#of agreeing to talk with them n catch up and i was just casually like 'oh yeah im not trans anymore im just a girl now lol' and they fucken
lucidfairies · 6 months
drummer girl [a.a]
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pairing: punk drummer!abby x reader
summary: dina dragged you to a bar for a concert, and you naturally thought it would be lame as hell... you were wrong!
warnings: sub!top!abby, dom!bottom!reader, poc friendly (if it's not lemme know ASAP), begging, praise kink, face riding, cunnilingus [r], mommy kink uh [r], squirting, tribbing AHHHH, orgasm denial, masturbation
wc: 3.6k
collaborators: @enbesbian / @enbesbians
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"please, I will seriously pay you to come with me," dina begged, following you around the kitchen as you put away dishes. "you know how important this is to me, I can't just go alone!! I need you there. you're my wing woman."
you sighed, running your hands down your face. "dina, this is my one night off a week. why would I want to spend it at some bar seeing a band that I don't even like?" she frowned.
"how would you know that you don't like them if you've never listened to them before? just come with. you spend all your time at home and that's not how a young, beautiful college student should be spending her life." you rolled your eyes at her enthusiasm.
"look.. if I agree to come with you-" she squealed, "you're doing the dishes all month. deal?" dina clapped her hands and grinned.
"perfect. deal. now, let's go pick out your outfit." she grabbed your arm and pulled you in the direction of your bedroom, skipping all the way there while you walked.
you and your roommate dina had lived together for two years, ever since you met each other on campus. the first year was in a dorm... but that didn't really count. ever since then, you had become best friends, and essentially did everything together.
the first time dina mentioned this concert was two weeks ago, when she casually brought up that she was talking to a rockstar (her words). rockstar was a stretch, seeing as the band only had a few thousand followers on insta, but they were big on tiktok.
now, she was claiming that you had to come so that it wouldn't be awkward if her and this rockstar met up backstage and talked, and she wouldn't take no for an answer - no matter how much you said it.
that's how you got here, dolled up in cargos and a corset, going to see a band that you've never heard of with your asshole of a roomie. at least she blew your hair out for you and assisted with your makeup.
"jesus dina, it's packed. I thought you said this was gonna be a lowkey thing." you frowned. she didn't even bother answering, just locked her hand in yours and tugged you to the front of the crowd.
"you'll survive if you stop whining, y/n. just relax. you're way to wound up, I should get you a blunt." before you could ask her not to leave, she was gone. you didn't want a blunt, at least not right now - dealing with this many people high would probably give you a seizure.
the lights dimmed before dina got back, and when she did, she had two fruity drinks with her. "drink up, mama. tonight's gonna be so much fun."
the band was rock, and their lead singer and guitarist was the girl that dina was drooling over. her name was something like ellie, or eliza. you couldn't really remember, and the drink that she gave you was strong as shit.
maybe she was right, maybe you did just need to loosen up. by the time the drink was finished, you were grabbing her hands and dancing to the music with her, letting the alcohol take over your senses for a little while.
dina spun you, and while you were mid spin, you caught the eyes of someone on stage, and suddenly you felt incredibly sober, even if you were still buzzing. you let dina dance with herself for a minute as you tried to catch another glimpse of the drummer, but ellie was moving so much that you could barely see anything.
finally, ellie moved to a stationary microphone to play a slower song, and you could see the drummer in full view; hair pulled off her face revealing her blue eyes, high cheek bones, sharp jaw. she was in a loose muscle tee, and had a few layered necklaces from what you could tell, and she was looking at you.
you slapped dina's arm lightly and she turned to you, smiling like she had just downed four more cups of whatever you were drinking. "who's their drummer?" you yelled.
