#or does that make me more of a mist blue character
pink-tk-a-latte · 21 days
Maybe I am a pink character… (I did the most dumbahh airhead thing just now cuz my idiot behind has no directional awareness)
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take-taker-taken · 10 months
Hey there! How's everything going? I was just wondering if you could write a 1990 undertaker x fem!reader where he does his best to comfort her after walking in on her crying (that'd be a fun yet cute thing to read, plus, I've been going through some rough shit lately so taker was literally the first thing that came to my mind to help me cope)
Hi there, lovely anon and thank you for the ask! This idea was just so sweet - never written Baby!Taker before and I hope this makes you feel better, and that your situation improves in general.
You dash down the wide hallway, tears blurring your vision; you’re so sick of your stupid boss! You’ve only been here a week and so you’re still learning your way around the arena and he thought it was funny to mock you in front of everyone about getting lost twice in one day. Honestly, all the hallways and doors look the same - just grey and blue everywhere! You turn a corner and go through the first door that you come to, relieved to find that it’s dark and quiet. You don’t bother switching the light on - it’s illuminated enough from an emergency exit sign over on the far side - just drop into a plastic chair and bury your face in your hands. You take a few deep, shuddering breaths as you try to bring your emotions under control but it’s useless and the sobs come in great waves, though you do your best to stifle them.
You’re not sure how long you sit there but the sound of the door opening brings you back to the present and you look around, gasping in shock at the sight that greets you. An impossibly tall figure fills the doorway, standing there in a hat and long black coat and your brain catches up and matches the figure to a poster you saw earlier when you were front of house. It’s one of the performers for the show tonight; a creepy-looking guy called The Undertaker. You notice that what looks like mist swirls around his feet and you swallow thickly before sniffing.
“The… The locker rooms are further along.” You say and then frown. “I think. I mean - maybe… oh, I don’t know.” Another wave of unhappiness descends, your bottom lip wobbles and the tears come again as you hide your face in embarrassment.
Rather than leaving the giant steps into the room, closes the door behind him and just stands there, watching. You look up, wiping your sleeve across your eyes.
“You’re sad.” The man’s voice is a monotone growl and you shift slightly in your seat as he moves closer. For an entertainer he’s not very gregarious - maybe he’s just trying to get into character for later.
“I-I’m OK. Just having a bad day.” You eye him nervously, watching the tails of his coat float in a non-existent breeze. You sniff again and then go very still as a huge gloved hand lands on your shoulder, lifts up and then comes down again. He’s … he’s patting your shoulder, but it’s entirely mechanical and a bit too heavy - as though he knows what to do, but not why he should do it. You roll your shoulder as you become aware that even through the gloves, his hand feels chilly and then you stand up before he leaves you bruised. Curious, you try to peer up under the brim of his hat in order to see his face more clearly. Two sharp eyes stare down at you and he grimaces slightly, seemingly uncomfortable with being looked at so keenly.
“It’s alright.” He says in that same flat tone and this time when his hand comes up you flinch slightly because it’s near your face and… oh. In the same automatic way as before, he starts to pat you on the head, the force squishing you down a bit each time. You allow it for a few moments and then reach up and catch his gloved hand in both of yours in an effort to save yourself from a concussion.
You hold on to his hand as you look up at him and you can’t help but smile at the endearing combination of cluelessness and well-meaning. He doesn’t smile back, but just tilts his head slightly as he stares down and you can see now that his eyes are green. He lifts the hand that you’re still holding on to and gestures to your face with it.
“You’re better.”
You let his hand go and nod, the smile still on your face. “I think I am, yes. Thank you.”
In a moment of inspiration you step closer and put your arms around his waist and give him a hug, pressing your face to his chest and leaving a stray tear on his wide necktie. You giggle slightly when as expected, his arms close around you in that mechanical fashion though he doesn’t squeeze. You stand like that for a good minute and you realise that if you don’t move, he’ll probably just remain. The thought is tempting but you still have work to do this evening and so you disengage from him.
“Thank you,” You say again. “That was really kind of you.”
“Welcome.” He replies, again demonstrating that he knows what societal niceties demand. He gives you a slow tip of his broad-rimmed hat and then in a swirl of coat tails and mist, he’s gone.
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thepaintedlady00 · 1 year
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Chapter 8 | Chapter 10
Chapter 9: The Last Star
TW: angst, blood, violence, fire, character deaths, dark Daunt, badass Daunt, demons, mentions of Hell.
Soft fur filled your palms, warm and comforting as a snout pressed into your cheek. The creature the stone had brought to life was patient with you, waiting only until your sobs began to lessen to speak. “Why do you weep?”
You pulled away, marveling at the white fur and the twinkling of the creature’s blue eyes. “Because I am sad.”
“Why are you sad?”
“I thought I knew someone…” you answered. “But I didn’t.”
The white wolf let out a soft breath and set his head in your lap. “Is there anything I can do to make it hurt less?”
With a sad smile, you ran your fingers through his fur and breathed out the hate and anger that had consumed you. It would be cruel to cling to such things while your new companion held many questions. “Having you beside me lessens the pain immensely.”
He looked proud as he nuzzled into you. “What is your name?”
“Daunt,” you said, though even that name held the bitter, twisted anger of the Endless beings that gave it to you. “I am the lady of this realm.”
“What is my name?” He asked.
“What do you want it to be?”
The blue of the wolf’s eyes sparkled as he looked up at you. “I wish for my name to be something that will bring you joy.”
You scratched behind his ears. “That is generous of you, but your name should be yours. One you love.”
He sat up and watched you curiously. “If it brings you joy, it will be something I love.”
You thought for a long while as the wolf familiarized himself with the space, carefully using a blanket to cover the broken pieces of your furniture and trinkets you’d destroyed in your blind pain. As the creature moved, you couldn’t help but think his fur looked like light, brilliant, and white sparkling with every move he made. “What about Sirius?”
“Sirius,” he repeated with a soft noise. “What does it mean?”
“It’s the name of a star,” you answered. “The brightest star in the sky.”
The wolf hurried to one of the windows, looking out it and up, hoping to see the thing you spoke so fondly of. “I see nothing but trees and heavy fog.”
With a sigh, you moved to stand beside him. “Yes, sadly, the stars do not shine in our realm. Mist and thick tree branches block the sky from view.”
“How do you know of this star, then?”
“I have seen it in my travels to the human world,” you answered. “You will likely see it as well, should you wish to remain at my side.”
“Sirius,” he repeated. “I quite like it.”
You knelt down and lovingly stroked his fur. “Sirius it is, then. You will be the first star in The Forest.”
The months spent with Sirius at your side were bittersweet. Dream’s words still haunted you… the loss of whatever relationship you’d had with him stung like a stubborn wound, refusing to heal. What hurt more was the knowledge that The Dreaming was once again closed to you. All the friends you’d made over the years, all the things you’d once loved beyond the Gates of Horn and Ivory. You hadn’t returned, not even to the beaches, for fear that he would spit more vile words at you and bar you from even that small comfort in his realm. So you’d accomplished your function in The Waking World instead.
Sirius enjoyed the outings immensely. He found humans to be curious creatures and enjoyed studying them. His favorite nights were when you’d travel somewhere with tall buildings so he could gaze up at the night sky and find the star after which he’d been named. Both of you found great comfort in the simplicity of it. The dreamers seemed normal to you, though you never stuck around long enough to risk drawing Dream’s attention. Not even The Corinthian had come to find you… such only added to the sting of the wound.
You and your new companion grew close quickly. Sirius was innocent and curious, harboring a deep love of green things and the scaled serpents that found peace in your realm. The two of you would sit beside the lake, and he would chase the fish, sometimes diving into the water to retrieve a rock that had caught his eye from below. He healed the hole in your heart as much as a tiny creature could, and though you still felt a deep and lingering sorrow with the knowledge that you and he would be alone in this world, it was enough just to have him.
“Here in the Darkness.” 
The roots of The Great Tree hummed all around you as the voices of the dreamers faded. They grew quieter each passing day you lay beneath the tree of falling leaves and frail bark. Sirius never left your side, pressing small patches of moss that had not succumbed to the frost to the gaping wound in your chest, the wound left by The Corinthian’s blade. Your strength returned to you slowly, and even when you could finally stand on your feet again, you were weakened. The Forest, too, grew weak. While you appeared to be recovering, the wood around you remained shrouded in darkness and falling snow.
“Here in the Darkness.” The disembodied words floated through the trees, a lingering stain of dark magic left by whoever had captured Dream of the Endless. Dream. All thoughts of him were bitter and filled with regret and hate, and pain. You had failed him again. Failed him and proved to the world that they were all right. You were nothing but a mistake. A burden that could not even use the power you were cursed with to save the being that actually meant something.
As you stood, looking at The Great Tree’s peeling, scratched bark and broken branches, you could only hold to the slight glint of hope that shined in the blue of your companion’s remaining eye. Sirius rubbed his nose into the deep red water until mud covered it. He carefully pressed blotches of it to the tree’s wounds and sneezed as the rough bark tickled his nose. You helped him, carefully applying the thick mixture of dirt and blood to the tree. “Will this work?”
“I’m not sure,” you answered honestly. “There is little else we can do now but wait.”
Sirius sighed, his eye trailing off to the side where the barrier of mist held firm against the shadows and spirits and nightmares raging against it. “How long will this barrier hold?”
The question was one you dreaded finding out the answer to. If the barrier fell, then the monsters it held back would return to their assault on the tree, looking to siphon whatever power that it held inside. “Long enough.”
“My lady,” He began. “Why do we not leave? Surely the human world or even The Dreaming would hold more sanctuary for us.”
“I cannot leave.” You leaned against the tree, listening to the weakened hum of its song. Then, lifting a hand to your still-raw wound, you looked down at the sweet wolf. “I am too weak to travel between realms. Too weak to protect our home. Too weak to protect you.”
He crawled up into your lap, pressing his head against you. “You will recover, and until then, I shall be strong for the both of us.”
Tears wet his fur. “Oh, Sirius, what would I do without you?”
“Let us never find out, my lady.”
Day after day, you listened to the creatures scream, wail, and throw themselves at the barrier of mist. Day after day, you waited for the border to give in under the strain, and day after day, it held firm. You had no idea where these creatures came from nor why they wanted the tree’s power, but it was your final duty to protect it and your realm. You would not fail.
Your eyes filled with orange and red hues as the flame before you engulfed the trees. Smoke filled the forest, choking the life from your lungs as you push yourself toward the burning wood. Ash rained from the black skies, coating the ground in its thick grey must and leaving a clear path behind you. From your side, Sirius coughed, struggling to keep pace with you through the haze of fire and ash.
Waving your hand, you sent a wave of mist over the woods, dousing the fires with the light moisture until they died out, leaving nothing but smoldering embers behind. The trees were black now as you carefully pressed your hand to them, listening to the pained groans of the roots beneath your palm. “It’s alright,” you soothed, pulling back to look at the dark charcoal that now stained your skin. “How many trees are still burning?”
Sirius climbed one of the taller, still sturdy branches lifting his head to look around. “Too many.” He carefully jumped down and returned to your side, pressing his dirty furred head into your leg. “We should return to The Great Tree.”
