has both sets of reproductive systems simultaneously.
Trans Women
… did not receive universally positive treatment, either. Baeddelism was very much a cult-like group built around the firmly-held conviction that they were absolutely correct, and that anyone who disagreed with them was The Enemy. Trans women who disagreed with them were generally seen as brainwashed and self-hating, and trans women who did agree with them were expected to subjugate themselves to the ringleaders of the movement.
Within Baeddel circles, trans women were most frequently victimized by the abusers allowed to run rampant because “trans women do not, and cannot, harm anyone else.” — including, apparently, each other.
“They were also bad shitty abusive people in general. “… a bunch of them passed around a pile of smear campaigns and false rumors about virtually any trans woman that they had a even the slightest animosity for. Including the victim of the kinkster rapist. They’ve done other fucked stuff, like chased two twoc off this site for trying to make a zine, but yeah. That’s like, just some of it. I’m not up for going over the messy details of the whole shitparade. “Full disclosure, I made a lot of excuses for these sacks of crap, even while they were out there spreading false crap about me […] I wasn’t aware of the worst shit they were doing until much much later.” - @punlich
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Inside the Movement
Though individual Baeddels often existed in vastly different social circles from each other- particularly offline- those who lived through the movement highlight commonalities in their experiences.
One interviewee recounts the manipulation present in their initial involvement with the movement:
“It came to me at a point where I was very quick to weaponize anything anyone told me about their experiences, because I was always a fighter. I’ve been an activist for a long time, you know, and when these trans women would come to me with their experiences I would believe them. I wanted to. But the way they acted didn’t add up when compared to what they were saying. I felt really lonely there, and stupid all the time. I felt like I was being a bad trans person.” […] “Online they were more willing to say things that were, for lack of a better word, stupid. They would say things that lacked any kind of logical sense. But in person, they would go into this kind of toxic femininity- this weaponization of weakness. And I think that’s because online they were often in these echochambers, but in person they had to rely on much more subtle manipulation.” - Vera
It seems at points that the environment created within this movement- and the social circles that composed it- was almost cult-like in nature and in need for control.
“It was very isolating. I didn’t see my friends for a while, I was kind of just living with them, cooking and cleaning for them, starving myself, and slowly growing crazy. I was just being consumed by this weird academia and theory that had no basis, because everything was online and Tumblr-based.” - Vera
Perhaps most chilling, however, are the patterns in their attitudes toward sexual assault. One interviewer recounts being subject to sexual assault, and upon posting about their experience to a Facebook group, being met with hostility from Baeddels present in the group- who quickly used their social influence to have them banned from some of their only support systems at the time.
“I ended up with pretty much no one to talk to about the experience at a time when I was already really, really struggling, and it’s one of several factors that led to me dropping out. “The Baeddel who got me banned also messaged me directly at some point during all of this, and I tried to get her to understand the pain she was causing me. She basically laughed it offand said it was my fault. She seemed to find a lot of joy in how much it hurt me, and blocked me soon after.” - Anonymous
Another recounts sexual consent violations from a friend-turned-Baeddel:
“[My ex-friend] had previously been fetish-mining me for her mommy kink. I was freshly estranged from my own mum, and she stepped in to be like, “I’m your new mum now,” and would pester me to call her “mum” in Welsh- as at that point she was going by a Welsh name. I played along, but it transpired that she was basically using that to get off, and she had a thing for infantilising transmascs and being this mum/mom figure.” - Luke
And yet another interviewee discusses verbal sexual harassment during interactions with another Baeddel:
“I had one [Baeddel] directly tell me that I’m beneath her as a trans man, and that I should “Shut my smelly cooch up” and only use my voice to uplift trans women. I was a minor at the time. “She then sicced her followers on me, and they bombarded me with messages telling me I’d “never be a real man”, that I needed to “sit on the side and allow them to have the spotlight”, and even telling me to kill myself- because I was inherently toxic to them. I was 16 years old, pre everything, and I couldn’t even pass at the time. They didn’t seem to care that I was a minor, or a newly hatched egg.” - Anonymous
While Baeddel ideology itself does not explicitly condone or excuse sexual assault, it’s striking how common these stories are; especially considering how small in numbers actual Baeddels were.
It was, in fact, this exact problem that would eventually cause the movement to dissolve.
The Downfall of Baeddelism
Sometime between the group’s formation in 2013 and their downfall near the end of 2014, @autogynephile (also “Eve”), the defacto “ringleader” of the Baeddel movement, began what Baeddels referred to as a “transbian safehouse”.
This was apparently intended as a place for unhoused trans woman lesbians and trans women who, in general, had sworn off contact with men; the ultimate goal of the lesbian separatist ideology at the core of the Baeddel movement. It was thus also referred to as a “commune” by some, and as a “cult” by others.
One occupant of the “safehouse”- Elle- later posted to Tumblr that they had been raped by Eve during their stay, and detailed their experiences.
The Baeddels, rather than believing the victim and ousting the rapist from their movement, chose to close ranks around Eve instead.
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Various reasons were given for this:
The victim must be lying
The victim- and anyone who believed them- was simply transmisogynistic.
Anyone who disagrees with the Baeddels is an Enemy Of The Movement, a “carceral thinker”, and a danger to trans women as a whole.
Trans women are incapable of sexually abusing anyone.
“Standing with Eve” was the ultimate sign of loyalty to the movement, and thus a mark of pride and honor.
It was okay to keep being a Baeddel no matter what, because Rape Accusations Should Be A Personal Matter.
(You can read more about Eve’s own denial of these events here and here.)
Years later, even people involved in the initial group have spoken out against the movement and actions of those involved:
“I was in ~the Baeddels~ for years and like… we straight up did horrible shit. “We harassed anyone that disagreed for any reason, our politics were terrible, our isolationism made an environmental ripe for abuse that I have firsthand experience of, there is nothing in that group worth salvaging or defending. “Also acting like people are just bringing this up out of the blue is silly like… it’s being brought up because people are still trying to defend the shit we did instead of fucking recognizing that it was wrong. “Creating this myth that hate on the Baeddels is just a way of keeping trans women in line is a tacit defense of the horrid shit we did.” - @lezzyharpy
“like I’m sorry but I served my time in shitty awful Baeddel group in early mid 2012s and it fucking sucked ass.” “… Like it’s straight up cult-like the way you build this self-reinforcing network wherein ayone on the outside looking in with any criticism is unsafe, not to be trusted, only there to hurt trans women, and the only people you can trust is this self-selected group of trans women.” - @lezzyharpy
Why It Matters, and Why Baeddelism Never Really Fell
Baeddelism itself has seen multiple attempts at resurgences by various individuals, including documented experiences with self-proclaimed Baeddels as recently as 2018- well after the movement first “fell” in 2014.
Most proponents of “Baeddelism 2.0”, a revival of the original movement, argue that the abuse that occurred within the original movement was either completely fabricated by detractors (sound familiar?) or, at minimum, not actually inherent to the ideology.
And, of course, there are some original Baeddels still active on Tumblr today.
Baeddelism never actually went away.
“Baeddelism” was only one name for a set of beliefs that existed long before the specific term did, and hasn’t gone anywhere since the original Baeddel movement died down.
What the Baeddels did was put a name to the ideology @monetizeyourcat was cultivating before them, and what Cat did was popularize, centralize, and justify a way of thinking that had existed before she ever made her blog.
This ideology has since been referred to, loosely, as “TIRF-ism”: Trans-Inclusive Radical Feminism.
It is rare that anyone actually refers to themselves as a “TIRF”, and there is no real centralized TIRF movement; rather, a loose collection of radical feminist beliefs circulates various transgender spaces. The validity of these beliefs is generally taken for granted: of course (trans) women are The Most Oppressed People; of course (trans) women are Inherently and Unequivocally Victims In All Situations; of course (trans) men are Inherently Oppressors; of course (trans) men are Dangerous and Evil… and so on.
Like Radical Feminism, and subsequently Trans-Exlcusive Radical Feminism (TERF-ism), those ideas are fundamentally dangerous.
The defining tenants of radical feminism are that misogyny is the root of all oppression, and that rather than misogyny being an issue of power and control on a society-wide level, it is instead, or also, a matter of oppression and privilege on an individual level: men are always oppressors, and women are always victims.
These beliefs fundamentally exclude and erase the experiences of other marginalized people.
Namely, people of color and indigenous people, who’s experiences with and concepts of gender do not fall within the strict and rigid lines that white, western, colonialist people’s do.
Radical feminism is not a redeemable ideology. It cannot be reshaped into something good. It is fundamentally broken, and the movements born from it- lesbian separatism, political lesbianism, TERF-ism, TIRF-ism, and Baeddelism- are proof enough of that. They each promote only surface-level variations of what is fundamentally cult-like thinking: only the in-group can be victimized. Only the in-group is safe; the out-group is inherently and universally dangerous. Only the in-group understands you. All members of the in-group are, fundamentally, incapable of abuse.
We cannot allow these ideas to be perpetuated within or without the trans community.
Learn the Signs & Prevent Harm
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Here’s what we can do to prevent this from happening again:
Learn what Baeddel ideology and TIRFism look like, even detached from the name.
Learn what radical feminism looks like, even detached from the name. Even from people who claim to oppose radical feminism.
Act on dogwhistles. Call them what they are.
Do not allow people to downplay the harm all forms of Radical Feminism have caused. Remind each other that Radical Feminism is not a redeemable ideology, and seek out other branches of feminism instead.
Remember the harm that has been caused. Remember that it will be caused again if these things are allowed to go unchecked.
Listen to and uplift marginalized people. Allow them to speak to their own experiences, identify their own needs, and name their own oppression.
Remember who the real oppressors are, and do not pit marginalized people against each other. The people perpetuating and benefiting from transphobia are cis people- and more specifically, cis people in power.
Build solidarity with other marginalized people. One group of trans people cannot gain liberation without liberating all trans people, and one group of trans people cannot be targeted without the rest of us suffering as well.
Remember that there is no group or identity incapable of enacting abuse, violence, harassment, or other harm against another. Victimhood should not be determined based solely on an individual’s identity.
Remember that there are no acceptable targets for violence, cruelty, harassment, and abuse.
For more context and a list of red flags, read the rest of the article here:
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neptuneiris · 1 year
cardigan (01/03)
you drew stars around my scars, but now I'm bleedin'.
pairing: modern!aemond × best friend reader!
summary: being in love with your best friend since high school becomes a strong and unavoidable feeling. until it starts to become more difficult when you get to college and the two of you, especially him, meet new people.
word count: 7.3k
next part • series masterlist
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hello! i'm very happy to include myself also here with fanfics of aemond, our husband:) this is my first post here on tumblr and i have many more planned. also english is not my first language but i'm still learning. without further ado, enjoy!
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Being in love with your best friend for a long time is one of the most beautiful feelings but also one of the most heartbreaking.
Especially if the feeling is not reciprocated.
Even though he and you are very different in some ways, like he's the extroverted person and you're the introverted one in friendship or he comes from a rich family and you've always been the scholar in everything, you still have a lot of things in common.
And that's why you're both best friends.
Even when you met him in high school, in the most prestigious school in King's Landing, you being a scholarship student obviously, you would have never imagined that there were those things in common between him and you.
Until the history teacher asked for a team project of two and you ended up paired with Aemond Targaryen.
You felt it would be the death of you the moment the most popular and richest boy in the whole school focused his eyes on you for the first time by identifying you as his partner.
Already some girls were making cruel comments to you every time they looked at you in the hallways or in the classrooms about not being on the same level because you didn't have money like all of them.
And now teaming up with Aemond Targaryen himself for a History project, you thought, would be unbearable and insufferable.
He was popular. Exaggeratedly popular.
Popular with all the girls because of his good looks and they made comments about how much they wanted to date him. And you understood them, because Aemond's appearance could not simply go unnoticed.
Tall, white skin, distinguished features and incredible long platinum hair. But more than anything else, his sapphire eye caught the attention.
Where his left eye should have been, it was replaced by that precious sapphire jewel. While her other untouched eye was a beautiful lilac color.
And even with that look he didn't push people away nor was he intimidating, on the contrary, the sapphire was what attracted people around him, especially girls.
The favorite of all the teachers, he was the most handsome, popular and richest in the whole school, a lover of parties, reading, piano and sports.
They said he was kind and a good person, but you were suspicious. You thought he must be arrogant like most of the rich students in that place if he was the richest student of all.
And if he was nice to you, surely it must be to keep up his appearance of the nice popular guy that everyone loves and wants as a friend.
But how wrong you were…
As you and Aemond made progress on the project until you finished it and handed it in to the professor, you realized that he really is a nice guy.
Still, you were left in doubt, thinking that possibly by the time you finished the project, he and you wouldn't have to spend any more time together and he would ignore you.
But your surprise was great when in History class, which was the only class you shared together, he started sitting next to you, had a conversation with you, and you did a few more team assignments at his request.
And yet you were still suspicious.
Until one day when you were putting away a few books and notebooks in your locker, the same group of girls that always bothered you showed up again and started with their cruel and mocking comments.
You were used to them, what you weren't used to was being made fun of more openly in public. And just when you felt you were about to start crying in the middle of it all, just making the situation worse, without them stopping teasing you down the hall, Aemond appeared.
It was only enough to place himself in front of you in protective way, with a serious and cold look, to then speak to them in a deadly tone if they were already finished.
The surprised and bewildered girls didn't understand at first why he was so defensive about you.
"Stop bothering her. I don't want to see or know that you did it again."
Those had been the simple and last words enough for him to address to the group of girls in the middle of the hallway and then grab your shoulder and start carrying you away from there along with him.
And from there it all started.
You and Aemond started getting to know each other better and spending time together as friends. He even started inviting you to lunch with him and his friends in the cafeteria.
And as a result of that you discovered a common taste for reading, as well as musical tastes, series and movie sagas or genres, until you became best friends.
The friendship continued after graduating from high school and after applying to the same university until today. Aemond decided to follow the same path as his entire family and chose a career in management, while you chose a career in psychology.
After you both found out that you had been accepted to King's Landing University, Aemond started talking about how he would now rather have his own apartment near the university than choose a residence hall or a fraternity.
And you decided, because of the scholarship, to have to choose the residence hall.
The problem was that you would have to be paying monthly to keep your room, not too much but the money you were getting from your parents wouldn't be enough and you weren't willing to ask them for more.
So you mentioned the fact that you would have to get a part-time job near the university so it wouldn't be complicated and everything would be in your favor.
But Aemond, absurd, told you that it was not necessary, neither the job nor the residence, to later tell you that you could be his roomie and live the dream of living together, like every wish of two best friends.
"Have you lost your mind? How will I be able to live with you, Aemond?"
"Well, as normal, like you live with your parents, but now the two of us together in an apartment."
He explains with all the simplicity in the world, as if it was no big deal, while you look at him completely distrustful and absurd.
"No, Aemond. You're not—
"I've already got it all planned out, okay?"
He interrupts you while he takes a bite of his green apple and continues leaning casually against the kitchen counter of his house.
"Helaena helped me find a very good apartment near the university, it has everything necessary with two bedrooms and two private bathrooms," he explains, "I already talked to the agent, I'll go to see the apartment this Thursday, you can even come with me to tell me what you think and probably a week before we enter the university I'll pay what it costs and it will be all mine."
"You will pay what it costs?" you repeat in shock.
"Yeah," he answers you with all the simplicity in the world.
"Are you actually going to buy the apartment?"
"Yeah," he answers now confused, "Didn't you hear everything I said?"
"But I thought it was a rent, not a purchase."
"What? No. I'm going to buy the apartment, I don't want rent."
He makes it clear to you and now you stay completely silent, watching him even with that slight surprise and also still feeling how absurd his proposal of living together is.
In fact, this is very Aemond Targaryen.
It shouldn't even surprise you that he can afford something like this, obviously because of his rich family. But still, you're not like him in that aspect and that's why you're surprised.
"In fact I want to speed up the whole process, I don't want to be at the last minute arranging everything when we're already going into class. So go tell your parents the news and pack your things."
You let out a long breath, running a hand through your hair.
"No, Aemond, I…" you bite your lips, speaking in a soft tone, "I really appreciate you wanting to do this with me but I can't pay you to live together in an apartment that probably costs more than I do. The residency for the scholarship will be charged to me at a low price and—
"And who said I want you to pay me?"
He interrupts you in a serious tone, looking at you in the same way and you look at him incredulously.
"Well, in some way I have to pay you, don't I?" you ask him, "The apartment will be yours, you're the one who paid for it and I can't live there with you for free."
"Y/N, you are my best friend and I am not going to charge you when you know I can pay for it."
"You can't pay for electricity, water and everything without me giving you money in return, Aemond."
