#of course I'm having trouble sleeping im in pain
chlorinecake · 1 month
heyyy, could I ask for a soft fic like jay your fiancé wakes up to you squirming so much and whimpering cause of DAMN CRAMPSS na the doesn't know about your period till it leaks on your guys's bedd. then he tries to take care of it when you're asleep and when you wake up you get all embarrassed (lmao that's how I feel) but he insists on helping you and thought out the day he learns that you his fiancé has bad cramps, lower back pain, nausea, gets cold, often hot flashes and gets dizzy a lot basically bed ridden, can I be
🪻anon thanksskskksks
✿ — let me take care of you | p.js
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pairing. 𓏌 fiancé jay x fem. reader 𓏌 contains. just jay being a super affectionate and caring fiancé, mentions of blood, some cuddling, kisses, pure fluff 𓏌 word count. 0.7k 🖱 ⑅ path to the bookshelf ◍
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"mmm," you whined in your sleep, tossing and turning to the point that you woke up your fiancé who was sleeping next to you.
he cradled you from behind, hands covering your stomach as your hands squeezed over his.
"what's wrong baby," he pouted, warm face nuzzling in the crook of your shoulder as he soothed you.
still stuck in your slumber, all you did was whine in response, curling over his hands as the pain in your abdomen increase with a sharpness.
"____?" he whispered groggily, worried that you might be having a nightmare.
the softness of his voice somehow reeled you from your sleep, your eyes creaking open like an old door.
"can you just hold me like this for a little longer... please?"
"of course, baby, im right here..." he smiled, kissing your sweaty temple while his soothing hand caressed your figure.
jay couldn't shake how troubled you seemed in this moment, so he tried his best to stay still until you fell back to sleep instead of questioning what was really going on with you.
letting a few drowsy moments pass, he finally heard the sound of your purr-like breaths against the pillow, your body falling fast to sleep as your body grew warmer.
"ohh, you're burning up,” jay exclaimed, not sure if you could hear him as he said, “let me get you a cold towel."
he shimmied from behind you, pulling the covers back so the cool air from the ceiling fan could hit you.
that's when he saw a splotchy patch of scarlet-red blood right beneath where your hips were resting in the mattress, a bit of it having smeared from the sheets onto your legs.
with this, jay immediately knew what the source of your restless pain was now.
he sighed in relief, thankful that it had nothing to do with a virus, but everything to do with your body naturally functioning, just as it should.
as your fiancé, jay understood that it was his duty to help you when he could, and the last thing he wanted was for you to wake up and have to deal with this mess yourself.
he went to the bathroom to warm up a towel with soapy water, wiping at the blood on your legs.
suddenly, your skin sprouted with goosebumps.
"poor baby... now you're cold, too?”
tossing the blood-stained towel which was meant to land at the edge of your shared bed, it accidentally collided with a bottle of soap in the dresser, the heavy container falling to the ground with a loud thud.
the sound was loud enough to wake you back up again.
“j-jay, what’re you doing,” you asked with weak eyes, feeling his large hand smooth out the bumps on your cold skin.
“you got your period last night, ____,” he said with a smile, but you only groaned at his words, turning to see the blood only to crumble inside, "easy now, baby."
"no jay, get away from me, I don't wanna get you dirty," you protested, turning over to move his hands just to end up feeling dizzy.
and nauseous.
"sweetheart, there's nothing dirty about this, i'm here to help you," he replied, your flushed face making his heart swell.
"but I need to clean this up myself- OH gosh, there's even more blood over here," you whined dramatically, groaning out loud before burying your face in your hands.
"don't worry about it, love. you can stay here while I run you a bath, okay?" jay offered kindly, not been able to hold back the chuckle in his throat thanks to your exaggerated reaction right now.
"no, no, I got it-"
"____, it'll give me time to get the sheets washed while you soak in the tub," he interrupted your rambling softly before kissing you. "I'll be back with your clothes and a towel once you get out..."
you let out a submissive sigh, not being able to fight against him anymore after he just kissed you...
besides, he really was only trying to help you, despite how embarrassed it made you feel.
"okay then," you nodded, crawling out of the bed with his hand in yours, both your engagement bands sliding over each other. "oh, and jay...?"
"can you bring me a pad, please?... one of the bigger ones from the shelf downstairs."
he smiled at how cute you were in this moment, already feeling more comfortable with him being involved in this candid part of your life.
"gotchya, princess," he said with a smirk, taking the sheets and pillowcases off of the bed before going you in the restroom where he would soon run your warm and bubbly soak.
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𓏌 Thank you all so much for reading this fic, and apologies to the original anon for me taking so long to get to this ;-;
𓏌 — tags: @squoxle @nikisvanillaccola @ashgonedash @yourmomscuntis2tighy @wonbinisbabygurl @addictedtohobi @watamotee33 @bachuya
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in1-nutshell · 6 months
also I'm sorry i keep bringing up chaotic teen Buddy and Megatron, but i love seeing this fucker suffer through forced adoption.
I'm still kinda trucking through the comics, but i know that at some point Megatron is essentially yeeted into a whole ass different dimension and spent 300 years there (i could be totally wrong, if so ignore.) long story short, i have been stuck on the idea of Megatron getting stuck there for 300 years, mourning his funny little human child after 80 years, cause he figures even if he does get back home, they wont still be there.
Luckily for everyone involved, that 300 years was just a few months for the lost light. unluckily for everyone.
Buddy - "My father is gone, therefore I am no longer responsible for the consequences of my actions."
Hello again! Don't feel bad for asking/ requesting. Requests are fun to do for me and I can write almost anything someone asks, almost. Still, ask if you want something written. It is time for the return of Fearless Buddy!
Hope you enjoy!
Fearless Buddy reaction to Megatron coming back from the other dimension
SFW, platonic, familial, bit of angst here and there, Human reader
Buddy had conveniently slept when Megatron had left. Don't blame them, they had been running off of little to no sleep for weeks and their body finally had enough.
Rodimus had to break the news for Buddy.
"What do you mean Megatron is 'gone'?!"--Buddy
"He left, he just up and escaped! But don't worry we'll get him back on board in no time."--Rodimus
"He... He really just left?"--Buddy
"I'm afraid so."--Rodimus
"Well, you know what? Who needs him anyways! The big sorry pile of scrap can go rust in space for all I care!"--Buddy
"Who needs him! Thanks for letting me know Roddy, really. Now if you'll excuse me, I have some important things to go over with Whirl."--Buddy
"What important things? What could be more important than this right now?"--Rodimus
"We are going to put a bumper sticker on Minimus saying 'Kachinga'!"--Buddy
"... Carry on!"--Rodimus
Rodimus really wishes now that he had stopped Buddy from making it to Whirl's. The ship had become the two's playground for pranks and sillies.
No one was spared from their wrath.
Many bots on board got mad at the two. But it was the bots closest to Buddy to realize something was deeply troubling them.
Their enthusiasm seemed forced most of the time. Their laughter almost seemed... Robotic almost. And their eyes... they looked so hollow and lacked the usual twinkle they had before.
Whirl appointed himself Buddy's guardian in the meantime. There wasn't much argument there as being Buddy's Amica, it was probably for the best.
Whirl lost count of the amount of times he caught Buddy going into Megatron's habsuite and crying over some of his poems. He wants to hurt Megatron so badly for the pain he inflicted on Buddy. They became Rung's most frequently seen patient after talking with Whirl.
"You really think this is going to help?"--Buddy
"I'm sure of it! If Eyebrows here can stand me, then you'll be like a walk in the park!"--Whirl
"... Thanks Whirl. I mean it, you're the best Amica a friend could ask for."--Buddy
"Hey now, don't get soft on me yet. That's Rung's job. Now get in there and punch those feelings in the face!"--Whirl
The day when Megatron comes back after everything is settled Whirl is one of the first in line to deck him across the face.
"You sorry excuse of a tyrant!--"--Whirl
"I know you're upset Whirl... Buddy passing must not have been easy..."--Megatron
"Passing? What are you talking about?"--Whirl
"Surely they have already passed it's been more than 80 years."--Megatron
"Megs, it's been a couple months since your little disappearing act."--Rodimus
"...Is Buddy alive?"--Megatron
"Of course they are! Why--Hey!"--Whirl
Megatron sprinting pass him and to Buddy's habsuite.
Megatron had never sprinted as fast as he did at that moment. For the past 200 or so years he had been in a constant state of mourning. He thought he had lost Buddy forever. The biggest regret he had was not at least telling them good bye.
Now here he was... He almost backed out of knocking on the door, but he did it. The doors opened revealing Buddy in all of their morning glory.
"... Buddy?"--Megatron
"Ah man it's one of those dreams again. Listen fake Megs, I'm not in the mood right now. So if you'll just come back next week that'll be great."--Buddy
Megatron finally snapped out of his dazed and scooped up Buddy into his servos and held them close to his spark.
It took Buddy a solid second to realize this wasn't some fever dream.
"I'm here now. I'm here."--Megatron
"...I am so sorry..."--Megatron
"...you better be... I will never leave your side again... You're worse than a toddler getting lost at a Walmart..."--Buddy
It wasn't an easy transition at first. Buddy had their friends always within arms length from Megatron. Buddy themselves put up some walls to avoid getting hurt again.
The two eventually decided to seek counseling to try and mend their relationship. Thank goodness that happened.
Now Megatron was sitting in his habsuite with Buddy telling him all the latest news on the ship while reviewing their latest poems.
These were the little things he missed most and was glad he had gotten a chance to get them back.
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lovelywritinglady · 6 months
This is my first request, I want to see how Tengen and his wives react to one of the wives (y/n) has been taking more naps then usual and hasn’t been walking around as much.
When they go to the hospital about it, they find out that it’s because the chronic pain (description: pain that last longer then three months no matter what medication they take) as well then having not much stamina.
Sorry if this is too complicated, I just been having a lot of trouble even getting out of bed without a walking stick. IM NOT EVEN FORTY
thank you
I shall do my best!! Thank you for requesting!
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We’ll Take Care Of You
Tengen Uzui x fem!reader x wives
Fluff, mentions of polygamy, reader has a condition, slight angst.
Tengen Pov
Coming back from a month long mission was one of the best things to me. The look on my wives' faces when they see me again reminds me of all of the love I'm given. Currently I am a few steps from reaching my home when I hear my lovely wife, Suma, call that I am home. I smile at her excitment and quicken my pace as to not keep her and the others waiting too much longer.
