#or you can unfollow too I won’t take it personally!! I don’t wanna make anyone uncomfortable!!
Hey just saying, but if you disqualify aot and (in your words) media with too many problematic properties, you should also disqualify harry potter, hetalia and south park. I get that this is a poll for controversial characters, but imo there's very much a line between "this character is controversial because they are a bad person or badly written in an otherwise okay media which you can enjoy critically" and "this character is controversial because the writers project their own bigoted views onto them and are openly right-leaning shit heads whose media or current presentation reflects this too"
There is a discourse tag, you can read what I’ve already said about this. But I’ll summarize a few for you here anyways. There are specific reasons I removed the things I removed and allowed the things I allowed. Here they are, in roughly increasing order. Under a cut so people who don’t wanna see this/are uncomfortable with it don’t have to.
I tag everything appropriately, so if you don’t want to see something I allowed, block the tag or unfollow me. I promise I won’t be offended if you unfollow.
If a character is controversial for being bigoted or from a bigoted media, they’re obviously not gonna advance to further rounds because hate will sweep. So they will not advance and will be gone democratically, and they will certainly not win.
Even if they DID win, this poll would not be “promoting” these medias anyways because this is not a “best” character competition. It is for the most controversial. I am not presenting these medias in any positive light, let alone the characters from them. This is why these SAME medias (and others) ARE banned from my two other tournaments that try to find the “best” thing.
I CAN’T meaningfully promote these medias anyways when they are worth billions of dollars and I have like, under a thousand followers on tumblr.
There are certain medias I think are bigoted and I don’t like them. Harry Potter and South Park are two of them (I don’t know anything about Hetalia). The difference between these and Attack On Titan are, from what I’ve been told, Attack On Titan is bigoted on purpose to push a specific agenda. This is not true for the others. OBVIOUSLY I’m not gonna allow racist propaganda, for the same reason I wouldn’t allow, like, idk anything else that actively seeks to radicalize its audience towards a bigoted end goal
The purpose of removing things is to prevent harm, not to make the controversial character tournament uncontroversial. Because if you remember, I actually DID remove a Harry Potter! Because she is a racist caricature and it would harm people to see racist imagery, language, or propaganda all over my blog. It does not harm anyone to read the words “Ron Weasley” or whatever. It’s not like I’m including a list of every slur the author has ever said underneath each character post. If I’m wrong about some character and their image IS bigoted, let me know! I’m more than happy to make this blog into a safer space for people in that way. But I’m not removing it for being controversial in a way where the actual post content is non-harmful and tag-blockable.
If you still disagree, you can send this ask again off anon and then we can talk and I’ll listen. But I’m not taking orders from some anon saying what I should and should not do.
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I think I understand what your anon is talking about Sea. They don’t mean solo louies reblogging larry content, they mean solo louies reblogging Louis content from larries. Or posts about Louis that larries make. And no matter how positive or love filled they sound, they seem disingenuous to us solo louies because guess what? If you cared that much about Louis, you’d care enough to take your larry glasses off and get rid of the larry fog in your brain to actually look at the reality of things.
It’s not hard to tell when a Louis post is made originally by a larrie; 99% of them will either have only Harry in their pfp or both of them in their pfp. It’s barely ever just Louis, for obvious reasons we know of. Also their urls are often very telling.
I personally try and avoid reblogging anything from larries. Especially those who are very obviously harrie larries. But I know for a fact that I can’t manage to do it 100% of the time. For other solo louies they may still also have larrie mutuals left over from if they came over from the larrie side (I have barely three left I think, and I barely reblog from them ever). A lot of times I don’t reblog a very trending post cuz I can tell it’s originally by a larrie and I don’t want that on my blog.
A lot of the times it’s also cuz most solo louies are not looking at who the original post is from, they see a Louis appreciation post, they hit reblog.
For your anon; if it really really annoys you and you still wanna keep your solo louie mutuals/follows, maybe try and block the larrie the original post is from so that in the future you won’t ever see posts from them on your dash. That’s the only solution I can offer other unfollowing solo louies who reblog too much from larries.
Ty for the input!
I do reblog some Louis gifs and edits made by people I know are Larries, but who (in my estimation) have made beautiful and sincerely loving Louis content. I’m blocked by most Larries who make such content, and I don’t really care about that, but I always encourage Louis content from anyone.
(I don’t reblog from Harrie Larries and obviously everything is case by case. There are accounts I will not reblog from, even if the art/ edit is Louis-centered, because of other content they have on their blogs. If they have anti-solo Louie content or reblog from big Larries who hate solo Louies, it’s gonna be a block from me.)
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icyxmischief · 3 years
I honestly cannot stand the Loki fandom on tumblr anymore. This is the most toxic, hateful fandom I've encountered in a long, long time. I don't know how you've managed to stay for so long, but I've always enjoyed your content and wish you the best of luck going forward here. I don't think I've ever been so disappointed or outright ashamed of a fandom before, but this series has really brought a whole lot of ugliness out of Loki's. And it's such a shame, because it wasn't always this bad.
Friend, it makes me so sad that you feel this way. I know from negative experience in other fandom spaces what you're going through. It's really painful because we come to fandom with an earnest piece of ourselves that we want to share, project or INject, into characters who resonate with us, for any variety of reasons. This means each of us has a very personal, individual, and sometimes fever-pitched stake in how our "comfort character" is portrayed in canon.
This fandom angst derives from a couple of logical fallacies which I wanna spell out here, and from which, I hope, you can free yourself, in order to remain in a psychological space where you can still enjoy the things you love. <3 No really. I am a 38-year-old, successful professional, I have been around the block with fandom discourse and "grown-up real-world" intellectual discourse, and I am telling you, THIS is how I've "lasted this long":
1) Fallacy One: "Canon is the "most real" version of characterization." No. We don't even have to go into "Death of the Author, baybee" or Reception Theory or any of the other stuff in 20th and 21st century media crit to refute this. Simply put: you experience the media. The media exists in a wholly fictional realm anyway. The only difference is money/resources and breadth of audience. Your experience and, say, Kevin Feige's, or Kate Herron's, are all equally "real." Your Variant of the Sacred Canon (I DO think they're being that meta with the fans in the Loki series, yes), if you will, deserves to exist as much as the one Tom Hiddleston acts out on screen. You have a right to the Loki that exists in your head. 2) Fallacy Two: Seemingly opposite but often entwined with Fallacy One, as a defense/coping mechanism against Fallacy One: "My version is the 'most valid' version, and departure from my version equates lack of authenticity or effort, or, most dangerous of all, moral/ethical inferiority." No. We all have the right to the Loki in our heads. Now this one is trickier, admittedly, because the people who gravitate to characters like Loki tend to share his experience with social Othering/marginalization and trauma. That means that if you tell them "you're wrong, and stop getting in my face and being so aggressive," you could be accused (indeed, perhaps rightfully) of tone-policing someone who identifies with a marginalized group (racially, in terms of ability, in terms of gender identity or sexual orientation, etc). The best thing, therefore, for you to do is acknowledge that your readings of the "text" (here, a tv show) differ, and that you respectfully decline to discuss the matter. Even if it rankles you, don't engage. These people have a very personal stake in the media and in essence, it's kindest to let them depart to be angry in their own space.
3) Connected closely to the above, “What we condone in fiction equates what we condone in reality,” God, no. Much ink has been spilled by more eloquent writers on this, so I won’t expound. But don’t go there. Don’t fall for that. Lol. It leads only to misery. 
Habits I would encourage, to avoid Big Fandom Wank:
1) When you see content you don't like, especially spoken in an incendiary or absolutist manner, block or unfollow. Do not engage directly. Vent about it in your own space if you must, or better yet, in private, to trusted friends. If you engage, which...sometimes it IS worth it to do so, if something has real personal significance to you as a consumer of that media, then be braced for people to be rude or even abusive, because human beings, especially in internet spaces, are messy emotional creatures who leap to conclusions without gauging for nuance. There is disagreement over different and valid interpretations of content, and then there is just being unpleasant on principle.
2) See advice in Fallacy Two re avoiding tone-policing.
3) Find your people and curate your dash strictly. This can be ten people or it can be two. Make a close-knit small group in a private space for all your sharing of ideas. Make sure these are people you trust, who, when you spend time consuming the media with them, make you feel better, not worse.
4) Unfollow liberally. Block liberally. You don't owe anyone your time, energy, or, especially, happiness. People will accuse you of cowardice or "running away from a grown-up debate." Let them. It's pitiable, in perspective. They're insecure and sad and they need to say manipulative things. But you know better, don't you? You're just preserving your peace of mind.
5) If you mess up, go quiet for a while, take a break from social media, and it will blow over. I promise. Delete anon hate (and know that you can block the sender, even an anon, on Tumblr, too!).
Friend, thank you for your kind words. I'm so sorry you're so sad. I hope I see you here again someday. <3
Anyone who needs a boost can reblog this advice, btw.
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jandjsalmon · 3 years
Hello everybody!! This is a long one. Sorry about that.
It’s been a full year since I started this nonsense, can you believe it!? It’s been a year since our fandom changed irreparably following that leak and horrible, horrible musical episode (that many -including myself- have never seen all the way through). In fact, I resigned myself to watching through gifs, unsubscribed from the CW and unfollowed basically every social media account for the show and cast (save one) and blocked a whole lot of new terms.
I took on this project because I wanted to remind myself how much I loved fanfiction - and how it didn’t matter what happened in canon because we had so many amazing and talented content creators. And I’m SO pleased and happy that I was right. 
If anyone is interested in the spreadsheet I created for this exercise you can check it out here on this googledoc. I’m going to be taking part in a different fanfiction challenge next (check out @fanfic-reading-challenge​) - so this doc won’t really be updated. It’ll be weird not keeping track like this but perhaps I’ll come up with a better, more efficient way to keep track of all the words and chapters that I read... 
Anyway here are some stats: 
I’ve read 22,455,909 words (7,996,649 of them Bughead) since April 16, 2020. 
The bughead author I’ve read the most of unsurprisingly was @thepointoftheneedle​ - I reread her entire collection three times - upwards of 800,000 words of hers alone. It’s not a secret. I’m a fangirl. But I also like her as a person so that’s a special benefit of being involved in fandom.  
Of course then there was my girl @likemereckless - whom I beta read many many fics for during this pandemic. So when I say I’ve read 384,883 of her words - I mean, I’ve probably read them all three or four times that as I edited and fangirled and was a cheerleader for her through the year. 
One spot for improvement, I guess, would be that I only read 3 fics (total) of non-Bughead riverdale fic (though one is actually Bughead adjacent because it’s their son). I suppose I should check out some Varchie fics (as long as they don’t break up Bughead of course) - so I can support our friends in the bugvarchie community. On my to-do list.
I was introduced to new pairings I’d never read before like at the end of May 2020 - when @anniemurphys shared a single link to a “The Society” fic (a show I’d never actually watched before) - and then I got SUCKED in.  That led me to a bunch of really great writers - like @livinginrhythm - who’s collection I’ve read through twice (all except the cheating fics) - and some of their oneshots have 35000 words! I kept track and I read more of their words than anyone else - a total of 1,069,203 words belong to them!
Then @feelavalanche answered my call for pairings to read - cajoling me into watching Midsommar and delving into the fic.  Between  Anonlady and Rimanez I’ve read 1,125,000 words (+675,000 for rimanez and aonlady +450000 words). And I also gained a crazy obsession with this low-key actor from Sweden (because they make them pretty there) and now know way more than I should... and I’ve seen way more of him than I should. 👀 Gösta *cough*.
I read pairings I’d never thought of before - like Phryne Fisher/Jack Robinson  for Mother Maple - who loves Miss Fisher. I did not love the fic (I’m sorry, MM) but it was interesting diving into something new and different (even if it was only for one fic).
I watched new shows (like Never Have I Ever, Boardwalk Empire, Bridgerton, The Happiest Season, and Fargo) and with those came new fics and new pairings and new fandom friends. 
I’m so grateful for all of you who came along for the ride. *pointedy looks at new friends @portiaadams @winterlovesong1 and @queenie-004*
Now I’m going to go read @thepointoftheneedle‘s new masterpiece. It’just BARELY didn’t make the cut for this week (because I’d done all my calculations before she posted it. Ha ha.) 
I hope you all stay healthy and stay safe. 😘
Thanks for being here. 
Tumblr media
Anyway  - here is my last reading list for this exercise. This is the list for the week of April 09-April 15th
Weeks 1- 51 (3580 chapters)
Week 52 (116 chapters)
(Annual Chapter Total = 3696)
Becoming Eleanor by @srainebuggie (chapter 7)
Sharing A Wall by Melaniemia (chapter 3)
right back where we started from by @stonerbughead (chapter 2)
five endings jughead never wrote (and one he did) by @imreallyloveleee (1/1)
the shadows cannot keep you by @winterlovesong1 (2/2)
I only love you more when it snows by @winterlovesong1 (1/1)
make it new by @sullypants (chapter 3)
Regrets Collect like Bullet Shells by @loveandcoffeeandsimplicities (chapter 29) 
The Tides that Change by @loveandcoffeeandsimplicities (chapters 3 & 4)
slowing down by @fallout-mars (1/1)
in the air by @sullypants (chapters 18 & 19)
Bughead Rereads - 3
subway song by @literatiruinedme (1/1)
the things that make us (the way we are) by @darknessaroundus (1/1)
don't give a damn ('bout your bad reputation) by @darknessaroundus (1/1)
In Through An Out Door by @djgrannyglasses (Hyde/Jackie - chapter 3)
e-mails from Austenland by @everyl1ttleth1ng (Austenland - 62/62)
the sweetest life (and the loving is easy when you're with me) by @latinasmoak (Penelope/Colin - first chapter!)