"I don't need it. I'm asking you to live together because I really want us to live together, isn't that what you also told me it would be amazing to do together?"
"Yes, but not like this and you know it," you answer with some sadness.
That Aemond is the one who pays for everything so you can live together comfortably only makes you feel like you are taking advantage of him and useless, but obviously you will never say that to him.
Aemond gets very upset when you refer to yourself in a bad way. And even though he's offering you this because he really wants you to do this together, he still makes you feel bad for not contributing anything.
"Hey Y/N," he says and then starts to walk around the bar towards you, "It's okay, really."
And soon enough when he reaches out to you, he pulls you into an embrace as you continue to sit on the stool and he stands in front of you.
His big strong arms lock you against his body protectively as you bury your face in his chest and his fingers begin to gently stroke your hair.
His clean, fresh scent envelops you completely, only making the embrace more pleasant. And you allow yourself to feel close to him and melt in his arms.
You allow it even though you feel more and more that strong feeling that you wish you didn't feel so much but up to this point it's unavoidable.
"How about this? I'll do everything I told you while you take care of the food and laundry."
He asks you with a certain excited tone, and a small smile on his lips as you pull away from each other just enough, without breaking the embrace, just so you can both see each other's faces.
And you are still not very sure, and not because you don't want to do it, but because you still don't think you have much to contribute, which he notices.
"Don't you want to be my roomie?" he asks you now with a sad and disappointed tone, "Don't you want to watch movie marathons and series with me, eat unhealthy food and stay up until four in the morning?"
You inevitably let out a small laugh at the mere thought of them being wonderful plans.
"And watch those Egyptian documentaries you like so much?" you add.
"Those and also watching the whole Harry Potter saga, although I don't understand your obsession with those movies."
"Now that's why my answer is no."
You both laugh softly and then he leaves a soft kiss on your forehead to lock you in his arms again.
And now you are both here.
It's been months since you both moved into his apartment together and you took into account Aemond's words to convince you and make you feel good about living together.
While he takes care of everything financially, you take care of doing both of your laundry, cleaning the apartment, paying the HBO account and buying the food, although sometimes he also buys to make a special meal that he likes.
All while fulfilling college and also plans to stay home together some weekends watching documentaries, movies or series until four in the morning.
It has been very rare the time you have gone out partying together, mostly because you are the one who prefers to stay at home instead of going to parties.
But when Aemond wants to party, sometimes you go with him or sometimes you don't, just as he also sometimes accompanies you on your movie weekend or sometimes not.
College has been tough, neither of them will deny it, but they've managed to get through their respective careers and so far being roomies has been wonderful.
And of course, even though your respective career departments aren't close, even in your areas you've heard your best friend's name.
You both just got into college and he again became a well-known and popular person, while you have only made three real friends, Aileen, Sara and Ryan. But despite this, Aemond never forgets his best friend any more than you forget him.
As if you could.
And everything is going great so far.
It's already getting dark, you can see it through the big windows of the apartment, listening to music on your phone while you finish preparing dinner for you and Aemond who shouldn't be long in coming.
He had texted you an hour ago saying he would have a two hour class and would probably be a little late, so you do this for him while singing and humming your favorite songs softly.
You finish serving everything on the plates when you hear a message notification. You leave everything ready on the bar, wipe your hands and pick up your phone to look at the screen, reading a message from your friend Aileen.
[Aileen Herron]: party on saturday?
You frown and are about to answer her message with a no when you hear the sound of the door opening in quick motion and then you see Aemond walk in with a huge smile on his lips and a completely lit up face.
"Hello, pretty one."
You smile with an accusatory look as you stop the music and put your phone back on the bar, watching him carefully.
"Now what's wrong with you? Your two-hour class was amazing?"
He lets out a snort as he throws his backpack on the couch and takes a seat in front of you on one of the stools.
"I wish. It was so fucking boring."
"So why are you smiling like that?"
And again her smile appears, only this time a little more subtle but still excited.
"I have a date."
And that's when again, like every time this happens, you feel your heart shrink and start to break a little bit more with each time your best friend lets you know news like this.
And not wanting to appear false, just as you don't want to show that his words hurt you, you maintain as best you can that genuine smile you put on when he arrived at the apartment so happily.
"Oh really?"
"Yes," he answers you excitedly, "It turns out that when I got out of class and said goodbye to my friends, I was heading to the parking lot when a girl bumped into me…."
And there comes the part where they both apologize, then they start talking, they both start flirting and at the end they exchange numbers.
"She's so pretty, her name is Alys."
You bite your lips and nod keeping the best face you can while this time you start walking around the kitchen and he continues talking, not being able to bear to see his face any closer as he tells you about her.
"She's also studying management so it's more perfect, only she's three semesters ahead of me."
You clear your throat, pouring some soda for both of us.
"So she's older than you."
You say trying not to sound distant and disinterested, to which Aemond shrugs his shoulders at your question.
"Three years is nothing."
You nod, taking a sip of your drink, starting dinner.
"And when is the date?" you ask without looking at him.
"This Saturday. I'm taking her to my mother's favorite restaurant, the one I took you to once, remember?"
Again you nod, feeling a little more that little sharp pain in your chest, but you pretend that nothing is happening and that you're just… happy and excited for him.
"Well, you'll tell me how it went."
You try to smile even a little in his direction and at this he just smiles a little more.
"I hope everything goes well. I really liked her a lot."
And again at this, you have no idea what else to say and remain silent, although he soon speaks again.
"This is for me?" he points to the other plate.
"For who else?" you say obviously and amused.
He laughs and brings the plate towards him.
"Thank you, pretty one."
You try not to let those nicknames affect you at all. But before you know it, it has inevitably gotten to you, as it has countless other times. But you didn't want it to affect you knowing that he has a date this saturday.
"And do you have plans this weekend?" he asks you, more than anything to create conversation after talking about his date.
"Hmm… I don't know yet."
"You don't know?"
He asks you with an expectant look and you just look at him without saying anything and then shrug your shoulders and focus back on your dinner.
"You know, you should… go out."
He says suddenly in a soft voice and you look away from your plate to focus on him again.
"What about your friends from class? Don't they ask you out to party or something?"
"You know I don't like parties, Aemond," you reply in a more serious tone than you expected it to be.
"Yes, I know, but…" he sighs, "I'm just saying that it would do you good to go out once in a while and not stay here all the time."
"I always stay here," you say confused, "I don't understand why you're suddenly worried about that if that's what I've been doing since we've been living together."
"I know," he says cautiously and with an understanding look, "but I mean when I go out partying with my friends, I don't like to know that you're staying here alone. Nor like now that I have a date on saturday and you'll be here again."
You watch him in silence for a few seconds, and he takes the opportunity to continue talking.
"You should meet new people, don't you think?" he asks softly, "The university is very big. Maybe you should meet new people who love to stay at home watching movies and shows like you. That way you'll have company while I'm gone because I…" he grimaces, "I won't always have time for you."
And at that moment, you think you're overreacting, that it's no big deal, that it's just a piece of advice with all the good intentions of your best friend, that you shouldn't.
But still, try as you might, you can't help but feel broken by hearing his words.
Maybe he didn't mean it that way nor did he intend to make you understand those words, but it's like he's telling you that you have no friends, that he's your only friend and that you should meet more people.
And in the face of this, you try not to break down at that moment, so you quickly want to pretend that everything is fine and that everything he said is also fine.
"Yeah, of course, you're right."
You get up with your dirty plate, taking it to the dishwasher to start washing it quickly, turning your back to him.
"When you finish eating, leave the plate here, I'll wash it in a moment, now I have to finish doing some homework," you interrupt him sounding as normal and casual as possible.
"I didn't mean anything bad Y/N, I just—
"Yes, I know."
You force yourself to interrupt him again putting on your best nonchalant face, turning to him, drying your hands once you finish. And with nothing more to say, you leave the kitchen and head for your room.
That same night you comply with what you say, wanting to clear your head, knowing perfectly well that when you let Aemond know that you are doing homework, he doesn't interrupt you unless it is extremely necessary.
So you take advantage of that and without leaving your room anymore, once you're done you take a shower and get ready for bed.
You find it a bit hard to sleep as you overthink too much, thinking about Aemond more than anything else, about his date and everything he told you afterwards.
It had happened before… Aemond had already told you about going on dates and how they had turned out, you've seen him flirt with many girls at parties, restaurants and at school itself.
You know the feeling. That ugly, heartbreaking feeling.
So why do you again feel like your heart is breaking over his now new date?
Normally all the dates Aemond goes on, never go any further. Aemond hasn't had a single girlfriend since your friendship began.
Nothing tells you that this date could be any different. Maybe he'll only go out with her two or three times and then tell you it was just something to hang out, as usual.
However, you never know.
The next day you and Aemond don't see each other during the day.
Normally on fridays you have class at seven in the morning while he has classes a little later, so once you finish getting ready you leave the apartment and head to the university.
In the course of your classes, your friend Aileen tells you that since you probably don't plan on going out with her and your other friends to party tomorrow Saturday, it would at least be a good plan for you all to go out together tonight for dinner.
And you agree.
Leaving class the four of you head to a fast food restaurant and pass the time talking about school, gossip and so on. At least being with your friends makes you forget about the outside world for a moment and you just laugh and have a good time.
Until the hour starts to get late, Ryan drives Aileen to her residence in his car and Sara is the one who drives you.
You turn the doorknob and enter the apartment looking forward to sleep, as you should since it's almost two in the morning. Usually on weekends you stay up very late but this night especially doesn't seem to be the occasion.
You close the door behind you and start to head to your room, when you enter the living room and find Aemond very comfortable on one of the sofas looking at you at the same time you are looking at him.
You stay quiet for a moment, thinking about just walking in and wishing him good night, but he's the one who speaks first.
"There you are," he murmurs, looking at you seriously, not having his usual soft look as usual, "I was already worried."
"Why?" he repeats incredulously, "I didn't know where you were. I sent you hundreds of messages and you didn't answer. Also I called you and still nothing."
You frown.
"That's not true. You didn't call me."
"I did call you, Y/N."
He tells you more serious than before, almost annoyed and you, confused, pick up your phone and turn on the screen to see that he did indeed call you and sent you hundreds of messages.
The problem? You had your phone on mute and being with your friends you didn't really bother to take your phone out of your pocket.
You let out a long breath and put it back with a sigh.
"I'm sorry, it was on mute," you say briefly.
"And where were you?"
"I went to dinner with friends."
Now he lets out a sigh.
"You could at least let me know you were going to arrive late."
At first you think to yourself that you don't understand why he makes such a big deal about it. As if he wouldn't do exactly the same thing you've done when he decides to go off with his friends to party.
However, you don't want to argue, you just want to sleep.
"Yeah, I know, I'm sorry," you mumble, then yawn, "I'll go to sleep."
You are about to walk back to your room but he speaks again.
"So soon?"
You watch him sleepily as he, in his most comfortable clothes, seems to be watching one of his favorite documentaries with some chips, like you always do together every friday.
Except this friday.
"It's two in the morning, Aemond."
"Yes, I know, but I thought you might want to watch a movie, as usual," he says softly, "I bought some of the pizza you like, and also some of the—
"I'm full and very sleepy now, Aem. Another day, yeah?"
You don't even wait for an answer, you just go to your room.
And the next morning you wake up later than usual and you don't even want to get out of bed.
Fortunately you don't run into Aemond, even though saturday mornings is when you have breakfast together and watch movies until noon. But not today.
And you know perfectly well it's because you've been avoiding him. It's what you always do when Aemond lets you know about his next date or after you see him making out with some girl at a party.
And you know you're wrong. But that's the only way you can stop feeling that little sharp pain in your chest and this discomfort all over your being.
Until night falls, you and Aemond finally talk after not seeing each other all day to tell you he's leaving. He don't even need to say where.
Then he leaves and you are left alone in the apartment.
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Finally, what you were hoping for and dreading at the same time happens.
Aemond has fallen in love. Your best friend has fallen in love.
In the end that girl wasn't just to hang out or to forget about her overnight. Aemond went on countless dates with her, which was unusual and eventually the two formalized everything and started dating.
You stopped avoiding him because you knew you couldn't do it forever. You both live together, he is your best friend and if he is going through this now, as much as it hurts, you can only smile and feel happy for him because he really looks happy.
You even met the girl, Alys Rivers.
And as soon as you saw her for the first time when Aemond brought her to the apartment to introduce the two of you, you understood.
Alys is tall, black-haired, with beautiful features, a slender body and possesses the most intense and striking green eyes you've ever seen. Even the way she spoke, smiled, laughed and walked was striking, she was alluring, everything about her screamed the word sexy and elegant.
How could Aemond not like her, when she is so educated, beautiful and also studies the same as him?
Now you understood why Aemond wanted things to really work out this time with this girl. And now everything, little by little, has been different.
With your best friend now having someone, now his time is counted between college and her.
The two of you still spend time together, you live together obviously, but you have seen each other in less time when before the first person you saw when you woke up was Aemond and when you went to sleep as well.
They are getting shorter and shorter on fridays for movies and series, on saturdays you barely see each other during the day and on sundays he totally disappears from the apartment and you don't see each other at all.
Luckily today is friday and Aemond apparently has no plans, not even with Alys, as you both find yourselves watching your favorite movie in the living room while eating chips and as much junk food as possible.
"From so many times you've made me watch this movie with you, I'm already starting to hate it."
You look at your best friend in surprise and completely indignant and then throw a pillow that hits him perfectly in the face.
"How dare you? I didn't say anything about your boring and incredibly long documentaries."
Now he's the one looking at you surprised and indignant.
"What did you just say?"
"Just some of them, not all of them," you clarify, "But those some of them are really unbearable."
"You know what your problem is? That you love the plot of some people trying to get out of a huge maze while my documentaries talk about true historical facts and not pure fiction about dystopias."
"Boring," you sing in long tones.
He lets out a small laugh as he shakes his head and you look at him with a small amused smile.
"You are unbearable."
"Oh come on Aemond, you still like these movies, even if you don't want to admit it."
"Not in a million years."
"You keep fooling yourself but you're not fooling me."
He doesn't say anything back to you because at that moment he receives a message and he looks at his phone quickly.
You watch him briefly, slowly erasing your smile, already anticipating what is going to happen and he confirms it with his next words while still focused on his screen.
"Alys wants me to go with her to a party with her friends."
You don't say anything, you just focus on the movie, avoiding making a bad face, telling yourself to control yourself.
"Well, you don't mind, do you?" he observes you, "I have to go now and pick her up."
You instantly put on a nonchalant face and deny without taking your eyes off the movie.
"Of course not."
"I'll make it up to you, I promise," he says as he gets up, walks over to place a quick kiss on your forehead and then rushes off to his room to get ready.
After that, that's what happens all the time now.
When he finally keeps you company to watch a movie or a series, Alys calls him and he runs to her. It has even happened several times that you arrive at the apartment after school and they are here hanging out.
On saturdays he runs to have breakfast with her, he also leaves with her that same day in the night, also on fridays and on sundays the two of them barely see each other in the night.
Even many nights Aemond has not come to sleep and the next morning when he finally comes back to the apartment, he tells you that he had spent the night at Alys' sisterhood with her.
Alys has also spent nights here. You overhear her and him as they arrive late at the apartment and head to her room. Fortunately you haven't heard anything more than that.
And because of all this, it is that you have become closer to your friends and have gone to as many parties with them, as you can't bear to arrive at the apartment knowing that Aemond is not there and won't show up until the next day.
You know you have developed a dependency on him, which you know is wrong and you avoided with all your might that it wasn't so but in the end it was so.
That's why now you're thankful that you're hanging out more with your other friends. But still, you miss your best friend a lot. He doesn't have time for you anymore and you can't help but feel sad, disappointed and broken because of that.
You understand that Alys is his girlfriend and the best friend shouldn't be more important than the girlfriend, but still, you can't help it.
You're happy for him, you really are. So now you're just left to be content with the little times he and you now have together. Like, for example, his birthday.
He had already told you how he plans to go with his family during the afternoon and then in the night he wants to go out partying with his friends, with you and Alys.
He told you that you could invite your friends, who fortunately they accepted since you didn't want to be alone surrounded by Aemond's friends, whom you know very little and his girlfriend.
So now you get up earlier than usual to go get his present and once you get back to the apartment you hide it in your room, then when you go out again he opens the door of his room at the same time, still sleepy and you throw yourself in his arms.
"Happy birthday!" you exclaim happily between his chest and neck.
He lets out a hoarse little laugh as he locks you in his arms.
"Thank you, pretty one."
You pull away from him smiling.
"How are you feeling?"
He raises an expectant eyebrow at you, amused, still recovering from his sleep.
"How do I feel about my birthday?"
