#or some type of aerosol
averygaylemon · 2 years
I feel like we really underestimate physical bullying a lot. If a kid gets beat up by a classmate, its bullying. If a kid gets purposely injured by a classmate, its bullying. If a kid gets stuff painfully thrown at them, its bullying. We need to stop sugarcoating it. Its assult. Calling it 'bullying' makes it sound less bad, but its actually the same as assult. It causes pain and trauma.
I got bullied a lot the entire time I was at school, and sometimes it got really bad. And I never realised how bad it was because I didn't class it as assault. But it is assault, and it was bad enough to the point where I wont walk down certain streets, and I always have a defense plan when I'm on public transport.
Assault is literally a crime and yet kids and teens put up with it every day and do nothing about it because they think that because its just bullying, its not as bad. And I think that this is a big problem that has gone seriously overlooked.
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seat-safety-switch · 4 months
I'm glad that I don't have some kind of panic-related disorder. Things are too easy already to get worked up into a doom spiral about, without having to worry about additional stuff on top of that. How could I ever find time to worry about whether or not my fifty-year-old dashboard crack is spreading?
Lately, though, I've been having these thoughts. Not all the time, of course, which would require some kind of intervention, and I don't have enough money to buy snacks for every one of my friends and family who are "a little concerned about my behaviour" and decide to invite themselves over to my house with no warning about it. No, those thoughts happen whenever my mind begins to wander while driving.
Today's thought, as I drove by the coast, was that the ocean is basically just all pee. And that's true. Even as I type it, I realize that it has to objectively be true. Realizing it, in the moment, that's what gave me the panic. It took about four hours more of driving, and a frenzied call into a local AM talk radio show, until I started to feel a little bit better. Coincidentally, I had also run out of gas.
After I filled the car with some fuel siphoned out of a police car parked at the donut stand and turned the engine back on, that same feeling of paranoia began again. The ocean is basically just all pee, screamed the goblin in my mind.
In a rage, I stamped my foot, and went right through the pinholes in the floorboard. Oh. It was just carbon monoxide this whole time.
Ultimately, I'm glad no harm was done. No harm, that is, except for my "lifetime" ban from the telephone switchboard at Uncle Jeff's Hyper-Conservative Inexplicably Angry Yap Hour. Banned for nothing, really, just some incoherent rambling about how we're all guzzling aerosolized dolphin urine whenever we go on the Tamale Island ferry. This puts a crimp in my weekend plans, which was going to be calling in to tell him about how refrigerators are "up to some shit," then pivoting to try and lure some of his listeners into joining my Ponzi scheme.
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http-tokki · 1 year
You were meant to be mine
~prohero!bakugou katsuki x fem!reader ~ tags/cw: aged up bakugou, toxic bakugou, smut, explicit language, possessive/toxic relationships, dark content, borderline abusive relationship, dub con ~ wc: 840
Katsuki doesn't handle your breakup very well; psychotic levels of not handling things well. From constantly texting and calling, sending flowers, showing up at your job, waiting outside for you to get off work, following you to the gym, and walking behind you as you rush home, Everything that could warrant you getting a restraining order, but because he is a hero and has the entire fucking system in his pocket, everyone brushes it off as him being concerned for the wellbeing of his girlfriend. 
Your phone blinks again with a new message. 
Answer your phone. I need to talk to you.
More messages follow.
Baby, please, I miss you. Call me.
I'm sorry, can you please call me.
Answer your fucking phone. I swear to god. 
I'm sorry, baby. I didn't mean to be so rude. Please just answer your phone or call me. I need to talk to you. 
Baby, please.
You refuse to answer, fearing to let him back in because you love this type of desperation. A small part of you screams in joy every time a message comes through, excited to see how much he begs for some form of contact. Bakugou needed you, the great pro hero was metaphorically on his knees for you, pleading with you, and you weren't ready to give that up. 
Princess, I'm begging you. Answer me before I lose my fucking mind. Please, angel, talk to me.
Your stomach twists, and you're so close to giving in and texting him to come over and bend you over the couch so he can fuck you good and dumb, filling you up so you are tied to him forever. You bite down on your bottom lip, teeth digging into ravaged flesh as you battle your logical self. Logic wins out, and you let your phone ring all night. 
Umm, idk what I was going to write here because there was a massive gap, but it was filler about you hanging out with Izuku, cause you two were close before you and Katsuki got together, and that's what sends Bakugou over the edge. He then breaks into your house, and this is the scene we have, lmao. I told y'all this is draft dumping.
So you get home one day, and he is sitting on your once-shared couch. All the lights are off to avoid giving him away in case you had brought home Izuku. Katsuki's imagination had run wild with that scenario. There were two paths he could go down. One, chase Midroiya out of your apartment with the little knife he had bought with him, ending his hero image, OR make Deku watch while he fucks you, reminding you and his former friend who you belong to. Either way, he was about to ruin his future and didn't care. You were getting back together with him even if he had to hold you hostage. You only notice someone else is in your apartment when you hear his boot knock against the coffee table. You jump, shopping bags falling from your hands as they fly towards your bag, searching for the pepper spray you keep.
"Relax, it's me." he drawls from the darkness. 
Your heart stops as you recognise the voice. "What the fuck, Katsuki?" your fingers wrap around the small aerosol in your bag. 
The couch creaks as he stands. "I could ask you the same thing," heavy footsteps echo in your still-dark apartment. "Deku? Really?"
"Yes, because we are friends. Am I not allowed to have friends?" 
Katsuki's chuckle is low and menacing. "No, because I saw the way he looked at you, and I don't like it," you feel the warmth radiating off his body as he stops before you. "Only I'm allowed to look at you like that. I'm the only one who can think about you that way." He places a hand against your chest, fingers digging into your collarbones, itching to reach up and wrap around your throat. "I'm the only one who can kiss you the way you like" You feel his lips ghost along your cheek.
Your grip on the can of mace slackens, your whole body giving into his touch as his other hand rests on your hip. 
"I'm the only one who can grab you like this" his fingers slide up to the base of your throat, squeezing lightly. "the only one who can slide their cock in your mouth and watch you gag and drool while you try so hard to swallow me" the hand on your hip tightens, pulling you closer against his hard body. Your head spins at the closeness, your heart pounding in your chest, and your stomach twisting because you're going to fuck him. You've decided that you're about to fuck your crazy stalker, yet hero boyfriend turned ex in your doorway, and would you come out of it alive? At this point, you didn't care. 
"Do you want me to do that?" Katsuki's mouth ghosts over yours. "Do you want my cock in you, huh?" 
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a/n: thats all i got lmao
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covidsafehotties · 2 months
hello, i hope i don't sound naive I've only recently started to become aware again of the actual health situation, here in germany things are very much ignored as well by government, media etc
I'm currently out of secure employment and have been busking, guitar and singing at places with medium people flow I'd say and there's always six feet between where i stand and ppl put tips in my hat but I've also heared that the six feet thing was from when we thought most infections were cos of droplets so I'm unsure now
I've seen it said to visualize covid like it's smoke and in terms of that if someone smoking is walking by i think i smell it for maybe three seconds
i wanted to ask if you have an approximation of how big if a risk this is? there's been lots of rhetoric about how outside is so much safer but now I'm unsure
since realizing things are not fine I've gone back to always wearing an n95 in grocery stors and public transport (no restaurants, can't afford that anyway) and i do want to take this seriously, i also got the last updated vax even tho i wasn't in the recommended group and my doc questioned me on why i wanted it, i insisted on getting it but it was weird
i hope you can give me some type of insight and this blog is a place for this and I'm not mistaken
General covid risk is a complex calculation including some factors you are not able to detect without the aid of atmospheric sensors. In indoor situations, densely packed spaces that lack ventilation and air filtrarion allow covid to drift on the air for longer than 4 hours. Outdoor situations are somewhat more safe in the fact that they are pretty much perpetually ventilated. That means covid does not linger in one place long, and the complex, chaotic nature of outdoor air movement causes more covid to drop out of the air more quickly. The more people the more close to you, the higher the risk. If you are in a crowd of unmasked people standing shoulder to shoulder, your risk is incredibly high. If you are sitting on a park bench and someone passes by down wind 10 feet away, your risk is negligible. A Japanese study from 2023 showed that the greatest risk of outdoor transmission lies in the several seconds before passing face to face.
