#orthodontic stuff
echoesofadventure · 4 months
Look what I got today!
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ceasarslegion · 9 months
Turns out that spending a few more dollars on the toothpaste that helps tooth sensitivity is what helps sensitive teeth, and just cheaping out on the cheapest kind will keep them clean but wont make eating ice cream less painful. Shocked and upset. More at 11
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achillyscomedown · 9 months
i won’t wear my retainer for a week straight, but the one night i put it on i’ll smile to myself like yeah. this is it. i’m doing it. i’m fixing my teeth.
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izupie · 1 year
I was trying to explain the orthodontic treatment I got as a kid to a friend at work the other day and while I could remember the name of the Twin Block no problem (I hated that thing with a fiery burning passion) I couldn't remember the name of this weird device that was on the roof of your mouth and every week or something you had to turn a metal key in it and it would get slowly progressively wider.
She thought I was making it up!
Anyway I googled it tonight to find out what it was called - a Palette Expander apparently - and I can honestly say I am SO glad I didn't have easy access to Google when I had these things. The side effects and warnings on a palette expander would have made me 100% refuse to have one lmao
At the time I was a kid and I can't recall anyone ever telling me these things, so whether my orthodontist told my mum or not and she was like Sure Do It and just didn't tell me - who knows! But the side effects were all news to me!
I mean, obviously, in the end I wore it like 17 years ago or something, so it's all been and gone now and turned out fine? but yeah, don't go down Google rabbit holes about stuff that's already happened. Horrifying.
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echidnana · 24 days
woah what a coincidence i'm getting my lower wisdom teeth removed in 2 days, we are are both having surgery to remove body parts that will do more harm than good if we were to keep them lol.
AKAJJFJA YEAH!! surgery buddies!! we hope you procedure goes smoothly, we had our wisdom teeth taken out a few years ago and it went pretty well for us!
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link-lonk · 1 year
My teeth hurt so fucking bad but I'm being so brave about it
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ann-beth · 1 year
A Hawley's Appliance/Retainer with a Z-spring...hmm, I should repeat this later, i think I may have majorly messed up on that spring boxing+ acrylization..
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i may have just swallowed a rubber band on accident and im not sure what the consequences of this are going to be
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bakedbakermom · 7 months
Takeout Interruptus (read on ao3) fluff and humor // T // 1k words tagging @today-in-fic @ao3feed-msr
A makeout session is interrupted by an over-enthusiastic delivery boy who just can't take a hint. (Note: "OK Chinese Restaurant" is a real place in the SF Bay Area, so I hope you will forgive me for the name. I always wanted to open another place across the street called "Good Chinese Restaurant.")
Scully’s tongue thrusts hot and wet into his mouth, her hands tangled in his hair. She gasps as his fingers slip under the hem of her shirt to begin a teasing journey up the sweet plains of her stomach, inching higher and higher... when a loud knock sounds at Mulder’s door. “Sorry,” he murmurs against her lips. “Forgot I ordered food.”
She whines when he pulls away, though her stomach is rumbling. “Hurry back, G-Man.”
He smiles over his shoulder as he grabs his wallet and opens the door, revealing a gangly teenager with bright red hair, a smattering of acne, and an anemic little caterpillar of a mustache valiantly attempting to crown his upper lip. In his hands are two bulging bags of takeout, their stylized font proudly proclaiming them the product of Mr. Fung’s OK Chinese Restaurant (Ask About Two-for-One Tuesday Special!).
“Hey, Zack, how’s it going?”
“Good, Mr. Mulder, thanks. That’ll be $27.50.” He holds the bags up for emphasis and Mulder thumbs through his wallet. “Hey, so, you were right about that book you told me about, the one with the yetis? Susie thought it was really cool and now I think maybe she thinks I might be really cool and so I was just wondering if you had any, like, recommendations for more? Because, like, I’m not great with girls, and she’s so pretty and so smart and she smells, like, so good and I just don’t want to blow it, like—“
Mulder pulls out a few worn bills with an unnecessary flourish, waving them right under the boy’s nose, and Zack’s motor mouth dies abruptly. “Next time, okay? Keep the change.”
Oblivious, the young man bumbles on. “Come on, man, it’s just that I’m, like, really nervous? I’m supposed to meet up with her after my shift tonight and she was like, ‘it’s no big deal’ but, like, it’s a super big deal and you’re always so, like, suave and stuff I just thought maybe—”
“Zack,” Mulder says with emphasis, though not without kindness. “I’m a little busy tonight.”