"that's abby," she yelled back, "you can meet her later." she went back to dancing, while you turned back to the drummer, abby, who was now focused on her music as she sang chords with ellie.
when her portion of the song was over, she looked back up for a moment and locked eyes with you again. you were truly the only one she was looking for, out of the few hundred people in the crowd. there was just something so perfect about the way the light hit you, making your face glow and your body look exquisite. you looked like an angel.
the concert went on for another hour or two, you weren't exactly tracking. all you knew were abby's eyes, and you didn't seek to be knowledgeable about anything else but her. you had to know her. had to have her.
when ellie sat her guitar down at quarter past eleven, you felt like you were being stabbed. the night was over. people were leaving. the band was walking off stage. "will you stay here while I go talk to ellie?"
"I thought I came to make it less awkward when you talked to ellie," your eyebrows knit in confusion.
"please don't hate me but I lied to get you out of the house," she was already backing up, "I'm gonna go do adult things with her so.. stay here. you're my ride." she turned on her heel and sped back stage while you scoffed. she was dead when she got back.
you slid into one of the booths and scrolled on your phone for a while, actually following the band's insta and tiktok. your phone was dying, and you needed the charge to get home, so you sighed and sat it down, staring at your hands while you picked your nails.
"did your friend leave you?" you looked up as you heard a voice, undoubtedly directed towards you. and. fuck. it was her - the drummer who you were making eyes with for three hours, who you were convinced you were never going to see again.
"she's in the back hooking up with ellie," abby snickered, cheeks a little rosey. you noticed some equipment she must've sat down, and you wondered how long she had been standing there before you acknowledged her.
"yeah, that checks. the door was locked when I tried to get my stuff." a silence fell between the two of you, and you tried to think of anything you could say.
"you had a really nice show," you broke the silence, smiling nervously, "I've never heard you guys play before tonight. it was crazy good." she stuffed one of her hands in her pocket and rubbed the back of her neck.
"thanks so much," she was practically giggling at the compliment. "uh, I gotta put some stuff away and head out.. d'ya think I could get your number?" you took her phone quickly, putting your number and name into it. you handed it back to her, smiling.
"abby, let's fucking go already," a man yelled into the bar from outside, looking at her with an annoyed expression.
she broke your eye contact to flip him off, then smiled. "I should probably go.. I'll text you." she picked up her bags and took them out to a van, then got it. dina came out seconds later, hair disheveled and makeup smudged.
"I don't wanna know." you said, sliding out of your booth and walking towards the car, your arm over her shoulders and her arm around your waist.
- - -
an hour later, your phone buzzed. ideally, you should've been asleep, but you couldn't get over the prior interaction. how could someone get over that? a hot drummer, with arms for days (something you couldn't see on stage) and the prettiest face, wanted your number.
hey it's abby :)
you responded with your name and asked her how her night was, and the following hours were spent talking about random things until the sun came up. she told you about this annoying guy in her band, talked about her tattoos, explained why she became a drummer. you were essentially head over heels.
it wasn't until late in the morning that she asked you to dinner, but that hardly mattered. she asked you to dinner. abby. the insanely hot drummer.
"dina, help," you ran into her room, throwing your phone onto her bed and running your hands through your hair, tugging at your roots. "abby asked me out. I haven't gone on a date in years, what do I wear? what do I say?"
"abby as in.. drummer abby? ellie's abby?" you nodded and she gaped. "girl, you have game!! everyone wants abby and she wants you. this is big news. where are you guys going?" dina got out of her bed, dragging you back to your room to assist in your tragedy.
you weren't going anywhere fancy, just some pizza place, but dina seemed to have all the answers to every question. she gave you baggy jeans and a cute crop to wear, helping you style your hair and giving you a kiss on the cheek before she left to let you do your makeup.
"I would hit," dina joked when you came out of your bedroom. "but for real, you look so hot. she's so lucky." you rolled your eyes, but you couldn't help yourself from grinning. you and abby didn't halt your texting after she asked you out, and the more you learned about her, the more you liked her.
"does the jacket ruin the outfit?" you asked, pouting in the body mirror in the hallway.
