#ofc this all depends on how it sticks the landing
neonsbian · 10 months
oh apparently im in the minority for thinking todays episode was pretty great actually
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brick-a-doodle-do · 1 year
1, 12, 13, 18, 22-30, 37, 42, 43, 55, 57, 75, 78, 79
(You don't have to do all of them there were just so many good ones)
1 : do you daydream a lot before you write, or do you go for it as soon as the ideas strike?
GENERALLY, i like to daydream about my work. i think there's only been a handful of times where i jump into the thing IMMEDIATELY. i'll make pinterest boards or playlists or try to at least map it out with someone/myself, then i'll probably start on a sentence, leave it like that for a week until i find it again and abandon the fic that i did the same thing to! it's a whole cycle jfsdjv
12 : do you outline your fics? if yes, how detailed are your outlines? how far do you stray from them?
hhh it depends! i usually always have the beginning and the end played out, and in a rare case somewhat of the middle. and occasionally, if i do have the beginning, middle, and end planned out i'll try to stick with it but if i want to change smth as i'm writing it i'll go ahead and do it,,,,,
13 : do you listen to music while you write? if yes, what have you been listening to recently?
i've been listening to a few different things, but mainly my serenity playlist (even if i'm not writing serenity) aaand occasionally my dsmp playlist cause dsmp music is my guilty pleasure skfsddsc,,, i also like listening to the neighborhood's masterplaylist
18 : do you enjoy research? which fic of yours required the most research?
i do like research, it's fun to take a break from writing so my attention can stay on it longer lol
aaand i think so far swapped has been taking the most research! because a. he's a borrower so i have to look up more simplified words for things, b. there's a fucking language barrier so i've been looking up ways to write it, and c. i've been thinking sooo much about things to include in reference to their body swapping to make emduo & beeduo more skeptical,,,,
22 : do you title your fics before, during, or after the writing process?  how do you come up with titles?
generally i'll do it afterwards, i think serenity & soot house are the only ones that i've named beforehand as of recent. i had written curiosity months before i posted it as a non g/t fic and titled it really quickly. when i wrote in my notes i did think of titles first, but now it's always after! and i don't usually come up with them on my own, i use the oh hello or hoizer generator puzzle recommended to me :) tho i did come up with swapped all on my own after like 20 minutes of searching through songs to just land on smth of my own ejsdfjds
aaand i think you meant all the ones between 22 & 30 so WOW let's go
23 : is writing the beginning, middle, or end of the story easiest? hardest?
the easiest is the beginning because depending on how you start it it'll almost always have a clean flow, then the end because wrapping things up can be kind of difficult but still pretty clean, and then the middle cause idk wtf to put there i didn't plan that far ahead </3
24 : how do you choose whose pov to write in?
hhhh i haven't really thought about it! i usually jump in with the protagonist cause yk it's the easiest. and if i want another story to be told i'll switch povs! it genuinely just comes easy for me with pov switching so i don't put a ton of thought into it,,,,
25 : what’s your favorite part of the writing process (worldbuilding, brainstorming/outlining, writing, editing, etc)?
brainstorming/worldbuilding fs, making visuals is always such a fun experience and answering questions to make the world more defined,,,, and writing ofc is also pretty fun of course cause wooo it's coming alive!!
26 : what’s your least favorite part of the writing process?
editing! boooooo
i'm not patient enough to read through my 1.3k fics so i almost never, and that's why i got a proofreader for swapped fejsdjs
27 : what area of writing do you feel strongest in?
i think i'm answering this question correctly by saying scenes? the whole process of adding useless description to some things is really fun and i find that if i get it write i can be good at it!
28 : what area of writing do you want to improve in?
dialogue and foreshadowing! dialogue can be so hard and not just cause it's fic, but because i have trouble balancing my description and dialogue,, i'll add 2 paragraphs of description or internal dialogue stuff before i give a response to a characters question lol
29 : what’s something about your writing that you’re proud of?
UHHHH uh uhhhhh my secret easter eggs i leave for myself! those are the best dsjjfds
30 : how much do you edit your fics? do you edit as you write or wait until you finish the first draft?
i don't. i do not edit my fics like ever. and if i do it's always as i'm rereading things i wrote just out of pure curiosity
37 : what fic has been the hardest for you to write?
swapped lol it's 9k words which is way out of my usual word count and the language barrier was a bitch, keeping the writing fluent and making appropriate responses to wilbur's confusion was really difficult in my opinion for the same reason as my answer to q28
42 : what’s your favorite title that you’ve come up with?
if i says swapped one m- my favorite title is the one for swapped! "the waves of the sea (to change or to leave be?)" is pretty cool cause i did reference the ocean a few times in the fic so yeee
43 : is there a trope or idea that you’d really like to write but haven’t yet?
i really want to write that botanist!wilbur & naga!tommy thingy, also the fake fic title thingy with tommy as a test subject that ends at different heights during the day depending on the tests,,, i think that'd be cool! also the one where sapnap noms george and just constantly irritates him LMAO
55 : have you noticed any patterns in your fics? words/expressions that appear a lot, themes, common settings, etc?
i write giants/humans curling their fingers around the edge of a counter a lot, no idea why
57 : how conscious are you about including symbolism or foreshadowing in your fics?
i'm pretty conscious of it, but there have been a lot of times where i accidentally add things like oh shit i didn't even mean for that to be foreshadowing or symbolism but it works!
75 : is there a particular fic that readers gravitated towards that you didn’t expect?
hhh not really, i usually know what'll do well and what probably won't. but i wasn't really expecting hush to do so well! and i sure as hell didn't expect any of my fics to hit 100+ notes asjfjsd
answered these in this post!
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alynicoleee · 2 months
Beginning of Forever: Chapter Twenty
Title: Beginning of Forever (Chapter 20) Pairing: Tim Lincecum / OFC POV: Third Person - Tim Lincecum Pairing: PG-13
Tim landed back in Miami late Monday and all he wanted to do was see Alyssa. It was late so he thought twice about texting her and decided to wait until morning. He was hoping her work schedule this week would allow some time for them to see each other, sooner rather than later.
He was serious when he told that her that he was all in. His dad was right, good things were allowed to happen to him. It had felt like nothing good had happened to him in years, but this - this felt right. He could tell from Alyssa's text on Thanksgiving night that she was a little skeptical. He didn't blame her - they had started good and then he had slammed on the breaks without warning. Now he wanted to speed things up again.
The next morning Tim texted Alyssa early and was slightly worried when hours had passed and she hadn't responded. She was usually a pretty fast texter.
Her response came slightly before noon and Tim couldn't help but laugh, "Good Morning - yes, it's morning. Don't judge me."
"Did you really just wake up?"
"Yes I did. And even though it's almost noon - I am pouring some coffee and about to eat breakfast."
"So if breakfast is now - does that mean I'm inviting you to lunch or dinner?"
"Well that depends - if it's lunch, I definitely won't make it but if it's dinner I definitely will."
"Dinner it is then. Any preference?"
"Some place that has Tequila. I've had a long few days that I will gladly tell you about over alcohol."
Tim smiled, "Pick a place and send me the details. Wherever your favorite cocktail is made."
"Sounds like a plan."
Tim noted down the address and began to clean around the apartment - there wasn't much to clean. Like most places Tim had lived in - the place was mostly bare. He had a hard time ever getting around to decorating past the necessities. You would think he had just moved in when in reality he had been there for five months - since July. He had signed a one year lease and didn't know if he would stick around. The plan had been to disconnect from what he had known for a year. But he was hopeful that plan would change and he would stick around longer.
He arrived to the restaurant Alyssa had chosen right as her car was pulling into the parking lot. He was more than happy to see her, and when they met up at the entrance he couldn't help but wrap her in a hug. She felt so right in his arms.
They walked in and after Alyssa had ordered her much needed cocktail - before even opening the menu - they began to catch each other up on the holiday weekend.
By the time the night came to an end they were all smiles. Alyssa was laughing, seemingly having forgotten the rough weekend she had at work. Alyssa was going to be taking a few days off work in the coming weeks and he was hoping to get more time with her during that time.
He really wanted to make this work. They had talked about his sudden urge to make everything work but he couldn't explain how in the short time that he had known her, she lit a spark in him. A spark that had been dim for some time.
But he could sense her apprehension with everything - he knew he was broken; he always had. Alyssa disagreed that he was broken but made no secret of hiding the fact that she understood he had trauma and pain in his life, and that he needed to sort everything out. Tim understood and while he had gotten help before he hadn't gotten any lately. So he let her know that he was going to search for a therapist in Miami, promising to find someone to help him work things out. He wasn't ashamed of going to therapy, he had been going for longer than he was willing to admit. But recently he hadn't found a reason to continue to go - except for now, for her.
Alyssa lifted her hand up to his face and stroked his cheek softly as she spoke, "I don't want you to feel like you can't count on me too, because you can, but I want to make sure that you're okay first - even if that means it's not with me. But if I can help you heal, I want to do that too."
Tim smiled and placed his hand over hers before moving in and giving her a soft kiss, "You have no idea how much all of this means to me". For a while they just sat there, foreheads touching, gazing into each others eyes and smiling. It was simple and sweet, and exactly what he needed.
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testingcheats0n · 3 years
Chapter 4
Wow. Peasants are... human beings?! With dreams, desires, and emotions?! With backgrounds and families?!
I stg...
~at the new town~
Not judging author-nim's worldbuilding, but Sophos and Ambiades are too old to be training with wooden swords still 👀
So much yoghurt... is that a thing in medieval times? The mongols could do it, ig it's not that weird, but it's so bizzare
Uuh bushes sticks and mountains... some tolkien shit. Then comes the interesting part.
Edis has one queen (no mentions of a king, so a young unwed maiden or an elderly dowager, intresting, intresting), and eleven ministers, one of which is a Prime minister aka fantasy modern england. Ig I would appreciate it more if I weren't so utterly bored by modern monarchy.
Ohh wait hold on. Is this the Queen from "The Queen's thief"? Pog.
Hope she's not the romantic interest 👁👁
Anyway absulte big brain giga chad magus hasn't told anyone but supposedly Pol about the journey and it's objective. I can't wait to see how that turns out terribly, horribly wrong.
Moving on. The country can't feed itself like at all. It's mountainous so there aren't any fields, and I assume that raising cattle is a nightmare. They also import wine (smart) and olives (what for? Idfk) I think this world is kinda, sorta, lowkey mediterranean with what the youghurt and the oranges.
Ambiades is actually an intelligent dude and I think he'll be a competent politician (according to the standards of this world). He's also a decent survivalist, and I imagine has some skill with weaponry. That's literally better than every other character I've seen except maybe Pol, but he just looks like a grunt. Also yes, the apprenticeship is bellow him, he should be learning how to be a leader, take care of his lands, the political landscape of the kingdoms, and how to lead a household not about the fucking olive trees tf 😂😂 he's a future baron (ngl I thought he was the future duke, so I had to look at the wiki. Sophos is the duke, which makes his incompetence shine through), he'll be able to find himself one hundred other Magisi (Magises?) to tell him which tree is what for him. This is probably an attempt to cozy himself up to the king, and other important figures at the court. Smart.
Solnas (Point A) and Attolia (Point B) two kingdoms that trade. noted. Edis (Edas?) Is the midpoint between these two, and depends heavily on trade.
Ah. Solnas suffers from deforestation. I wonder if it has anything to do with the rapid expansion of the kingdom in the last 10-20 years. Naaah, probably just a coincidence. /s
Anyway Edis serves as a natural barrier between these two big shots which is the only reason Solnas hasn't invaded.
Hu ha! Ambiades MVP, seduce me with your knowledge of the ecopolitical landscape of this imaginary world.
And just as I say so, he reminds me that he's stupid. Like yeah Edis will obviously use all the advantages they have.. duh. They're not cowards because they have found a logical way to not let people die omg 😫
So. This whole one-hundred years of revenge...
Idk what to make of it. Grudges and political struggles can certainly last for more than 100 years, but it's not like Solnas is suffering. Idk. Weird king shit.
All three nations are cognatic... primogenitures? That's certainly not uncommon irl I wonder how they handle unclear successions, or if they've had any civil wars. Also how do they handle marriages.
"The Gods of the Mountain country" how quaint. Ok fire round. Bastardized myth of Hephesta (Hestia), and the titans (sons and daughters of the sky and earth/ Uranus and Gea). We also got minor gods of nature, like nymphs (they remind me of the Old Gods in asoiaf) and the philosopher's stone (alchemy mcguffin that grants immortality)
Aaaah. We finally get plot as a reward. They will steal the philosopher's stone to usurp the kingdom of Edis (since it's seen as a symbol of legitimacy) which is actually a better way to keep track of lineages and keep at bay succession wars. There's no dna tests so I do believe that magic is a more reliable way of knowing these things. If they have Edis, they have Attolia. And all of that rests on the shoulders of a random street rat they found. Just as well. They can always wash their hands of Gen and say he's just a rando if everything fails.
The fact that the magis is there is totally a coincidence, believe him, he's there for the olive trees.
To confirm. Hameathes' Gift = Philosopher's stone. Also like. There's two queens and one king, the story is called the queen's thief and not the king's so Gen's obviolsy going to betray these people or do a switcheroo.
An "exptionally talented thief"? Gen?! BAHAHAHA Lmfaoo these dudes. Olives for brains. And ofc the gem = edis = attolia = revenge, but Gen hasn't caught up.
Oh wait wait??? So. Magus dude wants to become the King's thief??? AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHALMAO no I can't. They're getting betrayed and they deserve it, both for being such dickheads and for doing the dickheadery without any thought behind.
Now, now, credit where credit is due. This might have worked if they hadn't chosen the only prideful little brat off the streets that has more ego than brain. Gen obviously wants fame above everything, he won't sit quietly while old olives for brains takes all the credit. Pick someone who wants gold or food next time, or just kill them.
On one hand yeah Magus is right and Gen is an idiot, on the the other... he is a classist douche
Oh? Conquest by marriage? How clever. Unexpectedly clever.
Yes yes! Gen finally figured it out. Revenge. That's important. No one cares about Edis and their sexist backwards lumberjacks.
So old gods = greek myths
New gods = ???
Also Polyphemus built the prison back in the first chapter? For a one-eyed shepherd and man-eater he's an alright builder then lmao.
Ambiades is being lowkey weird ngl... he's bothered by something and I can't figure out what.
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tubbocio · 3 years
alright, so starting off, this "theory" or interpretation or whatever is based on a lot of easily debunkable assumptions. (talking about the c!dream critical relaxx anon reblog if you want to try find the original - idk what the formatting is doing please ignore if it’s messed up)
- c!dream is entertained by c!tommy's suffering / it is his end goal
this is not true at all. he doesn't do anything to purposefully make him hurt, unless it is to serve another cause; what he did was means to an end, not "entertainment". he doesn't care about tommy unless he can be useful or detrimental to his further plans.
his end goal, as said by cc!dream himself, is for "everyone to get along". peace. the exact opposite of letting countries be formed.
- c!dream let people rule and form factions and governments on purpose
as explained beforehand, this makes no sense to the actual character and his motivations.
eret was a diplomatic figurehead for the greater dream smp with no actual power, because c!dream has shown to care about very anarchy-like ideals before and the greater dream smp has never been a country, but rather a home.
eret,,, didn't do anything for the greater dream smp, because he literally didn't have the power to do so. he didn't have the power to change c!dream's opinions on factions either, which is the point of the post.
he didn't "decide the whole monarchy thing made sense", seeing as he literally went ahead and made a whole plan to destroy l'manberg right after the 16th. he doesn't like government because he doesn't like factions. he doesn't want a "kingdom for himself".
this might sound very dream-apologist-y, but you know what, i'm on my villain arc, so whatever; he actually wants a home for everyone else.
i don't get the ramble about rules or whatever but sure. sure.
c!dream is actually one of the characters who make the most sense and he probably sticks to his goals and ideals the most out of everyone - which his actions are a direct consequence of - and he also deals with things very logically. he is not "claiming the world" in any way - he doesn't think it's "his" possession-wise (that's more a c!wilbur thing and we wouldn't want to be repeating ourselves /hj), but moreso his home, his to protect, his to unite.
i don't know when people decided c!dream ever "gave up" because. he literally just doesn't do that, but yeah, he. yep, just some misconceptions i saw there.
not being on my blog makes me drop my polite persona a bit, so i apologize if this came off as aggressive. wish you a nice day! :]
They're replying to this ask!
That is true, c!Dream has never shown any sort of tolerance for countries and kingdoms and the such. Unless you count the badlands, which is very loosely faction and not actually a country (even if they DO have unofficial land). His "Greater SMP" is only a country in name. They have no rules or laws (except ofc dont rob or grief) they have no organized government or parlament. They only have one figurehead: the king. And it makes it especially obvious that they're a figurehead with how easily Dream switches them around depending on how neutral they behave. They have no true power and therefore aren't a true monarchy or government (and I mean true as in functional).
I don't think you came off as rude at all! (at least not in my opinion)
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sadclowngorl · 4 years
The lost boys across generations.
This is all just my headcanon, that could honestly change at any minute. 👀. My headcanons are based off the prequel script! Pls read it.
This also includes my headcanon of Werewolves in the lost boys universe!
I'm a big history lover but don't be surprised if I got some stuff wrong, I'm not from California or any of these decades, but did a lot of research on it. So that was fun!
Comment your own headcanons i need more!!!!!
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Having still getting used to the whole vampire gig, they have troubles adjusting to their new powers. Marko breaks a lot of things accidently, Paul accidently floats off when he jumps and doesn't know how to get down.
Dwayne was disappointed in the no sun ever thing, he really did enjoy visiting the beach and the warmth of the sun. So :(.
David was more morally affected of the murder part, he has facing against eating the innocent and eating the guilty. Though he realized how hard it is to tell the difference between good and evil. And after talking to Max about it he figured just not eating family's or children would soothe his morals.
The boys really didn't want to depend on Max for money at first, and seeing as California really depended on Fishing, they'd help sailors and fishermen through the night. Gathering coin from their work and possibly from the others pockets.
Though eventually the workers were sick of their antics and kicked the boys from the fishing docks. By that time they realized how much money Max has and said well why not.
Baseball was introduced to America during this decade and while I hate saying this, they enjoy it. Playing some ball to pass some time and to feel at least a little human.
I hate saying it bc of twilight. Fuck u twilight.
The influenza made the boys learn that they are unaffected by disease and from that they realized how short of a life span man has. So the next decade they lived through it fully.
