#our lowkey highkey gay boys
roonotrue · 2 months
Cotl Fanfic - Thoughts & Opinions?
So, this is the first post on this new account and it's a question for my Cult of the Lamb fandom pookies. I just recently got the game and I'm obsessed with it and have been thinking about writing a BUNCH of fanfiction.
So I wanted notes and suggestions on some things, and I might even make polls on some of them, starting most importantly with the topic below:
Gender, Pronouns, and Sexuality that are so far, are solely based on vibes and what I've seen the rest of the fandom agreeing on (And canon of course):
- The Lamb's identity will probs change depending on the fic type, but for most of them they will be assigned male at birth, He/They & Pansexual. Simple and sweet because our lamb boi is just tryna SURVIVE out here in a cult of idiots that can't even cook their own food or clean up their own shit. (Is this just me wanting to write more he/they characters in my stories because I'm he/they? Yes. Yes, it is folks.)
- Narinder is transgender male He/Him. I'm making him transgender male because I said so. I want more trans rep guys, leave me alone. & Homosexual because if his whole vibe and personality doesn't scream gay angsty emo cat I don't know what else in this world does.
- Leshy is cisgender He/Him. I can imagine him experimenting with they/them though. I may include something on that... If anyone has any notes on that I'm all ears. Best Bi. His level of chaos just radiates ADHD bisexual with way too much energy and free time.
- Heket is cis-gender She/Her. The only girlie in the family, fates have mercy on her and her patience. A lesbian for sure. I think the whole fandom just sort of agrees on this, right? With like, lots of wives because she is a highkey baddie? At least that's the impression I've been given based on all of her fanart and simps.
- Calamari- Sorry, I mean Kallamar, is cis-gendered He/Him. I was thinking of making him a transgender man too? Idk, I've just been told the cis's need rep too, and it made me gag and now I want to wave my magic writer wand and make all the characters trans and nonbinary. Opinions on that are welcome. Anyway. A pansexual, and I hear he canonically had multiple spouses? Despite looking like he has zero rizz. I mean, damn. Good for him I guess. Go squid boy, go.
In this, he's gonna be single though, because I like the idea of him struggling to find new spouses and Heket laughing at his struggle.
- Shamura is absolutely nonbinary they/them. A friend has told me this is canon, and that people may gun for my fucking throat if I change it. Not that I really want to, it fits. Shamura is lowkey one of my favorites. I just like spiders. I'm also deeply afraid of them and cry if I see them irl. I also think they're bisexual in the exact opposite way as Leshy, in that they are a calm, mildly tired wine aunt of the family, mixed with the senile grandparent that snores loudly then stops and everyone pauses and looks at each other like 'Are... Are they fucking dead?'
Anyway, this is a long post, but I needed to get this out there before I started writing stuff for this fandom. Any opinions are welcome, but no bullying other people's thoughts, and be chill guys.
Fr. I'm like a skittish cat, you'll scare me away, and then no one gets fanfiction.
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1rakus · 2 years
Tino let’s chat boy drama. So.
I like this guy who’s my lowkey sneaky link and also highkey my bestie’s brother 😀
Fun fact tho: it could never work out. Why?
Different religions and different cultures. His parents want him to be with a good Lebanese Muslim girlie and my parents want me to be with a good Italian Roman Catholic boy.
Also idk if he likes me but he also does say “good night I love u” but that could just be for the lols Bc he’s lowkey also a dick and likes to stir the pot for the hell of it.
But also I’m going out on a first date with this other guy this coming week who is the embodiment of the good Italian Roman Catholic boy my parents want for me, but I don’t really like him but our families know each other and they’re very happy about how things are going between us (we’re not together this just at the chatting stage).
And there’s nothing wrong with the guy I’m going out on a date with, like he’s nice and stuff but like…he’s so boring and someone I can’t really see myself with.
And I only said yes to the date Bc my parents think I’m a lesbian bc I’m 20 and haven’t been out on a date yet. I’m not a lesbian. I’m bi. but like not that they need to know that bc they’re don’t like the gays.
Anyways you’re a dude, so how would you like to be let down in the best most kindest way possible?
Bc honest to god I don’t want to upset this guy Bc he seems really into me :(
hello my anonymous friend i am so happy you came to me with this chisme and it is SO very juicy, but my gender will not enable me to read the mind of a random lebanese man hooking up with his sibling's best friend. so very sorry😔
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describing the dynamic of every major friendship in acotar pt 1?
mor x feyre- when the big sister and little sister legitimately become best friends. Like they love each other and they will tell each other everything but the fact that one of them is older is a factor in their relationship. so mor will always give advice and occasionally insensitively pulls out the age card
feyre x cassian- the “I can bully you but no one else can.” they tease and bully each other all the time especially cassian to feyre but if anyone else tries it he’ll hurt them. in a platonic she’s my best friend back the fuck off kind of way of course
mor x cassian- I’m calling this the “will and grace friendship.” where they dated/had sex when they were younger but now their just best friends who are each others family and they get into all these shenanigans and are probably a little too close but like who gives a fuck? they flirt a lot but there’s a very clear mutual understanding that they are going to stay friends. but in this case obviously mor is will (gay for those who haven’t seen the show) and cassian is grace and their vibe is the exact same
azriel x mor- the “I’m in love with my ‘oblivious’ best friend”/”the duo in the friend group is who isn’t allowed to be alone together.” I feel like this ones self explanatory but they’re the duo of the friend group that actually can’t be left alone and constantly needs a third or more for it to be allowed
feyre x azriel- the underrated comfort friendship. like you wouldn’t think they compliment each other but they do. they can be alone together and when they are with each other they are always very comfortable, stable and predictable. they love each other but they will never be the others first choice. 
azriel x nesta- the platonic version of “I see you and I will not walk away” or in other words “I see you but I’m also shitty but in a different way so your shittiness doesn’t bother me.” simplified to “when two shitty people find each other” very very chill and lowkey friendship, doesn’t need a lot of words. will always be a drinking buddy for the other. 
the bat boys- when two conflicting extroverts adopted an introvert against his will. I also think this one is very self explanatory. 
the valkyries- the human equivalent of gasslight, gate keep, girlboss. nesta is our gasslight as she is the one with venomous words. gwyn is our gatekeep she works in a library so I feel like this is fitting, and emerie is our girlboss, while they are all girlbosses emerie is the one who is a female running her own shop (a literal girl boss) in one of the most misogynistic, sexist colonies ever. 
gwyn x azriel- I’m a hopeless gwynriel stan what can I say. they are the kind of friends who are always in a competition and highkey act like their dating or at least in love with the other one but you can’t tell if they’re actually together until finally they just say fuck it and make out in front of everyone
gwyn x rhys- this is me manifesting but I hope that their friendship will be like cece and winston from new girl where they are always getting into shenanigans and are incredibly silly together 
there are more but i’m tired so that’s all for this post
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laldupattewali · 3 years
Gabriel Agreste reaction because why not
This is bad journalism and highkey disrespectful Alya I- Ladybug has such a pyaari and cute pic and Chat??? bruh my boy doesn’t deserve that
cute amazing but alya bestie u sure thhis safe🙂
extra points for good edit but also- how did you get luka’s pic i
Amelie and Felix seem really close good for them atleast there’s one good parent in this show beside tom and sabine and alyas
That mother son interaction was lowkey very cute okay
sorry i have a lot of pent up anger from ephemeral
HELP THE GIRLS WENT “okay this is too big a problem for just the girls now time for our aces, gays please enter”
wtf is up with their smiles- i- okay
“hes the only one who doesn’t”😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭i fully expect them to say “even more than my boyfriend here”
nOT MARC BEING LIKE “otherwise there would be no story” like 1. self diss thomas 2. we now know bestie likes the pining/oblivious trope
“romantic comedy specialists” this should be interesting
can i just say i absolutely love this au
also does this mean marc and nath write fanfic of their classmates kehsksjs this is well thought of and made
marinette looks muah she really is a knight in shining armour
adrien in a dress is so fucking superior
i love these animated things sm sksjkshsjsnsjsjs i can sense the dedication put into this ep and i appreciate it sm
“each week we will devise a new plan” lets play a game how many adrienette aus have marc and nathaniel written
i love that zoe is included in this 🥺🥺🥺
imagine if this got into adriens hands tho im just saying im just saying @/allthefanficwriters
also this reminds me of the 86th floor cosplay’s mlb school play except adriens the princess and maris the knight
…how do they know about the hamsters??
thomas really wanted to make her so irredeemable instead of letting the character grow sigh wasted potential
chloe animation is so funny im dying
bestie chloe why do you want adrien to be locked up i
nathaniel honey ily but there better be plastic on that because that was beautifully drawn and i will literally k word you how dare you ruin pure beauty
mari: nobody’s gonna know tikki: they’re gonna know mari: …how would they know? tikki: …..they’re gonna know
zoe you sweetheart
i want marcs bi gloves
gorillas so cute
adrien showing his chat noir off by catching a heavy flying object nice bestie
“do we know each other?” “UHHHHHHH”
marinette being clumsy to get her way>>>
maris eye squint at felix felt bestie felt
he almost looks pure when he smiles
nvm theres the evil smile
😭😭😭not him being angry
“ae felix” aa nhi raha kya bhai? sab wait kar rhe hai dumbcharades khelte hai ps this is hindi so most of you may not understand
the fact that if adrien hadn’t called him bestie wouldve clear cut heard gabriel
🎶eye contact🎶 dhum dhum 🎶prolonged eye contact🎶 eye squint kagami so true
felix is sus
PFFT DID KAGAMI JUST 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭KAGAMI WHYYYYYY ok but also adrien she already has a drink ik you’re trying to diffuse the tension but cmon
what the fuck kind of heist
felix might just be the smartest character in this entire show
for a second there i thought Felix was also a sentimonster
“just a finger snap will be enough to make you disappear” aight nvm
i think narcissism na inke khoon mai hai bhenchod
wait omg what just happened
it’s kind of sad
like why would you give YOURSELF that same badha wala design like um
chloe no you’re not evil you’re a fucking kid wtf man thomas stop talking your frustrations out on this child dude
help the way he just stopped bob lmao
kagami is my queen and if anyone hates on her they’re gonna get their kneecaps and spine broken she so brave 🥺🥺
we didnt get no plagg content❤️‍🔥💔 actually we didn’t get any kwami content this episode i- :(
the way he’s carrying felix i- what is this a piggyback ride
the mini fourth wall breaka ksjsjsjsjskks
that was…a short fight
pretty charm
ahaha im scared
OMG FELIX NOTICED THE PANT OMG i have to agree he’s evil by he’s a smart evil
awwww theyre making a manga on marinette
also i love the fact that they know everyone in paris blind like all they did was give marinette a mustache, a ponytail instead of pigtails and changed her from marinette to marino and the waiter costume and nobody even batted an eye?