"no babe, you're just overthinking. be safe, no sex without protection, talk about boundaries, if you need me call me. I love you, have fun!" dina pushed you out the door and shut it behind you, prohibiting you from second guessing yourself.
and dinner went... better than anything you could've thought. somehow, every bad thought, every intrusive thought, just relaxed around her. you weren't worried that she wasn't going to like your outfit, especially after the way she praised your body like a temple. you weren't worried about anything.
did it count as u-hauling if you absolutely undoubtedly knew she was the one?
she insisted on driving you home, claiming that Ubers were way too unsafe for such a pretty girl like you, and spent the drive back to your house singing along to music on the radio.
when she arrived at your apartment building, she walked you up to the door, blushing like a mad woman and smiling. "I.. um, we.. we have a gig next week, same place and time if you.. y'know.. wanna come."
"I'll be there. front row." you smiled, taking a small step forward. "is this when we say goodnight?" you giggled. she cupped your jaw and leaned in, lips hovering over yours.
"can I kiss you, y/n?" her mouth quirked into a smirk as you pressed your lips into hers. you felt that smirk under your lips disappear as your tongue breeched her lips, and your teeth took ahold of her bottom lip. after a while, she pulled away, cheeks still red. "sorry.. if we keep going I might start moaning."
"hm," you shrugged, "I'll see you next week, drummer girl."
- - -
dina was on the phone, hyping you up for tonight's concert and apologizing for being unable to come. she was away for this week, visiting family, which conveniently left your house empty. it wasn't the first date anymore, right? that meant it was okay to do things now, and you were certainly thinking about it.
"girl you should get some action tonight!" dina squealed, "it's the perfect night. she'll be all hot and sweaty, and the house will be empty."
"d, we've been dating for a week. we're not even official." you laughed, propping the phone up as you touched up your hair and makeup.
"you're lesbians, babe. you could've never talked before and be fucking right now." you grinned, getting up and giving dina a full fit check. tonight's fit was parachute pants, a tube bra, and a bomber jacket.
"okay, I gotta leave. see you soon, my love." you kissed the screen then hung up, calling your Uber and heading to the bar. just like last time, the joint was packed, and it was incredibly harder to get to the front of the crowd than last time.
abby waved from between her drums, smiling. you waved back, smiling the same. she looked so good; hair down, pasties hardly covering anything but her nipples, tits on display. you couldn't wait to see her up close, have her pressed against you as she kissed you.. or other things.
they played spectacularly, blowing the minds of everyone who didn't know how amazing they were. when ellie gave closing remarks, you instinctively moved towards the door to backstage, waiting for someone to let you in.
ellie came out, smiling at you as she held the door open. you slipped in, finding abby in one of the backrooms packing up her stuff. "hey baby," you shut the door behind her, coming towards her. she looked up, grinning at you and pulling you in for a kiss.
you pulled away, taking in her appearance. the pasties covered less up close, and her abs, which you hadn't known she had, were perfectly sculpted and the waistband of her boxers were showing off from under her cargos, and she looked absolutely delicious. but aside from that, her blonde happy trail was leading to places you had to see.
"did you enjoy the show?" she was blushing again, noticing your gaze on her body.
"yeah, but I enjoyed the view more." you pulled her in again, kissing her harsher than before, running your hands down her waist and over her stomach. she gasped into your mouth when you ran your fingers above and between the ridges of her abs. "wanna go back to mine?"
"hell yeah I do." and that's how you ended up in her car, with her hand on your thigh, as you directed her to your apartment. you guys stumbled in, trying to get in as fast as possible. you kicked off your shoes and pressed your mouth to hers again, pulling at her neck as you stumbled towards your bedroom.
she fell back, pulling you into her lap and kissing your neck. hickies traced her path as she grabbed everything, gently grinding your hips or tugging at your shirt. the moment you ran your hands over her tits, she started whining like a bitch in heat. "please touch me, please put your hands on my tits baby, please," she pressed her nose into your jaw, moaning when you peeled the pasties off and started flicking her nipples.
her back arched against your hand, nipples clearly sensitive. she got louder when you kissed her chest, then took her nipple in your mouth, grabbing at your hair and trying to hold your head there. "does that feel good, sweetheart?" you asked, almost condescending because everyone in the room knew the answer.