Fluctuations by @treaddelicately (Scott Lang/Hope Van Dyne - 1/1)
everybody wants you by @livinginrhythm (Harry/Allie - 1/1)
i could never give you peace by @livinginrhythm (Harry/Allie - 1/1)
you're right in the center by @livinginrhythm (Harry/Allie - 1/1)
Counterplay by @alexandra-emerson (Draco/Ginny - chapters 25-28)
The breeding program by Chevalier_Barthelemy (Five/Vanya - chapter 11)
Hand in Hand to Hell by @portiaadams (Boardwalk Empire - chapter 2)
Misc. Rereads - 25
tenderness of heart by liminal (Austenland - 1/1)
you belong somewhere close to me by georgiestauffenberg (Anne/Gilbert - 1/1) *Anne with an E - SOULMATES! It’s amazing*
even when you're here i kinda miss you by @livinginrhythm (Harry/Allie - 1/1)
i wanna call it for what it is by @livinginrhythm (Harry/Allie - 1/1)
whoever says it first is the bravest by @livinginrhythm (Harry/Allie - 1/1)
right before i close my eyes by @livinginrhythm (Harry/Allie - 1/1)
keep pushing back the time to call it quits by @livinginrhythm (Harry/Allie - 1/1)
You'd Be Here By Now by @livinginrhythm (Harry/Allie - 4/4)
will you have me? by @livinginrhythm (Harry/Allie - 1/1)
tell me i should stay by @livinginrhythm (Harry/Allie - 1/1)
I'll Unfold Before You by @livinginrhythm (Harry/Allie - 1/1)
Someday We're Gonna Know Too Much To Know It All by @livinginrhythm (Harry/Allie - 11/11)
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anothertimdrakestan · 4 years
Burn (Tim Drake x Reader) angst????
Words: 1.6k
Req: Hello!! May I request Tim x reader angst?? The song “Burn” from Hamilton is stuck in my head so why not put it into context with Tim cheating on reader?? Thanks and bring on the pain..
omg i love this song and im shit at angst but you only get better from trying right??? so lmk how i did i tried lmao hope you enjoy!
You dove into Bart’s chest as the tears began falling. “Just say it’s not true, say I’m wrong. Just say it” you clutched the fabric of his shirt while he stayed silent, his arms rubbing your back. “I- we- we all thought you guys were over I didn’t realize I would’ve said something but he was so secretive” Bart murmured while you let the sobs wrack your body. 
“All the nights he didn’t come home from the tower he was with her?” You began, pushing Bart away while you felt like tearing your hair out. “Every time he left me on read he probably wasn’t even the person I was texting” you continued spitting out the words in such a way that Bart was flinching at your delivery. “And now, when he needs a fucking reason to be out of Gotham he’s on a trip with her? Just leaving me here like it’s nothing? Like everything we had was just a fun little power trip for him?” you were yelling by now. 
“No- I mean yeah, Tim’s an idiot. But maybe it’s not true, maybe you just need to talk to him or something” Bart piped up, your head whipped around. “Yeah? Who am I gonna talk to? Mr. Taking My New Girlfriend On A Getaway Trip? You know he didn’t take me anywhere. Months. I begged for a day together and he was just too busy. He’s not too busy for her though, clearly she’s everything I’m not.” your anger was seeping from you slowly, the realization that every time he told you he was yours he was probably sharing rooms at the tower with her. “god FUCK how long has this been going on? It’s been like a month since he moved in to the tower- dammit! My friends told me this long distance bullshit doesn’t work but ‘oh y/n we’re perfect it’ll be fine! I’ll fly home all the time! We can call every night’ that turned out great didn’t it.” you felt the hot angry tears get replaced with the slow rolling tears that reminded you once again you weren’t good enough to be kept around.
“Do you- maybe- wanna talk to him?” Bart was clearly terrified of you but you appreciated his help. “B, what good is that gonna do? You know Tim as well as- better than me. He’ll give me a shitty excuse that it was ‘for the greater good’ or that I’m ‘just looking at it wrong’ you know he’s better with words than either of us he could run- dammit he has run circles around me like a fucking toy” you had begun scrolling through your phone wondering how many texts got copied and pasted to another text thread with someone he probably cared about more than you.
“So, what are you gonna do then?” Bart had sat next to you on the floor, letting you rest your head on his shoulder while you scrolled through text after text noticing every red flag or lazy text. “Y/n that’s not good to be looking at, you’ve gotta block him or something” Bart whispered, staring at your screen probably reading every message in slow motion. 
“It’s not just the messages I’ll be blocking” you whispered, letting the seething anger slide back in. In what Bart would describe as almost super human speed you began the descent to freedom, blocking, unfollowing, and deleting almost everything that was reminiscent of you and Tim. Then you got to your main instagram account. “Fuck it” you whispered, unfollowing him knowing that tabloids would be starting the smear campaign now. 
It felt like a weight had been lifted off your shoulders at an immeasurable price- the price of heartbreak which you’ll be indebted to for a long time. 
~a week later~
“I have really got to buy myself some damn pajamas” you groaned to yourself, pushing down the little lovesick demon in your head that was telling you it was okay to keep sleeping in Tim’s hoodies and sweats because maybe he’ll apologize and you can take him back and be in love again and- not gonna happen. The celebrity magazines had been lurking near your apartment for days now, waiting to hear the newest gossip and find out what truly happened as you’d been radio silent- only adding to the interest of the paparazzi. As you realized you had to go outside today you prepared yourself for the onslaught of questions. 
“Y/N L/N WHAT’S GOING ON WITH YOU AND MR. DRAKE-WAYNE?” “MISS Y/N WHY THE UNFOLLOW?” “HAVE YOU BEEN SEEING HIS RECENT POSTS? WHO IS THE MYSTERY GIRL?” you cringed at the last question, reminding yourself that his actions didn’t matter as he hadn’t truly been a part of your life for months. 
Before you could get into the black SUV waiting for you, you were stopped and trapped until you spoke into the microphone in front of you. “Anything you can give us on Tim Drake-Wayne and you?” you took a small breath, willing yourself to stay calm. “I’m sorry I simply just don’t know who that is” you smiled between your words, using the confused moment on the questioner’s face to slip into the car and drive off, finally letting you exhale the breath you’d been holding in. 
~two weeks later~
You almost threw up at the sound of a once familiar knock on your door. 
“Y/n, y/n I know you’re here let me in we’ve gotta talk” his voice pleaded from your hallway. After three deep breaths and promises to yourself to stay strong you opened the door. Tim looked normal, it was horrible. You had been fighting to look that normal and were barely holding together but here he was, wearing the shirt he wore the night he told you he loved you with the ever present stern look like nothing had ever gone wrong. He moved to come inside but you blocked his path. “We can talk out here. I don’t have much to say” you hissed, watching him sheepishly back off. “Y/n I just wanted a chance to explain and give my side and-” you cut him off. “Apologize. You’re here to apologize and if you aren’t you’d better leave now” you were screaming and sobbing and melting down internally but you held your composure. 
“Well, yeah, that too. But also we need to issue a public statement because yaknow it’s kinda been going so fast and I think if we could just sit down and work everything out we could stay on better terms because I am so sorry love” you flinched against your own will at the familiar nickname. You took a second to remind yourself that he was again just using his words to get the better of you, you were not going to fall for the same trick twice. “There’s no statement Tim, I’m not clearing your name or coming to your side- hell, I’m going to go work with fucking lexcorp so you won’t even have to worry about seeing me at the office. You and I are separate entities, you broke that relationship when you began the lies and the goddamn cheating, there’s no public statement I’d make that would put you in a better light you’re lucky as hell that this is all I’m saying got it?” you watched him flinch at your words and against all your control you could feel your body begging you to hug him and kiss away the pain like you’d done for months on months. 
“Y/n I want to apologize, I should’ve never- it- it was a lapse in judgement but I want to make it right” Tim pleaded, you watched his facade falter, like he truly felt sorry. “That’s great Tim, I’ll try to remember that when I remember all the nights you said you were stuck at the tower with work when you were with her okay? Sound good? You have a good one okay?” you feigned a smile, shutting the door and crumpling to the ground. 
You let yourself cry silently, burying your head in your hands. Your heart was heavy, it had been learning to beat on it’s own now, not to the beat of Tim’s and it hurt. But it was done? Not really. Not when you’re in the public eye, running a business that would eventually have to work with Wayne Ent. it wouldn’t ever truly be over. Your body was practically turning in on itself, your throat burning as you held in sobs, refusing to let anyone know how deeply this wound would scar. A scar so jagged and deep you feared if would keep your heart permanently broken. 
So how does it end? Because this was supposed to be the closure everyone said you needed. Where you give him a slap in the face for hurting you, telling him to ‘fuck off’ and instantly the pain subsides. But the pain was so intense and raw nothing felt soothing anymore. In a span of weeks you’d lost friends, hell- you’d lost family, and you’d lost love. Because no matter how hard you try to pry the words he said from your brain they creep back in. Nights when he’d call you from the Tower and explain how much he missed you and how perfect you were, days when you got texts about how he missed kissing every inch of your face, memories of the beautiful moments you’d had together that you figured you’d be telling your kids about. Those don’t just die with the relationship. They fester and they boil into your skin, they run through your veins, they flash in your head, reminding you that even when you gave every ounce of love you could muster you still weren’t enough. That’s what will forever stick. So it doesn’t every truly end does it?
Because you can’t burn away scares without leaving a deeper wound. And your wounds were deeper than you could fathom. Your wounds had just simply broken you. 
Tim Drake had broken you. 
So how the fuck do you get fixed?
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jbbuckybarnes · 4 years
We need to talk...
I knew that this topic of interactions will come up again, because it has never been talked all the way through, so I had this drafted for a while. So much of this old draft still resonated with this permanently unfinished discussion that I just had to edit it and post it, because I feel like it has to be said and put into one post. We can’t keep starting this conversation and then make it so dramatic that there is no conclusion or compromise. The only reason this time is more mellow is because people have better standards for this stuff due to a pandemic going on. This is written for the MCU fandom, but I’ve seen this go down in different fandoms, so here we go:
Things that are NOT at fault for readers not interacting:
The Readers. Should be clear after asking them again and again. And nothing changing. The readers at large are not at fault for a couple people being demanding or hateful. Neither are they at fault for this website and other social medias automatically putting writers at a disadvantage. They do their best with the time they have in their life (just like writers). And after asking them over months to try and reblog more and not much changing, it should be obvious that it isn’t where the problem lies. At least not 95% of it. NOW:
Things that ARE at fault for readers not interacting:
Pushing them, thinking they owe you stuff, while you tear other writers down saying that nobody owes them stuff. That happens time and time again. To me, to friends, to writers I check in with. Don't expect community to come to you when you don't come to them.
Not putting anon asks off when demands and hate get too much. It’s literally THAT easy when people get nasty. It’s sad for the nice anons, but they will understand. Save your mental health! Save the mental health of people reading that hate on their dash. I don’t know how many people constantly answering to hate I have unfollowed and I’m sure people have unfollowed me for doing the same.
Ego and hypocrisy. You can't say numbers aren't a problem and then say they are. In the same post. AND then also deny it later in some of the cases we’ve seen in recent months. Yes, that happened. In several fandoms where this topic comes up semi-regularly. And that might also be the reason people are tired of this stuff and speak out against it.
The fact Tumblr is only used approximately twice a year by most people. And has a shitty tag system. And a shitty algorithm. You are at an automatic disadvantage.
The fact some of you can't understand that 3-5% of your following interacting is a good and normal rate on pretty much all social media. The bigger you get in followers, the bigger the gap gets between followers and interaction (and demand and hate). There are literal statistics on that. 1% interaction at 10k is still good for a platform you have no power over!
The fact some of the people here call anons *haters* for pointing out that you interact w the same 10 people, making that speace seem excluding, when it's literally true what those people say!? Nothing wrong with only support the same 10 people on your blog, but then don't say that you practice what you preach (cause you don’t). You can’t demand more interaction when you don’t interact more yourself. That is how it works, for anyone, not just people of a certain follower count. If I reblog more fics, my blog gets more clout. Logical conclusion. Works for everyone. You have no time for that? Then don’t expect more back. It’s called SOCIAL media for a damn reason.
Telling people asking for Tumblr advice to interact more to make new friends but being the most defensive/indifferent person once they talk to you in DMs. Yes, that keeps happening and I know it from either my own experience or from others sharing their experiences with me. It’s kinda sad. It’s more of a minor factor in people not interacting, but I’ve seen it enough to mention it.