Snakes slithered beneath the ashes, writhing in agony as they tried to shed their burnt scales. Kneeling, you lifted as many as you could into your arms, whispering soft words and granting them one last gentle touch so that they might remember that in place of their fiery ends in whatever life awaited them beyond this realm of decrepit wood and shadow. In the distance, you could hear them laughing. The demons mocked you with the boisterous sound of their violence and crimes upon your realm.
You gently placed the dead at your feet and rose. “No. These demons have tested my patience long enough. It’s time they return to their master.”
“I shall stand with you, my lady.” Sirius lifted his head, the blue of his eye shining bright as he hardened himself for battle. “To whatever end.”
“My brave star,” you said, petting him gently, perhaps for the last time. “Let us show them what happens when they challenge The Forest.”
Together you and Sirius followed the laughter and the sounds of your forest screaming. Then, together, the two of you attacked them with teeth, knarled roots, and mists of burning cold. You drove the demons into a small clearing, dousing their fires and casting them into darkness. For once, you and The Forest were one. It bent to your will and heeded your commands. Sirius blended into the mist, leaping into the clearing to latch onto one of the demons before dragging it back into the mist and vanishing.
Demon after demon fell, but no matter how much blood you spilled, more came to replace them. This wasn’t possible… there couldn’t have been this many demons free of Hell’s chains. Unless…
The sound of harsh wings flapping behind you echoed through the glen, and in an instant, the embers still lingering in the burnt trees roared to life, and the fire blazed brighter and hotter than you’d ever felt. A chill of fear ran up your spine as you watched the shadow of two great wings unfurl behind you. “Hello, Daunt.”
“Lucifer Morningstar,” you breathed, turning to face them.
Their delicate features and golden hair stood out against the darkness of your realm, but the ebony wings and black leather armor they wore blended into the shadow and smoke that swirled around you both. “It is a great honor to see your realm.” Lucifer chuckled, crumbling a burnt leaf between their fingers. “I’ve heard great tales about The Forest.”
“You were not invited,” you told them. “Leave.”
“My army and I shall go on one condition,” they replied. 
The tree roots curled around you, groaning as The Forest filled with your anger. “You are in no position to bargain with me.”
The devil only laughed. “You’re not as strong as I am, especially now. You know this. I do not wish to kill you, Daunt. I simply need to pass through your… lovely little woods to get where I’m going.”
“And where would that be?” You demanded. “We aren’t exactly neighbors to The Silver City.”
Their wings bristled at the mention of their former home. “The Dreaming. I have it on good authority that our beloved Dream has abandoned the realm. I simply wish to save it from further destruction.”
Baring your teeth, one of the roots shot out toward them. Lucifer stepped to the side, out of the way of the pointed blow. “Go back to Hell.”
“If you are so eager to die, then I suppose I’ll have to grant your wish.” Lucifer shrugged their shoulders, circling you for a moment with a smile. “How will we battle, dear Daunt? An honorable game of wits, perhaps?” They chuckled. “Or do you wish to test the metal of your little trees against that of hell?”
“No games,” you spat. “I’m just going to kill you.”
“Your magic verses mine then,” they breathed with a grin. “I agree to the terms of this challenge.”
Balls of blazing fire filled their hands as they threw them out toward you. The roots pulled up from the ground and blocked the fire from your skin, the heat you could still feel through the wood. Shrieks and pain vibrated from them as the charred roots fell to the ground and writhed as the embers of hellfire continued to burn. You breathed into your palm, filling it with the coldest mist you could muster before you breathed it across the field, dousing Lucifer’s flames and trapping them in a frosty hold that made their movements sluggish and slow.
You willed the living trees to bend, twining and twisting around their wings to pull them into the dark forest. With a shout, Lucifer flexed, and their leathery wings tore through the thin branches. They growled, looking back at the scars that now littered them. Blow after blow, you both dodged and blocked, but blow after blow, the weaker you grew. And Lucifer could feel it. Finally, they breathed out an icy breath and smiled at you. “Getting tired already? How amusing.”
They threw a heated blast at you again, the trees catching fire instantly, and the shockwave of their fire meeting your roots sent you to the ground. Lucifer’s heavy boots crunched the bodies of snakes and ashen roots beneath them as they walked forward. “It was a valiant effort, Daunt. But you cannot beat me.”
Your hands pressed into the dirt beneath the ash and the ever-piling snow. A song hummed around you as The Forest’s life flashed before your eyes. Silver leaves falling from the tallest tree, voices of those that were and those that are, flashes of faces young and old, past and present. Help me, you asked it. Help me save you. The ground trembled as tiny seedlings sprouted beneath your hands, curling around your fingers and sending a surge of power through you. 
Cracking and twisting noises echoed behind you as the trees molded together, taking the shape of a great forest warrior. It stood taller than anything you’d ever seen, groaning beneath the weight of its own limbs as it focused on the devil standing in front of you. With a roar of every creature known, it swiped forward, throwing Luciver aside and into the trees. Every demon for miles came running toward it with steel and fire and claws, but the warrior refused to fall. With heavy feet, it crushed those below it, and with long limbs, it grabbed fists full of demons and launched them into the darkened sky. Their bodies fell like rain, cracking and snapping in half like twigs.
Soon The Forest was filled with their screams instead of your realms. You felt a spark of hope ignite in your chest. That spark quickly turned to a burning fire as the singing steal of the devil’s blade tore through your back and protruded from your chest. You choked on the blood filling your throat as you scrambled, gasping for air. The warrior shrieked as if the pain you felt was its own, clawing and writhing until it crashed to the forest floor with the screams of a thousand trees.
Lucifer pulled their blade from your body and walked around you, looking down. “I’ll be sure to tell Dream of your valiant efforts, should he ever return.”
They lifted their sword again, aiming for your neck, but before they could swing, Sirius leaped from the trees, covered in blood and caked with clumps of ash. He latched onto one of Lucifer’s wings, pulling them back with a startled cry. “Sirius!”
He fought the devil for as long as he could, but you weakly ordered the remaining tree roots to move when he faltered from a blow to his shoulder. They bound Luciver in a tight hold, pulling them deep into the soil and hopefully back to Hell. From where you knelt, you could only watch as the barrier of mist fell away and the monsters slammed against the trunk of The Great Tree. “NO!”
Pain tore through you as they cut and cut and cut until, at last, the tree groaned and shifted, falling to the ground with a shake that sent the world into shatters. Sirius dragged you through the ash toward the glen, and what snakes remained followed. The snow fell harder until you reached the flooded meadow.
The Great Tree had fallen, and all around it, decay began to spread. Tears streamed down your cheeks as you looked around you. Life began to fade as far as your eyes could see. Sirius whined, pacing in every direction as the sounds of Hell’s armies grew louder. “My lady, we must do something! What can we do?”
“The Great Tree must live,” you told him. “If it perishes, so too will our realm, and The Dreaming will be left unprotected.”
“What must we do?”
You kissed his head. “I must give my life to the tree.”
Sirius growled at the very thought. “There must be another way.”
“There is not.” The Forest was not yours, not truly. It lived and breathed only because of the magic of The Great Tree. If you did nothing, this was the end of not just your realm, your home, and all within it that you loved but The Dreaming. If all that stood between the armies of Hell was your realm, was the mist and the confusion that came with it, then you knew what needed to be done. “You will have to tread the wood alone,” you told him, tears streaming down your cheeks. “Be brave, Sirius.”
The white wolf whimpered, pressing his head further into your waiting palm. “I will not let the realm fall, my lady.”
“Wait for the Dream Lord,” You whispered as the roots began to bind you. “He will help us.”
When they began digging into your chest, burrowing deeper and deeper toward your heart, Sirius had to close his eye. He could not watch as they ripped your chest open, making way for the thicker roots. He could not bring himself to acknowledge the smell of your blood filling the water below. Your screams filled the surrounding woods, shaking the earth beneath his feet as what remained of The Great Tree bound itself to your still beating heart.
A wave of power washed over the meadow, pushing back the demons. Every tree close enough stretched and twined together, blocking the fallen tree and the living field from the threat of darkness and monsters and demons. The Forest and The Dreaming would survive so long as your heart kept beating. Sirius sat beside you, whining softly as the water turned red with your blood.
To Sirius, time passed slowly. Each day was cold.
Sirius was one with these dark woods. He’d been brought to life within them and had grown from a naïve newborn into what he was now. A killer. A protector. A companion. This was still his home even after the snow and ash, after the fires that decimated half the woods, the beasts and demons of gnarled shadow and bone. The Forest was his, but more than that, it was hers.
His paws tread atop the snow, barely leaving any prints beneath him as he hunched forward, camouflaged against the crisp white. In the glen ahead, he watched a small group of demons huddle around a fire. They joked about how the tree screamed when they cut it down and laughed at how pathetic his lady’s efforts at protecting it were.
Pathetic, he thought with a pointed-toothed sneer. These trespassers are pathetic indeed. He would make quick work of them. The deep growls echoed through the trees, coming from nowhere and everywhere all at once as the demons looked at the clouded wood surrounding them. Sirius used his environment well, climbing the lower branches of the twisted trees to gain a better vantage point. He stared at them for a moment before letting loose a deep bark that signaled the snakes beneath the snow.
The white serpents were perfectly camouflaged as they slithered toward each demon, jumping out to latch onto their legs and pulling them down to the ground. The sulphuric tint in their corrupted blood made Sirius’ nose burn as he dove down into the center of the glen, kicking a mass of snow over their fire and casting them into total darkness. He could see them; even blind in his one eye, he could see them clear as day.
Sirius barked twice, and the snakes let go of the demons, slithering back beneath the ground and away from the danger. He would finish these foul creatures off with his own teeth. One by one, he circled the demons, listening to those once confident and humored voices fill now with terror. It was a fitting end, one he would cherish almost as much as he’d cherish the knowledge that they would carry this failure to their winged master.
In the darkness, all the demons could see was the glowing blue eyes of the white wolf just before his teeth pierced their throats. Their blood spoiled the ground beneath them, melting the snow with a wicked hiss and turning what dead lay beneath it to little more than black ash. Sirius mourned this. He mourned The Forest’s green for a moment before returning to his Lady’s side.
Once he’d enjoyed the quiet walk back to her, but now there was little to enjoy. The trees were bare of leaves and all color, and the cold ground beneath him stung the bottoms of his paws. The thin mist made it easier to see just how dead his home had become. He quietly approached the thick wall of woven roots and tree limbs, pressing his nose to the course bark and watching as they parted, just large enough for him to slide through.
This was the only place that held any heat, the only palace that wasn’t dead... yet. The space where The Great Tree once stood was now only filled with mist as the ground below was littered with the remains of the fallen tree. The leaves turned to mulch, not even crunching beneath his paws as he moved through the red water and approached the small bed of twisted roots and vines to where her pale hand hung over the side.
Sirius pressed his head into it with a soft whine. Her stiff fingers twitched as she tried to reciprocate the loving act. He could hear her wheezing breaths and her whisper of his name. “My star,” she said. “Stay with me a while.”
He obeyed, gently climbing into the bed and moving to curl beside her, minding where the roots connected to the gaping wound in her chest. He laid his head beneath her neck and closed his eyes, listening to the weakened heartbeat of his lady. “I shall stay for as long as you shall have me, my lady.”