Stepping into my rather large estate, I'm immedietly greeted with three bone crushing hugs and whines of worry. If I wasn't already sore from my fight earlier, then I'm definately sore now. Immedietly I wrap my large arms around their figures, but just as soon as my excitment comes, it is replaced with worry.
"Where is Y/n?" I ask my beautiful wives who are still wrapped around me.
"Oh, Lord Tengen, she is in bed. She hasn't been feeling too good for a while." Suma responed with a look of worry on her face now too.
"Is she sick and have you called a doctor?" I asked breaking a hug and looking to Makio and Hina for answers as well.
"We have and she has no sickness, she's just been in some pain and that has been causing her to be in bed a lot." Makio tells me.
"I'm going to go see her alone if that's okay with you three?" I tell them making my way to go see my Y/N.
"Of course, Lord Tengen, I'll make us some food in the meantime." Hina tells me as I'm walking to Y/n's room.
Slowly I opened the sliding door of her room only to be met with a lovely sleeping figure buried underneath blankets looking very comfortable. I slightly chuckled at the sight, but remembered that she has been sleeping an abnormal amount. Crouching down I wiped some loose strands of hair that fell on her somewhat peaceful face; thanking God that I get to witness the beautiful sight before me. Y/n then opened her eyes slightly giving me a smile.
"Lord Tengen, you're back!" She said quietly but the excitment in her voice was heard.
"Yes, and I hear that you have been sleeping a lot. My love, what is going on? Are you hurt in anyway?" I asked her as I laid down on the bed facing her and wrapping my right arm around her.
"I'm not so sure, my body aches all the time and I'm so sleepy. I'm sorry to have worried you Lord Tengen." Y/n says with tears prickling her eyes. Smiling at her I gently wipe the tears from her face and then carefully placing gentle kisses on her nose, forehead, cheeks, and finally a loving kiss on her soft lips. When I pulled away from her, she looked content and relaxed.
"You have nothing to be sorry for, my love. How about I take you to the hospital tomorrow so we can see what is hurtung my baby, hmm." I tell her as she nuzzles into my chest.
"Thank you, Lord Tengen." she says in a cute whisper.
"Of course, now I think you should try to eat something. Plus Hina is cooking and we both know how healing her cooking is." I joke
"Yeah, she's been making me food recently and Makio and Suma have been making me feel comfortable and have been taking care of me too. I'm so thankful to have them here." she tells me and I can tell that she's blushing from that thought.
"We all love and what to take care of you and won't rest until you're better." I reassured her as we both got up from the bed. Her legs were wobbly so I offered her a piggy back ride which she gladly accepted. "Now come on, lets get you fed." I told her as I began walking to the kitchen.
"I love you, Lord Tengen." She hummed
"I love you too" I responed flashing her a wink.
"Hey, what about me?" Suma whines from the kitchen.
"Yeah, you love me too right, Lord Tengen?" Makio chimes in with a fierce blush across her face. "Yeah, Yeah I love you guys too." I told them
The Next Day...
Y/n and I left to the doctors as soon as the sun peaked through the clouds. She wasn't feeling her best so I decided to hold her on my back. My sweet wife was so sleepy and I could tell that her eyes were heavy as she did her best to keep her head upright.
"Y/n, if you need to sleep that's okay. We'll be at the doctors in about 20 minutes if you'd like to sleep until then." I spoke sweetly to her.
"Okay, I am pretty tired." She whispered as she placed her head back on my shoulder and closed her eyes. Soon enough she was sound asleep.
"Heh, such a cute girl." I smiled making sure I treaded lightly as to not awake my sleepy wife.
About 20 minutes later, we arrived. My sweet Y/n was still asleep on my shoulder and I reluctantly woke her up and as I did she slowly open her beautiful eyes and let out such a small yawn. I slightly blushed at her cuteness and reached to give her a small kiss on her cheek. She smiled at me and then made her way off my back and immedietly put her hand in mine. I could tell she was nervous and she took a deep breath and practically pulled me into the doctors home. She walked up and introuduced herself and stated that she had an appointmemt. I was astonished by her strength and admired her flashiness. After a few minutes, the doctor came out and called out my wife's name.
"Uzui Y/n, Uzui Y/n? A small older woman asked scanning the room.
"Yes, that's me." Y/n said as she walked over to the doctor.
"Love, do you need me to go with you?" I aksed hopeful that she'd let me.
"No honey, i think I'd like to do this alone if that's alright." She told me as she reached up and gave me a quick kiss on my left cheek before following the doctor.
"See you soon." I whispered as I made my way to the front anxious as to what was going on with my love.
A little while later...
I was impatient awaiting the news of my sweet wife and what's been going on with her. There were a few times that I almost barged in and demanded to speak with the doctor myself, but I stopped myself out of fear of disappointing Y/n and my other wives. Taking a deep breath, I calmed myself once again only to hear footsteps and the sound of a door opening. There stood my wife with a strange expression on her face and the old lady doctor holding her arm. She immediately looked at me and gave me a sweet smile. I gave her one in return and just nearly ran towards her.
"So is she alright doc?" I asked embracing my wife.
"She's not dying if that's what you're concerned with. She has chronic pain and that's the reason that your lovely wife here hasn't be herself lately." the doctor explained
"Is there anything that we can do to cure it?" I asked worried for my wife.
"Yes, whatever you've been giving her as decreased her pain a little but it won't cure it. However, I have perscribed a special herbal tea and an ointment to put on any specific areas of pain. In a few months to a year your wife should be relitivly normal." She told me and then turned her attention to Y/n and gave her a reassuring smile.
"Lord Tengen, I think I'm going to be fine so please don't worry too much." Y/n spoke almost as if she knew that I was about to complain about how long her recovery would take.
"Alright, love, I trust you." I told her as I gently caressed her lovely face.
"Thank you for everything." Y/n said as she gave the doctor a small bow of gratitude.
"Anytime dear, and if those remedies don't work please feel free to come back so we can try something else out." the doctor spoke. She then gave us the tea and ointment meant for Y/n and the two of us were on our way home.
"Want to ride on my back again or are you feeling well enough to walk?" I asked my wife
"The doctor gave me a cup of that tea and it made me feel well enough to walk myself, so I'm gonna try to do that as long as I can." She told me which made me admire her strength.
"You're so flashy you know that." I complimented her
"You tell me that all the time, but thank you Lord Tengen." she giggled
About more than halfway to our home her pain got too much for her to bear. So I quickly put her on my back as we walked the rest of the way back to our home and back to our worried wives. As soon as we walked through the door and put Y/n down, Suma, Makio, and Hina all flocked to Y/n. She explained what was wring and the remedies to cure her pain.
"Oh Y/n I'm so glad that we know what will help you now and we promise to take care of you." Hina reassured
"Of course we will!" Makio and Suma spoke simultaneously
"Yeah, don't worry Y/n we'll take good care of you." I spoke to her as she gave me that sweet smile that I just adore so much.
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Thank you so much for reading! I apologize for taking so long with the request. My writers block was crazy!
Please feel free to like, comment. reblog, and request!
click here to see what I'll write for and HERE for my master list.
•I do NOT own any characters except Y/n•
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seilahscopium · 9 months
♡ I grant a wish for whoever summons me and take one thing as a payment ♡ 𝐭𝐨 𝐚𝐧𝐨𝐧: bbbggggg I'm so sorry this took me so long and if it's out of character since I don't know how to describe his character that well :(( I hope this helps fill your brain rot a little! 𝐅𝐞𝐚𝐭𝐮𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠: Leon Kennedy
⊹ due to all the situations Leon has been put through, he's very self aware of things going on around him ⊹ you could say he’s always on alert. Especially when it comes to you ⊹ he's the type of guy who would notice you're sick before you do ⊹he hears a cough from you and his eyebrow will raise from where he’s seated “Are you feeling alright?” he’ll ask you ⊹ doesn't matter how you reply, he's very suspicious you're getting sick ⊹ and when you're rubbing your forehead with a frown… ⊹ he’ll put the back of his hand against your forehead, not listening to any of your excuses you're coming up with “I really dont think I'm sick. I'm pretty sure the headache is just from looking at an electronic so much-” “You have a fever” ..and of course right then and there you had to have a coughing fit ⊹it's not that you don't want him to take care of you. It's just that…well, when you were sick last time he tried to stick a needle in your arm ⊹this is because, by the rare chance that leon gets sick on a mission, he’ll just stick a needle with solution into his arm and he's better in no time ⊹but you hate needles
⊹luckily, you bought regular medicine, so he just feeds you that instead
“Are you sure? The shot would make things end much faster” he’ll say
“Yes. definitely. Absolutely.” you replied
⊹ he only suggested the needle once again because he never likes seeing you sick.
⊹he looks like a pouting puppy with the way his arms are now crossed as you drink some water after you ingested the medicine
⊹ it seems Leon was not off of work because he has a new assignment. To defeat the evil fever >:((
⊹Leon is very good at comforting you and showing he's here for you with just his actions alone
⊹ he’s cooking you food that you like and that's easy to digest. He's grabbing you things before you even realize it.
⊹ swear to god, its like hes keeping tabs on you like your his patient
⊹ but he doesn't verbally show it. Which is kind of nice. Because when your sick your sensitive to light and sound
⊹ he gets the bed all set up for you. If you have stuffed animals he's aligned them in a order that created room for you to move around but you can still see them
⊹ i see him leaning down to check your temperature when you're laying in bed. His arm propped by your head, hand on your forehead, and faces inches apart
⊹ you don't really know if its your fever that's making you more flustered when he gets all close or if this is how you normally are
⊹ and when he's done checking your temp. He will press a kiss to your forehead and get you a new water bottle since you've seemed to run out of the ones he placed nearby from earlier
⊹ Leon would be the best person to cuddle with while you are sick
⊹ sure, at first you were worried that you were going to get him sick, but at this point he's bound to have built an immune system to a mere fever.
⊹ hes spooning you from behind, keeping you close with his strong arms wrapped nice and snug around your tummy
⊹if you're having trouble sleeping because of any pulsing pain or your just restless, he does not care what you want to help you sleep, he's going to deliver
⊹ for example if your holding him tight and snuggling into his chest. That is fine. If you're gently holding his hand against your cheek because you like it, that's fine too.
⊹ overall he's amazing at taking care of you. 
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bontenslut3 · 6 months
who’s my obedient slut?
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Warnings/Tags- unprotected sex, creampie, tittie play, biting , HEAVY details , rough sex , praise , virgin reader , smut with barely no plot , use of the n word and slut , mention of spanking . Sorry for any minor spellings I’ll fix it later
Please don’t read if your not of age you can get me and you in trouble. BUT HAVE FUN GUYS
I wanted him to pin me down on the bed i begged and planned this remember?