Making shitposts and personal posts all day and then saying you don't have the time in your life to interact w peoples' writings. Like, drabbles exist on almost anyone's masterlist. 5 minute read, easy support for a writer that might be losing motivation. Not every work has to be written like a novel to be great as hell or “quality proven.”
Oh, and there hasn't been a MCU movie in a while, making most of our readership probably currently not care about the fandom as much. Especially after Endgame ended up being a total opinion splitter.
Bonus: The misunderstanding that pushing shy readers to interact does the exact opposite. Not to start about the fact that we are in the middle of a pandemic at the moment. That means they may not have time to read and you may not have time to write. Normal. Logical. The same reason lots of people currently don’t publish. Don’t expect anything predictable and controlable out of current times.
Bonus: Check how you connect interactions to self worth and worth/fun of your writing hobby. Define what success means for you in this space, otherwise you will never be satisfied. It won’t matter if a post has 1k reblogs, you’ll always want more, because you chase an infinite metric.
Bonus: Maybe take a month to concentrate on community, getting outside of your bubble that you deny but very likely have (I’m not excluding myself from this), and actually improve interactions. Some people seem to have forgotten that when you interact with other writers, they probably interact back. Surprise! Your followers already know your tried and true fanfic friends, they want some new stuff without searching for it. Basic Marketing knowledge, know what your audience wants. If you do this for the interactions you gotta look at it from a marketing standpoint and not a pure passion standpoint. Oh: And maybe they find you interacting in the notes of someone else’s post and become an active follower. Win-Win-Win situation.
Bonus: Community is a loop, a net of interactions. Some people here have clique behavior, sound defensive and/or simply don't practice what they preach. That is not me or anyone else hating on specific blogs (I’m also no complete exception), it’s people trying to tell you that you can’t ask for shit you don’t practice yourself. Nothing wrong with supporting your friends only, but then don’t go around expecting new people to find your stuff. It’s literally THAT simple. You can’t have both!
Bonus: Ignoring some of the ride or die readers that are already there. Some of the people on here wish they had that and it’s deadass taken it for granted by some. Meanwhile I'm sitting here with Serotonin levels like christmas when someone I know reblogs my stuff and my fic gets some clout. Imma repeat myself: If you do it for the numbers, you gotta look at it more like marketing and less like pure passion.
And again: You are on a social media platform that will always put you at a disatvantage. That is not the readers' fault. It's how social media works at this point. If you want as much interaction as you can without putting in more interaction work yourself, simply share your works on here, AO3 and Wattpad simultaneously. Problem solved.
Bottomline: If you want more love on your work you gotta go beyond what you currently do, since it’s clearly not working for you. Reblog stuff from people you don't know. I don't give a sh*t if it's a 5k or a 100 follower blog. Hell, there is the whole 366 reblog challenge and some of you deadass went on reblogging the same people when that’s not really what this was made for. I, personally, haven't run out of new people to reblog, so this shouldn't be hard. Actually take time to talk to people in DM's, it takes 10 minutes in the evening to write a few people a message asking how they are or sending a cute gif. If you want stuff, you have to give it. Not leave it. People have come to me before, telling me "the community doesn't owe you stuff", no, they don't, but they do owe if they wanna be owed something back or even demand to be owed something back. Community is about back and forth. You give, you get. It's work, cause it's a big hobby. If you don't have time, that's cool, but then don't be sad about lower interaction. It’s logical that low activity from you leads to low activity from others in the long run, unless you do something worldshakingly new. You don't wanna look beyond a circle of friends or your go-to writers much? That's fine, but don't be upset about barely new people interacting cause they feel excluded or simply don’t find your work because of the same people seeing the same people reblogging the same works. What's not fine is not seeing how readers are NOT THE PROBLEM.
I haven’t talked to a single person about this that DIDN’T find the posts surrounding it demanding and completely ignoring the arguments some others had...repeatedly. Every single time it came up. Not just once but time and time again, whenever this topic comes up. You want interaction? Interact. You don’t want hate? Don’t give it a platform. As harsh as that sounds, I’ve never felt better on this platform since I put anon asks off, even when I miss the nice anons. They probably understand. PS: Again, this was written a while ago and edited to fit into a more general context now. I hope people can discuss this in a civil, non-judgmental way, because that is how I tried to write this. This is not again a specific person or group, it’s pinpointing what I see repeating for two years on this platform now, in all corners. I’d also like to mention that we are still in a pandemic and lives have never looked so vastly different, so you can’t demand anything normal in this very not normal time. Even if you do it all right, your interactions dropped in the pandemic cause people likely stay away form this platform for mental health reasons. There is so many layers to look at, these clearly aren’t all, but I hope it makes some people think about what and when they complain. Numbers will never satisfy you, they will always leave you wanting more if you don’t know why you do what you do and for what. Anyway: Be nice to each other and me in the notes in case this gets shared! No drama please! Ignore any grammar and typo mistakes, lol. Love ya!
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420pogpills · 3 years
Hello, hello! I thought I would reach out for some advice if you don't mind??
I'm very new to the fandom and it's become a hyperfixation of mine, and was glad I found mcytblr because it feels safer than twitter and other social media!! However, I noticed a lot of people considering leaving the last few days because more and more toxicity and negativity is leeching onto here that is akin to twitter. One of my favorite blogs actually went on a possible permanent hiatus over it and it was disheartening to see it affect them that much....
I guess I'm just really panicking and afraid?? I feel like I've joined the fandom during a really volatile time and I'm worried that the toxic side of the fandom, moving on to new fandoms, etc. will drive away my mutuals and such and the vibes won't be the same anymore and get worse and worse. I know realistically, new blogs will likely take their place as new people join, but that doesn't change my anxiety surrounding everything happening on here. It hurts because mcyt has started to mean a lot to me and the community is hurting and there is no sign of it slowing down any time soon...I just...idk if I have the proper words but watching the positive side of mcytblr wanting to leave is affecting more than seeing the negativity on here. I'm worried it'll be a ghost town on tumblr in time despite the ccs + mcyttwt's growing popularity :(
Also, this is techinally a sort of response to your ask post about telling you your vibes! You honestly give off older sister energy and you always seem to have wonderful advice and resonate a comforting energy when you respond to your asks. Hence, why I trust you enough to open up about these concerns. You just have a welcoming presence!! <3
Tumblr media
hello there!
first of all thank you so so soooo much for your super sweet and kind words 💖🥺 i really appreciate that, thank you! makes me so happy that you feel comfortable writing to me!!! i'm very happy to hear that :D
second of all, i know often it may seem like it, especially if you frequent twitter more than tumblr, but i fully believe the positivity outweighs the negativity! there are so many lovely, kind, creative, incredible people in this community, that makes me very happy that i ever joined 😊 it's so exciting to be part of such a fun community where you have so many people to talk to, we've all got so much in common it's just really fun!
this got super long so i'll put it under here ❤️
so in my personal opinion, your experience depends entirely on you! i promise you that if you follow the right people, 9 times out of 10 you will not see any negativity unless you look for it! i myself almost had a breaking point and was considering leaving the fandom, because while i was enjoying myself on tumblr - i also had an account on twitter and boyyyyy i was just following all the wrong accounts.
i realised that twitter offers me absolutely nothing, so i've unfollowed everyone and only follow my favourite content creators, a few artists and give or take a fan here or there - people whom i know will not engage in negativity!
on tumblr is even better, because you can tag and blacklist things so you won't see them. makes it even easier to avoid toxicity and negativity. and one of the most important things i learned is that for your own sake, for your own mood and mental health - don't engage. sometimes you really want to, sometimes you see someone say something very ignorant or disrespectful, and you just want to say something, but i promise you it's so much better and easier to just unfollow and go about your day! if anyone is deliberately being nasty to you, just block them, i promise it's not worth engaging!
honestly more often than not, you'll be fighting your curiosity more than negativity. for example i won't see anything bad about dream, but i'll see people say 'did you see what they're saying about him on twitter??' - and i will only see that stuff if i actively go and search for it. so you gotta try your very best to stop yourself from searching for things :P
in a lot of cases i think people make themselves sad unintentionally. because they worry too much or care too much, too often, about things that we don't really need to worry so much about. whether it's about some old controversy, or if dream and george had an off day and suddenly people are stressing out that their friendship is falling apart, or some streamer is accusing them of something - the less attention you give it the better, the less you worry about it the better.
of course it isn't your fault if you hyperfixate, but you have to try your very best to remember that your mental health is most important! so above all, you have to take care of yourself the most! so i think those people that are choosing to leave, are doing just that :) maybe they'll just take a break, maybe they'll come back, maybe they'll stay altogether - but the best thing to do, is doing what you know is best for you!
i don't know if that helped at all, i feel like i just said a lot of words and not a whole lot of sense haha! but my point is that you need to trust yourself the most :) trust that you'll be able to handle if it's too negative at times, trust yourself that you won't let negativity affect you to the extent that it will impact your mental health, and trust that if god forbid it ever gets to that point, that you'll be able to take yourself out of it! ❤️
i'm always here if you wanna chat! :D
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crazycookiemaniac · 4 years
Omg why are you losing so many followers youve been drawing gay shit for forever??? (Or maybe i as a gay was just interpreting it that way)
Because I literally spammed people every day for one week lmao. And also, a lot of people follow others for specific content. The moment I stop drawing that exact thing they followed me for, they unfollow me. There are also accounts that follow just to make you follow them & if you don’t, they unfollow you after a while. There’s people who followed me for haikyuu & weren’t interested in BC content, and there were people who followed me for BC content but got showered in gay art instead and that was not their cuppa tea. 
But mostly, i start appearing on people’s feed the more I post. So having me post incessantly for one week made me show up on feeds that I hadn’t shown up for  a good while, so there were probably people who forgot they had followed me in the first place & me posting was a reminder to unfollow.
Truthfully, follower counts are dumb. Yes, it is important for you to have a high follower count for you to get attention, but the amount of people actually following you if you don’t have a consistent art style & rarely ever post something with different vibes than your usual ones, is equal or less than 1% of your total amount of following.
My instagram tells me I have 43k. I do not have 43k people following me. I’ve had 43k that once saw my account & pressed the follow button, but their feeds are filled up with other people’s accs that interest them more than mine (as well as my own feed does not show all the content of the 200+ something people I follow, unless I scroll down till the depths of hell to find every single post on that day and then do so on the next day as well).
Essentially, 95% of your followers are there because of content. They want to see what entertains them. Most of them don’t care about the artist and don’t interact with them at all. Many of them are scared to, given the high follower count. Social media & big accounts make people forget that there are other, real, living & breathing people that are behind them all.
So, to many, I was just a random artist they found and “lol”ed at one of my comics & pressed follow without thinking about it. Most of them don’t go to my account and see all other art I’ve posted to see if they actually like what I do, or me as a person and as an artist at all.
People who don’t know this get really discouraged when they don’t earn a lot of followers, or when they lose a lot (like I did). And some people think you gotta have hundreds of thousands to be famous. I’ve seen accs going around that paid for ads, that had over 150k followers and less than 1k likes on their posts.
Truly famous, loved, growing and/or steady accounts have an amount of likes per post proportional to their follower count. For example, if someone has 150k followers, most of their posts will vary from 20k to 100k likes.
When I was growing my account because I hopped in the fandom bandwagon and stupid little me didn’t know that would only make me crash later, I had like 20~30k and some of my posts reached more than 20k likes (because people liked my stupid comics). Nowadays, I’m not part of the fandom that made me grow anymore. I’m part of a very underrated one (Black Clover), as well a I am drawing a very underrated ship (LuGna) that above all else is getting hated on. I have everything against me in this, so it’s no wonder I lost so many followers.
They didn’t wanna see gay art. They didn’t wanna see Black Clover. They didn’t even know what the fuck was going on. Not everyone paid attention or kept up with my warnings. Despite me explaining multiple times in multiple posts what the Thunder Flames project was about, a lot of people still didn’t know what I was doing that for.
The thing about being a big follower count is that, unless you’re actually loved for what you do (and to do that, once again, I need to emphasize that you need to keep a steady rhythm, a steady vibe, a steady you. Because people follow you for your first impression on them, and you gotta keep up to that first impression if you wanna keep your followers.
I’m unsteady. One look at my gallery and you’ll see how disorganized everything is. Oh, lookit, a 1 min speedpaint of a random drawing I did on an old piece of paper! And right on the left there’s a stupid random comic I did–on the right there’s this super detailed, shaded drawing I’ve done that actually looks terrible to me and I will 100% archive it later, and then there’s B&W mixed with gray shaded, flat colored and fully shaded characters of different fandoms + OCs from commissions and whatever else. 
The thing is, I made my follower count based on a fandom, and now that I’m not there most of that follower count does not have me on their feed. And most of them do not want me on their feed. Now, I’m trying to build a follower count for who I am as an artist, because the few people who have actually stayed and followed me throughout the years know how inconsistent I am in terms of art style, fandoms and everything else.
A solution to this would me either keep creating/posting the same thing all over again (just in different patterns), or creating original content (which I do plan on doing at some point). But for now? Since my follower count does absolutely not reflect on how many people actually like me and/or my art, I’m going to be as chaotic as fucking ever and do whatever the fuck I want.