The boy peers around his shoulder into the living room. “Oh hey, Ms. Scully.” She smiles indulgently and wiggles her fingers at him in a small wave. “You guys got some cool new case going on? Oh is it gross? Susie loves when I talk about the gross ones, that Flukeman thing had her fascinated for days so maybe you could just, like, give me a few details and I could like—”
He is inching closer to the door and Mulder sticks a hand out to grab the frame, his forearm forming a barricade before the boy can cross the threshold. “Not exactly, Zack.” Scully can’t see his face, but she can hear in his voice the wide eyes, the raised brows, the way his mouth presses into a thin line as he silently begs the boy to take the damn hint (and the money) and go.
Zack peeks around him again, slower this time, and his eyes widen along with his grin. His gaze flicks back and forth as he takes in Scully’s pinked cheeks, Mulder’s disheveled hair, the coffee table with a pair of near-empty wine glasses and no casefiles in sight. “Oh man! Oh, oh wow. Is this—? Are you—? Oh man!” He gives Mulder a bony but encouraging punch on the shoulder, thumping him in the gut with the takeout bag in the process. “Yeah, sorry, yeah, no, you got it, Mr. Mulder, I’m outta here, say no more, I’ll just, yeah, okay uh—”
He bolts all of three steps before realizing he forgot something, and nearly drops it all as he tries to hand Mulder both bags and take the money at the same time, with only two knobby arms to handle the job. One more glance into the living room, his smile so big it looks painful and shows off an impressively shiny array of orthodontics. “Yeah, okay, bye guys, have a good night, I mean, uh, I’ll just—”
“Bye, Zack.”
“Right, yeah, uh, bye!” He nearly trips over his own oversized feet as he sprints down the hall, shoes squeaking all the way. Rolling his eyes, Mulder pushes the door shut—but not before they hear him whispering excitedly to himself, “Wait ‘til I tell Susie about this!” His voice cracks on the last word.
“Scully?” Mulder asks as he turns back to her. “Do you ever get the feeling that everyone in the world was just waiting for us to get together, and we were too dumb to see it?”
She rises from the couch and takes the bags, then pushes up on her toes to press her mouth fleetingly to his. “Frequently. I’m pretty sure Skinner has Barbie dolls of us and he makes them kiss when he thinks no one is watching.”
He follows her into the kitchen, grabbing plates from the shelves she can’t reach while she rummages through the drawers for clean utensils. When she turns to face him, she finds him already close enough to touch, close enough that his body heat washes over her in a wave that sends tingles from her scalp to her toes. He grabs the counter on either side of her waist, trapping her between the firm brackets of his arms. “Think that kid is gonna get lucky tonight?”
Scully smiles, hooking her fingers through his belt loops and pulling until his hips are flush with hers. She threads her hands into his hair and pulls his face down close. “The more pressing question is,” she whispers, her breath ghosting over his lips, “are you going to get lucky tonight?”
“Would it improve my chances if I started talking about yetis?”
She reaches around, squeezes his ass with both hands, and he yelps as he bucks against her. “Let’s not risk it,” she smirks into his mouth, and kisses him like she wants to swallow him whole.
The takeout goes cold on the counter, but warms up nicely for a midnight snack.
I could not get this idea out of my head. At first I wanted to make it a scene in a larger piece of smut, but ultimately decided it was too funny and needed to be shared on its own. So. Here you go. I do not know why all my fics lately are food-related.
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echoesofadventure · 6 months
The snaggletooth is officially going to be gone! We've set a date to get my braces put on, and by my 40th birthday I should have the straight smile I've always dreamed of!
I will endure temporary discomfort for a higher pay-off. I can do this!
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somesecretpie · 1 month
How to Make Babies (For War)
Soika paces back and forth, running their fingers through their hair. Any moment, the hostage will awaken.
I need to make an impression! A bad one. They scowl. Not bad...good. But not friendly. The good kind of bad.
Perhaps if Troop Leader Soika had been to primary school instead of the ELITE ACADEMY OF FLEXIBLE SOLDIERS, they would know more words, but now was not the time for want-thinking.
Soika flexes their fingers, forming wicked needle-like claws. Is that overdone? They try playing with their teeth, both shape and quantity, shifting the bony protrusions into an orthodontic nightmare.
In the frosted window of the wall, they watch their patchwork of skin as it changes hue, from red to light blue to obnoxious lime green. But nothing seems good bad enough.
A small voice echos from under the table. “Are you okay?”
The hostage!
“You!” Troupe Leader Soika snarls. “Yes, I am good. But you won’t be—unless you do exactly as I say!”
