#of ruination of lucifer
radioiaci · 2 months
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figures that writing inspo hits me on thursday when I have meetings until like noon will be back to continue working through drafts afterwards~
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childotkw · 2 years
Hello again!
This is the anon who shared that litttle snippet of Cannibal offering Lucerys a small meaty snack. Decided to drop the anon since you've been such an inspiration and I keep thinking about this whole concept. Hope you don't mind me playing around in the sandbox a little more. Sharing fic snippets and ideas is so much fun. lol
It begins as a whisper about a boy who escaped the very jaws of death and then returned with fangs of his own upon the back of the savage Cannibal. The Heir to Driftmark was once his most honored title. Now he has many names. The Feral Fang. The Beast. The Unkillable Bastard. The Wild Prince. Loved and feared in equal breaths. It is said that experiencing death can change a person and they were so very right.
Gone were the soft eyes and playful laughter. His innocence had been ripped away from him as violently as Vhagar had ripped apart his childhood companion. Arrax had died and part of his soul died with him. He did what he needed in order to survive. He cut his teeth on his dragon's flesh, accepting one final gift from his dear friend, in order to chase away the cruel fingers of hunger. He clung fiercely to life, refusing to give in to the cold comfort of the Stranger's touch. His anger burned hot like dragonfire and his hunger for revenge had yet to be sated. He could not die. Not yet.
It was the scent of flesh and blooding floating on the sea and soaking into the sand that caught the creature's attention. Drawn in by a predator's instinct, the dragon landed expecting an easy meal. Instead it had been attacked by a small human attempting to chase it away from the remnants of a pale dragon head. The ancient dragon roared its fury and opend its jaws, flames burning brightly at the back of its throat. The human reeking of death and dragon blood firmly stood his ground and roared back, pouring every last ounce of his rage and grief into the sound. Large jaws slipped shut and a huge head slowly lowered. The predator stared intently at the small human, only to meet a predator's eyes staring fiercely right back.
It is hard to say who claimed who that day, but the bond hand been established, and the ancient dragon would allow Lucerys Velaryon climb upon its back and cling to sharp spikes with bloodied fingers as they took to the skies.
Do you think the dragon handlers ever manage to get a saddle on ole' Cannibal? Can you imagine the stress of having to even attempt such a thing? I'm kind of in love with the idea that the dragon is just so feral that it refuses to allow anyone other than Lucerys to climb on its back or even touch it. Instead, Lucerys gets to pull a Daenerys and ride that beast bareback. Lucky thing the dragon is covered in huge spikes that he can cling to.
This further unnerves the members of his family and anyone who witnesses their interactions. Even Daemon, The Rogue Prince, is not crazy enough to fly Caraxes without his saddle and fastenings. Plus the dragon harnesses and equipment are seen as a civilized way of controlling the dragons and leashing their strength. The fact that Lucerys does not conform to the tradition is just more proof of his wild ways and his strong yet strange connection to his dragon.
(Aemond, watching Lucerys fly on Cannibal's back without a saddle or single security measure like the madman he always knew his nephew to be: *is even more obsessed & possibly with heart eyes*
Daemon: Now listen here, boy. You have no harness to tie you down. If Aemond comes at you with that old beast...do a jump attack.)
Rumors also begin to spread of how strong the link is between the prince and his dragon. Some even say there are times when they seem to move and think as one, spurred on by their shared fury and hunger for bloodshed.
(Also: What do you think about the idea of Lucerys with Skinchanger type abilites? That's next level bonding with your bloodthirsty, Cannibal dragon right there. Literally giving the whole "Targaryens are blood of the dragon." thing a whole new meaning. lol)
It isn't uncommon to find the Prince curled in shadow of his colossal beast on the outskirts of the castles or the army camps, the pair quietly watching the bustling soldiers and animals. Their presence is seen as both a blessing and a curse. Cannibal holding vigil means the Green forces will be less likely to attempt a direct assault. They are technically safe, but there's just something so unnerving about the way the dragon and his bonded prince seem to watch at them all. Their predatory gaze is a terrifyingly heavy weight, but that is the cost of being guarded by one of the largest dragons in all of Westeros and his wild little prince.
Hello darling! Thanks for sharing! It's wonderful that you like the AU so much 🥰🥰🥰🥰
I love the idea of Lucerys getting a bunch of 'titles' - both from his impossible survival, and all the batshit stuff he gets involved with once he comes back.
'The Wild Prince' mirroring Daemon's own moniker is awesome. 'The Unkillable' given how often he goes into danger and comes back largely unharmed. 'Son of the Stranger' - maybe? Given how the Stranger seems to let Lucerys go time and time again, almost as if he's a favoured child? 😂 Either way, our boy be collecting titles like they're badges.
I like the idea of people thinking Lucerys is the one that claimed Cannibal, but anyone with a dragon knows it's actually the other way around. The dragon always, always claims their rider. Which means the smallfolk think Lucerys is scary because he 'tamed' Cannibal; but everyone in the know are rightfully freaked out because they know Cannibal's actually the one that picked Lucerys - and that implies things.
Following that train of thought, I was already planning to have Lucerys forego a saddle. There's no way Cannibal would allow them to put a saddle on him, not in those first few years at least. Lucerys has to get a whole new wardrobe because of this - thicker leathers to protect his skin, coarse gloves and help him grip onto Cannibal, boots with slight spikes on the soles to catch on the dragon's hard scales, etc.