"s'good. so good," she kissed your neck softly as she ran her hands over your sides and pulled your tube top up and off, letting your tits spill out. her tongue was on them in no time, licking and sucking and nipping. "please top me," she mumbled once she kissed her way back up to your neck.
"what was that, abs?" you giggled when she whimpered.
"want you to top me, mommy." you stood, shimmying off your pants and underwear and pulling your hair up.
"on your knees in front of me, angel." she hurried up, kneeling in front of you as you positioned yourself on the bed. she placed her hands on the sides of your thighs and pulled you forward slightly, kissing the inside of your thighs. "wanna eat my pussy?"
"yes, please let me," you grabbed her by her hair and pushed her head into your cunt, hearing her muffled moans. she licked a fat stripe up to your clit, sucking it into her mouth and licking harshly.
"fuck.. you were made to get on your knees, huh?" your voice came out as a pant, and you groaned when she moaned into your pussy. her boxers were weeping, drenched in how you made her feel. it was like she was being punched in a good way, in a way that made her clit ache and beat.
she continued to suck your clit as her middle finger gathered your slick and pushed into you, whining again at the easy intrusion. it's like she was getting off on getting you off, and you were living for it. but you definitely weren't going to let her cum until you'd had your fill.
when she added a second finger, your stomach was already flipping. she curled them up, matching her finger speed with the speed she was sucking your clit, and you felt the familiar tingle in your legs, that shot up to your stomach. "gonna come," you moaned, letting your head fell back as you saw stars.
she milked every last drop, waiting until you were absolutely finished to pull her fingers out. you cocked your eyebrow and almost instantly she sucked your cum off her fingers, eyes blown and dark. "what do you want, abby?" you asked, gently wrapping your hand around her throat so that she looked up at you.
"want you to sit on my face," she swallowed hard, "please, I can make you feel so good, I promise I'll make you feel good," you were definitely nervous, but you complied, letting her adjust and lay back on your bed, beckoning for you to climb over.
you placed your thighs on either side of her head and hovered, watching as she admired your pussy. her eyes were wide but the blue had almost turned grey, absolutely entranced by you. "you look so pretty, don't you?" you cooed.
you ran your hands down your body, spreading your lips with your fingers so that she could see just how wet you were. her jaw dropped, and you could feel her warm breath against you. you messed with your clit for a moment above her before sinking two of your fingers right into your hole.
you fucked yourself slowly, moaning as you hit your g-spot over and over. abby was just watching, eagerly waiting until you let her have her turn. you fucked yourself right until you came, pulling your fingers out and letting it drip onto her face.
"I need you to let me fuck you," she huffed, eyes still focused on your center as she stuck out her tongue. she finally looked up at you, so you tangled your hands in her hair and sunk down, letting her do the rest.
you ground your hips against her tongue until she slowed your hips and maneuvered her hands to rub your clit with her thumb, tongue fucking you as deep as she could.
she was mumbling incoherent things into your cunt, whining about how she never wanted to stop eating you out. you briefly pulled up, letting her get air. "you taste so good," she moaned, panting, "never wanna stop," the last word got cut off as you sat back down.
abby was having the time of her life - head tightened between the thighs of an absolutely gorgeous girl as you rode her face. but she was so fucking wet, and you had yet to do anything but touch her tits, and she was desperate for you. she needed you to tell her what to do and where to be.
your stomach flipped, the overstimulation from your last orgasm hitting you hard as you got close. "want me to come on your face, abby? wanna make a mess?" abby whimpered, vibrations pushing you over the edge.
after a few moments, you rolled off of her and fell next to her, breathing heavily. you sat up, moving between her legs. her stomach fluttered at the thought of cumming on your fingers or tongue. "you're soaking the sheets, princess." her hips bucked as you gently ran your thumb over her clit and down her slit.
