#oil pans
taevisionceo · 1 year
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📰 TAEVision Engineering 's Posts - Sun, Jun 18, 2023 TAEVision 3D Mechanical Design • Parts AutoParts Aftermarket ChassisParts Bilstein suspension / Eibach springs ElringKlinger oilpans enginehousings Bremi Auto-Elektrik Ignition Products... NECTO brakes • Automotive Trucks Agriculture Forest Chevrolet PickUp Silverado 1500 Hybrid 01 - Data 119 Parts AutoParts Aftermarket ChassisParts Bilstein suspension / Eibach springs ▸ TAEVision Engineering's Post on Tumblr 02 - Data 194 Mechanical Design Applications Parts AutoParts Aftermarket ElringKlinger oilpans enginehousings ▸ TAEVision Engineering's Post on Tumblr 03 - Data 208 Parts AutoParts Aftermarket Bremi Auto-Elektrik Ignition Products... Ignition Systems... Ignition Coils ▸ TAEVision Engineering's Post on Tumblr 04 - Data 101 Parts AutoParts Aftermarket NECTO brakes Disc Brake Pads and Rotors DiscBrakePads BrakePads BrakeRotors ▸ TAEVision Engineering's Post on Tumblr 05 - Data 430 3D Design Applications WINTER SEASON [Auto] [Agri] Automotive Trucks Agriculture Farm Farms Farming Forest Chevrolet PickUp Silverado Double Cab 1500 Hybrid 2009 OffRoad ▸ TAEVision Engineering's Post on Tumblr
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Global Data - Jun 18, 2023
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tinyfantasminha · 4 months
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we don't want fur on the food now do we
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vincentbriggs · 5 months
Do you have opinions on sewing machines? I ask because my family is trying to get into making our own clothes and I'm at a loss on how to even start researching and thought you might have opinions.
I'm partial to the old cast iron Singers. I grew up using a 15-91, and when I moved out I got a 99k. Both are electric and have the ability to backstitch, and they only do a straight stitch but have a bunch of feet and attachments, including a buttonholer.
It depends on what you want though, if you think you'll be needing zig zag stitch then a newer machine would be better, but you can still get solid metal ones that are decades old and have some different stitch options. I think most of the fancy stitches on those machines never get used though, you can probably get along fine with just straight stitch.
I have practically no experience with modern domestic machines, and I know a lot of them can do fancy stuff, but I don't like how plastic-y they are. I'm sure there are some that are good, I just don't know which ones they are, and I'm sure someone who does use modern machines will have suggestions! I just personally don't like the vibes of working on a plastic machine. It doesn't do the satisfying thunking and clunking of a nice old metal one, you know?
There are lots and lots of secondhand ones that can be found pretty cheap, though they might need some servicing. I bought mine off kijiji from a guy who refurbishes them, but have seen a lot of machines at thrift stores, estate sales, etc.
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ghostsberry · 2 months
do you have a brush tutorial up
pretty please w cherry on top
of course! heres a quick one ive just did, mainly explaining why i use every brush, i dont use a lot of them tbh just the same four
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and heres a step by step i did a few months ago where i also talk about brushes"
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im not sure if this is what you were refering to, hope these help you :)
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Émile Munier (French, 1840–1895) Young Lovers Mocking Pan, 1877
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hashileio · 1 year
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saw that tiktok of a rat getting seasoned and i had to season my rat
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halloween-sweets · 6 months
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s-c-r-ee-ch · 1 month
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The punishment of Midas
Pietro Bianchi (1725)
The painting depicts a story from Ovid's Metamorphoses about a musical contest between Apollo and Pan, conflating the entire narrative into one scene. Pan audaciously challenged the god of music to the competition and blew a rustic melody on his pipes that delighted King Midas. Next, Apollo played his lyre so beautifully that the judge, mountain god Tmolus, declared Apollo the victor. Everyone in the audience was content with the judgment but Midas alone challenged the decision, calling it unjust. Angered by this, Apollo gave Midas donkey's ears.