…. i’m scared haha
help that was long anyways i’m like sleepy as fuck i don’t even know why i wrote this but eh so bie ly you look amazing
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Can you imagine Hawk and Demetri being protective of Miguel and Sam’s relationship!
Oh yes, they absolutely would be!!! Those are their Emotional Support Token Straights must be protected at all costs!!! Man, they ship it SO hard, especially Demetri XD I mean, it’s basically his best guy and girl friend dating and being in love, and he’s totally on board with that. Not to mention it makes it easier to hang out with both of them, even if they’re a bit on the mushy side sometimes XD Man, Demetri just thinks Sam and Miguel are MADE for each other, and you best believe he is just positively GLEEFUL when they become a thing again! I’ll bet he came up with a ship name for them in-universe and has long-since called dibs on being the best man at their wedding (bold of Demetri to assume this high school couple is gonna end in marriage, but he has more hope than than he probably should XD).
Granted, I do think Sam and Hawk’s relationship would have a bit of a rocky start--mainly because Hawk would be wary of Sam breaking his boy Miguel’s heart again, and Sam would be none too fond of Hawk after all the shit he put her boy Demetri through previously. But Miguel vouches for Sam to Hawk, and Demetri vouches for Hawk to Sam, and eventually Sam and Hawk learn to trust each other. And once they warm up to each other more, they actually realize they MAD VIBE and become weirdly close friends. It surprises everyone in the damn dojo because they’re such vastly contrasting people, and are definitely the most bizarre, random unexpected friendship there. Even Daniel and Johnny are both thrown for a loop, having resigned themselves to the fact there’s no way those two will EVER get along, and now they’re like...best friends??? What the fuck???
(The secret is they spend a lot of time bonding over what a fuck Kyler is and making fun of Demetri for That One Time he dated Yasmine XD)
And Demetri, oh man...he gets SO much mileage out of teasing Miguel about the fact that he is now regularly making out with and exchanging handjobs with a rich girl, a feat Demetri once believed to be impossible. And Miguel just rolls his eyes like “Dude you literally ALSO did that for a while” and Demetri pretends he didn’t hear him because We Don’t Talk About Yasmine. Boy, was that embarrassing. 
Demetri also regularly greets Sam and Miguel with “HEY, IT’S THE STRAIGHTS!!! Okay guys, everyone relax, Sam and Miguel are here! We now have our legally-required heterosexual representation! The SJW-haters can’t come for us now!” (because...can you think of??? A single other heterosexual pairing in the entire damn combined dojo??? Even if Aisha were to come back, ain’t nobody convincing me she doesn’t have the biggest Butch Lesbian Energy on the entire planet) and Miguel and Sam lowkey lose their shit every time. Demetri and Hawk both get suuuuper protective of Sam and Miguel, and they joke it’s because if the dojo loses its only resident heterosexuals, it won’t legally be considered sexually diverse enough and will have to be shut down XD
Also these four lowkey become a Power Squad, with Sam and Miguel as the dojo’s resident Straight Karate Power Couple and Hawk and Demetri as the dojo’s resident Gay Karate Power Couple (if Aisha were to ever come back, she would definitely join the Power Squad and there would be no end to the chaos and shenanigans XD). These four highkey constantly tease and roast one another, but they’re also all super Ride or Die for one another at the end of the day, and you best believe Demetri and Hawk are Throwing Hands if anyone comes for their Straights! Same goes for Sam and Miguel being pretty protective of Hawk and Dem--Miguel certainly has a soft spot for his first two friends at West Valley High, and Sam will do anything for her boys!
Maybe all I need in my life is just some wholesome fics of Sam, Miguel, Demetri, and Hawk just all hanging out and goofing off and going on double dates and being generally #SquadGoals ;__;
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bisluthq · 3 years
honestly i feel really sad realizing taylor had a pr friendship with karlie. i feel like betrayed that was a lie. it makes me feel really foolish. i feel like i can’t trust anything she says to me as a fan because she’s always presenting this fake image. it made me go off her for a few years after being bullied on tumblr when i was not as comfortable with my own sexuality. taylor has been writing a lot about how people and society and men gaslight her but i feel like she gaslights her fans. she pretends to be super close to them, she lies in interviews to sell products and brands... all while she pretends to be super authentic.
i don’t know if she’s in the closet as a bi woman at this point, but if she is heterosexual i really don’t like her as a person? she has a persecution complex i think if she’s genuinely straight and never actually has had a forbidden love. if she is bi i understand why she’d be like this, she can still be a relatable person. but if she is straight than she isn’t somebody i would ever want to associate with irl. like she would be an annoying person.
and what i hate most about that is taylor is so talented she genuinely doesn’t need to act like this, constantly acting so fake, in order to have fans. she is essentially the female bruce springsteen in terms of range and songwriting talent. but to me the least authentic taylor has always been this lover/folklore era where she’s almost using authentic cottage core as a cultivated image? it’s like practiced and not authentic.
Hi babe. Okay, look - I don’t think I can answer all of this just in one response to this ask, and feel free to DM me if you want to talk more. I think the first part of what you’re saying is a bit unfair and actually isn’t and has never been the crux of my thesis. I don’t think Karlie and Tay’s friendship was purely PR - I think they used a real connection that existed, and that was developing, possibly into more than mere friendship, to sell both their brands. And I think Tay especially got really deeply hurt as a result of that, and I’m basing this on 1) the “best friends falling apart” explanation of MTR in Long Pond 2) hoax being about something “personal” aside from the romantic and the professional 3) Cruel Summer being about a “doomed situationship” and 4) Tay’s friends liked the Tweets shading Karlie for her alleged involvement in the Masters Heist and... you know... even more. But those are four strongest pieces of evidence for me off of the top of my head. So I really don’t think it’s fair to call something that quite clearly impacted her latter 20s - whether it was romantic or a very close friendship but as I’ve explained before the latter doesn’t make complete sense to me but she is also Prairie Gown woman so who knows - pure PR. It wasn’t. But it was also PR. And if we accept this very important relationship was also PR, it becomes easier IMO to see how some of her other relationships were both PR and similarly also real and complicated. It shouldn’t be a choice.
Also, Taylor is close to her fans and appreciates and loves them. She isn’t faking that.
And we all lie sometimes. It’s not necessarily about being inauthentic. It’s about telling the truth that works for us in that moment. It might even feel real sometimes. Memories shift over time, life experiences are not static, things might seem one way at one point and another at some later point (tho highkey it’s bizarre that she gave three separate conflicting explanations for MTR but if it is in large part for Karlie betraying her during Masters, how the fuck is she meant to say that? Especially if we accept august is also about that relationship? Like she can’t put this pregnant lady who chose someone else on blast. That’s the fucking whitest lie here).
Finally I really do think she’s queer because so many of her songs hone into a deeply queer, profoundly sapphic experience which I don’t think a straight girl could access. Like I’m sorry, but as a queer woman when I hear seven I hear BABY GAY and her explanations have never ever contradicted that. I don’t think she’s a gold star lesbian and I don’t think the expectation from parts of fandom for her to be one was ever fair. I thinks she reaaally fucked up when, as a LITERAL CHILD, she said every single song she wrote was about a boy in order to sell them. I think she’s in a very weird position. She is meant to be super ‘confessional’ but she’s kinda obscuring the truth as is, but if she comes out she’ll admit she lied, and loads of people would skewer her for doing it for “attention”.
But I also think we can’t be disappointed with her for shit she never promised us to begin with. As you say, she is extremely talented and she doesn’t fucking seem straight. For all we know, that feeling isn’t something she has ever even acted on. Maybe that’s why she doesn’t want to talk about or deal with it. We actually don’t know what the vibe is backstage.
I agree, though, that if she has thought about all of this and decided she is completely straight and never had feelings for women and couldn’t give a fuck about the queer women fans who feel seen by her music and especially the young queer women who do that then she is a bad person. I am just not ready to go to that latter conclusion for all of the reasons noted above (and lowkey more, hence me saying message me if this didn’t satisfy you). She doesn’t, in my opinion, seem inconsiderate or deluded. She’s a little out of touch as all stars at that level are, but she knows her impact. 
So let’s take a deep breath. And realize that while our feelings on this are valid, we can still stan, and that she doesn’t actually owe us shit.
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fudgetunblr · 5 years
Stranger Things 3: a Character Analysis
Eleven: Her new style is half clown, half edgy teen in the 2010s that was born in “the wrong generation.” Highkey looks like Screech from Saved by the Bell. A lil shit who’s super badass. We loove.
Will: seriously, GIVE. HIM. A. BREAK! HE JUST WANTS TO PLAY D&D WITH HIS FRIENDS, IS THAT TOO MUCH TO ASK FOR??? Lowkey could be gay thoo. They dress him like he’s still season 1 Will, even though Noah has grown and looks like... WAAY too old to pull anything of that off. it’s like he’s a fourteen year old cosplaying as a nine-year-old. Will the wise™. Made me cry like a lil punk. 
Mike: a lil shit 2.0. No, his hair is not nice. Took (1) scolding for him to not meet El. I ain’t calling him weak.. I’m just calling him weak. In love™. A dick to his mum. Has lied (1) once. Friends Boyfriends don’t lie
Dustin: Has a girlfriend because fuck u. Sings duett with said girlfriend for... reasons ????? A genius™. Steve’s favorite ™.
Lucas: Has had the same haircut for three seasons. Has been dumped 5 times™. Gives shitty advice.
Max: Gives slightly less shitty advice. Friend goals™. She was a skater girl, she said see you later boy. El’s Sensei™
Hopper: a snacc™. “Oh, fuck- I can’t believe you’ve done this”. Seriously, I’m about to kick some ass... R.I.P to the real MVP and the only valid character right now.
Joyce: I’m 99% sure the writers hate her because they seriously kill every single guy she ever dates or at the very least makes him an asshole. The real Nancy Drew. 
Murray: love doctor™. [does anyone get a little bit of a gay vibe]
Steve: has won (1) fight™. Has fought Russians™. Daddy™. Hair™. an Ally™. will give away your identity to communists if drugged or possibly if asked nicely.   Is not going to college and cannot score and that’s what you missed on: GLEE! 
Billy: Duffer Brothers after season 2: “we’re not giving Billy a redemption arc”, Duffer Brothers in season 3: “hey, wouldn’t it be funny to give Billy character depth, a backstory, motives for why he acts so evil, have him show genuine emotion towards Max and have her care back, just to kill him off. HAHAHA, yeah, let’s do that!!” 
alt. “She put you on the map” “as a seducer of the elderly.”
Nancy: Hair™. “I’m a bad bitch, you can’t kill me!”