The hostage looks almost bored. “Alright. You want me to cook you something? You want me to make you some nice fettuccine al sangue?”
“Silly jokes! HAHAHA! As if I would kidnap a special operative to have them make me dinner!”
“I’m the chef.”
“WHAT!” Soika squawked. “But your hat is so BIG!”
“It’s a chef’s hat”
“LIAR! You must be IMPORTANT!”
The hostage smiles with a mouthful of dull herbivorous teeth. Somehow, this was more frightening than anything Soika had thought of. “The chef is very important.”
This is it. I’ve lost it. Soika turns to face the wall and lament. The ELITE ACADEMY OF PEOPLE WHO DON’T EXIST ANYMORE was soon going to be enlisting a young southern biped.
As their heart pounds, Soika hears a slooping sound suggestive of the hostage turning into a puddle, as talented shapeshifters often do to escape perilous situations. Not that being captured by Troop Leader Soika is in any way a perilous situation.
Soika is a creature of fear. They survived many battles as a footsoldier, and the orchestrators of this great conflict assumed this was because of good battle tactics and not from being excellent at hiding. And all that hiding got them here–covered in war medals and tassles. Nowhere to hide. Soika curls up into a corner and proceeds to sob indignantly as the firestorms rage outside.
“Fine, go on!” Soika says to the shambling mass. “You’re useless anyhow.”
They hear some rifling of papers and fiddling of metals.
“You’ve got some neat stuff here,” remarks the not-hostage. “Ooo, and is that a crucible? Whatever do you use it for?”
“Crystal dagger production.”
“Crystal daggers…”
More shuffling of papers.
“You must have some sorry shapeshifting soldiers if they need crystal daggers. I do think you could use some better ones.”
Soika’s hands twitch.
“I give you the opportunity to leave unharmed...noncombatant. But you stay and continue to mock me.” Troop leader Soika forms both of their arms into scythes. “This is unacceptable!”
“I mean you no disrespect, Troop Leader,” The not-hostage looks over Soika’s body, sizing them up. Then, they carefully bow. “I would like to offer you my services.”
Soika frowned. Were they still being mocked? Was this part of it? Should they turn their hands into something else?
“I am a filthy traitor and I would like to work for the enemy.” They clarify.
“Okay, thank you.”
The chef removes the crucible from the hanging wall apparatus and begins to prepare it for cooking.
“You know, we don’t really need a chef….”
“Claypot, yes.” Soika looked wistfullly outside at the fire scorched landscape. “We need more soldiers. Ours keep dying for some reason…”
“That’s quite a problem,” says Claypot. “How about the two of us...make some more.”
“More what?”
“Soldiers.” Claypot winks.
Soika crosses their arms “You can’t be serious! How does one even go about making another person, Claypot?”
Claypot begins to sweat slightly. “Did...no one ever tell you?”
“There was no such instruction at the academy…” Soika admits. “But this is a revelation! You are saying that we can simply make more soldiers?”
“We could.”
“Right now?”
“The two of us together?”
Claypot gently brushes against Soika’s knife-hand. “...only if you want to, commander.”
Claypot sighs and retrieves something from their bag. An old faded text written in fanciful handwriting entitled: Recipe for a child.
Soika examines the cover—smells it—then finally opens it and reads it like a person.
Chapter One: The miracle of life~
A warm and gracious greeting to the readers of this, our child recipe book. A tradition carried on for generations and generations and generations and generations, all the way from the first people who ever existed probably, whoever they are.
And you, dear reader, have decided to carry on the tradition by baking a sweet child of your own! By sharing the miracle of life—
Soika sweats. Can they just get to the recipe?
They flip to page fifty seven.
Parenthood should never be taken lightly, are you, dear reader, ready for the responsibility that comes with creating another living soul?
Yes! Thought Soika. Where is the damn recipe?
Finally, they found it. On page sixty nine.
STEP ONE: In one large cauldron, combine flesh of the willing parents.
STEP TWO: Melt over medium heat.
Soika looks up at Claypot. “It says I need flesh.”
“Plenty of corpses just outside.”
Soika had already cut off their thumb and tossed it in there.
“You...do realize that, in using your own flesh, you will be making a clone. A clone of you.”
The gravity of such a thing hits Soika like a sack of bricks and they clutch their face in terror. "NO! No no no, it will be very stupid and bad BAD AT EVERYTHING—"
Claypot shushes them to silence and takes the knife from them. They cuts off their own pinky, tossing it in the pot. "And now it won't."
The two fleshes melt together, swirling and becoming one. Soika's face grows hot again.