“Get on your knees now “
“ hobie please im sorry I won’t do it again i promise “ i pleaded on the floor crying after breaking one of his favorite chokers and trying to hide it. The other girls outside of the door listening.
“ you know y/n your the only virgin slut i have that I haven’t fucked since I got so maybe todays your day huh princess what do you say you
A : take a hard spanking from me while having your hands tied behind your back and a vibrator in that nice pussy of yours
or you
B : take my cock from behind while having slow hot sex while I stretch out that nice and tight ass of yours ? “ he says laying out a black leather belt on his lap
“ I choose b “
“ hmmm amazing choice now take off those slutty clothes and get on the bed for me hmm?” Hobie says walking around to put the belt back and than I felt him behind me that’s when EVERYTHING changed that night
On a cold night with the moonlight shining though the window his clothes half way off his back and muscles showing looking me dead in the eyes than kissing my neck slowly while telling me I'm all his and that he'll never leave me alone until the day we die , holding one of my legs on his waist biting my neck than placing a soft but a deep and passionate kiss on my lips while I wrap my arms around his neck never letting him go , his hands trailing up my shirt.
Whispering slowly into my ear If I was sure I wanted this he knew I wanted him for the longest so of course I said yes.
he takes off his shirt fully while forcing my head to look at him in the eyes, I was embarrassed it was my first time ever having sex than he helps me remove my clothes while slowly kissing my neck and playing with my breast , biting deep but soft into my neck forcing a moan out of me. He moves one of my legs to the side while rubbing circles on my sensitive spot
" you like it don't you l've been waiting so long to taste you baby " he whispered into my ears while taking off his pants I could feel him getting hard I wanted him to just fuck me already but I had to be patient the things he could do to me would is crazy.
" your gonna take my dick like a good girl right? Hmm?"
“ hobie please- “
He bits down on my neck again “ I didn’t ask for you to beg or plead I asked for an answer “
“ yes “ i whispered
“ speak up! I can’t hear that sexy voice of yours baby “
“ Yes! “ I yelled letting him know I was serious about taking him
“ aww that’s my girl I like it when you yell out yes”
Hobie’s phone rings and it’s miles on the line
“ yo miles ill be a while bruv i have something nice and tight waiting for me to finish them “
He hangs up the phone and turns his attention to me “ I hope you know that ‘ nice and tight ‘ thing is you “
He turns me around face flat on my stomach sliding his cock in my ass aggressively, i yelled out in pain he didn’t even give me the chance to think after saying that. He starting humping me aggressively all the lube he put in my ass sliding out , wet sounds from his dick hitting my ass and the lube mixed it’s like he’s taking out all his pent up aggression out on me.
“ fu-fuck hobie can you be a little soft it’s my fi-first time “ I said stuttering from how hard he was fucking me his cock slamming in and out of my ass.
“ be softer?! Oh no princess I’m not sure I’m going to do that it’s your first time and I want you to remember every last bit of this no Niga can fuck you as good as I can baby, no one can put you to sleep with they dick like I can I promise you baby I promise you no one can fuck you like I can.”
Hobie keeps fucking me my body feels numb and weak but I loved the way his dick made me feel I was going crazy for him I don’t know if I wanted more or if I wanted him to stop it felt to good and I wanted to cry from how hard he was fucking me but I couldn’t…I begged him for more I didn’t want him to stop the pain felt amazing.
“ oh now you want me to keep going huh!? you like that baby huh!? you like how deep my cocks going into that nice tight ass of yours ?! Told you no one can fuck you like me no Niga gon fuck you but me right ? Your all mines and no other nigas?!”
“ y-yes hobie I’m all yours “
“ say what i want to hear slut “
“ no Niga can fuck me like you can “
“ huh say it louder I can’t hear you baby!! I want you to scream it “
“ No niga can fuck me like you can !! “
“ that’s it baby yes oh fuck yes that’s it I’m about cum fuck your amazing oh fuck I’m so fucking close “
“ ah-ah~ shit ah oh fuck mmm that felt amazing fuck” Hobie cums Deep inside of me some of his cum leaking out of my ass , my pussy wet and wanting to be fucked.
* deep breathing * “ ah oh fuck that was amazing. Hmm aww your pussies all wet she wants me to fuck her? To bad I’m all out of energy fuck that drained me “ he said while smacking my ass and fingering me
“ maybe if your a obedient slut tomorrow night I’ll fuck your wet pussy okay baby ?” He kisses my forehead and spoons me before all this I was scared of sex but maybe after this I’ll keep being hobie’s obedient slut and yes all the girls on the other side of the door heard idc .
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you’re fics are my fav and im feeling absolutely empty after chot so im BEGGING for a charlotte and matthew fic…literally anything i would read about them sitting in silence at this point im desperate
Ahh thank you so much! I'm so honored that you enjoy my fics so much <3
I'm sorry it took me a while to finish the fic, I had a bunch of random ideas and I had to figure out how to thread them together, but I'm happy to finally present this fic to you and I hope it helps mend your heart, just a tiny bit :)
**Major CHOT spoilers; Don't read this if you haven't finished Chain of thorns!!***
Open your heart
"What happens when people open their hearts? They get better."
-Haruki Murakami
It felt strange sleeping in his old house with his parents again, but Matthew couldn’t bring himself to sleep in his flat alone. 
No. Matthew couldn’t sleep in his flat alone. He’d realized this at Kit’s funeral when the sudden realization of Christopher’s death had finally sunk. Before, with all of the trouble Belial had stirred up, there hadn’t been time to mourn. To truly process what had happened; Matthew and James were in literal Hell, trying to find a way to save their world. To save their loved ones. 
But, on that cold winter’s day, dressed in all white, the sudden wave of pain threatened to suffocate him. Matthew realized that he would never see Christopher again. Kit, who had been a friend since before Matthew could remember. Matthew didn’t know how to live in a world where Kit wasn’t there, in constant need of supervision and protection. Memories flooded his brain, memories of Christopher collected by Matthew throughout the sixteen years they had known each other. 
Matthew felt his world crashing before him. His palms began to sweat, despite the cold, as he watched the fire rise high. Suddenly, he felt his mother’s hand find his own. She held it tightly as they both watched the pyre burn. 
“Come stay with us for a while, Matthew.” She whispered. “Just until you’ve had time to grieve, if you’d like. But I’m worried for you, and I want to be able to help you.”
Matthew thought of James and Thomas. He knew that if he stayed by himself in his flat, his friends would want to help and stay with him so that he could slowly stop drinking. But he didn’t think that was fair to them, especially since they were greatly suffering as well.
So Matthew nodded, leaning towards his mother, ever so slightly, as if she might protect him from the pain he felt in his heart. 
Since then, Matthew was slowly remembering what it was like to let himself be loved. After telling his parents his secret, he felt like an enormous weight had been lifted from his shoulders. Of course, he still felt guilt over what he’d done to his unborn sister; he didn’t think there would ever be a day in which he didn’t feel that pressing guilt on his conscience. But knowing that his parents still loved him, even after he’d told them what he’d done, made it easier to start forgiving himself. Moreover, getting through every day was significantly easier: he’d train with James and Thomas, spend time watching Henry work in his crypt, help him mother with daily tasks, even though she kept insisting that just because she was pregnant, it didn’t mean she was incapable of doing something as simple as going down the stairs. 
“Might I remind you that I fought in the Clockwork war while I was pregnant with Charles,” Charlotte said, throwing Matthew a fond look.
“And might I remind you how he turned out.” Matthew pointed out.
Charlotte scowled, “Don’t be cruel towards your brother.”
Matthew should have known that if his mother could still love Charles, despite all of his flaws, she would have loved him, even after she found out about his secret. 
Tonight, however, Matthew was not all right. He’d been laying in his bed when all of a sudden he’d begun feeling as if he were suffocating. He’d thrown open the window, breathing in the icy winter air in between gasps. He stood there until he was shivering and covered in goosebumps. Even then, he still felt destabilized. He looked around his room, dread filling his lungs. It seemed his mind wouldn’t stop replaying every horrible memory he’d ever experienced. He was drowning in the past, each image coming sharper than the last. He wanted nothing more than to drink and numb the pain. To make it fuzzy and unrecognizable so that he could tolerate it. Matthew squeezed his eyes shut, clenching his jaw tightly as if he could shut the world out if he tried hard enough. He ground his teeth together so tightly he felt his jaw crack. 
Suddenly, he felt a soft tuft of hair on his fingers. Matthew opened his eyes to find Oscar, who had been laying in Matthew’s bed, beside him. As he looked at Matthew with his big round eyes, he managed to calm the boy down, just enough for Matthew to slowly make his way to the parlor.
Matthew sunk down on the couch, Oscar laying down by his feet. Matthew already felt calmer at the change of scenery, no matter how small that wave of calm was. He leaned over, letting his head hang as he rested his elbows on his knees. 
You don’t need to drink, he told himself. You’re all right. You do not need to drink.
Matthew clenched his fists, feeling the bite of his nails against the sensitive skin of his palm, hoping that the pain was enough to bring him back down to earth. 
Matthew clenched his fists even harder, digging his nails deeper into his palms when he heard a thumping sound—Oscar tail wagging against the wooden floor—accompanied by light footsteps sounding from the hall. Matthew looked up to find Charlotte standing by the doorway, a hand resting lightly on her lower abdomen, her face worried. 
“Matthew,” She said, making her way towards him. “Are you all right?”
He heard her gasp as she put her hands over his arms. “Matthew, Matthew darling, stop.” He could hear the desperation in her voice as she begged him to stop, to unclench his fists. Matthew looked down and saw that his hands were full of blood. Slowly, he opened his fists, looking at the blood caked under his nails and at the deep grooves they left behind on his palms.
He was vaguely aware of his mother taking his head on her arms, holding him tightly as she whispered words of endearment in his ear. He knew she was crying from the slight tremors in her voice and the occasional soft droplets weight that fell on his hair, which he knew were teardrops. Charlotte pulled away slightly, holding his face in both of her hands. It was strange to see his mother with tears in her eyes; she hated crying in front of others. 
“Darling, why would you do that?” She asked, her voice cracking.
Matthew shrugged, even though his eyes were full of tears. He tried to turn his face away from her so that she wouldn’t see him crying, but Charlotte only sat beside him and put a hand on his back, knowing perfectly well that something was bothering him.
“What’s the matter, darling?”