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Hollywood shined through California, bringing in plenty of blood and fun.
Marko had small gigs as a singer in some speakeasys, he enjoyed the attention and showing off.
Paul learned how to play guitar during this decade and loves it to this day.
Dwayne at one point was scouted by an acting agent but Dwayne quickly declined and oh no..ate the guy. Whoops.
The boys did push back the threat of other gangs marching through Santa Carla, by obviously. Eating them.
Through many decades, Max was very introverted. And stuck to his home in the busy nightlife of Santa Carla.
From gangs and people coming into California. Came werewolves.
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They gained the name 'The Lost Boys' in this decade from the locals.
The stock market crashed, causing many to go into poverty. The boys understood facing the problem of poverty and in this decade decided to leave the needy be.
Instead they tried to feed from the humans who have no worries, and stole from them. Giving the goods to the locals who needed it more.
Much of this decade they decided to stay in the shadows, trying to be even unseen as night.
Along with the fact that Dracula (1931) just came out, they really don't need that kind of publicity. Plus Max prevented them from doing any rash decisions.
Though murder was still very high in Santa Carla because the werewolves were running rapid. While they mainly stuck to the woods, some did travel to the docks, poverty stricken neighborhoods, just to feast.
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Then came the war, the internment camps, the fear.
The boys thrived from this fear.
They easily avoided getting drafted, by claiming to be gay. Which they weren't lying 👀.
By the 40s, they've had vampire foursomes. No doubt in my mind.
When the war ended in 1945, hitchhiking became very popular.
This was the year they got their own bikes, by got i mean stolen.
With their bikes they picked up lonesome hitchhikers, and played as hitchhikers in the night.
Though by the 40s the tension between the vampires and werewolves were high. The groups would constantly test each other which would end in bloody fights. The boys were outnumbered by the werewolves as they breed fast but, they had the skill over the wolves to keep them at bay.
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The tension between werewolves and Vampires are on thin ice. The boys take full advantage of the greaser aesthetic and with it attract more victims.
Though they do attract the rivalry of the werewolves.
After decades of tension, the two's leaders have decided to come to a draw.
Meeting at the lighthouse, Max and the wolves leader decides the territory issues
The vampires take the boardwalk and the beach. The werewolves take the forest, and the mountains.
The only neutral part is the walton lighthouse and ofc like peoples houses.
After that issue is solved the boys decide to leave the wolves alone and focus back on their own feasts.
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While the tension between wolf and vampires has eased, a new tension rises.
Communism, homophobia, raegan, the assassination of Kennedy.
While the political subjects the boys normally stay away from, when polictics decides to stick its nose in the boys way of life. Its a bit teeth grating.
The boys learned to live with hatred but didn't hesitate to eat their enemies, they need to keep the kill count in Santa Carla high after all.
Though they do become the victims of some hate crimes specifically gay hate crimes, along with threats of being arrested for association with communism. Ya know the red scare shit.
Moon landing happen. Or did it?
The boys are contemplating if the moon landing really did happen.
Marko and Paul do try to fly to the moon, get bored not even half way and go back home. Also the sun is always out in space, so not a good idea.
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The boys are introduced to. Weed.
Ofc they love it, along with mari jane comes rock and a different type of crowd to feast on.
Paul seems to fit right in with the crowd of hippies, Dwayne enjoys their very calming nature but David and Marko are indifferent to the crowd.
Marko would rather run in the city than sit and smoke in the woods. While David enjoys smoking, he doesn't enjoy doing it with humans.
Marko takes a lot of advantage of the busting clubs with disco and fresh blood, David does the same but let's the victims come to him.
The group seem to bypass the movement of the Vietnam War, its just another war. War to them, its useless. Just killing each other? No no, thats theirs job to kill humans.
Max during this decade seemed to be looking for another member to join. Though he stays quiet of it and doesn't mention it to the boys.
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Their peak
But also their downfall canonically
They love the art, the music, the people.
Everything about the 80s, they soaked right in.
Well..you guys know how they took to the 80s lol.
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duketectivecomics · 4 years
You might've answered this already and I just didn't find it, but one thing that always perplexed me about Duke was how old he was in comparison to the other Batkids. It's obvious he's younger than Dick and Babs, and I pretty sure he's younger than Jason and Cass, and older than Damian, but I cannot tell if he's meant to be Tim and Steph's ages, younger, or older. Could you help me?
You’re all kinds of good here, anon!!! I answered a similar ask abt the Order of Adoption but didn’t dive into specific ages on that post BECAUSE well they didn’t ask lmaooo but ALSO:
Comic ages are very fluid usually! While Years™️ might pass in the canon proper, or while time seems to slow to a crawl, having a character’s age outright stated is something that occurs very rarely for most characters, if at all!
Because it’s always much easier to have a floating age range to work and play around in! It’s easier to keep a character Perpetually 12 or 16 or 25 or mid-40s or- you get the idea. SO, with that in mind. Let’s do our Best to Break Down What Age Duke Might Be Currently A N D how it might interact with the Other Batkids!
(Warning for a Very Long Post, lots of issue citations, and a LOT of comics terminology regarding specific runs/events/continunity. I’m gonna try to keep it as clear/concise as possible ofc but plz keep these things in mind! If you’re not at least marginally familiar with Bat-Comics, you might find yourself feeling a little lost here!)
So from the Zero Year arc we see a common Trend that plays out pretty consistently with Batfam comics: a Life-Changing Event Occuring while the protag is Young™️.
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(Batman (2011) #30)
With how Duke is drawn in these particular issues, and given the trends of the past, I’d place him in the 8-12 range. The historic precedent being ofc that that is the same range that canon usually places both Bruce and Dick at for their Tragedies™; the more benign reason being that he... just very much Looks to be drawn in that Range. He’s very clearly an Older/Prepubescent child here.
Fast Forward to his Next Appearance in the Endgame arc and-
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(Batman (2011) #37)
He’s definitely older! He’s wiser! And he’s giving Batman a fistbump lmao. Again, no strict age given here BUT, since they condensed each Robin to a Year or Two tops with Bruce (its n52 and its fucked up is what it is), we can assume it’s been at least 4-5 since Zero Year (which would mean if we go off the age range I proposed for that year, then theoretically he could be anywhere from 12-16 here, and I think that tracks pretty well. Not Perfectly and Certainly Not so well with Pre52 continuity ofc, but I’ll talk about that later!)
In We Are Robin, while its not stated Directly In The Text, it IS given as an Informational Tidbit that Duke is 16 (specifically this can be found at the end of issue #4)! (Sweet sweet canon confirmation FINALLY)
We know that WAR takes place Fairly Soon after Endgame (almost immediately, give or take a month or two given that Duke’s been placed in a few foster homes at this point and has racked up Quite A File) now, again id like to remind y’all that while this is a NICE starting point to have, keep in mind that comics are fluid and this may be retconned slightly/ignored in later stories bc Keeping Duke 16-ish is in DC’s Best Interest at the moment. (Having Relatable Teen Characters afterall is a Good Marketing strategy™️. And the longer they can Keep them Young, the Better)
With that in mind let’s take a moment to Highlight the fact that Duke and Damian have crossed paths at this point AND the storylines that have occurred during this year that were meant to be in conjunction with one another!
Because Prior to Endgame, Damian had Died! And just a year (in real, meat-space time) before We Are Robin, he was resurrected and had begun his “Year of Atonement” in the Robin: Son of Batman maxiseries. Midway through both this series and WAR (and, we can assume, midway thru this “Year” for Damian) the Robin War begins/ends and we see at least one major Moment between these two boys who will soon call one another brothers:
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(Robin War #2)
Given that R:SoB is followed up VERY quickly by Teen Titans Rebirth (in which Damian celebrates his 13th birthday), we can conclude that Damian would be 12 during this time (well, 12 and 1/2 to play it safe lmao). That being said, this Confirms about a 4yr gap between Duke and Damian! (One Batkid down at least! but he’s the key to the others so put a pin in him!)
As We Are Robin draws to its conclusion, DC was releasing another arc that would eventually flow into the Rebirth Era, by the end of which, Bruce would approach Duke with an Idea (which involves Bruce becoming Dukes temporary guardian & as he states Many Times “Trying Something New” with Duke).
And thus the Rebirth Era begins, and Duke began his Year of training (most directly encapsulated by the Cursed Wheel arc in the All-Star Batman run:
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(All-Star Batman #1 (back-up story))
Bruce introduces Duke to a training regimen that Alfred has named “the Cursed Wheel”. It encompasses all the training Bruce and the other bats have undergone and condenses it down into color-coordinated segments that will take Duke a Year to Complete.
It can be assumed that by the End of this Year Duke will somehow miraculously still be 16, despite, again, an entire ass year passing.
There’s one story that takes place mid-year in All-Star Batman, and the Cursed Wheel is meant to be capped off by Duke’s first Official Day as the Signal (in the titular Batman & the Signal ofc) BUT, near as I can tell after this story, Dukes age is not brought up again. So until they DO bring it up either in Batman & the Outsiders or whatever future run Duke becomes involved in, we can assume DC will be working with the idea that he’s meant to be in that 16-18 range from here on out (ie still a minor).
But, dear anon, you might be saying “okay, that’s cool, but how does that relate to my question abt how he falls in with the other Bats?” You’ll have to be a little patient with me here, but I think I may have cracked the code!
Keep in mind I’m gonna be addressing both the Post-Crisis to Flashpoint Continuity (ie mid-80s to 2010 in comics history) and the N52-slash-Rebirth Era (2010-Today). Its generally agreed by fandom and DC alike that these points of rebooting &/or Major Events constitute the era of “Modern” comics, and that everything from the 80s-on might more or less be canon on some level, even if not All of it is.
(Plus, most of fandom usually likes to borrow elements from both eras and much more rarely from stories before it, SO-)
Lets do a quick rundown of how everyone who’s Closer to Duke’s Age, Relates to each other first, age-wise:
Given that Jason was 15 when he died, in A Lonely Place of Dying its established that Bruce had become increasingly reckless since his death, and by the end of the story, Tim has stepped in to fill Robin’s shoes (he states that he’s 13 during this story btw). Pretty soon after, Stephanie Brown is introduced & established to be about a year older than Tim (wish I could pin-point a specific issue BUT, i unfortunately haven’t read any Tim OR Steph-involved comics that predate No Man’s Land... Besides the aforementioned Lonely Place and Young Justice technically, but im working on remedying that soon!)
NOW, during the No Man’s Land event, Cassandra is introduced, and pretty soon into her Batgirl run, its revealed that she’s around the same age as Jason (or at least how old he Would Have Been, had he not died.) Now, given that Jay has an August bday and Cass has a January one, fandom sometimes likes to play around with the idea of one being older than the other (OR even speculating/placing them in an AU as twins/siblings, given that Lady Shiva (Cass’ mom) was a Possible Candidate to be Jason’s biological mother but that’s a Whole Other Thing i wont get into here.)
The point being, Cass, in this era of comics, IS slightly older than Tim and Steph. At Tim’s start as Robin, their ages could either line up like: Tim-13, Steph-14, Cass-15 (being a few months ‘behind’ Jay), then Jason at 15/16 (depending on how soon Tim filled the role after Jay died in April) OR Jason-15/16, Cass-16/17 (in this case she’d be a few months ‘ahead’ now instead)
So brief detour to talk New 52, however! Because Tim, Steph & Cass all got switched around from where DC originally left them prior to the reboot! Now I haven’t read much of them in this era, other than Batman & Robin: Eternal, so my Understanding of their current ages is Spotty at Best. The general consensus seems to be that while before N52, Stephanie had been attending her first year of College (& doing VERY WELL i might add), with the reboot she was set back a few years alongside Tim to a vague Late-Teen state (so 16-18-ish, instead of a Very Clearly Established 18/19). Cass is probably the worst off for this reboot, given that B&R:E basically constitutes her new origin for the new continuity, and does nothing to confirm her age (all I really know is that she’s a Vague Late-Teen too... Probably? Maybe?), given how much they infantilize her, and subsequently how fandom in turn has taken to infantilizing her too, theres a semi-popular fanon that places her Younger that Tim and Steph. And I, for one, propose that we ignore that bc its Weak Sauce my dudes.
Some fans chose to ignore N52 continuity due to this vagueness, and will stick to the ages established before the N52/Rebirth reboots. But its something to keep in mind regardless bc we’re all obviously going to pull from what’s most familiar to us!
But WHERE could we place Duke with regards to them, then? Because them being “Late Teens” is certainly much too vague to work with!
This is Where Damian is the key!
Because Damian is one of those rare exceptions to the Reboot Rule. His story flowed almost seamlessly over from before to after. While he was made a Robin at the age of 10, he continued to grow and learn even after the universe was being rewritten to suit the whims of DC editorial. 
If we choose to ignore how everyone else’s ages and origins were swapped around, and stick with the growth that was presented before the reboot, then we can draw some interesting conclusions!
Firstly, though Stephanie also had Died and subsequently Returned, she hadn’t lost much, if any time, from the Ordeal. At the start of her Batgirl run, she is enrolled at a Gotham university and making headway with a more firm foot in the Batfamily (even to the point that she and Damian spend a few issues bonding. At this point in time, Damian is definitely 11, and again, Steph can be assumed to be 18/19 during the course of her run. We’ll assume 18 for clarity’s sake.)
So, then when Damian is 11, now our line up is as Follows:
Dami - 11, Steph - 18, Tim - 17, Cass 19-21 (the range depending again, if you subscribe to Cass being either older/younger than Jason).
WHICH MEANS, If during Robin War Damian is 12 (and a half) THEN We’ve got an age line-up that Potentially looks Like This:
Dami -12(and 1/2), Duke - 16, Tim - 18, Steph - 19, Cass - 20-22 (And Obvsly Jason, Babs & Dick at their varying Older Ages than everyone here)
and im just now realizing i Didnt include Harper in this line-up, but thats bc she’d also throw a big wrench in all this.  I’d personally throw her in with being Steph’s age, but I’m pretty sure she was supposed to be either that, or between Steph and Cass (again, since its N52, i believe Cass was/is assumed to be Younger than Steph, but that contradicts the assumed following of pre52 canon that we have for the above line-up, obvsly, and so we ignore that lmao) 
All this to say, however, that canon and fandom is what you make of it, and if you want to wiggle these ages around a little, you’re more than allowed! God Knows i usually like to skew the Tim-Steph-Cass age group to be a tad older than this in my own fic writing, and I like to have Duke start as a Robin at 14/15 instead of 16, but that’s just bc I like the dynamic potential it could bring with them being Definitively Older that him, and thus in a more secure place to be Mentoring him right alongside Bruce & the others.
But you might see these age ranges and want to do something Different (say, making Tim, Steph, Cass, & Duke all the Same Age at 17 instead! And that very well tracks with how current comics kinda looks right now!) and you’re absolutely valid to do so! Because again, comic character’s ages are meant to be fluid, not fixed!
And at the end of the day, its all about wanting to see these teen heroes kick serious ass haha
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iworshipkeanureeves · 4 years
BLAMELESS - Chapter 1
“Stupid or Brave?”
Keanu Reeves x OFC (Laura Walsh)
Series summary: Two strangers are joined by the murder that they have accidentally committed together. Can they follow their plan for the sake of getting away with it, or will their feelings take over, no matter how risky that is?  
Note: This is kind of my 500 followers celebration (thank you so much!) and I’m starting my first ever longer series. I’m excited and a little scared, I hope this goes well. I have 10 chapters outlined for now but there might be a couple more. I’ll probably update it weekly, but I don’t want to promise anything and set a strict update schedule. This series is inspired by Big Little Lies and How To Get Away With Murder. Your feedback is greatly appreciated and I hope you’ll enjoy!
Warnings: abusive relationship (verbal and physical abuse), murder (mentions of blood, knife)
Words: 3.1 K
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“Come home with me.” These were the most gruesome, gut-wrenching words she could ever hear from him.
Home. What did it even mean?
What did it say about her home when a crowded street felt safer than the bedroom shared with a man claiming to love her the most? When her bathroom floor was covered in salt, remaining from the soul-crushing tears she would cry until there was left no more? It was the place she was scared to come back to, so dark and so cold that even the brightest days felt like inescapable torture, filled with fear of learning what else that man was capable of.
That was not home, not for Laura at least. And one thing she knew for sure, she had to leave.
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Now, weary and afraid, walking in the dark unfamiliar neighborhood, desperately trying to lose the man tailing her steps, Laura remembers how she got here in the first place.
She recalls speeding back home from her office in the middle of the business hours, cramming her suitcase with only what was the most important to her, and stuffing her pockets with bundles of cash she has been saving up for this day. Laura had it all planned, she had the perfect scheme to disappear from Robert’s life for good, leaving him no clue where to look for her.
Except that he came home early today.
This led to Laura also remembering Robert’s furious eyes, as he saw the packed luggage resting in the corner, making him very much aware of Laura’s plan. As well as his raised voice, together with his sturdy fingers violently snapping car keys out of his woman’s hand, trying to make her scared.
None of that stopped Laura though. She had one goal. To leave. It didn’t matter how or where anymore, all she knew was that it had to happen today. She’d rather die fighting than suffer another day.
Grabbing only the backpack casing her most essential stuff and leaving the house on foot, Laura prayed that Robert would stay away.
She recalls rushing outside, knowing that the public was her only way of staying safe. Laura remembers running, searching for busier streets, knowing that Robert wouldn’t dare to do anything with neighbors’ eyes set on her. She foolishly hoped that he would eventually give up, that losing her in the crowds would stop him, making Robert afraid to openly show the world what kind of cruel person he actually was.
But it didn’t work out this way.
And now she hates herself for being so stupid; or maybe, she hates herself for trying to be brave.
The sun is setting and people are getting sparser, leaving Laura feeling even less safe. Every time she walks past someone, she tries to find courage and cry for help; she knows she only needs one person to hear her. However, having received nothing but indifference for the majority of her life, Laura now is too afraid. She is certain that if her first try failed, only God knows what Robert would do to her.
Laura sees his shadow following everywhere; but she is too scared to look back. She knows that Robert will do anything in his power to stop her, to bring her back home. But she keeps walking, her tired legs barely holding the weight. Whenever she tries to make a turn leading to the city, Robert immediately steers her back towards the hills.
“Stop acting like a dumb bitch and come home with me,” he whispers, grabbing Laura’s elbow and squeezing it tightly to cause her pain. “Where are you even going? Do you think anyone needs you? Do you think anyone can ever love you?” His words are full of spite, but she ignores them. 