The white wolf fulfilled his promise. Against shadows, nightmares, and demons, he stood tall, unwilling to yield even one frozen blade of grass to the monsters that threatened to take his home and his lady. While he defended The Forest, your mind… your consciousness floated adrift through the cosmos connected to The Great Tree. You were you… but not. Past, present, and future blurred together as you followed The Corinthian’s path of death, destruction, and fear. Haunting every step you could, reminding him of what he’d done to you… warning him of what would now come to pass.
When you let yourself drift further, you could see him, Dream. He was distorted, blurred, and hazed behind magic and glass. The hum of his power sounded like the song you once danced to as it rattled against the glass of his prison each time he looked into the eyes of those that held him. The anger and pain he felt matched your own the longer he sat in the silence of his capture. For so long, you were stuck there, a specter, a ghost watching The Prince of Stories wither away, much like your world had begun to wither. Then, when the man that spoke and never listened had grown old, you felt it, a shift somewhere in the universe, a shift that gave you a spec… a tiny moment of physical power. You approached the glass and pressed your hand to it, looking into Dream’s eyes for possibly the last time. “Find me.”
The wheelchair moved, and with it, you used that sliver of power to drag it down, breaking the seal that held back the power of nightmares. Dream looked up, and for a moment, you thought he could see you, but his eyes looked through you to one of the older men. Placing a hand on his shoulder, you whispered to him, urging him to forget his promises to his beloved, to forget the fear of what might happen should Dream go free. And so Paul forgot the fear that had kept him from helping years ago. He turned his back and wheeled Alex away to sleep and never awaken.
The throne room stung with power, his and hers, as you forced yourself into being. Solid for as long as you could hold it and then back to mist, whispers, and nothing. “Sight alone will not tell you her secrets.”
Lucienne sobbed at the sight of you as Dream finally beheld the remaining shell. “Lady Daunt…”
He moved slowly forward, steps unsure and breaths filled with choked-back words, but you heard them. You heard all the words he’d ever spoken and all those he’d yet to speak. Dream lifted the veil that kept the view of him hazed and fractured, and once it was gone, you saw the flashes of that day in Fiddlers Green before that, too, shifted, moving like sand in a storm. You saw him again, regal and looking at you with adoration, stars glowing in his eyes, all for you. He reached out, fingers grazing across your skin like blazing fire consuming the vision and fleeting feelings of warmth and love. “Daunt.”
Daunt, you thought. It sounded so familiar and yet not familiar at all. The haze was gone now, the visions too, as you looked at him. Dark hair and pale skin, older… different. New tears slid down your cheeks. Dream… It’s me… I’m here... “It fell before its time. Cut to the bone. Crying out and bleeding, left to burrow. Left to rot. The roots dug too deep, and the leaves wither... Darkness. It falls... Falling deeper and deeper. Drowning. Drowning. Drowning.”
No. Speak clearly. You pleaded to yourself. Tell him where we are… tell him to help us. He touched your cheek. “Daunt...”
“It wasn’t real.” Your words were fueled by lingering anger and hate. The echoes of Daunt, the burden, the mistake. Echoes of a being you weren’t sure you were anymore. “King of Nightmares… King of lies.” No. No. Dream, please!
“It was real, Daunt,” he whispered, voice soft as silk and morning dew on blades of grass. Your soul hummed with the song, filling your being with longing as he continued to speak. “Every moment. “I…” He sighed, the breath curling in the air around you, taking the shape of silver ravens as ice spread through the throne room. “I love you.”
You love me… You wanted to ask him to say it again. To say it for eternity. I love you too… Your lips quivered as your body began to tremble, the weight of holding yourself to this plain finally catching up with you. “You cannot love a dead thing.”
“You are not dead.” Not yet. “Where are you? Tell me, and I shall come.”
“The Forest,” you whispered. Go to Fiddler’s Green. Go to the woods and find the mist. “The trees know... The roots protect. We will be gone soon... Consumed and swallowed by the earth once more. Drowning... Drowning...”
You dug your hands into his arms, desperately clinging to him, trying to keep yourself from fading away as you sobbed. “Find us.”
You could hear the sorrowful sobs of the woman, but you felt nothing. No sympathy or remorse, only a steady hum of power directing you toward the spirit. You raised your hand, covered in frost and frozen vines, “Come.”
“She’s here for me.”
“You can’t go with her. You can’t go!” the woman cried. “I can’t… not again.”
“What is lost will always be found.” 
“Daunt,” he whispered her name like a desperate prayer, a caress of a lover’s words. Dream, your whole being unfurled at the sound of his voice, filling you with a moment of reprieve before the harsh memory of his past words clouded over all else.
The spirit, Hector, spared the woman he loved a look before pressing a kiss to her lips and cradling her round belly in his hands. “Tell the baby I love them. Never let them forget just how much I love them.”
With a weak sob, she nodded. “I won’t, not ever.” She sobbed as she cupped his cheeks. “I love you.”
“I love you too,” the spirit whispered. “Goodbye.”
He turned and lifted his hand to yours, vanishing in a wave of mist, and distant wolf howls echoed around them. Dream took a half step forward at the familiar sounds of The Forest’s call.
“Child born of death and dreams,” you said, a warning… a simple thing that was all you had to offer her. “Evil will seek it out to steal its power.”
“No!” She shook her head, holding her stomach tighter. “No.”
The Vortex, the girl named Rose, rubbed her arms. “Don’t worry, we’ll keep them safe.” She looked at Dream, eyes gleaming with tears. “Right, Dream?”
He was frozen for a moment, still looking at you, before he answered. “So long as I live, no harm shall befall your child. Not in the Waking World and not in dreams.”
“We are running out of time,” you said to him. Please. Please come, Dream.
“Then help me,” he pleaded. “Open your realm and let me in.”
It is open. It always was. Even when you were your most cruel to me, I never closed it to you. You tilted your head, “Only you hold the power to do so, Dream of The Endless.”
“What do you mean?”
“My realm was never closed to you.”
“I do not understand.”
You lifted a frozen hand to his face, tracing over his eyes. “You do not need to understand. You only need to see.”
You could see the end before your eyes as the familiar presence of the Endless being and his most powerful nightmare filled The Forest. Rose Walker drifted closer to Dream’s blackened figure as everything shifted, solidifying into the dying realm. “What is this? What’s happening?”
The tree roots wound around The Corinthian’s limbs as The Nightmare tried to flee from you as you emerged from the darkness. “Daunt.”
“At last,” you said softly, letting that stream of endless memories of the bridge and the blade fill your being. “You have come to see the damage caused by your hands.”
Tighter, you urged the trees, and they listened, squeezing the nightmare so tightly his bones began to creak. “This is still your dream Rose.”
“No.” You said, cold and angry. Don’t you dare steal this from me. You do not know what he’s done. What he’s allowed to happen.
Rose shivered as she hid behind Dream’s back, “This dream is over.”
“NO!” you screamed, moving as quickly as possible to try to grab the nightmare.
They were gone. Dream and the Vortex Rose. The Corinthian. Your teeth ground together as you clenched your fists at your side. “No.” The ground shook beneath you as frost slithered up your arms, biting your skin. “No.” You could still see the horrors The Corinthian had committed with his own hands and those he allowed to happen because of his betrayal. “NO!”
As you screamed, The Forest answered. The trees grew taller, shooting through the mist and darkness and breaking into the human world. You followed them through, mist filling the room as The Forest started to bleed into the Waking World. The Corinthian looked at you as you emerged from the mist, breathing heavily with wide eyes and anger filling your lungs. “You do not get to leave me again, Corinthian.”
“Daunty,” the nightmare said softly, bringing all the other times he’d called you the nickname to replay before you. Corinthian… Roots twined around him as you walked past Dream to stand in front of his rouge creation, the creation that you loved.
“Have you any idea what it was like?” You asked though you knew no answer would be enough. “Knowing all this time that it was you that plunged the blade into my heart. That you… my friend… would doom me to this.”
“I’m sorry.” Why did you do it? You wanted to ask.
A sob echoed around you. “LIAR!”
The roots stabbed through The Corinthian in various places, digging deep into his body. He took it all with a sheer grit of his teeth, never looking away from your face as you stepped closer to him, willing his blade… the blade that had been used to start the century of pain. You pressed it against The Corinthian’s chest. “Do it. I deserve it.”
“Daunt…” Dream tried to step between you.
“No,” The Corinthian told him, his rows of teeth eyes clenching. “Do it, Daunty. Finish me.”
 “Was it worth it?” You demanded, looking out at all the humans he urged to follow in his footsteps. “Was all this worth it?”
“The only thing I regret is what I did to you,” he said.
“Regret? You do not know regret… not nearly enough to satisfy me.”
“Daunt,” Dream called out, but you could hardly hear him over the sound of power and pain rushing through your projected being.
You stabbed The Corinthian’s ribs, twisting it as you knelt. Look at me. “Look into my eyes, betrayer. Look and see what you wrought.”
You then showed him the events that had transpired because of his carelessness and cruelty. You showed him your home vanishing, the trees withering, the creatures attacking you, and everything around you. The trees closest to you caught fire as you showed him those that had died when Hell’s legions came to your woods. You forced him to listen to the sounds of fear and screaming. “Daunt…”
“You did this!” You screamed, tearing the blade from his ribs and stabbing him again.
The Corinthian bowed his head for a moment before he pulled the blade from his flesh and held it out to you, “Please.”
The sharp pain of your power draining as The Great Trees roots wound tighter around your heart forced you back slightly. You quietly cried, holding your hands to your now bleeding chest. “I trusted you…”
“I didn’t mean for this,” he whispered. “I didn’t…”
You cried harder as the unspoken words filled your ears. “I cannot kill you, dear Corinthian. No matter how much you deserve it. Our fates are sealed, yours and mine.”
He looked back up at Dream. “Finish it, Dream.”
“I brought you into this world to serve humanity. Not to feed upon it.”
“I do it to taste what it’s like to be human.” The Corinthian admitted. “You don’t care about humanity, none of them. You can’t even bring yourself to care about her. You only care about yourself and your realm and your rules.”
“I contain the entire collective unconscious. Without my rules, it would consume me. Humanity would be consumed.”
“Or you might actually feel something. I am not the problem, Dream.”
“You are right. This was my fault, not yours. I had so much hope for you, but I created you poorly then. So I must uncreate you now.”
You could feel the power of dreams and starlit nights at your back as the face you’d once called friend. The sand swirled, glowing red as The Corinthian smiled at you. “Yours is the last face I will see.” Goodbye, my friend.
The sand fell through your fingers until all that remained was the nightmares skull. You stood, offering the tiny thing to Dream and looking up at him through a red-stained gaze as blood filled your vision. “Find us, Dream. Please.”
We’re running out of time.
He was so tired, so cold. Sirius trudged through the shoulder-deep snow, panting as the fatigue and the pain from his still-open wounds began to take hold of him. Year after year, he hunted and fought to protect The Forest from the creatures lurking in its dying woods. The snowfall never ceased, making the journey across the forest’s buried paths even more treacherous. It had been days since he’d left Daunt’s side to track down a particularly persistent creature. He’d found it quickly, but the fight had been more challenging than anticipated. Perhaps it was the creature’s speed or ferocity, or perhaps it was simply the fact that he had grown older over the hundred years of fighting.
