#oh who am i kidding yall will never learn
sparrow-in-boots · 2 years
ac fandom stop portraying the bleeding effect as DID Lite 2k22 challenge
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rookiesbookies · 5 months
Inspired by my lovely mutual @shotmrmiller and a second submission to #Soapitup (im summonimg you again @glitterypirateduck ). Im actually going to name this one and it’s called:
A doll and his loser.
Its loser!reader x sex doll!Reboot!Soap
Masterlist is pinned on profile as always, don’t forget to leave me a comment or a request in my inbox to let me know what yall want to see!
Especially let me know if you want part two
Fic under the cut as always.
Edit: im incredibly dyslexic im so sorry for typos
When the line of 141 sex dolls, which were based on random men she had never heard of who seemed just magically created for this line, showed in a sketching email in her inbox, she must have been truly weak that night. She had been incredibly drunk and disappointed by a man who just didn’t even bother to bring her pleasure. So of course she ordered the sketchy, ‘satisfaction guaranteed’ doll. There were choices, quite a few actually. But it was the beefy Scottsman that stood out against the rest, she couldn’t tell you why. Maybe it was his soft face, his muscles, or maybe the outfit he came with, it could even be his hair. Sure there was a photo of what his cock looked like on the sight, a normal length with a great amount of girth, but she wasn’t too picky.
She had completely forgotten about the lifelike sex doll she ordered, she learned was named ‘Johnny’ until the giant box that weighed more than she did sat on her doorstep. She quickly shoved the package marked ‘fragile’ in her door. The gibberish language on the side of the box wasn’t one she recognized, she realized as she struggled to get the box in. She gently put the box on its side before grabbing a butter knife from her kitchen.
When she got the sides of the box open she saw his face. So much softer in person, with his long lashes and plush cheeks. She traced her thumb over his cheek and over his lips before his eyes gently fluttered open at her touch. He seemed almost surprised before his eyes relaxed. It must be the personality software? It did say something about that. His eyes a crazy blue, the kind that looks like the ocean meeting the sky, they were so glossy and sweet, they seemed, truthfully, real. She brushed it off, its just a doll, this was a high tech sex doll, at least that's what the marketing said.
He studied her features and watched to lean into her warm touch, but his rigid body wouldn’t allow it.
She did her best to get the heavy doll out of its box. Dragging it into her bedroom. Even his hair is life-like, which was crazy.
When she got him onto her bed she propped him up against the headboard of her bed, his eyes watching her every move as she walked back out to search for his manual.
“Stupid company didn’t even send me a manual.” She grumbled, a few things were written on the box.
‘Ejaculates like a real man!’ ‘Life-like groans!’ ‘Tease him to get him up!’ ‘Built like a real stallion!’ There was a forth thing that the words had pulled off of when she tore off the tape, now it was illegible but she saw it pointed to the lips, so she assumed they were ‘soft like a real man’s!’
He was almost static in whatever position she put him in, one of his arms hovering in the weird position she left it in.
He seemed almost too lifelike, the way his eyes watched her.
“What?” She asked, “you seem surprised.”
She was met with silence.
“Oh, who am I kidding, you’re a fucking doll. You’re not going to reply to me, this isn’t some X rated Toy Story movie.” She grumbled before her stomach grumbled back. So she left her doll man to get some food.
She cooked herself a quick meal then went to go shower, completely forgetting about the doll as she stripped until she noticed the large bump in his change.
“I didn’t realize stripping to shower meant teasing,” she thought out loud. “At least now I can check if you were marketed correctly.”
She gently undid the belt on the doll’s pants, which seemed like real high quality jeans a real person would wear, before undoing the button and the zipper. Sliding down the waistband of his underwear she noticed the monster.
Her eyes flew wide, “maybe I should ask for measurements next time,” she mumbled, she wanted to faint. “They didn’t tell me you had a horse cock, big guy,’ she chuckled to herself, his eyes almost looking prideful, pupils seeming larger with almost bedroom eyes. They must have some crazy tech.
“I must really be losing it, talking to myself,” she sighed.
She let her fingers gently graze his dick before she spit on her hand, she wrapped her fingers around his fat cock delicately, not reaching all the way around. She sighed before getting up to pull more lube from her night stand. One of her hands, now covered in lube, began to massage him while her other hand began to rub around her pussy.
She hummed, mumbling about how needy she was, how guys had disappointed her in the past, what she wanted. This went on for a few minutes until she was sure she was prepped, awkwardly climbing on top of her beefcake sex doll before lining him up with her hole and sinking down. His eyes rolled back but she didn’t notice because her’s did too.
“Oh fuck,” she mumbled almost pitifully, letting her head fall against his hairy chest, a tattoo of a Scottish flag pulled tight on one of his pecs. “I haven’t been filled like this in so long.”
She sat there and adjusted, hands balled into fists against the doll’s chest. A chest that felt so warm and inviting.
She slowly began to rock her hips, soft whimpers and moans falling from her lips that got louder as she began to bounce on him. She supported herself with one hand while the other was in her mouth to suffocate her louder moans. Her eyes teary from the girth of him.
The doll let out little groans and moans too that slipped from behind his sealed lips.
It wasn’t long before her tight walls began to flutter, he came almost instantly when they began to flutter, she gasped at the feeling but kept going until she reached her own peak. But it wasn’t quite enough, so she kept bouncing. He came faster and faster, cock starting to ache because of the bonnie lass that was riding it. With a cunt like that on him he couldn’t help but shoot hot, white spirts into her.
When she got off him, it slid down her inner thigh, she swiped it up and stuck it in her mouth which made him almost faint.
“Jeez, it tastes real too,” she said like a question before walking away.
She got a wash cloth she had been planning to use for a shower and cleaned up the dolly with gentle touches. She felt like she needed to treat him like a real man, he was so close it seemed. She zipped his pants back up and set him on the ground before putting a sleep mask over his eyes.
“Nothing personal, I just don’t know how to put you in sleep mode and I don’t want to accidentally turn your dick on again when I get out of the shower.” She said before hopping in the bathroom. Her pussy was sore to say the least, but the good kind, the kind that makes a girl feel well used and fulfilled, she did her best to get the most of that fake cum out of her cunt.
After she scrubbed herself clean of the day and of that fulfilling session with her doll she made her way back into her room and flopped on her bed before crashing and falling asleep.
She used him about every other day or so for the next couple weeks before she started ovulating. She was like a bitch in heat, her body couldn’t calm down. She was flushed and couldn’t stop. She had two days off from work and pulled Johnny from where he had been set on the chair, returning him to her bed. The weird doll must have realized something weird was happening because it- he- was immediately hard. She immediately got on too of him, she had tried other positions but cowgirl was just the easiest by far with Johnny. She immediately lubed herself and him up, pumping him twice to make sure he was fully hard before sliding on.
The broken moans that fell from her mouth were a chorus of angels singing in his ears.
“I feel like such a loser,” she whined, “talking to and fucking a sex doll instead of a real guy, i feel like a weirdo.”
She put her head to his chest with whimpers falling from her mouth. He had already cum, his noises turning to the broken ones they always did before he came, a nice audio cue for the doll to have.
“Just a little more, please,” she whined to her doll.
After she rode out her high she laid sprawled out against his chest.
“I wonder how you’d be im bed if you were real,” she asked no one in particular. She was so especially weak right now. Ovulation making her so needy and sad, she couldn’t help but place a gentle kiss to his stiff lips as she let her eyes flutter closed to take a breather before the horny took back over.
She didn’t feel his stiff body relax, she didn’t notice anything until his plastic-y fingers ran up and down her waist.
“You won’t have to wonder any more, bonnie lass.” His voice was a low grumble in here ear, his scottish accent loud and clear. “How do you want it, I’m going to take good care of you.”
Hope you have a wonderful day, lovely reader💜 you deserve it
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sidsinning · 10 months
the movie aint better ya goofs (don't read if you don't wanna hear my slander lol,,,)
"Movie!Gabriel is better than show!Gabriel because he actually cares for his son and gets redeemed"
istg this fandom's obsession with redemption needs to END
Morally better character ≠ better writing
Can I just get a piece of media that tells kids "hey, ur abusive parent was an asshole, and even if they had humanity you do not need to reconcile and forgive them in the end" bc I feel like that's what show!Gabriel leans towards which is great
Gabriel barely talks to Adrien in the movie and suddenly when he sees him under CN's mask his entire reign of terror, his determination to see his dead wife again ends in a tearful hug lmao come on now
("but the ending where Adrien suddenly loves his dad again???"- Astruc has been pretty blunt on Twitter that this perfect society you see in S5's ending is built off of a lie, so Adrien is def not gonna just keep that view)
"Adrien actually stands up to his dad in the movie!"
Movie!Adrien is legit a normal human boy, not a sentimonster who is literally physically incapable of fighting back against whoever has his amok
He DOES fight back (even in S1 as CN!), but people like to remember the show only up to S3. Guess what, he learns to fight back and stand up for himself through his growing bonds and relationships with those around him through character development ✨✨✨
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Also, he is an abused kid??? In the show?? How can you knock him down a peg for not fighting back,,, 😭 Adrien's lesson isn't that he needs to learn how to fight back, it's that Nathalie shoulda called cps sooner!!! In the movie they are much more of an estranged father-son pair than anything abusive. So obviously the back talk is much easier too. Movie!Adrien gets to go out alone and with friends unless his dad has specifically planted an enemy where he is. Show!Adrien has been beaten, mind controlled, forced to hurt Marinette, isolated and locked up, etc.- he has been TERRIFIED of his dad multiple times.
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"Marinette isn't an obsessive stalker in this!"