Everyone is, rightfully, worried the first few times Lucerys rides Cannibal without any of the safety measures they had come to rely on, but soon it become obvious that Lucerys would not fall. Not while Cannibal flew with him.
For Aemond, Lucerys reminds him of the dragonriders of old, of Aerion come again. It's a mixture of awe and fascination and envy that overcomes him whenever they clash and he sees how brazen his nephew is, almost daring Aemond to make him fall again.
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betti2024 · 3 months
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Illustration for @syaunei awesome fanfic! I will definitely do more in the future!
Here is the fanfic, go and read it ;) just check the warnings first! :
Ruination of Lucifer
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radioapplerevue · 10 days
Radioapple Fic Recs
Finally got around to organizing a rec list. Going to pin this, since I see people ask for recs a lot. I expect I'll be updating this periodically, too, as I've only just started adding things to it.
These are my personal favorites. For context, I'm an almost 40 year old aroace person whose favorite fics tend to be those who take you apart and then put you back together, haha. Putting them under a read more because I expect this to get long.
The Ruination of Lucifer by @syaunei. (Explicit)
Remember what I said about taking apart and being put back together? Nothing has come close to toppling this fic for me when it comes to emotional catharsis. One of the things I love most about it is how directly it deals with Lucifer's severe depression and the consequences of it, as well as the many, many centuries of him having to deal with just being Who He Is, Where He Is. He's terribly wounded and suffering, but he's also indisputably the King of Hell, with all the power and all the knowledge and all the experience that comes with it.
This fic also stands out for being from Alastor's POV, which I love, because as much as this fic is called The Ruination of Lucifer, the subtitle could be "How Alastor Fucked Around and Found Out". Both of them are getting broken down here, and both of them are -- hopefully -- learning how to grow and move forward. It also takes into account Alastor's asexuality and his unconventional approach towards sex, and what it can (or can't) do for him.
Mind the warnings, though, because shit does get heavy in here for a while. And enjoy the gorgeous illustrations by @betti2024.
2. Lucifer and his Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Relationship by @keelywolfe (ratings vary by part)
This series has me in a chokehold. It's considerably softer than many Radioapple fics, but it really draws you in and makes you so invested in these two idiots and how much they care about each other but also how bad they are at understanding how much they care about each other. It's Lucifer's POV, which causes Suffering not only because he's an incredibly unreliable narrator, but because there's Something Going On with Alastor that we know nothing about except that it's Bad. And we (and Lucifer) are dyiiiing to know what it is, haha.
There is a lot of sex in this series, but there's something about it that's very compelling to me, especially from Alastor's side. The way he is written in these encounters is just so... tender. It's obvious that (most of the time) he's not getting anything really in terms of sexual gratification, but he's getting a great deal in terms of gratification of a different sort, and the fact that it's so clear that he derives as much -- or perhaps more -- pleasure from that as Lucifer does from the sex itself is so delicious.
But my favorite aspect of the whole thing is that no matter what conflicts are going on -- whether outside of themselves, or of their own making -- Lucifer has become Alastor's safe harbor. And that kills me.
3. Bedtime Rituals to Try Out Before the Next Angelic War by @miribalis (teen and up)
Did I mention I like soft? Because I do. And there's something so lovely about the slow, careful way their relationship progresses here, especially on Alastor's side. My issue with this fic is that it ended, haha! I was so looking forward to seeing where it went, because I got addicted to the particular tender rapport that the two of them built. But being left wanting more is hardly a knock on the fic itself, and it's absolutely a treat to get to read.
4. devils don't fly (don't expect me not to fall) by @corgiss (mature)
I think it's becoming apparent that I really enjoy fics that begin with the two of them butting heads, and sometimes stumbling into a huge blunder, only for them to slowly grow together into something much softer than either of them likely intended. This is one such fic. It also involves some fun stuff with the rest of the cast, and a masquerade. Gotta love that.
5. All changed, changed utterly by @tollingreminiscentbells (explicit)
This series is very different from the rest. It's a canon AU where Lucifer and Alastor first met when Alastor was still alive, and then proceeds to go into canon events from there, with Lucifer being the one holding Alastor's leash. There's a lot to chew on, and the author has chosen to go a very different route regarding biblical mythology than the show does. Definitely something I recommend if you want a deep dive into a really meaty series, that delves into both the dynamics of Heaven vs. Hell as well as the worth of free will, as embodied by Alastor (for better or worse).
It also includes one of my new favorite recurring things, which is Alastor's 'delusional not-sex'. (It's sex.)
6. Of Saints and Sinners by @morningstarwrites (teen and up)
This fic is probably the most lighthearted of the radioapple fics I read, haha. It's a fun romp and has definitely made me laugh out loud on more than one occasion. So if you're looking for something that preserves that antagonism-to-grudging-friendship-to-oh-no-we've-caught-feelings kind of story, but with more comedy and less angst, this is the fic for you! (I mean, I have no idea if angst is going to happen in the future, but so far.)