Sirius found the closest ice bed and pressed his wounded back to it, groaning as the cold’s sting helped seal the wound shut. He licked the frozen water, hoping the small amount of melted liquid would sustain him a while longer. Then, with his one good eye, he looked down at his reflection, a bitter sorrow filling his thinning body. He was no longer the joyful and curious companion that his lady had brought to life in that small, humble hut. He was a killer now. A warrior forged in frozen blood and lingering scars. 
For a moment, he wished he could go back to when things were good. To when it was just him and the fair lady Daunt walking the green forests and chasing the fish and gathering rocks. He wished they could be together again. A snap in the distance made his ears twitch. He let out a huff of air and turned away from the frozen lake. The past was gone, and now he could only remain true to his promise. He could only protect what remained of his home and his lady. 
What creature would be foolish enough to lead a predator to it? Sirius followed the echoes of flesh tearing apart. Whatever it was that had been caught allowed him to find the beast he had been hunting. A white stag lay in the glen, half dead and trapped beneath a shadowed beast’s talons and teeth. The poor thing reminded him of his lady. Of how pale she’d grown and how fearful she seemed to be whenever she was coherent enough. Then a rustle of darkness caught his eye, drawing him to the tall, pale figure that stood at the treeline.
“Holy shit,” a little bird said from a low branch beside the demon. Fools. He trod the snow quickly as the beast reared its head and let out a loud screech. The beast pounced, claws tearing free of the stag and slicing through the air, excitement buzzing from it as it moved to make the killing blow. Sirius shot out through the trees, throwing the black creature onto the other side of the clearing, back into the safety of the mist. He growled as its claws dug into his side, trying to throw him off and free itself. “No fleeing this time, foul beast.”
He struggled, digging his paws deep into the uncomfortable blackness of its thin flesh as he found an opening and quickly latched his teeth around its throat, biting down until its head snapped off and rolled into the snow. The ground shook beneath his paws, and his head shot up. “I’m coming, my lady.” He said to the trees, hoping she would hear him. His head turned to the little bird, now standing in the snow. “I just have two more demons to rid our realm of.”
“Where the fuck are we?”
Before the little bird’s demon master could answer the pitiful question, Sirius leaped from the mist and pinned its black wing to the snowy ground. He bit the cold air to make the creature stop struggling and growled, bearing his bloodstained teeth. Finally, the bird stilled, and he raised his head to look up at its master. “What manner of demon are you?”
“I am no demon,” the tall thing said, voice deep and rich with a power lurking within his voice alone. “I am Dream of the Endless.”
With a nod, the being stepped forward. “King of All Night’s Dreaming. The Prince of Stories. Lord of the Dreamworld.”
The bird twitched beneath his paw. “I don’t think reciting all your titles is helping, and I know Lucienne won’t be happy if I come back with one wing.”
Sirius’ ears twitched, and he lessened his pressure on the bird’s wing. “Lucienne? You know Lucienne?”
The bird cawed quietly. “Uhh, yeesss?”
“Lucienne is my librarian.” The dream man said. “She resides in The Dreaming, my realm. How do you know of her?”
He lifted his paw off the bird and turned toward the man. “You are the Dream Lord?”
“I am.”
“My lady and I came to your realm long ago, offering aid.” A glimmer of recognition lit up the man’s eyes. “I can only hope you’ve come to offer the same.”
Dream took a step forward. “You are Daunt’s companion.”
The bird stretched its wings before flying back to the branch beside its master. “You know this crazy dog?”
“Only in passing memory.”
Sirius bowed his head slightly. “Forgive my boldness. I mistook you for a threat.”
He waved the apology away. “Where is your master?”
“Not far, but the path is dangerous.” Sirius turned to the stag, who wheezed with eyes darting wilding. He pressed his snout into it, sighing. “Forgive my slowness, fair beast. Follow Death’s warmth and pass into the realms beyond this frozen waste.” He bit down around its neck, waiting until its breathing ceased to pull away.
“What happened here?”
Looking up at the Dream Lord Sirius filled with pain. “A great many horrors.” He turned and started down the hidden path. “Follow closely, or you shall meet an end like the stags.”
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As usual, my favorite topic, redeemed Belos lives in Noseda's house with the HexSquad
Fic - Camila told Philip about Luz's favorite book and does not understand why he has such a strange reaction. Philip suddenly finds out that Luzura is not the full name of Luz
It's Azura, Not Luzura
Saturday morning was house cleaning day at the Noceda household, as everyone who lived there was doing their part to make the place look spick and spotless.
Everyone was occupied with their assigned task.
Luz was pushing the vacuum cleaner back and forth in her room while Amity was arranging books and notebooks neatly in her girlfriend's small bookcase.
However, she noticed that a particular purple book that they both loved was missing from its place.
Hunter and Willow were using the appropriate cleaning tools to clean the tub and toilet, while Vee cleaned the bathroom sink, mirror, and counter, and Gus and his illusions were taking out the trash and doing the laundry.
Downstairs was where Camila and Philip were doing their cleaning.
Camila dragged the head of the broom along the kitchen floor and swept the pile of dust and debris into the dustpan for disposal, while Philip dusted the furniture in the living room.
As he approached the window sill, he noticed a lavender-colored fantasy novel lying down on the dining room table.
Behind a gold banner in black letters, the title was displayed on the hard cover of the book.
Featured on the front was a mint-haired witch heroine standing in the foreground with her staff held high in the air.
An old witch dressed in a red cloak and a fluffy little doglike demon creature were accompanying her in the background of the cover art.
"'The Good Witch Azura?'" Philip quietly read the title to himself as he picked up the book.
Camila, upon entering the dining room, soon takes notice of Philip holding her daughter's favorite book.
The sight of it made her smile.
"Oh, The Good Witch Azura!" She said cheerfully as she approached the old man.
"Luz loves that book. Azura is a favorite of hers and she reads it all the time."
"Hmm..." Philip examined the pages with squinting eyes before making his comment.
"From my understanding, it seems that Luz shares a similar name to this Azura character. Is that why you named her Luzura?"
He looked to Camila to verify his suspicions, but the mother only gave him a confused look.
There was a bit of silence between the two until Camila broke it with an awkward chuckle. "Oh, uh, I never named Luz... that."
Philip's blue eyes widened with genuine shock when he heard that. "You... didn't?"
Camila shook her head.
Philip's realization caused memories of the past to replay in his mind.
"So, Luzura. You and your Aunt Dirtrude started travelling together after the Toe-gres attacked your castle and covered it with an impenetrable mist?"
" I told you once before, Luzura."
When the memories came to a close, Philip was embarrassed and hung his head.
He couldn't fathom the fact that he had been mistakenly calling her the wrong name for hundreds of years.
Why didn't Luz correct him, he wondered.
"Let me guess," Philip murmured under his breath, slowly gazing at Camila, "I also made an error with Aunt Dirtrude's name. Is it Aunt Dirce?"
Camila noticed his low state and put a hand on his shoulder. "Hey, it's okay," she reassured with another awkward laugh. "You didn't know. Don't beat yourself up over it. Mistakes happen."
Camila blinked, becoming more confused than ever. "I'm sorry, who? What are you talking about, Philip?"
Philip sadly sighed, hanging his head a second time.
"Here," Camila gently took the book from his grasp as she walked away. "Let me go give this back to Luz. I'm sure she's looking for it."
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oneatlatime · 1 year
The Southern Air Temple
I'm trying to use a read more link to shorten this post a bit, let's see if this works.
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So pretty
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So I somehow made it to episode three without realising that the old guy is called Iroh. My limited knowledge of this show tells me that he's a main character and I somehow missed that he existed for two episodes. Good job me.
Zuko honey you need to learn to lie. You're supposed to be one of the bad guys - that involves lying!
This Jao guy has been onscreen for like 40 seconds and already I want to punch his face.
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Appa has wiggly legs when he flies. That is so cute.
The southern air temple is very blue for an orange-coded nation.
I get the impression that Jao likes the sound of his own voice. Do you think he invited Zuko and Iroh in for a drink just so he could monologue?
Nevermind he was stalling for time.
I like the plinky atmospheric music that plays at the air temple.
"What's wrong?" says the Katara, the girl who's already had two whole monologues to Aang about how changed the temple might be. What do you think is wrong Katara?
Sokka is a good friend.
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Katara, on the other hand, is so efficient that she manages to both coddle Aang and assault Sokka in a single move. Also I guess waterbenders are snow benders too. Makes sense. Presumably that means they can bend water in any state? So mist, steam, snow, ice, water, fog?
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Appas!!! Baby Appas!!!
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Aang's face looks weird here.
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The sound effects! They got me. Also the guy on the end has the weirdest skunk beard.
The Giatso guy seems like such a well-rounded person. I want to sit down with him and chat.
Yeah, good point. Aang did survive a century. And good on Katara for acknowledging that.
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Airbenders invented pipe organs in this world. I bet they had bagpipes too.
Having a threshold that hoots when you cross it is a nifty security feature.
Is that avatar a waterbender? Can you tell? They look like a water tribe person to me, but is there anything like Aang's tattoos in waterbender culture that Katara saw on the statue?
Poor Sokka, the only normal person on a trip full of inexplicable glowiness and missing meats.
"You're making a sound!" I'm calling it now, Katara is no good in a crisis. Also good on me for noticing the hooting threshold. I thought that was just worldbuilding, but turns out it's plot relevant.
Benny Hill chase, lemur edition. Also that's twice Sokka's fallen on his chin this episode.
This Jao guy does asshole so well. Also how is he getting away with talking to two princes like this? These two must be seriously unpopular in whatever court the fire nation has.
So it is a burn scar. And I think losing a duel is why he's exiled?
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Time to glow! Honestly, an under-reaction.
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That's a lot of avatars. If avatars live normal human lifespans then I feel like this world has been around a lot longer than ours. There are 45 in this picture and that's not counting the ones on the spiral on the floor, and who knows how high this chamber goes. 45 x 80 = 3600 years in one picture.
Sokka gets ragdolled for the third time this episode.
Some not so subtle exposition from Katara. His avatar spirit makes him glow. Last episode it was the desperation of losing the fight with Zuko, this time it's grief. Maybe some anger too? So strong emotion triggers it.
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The end credits music plays here, or at least something like it. I'm guessing it's the music associated with firebending?
How have none of these guys singed off their hair yet? Or their clothes? And how many times did they reuse that shot of Zuko getting pushed back?
Fire breakdancing!
Did they reuse the kicking shot too?
What are the win conditions for this duel? Both Zuko and Jao end up on the ground at some point, but Zuko wins? Also does this mean that Jao is now banished from the fire nation? Actually is this taking place in the fire nation? They control the port but is this conquered land?
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Serious strength from Iroh. He just pushes Jao back like he's standing on ice. Such a casual flick of the wrist and he goes flying. How?
Raw lines from Iroh here. Serious dad points for the "I told you jinseng is my favourite" joke. In my experience blatant misdirection is about the only way to get teenage boys to accept parental affection.