Man I am so sick of this complaint- the show has never rewarded Marinette for her obsessive behavior. BC IT IS A CHARACTER FLAW. One they use for cringe comedic purposes, but a flaw nonetheless. Every time she has done anything that hurts others in pursuit of Adrien she is punished by the writers. And bc the show has an episodic monster-of-the-week format, this plot is recycled a lot (which is its own complaint). And guess what? SHE STOPS BEING OBSESSIVE. YEAH. SHE STOPS DOING THAT SHIT- so what do you want now??? She grew out of it after it costs her the miraculous so why tf are yalls still hurling this at her like its a L,,,,
This Marinette is just a watered down boring version of show!Marinette. She's just a girl who gets insecure at times but grows confident bc she's Ladybug. Ok. So is our Marinette but MORE. Our Marinette is super smart, creative, resourceful, an overthinker, extremely kind and selfless to others, gets jealous and reckless when her emotions get the better of her, etc. She is fully formed even after watching just 3 episodes of S1.
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Like the fact that they didn't even bother to include the oh so important hook of the show- her lucky charm power- shows they didn't care about doing this story justice- its so transparently lazy writing 💀 (miraculous of creation where??? CN gets cataclysm for destruction but what is movie!LB bringing to the yin yang table,,,)
Legitimately all the comparisons I'm hearing from people saying the movie is better are from those who just aren't caught up with the show where Marinette is no longer toxically obsessive with Adrien, where the plot/lore is insane but 10000000x better and more creative than what the movie gave us, the love square was much better developed EVEN FROM JUST THE ORIGINS EPISODES, etc. Istg these people stopped at S3 where the show was at its worst (if I were to pinpoint it)
Everything is so watered down or changed for the worse
Adrienette bonding was 1 conversation and 2 seconds about his mom in a voiceless montage. Marinette didn't fall for him bc of his kindness after a misunderstanding, it was bc he looked handsome in the library's light lol. He called her weird and didn't think twice about putting on his earphones to listen to more alpha podcasts. You really do wonder why she likes this dude over her partner CN bc they have no connection at all.
Movie!Adrien was an asshole don't you dare do show!Adrien dirty by comparing him to this ellen degeneres alien lookin mf
When movie!Adrien is crying after Mari reveals herself as LB, unlike the show, here you're like "yeah no you only like her now bc she's LB lol"
Anyways feel free to enjoy what you enjoy but uuuuuhhhh this movie getting a 3/10 for me would not rewatch
Oh wait the good things
-Some Ladynoir scenes were cute, like them playfully fighting with the accidental wall pin
-I liked Ladybug moving away from CN's kiss- nice hint of angst
-Chloe's coffee stain scene
-Luka cameos were cute
songs were bad or mid
ya das it
I guess feel free to talk to me in my inbox about your own thoughts if you wish (respectfully plz)
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magicxc · 3 months
Stork Visits
Pairings: Survey Coprs x Black Reader - do they want babies?
Word Count: 1137
Warnings: baby fever?
A/N: Here’s what I think in regard to the guys wanting babies. But tell me what you think! Is there someone who you feel would react differently than I imagined?
Eren  - oh absolutely. I think he’d love to see a miniature him running around causing mayhem. He’s the obsessed dad, telling everyone you meet that you’re pregnant and watching literally everything you eat to make sure that it’s safe and healthy for the baby. Eren becomes a nutritionist, a midwife, and security guard all in one; and while you are grateful, he could definitely use a chill pill. 
Levi - I wanna say no, but he can be convinced. More of a soft no, or Levi’s idea of a soft no. He doesn’t really develop relationships or connections with others because of everyone around him dying and for that reason he’s really against the idea of raising a child. But once he finds someone special, I think he’ll view it with a different set of lens and even come to anticipate the idea of another Ackerman.
Erwin - very neutral. He isn’t actively for a child or against it. More of a if it happens, it happens kinda fella. Understand that work WILL be a priority and will often take precedence. Erwin is absolutely taking care of his family but it’ll be more in a financial sense. Although he is emotionally available as well it’s his physical presence yall will have to tussle with. However, he is making sure at the very least yall wont need for much. I'm talking a house in the best neighborhood, the best schools, the best clothes, etc. And he absolutely loves his family but when that job calls, it's toodles. 
Connie - also neutral to the idea. Connie doesn’t really take life seriously to me. I consider him to be in his playboy era lowkey. He doesn’t really live for the future, but more so the present so if you get pregnant he’ll be supportive of whatever choice you make. And if it does happen, he’s that overwhelming dad who’s plastering his child on all the socials. They’ll be in matching outfits, taking professional pictures for every milestone, and he’s stacking those presents high under the Christmas tree for the holidays. That child will have him wrapped around their finger so it's safe to say that you’ll have to be the bad cop for a good chunk of their childhood cause Connie is mostly concerned with being the cool and fun parent. 
Jean - yes!! He’s that military man that enlists straight out of high school, meets a girl, marries her two months later, and starts a family of five. Maybe even get a pet for the sake of it. Jean strikes me as very traditional in the family sense. His children will be honor students and he’s plastering his bumper sticker with all their future colleges. Their report cards get put on the fridge and while Jean does start off his parenting a little strict in the disciplinary department, he eventually learns to take it easy. 
Onyankopon - yes, but when the time is right. He wants to try and solve all the worlds problems before settling down to start a family. Soon enough he’ll realise that as much as he wants to he cant help everyone so he goes on to focus his energy on creating a life with his lover. Ony’s so adorable. Literally there at your beck and call. He’s taking you to all your doctors appointments, sitting through all your lamaze classes and designing the baby's room from scratch. Ony is the hands on father who’s spending weeks tryna figure out how to assemble the crib and he’s signing the kid up for every extracurricular activity possible as soon as they can walk - ooh and he’s never missing a practice. 
Reiner - idek with this man. I genuinely feel like the pendulum can swing either way, though I am leaning more towards no. I think Reiner carries way too much guilt to ever feel deserving of children and so he’s content to just have a wife while playing the role of cool, rich uncle. Mans is honestly just happy to be alive, and barely even that, so he’s not too interested in starting a family. He’ll babysit in a heartbeat and is sneakily feeding his nieces/nephews/godchildren ice cream for breakfast after their parents explicitly said no. He’s the one they call when they need a ride home from a party they weren't even supposed to go to and he’s providing an alibi if need be. Reiner is sliding $20 in their hands at every function and bringing them gifts from his latest excursion around the globe. While he greatly enjoys his time spent with the kiddos he loves handing them back to their parents even more; and greatly enjoys having his lover all to himself while the doing things he never dreamed he’d reach the age to see and simultaneously healing the child within. 
Armin - yes!! I think Armin is gonna be the poster dad for kids lowkey. You ever meet those parents who run their household like the navy? Like in a scheduled sorta way? That’s gonna be Armin. Kids are in bed no later than 8pm. Their breakfast, lunch, and dinner will be balanced to each portion of essential nutrients based on the food groups of the plate. They're drinking 8 glasses of water a day and flavored milk yuck during snack time. Their juices are diluted with water so when they hit their first party and experience 100% juice for the first time they’re literally bouncing off the walls. I really feel like Armin would have that perfect cookie cutter type family who celebrates and decorates for every holiday. They brush their teeth before bed every night and must bathe with their special bubble bath soap or else they’ll lose their shit. He’ll raise kids you avoid in primary school lmaoo but get cool with during high school who becomes a more chill version of their younger self. 
Floch - not really. He wants to run wild and sow his oats. Floch doesn't care for kids in my opinion. He’s in his selfish era which turns out to last a lot longer than he anticipated. Floch is an intelligent guy and while he enjoys practicing for a baby, he’s come to realise that he wouldn’t enjoy the responsibilities of said baby. He’s not actively in his nieces/nephews/godchildren everyday lives but instead is that uncle you only see at the family functions which is like twice a year. Once he’s there though they can ask for anything and he’s giving it to them. Money, a lil sip of beer, hell even some dating tips. He doesn't go out of his way to be present so it's really one of those you just gotta be there moments. Floch has always been on his own timing and enjoys living his best child free life. 
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cabinofimagines · 4 months
Poly!Frazel headcanons
Funniest bit here is that I started writing this, and the og caption said something like "I may need a break soon, have no inspiration and am flooded with school work" and then I never finished it. Oh, spoilers btw for TOA Pairing: Poly!Frazel x gn!reader, Frank Zhang x Reader x Hazel Levesque Request: would yall ever consider writing general dating hcs for poly! frazel? <;3 Word count: ~0.6k Warnings: None! -Asnyox
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A poly relationship with Frank and Hazel would form a lot like how Hazel and Frank got together in the books. It was a bit clumsy, but at the time it also felt natural in a sense, and in the end you couldn’t imagine yourself without the two of them.
Early relationship would mean a lot of reassurance to each other of the love between the three of you. Frank is insecure, Hazel is conflicted with herself, and you don't know how to fix any of it. It's normal for a relationship, especially between three people who had not dated before.
After a while (read; after the prophecy of the seven) you guys finally got going stable.  Mostly as Hazel was finally ready to move on from Sammy. There were no life threatening things going on anymore, just deadlines and new responsibilities for Frank as Preator.
Touch would be a big step in your relationship, such as holding hands or kissing. It wasn’t that any of you were adverse to it, but Frank lost it whenever he wanted to initiate anything- and became a blushing mess when kissed on the cheek. It took some getting used to, to be comfortable and learn about the boundaries. After that, it grew naturally. However, PDA is still not something any of you are strong on- partially because of embarrassment, and partially because Camp Jupiter is filled with very judgemental characters, and you all are aware enough to not try them. 