Maybe this will help you better gague outdoor risk. When in doubt, mask up. I typically wear a mask anytime I'm outside my house because you never know when someone will decide to bother you, and face to face conversation is when you face the highest risk of infection not just from aresols but large and small droplets.
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bettyfrommars · 8 days
S1 * 💗
Pretty please
Melll I'm so happy to see you in my asks you don't even know
Your Person is Hybrid Steve, your Place is a Concert Venue, and your Thing is Dealer's Choice, so I will give you Farrah Fawcett Hairspray
word count: 830
Steve is mostly just a vampire in this, a few visceral visions of gore, blood, drinking blood, allusions to tracking someone down and killing them. Hybrid Steve is a complicated boy, his primal urges take him to dark places every so often (babe I had no idea it would go this way 💀)
"Let me see," you pulled Steve aside, ushering him closer to the bathroom of the hotel room. "It needs more...fluff."
You fingered the wave of a curl that bounced on his forehead, smoothing down his mutton chop sideburns with a satisfied hum.
"I look stupid," he mumbled, running a hand over the buttons of the loud Hawaiian print shirt you'd bought for him. It was an especially sultry night in Vegas, and he also had on a pair of chinos that hugged his ass just right. "I'm dressed like my dad."
"Close your eyes," you held a hand over his face while you sprayed his coif thoroughly with his favorite brand of hairspray, bursts of aerosol puffing everywhere. Once it was set to perfection, you adjusted the collar of his shirt, fingering the tuft of chest hair that was visible there.
"Do I look okay?" You stepped back, twirling to give him the full view.
"You always look good," he mumbled again, turning to give his reflection a dirty look in the hallway mirror, scratching the stubble on his jaw. "You really like it when I wolf out like this?"
You lifted your eyebrows a few times in eager approval.
"Good thing Eddie's not here, I'd never live this shirt down."
"Type O before we go?" There was a martini glass full of plasma on the counter, and you handed it to him before gulping the last bit of your wine. The Flamingo Hotel had an entire wing of the establishment dedicated to their vampire clientele, right down to the automatic blackout curtains and bottles of freshly extracted blood. Your boyfriend liked to drink his out of a cocktail glass, pinky out, because he was fancy like that.
Steve Harrington, the most reluctant vampire you'd ever met.
He took three big swallows, finishing the entire thing before setting the glass back down. "I'm not wearing flip flops like a dork."
"Your converse are right over there," you busied yourself with making sure you had everything you needed in your bag.
Once he had his shoes on, you handed him the spare key. "Keep this on the chain around your neck? In case you go into beast mode and I lose you."
"Beast mode" otherwise known as Steve changing into his hybrid wolf form and losing all control, hadn't happened in months, not since he'd done the arduous work of trying to control it. He'd made friends with the monster, as his therapist would say.
You preferred to feed him from your own vein, but that was another trigger, it tended to flip some animalistic switch inside of him. Once he began to change into the beast, there was no going back.
By the time you made it to the venue to see a world-famous vampire Elvis impersonator on foot, Steve was sweaty and grouchy. You were about to get seated at the designated red velvet booth you'd bought tickets for, when a big man going the other way bumped into Steve, knocking him in the shoulder so hard he stumbled to the side.
"Watch where you're going, Fanger," the other man hissed, continuing on his way. The term Fanger was a derogatory word for vampire used mostly by right wing extremists who didn't think they should be allowed in polite society, or even be allowed to exist, for that matter.
"The fuck did you say?" Steve's normally chocolate eyes glowed amber gold, and his fangs ejected. You stopped to grab his face in both of your hands, forcing him to look at you.
"Baby, breathe," you coaxed, shuffling closer. "Not tonight, Stevie, you promised."
His breaths were coming out forceful, like a bull about to charge, nostrils flaring. You held his face with all of your strength until you saw his eyes melt from tiger yellow back to brown suede again.
"Sorry," he huffed, pulling his fangs in, trying to avert his gaze, slightly embarrassed that such a small thing could rile him up and flush all the personal development he'd done down the toilet.
He'd hold your hand and watch Vampire Elvis jive around the stage in his bedazzled jumpsuits and he'd enjoy it. He'd try not to think about how good it would feel to rip that dude's body apart limb by limb, to drink from his bloody head like a cup. A smile quivered at the corner of his mouth as he thought about how horrible the screams would be while he shredded that knucklefuck with his bare hands.
You squeezed his knee, leaning in while the performance was going on. "That's the first time I've seen you smile all night."
Steve leaned into the grin letting his teeth show. He wanted to put you at ease and make you proud. He'd never loved anyone like you before and he'd do anything to keep you.
He'd track that guy later, while you were asleep, and then everyone would be happy.
Except for knucklefuck, of course. He'd be dead.
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kentosdoll · 5 months
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⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ 𝑁𝑎𝑛𝑎𝑚𝑖𝑛 headcanons .ᐟ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ mr autism feat. his antics
content: sfw wc: 623
a/n: look, i know there is a small minority of us in the jjk fandom that believes nanami kento is autistic, so this post won't appeal to the masses. if you don't like this, nor agree with it, that's fine (that's why fanon and au's are cool). just don't be a dickhead and leave mean comments. also, this was co-written by my beloved sibling @lesbian-choso. go check out his blog; they make lovely traditional art.
banner credits:⠀@/dollienini + @/chilumitos
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Flat affect — no explanation needed.
Stims: jiggling his watch, cracking his knuckles and other joints, pacing around.
This man cannot stand loud noises, though controlled loud sounds, like listening to his screamo playlist, is totally fine.
I firmly believe he sleeps like a dead person at an open-casket funeral. His bed sheet is in a straight line across his chest, with his arms lying flat on either side of his torso — Back Sleeper™️. Best believe he can't sleep unless his room is 18°C, with his bedsheets and duvet even on each side of the bed, and a fresh bottle of water on his bedside table (in case he wakes up and feels parched).
Whilst he isn't a fan of journals and diaries, Kento makes sure to regularly update his calendar on his phone, as well as the one attached to Outlook.
Spreadsheets and to-do lists, he thrives off of these. How else is he to keep up with life?
He is very aware of the fabrics and textures that make contact with his skin. This is why his wardrobe is predominantly made up of soft materials like cotton and cashmere. If he has to wear anything woollen, a lightweight layer of clothing goes underneath; he can't stand the itchiness.
Kento doesn't like mixing cold and warm food, and he tries his best to keep the food on his plate from touching each other (this doesn't apply to food like fried rice).
He irons his bedsheets and underwear — don’t ask. Kento also regularly washes his curtains and steams them once they’re dry (no creases, he hates them).
Exclusively purchases one type of deodorant; it has something to do with the smell and texture. He can’t stand aerosols because of the intensity of their smell (it gets into the back of his throat), and the gel deodorants feel uncomfortable on his underarms. Kento also isn’t a fan of perfume, though, there was one he liked that he stocked up on. Sadly, he hasn’t been able to find anything similar.
“Don’t come in the kitchen whilst I'm cooking.” — Kento to Satoru when he senses him about to step in. He can't share the space, it becomes claustrophobic.