A single tear slipped away from Matthew, which was a catalyst of sorts for an entire waterfall of tears to flow. Charlotte put her soothing arms around him and he clung to them as if he were a child again, his tears came in large waves that pulled at his heart. He didn’t want to get his blood on his mother’s nightgown, so he kept his hands in front of him, his wrists on his knees. 
“It’s difficult, Mama,” he said finally, “It’s so incredibly difficult to stop. All these years I’d been running away from my pain by drinking and now I have to confront them and it’s harder than I could have possibly imagined. But I know I owe it to Christopher, to Jamie and Thomas, to you and Papa to stop and—”
Charlotte pulled away, grabbing hold of Matthew’s head in between both of her hands. “Matthew, you owe it to nobody but yourself. You deserve to be loved. You can do things because you want to be healthy, not because you want to please others.” She kissed his forehead. “I wish you thought yourself deserving of happiness.”
Matthew bit his lip. “Kit also deserved happiness. And instead, he’s gone.” Matthew wiped at his eyes with the back of his hand. “It’s not fair, Mama,” He said in between tears, “He didn’t deserve to die. He had so much to live for.”
“I know, darling,” She said, rubbing circles into his back, “Nobody should die so young. And no mother should have to bury her child. But if there’s one thing I will never forget about Christopher is that he was always happy.” Charlotte said to a watery smile, “It was infectious really. He reminded me a lot of your father.”
Matthew nodded, putting his head on her shoulder. 
“Christopher lived a full life, Matthew. He did everything he had set out to do and, unfortunately for us, the Angel decided that that was enough, that his life’s purpose was fulfilled and that now he could rest both his mind and spirit.” 
Matthew huffed a laugh, “Kit is incapable of resting his mind.”
Charlotte smiled, “His form of resting is by learning. And he’s slowly discovering the secrets of the universe, I’m sure. We can only learn so much on Earth. Imagine all that he must be learning in the afterlife.”
Matthew managed a wobbly smile. “He’s probably jumping out of his skin at some rainbow fungi he found somewhere.”
Charlotte laughed. “And in between each of his discoveries, he’s probably watching over us.”
Matthew turned to look at his mother, and smiled at her. Charlotte’s eyes softened and she pressed a long, soft kiss on his forehead. 
“Stay here, darling,” she said. “I’ll be right back.”
Charlotte rushed to get a water basin, a clean rag and a stele. She relaxed when she saw that Matthew was still in the parlor, smiling softly at a sleeping Oscar. She quickly set everything down and wet the rag. She sat down beside Matthew once more and motioned for him to give her one of his hands. 
As delicately as she could, Charlotte began cleaning away the dried blood caked on his hands. Matthew winced as she dabbed as lightly as possible over his wounds from where the blood had come from. 
Once she finished with his left hand, she rinsed the rag in the basin before starting on the other.
Matthew watched her placidly as she cleaned, his expression blank. 
“All done,” Charlotte said, setting the rag in the basin and reaching for her stele. She drew up Matthew’s sleeve, trying not to despair over how thin he’d gone these past few weeks due to his alcohol withdrawal.
She was about to draw an iratze rune when she suddenly froze. Across Matthew’s arm there were thousands of tiny scars, many of them overlapping. She glanced up at her son in surprise. Matthew, confused, looked down at his arm, catching sight of what caused Charlotte’s reaction. 
“Oh,” he said, as Charlotte ran the tips of her fingers over the new scars that trailed up Matthew’s arms. “Those are new.”
“When did this happen?” She asked, her voice coming out soft. The unasked question hung in the air between them: did you do this to yourself?
Matthew shook his head, even though Charlotte didn’t ask a yes of no question. 
“I got them in Edom,” he said. “James was trying to heal me.”
Charlotte put a hand on his cheek. “From what?” 
Matthew told her, each word piercing Charlotte’s heart like a million little needles.
Matthew seemed to notice this. “You don’t have to worry, Mama,” He said, “I’m getting better.” 
Charlotte looked down and drew two quick but careful iratzes on his forearm. “I know, darling. But I’ll always worry, for I love you.” She finished off the iratzes and kissed Matthew’s cheek. “And because that is simple what mothers do.” 
She stood and straightened her nightgown. “Now then, I think it’s high time we go to bed.” She held her hand out to Matthew and smiled at him when he took it.
Tagging: @tsccreatorsnet  @atla-lok143  @rinadragomir  @youngreckless  @autumnangel20  @julemmaes @cupcakesandkittens  @no-scones-allowed  @ninacarstairss  @stxr-thxif   @icouldnotask @jordeliasupremacy-deactivated20  @cordelia-cardale  @will-effing-herondale  @axoloteca @heronstairs2014 @ilovemanicures @ti-bae-rius @alastair-esfandiyar-carstairs1 @readersconfessions812 @nightshade3465 @livvyheronstairss @zemiraa @proudtobealuthor @neurogliadudette @theenchanteddreamer @cheeseandmacarons-deactivated20 @shadowhunting-hoolingans @writeordie-4 @amchara @myangelbach @livingformyself @dancing-under-the-moon @julescarstairs @wouldyouknowmeblind @grace-lightwoodd @livingformyself @ilikebooksandtvshows
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caroldantops · 2 years
I had this weird concept of combining the Camp and serial killer thing
Imagine: Nance and Robin become Camp Counselors, the young children leave a day earlier so the adults/helpers stay a extra night and day to clean everything etc. They plan to kill everyone then, to learn the terrain and be hide some traps etc. Enter you!
They meet you and decide to keep you! You are just such a sunshine! A sweet naive thing. Midst the chaos you will be with one of them, trusting them to help you, and always just barley escaping the killer. Of course still getting some small wounds here and there, you look cute with the pain and fear in your eyes.
You would be their own little final girl.
their own little final girl im biting my fist trying not to scream rn okay i got a bit carried away with this but im obsessed!!
tw: DARK nancy and robin, serial killers, murder, blood mention, manipulation, all that jazz. nothing super explicit or gorey just girlbosses murdering billy :) and others but he's the only one mentioned lets just assume the rest of them r pieces of shit too <3
this is so !! oh my god, the manipulation..making it so you think that they're keeping you safe while the other is laying traps and such. nancy's definitely out doing the dirty work while robin stays with you. she wipes your tears from your face as she puts cute patterned bandaids on you and you mumble about how you're just glad that whoever is doing this had the humanity to spare the kids the trauma of it all
robin clutching you close to her when you hear the screams of your co-counselors
"well, billy was a piece of shit anyway, right?" robin says, always the one to diffuse the mood with humor. you can only think about how you're going to tell max.
you keep urging robin that maybe you should just make a break for the work truck by the old storage shed and try to get out of there, but robin keeps reminding you "we can't leave without Nancy."
robin keeps moving you to different locations, closer and closer to the truck so that you can be ready when you finally find Nancy. "how do we know she's okay? should we go look for her?"
"this is nancy wheeler we're talking about. she keeps a revolver under her bunk bed. if anything, the killer should be scared of her."
you get all concerned when nancy comes back to your safe spot with blood on her and she's like "oh it's okay baby, i promise i'm not hurt" and you cling to her and beg her not to leave your sight again
her and robin sharing a look as nancy soothes you by rubbing your back, sobbing into the blood stained material of her counseler shirt. nancy gives robin a curt nod and robin leads you both to the truck.
the camp is very out of the way, and it's started pouring hot summer rain as well ("i wonder if theyr'e even going to be able to find any evidence after this downpour" robin wonders aloud, tracing your hand with her fingers. "i bet they planned it this way.") so the three of you end up holed up in a little shitty motel in the middle of nowhere, nothing but a diner with flickering lights next door.
nancy n robin tell you to go shower first, since you're all muddied up. but you hesitate at the bathroom door, terrified that the second you close your eyes you'll take your last breath.
robin offers to watch the door while nancy sits in the bathroom with you. she can hear you crying and suddenly she's stepped into the shower with you. you watch the little bit of blood that came off of her go down the drain as she washes your hair, humming softly to you.
she tells you to turn so you can rinse off, and you wonder where the blood came from, since she has no signs of even a scrape.
you have trouble sleeping that night, of course, until they curl up on either side of you, robin spooning you from behind, arms around your waist and nose pressed into your neck. and nancy facing you, fingers tracing softly over your face until you finally pass out from exhaustion.
the next morning, they take you to the diner next door right as it opens. there’s no one there except an old lady who serves you warm pancakes. the news flickers on the old tv in the corner. 
“do you think anyone knows yet?” you ask. 
“probably not, honestly,” nancy hums. “we were the last people there. anyone who would’ve come check up on the camp was already there.” 
“should we...i dunno, should we report this? there’s probably a phone we can use here...” 
nancy gives robin (who’s currently stuffing her face with waffles) a pointed glance and robin says with her mouth full, “maybe we should just lay low for a while. who knows if that guy is still out there looking for us.” 
“and we probably don’t even want to go home, what if he tracks us there?” nancy adds. you push away the plate of food, suddenly not hungry anymore. nancy pushes it back and gives you a look until you start eating again. “my family had an old cabin up here. they haven’t visited it for a couple of years now. maybe we should go there.”
and so the they take you there, and slowly the three of you lose track of time (or, you do, rather. nancy knows exactly how long its been) and months pass by. you never forget about everything that happened, you’re constantly a little jumpy and anxious and always ask nancy to triple check all the locks before the three of you settle into bed. 
news reports say the three of you must be dead. there’s not enough evidence to do anything with. a lot of it was destroyed in the rain or messed with by the hungry wildlife in the surrounding area.
robin and nancy muse that maybe it’s best if the three of you stay off the grid for good. you miss your other friends and family, but you’re so dependent on these two that you’ll do whatever they decide is best. 
after all, they kept you safe that night. you wouldn’t be alive without them. 