STEP THREE: Add changeable substance until you have reached the desired size. For a sweeter child, try adding sugar or a pastry you baked yourself. A pinch of cardamom can add character, but too much and your child might just be too spicy for you to handle! If you are confused on what to add, that’s okay. As long as you cook with your heart, anything is possible—
Claypot interrupted their reading. “Yeah, that whole “adding sugar” stuff is pointless sentimental drivel from the old world. Any biomass will do.” With that, Claypot goes outside and comes back with some fallen leaves and a dead raccoon. Into the pot they go with a hiss and a sizzle. The liquid begins to smell of blood.
STEP FOUR: Stir continuously or else separation may occur.
Before Soika can pick up a stick, Claypot stays their hand.
“Don’t stir it.”
“But the recipe says to stir it—“
“I know what it says,” Claypot grins from ear to ear. “And I’m telling you, don’t.”
Soika watches the bubbling mixture; the denser material sinks to the bottom, forming a distinct layer of frothy liquid
“What…is this top stuff?”
“This is what remains of the ancestral vaust. That beast that knows fear and pain and is always hungry. The Mind Above.” Claypot looks Soika dead in the eye. “If you want a soldier that is efficient, and fearless, pour it away. Pour it out!”
Soika starts to tip the cauldron over, then stops for a moment.
“That seems a bit cruel.”
“Would you rather have soldiers that feel pain and fear? That is cruel, Troop Leader Soika.”
“If they don’t get hungry, how will they remember to eat?”
“They will eat when you tell them to- here,” Claypot begins to tip the cauldron when, suddenly, the flesh screams. Claypot sighs. “It’s too late now.”
At this, the mixture begins pouring itself out of the crucible and onto the concrete floor.
“Here, have a skeleton, you abomination,” Claypot throws a couple of tree branches at the screaming mess. It absorbs the branches, assembling a disjointed frame to help keep balance, until it is able to stand upright on a couple of legs. Once it forms a pair of eyeballs, it stares at Soika judgmentally, and they feel a strong urge to disappear into the wall.
They frantically flip through the recipe book. What now? Is it done? Did I do it?
STEP 7: Name your child.
“A name…” Soika sniffs the air. “You are named Yoota.”
The creature wails.
Claypot shakes their head. “Now now, we don’t want to get attached-”
Soika is not listening to the rest of the words Claypot is saying. They look down at the end of the page, at the very last step.
STEP 8: Tell the child that it is a good child, and that it is loved.
Soika gazes upon the abomination of flesh and sticks, gritting their teeth.
The creature assumes a fighting stance.
“You...are a good child! AND YOU ARE LOVED!”
The creatures blinks.
Then smiles.
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silvr-skreen · 4 months
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oc and canon. standing next to each other.
OC is Bravado, and idk what he does or if he works at COGS inc, but hes part of the extended family to the satellites. hes sorta fishy? if it makes sense, and his tail has a blade at the end. HE ALSO HAS GIGANTISM and orthodontic headgear for his nightmare mouth (braces and a headpiece)
and the canon guy. thats jason. he kinda. in my mind he's like a meat ouroboros thingy? weird meat snake that's like always growing (i got insane abt vita carnis when i first made him and then it morphed into this thing) and he functions sorta like a hermit crab?
hes hiding in discarded shells (the people are alive, the shells were from like. V2.0's who are now skelecogs and stuff, or who got their personality moved into another one after an accident/damage) and has to constantly increase the amount of parts as he gets larger. hes running out. bc hes a fat boy /pos
its big boy season get you one - Good ol Gil Giggles 2024
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bxn-bonnie · 4 months
Speedsters HC : Teeth shifting
I've thought about this recently while I was re-drawing my Wally West design, and I remembered I gave him braces at the beginning of his adulthood. If you quickly think about it and not acknowledge it, it isn't THAT of a big deal, it's just a personal character design.
I've decided to use my little nerd brain about it. Thinking about my own personal experience with orthodontics & some common knowledge about teeth. And I came with the conclusion that all the speedsters have or need retainers, braces, headgear (and other orthodontics stuff).
The simple reasons being, they use their speed at least once a day or more.
Because overnight your teeth shifts, but it's so unnoticeable until a dentist points it out (whether your teeth are crooked, your bottom or top teeth are way too forward, or your upper jaw got smaller). That's for someone that doesn't have super speed (connected to the speedforce). But for Speedsters, time can go faster for them, especially when they vibrate their molecules.
Instead of their teeth shift little by little every night, speedsters teeth shift so quickly (between 24 - 48hrs) that it's noticeable. so what? It's not gonna personally affect them for being heroes or their personal work. It does affect them, and it can even cause some gum diseases.