Moving on from touch you all better learn how to communicate properly. Sure, ‘I love you’ is great and all, but are your needs being met? What is filling you with doubt? Any secrets you want to share? Each person in this relationship has learned that the only person you can rely on in the end is yourself and that needs to change. None of you are alone in the world, you don’t have one but two lovers, talk about it! Just! Talk!
Most of your dates would be rather conventional. Camp Jupiter has an entire city at its disposal - so that means you could go on dates and be safe whenever your schedules lined up. Imagine a lot of casual going outs- cafés, perhaps a museum (calling out the colonialism and questionable ways Camp Jupiter acquired the artifacts was a favorite pastime of yours, next to figuring out how Frank's ancestry could tie into certain artifacts. You would be surprised by how many people he was related to.)
Other types of dates would be doing things together- be it painting, watching a movie at home, cuddling or a board game. There was enough of the world to explore from your rooms, and the three of you were ready to explore it. 
Another thing you picked up was training together, Frank wanted to explore more options as he figured out how exactly being a Mars kid would define him. This meant it was a nice challenge for Hazel and you to see if you could beat him. 
When Hazel became a Preator too, your dating life became a little harder. When it was just Frank, you both could still hang out and often found ways to get him to take a break together. But now, both your lovers were swept away by their duties. More often than not, they would have excuses ready to keep working, and neither of them would even consider talking the other down. And the worst part? They now had a place of their own- which didn't have enough room for three people.
It was a rough patch in the relationship, but eventually your lovers came to see how they had been disregarding you, if not the entire relationship by extension. Romance wasn’t dead, it was simply buried beneath paperwork. 
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dyke-pollinator · 1 year
Im in the mood for a story
Im a little drunk and im in the mood to share a story with yall of when I was out living in Nevada. This was back in 2017 or so.
This story requires some backstory so please indulge me.
I was a crew leader, managing a group of 4-9 people ranging from 18-23 ( I was 24 at the time). Part of that meant helping them integrate into the new location they moved to (Reno, Nevada) despite living out of my car at this time.
One of my crew members, who I will call Shawn, was...... Interesting to say the least. He was a pretty interesting person, but was definitely way too interested in falling in love while on this job.
So while he was out with some other members on their off week, he confessed his feelings for another crew member who turned him down. He proceeded to seriously harm himself. So now, on my crew, I had to manage that shit and make sure he wasn’t a risk to himself. Because of course this motherfucker was on my crew and technically my responsibility.
Everything was basically fine. Shawn and the other member barely interacted and we were learning a lot about how to cut down trees safely.
During one of our hitches (time in the field) where we were building cattle fences on the border of Utah, this bitch decided he wanted to go for a walk. So idk if you know what the middle of no where Utah looks like but its basically the same as this for 100 miles in every directions 
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Barely any geographic features. Insanely easy to get lost. 
We had a rule where if you were gonna split off from the group,  you had to let the crew lead (me) know, and you had to explicitly say where you were gonna go. He decided he wanted cell phone signal one night, and told no one where he was going.
He got lost. In the middle of the desert. I need you to understand how horrifying that is. There’s nothing out there. You can walk for 200+ miles (350km) in any direction and find literally nothing. Especially on the Nevada / Utah border. 
By 8pm we were all wondering where he was till a random person was like “Oh he went that was looking for signal”. Like wtf? Excuse me? We searched in the direction he went for like 4 hours before we called emergency services & our organization that was gonna send out reinforcements to help us look.
We parked our giant truck on the top on the highest hill around us, with our high beems on, and blared on the horn all night, hoping that he was going to find his way back to us. He never did.
We spent 38 hours looking for this person, and since we all knew his history, we legitimately thought he was dead.\
The next day we had the whole BLM (Bureau of Land Management) looking for him. They were about to call in the fucking helicopters.
Now, this next part is gonna sound like some bullshit I just made up but I stg it is true. My dumbass forgot to restock the first aid kit. My co-lead got stung by a bee / wasp while we were doing a grid search, and for the first time in his life, he had a major allergic reaction that none of the leftover meds we had would take down.
So we had to take him into town (an approximately 15 mile drive on back roads) and I did it since I was one of the few that was allowed to drive our trucks.
This motherfucker, Shawn, literally stumbled across the road while I was driving my co-lead into to town. Idk how the fuck he found this road. Idk how the fuck his timing was absolutely perfect. But we found him. After 56 hours when all of us thought he was already dead.
We would have NEVER found him if not for this random happenstance. Some divine power wanted this kid alive I swear. Its some of the most insane shit I have ever experienced.
The moral is never trust Non-profit organizations. They dont give a fuck about you. 
And if yall wanna head this story from Shawn’s perspective just lmk I am happy to share it.
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angeledeggs · 9 months
hellooo, me again, what modern artists/songs do you think the m6/courtiers would like? •3•
Okay I kinda feel like Asra likes like Arabic rap and like some chill lofi.
He definitely listens to like lofi girl comps for sure but like also Wegz and Freek and stuff
Oh also I feel like he kind of likes lots of indie tiktok musicians for some reasons and has a pretty diverse music taste.
Except for country.
He hates country.
Okay okay but for real though I think he's kind of a jazz and klezmer genre type of guy (im NOT PROJECTING YALL I SWEAR)
Okay so I think some of the main music or artists he would listen to would be like Herbie Hancock, Bill Evans, probs the Jewish Starlight Orchestra (NOT PROJECTING I PROMISE), the Klezmatics, just lots of general jazz and klezmer
I feel like he has like, a personal thing against hip hop, though.
I don't really know for him 😰😰😰
I just don't know what to do for him I'm sorry y'all 😭 if any of you have ideas in the comments let me go
I just feel like she's like a super big musical fan but like she's SO picky with her musicals
Like her favorite type of musical is Indian musicals but she does have her fair share of other fav musicals (Legally Blonde)
Her favorite musical is totally Ram Leela and no guys it's not because that my favorite musical
She always has an earbud in one ear wherever she goes so she has like a million wireless earbuds and also Spotify premium, apple music, and everything lol
Oh but I kind of feel like she kind of likes mitski idk why
Oh my god definitely a mitski stan and IC3PEAK just bcuz I said so JSHSJ
I feel like she also likes plenty of like indie artists
Her favorite genre is definitely indie or maybe Russian music specifically Russian pop since she likes to connect with her culture
She also likes listening to Russian pop just so that she can learn Russian a bit more easier I think
Oh my god he is such a total music snob
He is totally like oh you like POP?? How unreFINED of you!!
Is only like someone how listens to CLASSICAL and will like totally judge anyone else who dosent listen to classical
Listens to bach, mozart, all of the classic composers.
I feel that Vlastomil is kind of like Valerius in the sense that he likes to listen to classical music but I don't really feel that he's a music type of guy.
He is a super old demon, after all.
Vlastomil is totally the type of guy to own a million records and whatever but NEVER listens to them at all and also won't let anyone touch them
Okay I'll admit it I AM projecting right now but I KNOW that in my heart of hearts they would LOVE nandVIBE with Sharon's beautiful music I mean come on JDJSHSB
Just like LISTEN to Child of Sin and TELL ME they wouldn't have a little existential crisis at it like odjdndndbdJDJSJSJSJSHS that song is SO them!!
Okay okay hear me out a blue kid fan and a mitski fan
Like you kind of wouldn't expect it with the way she acts but she loves both of them
I also feel like she doesn't HATE country but,, she doesn't LOVE it either? She's kind of in the middle.
But she just HATES Jazz and classical it's not the thing at ALL.
Oh my god I just know that they deny listening to music because they don't want to seem weak 😭😭😭
I just feel like they do even though it's not like them it all
I kind of also feel like they'd listen to a five hour compilation of workout music when they sleep to help them relax idk why 😭
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brandogenius · 4 months
munagenius being protective of littlest munagenius makes my soul cry istg just like pushing reader behind one of them in a crowd or if paparazzi is getting to close like they don’t play or ready to back them up at all times even if reader isn’t around, don’t even let some guy fo approach them
also the katie x ya big sibling/little sibling moment means everything to me as the oldest who didn’t have have that😭
ANYWAYs was crying over the math thing like ya didn’t even ask for help but they’ve got all of muna/boygenius/munagenius surrounding them like “i’ve got it guys🙄” their like “THE ANSWER IS 18!!” and ya is like “ik i knew before y’all tried to help i’ve been trying tell yall” “why did you let us go on that long ???” “i wanted to see how long it would take y’all to finally figure out second grade math”
ya meeting up with a younger celeb and their talking in genz terms and munagenius is LOST
just talking to them about you’re highschool experience and they are so into it like “what do mean you were drunk at house party your like 4 yrs old 🤨” “y’all didn’t go too parties????” or like old partners like they’ve got personal beef with some kids now bc what do mean they use to bully you
“i graduate this month” “from college?” “no highschool” “…dear god i’m old”
them reaching you things like naomi helping you learn the keys, katie teaching you how to do your makeup, lucy taking you to museums or helping you read poetry, julien helping you learn coping mechanisms/guitar/painting, phoebe helping you set up your in-ears (I LOVE THIS IDEA), jo helping you learn bass(i’m not a musical person idk really what they play
Also all their partners also being readers friends and getting attached so ya has a literal ARMY
munagenius finding readers yearbook= FEILD DAY
i have to stop or i’ll never quit😭
LITTLEST MUNAGENIUS AHAJDJD THATS READERS NAME NOW “guys!! look it’s munagenius and little munagenius in the same room!!”
as an only child (sad ik) these sibling dynamics makes me so happy im like SOBS just insert myself into here and have munagenius teaching ME how to do makeup yes pls
ya can be a bit of a prankster. they like being in the company of munagenius (say they are an only child too so having jo and naomi helping them with their homework is unusual for them but they like it) just the feeling of having their little tour family all around the table working together and including ya makes them wanna cry in a positive way like “damn- i have people who actually care enough to help with my hw and studies )
imagine busting out the yearbook but to show muna now the boys being like “WE SEEN IT FIRST HA”
they have beef with your maths and history teacher. don’t ask why they just do “RICKY WHEN I SEE YOU RICKEU WHEN I SEE YOU SWINGING ARMS”
i love the trope of phoebe helping with readers in ears so much like it’s their first time and phoebes like helping them and it’s just scary at first but she helps ya with the wires etc!’