7. hit me where it hurts (the bruising will be worth it) by RestlessWanderings (mature)
This one can only be called radioapple if you squint, but I'm including it because a) it's by far my favorite take on the hotel battle scene, b) I love when Lucifer gets fucked up and people get scared for him and c) it's technically part of a radioapple series. I don't know if that series is still going to happen, but I do enjoy this plenty on its own!
Hold here for more! There are a bunch of fics I’m following but am unsure if they’ll ever be finished — which is fine, writers don’t owe us anything! But it will definitely determine how high up they are on my favorites, haha. And of course people are posting new ones all the time.
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nyx-umbrakinesis · 1 month
Funny Radioapple quip
Adam to Lucifer: "You were the ruination of man."
Alastor: walking past to get to the coffee press.
Lucifer: "I'd like to be the ruination of that man."
Adam: O_o
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absolutelybifurious · 2 months
Lol can you recommend other radioapple fanfiction to read while I wait for the next chapter of yours 😅 I've already read "Just Kiss Already" but looking for more! Thank you so much!
Ha oh man, naturally I forget or can’t find half the stuff I loved. I’ve marked stuff that I haven’t gotten to yet and most of what I have saved is the super popular stuff you’ve probably already read. But I’ll do my best!
just business by rollingchibi is super fantastic but like I said, it’s very popular.
Ruination of Lucifer by Syaunei is my current obsession.
Obviously anything by X_Gon_Give_It which you said you already read, but still!
Lucifer and his Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Relationship is a series by keelywolfe and it’s also really good.
I wish I had more. I feel like I’ve lost a couple but yeah. I bet that was not overly helpful but still, thank you so much for this ask!!! I’m flattered you liked my fic!!
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syaunei · 1 month
I'd just like to say that your Ruination of Lucifer fic... fuck, it's nickname should be 'Ruination of Me', because it has me in an absolute CHOKEHOLD.
The imagery, the struggles and issues that they both face, the art that accompanies it, and of course, the ✨️spice✨️... all wonderfully executed.
I am doing my best to not go feral, because I'm on Ch 19, and let's just say, I have been going through all 7 stages of GRIEF. ANGUISH!!!
This is so long, and I am such a sap, but like: THANK YOU? Your music choices are also FIRE. I'm a former music major, and it tickles my brain everytime I see your recommendations✨️
I hope you have fantastic day, and thank you again for spawning such a delightful, tasty piece. I need to drown myself in more of your work. Im fuckin HOOKED🫠♥️
Aw, darling anon.
I'm afraid the Ruination is all consuming, as it has also got its claws in me, hahaha.
Don't fight going feral, I enjoy that because that means I'm not the only person going crazy at any given time!
It makes me so happy that you're enjoying the madness, and the music too! Often people probably don't listen to it because they may not be at their computer, so it makes me extra happy that the story is being enjoyed to the music as I intended?
Glad to have you aboard the Ruination train!
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whbtheories · 9 months
Character Preview: Satan
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Domain: Gehenna
Sin: Wrath
Birthday: July 14 (Cancer)
Idiosyncrasy: spanking
Mental condition: depression
Ability: shapes the blood of those who love him
Theme colours: red, white
Of all the demons in What In Hell Is Bad? seen thus far, Satan's proclivities are perhaps the most tame of all, with only spanking highlighted as sparking his interest.
That said, his subjects are apparently big fans of being hit on the regular by their ruler, and his depression makes him quite the slapper.
Depression and Satan often go hand in hand, whether he is being blamed for it afflicting mortal beings, or portrayed as conquered antagonist or tragic figure.
And of course, his love of violence fits his sin to a tee.
We are told he is a lover of being both the spanker and spankee, but that anyone who gets with him on that level will soon be used to the submissive role 👀
(NB - the usage of S and M as personality traits in this context don't fully translate to sadist and masochist, but rather to dominant and submissive, or assertive and passive personality types.)
July is not a month associated with Satan, however the 14th is apparently Pandemonium Day - with Pandæmonium also being Milton's name for the capital of Hell, ruled by Satan, in Paradise Lost.
If we turn to the lunar calendar then July is also home to the Hungry Ghosts Festival, in which the ghost door opens and allows spirits to walk among us 👀
(The 15th of the 7th lunar month is when Dìguān, the Earthly Official of Taoism, visits this realm to absolve people of sins... And perhaps Satan seeks to beat him to the punch with his tempting deals.)
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The ruler of Wrath is unsurprisingly said to be the most violent of all seven kings of hell, but despite this he is friends with all his subjects, an interesting feat.
It helps that the residents of Gehenna actively enjoy being the target of his wrath, with even Ppyong enjoying being slapped on his lil booty.
Satan spends his nights drinking with lesser demons in back alley taverns, suggesting a more casual approach to his conduct. Not so prim or proper.
He is also the first demon we meet in-game, and he is depicted as intense, knowledgeable, and tactically smart. And of course, exceedingly horny. He has a lot of ego but seemingly the skills and wisdom to back it up.
In this respect he is similar to Obey Me Satan in having a strategical mind and a flair for the dramatic, but unlike that Satan, WHB Satan seems confident in expressing multiple emotions without losing his head in his passion.
In tandem with Lucifer - and including Beelzebub who is often conflated with both - Satan is the demon most frequently portrayed in our media, historical and contemporary, and generally appears as one of two archetypes: the odious and not terribly bright monster of Dante's Inferno, often gifted with red skin and pitchfork; or the charming tragic figure of Paradise Lost, who may or may not bring ruination to us all.