Her mind is operating on a survival mode. She understands that Robert is trying to corner her, to force her into the hiking trail leading up the hill. He knows that’s what Laura fears the most – having no one else around to stop him. 
Robert can already feel the woman shivering, her eyes are tearing as she is thinking about her unfortunate fate. She is isolated, vulnerable; she is the perfect prey.
Meanwhile, even though she is in panic, Laura does everything in her power to avoid going up the hill; she can’t end up alone with him. She is trying to stick to the base, take an alternative path and reach the road while it isn’t too late.
The sun is already past the horizon, leaving just Laura and Robert alone in the dusk. “This is your last chance.” Robert now speaks in his full voice, seeing no more spectators around them.
It is her last chance indeed. It is her last chance to run, to resist, to show him that she is done being his victim, pleasing him all the time just because he made her scared.
But she has gotten tired of this fear, of his abuse, years of suffering alone. To the point where she is willing to take the chance; maybe she’ll die, but at least she is going to try.
“I don’t love you, please just let me go.” Laura whines, her words fueling the fire. She snaps her elbow out of his clutch and runs. She doesn’t know where exactly she is running, but as long as it is away from him, Laura is fine with it.
She feels the fatigue abandoning her body, as a dose of adrenaline is being pumped through her veins. Laura feels free. She flees ignoring the branches hitting her face and roots sticking out of the ground in her way.
In fact, she can already hear the traffic, meaning the road is near, and it motivates her.
But Robert outruns her. 
He gets close enough to yank Laura’s hair, making her trip and fall to the ground. She feels no pain, just struggle, as he is forcing her back up, tugging aggressively on her ponytail.
And if that wasn’t enough, a sharp knife meets Laura’s eyes as she is trying to stand straight. She’s terrified, witnessing a shiny blade threatening her face. And here stands Robert, completely enraged, a glimpse of sadistic pleasure settling in his gaze; he enjoys having a reason for punishing her.
“Let go of me!” She screams. What else there’s left to do?
“Please, I’m begging.” The shrieking sound turns into a sob and tears show up on Laura’s face.
Robert has no intention to let go. In fact, it seems to agitate him even more, making him bring the knife closer to Laura’s cheek, the blade almost sinking into her soft skin.
Robert has never meant to actually cut Laura before, he has always been reluctant to leave marks, knowing people might see, start questioning her. But today Robert is furious, he seems like he is ready to strangle her with his bare hands.
Laura is petrified; she can’t stop tears streaming down her face, curving around the sharp blade. She can no longer scream, nor move, nor breathe. She can only wait, knowing that nothing depends on her anymore.
“Let her go.”
They hear a deep voice coming from behind the lush tree and a massive figure of a man in the biker gear appears. Laura begs for Robert to let go, she hopes it’s over since they are no longer alone.
Robert doesn’t care though. His pride is telling him to hold on, to show Laura how far he is willing to go. He won’t accept defeat, especially not from her. And if he has to fight, he will.
“I said let her go.” The man repeats, nearing the couple, trying to peacefully separate them both. His motion is slow, yet confident, carrying his well-built frame closer to Laura with every step. It’s hard to make out his intention in the absence of light, especially with the dark messy mane partly covering his face. But as long as he is moving close, Laura feels safe.
Anything feels safer than her and Robert alone.
Noticing the blade brushing against Laura’s cheek, the stranger slows down. He is a little lost, all of them are, but no one seems to be ready to give up just yet. They stare at each other in the dark, Robert’s eyes are moving, trying to look at both, Laura and the man. She can feel that Robert is getting increasingly scared, as the man keeps slinking, inch by inch approaching them.
Suddenly, the stranger stretches his arm, throwing the dirt he has been clenching with his glove. It lands straight into Robert’s eyes, catching him off guard, giving Laura a chance.
She fights back. She pushes Robert away, escaping the tormenting grip that was restraining her.
Now Robert feels naked, deprived of his only shield. He waves the knife trying to convince everyone he is able to protect himself, but his eyes are hurting, he can hardly see the man coming to beat the hell out of him.
It is a matter of seconds before the stranger twists Robert’s arm making the knife fall to the ground, leaving Robert to fight with his bare hands. They don’t help him much though, since the man seems to have significantly more fighting experience, rewarding Robert with a bunch of devastating hits to his face.
Laura wants to run, but she can’t. Not yet.
Seeing that knife conveniently lying on the ground wakes something up in her. It is anger, wrath, ineffable furry for everything Robert has done to her, the hell he has been making Laura go through every single day.
But there is also fear. Fear that even if Laura runs, Robert might come looking for her. That he might pull her back into the same devastating world, she has no strength left to bear.
Laura isn’t afraid of dying from his hand. No. She is terrified of existing like she has been for the past five years.
Picking the knife up from the warm ground, clenching it in her bare hand, Laura feels powerful, she feels the control that she has been deprived of for many years.
All she wants is for this nightmare to finally end.
She feels the pure rage boiling within her, the immense power forcing Laura to make her fateful move, pushing the final buttons that unleash her.
One stab.
One stab and suddenly they all go quiet; disgust is filling Laura’s eyes.
Her hand is steady.
She twists the blade.
The knife goes out.
And she repeats.
And again.
And again…
Until she sees Robert collapse, his heavy weight quivering the ground, and dust filling up the air.
It is too dark to see the crimson red, but she knows it’s there. It’s the smell of Robert’s blood running down the Laura’s hand, her jacket sleeve is getting drenched.
She collapses too, realizing what a terrible thing she has done. She isn’t sorry for him, she is sorry for herself, for everything that man is going to make her suffer even after he’s dead.
Laura has no idea what to do, how to react. She is a mess. She wants to scream, but there’s a feeling in her throat. Something heavy and tight strangling her. She cries and chokes; it’s the guilt suffocating her.
“Stop.” The stranger kneels to grab her. He is holding Laura by the shoulders, trying to make her sit straight. “Say it was self-defense. You were alone and he attacked you.” He is doing his best to remain composed and help the poor girl.
“And I managed to take over the knife? I crushed his nose all by myself? No one’s going to believe this.” It is her panic speaking, her eyes rapidly flickering while she is also gulping for air. Laura feels hot, her face is burning from shame and regret. “And I stabbed him a lot… too much. Do you realize how bad this looks?” Laura finally finds the courage to take a look at the man. She thinks he must be mad for getting involved in her mess. And he is, for sure, distressed for becoming an accessory to a murder by protecting a woman he has never even met.
But all Laura sees in the stranger’s eyes is only how terribly sorry he feels for her.
“You stabbed him until it was enough to stop him, you had to be sure he won’t hurt you anymore. It’s going to be okay.” He is trying to calm Laura down, rubbing her shoulders and making her look away.
But she doesn’t move, she can’t, Laura feels as if her whole body has turned into a block of stone. “You don’t know that. In everyone’s eyes I’m going to be a murderer,” her eyes receive a new portion of tears. Murderer, that is who she is now, that is who she is going to remain for the rest of her life. 
“He is-- he was my fiancé. We were a perfect couple,” Laura stammers. “We looked like a perfect couple,” she corrects herself. “This is over, that’s it for me.”
“A-and your face… It looks familiar; I just can’t recall the name. I know you’re famous and I’m sorry for- I’m sorry for everything. I’m sorry if it ruins your life too. I just don’t know what to do.” Laura is bawling her eyes out, tears drenching her swollen face. She loathes herself. She should have never tried running away.
“Give it to me.” The man commands.
“The knife. Give it to me.” He reaches for Laura’s hand, trying to remove the knife away from her clenched fist.
“No. Why?” Even though she sees the man is wearing gloves, she is unwilling to let go. She doesn’t want to get him farther into this. She stabbed Robert and she is going to take the blame.
“Calm down and listen.” The man moves even closer to Laura’s face, trying to make sure she understands. “It’s dark, there’s no one around. I’m going to take the knife far away, you’re going to call the police and tell you’ve been robbed.” The man can’t believe his words, but he knows that he is also involved...
“That’s insane. You’re insane.” Laura is shaking her head, she thinks this is a terrible idea.
“This is as much on me as it is on you, so listen and do as I say.” The man stands up seeing Laura still confused; she is in shock and she needs his help. The only way for them to get away with this is to cooperate; otherwise, they will both go down for this very unfortunate mistake. “We are strangers, there’s nothing to relate me to you. It should work out.”
“What if it doesn’t?” Laura allows the man to help her up, and she is finally convinced to pass the knife. She starts looking around, trying to notice silhouettes hiding in the night, any possible witnesses of the crime.
“I don’t know.” He silently admits, carefully folding the knife. “Do you have anything valuable on you?” The man tries to get Laura’s attention back, but she is lost in her mind, thinking about every possible piece of evidence they are about to leave on this trail. What if they find his DNA? How many people walk here every day, leaving their trace? Can they actually do the things she has seen on television in CSI? Laura has so many questions that it is hard for her to trust the plan.
“Hey, look at me.” The man gently taps on Laura’s backpack strap. “Do you have anything valuable if we say it was a robbery?” He repeats, allowing Laura to think for a little longer, while she tries to calm down.
Laura knows that time is not on their side, and they have to call help soon. It will look suspicious otherwise.
She remembers all the cash she is carrying and begins taking it out of her pockets in generous stacks. Luckily, she has one clean hand, which lets her avoid soaking the bills in blood.
“What the hell?” The man keeps watching her, taking more and more, first out of her jacket, then she moves on to her bag. He tries to approximate the amount in his head, realizing it must be thousands of dollars. He can’t help but wonder whether the money was part of what happened here. Has he got himself involved in something even more dirty and dangerous than he previously thought?
“This was for the road. I was leaving him today.” Laura keeps sniffing, handing him stacks of money one by one. “That’s why he got upset.” She can barely see anymore, it is dark and her eyes are shutting because of her swelling face; her cheeks are boiling hot.
“So your bag then?” The stranger asks as he moves to the body, checking Robert’s pockets to find only a five dollar bill. 
It’s scary how calm he remains; but it’s all superficial. The man is scared as hell, thinking how he should have minded his own business; maybe he should have ignored the screaming girl. But he couldn’t. That is not the person he is. And if there’s any regret that troubles him, it isn’t for stepping in and protecting her; it is for not stopping the woman while it still wasn’t too late.
In the meantime Laura doesn’t even say anything. She silently cries handing her heavy backpack to the man, keeping only the phone to herself. “Please, take it?” She begs, ashamed and full of sorrow.
“I’ll find a way to give everything back to you,” the man sighs. He feels so terrible that it hurts him to even think what Laura must be going through.
“No. You said we were strangers, let’s keep it that way.” She contradicts. “It’s a ridiculous price to pay for what I did.”
They stand in silence, only the traffic sounds can be heard from far away. He hates to leave Laura alone, but that is the plan.
“Just don’t wait too long. Make the call.” He instructs, giving Laura one last look. He hopes she can make it, he prays that she does.
Eyeing the stranger disappearing into the dark woods, Laura falls back to the ground; she feels like doing nothing but falling asleep and waiting for another day to come.
But she knows she can’t. The man is risking everything by taking the weapon away with him; Laura has no choice but to stick to the plan.
She picks up her phone.
911, what is your emergency?
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Chapter 2 |  Masterlist
Tag-list: @keandrews​​​ @rdjloverxxx​ @danceoftwowolves @greenmanalishi​​​​ @lilywoood​​​​ (message me to be added or removed)
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cloveroctobers · 4 years
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(A/n: this might be a little biased since I’m in love with this man & I’m basing the relationship parts of this on my mc/myself so hope y’all don’t mind 😬)
IG info/bio: @/lucas.koh | 93.1k followers | for business inquires please visit: kohptr.com
27 (28) years old
From Oxford, England
Father is Korean & a car salesman at a Nissan dealership, he’s a strict/serious man who has high morals but beyond that he can actually be a softie in rare moments (+ that’s who Lucas gets his height from 🤤)
Mother is actually Chinese but lived in Korea studying abroad and eventually became a successful chiropractor (s/o to doctor mondragon on YouTube who I watch to help me sleep some nights and wish I could see! Lol) with her own practice. She’s a firecracker, intelligent, and quick to say what’s on her mind and doesn’t care if you like what she’s got to say. Most patients like that about her, she’s honest and her family is used to her ways but in the same way it’s more loving than offensive? (Smol woman but will remind you when she’s cracking your body she’s got enough power in her)
Either he’s a only child or he comes from a family of all boys with two younger brothers (they’re all in their 20’s) or he has one younger brother and one younger sister idk you decide
I’m feeling like he’s a Sagittarius? Carefree in the terms of he wasn’t viewing finally getting with MC when she’s dating someone else as cheating. Mans was READY to risk it all for me okay and I was down for it but ofc I had to react realistically and NOT “cheat.” *sigh* one part of me was debating ‘are we really dating tho bobby? We’re on reality tv. We’re not gonna die without each other if we hang out in seperate rooms’ *cough* Nope. but I’m a woman about her loyalty
He’s definitely adventurous. I don’t see him as the type to want to stay home all the time even tho his work definitely keeps him busy/exhausted. He’s down for road trips 💯
Occupation? Physicotherapist. His mother inspired him to get into the field and watching sports + the way players got their injuries always intrigued him? So to provide the best plan to have someone heal was something he loved to do plus being hands on while teaching/helping was a passion for him + I feel like he would also use a massaging technique instead of the usual exercise part of it
Now as someone who suffered a ACL & Mensicus tear & is STILL dealing with this BS pain years later, I would be so thankful to have him around! I feel like he’d have a optimistic attitude towards his patients and that’s what people need not someone that’s insensitive (like my surgeon/PT’s I had)
He models from time to time, when he was first approached about it he was upfront about not wanting to do it. It was much different than getting your picture taken for the office. That’s usually quick, the whole modeling process felt longer but somehow he was talked into it by his brother who’s a photographer and his mother. “Do you think you’re ugly? ‘Cause I’m not and you’re a part of me, so therefore there’s no such thing. Just look at your cheekbones, your jawline! I gave you those. The only good thing your father gave you was height.” Which filled the house with snickers while Lucas’ father just rolled his eyes and continued reading his newspaper for breakfast
Has a motorcycle and some luxurious car—not a Tesla those are basic now 🤷🏽‍♀️
Loves his motorcycle so much he’s got a tat of it on his right bicep
He has two available parking spaces in his parking garage at his penthouse but keeps his bike away in a storage unit due to a neighbor scratching it after his girlfriend broke up with him? Saying she was off to date Lucas? But that wasn’t true at all. He barely knew the girl, they didn’t live on the same floor. People were crazy but if you push him his temper might come out
Owns a leather jacket that he paid a lot for
Believes in “treat yo self” if it means in quality when shopping and has no issue being a big spender but he knows how to manage it well (his father told him all about how his own father dealt with bankruptcy)
Since he’s often at the office the whole day, he’s usually a night owl. He loves night drives and night dining. That’s usually when he finds the best places to eat
There’s this one pho spot that he loves and it’s his go to spot when he wants something quick on the way home
Cannot sleep with his entire body covered in covers, either his arms/shoulders have to be out or his legs, which would be a issue for me/mc since I sleep with the covers over my entire body...yes even in hot weather with the AC cranked up😂
He also makes great kimchi fried rice & loves Italian food
Will wine and dine. I believe it. I envision it! He loves going out on dates with his significant other (If he’s single and not with me, I think he’d try out speed dating)
Will dress to impress, will buy you a new fit he wants to see you/us/mc in especially if it’s your anniversary
Loves taking bubble bath’s with infused oils or flower petals with significant other
He’s the type that takes long showers & it brings him a true sense of freedom. He’s never able to take a quick shower, he gets lost in his ideas of what to do next in this world & it’s limitless
If he’s in for the day, which usually doesn’t last long—he’s either in sweats or in a robe all day
Only drives his bike on the weekend or if he’s going out of town but if he’s going on a trip for a couple of days with MC & if she’s got a bit of anxiety like me? He’ll stick to his car to make them comfortable
I feel like he enjoys the winter season. Maybe if it’s a slushy rainy winter more than a blizzards/snowy season. He loves bundling up, much to people’s surprise. He’s more than just his good looks and body love island fans!!!
Doesn’t post much on his socials. If you need to see what he’s about then you should do so in person or already know who he is. The internet can’t tell you much, in his opinion
Keeps himself in good health, I mean duh what kind of PT would he be 😉 goes on night jogs with reflector clothes on & occasionally morning jogs & at home workouts
Probably will date someone younger than him. Not by much, I don’t think he can take immaturity well. (That maybe how he views it) The most is 4 years younger than him
Henrik is his best bud from the show. They hang out all the time, crash at each other’s places, and vacation together all the time. They will be each other’s future best men forsure
Doesn’t go out of his way to talk to the rest of the guys from the show but if he happens to browse his feed and sees something he wants to comment on then he’ll carry a conversation of course
Far as the girls? He talks to Hannah & Priya from time to time. He also follows Hope and they like each other’s posts but not much communication is there either?
Either has a mint or black phone case, probably a Samsung galaxy user
Likes pistachio frozen yogurt but he’s lactose & doesn’t want to believe it :(
Smokes cigars when he’s out with his boys
Has a tight knit group of friends, majority of them are from the medical field since they all went to uni together + most of them are also married so the pressure is so on
*He’s the oldest out of his sibs so according to his parents he’s expected to be married first yet his baby sis is engaged and she’s 23*
wants a family...eventually. Probably will happen in his early thirties? The max for children is 2 for him. He knows they can be a HANDFUL due to his own friends who have kids + he’s a godfather and he’s babysat before so he knows how it goes!
enjoys his freedom as stated which further proves he’s a sag lol
Enjoys going to saunas to cleanse his pores/ get rid of toxins. It’s the easiest way for him to do so even tho his brother clowns him for it
His love language is deff physical touch. He loves hugs and resting his chin on top of your head, forehead to forehead, his nose pressed in between the space of your neck and shoulder, gentle squeezes, sitting next to each other with your legs touching, cuddling, sleeping on top of you or you on him, etc
He loves kissing. It’s automatic for him and it can also easily rile him up
Has strong opinions & will show them but will feel like he’s being attacked if it brings on a confrontation/argument
Will forgive and forget
Plays strategy board games
Makes his own natural healing creams & gives samples to his patients depending on their needs
His fav colors are: blue, white, & grey
Will grow a bit of facial hair in the cooler months if it’ll make mc happy (I’m a sucker for facial hair but hate it on myself lmao) but if he dislikes the feeling on his face he will shave and finds he likes a shaven face better, the facial hair makes him look a bit older—which is okay but that’s just his preference
When he stops putting gel in his hair/styling his hair in a quiff hairstyle it shocks fans with mc commenting on one of his pics, “you’re welcome x”
Likes going to the Hard Rock Cafe on causal weekends
also likes getting freaky in public, down for whatever 🤪
He’s a traveler so if he leaves the UK, I’m seeing him land in Toronto, Canada first and falling in love with it. I feel he would vibe well with the culture there, might even consider getting a vacation home in that location
Celeb crushes? Anne Hathaway, Beyoncé, Lupita Nyong'o, Anna Diop, Imaan Hammam, Jodie Comer, Megan Fox, Shay Mitchell, & Cassie Ventura Fine
Oh Lucas. I feel like we have similar tastes? Somewhat. He probably listens to more rock than I do? Maybe 80s rock moreso? & He listens to: WALK THE MOON, Allen Stone (his fav) , Emily king, Gavin Turek, Melanie Fiona, THEY., DPR live, & Sik-k
Anthem = Young the Giant, “Something to believe in”
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misterfatcakes · 3 years
tagged by the wonderful and ever-beloved @vague-omen tysm!!