So yes, I do find it comical that I lost 1k followers over this and am not fazed in the very least, especially because I literally foreshadowed losing 1k and hit the fucking jackpot.
The only reason I’m talking about this at all is because 1- it’s impossible not to notice my follower count decreasing, especially because every new 1k I thank people publicly through stories; 2- some people were actually worried I was upset over it and I have to 3- show that I am not, while simultaneously trying to show people that just because you’re losing followers doesn’t mean you have to stop doing what you want to create content to please people. It doesn’t mean you should be upset, and it doesn’t mean that what you’re doing is bad or wrong.
It means you’re fucking renewing your followers & you’ll now grow for what you’re trying to grow for, bitch. That’s what it’s all about.
Obviously, people do take a great risk doing this. I am taking a great risk doing this. I could’ve lost 5k, I could’ve lost 10k. But I only lost 1k! And that’s because I believe in the project I worked on; I knew there were people out there who enjoyed what I was doing and it’s on them that I was focused on. On the people who supported me AND my art, not just that one single funny comic post I did 3 years ago.
This answer is 100% a lot longer than what you could’ve possibly expected for and I am typing this while being awake for more than 24h so I’m sure that I’ve repeated myself a lot and that there are a lotta typos or w/e and I apologize for that!! But I’m too lazy to go back to read everything over & turn this into a neat post & I’m pretty sure I could answer your question in the first paragraph.
Oh and also. Yes. Yes I have been drawing gay shit ever since I’ve become an artist because I’m so fucking pissed at the lack of canon gay content in a way that it’s depicted as a normal fucking romantic couple instead of having eeeeeeeeveryone point their finger to the gay couple and scream “HEY THAT’S GAY!!! THIS CAN’T BE PART OF THIS VERY HETEROSEXUAL SHOW WHERE EVERYONE IS OBVIOUSLY HETEROSEXUAL EVEN THOUGH NONE OF THE CHARACTERS HAVE EVER SAID THAT EXPLICITLY BECAUSE WE KNOW THAT THE CREATORS ARE EITHER HETEROSEXUAL OR TOO AFRAID TO LOSE AUDIENCE IF THEY TREAT GAY PEOPLE AS NORMAL PEOPLE!??!! WHAT SORT OF ABSURD NONSENSE IS THAT??!! GAY PEOPLE AREN’T NORMAL!! THEY’RE GAY AND THEY SHOULD HAVE A GAY SHOW JUST FOR THEM IF THEY WANNA GET SCREENTIME” and yadda yadda yadda.
I’m tired of this bullshit. Ever since I was an artist I’ve been rooting for gay ships in shonen manga while knowing they would never happen just because they were gay, and now that we are in our Blessed-By-Satan, Pandemic-Chaotic, What-The-Fuck-Is-Going-On, We-Don’t-Know-If-We-Wanna-Go-Back-Or-To-The-Future-Or-Just-IDK-Fucking-Die year 2020, in which the LGBT community is thriving and being louder than ever to fight for our rights, Me, in my twenty four years of fucking age, having gone through several fucking disappointments ONLY regarding this matter, am sitting here on my ass, hopeful as all galactic, glittery shit that for some fucking reason, my new OTP formed by very underrated characters from this very underrated franchise in the southern and western communities, becomes canon because my stupid eyes can see chemistry between them even though those stupid haters’ can’t. But that’s because they’re stupid and homophobic, and they really should just shut the fuck up. I don’t wanna dream, I want to believe. Let a bitch pray in peace.
But even if I’m getting ready for disappointment, I’m gonna make this project happen and I’m gonna have a shit ton of artbooks from this Thunder Flames project inside my fucking garage if no one wants to buy them. But I am going to invest a shit ton of money in it and I am going to have these artbooks come to life. Because I am spiteful and petty and homophobes should shut the fuck up, and I wanna do what I wanna do bc as an independent artist, I’m building my future with my own two, very toned and buff by now from all the drawing I did, hands. 
God fucking damn it.
Jesus christ I’m just rambling at this point, I’m so sorry. If anyone ever reads this out of context people are going to be so confused.
But that’s fine. They won’t. You know why? Cuz I got almost 11k followers here on tumblr but less than 0.5% gives a shit that I’m here, so I’m safe.
Have a nice day, drink your water and fuck homophobes. Peace
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wearejapanese · 4 years
am i the only japanese person that gets uncomfortable when i see some tweets putting japan on very high pedestal whilst shitting on other asian countries? i saw a tweet that shows in china where a kid gets sanitize before he enters the school and all the replies are praising japan while making anti-chinese sentiments. every time i see these kind of people making hurtful, xenophobic remarks, i feel like i wanna stay away from my own culture, too overwhelming for me..
We had a very similar ask a year ago or so, which you can find here.
One of my great frustrations with a non-critical appoach to identity politics is the notion that lack of criticism/ praise for group A automatically implies criticism for group B (and vice versa) There are certainly lots people who practice this kind of thinking. I think it should stop. Respect is not a zero sum game.
So, I’m going to hone in on 2 things: these commenters and your reaction.
1) The commenters are obviously wrong and obviously racist. I think it’s telling that they are comparing China to Japan when, from a public health standpoint, Japan’s experience with this pandemic is more comparable to Italy. In my personal opinion, China is perhaps more similar to the US in terms of the general population’s vulnerability to disease and the government’s concern with quality of life for its citizens, except China has a much more unified approach that has saved them a great deal of headache when it comes to mortality.
I shouldn’t make assumptions, but it sounds like these commenters are assuming that East Asian countries are apples to apples. Thus, they are comparing China to Japan and are using Japan’s outcomes as clear evidence of Japanese superiority. This kind of bigoted, bullshit oversimplification is unscientific and you should probably block/ unfollow them. Anyone who says this sort of stuff in public sounds exhausting and ignorant. Frankly, who needs that noise right now?
2) I think you need to have a heart-to-heart with the part of yourself that feels like you need to distance yourself from your heritage based on input from strangers. Japan’s history of genocide and war crimes mean that we will have a level of responsibility towards China for quite some time. Yes, Japan was shit to China during WWII. Yes, imperialism is bad. Yes, Japan needs to properly apologize. However, what relevance do tweets by strangers (particularly if they are not Asian) have to that history? Japan remains a shit country, but bigoted pro-Japan internet randos are not relevant to your relationship with your heritage.
More importantly, as a Japanese person, while guilt can prompt introspection on the cultural legacy of imperialism and xenophobia I’ve inherited, the emotion itself doesn’t really help me or anyone else. I think it helps to focus on more concrete things. Do you have Chinese friends in your life to support when they deal with racism? Is there a Chinese business in your area suffering from the ramifications of COVID? If you live in China, what is your relationship like with the community you live in? If you live in Japan, do you advocate for oppressed minority groups?
As a Japanese person, 義理 (obligation) is an extremely important value for me, so I’ve invested time in making sure my actions towards China as a country and the many different people of Chinese descent I’ve encountered reflect this value. My logic is that distancing myself from Japan won’t erase our history. I encourage you to continue to engage with your heritage and seek out meaningful allyship with those who have been oppressed by Japan, both to take responsibility as a Japanese person (Something the country has failed at) and also to be more comfortable with yourself.
TLDR: I think your feelings are valid and worth the time and consideration needed to sort them out, but don’t let strangers be the reason you distance yourself from your culture. Just because everyone in the world has an opinion doesn’t mean they are worth your attention.
Oh, and consider deleting Twitter for a year or so. I think that will help a lot.
(Other mods, thoughts?)
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rivetgoth · 4 years
I was tagged by both @notwithoutonions and @helpmeiaminhell-mp3 and I think maybe others too?????? (those were just the recent notifications) to do this meme SO I’m taking a break from uh.... joaquin phoenix fanfiction writing to do this, THANK YOU!
Name: Charles, but I go by a lot of nicknames too, namely Char or Charlie or CD.
Sexuality: I’m a bisexual guy. I align myself a lot with gay dudes especially because men are where my preference typically lies but I could definitely be attracted to anyone if I think they are sexy and cool.
Gender: Male............ in the Repo! The Genetic Opera way.
Time: 10:50 PM right now
Cats or Dogs: I like both for different reasons... I think I lean slightly more to dogs just because I grew up with them whereas my dad was allergic to cats so I don’t really know them as well, but I love both!!! Personally when it comes to pets I prefer reptiles though.
Favorite Animals: PIGS, also snakes and owls, especially barn owls. I like all animals but those are my favorites in the whole world.
URL Meaning: I like to imagine it’s obvious enough for Repo! fans aha. But for those not in the know, Pavi Largo refers to himself in third person throughout Repo! and calls himself “The Pavi.” I still kinda can’t believe I got this URL tbh I really love it LMAO.
When I Made This Blog: Ummm May 2017. I’ve had a number of blogs before this and I used to change URLs pretty often, my first account was made in 2012 but I deleted a bunch back then because I kept getting scared of my family or other IRL people finding it ojhdfdsfgh after that I had an account from like 2014-2016 where I got WAY too many followers (I had like nearly 4,000 when I deleted) because I was a stupid awkward teenager with issues so I would get into discourse constantly and attract attention from sites like KF or r/TiA a lot LMAO, it was embarrassing I was probably 15-16 at the peak of it and admittedly I never did anything morally reprehensible I was just like, really really reactionary and annoying LOL. I remade after I had calmed down and was more interested in just talking about music and stuff I cared about and I kept getting asks and shit about posts I had made years prior and also my followers didn’t care about this stuff and would unfollow me for not talking about discourse... lol. Luckily I like this blog a lot and I don’t see myself changing URLs or accounts any time soon!
Dream Job: Man straight up I don’t know, I think there’s something wrong with me because I just don’t wanna do anything. I mean ideally I wanna make art of all kinds (I especially wanna write stories and make films) but I really don’t even envision that as something I wanna do for money. I guess it would just be nice to be able to make the stuff I wanna make and get enough money for it that I can support myself you know. I think it would be cool to be a mascot at a park like Disneyland because I like masks and costumes and playing pretend and making kids happy but I don’t really like Disney enough that I would wanna work for them.
Idk who to tag because I keep seeing all my mutuals get tagged AH so uhh I won’t tag anyone IG but thank you for tagging me y’all
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My stance on Hazbin Hotel
I think it should be OK to like something without having an opinion on the creator. OK? Because I know how many people on the internet think that if a creator has done something wrong or controversial that means you can’t or shouldn’t enjoy their creative works. I’ve written a whole thing about this in a Discord server a couple weeks ago, and I’ll take a little from that:
“ I really wanna make Hazbin Hotel fanart and HH OCs. The problem is how controversial the creator is, and how polarizing she is. She’s had controversy and drama surrounding her for years based on the fact she once did things that aren’t exactly OK. And I’m not defending her for those actions at all, but I also don’t know what she’s like at all and if she’s a better person today, and I ALSO want to add that a LOT of other popular creators have done things that aren’t OK, too. I’m a huge fan of David Bowie, for example, but in the 80’s he had a hit song that’s.....let’s say just won’t fly by today’s standards. That song is called “China Girl”, and the problem with that song is really just existing, because Asian women are fetishized in the West. While I’m sure that wasn’t Bowie’s intent, I avoid that song and have no idea why I still hear it being played on the radio or appearing in official Spotify playlists today. That said, I still enjoy Bowie’s music and am still a big fan, despite that one song I consider a mistake. The Rolling Stones, likewise, have a similar case with their song “Brown Sugar”, a song I also avoid for similar reasons. Then you have the Golden Age of Animation and its racist caricatures. The style has had a comeback in popularity, but thankfully without the racism, as people of all kinds are drawing in this style, taking out the bad parts and drawing the old style reflecting modern sensibilities. That said, when the original cartoons are released on DVD, we have a disclaimer that points out that “yeah people thought this shit was OK back then, but it’s not, and we know that, but we also don’t want to pretend those prejudices never existed, so we’re not taking them out, think of this as a history lesson”.”
“Tl;dr, lots of creators of stuff we enjoy, be it music or cartoons, can be controversial people. Nobody is perfect. I won’t defend Vivzie for what she did back then, and I still won’t today because I have no idea what she’s like and if she is a horrible person or not. This whole thing is really complicated and I think for me the best thing is to just not have an opinion on Vivzie the creator, but I also want to enjoy HaHo for what it is. I want to enjoy the cartoon, create fanart and OCs like others are doing, but I also don’t want to trigger people upset by Vivzie or think I’m supporting her or liking her or defending her. Can you enjoy the content without having an opinion on the creator of said content? Because really - that’s what I wanna do. Seeing all the Alastor profile pics and fanart as well as HH OCs makes me want to fill up pages of my sketchbook with Angel Dust and draw some of my OCs in the HaHo world. But at the same time, I also just wanna remain without a stance on the creator of the show. People online can make you feel like you’re not allowed to just like something because the person behind the work is controversial.”
And no. I do not know much about Vivzie at all. I do know she has her rabid fans who get upset over criticism, and I also know she has haters who don’t want to see anyone support Hazbin Hotel or be fans of it “Unfollow me if you like Hazbin Hotel,” some say. That’s like saying “Unfollow me if you like vanilla ice cream”! Do the bad decisions or actions of the creator taint the franchise as a whole? I just....this extreme association gives a bad and toxic message, it tells people we can’t like a show because of the creator. Well then, I guess that means nobody should watch The Loud House or Twelve Forever then, or most media throughout history as prejudice was much worse behind the camera back in those days and there is so much of it that never went recorded or reported. See how....extreme this is? Personally, I’d like to not take a side, to just enjoy the franchise, draw my HaHo sona and characters and make fanart, without having an opinion on the creator at all. That should be possible, and OK.