This Satan is definitely in the latter camp, though just how charming he can be is yet to be revealed...
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Aesthetics, symbolism, and my rating in the cut! ↓
Satan is very much the pretty boy of the demon kings we've seen thus far, with long flowing locks, elegantly long horns, and an innocent looking face - well, other than the glowing red eyes, black cross pupils, and inverted cross mid-forehead.
His long black horns are tipped with blood red to match his eyes, and this colour also highlights his jumpsuit with a Seal of Solomon on each arm.
That seal is repeated in silver as his belt buckle, giving us a demon that is marked by Solomon three times - quite the statement. And in case it wasn't clear, he has the number 666 on him twice, as well as 'Gehenna'.
A full view of his outfit also reveals some katakana but it's beyond my translation abilities - I get something similar to boom/explosion isle which feels half correct at best. Although actually...
I wonder if it's a nod to Bakuon Rettou itself, which would certainly explain Satan's bōsōzoku style outfit 🤔 It's a subculture look from the 80s in Japan, consisting mostly of jumpsuits and bad biker boy aesthetic, with a dose of pseudo-nationalism to a greater or lesser extent - very problematic for irl nationalism, but fitting for a king of hell. They also put slogans on their jumpsuits that were translations of "cool sounding English" (eg "boom island", the literal translation of Bakuon Rettou.)
Bōsōzoku are an old fad now, but as a fashion type they are still popular in surrounding countries, thanks to popular media like the Bakuon Rettou manga.
(And on an even bigger tangent, they were heavily associated with nameneko merchandising, which as you can probably guess is cat related! OM Satan would approve of that part.)
If we see Satan on a motorbike, consider that one solved!
The inverted cross is also repeated - on his boots, his pants, and in the negative space of his heart pendant. This is a far more modern symbol of the occult, as until recent decades it was a holy symbol representing St. Peter.
In modern pop culture though the inverted cross is synonymous with Satan, hence its appearance here.
The placement on the forehead is also notable, as this is where the ash cross is placed on those repenting their sins - the inversion of that would suggest pride and relish of one's sins. Again, fitting for Satan himself.
And he has a final inverted cross on a long cord trailing from his hips to his knees - in this case one that is remiscent of Celtic high and Anglo-Saxon crosses of old.
This cord, along with his many belts and those boots, also ties in with the bōsōzoku vibe.
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His thematic colours of white and red are a very provocative choice. White is a colour mostly associated - in this context - with angels and beings of celestial origin, as well as the concepts of purity, divinity, and origin.
For Satan himself to sport the holiest of colours is deliberately bold, not least with it accented by the colour of blood, of violence, and of passion.
His outfit is casual to the extreme but styled expertly. He very much gives the vibes of a delinquent king who is down to drink with his subjects, and he is also the leader whose outfit has least in common with the other residents of his realm.
In some ways this could suggest a demon who is careless about his throne, but imo Satan's look more strongly suggests supreme confidence in his reign.
A (pink-toned) blonde Satan reminds me of Lucifer from DC/Vertigo comics, who unlike Tom Ellis is platinum blonde and fed up of hell, as well as Satan from Ao no Exorcist who is the king of, wait for it, Gehenna.
[I'll dig into Gehenna in another blog ( ಠ▿▿ಠ)و ̑̑]
The only portrayal that comes to mind that has both blonde hair and red eyes though is Lucifer in Shingeki no Bahamut: Genesis - who also sports long black horns tipped with red. Personality wise though, they are completely different.
Overall his look is quite becoming, youthful with a knowing smirk, and absolutely made to tempt with large eyes, and teasing tongue behind a fanged grin.
My Rating
Firstly I should admit my own bias - after Mammon, Satan was always going to be the demon I would judge most harshly as I am a big fan of how he is portrayed in Obey Me.
That take on Satan, and the intricacies involved in his origin from Lucifer and subsequent strained relationship and burgeoning personality, are admittedly undercut by later in-game writing that reduced him to a far flatter interpretation. But still, the juice was there!
So, bear in mind that this is a harsh personal eye I am casting upon this Satan.
Satan and Lucifer both have the biggest challenge in being portrayed in a new and unique fashion, having been done so many times before, and in my opinion this Satan does an excellent job of establishing himself with an iconic new look.
The long pastel hair and large eyes give great contrast to massive horns and slit pupils, while his outfit is impressively modern and stylish.
Only one very minor criticism would be the lack of tail, but considering none of the WHB demons have yet been shown with one, that is either a deliberate stylistic choice for the whole game, or we simply haven't yet been granted permission to see them. Either way, as it applies to all, it can be disregarded.
This Satan stands as very distinct from OM Satan, and really from any other Satan I can think of. The long hair is a really nice touch, especially given his overall contemporary vibes.
One of the prettiest Satans I've seen, and one of the most intriguing.
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childotkw · 2 years
So I've been obsessing and re-reading all of your notes for Ruination and came to the realization that although you've briefly touched on the reactions of his family and human enemies, we've left out the response from another important group: The Dragons
How does Cannibal's presence impact the dragons? How do to they react to his presence and he to them?