Rules: answer 30 questions and tag 20 people you’d like to get to know better!
1. name: Jonathan, or Jon for short.
2. gender: uhhh nb transmasc
3. sign: gemini
4. height: taller than nyx @patheticnyas :-)
5. time: like the time currently? 10:30pm
6. birthday: June 17th!
7. favorite band/s: maiden names, uhhh brown bird, mcr and mother mother (for obvious reasons), left at london
8. favorite solo artist/s: elijah press, penelope scott, owl city bc he's just one guy...
9. song stuck in my head: uhhhh both 3 musketeers by trapbunnybubbles and bby ur a haunted house... simultaneous
10. last movie i watched: my housemates have on movies all the time but the last one I payed attention to was the seasonal rewatch of nightmare before christmas
11. last show i watched: im rewatching bnha with nyx, as you can see from my art blog lol
12. when did i make this blog: this one is a 2015 rebrand- my original was mrfatcakes (or mr-fatcakes? I don't remember) back in 2011 or 2012
13. what do i post: I have no fucking idea should I scroll thru my blog and check? I mostly just reblog if it's something I want one of my followers to see or if I have something to say in the tags
14. last thing i googled: how old is my tumblr, on account of question 12.
15. any sideblogs: uhh yeah my active ones are @misterfatcakes-art for my art, @liminaldirt for like. edgy and autumnal shit. and @refur-ants is where I reblog reference posts to so they don't clog up my likes!
16. do i get asks: no bc apparently my inbox is closed?? and I can't figure out how to open it back up bc I never closed it and it said it was open when I checked?? I tried closing it and opening it back up again but idk if it worked
17. why i chose this url: when I was really little my older sibling would start their diary entries with "dear fatcakes,". they told me they had the patent for the phrase, but I wanted to be just like them, so I started one that I would address "mr. fatcakes", as a means of circumventing their patent. I thought I was a very clever 9 year old at the time. then when I made my first tumblr I thought blogging=journaling so I gave it the same name. I never bothered trying to come up with anything else.
18. following: 34, tho a handful of them are inactive blogs from people who moved on or passed away, who I'm still following for sentimental reasons.
19. followers: 412 but like. most of them are inactives from my hamilton phase I think??
20. average hours of sleep: uhh I think it averages out to like 4 or 5 hours a night but I either sleep for ten hrs or Not at all. depends on the evening
21. lucky number: I don't really get the purpose of them but I usually pick 13 when asked bc I was an edgy kid and now it's reflex
22. do i play any instruments: uhhh I played the clarinet and guitar in middle school for band, and in my second year of high school, back when nyx and I first started dating, he taught me the basics of how to play his saxophone. I'm woefully out of practice with any of those instruments, though, you know how it goes. back in elementary school I taught myself piano, though, and I can still bang out simple tunes. I think the most complex things I still know how to play are the vocaloid songs I memorized when I was 13/14. mostly I just stick to like disney music and nursery rhymes when I'm playing bc they're easy and the ppl around me will recognize it
23. what am i wearing: just my red plaid pajama pants and a grey tank bc I was doing laundry
24. dream job: uhhh god idk. If I didn't have to worry about paying for shit the kind of work I'd actually spend my time doing.... probably making art, being a counselor/tutor for the kids who stay after school, uhhhh and sewing/mending.
25. dream trip: if I can take nyx with me, then to japan, bc they wanna visit a cat island and shop the tourist traps. otherwise?? probably travel to wherever ciara or joker or bonbon is, just to visit.
26. favorite food: meat!! I love every land meat I have tried and I like most fish. specifically when it's savory though- I can't stand like that sweet sauce ppl put on meats sometimes, or how sweet prepackaged lunch meats are. It ruins the taste and always makes me feel nauseous :-/
27. nationality: american 😔
28. favorite song/s: rn? blood of angels (ofc), frontier psychiatrist, the bidding
29. last book i read: I got in a Mood™ and reread the +anima series a few weeks ago
30. favorite fictional universe: in what way? like, I think beastars and star trek and atla and bnha and +anima have super interesting universes and lore, but like in order to narrow down the list I'd need specific criteria.
Uhh I'm tagging @bonbongiveshell @opossums-are-groovy @tsukkitani @topazpearl @shabutiee @the-ziggy-starbucks @angsty-kiefer @a-star-dusted-royal @gummirock @wandamaximahf @willsquanchforfood @9thbutterfly @agent-fangirl @grossdarling @smallscarecrow @riddlercore @taxiwormy @lovesosweet @honeyadder @hermanngottlieb
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bouwrites · 3 years
Fire Emblem: Nationality Adjectives
Okay, okay, so, I really should have done this before getting 50 chapters into a massive 3H fic, but instead I just did what felt right and struggled around ever using an adjective for Brigid people/things because, uh... I couldn’t figure it out. Hence doing the work now.
Anyway, quick preamble for clarity’s sake, nationality adjectives are just the adjectives used to refer to something or someone from a certain place. Id est, French is to France, Japanese is to Japan, or even more broadly, European is to Europe.
For use in fanfic, I’m attempting, mostly by looking at official real-world nationality adjectives (in my language, ofc) to figure out the correct* form the adjective (and noun!) would take for regions within the world of Fire Emblem: Three Houses.
*By correct, I mean the options that don’t sound horrible.
Please add your two cents, if you have any. Please. I’m actually begging. Anyway, under the read more because idk how long this is going to get.
Let’s start with the obvious. Some are canon within the game’s world, and thus whether real-world conventions apply or not doesn’t matter. So here’s the small list of Location : Adjective : Noun* in canon that I can come up with off the top of my head.
*A missing noun denotes that the noun is the same as the adjective.
Note: When I say “in canon” I mean it’s used to refer to at least one of the adjective/noun. With one exception, I don’t believe many will argue that they make sense as both, so I simply treat them as both. (Mostly because I can’t be bothered to comb through the entire game’s script picking out where what is used as nouns or adjectives.)
Abyss : Abyssian Adrestia : Adrestian Agartha : Agarthan Almyra : Almyran Dagda : Dagdan (also the name of their language) Duscur : ??? : Duscur Nabatea : Nabatean
Duscur, the only “non-standard” one, can also probably be used as the adjective, but all canon instances I managed to find in Dedue’s support logs were used as the noun. I would be happy to use Duscur as an adjective, and thus won’t explore it here, but I’m fully ready to accept arguments against it.
In a similar vein, but not quite as versatile as proper nationality adjectives, both the Holy Kingdom of Faerghus and the Leicester Alliance, to my memory, exclusively use “Kingdom” and “Alliance” in sentences where the possessive is necessary. (i.e. Fhirdiad, the Kingdom capital)
Now, let’s try to make some proper adjectives for both Faerghus and Leicester, as well as Brigid, Albinea, Morfis, Sreng, and Fódlan.
Note: If any of those locations have canon adjectives/nouns, please let me know! Also if I’m missing any locations.
(I know small-scale locations like cities/territories within each state also don’t have adjectives, but no one canonically seems to be very patriotic on that scale and identify with the broader term instead, so I’m not concerned with those. Feel free to add them if you want, though!)
The only super obvious one is Albinea : Albinean, and I’m pretty confident that no one will contest that even without diving in to real-world examples to compare what form the adjective should take.
From there, we’ll start with the most relevant and go outwards. Starting with Fódlan.
Note: I’m using this resource for the right adjectives/nouns for nationalities, so if I make a sweeping statement like “no country” or something of the like, what I’m referring to is specifically what is contained within that list.
In-game, Dedue actually says, “...because I was unfamiliar with Fódlan speech.” Which surprisingly doesn’t tell us the name of Fódlan’s language, but rather says that “Fódlan” is the (or a) canon adjective.
That gives us Fódlan : Fódlan : ??? (Fódlan? In the same form as Duscur, perhaps.)
That said, I just... don’t really prefer it. So I’m looking for alternatives. My preferred form? Iceland. Iceland : Icelandic : Icelander, giving us Fódlan : Fódlandic : Fódlander. Now, Fódlan obviously doesn’t end with a “-d” but also, while many countries/regions end with “-an” none end with “-lan” and I, personally, just like the sound of Fódlander, even as the adjective. In fact, within my own in-progress fic right now, I currently have it as simply Fódlan : Fódlander, with no difference between the adj. and noun.
Looking at examples with “-an” endings to their region, we have Iran : Iranian, Japan : Japanese, or Pakistan : Pakistani to give us either Fódlanian, Fódlanese, or Fódlani. I’ve seen the latter two in fics before, but of the set prefer Fódlani myself.
And just for fun, most “-land” regions actually don’t use the “-lander” ending. Iceland is special that way, presumably because they didn’t want to call themselves Ices. Instead, it’s in the form of Poland : Polish : Pole, which, if we apply to Fódlan, would give us Fódlan : Fódlish : Fód which I would never dream of actually using, but does make me laugh.
Conclusion: This section is just my personal best options, in no particular order, laid out in a less cluttered format.
Fódlan : Fódlani Fódlan : Fódlandic : Fódlander Fódlan : Fódlander (No real-world basis, I just like it this way.)
To my knowledge, the only countries that end in “-s” at all are Belarus and Honduras, so let’s just use those, and throw in Paris for fun. This will be shorter because we just don’t have much to work with, and I think the “best” form is a lot easier to agree on, anyway.
So, first option, Belarus : Belarusian which gives us Faerghus : Farghusian. Which works. There’s nothing wrong with it. But I’m not a big fan just because I prefer the next option so much more.
Interestingly, this is one I’ve seen in fanfic before, so it’s something currently in use by the community, at least to some extent. That is, Honduras : Honduran giving us Faerghus : Faerghan. Something about Faerghan just sounds right to my (American) ear, and again, I’ve seen it used in fanfic before. Honestly, it sounds so right that I’m not entirely convinced it’s not actual canon, but I also can’t recall it actually being used in canon, so... eh.
Conclusion: Just use Faerghus : Faerghan, it’s not that hard a conclusion to reach tbh. Unless you just like something else, I guess.
This is a problem for the simple fact that while there is an actual county in Britain called Leicestershire (and one called Gloucestershire), unless the British are a lot different from us Americans and they aren’t putting this information online, no one actually identifies anything by county.
Combined with the fact that the only countries that end in “-r” are Equador, El Salvador, and Madagascar, and I’m pretty sure any accurate comparison would need at least the “-ter” ending, this is going to be mostly just making up what feels right to me.
But for science, let’s go ahead and use those three for their conventions anyway, shall we?
Equador : Equadorian would give us Leicester : Leicesterian. Then we have El Salvador : Salvadoran to give us the slightly sillier Leicesteran. (I cannot not hear Listerine, lol.)
Alternatively, and this is a bold move, we could use Madagascar : Madagasy, which I frankly do not even know how to translate to Leicester because that form just doesn’t work with anything lacking the “-scar” ending, and I’m trying to compare them based on the “-r” alone. Still, I suppose with some finagling we can come to Leicester : Leicesy, or somewhat more sensibly Leicesty which is... surprisingly not horrible, but a zesty choice nonetheless.
On a more serious note, I’ve been using Leicester : Leicester : Leicesterman/woman because it’s just about the only thing I’ve thought of that doesn’t sound remarkably silly.
Conclusion: Use Leicester : Leicester : Leicesterman/woman.
(Or, if you want to meme the Golden Deer, Leicester : Leicesty. I am not recommending this.)
Ah, the reason I’m doing this work in the first place. I really should have done this before the Brigid arc in my fic but alas, here we are, doing this while I’m literally on the last chapter of it.
Anyway, since this list I have of real-world nationalities only has a single country ending in “-d” that doesn’t end in “-land” we’re going to just have to work with what we have.
The one example I have to work with? Chad. That gives us Chad : Chadian applied to Brigid is Brigid : Brigidian.
Which feels like something I’ve seen in fic before, but I can’t say with certainty. Now that I’m looking at that in the face, though, I want to posit for review the alternative Brigid : Brigidan, mostly just because that “-idi-” feels weird to me.
(Now I feel kind of silly. It’s really quite simple, isn’t it? I spent so long trying to figure this one out, positive that I’d find a better option, but... nah. Brigidan works, I think. Ironically, when I was looking through earlier chapters in my draft, I noticed that I had actually already used Brigidan in my story, despite me going so far out of my way to avoid using an adjective at all in my Brigid arc because I straight up forgot. F me, I guess.)
Conclusion: Use Brigid : Brigidan or Brigid : Brigidian, depending on your feelings about the letter I.
Another odd one, because there’s no good comparison, even in the vaguest sense. So, instead of doing comparisons to real places this time, I’m just going to throw a few of the common endings at it and see what sticks.
Sreng : Srengan/Srengian - Gives me fantasy name vibes, which I guess it is, but not location name vibes, and certainly not location adjective vibes, if that makes any sort of sense.
Sreng : Srengish : Sren??? - This is clearly reaching. And no, I will not even entertain Sren(g)man/woman.
Sreng : Srengi - I feel like I’ve seen this in fic before but cannot say for sure. Point being, though, it feels like something that reasonable people would say with their mouths, so it gets a full 5 stars from me.
Conclusion: Sreng : Srengi is the only viable option. Fight me.
Because Morfis doesn’t appear in my own fic, I have given this zero thought ahead of time. Also, I was 100% convinced - like, turned on my Switch and checked the actual game to be sure - that Morfis was spelled Morphis. Nope, it’s an f. Anyway, let’s gooo!
I guess the logical starting point would be the same place we went with Faerghus, with either Morfis : Morfisian or Morfis : Morfan but unlike Faerghus, Morfis actually already has that “I” there, so I think the alternative Morfian sounds a bit better.
Plus, Professor Byleth has already fished up half the pond’s population. We don’t need more fin.
Conclusion: Fish are friends. Morfis : Morfian
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preface2adreamplay · 4 years
Under Your Spell (Chapter 27) - I Keep On Biting Til I Feel It
Tumblr media
Summary: A Jared Padalecki/ OFC/ Oscar Isaac fiction.
Stef makes a phone call she didn’t think she’d make.
Married Jared! Single Oscar!
Chapter warnings: Angst, swearing, masturbaton.
Chapter WC: 2,450
Spending the weekend with Darius had been fun. They spent a little time at her mom’s graveside, then drank a few vodka’s in her memory at a bar downtown. 
It was the first time in a few years that they had one on one time. Stef could feel herself relaxing out of ‘mother mode’. They were sitting outside of the airport when Darius brought up Jared, not for the first time that weekend.
‘You don’t like him?’ Stef asked, sadly.
‘I do like him. He’s cool and he seems really into you. But, I dunno mom, I’d hate to see you hurt again.’
Stef put her hands into her lap, looking at people rushing in and out of their cars, trying to avoid the snow fall.
‘I hate that you remember the first time.’
‘I barely remember it, but you were pissed at dad for years.’
Stef snorted, half in amusement, remembering. 
‘I really didn’t let him forget it, did I?’
‘No,’ Darius’s voice, deeper than his fathers, sounded unusually snippy. 
‘I agree with that to a certain point, but.’ he hesitated, watching his mothers face. ‘Did you ever ask dad what actually happened?’
Stef whipped her head around to look him in the eyes, ‘I was there, Darius, I saw. That was enough.’
Darius huffed and looked out the window.
‘If Tanya did that to you, would you forgive her? Stef rolled her eyes and continued ‘actually, I don’t wanna have this conversation. I don’t want to argue with you before you go back to school.’
‘I’d at least hear her out.’ Darius regarded his mother for a moment and shrugged, he had said his piece. 
‘Don’t give me that mom look,’ He drew the corners of his mouth up into that cheeky smile she loved so much.
‘Give your mom a hug and don’t give her a headache, please?’ 
Darius got out of the car and walked to her side, grabbing her into a bear hug. 
‘Thanks for coming to see me baby boy.’ 
‘Take care of yourself, mom.’ 
Darius looked back over his shoulder as he walked into Departures. ‘I’ll kick his ass if he hurts you!’
Stef sat in her car, deciding she would text Claire and see how she was doing. 
Stef: Hey how did the weekend go? Darius surprised me and came to visit, I just dropped him at the airport.
It took only a few minutes to get a reply.
Claire: that’s so sweet! did Oscar come too?
Stef: Nah, he hurt himself on set, it was just my boy.
Claire: Poor Oscar. I’ll be back on Friday, so we can hang or go for food or drinks. Whatevs.
Stef smiled at the phone, tears threatening. Claire always remembered the upcoming weekend was a bad one. Each passing year, Stef would get less sad about her mothers passing and somehow that did make her sad, but in a different way. Claire was a great friend, albeit an unpredictable whirlwind of craziness and love. 
Stef was grounded and quiet where Claire was a leaf tossed in the changing directions of a gale on an island in the Atlantic. 
They complimented each other perfectly.
Stef: Perfect. tell Rich hey from me. xx
Claire had gone down to meet Richards family. Stef didn’t recall that ever happening before. The thoughts of it ignited excitement for her friend. Finally.
‘Ok, time for some music to calm me down.’ Stef poked around at her playlist until the familiar sound of Devin Townsend’s ‘Kingdom’ came onto her speakers. Hitting the road back home she could only think about what Darius had said about hearing his girlfriend out if she tried to explain why she kissed someone else. Stef knew she never let Oscar explain, she was too angry, upset, humiliated. 