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lloydfrontera · 2 years
listen even though we can't ever read the og novel Lloyd read i just can't not think about Lloyd having a silly little crush on Novel!Javier and honestly? The au of Novel Javier going into their world would be such a Y/N moment for him, I can't stop thinking about how they'd deal with stuff together like:
Where would Novelier even stay? at an inn? He's bound to be caught by Javier if he does, but then again he might be in too much pain to stay at the baron's estate, but Lloyd insists on him picking either instead of hiding in the mountains somewhere(just to keep tabs on him, totally not because he wants to be able to utilize TWO javiers in work somehow)
but then like, at that point i think Novelier would have trouble sleeping(idk if he ever got over his insomnia, I'm still at chapter 80 of the novel) so after Lloyd does his lullaby service one time to Javier and it actually working on him too, Novelier decides to keep distance at night but close enough to hear the service-
mamsnmsmanam MAN i just love this au it's so embarrassing ahaha i just want to see Novelier and Lloyd interact mansmsmsmma and maybe Novelier lowkey start liking him too👀👉👈
listen my isekai pet peeve will always be that i can't read the og novels I NEED THE DETAILS!!! how am i supposed to work in these circumstances °՞(ᗒᗣᗕ)՞°
but yeah!! this would absolutely be lloyd's y/n moment, he's thriving! (he's also freaking out because this is another wrench thrown into his plans but still!! his fictional crush isn't fictional anymore!!)
i was thinking maybe lloyd would convince novelier (which btw,,, i love that, if we go by the other spelling of his name we can even use noviel i love it) of not showing his face by wearing a helmet or a mask so he can get around more easily. and novelier thinks it's stupid, but they do live in a world with warlocks and dragons and elves so a guy wearing a mask isn't the weirdest thing ever so he agrees because as much as it hurts to see the baron and baroness, the idea of being so close and not see them hurts even more.
so lloyd introduces him to his parents, spinning the same tale he did to javier, telling them he wants to keep novelier around too and they,, accept because of course they would, this is not even in the top five strangest things lloyd has done and they trust him so it's fine, of course the strange nameless knight that seems to be staring and at a loss of words as he's being introduced to them can stay, whatever lloyd wants <3.
javier is,,, flabbergasted. is he the only one that sees something wrong with all of this. is he really.
and btw! as far as i remember javier hasn't stopped needing the lullaby service up to where i am at the novel (i think. my memory isn't the greatest unfortunately) so i think it's safe to say novelier still has his own insomnia problems!
ajdkajdla what if. what if lloyd tells javier "hey i can put you to sleep in your own room now :) im having the knight of blood and iron sleep in my room now it's fine :)" and javier is just. chewing on glass the entire time. without knowing why the idea of someone else sleeping on the room with the young master bothers him so much. and novelier notices and makes a big show of telling lloyd he'll wait for him at his room, somehow giving javier a smug look while still wearing a mask adjsjdksl
and hey. lloyd has two hands. they're both for shoveling but he wouldn't say no to two boyfriends who are both good at construction work anyway <3
i am definitely living for the dynamics the three of them would have, like javier and lloyd are still in that 'refusing to admit they're even friends although they spend all the time together and are each other's person they're closest to' stage, except now javier has to compete with someone else for lloyd's attention and he doesn't like that, lloyd has an embarrassing crush he refuses to admit he has on novelier mixed with a small dose of hero worship which novelier kinda notices and uses to fluster him sometimes in order to annoy javier, maybe even play flirting at times except oh shit it's not playing anymore ok alright he can deal with yep no problem
i am obsessed with this au now you don't understand i love ittttt!!!!
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starthickinum · 2 years
Law x Lole (Friend insert ship)
"does anyone have any actual good law x reader angst where the reader is u-u-u-uwu and vulnerable" - quote by lole
Warnings: angst, completely platonic, friend ship (no romance), friend insert
Pronouns used: they/them
Collage modern AU
"Another rainy day?"
Lole sighs as they open their orange umbrella to shield themselves from the rain, it was pouring since early that morning but its let up since then.
"Hey... What are you doing out and about in this weather?"
Law looked to lole, his cold patient eyes didn't seem to bother them as much as everyone else, people would usually be intimated due to his tall stature and his face almost void of all emotion.
Lole, slightly startled looked to law, he had no umbrella and stood in the rain getting soaked and lifted the portable shelter over his head to keep him....well....drier then he is now?
"Heh, thanks..."
Law looked tot he side, probably watching the rain fall, its quite hypnotizing.
"Why don't you have your umbrella?"
Lole tilted their head, perplexed.
"Oh uh... Some uh... Things came up..."
He looked back to lole, now apparent sadness dwelled in his eyes, the dark circles ever present like usual, maybe alot darker then before.
"What's wrong??"
"It's nothing really..."
Law looked over in another direction, away from loles face, and scratched the back of his head.
He sighs, "Look... Its been difficult lately, and i'm not getting anywhere studying here, this place was cheap to go to, sure, amd you'd be here too... But i just... I want to be a surgeon, a doctor, to help others like... Like... Corazon did..."
Lole's expression turned to one of dismay,
"So what are you planning?? Leaving?? You're one of my best friends we've been through thick and thin together!!"
At this point, the pain of loosing a friend was overwhelming... Tears welled up in their eyes.
"Law... You can't go... Who would i laugh with when shawchi falls on his face after penguin shoved icecubes down his pants???"
Law smiles, a little, thinking back on the found memories together, all the trouble you two would cause, and the good you both did for other, soon coming to an end.
"Look its not all bad... I could still call every once in a while..."
Law was for once trying to be hopeful, for his friend at the very least.
"Yeah... But it wouldn't be the same without you here..."
"i know... I know."
"But law will you-"
As you tried to speak his phone goes off and he answers it,
"Hello? Yeah? Oh... Yeah right... Course i didn't loose track of time... Yeah im on my way."
Law put his phone back in his pocket, and looked back at lole.
"I actually have to leave soon... Im heading out fo state for a better collage."
Lole's face pales,
"Now!? Right now!? You're telling me you waited till last minute to tell me!!??!?"
Law looked down, they were rightfully upset especially about that,
"Look... Lole it wasn't that easy! i was heart broken too, upset and i couldn't get sleep over it! The fact im leaving everything thats here behind is bothering me and i just... Didn't have the heart to tell you!"
Law looked as if he was holding back tears, and the ones lole fought back ended up spilling over the rims of their beautiful dark chocolate brown eyes,
"Hmph! Fine! You'll call me right!?"
"Of course! We're friends!"
Lole looked down trying to push down that feeling of betrayal and hurt, feeling that way isn't going to change the situation, might as well accept whats happening.
Lole said, alot more irritated sounding then meant to be.
As law said thag he turned away from you and made his way don the street, probably to his car or to get a cab, either way he was leaving.
A weeks past and law didn't even message lole, after he left he only said hey and ended up not responding to text after text.
'He's probably busy' lole thought.
Untill even more days pass and nothing new happened, choking back tears while sitting up curled around a pillow crying lole hates to admit they miss law, all those years only to be probably left behind or forgotten, hopefully they can get over this... Over law their trusted best friend.
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8-rae-rae-8 · 6 months
To Save A Life - Chapter 2
Graves x Roach
Not looking for criticism
Tags under the cut!
Hurt/Comfort, Canon Typical Violence, Roach has trouble talking, Graves knows how to save a life (shocking), Roach x Graves, takes place in 09, Task Force 141 as Family (Call of Duty), Author Has Never Played Call Of Duty, Quite a few people are dead already, I'm not killing them, preshadow company, Graves doesn't have his shadows yet, Young Philip Graves, Young Gary Roach Sanderson, Past Simon "Ghost" Riley/Gary "Roach" Sanderson, (that is only potentially I haven't decided yet), Graves is considerate and kind??, Coma, it's inaccurate though, Pre-Graves being evil, inaccurate coma, slow burn, disabled character, suicidal thoughts, references to depression, guns, shooting, dead characters, [Some may be added or changed]
Over the days, The american would come to talk to Roach. Unconscious or not. Sometimes, just sometimes, there would even be gentle contact. The american seemed touch starved. Alone, like Roach. He often spoke of how he lost his team in the army as well, easily assuming that's what happened to Roach. It was obvious anyways. Nothing to really be assumed at that point.
Healing wasn't easy. Nurses would come to clean and redress him and his wounds. But they seemed to know he was waking. Slowly more so every day. Slowly.
It wasn't an easy process. Not at all.
The pain would only cease, or dull, whenever he was given meds. And that often went ignored. He was considered a lost cause by a lot of the staff. Part of him always wished to scream for help when the pain would fill his body. The agony of the flame. The nonexistent flame.
It plagued him. But he was unable to gain aid in this state. This had to have been american grounds, the flawless american English, with little to no accent as far as Roach could tell. But then again, he wasn't in a good enough state to tell much.
What he could tell, though, was that he wasn't alone. Not entirely.
That american, the one that saved him, he seemed to linger. Always somewhere near. His voice around. Roach’s ears picked up his tone, and mannerisms. It was almost nice to be familiar with something here.
“I lost my team once too.” The voice spoke, from next to Roach's bed. Never far. The only tell he was able to hear was the slight spike in heart rate when the american had spoken so suddenly.
“You're up.” The man seemed surprised too. But not in a bad way, maybe not even good. A peaceful neutral.
“What am I sayin’..” He mumbled to himself. “Seems like a man like you doesn't sleep much anyway.. Hard to with all the shit you're hooked up to.” The sound of a small tap to a machine briefly filled Roach's ears.
“Ain't much I can do but wait for you.. not letting another man down by not waiting for ‘im to heal.” There was a small sigh. Though determination was clear in his nervous words. He'd be there to protect Roach.
Of course the words came with some surprise. A very slight exhale came from Roach, only ever so slightly. He'd get better. Because, like his mysterious savior, he would remain determined. There was hardly another option anyways.
Death was too far out of his reach.
Things didn't seem to bad when the american was there to speak. To fill the painfully quiet hospital room with his ramblings. It stopped feeling like it was himself against the world. Hell, sometimes it was himself against himself.
He'd get better, mentally.
The pain and the internal damage were other problems. Even as he slowly regained his ability think straight, he still couldn't make a single sound. Not one.
He shouldn't have, but he tried. It only came out as a breath. Which always had the american stepping closer, or sitting up. Believing halfheartedly that maybe he was waking up completely. It was almost impossible for now.
Impossible and painful.
There didn't feel as though there was a reason for it. Maybe it was from so little use of his vocal cords. That was probably it… or maybe the damage of inhaling so so much smoke.
Regardless, it was hard. Every hour he just wanted to open his eyes, he wanted to see. His eyes darting underneath his closed eyelids. It always seemed that the stranger knew what was needed. It was odd. Very odd to him.
“You'll be a’ight..” The voice spoke, as a hand rested so close to his forearm. His skin tingled at the closeness. It hurt.
“Soon, k?” The words were a poor attempt at comfort. Yet Roach took it all well. Peacefully. He even seemed ease as the other had assured him.
Over time, Roach felt closer to this man. Though his name was never shared (Or Roach didn't remember), he didn't mind. He was very used to secrets in his line of work. That was okay.