Vhagar is obviously very special. Thanks to their link, Cannibal knows that she is part of the source of his bonded's absolute burning fury and hate, but the human's thoughts are a bit muddled too and that's given a new dimension and anticipation to their encounters. Dragons, as smart as they can be, are still beasts at root, so natural instinct dictates that they'd both recognize each other as a threat, possible mates (?), and in Cannibal's case a literal snack.
What do you suppose the old gal would make of him? Depending on the lore and speculation you're going off of, Cannibal could be just as ancient as Vhagar if not older, and seeing as she was born/raised in the same area, who knows, they may have clashed long before this generation of Targaryens even existed.
I also like to think that dragons have their own sort of heirarchy system. The older and larger the dragon, the more they can establish their presence, but perhaps the bonds with specific humans can also impact their ranking too.
For example, Vermithor and Silverwing were established mounts of royal blood with known history. They're large and established enough other dragons probably just let them be. But due to age it seems they got a bit lazy, so in the heirachy, they aren't really doing much and among the dragons aren't considered an "active" threat. That would probably change once they get riders though and then Vermithor would be a prime fighting target for Cannibal.
But what about Caraxes? A large, battle tested beast in his prime, bonded to a veteran warrior like Daemon? That practically oozes alpha male energy. I can imagine Caraxes being on edge around this oustider which is further fueled by Daemon's protectiveness. Their humans manage to keep them from fighting, but just barely. Caraxes is too well trained and his bond with Daemon gives him some restraint. Cannibal only manages not to maul him because on some level he recognizes through his bond with Lucerys that Caraxes is important and cannot be eaten right now. He is NOT happy, but the boy promises that he will have other dragons to hunt. There's probably a ton of threat displays and posturing on both of their parts any time they're within each other's range of sight though. Imagine noodly Caraxes all twisted and arched up like a cat, hissing and whistling at a very unimpressed Cannibal, who just needed to lie right in Caraxes' favorite spot to sunbathe. Unstoppable force meets an immovable object. lol
Syrax is the Queen's dragon and that bond means she should be important too, but she doesn't have active combat experience and she's still relatively small and young for a dragon? She might not be too important in Cannibal's eyes, but Lucerys clearly has Syrax on the DO NOT ATTACK list. She might think of him as a big threat to both Rhaenyra and her own offspring though. (According to the wiki, Cannibal ate hatchlings and dragon eggs from the area, so safe to say the big guy probably ate someboy directly related to Syrax.)
Any dragon is probably wary of Cannibal though. Animals can sense predators among them, and generally they're content to stick to their individual territories in the dragon pit or the surrounding areas on the island. They give him a wide berth and he largely ignores them...except when he's petty and antagonizes the others in a fit of boredom. (Daemon totally pushes for Lucerys and Cannibal to be sent out on missions to give them something to do once they start going stir crazy and to give Caraxes a break. lol)
Do you think certain dragons get a little more used to him and tolerate him better than others? You mentioned Jacerys trying not to treat Lucerys too differently. I can imagine him insisting that they go out flying together between training and meetings. As a result, Vermax is a little more at ease around him. Never fully relaxed, but at least he isn't skittering away whenever Cannibal so much as shifts his weight.
Might be a fun dynamic to further explore how Lucerys' love for his family translates over to Cannibal. He doesn't get the concept of love, but he does understand the draconic penchant for hoarding and possession. For good or bad, the humans and dragon's loved by Lucerys are now HIS, and there is nothing more brutal than a dragon guarding what belongs to them. It makes him even more violent when attacking the Greens.
Sorry for going on and on about the behavior of giant fictional flying lizards, but this is what happens when I have a new obsession and then decide to watch an animal documentary series. Haha.
No need to apologise! It's always fun to see the ideas people spin!
Cannibal will still keep himself, largely, apart from the rest of the dragons. Just because he has Lucerys now doesn't means he's house-trained enough to be left unsupervised with the other dragons lmao. It's also symbolic of the distance Lucerys now feels to his family. For the other dragons, they'd probably feel a bit uneasy around Cannibal, since he's so old, big and violent.
The only one I see as initially less adverse to approaching Cannibal would be Caraxes. The whole idea of the bonds playing into how the dragons hierarchy works is definitely interesting! I think Caraxes' bond with Daemon would definitely influence how he and Cannibal interacted. They'd both know the connection and love between Daemon and Lucerys, so they'd probably play nice just purely on that. Of course, they're still dragons, so their idea of playing nice would be not actively murdering each other.
Same would go for Syrax and even Vermax. Their bonds with Lucerys' family - the ones he loves dearly - would offer them a tentative protection from Cannibal's hunger. He's still wild, so if they did push too far with him, he'd snap back, but he'd restrain himself from outright killing.
I think Cannibal would consider Rhaenyra, Jace, Daemon, etc. as more 'non-entities' at first. Lucerys is literally the only human he cares about because he's his. But over time, he might start to at least identify them as 'family-adjacent'.
Lucerys' family's dragons would get used to Cannibal more quickly, given the proximity and forced interactions - but I'd keep some of the friction there for a good while, I think.
Eventually, over time, Cannibal would be seen as 'one of them'. The uneasiness would likely never fade completely, but once he started to curb the baby / egg eating a bit, the other dragons would probably be more welcoming of his presence.