Baking is his special interest; he has an absurd amount of information about this art form stored in his noggin. Dare I say he would own a bread encyclopaedia if it existed. Whilst bread is his favourite form of baked good, from time to time, he attempts to make confectionary, specifically those made of phyllo pastry. On the rare occasion, he might bake a pie or cake.
This man owns a lint roller because of his pet cats; he is not a first-time cat owner. Whilst his home is relatively clean, he can't help but feel the need to pick up those stray cat hairs. He doesn't want to accidentally get any in his mouth.
Speaking of his home, Kento's apartment is relatively minimalist, though the colour palette is warm and welcoming (lots of blues and browns). The only part of his home that is “messy” is one nook in his living room. The bookcase is overflowing with unread books, some sitting in neat stacks on the floor, whilst others are in cardboard boxes acting as surfaces for his potted plants. There are a few old newspapers and magazine recipes strewn on his desk, a cold cup of coffee, and two pen holders jam-packed with various dry markers and inkless pens. It's a sort of organised chaos.
He exclusively wears slippers and thongs/flip-flops indoors. He can’t stand walking around barefoot, it’s uncomfortable, and he doesn’t like his feet being cold or picking up any hair, lint, or crumbs that collect on the floor (despite his home being borderline sterile).
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© 𝑘𝑒𝑛𝑡𝑜𝑠𝑑𝑜𝑙𝑙⠀ ─⠀ all rights reserved. seek inspiration, do not copy, translate, or redistribute my writing/content.⠀₊˚ෆ
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bitchfitch · 2 years
Anyways since it's not common knowledge that you can get into doing stained glass really easily nowadays i thought I'd go ahead and put together a quick and dirty explanation on it. Prices are given in USD and are based on how much they cost at my localish stained glass shop in jul 2022 but all items can be gotten at larger craft stores or online.
Hobby Lobby has an extensive stained glass section usually. They also have coupons and don't put barcodes on their merchandise so they don't always track their stock super well. do with that last bit of information what you will
skip to the bottom of you just want to see steps
Mandatory Tools, buy these once and never again (unless they break or somethin):
Glass cutters: Pencil grip if you're confident in your hand strength, Pistol grip if you have joint issues (most of the folk i know irl that are into stained glass are arthritic and swear by the pistol grips, do with that tinfo what you will)
Pliers: You'll need 2 types, grozzier pliers and curved jaw pliers. these are not the same as the pliers you use in most other applications. you can usually get both bundled with a glass cutter for less than 30$
Soldering Iron: Get one that comes with a soldering station and a flat chisel shaped tip. Weller is the industry standard. 40 bucks.
semi optional: a wet grinder: not 100 percent necessary but it makes life a hundred times easier and lets you do more complicated shapes with less skill than you would need otherwise, so I'm putting it here. It's vital that it's a wet grinder because aerosolized glass dust is bad for your everything. 90$. if you don't get a wet grinder you will just need some 400 grit or higher waterproof sandpaper. Wet sand your pieces. Do not dry sand.
70-190$ to start
Glass: comes in two main types, Translucent/Cathedral, and Opaque. From there there are Many variations including waterglass and iridescent glass. Prices range from 8$ a square foot up to a couple hundred for handmade artisan stuff, but most seem to be between 10$ and 20$ 1 square foot of glass goes further than you think it will
Solder: Must Be Acid Free. Solder with an acid core is really common because that's what's used in every other application. it will not work for stained glass. Solder comes in 4 main types but there's plenty of others out there: lead free, 60/40, 70/30, and 50/50. Get 60/40 to start out unless the lead scares you, then get lead free. (the lead content in solder is not dangerous so long as you aren't regularly licking the final product/using it for food. The fumes can cause migraines tho so ventilation is a good idea) 26$ per pound, goes a long way
Flux: any solder flux will do, 4$ lasts forever
glass cutting oil: it's what it says on the tin, use this with the glass cutter to make it work. 10$ per bottle lasts forever.
copper foil tape: used to make the solder stick to the glass. comes in may sizes, just grab one that's thicker than your glass and Feels right. what width you use is entirely personal preference on anything that's not too big. 7$
Homasote/compressed cellulose fiber board/ cork/ ceiling tiles/ drywall/ plywood: You're going to need something to solder and pin your glass pieces on, any of these will do. All of them are reusable but you will probably need to cut them down to more comfortably fit your project which is why I'm putting them here instead of the buy them once category. 69¢ for the cieling tiles to like 50$ for a sheet of homasote get whatever is easiest/cheapest. or solder on a heat proof surface you already have.
tarnish/patina: the solder will naturally turn black overtime but it won't look pretty while doing it. you either need to clean it regularly or just accept that it will tarnish and do the work for it. Tarnish commonly comes in black and bronze. don't let these get on your skin. it won't hurt but prolonged and repeat exposure is a cancer and chemical burn risk. 11$
~100$. everything besides the glass and solder will last a couple dozen projects at minimum, most will last Mucho longer.
Nick's Grinder's Mate. it's a special made item for stained glass grinding but if you don't like your hands getting wet or have issues with your hands it makes the process So Much Easier.
Metal or glass head sewing pins. they're used to help hold your glass in place while soldering many people don't use them at all.
plastic waffle grid: it catches the tiny little glass shards that flake off while cutting. It just makes clean up much much Much easier and reduces the amount of shards that end up on the floor and in your feet (please wear shoes while cutting glass, i don't, but you should.)
Eye protection, you don't need anything super extreme but yeah glass shards bad.
gardening gloves with thick palm and finger protection to reduce cuts and handle pieces during soldering.
bandaids, glass cuts don't usually hurt but they do bleed. think paper cut in terms of severity.
additional bits you probably already have:
scissors, paper, sharpie or dry erase markers, glue sticks
Basic process
find or draw up a pattern
make 2 copies of it, one to use as reference one to cut up and glue to your glass as a pattern. Alternatively you can trace your pattern onto the glass if you'd rather not use the paper
number the pieces on both the glass and the pattern to avoid having to do a broken glass jigsaw puzzle.
score the glass
use the pliers to break along your score lines
wet sand the sharp edges or grind to final shape
(if you're starting with a pre cut kit which are apparently becoming more common, skip to here) clean the pieces to remove grunge so the tape will stick
wrap edges in copper tape,
burnish them to smooth out the foil, i just use the handle on my scissors
arange the pieces in their final shape, pin them if desired.
coat the copper tape in flux and tack the joints together with solder.
run a bead of solder along the lines.
flip the piece and repeat 10 and 11
cover the edges.
add tarnish if desired.
ooh and ah over your final piece.
Full Written Instructions Here
YouTube channels for English instructions and demonstration (if you have non English recommendations please let me know so I can add them):
Stained Glass For Dummies PDF
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aroaceleovaldez · 1 year
cool weapon ideas for Riordanverse characters (OCs or otherwise) since MCGA/TOA only barely started giving us more weapons than “sword, knife/dagger, spear, bow” (garrote, sickles, manuballista/crossbow, blowdart, nets, misuse of instruments, etc)
Remember that one BoO cover where Leo randomly had a chainsaw. Yeah. If you need a mortal item for it to be disguised as like Riptide’s pen form, you could totally make it like a belt chain or something that turns into a chainsaw. That’d be fun.
Similarly. Leo should get to use his toolbelt as a blunt force weapon. Like the office fight scene from EEAAO. Do you see my vision.
Also remember the old headcanons about Will making a lasso/whip out of light with photokinesis powers? That was cool.
Baseball bat / Baseball bat with nails are always good. I have an old OC with that and also i saw a post the other day about Piper with one.
Meteor hammer / rope dart. They’re just cool (again: See office fight scene from EEAAO). My friend and I have an OC that has a meteor hammer yo-yo.