you spread her legs then lifted one and straddled her hip, hovering again. "what-what are you doing?" she stuttered, but you didn't bother to answer as you lowered yourself down, cunts clashing as you rolled your hips forward. "fuck.. feels so good mommy,"
abby was practically screaming. her moans were almost shrieks at how heavenly it felt. she had never done something like this before, most of the time it was lowkey with her other partners and all they wanted was the strap - but this. this was different.
your pussy was covered in her slick and it felt phenomenal, she was pulsing and throbbing and so wet. you grabbed one of her tits harshly and pulled at her nipple, twisting it right as your clit landed against hers.
"I can't-I can't, fuck, m'gonna cum, m'gonna cum," abby wasn't ready for whatever feeling came next, but it was different - abrupt. there was no buildup, and it was probably the strongest orgasm she'd ever had.
you lifted off of her slightly, watching white pour from her swollen cunt, and giggling as she squirted. her head was back, chest rising and falling rapidly as she came down from her high. "you squirted all over my pussy, baby." she propped herself up on her elbows and blushed.
"I'm sorry," she mumbled as you climbed off of her.
"you don't need to apologize, sweet girl," she smiled into your mouth as you kissed her, pulling her in by her neck. "we should go shower, what do you think?"
"sounds good to me." let's just say that the shower was not rated pg.
a/n: this ended lowkey super weird BUT that's okay. THANK YOU SO MUCH TO FERN FOR HELPING MEEEEE they literally wrote this guys. go check on the art this was based on and give it SO MUCH LOVE or I'll hurt u ty ty. next time she'll fuck u with her sticks 😚
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idkwhatever580 · 25 days
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I would die happy
Pairings: teen!Natasha Romanoff x teen!reader
Song Inspiration: very loosely based off of the songs Casual by Chappell Roan and Ashley by Zolita (They’re good to listen to before hand but not necessary. I’ll link them)
Prompt: what happens when “good girl” y/n breaks it off with “bad girl” Natasha and Natasha realizes she needs y/n more than she thought?
Warnings:mentions of sex, angst then fluff, mentions of death? (From the song).
Pronouns: unspecified (one use of ma’am but in a silly way)
A/N: No this is not an actual songfic. I just took inspiration from the songs so there might be a line or five in the mix. I have had these songs stuck in my head the past few days and I kept imagining like a teen romance coming out of it? Idk. Hopefully I write this better than the last one 😭
Y/n’s pov
I am in my room doing my homework when I hear tapping on my window. I look up from my neat desk to see Natasha.
My instinct is to smile and open the window up but I freeze.
Natasha Romanoff.
Bad girl. She vandalizes things. She doesn’t participate. And she dresses like a fuck boy.
Some call her a player. Some call her a cheater.
Whatever they think there’s one thing everyone can agree on. Natasha romanoff does not do relationships.
She’s usually the one night stand type of girl but then she met me. And that’s when everyone says she went soft. She never fucked another girl other than me.
But that’s all. For half a year. All she’s ever done is sex, aftercare, leave, repeat.
Another set of tapping falls upon my ears and I zone back in. I open the window and whisper
“What are you doing here?”
Natasha crawls in and says
“Wanted to see you. You alright there? You zoned out for a sec”
I nodded my head and my eyes fall upon her necklace. It’s silver with a little arrow.
I hate myself when I think of it. I nod my head and say
“Yeah. Totally fine. Just doing some homework”
I sit back down at my desk even though I know why Natasha is here.
After a whole 6 months of this it’s hard to not know what her routine is. But I don’t want it anymore.
Obviously I caught feelings. Who wouldn’t catch feelings for her? I just thought that I would get over it. I thought that having some of her is better than none of her at all right?
I cry so much now. All I want is for her to love me back. But that’s not reality. She doesn’t do love. She doesn’t do relationships. And I can’t do it anymore.