Any type of shifts that I mentioned (an over/underbite, crooked teeth, a smaller or larger upper jaw) can cause them issues eating, resting their facial features or more.
Now depending on how fast the speedster is, they'd have different types of oral treatment.
Example (with Speedsters who has treatments): Wally only wears traditional braces. And once his treatment comes to an end, he'll be wearing traditional retainers (wired retainers). Not that his teeth were THAT crooked, but he had concerning overbite. His teeth can shift back in less than a week if he doesn't wear his retainers (They're not permanent retainer, but he does have to wear them daily)
Barry, on the other hand, only has a permanent retainer (or bonded retainers if you will) WITH plastic retainers (you can have both). Barry's teeth are always going to be crooked, but not at a level where he needs braces.
Bart... Bart's teeth are so messed up due to not only his speed but also his accelerated aging. So he has to wear braces with forsus springs (elastics wouldn't work with him at all, just saying) BUT ALSO a palate expander (because of the rapid aging) & a headgear to sleep (yet again, rapid aging and his extreme speed but stopped wearing it for a while)
But this is my personal headcanon about the speedsters, don't take it too personal (in a negative way) if you don't actual visualize any of them with orthodontic methods. It's fine totally fine if you don't !! 👍🏾
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maddiehu7 · 4 months
A New Chapter | Spencer reid |
Chapter 2
We get off the plan and head to the hotels we're staying at as soon as we get there and put our stuff down hotch calling a meeting
"Ok Reid me you, Rossi and hill will go to the corners office Seaver snd Morgan go to the crime scene" he walks away heading out of the room Rossi follows him
"As soon as I was getting comfortable" I joke smiling Morgan and seaver laugh but reid just rolls his eyes and follows Rossi and hotch I look down embarrassed and follow him
Once we get to the morgue me and Reid go in to examine the body this poor girl I think to myself frowning, we leave the room to meet Rossi, hotch, and the doctor outside
"This wasn't a high risk victim like a drug addict, orthodontic work shows she was cared for most likely from a middle class family" Reid says smartly
"Tan lines are fading which means she's probably from a warm climate and spent a lot of time outdoors probably playing sports shin splits on the right leg that further supports she's an athlete which means when she escaped from her captor she could've run for miles" I add Spencer looks over at me annoyed but hotch and Rossi look impressed
"What about the patterns in her wounds" the doctor asks Spencer goes to talk but I talk over getting a little mad at this point
"I'm not sure what he used to cut her but it definitely wasent a knife" I say looking over at Spencer cockily he looks me in the eye and I can tell he's pissed off hotch and Rossi just look between each other
"She opened her eyes" the nurse comes over and says we all head into the room Spencer leans over the bandaged girl
"Hi I'm doctor Spencer Reid from the fbi can you tell me your name" he says softly her lip quivers but she dosent speak
"Can you tell me who did this to you" Spencer continues
"He hurt" she whispers brokenly me and hotch look at each other surprised
"Who hurt" Spencer says happy she's talking
"He has mercy" she whispers
"Who is he" Spencer says but all of a sudden she codes and doctors rush in
"Reid" hotch calls and Spencer backs off we all watch from the side this isn't good I think
We head back to the station to try to figure something out, me and Reid are in a room and everyone else went to look at the lake where more possible victims could be, I'm not gonna lie and say this isn't awkward but it's my job so I'm trying to remain professional Spencer's just writing away on the chalk board well I watch trying to figure out what he's doing all of a sudden everyone comes in and I thank god Because this was just to awkward
"Garcia said 8 teenage girls have gone missing from the Carolina's in the past decade" Spence says turning around
"The hospitalized Jane Doe was blonde" Rossi says sitting down
"3 of the 8 are blondes reid turns around to write it on the board
"What about recent missing persons reports" I say to Spencer
"Nothing can up" he says dismissing me I glare at him angrily
"I'm gonna put you on speaker Garcia" hotch says placing his phone down on the table
"So your girl wonder just got a call from Raleigh p.d who heard we were looking for a missing person it turns out that Shreveport police found an abandoned car today that is registered to Mr and Mrs Linda and don Owen's of Raleigh North Carolina" Garcia finishes
"What's that got to do with this?" Rossi questions
"Ok this is why this is important it turns out mr and Mrs Owen's let their daughter who's goes to North Carolina college borrow their car so that her and her best friend could drive to Tampa for spring break but they never made it there" Garcia says
"What are the girls names" I question