Jonathan: has apparently won a fight against Steve. Honestly, his main role this season was to be the guy who yelled “LIGHTS!” and to follow along in Nancy’s shadows because the Queen stole the damn show from him
Alexei: a bean who deserved better. The Barb/Benny/Bob of this season. 
Erica: a queen in her own right. Nerd™. The new face of Capitalism. So like ??? the future of America™??? Future D&D player. “I like how people sometimes say I’m four, five- I’M TEN, SO STFU!”
Barb/Bob: Still manages to appear. 
Heather: present
Robin: The gay character we’ve been waiting for, didn’t expect, didn’t deserve, but has still been gifted to us. It’s safe to say that I love her and although I’ve only known her for like a day, if something were to happen to her you’d be sorry. Wing Woman goals. 
Keith/Mr. Clarke: Five minutes of screen-time. 
Tom: Larry Murphy before the events of Dear Evan Hansen. 
Mrs Wheeler: you can talk to her™
Mr Wheeler: the best character™ no question about it. Relatable as heck and steals every scene he’s in. 
Suzie: here to remind you that Gaten used to be on Broadway. as well as Sadie and Caleb. Mormon™
Mrs. Henderson: “MaYBe THey foRGoT”
Mayor Guy: if Capitalism was a person(™?)
Mind Flayer: Alexa, play STFU by Filthy Frank 
Other characters that I haven’t mentioned: valid, but I’m tired 
Music: On point™
The boys™: "What’s better than this? Guys being dudes” 
Scoops Troop: “when will you learn? when will you learn!?!?! THAT YOUR ACTIONS HAVE CONSEQUENCES!!!!!
Griswold Family: All the normal shit like romance and friendship belongs here. Mindflayer... nah. We’re gonna plot how we’re winning our partners back instead of, gee, idk, TALKING TO THEM !!!  
The Adults™: We’re the Millers, but they’re all adults. 
Mum’s not present: still valid
Mum’s at the pool: IT’S TIME TO STOP !!! 
Erica & Co: lil shits™
Max & Elven: Alexa, play Girl just wanna have fun by Cindy Lauper 
Jopper: Russin Ballad™
Mileven: three inches™
Mucas: will break up 5 times and then get back together.
Byler: wE’Re NoT KIdS ANYmoRE 
Harringrove: at least Steve didn’t get a girlfriend 
Jancy: Sherlock and John alt. Bonnie and Clyde. 
Suzie x Dustin: Will sing weird awkward duet together anf have corny pet names™
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xianglingslesbian · 4 years
spiderzuki hehehehhe and the extras for uhm ewbts!!!!!
izuki is spider-man. hanamiya is his whiny sidekick who eats spiderwebs. also izuriko bc i’m Like That TM
see this AU cannot be put in words so i’m going to add snippets:
“So...” Izuki said slowly. “You... you... know. About... my thing.”
Hanamiya nodded, still glaring. “I wanted it, you rheum-covered piece of excreta.”
That’s him, Officer! yelled the tiny spider in his head. That’s the web-eating fucker! And by the way, my name is Kumo.
“The web-eating what,” Izuki said out loud. “Also, that’s a pretty good pun.”
Fucker! Haven’t you ever heard a swear word?! And yes, it is.
“Are you talking to your spide-kick?!” Hanamiya demanded. “What’s he saying?! And how the fuck do you know I eat webs?!”
”My what.”
Don’t fucking gender me! snapped Kumo in Izuki’s head. Izuki ignored it (them?) in favour of Hanamiya’s last words sinking in.
How the fuck do you know I eat webs?!
“You eat what now?!” he shrieked.
“Webs. Keep up, eagle boy, or you’re never gonna make a good Spider-Man.”
“A good what?”
“Is this entire conversation going to be just you saying, ‘what?’, or...” Hanamiya examined his nails. Kumo remained suspiciously silent save for something that sounded a little too much like a snort.
Izuki had never wanted to punch anyone so much in his whole life.
Izuki, 23.07: Hanamiya Fucking Makoto
Izuki, 23.07: did you fucking fill the Oreos with spiderwebs again
Izuki, 23.07: I KNOW YOU’RE ONLINE
Hanamiya: read 23.07
Izuki, 23.09: YOU WEB CRAPPER
Hanamiya, 23.09: ...that last one... I’m listening...
Hanamiya, 23.10: also, thats a total of 300 yen to the swear jar, you little rapscallion :3
Izuki, 23.10: FUCKING FUCK YOU
Hanamiya, 23.10: that’s another 200~
Izuki, 23.11: Hey Coach?
Izuki, 23.11: I finally get what it’s like to be the one with common sense
Riko, 23.11: <3
”What the fuck is Hanamiya doing here?” asked Hyuuga incredulously. Izuki shrugged.
“He’s my pet cryptid. He likes eating webs and stuff.”
“It’s pet arachnid,” corrected Hanamiya wearily, “get it right.”
Izuki nodded. Hyuuga blinked. Then blinked again.
“Please tell me I misheard you. Both of you.”
Izuki grimaced. Hanamiya smiled happily. It was the most terrifying thing Hyuuga had ever seen.
"I kin shpiders," said Hanamiya through a mouthful of web. Izuki eyed him doubtfully. 
Sure, if we ate our own webs, said Kumo in his mind. Izuki ignored the tiny spider and continued to look at Hanamiya with doubt and some worry.
"That could be toxic." 
"Eagle boy, the only toxic bitch in this room is me. Got it?" 
“Technically I’m Spider-boy now,” Izuki pointed out, and Hanamiya turned purple.
"Who am I kidding, Hanamiya? I'm not a hero." Izuki let out a soft, derisive laugh, staring at his hands. "I'm just a teenage boy who got bitten by a radioactive spider and can do some stuff because of it. I'm just a background piece... I can't be hero material. I'm not brave, or strong, or valiant, or even cool. I make stupid puns and I'm not even good at the things I love. I can stick to things and I'm stronger than I used to be. That doesn't make me what I thought I could be. But then again, I've always been a bit of a delusional fool." His voice dropped, soft and low and sad, and his eyes were glistening with tears.
holy shit that went from 0 - 100 real fast anyway hope u enjoyed the cRaCk
ewbts extras
ok buckle in bc there are quite a few of these
best served cold - himuro, and his thoughts after the yousen match and after he [spoiler for ewbts] calls izuki
and you keep running like the sky is falling - the hyuuga-izuki fight *cries* it’s pretty nasty and awful. it’s actually a deleted scene from the verrrrry first draft of ewbts so it never made it onto ao3 but i liked it enough to keep it! i need to highkey edit and polish, and lengthen too, tho ;w;
shenpointigans - izuki/takao/kasamatsu groupchat. lowkey inspired by @moriizuki's pg for pretty gay as many of my chatfics are tbh it’s a work of art
they call me a snacc bc im a taco, 03.37: do you guys think stars have feelings
eagle-i, 03.37: its 3 fucking am, blocked
they call me a snacc bc im a taco, 03.38: then why are you up
eagle-i, 03.38: the gd notifs
eagle-i, 03.38: no-tifications. im turning them off and go to sleep or i’ll kill you
they call me a snacc bc im a taco, 03.39: ...how do you manage to make such shitty puns even when someone wakes you up
they call me a snacc bc im a taco, 03.39: shun senpai?
kasamatsu, 07.49: why are you up at 3am don’t you know 8 hours of sleep is important for teens
eagle-i, 07.50: and did you just call my puns shitty
they call me a snacc bc im a taco, 07.53: i did. i shit you not. im sorry shun senpai dont kill me
eagle-i, 07.54: ......................forgiven
kasamatsu, 08.00: i am not a mom
eagle-i, 08.01: ok mom
they call me a snacc bc im a taco, 08.01: ok mom
kasamatsu, 08.02: i hate you kids so much
eagle-i changed kasamatsu’s nickname to certified mom
certified mom, 08.03: fuck
certified mom, 08.04: and also takao i dont think a ball of gas can have feelings but whatever makes u happy ig
they call me a snacc bc im a taco, 08.05: wow thats mean
eagle-i, 08.06: hey kazu i think stars have feelings!
they call me a snacc bc im a taco, 08.06: rlly?!?!? ur the best
eagle-i, 08.07: yes. feelings. particularly. burning desire
eagle-i, 08.07: geddit. burning
they call me a snacc bc im a taco, 08.08: .....i hate you 
certified mom, 08.08: i dont get it
certified mom, 08.08: didnt you just say you loved izuki half a minute ago takao?
they call me a snacc bc im a taco, 08.09: never change kasa senpai, never change
and yeah thats it!! i do have a couple more extras in mind but i havent made docs for them yet so they’re unlisted <3 thanks for the ask!!!