Natasha walks up behind me and rubs her hands down my arms and starts kissing my neck. My body lets her do it but then I think about it and take her hands off me.
“Not tonight. I have to study”
She doesn’t let up. Because usually I like playing hard to get. So she doesn’t know. And that’s okay. It’s my fault she doesn’t know.
“I can help you relax baby”
I roll my eyes at the pet name and say
“Natasha. Can we talk?”
She stands up straighter at my use of her full name and says
“Yeah. Sure”
I can tell she is a bit surprised at me but she nods her head nevertheless.
She sits down at the foot of my bed and I roll my chair over to her.
I sigh and look at the ground.
“I don’t know how to say this, but I can’t do this anymore Natasha”
She furrows her eyebrows and says
“You can’t do what?”
“This Natasha,”
I point at her and myself
“I hate myself for letting this drag on so long because I know you. I know you don’t want a relationship. But I lo- I like you Natasha. And I want you. All to myself. I want labels and I want to go to the pier together and eat popsicles and I want you to tell your friends and I want a future with you.”
I can tell I’m overwhelming her with this information but I keep going
“But you don’t want that. And that’s okay! I understand that some things aren’t meant to last. But I can’t keep hurting myself for some fun okay? I need to heal and move on. And you can go find another toy to play with and that’s okay. I just can’t be the one you go to anymore. It’s not what I want. And our ideals clearly do not align. I thought maybe I could do it and be able to handle all of this but I can’t.”
I tear up a bit
“I can’t be casual with you. I want feelings attached and I want you to myself but you don’t want me like that. So I need to cut it off.”
I finally finish my rant and I look down feeling embarrassed.
“I’m sorry”
I apologize and she shakes her head
“Don’t apologize. I get it.”
We sit there for a minute of awkward silence and she sighs and says
“I guess I should go then”
I nod my head and sniffle a bit. She lingers like she has something to say but she ultimately leaves and on her way out of my window she says
“I’ll see you at school I guess”
I nod my head.
It’s been a week since I cut it off with Natasha and I look rough. My friends are worried about me but I tell them I’m fine.
Even some of my teachers have asked if I’m okay. Of course I lie to them. But it’s nice to know someone cares.
I have avoided Natasha at all costs. But I still find myself thinking about her.
Her arrow necklace. God I hate myself when I think of it. Because then I think of her. And then I start crying. Or I just shut down.
Yes. I may or may not have almost said I love you the night I cut it off with her. But I didn’t want her to have to hold all of my baggage. It’s not fair. She doesn’t like me like that. And she doesn’t deserve to feel guilty for what I feel.
My friend Emerald walks up to me during a free period and she says
“Hey did you see Natasha today?”
I shake my head and say
“I don’t want to talk about her.”
She shakes her head and says
“Well you’re gonna have to listen. She is the talk of the school right now so either you hear it from me or someone else.”
I roll my eyes and say
“What Em? Does she have a new toy hanging on her shoulder?”
Clearly I’m a little ticked off about having to hear about her.
But em shakes her head and I look at her and wait for her to continue
“She’s wearing your hoodie”
I look at her and say
“My hoodie? She doesn’t have any of my clothes, except for that bra that I’ll probably never get back”
She takes out her phone and shows me my favorite hoodie. It’s the pink one that I got from the thrift store. They all knew it was mine because it has em’s name on the sleeve. And a duck on the front.
I remember now. I forgot it at her house one time after she fucked me in her beach house. That was the day everyone found out and started talking about how I’m just a girl she fucked on her couch.
I cried so much that I forgot about it. And of course she just came over to make me forget about all the things people said.
I look at her and say
“Why would she ever wear that?”
She wiggles her eyebrows at me and says
“She obviously likes you y/n”
I roll my eyes and say
“She doesn’t like me Em. From the beginning everyone has known she doesn’t do crushes.”
Em shrugs her shoulders and says
“People can change.”
I roll my eyes and get a little frustrated and say
“Leave it Em. I don’t want to talk about it.”