I'm guessing there was a timeskip between this episode and the last one? Because I don't believe that Katara's speech would have talked Aang out of being glowy if they hadn't had more time than we've seen on screen to bond. A week or two in Appa's saddle maybe?
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The lemur speaks English! And somewhere on this temple is a still-functioning orchard/garden.
"we're all that's left of this place" how can he be so happy/calm when he says that? That takes a crazy level of zen.
The whole ending sequence where they're flying away from the beautifully purple-tinted clouds and no words are spoken is so well done. Leaves you with such a contemplative feeling. Also clever. It's Aang and the lemur's home, so it's Aang and the lemur that look back as they leave.
Credits inform me that I have been mispelling Zhao and Gyatso and also that's Jason Isaacs! He is indeed very good at assholes, so excellent casting choice.
Final thoughts
Aang dealt with that whole episode a lot better than I would have. Either going glowy is cathartic and burns through angst or he has superhuman levels of zen, because I can't imagine anyone being still functional after finding out what he did. I'm assuming for Aang the time in the ice felt like a few days at best, so he saw Gyatso alive maybe two or three weeks ago? And now here's his century old skeleton? Also where are the rest of the skeletons? Did the fire nation send cleanup crews? That's a morbid thought.
Having Aang find Gyatso's skeleton specifically? This show doesn't pull punches. Which would have had more impact: Aang finding a room full of unidentifiable airbender skeletons, or Aang finding Gyatso's skeleton specifically?
Zuko is an underdog in his own nation, with only Iroh on his side. Even his crew ratted him out. I have a nasty feeling that Zhao's comments on Zuko's relationship with his father were spot on - why would Zuko have reacted so strongly otherwise? Either Zuko is an unwanted spare, or Zuko is the oldest in line to the throne and his father prefers the younger sibling and is trying to get Zuko killed by sending him on a wild goose chase. Which has turned out to not be so wild after all. Maybe Iroh is with him because they're both the unwanted younger spares? Iroh being the firelord's younger brother, and Zuko being the crown prince's/princess's younger brother?
This was pretty much the first demonstration of firebending's capabilities, and I have to wonder how the war is still going on? How has the fire nation not won yet? These guys have an army of walking flamethrowers that presumably never run out of fuel. Get them to advance in formation while maintaining a rolling wall of flames and they could be unstoppable.
I really liked the music in this episode. The plinky theme of the air temple contrasted with the more aggressive fire bending chanting. And the colours! How the air nation is blue and purple and the fire nation is all reds and oranges. The clouds were particularly enchanting this episode. I know nothing about animation, so I'm just guessing here, but were some of those clouds actual real clouds that got inserted or animated over or however that works?
Something that I'm noticing with this show after only three episodes is how quickly they can establish depth and interest in a character. Gyatso is on screen for maybe a minute in a flashback but I feel like I know him intimately, I know exactly the kind of person he was, and I understand some of why Aang is the person he is too. Zhao hadn't even finished his introductory scene before I wanted to wack him on the head with a shovel. Crazy efficient storytelling.
Everyone was on brand this episode: Katara the bleeding heart, Aang the optimist, Sokka the teenage boy with a practical bent (did they end up restocking on food beyond what the lemur brought?) and Zuko the anger management poster boy. I feel like this was the first time we got a good look at Iroh. He seems an old hand at Zuko wrangling.
The two storylines weren't connected this time like in the last two episodes. A bit jarring, but ok.
Are we getting a new team member? Is the lemur a permanent addition? I hope so.
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yourpalbubs · 3 months
I don't think that I've seen this talked about much anywhere so I would like to share it as it popped right into my brain since I've been playing through the bioshock games again after a while, also if I'm saying anything obvious or just plain wrong please feel free to just yell at me later but please read the rest my brain vomit first please?
I believe that in ingesting vigors throughout bioshock infinite and the two Burial At Sea DLCs that there are more effects than just the character's hands changing. Like we should've seen more effects on their bodies than just Elizabeth turning invisible with Peeping Tom in BAS part 2
I mean, both of the Bookers and Elizabeth down the vigors like the aunt on your mother's side would down a bottle of wine at every family reunion to be honest and since they are ingesting it compared to injecting it there should be more side effects of the powers showing up on them. I mean look at the splicers, they just inject the crud into them and look how they mutate from whatever plasmids they use, and viggors supposedly use more ADAM to make and thus more EVE/SALTS to use them so there should be more physical changes than whatever happens to their hands when they use the powers as it literally stops ranging from only a little past the wrist to only 1/3 of the way down the forearm when you see them in use in game.
Since they are drinking the vigors I think that it would also make the effects of the vigors power show up on their faces/throughout the rest of their bodies while having them equipped/in use. I do have some ideas on how they would look in effecting both Bookers and Elizabeth so I'll put them down in a list so you can imagine what I'm thinking about when I mean 'vigors should have more noticeable effects on the body'.
Possession makes the users skin become slightly translucent, skin losing bright liveliness to it and becoming pale as if drained of blood. a green shine glimmers over the eyes aswell as turning the lips and inner mouth a lighter green from injesting it in the first place, a faint green mist around them as if they were under Possessions effects themselves but to a less noticeable extent compared to seeing it in use in game.
Devils Kiss burns the skin and flesh away from the users mouth, cheeks, and down the throat, leaving charred bone and a maw of volatile heat as embers flicker off from the areas of burning but not completely charred parts of skin and flesh much like you see happen to both Bookers hands.
Murder Of Crows causes feathers to bloom not just up the arms like in game but also to sprout down the back and sides of the neck aswell as both sides of the face where sideburns would grow on the user, random loose feathers becoming tangled in hair/sprouting alongside hair of the user. Eyes becoming darker and beadier like a Crows would as skin around the eyes and down the sides of the face/down the neck aswell as the lips darken like you can see when Murder Of Crows is in use.
Bucking Bronco causes chunks of the users skin aswell as flesh to ripple and quake, floating and disconnected yet still sticking close together as the effect traces up the neck, rippling around the cheeks and up to the forehead in various sections as it tends to spare some chunks of skin and lift others like the effect does in game with the gravity displacing effect/glow included, lips mostly unaffected with the occasional ripple of some chunks floating time to time.
Shock Jockey causes crystals to sprout sporadically all around the skin of the user, electricity tracing under the skin as it lights it up like the body of the user itself is being electrocuted but with none of bad effects of being electrocuted at all, skin growing the purple and blue tint it does in game all around the body in various splotches aswell as changing the lip color alongside it to that purple blue splotchy color. Bonus, static electricity hair
Charge engulfs the entire body of the user with wind, it twirling and spinning non-stop around the entire body, the spinning air being faintly noticeable around the legs and chest but extremely apparent around the hands like in game but aswell as a pair of twirling, raging cyclones coalescing around the temples like ram horns much like the short advertisement showed in game after drinking it in game.
Undertow causes many holes to ripple open all around the body of the user much like it does in game, holes appearing even along the sholders, chest, aswell as opening holes right into the mouth from the cheeks (or even from under the jaw and the neck itself for the body horror factor) as tendrils of water can arc from one of the many openings and connect to another much like a hose conecting from an oxygen tank to a diving suit, water also able to be seen rippling around the body wherever it wishes to, skin becomes rather slick and paler looking, as if the user had drowned but didn't die, eyes becoming bloodshot due to the drowned like state.
Return to Sender causes the skin of the user to fade away in splotches, revealing metallic like bones much like it does in game, the spirals much like the trap itself being charged spinning around their head much like electrons would around an atom, the spirals itself illuminating their head as if it was the trap itself, bullets and other used ammo spinning and hovering around their head like the trash in space would do around our planet. lips becoming the black silvery color of the skin fading away on the users hands when using the vigor.
Old Man Winter causes the users body to become frozen, skin becoming bloodless pale as a blue icy tint replaces the life in the users skin, eyes becoming dead-like much like a body in a mourge would as chunks of ice sprout and spike up on various parts of the body.
Peeping Tom naturally turns the user invisible so there's no changes there exept for the user being naturally semi-transparent, being able to see through them but more like looking at yourself through a reflection of yours on a window, seeing through them but not to the point of not being able to see the user at all unless they are actively using the vigor itself.
Ironsides, much like Return to Sender, causes the skin of the user to fade away in splotches, revealing metallic like bones much like it does in game, the spirals much like the trap itself being charged spinning around their head but instead of the golden and black tint of Return to Sender it would be the blue white and black tint of Ironsides itself, lips also becoming the black silvery color of the skin fading away when using the vigor.
If I had the ability to draw then I would love to draw them out and show it off, it just sucks that I don't have the confidence to do it, atleast I could share my ideas to my best abilities.
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fanaticastrid · 9 months
Alright I apologize for lack of actual content minus reposts as of late, creative block sucks cuck. But I guess that gives me an excuse to share more of what I've cooked up for the Double Lester AU/The Son of the Priest!
-The books have their own titles in this to seperate them from the OG. A Fallen God's Plea, The Wrath of Neos Helios, Blood Moon Rising, and The Last Trial all correspond to, respectively, The Hidden Oracle, The Burning Maze, The Tyrant's Tomb, and The Tower of Nero. You may notice The Dark Prophecy isn't here, that's because I can't think of a good alternative title for the story told in the AU version, it might just stay the same idk yet.
-I'm aging up Meg just a little, to 14 from the start. I confess I do this because it's hard for me to keep Meg in character, so I'm going the cheap route to make her a bit more flexible to me. Don't fire me pls I'll try to keep her close to canon
-Nifty idea I had while doing my notes for Blood Moon Rising: Lester progressively becomes more ghostlike as Apollo's infection worsens (since the Body-Soul Link connects them.) At first, it just makes Lester's veins more purple and it more difficult not to break into his true aoroi self, but over time he simply can't go back into his human state and has to keep a tight handle on himself so as to not attack people. His aoroi appearance has a distinct violet tinge instead of pale blue, and the poison in him (well, more Apollo) shows as glowing lavender veins, much like if you injected glowstick fluid in your bloodstream. By the time we reach the end with Tarquin, Lester is struggling so badly not to give in to the violent urges, Tarquin's beckoning to join him, and the amount of pain he's in, but he pushes through everything knowing there's still that smallest chance of help... of hope.
-I AM SOOOO excited to get to Nero and Python. Netos death won't be so anticlimatic- if fact he goes out with a bang- and Python... well for one it's serious Lester abuse ouch, but it's the peak of Apollo and Lester's character arcs. Neither of them are afraid to face Python because they have each other and aren't alone. They aren't afraid to die, hell Lester just goes into Badass Mode the whole fight, a stark contrast to the wimpy coward we met at the very beginning of everything. He does everything he can to assist Apollo knowing damn well there is no chance of him surviving the battle. The lil fucker just refuses to die.
And that's before I get to Apollo. He feels horrible knowing Lester is almost guaranteed to die in Delphi, and he will not let him. He will do whatever it takes to save Lester from the fate Python bestowed on him, consequences be damned. He's willing to die for Lester, and Lester's willing to die for Apollo. That's what love does bby
-A snippet of the many abilities of the Body-Soul Link is that Lester, on a few occasions, can actually SORT OF see Apollo's true appearance. In reality he looks like a fuzzy, glowing gold 3D lineart and his face is really hard to make out, but Lester's Mist-piercing vision helps him a bit... and he gets flustered every time. "A-am I gay now?"