"Angela proctor and Marcy Owen's both are 19 years old" I can hear Garcia tapping at the keyboard
"Are they blonde" Reid questions
"Marcy is Angelas a brunette"
"Do you have photographs" Seaver asks
"Yeah that's why I've already sent them to your phones" Garcia brags
"They girl in the hospital is Angela she probably wasn't saying he has mercy she was saying he has Marcy" hotch says looking at reid hotch goes out to talk to the police about what we discovered
"The lab confirmed that the 3 graves contained blonde women were in their late teens" Morgan days as hotch re enters
"So the unsub dose have a type" Reid confirms
"He was probably hurt by one or in love with one" Seaver adds
"Sexual sadist have rage, and based on Angela's wounds my moneys on hurt" I say looking at the pictures of the girls cuts
To make a long story short we found a guy named Marcus Talbot real creep he's currently an art teacher at the high school at lake worth which was awful that someone like him could become a teacher
"Seaver stay here and wait for the parents reid Morgan and hill go to Talbots home Dave and I will go to the school" hotch says we all dismiss to do what we're told, a cop comes with us to Talbots home as we get out of the car me Morgan and Reid take our guns out incase this sickos home and aggressive we club up the stairs reid and me taking the front entrance Morgan going to the green house in the back and the cop taking the back entrance, me and Reid spilt up combing the house, I hear the cop kick the door to down stairs open all of a sudden Morgan comes in with a bloody sweat shirt in his hands
"It's him I called hotch and Rossi they arrested him at the school" he says with certainty I nod putting my gun away but something dosent feel right
(Hello so I need some input on this story should I follow the criminal minds story like to a t or divert into my own I'm just having a really hard time making this story so let me know hope you enjoy this chapter!)
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wolfsbanemanor · 5 months
So, how did they become vampires anyway? (Part 1)
I'm going to tell you the story of how (I think) they became vampires. I want to preface this by saying that this is my opinion, and though it's informed by the Reveal Trailer for this pack and Lily Zhu's dialog boxes from the Werewolves pack, it's just my thoughts on them, and you are free to take this with a grain of salt. I am posting it under a cut, because it is not only a fairly long story, it may be upsetting to some. (Though I do believe it goes a long way towards explaining why Caleb is the way he is, why he has the vampire weaknesses he does, and why he has such a thing about not biting Sims without permission.) So, without further ado...
The story of Caleb and Lilith doesn't begin with Caleb and Lilith. No. It begins with Vlad. One night, Vlad was skulking about, and he entered the home of a woman named Marybelle Smith. Now, a little bit about Ms. Smith. She had once had bad teeth, but her parents had paid a small fortune for her to have some extensive dental/orthodontic work done, and she prided herself on her perfect smile. Every morning and every night, she would brush, floss, gargle mouthwash, and admire her teeth. She was so grateful to her parents, who had passed away some time ago. Her teeth used to cause her such anguish, and got her teased a lot in junior high. Since then, she'd done quite well for herself; she had a good job, a nice house, a bitchin' motorcycle...yes, life was good.
Until that night, that is. Marybelle was brushing her teeth, like always. She never locked her door; she lived in a nice neighborhood, and almost no one ever locked their doors. Vlad crept into the house, and listened for any sign of life. His ears were more sensitive than those of most Sims. He heard it: Marybelle brushing her teeth, and the water running in her sink. He took a minute and admired her beauty, covered only by a pink towel from her bath. Then he crept up behind her. She felt a presence that startled her, and she doesn't remember much else. She woke up on the bathroom tile around midnight, a little bit confused, and with a strange hunger (or was it thirst?) that she couldn't explain. And...was that blood? From her neck? In the coming days, her transformation was complete. No longer did she have a perfect smile like you'd see in a toothpaste ad. Her teeth were sharp and pointy now! And worst of all, she couldn't see them in her mirror. Marybelle had always had a bit of a temper, from the time she was a little girl. Enraged, she smashed her mirror and stormed out of the house, never to return to it.
Over the next few months, Marybelle changed. A lot. She learned that she was a vampire now, and she had to say, she was rather liking it. She could stay up all night and travel around as a bat. And she had hypnotic powers and greater strength than she'd ever had in her life. Yes, she thought. She could get used to this. She even had the ability to somewhat shapeshift into a "Dark Form." Hers happened to include a mohawk, dyed a blood-red color. She decided that the name "Marybelle Smith" no longer fit, and paid to have her name legally changed to Miss Hell.