Some days, the man didn't show up. Others, he'd be there the whole day. It was hard to tell what kind of day it was. But it seemed to be on some sort of a schedule. Roach never knew where he went off to. There was just a familiar warmth when he came back.
Warmth that was comforting, rather than scary.
Maybe because he'd been told to much about this man, yet knew little to nothing about him. He knew the man enough, but he wasn't sure he knew the person inside. Too shielded off to share more personal details, almost.
Some things slipped occasionally. Little details about his family life, siblings or even past lovers. But it was never from his own perspective, rather a dumbed down narration.
It wasn't too bad, but Roach longed to hear more. He wanted to know more about him. This mysterious man. A protector also. He was never truly alone anymore.
He'd realized after a few days that there was a lot that hadn't been shared. Not that he could judge. He couldn't share much either. That wasn't his fault. He needed more time to get better.
All he had was time. Not necessarily a good time, but enough time.
It soothed him for the time being. His mysterious friend would come share and protect him while he got better. Every day there were small improvements. Having someone there helped jog his brain function.
That was exactly what he needed. More than, even. He was going to be okay. This time he was sure of it. And this time, he knew his team would've been proud to see him heal. No matter how long it took.
And, although it took more time. A few days worth, his eyelids began to flutter. Gaining strength. Working on it.
By the end of the day, his eyes had opened. But the room was cold, no one to congratulate him. He shouldn't have been disappointed, but he could wait for his friend to return. He would.
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phoenixborn · 2 years
So the summary of my 2 weeks. Check the tags before reading.
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So the whole story of my 'journey' since I got injured on 1st September when I tried to catch my demented father when he fell. My whole left arm was caught between his weight and a steel pole as his weight dragged my arm down.
None of my relatives took me to a doctor, I had to ask my grandma -who was operated last month and still in hospital- 's old flame/friend to pose as my uncle. I cannot go anywhere alone because I have very severe panic attack mixed epilepsy; it depends on a few seconds of taking the meds in time to not go into a semi-coma state.
The first doctor I went to, after a 3 hour wait lifted my arm once, I hissed in pain, he didn't let me tell what happened. Reluctantly had me a X ray. Barely looked at it, told me to live before I'm young to have serious trouble. Mom wants to sue him.
Because that son of a bitch didn't send me to MRI. Went to a private sector MRI for like $120 when we don't have a dollar to spare: rotator cuff tear almost to the point of operation, severe mucositis in my shoulder, bruises, blood clots in the muscles.
Went to an another doctor, a traumatologist because the first one was a godfucked idiot and didn't trust his judgment the slightest.
Now. That time in the X ray the nurse YANKED MY ARM ACROSS THE TABLE LIKE IM ON A FUCKING RACK. To the point I blacked out for a second. And then while I was recovering from the pain and trying to control not cussing her out to America I didn't hear her coming back AND SHE FUCKING DID IT AGAIN AND I FUCKING SCREAMED THAT TIME. Now I sleep during the day because the amount of painkillers and the pain make me sleepy. And I fear that diabolical bitch worsened the tear because since then I'm in even more pain. I have a somewhat high pain tolerance because my periods were absolutely fucking vicious so all of this definitely tells something. And its not a fucking coincidence that I worsened after I was literally dragged onto the table. Who the fuck does that to even patients who don't have shoulder pain???
I went back to this doctor a week later, because he's a traumatologist & he wanted to see the MRI. AND HE DIDN'T FUCKING LOOK AT THE SCANS ONLY THE SUMMARY. I was like the fuck, snitched on the cunt nurse, shrugged it off even when I said I CANT FUCKING SLEEP SINCE THEN and I have 3 painkillers in me, 3 mg of the strongest epilepsy-panic attack meds, a pill to prevent throwing up and I was enveloped in the strongest inflammation reduction cream AND STILL IN PAIN. Plus he also said the tear was not a big deal; like BITCH our surgeon friend said I'm on the verge of a fucking operation. Two millimeters more & I'm cut open. WHAT in the FUCK.
The suggestion: medical gymnastics. Then I told him I literally cannot turn my head to the left without screaming.
Again brought up my wrist which doesn't heal since 1st September when it happened, shrugged it off, of course I don't need an MRI. Yah last time I heard I don't need an MRI a fucking tear was discovered. If he presses between the bones, I shit you not my vision whitens for a second due to the pain. Ignored my possibly swollen lymph nodes in my armpit.
Last night & today:
I couldn't fall asleep no matter what because of pain and other symptoms. I had 4 mg epilepsy meds in me & 2000+ mg of different painkillers. Today I had an extremely aggressive fever which refused to go down. I had to take two cooling showers to prevent shock. Meaning it's ice cold while I shower in near 50°C water because I'm a fucking reptile. Because of full body tremors my shoulder is as fucked up as it was on the 1st. I can't move it without yelling. The cooling showers were so fucking bad that I had to shove a rag in my mouth to muffle the screaming so neighbors don't call the cops. My heart game isn't really on top so I had to stay long and start slow to achieve the ice cold so I don't get a fucking heart attack.
Mom & dad was coughing yesterday, mom had a terrible headache, then I came with never ending pains then the fever during the day, bought covid tests. All of us have it. Today would've been the day when we phone the doctor and finally get rid of my demented dad. He would've been taken into a hospital and after there's ONE place in a care home good for him what we can afford. And now it all failed. I'm just... I don't know what I feel. Devastated, angry and so fucking done because I don't want him there anymore. There was a beam of hope to be free, for my mom to sleep, my shoulder to heal, my plans to go back university and of course it's ripped away just like every time in my life.
And of course I'm taking it the worst, I'm weakened by stress, mental disorders, overworked, borderline anorexic, pain from shoulder.
My fucking father? He only coughs a little & a bit dizzy.
Sorry for dumping this onto whoever reads it, I really needed to get this out of my system. I tried to tag the best as I could & also stated at the beginning. I don't know what will I try to distract myself with, writing, YouTube, Wild Rift; I don't know yet. I want to write so badly but my head doesn't cooperate a lot. And I don't want to half ass anything.
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needscaffeine · 4 years
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v0idl1nq · 2 years
Can I get a security breach and marvel matchup?
I'm a straight short girl around 5'2 with long brown hair and eyes and a leo. I like anime,dragons,reptiles,drawing but I'm not good,tarantulas,sweets,video games, memes,dark humor. I am very kind but I care more about others than I do myself. I have bad anxiety. I tend to overthink about everything. I love to sing especially country music but I am tone deaf. I have trouble standing up for myself because I was bullied alot. I can be very blunt. I also love to swear. I can be very loud. I love a good mystery and cop shows. I love dad jokes and puns.I am terrified of bees and heights. I am very lazy but I can be good at doing stuff if motivated. , unless I know it will happen or if I touch someone. I accidentally snap at people and I find people's pain hilarious so if someone gets hurt there is a good chance I will laugh at them. I sound meaner than intended sometimes. I can have trouble showing that im thankful at times. I pick at scabs as a nervous habit. I love to add alot of lemon juice to my tea to where it's more lemon than tea. When I'm woken up early with low sleep I am very mean and grumpy.
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For Marvel? I ship you with... Tony Stark!!
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*ੈ✩‧₊ Since he's usually teased/made fun of for being one of the short avengers (we all know it-) since most people say he's pretty short compared to all the others (except Bruce and Peter of course) so he finds it nice to have someone to tease about being short (jokingly cause he loves you of course! he'd never insult you) but to be honest he loves cuddling you on the bed or couch especially when your both about to sleep.
*ੈ✩‧₊ He's a guy who cares more about people he cares or people he's close with so he knows what happens if you care less of yourself to take care of others. You both take care of each other when you're too busy to care for yourself, Tony takes care of you by watching your comfort shows/animes and eating sweets and other foods you like so you can relax and take a break!
*ੈ✩‧₊ It's a known fact that he has shown signs/symptoms of PTSD (it was never really said per say? either he doesn't know he has it or is in denial) which comes with severe anxiety as shown when he ends up having anxiety attacks (first shown in Iron Man 3 caused by a few kids mentioning the attack of New York and the wormhole) which also means he knows how to deal with it. Whenever you end up having an anxiety attack he immediately runs to your side disregarding anything he's doing. He holds your hand and makes you breath in and out slowly as you count from 1-5, if that doesn't work then he makes you cover your eyes or covers your eyes himself as he rubs his hands up and down your back and asks you softly to name a 3 things you see, hear, and smell (this is just me of course coming from my past of attacks i've had in my bathroom)
*ੈ✩‧₊ We all know even if he has a child or not yet he will always and I say ALWAYS make dad jokes. Since most people he knows don't usually like dad jokes either (which is weird since they're amazing that's a fact) he finds it nice to meet and be with someone who has the same humor, he loves that he now has someone to make dad jokes with when Peter is around!
*ੈ✩‧₊ He's a person who's snapped at people a lot through out his life. When you do it, he's fully un-phased since you told him how you snap at people sometimes, he fully understands how one snaps from time to time. When you snap at someone and they get annoyed, he's always there to protect ya' incase somethin' happens!
*ੈ✩‧₊ He watches cop shows a lot even now! he always criticizes every move they made, if he finds something dumb he immediately points it out and says how it's wrong especially if it's a lawyer thing! he says how they're doin' it wrong and all (he learned from his very great lawyer: Matt Murdock ehe). When him or you end up stressed or having a bad day, you both always do a watch spree of mystery and cop shows like B99 or Sherlock! He asks to watch Sherlock more to see a look-alike of himself or strange on the screen-
A/N: had to cut this short, sorry dearie! I hope this can suffice for now-
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emperor-palpaminty · 3 years
Heart Song
Part 1: In which Tech meets his soulmate as a cadet. I like soulmate AUs. Yes, there will be lots of parts to this. Forgive me.
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As far as the young clone knew, the clones had gone through specific DNA alterations to ensure they wouldn't hear the voice of their soul mates. They were soldiers, not lovers. They were told as soon as they began training that if they heard an unfamiliar voice to report it to their supervisor.
The child wasn't necessarily concerned with this- he was only a cadet. War and training were the only things he was concerned with.
He laid back in his bunk, eyes squeezed shut with pain. Trying to see from far away hurt his eyes, but he didn't want to say anything. He didn't want to get in trouble. People already made fun of him and his brothers. The biggest out of all of them already had selected a name- Wrecker- and it fit him. The other boys, the normal boys, had used his name against him. Wrecker didn't seem to care, though, and he stayed confident in his skills.
He breathed deeply, rubbing his bleary eyes, trying to calm himself down.