So there you have it. Two weeks ago, I finally gave up resisting and rewatched the pilot. All my friends have been huge fans of HaHo since the pilot dropped, and I wanted to join them so I have. I started doodling an OC in my sketchbook while at Kumoricon. And now, after this message, I think I will show him.
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gerudofury · 4 years
THE POSITIVE & NEGATIVE; mun & muse - meme.
tagged by: i stole it tagging: Ok so this is really long, so don’t feel obligated if you don’t want to... @aerialarcher @bxstiae and @hatebred ! 
fill out & repost ♥ this meme definitely favors canons more, but i hope oc’s still can make it somehow work with their own lore, and lil’ fandom of friends & mutuals. multi-muses pick the muse you are the most invested in atm.
My muse is:   canon / oc / au ( dependent on verse ) / canon-divergent / fandomless
Is your character popular in the fandom?  YES / NO.
Is your character considered hot™ in the fandom?  YES / NO / IDK. 
Is your character considered strong in the fandom? YES / NO / IDK. 
Are they underrated?  YES / NO. ( I can feel both, depending on my mood lol. For the most part, I think she’s just the right amount of rated. xD )
Were they relevant for the main story?  YES / NO / MAYBE 
Were they relevant for the main character?  YES / NO / THEY’RE THE PROTAG.
Are they widely known in their world?  YES / NO / MAYBE ( She’s the Gerudo Chief and a champion. I’m guessing she’s the equivalent of a celebrity in Hyrule. )
How’s their reputation?  GOOD / BAD / NEUTRAL. ( Never saw an NPC have anything negative to say about her. )
How strictly do you follow canon?  — I really try to stick to canon, but I can’t do that 100% or I really think I’d be bored LOL. There has to be some leniency. We don’t get a whole lot about Urbosa in canon anyway so that really allowed me to make her my own and do a lot of world building regarding her and the Gerudo too! What I mainly mean is, as far as my main verse goes, yes, I stick to the canon that we know of with my own added headcanons, but I also love love love trying out AUs and thinking the “what if”s in regards to her character. Like, yes, she’s this...but what if she was this instead? 
SELL YOUR MUSE! Aka try to list everything, which makes your muse interesting in your opinion to make them spicy for your mutuals.  —  Urbosa is just...genuinely such a good person. She’s so kind and compassionate. She’s stern, but fair when it comes to her leadership and she honestly cares about her people and the people of Hyrule so much. She wants to make their lives better, she wants to protect people. She is unbelievably physically and magically gifted, like, she could crush just about anyone with a simple snap of her fingers and yet she makes a conscious decision to be kind and compassionate. It’s so easy to make friends with her (unless you do something to piss her off askdfjfd, but really, the only way to do that is to be rude or just generally not a good person).. she just...idk. She’s 100% someone I’d love to have as a friend and someone I’d want on my side. And as a bonus, she’s absolutely gorgeous.
Now the OPPOSITE, list everything why your muse could not be so interesting (even if you may not agree, what does the fandom perhaps think?).  — I don’t know. I’m biased and totally love her. But some people might not? I wouldn’t get why though laksjdflsdf. Maybe they don’t like the “mom” character trope, or maybe her backstory could be quite...not as interesting as some of the other characters? Idk. She grew up pretty lucky compared to some of the others, not a whole lot of hardships, etc. 
What inspired you to rp your muse?  — I absolutely fell in love with her back when I played Breath of the Wild in 2017. Not only was she my favorite champion, but she very quickly became my favorite LoZ character ever, across any of the games. There was just something about her that pulled me in and slapped me with muse for her.
What keeps your inspiration going?  — Talking to other muns ooc is probably the biggest one. If we can discuss headcanons and how our characters fit together, their relationship, all the world building stuff ooc then I promise you I will have an ANNOYINGLY large amount of muse for our threads lol.
Some more personal questions for the mun.
give your mutuals some insight about the way you are in some matters, which could lead them to get more comfortable with you or perhaps not.
Do you think you give your character justice?  yes …? / NO. ( I think so, but I have very little confidence in my writing, so I doubt myself ALL THE TIME. )
Do you frequently write headcanons? YES / NO. ( I write headcanons down as they come to mind. Sometimes that’s frequently and sometimes that’s not. )
Do you sometimes write drabbles?  YES / NO. ( I really need to though. I have a few ideas in mind. )
Do you think a lot about your Muse during the day?  YES / NO. ( She’s muh queen. )
Are you confident in your portrayal?   YES / NO ( Ehhh... a little of both. Like I said above, I don’t have a lot of confidence so I’m always wondering if I’m messing her up or like....a big one I wonder is if I make her too nice. Like, according to canon she’s kind and compassionate, but idk. Sometimes I Wonder... )
Are you confident in your writing?  YES / NO. ( Again, a little of both. ) 
Are you a sensitive person?  YES / NO. ( I hate to admit it, but yeah... )
Do you accept criticism well about your portrayal?  — If it’s constructive and about my WRITING, then yes. Portrayal doesn’t matter to me too much. How a certain character might react in a situation is all subjective anyway and no two portrayals are ever gonna be the same. If you don’t like my portrayal, I ask that you don’t harp on me about it. Just don’t follow/unfollow and move on. 
Do you like questions, which help you explore your character?  — Yes! Especially when it’s about something I probably wouldn’t have thought about otherwise. It helps with growing Urbosa as a character.
If someone disagrees to a headcanon of yours, do you want to know why?  — Sure. I’m open to discussions, in case I missed something in canon, but if it’s something small like what time of day she prefers or something like that, we can agree to disagree.
If someone disagrees with your portrayal, how would you take it?  — Shrug. As I said above, portrayals are subjective. I mean, I might have my feelings a bit hurt because I work really hard with how I portray Urbosa, but that’s their opinion and it can’t be changed so whatever.
If someone really hates your character, how do you take it?  — Shrug. They’re entitled to their wrong opinion, alskdfjasdf. No, I’m kidding. I mean, I don’t get it but whatever?? You’re entitled to your opinion, just keep it very far away from me because she means a lot to me and I don’t wanna hear negative shit said about her. I have actually blocked someone over ( what I thought ) was unnecessary hate towards her in the past and won’t hesitate to do it again.
Are you okay with people pointing out your grammatical errors?  — OH MY GOD, YES. In fact, if you ever notice a grammatical error I have made in a thread, please fix it. Just be nice about it.
Do you think you are easy going as a mun?   —  I think so? I’m pretty easy to get along with and I’m very much a “go with the flow” type of person. Very rarely do I dislike anyone on here and it’s usually because they’ve been disrespectful in one way or another, either to me or other people.
that’s about it, congrats for filling out!
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kahenn · 3 years
14, 15, 16, 17!
(  Mun’s Asks: RP Edition )
What are your thoughts on duplicates?
Duplicates are dope. Everyone brings something different and unique to the table with their interpretations. 
The only time I start to get iffy with duplicates is if I’m already following a handful because after a certain point I start to get confused on who’s who lmfaooo that’s my own fault, I can only keep track of so many people. I try to not let if affect me too much. There has yet to be a time where I’ve been like ENOUGHHHH because like, 10 Sakuras were following me or something. 
What’s your impression on blogs who are selective/private?
Considering I’m selective and private myself, I can’t say I have much of an opinion outside of support. Everyone had different levels of comfort. Everyone has had different experiences on this platform that might warrant them being selective and private. 
Personally, I’m selective because I want to look through and see if a person’s writing and portrayal are going to mesh well with mine. My muse is strongest when I know there’s a possibility of good interaction. Not just rping for the sake of having as many people to rp with as possible. I’m selective because I want to see if they’re a seemingly nice person OOC. 
Being private just makes sense to me, I can’t wrap my head around RPing with someone I don’t follow, as me following someone signifies I’m interested in their content and would like to RP. I’m private because I respect other people’s decisions to not follow if they don’t want to interact, which means I will unfollow and keep my dash clean and full of people who I KNOW are fully interested in interacting. 
What do you expect from others when they want to roleplay?
Some amount of reciprocity. Like, don’t make me do all the work and vice versa. I don’t want anyone to think I’m not pulling my weight. I try to contribute. Sometimes I miss things and that’s my bad. I think there should be give and take when it comes to asks, threads, plotting etc. Like, I’ll notice if it seems like I try to send lots of asks your way, yet I barely get any sent back or I pitch plot ideas and don’t get much of a conversation out of it, for example. We’re not perfect so obviously I’m not super anal if people miss things or forget them but more if it’s a constant pattern of behaviour. 
OH, and please read my pages. Like, PLEASE. Especially since I’m an OC. It’s super obvious when someone has no idea about her. Like, I don’t expect you to memorize her entire bio, but please have some general gist or just go back and check things! That’s what it’s there for! Same goes for my rules. Nothing peeves me more when I see someone trying to rp right out the gate and I haven’t even followed them. Which sucks, because maybe your blog seemed cool and I kinda wanted to follow but then you jumped the gun which tells me you didn’t bother to look at my rules and if you didn’t bother with that one little thing what else won’t you bother with? That’s not a rabbit hole I wanna go down. 
What are your thoughts on people who goes all out on the aesthetic for their blogs? Do you think they’re have the right to express their creativity however they want? 
Look, I think aesthetic is good, great even. I value creativity and how people want to show off their blogs. I love certain aesthetics and to be on brand. What I don’t like is when people start to compromise accessibility for aesthetic. I’m talking 3x small font, random bolded and unicode text in rps, extensive use of non standard paragraph organization, tiny container themes, themes where links blend into the background and it takes me 10 mins of searching just to find someone’s pages. THAT’s when I start to have problems. 
I think you can still cater to your aesthetic and make things look pretty and nice without making them infuriating to read. You can have a cool theme with pretty art and neat editing that isn’t the size of a pin head and is hard to navigate. You can have pages that are easy to read but still have an eye catching font.
I think this is less of an issue now than it used to be but I also didn’t like the culture of superiority that was sometimes associated with people who had heavily custom coded themes and cool photoshop edits. You’re not “better” because you have access to or the ability to edit a agirlinggrey theme and make a gif header. It’s great that you can, but lets not look down on people who chose not to (or simply can’t) and have simpler themes or posts.
I definitely think people have a “right” to make their blogs look however the hell they want, you could make it florescent orange with neon green glowing text but that doesn’t exactly exempt them from people complaining about it or potentially not following because it’s just too much to deal with. Like, there’s definitely been times where I opened a blog, couldn’t find their pages for the life of me, so just closed the tab and didn’t follow them lol. In conclusion, be aesthetic, but like...be chill about it.
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amphtaminedreams · 4 years
A/W 2020 Fashion Month: Before Vogue Went Blank (Part 2)
Hi to anyone reading,
I was going to start this post by jumping straight into Dion Lee and part 2 in general but there's been a lot going on the past couple of days-although this blog is primarily fashion, it wouldn’t feel right to start talking about designers without acknowledging all the shit that’s been going down.
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^Photo Credit to @spiltcoco on Twitter
Yesterday, police footage came out of US police murdering yet another black man in broad daylight-George Floyd. He joins Sandra Bland, Eric Garner, Tamir Rice, Freddie Gray, and Alton Sterling, plus hundreds more named and god knows how many more unnamed African American citizens in the ever-growing list of victims of police brutality.
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The majority of these are just people going about their daily lives, a majority of them doing absolutely nothing wrong; even those we know to have committed crimes have been unarmed and non-violent offenders. That being said, their offences are beside the point when we’ve seen the white perpetrators of mass shootings be calmly cuffed and escorted into the backs of police cars as if they were the ones selling cigarettes without permits. American police, given the amount of them that are armed, regularly become judge, jury and executioner trained for 8 weeks by an institution that originated from slave patrols. I cannot imagine how terrifying it is just to walk around as a PoC in America. I cannot imagine the collective trauma that has been suffered because of recent events on top of the intergenerational trauma that most likely exists because of centuries of oppression. I cannot imagine what it’s like to live in a country that was built to suppress you and was by law allowed to do so until very recently, those original structures still in place. I cannot imagine what it’s like to be made to feel like this is your fault. I mean, Boris Johnson is a useless, cold-hearted twat and I won’t defend him or this country for a minute (we have much blood on our own hands, and racial profiling is just as much a thing here as it is in America-I read earlier that you’re 28 times more likely to be stopped and searched in London as a non-white person compared to a white person), but I still can’t imagine him publicly advocating for the mass murder of groups he knows to be primarily made up of black people via Twitter. This whole situation is so unimaginably fucked up; anyone who still sees America as one of the world’s most developed nations needs to take a long, hard look at what is going on and reconsider that opinion.