"Yes," you reply simply, "How does it feel to wake up and know that you are now twenty-one?"
"I feel younger instead of older."
"Oh really?"
"When you turn twenty-one you'll understand."
"And why is that?"
He looks at you more expectantly than before and crosses his arms, watching you with amusement.
"That's a lot of talk, tell me what you're hiding."
You instantly feign innocence.
"What are you talking about?"
"It's my birthday present, isn't it?"
"I mean… it is your birthday, but not-hey!" you shout as you see him quickly walk past you and head to your room, where his present is.
"You're hiding my present, I know."
"No, no, wait."
You stand in front of him, between him and your door, panicking, and he looks at you expectantly again.
"Yes, yes, it's your birthday present."
"And I can't see it yet?"
"Yes, but not like this," you say indignantly and then look at him confused, "How did you know?"
He laughs.
"Because I know you."
And soon Aemond finds himself opening the huge gift box you bought for him so you could put in the little puppy you decided to adopt and then Aemond could adopt him.
"No fucking way," he says in disbelief and surprise.
And so he soon holds in his arms the small female dog of the Maltipoo breed with a very light brown fur.
Adoration completely covers your best friend's gaze and he completely melts into the little dog as he licks his hand and face at the same time as Aemond squeals with tenderness and gives him kisses.
And the image couldn't have been more tender and adorable for you.
"I adopted her. She was given to me with a name, it's on her collar. If you don't like it, you can change it, although I think that one suits her perfectly."
Aemond, still watching and holding him tenderly, looks at the collar and reads it.
"Vhagar," and then turns his attention to her with a small smile, "Your name is Vhagar?" he says in a honeyed tone, "Yeah? Do you like that name, my little one?"
He plays with it for a few more moments and then turns his attention back to you, still with all that tenderness and that little smile of excitement.
"Thank you so much, my pretty one."
And again you both embrace while Vhagar is in the middle of you both and also starts to lick your hand making you laugh in tenderness.
After spending the whole morning together playing and getting to know Vhagar, whom Aemond doesn't want to let go, then you both go to a restaurant near the apartment to start with his birthday and just be the two of you.
And finally Aemond goes to his parents' house. He invited you but you decided it was better for him to spend some time with his family only, so you stay home with Vhagar.
Eventually the hours pass and the night comes, which means it's time.
You fix your hair in soft waves, put on a little more makeup than usual to highlight your face, and choose a black skirt, white top, and black booties from your closet.
Aemond calls you down the hall telling you it's time and you both leave the apartment to go pick up Alys and then get to the frat house where his friends live.
The night goes by incredibly long. Even though you are in the company of your friends, you can't help but stare at Aemond who enjoys his girlfriend's company more than anyone else.
You only manage to take one picture with him when you used to fill your gallery on his birthdays, even played every party game possible and now… he's only with Alys.
Even by the time it's too late, the party still isn't over and he finally talks to you after hours to ask if one of your friends would take you home, since he's sleeping over with Alys.
You don't say anything else, just that Ryan will give you a ride and he nods to go back to Alys. It's not like you could tell him anything, you still didn't want to, because after all it is his birthday.
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Today is another very vague and rare night in which Aemond stays at home with you and does not leave with Alys.
You don't complain, on the contrary, you enjoy his and Vhagar's company. You are both watching one of his documentaries and it is a really interesting one, not one of the boring ones.
Aemond talks to you and explains you about his assumptions, also about what he thinks while you are sitting next to him and Vhagar is very comfortably asleep on his lap.
You also share your opinions and some doubts that he answers, both of you without taking your eyes off the screen.
Time passes and you happily believe that you will last this way until the early morning, as it used to be, feeling excited and enjoying his company on nights like these, as you had missed him.
When then, it happens.
You hear the notification of how a message has been sent to him and he looks at the screen, then confirms what you didn't want so much, feeling instantly disappointed.
"There's a party at Alys' sisterhood, she wants me to come."
And knowing he'll look at you, you quickly feign your unconcerned, unaffected look.
"Do you want to come?"
You want to laugh and let out a snort, because it's not like you like the idea of going to his girlfriend's party knowing that he'll leave you alone to be with her.
"No," you reply in the softest possible voice, "I'll stay here with Vhagar."
"Are you sure?" he looks at you with a grimace.
"It's all right Aemond, you go."
He lets out a long breath as he looks back down at his screen to move his fingers on it briefly, then gently removes Vhagar from his lap and gets up from the couch to go get ready.
All your good looks disappear as he turns his back to you and before you know it, you let out a long sigh of disappointment loud enough for him to stop and watch you.
Nerves get the better of you and you look at him again pretending everything is fine, but he knows it's not.
"Y/N," he calls you in a soft voice, walking back to you, "I know we haven't been spending time together like before and—
"You'll be getting late," you quickly try to evade the subject so as not to talk about it, "If you're not going to arrive here to sleep let me know by message."
He lets out a long breath, looking a little distrustful and worried.
"Look," he says as he takes a seat next to you again, "I just want to tell you that I know we don't spend time together like we used to. I don't think you or I expected me to suddenly have a girlfriend—
Clearly not.
You think.
"But I want you to know that not spending time with you was not intentional," he assures you, then takes your hands in his, "And I'm going to make it up to you, I promise."
That's what you always say.
You want to say it, but you just stay silent, watching him, while he looks at you with all the tenderness and with that look that convinces you to believe in his words.
"I've missed our weekends, believe me. And I hate to leave you like this," he confesses, "But I really don't want you to think that I'm choosing Alys over you, I love you both very much and I want to have that balance in my life between her and you."
And at this point her words are actually hurting you instead of helping you.
"Aemond, it's okay," you assure him, even though it's not, "Alys is your girlfriend. It's obvious that you spend more time with her than with me and I totally understand that."
"Yes, I promise," you assure him and you couldn't be more of a liar at the moment.
"I still feel bad."
"Aemond, it's okay. You should go now, I don't want to delay you any more with this hour," you say so the conversation is already over.
"No, just let me…" he insists, then lets out a long breath, "Look, I know you," he murmurs, looking at you sadly, "I know none of this is right. But I promise I will make it up to you," he assures you, "After all, my family's ball at Dragonstone is next weekend, remember?"
You frown, grateful for the change in conversation but still a little confused.
"I thought it wasn't happening this year."
"It has to be held every year, my mother would have a heart attack if it didn't happen and you know it."
You both laugh a little, while he watches you attentively without letting go of your hands, as well as you let go of his.
"So we'll go together?" you ask, not entirely convinced.
And at your question he is offended.
"Of course we'll go together. We go together every year."
"Yes, but now that you—
"I'm not taking Alys," he interrupts you and his words surprise you, "This ball belongs to both of us, it always has. And I'm not going to break the tradition."
And at his words, this time, genuinely, you can't help but place a small closed-mouth smile as you feel how again this little spark between him and you begins to revive little by little.
Also the hope, that everything will be again, even if it's just a little, like before.
"Also now your birthday is next," he says with a small smile, "I've already got your present, just to let you know."
And at this you put on a small smile.
"You're not supposed to tell me, dumbass."
He laughs.
"I wanted you to know," he says softly.
Then a brief, comfortable silence settles between the two of you, you both smile softly and all seems to be well again between you.
"Then start getting everything ready for the ball, okay?"
"All right," you nod, feeling happy.
"It will be amazing. You'll see."
You believe him.
You really do.
The ball on behalf of his family is a way to celebrate the success of the great company they run, as well as to have the possibility to form new partners or make better contracts. Since the friendship between you and Aemond began, he has invited you every year to be his escort and you have never let him down.
All the decorations are wonderful, the food too and eventually when the important people leave, that's when the real party starts for you and it's all great fun with Aemond's brothers who invite friends.
You thought that this time it wouldn't be like that since he has his girlfriend now and maybe he would want to take her instead of you, but how wrong you were.
And not too long after that it is your birthday, which is a very special day for you and Aemond, as every year he really makes you feel very special.
With those dates coming up and these words of promise, what could go wrong?
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machiavellli · 5 months
Some Lorenzo Berkshire headcanons˚ ༘ ೀ⋆。˚
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Notes: after a month I made them. I am truly sorry, I am the ceo of procrastination. But I had so much fun writing those though, because Lorenzo is my silly lovely boy, I wanna hug him so bad, he too precious. And this song, reminds me of him so bad, like every time I listen to it, my mind immediately jumps to him.
Honestly I got a bit carried away, I wanted to cover maybe other parts, like how he is as a boyfriend, but well-. You read it and of course you can tell me what you think after :)
Pairing: Lorenzo Berkshire x reader
Infos: pretty much just fluff, possible dramatic scene, no use of y/n, Lorenzo being cute, mutual pinning, English is not my first language (please if you find any mistake report them to me!).
Lorenzo Berkshire, the most precious slytherin boy:
You two first met when you were just children because of your families
And I don’t know about you, but I used to despise boys so much when I was little, until I was seven (or perhaps even eight), so I kinda imagine your first meeting to be not that charming.
Like little Enzo panicking because he can’t understand what he did wrong, why this little girl is making such a disgusted face for him
But as you two grow more comfortable around each other, he becomes your best boy friend.
You two have many chances to see each other during your childhood and you always tried to make the best out of each encounter.
The type of kids that would cry when they have to separate after playing all day together.
And also the type of children that would definitely try to pull a prank on little Draco, just for them to get chased down by Lucius Malfoy himself after and cry frightened.
But something inside you two changes when you both are forced into your first ballroom dancing class (I headcanon that all the high-ranking families in the magical society enjoy hosting elegant dinners and balls, so follow me on this)
The proximity between you two, the touch of her hand, totally make little Enzo go all flushed.
Therefore, that soft innocent crush in the heart of the two children starts to blossom.
You drew hearts next to his name in your diary, imprisoning your feelings at the edge of a paper too scared to burn at the sight of the light, too scared to show this growing affection.
Little Enzo would sometimes pick a flower from his garden, trying to build some courage in himself for giving it to you. But that never happens.
When you get to Hogwarts he is your rock.
Perhaps if you an introvert he is the one introducing you to people or literally bringing you inside a friend group.
Ever heard of the trope “extrovert adopts an introvert”? Like that I mean.
Anyway, the crush is still there, of course, but none of you dare to even consider talking about it. Because no one has the guts to risk losing their favorite person.
Lorenzo is very cheerful, a ray of sunshine, and as he grows more people start to notice. And that’s a problem.
You are jealous, terribly.
Seeing those girls approaching him, giggling like infants, even when you are right at his side, hurts you.
He always refuse them politely and you smile in you mind.
Lorenzo is such a gentleman and everybody knows it.
Always giving you his arm while walking, opening doors,
moving chairs,
asking “how did you sleep darling?” or “have you eaten today dear?”
hugging you every time you see each other,
Offering his jacket to you as soon as he notice that it is becoming a little cold
Listening you ramble for hours about your favorite subject or a book you just read, always with that delicious little smile painted on his face.
And if he finds you crying for whatever reason he will take you into his arms immediately.
Listening to you explain through your tears what happened, while one hand strokes your hair gently and the other your back.
Seeing you hurt has an effect on him, definitely will let a couple of tears slip while you can’t see him.
Lorenzo is an empath, he will understand you and he will comfort you.
Also I feel like his love language is debatable, but he will definitely like to touch you, to feel your presence concretely.
Even if you two are not together he will often try to pull out an arm around your shoulders, always respecting your decision to refuse it and your personal vital space though.
Perhaps, sometimes, as you are all focused making your pen run during your studies session, he will look at your hand, wishing to be able to linger over it without an explanation.
He is also jealous, of course, because no one knows how desperate he is for you, how he feels blinded by how beautiful you have grown.
He feels his eyes and heart burning when a guy at a party tries to hit on you.
The golden retriever energy is suddenly gone and Theo will pull out a worried look for his friend.
But you aren’t his, how stupid it is of him to ache himself for something he never had.
After another scene of this kind, Theo decides to ask him about this totally not subtle behavior of his. (You already know that I headcanon Enzo and Theo to be best buddies shhh)
It takes a while for him to confess, but either for the tipsy state or the exhaustion that this situation has brought to him, he confess.
After years, let’s say it happens in the 6th year, he finally tells someone, felling already a bit lighter.
Theo looks at him, trying to not laugh, but miserably fails: “mate do you need glasses?”
And then he explains to him that anyone can see that something is going on between the two.
That you look at him like he is the sun lighting your existence and so does he with you.
Perhaps it is time to act now, to not fear, to be brave.
He won’t ask you directly though, I see him more prone to writing down a letter to you
Pouring on paper his feelings, how exceptionally well you make him feel, in conclusion, his love for you.
The angel sent from above that you are in his eyes, that he always had and always will e have at his side if he seals with ink his emotions.
Perhaps it could look something like this:
My Dearest,
In the quiet corners of my soul, I've carried a secret for what feels like an eternity, my heart dances to the rhythm of your name. Amidst youthful dreams and uncertain tomorrows, your laughter echoes in my thoughts, painting vivid hues in the canvas of my days. With each passing day, your radiance grows, illuminating the path of my existence. Today, in this moment of bravery, perhaps taken by a Gryffindor spirit, I dare to confess what has long lingered unspoken: I adore you beyond measure.
Yours sincerely,
And do we want the realization dramatic? Of course, is that even a question?
You recive his letter in a moment of privacy, perhaps in a quiet corner of the library while you are studying.
A first year approach you and quickly says “It is from Lorenzo Berkshire, he wants to know what you think then” before running away.
You look at the letter puzzled, looking at the delicate handwriting in which your initials are written on the outside.
You open the letter and everything just stops.
Only your eyes move, running desperately over and over again on the words overflowed by pure love.
How is it that you never noticed?
How is it that someone can love you so deeply?
The clock has continued its tireless dance for too long and you finally had enough.
There it won’t be peace until you found him.
An exceptional energy, filled with excitement, happiness and love, takes over you.
You suddenly snap, lifting yourself up from your cozy spot, leaving everything behind, because your real everything is in front of you.
The sound of your shoes, tirelessly beating against the hard floor as you run, is all you can hear.
People send concerned look in your way as you brush not so cordially their shoulder, trying to make your way to your lover.
The halls are full, the rain is once again pouring outside, you don’t even know where you are going, simply drove by the now fully ignited sentiment.
Lorenzo is repaired outside in the viaduct courtyard, waiting for his friends to be done with their smoking when he sees you.
You, bravely exiting the library annex, making your way to the viaduct bridge, looking left and right, looking for him.
Without a word to the others he starts running in your direction, the rain quickly wetting him entirely.
You are now both running, from opposite side of the bridge, people gathering around looking as the scene consume before them.
It is cold,
It is wet,
The nature is gray under the fog.
But two hearts beat ferociously, desperately trying to approach the other.
Your drenched hair flows with your movement, hands in a fist, your vision lightly blurred.
And in the middle of the bridge he catches you.
An hug full of every word neglect for so long.
He spins you around for has many years he had to wait for this, before he lets you go, moving his hands to cup your face gently as the rain harshly pours on you.
Eyes so desperate to crawl into the other’s spirit.
“I sense my letter has reached you” he will say smiling like an idiot drunk on love
You giggle, like the kids you used to be.
Because you have known each other for a lifetime, but only now he has found you.
“My dear, I love you” he will say before kissing you, warming your body, lighting your existence.
Everything faded then, from the cheers of the other students looking at the theatrical scene, to the screams of the various professor trying to pull you inside.
Your heart finally funded his.
I hope you liked them🫶✨
my ask box is open btw!
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anyaeras · 1 year
sugar mommy PT. 2 || E.Olsen
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Paring || sugar mommy Elizabeth Olsen x y/n
Summary || y/n and Elizabeth both are working to figure out emotions, yet they also take some time to relax and be together.
Warnings || SMUT! ,, Dom/sugar!mommy Elizabeth ,, sub/sugar!baby reader ,, they/them pronouns ,, reader!pussy ,, strap!on sex,, vibrator ,, eating!out ,, overstimulation ,, mommy!kink ,, pet!names ,, praise!kinks ,, slight!ropes ,, legal!agegap
Part one ,, Masterlist ,, discord server
Times gone by, and y/n's doing well, along with their relationship with Elizabeth, being her sugar baby was pretty much all positives, she was caring and nurturing, yet strict and demanding as she lived up to being in charge yet it kept y/n in line well. Besides the money was needed, to pay for school, and keep going in life, you didn't wanna worry about living paycheck to paycheck, and struggling to keep the lights on, with Elizabeth y/n didn't have to, it was nice.
Y/n was sitting in her English lecture, and it was only 8am, ON A MONDAY! Who the hell wants to be an English lecture at 8 AM on a Monday after a rough Sunday night... not y/n. as they started to daze off y/n was slowly pulled back to reality by the buzzing on their phone which sat in there lap, looking down to see a good morning text from Elizabeth.