Meanwhile, back in Willow Creek, a pair of twins grieved for their parents, killed in a tragic car accident one evening. The road had been slippery from snow, and the car spun out of control and slammed into another car. They had put their dreams aside, to deal with the work of getting their estate sorted out and all that stuff. So much paperwork, so many meetings with lawyers. So many hours spent sorting through their parents' possessions, deciding what to keep, what to donate, what to sell. So many meetings with their parents' pastor, and the local funeral director, to give their parents a proper send-off to The Great Beyond. So many well-meaning friends and neighbors (there were no other relatives, save for Mrs. Vatore's sister and her husband, who were in the same car and perished that same night, leaving their only daughter Lily behind) who'd brought casseroles (most of which disgusted Caleb, though he was too polite to say so), sent cards and flowers, and moved on with their lives. But finally, finally, after months of back-and-forth with lawyers and whatnot, Dr. and Mrs. Vatore's estate was sorted out. Everything belonged to Caleb and Lilith now. And though they still missed their parents, they were getting used to life without them. They got themselves jobs: Caleb in the mailroom at Dewey, Cheatham, and Howe, and Lilith at a local coffee shop, and they were considering the possibility of going back to school. Life was good, or at least well on its way there.
And so they decided that they were going to go out and party a little bit. They had themselves a good time. Lilith went home with some guy (whose name she no longer remembers), and they had themselves some intense woohoo. Caleb stayed behind, enjoying cocktails and conversation. (Two of his favorite things!) Mar-...uh, Miss Hell came to the same bar, and she spotted Caleb. She was immediately taken with him, as many women (and men) were. She tried to get his attention, but his mind was elsewhere, lost in the music, the alcohol, the conversations with random people about everything from llamas to underpants. This angered Miss Hell; why wasn't he noticing her?! Was he deliberately ignoring her? Her?! As the night wore on, she found herself getting more and more fixated on him, feeling a strange combination of lust and loathing, attraction and anger. She wanted his blood, she wanted to woohoo him, and she wanted to watch him squirm. All at once.
Eventually, Caleb decided to call it a night. It had been an enjoyable evening; he'd gotten a few numbers to use later. (Caleb was no stranger to woohoo, but he preferred to get to know his partners first.) Before leaving, he decided to use the bathroom. (All those cocktails had caught up with him!) Unbeknownst to Caleb, Miss Hell transformed into a bat and followed him in. Nobody else noticed this; they were all too wrapped up in themselves to notice this, though it wasn't something one saw every day.
As he relieved himself, he couldn't help but feel like he was being watched. Not by a Watcher; putting aside the question of whether or not such an entity existed (he'd never been certain, though he was raised in a very religious household, where the pastor visited regularly, grace was said before meals, and Henry Puffer and several other books and movies were forbidden), or the question of why such an entity (should He/She/They/It exist) would want to watch him urinate (and truth be told, though he was no prude, he wasn't sure he wanted to know the answer to that question), this didn't feel like a Being off in the wild blue yonder somewhere. No, this felt like a presence much, much closer. But, there was no one else in that one-person bathroom but himself. He'd locked the door behind him, right? He figured it was late, he was getting tired, and he'd had a few drinks, and his mind was playing tricks on him. He never noticed the bat hovering in the shadows, waiting for just the right moment. Nor did he notice when the bat transformed into a punk-rocker woman. The only sounds he could hear were the music from outside, and his own stream splashing into the toilet.
No sooner had he finished up and tucked himself back into his pants, he felt himself grabbed from behind. A cold, pale hand, with long black acrylic nails filed to sharp points (one with a silvery spider glued to it) covered his mouth, while a matching hand snaked down his abdomen and reached into his pants. "Don't feel like you have to put that away just because of me," said a female voice, right in his ear. "Since it's just you and me in here, let's have some fun!"
Meanwhile, back at home, Lilith stepped out of the shower and wrapped a towel around herself. Her hookup had left, and she was getting ready for bed. As she dried off and changed into her PJs, she started to worry. Caleb hadn't come home. It wasn't like him to stay out all night, and it wasn't like him to not at least text her. She decided to try his phone; he didn't answer.
After she'd taken all she wanted, Miss Hell put her clothes on, and redressed Caleb as well, so no one would suspect anything. Caleb was too shocked and traumatized to move, though he wanted nothing more in that moment than to get away. Then Miss Hell decided that she wanted to see him again. She decided she was going to turn him into a vampire like herself. She picked him up, hypnotized him, and plunged her fangs into his neck (again), before biting her own wrist and forcing her own blood into his mouth. Blood which tasted like...nothing else. Certainly not like normal blood. She let him fall to the ground and said, "See you around, Sexy." Then she smoothed out her clothes, and walked out of that bathroom like she hadn't just done the worst thing a Sim could possibly do to another Sim. Tears fell from Caleb's eyes, and then his world went dark. Between hitting his head on the tile, the shock, the trauma, the blood loss, the alcohol he'd consumed earlier, etc., he passed out. The only signs of life came from his phone: calls and texts from Lilith, who was getting more and more worried by the minute. No one had noticed anything amiss, or come to his aid; all the noises associated with what just transpired, including his pleas for help, were drowned out by loud music from outside.