More demigods with their godly parents’ iconic weapons! Meg got sickles, let’s keep it up. Poseidon kids with tridents. Hades kids with bidents. Apparently one of Bellona’s weapons is a whip. Where’s the Indiana Jones Bellona kids.
Obligatory “give somebody a scythe” (works for any chthonic or plant-themed demigod)
 PICKAXES. This sounds silly but ancient Romans actually wielded pickaxes and similar in war and did use them as weapons. So like. where’s my Romans who are about to put a pickaxe through someone’s teeth. come on. Similarly - Slings/slingshots! Hooks! Shovels/spades! These were also all legitimately used in ancient Roman combat.
Axes. We see like, two characters use axes in MCGA. There should be more. In a somewhat similar vein, hammers! Big war hammers! LT Musical!Silena had a big hammer and it was great.
Put some more variation in our swords/knives/daggers! Throwing knives! Maybe also throwing stars. Javelins! Lances! Tbh just throw stuff. Also unique types of blades, cause we’re technically not bound by Greco-Roman or even like, Indo-european. weapons. Even if we were, there’s lots of options. Like falx. Which i have just learned about but they look cool.
Brass knuckles. Claws. Maybe even some type of fang weapons. Don’t tell me you have an entire camp of teens trained by WOLVES and not a SINGLE ONE OF THEM went “wait hold on. i have an idea.”
Will Solace should get to use medical equipment in combat. As a treat. Imagine him wielding like, a bone saw or something. Really just saws in general seem like an intimidating weapon, even if not very practical.
Silly weapons. Give me a demigod with a pizza cutter. Frying pan. Misc sports equipment (Bring back Luke’s golf club!). Maybe even a discus? Give me Aphrodite kids making DIY flamerthrowers out of perfume and aerosol sprays. Anything.
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athingofvikings · 2 months
A Thing Of Vikings Chapter 101: Virtue Finds And Chooses The Mean
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Chapter 101: Virtue Finds And Chooses The Mean
Buffalord: Mystery-class dragon
Overview: Metaturnal infrastructural dragon, medical.    One of the primary dragons on the International Model List of Essential Dragon Breeds, the Buffalords form the backbone for much of the worldwide health systems in the treatment of acute infection and disease, thanks to their medicinal saliva and venom.    Militarily useless, the deliberate killing of a Buffalord has been classified for centuries as a war crime by multiple international treaties, since the only purpose in such an act would be to promote disease.    Docile in temperament unless deliberately provoked, they are easily kept in a positive mood by providing them their preferred food: human-produced refuse.
Breath Type: Aerosolized Kerosene; due to some of the Buffalord's adaptations, they have difficulty controlling their fire and prefer not to use it.
Identification: Medium-to-Large size.    Brown, bronze, green, yellow, purple or blue hide and scales, with lighter underbellies and darker dorsal surfaces.    Bronze, green or brown eyes.    Four pillar-like legs with basic digging claws, large single wing pair.    Large egg-shaped central body studded with rows of launchable spikes.    Blunt head with one horn spike growing atop the skull and two forward-curved horns growing from the cheeks.    Can inflate its central body to twice its usual size as an intimidation tactic.    Proportionately small tail, with vestigial thagomizer.   
Strategic Role: Strictly rear-echelon medical supply, and disposal of hazardous waste and spoiled foodstuffs.    Buffalords are too valuable as medical support and too fragile to be allowed anywhere near active combat.   
Known Weaknesses: Slow airspeed.    Large target size.    Hide comparatively unarmored to allow for stretching of signature skin-inflation.    Poorly controlled fire-breath.    Extreme docility.
Phenotype Cluster: B8!F6+S ØSØS2+M7TØT2+
Populations: Significant and widespread, and found in nearly all human settlements of sufficient size.    As carrion and detritus eaters, Buffalords are also used as organic waste disposal, which further aids in priming their symbiotic bacteria to the antibiotic, antitoxin, antifungal, and antiviral needs of the communities which they serve.   
—North Sea Empire, Office of Draconic Intelligence, Dragon Breed Profiles (Declassified), 1822 Edition
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castelias-cat-queen · 7 months
I'm also proud to announce a new infrastructure project!
Because of minor overgrowth in Lostlorn Forest (land which is legally under the stewardship of Castelia City governance as outlined in the Unovan Capital Agreement, draft.3 page.112) an abundance of Bug Type Pokémon, specifically species currently defined as 'Pest Pokémon', have been known to flood into the urban city limits.
As such, this new project, which has already been approved, will remove the annoyance of encroaching pest species by way of mounted chemical aerosol release systems in a grid throughout the city, using a chemical formula developed and patented by my own personal private research company, Minskt R&D, which is proven to repel wild Bug Type Pokémon with minor irritation and no permanent harm*.
And, if you're a Bug Type Pokémon owner, rest assured that the system includes a powerful RFID scanner to check for Pokémon registration, so if a Pokémon is registered with a Pokéball or Microchip the aerosol dispensing system will avoid any release of chemicals towards your beloved pets!
On top of this, as some have noticed, the council is currently floating the idea of doing a minor cutback of Lostlorns overgrowth, hence the council employed land surveyors who have been spotted in the area recently.
That's all for now,
*excluding Joltik and Galvantula species, which are known to experience semi-extreme illness and major disruption of senses, however are not currently listed as an encroaching pest species and should not be at risk of encountering the aerosol systems
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New SpaceTime out Wednesday....
SpaceTime 20240103 Series 27 Episode 2
Claims the Small Magellanic Cloud is actually two separate galaxies
A new study claims one of our nearest satellite galaxies the Small Magellanic Cloud is actually two separate galaxies – one behind thew other.
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Dwarf planet Eris is 'squishier' than expected
A new study claims the distant Kuiper belt dwarf planet Eris has a malleable or squishy structure.
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NASA’s new PACE satellite slated for launch on February 6th
NASA has slated February 6th for the opening of the launch window for its new Plankton Aerosol, Cloud, ocean Ecosystem or PACE satellite.
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The Science Report
Russia has completed delivery of tactical nuclear weapons to Belarus.
Getting your period before 13 linked to a higher risk of developing type 2 diabetes
The ultra-high speed signal processor that can analyse 400,000 real time video images concurrently
Alex on Tech: more spying allegations against TikTok.
SpaceTime covers the latest news in astronomy & space sciences.
The show is available every Monday, Wednesday and Friday through Apple Podcasts (itunes), Stitcher, Google Podcast, Pocketcasts, SoundCloud, Bitez.com, YouTube, your favourite podcast download provider, and from www.spacetimewithstuartgary.com
SpaceTime is also broadcast through the National Science Foundation on Science Zone Radio and on both i-heart Radio and Tune-In Radio.