A voice broke through his head and jarred him. It was sweet, feminine, and melodious. Was it... singing?
The boy sat up abruptly, head smacking the top of his bunk. "Ow!"
The voice in his head went quiet. "Who's there?" She whispered.
"Uh." The boy coughed. "Hi."
She gasped. "Are you my soulmate?"
"That's not possible. I don't have one."
"Everyone has a soulmate, silly!" She giggled.
The boy's heart thumped. Her voice was the prettiest voice he had ever heard. "Wow," he breathed. "Your voice is..."
"Awesome?" She laughed again. "Thanks. I like yours too."
"Was that you singing?" He whispered, laying back down, slowly. He didn't want to wake anyone up.
"Yes. I have voice lessons tomorrow, so I was practicing. I like singing." There was a pause, and then she said, this time matching his whisper, "Can you still hear me?"
"I can!" The boy whispered back, hardly able to contain his joy. "I have a soulmate!"
Her giggles filled his head, and he hugged his pillow (just the one he had) tightly. "What's your name, soulmate?"
"I, uh..." he frowned. "I don't have one."
"But... everyone has a name."
The boy's face warmed in the dark. "I haven’t picked one yet. My brother has! His name is Wrecker."
"You get to pick your own name? Oh, I love that."He heard a muffled squeak, and his heart fluttered again. "What will you pick?"
"I don't know yet," he confessed. "When I know what I'm good at, I will."
She yawned, sweetly, and the boy could imagine a little girl in bed. Perhaps she was with other people, like he was, or alone. He had thought about having his own room, especially when Wrecker scored. "You need to sleep." He said quietly.
"May I talk to you tomorrow?"  She yawned again.
"Yes!" The boy agreed. He watched his brother, the one with blonde hair, shift in his sleep, and he lowered his voice. "I may not be able to talk back a lot tomorrow. I have training."
"What are you training for?" She mumbled.
"I'm going to be a soldier." He said, quite simply. "I believe tomorrow is flight simulation." He hugged his pillow gently, exhaling. He pressed his face in it. "Can you sing more?"
"Of course. Goodnight, Soulmate." The girl began to hum softly, singing lilting words. "Come guess me this riddle, what beats pipe and fiddle..."
The cadet was asleep, soundly, within the minuite. He wished he had some way to remember her voice and listen to it through the day.
His eyes hurt through the day again, but his little heart was soaring in joy as his fingers moved quickly on the keys. He had no issue seeing in front of him, just further away.
His number was called, pulling him out of his mind replaying the lullaby from last night. He rose, trying to not be shaky, walked to the Sargent, ignoring the other boys glaring at him. "Yes, sir?" He ignored his leg bouncing, trying to not reveal his nerves. Did the older clone know he had a soulmate? That he heard a voice?
"Come with me, CT-99-403." The Sargent in charge lead the boy away. The cadet glanced back at his brothers, their faces standing out with worry and different from the identical sea of clones.
The cadet followed, quietly. He avoided eye contact at the kaminoian female who was leaning over the holopad, eager. "Thank you, Sargent." Nalaa Se stood, turning to the boy.
"Yes, maam?" The cadet stood at attention, thinking back through everything he could possibly be in trouble for.
The Kaminoian waved, lowering her datapad. "At ease, CT-99-403." She traced the room slowly. "I wanted to speak to you and your batch. Individually."
The boy shifted, quiet.
"You and your brothers were made with individual purposes in mind. We believe that the four of you will fully grow into a special batch." Her insectoid eyes scanned him, and the cadet did his best to stay neutral in face. She continued speaking. "Your scores in the flight and mechanic simulation are one hundred and thirty five percent higher than average." She folded her fingers, long neck craning. "Your mathematical and quantitative skills are... maturing quickly." Nalaa Se picked up the holopad again. "Your mind is technologically advanced. We'll be specializing your training with additional combatative skills and technology or engineering, as with your brothers. You will all specialize in different fields."
The boy's heart fell. "Will I still get to see my brothers- my batch?" He said, soft. He was almost frightened to ask.
"Yes. You'll all train together in combat." The kaminoian waved a hand dismissively.
"Um... actually, I wanted to ask," the boy said quickly, and the insectoid eyes peered up again. He half-shuddered and spoke. "My eyes... it's hard to see."
She frowned at him, comprehending, not judging. "Stop at the medical bay. I'll have them create some lenses for you."
The cadet's heart had fallen before, but now it plummeted. He would be the only clone with glasses. He gave a half-hearted "Thank you. Maam." Before hurrying out, towards the medbay.
Tech gasped, glancing up from his glasses, which he was examining in his hands. "You're here!" He whispered, delighted.
Her laugh brightened his day. "Have you picked a name yet?"
"No, but I think I have an idea." He tugged the regulated blanket over him, rolling over and hugging the pillow again. "I met with my maker today."
"Maker? You mean... your parents?"
"Er- yes." He coughed quietly. She wouldn't understand. "My... parents, they said I was advanced in technology and scared high in engineering fields."
"Oh! My soulmate is smart!"
The boy's heart soared. On a planet where he was reminded that he belonged to the means of war, it was nice to be called someone's 'something'. "I... yes," he cleared his throat. "I want it to be something like that."
"Smarty-pants," She teased. Her laughter followed.
He smiled, squeezing his pillow, happy. "Song bird."
"So what is your name gonna be?"
"I don't think I can say," he said, quietly. "Doesn't that... go against the rules?"
"Well, we can try!" She declared. The cadet sighed happily, snuggling his face im his pillow, heart tumbling between his ribs. "My name is-"
Static. Nothing.
"I didn't hear it."
"Oh. That does make it complicated, then." She mumbled, significantly more down cast.
The cadet yawned softly, tucking the blanket around his shoulders. "I'll find you some day, soul mate."
"I thought I was song bird, smarty-pants.'
He giggled, unlike himself, and nestled into what warmth he could find. "You are, song bird. And I'll find you.' He yawned again, then rubbed his face. "Can... can you sing again?"
"Sure! The same song, or something else?"
Oh, he wanted to memorize her song. Every word and every melody and every note of the lullaby, all the songs she could ever sing. "I liked the one last night. But what's your favorite one?"
There was silence, and then she spoke softly. "Are you in bed?'
"Does no one come tuck you in?"
The boy's face emblazoned with red, and he, remembering she could not see him, spoke. "No."
"Then I'll tuck you in some day." She said, gently. "And I'll sing you to sleep."
The boy's heart imploded, and he curled up in bed as she softly sung. "I saw the light, fade from the sky..."
As he closed his eyes, the boy whispered, "Tech. My name is Tech." He doubted she could hear him, but it felt good to say the name he claimed to be his and no one else's.
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Caring for your CEO
" Being a CEO, a Student and a Painter, Marius von Hagen was still able to hide his true self. Being his significant other, you knew that the playboy persona he puts on everytime you're outside is all a giant hoax."
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Marius x Reader
Gender neutral
Warnings: Spoilers for new Tears of Themis players regarding Marius' Personal story.
Genre: Hurt-Comfort, Fluff, really tiny angst
(is hurt-comfort etc. a warning or a genre idk)
Being alone was indeed hard for someone such as yourself. Having to live alone and not being able to socialize that much with your family members. It was hard but manageable. Everything in your life was going smoothly until this childish CEO barged in. Although, with his company, your life wasn't that boring anymore.
You enjoyed conversing with him despite his immature behavior. I mean, being 21 and already managing a whole company? His behavior was completely acceptable. Back then, you only perceived him as young and cheerful CEO. Until you started living with him. Despite being a top student and also a very talented one, it's hard to keep up with studies when you're trying to multitask between three things.
Every night, you'd see him on his desk working and studying whilst maintaining his image as the mysterious painter Z. Of course, naturally, you took care of him. Reminded him to eat breakfast and get some rest every now and then. Until suddenly one night. He was at his breaking point. While you were sleeping under his warm embrace, he bolts awake. His fast paced panting shot you awake. You turn to him just to see his panicked face. Sweat dripping down his face appearing like a smooth diamond.
His purple eyes was filled with fear. You wanted to hug him but you were afraid that if you merely even touch him, he'd break.You try to talk to him about his troubles. You never knew he held in such many problems within him. While you were thinking of words to say, his wall breaks down. He gets closer to you and hugs you close. His muffled sobs stabs you in the heart like a sharp sword.
You couldn't do anything else other than be there for him and let him let go of his thoughts. I mean, as he said himself, with you by his side, he can acheive anything.
A/N: Two posts in a row? 2?2??1 I have an exam tomorrow but I'm over here posting stuff how do I tell my teacher that instead of studying, I wrote a story about some1 who doesn't wven exist (Ik the truth is painful) also if yall think the font in my stories are too small pls tell me<33 (im kinda near sighted and the letters r small af)
Thank you also for reading<333
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ellitx · 3 years
💚 anon said: Okay gonna be a part two to the double yan butlers but making them vamp! So have this butler sandwich~
( Long af im so sorry i cant stop i need help)
warning: blood, smut, yan behavior
You sat there clenching onto the hem of your dress with tears streaming down your beautiful face.
"Hush now beloved..." Himmel whispered, leaning in close on the shell of your ear and bringing a gloved hand to your cheek to wipe the tears away.
"May we remind you aren't alone, y/n~?" The man on the opposite side of you said coming in closer to lick the salty liquid down your face causing him to shudder lightly, even just the slightest taste of you is divine already wanting more.
"I-I know it's just having everyone that I come into that kind of contact with either seems to disappear or they're bored to sleep... it's like I'm cursed or something..." you say with a shaky voice and shallow breath. Hearing this made both of their hearts ache. Locking eyes with his other half for a moment filled with concern and a tinge of guilt. 
We're they being too selfish? Keeping you for your own desires and fulfillment..? Surely you felt the same way, you certainly did right...? 
The way you so easily let them in, to undress you, bathe you, please you and in turn themselves. Could it possibly be that your feelings had changed? Maybe it's time to test this they thought.
"Mistress, you know Venti and I care oh so deeply for you... and we'll do anything at all for you... so when you say you're alone it's a bit disappointing to hear.." Himmel breathes out taking a hold of your left hand and his twin grabbing the right, both lovingly stroking your delicate hands. 
"Oh how correct you are dear brother. It's quite heartbreaking not only to see you so upset but to hear that you're feeling as such, may we turn this pain into pleasure? We're always at your service my beloved."