Now, Vhagar would be the interesting one. Obviously the thing between Aemond and Lucerys is bleeding through a lot, so Cannibal is definitely checking her out (both as a threat and a mate, which is very smart of him). Their clashes are fierce but also dance-like in nature, because they're unconsciously presenting to their potential mate.
Vhagar would see and acknowledge Cannibal's strength and brutality, and she does mark him down as a 'maybe'. He's worthy, but he's also an asshole. I like the thought that they might have clashed in the past. Vhagar's been all over Westeros, and Cannibal's been around the block before as well. At the very least, they would have heard each other at some point - dragon roars carry quite far, after all. So that's a cool concept!
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ink-flavored · 10 months
at best, they call us helpless poor lost little girls who can’t find their way in a cruel world and when we refuse their help they call us hysterical young women too lost in their own delusions to see how far they’ve strayed from the path and when we reject them they call us traitors we’ve lost our halos and become demonic men, agents of corruption angry beasts of fire and wrath that seek only to destroy their sanctity and yet— when we live, we are not respected they tape over our mouths and insist we’re mistaken when we die, we do not keep our names they’re taken from us, our last wishes thrown out with our dignity and buried in dresses and they shrug when we ask where our brothers are buried “what brothers?” they say. “those poor women will surely repent” “at the holy gates, admit to sacrilege” “they were never yours to claim” but if the body is such a sacred place we partake in the holy act of creation and your desecration of men made divine in our image is more a sin than any of us have ever been
                                       – lucifer
Poetry Taglist: @elegant-paper-collection​ @dove-actually @polyphonetic @the-ichor-of-ruination @qelizhus @liv-is
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betti2024 · 3 months
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Illustration from @syaunei 's fanfic (Chapter 3 ), this is my favorite scene from it <3 , oh my I love these two! Thank you for writing it~~
Ruination of Lucifer
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def-not-kaz-brekker · 21 days
HI! So a fanfic i love has just updated and heh. Oooooh boy.
It took my deepest suppressed feelings and emotions and anything that hurts straight out of my chest, laid it out for me in the sun to dwell upon, made them raw, and told me that it’s okay and gently wrapped me in a hug.
I am screaming. I am deceased. I am sobbing, emotionally destroyed, and just. Not okay!??
(The fanfic is ‘The Ruination of Lucifer’. It’s radioapple.)
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radioiaci · 2 months
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SORRY my focus is pulled tonight, I'm reading the Ruination of Lucifer, nobody talk to me this is my whole personality now
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spnregencybb · 2 years
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SUMMARY: Mr Castiel Novak is destined to spend the rest of his life as little more than a glorified secretary to his brother’s estate, until his close friend, Miss Kelly Kline, falls pregnant with his disgraced brother Lucifer’s child. Castiel sees his chance and asks Kelly to marry him, in full agreement that the marriage will be based on their friendship and won’t be romantic in nature. As a wedding gift, Castiel’s father gives him the house that was meant to go to Lucifer before his disappearance.   Now as the master of his own house, Castiel does his best to make his grounds flourish. His neighbours and household staff advise him to hire a steward to look after his estate. Mr Dean Winchester has a lot of knowledge of newer agricultural techniques and agrees to come work for Castiel, but unfortunately, he is also the most attractive man Castiel has ever met.
At the end of the summer after Jack turned two, Castiel did feel overwhelmed by the pressure and demands of his situation. The estate wasn’t on its way to ruination, but it still was not doing as well as Castiel had hoped. By this point he was financially independent, but many people relied on him for their living, and one poor or failed harvest could mean suffering for a lot of people under his care. He also hoped to leave a decent inheritance for his son when the time came. Mr Crowley had been helping him, although his advice was rarely kind or understanding. Sometimes Castiel still appreciated the truthful and straightforward guidance he received from his neighbour. They had been making rounds around Castiel’s estate, and Mr Crowley was inspecting the fields and trees critically. He had been huffing and muttering a lot but hadn’t had much to say so far. “Do you have any observations?” Castiel asked when he grew tired of the silence. “Of course. If you don’t mind me saying it, the agricultural practices you use are rather out of date.” Mr Crowley sounded like he didn’t care whether Castiel minded him saying it or not. “I suspect as much, but I know little of the more modern methods, and there’s only so much one can learn from books.” “Well, I think you need a good steward to look after your grounds.” “Oh,” Castiel sighed. It should have been obvious really that he wouldn’t be able to take care of an estate this size on his own for long. Although recognising that only changed one problem into another. “Of course. But good and trusted stewards don’t grow from the ground itself.” Crowley rolled his eyes. “I might know someone. He’s sarcastic, disrespectful, even rude, but I must admit he’s good at what he does.” “What a glowing recommendation,” Castiel murmured. “Hmh. He’s a hard worker, knows a lot of the newer techniques, though I can’t tell you where he gathers all his knowledge since as far as I know, he hasn’t had formal higher education. He does read a lot though. But mostly he worked as an apprentice to Mr Singer for years after which he has worked for several houses. I guess he’s not the type to settle down, but I believe he could be of help to you.” “Maybe he doesn’t want to commit himself to one estate.” “Who knows? We all have our ghosts we’re running from,” Crowley said and gave Castiel a look. “Are you interested in meeting him to discuss possible employment?” “I think I am. What’s his name?” “Mr Dean Winchester.”