SpaceTime daily news blog: http://spacetimewithstuartgary.tumblr.com/
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SpaceTime -- A brief history
SpaceTime is Australia’s most popular and respected astronomy and space science news program – averaging over two million downloads every year. We’re also number five in the United States.  The show reports on the latest stories and discoveries making news in astronomy, space flight, and science.  SpaceTime features weekly interviews with leading Australian scientists about their research.  The show began life in 1995 as ‘StarStuff’ on the Australian Broadcasting Corporation’s (ABC) NewsRadio network.  Award winning investigative reporter Stuart Gary created the program during more than fifteen years as NewsRadio’s evening anchor and Science Editor.  Gary’s always loved science. He studied astronomy at university and was invited to undertake a PHD in astrophysics, but instead focused on his career in journalism and radio broadcasting. He worked as an announcer and music DJ in commercial radio, before becoming a journalist and eventually joining ABC News and Current Affairs. Later, Gary became part of the team that set up ABC NewsRadio and was one of its first presenters. When asked to put his science background to use, Gary developed StarStuff which he wrote, produced and hosted, consistently achieving 9 per cent of the national Australian radio audience based on the ABC’s Nielsen ratings survey figures for the five major Australian metro markets: Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane, Adelaide, and Perth.  The StarStuff podcast was published on line by ABC Science -- achieving over 1.3 million downloads annually.  However, after some 20 years, the show finally wrapped up in December 2015 following ABC funding cuts, and a redirection of available finances to increase sports and horse racing coverage.  Rather than continue with the ABC, Gary resigned so that he could keep the show going independently.  StarStuff was rebranded as “SpaceTime”, with the first episode being broadcast in February 2016.  Over the years, SpaceTime has grown, more than doubling its former ABC audience numbers and expanding to include new segments such as the Science Report -- which provides a wrap of general science news, weekly skeptical science features, special reports looking at the latest computer and technology news, and Skywatch – which provides a monthly guide to the night skies. The show is published three times weekly (every Monday, Wednesday and Friday) and available from the United States National Science Foundation on Science Zone Radio, and through both i-heart Radio and Tune-In Radio.
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eggbreadboi · 9 months
I absolutely love your wing au !! (this is the main ac of aston-angel) If you were willing to talk more about it, I'd love to hear more on the actual race concepts, like what do the 'tracks' look like here? racing strategies?? even the mechanical side with the jets and safety equipment 👀
I'm also super fascinated with the concept of raptors being given preferential treatment, I'd love to hear more about the cultural impacts and aspects of that!
Thank you so much.. Im honored to be getting detailed asks like this. It's so motivating to see interest for my insane little brain child. I am always willing to give more detail!
This is going to be a long one haha:
Race courses! These resemble sailing courses in concept, with the most relevant similarity being the attention to wind direction. The track boundaries are marked with strings of flags or balloons, and turns with brightly painted pillars. Some tracks use mobile turn markers in the form of hot air balloons, but this practice has been slowly phased out due to the higher risk to racers in case of a collision (the fire keeping them afloat doesn't play nice with flammable fumes from the turbo gear) Usually the the area below the track is an open field of some sort, however skyline races exist as well. Tracks average at about 46 meters or 150 feet off the ground, though some are as low as 23 meters (75 ft) or as high as 69 meters (222 ft).
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Of course, in the name of fidelity to irl F1(and my inability to design new ones), the shapes of the courses are the same. The "pits" so to speak are present as well, in the form of a raised, semi enclosed platform. Each pit lane has a separate, retractable roof segment controlled by the engineers, intended to accommodate different wing sizes. Ground seats, or in the case of skyline races, rented spaces in neighboring buildings, accommodate most spectators, but some tracks, particularly older ones, have spectator boxes built level with the track, in mid-air. These resemble bleachers on tall columns/stilts, with lifts for the elderly, young, disabled, or otherwise unable to fly up to the seats themselves.
Racing strategies are quite similar. Of course there is nothing resembling tire wear, but the jet packs are very small and light, and therefore hold little fuel, so pitstops to refuel are essential. The racers are permitted "feather wax" in adverse weather conditions, a synthetic substance similar to the water-resistant preening oil produced by seabirds. Racers like Sebastian, and especially Kimi have a serious advantage as their natural preening oils are better suited to light rain conditions, but the strength of synthetic agents mean they are used by everyone when it gets very wet. These can be applied before a race, or during a pit stop in aerosolized form. Similar to F1 cars, the jetpacks may be quickly repaired in some cases, though the same cannot be said for feathers. A broken feather will put a racer out of a race immediately, as imping(replacing a broken feather with a prosthetic or donor feather by fixing it to the unbroken portion of the shaft) is a medical procedure that takes time and occasionally anesthetics to perform.
Unlike motorsport, there is not an "ideal" race strategy that works for every racer. This is because the contestants have very different needs that coincide with their wing type. The real challenge for a race engineer is knowing the track, the weather conditions, and the racer they are guiding to such a degree that they can predict the minutiae of their physical state during the race.
In all honestly, I'm no engineer, so the jetpacks' actual functionality is mostly left up to the viewer to interpret. They resemble a jet engine massively scaled down; usually there are two vents in the sides to let out air, and two intakes in the front, though some models have one larger intake. All openings that create suction are designed very carefully to avoid pulling on the wings. The fuel is contained below the engine apparatus, close to the racer's back. The regulations around material for the fuel tank have been tightened, with designs being required to handle and disperse more heat than they did in the past. Additionally, the regulations have changed to mandate a thickness of 5 cm for the flame-retardant padding insulating the fuel tank.
A major change between the 70s and the modern era is the requirement for the foam under-vests donned by pilots to include a stiff neck guard protecting the pilot from whiplash. Additionally, it has become mandatory to include an additional foam/plastic piece of gear intended to immobilize the first joint of the wings when they lock into position after takeoff. This allows a set range of movement which cannot exceed a 25 degree rotation in any direction. In the past this was left to restrictive fireproofs and the weight of the jetpack itself, with inconsistent results. The regulations changed after several racers came close to losing a wing when a turn entered at the wrong angle caused severe dislocation.
Additional safety innovations include an emergency release lever, which allows turbo gear to be removed near instantly in mid-air when it is pulled, and an overhanging debris shield over intake openings intended to protect nearby racers' wings from breakage during close maneuvering.
Safety regulations existing in lower formulae but absent in F1 due to harsh resistance from teams include a restriction on the speed at which pilots may enter turns, and the thrust a turbo engine may deliver on liftoff, severely hampering overall race-pace. These exist to protect the pilots in lower formulae, many of whom have not yet reached full wing maturation( the first adult molt commonly occurs at 18 years of age, though in some cases as early as 16 or as late as 24), and therefore have smaller, softer feathers and joints which have not fully developed.
The controversy around instituting these restrictions in F1 was sparked by Verstappen’s decision to compete with Red Bull at 17, two years before his adult plumage came in. Consequently, an age requirement of 18 for entry into F1 was instituted. Speed limitations were not.
Raptors and their place in the sport:
Historically, many societies are thought to have favored raptors for physically active roles, warriors, athletes the like, though whether this is historical fact or the result of later rewriting is debatable.
In the modern day, this is reflected in an attitude which holds that raptors have an innate advantage in athletics, as well as courtship dances to the degree that these are present in various cultures. Raptors and especially falcons, are considered the pinnacle of athletic/utilitarian beauty(though the actual beauty industry favors colorful songbirds and the like). Many sports companies prefer to have a raptor as the face of their brand.
There is a certain degree of truth to the fact that raptors are, as a whole, stronger fliers than non raptors. However this rule has so many exceptions based on flight conditions, endurance, maneuverability, and even whole other wing types that win out handily in categories like arial gymnastics or endurance racing that it’s easier to not have it be a rule at all.
In addition, raptors are, to put it bluntly, easy to design for due to historical over-representation. Their “stats”, though varying by type, are uniformly good when compared to wing types like seabirds or swifts who may be excellent in some areas (strength and maneuverability, respectively) and weaker in others(liftoff coordination, strength), requiring a more carefully designed and calculated set of gear. Raptors' mid-to-large wings mean that while weight is slightly less of a concern, inconvenient adjustments or accommodations are not necessary.
In the modern day, various teams have drastically different attitudes towards wing type, which is evident in the diversity of wings on the grid. In contrast the 1975 grid was entirely dominated by eagles, falcons, kites, and the occasional swallow or swift.
Mercedes is a pioneer in this regard, debuting the first entirely non-raptor team (Turtledove-winged Nico Rosberg and Violet Backed Starling-winged Lewis Hamilton) to perform on a championship level and continuing on to sign another raptor-free lineup in Lewis and crane-winged Valtteri Bottas. They are well known not to consider wing type in their sign-on policy. Their example is followed by Aston Martin, well known for their work with albatross-winged multi-WDC winner Sebastian Vettel and by Alfa Romeo, who eagerly signed veteran Kimi Raikkonen.