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Liam & Edie
Liam: [sends her some kind of coded thing where the answer equals 6 when she works it out so she knows he's not living his best life without her because they're both weird little nerds] Edie: I'm so insanely bored Edie: what lesson are you in and how many negative ⭐s is it Liam: german Liam: all the negatives Liam: [sends her a picture of his textbook with everyone's eyes stabbed out via pencil holes like miss you] Edie: awh, you wanna give me schadenfreude 😍🥴 Edie: that's generous Edie: I was just thinking that a Columbine would liven this place up Liam: write your list, I'll try & think of anyone I'd wanna keep off mine except for you Edie: but being the last ones standing is what we aim for Edie: and what I want right now Liam: anything else you want before I kick that plan off? Edie: don't need time to say any final farewells to any dickhead in this place Liam: you've got a steadier hand, I'll need you to carve no farewells onto the bullets Edie: more deserving use of my time than whatever I'm not being taught right now Edie: how's your aim though? Liam: -9 ⭐s for the lesson you're in Liam: but + it for my aim Edie: my fault for naively thinking Physics might be interesting when I picked it Edie: forgot we were catering for the braindead masses Edie: I believe it, no bullshit brag detected Liam: chemistry would've let you blow more things up Liam: & make 💊 Edie: 😤 I'm mad Edie: no amount of black holes are gonna make up for this Liam: we'll learn it online Edie: but I wanna blow things up with you now Edie: or not learn German vocab Liam: let's go blow up a 🚽 they have to let you out in case you're about to bleed or cry in front of everyone Edie: and am I? Liam: in front of me & whoever else is in there Liam: unless you wanna upload it after Edie: I do need to make the overreaction my fam had over the weekend worth the headache Edie: owed more trouble, like Liam: my dad was on one too, he's the only one not allowed to show up by his logic Liam: you want a bigger scale? every 🚽 in the building Liam: maybe school would have to shut Edie: Know that, my sister is the definition of one rule for her, another for the rest of us Edie: I reckon we could do 'em all without getting caught in the act Edie: more fun after the fact 📹 to claim it Liam: just need to get creative with our explosives, I won't have enough 🧨 to do every bathroom Liam: you in the labs or a standard classroom? Edie: labs Edie: she's scheduled a breakdown any moment now anyway, she's always pissing off to cry herself so I'll take my opportunity and cue as such Liam: 3 HNO3 + C6H7(OH)3O2  H2SO4 →  C6H7(ONO2)3O2 + 3 H2O Liam: only need nitric & sulphuric acid from you Edie: you're a hot evil genius, okay Liam: there's a story behind it but maybe I shouldn't give it to you Liam: keep that train of thought intact Edie: but I need it Edie: I can keep 'em both on track, trust me Liam: you need it? tell me about that first Edie: I love stories Edie: and I liked talking to you, a lot Edie: and I like it when you give me things Edie: so yeah, it's a need Liam: to make you happy then Liam: the year is 1846 and this german-swiss scientist was messing in his kitchen Liam: he spilled a mixture of those 2 acids I told you to get on his table & grabbed the first thing he had about to clean it up Liam: happened to be a cotton apron & he hung it on his oven door to dry after, super chill until it exploded Edie: that's perfect Edie: scientists really loved making shit happen on accident, just like all life Edie: 🧫🦠 Liam: I was an accident & look how that turned out Edie: Big same Liam: my sister too, different loser dad though Edie: yeah? Edie: we've got that in common too Liam: does seem to be pretty common Edie: happy little accidents Edie: or not so Liam: I don't wanna be like that Liam: the different girls bit at least Edie: people love repeating their parents mistakes and bullshit Edie: even when they railed on it for years Edie: I don't fucking get it Edie: make your own, at least Liam: maybe you'll think this is one but I gotta say it Liam: I don't care about claiming 🚽💥 I wanna claim you Liam: be with me Edie: You mean it Edie: no bullshit Liam: only if there's bullshit that comes with being official & exclusive all of that Edie: I think that's a really, really good idea Edie: not a mistake but even if it was, I still want it Liam: alright, it's yours, me & the gay 🖤 shit Edie: [sends him a 🥰 selfie] Liam: it's my background Edie: you were already mine Edie: [glitter moment shamelessly] Liam: took the longest shower & I'm still finding it 🗺❌ Edie: good thing you suit it Edie: we can try again though, after the literal shitstorm, a shower is a good idea Liam: yeah, wouldn't suit that Liam: german teacher can disagree as loud as she wants Edie: 😏 Edie: can keep their filth and their hands to themselves Liam: I respect that you only covered me in glitter so that those girls would think I was gay & do the same Edie: people gotta respect territory Edie: works until I perfect your tat Liam: I'll get on the school roof with a 📢 Edie: You're everything Liam: you can sample it when you write a song about me Edie: I will Edie: your friend is not getting a feature Liam: his loss Liam: I'll only gloat for a while Edie: you can go as hard as you want, I reckon Edie: you've earnt it, like Liam: I'll go as hard as you want Liam: you're my girl now Edie: I'm yours Liam: make your physics teacher cry for me then Liam: we've got shit to do Edie: 😄 Edie: done Edie: where are we meeting when I'm fully done and have secured the shit? Liam: [a location] Edie: 👍 Liam: 🔜 Edie: making people cry is a speciality of mine Liam: it won't work on me Edie: I don't want to make you cry Edie: ever Liam: good thing I can't ever, all that toxic masculinity Edie: not missing out on much Edie: even if Miss makes a proper performance out of it Edie: more fun ways to do that Liam: yeah there are Edie: 💣💥 Liam: don't have to hand you a 🧨 to cause 🎇🎆 Edie: you don't even know how true that is Edie: yet Liam: for now it's a guess Edie: I'll show you Liam: I just wanna feel something Liam: that's not only 💊🥤 Edie: I will make that happen Edie: you don't need to believe me, just wait Liam: I'm waiting Edie: you deserve to feel everything Liam: I've tried but it don't work out like that Edie: you can't? Edie: or only certain emotions Liam: there's no 💣💥 in me Edie: we can be dead inside together and make it happen to everyone else Edie: for now Edie: [show up] Liam: [just kiss her too hard because everything you do is a little bit too much boy, okay you're numb but there's too many emotions trapped under the surface that we're not addressing so] Edie: [thank god we're so overwhelmed ourselves that we can just roll with this and have it be the most extra thing] Liam: [this is why you two work] Edie: [just approaching this like you aren't her first honey not even 'cos we're fronting but feelings and trying to make you feel things] Liam: [realistically who have you ever slept with either boy unless you've gotten with one of Rio's friends casually prior to this or something like] Edie: [just out here doing the most from the jump, the fam must be like HELLO???] Liam: [shouldn't be here for it but I am] Edie: [we all are by all I mean us and them, no one else lol] Liam: [imagine how shook he'd be because didn't expect it to be like this] Edie: [awkward, like the levels you must pay attention to no one but Rio 'cos she isn't really conspicuous in how she be lol] Liam: [and if he did get with one of Rio's friends when he first started stalking her it clearly didn't work out so he's probably bracing himself for another failed attempt and then] Edie: [it makes logical sense, like tryna get in the friend group lowkey but none of her friends are really here for it[ Liam: [yeah and like in my head he started stalking Rio when his sister had just died so he wouldn't have been bringing his A game] Edie: [exactly dr phil] Liam: [but obviously nothing happened that she could clock as a red flag when she's thinking of suspects he was probably just really blah because numb] Edie: [yeah, and none of her friends are gonna chat shit on the boy who's sister just died really like it's to be expected] Liam: [it's a good cover like you said] Edie: [just sat here like it's so rude we're gonna kill Edie, as if it wasn't rude before] Liam: [I do feel so bad for him even though he literally fucks with Rio's entire life] Edie: [lol same, it's like if you could just stop doing that tah] Liam: [I think it's partly because we both know she ends up okay and living as happy a life as poss whereas he does not] Edie: [yeah, there's no hope and that's just sad, even if you were an absolute dick, like Ro, per example, still sad she dies for everyone else] Liam: [agreed] Edie: [and you aren't that insufferable boy which is just well] Liam: [nobody is, she's next level] Liam: [anyway also do your vandalism and have way more fun than you expected with that as well] Edie: [when it's just a moment for you immediately and you're all in] Liam: [do we wanna close the school or not let them destroy every bathroom in the place for various reasons lol?] Edie: [on the one hand, maybe get caught before you do every bathroom for that trouble mood, on the other, if you shamelessly upload it you'd get in more trouble for making the school look dumb and shit hmm, I think this time get caught and we'll let you be sneaky trouble causing nerds plenty of other times[ Liam: [I'm about that, we know you're both pretty distracted rn so] Edie: [it feels more legit for this instance, and we can separate you and they'd probably call Ali in for the drama of it] Liam: [you can work your way into the fam later boy you're trying to keep your gf highkey for now, I love the idea of both their mums getting called in and awkwardly meeting haha] Edie: [they'd lowkey want them to kick up a fuss and separate them for the school but Ali knows how well that works so it's like well soz you'll have to cope] Liam: [whereas his mum is the opposite, you know the sort never backs the kid and is just wholeheartedly like yes do whatever you think @ the school] Edie: [ahh the joys] Edie: [once that drama has unfurled and you're in your separate detention moments, sending him a pic from the school website of all the staff but she's digitally ❌d out all their eyes] Liam: I miss you too Edie: I hope so Liam: what else would I be doing? Edie: I don't know Edie: you are full of good ideas Liam: I was thinking about setting the fire alarm off Edie: an acceptable second to thinking about me constantly Edie: would hate to perish in a fire with all these cunts Liam: to be with you Liam: I'd get you before they made you line up in the playground for the head count Edie: then we can leave, like we planned Edie: they'll have let our mas fuck off by now Liam: 🗑🔥 Liam: boring if it wasn't for you Edie: you're like Edie: seeing a new colour Liam: maybe I should leave you there longer so you can work on your song about me Edie: don't though Edie: I know it sounds cliche but that's the only way I can explain how blindsided but transformed I feel from you Liam: you're the only person who's said it, don't think that's how cliches work Edie: I don't just say pretty things for the sake of it Edie: or anything Edie: I mean it, regardless of what it does or don't sound like Liam: I know you mean it Edie: if we both set one, it'll take them longer to get back inside Edie: hide and seek and we can finish what we started? Liam: you're on Edie: 3️⃣2️⃣1️⃣ Liam: 1️⃣ 2️⃣ 3️⃣ Edie: [ahh this poor school lol] Liam: [love that you get to be notorious though gal cos peeps gonna be talking about these antics for ages] Edie: [in this fam you have to make your own rep or life is really hard junie and grace, I said what I said] Liam: [tea though] Liam: [I'm trying to think of somewhere cool they could go and my first thought was like a junkyard vibe so they can destroy more things like life is strange and sex education unless you have any better ideas] Edie: [that's always a mood, also very akin to the barn which will clearly be your domain so] Liam: [yeah and somewhere she's probably been loads of times that she knows all the hiding places of so they don't need to be interrupted again] Edie: [live your best destructive lives] Liam: [when he would be and lowkey forget what he's meant to be doing here, such fun, not devastating me at all] Edie: [the theme of these painful two years lmao, I'm so glad you never find out babe truly] Liam: [though ngl I wish you could survive and we could see if y'all as a couple could survive that] Edie: [ahh when you can't do it all, so rude] Liam: [could've had it all rolling in the deep] Edie: [soz you've got to die my love] Liam: [soz you both have, his poor mother] Edie: [yeah that is no fun] Liam: [soz both your kids are dead babe but we need it for the plot] Edie: [some people have the worst luck truly]
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himbohargreeves · 5 years
hallo here are the hc's i whipped up for the teacher au!! i'm sorry this turned into an essay i'm just a dumbass who loves soft teacher au a lot!!
“not sure what the others would teach in this teacher au tho-” *wakes up in the dead of night with cold sweat* *kicks down the door* I HAVE SOME THOUGHTS!!
oh boy…get ready….cause it’s A LOT
- Submitted by @katgreeves
luther: physics teacher, cause you know…spaceboy……everyone is scared at the beginning of the year when they get him as a teacher cause he’s TALL AND HUGE AS FUUUUUCK, but then fast forward two months later and everyone is chill because turns out he’s a really easygoing and soft teacher…just really socially awkward and lowkey dumb sometimes
asshole kids in his classes use his softness to his disadvantage and pull pranks on him constantly, poor guy….the other kids tho always tell them to shove it tho because he may be soft and dumb and socially awkward but he’S OUR SOFT AND DUMB AND SOCIALLY AWKWARD TEACHER DON’T TOUCH HIM!! the first time they protected him he had to remind himself not to tear up because HE FELT SO LOVED!!!! 
he gets them snacks even if they’re not supposed in the science classrooms because “eXPeriMENts and CHEmIcALsSsSsssSS!!!” and will rant for hours about space and starts and THE MOOOOON cause when he was a kid he always wanted to be an astronaut ( :’))))))) ) and his kids get fed up one day and go “why don’t you just make an astrology club mr luther????” and he does and IT’S A REAL SUCCESS WITH THE SCHOOL BODY YAY!!!