-also Lester, despite his temper, is such a sweetheart to everyone hnngh too precious. For one, he's such a big brother to Meg, he cried when Meg said she sees him and Apollo as siblings. He gives back to the poor. He cares about nature. Fuck I can't wait to this precious little bean to yall aaaaaa
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quirkwizard · 1 year
I’m curious: what’s your favorite quirk? Just across the board. The one you find most aesthetically pleasing, personally intriguing, etc etc? :O
I already talked about my favorite Quirks, and I could make a whole other list by which ones I think are the most intriguing, but I can talk about the ones I think look the coolest or are the most visually interesting.
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Warp Gate: Becoming a massive shadow monster is certainly interesting from a lot of the other Quirks, with the black mist adding an extra intimidation factor to Kurogiri and his Quirk whenever they one of them is around.
Overhaul: Honestly, this one is mostly here for the fusion aspect. The way that "Overhaul" shapes the terrain is fun, but it doesn't come close to the horrific fusions that Kai makes, both of himself and others people.
Vines: This is a great mix good character design and cool power, referencing Ibara's beliefs with her habit of thorns on her head and giving us Quirk that's amazing to see in action with it's various grasping vines.
Foresight: While it is ultimately a simple touch, I think that presenting the future in the form of film strips is really unique touch, makes the Quirk more interesting to see used, and helps make it stand out from other future sight powers.
Black Whip: Sure, black energy tendrils aren't that interesting on the surface, but I think the malleability and emotional aspect of the Quirks gives it some variety, giving the audience a visual treat while convey what the character may be feeling.
Dupi Arms: I think this one strikes a good balance. It's supposes to be something off putting, but it's not something awful to look at and is a cool way for a power like this to manifest and be used in a fight.
Compress: This is here for the neat disappearing effect it has on targets and the blue marbles the Quirk makes. Both simple effects, yet each one fitting in perfectly with the magician motif that Mr. Compress has going on.
Dark Shadow: Simple, yet effective. It's not the most out there design, but I think the swirling shadow energy, the various shapes it can take, and just how different it is from all the other Quirks in the setting help stand out in my eyes.
Half Hot Half Cold: Don't get me wrong, this does have a lot of pretty showings in the manga, especially with the ice half, but the anime certainly plays a huge part in my choice. I swear, the budget triples every time Shoto uses it.
Manifest: Hands down, the most visually interesting Quirk in the whole series. Not only does it have the most varied appearance thanks to the variety of forms Tamaki can take, but the fusion aspect expands that out even further.
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itsana004 · 8 months
Pullin’a bit of a fast one, but I was quite curious. 👀
For the character questions; Mist/no.96? 🩵
Oooooo The Fun Astral, now this is a spicy character we're talking about in zexal, and I have some thoughts on him. Although I have to admit I didn't pay enough attention to him in the past rewatches, so my memories may be a bit fuzzy about him, but I always found him to be an intriguing villain in Zexal, so here lays my truest thoughts on Dark Mist, aka Mr. No.96
•How do you feel about this character
I really liked Dark Mist as a character, he's just a living and breathing slimy liquorice who likes to wrap tentacles around Astral and is so horny for hi- I mean posses him and dreams about making out wit- I meant become independent and powerful of course (we've all been there...) BUT SERIOUSLY THOUGH THIS MAN IS SO DOWN BAD FOR ASTRAL HE KEEPS MOANING HIS NAME EVERYTIME HE'S FRUITY ASF─
There is also a part of me that feels like he didn't appear often enough or there were missed opportunities to kind of hit the mark in terms of writing, but this is Yu-Gi-Oh Zexal we are talking about I didn't expect anything less about a show who keeps shoehorning protagonists and put unnecessary filler over actually interesting side characters (this is my and my opinion alone and I will stand by it).
Ideally what Dark Mist represents is an interesting concept, if Astral is the light then he's the darkness. "Where there is light, there is darkness" Dark Mist said in one episode, implying Astral needs to use the "Power of evil" aka No. 96, when necessary, or a part of Dark Mist will always be within Astral, but they don't use this concept beyond one episode, it's just cheap writing making him to appear once in a blue moon throughout the show and dip just like that.
Later we discover that he is born from a fragment of Don 1000 trapped in Astral and took the identity of a Number card, as Astral likes to randomly split into cards because Yu-Gi-Oh - but what I found very interesting is he's not either on Astral world's side, nor the Barian world, even though he was born from a fragment of the Barian God himself. He's just a free spirit who does everything for his own benefit, but in doing so he keeps getting sent to horny jail- I meant get sealed by Astral.
He is cunning enough to let himself be absorbed by Astral just so he can play him inside the Emperor's Key, which is very smart of him, but then he is trapped in a cycle of...
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I feel like the writers just didn't know what to do with him at this point, he's as threatening as the Trix in Winx club (like- I can even draw parallels and similarities) and Astral keeps winning against him again and again cause 'Good triumph over evil yay', seriously I feel like he's a missed potential. Also can we talk about how many times he broke free? Like Astral, what lock are you using to seal him lmao?? (The writers doesn't even explain this btw)
Later on, No.96 just decided to trick Astral into releasing him and then for some reason decided to possess Donald Trump but good for him I guess.
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He really put some lipstick and said "I'm a god now", can't blame him (Also I have to be honest about his God complex era, HE WAS SO ANNOYING, HE PROBABLY SAID "KAMI" MORE THAN KOTORI CALLING YUMA'S NAME)
Also him treating Vector as a pet while being used and Vector just seething inside was so funny to see, it's like a complete opposite end pair compared to Yuma and Astral.
Overall he's pretty solid, I just wish the writers treated him better and made him a more complex villain (like this guy wasn't in anyone's side they could have done so much more than "he bombs all three worlds cause he can now" like c'monnn they made him flat and one dimensional in the end compared to how he used to be???).
•All the people I ship romantically with this character
I like to ship him with Astral and Vector as a joke.
•My unpopular opinion about this character
He ate with the purple lipstick c'mon now
•One thing I wish would happen/had happened with this character in canon
I think I pretty much summed it up in the first part, but anyway he's not dead and alive in Zexal III canon.
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megamindsupremacy · 1 year
Star Wards Fic Recs (Part 7)
Parole Officer Fulcrum Steals Three Million Babies by phoenixyfriend
Fulcrum smiles, so cheery that her eyes almost disappear with it. “A ghost gave me a mission, and I’m here to fulfill it.”
“A ghost,” Obi-Wan repeats, doubt in every word.
Fulcrum nods, completely ignoring the energy of his suspicion. “I’m here to play parole officer for Skyguy.”
“Parole officer?” Obi-Wan demands. His anxiety is palpable. “What—Anakin got arrested?!”
“I didn’t,” Anakin immediately denies.
its called a flush by deniigiq
“Word is that you’ve shacked up with Boba Fett, Mando.”
That tone sent shivers unrelated to the water down Din’s spine. The urge to lash out filled his lungs, but he pushed back on it.
“You two have history,” he said as evenly as he could.
He turned and found the Jedi’s face completely void of emotion. His eyelashes were darker, though. Din could see them clearly even from across the river.
“Do not bring him here,” the Jedi said.
(Din tries to make a family. Now if only the new members didn't hate each other.
those immortal dead by notbecauseofvictories
I care more for that long age which I shall never see than for the little of Time that I hold
Padmé Amidala is forgotten, not gone.
wonderterror by peradi
Anakin Skywalker is the son of the Force.
He’s half human and half something monumental.
What does that make his children?
The Skywalkers aren't entirely human. Here's what that means.
The massive machinery of hope by killbothtwins After the end of the war with the Empire, Obi-Wan wakes up in his twelve-year old body. Now all he needs to do is convince everyone he's psychic, trick his Master into taking him on before he's sent to Bandomeer, redeem a few bad guys, and try not to have a nervous breakdown. Pretty easy. It's not like the Sith are lurking on the horizon, waiting to devour the Jedi Order.
heavy blue by thedisasternerd
Wherein I explore characters, identities, and specifically the darker - if you could say that - side of one commander Cody.
Vod’e An by Triscribe
Have you ever seen a time traveler dropped into the middle of someone else's butterfly effect? How about several dozen someones? AKA I nabbed all my fave clone troopers and sprinkled them into a much happier galaxy, with a touch of violence on top. As a treat.
The Legend of Liob by killbothtwins
The Republic sends a combat photographer to be attached to the 212th until further notice, citing the need for a morale boost. The clones make up a fake clone, citing the absolute fact that it is very funny. Somehow, these two things save the galaxy.
Light of the Mists by SnowyEgret(Snowy1138)
The ship traveling to Bandomeer suffers a catastrophic engine failure and destroys any chance of Obi-Wan becoming Qui-Gon's Padawan. Crashed alone on a world devoid of sentient population, Obi-Wan’s survival hangs in the balance. As he learns to navigate his new circumstances, he comes across the remnants of an extinct sect of Force-users that may hold the key to destroying the Sith before they reveal themselves.
Or, the Force is weird, Obi-Wan becomes an unconventional Padawan taught by strange holocrons and might just save the Galaxy one day.
Fishhooks by yellow_caballero
When Boba’s runaway teenage Mandalorian rumspringa is interrupted by a genetic defect “younger sister”’s last ditch attempt to save her own life, his plans for freedom are completely ruined. If freedom is even possible for clones like them - if Jango Fett would ever allow it.
In which Jango discovers why you shouldn't get mail-order children for three easy payments of $19.99.
watch it grow, child of woe by afearsomecritter (jsaer)
In which the Kaminoans decide to test their new reconditioning technique on Jango Fett six years into the contract. There are unforeseen consequences.
They are not people, The Voice Says, unyielding.
If they are not people, he thinks, he snarls, am I?