Venti's question caused you to shoot a shocked and red-faced expression towards him. "W-what do you Mea—  Mm!" He pressed a finger to your lips and slowly pushed you down onto the mattress, with Himmel setting himself behind you, sliding his arms around you to hold you in place as his brother straddles the both of you, He peers down from above you with lust clouded eyes
"Oh you know exactly what we mean my princess~ We know wholeheartedly the feelings you have towards us and trust us in knowing the feeling is mutual. So when we see these vile suitors dare lay sight on you we couldn't help but, 'resolve' the issue." He whispered into your ear slowly leaving small love bites down your neck. Oh how badly he wants to sink his teeth into you. Just a whiff of your scent already drives him mad but he holds in his desire. 
Himmel snuck his hands up to pull down the top zipper of your gown letting the sleeves slump off of your shoulders to let his brother gain more access, and allowing himself to give gentle kisses and licking the opposite side as he holds you strongly in place.
"Mm...! So you two... were behind all of this...!?" you breathe out trying to keep calm while both of your dear servants are beginning to devour you. Himmel wrapped his legs around you, locking his ankles with yours, with Venti pushing most of his weight onto you to make his way back up to your ear.
"We were merely speeding up the process, angel~ And besides, by the look of things you, weren't even interested, no?" Venti cooed. 
You couldn't deny it. No feelings you had were towards any of the potential matches and frankly made you bored and uncomfortable. It was honestly a relief when the situation was brought to shambles.
"Mistress, you did tell me that you didn't even want to go back to him, correct...?" The man behind you questions. You shakily sighed recalling the words you said to Himmel earlier that afternoon, his hair and breath tickling your neckline. It was so hard to even respond coherently as they both let their hands run all over you— Venti at your chest and neck and Himmel having his hands wander up your skirt to feel your thighs.
"Mm... Yes..." Venti grins at your answer and chuckles, eyeing your near-exposed breast daring to make an appearance. "Y/n, don't you think it's time for a change of clothes? You look quite uncomfortable with this elaborate dress at the moment. Do we have permission to undress you?" Himmel suggested catching onto Venti and his desires, how badly he just wants to rip everything off and dive right into you knowing he must remain calm.
Squirming a bit due to the building excitement, you nod as your face painted blush red. "You may..." and with that the both of them helped you out of your clothes, slowly and carefully removing each article with the man behind you pulling down your zipper fully and removing your dress, while Venti took off the skirt underneath, leaving you only in your lingerie.
You curl up slightly embarrassed how both of them are hungrily eyeing your form. "Look... look at you y/n... you're so beautiful. Divine even. It's why we must keep you all to ourselves~" Himmel sighed pressing his chest against your back and snaking his arms around you while placing gentle but passionate kisses all over your neck.
"Oh how right you are dear brother. A true angel lay before us and I think she may lay blessing upon ourselves tonight~" Venti says climbing back on top of you, putting a leg between yours, his knee brushing against your core, making you shudder and lean onto the man behind you. It was so hard to resist them at this point you didn't even care how much trouble the three of you could be in if you got caught.
"Nng... I order you to both give in to any and all desires..." They both went wide-eyed in excitement.
"With pleasure my songbird~" the blue-eyed male almost moaned into your ear as he removed his own clothing and Venti followed soon after.
"On one condition... Please let me know beforehand if you decide to feast upon me..." you interject blushing madly in watching the two men undress before you. You notice how their eyes seemed to glow in the dimly lit room. "Of course my dearest, we wouldn't do anything without consent, right dear brother?" Himmel states and gestures to Venti.
"Indeed our princess must be handled with the utmost care, with loving and sensual touches, no harm must come to her." He says leaning in to slowly kiss your cheek only to begin leaving slow sweet kisses down your jawline, with Himmel running his hands down your exposed waist feeling his bare hands smooth across your supple skin filled you with desire.
You held onto Venti's shoulders and leaned your back against Himmel's chest, they had you securely pressed between them, you could feel so much of them and how hot it was getting, and how much they needed you in turn.
Hearing a whisper from behind you "May I kiss you, y/n?" You turn and nod, letting Himmel latch his lips to yours, letting a sweet moan escape your lips as you felt Venti unclip your bra. "I feel so lucky to have such a sight in front of me… let me taste you please..." He almost pleaded in which you give out a shaky sigh, desperately wanting him to pull your sweet breast in his mouth.
"I did say you may give in to all desires, correct~?" you say teasingly. Almost immediately you felt him latch onto your breast almost desperately and gripping onto the other, swirling your nipple with his tongue making you let out a sweet moan that made Himmel grip your thighs letting his hands wander closer and closer to where you needed him most.
"Nnng... y/n, I want to feel how much you crave us," Himmel said, pulling your soaked panties aside and rubbing a finger through your folds as he flicked up to hit your clit. It makes your breath hitch as you shift your weight against his stiff member as well as feeling the other suck and knead at your tender breasts. Looking down and noticing how needy Venti was as well, it made your mind so clouded with lust it was hard to think straight.
"Ahh~ More... please...!" You plead. You appreciate them being slow and careful but you just wanted them to take full control and pleasure every inch of you. "As you wish~" Venti moves down from your breast leaving passionate kisses all the way down your body stopping at your core.
"My mistress is so sweet~ you don't know how much we love you so let us show you." He breathes out with his mouth hung open, you could see his fangs albeit small but much larger than anything human and it turned you on seeing Venti pleading up at you to let him devour your essence.
"Haa... please me... eat me... anything... I'm all yours." You plead. And in turn, he puts your legs over his shoulders as Himmel grips your hips in place with one arm while the other rubs your sensitive bud. 
You let out a shaky moan as Venti licks up your slit. "Mmm... so good y/n..." the vibrations from his moans resonated deep within you causing so much ecstasy to flow through you.
"Ahh...!! It's too much!!"
Himmel quickly pulls you in to swallow your moans with a deep kiss. "Shh mistress... we can't allow ourselves to be too loud.." Himmel said. It was so hard to hold himself back from sinking his teeth into your beautifully exposed neck while he rubbed your core how he wanted to desperately switch position with his brother but your pleasure was his top priority.
The stimulation from both of them was almost too much. You felt hot tears run down your face as you gripped onto Venti's hair for anything to hold you together as if you couldn't control your hips that you ground against his face as well as rolled against Himmel's erect length. You felt the climax building, that twisting coil in your womb threatening to spill out.
"Haa... Haa...! I'm so close...!" You breathe out trying to remain as quiet as possible. 
"Yes.. feed me~! Let me drink your divine essence!" Venti begged into you. While gripping onto the hand that Himmel offered to you, you came down so intensely it made your whole body shiver. Pulling away from you to wipe his face, Himmel couldn't help but drag his hand to collect any remaining slick and lick it off his fingertips.
"Always ever sweet my songbird..." He gazed straight into your e/c orbs with his pupils blown wide. "But I can't help but want more..." he bends down to where his twin was recently to lick all of the slicks that covered your thighs, he was about to combust. He has held back for so long. Hearing your heartbeat right next to his ear, the crimson essence he so desperately needs is just inches away.
"Y/n... May I please bear fang to you... right here." he pokes your soft thigh ever so slightly. 
"Ohohoh, wanting a drink so soon dear brother?" His twin teases. 
"Ashamedly, yes... you got to drink the beloved's slick after all..." He bends down awaiting your answer as Venti repositioned himself behind you with him breathing down your neck.
"Y-you may..." you nervously grip onto the sheets awaiting the incoming pain as Venti rubs your arms to offer some comfort. "Shhh just relax... if you’re so tense it'll be more painful..." He whispers, sending shivers down your spine. You take a deep inhale as you feel Himmel sink his teeth into your soft flesh.
Your life force was flowing into him. It was so addicting, so sweet, and in addition to the slicks still left over on your thigh, nothing could beat this he thought. Both were gently holding you still. You couldn't ignore Venti’s ragged, almost feral breathing pattern, and not soon after feeling something cold and wet drop on your shoulder, you turn to look at him, mouth hung open of a drooling mess.
"I'm... haa... going to be honest, y/n... I don't think I can..." you nod to him and pull your hair out of the way leaning your head to the side.
"As a reward... for earlier..." He goes wide-eyed and grins and gently wraps both his arms and legs around you, biting down on the nape of your neck, your delicious wine filling his system as he hums in satisfaction.
Himmel pulls away carefully after his fill, almost immediately cleaning and wrapping the small wound in cloth and finishing it with a small kiss. "Thank you so much, my beloved, but Venti please be gentle with her..." Himmel says leaning in front of you as you grip onto him and focus on your breathing to distract yourself from the sharp pain going through you. 
"Mhmm..." He mumbled, getting in a few last drops before he pulled away.
"Thank you, mistress. You're ever so kind to us, now let us repay you~" Venti said whilst cleaning and covering the wound. Himmel gently lays you down with you perfectly on display for the both of them with him going on top of you with Venti behind you.
"There is still one more thing we wish to have desired, to make love to you, y/n'' He bent down to quietly whisper in your ear. Feeling how hard they both were, you wanted to fulfill all of their wishes. You could only nod knowing how badly you also wanted this.
"Please... I only have a love for the both of you..." With Venti wrapping his arms around and pushing his cock between your cheeks and Himmel slowly lining himself up with your heat, taking your hands in his, you lock eyes with his icy orbs.
"Ahh~!" You moan, throwing your head back onto his twin’s shoulder as he enters you. It felt so euphoric to the three of you. Venti grinding himself against you, Himmel slowly filling your walls and feeling them so close to you, it felt like you were overheating but you couldn't get enough.
"Nnng... my love you feel so good...! So warm..." Himmel praises gradually increasing the pace. Feeling them both slide in and out of you filled you with immense pleasure. You couldn't help but rut your hips in tandem with theirs.
"Y/n~! More!" The man behind you pleaded, gripping your hips for more of the friction he craved, causing you to grind up against him more, your end was coming already so quickly with how good they both felt.
"Ahh...! Guys, I don't know how long I can make it...!" Your walls clench around his length with him hitting that sweet spot each time making you see stars. You gripped Himmel’s arms, holding on for dear life.
"Don't—  Ahh... Hold it...! My beloved...! I'm close too!!" Himmel moans into you kissing you so deeply, swirling your tongue with his. That tight knot again comes loose with a few more thrusts from both of them spilling it all over the sheets with Himmel releasing on your stomach and Venti coming onto your back.
After a few moments of recollection and clean up, they both embrace you and swore to never let you go.
(Im off to jail again and i hope the formatting is okay -💚 i just wanna feed you not more work )
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Holy shit—
Anon, you’re feeding us so well mmmpowowushasjjs
daddy vampire venti and himmel?
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