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buffetlicious · 2 months
Am back to pack my dinner from Western Boy Express on the way back from office. Ordered the S$8.90 Chicken Steak Aglio Olio (鸡扒蒜香意面) plus add in S$3 set meal and extra S$0.50 takeaway box surcharge. Trust me, it is worth to make it a set meal as you get a crisp salad, cheesy fries and creamy mushroom soup to go with the main course. The pan-fried boneless chicken thigh can barely fit inside the box atop the olive oil-based spaghetti. The skin is charred and crispy while the chicken still remains juicy and tender.
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chaoswarfare · 1 year
dp x dc prompt #55
After 14 separate grease fires, 12 minor knife fights, several layers deep messes, and 4 unidentifiable cooking attempts, Alfred finally gets fed up with the bat kids(excepting Jason, of course) messing up his kitchen attempting to cook. No matter how many times he tries to get them to stay out, they always seem to find their way back into the kitchen and a mess not far behind. If he can’t keep them out, the very least he can do is attempt to get them to learn how to cook. Maybe a culinary class would do them good.
Danny was finally living the good life. Mostly. His rogues have settled down, and his parents have stepped back some from ghost hunting after a string of failures(that may or may not be his fault) of actually hunting any ghost. It all started when he let slip that he was planning to move away from Amity Park. Now he’s got an entire checklist of things to work through to be deemed competent enough to be left(mostly) alone. Number one? Lunch Lady is sending him to learn how to cook.
Culinary do x dc adventures, Worst Cooks In America style. There’s going to be so many grease fires, and maybe someone will even actually learn something.
or- are there any heroes that actually know how to cook?
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deep-space-lines · 10 days
so im taking that oil painting class rn right. i mentioned wanting to paint something original instead of just copying a reference bc that's all the teacher has had me doing so far and he agreed I'm probably ready and went off on this whole tangent about how i shouldn't be nervous to try to do something more original and creative and how he'll show me some original stuff his friends have painted and had shown in galleries etc etc, and... I think somehow he's been assuming that the reason I've been painting realistic stuff directly from photo refs is because that's the kind of art I like to do and that I'm nervous about trying something else??? instead of what he's been telling me to do?
which is really funny to me because apart from this class I haven't 1:1 copied a reference for years, I just haven't gone out of my way to show him any art I make in my own time because this is like a professional full-time oil painter who has paintings in galleries and shit, real high-brow art stuff, and idk how to tell him that left to my own devices I draw video game fanart and dragons and furry commissions and gay sex and cringe and i dont want to draw other things
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taevisionceo · 1 year
TAEVision Mechanical Design Applications Parts AutoParts Aftermarket ElringKlinger oilpans enginehousings ▸ TAEVision Engineering on Pinterest ▸ TAEVision Engineering on Google Photos
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Data 194 - Jun 18, 2023
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metamatar · 3 months
okay so i do like brussels sprouts. february vegetable is a success <3
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pansyfemme · 4 months
im pretty sick of living like this im trying to plan how im going to walk several blocks during a snowstorm tommorow so i can have a conseuling meeting about how my roomates keep saying horrible shit about me directly outside my door (literally walked out of my room sobbing tonight to see all of their chairs moved to be pointed towards my fucking door. real nice.) because they seem to have gotten wind of me reporting the transphobia and threats they’ve been spouting about me and seem to be using it to hate me further. I have to have it at my friend’s apartment because i do not feel safe discussing it in my own fucking house. fuck man
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ovaruling · 6 months
finally tried this and oh my god it’s my new favorite food of all time i’m not even joking. texture and taste insane in the membrane unbelievably moist but crusted beautifully. plus 6g fiber per cutlet??? mushrooms simply cannot be beat. this is unbeatable
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p.s. had my mom try it and she could not tell the difference. this one is definitely superior as far as 1:1 substitutions go
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Rodolphe Julian (French, 1839-1907) Bacanales
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