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Alright, holidays are over and Im regularly taking the bus again so its time to read A Court of Mist and Fury. I've made through the prologue and the first three chapters and I feel like I already have a lot of thoughts so Im splitting them into two posts. This one is just gonna be random silly bullshit that I wanted to mention but dont have any deep thoughts on, the next one is gonna be my thoughts about the character development that happened between the books
why does Sarah J Maas always seem to use the vaguely pagan (?) moon and moon cycle imagery when theres like, an all-woman religious institution in her books. Like, Ianthe has that tattoo on her forehead and shes dressed in blue robes and wears a lot of silver and it reminded me of that one random aside in Crescent City where we hear about those priestesses that worship the goddess Luna, like with the robes and headbands and stuff, when theyre first initiated they get a headband with a waxing crescent moon, then when theyre at their peak they get one with a full moon and when they get older they get one with a waning crescent. Like, obviously I know that the moon is associated with with witchcraft and feminine magic and whatnot so it makes sense in a doylist sense, but like, whats the in-universe explanation
You know what, maybe I do have deep thoughts about some of this stuff, what the hell is up with the High Priestesses? Theres twelve of them ?? for some reason?? Theyre said to be the advisors of the high lords on top of their religious duties, so if there were gonna be more than seven, I would think there would be 14, two for each court. But they actually appear to be wholly seperate, like they just dont belong to any particular court. And thats weird to me, but Prythian is technically one united kingdom (get it, cuz the map looks like fucking great britain for some reason) despite some of their inter-court tension so maybe that makes sense. But then WHY do they have such a Night Court-core aesthetic, wearing dark blue (night sky) and silver (stars) with tattoos. If they were an institution thats completely seperate from the courts, I feel like they should use imagery/an aesthetic thats not already kinda taken by another court. Like, idk, rainbows maybe, thats the only thing I can think of rn and it could also make them a symbol of Prythian's unity or something
This is only tangentially related, but how come the Night Court doesnt seem to have any moon imagery associated with it? I say seem to because I havent actually seen it yet, but from the fanart and from what I can remember from cari can read's summary, its all stars and darkness and dreams but not the moon??? which is the thing I personally associate most with night but okay
I was not expecting a sex scene in the first three chapters and I was especially not expecting Feyre to describe her having an orgasm as "I passed away". Granted, that might just be the german translation being weird, I dont have access to the original english but still. Then again, I guess they dont call it the little death for nothing
Speaking of the sex scene, I thought the people saying this were joking but no, she was literally asking him about the political implications of their marriage on some random ass night while they were getting it on, thats hilarious. And then she got TURNED OFF when Tamlin told her there werent any high ladies this series shouldve been a comedy
Last thing I wanted to mention is the use of the formal and informal yous in the translation, which is still really good. As a reminder, du/dir = informal you; Sie/Ihnen = formal you; Euch/Ihren = the most formal you, usually reserved for nobility. Feyre used Euch/Ihren for all the high fae in the first book (atleast for the first half, I havent really kept track of the pronoun usuage), Tamlin and Lucien used du/dir for Feyre, Alis used Euch/Ihren for Feyre. In this book, all the servants still refer to her by Euch/Ihren but Feyre, Tamlin and Lucien are all on a du/dir basis with each other now. Also, Feyre uses Euch/Ihren for Ianthe and honestly, that alone says so much about how important she is within the court, I feel like I didnt even need an explanation of what exactly she does, but this book was written in english qhere they dont have that so I get it
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thetombedspirit · 2 years
Dragons: The Nine Realms AU - Character and Dragon - Development and Designs
As most of may be aware from my previous Nine Realms post, most of the designs on the characters and the dragons just rub me the wrong way.
So here’s how I would have preferred them to look like, starting with: Jun Wong.
1. Jun Wong
In complete honesty, I really relate to Jun. I to am a mythology and history nerd and do have a tendency to make it my entire personality trait much to the annoyance of others (sorry sis). So yes, while I find her annoying and cringy, I don’t completely hate her. But why? Why are her eyes purple? She just looks so weird and it just doesn’t help her case with her whimsical aesthetic.
So I would have preferred for her to look like her concept art. 
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She just looks so cool here and I can’t for the life of me understand why they went for what we’ve got. But in full honesty, she’s not even the craziest design we got here.
Ooo boy.
2. Wu Wei the Mist Twister
While I can sorta understand what they are going for here in terms of diversity, I think what we’ve got was just trying far too hard and doesn’t look like it fits in the franchise at all. Like, I wouldn’t hate the design this much if this was a show specifically about Asian dragons and Chinese culture, but as it stands this is a show about Norse dragons and Viking culture and the fact alone that the only Asian looking dragon is being rode on by the only Asian character still rubs me the wrong way. So, again, I would prefer they kept the concept idea for the Mist Twister.
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Like, LOOK AT THIS! It’s PERFECT! Not only does it actually look like it belongs in the franchise as a HTTYD dragon, but it fits the diversity. You have the Yin and Yang aesthetic and they almost but not completely resemble a Zippleback. And we don’t have that weird of a color blend here (like why did blue and red blend into gold and not purple, you know, like Jun’s MAIN COLOR PALLETE!)
Anyway, that’s just how I feel. Now onto “Thunder”.
3. Thunder the Night Light
This dragon designs presents even more problems because it just doesn’t make sense. For all the die hard fans, we all know that Toothless is supposedly (I’m still calling bullshit on that, Grimmel!!!) the last Night Fury in the world and we also know that Fury dragons mate for life like doves. So for Thunder to be considered a Night Light makes zero sense. Genetics don’t work that way. So either Toothless ran into other Night Furies that mated with his kids or his kids decided to bump uglies with each other in order for Thunder to look the way he does. And since that’s clearly not the route the creators are implying, then Thunder should canonically be a Light Fury with very few or no Night genes at all. And while I like the name Thunder, the powers also make no sense for me too. Toothless only ever used lightening to turn invisible and as a Light Fury he wouldn’t need lightening. And what was wrong with Plasma Blast?! But anyway, here’s what I’d like for Thunder to look like.
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Personally, I like what I’ve done here. Full white body with grey spots all over his body, his spinal spikes with the webbing, and the green and blue eye as well as green fire, contrasting Toothless who was black with green eyes and blue fire. And this version of Thunder is a lot more feral since he grew up in Asgard with no human reaction until the earthquake. But Tom eventually wins him over. Anyways, no Night Light bull because the way I see it, they died out several hundred years ago.
4. Feathers the Featherhide
I don’t really mind the Featherhide design all that much, but I don’t like the name. Like, “Feathers”? Really? So here’s my proposal.
Lyrebird. Because of her impeccable mimicry abilities and beautiful plumage. And I would like to make the Featherhide dragons a Amphithere dragon, kinda like the Slitherwing dragons but, you know, nicer. And they have a lot more feathers then the show, on their crown, tail and they have feathery wings as well.
I don’t have the artistic lisence
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(ART DONE BY Khrests ON DeviantArt) Just a general idea and I like the name Lyre better then Feathers. And I just like to imagine an  Amphithere curling up around Alex like a makeshift nest.
5. Plowhorn the Gembreaker
This is the only dragon that I’m not gonna redesign. Really, the only thing I’m changing is that most Gembreakers are much bigger so that Plowhorn is the runt and that’s why she was being picked on by the bully Gembreakers.
One major thing I’m changing is her name. Let me explain; the whole episode Dragon Club, D’Angelo was referencing his Ranger badge and talking about Rangers and so, NATURALLY, I thought she was going to be named “Ranger”. but then we got... Plowhorn.
Like, it’s not a bad name, but it’s the kind of name I would expect Hiccup, Snotlout, Fishlegs and Tuffnut to name a dragon, not a modern kid who is described by the writer’s as an “army brat”.
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As such, I’m renaming ‘Plowhorn’ to ‘Ranger’. Other then that, she’s pretty much perfect the way she is.
That’s all I got for now. Later I might talk about how my versions of the characters meet and bond. Let me know what you think of my redesigns.
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brightestorangedawn · 9 months
✧・゚: *✧・゚:* About Me ✧・゚: *✧・゚:*
Hi, I'm Beth! I'm in my 20s and I live in Australia (so imagine everything I say with an Australian accent). I'm incredibly, incredibly shy, so if we're mutuals chances are I do really want to talk to you, but I'll almost never make the first move.
I wouldn't say this is primarily a Star Wars blog but it does take up a big chunk of my attention on here ngl. I'm primarily interested in prequels stuff, and primarily in Anakin/Padmé, but I do also really love the OT too, although I don't really write about it.
Other stuff about me is I really love art (although making it is absolutely not my skillset), I love books (especially narrative non-fiction), and I really love to analyse and pick things apart (in a good way).
I'm not really into any other fandoms in the way I'm into Star Wars, but I am a very big NGE enjoyer (if you couldn't tell from the pfp), a big Dune enjoyer and honestly just a very big 80s sci-fi in general enjoyer.
I'm not sure what else to write here to make this interesting so I'll just tell you some random things about me like the fact that I'm scared of carpark elevators and I really love mustard and my favourite book in the whole world is The Shining and my favourite painting is Circe Invidiosa by John William Waterhouse.
I'll put my masterlist of fics below (and then watch as I forget to ever update them). I really like writing character study stuff, or about love and obsession, grief, loss, mourning, being doomed to the narrative, the burden of power - I don't tend to ever write very happy endings (sorry). 99.99% of the stuff I write is either about Anakin or directly from his perspective because he's my favourite and also the easiest for me to write <3
If you read my stuff on Ao3 a while ago and wondered where it went, well ... all I can say is that it's back.
✧・゚: *✧・゚:* Masterlist ✧・゚: *✧・゚:*
First Time/Last Time
Summary: Cool evening mist on the lake outside, fireplace warmth turning the sitting room golden.
Her veil on the floor, her dress on top of it.
'Do you trust me?' he asked.
'Of course.'
'Do you love me?' he asked.
'Even more so.'
The first time Anakin and Padmé sleep together, then the last time.
Pairing: Anakin/Padmé
Rating: E
Tip of the Tongue
Summary: On Naboo, Padmé shares her favourite dessert with Anakin. Vader is haunted by the memory of it.
Pairing: Anakin/Padmé and Vader/Padmé
Rating: T
(personally my favourite thing I've ever written heheh)
What's In a Name?
Summary: Anakin and Padmé try to decide on a name for their unborn child. However, they know that whatever they choose there is one name the baby can never have: Skywalker.
Pairing: Anakin/Padmé
Rating: T
How Will I Let You Slip Through
Summary: "Don't grow up too fast, my son.” She murmured it into the gold of his hair.
But as much as she could want it, as much as she could will it, she still couldn’t stop him slipping through her fingers.
Four little interconnected stories about Skywalkers facing big moments of their lives over tea, caf, and (of course) blue milk.
Pairing: Anakin/Padmé, Vader/Padmé , Luke & Owen, Anakin & Shmi
Rating: G
I Dug a Grave For You
Summary: I dug it with my own hands, no help from the Force at all. Nothing to make the task easier, nothing to make the task more bearable. Just the sound of the shovel cutting into the soft sand, moving it aside, throwing it over my shoulder. Over and over again, a rhythm, a song, a hymn, a dirge.
Pairing: Anakin & Obi-Wan
I wanted to feel every second of it, every moment of pain and discomfort. Some sort of penance for what I did to you. Some sort of way to say I’m sorry.
In the aftermath of the duel on Mustafar, Obi-Wan escapes to Tatooine to live a life full of shadows and grief.
Rating: T
Multi-Chapter Fics
Cestrum Nocturnum
Summary: Summer on Naboo, the Clone Wars have yet to begin, and Anakin is tasked with protecting Senator Amidala after an attempt is made on her life. It's too bad that every moment with her has him in agony, and every moment apart is even worse—especially after that night in the courtyard ...
Or: Anakin spends a torturous time on Naboo in the company of the person he loves because he doesn't know how to tell her his true feelings.
Pairing: Anakin/Padmé
Rating: E
Chapters: 1/2
The Grove of Silver Leaves
Summary: In 1890, Anakin is an artist, apprenticed to the wealthy Sheev Palpatine. He meets Padmé at a party and she quickly becomes his muse. Of course, Anakin falls desperately in love with her—it’s just too bad she’s married to someone else.
Pairing: Anakin/Padmé
Rating: E
Chapters: 1/?
A Changing Fate
Summary: During the Clone Wars, Padmé nearly dies, and in a moment of impulsivity, the secret of Anakin’s marriage gets revealed to the Jedi Council. Not a lot goes to plan for him after that.
Or: Anakin learns what is really important to him. It’s not always what he thought it would be.