Shaking the thoughts from her mind as she pulled up outside the house, she swallowed her pride and called Oscar.
His voice was muffled when he answered.
‘Shit, can you hear me?’
‘My name is not shit.’
Stef rolled her eyes.
‘I know you’re rolling your eyes,’ his familiar chuckle warmed her insides a little.
‘Am not.’
‘I gotta tell you, I was so surprised when I saw you were calling me.’
‘Coz you never call me.’
Stef scoffed, ‘I do!’
‘Nah, you don’t, tell me, when was the last time you called me.’
Stef closed the door behind her. Brendan was slinking down the stairs, watching her with his green eyes narrowed. 
‘It’s Oscar!’ Stef declared. The cat stopped at the end of the stairs and looked at her expectantly.
‘Who are you talking to?’
‘Brendan.’ Stef was rubbing the soft fur under his chin, cooing at him as if he were baby. 
Oscar was laughing again. ‘I miss that crazy cat.’
‘He has calmed down a lot now. Usually if he misbehaves, I tell him he will have to go see Aunt Claire for a weekend.’
‘I imagine a weekend at Claire’s would be a lot more fun than you think.’
Stef hmmed a response, not really listening to him while she took off her coat one-handed.
‘You ok, Stef?’
‘Yeah, all good. Why?’
‘Not to keep at it, but you called me and you never call me. Is something up?’
‘Nooooo,’ Stef felt a little caught out, ‘I just wanted to see how you were, your foot, I mean.’
‘Just my foot?’ Oscar was biting back a giggle. 
‘Well, you hurt it!’
‘The rest of me can go fuck itself.’
Stef stopped dead in the middle of the living room and threw her head back, closing her eyes. ‘I could use a massage.’
‘You are so strange, you know that?’
‘Am not!’
Oscar was in a good mood, despite being in pain.
‘So what’s up with the foot? Darius said you hurt it in a stunt or something?’
‘Yep, I was doing a really cool and impressive stunt, and whatever way I landed, I twisted my ankle little.’
‘Oh, that sounds awful. I can’t wait to see the stunt that took you out.’ Stef laughed.
‘Ha ha, Stef. You’re all heart.’
‘Do you think you’ll live?’
‘I might, if only to see your face one more time.’
‘Oh fuck, you’re not allowed to do any more period dramas.’ 
‘I have help here anyway, I’m good,’ he said, exerting himself loudly as he shifted off the bed.
‘Who’s there?’
‘No one....I got a crutch.’
‘You sound like a crazy ex-girlfriend.’
‘I am.’
There was silence between them for a moment before Stef remembered why she called.
‘Thank you for getting Darius to visit me. That was a nice surprise.’
‘You’re welcome. He wanted to do it since last January, but he didn’t tell me in time and there were no flights.’
‘He’s so sweet.’
‘Yeah, he gets that from me.’ Oscar said, without missing a beat.
Stef sighed loudly into the phone. ‘Ouch,’ Stef’s hip brushed against dining table, pulling her jeans down with her free hand she inspected the large finger sized bruises there.
‘Earth to Stef, what’s up?’
‘I have a bruise on my hip, hurts like a motherfucker.’
‘Where did you get that?’ Stef caught herself before she tumbled out the words ‘Jared’s hands were holding me still while he fucked me hard, the way I like it.’
‘Walking into this dining table too often.’
‘You should move it.’
‘Good idea, come up here and help me rearrange my house so I don’t keep running into things.’ 
‘I’ll sit on the sofa and point to things with my crutch. You can care for me while I recover.’
Stef bit her lip, trying to imagine the scene. ‘I don’t know if I’d be a caring enough nurse to get you back on your feet.’
‘I disagree, I’ve seen you care for your mom and you raised a child. But I agree, you may not take care of me the same way.’
‘You make me sound mean, I was trying to be funny.’ Stef wiggled her fingers under the tap, there was plenty of hot water there for a bath. That may be just what she needed. Bubbles and wine. Why not, she was alone and needed to think. 
‘Definitely not mean. You are anything but mean.’
‘I dunno, maybe I am a horrible person,’ she said softly, more-so to herself than Oscar.
‘What the hell? There’s definitely something up with you Stef. You’re calling me, walking into furniture and telling me you’re a bad person. Do I have to come up there and tell you all the reasons why you’re great, coz you’re not listening to me now.’
‘Gonna hobble up?’
Oscar laughed. ‘I hear water. You’re either running a bath or having an almighty piss.’
‘Oscar!’ she scolded, ‘a lady passes water, we don’t piss.’
‘No matter how many times i ask you not to pee while you’re on the phone to me, you still do it.’
‘I know you too long to be shy around you.’
‘As long as it stays at number 1 and doesn’t drift into the number 2 zone. I would rather stay where I am if that’s what is the future offer.’
‘What are you rambling about?’ Stef poured a generous amount of bubble bath into the running water, enjoying the sight of it frothing furiously. It was gold and glittery. The glitter didn’t stick but it gave her a golden sheen that looked a little like a tan, depending on the light. 
‘Ok thanks for telling me about your bubble bath.’
Stef gulped, did she actually say that out loud?
‘I would actually love a bubble bath right now, but if I got in, I couldn’t get back out. I need a nurse. Will you wash me, Stef?���
‘I would wash you and leave you sitting in the cold bath water until you wrinkle up like a raisin.’
‘Woah, I’m glad we stayed friends.’
Stef cleared her throat, ‘so I was talking to Darius when I dropped him at the airport.’
‘He get going ok?’
‘I haven’t heard, I assume he got the flight. Anyway, he was a bit annoyed, well, maybe annoyed is not a good word, maybe more disapproving of how you and I dealt with things.’ Oh this was going to be happening now, why did the words keep coming out of her mouth?
‘What things?’
‘You know what I’m talking about,’ Stef lowered her voice, hoping she wouldn’t have to hear this conversation.
‘He brings it up sometimes with me.’
‘I understand why he brought it up when he was a kid, hoping his parent’s would fall in love again and get back together, but why is he brining it all up now?’
‘Would it be something to do with him meeting your...boyfriend.’
‘So you heard. I didn’t know he was coming up, if I did I wouldn’t have invited Jared over.’
‘He high tailed it out of there, Darius said.’
She couldn’t see Oscar shaking his head. 
‘You ok?’ 
‘I’m fine, just feel like my head is spinning around after this weekend. I don’t want to have any more arguments, maybe I shouldn’t have brought this up.’
‘What do you want to know?’
The question was on the tip of her tongue, but she didn’t want to ask, did she?
There was silence between them again, she hated this. 
‘Nothing, I don’t want to know anything.’
Oscar sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose. ‘I don’t think he’s entirely comfortable with you having an affair with a married man, no, don’t interrupt,’ he started, hearing Stef grumble on her end of the line. ‘The only reason is he doesn’t want to see your name dragged through the mud, that’s all. He wants you to be happy. People are dicks, you know that. Neither of us want to see you hurt by the fall out.’
Fall out, yes, that’s what was coming. She could feel it.
 ‘People should mind their own business.’
‘You’d think! But they don’t. They want to tear us to shreds over shit they don’t understand. You love him?’
‘Yeah,’ there, she admitted it.
‘Then fuck everyone else and what they have to say. Just don’t get caught with him or tell anyone whats going on.’
‘That’s conflicting information, Oscar.’
‘Well, that’s how it’s gotta be when you love someone you know you shouldn’t love.’
‘Does that help?’ Oscar was fidgeting, she could hear him.
‘Yep. Thanks.’
‘You don’t sound convinced.’
‘I’m stripping so I can get into the bath.’
‘Effie!!’ His voice, high pitched and exasperated tone made her laugh. 
‘I’m kidding. Not as if you haven’t seen it all anyway.’
‘Yes, but we are not on video call and that’s not fair.’
‘Stop! Anyway, what’s your plan for the day?’
‘Well, I got some nice photos I’m gonna look at while I’m incapacitated.’
‘Which photos?’ Stef dipped her hand into the hot water, perfect temperature, she would be red as a lobster in there.
‘Just some more old photos I found in the loft. Plenty of you and the band. Baby photos. Some of you on the beach.’
Stef gasped, ‘shiiiiiit, I forgot about those. Can you skip past them?’
‘You know, maybe I should, you were only about 17 in them.’
‘No, I was 18. It was my eighteenth birthday.’
‘Huh,’ Oscar decided, ‘well you’re legal in them, bonus.’
‘I’m ending this phone call,’ Stef laughed. ‘Please don’t sell those photos to the press.’
‘Your nudes would make me a rich man, Effie!’
‘Goodbye, Oscar!’
‘Goodbye, love.’ 
Dipping into the water, Stef felt the stress lifting a little. Silence drifted into the space around her, the whorls of scented steam shielding her from the world. 
Her fingers, as they always seemed to do these days, ran down her stomach, stopping when they reached between her legs.
That day at the beach had been sexy as fuck, although she had forgotten about it almost completely. 
Oscar had taken pictures of her, with her permission. They had been joking about in the dunes having left their son with his grandparents. After posing for a few shots, Stef decided to be daring and took off her bikini. There was no one around, why not?
It was only afterwards she realised how many photos Oscar had taken. They had looked back on the once after. It was hot. At least Oscar thought so. That was the only time she had ever allowed anyone to take her photo while she was naked. 
The thoughts of him looking at them now had her fingers dipping inside herself. Her orgasm coming faster than ever before. ‘Goddamn it, Oscar.’ Stef sank lower into the water. 
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chestnutroan · 5 years
Who is Ben? Have you talked about this character before?
Ben is my sole survivor, and my longest standing oc. I’ve posted a LOT of art of him but I’ve always put off talking about him at length but now I’m out of the rough when it comes to having the will to do anything, ill talk about him!
Frank (Benjamin) Romara was born in 2044 in Arkansas to African/Italian parents. When he was 13, he, his parents and his younger brother Gene were uprooted to Boston under absolutely no single good reason given at the time from his father. His dad died probably not a year later, and combined with the massive change of life Ben’s education went down the shitter, and he had to repeat freshman year. At the end of what should have been his sophomore year he got put in a program for “at risk youth”. 
[Detail about him, about Nick Valentine and Fallout Lore etc under the cut!]
The program was basically about increasing the amount of people entering government related jobs, because due to rising contempt less and less people were going down that path, and that’s bad for a whole lot of reasons, for the government at least. When it was first conceived of, it was more of a support scheme for kids not going onto greater things, but it expanded to where it was mandatory for any teen that met the requirements to be put through the system and spat out with more allegiance to their country. Ben checked off a lot of boxes, being poor, having bad grades etc. And at first Ben didn’t really mind all that much, given his lack of direction it was comforting to know that he’d be able to find a stable job to support his family, and that was exactly what seemed to be promised to him. He hadn’t yet gained a fervent desire to see the government crumble, the only part of it he hated being cops, who brushed his dads murder off like it didn’t matter. plus, the program offered extensive healthcare (a leftover enticement from when the program was optional), and it looked like the only way he’d be able to transition.
It wasn’t long, however, before it became increasingly apparent how insidious the program really was. For one thing, he was to be put into work (or training for whatever he will be assigned) at 18, meaning he’d have to leave high school with a sophomore level education. This was, of course, by design to keep the kids entering the workforce in that same workforce. When he was 17, he took a GOAT and got given two options: enter the police force or the US army. He didn't want to do absolutely either, but he picked the former, just because it seemed like his only shot to stay with his family. By the time he was 21, he’d become a detective, and before he could ever start to work on his own soil he was transferred to Chicago due to lack of workforce there.
And all over again, he’d been plucked out of what he knew and dunked somewhere else, and worse yet, he doesn’t even have anyone he knows to help him go through it. Most of the people at his station don’t really want anything to do with him, but he gets on with his job (his efficacy depending on whether or not he thinks hes doing the right thing), and quickly becomes the new hotshot ass hole there for his attention to detail, if not his actual ability to decipher motivations and piece things together. And this caught the attention of Nick Valentine.
Nick was the original hotshot ass  hole ofc, and it was owed to this that Ben, despite being to be shown the ropes, that he didn’t partner with the new guy despite being the only person there who could have helped him out. Nick was very, very good at his job, and due to his insecurities he wasn’t about to stop being the best and give people the chance to realise he doesn't get better than how effective he is at his work. I won’t get into the root of his insecurities, but he genuinely believes that he would lose all respect and that if he ever stopped being a try hard people would lose all reason to bother with him at all, and all he wants is for others reach out and be a friend to him. hes dealing with a lot of the same loneliness Ben is, but so long as he doesn't lose the facade of being a fully functional adult with a good job and a ‘loving’ wife he wont have to introspect and face who he thinks he is deep down (i.e. a man incapable of loving his wife romantically because of some personality fault he cant comprehend of how to fix as opposed to him just being gay and having a lot of internalised homophobia).
It takes Ben and Nick both reaching the point where they snap under the weight of the world they live in and the people who occupy it for them to come together. Nick ended up actually asking to take Ben on as a partner, and it took a lot of the load off of emotionally crippling work (serving a government neither of them believed in but being wholly incapable of escaping it, status quo being almost the only thing keeping them in place as opposed to trying to physically escape what they're doing together) but better yet, for nick, Ben helped bring out a side of him that wasn’t so afraid to be known by others, and he started opening up to other people at the same time as growing closer to him. (I think its important to like.not that nick doesn't wholly rely on Ben for all of his self esteem etc Ben is just a positive impact who gives him a space where nick can learn for himself that his worth doesn't depend on other peoples perception of him.) Nick realises that a lot of his negative perception/jealousy/etc of Ben when they first met was because he saw a lot of himself in him, Nick was in more or less him when he started some 5 or so years ago, and Nick helps Ben out in the way he wished someone had been there for him because he cares a hell of a lot about him and wants him to have the best chance at things.
And they grow into better people and just at the pique of things, where Nick is enjoying not being in an abusive relationship and staying with Ben while he gets back on his feet, Ben gets drafted and is trained at first to become a power armored foot soldier (standing at nearly 6′6″ he’d be a monument of fuck you to the enemy) but do to his deliberately bad aim with weapons, hes instead trained to pilot a vertibird, where hes then shipped off to anchorage. its there that he goes MIA after going against orders with his co pilot to provide medical assistance to a group of people stranded off from communication he spotted in flight earlier. Ben ended up glad later on that he and his co pilot were shot down, because for all 25 hours he was left dying in the snow, it meant that he didn't have to justify him going against orders by bringing back Chinese soldiers who’d end up a lot worse for wear than him. By the time his KIA status was revoked (they weren’t about to announce the miracle of his survival before they knew he’d survive lol) he’d already had a funeral, which Nick had attended, because I write like everything's a soap opera. but yeafksf him dying and attending his funeral left nick in a lot of grief, because he’d thought he’d have forever with Ben to go slow with him into being in a relationship and now Nick thought he’d never get that chance. and when they meet back up after it all when Ben returns it’s romantically charged to say the least.
Obviously I haven’t been sticking entirely to lore with this but the lore presented in fallout 4 is fucking bullshit so. i hesitate to call this a fix but i need to put in this disclaimer before i start spouting off. hey how about instead of nicks fiance getting iced jenny lands was actually his partner once he transferred to Boston to be with his husband to be, and she was cruelly twisted against her own intentions to try and kill nick because Eddie winter put her family in jeopardy and Eddie doing this was a coordinated attack towards them both that hes not just powerful enough to get revenge he can do it in such a way that they cant even trust the people around them. And nick got his mind juices squeezed or brain scanned whatever because of the resulting trauma of being shot by his best friend jenny. and also ‘Shaun’ is Ben and Nicks kid Max and upon learning later as a gen 2 that his son is the leader of a great source of trauma for nick hes forced to introspect in ways that have more tangible effects because his ability to decide who he is as a man ties into immediate problems  And nick doesn't have to focus on revenge disguised as justice because he has a responsibility to live in the here and now.
Thank you for this ask!! I hope that was coherent enough to understand kjdsf if you have any more questions about him or anything else I talked about I’d be flattered to hear them!
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fyrapartnersearch · 4 years
original, percy jackson, pokemon, avatar, skyrim, fallout ;
I’m AJ! I lost a couple partners in the holiday craze, which is totally fine! Now I’m lookin’ for some RPs to head into the new year. If we had something lined up and things fell off the wagon, no sweat, just message me again and we can get the ball rolling again! :)
  For original settings: apocalyptic (zombie, disease, extinction event, whatever), supernatural (fantasy, urban, sci-fi, literally anything). For fandom universes: Percy Jackson, Pokemon, Avatar: The Last Airbender/Legend of Korra, Skyrim, and Fallout.
  Gonna run through my basic info and then onto the particulars. 💕
  ⥽ About Me ; ⥼
  • Name/Age ; AJ! 22! Finally!
  • Timezone ; CST! I don’t mind time differences, this is just so you know my general schedule.
  • Length ;  Depends on whether it’s novella or multi-paragraph. If m.para, around 3-5 minimum I guess? Novella would obviously be much longer.
  • Reply rate ; Varies depending on whether we’re doing multi-paragraph or novella. I can respond anywhere from every day to every other day or a few times a week to weekly depending on the writing style of the RP and my schedule.
  • OOC ;  I like getting to know my partners and sharing enthusiasm over our ideas and characters. Nothing hits quite like mutual investment! I like making playlists/pinboards/sending you videos or songs or memes that remind me of our characters!
  • Contact ; Strictly email for OOC and roleplay unless we’re using GDocs for the RP itself. You can find me at [email protected].
  ⥽ On the lookout for ; ⥼
  • Doubling ; Not a deal-breaker!! I just prefer writing a cast of characters, so this is something that’s more of a bonus. Ideally we’ll double, but I’m down for writing just one character each. Let me know how ya feel about it!
  • Will only write MxM or FxF ; MxF’s not my cup of tea (I’m extremely picky with it, fellow gays u know how it is). If we’re writing a cast of characters then I’m fine with having an MxF side couple. And I STRICTLY write OCxOC! Canon characters won't be found anywhere near this stuff, folks!
  • 20+ ; Partner’s gotta be 20+ even if we don’t write anything explicitly adult! I’m outta my teens now and don’t have any interest in writing with them. Same goes for characters. It’s a 20+ zone for both partners and characters ‘round here, folks!
  ⥽ Yes! ; ⥼
  • Smut ;  I enjoy writing it, but it’s not a deal-breaker if you’d rather fade to black.  All characters will obviously be adults. I expect versatile characters in bed by default, that way we’ve got an even route for playing roles in bed. Admittedly this shifts a bit depending on the character I write but for the most part, yeah, I stick to verses.