Alpine and Williams have made statements suggesting an openness towards similar lineups, but thus far every driver pair to come out of these teams has featured a raptor, suggesting favoritism still exists in their hiring practices despite a stated desire for change. Haas is similar.
The true old-guard, Ferrari has a publicly acknowledged policy of only hiring raptor racers, in the name of tradition, appearance, and elegance....though their list of well known champions includes common swift Niki Lauda and razorbill auk Kimi Raikkonen, with their high profile racers including albatross Sebastian Vettel.
Both McLaren and Red Bull resemble Ferrari in their insistence on raptors, Mclaren in an attempt to regain their historical standing, and Red Bull for, at least publicly, entirely practical reasons. However both teams are entirely willing to sign non-raptor racers who have proven their ability, notably Daniel Ricciardo.
The Red Bull sister team Alpha Tauri has in recent years migrated to signing almost exclusively non raptors in the name of testing less typical racing gear, reflecting a remarkable shift towards openness in the Red Bull young fliers program, though for now, few of these non-raptor hopefuls have made it to the main team.
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objecthazard · 3 months
What is a Dangerous Object?
Well, as objects are living, breathing creatures, they all can pose a threat if not handled responsibly!
However, capital-letter Dangerous Objects (DOs) are catalogued by the International Board of Objectkeeping Safety (IBOS) as “Objects that pose significant danger to humans.” These objects often require some sort of certification/permit to keep.
DOs will fall into 1 or more of 5 categories. These labels can be given or taken away depending on circumstances changing.
Category 1 - AGRESSIVE-TYPE: Self explanatory— agressive objects. Tends to be reserved for objects that can cause serious/lethal harm. (So your tiny pencil with a biting habit will most likely NOT be Category 1.)
Category 2 - PROXIMAL TYPE: Objects that cause harm by in proximity to them. For example, radioactive objects or ones that give out poisonous spores.
Category 3 - TACTILE TYPE: Objects that cause harm by touching them. This harm has to be grievous and/or immediately lethal. Objects with small/midsized open flames will not fall into this category.
Category 4 - EXPLOSIVE TYPE: Self explanitory— also my specialty! Objects that are able to self-combust/explode! (Note, this does not include objects that are not able to self combust, but do explode upon injury, like pressurized gas containers or aerosols.)
It’s important to note that dangerous objects are not inherently malicious or bad, and with the right precautions, they can be kept safely.
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catboyfics · 10 months
Lure [part II]
i'm so sorry this took so long!! school's been kicking my ass and i haven't been super motivated to write. i felt really bad about making you wait so long, though!! i hope you like it :>
[𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝐈]
𝑭𝑨𝑵𝑫𝑶𝑴: Alice In Borderland
𝑷𝑨𝑰𝑹𝑰𝑵𝑮: chishiya x gn reader
𝑮𝑬𝑵𝑹𝑬 & 𝑾𝑨𝑹𝑵𝑰𝑵𝑮𝑺: angst; gender neutral reader; spoilers for aib season 2, violence (this'll be bad), mentions of vomit, death, self-resentment
Your footsteps were purposefully quiet as you made your way to the side of the building you’d sought shelter in. You palms started to sweat again as you held on tight to your gun. It was your only chance.
Chishiya and Kuina went to the other side, running out quickly because the King was distracted. You weren’t sure where they went, but you really hoped they would be okay.
“We’ll lure him into the alley so the blimp can’t send him ammo.” Aguni’s voice rung in your ears. You were watching the King intently, trying to spot any weaknesses. “Then we’ll lure him into the drugstore. I’ll sprint for it. Then you guys enter that alley and lure him in.”
"Got it." Usagi confirmed, looking back at you and the others. You nodded at her, thinking through the plan one more time. And if anything went wrong, Chishiya and Kuina would be able to help.
You were ready, you decided. This had to go well, you'd make sure of it.
"Arisu. You fill the store with aerosol fumes."
"Right." He nodded, looking at Aguni as he explained the plan. You watched the man as well, palm clenching around your gun, finger resting terrifyingly on the trigger.
And then you were gone. Aguni had left first and the others had followed. You looked behind you as you ran, trusting your allies to keep you safe as your eyes searched for Kuina and Chishiya. You gulped down whatever was in your throat, which you could be convinced was your heart. Your shins ached as your shoes collided with the tarmac, ducking behind a car as gunshots rang out.
You peeked up above the car and saw the King looking at you guys, making eye contact with you and shooting immediately. You ducked back down, looking to Aguni for instructions. He himself peeked over the gun and fired a few shots at the King to create an opportunity for your team to rush further.
You all sprinted the final leg to the alleyway, taking your positions, hidden. You rushed through the maze of turns, taking your spot in a perpendicular alleyway. You lifted your gun and took a couple deep breaths. When you peeked out, you aimed for his feet. You doubted you'd kill him, but you could at least try to immobilize him. The thunderous cracks rushed to your ears, making your head hurt momentarily.
And then the King was shooting back at you, and you rushed into cover. Another set of gunshots ripped through the air, An. Her shots made the King stumble and gave you a chance to rush at him with your knife. You sprinted as fast as you could at the bald man and rugby tackled him, pulling your knife and trying to stab his leg. He grabbed your arm in a tight grip, making you grimace. Asshole. You pulled up your knee and planted it right in his crotch.
You winced as your knee struck solid metal and you realized he was wearing some type of guard. You cursed under your breath, ducking as he swiped at you. You tripped and fell back, cursing again as you stared down the barrel of his gun. Time seemed to slow down, but you were brought back into reality by the two gunshots that knocked him off balance. You scrambled back up onto your feet and took one last swipe at the King before scrambling off to avoid being shot by An.
"Shit! Watch where you're shooting, if I die because of you, it's on your hands!" You called as the King turned and took shots at An.
"I'm not gonna hit you!" She called back, clearly confident in her shooting skills. You just didn't want to die, was that so much to ask?
You hid behind the a corner that obscured you from the King's sight in the alleyway, watching as Heiya climbs on the roof of a car and preps an arrow. You sprint over to behind the car, hearing the arrow release and plant itself into the glass of the vending machine right where the King's head would've been had he not moved. God, this entire thing would be so much easier if the King didn't fucking move.
Suddenly, the gunshots were redirected at you and Heiya, and she jumped down off the car right in front of you, beckoning for you to follow her. The gunshots sounded different, though. They weren't quick. He'd ran out of ammo. That was good. That was really good.
And everything goes quiet. You can hear your breathing, you can feel the sweat dripping down your brow, but gunshots no longer ring out as you run with Heiya into new positions. Eventually, there's a restaurant to your left and you run into it, hiding behind a table. You can finally catch your breath. You close your eyes, clammy palms clinging onto the gun as if it's the only chance you've got. It is.
You watch as the King slowly walks past the shop you're in, gun drawn. You raise your own gun, noticing his bulletproof vest missing. You track him with the gun, but you don't shoot. It's finally calm.
And suddenly, gunshots ring out again. It's loud again, and you rush out of the restaurant, taking rogue shots at the King as he crouched behind the corner the Aguni is watching. He turns his gun back to you and takes a couple shots but luckily, none of them hit as you rush back into the store.
There's more shooting, fast shooting. You peek out of the restaurant again, trying to see what's happening. The King is no longer cowering behind a corner, he's shooting aggressively at the spot Aguni used to stand. And then you see an opportunity, and you take it. There's a food cart right next to you, and the doors on that side of the shop aren't fully closed. You can see the King walking down the alley.