"Good morning darling, I'll pick you up from class at 9:30 when it ends. -love Liz" the text from Lizzie made you smile, it was sweet moment like this that drew y/n to the older women more, honestly it was worrying that these real feelings wouldn't be reciprocated and everything would be lost.
"Mx.y/l/n, something to share with the class or are you gonna read from the text book like asked?" The professor, standing at the front of the room called out to y/n causing their face to fade quickly into a light shade of pink.
"Yes, of course sorry" was stuttered out of y/n's mouth quickly fumbling with the textbook to begin reading aloud, which was dreadful to the young college student, public speaking, wasn't really their thing, only adding stress to the missing assignments, and hangover stress they were already carrying for this morning.
"Late night? OOOO who ya texting?" Zack asked in a whisper as the class continued. Getting a nod from y/n yet they ignored the question which went with who they were talking to. I mean y/n did sign the privacy contract.
What felt like forever, the clock that y/n had been staring at this entire time, and finally the clock made it to 9:30 and the lecture hall was dismissed.
Rushing out of the class, y/n made their way to the main parking lot, looking for the black SUV that almost looked shady yet it was still classy to which Elizabeth was driving. Spotting the car quickly making their way to the door pulling on it, causing Elizabeth to jump not expecting it yet still welcoming y/n into the vehicle.
"Do you have ibuprofen?" Y/n asked immediately as a hangover headache was hitting
"I do, did you go out, and party little to hard last night?" Elizabeth asked with a cheeky smirk as she reached into her purse, handing over a small bottle of painkillers.
"So plan is we go back to my place, I'll order us some food, and we have a nice day, just you and me, stress free. How does that sound darling?" Lizzie asked as she shifted the car into drive heading off towards her place, which was definitely uptown.
The ride was alright Elizabeth ended up actually stopping to pick up some Chinese takeout, not before placing large sunglasses on her face, and slipping on a hat, after doing a little research y/n now knew a lot more about the star Elizabeth Olsen, so they realized more on why the older women was so privet. With that Lizzie left y/n in the car for a minute to think about their growing feelings for the older woman.
In the blink of an eye, Elizabeth handed off the food to yourself to hold onto it while she continue driving back to her place, unlike your college apartment, she lives in a beautiful penthouse in Manhattan, it's more relaxing, then hanging out on y/n's twin size bed that's for sure.
"Y/n? You alright? Something seems off" Lizzie asked not once looking away from the road as she pulled in to her buildings car park, fully stop in the car before turning her head.
"Oh yeah I'm fine haha" was the quick response given before hopping out of the car and carrying the food while also following her into the elevator.
Elizabeth was extremely smart. She could tell by body language alone, something was up in y/n's mind, I mean, the older woman could read the younger one like a book.
Elizabeth unlock the penthouse through the elevator, before allowing y/n inside, taking the food from the younger girl to go dishes onto plates before bringing it up to the living room so that they could watch a movie and chill, yet there was definitely a motive in Elizabeth mind.
Lizzie handed a plate of fried rich and sweet-and-sour chicken to y/n before sitting down next to them herself, reaching for the remote, and turning on a film that was unfamiliar to y/n, yet they just kinda went with it.
I didn't take long for y/n to realize why Elizabeth pick this movie, the opening scene was a little steamy, yet pretty damn hot, as they both finished eating and setting the plates on the coffee table, Liz reached over pulling y/n closer into her body.
You started to move around more, from discomfort, but honestly, the movie was quite a turn on, and it didn't help that the beautiful woman you are falling in love with is running her fingers threw your hair, ever now and then she moves her fingers down your back before going back to your hair.
"Y/n you seem to be distracted, you alright" Lizzie chimed in at a random point her voice staying soft yet it was a harsh rip back to reality.
"Yeah yeah I'm fine!"
"Really honey, you seem all bothered?" the other woman was relentless, she knew y/n was turned on and she was interested in pushing y/n to their breaking point.
Elizabeth went with the bolder option, pulling y/n more into her lap before kissing the side of their neck, moving slowly upwards pulling soft airy moans from y/n as Lizzie reached y/n's mouth turning the younger one to face her now as they made out.
Y/n pulled away desperate for air gaining a smirk from Elizabeth before she spoke
"And here I thought that movie didn't effect you, saying you're fine hmm?" The older women teased.
"Is this okay baby?" Elizabeth asked gaining consent before continuing her game.
With the yes coming quickly from y/n lizzie moved her hands down to the waistband of the sweat pants the younger one was wearing, reaching through their folds
"baby you're fucking dripping" was the first thing that came from Elizabeth, as she pulled her fingers back shoving them into y/n mouth.
"Clean them off."
Soon Elizabeth pushed y/n off her lap, standing up, which caused a whine to fall from y/n's lips.
"Mmm why don't you go to the bedroom, I'll be right there" Elizabeth instructed causing y/n to jump up and move to the bedroom, sitting on the bed patiently waiting for the older women.
A small gasp fell out of y/n's mouth as Lizzie came on with a rather large strap around her waste, and a very pretty and lacy lingerie set hugging her body wonderfully.
"You have a staring problem princess" Elizabeth stated strutting closer to the younger one, before hovering over y/n.
"Strip." The demand left no room for argument as y/n stood up and undressed form the comfortable sweatpants and hoodie they had thrown on for their classes this morning.
"Pretty pretty girl, I can't wait to take you" Elizabeth groan out her words as she shoved y/n down onto the bed taking them in as her eyes freely roamed causing y/n to get a little shy and impatient.
"Why don't you tell me what you want baby?" Elizabeth pressed, wanting to get something out of y/n
"You, I want you now" y/n said deprecarla and that was enough to get a rise out of the older women.
The celebrity reached for their tits harshly causing y/n to squeal in reaction to the strong grip, running a pleasurable pain throughout their body, going straight to y/n's core,
"Please mommy just fuck me" y/n cried out causing Lizzie to freeze for a moment, which forced y/n to realize what just came from her mouth.
"I-I'm sorry!" Y/n tried to get an apology out, but was cut off by Elizabeth
"No say it again"
"Mommy?" Y/n question still in a vulnerable position.
"Yes, I like it" Elizabeth stated before going back to messing with y/n's tits, the actresses hands were roaming on their body.
"Now, what do you want from me princess?"
"Fuck me please mommy" y/n complied quickly Lizzie lined up quickly, with a cock a bit bigger then last time, honestly it was a bit worrying.
Lizzie did add lube before hand, yet it was still large, as she slowly started to slip into y/n's core. Slowly bottoming out, the older women could see the bulge in y/n's stomach as Lizzie gave them a quick moment to adjust before trusting harshly. Making y/n yelp out at the quick pleaser rush.
"Goddamn I've been waiting to fuck you" the women groan making her trust quicker, fucking y/n in to mattresses as they let out high pitched moans.
" baby you are so tight, and you are taking my cock so well" Elizabeth pushed out never once's lightening up and by this point y/n was starting to be fucked dumb, they could only respond in incoherent mumbles, letting the older women have their way with them. Y/n was starting to get close when Elizabeth pulled out quickly causing their whole build up to be flushed down the drain, quickly y/n leaned up on their elbows, looking at Lizzie like a sad puppy.
"Aww look at you, so needy, and sad you didn't get off hmm? You know mommy is a little tired maybe you should encourage me to let you cum?" the actress purred and the college student knew what they were asking for and like they y/n was quickly begging. Pulling herself up to her knees before they started
"Please please let me get off. I'll do whatever you want just please fuck me till I cum!" Y/n spilled out as Elizabeth laughed at her, yet also the women shoved y/n back down onto the bed and started railing them once's again, quick and deep causing that same feeling to return to y/n's stomach, Elizabeth was rutting into y/n, the sound of sex mixed with loud moans filled the room.
"Fuck can I cum? Can I cum? Please!" Y/n pushed out fast almost not comprehendible, yet Elizabeth allowed it. With a loud moan y/n let go coating the faux cock with their cum, Elizabeth kept the cock inside the younger one, reaching down to kiss y/n harshly, waiting for them to calm down, before pulling the cock out of y/n.
"I think you can handle one more orgasm don't you?" Lizzie said kinda in a mocking tone as she removed the strap from her own waist and reaches into the nightstand for a vibrator, pulling one out.
Elizabeth moved keep y/n on the bottom, as she placed the vibrator using some rope she threw on the floor earlier to keep the vibrator in place on y/n's clit. Clicking it on, immediately y/n responded with a low moan, still extremely sensitive, their body jerking quickly at first from the overstimulation. While the actress moved to throw her legs over both sides of y/n's face lowering herself.
"Get to work, when I cum so can you"
And like that y/n was eating Elizabeth out quickly, on a mission to make her cum fast, enjoying the sounds of the older women's moans, and the vibration running threw y/n were great motivation, the idea of getting off the hot women above them in return getting to cum themself.
"Fuck fuck y/n so good for mommy" Elizabeth praised feeling y/n's tongue on her clit was enough, for the older women to fold over and let go, her juices all over y/n's face.
Lizzie pulled herself off, quickly making out with y/n tasting herself, as y/n moaned into Lizzie's mouth as they both could still hear the vibrator going, and y/n could still feel it for sure, trying to hold themself together and not cum just yet. Elizabeth slowly pulled away still aware of the vibrator.
"You can let go baby" softly Elizabeth let y/n cum, yet she was still feeling in charge, and was having fun with this. And like that y/n let go with a deep moan, yet Lizzie didn't once even move, the vibrator kept going pushing y/n fully into a dumb mindset of overstimulation.
"You look so pretty, all hot and messy for me" Lizzie let off a small giggle as y/n jerked and squealed trying to pull away, yet Elizabeth held them their.
"Mmm let go one more time for mommy, and then you can be done."
Tears in y/n's eyes as they mumbled some curse words before letting go one more time with a loud high pitch moan.
And like that the vibrator was turned off and pulled away, and everything was done.
"You were so good for me y/n, so good" Elizabeth praised and y/n was clearly dazed.
Cleaning up the room a bit, before Elizabeth went back for y/n pulling the now calmer girl up to her feat, and leading them both into a bath the older women had drawn for the two of them, giving them time to relax now together.
It was moments like this that made Elizabeth question the relationship of sugar mommy, yes, she pays the younger girl, and yes the younger girl attends to her needs, it's just does Lizzie want more, does y/n even like Elizabeth is this just for the money even though she liked supporting the girl financially yet if so, Elizabeth could pay up and go, but no matter how hard she tries it seems like a real relationship with feelings is forming.
Now laying in the bath all the feeling inside Elizabeth mind as y/n laid on top of her, resting her eyes it seemed. Yet all thought stopped when the small
"I love you" slipped from the young college students mouth, and that was enough for the older women.
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krazyyyyyy · 2 months
A True Friend Hyugo x Reader
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While skipping class, a certain someone joins you
Words: 819
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You rested your back against the trunk of an oak tree, your eyes tiredly reading the text of a novel your English professor had recently assigned to you, given your continuous procrastination throughout the week and your avoidance of reading the book. The paper you were supposed to write about the book was due tomorrow morning, and you hadn’t even started it or finished the book itself. That’s how you ended up out here, skipping class in the open fields behind your school, attempting to finish the book before the school day ended. You’d probably have to pull an all-nighter to write the paper, but that was a problem for later on.
You felt at ease where you sat, the soft bark of the oak tree against your back, the cool shade providing a respite from the sun's heat. While a subtle breeze, carrying the scent of grass and earth flowed freely around you. The chirping of birds and the gentle rustling of leaves in the wind were the only sounds you heard as you continued reading.
As you focused on the book, a faint sound caught your attention. It was the sound of soft, barely audible footsteps as they drew closer to you.
Suddenly, a cheerful voice rang out from right next to you.
“Whatcha reading?”
A smile appears on your face at the familiar voice of your friend, Hyugo. “Jane Eyre. I guess it’s about an orphan girl struggling in life. It’s actually not that bad.” You reply without looking away from your book.
He smiled as he curiously looked over your shoulder to examine the book's contents. 
He then laughed “Since when do you skip class to read?”
You let out a sigh. “Since today… I have to finish this book and then write a paper about it, all by tomorrow morning, or else I can kiss my A in English goodbye.” You glance at the boy curiously, “What are you doing out here anyway, Hyugo?”
Hyugo kept his usual smile as he sat on the grass next to you, leaning back onto the tree with his hands resting behind his head. “I didn’t feel like going to my history class. It’s so boring (Y/N)!” He pouts.
You laugh, shaking your head in amusement, “You never feel like going to class. How in the world are you still in the student council?”
He shrugs, smiling, “I guess I'm just that amazing.” You suppose he wasn't totally wrong, but you wouldn’t tell him that; Hyugo always managed to be at the top of the class, regardless of whether he showed up to class or not. Knowing his secretive nature, you’d probably never figure out how he does it.
 You roll your eyes, turning your attention back to your book. The two of you sit in comfortable silence—that is, until Hyugo decides to speak again a couple of moments later.
“You think you’ll ever make it to the Higher Class?”
Instantly, the book before you didn’t seem as interesting anymore. Everyone at your school dreamed of being a part of the Higher Class, but only very few actually succeeded in making it in. Even if you’re born rich, it's not always guaranteed you’ll make it, especially when everyone makes mistakes…
You close the book, setting it down beside you. “I hope so. It would take a huge burden off my family’s shoulders…I don’t think I can afford to fail.” You let your head fall against the tree in exasperation, looking to the sky in an attempt to ignore the aching in your chest. Knowing you were your family's last hope broke you in ways you never thought possible.
A sudden weight and softness on your shoulder snap you out of your daze. You look over to see Hyugo resting his head on your shoulder with his eyes closed. “(Y/N), If you ever need anything…and I mean anything, let me know. I’ll be there…Always.” He mumbles into your shoulder.
“Thank you, Hyugo,” You whisper, keeping your emotions in check. “But I have to do this myself.” You had to endure this burden alone, regardless of the support you were offered. You made a promise to your father, and you intended to keep it.
Hyugo sighs. “I know, but it’s good to remember that there are people who…” He pauses, choosing his next words carefully. “... really care about you.”
You smile, resting your head on his. “You worry too much.”. 
He chuckles. “If I don’t, who will?” He then yawns, nestling his head comfortably on your shoulder. It doesn’t take long before he’s fast asleep and quietly snoring.
Although tempted to finish your book, you can’t help but give in to the temptation of sleep as your eyes grow weary. Nuzzling into the softness of Hyugo’s hair, you fall asleep without a single worry on your mind for the first time in a long time.
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one-piece-aus · 24 days
Unbottle Your Emotions
Eutass Kid x Reader (Part 1)
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Ahoy readers! Some of you who read my Whumptober works know I made two short whumps of Kid in a highschool AU and I can tell you enjoyed those angsty works. I've dug around in my drafts and found this, I wrote it a few years ago but nonetheless, it's the beginning of this story so I thought why not post it? Part 1 | Part 2
Enjoy ^-^
"Alright, class," Makino addressed you and your classmates once she finished attendance. "I have a partner project for you to work on for the next two weeks. Before you ask, I have already assigned who you'll be working with."
You glanced over to Hawkins, if you were lucky you'd be partnered with him. The two of you were loners who stuck together. You found it easier to work with him since you kinda were on the same level when it came to that. He made eye contact with you and knew you wanted him to check his chances of being paired with you. He drew his cards under his desk before looking back to you and shaking his head. You sighed, pulling up your hood and resting your head on your arms, you continued listening to your English teacher.
"You'll be choosing a topic to write about, whether it's a review of a movie or a poem about birds, I want the two of you to make it together. This will be a presentation assignment so make sure to capture your listeners' attention and practice what you'll be reading." Makino paused, going over to her laptop, and clicking a few keys before turning on the projector. "Here are your partners."
Once the screen had been displayed your eyes scanned over the list to find your name. You saw Hawkins got paired with Cavendish, you almost felt bad for him until your eyes landed on who you paired with. The person Makino assigned you to work with was Eustass Kid.
He was the most hostile guy at school, it was no secret the guy had anger issues and was completely obnoxious. You avoided him like the plague for two reasons: 
1. You were a good student and just wanted to learn, obnoxious kids disrupt the silence and your ability to learn. 
2. You could only tolerate someone directing their anger at you for so long before crying; not that they made you feel sad, but because you felt anger at them and wished to shout back at them to defend yourself, yet you held your tongue back since you didn't want to cause further trouble; that bottled up emotion stressed tears out of you. 
You hated crying because that made you think you appeared hurt and weak when in reality you were angry and frustrated, the more you felt it the more the tears came. That's why tried to quickly get out of the predicaments if you were ever in them.