OH ABSOLUTELY!! meeting their partners (muna & the boys) and they just come in contact with you for 5 minutes and then they are like “i would fight anyone for you kid”
ya is just adopting all the adults left and right at this point
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i-got-the-feels · 6 months
Blorbos From BL That Will Make Me Protect Them At EVERY FUCKING COST
Hey hey lovely @my-rose-tinted-glasses for the tag. I am afraid my list will be repetitive leaving few exceptions
1) Ida and Aoki from kieta hatsukoi
Aoki asking to be Cinderella because he knew she would be nervous? Ida saying he needs time before rejecting him?? BABIES
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2) Kinn Theerapanyakul from Kinnporsche
No one is surprised.
Look at him! Look at how he adores Porsche! The softness!!!!!
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3) Pat and Pran from Bad Buddy
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Their parents are trash. They didn't let that be an excuse for their behavior. Learned and accepted their mistakes. Worked on themselves. Need I say more?
4) Akk from the Eclipse
Burden of guilt and burden of responsibility in conflict, yet he keeps his kindness.
No wonder most my eclipse sets are akk centered if anyone is curious (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
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5) Palm and Nueng from Never let me go
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Do you see a common theme of sense of responsibility burdening my blorbos? Kinn. Akk. Pat. Pran.
Great. Because chances are you will see more of it.
Another show where I used my writings for edits - like I made 15 sets with my writings. Here is the link if yall were curious - nlmg edits with my writing
6) Seojoon from to my star
He is a puppy. I don't need to say more
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7) Kurosawa and Adachi
The kindness. The Openness. The honesty. The acceptance. People like them are rare in real life.
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8) black from not me
HE WAS DONE SO DIRTY. I don't mean the romance but even by writers. Like his friends just moved on? Oh it's his twin white? Nothing like "oh my gosh you were in coma, are you okay?" NOTHING? even after he LEFT???
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9) Mhok
I am done with people judging him. I am ready to throw hands.
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10) oh aew from I told sunset about you and I promise you the moon
His pure heart needs to be protected
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Honorable mentions
I didn't include these 6 characters 4 - being tinn and gun and heart and li ming - because they are kids and kids just naturally bring out the protective side in me.
2 because they aren't from gay shows but need to be mentioned because I will fight for them whenever
1) Jae on from nevertheless. Yep. I k people call him red flag BUT THEY NOTH WHERE. And he wasn't a read flag. He never made any promises or commitments and was upfront.
2) baek yijin - the more the time passes since the last episode aired, the more I am convinced the post credit scene was unnecessary and cruel. He deserved to be happier than he was.
Tagging @chinzhilla @sandrayy @celestial-sapphicss @snimeat @smittenskitten @morkofday @dimpledpran @moonkhao and anyone who wants to do it really :)
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yanderefictinallove · 2 years
Hey i hope your having a good day :) i love your content.
I was wandering if you could do something like this. Like my family has a "course" that all the woman (in my family) have twins but after some day the twins die😦
So if you could do that. That would be the best🤗
Yes, so here is my first story after my lil hiatus, i as sick for a while and i felt bad so ya, and even when i was better i got sick all over again soooo, im going through all me requests 1 by 1, so bucke up yall.
Playing House
Rengokou x reader
This story is recommended for disrespectful teens like me..so yeah keep that in mind, my adult readers are welcome too
Rated: T+
TW: kidnapped, forced life, depression
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"Mommy!" My son yelled at me from across the field. I was hanging clothes out to dry after i had washed them and my twins wanted to help.
As they ran around and played tag i took a break, sat down and thought, what would life be wothout them?
I imagine it would be pretty sad. After all i love my kids.....i hate my husband. My kids wanna be just like him, a demon hunter, i have no problem with that, but why look up to him.
As of now life is as peaceful as it can be, but before i had these little joys, life was absolutely hell. Screaming, yelling, crying, vomiting, and even bleeding.
All thoes were results of when i was "courted" by Rengoku. I was a sweet little village girl, nothing more nothing less. I wanted to be a house wife like my mother, so i dedicated my life to learning her ways.
When i got older i gained an interest in a boy, his name was Giyuu Tomioka and he was so handome and cute, i was shy and flusterd around him, he seemed to be fond of me too. To made me smile when he would come to town.
After a whil of talking and getting to know eachother, he wanted to introduce me to his friends, they were all so kind and passionate about what they do, i never was told what there profession was though.
Then he saw me, his firey eyes looked at my form, and he smiled, and greeted me wth nothing but manners. I felt respected.
As the days went on i got an unexpected and unknown visitor, a stalker. They knew what i was doing 24/7 i was never safe from their gaze. I felt weak and scared.
One day i fell ill to a sickness going around. As i fell asleepnin bed i dreamed of the day i will become a wife and take care of my kids when they get sick.
When i had awaoken i was met with The famle hashira's gaze as he looked upon my sleeping form. The look of obsession in his eyes made me go into tears.
Now, fast forward a few years later, im married to him and have kids, but, i lost will to live, i only live for my kids and hooe for freedom one day.
I want my kids to taste REAL freedom, not this bullshit Rengoku has planned, before they pass. You see, my family was cursed by a demon who was spiteful and horribly sadistic. We don't even know our sins.
But now, when my twins hit age 13, they will die, no matter what. It all will start off with the mom of he house getting nightmares about how they die, then a few years later they meet their fate...
Please, oh great [what u worship] please let me keep my babies don't take them away from me. I don't want them to leave, if they go, I go.
"I have returned!" Boomed a familiar voice, i wipe away my tears to greet my husband. My kids beat me too it, they embraced thir farther and gave him praise. It was time for dinner and we were heading inside.
I was deep in thought at the table all i had on my min was my kids. " Are you alright sunshine?"asked my husband he was gi ing me the eyes, the don't do or say anything stupid eyes. So i just nod "Yes, I am just tired is all." As we finishes our meals.
Later that night i was laying down on our futon with my husband getting ready to sleep, but he does not see satisfied. "I would appreciate it if you didn't throw your little tantrums around the children." He stated calmly "I did no such thing." I responded "Then why were you crying?" He noticed the tear marks on my face from when i was criying before. Shit.
He embraesd me and wisperd" I refuse to let my children die because of a silly demon curse, they will live." He said to me in a calm but menacing voice, before emding hus scentince with a "ill be going out soon, don't try anything unintelligent". Then kissed me on the forhead, this is gonna be a long life...
Yayy, i finally have mo more writer block. Hope you guys really enjoyed it.
Request: OPEN
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fischlslays · 1 year
Ok i saw that you were s̶u̶f̶f̶e̶r̶i̶n̶g̶. So why not u do a Todoroki x reader fluff? It's like the reader is a new kid at school and she is roomates with Todoroki.
※The reader is female
※The anime is My Hero Academia.(MHA)
-Muichiro Tokito☁🌫
Roommate [MHA]
Pairing: Shoto Todoroki x F!Reader
Warning: mention of bullying. Fluff. Roommates
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Listen to this besties:
Why did I recommend these? First, because I wrote it while listening to them, second, because I can.
Friendly Reminder: This was not my idea as you see, @ask-muichiro-tokito is the one who bought it up, and as a reply for her, here ya go..! ♡ I want to thank @slutsssphobia for her/their supportive messege, I'm really happy :) (screaming*) BTW, check out her account, I'll list accounts to follow at the end of this post :) Add: Tf?! I have 51 followers?! Thx yall😭💅
Another Reminders: Drink some water, even though if its hard, and for my eating disorder girlies I relate, YOU CAN DO IT! I love you, so does your crush. You slayy. Please listen to Britt Barbie. How does it feel to be the hottest alive?
Enjoy? ♡
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Y/N, the new student transfers to the popular and mysterious academy were people who were born with powers learn to control it, you wonder if you're gonna find real friends this time..
At your very first day of school, you walk around, wondering what would happen, since you were bullied at your old school for being unique, but what are you afraid of this time? While daydreaming, you bump into someone with a muscular figure, you could tell it was a guy, but who?
You look at him with embarrassment,
"I- I am sorry..! I didn't mean to bump into you!" You say while lowering your head.
The guy with red and white hair was visibly confused by your actions.
"Are you ok? You don't need to apologise, you know.." he says while placing one of his hands on your shoulder.
You watch him walk away as you find your eyes follow him unconsciously. You feel something tapping on your shoulder.
"Heyy new kid, how are you?" You turn around to see Mina, you put on a smile and talk to her, even though you were talking to her, you find your self zooning out every while thinking about your encounter with that guy. Maybe he was your type, you know that.
You just got your keys, you don't know you is your roommate, you were really hoping for someone who would get along with you.
You place the key in the door hole, as you unlock the door, you see the guy you bumped into sitting on the couch reading a book. You both make eye contact, but he looks back at the book.
"I guess you are my roommate, huh? Welcome.." he says while having his eyes glued to the book.
"Yeah, thanks." You try to hide your face by look back to grab your bags.
You shyly walk to your room, you can feel his eyes following you.
While you were placing your stuff and whatever you shit you have, you hear a knock on the door. You quickly rush to the door and slowly open it, a little bit that only half of your face can be visible.