  • Face claims ; Spent a huge chunk of my roleplaying years on tumblr (it was very over-the-top and flowery and weirdly formatted and grossly difficult to read, I know I know), so having a face for characters stuck with me. If you don’t have any of your own and want good resources to find a face, I’ve got some recommended sites I can throw at ya! Not a deal-breaker, though, and for certain fandoms (Pokemon, Avatar) I actually prefer not to use realistic face claims so we can just opt outta that when writing in these universes.
  • Depth & growth ; Not a fan of one-dimensional characters or characters who act the same from beginning to end! People change with experiences and the people around them, so this is to be expected. ESPECIALLY when doubling with a cast. I loooove complicated characters growing together.
  • Plotting & Worldbuilding ;  *For original settings/worlds! I’m not picky with this if we’re working with a canon setting, so if that’s what you’re looking for, we can skip this section. I run into loooads of folks who say they do this when they really don’t. We’re writing an entire world together, so there’s some degree of effort involved! I need specifics to use as a start-off point for the roleplay and a general outline for where the story’s going. RPs that are just random, spur of the moment with writing as we go on tend to burn out REALLY quickly for me. I know not a lot of people are into this, so I’m sorry about that.
  ⥽ No! ; ⥼
  • Single paragraphs ; I’m not too picky with a lot of length a lot of the time, I just don’t mesh well with people who don’t write more than that. Go ham. I like my responses meaty!
  • Limits ; Abuse, nonconsensual/sexual assault, pedophilia, incest (includes step-relations, adopted relations, and that figurative like if one character essentially raised another or they were raised as family), weird age gaps, BDSM, any kind of master/slave or dom/sub dynamics.
  As for the goods, I’ve laid ‘em all out for you here! Keep in mind that while all of these are fun on their own, I’m definitely the type of writer who’s into mixing and matching. Sci-fi apocalypse? Fantasy apocalypse? Fantasy supernatural stuff? Sci-fi fantasy? Sci-fi supernatural stuff? Supernatural apocalypse? Period settings? Literally whatever you could think of, I’ll give it a whirl. The particulars down below are just to get the ball rolling and catch some interest, some asterisks for current cravings but I’m soooooo honest when I say that I’d love to write anything down below and won’t shoot you down if you come at me with stuff. Hit me up with whatever you’d like!
    APOCALYPSE: My bread and butter! Bro. I’m all about the tense, harrowing, and especially gut-punching when it comes to how close people become to survive together in quiet moments of a world they used to know. I’m a big fan of zombies, so that’s my loose preference. I loved Black Summer on Netflix – the earlier episodes, at least, as well as The Last of Us. That’s the kind of vibe I favor with zombies/zombie-like creatures. But, ofc, an apocalypse can be anything! I love writing different takes on the genre since there’s so much to cover. Extinction event, pandemic, impact event, monsters/beasts, man-made, whatever. The more creative the apocalyptic setting, the better, so I’d love to bounce some ideas back and forth. Not too into a nuclear apocalypse setting, since that overlaps a lot with Fallout down below. I’ve also had some ideas of a futuristic/sci-fi apocalypse that I’d love to tell you all about if you’re interested!
  FANTASY***: High fantasy, low fantasy, medieval fantasy, urban fantasy, whatever. Love dragons, love magic, love weird fantasy flora, definitely love the classic prince/princess x knight or commoner schtick. You want prophecies? I’m game. You want elves? I’m game. You want steampunk? I’m game. You want none of that and wanna do something else? I’m game, baby. The possibilities are endless. I’ve had two particular ideas floatin’ around in my noggin lately: an apocalyptic-fantasy that takes place in a medieval fantasy realm wherein an ancient curse/plague erupts across the land with horrifying zombie-esque symptoms (obv with more fantasy elements than just that) that involves a quest to try and awaken a god or two OR some magic journey to the heart of it all and out and end to it, and a modern fantasy involving a run-down summer camp secluded deep in the woods. Two new counselors (our characters) start working there over the summer and things slowly unravel from there, either with faerie stuff involving replacing campers/staff (definitely aiming for the freaky horror faeries as opposed to like, beautiful or only slightly unnerving faeries) or the camp being run by a secret cult that sacrifices campers/staff.
  SUPERNATURAL/PARANORMAL***: Vampires and werewolves and demons, oh my! Can’t go wrong with horror, especially can’t go wrong with comedy-horror. I’m more of the type to prefer humans and supernatural beings together in a ragtag duo type of way as opposed to two supernatural beings, but anything’s cool in my book. Medieval/fantasy setting for a dark fairytale vibe, urban/modern supernatural beings slinking in the shadows outside of the human eye, supernatural sci-fi stuff, mysteries and danger lurking around every corner? Seriously, it’s a great genre! Any and everything is fantastic. I’ve got a loose concept of demons/the Underworld I’d like to get into revolving around a human accidentally summoning a demon or making a really poor deal with a demon and the eventual threat of the opposite effect (humans who work with angels/angels who clean up demonic stuff) since I’m struggling with the worldbuilding of it, so applying all that to a roleplay to give it a whirl sounds like a great way to work out the kinks. Plus, c’mon. Paranormal romance. End of the world. Flipping the script on angels and demons with the demons being “good” and the angels being “bad” but really there’s more nuance to that since they’re two sides of the same coin. What’s not to love there? I’m a sucker for human/demon relationships and/or human/angel relationships, what can I say!
  PERCY JACKSON*****: I haven’t ever roleplaying this verse before, so this is completely new grounds for me. I’ve seen some fun takes on it, though! Scoured older ads but haven’t reached out to anyone because the posting time’s pretty old, but a couple ideas I’ve skimmed through sound fun. HP got a period take on it, so why not put that spin on PJ with a period setting rather than in modern times? Or just a regular modern setting. Y’know, keep it classy, keep it sexy, keep it fun! I’m definitely interested in life outside of camp since they’d all be adults. Life’s supposed to suck for demigods, so let’s get into that. I’ve only read the first series but I’m game to read more or look over the Wikipedia if it suits your fancy! I’m REALLY looking for a PJ RP, seriously, message me.
  POKEMON: Man, I just… miss Pokemon, dude, what else can I say? :( I miss fun adventures and goofy scenarios and taking a more serious or realistic route with threats. I’ve got a couple of ideas from heists to evil Elite Four members to Poke-Jurassic Park, but I’d love to hear anything you’ve got in mind!
  AVATAR*****: Alright, not gonna beat around the bush, I had a killer post-Korra RP setting like a year ago that died off early on and now I’m kinda itching to put it back into action! Basically this whole thing just revolves around our own Avatar and world/conflicts. Something before Aang could be fun too? Or a couple Avatars past Korra? There’s so many routes we could take this! And so many things we could bring in! I had an Avatar marathon with my brother this weekend and I just miss this universe. I’ve never actually managed to RP it before, so I wanna remedy that!
  FALLOUT***: Played 3, watched various playthroughs of New Vegas, 4, and working on 1+2! I’m a recent fan and I’ve fallen head over heels for it! I’ve got ten prepped OCs for this universe so feel free to take your pic once we get into contact! :D I think it could be fun if we make our own setting for this, but I’m so down for piggybacking off canon settings. I love the Mojave in particular, but everything’s cool in my book. I’ve also got a couple plot ideas, so I can tell you all about ‘em when we get into things!
  SKYRIM***: Well I’m a new Fallout fan so it should come to NO surprise that I’m new to Skyrim too. I recently got into it after someone recommended it to me and I’m having a blast playing the game on the Switch! I don’t have any particular ideas but I’d love to dip into the water here and see what comes of it. I’ve got a couple character ideas already so if I manage to rope anyone into this universe I’ll be one happy camper.
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rahimaldemir · 5 years
Dying Light 2 - Q&A
In the official Dying Light discord one of the representatives, Uncy, from Techland held a q&a session during E3 2019 and I took the time to copy everything down. There were a lot of questions asked, but I only copied down the ones that were answered.
Uncy said they were going to post a FAQ with all of these questions and I’ll make sure to link it when they do. As of right now, I don’t think it has been released.
A lot of people were typing during the session and unfortunately a lot of questions got repeated. There is also a decent amount of typos in these questions, but it felt important to keep the Q&A session in an honest a form as possible, so I have not corrected any typos or omitted any duplicate questions.
I did add a “Q” and “A” to the beginning of every question and answer for clarity. Uncy used emojis sometimes in their answers, but I did not copy those over if they weren’t text emojis.
I have put my own notes in [italicized brackets].
WARNING: There are huge spoilers for The Following in these questions, they are marked to make them easier to avoid, but please be wary.
@tafferfield I know you got a pretty wicked master list of DL2 stuff, so if any of this helps you feel free to grab it and add it.
Putting under a read more because this is long:
Q: Are all current zombies considered volatiles? A: Not really, there are still regular zombies and volatiles
Q: Zombies only exit the night? A: now that's a hard one, zombies can stay outside for some time during the day but they get weak IN THE SUN
Q: How much diffrent endings are there? A: About endings - more than one, don't want to spoil it
Q: Battle royale mode? A: no BR mode
Q: Are you able to clear the city of zombies? A: Basically human learned how to deal with infection, so the more humans the less zombies
Q: how does Aiden stop from turning? does he use antizin or something else A: antizine is finished but human discovered that strong UV light weakens the infection, that's why you have the biomarker
Q: Is Aiden a foreigner to the land like Crane? A: Aiden doesn't even know Crane exists Q: I meant is Aiden from around there or did he come from somewhere else A: he's not from the city, he's an outsider
Q: What are future plans for multiplayer? A: multiplayer wise - we have some stuff coming apart from co-op, but I can't really share multiplayer details now
Q: Will there be a fallout kind of karma system? A: karma system? nope but your choices and actions will affect how people see you
Q: How long will one playthrough of the game be? A: hard to tell, but i know that dl2 will be a game for a long time
Q: Will dying light 2 feature the same great ragdoll physics as the first. A: upgraded ones
Q: Will the game be translated into Brazilian Portuguese as the first? A: more languages will come, cant really tell for now
Q: Can we expect to see actual time sensitive activities within the game? (IE: Do this now or forever lose the chance) A: Yes, but its more like choice wise, like do one thing and u will never be able to do another
Q: Will you play Dying Light 2 with me on release ;d? A: why not
Q: Will Aiden be customizable (e.g. hair, individual clothing pieces,etc) A: yup there will be customization
Q: Is there a weapon combo system? A: what do you mean by that? Q: Like a combo like last game you could spam attack and hold it for a more powerful attack, I'm asking if you can combo attacks like 2 quick attacks and then a charged attack or stuff like that [This question never actually got fully answered]
Q: Did anything replace the grappling hook. Did it change in anyway? A: there's a grappling hook - and some more options to travel cause the city is huge {you will be able to upgrade them}
Q:if the vial ending from the following is canon (if the following is canon) is crane a Volatile?
A: in some way - both are canon. It's up to the player to choose it Q: will Crane make an appearance or not. If you cant answer then atleast say which ending is canon A: not really
Q: Will the game launch with any DLC's? A: i dont think it will launch with dlc's but post release support is planned
Q: The last trailer showed working vehicles, will we be able to use some? A: Yes
Q: How many different kinds weapons are there (number) A: too many to mention, we're still adding more weapons
Q: is it sticking with the old crafting system or are y'all switching it up A: crafting system is upgraded a little
Q: are in dying light 2 developer tools having the chance to make custom movements and animations? A: I don't really have info about dev tools right now
Q: Are firearms coming back ? A: No guns, no firearms - but there will be distance weapons like crossbows
Q: do we gain strength or anything when nighs fall? since we are infected A: during the night you need to use UV lights to stop the infection, you wont get stronger
Q: is the choices you make permanant (one save only) or can you save and go back? A: you can save and go back on some difficulties
Q: Czy będzie drzewko umiejetnosci tak jak w 1 ? A: tak
Q: Is the max number in a party still going to be 4 or will more team members be able to join in co-op multiplayer, if there is any. A: 4 player coop
Q: is there a system where our beard can grow out and cut it same with hair like rdr2 asked a few times chat just to fast lol A: hmm, i don't think so
Q: Can you turn into a zombie if you dont pay enough attention to your wristband? A: that's still under discussion, i don't think you will be able to play as a zombier tho
Q: When the game releases, are you able to link your old account from DL1 to get rewards? A: we wont forget about dl1 owners
Q: will you be able to upgrade/modify tools like grappling hook and the UV flashlight? A: yes, tools will be upgradeables
Q: are we going to have trading cards to craft badges on steam with dying light 2? A: Yup
Q: Will the UI be changed completely, both in-game, etc? A: there will be some changes for sure, i dont know how hard tho
Q: How many skill trees are there, and are they any more complex? A: you can upgrade a lot of stuff now
Q: Are ranged weapons going to be as powerful as they were in DL1 or is it a bit more balanced A: there are no guns, so its balanced
Q: I wonder if we will see some more gameplay (apart from the trailer) from E3? A: something will come this month
Q: what are the main factions in dying light 2? A: Peacekeepers and scavengers - those are two main factions, but there are more
Q: Who is the girl in the trailer? A: that's actually one of our employees but for now all I can say that she's singing in one of the bars in the city
Q: Has the infection gone worldwide A: yup
Q: What happened to kyle crane? Will he have anything to do with the game
A: he ded
Q: will there be an enhanced edition or any other editions or just the normal one? A:there will be different editions - more details coming soon
Q: Will some weapons from Dying Light 2 (before release) be added in Dying Light? A: watch the trailer closely
Q: Are you taking in any alpha testers any time soon? If so I would like to be the first volunteer. A: there are no tests planned for now
Q: Referencing the Trailer, will we have the ability to choose our siding, survivor or what seem to be the "law"? A: its all up to you and your decisions!