(five when he grows up also becomes a physics teacher and pesters luther all the time like “I AM 10 TIMES THE TEACHER YOU EVER WERE-” “NO YOU AREN’T STFU” and he’s technically wrong and right because material wise??? yes he’s 100% the better teacher and he always has answers to the kids questions and teaches them extra content cause he’s always been a genius but as a physics teacher that kids really like????? no siree that title goes to luther because he was a soft teddy bear to his students and they trusted him while five is eccentric and strict the the point where his kids are scared the FUCK out of him)
diego: pe teacher, SWEARS SO MUCH IN FRONT OF THE KIDS IN CLASS OMG HOW IS HE NOT FIRED YET?? is tough on the kids sometimes so push harder but IS ALSO SOFT AND REALLY ENCOURAGING THE KIDS TO WORK AND TRY THEIR BEST BECAUSE HE BELIEVES IN THEM!!! (except for the group of cocky assholes he’ll get in every class and don’t want to listen to them…he has personally removed their rights in the class)
whenever the self-defense unit comes around he’s sooooo dedicated to it and makes sure that the kids master everything to a t, cause who knows when it might come in handy??? he wants to make sure that the kids know how to protect themselves as the world is a shitty place and you never know when shit will go bad (except he does…he’s had enough bullshit and scared happen to him and has gotten involved in so many fights that he wants to make sure that the kids won’t hurt like him :“’))))))))) ) 
he’s a secret softie that will protect the kind kids that are not as good at pe and get bullied by the cocky assholes in the class becAUSE THAT’S JUST WHAT HE WOULD DO NO IM NOT SELF PROJECTING OF WHAT I WANTED OUT OF MY PE TEACHERS SHUT U-
also eudora is a pe teacher and the two of them are very competitive to be the best pe teacher and this rivalry turns into playful flirting and big ass crushes that they’re way too stubborn to admit, the entire school still ships it anyways (the entire school also ships klaus and dave because gay rights!!!!!)
allison: either school counselor or principal i can’t decide because she can be super kind and open to talk and gives advice that helps a LOT but she’s also a hbic THAT CAN AND WILL run the place. 
anyways, whatever job she has, she also helps with the drama club and school plays, and literally every year the theatre kids BEG HER to kick out the current drama teachers and replace them because allison>>>>>>>>>>>> all of the existing drama teachers there  
ben: is either a literature or philosophy teacher. super smart and knowledgable but is also really laid back and fun to talk to. he’s got a dark and snarky sense of humor and his students always have sass battles with him. the number of INSANE inside jokes his students and him share is HUGE.
anyways…he is really considerate to what students need and makes them as relaxed as possible because school is HELL. students LOOOOOVE HIM. HE’S THE ONE TEACHER BESIDES DAVE THAT LITERALLY EVERYONE LIKES. (highkey inspired by my philosophy and lit teachers because they’re also really smart but sassy and cool like ben and I JUST THINK THEY’RE NEAT)
vanya: strings orchestra teacher for obvious reasons. she was real shy at first when she first got hired but the the strings department at that time was soooo small and crappy that she went “oh HELL no,” rolled up her sleeves, and set to revitalize it just because she cares about music so much.
she recruited more students, got more advanced music so the kids could feel a challenge and be motivated to improve, and collaborated with the choir and band departments to provide more clubs, events and opportunities outside of class for kids to do music.
she is a no business type of teacher when it comes to arrogant people that put other players down or people who don’t practice and goof around and will snap at them SO HARD because everyone needs to be at their a game for a concert and in an orchestra no single person is bigger that the collective. she’s however SOOOO SOFT with really soft playing and shy kids because she understands how it feels when you think your playing isn’t good enough, so gives them extra help, gives them solo lines or solos to play so they gain more confidence in themselves, all while constantly giving encouraging words about how much they’ve improved that always makes them feel better and more motivated to improve.
she’s an absolute anxious and cranky maniac a week before the concert but she throws parties with food, drinks, and games afterwards to celebrate with her kids. she constantly gets them to play music related games and challenges that they do as a class for team bonding to make things more entertaining in class. she makes dumb music puns a lot too! 
she also will in the class say crazy stories of her childhood and the crazy shit she and her siblings did and then somehow always relate it back to the lesson and make it some sage advice…the kids never understand how she does it
(me???? self projecting more of my teachers into this au cause they’re cool??? more likely than you think)
also one day she chops her hair real short and cute and the conversation with her students basically went like this:
students: miss vanya you cut your hair???
vanya: yes kids I’m a lesbian
students: !!!!!!!!!!!!
vanya: ;))))))))
vanya: HELL YE I DID!!!
bonus grace yayyyy!!!!!: is the school nurse…she’s so sweet, so soft….has precisely whatever people need when they feel sick/injured…helps them calm down in they’re freaking out…always has a couple of beds in the nurse’s office so people can lie if they feel dizzy…gives out candy/sweets/food to people so they feel better!!
diego meets her a lot because a lot of kids in his class gets injuries and he takes them to the nurse and he jUST LOVES HER SM!!! INSTANT MOM FIGURE!! THEY TALK AND JOKE AND LAUGH TOGETHER AND GRACE WILL ALWAYS GIVE HIM A PASTRY SHE MADE WHENEVER HE COMES BY AND HE JUST IS SO SOFT AROUND HER ITS GREAT (his students find his sudden change in his demeanour amusing “hey mr diego is nurse grace your MMMmoooOoOooOOOmMMMMMMmmmmmM??” “kid your a good one but say that shit to me one more time and I will beat the sh-”)
she always has a smile on her and everyone LOVES HER…..except for the administration that always want to get her fired because they are assholes and they think she’s too weird to stay. however, every time they try to fire her, a certain teacher comes by the office for what they claim is a civil discussion...and after an hour of yelling, death threats, and the door getting 10 knife marks they go “you know what grace…you can stay" 
those assholes are persistant though, and one time though not even a certain teacher could get them away from firing her so once the news breaks out that nurse grace is leaving the whole school is FURIOUS and throws a 1 week riot and the administration get so scared and tired that they just go "OK WERE SORRY JUST KIDDIN- OK OK SHE’S STAYING FOR GOOD JESUS”
grace is so grateful that she makes a whole bunch of cake for everyone and everyone with tears in their eyes just goes “this…is why we love you sm nurse mom”
~~okkkieee that’s the end of it sorry it’s a literal essay I just got very passionate about this au lmao rip!!! I’m slowly tempted to write a fic about it even though i’ve never written a fic before in my LIFE and I already have like 3 other au fic ideas in my head already smh
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average-trickster · 6 years
VLD7 spoilers ahead:
I liked a lot of stuff about this season, but i hated a lot of it too: 
- Hunk finally has the arc he deserves, his characterization is extense and I’m really happy with how they portrayed it, he was awesome, Hunk brought the team together, his interactions with keith were great and he was really cute, hot and inspiring;  - Romelle was portrayed as a really relatable character and she was really fun to watch, I loved every scene she was in;  - Pidge also had their moments, their family had a lot of characterization, we gt to see they metting their family and it was sweet and meaningful, Pidge was really badass in a lot of scenes an it was awesome; Pidge wasreally really cute in the whole season too;
- The art was amazing, I was baffled with it, everything looked so neat, the fighting scenes were so well animated, I was completely awestruck;
- Keith trusted Lacne to lead the team momentanly and it was sweet, Keith acknowledging Hunk was also one of the cutest parts of these season, Hunk deserved this;
 - So. Many. Hot. People. I was fauning after everyone, Allura was really hot, Romelle too, Hunk was soooo hot in some scenes, I was thirsting so bad guys. 
 - Shiro’s prosthetic was beautiful, it didn’t hide his disability, it made his disability an advantage and it was beautiful;
 - The micy & kosmos saving everyone cause Coran is too much of a gorgeous man to work alone;
 - The paladins in their lions with their companies, Pidge highkEY ignoring everyone to play videogames and then having to deal with everyone’s nightmare xD;
 - Lance’s interactions with Romelle were adorable, she’s so funny;
 - Keith being able to have SHiro back was beautiful, I’m so happy for them;
 - Shiro and Keith leadership scenes wer awesome, Keith has matured so much, I’m really pround of him;
 - tiny Keith was adorable and the first episode as really enjoyable, it felt like a follow up to season 6, it was meaningfull;  - Everything (plot wise) from ep 7 to the part where atlas randomly turns into a big-voltron was quickpaced but enjoyable,the earth episodes were the coolest of the whole show for me and I loved the traitor plot they put in there;  - The hinted at alien lesbians;  - Coran was so silly and cute, i loved him;  - The ‘‘lets torture pidge cause they are the weak of the team’‘ part was really cool and i loved it;  - The garrison cadets were awesome and I loved them all, (keith’s former bully was kind of a bitch, and his manerism gave me a lot of keith vibes but I liked him a bit) The mute undercut guy and the smart yellow freckled person were awesome and I loved themm. BUT  - The whole season was kind of a confusing development. The first episodes were really slow and boring, they wasted time on stuff that didn’t matter, the paladins randomly appeared on other planes of existence because of a space thing they didn’t even explain properly;  - The filler episode wasn’t nearly as enjoyable as the one in season 6, they called and portrayed Lance dumb, multiple times, when every other paladin did fairly well. The most enjoyable time was when they showed the importance every paladin had to each other and how all of them thought they mattered to each other (I don’t buy Keith’s bitching, actions are worth more than words);   - God Allura who came out with random convenient magic for every bad situation was really weird for me, has been since last season.. ressurecting lance and shiro, ending stuff with the power of quintenssence just because... well, it was kind of a low point for me;  - Again, Atlas wasn’t build to be a big voltron so it made absolutely no sense that it turned into one by God Shiro’s powers?;  - As a lowkey allurance shipper, that was really low for me because it came of nowhere. Allura didn’t like Lance like that, there were no signts, she was sad when she found out about his feelings, both Allura and Lance deserve better than that;  - Lance, in the last seasons had had almost no screen time at all, he has been made into a joke and it was no different this season. He had really good moments, Keith trusted him as a leader, Lance has really awesome in some moments but because we were promised screen time for Lance and because this has been going on for so long, I’m disappointed he didn’t got better;  - The Klance QueerBait: Im disappointed but not surprised; The one that hurt me the most was when they were drifting in space (for no good reason) Lance said Keith ‘’maybe shouldn’t have even came back’’ when Lance was the loneliest in the ship after Keith went away. Lance was utterly alone and felt the worst at those moments. I know it wasn’t from the heart but it hurted me and I don’t know how to deal with it given the rest of these last seasons;  - Acxa x Keith was the most disapointing thing I’ve ever seen, they had no interest on each other, they had no conection whatsoever, they have nothing between them and I really hope she’s Keith long los sister because if not, I’m not going to watch this happen;  - Shadam/Adashi: Well, voltron you really fucked up on this one.   I think the worst was how much you advertised this, you made us feel like we had a guaranteed gay relationship and then ripped it from us for what? shook value? When all the heterosexual relationships went fairly well? But you didn’t advertise these heterossexual realtionships like you did with adashi so what was the problem? Also, you could say it was not queerbait cause Shiro is still lgbt but why would you rob Shiro his fiancee? Like rena said on twitter, Shiro has suffered so much and everyone returned to their families, had their happy ending, but shiro has ptsd, was tortured, died, and returns home to be alone. You didn’t even say they were planning to get married on the show, if you didn’t watch the enterview, you wouldn’t even know they were planning on getting married. But no, his dead was fast and meaningless, he didn’t got anymore flashbacks, we got nothing else about him, you did’t spend more than 5 seconds mourning him, it was empty and careless. We don’t know anything else about adam, you used him to get your lgbt coverage and that’s why you queerbaited us. And you know what is so sad? You were there when some of us watched the first episode, you saw how happy we were about lgbt representation, you saw us yelling and crying in happiness and you ignored all of it and followed a trope we’ve been watching again and again and again and again.