You grab a hold of the food cart and sprint, yelling as you push past the wooden doors in an attempt to barrel into him. You don't crash into him as you were hoping, but you do get him on the ground. A vending machine crashes to the ground beside you but he rolls out of the way. Usagi is jumping from AC unit to AC unit, knocking them all down as you take shots at him with your pistol. But all good things must come to an end and your pistol stops shooting. You rush back into the restaurant and reload your gun, grabbing a magazine from your back pocket and filling the empty slot.
You hear gunshots outside the shop and peek your head out, seeing Aguni firing wildly at the King. He rolls out of the way and out of sight, and you spy Aguni rushing out of his corner to run at him. They grapple a bit before you peek out, finished reloading your gun, and fire some shots at the King. Your hands clench nervously at the idea of shooting Aguni.
Your move is mimicked around, other shots firing before Heiya fires her bow at point blank at the King. You sigh, ducking back behind the corner. Finally, it must be over. There's no way the King could dodge a shot like that. Then, you hear more gunshots and peak out back from behind the corner to see that the King is still standing. You rush over to the other side of the street, ducking next to An behind the fallen vending machine as the King shoots wildly at you, An, and Heiya.
You notice another alleyway on your right and lunge over the vending machine trying to get to it. More shots fire, one grazing your arm and making you yelp. Once you're under cover, you inspect your would, using your opposite sleeve to absorb the spilled blood. You grimace as the sting spreads painfully through your arm at the pressure.
From the main alley, you hear Aguni grunting and you panic, peaking out to see the King slamming his head violently into the wall. Suddenly, so quickly you could hardly see what exactly happened, the King rolled over, holding tight onto Aguni's machine gun and kicking him. Aguni went flying, landing in a pile of cardboard boxes and you could almost feel the pain of whatever just happened.
You ducked back behind the corner, checking how much ammo your gun had. It still had a few shots, so you peeked out again and send a couple bullets flying at the King (who was reloading the machine gun he'd grabbed from Aguni) before ducking back behind the corner. Suddenly, you heard Usagi shout and peeked out again, seeing her flying toward the King.
They wrestled for a bit before he threw her near the alley where you were hiding. You peaked out reaching your hand out to grab her and pull her behind cover with you when Heiya leapt off the vending machine with her knife pulled and tried to get a stab at the King. You scowled as he sent her flying as well.
You gripped the cold metal of your gun with unusually steady hands and took a few more shots at the King before you ducked back behind your cover to reload it. An was shooting at the same time as you and one of her shots landed, planting itself right into the King's chest.
You beckoned for An to join you and Usagi in the alleyway as Heiya grappled with the King over Aguni's machine gun. Suddenly, An murmured, "Shit," and you peeked out to see the King taking aim at Aguni.
You yelled right as Heiya leapt up and tried to redirect the barrel of Aguni's gun, only able to aim it down. Aim it right into her stomach. You turned back behind the corner as you heard gunshots and tried your hardest not to belch. You heard Heiya's grunting as she fell to the ground. The machine gun, which you assumed was empty, was discarded onto the ground with a hollow clatter.
An leapt out from behind your corner and took a few shots at him. None of them hit home. He whipped around, grabbing his pistol from its holster and shot her twice. You could feel your heartbeat in your ears as tears gathered in your eyes and you pressed one hand against your mouth to muffle your cries.
"An!" Usagi cried. Heiya's whimpers rang through your ears. Everything felt so loud and you just wanted to crumple into a ball and give up. You cursed yourself, and everyone else, and whatever sadistic monster put you and your friends here. You cursed them all as tears spilled down your newly blood-splattered face.
Aguni let out a scream comparable to a battle cry, scraping the stones on the pavement as he got up. You could hear a gunshot and a collision, but you didn't peak out from behind the corner. You wiped desperately at your wetted eyes with the back of your hand, trying to clear your vision to get a good shot. You could end this. In the background, you could hear Aguni's grunts as he repeatedly smashed his fist into the King's face.
You peaked out of the corner you hid behind, holding your gun in sweaty, trembling hands. Your eyes kept welling with tears that no matter how many times you wiped them would never leave. You tried to aim through your blurry vision, pulling on the trigger and stumbling back from the recoil.
You cried out in frustration as the bullet planted itself into the wall next to the King, more tears gathering in your eyes. As you looked onwards to Aguni beating the King into the concrete wall, though, he crumpled down and Aguni pulled out his pistol.
The barrel of the gun pressed into the King's temple, and, for you, time seemed to slow down. Your mouth opened, the start of a cry escaping your lips as Aguni pulled the trigger.
Just in time, though, the King ducked further down and out of the way, using one of his hands to unload the gun. You opened fire frantically as Aguni resumed punching him. The bullets all went awry, the closest shots only grazing Aguni or planting themselves in the wall.
It took a couple of clicks for you to register that your gun was all out of bullets, and you ducked behind cover. Tears streamed like rivers down your face and blood still flowed from the graze on your arm. You heard a sickening combo of grunting and thumping and crashing as Aguni beat the King and you once again had to fight not to heave.
When you once again peeked out of the alley, the King was landed in a pile of trash cans with Aguni standing over him ever so menacingly. He was grabbing his leg, and, before you knew it, launching him into the concrete wall on the other side of the alley. A gunshot rang out, echoing infinitely in your head and you ducked back behind the corner. You frantically searched through all your pockets, but you were all out of ammo. Bile rose up your throat and everything seemed to ache. Your head hurt and your face felt numb from all the tears streaming over it.
You shut your eyes tightly and quickly snatched the gun clenched in An's motionless hand. Three bullets. You had to end this. You had hardly heard all the thumping and grunting over your tears and the pounding of your heartbeat in your head. When you peeked out from behind the corner once again, they were both crawling on the ground.
The King clambered on top of Aguni and started punching him in the head, over and over and over and over again. You felt bile try to rise up your throat again. You tried to hold your hands steady but the shaking kept throwing your aim off. On top of the tears, you wouldn't even be able to shoot someone from point blank range.
The King wrapped his arm around Aguni's neck in a chokehold and you started firing uselessly, all of the bullets missing by miles. You kept desperately trying to pull the trigger but all it awarded you was a quiet click and continuing to see Aguni's pained face as he was choked to death.
Having enough, you threw the empty gun to the side and leapt at the King, tumbling a couple times before ending up on top of him. You tried punching him frantically, screams tearing your throat with each strike. More tears of frustration just welled in your eyes as he used his arm to block your punches.
With his other arm, he started redirecting your punches. One of your fists flew into the ground and you grimaced. He used the leverage of your arm to flip you over, head banging painfully against the ground.
You struggled as he reached back and unsheathed a knife. The next thing you knew, searing pain was burning through your body as he pulled the dagger out of your side. You screamed, tears flowing from your eyes like an overfilled dam had suddenly broken. Hot fire escaped from your throat as a scream, but no matter the pain in your throat the pain in your side was infinitely worse.
He plunged the dagger in again and your screams only intensified. You squeezed your eyes shut and just wished you could write all this off as a bad dream. You were going to die, and there was nothing you could do about it. You were going to die on the dirty, hard ground. You were going to be stabbed to death trying to do something that was basically impossible anyways.
You had tried so hard. Why did it have to end up like this? You had put all of your strength, all of your mind into this plan. This was your once chance and you had fucked it up.
The knife plunged into you again and again and again and it felt like it would never stop. Your throat felt raw from all the screaming. You could feel hot blood flowing from out of your side. You tried so desperately to push the King off of you but he was just too strong and you were too weak. It was fooling of you to ever believe you were strong enough to survive this sadistic game. You should've given up at the start.
Usagi lunged at the King and pried him off of you, screaming terribly. All you could feel was pain. You wondered if that was all you ever knew. The throbbing seemed to spread all around your body and your groans felt never ending. You could feel something pulling you. Sleep. You shut your eyes and let the darkness take you. Now the only thing you could feel was your chest rising and falling shallowly.