Q: during the first game the side quests were some of the most amazing in the whole game, my question is, will those little side quests be present in the second game as well and will they also impact the game A: Yeah! side quests will be there and there wont be just easy fetch quests, but rather a small stories on their own
Q:There's a post. On twitter(?) That mentions something like "as Aiden you can do things no one elese can" Does that mean there will be benefits in having your infected level reach a certain level? A: Aiden is simply well prepared to live in The City - that's all I can tell right now
Q: Will there be new skill trees or the same ones? A: would be weird to put in the same skill trees
Q: can you upgrade parts of the town? and is roger smith coming back for Voice acting A: depends what do you mean, if you help certain people by your actions or choices, they will start to build stuff like bridges, farms etc which will help you, they will also get rid of the zombies from buildings etc
Q: Is it possible, that BTZ will be in Dying Light 2? A: possible but not confirmed
Q: can we get the song from the trailer? its sick A: I think i got the name somewhere, ill add it to faq [Couldn’t find Uncy’s link, but I was able to find two of the three soundtracks featured in trailers on youtube: Help I’m Alive and Crimson Blaze & Battlefields]
Q: Please dont add lootboxes A: Cmon
Q: Why can't we pre-order A: cause we don't have all the editions ready yet
Q: got 2 questions: - Will we have a season pass for a limited time just like in Dying Light so we can get the DLCs for free? - can us console players please get a fov slider A: 1.There will be a season pass 2. I'll let the devs know about fov slider
Q: Will there be a new type of villain like Rais? A: nothing is white or black in The City
Q: Will it be the same loot system or a loot system at all? A: what do you mean by loot system? like those crates etc? Q: I'm referring to weapons and stuff like that. A: then I don't really know, afaik it got changed a little
Q: Can we expect to see a different climbing mechanic, same with the grapple? A: parkour system is upgraded a lot, grapple is coming back ofc
Q: 1. are there gonna be volatiles in dl2? and are the zombies in dl2 more faster, brutal and better in movement to chase u down? A: There are new and old zombies, can't tell more atm
Q:Will some of the old zombie mutations be returning? A: yup
Q: Distance weapons are mentioned, does that mean a weapon smith we can get distanve weapon blueprints from? A: you can created your own weapons
Q: Are there other zombie types than the ones mentioned in the interviews? If so can we know a bit about them? A: there will be more, no info now tho
Q: On the topic of Grapple, is it expected to behave the same as DL1, or will it have a different mechanic, such as a swing? A: grapple is different now and you can upgrade it
Q: an we drop kick zombies and humans from sky scrapers? A: Yup
Q: Will the grappling hook operate the same as in DL1? I think it was overpowered and needed bigger cool down, it took away from parkour element a lot for me. A: as I said later, it's reworked a little - not OP now
Q: Is Brecken alive in Dying Light 2? Or is he maybe related to protagonist? A: no one from DL1 comes back
Q: Does no ranged mean guns or are we also losing the bow/crossbow A: never said no ranged, i said no firearms, ranged weapons will be there
Q: Will the gore be overhauled or different in Dying Light 2? A: it will be upgraded, there are also new finishers coming in
Q: Will quarantine zones come back? A: dark zones will be in the buiuldiings
Q: what happen to the cure A: gone
Q: will there be more weapon upgrades than in the first DL? A: a lot more
Q: can we put miniguns on vehicles or weaponize them like the buggy from The Following? A: I don't think so - nothing for now at least
Q:What happend to the GRE? A: They were there when the infection started - they are the ones that gave away the biomarkers - no sight of them in the city now
Q: If there's a co-op mode, what is the max amount of players in 1 lobby? A: 4 players max
Q: Will there be more end game content then dl1? A: yup, first of all you will have to finish the game multiple times to experience the game fully, end game will also be improved
Q: What do you think will be there an epic crossover mission when we meet kyle but he's turned A: I don't think he will come back
Q: Infected animals? A: animals will be there, you can hunt them, dunno about infected ones tho
Q: Are there children in DL2? If so, can we kill them? A: Brutal
Q: Referencing the ease of combat in DL1, can we expect to see actual struggle when going against enemies? Will we have the feeling of should I fight or run? A: Ups [???] depends on the difficulty for sure, some of the fights will be hard, for example - you fight some guys near to the building and then zombies hear it and come out for few minutes, and you have XvXvX fight to go trough
Q: Kiedy pre order? A: Niedługo
Q: are the voliatile hive quests coming back? A: you will be cleaning some mess for sure, I don't know if those particular quests will go back
Q: Alright. I asked if we'll get skin to customize our weapons as in we keep them forever as blueprints and we can apply them to any weapon? A: customization will be upgraded, that's for sure, I believe we will actually share more details about it in the future
Q: Will there be brutal finishers after stun, like in old Dying Light version where Kyle pulls out smth from the chest? A: yup, we're still adding more and more finishers
Q: Are safezones upgradable in any way? A: you can't upgrade them as in "click a button and its happening" it changes when you do something for the city or you act in some way
Q: is there gonna be a volatile chase mission in the sewer like dl1? "extraction" with more running action? A: that's a really gameplay-detailed question, I don't think i have answer for it now
Q: Will there be weapons rarities? A: some weapons will be stronger than other - don't know about how will we deal with rarities
Q: can we do farming? A: i think that other people are meant for farming, not Aiden
Q: Is dl2 going to have the same docket system like dl1 if not please explain A: dockets are cool, would be good to have them back
Q: Will zombies give a fight for your life feel, or will it be light DL1 where they are primarily just nuisances? A: try going to dark zone during the day, you wont get out of there alive
Q: do we have a different type of vehicles or just one like dl the following we only had the buggy + we are going to have horses and motorbikes or no ? A: there will be some vehicles - more about that coming soon
Q: is there going to be any refrences from dl1??? A: yup, there will be differences [I’m assuming the question was misread]
Q: you said that there wont be any firearms in DL2, but can you maybe tell what's going on in here, as a game dev? It confuses me quite a lot [pic of peacekeeper with what looks like a gun] A: concept arts are not 1:1 gameplay
Q: Is there gonna be something that can make you even stronger if you maxed out all skill trees? (Like the Legend in DL1.) A: that's a really late-game stuff, i believe something like that will come
Q: will the hostile factions attack you if you go into certain areas (i.e if you take a safe zone for a scavenger will the peackeepers attack you in an office building A: yup
Q: how much is pre order and when will it go live A: we are still taking care of different editions and prices
Q: Are the weapons going to become more modern as you level up ? A: nope, weapons are really "hand made" but they all look cool
Q: Will there be any stational turrets, which you can craft/use in some safezones to clear hordes? A: people are dealing with the infected, turrets are too modern
Q: we can pre-order the game soon ? i mean like next month maybe or after a while ? A: yup, preorders will go live when we will figure out the versions etc
Q: Will multiplayer/coop loot be instance based, or client base? (DL1 uses a client base, as each player gets their own drops/items from chests/zombies) Instance based would be there's only 1 item for all players, first to grab gets. A: We still need to figure that out, I believe we will check which one is better
Q: any cool easter eggs coming? A: a lot of them
Q: Will there be any missions that require 4 players, and can more people join you for the final boss? A: 4 people is max
Q: will there be any more presentations or info about DL2 at e3? A: there will be more + new s this month
Q: Will there be boss fights and if there is at the last story mission do we have to be alone? A: don't ask about last mission when the game is not out
Q: we can play with animals like far cry ? i mean like u send animals to attack zombies or something like that, and will there be infected animals too or no ? A: you will be able to hunt animals for resources, i dont think you will be able to tame them
Q: what your prediction about the pc spec? A: i think you will be fine if you can run modern games, We go for FPS over resolution and we aim for 60 at ps4 and xone, its not confirmed tho
Q: so is there going to be some sick loot if we have dl1 and bad blood?? A: there will be something for DL owners
Q: Are there gonna be hunger and thirst bars, and food and drinks you can loot around the world or get from faction cities and safe zones? A: that's still under discussion, its not confirmed
Q: Will we see random wildlife throughout our explorations? (Not those of zombies.) A: yup and you can hunt them
Q: Will we be able to use the dying light companion app in Dying Light 2 A: probably yes
Q: so is there infected animals or no ? A: I dont think so, it's not really confirmed, so we will see
Q: Can we get a confirmation that the dev tools will be available eventually considering it massively increase the longevity of the game and wasnt a total fuckup of a decision like bad blood was? A: about dev tools - im still waiting for confirmation
Q: sorry for the torture but will there be a PVP gamemode or any special gamemode for DL2? A: we will have multiplayer based discussion, for now there are no details to tell about mp
Q: will DL2 get better mod support ? Something like Fallout 4 so we can add more stuff to the game A: i hope so
Q: asking again, will there be seasons? like winter and summer with weather changes? A: I don't think so
Q: Do i have to side with 1 faction completely? Do certain factions control certain safe zones or are safe zones neutral territory? A: nope, you don't have to side with 1 faction
Q: limitation (character inventory)? Like we can no longer have unlimited or 99x items in stacks - including crafting materials. A: I think there wont be limits to crafting materials, like 99x, i need to confirm that with devs tho
Q: Will there be walking zombie hordes, which will try to destroy safe zone's gates? And will it be like event? (is it really possible)? A: people's safe zones are protected with UV lights, zombies wont cross them
Q: Can I sleep in Dying Light 2 to skip night? A: the whole day-night cycle is changed in DL2, more details coming soon
Q1: will there be xray like in the old game A: what x ray Q2: Survivor sense, he meant I think Q3: the critical blue hit, when u hit a zombie, thats what he means A: oh, survivor sense is coming back
Q: Will duplications be patched frequently? As in DL1 there are still many that can occur. A: well i hope there wont be any dupe glitches
Q: Around how long would it take to playthrough the game once? A: quests etc are still coming so i cant really tell how long it will be right now
Q: Btw every pre-order got a bonus content so ofc dl2 got bonus content so when i buy the game after the release i can get this content even if i buy higher edition or its for pre-orders only ? A: i dont think we will have any preorder exclusives, time will tell tho
Q: How many quests Will there be? A: a lot
Q: how many or which of the zombie types from the first game will we see again in DL2? A: everyone from DL1 is coming back (zombie wise) wise some cool additions and upgrades
Q: How many factions are confirmed so far or at least under disussion? A: 2 main ones are confirmed, and there will be more side ones
Q: will there be any sort of vehicles we can drive in DL2? A: yup there will be vehicles
Q: Will there be shields and (fast?) counterattacks after blocking? A: ripostes will be there, im not sure about the shields but u can block without it
Q: The map takes place in a City, is this city based on a real life counterpart? A: it's a fictional city based on european cities
Q: what happened to the firearms i mean why they are removed from the game ? A: they are very rare commodity 15 years after diseaster
Q: can we drive vehicles? A: yes
Q: When does the Q&A end? A: in around 10 minutes
Q: I don't know if this was asked. But Will we be able to explore more then the city? A: the city alone is 4 times bigger than the first DL, there is a lot to explore, dunno about going outside tho
Q: Will there be some type of pvp in the game? A: more info about multiplayer modes will come very soon
Q: Who is the voice actor for aiden A: dunno to be honest xD not the kyle voice actors and that what matters [This has been released. Aiden’s voice actor is Jonah Scott.]
Q: So there is firearms in the game but they are very rare and hard to find ? i mean u can still find them but its hard right ? A: i mean that they are so rare that you wont find one, but as i said, there are still ranged weapons, and some you can craft on your own
Q: Will it be a new Be The Zomby ? Or Human player invading other world like DS3 ? A: as i said, no details for multiplayer this time, sorry! :x
Q: Will the implemented day/night cycle have any special amendments? (Can we expect to see random encounters/anomalies on random nights/days?) A: would be cool, ill ask devs
Q: In the trailer we saw bracelet and how "charges go down". What will happen if it goes down and will we have "antizin"? Can we buy or trade it? A: there is no antizine, strong UV lights weakens the infection, its still under discussion what will happen when it will go to 0, most possible outcome is simply dying and having to restart the game
Q: Hold up. "No guns" or "very rare guns"? I saw both those answers from Uncy A: its pretty much the same, like, they're all pretty much gone
Q: what about invasions? Be the zombie A: no multiplayer details now
Q: Is the game 4 times bigger then just the slums? Or the WHOLE game A: the whole game without the following
Q: Will there be more interactions within the game? (IE: Fishing, skinning the animals we hunt, cooking, etc) A: yup, there will be a lot to do in the city
Q: Will DL2 be on next gen xbox as it just got announced? A: right now we plan ps4 xone and pc release
Q: Will it be possible to take (offline) single-player saved games online, and if so, what proactive measures will Techland take to prevent game-save mods from disrupting the online multiplayer experience? A: as i said, multiplayer details will come in the future, those things are still under discussion
Q: Can we go and roam outside the city? A: Aiden wants to stay in the city
Q: my final question what is the virus called is it still called the harran virus A: well it's not in harran only anymore
Q: Is there some way to calculate just how many final outcomes you can get out of the game? Like in Detroit Become Human for example A: not really, not right now at least
Q: will screamers have more of a purpose then obstacle you have to get around A: they will be different this time
Q: Legend levels made the first game really easy so are they in dl2 or no ? and if they are there so is it balanced now or it will still make the game so easy ? A: legends levels are still under discussion as well
Q: Still another question about that charges... Will there be some visual and sensitive effects (like in Dying Light where the screens goes green and we dont have stamina)? A: yup, i think so at least
Q: Will there be more detailed animations for each thing we do? (If we activate our flashlight, Aiden would reach to his shoulder to turn it on) A: some things are speed up of course to not be annoying, but there will be more animations, like imagine having to reach the uv light for a 10000 time when volatile is at your face
Q: Will this channel remain so we can review all the previously stated questions? A: it will be closed but it will remain (i need to make QA out of it)
Q: Will it be possible to take (offline) single-player saved games online, and if so, what proactive measures will Techland take to prevent game-save mods from disrupting the online multiplayer experience? A: i responded to that with - no multiplayer details for now, I really don't have any info about it
Q: Can we ride horses ? A: nope
Q: Is korek in dl2? A: i dont think so
Q: anything to mention about Night hunters? A: night runners you mean? actually Aiden is the only man capable of reviving hte nightrunners caste
Q: wingsuit? A: maybe this will be one of the things we will be talking about - i mean, new traversal options
Q: Will we have the ability to pursue affections of NPC? Such as a friend meter, or even a lover? A: you will be able to interact with every single npc in the game - how? you will see
Q: Any building destruction in ds2? Like walls collapsing when you use explosives, would be cool A: just the last one - yes environment is destructible in some cases
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hnrywinchester · 5 years
Fare Thee Well - - 17
Summary: She hasn’t seen Gabriel since he died nine years ago, then a phone call changed everything.
Pairing: Gabriel x OFC
Series Warnings: ANGST, smut, swearing, PTSD Gabriel, Character Deaths, Canon Compliant
Beta’d by: @aquietuniverse
Words: 5.7k
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Gabriel never came. The barren trails wound on and on for miles, the cold air freezing her from the inside out as her lungs burned and ached. Lucifer had finally released her once he knew she couldn’t escape, when the rift home was far enough behind them that he knew she’d never find it before dropping dead. She trailed behind him, her feet dragging like anchors as the fatigue set in. She regretted her lack of sleep and food in the hours leading up to this.
“What’s the hold up? Don’t you wanna see little Gabey again before he’s…” Lucifer taunted, dragging his thumb across his throat as he twisted his face into a dying grimace.
“He’s not gonna die!” Liv spat back, wishing she was close enough to hurl her fist at his nose.
“If Michael comes around he is. A powered up Gabe can’t him take on, never mind the pathetic, lovesick state he’s in now. He’s a goner, honey.”
“Shut your mouth.”
“Plus, I need you as collateral. My brother’s prized possession for my son. He’ll take that deal without thinking twice.”
“No one’s holding your spawn hostage.”
“We don’t know that! So until we find out, you’re with me. Come on sis, put a little pep in that step and let’s find our fam!”
This was making perfect sense now. She’d been curious as to why Lucifer was dragging her along with him instead of putting an end to her like she knew he wanted to. She was his brother’s human pet who’d been mouthing off to him just moments before the time to strike had hit. Unsure of whether or not to be thankful for his mercy, she urged her feet to keep going. If anyone was going to find Gabriel in this wasteland, it was him. She continued to call out but still no one came. Her eyes scanned the trees, both the feeling of hope and dread mingling as she prayed to see him alive and not splayed across the ground, his wings seared into the dirt.
Lucifer seemed to know where he was going, like he was following a path, which kept her following along complacently. She hated him. For everything he’d done and ripped away from her, for the things he’d done to Gabriel. Yet here she was depending on him to keep her alive. It was some sick, twisted joke. She wanted to burst into tears, but there was only one angel who saw that side of her and it certainly would never be him. He stopped dead in his tracks, holding his hand up signaling her to stop moving. She heard them. The quiet murmur of voices nearby, the cracking of twigs as their feet crunched along the ground.
“Oh thank Dad! I could use a pick me up,” Lucifer sighed in relief, her face twisting into confusion, “Don’t go runnin’ off now, you’ll die out there. I hear they don’t like humans very much in these parts.”
Her heart was hammering as she watched him walk off. Left to her own devices, standing in the middle of the woods, she felt a fear like she’d never felt before. Her breath shook as she exhaled, her body frozen in place, and when the screams erupted from just out of eyeshot, her eyes snapped shut in hopes that when they reopened she’d find herself waking from a whiskey nightmare.
“Gabriel… please… I need you to hear me,” she begged under her breath, “baby, please. Help me.”
Gabriel never came. Lucifer returned moments later, his eyes glowing red and she despised the relief that washed through her at the sight of him.
“What did you do?” she hissed.
“Got myself a little snack,” Lucifer disclosed, rubbing his stomach, “took out a few of Michael’s cronies, saved your ass. You’re welcome. Now let’s go, we’re close.”
“Close to what?”
“You’ll see. Hop to it, little bunny.”
“I need a break. I’m tired, and cold and hungry! We’ve been walking for hours.”
“Uh, excuse me, Gabe isn’t here right now, please leave your whining at the tone... beeeeeeep.”
His voice was absolutely grating. His facial expressions were enough to boil her blood and her physical misery was doing nothing to keep her emotions in check.
“I can't,” she groaned, “Seriously, I’m freezing. It’s like thirty five degrees and I’m in a t-shirt.”
“Okay,” he droned, “so doesn’t exercise, like, warm you humans up? Walk on missy.”
“Why can’t you just give me your over-shirt? Not like you need it.”
“Because one, that would set the implication that I care. And I don’t. Two, you’re confusing this whole setup with me wanting you alive, and needing you alive.”
“Well I’m gonna be dead here soon either way.”
“Are you always this dramatic? How does he put up with you?”
“All those years of practicing with you I’m guessing.”
Lifting her lip in a snarl, she plopped down onto the ground, not unlike a toddler tantrum, drawing her knees up and wrapping her arms around them. She pinched the skin of her tricep, giving one final push that she could wake up from this and be back in the library with a fair-skinned witch and the devil still in chains. Much to her dismay, she remained where she was, with Satan himself staring at her like he wanted to wring her neck until she was blue.
“I could end you right now,” he threatened, taking a step back towards her.
“Are you gonna make me ask nicely?” she bargained, her mental state rapidly deteriorating.
“I’m just gonna leave you here. Let someone else take care of it.”
“Hope Jack isn’t being held captive somewhere by the Rebel Alliance. Cause there goes your leverage then.”
Miming a plane crash landing on the ground with her hand had to be the last straw. As she dragged her fingers through the dirt, adding sound effects as she went, she was certain her life would be over in a snap.
“Oh you act like you want me to leave you here. As if finding Lover Boy isn’t top priority for you. You need me just as much as I need you,” Lucifer theorized, throwing his hands onto his hips.
“He’ll find me,” she guaranteed.
“If he even knows you’re here. Hasn’t shown up yet and I’m sure you’ve called out to him. ‘Oh Gabe, please come rescue me from your evil brother, he’s holding me hostage… wah wah wah’.”
His mimicking tone had her rolling her eyes but his words had her stomach in a knot. He was right. If she didn’t stick with him, no one would ever even know she was there. Clearly Gabriel was already dead or there was some missing wire in this alternate universe that made him unable to hear her. She hoped for the second, but couldn’t shake the feeling that the first was true.
“Gotcha,” he laughed, clapping his hands.
“Looks like we’re at a stalemate then,” she replied, rising to her feet.
“Oh? How so?”
“You need me in case poor Jack is locked up and I need you to get me to… anyone but you.”
“Difference is, one of us has super strength.”
“Super strength? What are you twelve? Should I go get your super suit?”
“Okay you know what… you need to relearn your place.”
With a snap of his fingers, her mouth was glued shut. Her eyes snapped up to him, wide in anger, as he walked over to her, grabbing her upper arm and pulling her along beside him just as he had before.
“I need to go make a little magic happen, and you’re gonna behave, understand?” he patronized, his voice chiming at her like she was a child, “When I come out, I’ll have a little gift for you, then we’ll be on our way to Gabe and gang. I’ll let you see him one last time before I rip that tongue straight out of your disgusting mouth. Can’t believe he lets you kiss him with that thing.”
Screaming as he tugged at her, the sound muffling in her throat, she fought against his hold. Her thoughts called out again for Gabriel, he had to hear her at some point. Lucifer seemed to think he was still alive, and he’d be able to tell if he wasn’t. He was out there, it was just finding him that was seemingly impossible.
Gabriel sat on the decaying log, his thoughts racing as he mindlessly picked apart leaf after leaf. He could hear his nephew, Jack, babbling in the background, searching for a way to bring Sam back, but Gabriel knew there was none. He thought back to the morning, Liv’s words dancing around in his head.
“Give Jack a chance,” she implored, “If the Winchesters are this hell bent on saving him, there’s some good in him.”
“I never said there wasn’t good in him,” Gabriel replied, lacing his fingers with hers against his thigh.
“No. But I know you’re thinking it. You’re gonna take one look at him and just see Lucifer.”
“No I won’t.”
However, he knew she was right. He’d never even met the kid and he already wanted nothing to do with him. It was no fault of Jack’s, but it was hard to believe any spawn of his brother hadn’t taken a turn for the worse.
“Give him a chance. For me?” she requested again, her voice sweet and soft.
“Yeah, yeah. Promise,” he muttered, averting his eyes as he dreaded what was to come.
As much as he tried, he couldn’t silence the sound of her screaming his name, the calls still muddled and faint as if she were underwater. Why was he imagining her calling for help? She was safe, holed up back at the bunker, why wouldn’t his thoughts just calm down for more than twenty minutes at a time? He raced back to the image of Sam being dragged down that barren passage, the snarls and growls echoing against the walls. It could have been her, it would have been her. She was off her game, they both knew it. She would have been the easiest target, gone before he could even say goodbye.
“Why didn’t you bring him back?” Jack’s accusatory tone snapped Gabriel from his thoughts.
“I’m not strong enough,” Gabriel admitted sadly, watching the young Nephilim’s face fall.