Whilst we can’t fix everything, we can all speak up and make our voices heard, and it is our duty to do so. It’s not good enough to just “not be racist”, you have to be ANTI-racism, even if that means constantly reflecting on your own privilege and challenging your assumptions. Neutrality is complicity. Signing a petition isn’t going to change the world, but it’s a start:
As I publish this, there’s less than 50,000 signatures needed to hit the target of 6,000,000 so if you happen to see it, get signing! There are lots of other petitions online but Change.org seems to be the only major one you can sign in the UK as the other are US based and require a zip code. I never thought I’d close a paragraph by quoting Macklemore but the line “no freedom 'til we're equal, damn right I support it” is at the forefront of my mind right now. Again, neutrality is complicity. We’re never going to achieve a fair society by sitting on our asses and hoping things will improve. Let’s all do the best we can.
Sorry if that intro wasn’t what you came here for, but I just think it’s so important to talk about. I know I’ve said in the past that fashion is supposed to be an escape from everyday life but there are some times when real life needs our attention and this is one of them. Feel free to unfollow if you disagree.
Anyway, onto the fashion. If this is the first post you’re reading, welcome! There’s a part 1! But I don’t wanna be pushy so start here if you wish!
If you read part 1, welcome back! 
I ended that post by practically falling at the feet of Dilara Findikoglu, and I so wanted to start this post by regaining a sense of dignity and go straight into what-the-fuck-ing at Dior, but I know breaking chronological order would really piss off those “OmG I’m SoOo OCD, tHis BuzZfeEd aRtiCle WiTh DiFfereNt SiZed TiLes ToLd Me!” which is basically me minus claiming liking things to be organised means I have OCD-no, just dermatillomania and the denial that a compulsive skin picking disorder has anything to do with OCD because the neuroses club that is my brain doesn’t have any space left. SO, I have to continue where I left off and star the post with Dion Lee, whose collections I am a big fan of.
I could ramble a bit more but I did enough of that at the beginning of part 1 and am sure I’ll do more than enough in this post anyway, so here it is, Dion Lee:
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Considering we ended with the maximalism of Dilara Findikoglu, sliding back over towards the other far end of the scale with a designer that tends to pitch their tent on the borders of the minimalism camp feels correct. Dion Lee, fortunately, seems the perfect collection to open with. There aren’t many other brands who do edge in such an understated and masterful way. If you want to be ready for combat and look like you’d fit right in at Vogue at the same time, look no further. This season’s collection is full of perfectly placed cut outs and immaculate tailoring and subtle street fighter-esque details as ever, and that’s why it pains me to say it:
Not that this is enough in the way of critique to restore my dignity by any means, it’s not a patch on last season.
I don’t think there was a single bad look in that show, and at times it felt like I was weeding through them here. When the looks were good, they were GOOD but a lot I found to be disappointing. Plus I have no idea why you’d put tie-dye in an A/W collection. I appreciate that it’s an Australian brand and that our winter is their summer, but they’re presenting to the rest of the world at fashion week and anyone in Paris, Milan, London and New York is going to be freezing their tits off and looking like a twat in an orange tie-dye sundress. There wasn’t much of a dip in quality for the menswear compared to last season, but honestly womenswear left a lot to be desired. That’s what happens when your expectations are high.
I used to think that if you assume the worst, it’s impossible to feel let down. And then I saw Dior’s A/W 2020 collection. Did a full 180 on that statement.
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I suppose it’s a step up from haute couture, but then at least the styling in that was simple, and it just didn’t look like anybody had tried at all; here it’s clear Maria Grazia chucked everything she could at this collection, every headscarf, every gingham print, every shallow feminist undertone, and it was still a fucking mess. At first you think some of the individual pieces are cute but have just been ruined by the styling, and then you begin to look, and realise that even those individual pieces could’ve easily been bought in a New Look Boxing Day sale.
I don’t know, I included as many looks that I didn't mind as I could, but it’s like there always has to be a crappy, unnecessary detail in there. Everything is so literal. Of course the collection based around the divine feminine has the models dressed like basic ass Greek goddesses, so of course the collection based around the modern woman and equality has women walking the runway in ties and ill-fitting shoes too. Maria Grazia, here is a box:
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Think outside of it. 
Next is, thankfully, Elie Saab:
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No, not exactly a trailblazer of a collection, but executed with poise and elegance as always. I mean, the styling is spot on. It looks like each part of the outfit was made for another, to contribute to a whole clearly envisioned look, similar to what we saw in the Alberta Ferretti show. Elie Saab is known for its haute couture shows where all the tiny details, the sequins and the silk and the embroidery come together to make something beautiful, and this is just that on a larger scale, with less “wow”s and more quiet admiration, more wishing you were the one wearing that outfit. If you’re gonna play safe, do it this well. The night dresses are stunning of course, but not even my favourite bit of the show. It’s the casual looks, the pussy bows and the ruffles and the neck scarfs and the private girls school monochrome colour palette with the occasional pop of red or purple, a toned down version of what we saw at haute couture, any of which deserve to be worn whilst eating macarons in front of the Eiffel Tower before trip to Musee D’Orsay. It’s Poppy Moore’s school uniform grown up and made fit for a fashion magazine editor:
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Somehow managing to cram an Emma Roberts early 2010s fashion moment into every post is my talent, who knew. Wild Child was really a gem.
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Erdem was a mixed bag:
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With a lot of the outfits, I can’t tell if I actually like the garments that much or if I just like the look as a whole. I mean, without sounding too gluten-free Callie from the Valley, I like the VIBE, but there was a lot of outfits I almost included before I had to ask myself “LAUREN, do you ACTUALLY like this or do you just like the walking-into-your-sugar-daddy’s-will-reading-to-claim-his-fortune DRAMA of it all!?” 
It happened a couple of times, where once I took off my black and white, theatrical violin accompanied entrance filtered sunglasses, I realised that the actual print was ugly. A collection so cohesively ornamental and kitschy is going to lean too far into that at times, and they were a few overly-fussy moments where it seemed less nudge nudge wink wink and more like Erdem Moralıoğlu fell into his grandma’s wardrobe, stole some fabric, and called it a day. I don’t want to sound like I’m not a fan of the collection because overall it’s gorgeous, I just thought it was a bit much at times.
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Continuing with the theme of clever seasonal continuity that weaved its way throughout this year’s A/W offerings, Ermanno Scervino kept the core of his summer collection and made it just that little bit darker, added some weight to everything, and this is one of the rare occasions where I like the winter incarnation a lot more. I’m not huge about either but there’s a lot of things I’d love to wear here, the coats especially.
Up next is a reliable favourite of mine: 
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Was it REALLY necessary for you to include ALL those coats I hear you ask?
Alaska Thunderfuck as Gia Gunn voice: Absolutelyyyy.
When it comes to bohemian fashion, Etro is unbeaten. Everything is always exquisitely coordinated and styled. Like I usually fucking hate aztec print but I love the way it’s done here. I’ve never known a brand to make belts seem like such an integral, tasteful part of the outfit in a field where they so often seem like a last minute addition for the sake of accessorising; it pains me to say it, but Elie Saab, I’m looking at you. It’s your only fault. 
Yes for bringing back embroidered jeans! Yes for all those high necks! Yes for the tapestry print! Yes for the Afghan waistcoats! Etro will keep fedoras cool forever and I love them for that; I don’t know if she ever actually wore any of their stuff but I just know Stevie Nicks was in her prime would’ve ate this shit UP and she is my style icon for the ages. Plus, I might be way off base here but a lot of the collection seems to be inspired by traditional Romani style and it’s a beautiful direction to take things, a treasure trove of layers upon layers and rich textures and opulent prints.
I can’t wait til the phase of my phase of my life where I can swan around in maxi dresses and ponchos. I just hope those maxi dresses and ponchos are Etro.
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Onto another brand which hasn’t had a bad show since I started my reviews: Fendi. This season, they took their late 60s/early 70s wild child aesthetic and gave a millionaire’s high maintenance wife spin on it, and what’s not to like about that? 
I mean, Fendi is a brand which is always going to excel in its F/W presentations-the rich, bohemian prints (pro-tip: if you can’t already tell, me mentioning the word bohemian in a review pretty much guarantees I like the collection), the furs, and the warm colour palette all perfectly translate into clothes suited for walks through a city going through a post-summer burnout, where it rains red and orange leaves. You can tell Silvia Fendi is in her element when she’s got texture to play with, something that comes across in the gorgeous coats Fendi consistently puts out, and this season continues that trend. Plus, there’s a lot of adorable details here-shoes that show off the decorative socks underneath, the cube shaped bags and those furry ear muffs which I hope bring about a high street muff renaissance because they’re the equivalent of slipper socks for my ears and THEY’RE ACTUALLY REALLY PRACTICAL. The only thing I’m not in love with is the mirrored glasses, and I can’t help but think how replacing them with a pair of grandad style aviators would be the icing on the cake for the collection. Maybe I just need to see Miss Robyn Rihanna Fenty wearing them and then I’ll get on board. Usually works.
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Ah, GCDS. I got so excited for it after last season but this time round, it was a bit of a disappointment. There were a few outfits that semi-matched up to how cutting-edge I saw their last collection, however a lot of the pieces looked pretty low quality. I get that streetwear is in the name, but it’s supposed to be a high fashion take on that, and a lot of the looks were quite pedestrian. Stand outs are the top 2 rows and the leather motocross style jumpsuit on the far right, third row down, but the quality of these pieces wasn’t consistent across the board and I feel like I ended up having to convince myself I liked some of the others just so I had enough photos to justify including the brand. It really sucks when I look back on how ahead of the game last season’s collection was-we’re talking outfits that wouldn’t be out of place on Instagram’s Tokyofashion page and as far as I’m concerned that’s the fashion holy grail. Some of these looks, especially the menswear, could be from a Boohoo TV ad and that makes me sad.
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Meanwhile, Giambattista Valli put out a collection that looked like a virtual postcard of Parisian fashion; if a St-Germain-des-Prés streetwear themed Instagram doesn’t exist already, someone should capitalise on that, stat, because if my typical vision of French feminine fashion is correct it would be full of outfits like this. I feel like this is what a fashion novice EXPECTS Chanel to look like. Trust me-these days the reality is much more disappointing.
There’s many things I'm happy to see here besides the tulle and florals and prettiness I expect of the brand. Obviously the berets and the bows and the elbow length gloves are the kind of off-duty ballerina style touches I’ve become accustomed to but there are also some nice surprises here: the military style white jacket, the unexpected snake motif on clothing that’s otherwise overly delicate, and to my delight the return of the boater hat. IDGAF, this is the summer where I’m buying myself one off Ebay and making this happen for me whether they become a “thing” or not. I shouldn’t squander having this little of a double chin; the opportunity may never present itself again. 
I haven’t watched Killing Eve in a longggg time since there’s only so much of two women attempting to kill each other and then miraculously avoiding death you can watch but I’d love to see Vilanelle prancing round a city in this kinda shit slitting some necks again. I hope that doesn’t make me sound like too much of a sadist; only in a purely fictional world is this something I want to see, I assure you.
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Givenchy was really, really great this season too, imo. Definitely a step up from the last RTW anyway. Aside from the drama of the exaggerated floppy brim hats and the quirky tassle detail dresses a la Schiaparelli, a lot of these outfits kinda remind me of something a Miranda Priestly/Cruella De Vil type would wear, and you know me; I’m all for that kind of intimidating, about-to-either-slap-you-or-fire-your-ass bad bitch energy. The gathered leather gloves with the androgynous subtly checkered power suits feels CORRECT and if Giambattista Valli is the bottom in this relationship, Givenchy is the top. Am I allowed to reinforce sapphic relationship stereotypes as a bi girl? Probably not. I’m sorry. Won’t do it again. Just this once. And you know I’m right really xoxo
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And OMFG Gucci. Another impeccable collection for me, honestly. Once again, it’s probably my favourite of the season. How it is that Alessandro Michelle gets it SO right for me despite his vision being so bold and different every time? He has this specific brand of strange, conceptual beauty which blends past and present trends in a way so supreme it should be considered art. It’s not a term to throw around loosely but the man is a genius, and tbh I’m still not over the human head props from the 2018 F/W winter show.
In my Haute Couture week review, I talked about the Viktor and Rolf collection (which I loved, don’t get me wrong!) and said that pretty meets grunge is my fave thing ever-this is that, but much even more substantial and intelligent. The Wes Anderson-esque pieces or that late 60s/early 70s hipster aesthetic that I loved in last season’s show hasn’t been done away with either-be it the level of detail or the colour scheme, it all somehow fits together. Never did I think I’d see dresses fit for porcelain dolls through the lens of Sid Vicious and Nancy Spungen seamlessly slotted in between outfits that could’ve been put together from the clothing rack of Dazed and Confused’s costume department. I want it all-opulent fur-trimmed coats, crucifix jewellery and pilgrim hats I’m sure both Edgar Allan Poe and modern goths would approve of, and the tiered skirts that wouldn’t be out of place in a Westworld saloon. The models were delightfully sad and almost creepy looking and I wouldn’t change that for the world. To say 10/10 doesn’t do it justice, so I’m gonna have to open a reviewer’s can of worms and say 100/100.
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Gucci is a tough act to follow, and I’m sorry it has to fall onto the shoulders of Halpern. In the nicest possible way (as if there is any nice way of saying it), I don’t think I any expected anything but a downgrade, so if anything, my standards will be lower so...Michael Halpern, you can thank me I guess? 