The quickest way you dealt with someone's anger and got out of the problem was ignoring them if they were just insulting you or apologizing respectfully if you did something to piss them off. Since you pulled off these things well without appearing to be phased and having acknowledgement of the issue with genuine respect, those in school weren't aware you had a limit. However, you witnessed how Kid gets whenever someone pisses him off, you knew there'd be no way you could keep the bottle closed if he directed his anger at you, so that's why you always duck away when you saw Kid coming.
Internally you panicked when you saw you were assigned to be his partner. You didn't know how you managed to get this far acting as a ghost while being in the same classes as him this semester. You usually weren't in a corner or by the window, you were near the front of the room, second row and just two desks away from being in the center of the class, great for viewing the board. Perhaps you were a ghost to Kid since he sat around the back near the window.
Kid raised his head and looked around, searching for you, you pulled your hood further over you and lowered your head to face away from Kid. "Oi, Teach! Which one's the one I'm working with?" You heard Kid ask, I guess he really didn't know who you are.
You listened to the footsteps of the teacher, drawing towards you just as a brush does to the paints on a pallet. You feel her gentle hand rub your head, maybe thinking you were asleep, you did come in class yawning. You hesitantly lifted your head, looking up at Makino and seeing her smile. Oh, bless her heart for being kind and welcoming, wishing to create a pleasant and welcoming place for her class, but that's what's going to bite you in the ass because it meant you couldn't get out of this since she wanted her class to be comfortable with each other. You sighed, making it a sound like a yawn, and sat up but still kept your hood on.
"This is [L/n], Eustass," Makino told Kid, gesturing to you before she went to another student who had raised their hand.
You didn't say a word, instead, you took out your notes and reviewed them to see which ones you needed for the project. The daunting sound of Kid approaching your desk only made you read through your notes more frantic until he sat down in the chair in front of you with a scowl on his face. You looked away from your notes, masking your uneasy state as you finally spoke to him.
"Hi! Sorry- I was searching for the notes we'll probably need!" You apologized then glanced back at the papers and began putting the ones you didn't need back in your binder. You just needed to get on his good side, if you didn't irritate him you two could get this project over with and never have to speak to each other again, that's how classmates go.
"At least you seemed to know what you're doing," Kid responded, eyes gazing over the many notes you've jotted down as you slipped them away in the binder.
"Uh- you can pick whatever you wanna do for the project if you want," you told him and put your binder into your bag. "I'm uh- fine with whatever unless you wanted to ask the teacher to work with a friend instead, then I'll find a topic to work on by myself."
"None of my friends are in this class," he shrugged and folded his arms. "Besides I know Makino wouldn't change my partner even if I asked, I'm just glad it's not strawhat I'm working with again."
"Strawhat? Luffy?" You tilted your head, not recalling Luffy being in your class.
"He was in one of my classes last semester and we had Makino as our teacher," Kid explained as put his arms on your desk, taking up half the space.
"You know the guy?" Kid inquired, raising a non-existent eyebrow at you.
"Not really."
"Good, he's annoying and so are his friends."
You sweatdropped unsure how to respond to his complaint. Normally you'd let some continue their rants until they were done, especially if they had anger issues you didn't want to trigger them, but you wanted to get everything figured out before class was over.
"So did you have something in mind?" You asked getting back on topic.
"We're not writing poetry, that's for damn sure," he grumbled, pushing his cheek onto his knuckled fist.
'How ironic, that's probably what Cavendish and Hawkins are,' you thought to yourself as you glanced at the two blonds. Cavendish seemed to be boasting about myself again, maybe being partnered with Kid wasn't so bad.
"Have you listened to any metal songs?" Kid inquired, throwing his idea out there.
"Really?" he questioned, not believing you.
Kid's eyes widened in surprise. "Wait, really?!"
"Uh yeah." How many times were you going to have to repeat yourself?
"Huh, I didn't think you'd listen to that kind of music."
You shrugged. "My dad got me into metal and rock when I was younger. Better than what plays on the radio."
"You don't have to tell me twice. Idiots that listen to what they play on there now don't know what real music is."
You chuckled, agreeing with Kid, maybe he wasn't so bad. "I guess we found our topic. Now we need to figure out how we'd be writing it." You flipped over one of your papers and started writing down a few methods. "Fan letter to the artist, a review of the song, analysis of the lyrics-"
A loud buzz rang throughout the school and repeated itself, you cringed at the obnoxious noise blaring in your ear. Someone must've started a fire in the bathroom again. Your class filed out of the room, merging into the sea of students exiting the building. You wanted to cover your ears as the noise became louder in the halls but you didn't want to appear like a weirdo using your hands, you had wireless earbuds but that wasn't something to take out in the stampede you were in since you could drop one. You just had to suffer internally.
Once outside, you went and stood by Hawkins while waiting for the fire department to find the fire. You rubbed your ears now that you were away from the crowd and just had your fellow loner next to you.
"Acting like a cat again, [Y/n]?" Hawkins asked, seeing you paw your ears. He often compared to his cat, Faust.
"Yeah, my ears just hurt from the noise." You despised noise.
"You should listen to some soothing frequencies after instead of your regular choice of music if you want your ears to recover properly," Hawkins advised.
"Ehhhh... I might have to this time."
"Oh?" Hawkins glanced at you, inquiring you for further details. You didn't usually listen to him when he advised you to give your ear a break from your music, hence why he grew curious to understand why you were thinking of taking his suggestion.
"I might be hearing more noise today at school but once I get home I'll probably be able to listen to it."
"And what makes you think you'll be hearing more noise?"
"I don't know, maybe-"
"OI! [L/N]!" Kid shouted to get your attention as he marched over to you.
You flinched at his voice in that tone, and the irritated expression on his face made you think you did something wrong. You turned to him and held your arm behind your back.
"Sorry, what did you need Kid?"
"Give me your phone."
"What?" You feel your chest begin to burn and you know your forehead will begin to paint itself red.
"I need it to put my contact in your phone."
You were going to push back but you folded your tongue seeing the impatient scowl Kid wore. Not questioning him further, taking your phone out of your pocket. Unlocking it, you hastily clicked over to your contact app and handed it over to the redhead before you could see him grow more impatient.
Kid, just about to add a new contact, couldn't help but notice how you only had five contacts on your phone. Only three out of the five weren't family-related. Did you just not add people to your phone? He scoffed the thought off, it wasn't his business. He began typing his number into your phone.
You wanted to ask why Kid needed to put his contact in your phone, however, your bottled emotion prevented you from speaking your question. Kid seemed pissed enough, you weren't going to attempt to do anything that might push him off the edge. You shifted your footing, the expression on your face displaying your unease.
"Perhaps you should tell why you're adding your number to her phone," Hawkins spoke up for you.
"Fuck off Basil, it's not your business," Kid barked.
"It may not be mine but it is [Y/n]'s business to know since it is her phone," Hawkins stated unphased by Kid. Oh, how you wished to be as stoic as Hawkins. Granted, you did a good job ninety percent of the time but it crumbled easily in the presence of hostile or authoritative anger.
Kid glared at Hawkins for a moment before he handed you back your phone, his attention now on you. "Send me a text," he instructed you and pulled out his phone.
You weren't sure what exactly to send so you just typed 'Hi' into the chat. A ding came from Kid's phone and he checked the message to make sure it came from you. Comparing his screen to yours, you felt your hands brush against each other. The chills surfing across your body turned your body pale from how uncomfortable you felt to Kid standing this close to you. You wanted to isolate yourself in your room, though when Kid moved away you couldn't help but be grateful.
"Alright, I got it." Kid put his phone in his pocket and started walking away. "Text me about our project later."
You stood there confused with the hidden parts of your head burning red. You didn't understand why Kid confronted you like that when he could've easily asked when the two of you got back to class. You stared in the direction Kid left until a concerned hand rested on your shoulder and you let out a breath you didn't know you were holding. Glancing over, you met Hawkins' crimson eyes.
"The cards said you needed a comforting hand," Hawkins said unsure if he helped. "There was an 80% chance you would've shed tears if not."
Right, Hawkins is the only one who knew of your bottled frustration; he saw it happen when he walked in the middle of you being scolded by a teacher. Anyone else would've thought you were upset and sad but he could read the frustration and anger written on your face, and he drew the cards to double-check. The two of you never spoke of it at first, but after you began to hang around, and he saw it a few more times, he offered to be there for you if you ever needed a quiet place and a listening ear.
"Once the firemen are done we'll be in second period," Hawkins informed you, shifting the topic away from what just happened. He knows you don't like to stay stuck in your conflicted emotions.
"So that's why Kid did that..." You glance at the phone in your hand to see the time; English is over. Slipping it into your pocket, you groaned, realizing something. "Hhhhh, that means we still have to get our stuff from English... We have drama next class, right?"
"Hmm." Hawkins nodded.
"Can you please get my stuff, I don't think I can face Kid again at the moment."
"Very well, [Y/n]."
"Thanks, I'll treat you to lunch."
"Does that mean we'll go to the vegan restaurant?" You've known Hawkins long enough to tell the subtle delight in his monotone.
"For doing this-" You turned to him, a grateful small smile drawn on your face. "Yes."
Tag: @lil-skelly-bones
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uselesssomebody · 2 years
𝕝𝕚𝕜𝕖 𝕥𝕠 𝕝𝕠𝕧𝕖 - eddie munson x reader
complete masterlist | stranger things masterlist | eddie munson masterlist
"𝕨𝕖 𝕜𝕖𝕖𝕡 𝕥𝕙𝕚𝕤 𝕝𝕠𝕧𝕖 𝕚𝕟 𝕒 𝕡𝕙𝕠𝕥𝕠𝕘𝕣𝕒𝕡𝕙 𝕨𝕖 𝕞𝕒𝕕𝕖 𝕥𝕙𝕖𝕤𝕖 𝕞𝕖𝕞𝕠𝕣𝕚𝕖𝕤 𝕗𝕠𝕣 𝕠𝕦𝕣𝕤𝕖𝕝𝕧𝕖𝕤" - photograph | ed sheeran
words || 𝟙.𝟠𝕜
summary || in which eddie finds a picture in the reader's locker
a/n || alright i dunno the etiquette of answering an open-ended request like this but i wrote @eddiemunsonfix's open-ended request/call to action. i read it last night and absolutely adored it; i hope i did it justice. ➵ i just hit 400?? y'all i love you guys toooo much; i'll create like a prompt list at some point this week (fingers crossed) as a little follower special. thank you guys for liking my work enough to follow me - i appreciate each and every single one of you
request || "Imagine you and Eddie haven’t been dating for very long so it’s all still very new to him but he notices you have a picture of him hanging in your locker at school and he just gets all smiley and flustered and adORABLE SOMEONE PLEASE WRITE THIS FOR ME"
warnings || fluff
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"hey, good morning!" you lightly poked at his half-sleeping form, which had been slumping onto the library table the two of you were sharing. your first period had been a free one - and you were sure eddie was missing english for this, though no amount of convincing from your end had convinced him to sit through the boring lectures of mrs. o'donnell.
besides, what kind of boyfriend would he be to abandon his girl at her time of need?
"hmm?" he doesn't raise his head, but at least you know he's awake. it was, when you checked your watch 3 minutes ago, 8:47, and you knew for a fact he rarely woke up before 10:00, missing a large chunk of his morning classes. though, since he met you, he was quick to realize that that large chunk of classes were the few that you shared. since then, he'd been trudging to school early to sit through those periods with you - regardless of how tired he was.
though, you figured this was a solid arrangement for the both of you: he was waking up earlier and missing less classes, and you got his lovely company. of course, today that company was a little lackluster, considering his current, slumped state.
though, as much as you loved him, just his presence was probably his best feature during these - rather one-sided - study sessions. his input to your work always tended to come in rather long-winded book metaphors, or would branch into tangents about completely unrelated things.
you never expected that a simple question - more to yourself than anything else - about the structure of the government to lead him into a very passionate spiel about the failures of capitalism and the gory history of america, all supplemented by surprisingly good parallels that he drew from fantasy literature.
you'd listened to the whole thing, both enraptured by his intelligence and voice, and simultaneously in disbelief at the lack of his application in his english class.
unfortunately, that had come at the cost of a hurriedly written essay that evening, but you figured it was worth it.
you found your hand curl around the spine of the book you were studying, while your other one weaved its way through his hair, the black strands parting ever so slightly at the combing of your fingers, before joining once again. you had a fascination with it, constantly tying it up and the not, and you were sure that he similarly adored that fascination, finding a sense of peace settle over him whenever you played with his hair.
unfortunately, today that sense of peace came in the form of a snore emitting from the table. your eyes widened as you studied the slow, but steady rise and fall of his form, making you suppress a smile.
"good night." it was a whisper, as you went back to your book.
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you guys had only been dating - should memory serve you correctly - for two months now. though, you guys had been friends for a lot longer, the both of you finding some solace in each other that wasn't really granted by anyone else at hawkins high.
you guys were different, sure, with your studious nature, mild clothing and soft smile a very direct and very visible contrast from his dark clothing and his held-back-for-two-years, outwardly scary persona.
though, you supposed that's what you liked about him. that you were the one to peel back his layers, you were the one to see his intelligence, and that you were the one to cherish his soft side. he was so unique, with a magnetic energy and a soft smile that left you feeling happy regardless of what your situation was.
similarly, he liked the sweetness of your tone, the adoration of your gaze, the way you'd do things like tie his hair up, let him sleep on your chest as you watched movies and hold his hand when you were stressed - without even realizing it. he liked to be loved, and you liked to love him - without any worry of what others thought of him.
when these feelings fester in a friendship, it doesn't take long for one - or, in this case, both, to be hopelessly enamored with the other in a way that friends really shouldn't. so, when you'd finally let it spill one night - you were absolutely mortified, sure that you'd just lost the best friend you'd ever had.
that was, until he took your worried face in his calloused hands, allowing himself to kiss you in a way he'd wished to do for so long.
since then, he'd been trying his hardest to be the model boyfriend, worried that - at some point - you would realize how huge of a mistake this was and he'd lose the best thing that ever happened to him.
everything was still so novel to the both of you, and, although you'd known each other for so long, it was hard not to feel as though you're being introduced to a new person.
eddie didn't mind - in fact, it made him ecstatic. he felt as though he got to meet you, got to know you, and got to fall in love with you all over again.
what's not to love?
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the bell ringing signaled the end of your last period, as your entire class gratefully left mr. wright's painfully boring math class. you found yourself a little preoccupied with a test that he had assigned for next week, going over what content you'd have to study for it, when two hands wrapped themselves around your waist.
your squeak of shock quickly turned into a sigh of relief when you looked down to see his signature rings across the cinch of your blouse.
"god! eddie - don't-" he cuts you off with a peck to your lips, and your unable to stop your smile.
"how was mr. wrong?" it was a nickname for the math teacher after an incident two months ago, where he nearly failed everyone in the classes' tests due to an error he had made. the name had stuck, and you were just shocked it hadn't come along sooner - as it was pretty obvious.
"awful, but how would you know?" he holds his hands up - a playfully guilty look on his face. he'd gone to wright's class a grand total of 10 times the entire year, and it was something you'd lightly chastised him for several times.
your locker's being stubborn to you, and eddie's quick to step in and help; some of these lockers truly required a brute force to open, and his attempt similarly took a few tries. finally, though, the pastel door very creakily opened, allowing you to put your books away and collect your things.
usually, eddie would find himself twiddling his thumbs off to the side, or rambling about something or the other as he waited for you to finish up. today, though, his prior action allowed him a full view of the contents of your locker. he wanted to avert his gaze - although he knew you didn't really care if he looked in your locker, he still found it a bit of an invasion of privacy.
that's exactly what he's going to do, before his eyes stop at a picture attached to one of the shelves when you could keep your books. it was hanging on the shelf, allowing anyone who opened it to have a direct view of it.
he was uncharacteristically quiet, and you'd just caught onto it.
"everything alright?" you mumble, not turning your head from the books that you were planning on taking home.
"what's that?" his response leaves his lips as soon as your question comes, and you look at where his gaze lies, right on the picture that you'd put up a few days ago.
it was really cute - a picture snapped by one of your friends - you were pretty sure it was robin - as your entire group had been hanging out one late saturday evening. robin was a vocal supporter of your guys' relationship, bordering on the edge of sounding like a mom as she fawned over just how cute the two of you are.
that had prompted her to take the picture, wherein the both of you were sprawled onto the picnic blanket you'd brought, you trying to get some semblance of tan in the hot august weather and him absolutely ruining any chance of that, his head on your chest and his hair sprawled across your body.
he had a cheeky smile on his face - like he knew exactly what he was doing - while yours had a bright one on it, your hand resting on his cheek as the sun hit your bodies just right.
usually, steve would make some joke about leaving the photography to jonathan, but even he kind of gawked in awe at her perfect timing when taking the picture. you'd swiped it off of her, unsure of where to put it so as to cherish it best.
finally, you settled on your locker, liking the fact that you could get a good look at it in between your monotonous classes - especially on the days where you two didn't have many classes together.
you look at eddie to see him with redder cheeks than usual, a huge smile both present on his lips and eyes.