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threeomen · 1 year
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and birth is the death of us.
* (the app is 100% to be read on desktop for a better immersion and experience! i am so sorry for that, i will come up with a mobile-friendly version soon)
three-eyed omen : haiyan (300), they / them.
morally corrupt cult leader (aren't they all) and also an actual (self-proclaimed) prophet. has made serious bank with this, their patrons range from noblemen to marines, anyone with enough gold to have access to them.
they are a miracle princess, they are a noble, they are a nobody - every single time you ask them about who are they, they will weave another story for you.
because of that, nothing much is known about haiyan's past, and granted they don't reveal much either. or rather they do talk a past that seemingly never existed, which only feeds into the insane allegations surrounding them.
their energy tho? rancid and very toxic, can be felt from miles away.
because of the cult they have been everywhere and anywhere, the chances are in the span of fifteen years that they have grown into the stronghold they are now, you have probably crossed paths or heard of them. maybe not.
(lowkey very magic.... all my magic stat girlies i bet u can feel it...)
a rigger but wouldn't move a single muscle to lift a fork if they deemed to heavy, yall pick your fights
they do have lots of money indeed, they also have committed atrocious crimes that they are wanted for - finds it all incredibly funny.
i don't really know what to tell you other that good luck and i am sorry.
if muzan and makima could have a baby, haiyan would be that. the perfect mixture of uncanny and very disturbing, also calm, collected and put-together for people to see.
when hozier said 'she's the giggle at a funeral' he was describing haiyan exactly. another media image that i have to describe them very well is when lucifer from constantine (2005) came up from hell and he had all that sass and all that underlying terrifying energy within him - that is them.
watch constantine if you haven't (ever this one was for you)
mmmm but they are very much pampered and spoiled and do throw insane fits like the spoiled princess their are (have i mentioned how spoiled they are) pyrrhus i am so sorry for all that you have to endure
loves to play little games, loves to put people against each other, loves the entertainment
weirdly loyal to the few she had selected to be loyal to
i do have a google docs in the making for all the current and wanted connections, but i will throw some random ideas here and we could always develop from here (i am sorry i am always doing things last minute) but to be honest just throw me a random idea and i will 100% spin it and come up with something okay!!! also just!! those plots are completely open for adjustments and are regardless of gender <3
i have read your book, your prophecies, your wanted person poster / something along the lines of knowing them from somewhere or heard of them, maybe they also know of you but they could also be lying about that
you are so full of shit it makes me wanna k___ (answers might vary) / basically all of the bullshit they weave rubs you the wrong way but also you can't help to be drawn by them, very volatile very dangerous
now YOU are under my skin and i don't know what to do about this / working on the other way around, you managed to get under haiyan's skin (an incredible feat) and they struggle with those feelings (casualties might happen in such violent process)
feelings? / once again, this is a violent process for them - feelings and intimacy are a dangerous territory that they have poor control over and well this can be explored.
i see you and you see me, what to do with such thing? / this is your unexpected softness that will make things very complicated
you are ruination, and i know of what you done / maybe haiyan's prophecies have caused harm to someone you once knew and loved? or even yourself? (you can be someone you once knew and loved)
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lightningdamned · 2 years
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Ghost mention of @winters-club 's Leviathan and Captain Jack Sparrow
Striker - @strikers-saloon
“ 'Right of Retaliation'; do you have any idea of how fucking stupid you sound?” Raia commented casually, not missing the helpless fury flashing through her descendant's face, almost proving her right, but not yet. The Véghvárys shared stubbornness, the almost inability to yield, even when doing so would have spared them more agony.
“One of us is not a lawless escape artist, gnawing through anyone just to stay alive.” Rozália fired back almost immediately and it didn't offend her distant sister. However, those words coming from someone else's mouth would've been their last.
“Don't tell me you envy my freedom. But I wouldn't be surprised. How long have you been Lucifer's perfect toy soldier, doing your utmost to take all blows meant for your family and still failing?” the lightning demon fluidly, elegantly ducked the anticipated spinning kick
“Do you want to fight again, sister ?” oh that word was spat with a surprising amount of venom; she was indeed the Viper as well along with the Hellfire and the Hussar.
“No.” Raia shrugged nonchalantly “I want you to see. To acknowledge the inevitable.” she knew how the General's heart ached when she gazed into her eyes; the same color she possessed as a human before the infernal red ruination.
“That I can't hold back Heaven forever? I am well aware of that, along with what will happen after.” Rozália replied with a scoff and a borderline eyeroll. She is destined to lose everyone and when she does, her second death will leave a larger impact anyone could predict. Yet her answer only drew a low chuckle and a small shake of head from her sister.
“You are willingly protecting the scum of Earth landed here for the price of your family's lives. Are you even a Véghváry or just a mindless pawn-” unable to finish the train of thought since her top was fisted in a merciless grip of ashen hands with pulsing orange veins as she was yanked down to Rozália's eye level.
“Who said I'm willing? I never wanted this, never signed anything, never asked for this.” alright, the last part stung a little but Raia allowed it for now, eerily calm about the motion. Easier to study her emotions shifting in those serpent eyes, which cannot be concealed by armor
“But you are still being used.” As nasty as it was, Raia pointed out with a sharp grin. The grip tightened.