Chishiya's POV
"Kuina, it's a massacre. We need to go help them. They're all going to die." Chishiya insisted, voice desperate and tense with urgency.
"If you go, you'll just die to." Kuina consoled quietly, looking down at the concrete roof of the building they were perched atop.
"Kuina, this is the only chance that we have to save them! They're going to die if we don't do anything!"
Kuina shook her head no, a hardened expression on her face as she looked up into the sky. She grabbed Chishiya's hand and started dragging him away from the edge of the roof. They went down the staircase to the bottom of the building. Everything was quiet, the shadow of the metal blimp blocking them from the light as they marched silently through the streets.
There were only a few thoughts spinning around in his head, for once. It felt so empty. He could only think about you, about how you looked so helpless. You couldn't be dead, right? You were strong. Chishiya knew you were strong.
Suddenly, a loud crashing noise came from above, and Kuina and Chishiya both looked up. The blimp was coming crashing down.
Chishiya wasn't going to let you die. He turned on his heel and ran back, determined to save you no matter what.
man im sorry that took so long. i don't really like the ending but i'm finished so i'm happy enough with that. this fic has ended up being really long. thanks for reading it <3
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siremasterlawrence · 1 year
Lawrence’s Puppet’s
Part 1
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Chris Evans is one day away from his next project a return to a new Marvel Studios run project and he is not truly too excited about the anxiety that comes with it.
I have manage to follow follow his girlfriend to his home in to the secretly kept house as the car parks and exit out match each of her steps.
Chris holds the door open for her pulling her in to a sweet kiss, with smirk in the back of him I place a tiny mind control chip in to the back of his head.
The chip melts in to the back of neck sinking in deep under it washing through his system to flush in to his blood stream I knew that I and him.
His girlfriend reacts fast as he freezes with no effort and is totally under my control now and she attempts to make an escape.
I smirk flipping Chris completely off then open the panel of the house shutting every thing down including the doors and the lights.
Chris Evans mind is transporting into a mind enhancing computer system I have created in spite of it all.
I glee with excitement as my cell vibrates out of control alerting me to the beginning process.
Chris eyes roll back into their sockets, body slumps falling in to the wall, and drool falls
on to his cheek.
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“Tsk…tsk…tsk…you can’t escape and Chris is mine now.”
“Why are you doing this to us?”
“Oh! I don’t want you”
“Wait! What?”
“Ssssshhhhhh….take a deep breath”
“You will never remember any of this by the morning.”
“It will all but a dream”
“Just your paranoia.”
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His girlfriend is in for a shock lifting a tall spray canister in her face backing her up to the wall.
The canister shook in my hand then my tiny finger pressing the tip of it letting the fog of aerosol go in to the air.
It hit his face head on she sneezes out loud soon their eyes falls deep a sleep closing as she slump on the door.
She fell forward in to my arms as I lay her on to the floor leaving her to fall in to a deep lifeless state.
I pick up both arms dragging her into the end of the hallway her body shifts out till her shadows over the cast the grounds of his home.
I take her keys out placing her in the car then snap my finger as she and the rest of the people in his life disappear forever all time.
I open my cell phone typing in my password to see type screen blow up showcasing all of the transactions.
His brain function, heart rate and more so o can be aware of his health I can’t stop my mind of lusting after him.
I hear a huge bing telling me he is ready at last inside my home Chris the puppet wakes up staring mindlessly at the wall.
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“Perfect! If I have my way and I already do my dear Chris.”
“Rise from your comatose state indulge my place.”
“Walk to me my love, and forget the entirety of the world you live in.”
“Stand next to me, say good by to your world.”
“Soon we will arise once more”
“You will be my main and private attraction”
“Sir Yes Sir”
Twenty hours later I walk in to pitch black room slamming the door to see a solo light raining down on Chris Evans tied to a chair.
“Wake up!”
“Master Lawrence “
“It’s show time”
“Sir Yes Sir”
Part 2
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Sebastian Stan woke up in strange bedroom in a unfamiliar location overlooking bright blue guise of the ocean.
Panic set in racing towards the door he jolt up at the knob turning forcing him to back up to his surprise.
Captain America himself dances in the room Chris Evans in just a sexy male maids outfit showing off his skin.
He smirks grabbing his crotch then moving to him, Sebastian some how for no reason at all is sort of transfixed by the event.
Chris does a spin then with a hand and leg latches on to Sebastian shoving him to the chair.
He sits on his lap doing a lap dance throbs are hard and tense seducing him in to boiling mess.
Chris kissed him slowly exciting him up his hand hits his chest placing the device on him letting it sink.
Sebastian can no longer think one thing in that mindless fogged up brain of his is what lucky man.
Sebastian cannot feel the connection of skin wire or machine entangling with sweat and bones brainwashing him.
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“Hello everyone! My name is Chris E and my Master has a show for you.”
“Sit back and relax “
“If you want a private show fork over the doe”
“Give it up for Sebastian “
“He is out for lunch at the moment “
“He will join us soon”
“Until then let’s play with his body”
“Hell! Yeah”
“One at a time”
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“Master Lawrence will be proud”
“Careful don’t ruin it “
“You buy the merchandise you break”
“Look at him”
“A bitch in heat”
“Can I fuck him?”
“I want him raw”
“I’ll cook him with my cock”
“What the fuck are you talking about?”
One man losses his marbles races up the staircase by passing everyone grabbing hold of him.
Yanking him up by the collar the man wraps his body over him getting hands his hand slips in to his pants.
“I’ve been waiting for you “
“I must have you”
“Cough it up “
“Or what ?”
“Pay to use “
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“He is Master Lawrence property “
“Fuck that!”
“Move it”
“Baz sit down”
“Everyone out”
“Master! Will be displeased”
“Ummm… Master Lawrence “
“Oh! You are awake”
The end
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tanadrin · 11 months
can't climate change easily be solved with infrastructure projects like sea walls that the dutch have
with sea walls? uh. i don't think there's enough concrete to build a sea wall across every coastline on earth. and lots of places it wouldn't matter--if you're building on porous limestone, it will just seep up through that. and then you get other effects--you will note that concrete sea walls do not occur in nature, and you're going to massively alter erosion patterns and increase your vulnerability to tsunamis.
sea level rise is only one part of the concern around climate change anyway. increased desertification, rendering currently densely populated regions far less habitable, droughts and flooding resulting from shifting weather patterns, destruction of property due to wildfires, and negative impacts on food production are all going to occur to some extent or another.
if the amount of carbon in the atmosphere gets really high, the severity of these effects will not scale in a simple proportional manner to the amount of warming. carbon sinks like the amazon may cease to function, ocean currents may be altered, ocean acidification may alter marine habitats so much that specific industries like fishing are severely affected.
at a certain point it will make economic sense to bite the bullet and engage in geoengineering projects like injecting aerosols into the upper atmosphere--these projects may have negative environmental effects (like acid rain in the case of sulfur aerosols), but they will be less than the climate continuing to heat up. unfortunately these would be stopgap measures only: problems like ocean acidification aren't going to be affected at all. if co2 levels get too high human brain function starts to be affected.
there really is no long term solution for the problems caused by co2 emissions other than there being less co2 in the atmosphere. because carbon capture technology is still not very sophisticated, this means our best bet, by far, is to just not emit that co2 in the first place. personally i think good ol' nuclear power shows promise--modern technology can make it pretty darn clean and safe! even if we ultimately want to switch to other energy sources, fission is a good transitional option while we flesh out those technologies. continuing to burn coal (the stopgap a lot of anti-nuclear types seem to prefer) is not.
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