You know, I wouldn’t have been so sad if there were at least some other interactions between them, or memories/flashbacks about them. But you used Adam as your head line when he became nothing but a footer line on the show. You advertised the relationship you knew would be the most important to us before destroying it And you know what hurts the most? You mourned and cared more for the white women that almost killed the entire human race by not listening & being arrogant that you did for Adam, the gay POC character that gave his life willingly and needlessly to save his planet. Her dead had so much intensity, she had time to speak and try to redem herself, she was made into a hero. We didn’t care about that bitch, she was a rules-lover, selfish women that didn’t know anything about zarkon or the galra but still thought Shiro & Sam & everyone else were wrong in how they were approaching the enemy. We all knew Zarkon would end earth with or without lions and she couldn’t accept that, she was an arrogant twat and you treated her like she was  the best person ever because she sacrificed herself after being proved wrong. And being cruel: I wonder what they told the families of the ones she, the hero,  send to their deaths when everyone told her it was the wrong decision.  You mourn that women like an hero, and you treat Adam, our hope for canon representation, the symbol of our identity, the hopes we had on this show since the begining, as a footer. I hope you give us something about Shadam/Adashi in next season, if you want us to stay, if you want us to respect you again. I’m more than happy with some flashbacks from Shiro and a deep meaningful conversation, I’m happy with anything that makes their gay relationship strictly visible because that what was you showed us was going to happen and that wasn’t what you gave us, you own us an apology. Shiro and Adam deserve better.
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00pbz · 5 years
me vs all these conflicting emotions over.. a boy..... hmm
heres the rundown
we met on t*nder lmfao n a few days after we matched we met up like.. 2 eat n get boba n all tht
n we’ve been texting/snapchatting since but ! since it’s break havent met up irl again djfdj he also wants to facetime but . thats a no from me bc 1. id have 2 do my makeup and 2. im awk enough irl im not gna push my luck yet
hes , a little c*te ig djfdks idk! tbh he reminds me of k*n (please dont @ me) n plays piano n sings n all tht hhhh ALSO. also he has 2 dogs n theyre both rlly cute n i havent met them but i rlly Want To
ok so . we’re not Dating but he’s.... pretty clearly interested djdjfjd like ik a lot of it is prob bc hes Single and just Wants A Girlfriend but like , thats so valid tbh lmao
anw hes p nice to talk to but i rlly dont know bc . like i said . we’ve only met 1x irl and ,, first meetings can b very deceiving shfkdf
i also dont kno like .. any important things abt him in terms of beliefs ? like he Said hes not sexist n that he doesnt like *rmys so thats a start but also very ..... hmm
like . if hes homophobic thats a big no bc i am Big Gay , also if hes transphobic ? he can leave !
ig another big issue is , if hes tht liberal w stuff like idk. human rights then dkdkdfj idk how he is w,,, ooooooh ~~religion~~ lol
but , like i said . he’s lowkey kinda cute n nice dkfjksd also hes mentioned me to at least one friend (i v briefly met 2 others when we met up the first time) and they want to meet me,, im so . afraid shkdkf like im glad hes talked abt me but also!!! fear
highkey just wna date for the experience bc , ik i’d prob be able to get away without getting too attached? n i wna actually get a gift from an s/o for valentines for once lol
tbh i just dont know if i rlly like him or not but its so hard to tell bc of how Limited our interactions have been (esp irl ones) so,, hhhh idk ive gotten.. somewhat good vibes so far on my own end but . we shall see
thank u for tuning in for another segment of “this bitch doesnt know what the fuck shes doing”
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forageables · 6 years
Meet Our Lovely Dysfunctional Farmers
so hello everyone! it’s us, forageables! we consist of two people, sara and jade, who play a lot of video games and watch a lot of cartoons. we’re working on a comic series right now that’s a sdv slice of life, but we want to expand into Other Stuff in the future. these are our farmer’s biographies! we’re going to expand their stories later in time but this is just the gist of them. they’re a lot like us, but with some differences as well. we hope that you can find some enjoyment from our dumb times in the valley!
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A solid boi gal (kind of up in the air)
Doesn’t know what she’s doing half the time but acts like she does
Organization Nerd, has boxes dedicated to everything
Says foreables a lot, hence the name of the blog
Likes Jade despite the fact that Jade is an Absolute Loser TM
Doesn’t like Patty the Potted Plant and would burn her if she had the change
Brown hair, golden eyes (like the sun! except less hot because that would be hazardous)
Wears a Charlie Brown-ish shirt
Has a sunhat from the egg festival that she refuses to exchange for the cone hat despite Jade’s incessant pleas
Loves money, and panics every time Jade goes on a pig spending spree
Sebastian is her bestie and they cry and watch emo things together
Badass miner
Likes coffee a little too much (but she swears she’s not dependent)
Highkey gay for Leah and is constantly fighting Jade over who gets to give her a salad first
Hates Lewis and always has, puts his pants up for the Grange Festival every year even after she bought the Stardrop
Shouts at Jade constantly (reasonably so)
Gets insulted by Jade a lot
Likes spicy eel because zoomy zoom
Better at fishing than Jade because Jade is a lazy ass who only ever focuses on becoming friends with people and mining (what a loser)
Plays the piano like a fucking master
Hates the drum block
Loves Evelyn with a fiery passion
Bops out to the Stardew Soundtrack like a fucking maniac
Loves Krobus because who doesn’t love a VOID BOYE
Solid independent female
Likes Sara (who is technically a guy)
Can’t organize for shit, has a shed full of boxes that she uses for whatever purpose she pleases
Loves Patty the Potted Plant and would protect her with her life
Green hair, dark skin (not irl, because she’s actually half asian and clicked the randomize button)
Nerd in an overall
Bought cone hat against Sara’s wishes (best decision she has EVER made)
Fuckin adores pigs and will buy an absurd amount against Sara’s wishes
Likes the saloon because BEER 
Is lowkey Gay for Maru but can’t hook up bc she’s married to Sara and because of her cripplingly awkward personality
Dies in the mines a lot, and dies outside of the mines a lot too
Likes beer shhh we do not support underage drinking in this Good Christian Household
Good friends with Shane because she gives him alcohol daily
Highkey gay for Leah and would do anything to gain her approval
Has a lot more friends than Sara because she gifts people shit unlike Sara
Gets shouted at constantly by Sara for doing/saying dumb things
Insults Sara a lot, but in an endearing way
Calls Clint Clit or Clintoris- also against Sara’s wishes
Hums UNDERTALE songs a lot with Sara
Plays ukulele like a little bitch
Hates the flute block
Likes spaghetti and other Italian Foods
Loves Evelyn, would die for her and would do anything to make her happy
Lowkey very sad 24/7 but laughs awkwardly through the pain
Hates Lewis because he gives off Bad Vibes
Loves Krobus and Sandy (would definitely marry Sandy if she was an option)
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how the different SHINee pairings hug each other?💎💚I’m feeling a lil soft today😌
guess who is also feeling hecka soft today bc Cute English Boy wasn’t wearing his signature ballcap in class today and he looked!!!! so soft with his hair down nd unstyled i Nearly Fucking Cried
jongyu: jinki backhugging jonghyun v softly nd burying his head in the crook of jjong’s neck nd leavin v soft kissies on the skin there uwu nd big spoon lil spooning when jjong can’t sleep with roo as the Littlest Spoon nd when jjong is writting jinki will just kinda come up nd sit behind him nd rest his head on jjong’s shoulder and listen all contet while jjong hums real soft nd jinki probably puts his hands v gently on jjong’s waist just to have even more contact even tho his chest is already flush to jjong’s back
onkey: so kibum’s in the kitchen cookin smth nd jinki has his hands on his hips nd his like… layed against kibum’s back but kibum doesn’t mind bc it’s just real soft nd cute nd then when he’s donw cooking they hold hands which turns into them holding Both Hands which turns into them kissin a lil which turns into them hugging with jinki’s arms around kibum’s waist and kibum’s arms around jinki’s neck with one hand in jinki’s hair n the other grippin the back of jinki’s shirt nd they’re probably like…. gross romantic slow dancing while jinki hums smth
onho: jinki bein tired and :((( so min comes nd pulls him up from the couch nd wrapsa secure arm aroud his waist and takes him out to go walk around the park at sunrise nd they hold hands to Keep Warm nd they go to the lake and feed some ducks nd jinki is sittin between min’s legs nd min is messaging jinki’s neck nd shoulders and jinki is pullin grass out of the ground nd makin a lil bouqette before throwin the grass into the lake nd Starting Again nd they’re not talking or anythin they’re just sittin nd watching the sunrise
ontae: taem hugs jinki all the time it’s just!! v comforting for our anxious boy to have contact Especially with jinki nd so you’ll catch them like… in the grocery store or smth nd taem is huggin jinki with his face buried in jink’s neck bc jinki smells like nice flowery cologne and clean clothes and like a lil sweaty and he just smells…. Like Home and jinki is rubbin taem’s back probably nd smiling uwu really softly to himself bc he Really Really Loves his lil chaotic fairy boy nd just wants him to be happy always nd forever :’)
jongkey: kibum is probably complainin about smth nd jjong just kinda :
jongho: HEIGHT DIFFERENCE jjong is :( tired nd min just kinda D: nd hugs him v tigthly nd jjong rubs his cheeks against min’s chest nd wraps his lil arms around min’s Whole Entire Waist n grabs entire handfuls of the back of min’s shirt and just… smiles heckin softly nd takes some deep breaths nd they just kinda…… keep standin there nd hugging for a whole long gay time
jongtae: taem bein jjong’s child and also The Love Of His Entire Life jjong is always huggin taem like at the convenience store? huggin. backstage at a concert? Super Soft Hugs. ONstage at a concert? Still Huggin Real Soft. all the softest hugs all the time okay they Love each other they’re so so soft @ each other like taem: breathes. jjong: !!!!!! the owner of my entire soul i love u sm im so proud of u my Love
minkey: okay so!!!! backstage @ one of kibum’s shows min came to support His Love nd kibum is lowkey (highkey) real nervous so min !!!!!!!!!!!!! nd hugs him like !!! i love u i believe in u babe ur so talented i know you’ll do amazingly nd kibum sighs into the hug nd wraps his arms around min’s waist too nd probably touchies his butt a bit bc like….. yall but it’s!!! good nd soft nd min is such a supportive bf i love Him
taekey: okay so like,,,, kibum is sittin behind taem nd taem is leanin his back against kibum’s chest nd they’re probably drinkin *soft baby taem voice 6v6* hot chocolate nd gossiping bc That’s Who They Are nd taem is wigglin his lil toes nd when he’s done with his hot coco he takes kibum’s hands nd starts fidgeting w/ them nd they’ve stopped talkin at this point it’s just real soft silence and kibum is uwu watchin taem be real pretty nd soft
2min: so yall these Goofy Boys will be play fighting in the living room nd then min tackles taem to the ground bc he’s Extra and Has To Win nd then taem gets rolled over so he’s on top and they like ?? silently agree to stop fightin idk and they just kinda lay there on the carpet and min wraps his arms All The Way around taem’s waist nd hugs him real close nd taem clutchies at min’s shirt bc :( he wants kissies so min kisses his forehead nd his hair nd his nose nd then taem buries his face in min’s necl like uwu nd they just stay there until min’s back starts to hurt
bonus !!!:
ot5: jjong in the middle nd taem cuddled up to his left arm grippyin his bicep nd rubbin his cheek against his shoulder nd jinki against his right side with his arms around jjong’s waist with one hand also holdin onto one of taem’s pinkies nd another holdin onto min’s hand nd kibum is plastered against jjong’s front holdin him gently with on hand grippin jinki’s wrist with his face buried in jjong’s neck nd min is against his back with his head in jjong’s hair breathing in his eucalyptus n peppermint shampoo nd his arms are just warpped around everyone bc he loves them all so much nd they all love each other so so much 
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Whole New World- Alex Mercer x OC
Alex Mercer x Evangeline Buchanan
Description: Evangeline hasn’t explored L.A. in years and Alex decides to give her a tour of the new Los Angeles
Word Count: 2.2k
Note: Okay, before you say anything, I know that Alex is gay. However, I had an oc that I wanted a ship for and Alex was just sitting there being the only one without a ship, and after a test fic I found that I lowkey highkey liked it. SO here we are. Enjoy!