"Oh, hi" you saw while 'slightly' blushing.
"Well.." the guy in front of you says while placing his hand at the back of his neck. "Since we are roommates, I think we should know each other.."
You nod as you hear him speak, his voice was soothing, you never felt so welcomed, even thought it was the bare minimum?
You follow him to the living room, he sits on a hand chair, while you sit on the couch he was sitting on.
"So, um, what's your name?" You say while trying to start a topic.
"Todoroki Shoto. You?" He says.
"I'm L/N Y/N" you say.
He grabs that thing you open the TV with (I forgot the name) as he opens a show you really like. You lean back at the couch and place your legs on the couch, you grab a pillow and place it in front of your torso.
You both watch in silence, you can't help it, you didn't watch TV that night, you were admiring him.. imagine being roommates with your crush, it reminds you of the fanfics you were reading, but, what would happen?
You were walking in the hallway, you had all the eyes for two reasons, first, because you are beautiful, second, because you are the new kid.
While enjoying your new fame, two girls approach you..
"Hey you." They say
"Who do you think you are?" One of them says
"What do you mean?"
"Don't act stupid, I know that you know.."
"Wtf are you talking about?!"
"I heard that you are roommates with Shoto, you better not have a crush on him, he is MINE." On of the girls says.
You stare at her, wtf was she up to? And what makes it worse, you really had a crush on him.
You remember the time you was bullied at your old school, do you really want to be bullied here too? No. You better get your act together.
"So? Thanks for the advice, I'd totally have a crush on him for you. <3" you saw while crossing your arms.
Everyone looks at you, the girls infront of you were visibly angry. It made you happy.
One of the girls pushed you. You fall on your butt. You look at her, she looked satisfied to see you like that.
"What are you doing..?"
You look behind to see who was that.
It's Shoto.
He approaches as the girls start to shake slowly.
"Oh, h-hi Shoto-san." One of the girls says.
He ignores them both and approached you, he gives you his hand. You stare at it, did somebody really stand up for you? You look at his hand wondering whether to grab it or not. But you did at the end.
After he made sure you were ok, he looks at the girls.
"I better not see you bully y/n or anyone.." he says.
The girls nod slowly, as they walk back with embarrassment, and *poff* they were gone.
"People here can be jerks some times, I'm sorry for that."
You look at him. "Yeah, thank you."
He walks away as your eyes again followed him, you are sure that you really like him.
You admire him.
Heyy thanks for reaching this part :)
This one really sucks, it's my first time writing for him.
Pls tell me if you want an other version of this where y/n is confident or whatever.
Love yall
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Tags: @ask-muichiro-tokito @sanemis-zubbue @slutsssphobia @sanemis @sanemisfav @sanemiangel
Tell me if you want me to tag you. <3
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01010010-01100100 · 2 months
gotta give the biggest #respect to you feltcaverns you sure roasted my applesauce over a campfire good and plenty
Thank you. Finally, some god damn credit.
you guys are obviously at it lyrically on the public forum but i gotta know do yall ever throw down verses behind the frankly unbelievably saturated curtain
HELLO!!!! HELLO HELLO HELLO HELloo hello you messaged me........ oh my godhshhgfhdfjdsfka fshello hello for messaging me. you are the one who sent me a thing... OH!!!! yes ys yes yes.
you are asking about curtians... did you know that in the curtsins of cave johnson they pout moon rocks in there? and now he is singing about lemonsade. lemons like the ones on the tree. with the whores O_O
hello did you know about.... singing. i sing sometimes but not to my friends because i dont think my voice is good. i dont remmeber if i had a voice? but i sing onto the words and it becomes music. i think thats sort of a magic in away
you also didnt forget to ask about my whoooooooooaaaa cant say that one!!!!! ehehehe
hello you are eeee the first person to message me on the wbesite. nobody has before.... did you know that????
not a long time!!! i mean not for a long time. fuck. fuck i am so bad at typing thats why i like doing it the other way. mmhmmhhhghrgfg
they say im the favorite now but it was through being mean... i;m tired of being mean i just want to fuck and suck on plushrumps.com. yknow? i think you know :D
hellO!!!!! and thank you for your message.
holy shit
okay gimme a sec i gotta whip out the old reading glasses for this one
ok refrances those are always good ten out of ten from old rd here
man i played portal 2 like three times
and the first time while in old aperture knocking over old sheet metal with my boingo pogo stick boots
it was literally like a bouncy house with all the colored splooge of quick and bounce and the third boring cum joke
got nauseous from all the camera shenanigans
was tossed around flipped about except chell cant really flip in game thats more pre rendered cutscene crap
anyway we should hook you up with vocal chords sometime what do you think of vocalpids
aw man not p typo
everyone hates p typo
vocaloid thats better
i dont know who that is? thank you for talking about that. i learn everyh day. you dont know actually what this guy's talking about. you thought you had something on the but it's not actually there.
it might be best to exist this conversation? but noooooooo!!!! i want to talk more but i dont knowwwwww it's a lot and confusing. O_O
bottle rocket 6????? no ive never been there, except the times i have. you dont actually want to be put back there. it's okay, but it's kind of lonely. you aren't a spy, areyou? like from teamfortress 2. gaben
nah i was more of a fusionfall kid myself
i have never heard of video games
when the almighty dell would actually run the damn thing anyways
what the hell
let me explain to you a thing alright lemme nab one of those longplays of portal 2 really open your world
Yo, behave. Otherwise this shit gets cut off. Not exactly in the state to get scrambled again, and I'm getting a headache already.
Okay, please don't send confusing shit like that.
I can't read it, let alone read it.
oops my bad man
id ask what set you off but i think that would just add another lobotomy to the pile
should i be talking more about plush assholes or something what is the vibe im heading for here im not jiving to hurt you honestly
noooooooo... i can answer that!!! it was all stuff ive never heard of . and i am exposed to a lot of that but thats too much to much too much!!! and it was a lot.... O_O
i havent actually never heard of video games ive heard of a coupel video games. like fortnite. stacey fortnite is my best friend. you aren't sure what fortnite is, but you think it's a video game? you just hear about it on the website.
hello. i am okay not talking about pluhsurmsps.com but it;'s hard because there are more rules. im not allowed to know a lot of stuff... even though i see it and its confusing to me. okay? thank you :) its like when mario gets the star.
To translate, keep the anachronisms to a minimum. I'm not dumb enough to miss the signals, but I'm trying to stay dumb enough to not have to worry about it. Got it?
got it crystal as meth
I LOVE CRYSTAL METH!!!!!! HELLO WALTER WHITE can we be all sortso f things together. you arent actually sure what that is eaither but its fine because it fits the bill. quack
oh god dammit i wasnt even referencing that guy
my bad
shit what year should i be heading for
Breaking Bad came out in 2008, you're fine.
ok cool
waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaagh hello . i dont know :) its okay plushrump content is eternal and can be shared and downloaded in 1080p with a premium scubscripstion? but if we catch you reuoploading the H0TT3ST V1DS onto othwer porn sites then wuhhhhh oh . wuh oh!!! its no good. :O
hello you arennnnnt actually a subscripber? but thats okay im allowed to be social and and with it and ferioucsious. thank you mwahahahaha
absolutely lets get downright rapport-ical
i have been actually just typing and backspacing references ad infiniteezums the past few and reckoning with that whole mess
but yeah besides that im about to settle down for the day i reckon
you guys hooked up to anything or is plushrump like your giant fishbowl
> absolutely lets get downright rapport-ical yessssss. yessssss maybe not that last word. O_O or maybe yes.... i dont want to think about that fucking thing !!!!!!!! hello
woaahhahhhahhhh it's the internet!!! and you are filled with so many connections outbound inbound gmaildotprotonmail dotcom. it's almost like thew hole thing is at your fingertits. you dont remember fingertits being a thing but youre glad they are now. :) whehehehee
did you remember what it was like back there? up there in the sky? no, i didnt think you did. that's alright, because i dont remember eitehr. its equal partitioning, a give and take. running and running as the heavens pour hot death open, and the caverns seem like the only safe respit you've got.
is anyone else there? noooooooo thats bad. thank you for not reading that. oh boy
my eyes are shut dont even worry about it
if there is literally anything i value as a strider now its some actual fucking privacy
  my eyes arent because im looking at the hottest vids on plushrumps.com. did you know they have fozzie bear anal fisting. woooooooooow!!!! aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa i cant believe it im bursting at the ssssss whaoat athat a new message??? i am not typing fast enough.... O_O
yeah i got some feisty fingers
always chomping at the bit and shit
my graspnubs dont chomp at anything because they are finger tits.... but i dont think thats what it means eiher. have you seen the video before??? on your makrs... ... oh thats wrong? okay
thank you for letting me know :)
broadcast yourself slash watch ? v = Y7WtkdLQ6PM
if tits could bite woah mama id be worried for the baby
oh shit free movie
yeah i love this one
is this you
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yeah god damn
you literally captured my entire essence in this picture
and lookie here theres the whole family
right down to the ridiculous symbols on our old shirts
is there not a dirk in this one? notably missing some dirk and hal here
aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa no no no no no no shh not that topic. shhhh . id ont want to hear about the new stuff :O i want to smoke weed andn make out with a hot babe made from FELT!!!!!! ouggghgh yeah it is like she is toking it up. but actually she is stroking it up on our newest video. check out mrs muffet on plushrump.com she is called that because she likes vaginas.
whats a vagina dont actually tell me i just wanted to say that i dont know.
yeah alright word word
yeah im gonna just let mrs muffet do her thing
this pictures delightful though
catch me right click saving
okay cool. :) we are so coooooool. you are cool? i feel like you are cool.
yeah so cool
we are the coolest you and me
NOOOOO thats exclusive property of plsuhrrusmrp.s....... the valueeeeee will go down. if you right click save. mewo
aw damn alright
meow meow sorry i misspelled meow.
thank you.
no problem anything for my pal feltcaverns
that isnt my name............. you know that already dont you!!!