Maybe he never would be again. He was seemingly stuck in this half-powered haze, just enough to grace to keep him an angel but not enough to make him worth a damn. Ineffectual, degenerate little runaway. Loki’s words were ringing truer and truer as the days went on. People were dying, and there was nothing he could do.
Bells began to ring from the entrance to the camp, the same ones that had rung to announce their arrival. The rest of the group turned their attention to the source—clearly whoever this was was unexpected—and that little change perked Gabriel up slightly. He’d burnt down the warding not far from here and panic set in that perhaps he’d opened a door that wasn’t meant to be opened. Just more casualties on his conscience.
Shocked gasps traveled like a wave as Sam came into view. He was covered in blood, his own blood, but the gaping wound on his throat was completely healed. As much as he wanted to be thrilled to see Sam walking and breathing again, he knew this wasn’t coming without a cost, one they would not be happy to pay. Sam went to embrace his mother, and that’s when he saw him. Lucifer. His heart dropped into his stomach as he leapt to his feet. If Lucifer was here, something had gone very awry back home and suddenly the muffled calls to him made perfect sense. She’d been calling for help, and he’d ignored her. His vision began to tunnel, his eyes still locked on his smirking, smug brother as he watched with devious eyes the family reunion happening before them. He had to leave, he needed to get back, to find her. Was she alive? Did she escape somehow? Questions flooded his already overflowing mind and he couldn’t even think straight.
As he prepared to take off into a sprint back towards the rift, a familiar mess of brown caught his eye. Tousled and stumbling, she came into view and his breath of relief was audible. Still in his old t-shirt, now covered in dirt, she looked like she’d been through hell and he didn’t doubt she had, in fact. When she began to notice she was once again in human company, her gaze lifted from the ground, the familiar, now panicked face she’d been praying for the first thing she focused on. Their eyes went wide in relief as they locked, both taking off into a run towards the other.
“Gabe,” she sighed, the breath she’d been holding releasing as her feet began to carry her to him.
The ground crunched beneath their feet, rocks and sticks spraying as they skidded across the dirt. When they met, his arms immediately circled her waist, his knees bending slightly to easily accommodate her leap up into him. Her legs wrapped around his middle as her arms went around his neck and she crushed herself into him, pressing her face into the stubbled skin of his neck. She couldn’t help the whimper that escaped at the comfort of being back in his embrace, his warmth slowly easing her frozen limbs.
“Ssshhh,” he soothed as each of her ragged exhales against his neck were accompanied by a faint whine, nuzzling his nose into her hair.
She could feel his heart hammering in his chest against her own, the rhythmic thud easing the stress of her past few hours, his thumb running gently up and down coaxing her out of her panicked state. She focused on him; not on Lucifer standing just a few feet away or the blood covered Sam embracing his mother, or even the son of the devil that watched on with curious eyes.
“I missed you,” they breathed simultaneously as she pulled her head up to look at him, both of their mouths lifting into small smiles.
Uncaring of the prying eyes, she brushed his hair softly from his face, his head leaning into her touch as he closed his eyes, relishing in the small gesture. For a moment their fears evaporated; they forgot they were in another dimension, a very dangerous one, with two of the most powerful beings to exist standing mere feet away, with another hunting them down. He couldn’t wait any longer, his nose crushed into her cheek as he pressed his lips to hers, when her fingers tangled into his hair it took all of his self control to keep himself composed. As always, he wanted to simply lose himself in her, to quell his self-loathing and shortcomings with the feeling of her against him, surrounding him. Her kisses were soft, filled with purpose and longing, only making his desperation grow.
“You’re freezing,” he noted, pecking one last kiss to the corner of her mouth.
He lowered her gently down to her feet, shrugging his jacket from his shoulders and sliding it on to her. Immediately, she huddled up into it, his warmth still lingering in the sleeves. Her teeth began to chatter, the lingering cold from her long journey to get there was going to take some time to relieve. Cued in to every facet of her wellbeing, as he always was, he wrapped his arms around and pulled her tightly back into his body.
The world droned on around her, but she paid it no mind. She focused on the steady thud in his chest, his gentle arms around her and that familiar, warm, arid smell that would never be replicated by anything on Earth. Every time she thought she’d never see him again, they found their way back to each other. Just like he said. She could hear yelling, but Gabriel was staying silent. Whether that be because he was just as immersed in their reunion as she was or simply because he had nothing to say she wasn’t sure, but it made it easier to concentrate on the rise and fall of his breathing. She was beginning to warm up, her body losing that chilled ache she thought would never go away, her head lolling slightly as she gave in to him.
“Dean,” Gabriel’s voice rumbled against her ear, breaking her from her trance.
“You’ve got the blade,” Dean demanded, urging the angels against each other.
“Stop it,” Jack begged softly, his voice pained.
“He’s the devil, kill him.”
“Stop it!”
Just like that, Jack was gone. Liv could here the sighs coming from Gabriel and Dean, both of their patience wearing thin.
“We’ll go look for him,” Gabriel offered, needing away from the entire group to ease his annoyance.
They travelled in silence, their fingers linked as they walked through the woods, searching for Jack. She knew she shouldn’t be feeling this giddy happiness that was currently working its way through her, but she wasn’t about to stop it. Alternate universe or not, she was here with him— and that was all that had ever mattered.
“You’re quiet. I don’t like when you’re quiet, it’s suspect” he teased, pulling her against him, briefly unthreading his fingers from hers to throw his arm around her shoulders, wiggling them again to signal for her to bring her hand back up to his.
Responding with only a shrug, she laced her fingers with his on her shoulder, leaning her head down onto him. She envisioned them walking like this, twisted around each other, through markets and down the beach, the ocean waves the only audible sound as he shielded her from the breeze. Instead of the barren ground, it was warm sand and the gloomy, apocalyptic haze was replaced with the golden glow of the sun as it set. It almost felt real.
“Hey…” Gabriel whispered, again dragging her from her dream world.
When she looked up she could see the Nephilim pacing back and forth, muttering to himself. He looked distressed, panicked and a pang of nerves jolted her straight back to reality. Gabriel signaled for her to stay put as he continued to approach his nephew, and she gladly followed his direction. She feared for him, knowing that in his weakened state Jack could probably do some serious damage to him.
“Jack… uh, hey buddy. You okay?” Gabriel asked, stepping closer cautiously.
“What’s it like?” Jack barked, his voice harder than his face.
“What’s what like?”
The question surprised them both. Although they couldn’t see each other, their expressions mirrored one another’s, eyebrows furrowed and mouth slightly agape. Liv was ever curious, she so desperately wanted to believe that Jack was good. Deep down she knew it was there, but so was pure evil, and the line had to be difficult to toe.
“What do you mean?” Gabriel continued, stopping at arm’s length of the boy.
“How do you know you love someone?” Jack questioned, his voice now softer, almost childlike.
“That’s a loaded question, kid. I don’t think I’m the one to ask.”
“You love her.”
“How did you know you loved her?”
For once, Gabriel didn’t have an answer. His eyes turned to Liv, her face seemingly just as curious as the kid’s was. She smiled at him, and although he didn’t have the words for Jack’s question, he could feel the answer burning in his heart right then and there.
“I can’t answer that, Jack,” Gabriel confessed, bringing his attention back to him, “I don’t know. It just… happened. One day, I looked at her and I didn’t want to live another day without seeing her. My life is better because she’s in it. She… knows me. All of me. The good, the bad and the ugly. And she still sticks around. I don’t have to hide around her. Bonus, she’s uber hot. Why? You already got someone in mind there, Romeo?”
“How do you know she loves you?” Jack continued, face twisted in deep thought.
Fuck if he knew. He despised himself, always had. Despite the conceited façade and over-inflated sense of worth, deep down he loathed himself. He was weak and afraid, he’d abandoned everyone when they needed him the most without so much as a second glance back. He’d killed people, sure they may have deserved some punishment, but not death. He saw that now. The thought that anyone like her would waste their time and efforts on someone like him had always been baffling. She could have anyone, and the world was filled with people far better than he was, but she wanted him. That was something he’d never take for granted.
“She forgives me when I don’t deserve to be forgiven,” Gabriel finally affirmed, his eyes again shooting over in her direction.
His reason caused her tears to catch in her throat and running to him was purely reflexive. Her arms wrapped around his neck from behind him as she jumped onto her tiptoes to reach and he immediately crouched slightly to ease her embrace. He could hear the quiet whimpers as she pushed back her emotions; he knew what she was feeling, he felt it too.
“He loves you,” Jack stayed matter-of-factly, a small smile tugging at his lips.
“He does,” she responded, confident and strong.
The conviction in her voice was enough to melt the man in her arms. Whenever he felt like a failure, she was always there to pick him up, intentionally or not. This woman was his entire life. He turned his head, pulling her lips into his, kissing her hard.
“I do,” he whispered against her, before pressing back in towards her.
There was no drug, drink or magic in the world that could replicate the feeling he felt here, her mouth moving in perfect synchronization with his, her fingers gently scratching against his chest. Knowing his nephew was still looking on, he pulled away, not wanting to let himself get too carried away.
“Her heart beats faster when she’s around you,” Jack stated, “Is that what love does?”
“Yeah kid,” Gabriel chuckled, “It is. Why are you asking me about this?”
“I just… want to understand. I know I’m supposed to love my father-“
“Woah, pause, that is a whole different thing. Two different kinds of love. Let me give you a helpful hint, you don’t have to love your family just because they’re your family. Ours sucks, big time. You go out and make your own with people you choose. Fill it with people who love you, who help you, who’d give a shit if you died tomorrow. The ones who fight for you everyday, who… open up doors to alternate dimensions to come and find you. You don’t have to love your father just because he squirted you out. In fact, I highly recommend not.”
“You’re my family.”
“Yeah, sure. If you want me to be.”
“I do. Both of you.”
Liv smiled, still draped around Gabriel’s neck, “Look, I don’t know you yet but if you want my advice, you need to make your own call.”
Gabriel’s face fell, what was she saying? Make his own call? Give the devil his due? No, that couldn’t possibly be it.
“If I didn’t make my own decision, I wouldn’t be here, with Gabriel,” she continued, “If I’d listened to everyone else, I’d still think he was a monster. And he isn’t. You need to decide, I know you’ll make the right choice.”
“You think my father can be good?” Jack inquired, his voice slightly hopeful.
“I don’t know, Jack. But if anyone can make him want to be better, it’s you.”
Cautiously, she pulled herself away from Gabriel and stood in before the very confused boy in front of them. She knew Gabriel wouldn’t be pleased with what she’d said, but it was the truth. She had faith in this kid, clearly the Winchesters influence had made a significant impact.
“Cas and Sam and Dean, they love you Jack, trust me,” she went on, “I’ve seen it. I don’t know if Lucifer does, or even if he can, but you need to just listen to him. For your own sake. You don’t want to be stuck wondering for the rest of your life. We’re all here to help you.”
With a nod and a smile, Jack vanished again. Gabriel sighed, he’d gone to find his father no doubt, which was the opposite of what he was intending to make happen.
“I don’t wanna hear it,” she snapped, already knowing what he was thinking, “You know I’m right.”
Just because she was right didn’t make it… right. If the kid’s father was anyone but Lucifer this would have been a good thing, but the consequences of those two joining forces would be catastrophic. He stayed silent, not willing to argue with her just yet, if Jack started to favor Lucifer, however, he’d be forced to show her the error in her ways. She didn’t move, not even to look at him. Clearly she was thinking about something and it couldn’t possibly be good.
“Am I… did I get old?” she finally blurted out, smoothing her hands over her windswept, messy hair, Lucifer’s insults still ringing in her ears
“Uh… is this a trick question? Gabriel replied cautiously, this really could go either way and the wrong way would probably end very badly.
“No. I look older, right?”
“Yeah… that’s kinda what happens.”
“What is happening right now? Why are you asking me this? Of course you look older, it’s been nine freakin’ years.”
“I look horrible.”
As he reached out to grab her arm his face twisted, confounded by this sudden judgement of herself. He spun her around to face him, looking her up and down once before smirking at her.
“No you don’t,” he assured, running his thumb along her cheek.
“I’m nowhere near your standards anymore,” she condescended, rolling her eyes.
“My standards? Didn’t know I had any. Please, enlighten me.”
“Like, ten years my junior for one.”
“Where’d you get these idiotic assumptions from?”
“They’re not idiotic!”
“They are. Answer me.”
“Your brother…”
“Who is the last person you should be listening to about anything, so you’re losing credibility here. What did he say?”
“He just… made a few good points about me not quite… being up to par…”
He couldn’t listen to this. He didn’t even want to entertain it. A few hours with that vile poison and she was doubting every facet of herself. She looked different, it was the first thing he’d noticed, his heart aching that he wasn’t there to see the changes as they came. He’d tried to silently show her that he knew, and he didn’t care. He liked them, they were her. She wasn’t the same person anymore and neither was he, it was ridiculous to even have to assure her of this.
Slowly, he leaned in and kissed her, his hand cupping her cheek as his thumb brushed over the crow’s feet by her eyes when her eyes snapped shut. Heat began to pool in her belly as his tongue slid between her lips, she almost forgot they were in the middle of the woods. When his free hand went to the button of her jeans, snapping it open, she took too long on deciding whether to not to stop him. His fingers grazed over that familiar spot he knew so well and her resolve was lost. She needed something good, so did he.
“Gabe…” she whined, breaking their kiss.
“Is that protest or pleading?” he appealed, slowing to an agonizing, teasing pace.
All she could do was groan, grabbing his forearm and pressing down, urging him to continue. She felt his breathy laugh huff out against her mouth, and when she went to devour his mouth again, he pulled his face away.
“Tell me what he said,” Gabriel demanded, his eyes dark.
“All of your other… other women, were young and… beautiful… I’m not either of those things,” she panted, “My hair’s turning gray… and my face… is wrinkling… and scars… so many new ones…”
His anger grew by the second. Quickly, he spun her around by her hips, leaving her torturously abandoned. She whined at the loss of his ministrations, but quickly yelped as she pulled her tightly back towards him, pressing his arousal into her.
“Does it feel like I give a damn?” he growled, continuing to press further into her, “or do I need to convince you some more?”
“I don’t… I don’t know…” she mumbled, her brain short circuiting.
Shoving her jeans down just enough to give himself more range of motion, he set back to work. It didn’t take long to work her back into a frenzy, clearly their time apart had taken a toll. He’d never tire of how ardently she responded to him, as if he was the only being on Earth that could do these things to her. According to her he was, actually. She threw her head back over his shoulder, her quiet moans and whimpers falling directly into his ear now, sending little shockwaves down his body. When her mouth captured his in hard, sloppy kisses, his knees buckled. It was an awkward position, her neck craning at an uncomfortable angle, but the pleasure he brought her far outweighed the discomfort.
As her crescendo hit, he swallowed down her desperate sounds and held her around her waist as she contracted, her feet giving out as her bliss washed through her. Her chest was heaving against his arm, but it only took her seconds to compose herself, in fact she may have gained her head back faster than he did. No sooner than when he’d pulled his hand from her jeans did she spin and sink to her knees, working his own zipper open faster than he could process her motions. When her lips locked around him he groaned out in bliss.
“Fuck,” he whined, trying to find a power to stop her that wasn’t showing itself.
Typically, he would never let her do this, especially in this vulnerable a position. He never liked her on her knees for him, it didn’t feel right, although he certainly appreciated being on his for her. He’d always been a giver not a taker and nothing had changed, but this felt so damn good. Something in him was different, it was craving this attention from her, this showing of complete trust and adoration. Nobody else trusted him, but she did.
“Relax,” she cooed, “just let me make you feel good for once.”
He hadn’t noticed how tense he was, his thighs rock hard beneath her palms as he fought giving in to her.
“Isn’t that my line?” he laughed, finding their role reversal amusing.
Her hum vibrated through him, only increasing the pleasure she was capable of giving him. She continued her steady pace, the fire building in his belly. He couldn’t keep his eyes off of her, hers locked on his face as she watched his expressions, adjusting as she needed to when a certain sound or twitch escaped. His fingers were laced in her hair, softly scratching at her scalp in gratitude, never forceful, as he surrendered to her completely. Faster than even she thought, his sounds became more pitiful as he felt his release impending..
“Shit…” he hissed, and she felt his fingers tighten, tugging on her head slightly.
Mouth hanging open and eyes snapped shut, he was a wonder to behold. The satisfaction she got from giving him this swelled in her. She didn’t care that anyone could walk by, just that for these few minutes he felt a modicum of relief. She didn’t understand why he always stopped her when clearly he enjoyed it, and she took advantage of the chance to make him feel this way. He didn’t hide the effect she had on him, keening and writhing under her touch, if she was going to be vulnerable than so was he.
Groaning, he pulled her mouth from him and finished himself with a tight fist. She stayed below him, peppering the exposed skin of his stomach with light, feathering kisses as he panted, one hand still wound into her brown waves. When he opened his eyes, she was smiling up at him, looking flawless and happy in his shirt and jacket and he was certain he’d never laid eyes on something more beautiful in his entire life.
Slowly, she rose to her feet, fixing the buttons on her own pants as she did, before gathering his bottom lip between hers, the perfect transition from cloud nine back to this miserable pit of despair. She welcomed him back with reverence and a gentleness that only he could pull from her. To think that she had even considered not being up to his standards was asinine, she was the standard.
“You blow every criterion out of the water,” he complimented, kissing her again.
“Gray hair and all?” she snarked, wrapping her arms around his middle in a tight, lazy hug.
“Hells yeah. You’ll be my little silver vixen here soon.”
“At this rate people will start asking if you’re my kid by the time I’m forty.”
“I think you’re forgetting I have the supreme power of changing my own appearance. Don’t you worry sweetheart, we’ll be old and gray together.”
Trying to imagine what he’d look like if he aged thirty years, she laughed. He’d still be the best looking guy around, for that she was certain. He nodded in the direction of the camp, signaling it was time to go back. As he slung his arm around her shoulders, she wrapped hers around his waist, their feet marching in cadence as they headed back down the dirt path. The mission was complete, they’d found Jack, found Mary, and it had all seemed just a little too easy, but they were never ones to complain.
“Think it’s time to go home,” he mused, pressing a kiss to her head, “can’t believe we pulled this off.”
She smiled, turning her head up to look at him. It was time to go home, time for a new life, time for him. One more walk through the woods and then they’d be free.
TAGS: @idabbleincrazy @analisespn @nodistressdamsel @morganas-pendragons
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