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“Give it up for our Lovely Little Stars!” Evangeline heard Caleb announce after she, Hattie and Daisy struck the final pose of their performance. She kept her panting to a minimum while everyone clapped then dropped her arms when Caleb gestured for them to walk offstage. 
The trio waved to their audience before leaving everyone else’s view and their smiles dropped immediately. Evangeline sighed and removed the feather boa from around her shoulders, she hated fake feathers. 
“I swear he’s working us harder every day,” Hattie sighed as they got to their dressing room. The other two nodded and Evangeline sat at her vanity. 
“For such a mediocre performance,” she added. 
“And a mediocre audience,” Daisy finished. They shared a laugh and began taking off their accessories. 
“These earrings are going to pull my head off,” Daisy groaned. Evangeline giggled and shook her head at her friend’s complaint.
“You should have seen them in the 20’s,” she retorted. Daisy was just about to respond when there was a knock at their door. 
“I swear if it’s Caleb with another critique I’ll-” she stopped mid-sentence after opening the door. The other two stared at her in confusion until the person standing on the other side of the door spoke.
“Uh, hi. Is Evangeline here?” She recognized the voice as Alex’s, which made her perk up. Daisy didn’t answer at first, instead looking at the girl in question to see what she’d say. Rather than answering, Evangeline stood and walked to the door. 
“I’ll handle this Daisy. Thank you,” she spoke as she reached the door. The girl nodded and walked away. Evangeline finally looked at Alex, and was surprised to see him holding a bouquet of orange and yellow tulips. 
“Hi,” he breathed out once she came into view.
“Hi,” she responded with a shy grin. “What’s up Alex?” He snapped out of whatever trance he was in and held out the flowers for her, 
“Uh, well first these are for you,” he explained softly. A blush dusted her cheeks, she had already come to the conclusion herself but it was still a sweet gesture nonetheless. 
“Thank you,” she spoke earnestly as she gingerly took the bouquet. “They’re beautiful.” She moved just for a moment to put the flowers in a vase, and was pleasantly surprised to see Alex hadn’t come in out of respect for the girls. 
“Not to sound cheesy but they don’t hold a candle compared to you,” he responded. Daisy and Hattie looked between each other and Evangeline, silently cooing. Evangeline gave them an excited smile since she wasn’t in his line of sight, making Hattie giggle. 
“You’re too sweet,” she responded. Daisy watched as a hopeful smile appeared on Alex’s face before he spoke again. 
“I was uh, hoping that you had time to hang out for a bit before I have to go rehearse with the guys,” he mentioned, sounding and looking nervous. Evangeline wanted to more than anything, but Caleb was expecting them for a rehearsal before their performance tonight. Hattie seemed to understand her thought process after seeing the girl’s shoulders drop. 
“Go ahead, we’ll cover for you,” she muttered, resting a hand over the girl’s. Daisy piped up from her seat. 
“Yeah, go have fun!” Evangeline laughed a little, not thinking twice before responding. 
“I’d love to. Just give me a few minutes to change and I’ll meet you at the front.” 
“Okay, see you then,” Alex replied immediately. Evangeline tried not to laugh at the excitement in his voice as he closed the door. She shook her head at him then grabbed her regular clothes. 
“I swear that boy is whipped, and he doesn’t even fully know you yet,” Hattie commented with a giggle as she took off her makeup. 
“Maybe that’s why he’s so whipped,” Daisy teased, making Evangeline roll her eyes and throw her dress at her once she took it off. The girl only laughed and shrugged in response while Evangeline changed and redid her hair and makeup to something more casual. 
“Are you two going to be okay without me here for a bit?” She asked unsurely, looking between her friends. 
“We’re dead Eve, not disabled,” Daisy deadpanned. The girl giggled and hugged her then Hattie before heading to the door. 
“Alright, fine. Now don’t just sit around like a couple of dewdroppers, get a wiggle on. Sharp’s the word and quick’s the action,” she instructed. 
“I have no idea what any of that means,” Hattie responded enthusiastically. Daisy snickered and waved while Evangeline giggled. 
“I’ll see you two later,” she bid them goodbye before walking out, heading to the front immediately. Alex was there talking to Willie while he waited for her. When he noticed her walking over, he said bye to his friend and met her halfway. 
“Hey, you look great,” he complimented, causing her to blush. “Ready to go?” Once she nodded, he gingerly took her hand and led her out of the rather loud club.
“Where are we going?” Evangeline questioned as they reached outside. A small breeze swept through and she sighed, happy to be out of the stuffy building. 
“Well, where have you never been around here?” Alex asked. They began walking down Hollywood Boulevard arm in arm. 
“Nowhere,” she responded simply, making Alex stop in his tracks. That in turn made her stop and gaze at him, confused. 
“Wait, so you’ve been here for more than a hundred years and you’ve never been outside the club?” He asked, both looking and sounding bewildered. 
“I mean, yeah,” Evangeline shrugged. “Well I’ve been on Hollywood Boulevard, but with everything constantly changing I was afraid I'd get lost. After Caleb found me and basically gave me a home I never thought I would want to leave, so I haven’t tried. That is, until today,” she explained. Alex looked off, lost in thought as she watched him. After a minute of silence, he faced her again with a tender smile. 
“I guess that means I’ll have to give you a tour then, huh?” His question caused an excited smile to appear on Evangeline’s face and she nodded. 
“Let’s get a move on then,” he instructed, holding out his elbow for her. “Welcome to Tour of Hollywood, given by yours truly.” She giggled and linked her arm in his. Without wasting a second Alex was leading her down the sidewalk, sidestepping anyone in their way despite the fact that they could just walk through them. 
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They spent the next three hours exploring everything Alex could remember. He noticed Evangeline took a particular liking to an old fashioned boutique near the beach. Aside from that, he showed her every record shop, clothing stores, restaurants, malls, and parks that he could think of. At 5:00, they were at a park near the Molina house and Alex turned to face Evangeline. 
“Would you want to come watch my band practice?” He asked hopefully. “We’re practicing a new song that Julie wrote and I think the guys would like some input from an outside point of view.” Evangeline thought about it for a moment, silently weighing her options. If she went back to the HGC, she’d just have to deal with loud customers, deafening music, and Caleb. If she went with Alex she’d get to listen to his band’s jam session, get to know Julie and the guys a bit more, and generally relax. The answer was obvious at that point. 
“Lead the way,” she finally responded with a small smile. Alex also grinned, looking relieved, and together they poofed inside of Julie’s garage. The girl in question jumped at the sudden appearance then held her hand over her chest. 
“A warning would be nice, you guys,” she stated, exasperated. Luke and Reggie turned around and raised their eyebrows when they realized Alex had a guest. 
“Oh hey,” Reggie greeted. “Eva, right?” Evangeline nodded and smiled politely. 
“Yep. And you’re Reggie, Luke and Julie.” The others nodded, Julie smiling. 
“Nice to see you again,” she waved. “What brings you here?”
“Well,” Alex answered before Evangeline, “I was hoping that she could watch us practice before she has to go home. We could use someone not in the band to give us a review on the new song. And Flynn doesn’t count because she was there when you wrote it, Julie,” he added quickly when he saw the girl beginning to speak. Everyone seemed surprised at his suggestion, and Evangeline felt herself become nervous. 
“If it’s not okay I can totally leave,” she added. “I don’t want to intrude.”
“No, it’s okay,” Julie finally answered, making the guys nod. 
“Yeah, you’re cool,” Luke piped up. “We just have to wait for Flynn to get back with her snacks then we’ll start.” Evangeline giggled and nodded. Alex led her to the couch and allowed her to sit down before taking a seat at his drum set. They only had to wait a few minutes before Flynn walked in with a bag of chips and a bottle of soda. 
“Alright phantoms, wherever you are, let’s get started,” she announced as she took a seat in one of the chairs by Julie’s keyboard. 
“Before we begin,” Julie spoke. “We have a guest with us today. Alex’s friend Eva is here to listen to us practice.” 