That was really mean, I’m sorry. It’s not a bad collection, and I definitely like it more than last season’s. It’s a slightly garish colour palette at times but an exciting one in spite of that, which when paired with the animal print dotted throughout makes this collection the perfect fit for a tropical beach party or at the very least, a semi-decent night at the Caribbean themed bar in your local town centre. The sequins and silk, a Halpern trademark, are as tastefully done as ever, and seeing them on the models, I can’t deny these are some power fits-the kind of clothes you are bound to look and feel confident in; if you wanted to play queen of the urban jungle for a night, this is what you need to be wearing.
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Ah, Hermes.
Generally not one to stoke a fire inside me. In all fairness, the tailoring here is really, really nice and French biker chic, and the pieces are perfectly crafted-it’s not that I don’t like the outfits because I think that if I saw one of them individually in a natural, messier setting I’d probably be impressed. These are classy, elegant winter looks and what more could you want when you’re looking for outfit inspiration for this season? It’s just that it’s always a little too neat and uniform for me, and on the runway I like my fashion to be risky. This could almost be the sophisticated mother to a Tommy Hilfiger collection and whilst that’s something I would probably wear if I wanted to look put together, it’s not what you get excited to see at fashion week. Primary colours all together aren’t where it’s at for me either, the infamous colour scheme of the cheap plastic playhouses you’d find in the garden of every working/middle class British household back in the day. Yes, I had one. So did the after school club I was forced to attend whilst my mum was at work. Apparently the negative connotations are still too much for me (a boy I went to the after school club with did once fall off the back of one and crack his head open so maybe it’s justified).
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Isabel Marant was pretty much exactly what you’d expect from Isabel Marant; if the Etro bohemian woman is one who rolls out of bed and chucks on the first thing she sees, the Isabel Marant bohemian woman is the one who claims she’s done the same thing but who actually planned it all out the night before. She designs for the gluten-free, bikram yoga Kourtney Kardashian style “hippy” who claims to be a free-spirit but would definitely not do acid with you. I was gonna say it was a collection for the Gwyneth Paltrows of the world but then I remembered Gwyneth proudly released a candle she claimed smelled like her vagina and changed my mind-she’d definitely do acid with you. 
It’s definitely a cohesive transition from the summer collection; both have that seemingly laid-back, clean-cut vibe, and cater to the rich, impeccably groomed scented candle loving woman everywhere. Obviously the pieces are a tad more suited to an alpine lodge in Switzerland than a beach in Malibu this time round, but that same mild colour palette, pretty, naturalistic patterns, and generally relaxed fit persists. It’s cute enough.
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J.W Anderson is a bit of an enigma.
Despite the experimental silhouettes and the kooky details that you think would very “look at me!”, the collections still seem to have a chilled, easy-going feel to them. They toy about with the strange but remain entirely sophisticated whilst doing so-I think it’s because aside from the little quirks that make the garments J.W Anderson, they’re otherwise fairly reserved and simple; even the quirks themselves mostly tend to be exaggerated, more conceptual takes on more typical stylistic motifs anyway. Anderson has a knack for producing statement pieces that don’t look like they’re trying too hard to be statement pieces, a talent he expertly deploys at Loewe as well. Whilst Maison Margiela collections are like the fashion equivalent of that Jughead “I’m weird, I’m a weirdo” speech, J.W Anderson’s refusal to conform is quiet and modest. I like it. It’s not generally my personal style but I can admire the thought behind the work, and there are still some things I’d love to try. I have a few standouts-the shoes with the hoop detailing dancing from the ankle straps, the dress on the bottom right with what appears to be art nouveau typography on, the trench coat with the cape detailing and the gossamer dress to its right are all stunning, especially that dress. If I ever want to dress as the bubble Glinda the Good Witch descends in when she meets Dorothy in the Wizard of Oz, I know where to go, though I don’t suppose there’s going to be an occasion that calls for that any time soon. Can I just have the dress anyway?
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Kim Shui is another new designer I found through blessed Twitter screencaps-thanks guys for doing my research for me. Much appreciated.
But anyways! Like Charlotte Knowles, it’s clear she’s still establishing her aesthetic as a designer, and thus far I love it. The whimsical, throwback prints on urban silhouettes that range from the androgynous suits of city dwelling cool girls to the amped-up sex appeal of nightclub dresses is gorgeous, especially twinned with dainty headscarfs and opera gloves-all in all I think this a very cool and wearable collection and I’m looking forward to the next collection she puts out.
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Next up is Lacoste, and IDK why I always include their collections to be honest, considering they’re not really known for “high fashion”. I guess it’s because my dad has collected Lacoste shirts since I was little so I kinda have a soft spot for it and feel obligated to include it every time presentation season comes around. Yes, the outfits are unbearably preppy and the colours are garish but I feel like that’s kind of the appeal? So what if some of the tracksuits look like they could’ve been pulled out of a bad mafia movie? I see the argyle jumpers, with a bit of wear and tear, as a charity shop gem my sister would come across (she has the #Y2K Depop girl knack for finding old designer pieces in the shittiest charity shops without the audacity to try and sell them at a 70% markup) that I would then steal from her wardrobe to wear myself, contrasted with a ripped mini skirt, chains and and docs. I see the POTENTIAL of a look that is very fuck you to the rich middle age tory styling we see here. It’s punk, okay?
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Lanvin was STUNNING this time around. Maybe it’s because I’ve been watching Mad Men recently and it reminds me of the fashion on that-which I hope somebody won an award for at the time BTW, it is SO fucking good-but I just adore every look here. I can’t even remember if I reviewed Lanvin’s SS20 show, and so clearly if I did it wasn’t that memorable (no shade intended), however this collection is a different story. Every single one of these outfits is iconic movie moment worthy, a 60s Cher Horowitz plaid two piece equivalent that would get screencapped and replicated ad-nauseam, all the best looks of Betty Draper and Peggy Olsen and Joan Holloway and Megan Calvet brought together and refined for the modern day woman. I might even consider sacrificing my anti-royalist principles if it meant I could transport myself back in time and switch bodies with Grace Kelly so I could make this collection my princess-off-duty wardrobe and drive around Monaco in that Bella Hadid look, roof down, all the drama of the fur trim and the gloves and hair whipping about in the wind (but in this unrealistic vision I can actually see what I’m doing and I’m not choking on random strands and swearing at Mother Nature as if she is a real entity with a personal vendetta against me).
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Loewe! More J.W Anderson! I’m gonna try not to repeat myself by arsekissing too much all over again and get the good points out of the way quickly! So rapid fire: elegant! Delicious colour palette! Interesting shapes! I think I’m seeing a Victorian/Edwardian influence there! Correct me if I’m wrong! I like it! The coats are strong! Remind me of the suffragettes! But lets pretend in this case these Loewe style coat wearing suffragettes are not raging classists!
AH. Apart from that, it was a bit too austere for me. I definitely preferred Anderson’s eponymous collection; there were a fair few recurring details in this show that I couldn’t get behind that I didn’t include, in particular this bib-like black panel that just kept popping up on everything. Sorry J.W Anderson. But a 50% success rate is still good! And at the end of the day, having 2 collections on Vogue Runway at once is more prestigious than the accumulative total of every accomplishment I’ll probably ever have achieved in my life by the time I’m on my deathbed so what do I know anyway? Sigh:( At least I’ll always have the honour of having the largest head by circumference of my class in year 4, right *sweats nervously*!?!?! 
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Louis Vuitton was definitely a downgrade on last season for me. There were for sure elements I liked-the Vera Wang-esuqe mixing of the tulle bustle skirts with the rougher, more masculine biker inspired vests and jackets was a cool choice, reminiscent of Gucci’s mixing of the lace dresses with harnesses. I enjoyed the baroque jackets and subtle nods to steampunk style too. Though we’ve already seen it a lot this season, the wet look coat with fur trim I can’t help falling in love with, and I’m immune to the potential ugliness of the muted blue monotone look purely on the basis I can picture Ripley from Alien in it. So like I said-it’s not as if I hated it. I guess when it comes down to it, the collection wasn’t bad so much as I just had higher hopes. I will say though, the staging was INCREDIBLE. As a history nerd, I never thought I’d see the day when a Henry the 8th lookalike actor was part of the backdrop of a Paris fashion week show-and I always thought there was no interesting career path for me in the subject!
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And another big name I don’t tend to be so partial to, Maison Margiela. IDK, I did like last season but I wasn’t a fan of haute couture and it took me a while to warm to this. Call it deconstructed, experimental, whatever, but you know when you can’t decide what to wear and you’re in a rush so you kinda just throw all the shit you decided against into a pile? Well, my initial thought was that this season Margiela is kinda that, on the runway.
I will say, once I let go of my need to see a clear shape, a lot of the individual pieces were stunning (NOT the puffed up tabis though, I still can’t even get behind the regular ones). I guess I just wish they’d go for less is more with the styling because as it currently stands, it makes it hard to actually take the clothes in. 
Ultimately, one thing you can always say about Margiela, like their clothes or not, is that it has a monopoly on being effortlessly bold.
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Marc Jacobs I really liked again, though I will say it doesn’t stand out quite like the S/S collection did. That was absolutely STUNNING-I can’t remember specifically where I ranked it in my top ten but I know it was at least in the top 5. This, on the other hand, is...pretty. It’s very pretty, and very put together, so I’m not saying at all that I don’t rate it. I suppose it’s just a lot simpler than I expected it to be-I don’t have a problem with simplicity, at all, especially if it’s what a brand is known for but I feel like part of the appeal with Marc Jacobs is that it’s pretty kooky. I mean, not Thom Browne or Margiela kooky, but commercial kooky at least. I feel like the kookiness is lacking here? And that’s where this feeling is coming from? And also, the fact that Lanvin tackled the same era and did it a lot better? So there’s that, too. Plus, I adore Miley Cyrus but...why? Random celebrities waking the runway just doesn’t do it for me-it always comes across as a publicity grab, as if the designer isn’t confident enough in their collection’s ability to get people talking on its own, and I suppose in this case that says it all really.
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Margaret Howell was...well, Margaret Howell. She’s known for her basics, and they’re always pretty non-offensive “regulation hottie” in the words of the icon that is Damian from Mean Girls. It’s been, what, four years? More? Since I last watched that film but I’m pretty sure watching it about twenty times between the ages of 9 and 15 tattooed it on my brain. I include her because even though they don’t get my pulse racing, I like these pieces; considering the fact that expecting straight white men to ever have style on the level of barbiedrugz (his instagram is my favourite thing ever) or Rickey Thompson is ludicrous, Margaret Howell’s menswear looks are probably are the best, realistic goal for any future partner. Because I like my men dressed like Paddington bear/a depressed Brown University English lit lecturer, okay? Or in other words, Will Graham from Hannibal.
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Marine Serre had a few good moments-the looks that I liked were the ones that stayed within her lane of blending the weird with the visually appealing. There were a lot of cool things going on, and I like the utility vibe (the boot with the pouch detailing and the mask are perfect examples of this done well), but outside the fits I picked out a lot of it went over my head tbh.
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Marques Almeida is a show I was looking forward to-it has such a youthful, experimental quality to its collections (it’s no surprise the designers said they were influenced by the HBO show Euphoria this year!), similar to Central Saint Martins, and you can tell the designers (Marta Marques and Paulo Almeida) are based in London too; we are talking about the birthplace of the punk fashion movement, and as a designer it’s probably almost a rite of passage that you incorporate elements of that into your work. Marques Almeida does that with a flair and consistency you can count on. Their clothes don’t have the wildest silhouettes or anything like that but the fun they have playing around with print and colour and the ease and confidence with which they settle on those combinations always comes through-the black and white coat with the yellow furs trim is one of my favourite pieces from the entirety of this season’s offerings.
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I wasn’t so fond of Max Mara’s SS20 collection and I'm not gonna lie, this isn’t THAT much of a step up for me personally. It’s just one of those brands I feel obligated to include because it’s talked about quite a bit but I’m not totally sure if it’s for me. Too monotone, but I’ll give it another season! And I mean, there is a slight improvement here-this collection is a lot more laid back than the stiff, austere feel of the last, and there are some very well fitted and structured pieces. A lot of the looks kinda remind me of a 2020, fashion take on The Breakfast Club’s “Basket Case”, which is kinda cool, and just from looking at the clothes, the high price tag is palpable. Also, scruffy hair club unite! Though obviously it’s intentional here! That’ll be my excuse for the next time I turn up at work looking like I’ve been dragged through a hedge backwards-Max Mara made me do it.
Ending on those words of wisdom, I’m gonna bring this post to a close, because I can’t fit any more photos in! I’m desperately hoping that I can fit this all into 3 parts like I did with my last RTW review but even if I do have to make 4 posts, I still include my top 10 shows as I did before. I hope to get that post up within the next couple of weeks! After that, I’ve shot a Lana Del Rey inspired by each of her different albums and “era”s though given last week’s events I’m on the fence about whether to post it or not, especially given her silence over the last couple of days. I’m really proud of what I’ve put together and I’ll always love her art and music (I have 2 bloody tattoos, for fuck’s sake!), so I’m trying to think how I can reconcile that with those awfully worded posts and just the general lack of awareness of bigger issues that she’s displayed the last week. JFC, being a Lana stan has always been so chilled up until now. All the very valid and important takes aside, that “Lana pls delete that post and apologise, we can’t fight the barbz all your stans are depressed” tweet is the only good thing to come out of this shitshow. He got a point. Breathing feels like effort lately:( IDK, if you’re also a Lana stan and you have any opinions on the matter, feel free to DM me, because I’m feeling pretty conflicted rn.