“And what happens when an upper class demon snatches one of your warriors for fun? Do you run to Lucifer for permission for a rescue mission?” her tone borderline mocking but genuinely curious at the same time
“My graveyard is full of Overlords, demons of every species and class, even a few members of the Ars Goetia itself. My army is untouchable.” the General growled and Raia felt the incredible power pulsing beneath her skin, power rivaling almost anything in this realm, many would kill for it, try and tried to kill her for it; not knowing she was bound by unseen chains.
Well…if not her warriors…
“And what about the imp hybrid? Striker, if I'm correct.” oh she was correct, judging by the brief flash of terror and the incredible strength shoving her away.
“It will be only a matter of time until someone else notices how you look at him.” and the sincerity of Raia's tone halted Rozália's hands in drawing her swords. She took the pause as encouragement and continued to widen the crack in her shield.
“You feel like someone else when you're with him, aren't you? Even if you don't see wings rising from his back,” a brief moment of her own vulnerability before the flow of poisonous truth continued dripping into the opened wound “you feel different. Maybe not someone else, but someone who you were, perhaps.” for once, the General was silent, no remarks but jaw set in stone with vividly glowing crimson eyes staring ahead, refusing to risk a glance at her.
“You love him.” Raia's brutal riposte was flawless
“He is capable, skilled and prepared, I give that to him. But those holy bullets run out fast once your enemies sense how important he is to you.” the lightning demon slowly began to circle around Rozália, her steps careful and calculated
“He's not protected by that silly Right of Retaliation; is he?” a cruelly soft whisper which had the power of a full force blow judging by her silent shudder and breathless cry upon it
“What happens when a nobody Overlord manages to capture him? If they torture him because they know you cannot do anything. If demon royalty places the clues together and sentences him to the most gruesome death? If they dump his mangled, broken body at your feet with a leering face?” Raia has come to a full circle, even though she probably should have been, she was not afraid by the rapidly increasing heat, the clenched, trembling fingers and the crimson bleeding into the General's sclera at the possibility too real to brush off. Raia was right about him being extraordinarily skilled, but he couldn't possibly be at alert in every second nor can she.
“What if you saw his emerald ringed golden eyes flicker up to you one last time before life leaves his body? Do you choose stalling your family's ultimate demise further or burst free from your bounds for the man you love so deeply? What will it be, General?” Raia stood in front of the still silent woman shaking from the unsaid emotions crawling to surface; unbearably close which proved to be rewarding when she saw it.
“ I̵ W̷I̷L̸L̸ ̴TE̸A̸R̷ ̸A̴P̸A̵R̸T A̵N̵Y̸O̴N̸E̵,̶ ̸E̶V̴E̸RY̵O̴NE̵ N̸O̵ MA̸TTE̸R̴ W̷H̵O̶ ̸T̴H̶E̸Y̸ A̵R̴E̸,̷ W̴HAT̸ AR̵E̵ T̷H̴E̵ ̸C̶O̶N̵S̴E̷Q̷U̴E̸NC̵ES̵.̴ I W̴I̵L̵L̷ B̸U̵R̶N̵ ̸T̵H̶I̸S̸ C̷U̷R̸SE̵D̴ P̴L̶A̵C̵E̴ T̸O̴ ̶T̷H̶E̴ ̶G̷R̸O̷U̸N̷D̴ IF̶ A̶N̷Y̶O̴N̷E̷ D̴A̶R̵E̵S̴ T̵O̶ ̷L̵A̶Y̴ A HA̸N̴D̷ O̵N̸ O̸R̴ TA̷K̷E HI̵M̸ ̶A̷W̸A̵Y̴ F̴R̸OM̵ M̷E̵. I̴ D̸O̵N̶'T ̸C̶A̵R̵E̷ WH̷ER̵E̶ T̸HE̸Y̴ R̷U̵N̶,̷ I̴ ̵W̴I̴L̴L̵ B̸E̸ ALR̸E̵A̴D̶Y̶ T̷H̶E̵R̷E̵, ̶E̴V̸E̷N̴ IF̶ L̸UC̸I̷F̴ER̸ H̴IM̶SE̷L̸F̷ ̸T̸R̶I̴ES̵ ̴TO̷ S̵H̸IE̵L̴D̷ T̴HEM̵ F̴R̵O̶M̷ ̷TH̸E̴ R̵EC̵K̵O̵N̴I̶N̷G̵!̶ H̵E̴ W̷I̷L̶L ̵B̵U̵R̷N̶ W̸I̷TH̷ T̶H̶E̷M̸. ”
And the General was undone with that howl that could shatter Heaven, scorch Hell itself. Raw and cracked open like a fresh cut on flesh, the torrent of her agony like spilt blood from an artery. Dissolving skin in places revealed the wild Hellfire underneath, cursed magma tears of fury spilling from unified blood red viper eyes, monstrous fangs bared viciously.
“There is my blood. My legacy. My sister.” Raia smiled, this time without malice or false intentions, her tone surprisingly tender after the destruction she caused. She has gotten the answers she wanted and needed. Her bloodline wasn't dead, only forced to be dormant by unsaid threats and by the duty to protect. But not for long ; she could sense it.
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