"it was from last saturday - remember? robin took it?" he did remember, but he assumed that you'd gotten rid of it, or that it had found its way into one of those drawers or boxes where you kept all your old pictures. but, to see that you had taken it and put it in a place where you could see it everyday made him feel like a boy with a schoolyard crush again.
"yeah - uh, you kept it in your locker?" you looks at him, unsure of exactly what he's asking.
"yeah, i did... do you want me to take it out? is it too public-" you go to grab the picture, but his hand stops you.
"no, no - i love it. you just - it's a picture of us." the last bit is a whisper, and there's a hint of pride in his voice. it makes you turn to look at him. he looks - well, giddy is the easiest way to describe it, with his eyes large and sweet and his smile stretching further along his cheeks.
"it's cute, right?" you mumble, looking at the picture with him.
"so cute." his voice makes it sound like he's exaggerating, but he's not - he loves the way that you look in it, and the way that both of you look. you notice his reaction, before also smiling widely.
"alright, let's stop by the general store before we get home." you know he's going to ask why, so you finish your thought, "we need to buy a camera."
eddie's quick to agree to the idea, wanting to see the walls of the locker plastered in pictures like that - pictures so innately them.
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wayshadow · 3 months
More BlaCaviar/Pearlviar
I had done this a while ago, but many times I just scan the drawings and completely forget about them in my "Scan" folder. Also, lately I have been very stressed and losing hours of sleep, nothing serious, just family events and the fact that I am close to finishing my university degree. I've also been a little addicted to ARK: Survived Ascended but that's another topic.
Anyway, as I was coming up, a long time ago I had made a story that I never finished, but maybe one day it will end (XD) as soon as I drew it and I forgot about it. After years of the beginning of the marriage of Black Pearl and Caviar, adding the birth of their two daughters, the republic never knew who Black Pearl really was, it was only known that the Duskgloom Sea attacks had stopped, no one knew the reason, It just happened, without imagining that the beast of the Duskgloom Sea now inhabited the republic.
For a reason that I have not yet questioned, the republic ends up finding out who BlackPearl is, causing panic in the republic (Something not very surprising yupee) in addition to the fact that the sailors who have lost ships and family in the Duskgloom Sea, made a demonstration in they seeks justice since BlackPearl is responsible for those losses, she knows it, but she has changed and tries to make an apology that obviously no one accepts, they want to bring her to justice or take justice into their own hands. Caviar, who defends his wife, knows that there must be justice but not in that way, but the inhabitants of the Republic take him as an accomplice of the "Beast of the Duskgloom Sea" where things end up getting out of control, since even the Other Elders of the Republic get involved, Custard II being one of the most involved, since he sees the Sovereign of Duskgloom Sea as a great help to defend the republic, basically, a weapon.
As he is the "Leader" of the Elders of the Republic, he decides to propose a deal to Captain Caviar and BlackPearl, where he would calm all the Republicans, forgive the mermaid's crime but only if she agrees to be part of the arms of the Republic. republic, although it is a good proposal, neither Black Pearl nor Caviar are convinced when they learn of the bad tricks of Custard II, by not accepting a whole disaster results that ends in the separation of the members of the Salty Shark, the imprisonment of Caviar and the capture of BlackPearl. And I left it until then, I didn't take up the topic again because I was busy with my classes.
Regarding the separation of the Salty Shark, it was to keep Caviar and BlackPearl's daughters safe, since, if they try to use BlackPearl as a form of weapon or defense of the republic, they could do it with the girls as well, after They are all half Mermaids, this would lead to an adventure in the ocean, where the girls find out that they are like their mother, seek help from BlackPearl's sisters and blablabla. I stayed there and didn't continue, maybe one day I'll come back but, that's the context of these doodles
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All the text above was translated with Google Translate, English is not my first language.
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gellertalbus · 1 year
Hi! What’s your take on Gellert childhood and Durmstrang years?
❗ long post warning ❗
very VERY interesting question, thank you anon! Trying to guess Gellert's childhood is one of my fav hobbies. Let's get on with it!
Family: my headcanon is that he comes from a rich austrian pureblood family. Like his father probably worked for the austrian/german ministry or had a (boring) high position due to his family name. From his mother side, someone must've been a Seer in the past leading that part of the family to be slightly hung up on Divination while his father was more skeptical about it. They lived in Vienna but also had an old half-abandoned castle among the Alps, the future Nurmengard. Gellert absolutely loved to go there. He was an only child. Also my headcanon is that he played the violin. I read a lot of fics where Gellert plays some music instrument and it's mostly the piano, but i think the violin suits him more. I myself am a fan of violin music and the wide range of its sounds (gentle, enigmatic, elegant, epic, rough, romantic, sensual, tragic) is like Gellert's personality put into music. Also, Jamie playing the violin? That is a sight to behold!!
Looks: he has his mother's blonde curls and cherubic aura (she is a Bagshot from her mother's side, hence she's Bathilda's niece) while his chiseled features and overall facial structure come from his father.
Childhood: i imagine he was a very energic and impulsive kid, always moving, always doing something, learning, exploring, daring, spending a LOT of time on books but also outside. He often disobeyed his parents using his precocious powers whenever he wanted and not really caring about the consequences. This unsettled Herr and Frau Grindelwald, like i'm not saying they were scared of their son, but they knew Gellert was different, that he could do things other kids his age couldn't, that he was a prodigy (i just KNOW baby gellert was capable of intentional wandless magic and no one can change my mind). He received a strict education as it usually was in the 19th century, learned different languages such as english, french and russian and could dance a damn fine waltz.
The Sight: he had his first vision when he was about six/seven. They were just brief glimpses like flashes that left him very confused and shaken up. As the visions came more frequently and more unsettling he began to kinda isolate himself, being more silent and less lively. Like if you think about it, having the Sight is a very awful business, i'm not trying to justify his future actions whatsoever, just saying that waking up every day knowing that all kinds of horror and destruction might happen in the future SUCKS and that surely took a toll on his soul and personality.
Durmstrang: this is rather obvious but he was top of the class in pretty much everything, like from a certain point professors didn't know what else to teach him so he just sat at the end of the class bored as fuck. Students either feared him due to his Sight and the common knowledge he delved in Dark Magic more than the usual durmstrang policy allowed or they idolised him because of his charisma and idealism. He had friends but I'm not sure if he ever considered them as such, more like "people i happen to spend the time with". Some of them might've ended up as pawns in his grand scheme of things. Like this is one of the many factors that drew him to Albus. Being both brilliant, outstanding and always way ahead of the people around them, they surely must have felt constantly out of place, isolated, alone.
Possible trauma: Mads actually hinted at the possibility he went through some traumatic experience involving his family and the muggles hence his hate for them and i quite agree with him. Maybe his mother was killed? Both his parents? Again, give us some crumbs...
He saw Albus in his visions: this is a common headcanon and i couldn't not mention it. I think that yes he saw Albus in his visions way before he went to Godric's Hollow but did not necessarily act on it. Like he just kept Seeing him and felt a powerful connection to those blue eyes framed by gorgeous auburn hair ❤
Also, and i think we can all agree on this, Gellert is definitely a cat person right?
Thanks for your question, anon, and apologies for the rant! 🖤
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I'd Burn the City Down (To Show You the Light) - Chapter One
Pairings: Chrissy Cunningham x Reader, side Steve Harrington x Eddie Munson
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Work Summary:
All you wanted to do for your senior year of high school was keep your head down and scrape by, but a certain blonde in a very short skirt gets in your way.
Chrissy Cunningham x 'badgirl'!reader
Chapters: 1 2...
Rating: Explicit
Word Count: 2045
Read on AO3.
Taglist: @mrs-kai-anderson @ang3l1te @missryerye
Taglist info
hello my loves, here's the start of a Chrissy series that's been rolling around in my head for a while. Forgive me if there are any typoes, I've proofread like three times but I'm tired.
general series warnings for homophobia, eating disorders, violence, abusive parents, abusive relationships, also reader is a runaway who drinks and smokes weed, and she definitely has some internalised misogyny
Summer was dying, and you, who wore black jeans no matter how hot it got, couldn’t have been happier. Your trailer had no AC and you hated leaving your windows open at night.
Being a teenage girl living alone in a trailer park had made you cautious, and not without reason. In your experience, even men who seemed kind could turn out to be a threat.
Speaking of which, Eddie Munson was sitting on the front steps of his trailer, smoking a cigarette, as you stepped out of yours. With your schoolbag hanging off one shoulder, you locked your front door, and then shook the handle for good measure.
You avoided Eddie’s eyes, but he still called out to you. “Hey! Do you need a ride to school?”
“No, thanks.” He asked this on most days that he saw you, but usually you left so much earlier than he did that he didn’t have the opportunity. You would rather take the bus than get into the vehicle of a near-stranger. Particularly as you didn’t have anyone at home to notice if you went missing.
Usually Eddie knew better than to try and make conversation with you. You had made it very clear that you didn’t want to talk. But this morning, he stood up and began moving down the stairs towards you.
“Are you sure? It’s gonna be hot today. I’d hate for you to be stuck on a crowded bus-”
“Munson,” you interrupted as you drew level with him. He was still standing on the steps, so he towered over you.
“Fuck off.”
He raised his hands in surrender, a shit-eating grin on his face. “Fine. I was just trying to build bridges here, from one freak to another.”
You bristled. “Get fucked.”
His face fell at the anger on yours. “Wait, I didn’t mean-”
Before he could finish his sentence, you stalked away, your boots stomping heavily on the dry ground.
Eddie had been right about the bus. As the heat of the day rose, you found yourself sweating in a cramped tin can full of gross teenagers all trying to get to school. You closed your eyes and tried not to think about how pleasant it would be to stick your head out of the window of Eddie’s van and feel the wind in your hair.
It just wouldn’t be worth it.
When you got to school, you went straight to the restroom to spray yourself liberally with deodorant. You walked past a group of girls who were all wearing short skirts and low-cut tops, which was admittedly a much more practical way of dealing with the heat.
You tried not to stare. You weren’t about to be caught watching the sweat roll down into the crease of some cheerleader’s cleavage. Even glancing for a moment too long could be social suicide. Not that you weren’t already somewhat of a pariah. But at least, for the most part, the popular people left you alone.
Your first class of the day is English. That wouldn’t be too bad. As long as you kept your head down, the teacher didn’t bother you. Your grades weren’t great, but you kept up.
That was what you were hoping for, at least. This time, as you made for your usual seat at the back of the class, the teacher stopped you.
“You’re all going to be pairing up for a project, so you’ll need to sit with your partners.”
You felt the bottom fall out of your stomach. You hated group projects. You hated being forced to interact with people, and rely on them to get work done, and even worse, have them rely on you.
Your eyes scanned the blackboard, looking for your name in the list. You were paired up with Chrissy Cunningham.
That made your stomach clench. Not that Chrissy was particularly unkind, but she was a cheerleader, and she was friends with other cheerleaders, which meant that you were suddenly in their line of sight. That was the last thing you wanted.
Chrissy was sitting in the middle of the classroom, and the seat beside her was free. She was very pretty.  Of course she was pretty. She was head cheerleader. It was practically in the job description.
Her blonde hair was scraped up into a ponytail, held together by a green scrunchie. She was wearing her cheerleading uniform – why did cheerleaders always wear their uniforms to class? – and pulling her books out of her backpack.
You didn’t say a word as you slid into the seat beside her. She glanced up at you, and almost imperceptibly wrinkled her nose. But you saw it.
It was probably the two cigarettes you’d smoked after getting off the bus. Of course she didn’t smoke.
Her expression brightened, but you could tell her smile was fake. “Hi,” she said. “I guess we’re partners for the project.”
“That’s what the board says.” You turned back towards the front of the class, not looking at her. How had she managed to piss you off already?
“I have cheerleading practice after school, so do you wanna meet up at lunch to get started?”
You groaned internally. Lunch was your time to go and find a private spot and pretend the rest of the world didn’t exist. Still, you supposed it was better than staying late.
“Sure. Whatever.”
Some worksheets were handed out with details on the project. You had to research an author and give a presentation on their work. The presentation part would be easy, you supposed. Chrissy was pretty and charismatic, and clearly not shy, since she spent half her time doing flips in a tiny skirt, so you were sure you could persuade her to do the talking.
“Any ideas on who we should research?” Chrissy asked.
You shrugged. “I don’t care.”
Out of the corner of your eye, you saw her frown. “Okay.”
The rest of the lesson passed without incident. You hardly talked, which suited you just fine. At the end of the class, as you stood up to leave, Chrissy turned to you.
“Meet at the library at one o’clock?” Her tone indicated a question, but you could tell this wasn’t one.
“I’ll be there.”
You grumbled all the way to your next class. All you wanted to do was keep your head down and stay out of trouble for your senior year. Scrape by with C’s and graduate right in the middle of your class.
Group projects made that harder. You were sure Chrissy wasn’t going to be satisfied with your bare minimum of effort. She was never going to be valedictorian, but she was reasonably smart, and got above average grades.
Her parents probably would’ve paid for her to get a tutor if there was even a whiff of falling behind. Everything had to be perfect with girls like her.
For your next couple of classes, you resumed your spot at the back of the room, which you were grateful for the opportunity to do. You kept your mouth shut and teachers ignored you. Just how you liked it.
In Math class, which was your final period before lunch, you groaned at the sight of Eddie Munson sitting in your usual seat.
Although Eddie, like you, favoured the back of the class, it wasn’t usually an issue, because he skipped so much that you hardly saw him.
You resolutely avoided his eyes as you passed him to sit at the back on the opposite side.
“Hey neighbour,” he said, but you ignored him.
At lunch, you had a few minutes before you were supposed to meet Chrissy, so you made your way around the back of the school building and sparked up a joint.
You didn’t usually smoke weed during school hours, but you figured you were going to need it if you were going to deal with Chrissy for forty-five minutes. You sat on the grass with your back to the wall and ate your sandwich between tokes.
Once the hazy, relaxed feeling had set in, you sprayed yourself down with deodorant and made your way back inside.
As promised, Chrissy was waiting for you in the library. You were a few minutes late, so she appeared to be getting a start on some different homework, exercise books spread out in front of her.
She looked up as you approached, and frowned. You wondered if she could smell the weed you’d been smoking. You scowled at her defensively.
“Hey,” she said. “I had some thoughts about who we could do our report on, if you don’t have any ideas?”
“Sure, whatever,” you said, sitting down in the seat beside her.
“I want to research Alice Walker.”
“She wrote The Color Purple. I read it last year, and, well, it was really good.”
“I haven’t read it.”
“The library probably has a copy of it. It would help if you read it.”
“Mm,” you said, non-committally.
As it turned out, the library did not have a copy of The Color Purple. Chrissy seemed unfazed.
“That’s fine,” she said, breezily. “You can borrow my copy.”
You balked at the idea. Last year, some jewellery had gone missing from a girl’s bag in the locker room during gym class, and the girl accused you of taking it. The teachers had searched you, your bag, and your locker, and found no evidence of the theft. It turned out that the girl’s friends had taken it from her as a prank.
Maybe it was because you dressed like a punk, or maybe it was because you lived in a trailer park, but it wasn’t the first time you’d been accused of stealing. The idea of Chrissy lending you her book made you nervous.
As she pulled it from her bag, you noticed how battered it was. The publishing date on the inside cover read 1983, so you knew she couldn’t have even had it that long. This was evidently a prized possession, which only made your nervousness worse.
“You don’t have to-”
Chrissy waved her hand dismissively. “It’s fine. This project will be a lot easier if we both have a reference point for the writer. Unless you have any other ideas for authors?”
Begrudgingly, you shook your head. In truth, it had been a long time since you’d read a book outside of English class.
As a child, you’d loved to read. Whenever your parents’ screaming matches became too much, or you needed to stay out of the way, lest their anger be turned on you, you would take a book and go out into the woods to read.
You read your copy of Alice in Wonderland so many times that the spine was falling apart, and sometimes the pages fell out, so you had to slide them back in.
You hadn’t taken much with you when you’d run away from your parents’ home, but that battered old copy of Alice in Wonderland was still in a box under your bed in your trailer. You’d put it there when you moved in and hadn’t touched it since.