Hours later, he found himself being kicked awake by an irate, heavy-set man. "Come on, Kid, move!" he said. The music had stopped, the bar had closed for the night, and most everyone had gone home. The grumpy bartender had come in to clean up, found Caleb passed out on the floor, and assumed he was just another drunk or junkie that had partied a little too hard and passed out (after some rough woohoo, by the look of it). At first, Caleb had no idea where he was, or how he'd gotten there.
Then it all came flooding back: her cold hands, her chilling laughter, his body responding to her touch in ways he wished it didn't, her sharp nails, her strong grip, his unanswered pleas for her to stop, the hard slap across his face that his protests earned him, her piercing green eyes that seemed to glow, struggling against her and trying to no avail to get away (which only seemed to encourage her), her weight on top of him, being unable to fight her off, her cold wetness (why in the Watcher's name was she so cold?!), her sharp fangs piercing his neck (wait...fangs?), some kind of fuzziness in his head he couldn't explain, the acrid smell of blood and sex, the sounds of the twisted pleasure she got from using his body, pleasurable feelings he wished he didn't experience, her forceful and thoroughly unwanted kisses, his favorite outfit being ripped and damaged, the strange, sickly-sweet tastes of the juices and blood she forced him to drink in, all of it. "She's not here anymore, is she?!" he panicked. Then he felt dizzy and passed out again. The bartender caught him, "Listen, Kid, I don't-" Then he paused. This young man had two strange-looking wounds on his neck, like two deep puncture wounds. They almost looked like someone had bitten him...but that was crazy, right? They were fairly fresh, too, and blood still trickled from them. He'd never seen anything like this before. The unconscious young man in his arms was pale and felt cool to the touch; something wasn't right here. "Hey, Kid, stay with me," he said. "You need some help." He took out his own phone and called an ambulance.
Lilith awoke to the sound of her phone vibrating on the coffee table. She was in the living room, waiting up for her brother, but fell asleep. She looked at her phone. The caller ID said, "Willow Creek Hospital." Lilith blanched. Oh, Watcher, something terrible must have happened to Caleb! Was this another call like the one she received months ago about her parents? She wasn't sure she could handle that. Hesitantly, she answered the phone. Seconds later, Lilith ran upstairs, grabbed some clean clothes to bring Caleb, plus her own jacket, and raced to the hospital. She found her brother in the ER, looking battered and bruised, like he'd been through Hell and back. His head and neck had been bandaged, and he was hooked up to an IV. The clothes that he'd been wearing when he arrived had been carefully packed away as part of a forensic exam (which was almost worse than what that punk lady had done to him), in case he wished to file a police report, and he was wearing a blue-green hospital gown. "Oh, Watcher...Caleb, what happened to you?!" cried Lilith. He struggled to tell her what happened.
When he was discharged, Lilith brought him home. Caleb took a long shower, and made Lilith stand outside the door. When he was done, he changed into PJs (and Lilith changed his bandages), and he curled up under the blankets and cried himself to sleep. He woke up, haunted by those glowing green eyes and those cold hands and sharp teeth. Caleb remained in his room, curled up under blankets. He couldn't keep anything down, not even just plain water. Lilith tried to get him to get some fresh air and sun, and he reluctantly agreed to it, if only to make her happy. But no sooner did he set foot outside, his skin started to burn. As in, sizzle like bacon. He yelled out in pain and ran back inside. Lilith wasn't sure what to do. She couldn't bear to see him suffer. She called their cousin Lily for advice. Lily came over right away. She went upstairs to comfort her cousin, and even got him to eat a little bit (though he still couldn't keep it down). Soon enough, he looked in the mirror, but no one stared back at him.
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duffledunce · 6 months
Have you ever drawn anything nsfw including orthodontic headgear? If not then may I request it? Your art is so lovely btw! 💥💥💥 (stuff like that -> https://images.app.goo.gl/9WiTzyib5bcDx9dQ6 but 'freakier' if you catch my drift)
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some ideas as to what orthodontic headgear could look like for urchins (duffles species)
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