Pairing: Anakin/Padmé
Rating: E
Chapters: 1/15
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facelessfrey · 2 years
Roswell New Mexico - Season 4, Episode 10
I just...really miss Alex. I know they couldn’t hold things up for just one person or whatever but I wish they’d waited on filming some of this stuff until he was available. Sigh. 
Like okay at the very least, half the episode was about making some kind of progress to getting to where Alex is. I appreciate that. And Michael FINALLY GOT TO BE PROACTIVE AND GO THROUGH THE PORTAL TO GET HIM BACK. THANK GOD!!!
I also appreciate Kyle Valenti, current Captain of the Malex ship, showing up to help Michael. I feel like we haven’t really acknowledged Alex and Kyle’s friendship since like early season three before Alex joined Deep Sky and I’ve missed it. So at least we had Kyle and Michael working together to find Alex. That’s nice and needed. 
I still can’t say I really care much about Maria’s part in all of this unless it is going to actually lead to her finding out that Theo is somehow her dad and Dallas her brother or something because otherwise she’s kind of once again a spare part/plot device in the Malex story and she as a character has always deserved better than that. So I hope there’s more for her in this than just that. Like...Bonnie can be a plot device but Maria really shouldn’t be. 
I’m glad Michael is with Dallas now though because I have really liked the bits of their growing relationship that we’ve gotten to see this season so hopefully the last three episodes can deliver on that as well as a Malex reunion...for the love of god give me the Malex reunion. But also I hope Dallas really gets some closure about his father out of all of this too. 
I liked the couple of Kybel crumbs we got in there and their awkward hug. But I need the show to really get back to that. 
Still glad to have Rosa around in whatever capacity we have her in and that she’s the one who gets to give out all the sage advice this season. That’s fun for her. 
But oh my god do I not care about Liz and her conflict anymore. I’m so tired of it. I’m so tired of her and Max and this nonsense. This all or nothing Liz is killing me. I wasn’t a big fan of “Just a girl from Roswell” Liz and I’m not a fan of “Alien Mist Addict Evil Science” Liz either. Just find some balance girl. Maybe Isobel should be helping her at Woman is Warrior because I’m just super over it. I miss season one Liz. 
Now...plot stuff...I mean...who even knows at this point. 
Now we’ve got portals. This really has turned into the final season of the 100. I swear if they all ascend into glowy balls of light at the end of the season, I will riot. But also...we still don’t know what the Alighting is. Is it this portal? I’m so confused. Also, if they want to get to Oasis, wouldn’t there have to be a partial console and a rock circle there too? Is there? I just don’t understand what Jones/Clyde etc are trying to actually do. And Tesca is being absolutely useless and giving us no answers. I mean what? Does she now not know what the Alighting is? I just want someone to tell me what the fuck the Alighting is. This is worse than fucking Deep Sky. 
I mean I’m glad we’ve finally brought the console full circle. We’ve seen what it was meant for. That’s cool. But I need the rest of the answers. What was the blue flame for. What did Tesca/Jones need Max and Liz for? For that matter, was Alex really part of some contingency plan or was it just a convenient way to get rid of him for the whole season? Will they even attempt to make it make sense? Have they drafted Alex in the fucking Pocket Dimension/costco Upside Down to do some alien computer hacking/engineering to try and trigger the Alighting somehow??!?!! I don’t know anymore. 
And the entire promo for next week was about fucking Liz and her mist addiction. More Rosa...yay...but uhh...I would like to know what’s going on with Michael and Dallas trying to find Alex through the looking glass okay. GIVE ME THAT! 
I really just need Alex to be in more than just like...the last episode. They’re literally killing me. Could they not have thrown us a goddamn bone and filmed some extra scenes with Alex in the costco Upside Down to slot into the season so we would have some fucking idea of how he was doing? Ugh. 
Also...I really need them to stop with the fucking Harry Potter references. Enough already!
Oh, and Tesca being all “the ones you call Louise, Nora and Theo”....You all call them Louise, Nora and Theo! You were in the stupid pods all that time, how did you even know? Did they all just like sit around Oasis before getting on that ship and decide what their Earth!Names were going to be before they went or something? I just...I can’t. 
Sigh...I need someone to like...give me a count of how many minutes Alex will be in the final episodes of this season just so I can appropriately set my expectations. Because at this point, I don’t even expect to see Michael and Dallas etc next week, let alone Alex. 
OH oh oh! Right. ANOTHER THING!! Wasn’t Kyle going on some road trip with Eduardo to find Ally Meyers?!?!? So are we really only going to see OG Liz in Liz’s mindscape coma mist dream?! Like...did Kyle meet her? Did she give him that box? What?! Tell me! Is she going to show up randomly at the end of the season to stop her insane wife and contribute something to this story? Also...the way I do not care about Shivani and her daughter at this point. None of this is relevant to the alien story at this stage and I don’t know why it’s still a story being told. 
Sigh....I just want Alex back and for someone to tell me what the Alighting is and for no one to ascend into balls of light leaving behind glowy groot statues. Can I just have that please?!
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sleepyowlwrites · 1 year
find the vibe tag IV
from Rainstorm! it was supposed to rainstorm today and then it just didn't, so I'm making up for it. @avrablake
vibe/phrase to find: "forget about me" and I was reminded of Portal Story which barely even exists but here's what does. it's actually kind of a reverse, but whatever.
“I will remember you, no matter what.”
"You literally won't," Lin said, tugging at her hand. "C'mon, the gate closes in a few minutes. You have to leave."
"What if I stayed?" Era allowed Lin to pull her along but only because she knew she would've just picked her up otherwise.
Lin didn't look back as she marched them forward, taking each dizzying turn in the dark easily. "Then you'll die. The poison has already killed an arm, next it will be your legs and your heart. If you go back, everything gets erased."
Which is exactly why she didn't want to leave. Era stumbled after Lin into the final chamber, the red and blue mists of the gate swirling along the floor.
"Lin," but Era was prevented from finishing her thought by a hand over her mouth.
"I know. You don't want to forget. I don't want you to forget. But more than that I would really, really like you to not die," and Lin's voice suddenly had a lot more desperation than decisiveness. "Please go through the gate. Even if you don't remember, there's always the possibility of you falling through again. You came here by accident twice already."
Era brushed at the tears she hadn't expected to see on Lin's face with her good arm, though it meant letting go of her hand. "You're right. It's very likely that I'll find my way back. But I won't remember you."
Lin's hand closed over Era's, a fire in her eyes. "I'll remember. I'll tell you everything."
"And if I don't come back?" Era whispered.
"I'll remember." She gripped Era's hand harder. "And you will live. Because you'll be alive."
Era realized what she was doing but fought back a second too late. Her body was shoved backward and the heat of the gate surrounded her.
"I'll remember, so just live!"
She heard Lin's voice as though underwater, the mists sinking through Era's skin and filling up her lungs and suffocating her and-
Sunlight hit her eyelids and she opened them to see a blue sky. Grass tickled her elbows when she propped herself up on them. A low hum resonated in the back of her mind, some continuing echo she couldn't quite hear or remember, but that ached in the softest way.
What had she forgotten?
I know more about a character who isn't even in this one scene than I do about the plot, of which there is none. typical Sleepy.
@ink-fireplace-coffee @nikkywrites @vsnotresponding @moondust-bard @memento-morri-writes GO FORTH AND FIND: "I promised I'd keep you safe" or something adjacent, thx (and maybe I didn't personally summon you, but you can still do this tag)
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ask-dtrain · 2 years
📕 Damaged tale FAQ 📕
Frequently Asked Questions
General FAQ /  Or back to the main blog’s masterpost (Since this one is going to be used for things related to the blog / characters)
✨ What is Damaged tale?
Damaged tale is an Alternate Timeline of Undertale that takes place in a frozen post-genocide timeline where only Rain remains.
I shorten this to DTAT! (Damaged Tale Alternate Timeline)
✨ Who is Rain?
Rain is an outcode, a glitch that happened after some events in his world. He is an amalgamation of Papyrus, Sans, and Frisk mainly.
You can read his reference sheet for more information.
✨ How old is Rain?
Being an amalgamate, I cannot really figure out an ‘age’ for him, because I could give him many kinds of age: Existentially, mentally, physically, etc.
But he is an adult, not a child. His physical form is a mix of Sans and Papyrus’, and mentally he can recall everyone’s memories and experiences.
✨ What are his abilities?
I will link this post related to him fighting + extra info
Rain is naturally a hacker and a glitch given the circumstances he was created in. Just with these things, he is able to read codes, modify them, and learn from them too, although he can be very clumsy.
He can travel to different AUs, but this doesn’t usually work as expected.
He can use bone attacks as a normal thing, and blue / orange attacks, but they come with some errors in functioning.
He wants to specifically learn how to take advantage of glitches to revert things to their default / previous form, this way he could do some good with it. (Thinking of it like a healer, for example)
Because Rain is also an amalgamate, it is difficult to damage his physical form or determine his stats, and he cannot ‘die’ both because of this and because of his Determination. He is not completely immortal, though.
✨ How was Rain created?
I have this post about it.
But in a rough summary, Rain is the result of an accident that happened in a post-genocide route, that involved Frisk, Papyrus, and Sans.
✨ Is he a Sans? / Why does he looks like a Sans?
I’d like to say yesn’t to this, but also Rain is not a Sans. Sans is only part of his amalgamation. And because Sans was the only person who ‘existed’ completely during the accident, his code ended up recalling his form mainly.
✨  I have a question about Rain / Damaged Tale
Go ahead! It always makes me excited to get asks. My asks box is always open, but if you expect me to draw something it might take me longer than something you would just want me to ask with text. 
If you are expecting me to do things related to interactions or do roleplay, your luck is a 50/50. (Depends on mood or other stuff)
✨  Does Rain has alternate versions?
He does! There is Storm (Flowerfell), Momo (Underlust), Xine (Xtale but shitposting), Mist (Underswap), and a Human version.
✨ Can I draw your characters / make content about your characters?
I’ll cry. Yeah, but seriously. I would be more than glad to see it! I do not mind people @me at all to see, even though Tumblr sometimes do not help to see the mentions.
✨ Can i ship your character(s) with another character(s)?
For fun, I do not really mind. I myself like ships and messing around with them, but I am picky about who to ship myself when it comes to Rain, so it’s a maybe.
✨ Can I roleplay as him?
I would say no to that. Because I don’t want people misunderstanding my character. Sometimes I even think he could be too complex for me, so...
✨ Who are his family / friends?
His ‘family’ are basically his two big brothers: Insans (Tatatale), and Sappy (Sukk0).
His friends (Or some of them, mainly based on Roleplay interactions and because I get along with the creators) are:
His best friend: Cheshire (Alch3mic) Duo (Zirkkun), Herb (Omero-megane), Impostor & Orion (Impostortale)
✨ Does he have enemies?
Rain does not have ‘official’ enemies! Neither I am planning to give him any, mostly because Rain does not like to be a fighter but a pacifist, so it is not something he would actively do.
✨ Is he part of another AUs or Multiverses?
He is! Rain is kinda part of (Or a guest you could say) Magusverse and Warverse.
✨ If you have more questions, you can type them in this post and I will reply / add them!
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