“No, no ideas,” you said. “Thanks.” You took The Color Purple and slid it into your bag.
“I was hoping we could get as much of this project done as possible this week, because next week I’ve got cheer practice most days.”
You gathered that there was some big football game coming up soon, not that you paid much attention to that kind of stuff. You weren’t exactly overflowing with ‘school spirit’. “…Right.”
She looked back at you thoughtfully, her head tilted to one side. “Do you wanna come to my house to work on it this weekend?” Your mouth fell open. “I know it’s not ideal but the school library is closed on the weekend and it’ll be an opportunity to get a big chunk of work done. My parents won’t be home on Saturday, so you don’t need to worry about them.”
“…Sure.” Your stomach twisted uncomfortably.
She scribbled her address down on a piece of paper and then handed it to you. “Alright, I’ve gotta go. My friends will be wondering where I am. See you this weekend.”
You sat there, watching her leave, feeling like you’d just been steamrollered.
Next Chapter
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dilemmaontwolegs · 1 year
You've put the thought into my head with these polls now and I'm afraid I don't care who wins, after you write the winning fic, I'm officially putting in a request for enemies to lovers for Dimitri Belikov×RoyalMoroi Reader. I will now check this blog every month for it and you are responsible for keeping my sanity intact 😭😭😭
Your wish is my command ♥️ It got way too long so I have broken it down into parts 😊
Dusters & Diamonds {1}
Dimitri Belikov x fem!Badica!reader Summary: After tragedy befalls your family you decide life is easier emotionally alienating everyone, except for one friend who has known you most of your life. Unfortunately, he comes with a certain dhampir. Warnings: reader is a bitch (but that will change in future parts) WC: 2.7k
Part 1 || Part 2 ||
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Senior Year - St Constantine’s Academy, St Constantine’s Province The room was full and class had already started by the time you arrived, the teacher pausing with an impatient twitch of his eye as you leisurely strolled in like you owned the place. In a way you kind of did, since your family owned the academy and all of the surrounding area. Mr Hamner wouldn’t dare to call you out for the tardiness, royals were treated, well, like royalty.
You let him get back to his English Lit lesson with a tip of your head and made your way to the back of the class where Ivan was sitting beside your empty desk. 
“Hey, Zeklos, you weren’t at my party last night,” you greeted as you dropped into the free space. “Ronny said you were busy with a little dhampir girl but that can’t be right. You wouldn’t blow me off for a dhampir.”
“Her name is Eloise, and she isn’t a little girl, she’s in our year,” Ivan replied under his breath while he took notes of the lesson. 
“So you did blow me off.”
Ivan dropped his pen and turned in his chair with a sigh. “Sorry, but you know I don’t care about royal parties, not when there’s bigger things happening beyond the school gates. I’m sorry.”
“You apologise too much,” you said with a cringe before flipping your notebook open. “It’s embarrassing for you.”
In the row ahead, Dimitri turned and narrowed his eyes at you. The dhampir was tipped to be the next best guardian to pass through the gates of St Constantine and like the rest of the guardians, he was a stickler for the rules. 
“What?” you growled at him. 
His brown eyes should have been plain compared to some of the electric blues that ran with the likes of the Ivashkov’s or Ozera’s but they reminded you of the acorns that fell at home in September. “Some of us are trying to learn,” he whispered and you caught yourself staring at his lips before breaking away with a laugh that drew even more attention your way. 
“Why does a guardian need to know about gothic literature?” you asked him, ignoring the tug Ivan gave to your arm in warning. “Shouldn’t you be with the other gym bunnies in training?”
“Miss Badica, is there a problem?” Mr Hamner asked as he stopped his lesson once again.
“I’m just a little confused why there’s any dhampirs in this class,” you said with an innocent shrug. “It almost seems rude to offer them an elective that a guardian will never have use of.”
“Then why do you take Home Economics?” Dimitri muttered too quietly for Mr Hamner to hear. “Don’t you have personal chefs?”
Ivan snorted a laugh that he tried to hide along with a few other students and you looked around at their snickering, your palms growing heated a second before fire erupted from them. The flames licked like fiery cat o’ nine tails, whipping the laughter from their faces before you blew a kiss, extinguishing all evidence of the attack in a split second.
Dimitri shook his head as the class erupted into chaos. “Nice tantrum, princess.”
You leaned over your desk close enough to see your reflection in his eyes as you threatened, “Call me princess again and see how you look with no eyebrows.”
“Miss Badica!” You startled away as Mr Hamner shouted from behind you after crossing the room with a growing red face. “To the headmaster’s office now. Mr Zeklos, make sure she gets there.”
Ivan swallowed at the thought of making you go anywhere you didn’t want to but you were already swinging your bag onto your back and walking out of the room. He caught up to you before you reached the stairs that led to the admin floor, his cheeks flushed pink from the short sprint.
“I can’t believe you did that,” Ivan said before backtracking. “Actually, I can, I just don’t understand why? You know all the dhampirs think you are a bitch.”
“I don’t care what they think.”
“Well you should. They are the ones who will be risking their lives to protect you when you graduate,” he argued. “It doesn’t hurt to be nicer to them.”
“Why? So I can lose them too?” A choked sound escaped your tightening throat and you growled in frustration as tears pricked your eyes. It was still the same whenever you thought about your parents who had been killed in a strigoi attack in your sophmore year, time didn’t make a difference. “It’s easier this way.”
“Acting like a bitch isn’t making your life easier,” he said as he opened the door to the academy reception. 
“Maybe it’s not an act.” You did your best to pull off your signature smirk as you stepped past him but he didn’t buy it from the quiet sigh he gave. 
“You forget I’ve known you since preschool, Y/N.” He reached a hand out like he was going to try to touch you but one curve of your perfectly shaped brows had him drop it once again. He left without another word and you waited a moment before leaving too, deciding your time was better spent in the elemental training area than being punished by the headmaster.
The arena was nothing compared to what the guardian training space had, but the walls that surrounded the open space were warded to withstand the elements so you could freely practise fire magic without worrying about anything catching fire. Since it was still early in the night, before the Moroi and dhampir separated into specialist classes, the arena was empty and you freed the pent up emotion with a burst of flame. 
You closed your eyes and imagined the strigoi that had killed your parents. Your hands filled with fireballs and you threw them at a huge rock an earth user had left in the arena, pretending it was your target. The fireball met stone with a bang and the rock exploded, sending dust and debris into the air, but it wasn’t enough. 
It never brought your parents back, or their guardians - dhampirs who had watched over you since you were born. 
The pillar of orange flame speared the night sky with your scream and you immediately felt clearer as the heat in your veins drained away, leaving you with a hunger instead. The magic always came with a price, burning through your energy, and you sluggishly made your way to the feeders in the Moroi campus. 
“Please, make yourself comfortable, Miss Badica,” the feeding assistant offered with a smile before closing the privacy curtain and leaving you alone with the feeder. 
The human looked fresh as he reclined on the specially designed chair, awake and alert, but you could see the longing in his gaze that focused on your lips. Your stomach grumbled at the sight of his pulse as he bared his neck to you and he shuddered softly when you leant across him and opened your mouth. 
The feeders breath blew across your shoulder as you sank your fangs into his neck and relished the warmth that flooded your mouth before you swallowed deeply. Your strength returned and the ache in your belly receded until you heard another Moroi enter the feeding rooms.
“They are seriously going to look at changing the elective classes for dhampirs?” Matthew Teller’s voice filtered through the curtain as he walked by. 
“The royalists think she made a good point,” Daniel Polenski replied. “Why waste time when they could be training to graduate sooner and restock the guardian pool?”
Their voices faded out of your advanced hearing range and you suddenly lost your appetite as you pulled away from the feeder and grabbed a tissue to wipe the blood from your lips. As if you couldn’t feel any worse, the doors opened again with another voice you recognised.
“...will be fine.”
“I’m sorry, but dhampir should wait outside,” the assistant said but she was cut off.
“He’s with me,” Ivan stated without room for argument, a tone he rarely used because he said it made him sound entitled. “It’s just a rumour, Dimitri, I’m sure nothing will come of it. She didn’t mean it.”
“It sounded to me like she meant it,” Dimitri answered gruffly. “Did you see that fire magic? She’s lucky she didn’t hurt anyone. Absolutely psychotic. She should be locked up to keep everyone else safe.”
Ivan sighed, an exhausted sound you thought was only reserved for you. “She had it under control.”
“Why do you defend her? She is a terrible person.”
“She’s not a terrible person, Dima. She just had terrible things happen to her.”
“That doesn’t excuse her. I overheard Guardian Florence say they had to draw straws to see who protects her out of the grounds because no-one wants to do it.”
The feeder fell heavy in your arms as he succumbed to the high and you pushed him away before running from the shame that filled you. The harsh scratch of the curtain being thrown along its rail was grating in your ears that burned and your shoulder caught the doorway of the exit drawing a sharp gasp through your clenched teeth. 
“Y/N!” Ivan called after you but you couldn’t face him as you sprinted through the corridors, out of the building and into the forest that bordered the academy.
You ran until your legs grew weak and your chest burned before collapsing against a tree and gasping for air. There were no sounds this deep in the woods, not even an owl hooted, and you felt utterly alone. 
It was a different sense of loneliness to what you felt in the academy. You couldn’t disappear inside those corridors, but out here…A twig snapped and you spun around with a sword of fire lighting up the dark. 
“Natasha?” You dropped the magic you had drawn to your hands, the flame petering out. 
“I saw you running like you were being chased by strigoi.” The raven haired Moroi grinned as she pointed to your hands, her ice blue Ozera eyes glowing in the moonlight. “Can you teach me that?” She cupped her hands together and a flicker grew to a flame before it erupted and she dropped it before it singed her eyebrows. “Damn.”
You frowned at the attempt before asking, “Didn’t you graduate like five years ago?” 
She crossed her arms and quirked an eyebrow as she looked down her nose at you. “Considering offensive magic has been banned for centuries, does that really matter?”
“Whatever, I can’t teach you anyway. I don’t know what to tell you, I picture it and it happens.” To prove your point, you burned a circle of fire around your feet before raising your hands and the flames shot up to form a wall around you. 
Her jaw dropped at the control before a screech sounded over the top of the crackle of the fire and you both turned towards it. “Where’s your guardian, Tasha?” you whispered as your fire split and spread to encircle her within too. 
She swallowed as the screech broke through the silent night and trembled beside you. “He was reassigned. I came here to choose a replacement.”
Your hands were shaking and your fire flickered with them. The air seemed thinner as the sound grew closer and you felt like a deer in the headlights, just waiting to be roadkill. 
“We have to run,” Tasha said as she grabbed your hand. “Run!”
You were only 16. You had a whole life ahead of you. You were too young to die. 
That was a lie, there was no right age to die. Death didn’t discriminate. There was only the choice to do your damnedest to survive or die trying.
Tasha tugged your hand as she began to sprint back towards the dim lights of the academy on the horizon and you lurched forward with renewed strength, the flames growing thicker at your back. There was no mistaking the creature for an animal when the scent of the strigoi reached you, the sickly odour of their undead state wafting around as it raced to catch you before you reached the wards. 
The constant stream of magic flowing through you was beginning to drain what little extra energy the flood of adrenaline had given you and you stumbled over a tree root but Tasha kept you upright, just.
“Almost there,” she urged as she turned and tried to throw a fireball but it fell short, only serving to illuminate the horror scene behind you. 
You didn’t even realise you were screaming as the strigoi looked through the flames, his red eyes chilling you to your core. The sound was detached from your body, everything was detached. You couldn’t feel the connection to your element and lost hold of it altogether. You couldn’t feel your hands as you lifted them to cower from the teeth about to tear your throat out.
You tumbled backwards, taking Tasha down with you as you scrambled away from the monster but just before it could curl its pale fingers around your neck a wave of black washed over him. 
The Guardians. They had come. 
You collapsed to the damp grass sobbing with the knowledge you were safe and let the exhaustion take you under.
When you woke in the infirmary an entire day had come and gone but your muscles still ached and there was a lingering taste of smoke on your tongue. Blinking against the sunlight filtering through the shades, you tried to sit up and groaned before giving up and falling back into the pillows. 
A single card sat on the table beside the bed and you reached for it to see who it was from before you recognised one of the voices in the hospital wing.
“Look at you all grown up,” Tasha said to someone. “How’s Karolina?” 
You opened the card and saw Ivan’s cursive handwriting wishing you a quick recovery before the man himself stuck his head in your room. A smile split his face when he saw you were awake and he rushed inside to take a seat at the edge of the bed. 
“Hey, Zeklos,” you croaked, your voice weak and dry from disuse. “Where’s the flowers?”
Dimitri stepped into the room with Tasha at his side, talking to each other with a comfortable familiarity.
“I only get flowers for funeral, please don’t make me buy flowers for you,” he said as he took your hand. “What were you thinking going past the wards?”
“It was an accident. I didn’t know how far I went,” you admitted sheepishly, daring to glance at the reason you had been running but he was paying no attention as he updated Tasha about his older sisters’ lives. “I won’t be doing that again.”
“Yeah, about that, your Uncle Anthony is here. He’s taking you to St Vladimir’s Provence.” Ivan looked pained as he chewed his lip before spilling the news. “Turns out the Guardians saw what you did in the forest and after the fire display in class yesterday, well, they think it’s best that you have a fresh start. You can finish the year at St Vlad’s Academy.”
“A fresh start?” Your voice sounded as broken as you felt and Dimitri looked at you for the first time since he entered the room. “I, I don’t know anyone at St Vladimir’s. The only family I have left are here. The only friend I have is here, you’re my only friend, Ivan.”
The monitors connected to you began to beep erratically as panic set in and you tore them off your skin to pull your knees to your chest. 
“I’ll come visit after graduation, it’s only a few months away,” he promised as he wiped the tears that cascaded down your cheeks. “I’m still your friend, even if we’re in another province. You taught me how to make mudpies, remember?”
You sniffed a small chuckle and nodded at the memory. “And you taught me how to play Uno.”
“Totally better than mudpies, I might add.” He smiled at the real laugh you gave before he pulled you into a hug and for the first time since your parents’ funeral you let him. “I’m really glad you didn’t die, Badica.”
“Me too, Zeklos,” you whispered into his neck as you wrapped your arms around him too. “Me too.”
Click here for part two.
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vamp-stamp-fics · 2 years
Th Black phone Headcanons
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Fandom: the black phone
Tags: hcs, fluff, some angst on Vances hcs
Word count: 1192
A/n: I've been hyperfixated on this movie for at least a month and I'm finally posting about it. these are some of the Headcanons I have for the black phone currently. I'll probably make a part 2
Sexuality hcs don't shit on me for this. If you don't like the thought of gay people in the 70s personally evaluate and ask why the hell you're mad
• Finney - bisexual
Gwen - an aggressive straight Ally. She'll pop anyone in the mouth that disrespects Finney she already does but she'll do it twice as hard if it's cus his sexuality
Robin - homie kisser
Vance - another homie kisser (they're just like me fr)
Bruce - bisexual
Griffin - either unlabeled or straight. On one hand he seems the type to not care what your gender is he just likes you but on the other I don't see him liking boys so idk I'm still contemplating
Billy - straight Ally (I'm sorry but I don't see him liking dudes romanticly. Ik I'm crushing every Biffin shipper rn 💀)
• Finn's favorite color is blue
• Robin's favorite color is green
• Gwen's favorite color is pastel pink. She always tells Finney that Yes there's a difference between pastel pink and regular pink
• Vances favorite color is also blue but he likes more darker blues while finney likes lighter blues
• Billy's favorite color is red
• Griffins favorite color is orange
• Gwen did ballet when she was around 7 but stopped doing it when her mom died
• Gwens favorite book series is Nancy Drew & her favorite movie is wizard of oz
• Billy & Griffin are absolute little shits together. Billy's the shit talker Griffin's the instigator
• Vance violently brushes his teeth. Like the bristles on the brush are flared 💀
• Bruce is an avid Michael Jackson enjoyer so is Robin
• Robin is a absolute horror nut. (In a modern au he'd love analog horror the walten files I feel he'd especially like. Also in a modern au he'd force Finney to play fnaf with him) besides Texas chainsaw massacre he definitely likes Halloween & Friday the 13th (if he was still alive that is 💀)
Rip Robin you would've loved Rob zombie ✊😔
• Vance is constantly getting into arguments with his teacher in one way or another. The only teacher that isn't on his ass is his English teacher which is his favorite. She's basically like a 2nd mother to him of course he'd never tell her that. He acts all tough in that class but the minute everyone leaves he somewhat dials it back when she tells Vance he did well today and he actually got a passing grade on one of his tests totally not projecting here
• Vance: "ur mom"
Finney: "my mom's dead"
Vance: "damn my fault 💀"
• Billys dogs name is Goldie
• when star wars was realesed Finney absolutely loved the movies and dragged Robin to see them with him
• speaking of Star wars one Halloween Finney & Gwen dressed as Luke Skywalker and Princess Leia
• Vances childhood dog was a bloodhound
• Speaking of Vance he had a pretty rough childhood. I heard that he's a Canon mamas boy so I'm using that as well. He grew up with an abusive and alcoholic father who'd constantly abused him and his mom. He'd always tried to intervene and protect his mom causing him to get hurt. Afterwards his mother would just comfort him as best she could and tell that he shouldn't involve himself when his parents argued. His mom got so fed up with it that she left Vance and his dad when he was 8. She didn't want to leave him but she was so emotionally and mentally drained she just left on impulse. Vance doesn't exactly hate his mom for it cus he knows it probably would've been worse for her if she stayed, but a part of him does resent her for it and wonders sometimes why she couldn't just take him with her.