Most importantly though, are the issues I opened this post by talking about, and I thought I’d finish by including the thread of petitions I saw on Twitter. Like I said, a lot of them aren’t available to sign in the UK but to anyone who read up until this point (thank you!) idk where you’re reading from so maybe some of them will apply to you:
Also, while we’re at it, because every tory voting twat seems to treat our country as if it’s some beacon of hope where racism is non-existent and love to tell PoC to stop moaning about their experiences, here’s a thread of black British men and women who have lost their lives to police violence:
Thank you for reading until the end. I hope that you enjoyed the fashion part of the post but also that if you did read this far, you read the other bits too if you didn’t know what was going on already. It seems like everyone does but you forget that Twitter’s a bit of an echo chamber and that outside of it, there’s a lot of ignorance, whether intentional or not. I know Tumblr has a similar audience to Twitter so I imagine there’s loads on here about everything going on too, but ya know. I wanted to talk about it just incase. 
Stay safe, keep fighting the good fight, and again, thank you for reading!<3
Lauren x
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lupihero · 4 years
THE POSITIVE & NEGATIVE; mun & muse - meme.
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tagged by: @bxstiae​ thank u!! tagging: anyone who wants to do this ♡
fill out & repost ♥ this meme definitely favors canons more, but i hope oc’s still can make it somehow work with their own lore, and lil’ fandom of friends & mutuals. multi-muses pick the muse you are the most invested in atm.
My muse is:   canon / oc / au ( has au verses ) / canon-divergent / fandomless
Is your character popular in the fandom?  YES / NO.
Is your character considered hot™ in the fandom?  YES / NO / IDK.
Is your character considered strong in the fandom? YES / NO / IDK.
Are they underrated?  YES / NO.
Were they relevant for the main story?  YES / NO / MAYBE.
Were they relevant for the main character?  YES / NO / THEY’RE THE PROTAG.
Are they widely known in their world?  YES / NO / MAYBE.
How’s their reputation?  GOOD / BAD / NEUTRAL.
How strictly do you follow canon?  —  pretty strictly. tbh i think i could do with a little more canon-divergence but i usually focus pretty hard on canon and diverging too far in my own muses, unless they were poorly written, tends to bother me.
SELL YOUR MUSE! Aka try to list everything, which makes your muse interesting in your opinion to make them spicy for your mutuals.  —  need a sweet country boy with a heart of gold who loves hard and fast and considers everyone he loves as part of his family ? how about a boy that can kick your ass to the sacred realm and back with his bare hands and a dizzying amount of strength ? how about a big friendly wolf that really doesn’t act all that much like a wolf but is big and soft and a really nice companion ? a boy that carries on and sees the best in people despite his trauma ? a boy who’s an absolute fucking dork and loses his mind whenever he sees a cat ? will smith poses @ link
Now the OPPOSITE, list everything why your muse could not be so interesting (even if you may not agree, what does the fandom perhaps think?).   —  he’s the protagonist, he’s too nice, too likable, and he might be, from some perspectives, super overpowered. a lot of his flaws are issues that come with a lot of protagonist characters, like selflessness to a fault, recklessness, a desire to help no matter the cost, etc., and it might come across as overdone or unoriginal for someone like him.
What inspired you to rp your muse?  —  twipri has been my favorite video game of all time since i first played it the xmas after it came out, when i was 7. it was an unbelievably huge influence on my life, and got me through a whole lot of shit i’d have to go through up until i was a teenager. it was a constant for me, a comfort. and link, being the protagonist, was of course the center of it. i connected to him really hard, and becoming him whenever i played the game was like magic to me as a kid. honestly, i dont know why i didnt write him until this year, because he’s been such an easy headspace for me to slip into for years. ig i just figured it was about time? id already written both tp zel and midna at separate points, so it was only right to complete the trio ksjfgh
What keeps your inspiration going?  —  the game itself, its soundtrack, art, linked universe and its little fandom, and you guys! just seeing all of your posts and your passion for loz and its characters helps fuel the love i have for it too!
Some more personal questions for the mun.
give your mutuals some insight about the way you are in some matters, which could lead them to get more comfortable with you or perhaps not.
Do you think you give your character justice?  YES / NO.
Do you frequently write headcanons? YES / NO. ( i have. built up a lot of hcs about this boy over the years )
Do you sometimes write drabbles?  YES / NO. ( i usually do write drabbles every now and then, idk why i haven’t for link yet )
Do you think a lot about your Muse during the day?  YES / NO.
Are you confident in your portrayal?   YES / NO. ( hmm i mean. i think i am, anyway?? i like the way i portray him, but i guess im sorta insecure about whether or not yall like my portrayal lmao )
Are you confident in your writing?  YES / NO. ( more or less, it depends on the day. back when i was a Gifted Kid my Gift was writing, and i was literally always chosen to read things i wrote aloud at school assemblies and things, so i. very much have a love / hate relationship w it )
Are you a sensitive person?  YES / NO. ( i mean. i try really hard not to be but :’^) )
Do you accept criticism well about your portrayal?  —  tbh, i don’t know?? i usually do with other muses, but bc twi is very special to me i have literally no idea how well i would take it. of course, if u do have criticism ( of the constructive sort, of course ), i still welcome it
Do you like questions, which help you explore your character?  —  yes!!! if you ever have anything you wanna know about twi and the way i write him, please ask!!!
If someone disagrees to a headcanon of yours, do you want to know why?  —  nope. unless it’s in the context of sharing hcs back and forth and building on each other or part of a friendly conversation, i don’t want to hear why you think i’m wrong. i still think about that personal that rb’d a hc i made a month or so ago and put in the tags all the reasons they disagreed w me and i wish i didn’t bc i hate it
If someone disagrees with your portrayal, how would you take it?  —   i?? dunno??? i guess i’d just tell them to unfollow. i’m not here to write link the way you think he should be written, i’m here to write him the way i want to.
If someone really hates your character, how do you take it?  —  hkljfg does anyone hate link??? like. he’s link. he’s neutral at worst. but it’s not my business if someone hates him, so to each their own ig
Are you okay with people pointing out your grammatical errors?  —  mm i don’t mind it, but i don’t really see the point. rp is a form of writing that doesn’t need much editing, and when it does, we are our own editors, so of course we’re going to make mistakes and overlook them. english is a complicated and hard language, and typos/misspellings/grammar errors happen and it’s not a big deal
Do you think you are easy going as a mun?   —  yes!! i’m a very laid-back person in general i think, and of course i have things i won’t tolerate and i’ll speak up when i need to, but at the end of the day rp is a hobby, and it’s something we do to have fun, and i know that having fun is the most important part of doing this. though, sometimes i think my anxiety & fear of confrontation might make me a little too lenient on things like my own rules tho kjfhg 
that’s about it, congrats for filling out!
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stanthreads · 4 years
❝ 𝘘𝘶𝘰𝘵𝘦𝘴 𝘍𝘳𝘰𝘮 𝘗𝘦𝘰𝘱𝘭𝘦 𝘐 𝘚𝘵𝘢𝘯 ❞
5 Seconds of Summer
Luke Hemmings
“Find something that makes you happy and don’t let anyone take it away from you”
“It Should be about happiness, always”
“Retaining your own individuality is the most important thing”
“Friendship is like peeing yourself: everyone can see it, but only you get the warm feeling it brings.”
“Do more of what makes you happy.”
Calum Hood
“Believe in Yourself”
“Just live right now, and be yourself, it doesn’t matter if it’s good enough for someone else”
“It’s ok to be sad sometimes”
“People don't become gay, bisexual, pansexual, transexual. People just fall in love with another person."
“Even when times feel at their darkest... think of the people you call home & be strong”
Michael Clifford
“It's okay not to be okay.”
“It's a a damn good day to be alive.”
“Don’t lose sight of what makes you tick, and never forget to feed your own happiness, whatever that is”
“Never look down on anybody unless you’re helping them up”
“It’s okay to be whoever the hell you wanna be”
Ashton Irwin
“Just keeping being you. Don't worry what people think. Being you is cool, okay?”
“Never ever give up the fight”
“You aren't on your own. You can find the greatest things in life in the smallest and simplest things, you just gotta take a moment.”
“No matter how nasty people are in life, show kidness, smile through it and love, laugh, be good to people, just cause you can.”
“Be absolutely fearless of what people will”
Ariana Grande
“Cherish every moment even if you’re stressed or hurt... there’s always tomorrow and it always gets better”
“Be happy with you. Love your flaws. Own your quirks. And know that you are just as perfect as anyone else, exactly as you are”
“We have to lift each other up, not try and claw each other down”
“Friendly reminder to be nice to yourself. We often make things harder for ourselves then they actually are. Be good to your brain”
“Be patient and trust the universe please. Everything happens for a reason and you will be okay. I promise. On everything. With every challenge comes growth. Painful periods prepare you to appreciate the beautiful ones awaiting, protect you and force you to look at things differently”
Conan Gray
“real love is fucking rare don’t waste it”
“we are a spec in the universe with little to no importance in the abyss of time and space so everyone just shut the fuck up and get along we are all gonna die with our lifetimes being a mere smudge on the timeline of humanity be nice to each other”
“humans just be mean for no reason lol”
“life gets a whole lot easier when u realize most people are way too consumed judging themselves to take the time to judge you as well”
“tired of y’all being toxic to each other. anyone is allowed to like my music. anyone is welcome here. stop being fucking elitist assholes. don’t care if you’ve known me for years or just found me yesterday. you are all welcome. be nice to each other or imma whoop y’alls asses.”
Dua Lipa
“Success to me, is just doing things that I’m really proud of”
“I just wanna make sure that you guys know that none of this online craziness means anything, never let anyone’s stupid opinions define how you feel about yourself. Any tweets that trigger you or make you feel uncomfortable mute or unfollow with absolutely no fucks given”
“You should keep your friends and loved ones close, trust your gut and go with your instinct. Never let go of the people that are nothing but honest with you, that have your best interest at heart with no strings attached. Love them with everything you have because they deserve the world”
“Be kind to yourself a little more every day”
“Note to self: self love isn’t selfish”
“Stop comparing your self to others. You can be the most beautiful rose in a garden and some jerk will still say they prefer daises”
“Just remember, none of us have any idea what we’re doing either. No one chooses to exist. You just do. You’re gonna be ok.”
“Also, love yourself today and everyday. I don’t care what anyone says. You’re funny and you have a cute butt. Embrace life. YEAH”
“If you look at women and see crooked teeth, soft tummy, and think they’re beautiful, you should feel the same about these things in yourself”
“The only person I try to be “better than” is the person I was yesterday”
Harry Styles
“It only takes a second to call a girl fat, and she’ll take a lifetime trying to starve herself. Think before you act”
“A dream is only a dream.. until you decide to make it real”
“We have a choice. To Live or To Exist.”
“You have a choice where you can either be all right to someone or you can be a little bit nicer, and that can make someone’s day.”
“Don’t choose the one who is beautiful to the world. But rather, choose the one who makes your world beautiful.”
Madison Beer
“Stop worrying about things you can’t control”
“If you are broken you do not have to stay broken”
“Don’t lower your standards for anybody. They can step up or step out”
“don’t let em change u ok”
“just be proud of yourself & focus.”
Melanie Martinez
“If someone ever tries to steer you away from your intuition, tell them to fuck off”
“True empathy is putting yourself in someone else’s shoes who you normally wouldn’t. When empathy is restricted by convenience, it contradicts the nature of empathy itself”
“I think, being emotional is this thing that people think you’re not strong. They don’t look at you as a strong person, and it’s weird ‘cuz honestly being emotional has nothing to do with your strength”
“We cut flowers because we think they’re pretty, we cut ourselves because we think we’re not”
“Being emotional shouldn’t be looked at as a weakness, it should be looked at as a strength”
“Don’t lower your standards for anything or anyone”
“The minute you learn to love yourself you won’t want to be anyone else”
“Sure, you wish you did some things differently. But there is no sense in becoming burdened with regret over things you have no power to change.”
“Don’t hide from who you are.”
“When you realize who you live for, and who’s important to please, a lot of people will actually start living. I am never going to get caught up in that. I’m gonna look back on my life and say that I enjoyed it – and I lived it for me.”
Tyler the Creator
“I think I’m cool. That’s all that matters”
“Again, trust your ideas, be your biggest cheerleader and be smart about it cause fuck em”
“Do not, kids I repeat, do not live your life Tryna make your parents/ anyone happy. DO WHAT THE FUCK YOU WANT”
“Don’t let these muthafuckas kill your flowers make sure your garden is watered and stunt”
“If you’re gonna go to school at least major in something you actually give a fuck about and love not some shit that makes the most money”
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