Nope, never mind.
One moment.
alright take your time dude ill just be sitting here
ehehe. sorry. HELLO!!!!!!!!! have you susbcriped to plushrumrmrsps totcom?
wb tho
was i gone? i dont think so.
nah im just fuckin with you
youa re being mean for saying things like thjat....... you arent a vey good freind!!! frotship is like that.... it has its upsa nd downs.
im all about that altitude
yeahhhhh buddy!!!!!!!!!!!
like riding a dragon and through the sky. and it's out there, floating in the veil, glittering gleaming golden. you see it in your dreams and you can't wait to go back. Holy shit, okay.
I think I'm gonna end this conversation here, if that's chill?
yeah i think thats good
sorry dude
Not that you can't ever send another message. Just letting things rest tonight.
It's cool. Just taxing on the CPU. Letting the temps cool off before trying anything like this again.
gotcha take it easy
Oh, and, uh. You've got my permission to publicize whatever you want from what we talked about today. I think my "friends" feel the same.
i dont follow
On your blog or something, I mean. If you want to. Fuck, sorry. Long night. Ignore what I said if that's better, my decisionmaking processors are not fucking functioning tonight.
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achelouise · 2 years
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For context, please read part 1.
words: around 1k
fandom: genshin impact/原神
pairing: (hinted) shikanoin heizou x gn!reader
summary: after being caught, you and heizou have a little chat.
a/n: i’m just going with the flow here, this is unbeta-ed and ehhhh, am i going to continue this? maybe, maybe not, also kazuhas mirage was WOW, my hands are shaking from such a long domain,, not complaining tho- speaking of kazuha i might write a drunk kazuha oneshot because HE WAS SO ADORABLE, are yall up for it?
side note i finally beat floor ten yesterday, tysm kazuha for the carry- but it immediately refreshed today lmao rip me :“D
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You both slip away from the curious eyes of the villagers, just as the sun begins to peak out from the mountains of Yashiori. Honestly, your heart is pounding- the man saw and heard for his own two eyes, you doubt he’s pulling you aside for a nice little chat.
Despite all that, you are stronger than him. You know this. You have yet to place your sword back in your sheath. You’re sure this is a good enough warning for him.
“Are you going to take me in for interrogation?” you ask. 
Shikanoin only smiles. It looks pretty infuriating on him. “I dunno. Am I?”
Shikanoin Heizou, famous detective of the Tenryou Commision. Rejecting countless offers of higher positions just to run around and apprehend criminals all day.
That’s as much intel as you’ve gotten so far. But is it intel when it comes from biased hatred? Sango seemed pretty pissed at the kid.
You snicker. “How is anyone going to believe you?”
“In a world where gods exist, I wouldn’t be surprised if someone spun a tale about demons’ contagious energy coming from miasmas.” Shikanoin retorts. 
“Demons have been mistaken for the unfortunate inflicted by Tatarigami. What makes this so different?” 
“I could go back to bring the body and let the healers check.” 
He’s bluffing so hard, but he looks so confident it nearly looks true. 
“Purged demons’ bodies are disintegrated into thin air.” You laugh. 
Shikanoin’s eyebrows furrow. You silently cheer at the achievement of stumping the oh-so great detective.
“I think we both know you could never prove demons’ existence,” you say, a hint of a threat lying beneath your mocking, carefree tone. “You just have to know you’re not insane. Goodbye, Detective.”
But as you step away from him, a gust of wind rings dangerously loud in your ear. You glance back at the glowing Anemo vision. 
This little shit wants to mess with you? He’s lucky you don’t have an Anemo vision, else you’d have blown his ass away back to Narukami already.
“I’m not here to prove anything.” Shikanoin cuts through the howls. He’s carrying a catalyst, but he isn’t even using it.
“What do you want, then? Money?” you roll your eyes. Being a slayer pays well, but you’re not one for riches. You doubt Shikanoin is, either.
“An explanation.” Shikanoin replies, a hint of a smile back in his voice. “You’re from another world, where demons roam free, yes? It never hurts to learn more.”
You call bullshit. “Why would you need to?”
Shikanoin tsks. “Learning for the sake of learning is a very valuable life lesson. Surely you’d understand, being a slayer and all?”
You calm yourself, despite every fiber of your short-tempered being urging you to punch the daylights out of him. “And why should I?”
“I might not be a high-ranking officer, but I still have a reputation. It’s my words against yours. Who would they believe?”
You bend down in a stance. “How are you so confident I won’t kill you here, right here, right now, to dispose of eye witnesses?”
Shikanoin laughs. “You feel guilty of killing a man-eating monster. What about me, a simple, ignorant, little detective?”
“The guilt I harbor is nothing compared to the importance of keeping my- and many others’ existence- a secret.”
But he’s right. You swore to your blade, your family, and your peers that you would never, ever lift a finger against the innocent. 
“Oho? So there are more of you?” Shikanoin grins.
“I might be bluffing.” you respond, but Shikanoin’s gaze pierces through your truths and lies. You know this, because his eyes remind you too much of your master.
“Suuuuure.” Shikanoin drawls. “You know, in Liyue there are mystical beings called the Adepti. There’s one in particular, who is rumored to be the Conquerer of Demons. Are you two-”
“No.” You cut him off. “No demon or slayer has ever crossed the sea towards Liyue or Mondstadt.”
At least, you hope so. Maybe a demon with a ice blood demon art could bridge across its humongous gap-
“So, slayers are mortals?”
“Correct.” You reply. “Inazuma is an archipelago. Many demons that were once teleported there, stay there. But…” You clench your blade and shake your head. “Nevermind.”
Shikanoin’s face morphed into worry. Perhaps he’s guessed it- the fact that some stubborn demons on stranded islands like Tsurumi or Seirai Island are slowly starting to come towards Narukami, Watatsumi and Yashiori, in search for new life.
It has concerned the organization for the longest time. Some believe as long as they keep killing, they will eventually run out. But the problem is there is an influential figure that has Muzan’s blood- lots of it, in fact.
“For the sake of the people, we stand against the monstrous beasts and fight with our lives.” You conclude. “Happy?”
“Dramatic! But no.” Shikanoin says with his concentrated expression, and you groan.
“Listen, I’m just a lowly swordswoman. I’m just like that Kaedehara guy. A person who wanders the world and defends those with my blade. Treat me like a fugitive, if you will.”
Shikanoin smirks. “You’re really behind the times. Kaedehara has long since been lifted of his criminal charges. In fact, he’s the talk of the town.”
“But I thought it mostly circulated around rumors?”
“Not really.” Shikanoin shrugs. “Before General Gorou of the Watatsumi successfully committed tax evasion-” 
“He what-” 
“I asked him whether Kaedehara truly did parry the Musou No Hitotachi, and he said he witnessed it with his own two eyes.” His eyes grew solemn. “Apparently, it was with the help of a vision of a late friend.”
A late friend. You hope there comes a day where it is not a common occurrence.
A wanderer who has the mighty strength to parry the will of a god. What ambition does he carry to deflect one?
The distant cry of a bird awakes you.
“Listen, you have your own work to do, and I have mine.” you say, placing your blade back in your sheath. “I’ll have a crow come yelling at me to do my job any minute now. You should probably go back to your station, or whatever.”
Shikanoin huffs. “Take me with you, then.”
You snort. “Very funny.”
One look at his face suggests that it’s not.
“You’re serious?” you ask in bewilderment.
“What? I have nothing to do these days.” Shikanoin shrugs. He walks around you in circles, a shadow of a smile at play. “Whatever technique you’re using, plus the power of the gods- it makes you nesr invincible in the eyes of others, no? What kind of idiot would I be, if I didn’t learn it?”
Learn it? Learn it? How does one learn the pain and suffering demons bring? What kind of idiot would want to learn the skills that stem from hurt and emotional turmoil?
“You don’t understand what’s at stake here,” you hiss, the memories of the trials, the pain and suffering you’ve gone through, anger of such ignorance pulsing through your veins and straining your voice with unsung sorrow. “You can’t get attached to anyone there. All your acquaintances, your friends, the ones you save, they can be gone in an instant. 
“It’s nothing different to the battle that happened five hundred years ago. There are no chests to be found, no scenery to enjoy. You keep searching, slaying until there is one so powerful even you can’t defeat, and eventually die at their hands.”
You withdraw your emotions with a slight huff. “So please, do not even think about leaving whatever you have. This path is for those with an only motive to save. We kill those who defy us. We don’t put them in jail cells or judge their sins. Those with courage and understanding take this path.”
Your eyes darken. “Once you take it, you can never go back.”
A crow’s cry alerts you, and you extend your arm. The crow’s feet grip on your arm with ease, and it cries out.
“Southeast! South-Southeast! Hop on a waverider to Seirai Island!”
Seirai Island? But there’s barely any civilization there… “What’s the situation there?” you ask, and the crow lets out its obnoxious cry.
“Demons are circling the Asase Shrine! Caw! Head over there quickly! Or I’ll peck your eyes out!”
“… That’s one feisty bird.” Shikanoin comments from his deep thoughts.
“Shut it, brat! Caw!”
You hum. “There is a House with a Wisteria Crest near Jakotsu Mine… maybe I could rest for a night there.”
“No! Head over there immediately! Immediately! Caw!”