• the choker he wears was actually his mom's. it's the only thing he had that she left so it has pretty sentimental value.
• Vance has a 6 year old sister named Tara. When he went missing she was basically the only one looking for him. She'd go on her scooter after school everyday around the neighborhood and stay up late watching the news to see if she could get any information. Tara was up when the news stated he was found dead and cried knowing she'd never see her brother again.
Anyways sorry for the sad Vance hcs back to our regular scheduled programming
• Tara's just as foul mouthed and intimidating as her brother. The minute she talks it throws people off bc a little girl calling someone "fuckhead" is definitely something they weren't expecting. kicks anyone in the balls if they mess with Vance or his pinball machine. Gwen absolutely loves her and hangs out with her alot. She's basically like another older sibling for her. Whenever Vance is playing pinball she's either outside playing ball next to the Grab n Go or sitting next to him let's pretend there's a chair next to the pinball machine lol drawing in a coloring book.
• Vance refers to his dad as old man
• Vance love life is interesting to say the least. He doesn't feel like he needs a relationship but wouldn't mind having one. Tho he's not gonna be romantic at all about it 💀 i mean he's not gonna be a dick to his s/o and he'd try to be romantic but he's not gonna call them pet names and be all flowery. a date with Vance is just watching him play pinball tbh
• Vance either is in a band or wants to start one. If he hasn't started one yet he'd never admit to his friends that he wants to make one
• Vances favorite holiday is Halloween so is Robins cus he loves horror sm every year he and his friends wear costumes to scare kids trick or treating
• Modern au: Finney & Gwen don't have cable tv so if they wanna watch shows from CN, nickelodeon etc they go to Robins house (Totally not projecting again) Finney's favorite show is the amazing world of gumball Robins is regular show. Gwen's favorite show is Craig of the creek and her favorite character is Kelsey. When it comes to non cable tv Finney & Gwens favorite show is Mr Rogers neighborhood
• Modern Au: Finney watches game/film theory. Robin watches it with him sometimes but only if it's horror movie/video games
• Vance can't ride a bike for shit. His mom tried teaching him before she left but he couldn't get his balance
• Robin is a roller skating/skating pro. He can do different tricks and flips and Finney always wonders how he does it without busting his ass. One time Robin tried teaching him to skate and ended up falling. Robin found it funny until he saw the giant gash on his hand
• Gwen uses pinkie promises. She's aggressive with them too. she'll be holding her Pinky to Finn "YOU PROMISE? 😠" and he'll say "yeah yeah I promise 😒"
• Modern Au: Gwen has a rainbow loom and makes a shit load of bracelets. Has whole box full of them. She gave a few to Finney and Robin
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weirdthoughtsandideas · 6 months
If DCLA characters had Tumblr part 11 🕺🏼
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🏳️‍🌈 creyendoenmi Follow
One time when I was in third grade, I randomly decided to pair up two people in my class. No real reason, I just wanted to see if it worked. So, I wrote a love letter to one of them and signed from the other. I put it on his shelf.
Now, here’s the thing: I accidentally left it on the wrong shelf. I left it on the shelf next to his. The girl who got it, she CLEARLY could read that it was adressed to him. But was she a normal person who realized it was put on the wrong shelf and gave it back? NO. She went to the TEACHER about this.
Now, uh… some extra context. I didn’t just write a love letter. I at first drew a picture of stick figures fighting, so that I would ”make him more interested”. And I guess this girl was shocked over the stick figures fighting.
The teacher recognized my handwriting I guess, and she confronted me about it. I was like ”my name is not even on it??” because, again, I was trying to pair up two people in my class, I pretended the love letter was from someone else. She didn’t believe me and was like ”tell me. Is it that you might have a crush on him? 😉” and I was like … ??? I signed it with someone else’s name, OBVIOUSLY I wanted to pair THEM up.
Also neither part of the two people I wanted to pair up ever found out about this. All because I put the goddamn letter on the wrong shelf and the girl who got it was a tattle tale who ruined everything
🌼 punk-not-dead Follow
Reminds me of when I was mad at someone and I decided to write a hateful letter that I put on her shelf. But then I was afraid it would come off as targeting, so I wrote letters to OTHERS too, INCLUDING TO MYSELF so that I would seem innocent.
✌🏼 arodarmivida Follow
You two are my idols.
17 notes
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🌼 punk-not-dead Follow
When I have a kid I wanna raise them nonbinary, until they are old enough to decide a gender of their own, or not, or switch between different ones if that’s what they feel like! 🩷
🌼 punk-not-dead Follow
WOW this did not reach the right crowd…
1679 notes
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🎤 singing-is-who-i-am Follow
Knowing lots of europeans they’ve been trying to get me to vote for their countries in Eurovision (since you can vote anywhere in the world nowadays).
Anyway, they are always like ”vote for Italy!! No, vote for Spain!!”
And like. At this point I tbh rather vote for Sweden.
🎀 italys-biggest-bow-collector Follow
Violetta if you DARE to vote for Sweden I will break up with you.
🎤 singing-is-who-i-am Follow
We are not dating?
🎀 italys-biggest-bow-collector Follow
I will break up with you as a friend.
Platonic breakup.
🌟 supernova-number-one Follow
10 notes
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🎸 beanie-guitarist Follow
Stuff me and my childhood friends have performed on stage as kids:
- This unclear skit where we said a spell to turn me into Santa. I lost my last baby tooth during that.
- We sang ”best friend” by Toy Box. Or, ”sang”, we mimicked to it because we couldn’t speak english. We also didn’t know the implications of that song.
- We did an entire play all improvised. Everyone thought we had it scripted. It was the best thing we ever performed
- I wanted to be a magician for a while. She was my assistant. We did some pretty cool magic tricks
- We decided to roller skate on a small stage. It worked, but everyone was afraid we were gonna fall
- The microphone throwing incident™️
🛼 rollerskatingonthemoon Follow
I think of the microphone throwing incident often
🍓 chico-fresa Follow
And you’re not gonna tell us about that incident?
🛼 rollerskatingonthemoon Follow
🎸 beanie-guitarist Follow
You had to be there.
67 notes
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🌼 punk-not-dead Follow
I think two of my teachers are secretly fucking
🎤 singing-is-who-i-am Follow
If this is about my aunt and Pablo… then well. Yeah.
🌼 punk-not-dead Follow
👩🏻‍🦱 dangerously-beautiful-ant Follow
🏍️ entre-dos-mundos Follow
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✌🏼 arodarmivida Follow
Having your girlfriend also having been your best friend since middle school means she knows ALL about your awkward phases and moments… I cannot hide anything from her.
🏳️‍🌈 creyendoenmi Follow
I was even more cringe, come on.
We’re in this together🩷
🍓 chico-fresa Follow
I can imagine you two being even more cringe than what you are now. I’m glad I didn’t go through awkward phases or had embarrassing moments like everyone else in middle school.
💍 queenoftherink Follow
Remember when you fell on your roller skates while skating literally 10 meters per hour?
🛼 rollerskatingonthemoon Follow
🏳️‍🌈 creyendoenmi Follow
Matteo is just a clown thinking he knows everything
😎 rapmiro Follow
Hey! I don’t like you speaking to my friend like that! He is very good and he does know a lot!
✌🏼 arodarmivida Follow
Then marry him.
💍 queenoftherink Follow
Why do I bother joining your reblogs, it always takes some really weird turn-
🏳️‍🌈 creyendoenmi Follow
Admit it, Ámbar. You like it. You like seeing us cause a mess. You like it both irl and online. It’s only online that you can admit it.
💍 queenoftherink Follow
See I am this close to blocking all of you and also start a new Tumblr account because What is happening right now. What is the subject? Why are you like this?
🎸 beanie-guitarist Follow
Do you think god stays in heaven because he too lives in fear of what he’s created?
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🌟 supernova-number-one Follow
What do you do when you wake up with an… intimate dream about someone and you’ve never had any fantasy about them like that before
🎤 singing-is-who-i-am Follow
A hot tip is to not post it on Tumblr where everyone you know is following you, cause we are nosy.
🌟 supernova-number-one Follow
Not true! Everyone I know don’t even have Tumblr!
🎀 italys-biggest-bow-collector Follow
Don’t change the subject. We can and we will figure it out. Thanks for telling us!
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🛼 rollerskatingonthemoon Follow
Sometimes I look at my biological aunt and I am like. Wow. You knew me when I was a baby. Maybe you babysat me at some point.
Because she is just… this cold human who seems to hate everyone else. And to imagine she at some point probably had to watch me during the day while my parents needed to run some errands feels… SO weird.
🛼 rollerskatingonthemoon Follow
She’s also caught me in the most weirdest situations. I am lucky now that she can’t see me.
The other day I had a tampon up my nose while she was in her once per month hour visitation at our house. I walked inside the room she was in and noticed her there. I was stiff for a moment, feeling like I needed to explain myself.
She and I have a very strained relationship, but she tries to better herself. So she was like ”I know those footsteps… is it you, Luna?”
I was like ”Yeah…”
”How are you feeling?”
I was waiting for her to bring up the elephant in the room, and then I realized ”oh wait… she can’t see me…” and then I sighed in relief.
📸 felicityfornow Follow
But why DID you have a tampon up your nose?
🛼 rollerskatingonthemoon Follow
I got a nosebleed from accidentally punching myself when I tried to open a very hard cap on a bottle
📸 felicityfornow Follow
Ok, so why…
You know what? Sounds pretty reasonable. I’m also glad your aunt couldn’t see you, even if it’s also a bit tragic she can’t see…
👩🏻‍🦱 dangerously-beautiful-ant Follow
Sorry if this question is personal, and if it is you’re totally allowed to not reply. I am just curious: How did she lose her eyesight?
🛼 rollerskatingonthemoon Follow
She burned her eyes trying to burn the house down
👩🏻‍🦱 dangerously-beautiful-ant Follow
Oh. Well, I guess that explains why she only has an hour of visitation once a month. Thank you for replying.
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🍓 chico-fresa Follow
I have talked to several people that apparently did some really weird thing when they sat in the car as kids, and even still do it:
When sitting in the passenger seat, they apparently look out the window and... imagine this imaginary creature or imaginary human running next to the car, sliding on the railings, sometimes skateboarding/snowboarding... just doing all this strange parkour.
Why do you do this? It sounds super weird?
✌🏼 arodarmivida Follow
So when you look out the window on a car trip you just imagine nothing????????
🍓 chico-fresa Follow
Yeah? I just see what I see passing by, I don't think about a random imaginary creature doing parkour on stop signs and railings
🎸 beanie-guitarist Follow
You had a boring childhood, man. Life is so much more fun if you imagine the little things.
🛼 rollerskatingonthemoon Follow
When I was younger I even pretended imaginary people jumping between houses where I walked, or clung onto airplanes! xD
🍓 chico-fresa Follow
But like... why?
🛼 rollerskatingonthemoon Follow
💍 queenoftherink Follow
Yeah, even I did this. Now, I imagine someone roller skating rather than running. I saw them skating on the road first and foremost at a car speed, and jumped at any obstacle. It helped me imagine new tricks I could do.
And yes, it was a lot of fun, too. It was an escapism for some of us who really needed some escapism to cope with our everyday life. A little warmth in the cold.
🍓 chico-fresa Follow
Well I guess I could get that, but I never had escapism. I just lived the way I lived and stayed in reality at all times.
🏳️‍🌈 creyendoenmi Follow
Sometimes I am hit with the reality that some people are not born with any imagination whatsoever. I pity them.
🍓 chico-fresa Follow
I have imagination!!! I just didn't imagine fake people doing parkour next to the car.
🛼 rollerskatingonthemoon Follow
But you have to admit your imagination is boring.
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🧢 everythingscominguponmaxi Follow
I had an interesting dream last night.
Apparently there was this philosophy that there was only one normal person that you knew. If you didn’t know anyone, you were the normal person.
This caused people to question what is normal and what is not.
🌼 punk-not-dead Follow
So there’s really only one normal person on earth?
🧢 everythingscominguponmaxi Follow
No, who is considered normal depends on the person, but the philosophy states that everyone only knows one normal person. For me it can be one person, but for you, who knows other people than me, might have another person in mind.
The question is now… who is the normal person in your life?
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dyketennant · 4 months
not to get sentimental about humanity or whatever but actually yeah there is good out there guys. i promise you i promise you there is so much good. look here is my list:
when i was a really little kid i cried after losing a carnival game (obviously i was 4 so i sucked at it) and the pre-teen age boy who won gave me his prize. i'm pretty sure i still have it somewhere 15+ years later.
one time i was crying on the train and the woman across from me gave me a snack from her bag; i tried to wish her a good day as she got off at her stop and was worried she didn't hear me, but the woman next to me reassured me she had without me ever asking.
when i had a meltdown at the hozier concert because my $40 t-shirt was stolen, someone behind me who was about my age gave me a fidget toy, and when i tried to return it they told me i could keep it (i still use it often, it's one of my favorites).
at the same concert, during the same meltdown when i was in the bathroom, the woman in the stall next to me asked me if i was okay and told me that things like that had happened to her, but that i still got to be there and (in her words) "see the guy" and it made things a little easier for me (i only ever saw her heels and her fingernails, but i later found out she was my dad's coworker, and she told him she was glad im doing better now).
in my freshman year of high school, i complimented a guy's overwatch shirt and we talked about it for a while before class started; years later he told me that it was the nicest anyone had ever been to him up until that point and that he still appreciated it—which shocked me, because he ended up being one of the most popular kids at school and is still good friends with a lot of my friend group.
when i was talking to my asl professor about why i was out of class for a few days (i was in the hospital for a few days following a suicide attempt) she hugged me and told me i was beautiful, and i still think about that professor nearly every day, and how she would always tell us about how much she loved her wife and their life together.
not long after that, my english professor reached out and wished me a happy thanksgiving because she knew i had been having a rough semester, even though she didn't have to and probably didn't do that for any other students (as far as i know).
when i was sorting through old papers i found years of hand drawn and painted birthday cards from one of my best friends, who made me one every year, and it made me realize how long they had been there for me during my worst.
i always start to feel dread when i leave for school, but one day, a girl accidentally got off the elevator on my floor, and then i proceeded to get off on a different wrong floor, and we both ended up in the same elevator and laughed about how we both made the same mistake, and wished each other a good day. it made my walk to the bus stop a bit easier.
at a writing conference, as part of a writing exercise, a woman told me a story about how she left her shitty ex boyfriend and had been single since, and i told her about how much i loved media analysis and symbolism; i wrote her a poem and she drew me a drawing. we never spoke again, but for a few minutes, it felt like we were old friends.
one of the bartenders at my old job loved our coconut macaroons, so i would save one for him so he could have it with his coffee. it was such a simple exchange, but it made me feel warm every time.
at that same job, i worked on my birthday, and once we were closed i asked the kitchen for any leftovers they had. they ended up making me an entire appetizer and singing happy birthday to me.
one time in the coffee stand drive thru, the guy taking my order got excited when he saw the pokemon on my dashboard, and pointed to his car across the parking lot with a gyrados in it. he then pulled a bracelet out of his pocket that said "cute" and said i could have it because of all my cute pokemon. later, i went again while wearing it and saw him, and his coworker said that he just loves making bracelets for people.
for whatever reason, a claw machine at a mall nearby had fraggle rock plushes inside; my friend and i spent forever trying to get some, but couldn't, and we both struggled to find good listings online. when i finally got my friend a mokey plush for christmas, they tackled me in a hug, and it's now one of my happiest memories (they then insisted on paying for my boober plush later on, so now we match).
and i am certain there are many many more instances i am forgetting. and i know things are fucking bleak now and always. and i know it's hard to see. but there is so much good. there is so much love. even from strangers. please believe me. life can be so full of love.
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