“Ooh, a friend, Alex?” Flynn teased. “Well hello Eva,” she greeted, looking in almost the direct opposite direction of where Evangeline sat. Despite her not being able to see him, Alex blushed at the girl’s teasing. Luke was quick to take notice and chuckled. 
“Uh, Flynn?” Julie giggled. “She’s sitting on the couch.” Flynn blushed like Alex had and slouched in her seat, grumbling at them to just start. 
“Alright the first song we’re doing is the one I finished earlier today, it’s called Edge of Great,” Julie said as she took a seat at her keyboard. With one more smile around the room, she began playing the opening notes of the song. 
The jam session lasted for another two hours. Each song that they played took Evangeline’s breath away, she was in absolute awe at their talent. Each member brought something to the table. Julie’s powerful voice could leave someone in tears if she wanted, Luke’s passion for the art was awe inspiring, and Reggie’s ability to somehow be funny while playing his bass guitar was honestly impressive to her. The one that impressed her the most though was Alex. His anxiety was not unknown to Evangeline, he’d talked about it in depth many times before today. But any anxiety or stress seemed to melt away when he began playing, it felt like magic to her. She had no negative review on any song during the session, and it was true. 
Afterwards, Alex and Evangeline poofed back to Hollywood Boulevard together after bidding the other goodbye. Alex, who was now more relaxed, wrapped an arm around the girl’s shoulders lazily. 
“So, you really liked our stuff?” He asked gently. Evangeline grinned and nodded up at the boy. 
“I did,” she answered. “You guys have something special, you’re really talented.” Alex blushed at her compliment, his grin widening a bit. 
“I’m glad.” They reached the entrance to the club, and Evangeline could hear the music faintly pumping even from where she stood as she leaned back against the wall. They just stood in front of each other, silently staring into the other’s eyes. After a moment Alex chuckled breathlessly then looked down. 
“I had a great time today Alex,” she said. “I don’t think I’ve had that much fun in years, I never realized just how much changed or stayed the same.” The boy looked at her once again. 
“I’m glad I was able to help you,” he responded in a whisper. Neither seemed to realize that Alex had stepped closer when he spoke, or maybe they just didn’t seem to mind. 
“Maybe we could do it again sometime?” He continued. Evangeline smiled and nodded. 
“I’d like that a lot,” she whispered. Slowly, without the need for warning, Alex began leaning closer to her. Evangeline met him halfway in a kiss, and it felt as if fireworks went off in her belly. Her hands rested on his shoulders as she stood to her normal height. He followed her lead and wrapped his arms around her waist, pulling her closer. Even if they were ghosts, they still felt the need to pull away for air. They stared into each other’s eyes then both looked away simultaneously. 
“I should probably get back,” Evangeline whispered after a moment. Alex hummed in acknowledgement, but Evangeline had a feeling that he hadn’t actually heard her. Her suspicions were shot down when he finally gazed at her again. 
“Can I see you tomorrow?” He asked hopefully. 
“I have a couple of shows,” she answered, sounding sad about it. “But you’re welcome to come and watch.” Alex perked up at that and nodded. 
“I don’t mind.” His response made Evangeline giggle as they pulled away from each other. She adjusted the collar of his jacket as she spoke once more. 
“My first performance is at 6:00.”
“I’ll be there,” he reassured her. “See you tomorrow Eva.” They needed no more words before he swooped down for one more kiss before poofing out of her sight. She leaned against the wall with a stupid smile on her face as the events of the day played through her head. As she walked in, she couldn’t help but think about how she could better her performance for the next day. 
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incorrect-astro · 6 years
Can you do 5 v. with your fave ship? I just really need to see someone write this it's amazing
YOU ASK FOR MY FAVORITE SHIP SO I GIVE YOU BINU this is got hella fucking long bc tbh i Loved this but this is 1,000+ words of pure bullshittery honestly but yes i hope u like it!!!!!
playlist i listened to while writing this ;)
5; v: “You live across from me in our apartments and we smile when we see each other but we don’t really know each other and oh you’re the stripper at my friend’s stag do/hen night fuck this is really uncomfortable”
he was cute. his eyes were sharp but turned soft when he aimed his gentle smile towards him
he was barely shorter than Dongmin, but seemed far more muscular than he had ever dreamed of being
he’s like a big puppy!!!
Dongmin is so WHIPPED for this boy and he doesn’t even know his name
cough cough fast forward to when they ran into each other while getting their mail and Dongmin very obviously sneakily peeks over at Cute Smile Neighbor’s mail to see his name
Moon Bin
THAT’S SO CUTE huh what a nice name
anyway fast forward AGAIN to Myungjun inviting him to his bachelor party
“Dongmin please come you’re so violently single we can find ur gay ass a hot stripper bf”
so anyway Dongmin ended going even though he Didn’t Want To
he didn’t want to bc strip clubs make him Uncomfortable of course not bc Cute Smile Neighbor Bin and Dongmin as well, of course (aka he found out and lowkey (Highkey) stalks him to their building’s gym every evening aha WHAT) works out every evening during the time of the party what of course not
so the day of the party exactly an hour before he’s supposed to get to the club Dongmin gets all dressed up
aka These Jeans and This Shirt And Jacket and This Hair
damn @ himself he looks Great
fast forward he’s at the strip club now and he meets up with Myungjun who promptly shows him his ring for the 992852635th time
“Dongmin look look at the ring Jinwoo gave me isn’t it so beautiful!!”
“yes Myungjun it’s just as beautiful as every other time you’ve shown me”
so okay it’s been like half an hour since Dongmin got to the club and now everyone’s here !! Dongmin leaves FOR LIKE A MINUTE to go to the bathroom and as he’s walking back-
“hey Dongmin we got your single ass a stripper!!”
N O Myungjun fuck of-
that’s the dude the GUY
what is his cute smile neighbor doing here??
why is he coming over??
o fuck
he’s going to die
he’s actually going to die?? oh my god
cute neighbor hasn’t noticed it’s him yet
“Dongmin, this is MB! MB this is Dongmin :))))))”
Myungjun what the fuck PLEASE STOP TALKING
o well MB (?? y’all i couldn’t think of another stage name for moon boy so??) looks fuckin stunned now he recognizes him now
“oh, hi!” CUTE SMILE
@ himself pls say SOMETHING more than um
“yes hello”
very fucking clever Dongmin u useless gay
well that was a short lived interaction bc MB ??? Bin???? is grabbing his hand now and pulling him towards one of the curtained off half-circle couches
he closes the curtain and
o shit he’s F I T
he’s stroking Dongmin’s thigh oh my god
Myungjun how much fucking money did this cost
Dongmin thinks he’s dying
he can’t feel his heartbeat but also he knows he still has blood left so? what is This
R18 R18 NO
well Myungjun sorry @ ur wallet but this Cannot Go On
“hi um, i’m sorry i can’t.. do… this”
Bin ?? MB??? stops and is just kinda Sitting on Dongmin’s legs now ??
why isn’t he??? saying anything????
Dongmin no
Dongmin, anxiously mumbling,
“i’m really sorry it’s just..  you’re really cute and i actually kind of know you i guess?? we don’t really talk but i know you recognize me and i just-i don’t feel like it’s right if we skip over like 8 steps and go straight into this”
Dongmin exactly 5 seconds later, blushing violently,
Bin, the stripper. also blushing violently because !!!!!! ANGEL NEIGHBOR (who’s apparently named Dongmin ?? thanks @ angel neighbor’s friend) THINKS HE’S CUTE!!!!!!!!!
Bin, screaming internally calmly,
“you think i’m cute?”
“very cute”
Bin internally: FUCK
Bin externally,
“you’re so beautiful”
Dongmin pull urself together goddamn
“do you really?”
Bin, almost in tears at how CUTE Angel Smile Neighbor Dongmin looks while he’s looking up through his eyelashes at Bin with this adorable confused look,
“how could i not? you’re like an angel”
Dongmin?? can’t fucking breathe
coughs so Bin is Still sitting on Dongmin’s lap btw so Dongmin WITH SOME RANDOM SWEEP OF CONFIDENCE
leans up and kisses Bin ???
Bin kisses back Obviously
28273 years like, a minute and a half later they pull away panting because they’re Disgusting
Bin: “so… should we like.. go on a date?? or something???”
Dongmin: YES OF COURSE “oh sure sounds nice”
these shits acting like they didn’t just make out for 1.5 minutes 14 years
so anyway idk how to end this but because Myungjun Paid for Bin’s time but neither of them really want to like…. do the Thing they end up just talking for the extra half an hour they have and it’s really nice because they actually have !!!!! a lot in common!!
Dongmin, the second he leaves Bin:
bonus ;))))) -
they go on a few dates and Bin asks Dongmin to be his bf and Dongmin is like !!!!! yes of course!!!! and they kiss it’s Pure
then like a year later Dongmin asks Bin to move in with him and Of Course Bin accepts and it takes like 2 days to move bin’s stuff across the fucking hall bc he has So Fucking Much Stuff
and obviously they share a bed
Bin, hanging his bi pride flag next to Dongmin’s pan pride flag: “hey babe which way do these look Most aesthetically pleasing together”
and Then okay y’all THEN it’s like 3 years since they first started dating
Bin asks Dongmin out on a date ad Dongmin gets all excited bc they’ve both been really busy that they haven’t been able to have a Proper Fancy Dinner Date in like 3 weeks so he gets all dressed up
in This
and so even though they live together they meet at the restaurant ???
but ye anyway Bin shows up in This
the best couples wear couple suits
and they hug and kiss a lil coughs and go to the hostess and Bin gives his name nd she sees their reservation n take them to their table
they have some Fancy Wine bc they are Fancy Boys
and it’s while Dongmin is in the MIDDLE of taking a bite of his chocolate cake that Bin stands up
Dongmin, mouth full of cake: ????????
Bin: gets down on one knee
Dongmin, low-key choking on cake: !!??!?!???!??!?!????!!!!!!!
Bin: pulls a ring box out of his pocket
Dongmin: !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Bin, already tearing up :”””) : “we met in a really unconventional way, and a slot of people said we weren’t going to make it a month, even less so 3 years, and for that i want to thank you for putting up with me for this. long. you are the best thing that has ever happened to me, and i am so so happy i finally asked you out, and that you asked me to move in with you, and that we are here, now, together and happy and in love.. you are truly the most beautiful person i have ever met, both inside and out, so… Lee Dongmin, my angel, my love, will you marry me?”
Dongmin, crying loudly: ohmygod of course Bin, of course i’ll marry you”
Bin carefully slips the ring onto dongmin’s finger, both pairs of hands shaking as Dongmin pulls Bin up and hugs him hard enough for Bin to lose his ability to breathe
everyone else in the restaurant: CHEERING ND CLAPPING FOR THE HAPPY SOAP COUPLE!!!!!
send me more writing requests kiddos
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