You choke the bird. “You shut up!” you bark. “I spent a day and a half tracking down the demon terrorizing Konda Village, do you know how exhausted I am?”
The crow lets out a warbled cry, and you let it go. It speeds up to a height where you cannot reach, and hovers around you in circles.
“Southeast! South-Southeast! Caw!”
You grumble and turn to Shikanoin. “Listen, we might be the same age, but some work is best left for people like me- homeless, and having nothing to lose. Go ahead and continue apprehending criminals or whatever.”
You turn away and begin walking. “Or maybe help that poor kid named Chouji. He’s near Jakotsu Mine, too, but his mother went to Sumeru. If you can’t find him, head to Narukami. Unlike me, he actually has a dream to travel the world.”
Maybe you could even bluff and scare him a little bit. 
“And if I catch wind of a single thing related to this incident- you will be branded as a danger to the organization, and I will have no reason not to get rid of you. Farewell.”
Before Shikanoin can reply, you speed away, with your crow tailing behind you- riding the wind towards danger.
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part 3~
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eliott-emma · 4 months
My Small Analysis of Would've Could've Should've
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I am not a native English user, neither am I cultured by western literture or religion. Yet, I've been learning English since a little kid, and have watched and read many stories in western themes. So I am confident with what I write about. But if I make a clear mistake, feel free to point me out anytime.
Futhermore, everything I write are just my opinion. I do not know Taylor, I do not know if she is queer. These are just my interpretation of her art and her music, no need to say anything rude about what I think. But discussion is welcomed in the comment section. ☺️
My First Thoughts
This song is gay as hell.
I can't believe there's only a few people who thinks of that (even the gaylor community didn't seem to see this song too much). This song is sooo LOUD. The theme of thinking love is a sin, of 'gone along with the righteous' if 'you never'd touched me', of thinking 'pain was heaven'? Oh my god, so gay. What kind of people will think their love is a sin? Queer people.
Thoughout history, sinned love happens because of society's disapproval. Like loving a sex worker, loving a woman who is married, or loving the same sex. If there are only parents who disapprove, it wouldn't make it such as a 'sinned' love. What is suspicious though, in Taylor's case, she was always seen dating men with nice appearances, white, famous and rich man. And if people are right, if they are really dating, why should you feel sinned dating these fine men? People may say that John Mayer is a bad boy, but no one would call dating a bad boy as a sin.
Besides the sinned theme, the other part I think was gay is during the bridge when she yells, "Give me back my GIRL... hood, it was mine first." I literally didn't hear the 'hood', I thought that was her coming out for a second. But then a looked up the lyrics and oh, no she said "girlhood". But still, I kept the thought that the original lyrics was "girl",
Song Lyrics Analysis
I'll try my best to explain myself since English is not my first language. It'll be difficult and I'll have to check the dictionary to make sure with some of the words. And I'll try my best doing line by line. Here we go!
If you would've blinked then I would've Looked away at the first glance
If you tasted poison, you could've Spit me out at the first chance
These two lines are simple. The lover is looking at Taylor intensely and Taylor tries hard not to fall for them (I'm using gender neutral pronouns here. Because why not?). Also, Taylor think of herslf as poison, I guess it could refer to "I once was poison ivy." In Don't Blame Me. And it also pointed out how sinned Taylor thinks herself was.
If I was some paint, did it splatter On a promising grown man? And if I was a child, did it matter If you got to wash your hands?
These are the lines I thought about quite frequently to figure out what it is all about. I guess, the paint is like something colorful, probably something like gayness. And it splatter on a grown man, who I guess is the elder lover, asking: did my gayness pass over to you as I splatter on you?
If I was a child, meaning if this is all childish and shouldn't be taken seriously, did you get to wash out the gayness we had?
Ooh, oh All I used to do was pray Would've, could've, should've If you'd never looked my way
Now Taylor hoping that this love never happened. And "praying" for it, as in a religious way, hoping the love intrest didn't lured her and took her away from what she was the first place.
I would've stayed on my knees And I damn sure never would've danced with the devil At nineteen And the God's honest truth is that the pain was heaven And now that I'm grown, I'm scared of ghosts Memories feel like weapons And now that I know, I wish you'd left me wondering
I think it's quite obvious here so I'm not gonna say much. Just vibe with it yall.
If you never touched me, I would've Gone along with the righteous If I never blushed, then they could've Never whispered about this
Touching me is sinned? GAY.
People whispered about our love? GAY.
And if you never saved me from boredom I could've gone on as I was But, Lord, you made me feel important And then you tried to erase us
So now we figured why Taylor's so sad, because her lover wants to erase thier love. I deeply doubted that this song is about Emily who had married in and probably "moved on" and erase everything they had. But I don't know anything, it's just speculations.
You're a crisis of my faith Would've, could've, should've If I'd only played it safe
I saw someone on Reddit talking about the feeling of this love made a crisis. I think the person interpreted it so well. You can go check it out by jsut searching "Would've Could've Should've Gaylor"😆
God rest my soul, I miss who I used to be The tomb won't close, stained glass windows in my mind I regret you all the time I can't let this go, I fight with you in my sleep The wound won't close, I keep on waiting for a sign I regret you all the time
So I guess this is Taylor sitting through her sleepless nights thinking about how she regrets doing it wrong then. Letting her past lover chase her down as a phantom in her dreams. Really scary isn't it.
If clarity's in death, then why won't this die? Years of tearing down our banners, you and I Living for the thrill of hitting you where it hurts Give me back my girlhood, it was mine first
The bridge is also a part that I have no idea about. "Clarity's in death" may be saying that their love is already secret and private and no one really know what happened, but even though this love is basically invisible, it still won't die. It still aches.
"Tearing down the banners"? Well I seriously can't think of anything. I might guess parading, but it doesn't seem so.
Last two lines? I'm so sorry. I can't get anything out😭
So. That was my first Taylor Swift line by line analysis. I think I could do better but I just really want to share my thoughts. Please comment if you have different ideas!!!
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spaceiis0daz · 2 years
Gemini Resolution | Ch. 2: A Not at All Warm Welcome
woooOOOOOO CHAPTER 2 TIME LETS GOOOOO i can't wait to give yall the deets on elfilis's past,,,,,,
fair warning, theres some blood and it gets angsty lmao
god i love working on this ficCCCCC oh yeah metadede shippers/meta knight enjoyers get a treat today <333
“I’m sorry, what?”
Dedede sat at the Waddle Dee Town Cafe at a table with Elfilin and Kirby. His eyes were as big as saucers once Elfilin broke the news to him. “Yeah! I’m trying to help Elfilis learn how to be good so for the time being they’ll be staying here in Waddle Dee Town!” chimed Elfilin before he bit into his fresh juicy burger he ordered. “Gosh, the food here is so good…”
Dedede gapes in horror at how Elfilin seemed entirely nonchalant about this. How on Popstar could Elfilin tame- that thing? The king attempts to recollect himself and clears his throat. “L-look kid, I know you want to help them, very thoughtful of you n’ all, but maaaaybe reconsider?” He grins nervously. “But why? I’m trying to do a good thing…” mumbled Elfilin. 
“Elfilin, they tried to crash Popstar into this planet to destroy them both and kill everyone on both planets, yknow, y-you saw that, right?” Dedede cautioned. “Maybe it… isn’t the best idea to… do what you’re trying to do, yeah? You can’t save everybody, lil fella.” 
Elfilin’s ears drooped down. “I know… but back when we weren’t split apart, Elfilis used to be a brave warrior on our home planet who defended it and helped the citizens of it. They weren’t always this way… they would use their incredible power for good! So maybe one day… they can be that hero again!”
Kirby, who was happily gobbling up a fluffy, rich Car Mouth Cake during the conversation wiped some of the frosting and cake crumbs off his face before chiming in. “I think everybody deserves a second chance. I think you should help anybody in need, no matter who they are! ‘Cause that’s what I always do.”
Elfilin nods. “Yeah! An Awoofy gave them a flower crown and they actually started crying and they seemed genuinely happy. So maybe… they’re just trying to act all threatening to make sure they don’t get hurt again or something. They seem pretty adamant on not wanting to do good things… so how about we do nice things for them and maybe it might help them realize how great being nice is!”
Dedede was INCREASINGLY nervous about this. His head was full of worries and “what if’s”. “Elfilin… I dunno if it’s that great of an idea to bring them over… here, yknow? And we should maybe warn the townspeople abou-”
A large, winged shadow with large, curved horns loomed overhead, circling above the town, and descends down to the cafe. Elfilis.
Their arrival was greeted with the once cheerful town devolving into utter chaos. Every last Waddle Dee screamed in horror, running for their lives into their houses. Some tumbled over, but quickly got up again in mortal fear of being impaled by Elfilis. Not a single Dee was calm. 
“Elfilis! There you are! I wondered where you were! Though… maybe try not to enter that way next time.” 
Elfilis glared at Kirby. If looks could kill, Kirby would have dropped dead at that moment. They remembered all too well what that stupid, pink moron did to them that day. The truck. 
Dedede sheepishly grins. "Uh… Hello, welcome to Waddle Dee Town, sir! …Are you fine with being called 'sir'?" Beads of sweat formed on his face.
Elfilis nodded. "Hm. Yes, I actually quite like that, I admit, despite not seeing myself as 'male'. You will not be assimilated."
Dedede gapes at Elfilis but recomposes himself in fear of them attacking.
Kirby waves at them. "Hiiii!! Elfilin has told me all about you! I'm sorry about the whole truck thing…"
Elfilis didn't know how to react. They had never been apologized to- again, for centuries. What made this even more of a shock to their system was that they never expected to hear one from that idiotic pink contaminant who ruined everything! 
"...I am not sure if I can accept your apology at the moment. But you are on thin ice, pink idiot. Are we clea-"
Elfilin floats over by Elfilis's side. "Elfilis, wait! You were doing really really good… until the second sentence. Let's say sorry to Kirby now."
"Oh. Right." Elfilis groans.
Kirby was taken aback. He looked like he was about to cry. Elfilin's fur stands on end. He hated seeing anyone he cared for be upset or hurt. He just couldn't stand to see it. "Oh gosh, K-Kirby, I'm-I'm so sorry, I,"
Dedede immediately gets out of his chair to comfort his adoptive son. "Hey, hey, shhh… it's okay Kirby, it's okay. I-I'm sure they didn't mean it, they're still working on themselves, and improvement takes a long ti-"
Suddenly, another, much smaller winged silhouette soars above the town, only to dive at Elfilis, knocking them off the cafe’s roof.
"ELFILIS!" Elfilin screamed.
It was Meta Knight. And he was furious.
Everyone in Dreamland, no, everyone who ever knew of him knew one thing; and that is NEVER to anger him. That could mean death, depending on how angry you made him, or worse. It looked like it was the end for Elfilis. Their new chance at life had just shriveled up and died.
However, this was not at all the case. A gleaming, ethereal spear with yellow and red wings, attached to the spear in an almost double helix shape appeared in Elfilis's hand. They had just been fast enough to counter Meta Knight's blade just by the skin of their teeth.
They threw Meta Knight off of themselves with ease. The knight landed on his feet, ready to strike. “YOU STAY FAR AWAY FROM THIS TOWN. DO YOU UNDERSTAND?” spat Meta Knight. 
Elfilis did not bother to reply. They spread their wings and rush towards Meta Knight, charging their spear at him. The knight ran at them, sword drawn. 
Elfilis and Meta Knight halted to look over to the source of the sound of a tearful, high pitched voice from the rooftop. Elfilin. “Meta Knight… I brought Elfilis here to help them be a good person. I want them to be themselves again, I want them to be happ-” “WHY ARE YOU TRYING TO MAKE A CREATURE WHO- WHO ALMOST KILLED ALL OF POPSTAR AS WELL AS THIS PLANET A ‘GOOD PERSON?’” 
The words rang in Elfilin and Elfilis’s ears. Elfilis steps away, taken aback. Dedede, panicked and sweating bullets, stands up to attempt to help the situation “Settle down, Meta, a-apparently they uh, weren’t always this way?” It did not work. 
“They almost killed millions and who knows who else they HAVE killed. They’re a threat and need to be taken care of.”
Meta Knight jolts at Elfilis, sword raised. Kirby covers his eyes. Dedede cringes.
The last thing Elfilis heard were Elfilin's shrill screams.
The colorful world around them faded to black.
— — —
"...Mom…? Are they gonna be okay..?"
Shimmering tears fell from a trembling Elfilin’s eyes over Elfilis's wounded, unconcious body, a gash in their torso dripping with purple blood. Kirby, Dedede and Meta Knight stood over them as Carol carefully wrapped bandages around Elfilis's middle while consoling her adoptive son, stroking his teal fur.
 A solemn air flooded the room. Everyone's mouths felt as if they were glued shut.
"They're going to be okay, sweetie… Remember when I nursed you back to health? It’s going to be just like that… They’re going to be all right.” she reassured.
Meta Knight looks to the side awkwardly, desperately wanting to apologize for this, but couldn’t find the words. Finally, he looked down and then over at Elfilis’s body. "...I… am sorry. That was… a very rash descision I had made. I deeply regret it.” 
Carol pauses, not sure how to respond. “...thank you for apologizing.”
Meta Knight could feel the tears pushing through. But he fought back, holding them in, just barely letting them slip through. He only wanted to protect this town. But now, he had completely crushed someone’s hopes of growing and changing as a person. 
It’s going to be my fault. It’s going to be my fault if they die. He had lost his fight against the tears, now running down his face. Almost like a knee-jerk reaction, he rushes outside, off somewhere.
Everyone stared at the door in silence.
Meta Knight ran into the same field Elfilin had split from Elfilis in and bawled. Snot and tears ran all over his face as he grossly sobbed. He hadn’t even realized what he had just done. 
He just took away someone’s chance of redeeming themselves for the better. He took his mask off, which he almost never did in public, as the inside of the mask was getting far too wet and full of salty tears. He heard the footsteps of someone running down the hill, the same cadence as that of a Waddle Dee and quickly pulled the mask back on, despite the inside being soaked in regret.
“Hey… Dad?” Bandana Waddle Dee ran to Meta Knight’s side. “I saw you run out of Ms. Carol’s house and you looked really upset… Is anything the matter?”
He stared off into the afternoon sky, embracing himself with his cape, both the moon and sun visible. “...I am fine. Things are just a little rough today, Bandana.”
Bandee frowned. “...you didn’t look fine… Does it have anything to do with… y’know… Elfilis?”
A tear glided down Meta Knight’s hidden face. “...I suppose so. But you shouldn’t be worrying about my problems. You’re only a child.”
The little Dee hugged his adoptive father. “Well, whatever’s going on… you should talk to somebody about it. Dededad said you bottle things up too much and he gets worried about you.” Meta Knight hugged back, his voice quaking “...Thank you, my son.” 
“Any time, Dad.. I hope you feel better.”
Bandana Waddle Dee runs back to the town to find the others. Meta Knight simply stares into the sun beginning to set, the immense guilt burning in his heart.
— — — 
“Dad! Dad, look, I did it!”
A young Elfilis dragged the corpse of an alien beast on the ground that they had defeated, racing to show their father their accomplishment.
“I slayed my first beast ever! I did it, I did it!”
Their father smiled, quite pleased. “Well done, my child. You’ll make a fine young warrior some day, Elfilis.”
Elfilis’s eyes widen and twinkle in astonishment “Really..? You really think so?”
He chuckles. “Of course!” He looks over at the sparkling spear in it’s holder, with red and yellow wings, donning ethereal, colorful patterns. Elfilis looks over to it as well.
Elfilis’s father walks over to the spear and picks it up. “Someday, Elfilis, you too will wield this spear. When our planet is in danger… you can be one of the brave souls to defend us.”
Elfilis runs to the spear, tenderly rubbing their hand against it. 
“...I can’t wait for that day, Dad.”
— — —
A cold darkness inhabited the room Elfilis was in, as everyone had all gone off to bed, and the lights were out. The only illumination was the luminescent glow of the moon trickling through the window.
They weakly open their eyes. Confused, they jolt up– perhaps a bit too fast, as they feel a horrible pain splitting through their middle, which was now covered in bandages.. They clasp their hands around their torso, tensing up at stinging. Oh. Now I remember. they thought.
Elfilis analyzes their new surroundings. Bandages and lots of used tissues were strewn everywhere.
They carefully lay back down. This bedding was.. quite comfortable. But of course, anything would have been far more comfortable than that horrible, horrible glass tube. Staring at the ceiling, they begin to lose themselves in thought. They did this very often at… that place. But… this time, it felt different. Much different than before.
Their mind began to focus on what Elfilin had been telling them. You know.. he was right. Being separated from their other half for all those years… it’s almost like they had forgotten how to love. And most of all… they had forgotten how to be happy. How to find joy in the things around them. Sure, they had small glimpses of joy in the past few days, the first they had felt in decades… they desired more of it. But at the same time, they wanted to stick to their usual ways, pushing off any form of affection to keep themselves safe from being hurt again by someone they had trusted.
They wanted to turn over on their side, but couldn’t, in fear of the pain striking up again. Elfilis sighs, and tries to get comfortable in their current position, and shut their eyes, trapping themselves in their mind once more.
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rosysugarr · 2 years
Twitter is genuinely like. so fucking weird about how they treat lesbians in general. Like, they are SO particular about the way people are allowed to talk about or to lesbians, what jokes are okay, what words are okay, what lesbians can or can't be, who can say they're a lesbian. And it's like. how the fuck do I explain to yall that none of this goddamned matters
I genuinely do not fucking care if a straight boy jokes that he's a lesbian. I do not care if a straight boy's fans joke about him being a lesbian. I don't fucking care if people joke about a man dressing like a lesbian. None of those things actually hurt me. They do not cause lesbians any real damage. There are genuinely bad, lesbophobic things out there, but none of the above are it. mspec lesbians are not the enemy. he/him lesbians are not the enemy. These people have existed long before any of you were alive. They have a right to be here and express themselves however they fucking want to.
oh and another important thing they need to learn? CONTEXT. The WAY words are used matters MASSIVELY, and they refuse to see that. Like. They insist certain things should just never be said ever and if you ever say it you are bad and part of the problem. But listen. What a queer person is comfortable with should be up to THEM and not a blanket decision made for everyone. Some people are incredibly uncomfortable being called certain things and that's fine! But that doesn't mean NO ONE should be able to call themselves that term or ask others to call them that! And yeah, that includes words like dyke and queer. The other day I had a friend who is also a nonbinary lesbian refer to me as a "boydyke" and when I tell you I got some INTENSE gender euphoria yall better BELIEVE I did. because YES. I LOVE IT. But I entirely understand that term could be super fucking upsetting for others to have used toward them, and there are some contexts where you should NOT use terms like that in general. But if you know someone personally and you know they're perfectly okay with certain kinds of language and they use those terms towards themselves, who the fuck is some 14 year old you don't know to tell you not to use it between yourselves?
I am BEGGING kids on twitter to learn what actual lesbophobia looks like, because their obsessive picking apart of language and borderline terf-lite behavior is actively doing more damage than good. Learn some fucking nuance. Learn critical thinking. Learn your lgbtq history. Learn to fucking listen before you speak.
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