She puts her hands up in surrender and leaves it at that.
The rest of the day goes by slowly. But I catch a glimpse of Natasha at the end of the day. She is wearing my hoodie. She looks good in it. But she shouldn’t be wearing that. I’m not hers. And she’s not mine.
I quickly leave so she doesn’t see me. Even though we definitely made eye contact. But it’s whatever.
It’s about 8 pm now and I’m studying again. This final is about to make or break me so I can’t let myself loosen the reigns even though it’s only a midterm.
I have my headphones on and I’m listening to classical because it apparently helps people study. I’m honestly doing anything to help me.
A hand taps my shoulder and I jump up quickly but thankfully I don’t yell.
I turn around quickly and see Natasha standing there.
I immediately get frustrated and say
“What are you doing here?”
I take a second to actually look at her and she looks like shit. Honestly she is looking at me like a lost puppy. Like she hasn’t been in my room for six months. Her hair is a mess, shes still in my hoodie, and the bags under her eyes indicate that she hasn’t been sleeping well. I almost feel bad for her. Then I remember I can’t let my feelings get in the way. She says
“I um… I wanted to talk to you”
I sigh and say
“Well what is it? I’m listening?”
I feel bad for being so short with her but I can’t do it any other way or else I’ll break down.
She kind of stands there for a second and I sit down on my bed and pat it. I might as well be nice to her. She’s not a horrible person anyways.
She shakes her head slightly and keeps standing. I look at her and say
“You wanted to talk?”
She nods her head and says
“I don’t know how to say this but… I- I need you y/n”
I have never seen Natasha cry once. But she immediately breaks down in front of me
“I can’t do this without you. I need you so bad I just want all of you. I thought that if I convinced myself that it was for the better, that if I said I wanted this it would come true. But it’s not true I- I love you and I know you are probably over me by now and that’s okay I just need to tell you that I want you and only you. I know I’ve never done anything like this but I want to I want to change. I want to be good. For you. I want to take you on dates and tell everyone about you. And I don’t think I can do this without you because life is like a bad dream without you and I didn’t even realize what I had until I lost it!”
She starts crying. I start tearing up at her confession and I say
“Stop it. Stop it Natasha.”
It’s short and snippy because I’m about to cry.
“You can’t just say those things and pull at my heart just to get into my pants okay? I’m sorry that nobody wanted to get with you but I cannot just go crawling back to you if you just lie to me to get me back”
She looks at me and she shakes her head aggressively and says
“No. No I don’t. I don’t want to get into your pants I actually love you. I didn’t even know it because I’ve never felt love before y/n. Please you have to understand me I love you. I love you so much and I want a future with you. I was just scared but I’m not scared anymore I want you!”
She drops to her knees and tries to calm down a bit and says
“I understand if you don’t want me but I want you. I want to be your girlfriend. I want to introduce you to my friends and family. And- and I know my past doesn’t help anything. My reputation is probably your biggest fear but I can’t imagine my life without it. I’ve never been the sappy type but I’m telling the truth. If loving you kills me then I will die happy y/n”
I look at her from my bed and I see the genuine look in her eyes. I tear up again and the I get down from my bed and she looks down. It’s like she’s worshipping me. Like if she doesn’t she might lose me.
I envelope her in a hug and she starts crying into me. And I say
“Tell me that you love me and you won’t leave me.”
She looks at me with tears running down her face and her nose is sniffly and she says with such confdence
“I love you y/n. Nothing can change that. I won’t ever leave you. Not even if I could. I want to be yours”
I smile at her as she waits for me to answer and I grab her head and lean into her. I kiss her.
This kiss is different than any other kiss I’ve ever shared with her. It’s soft and tender. And full of love. I don’t even care that her tears and boogers are getting on me.
I don’t care. I just love her. I pull away and giggle and she kind of sits in criss cross. And I say
“Natasha. I love you too. I’ve loved you for a while now. I was just scared to say it.”
She sends me a dopey smile. I’ve never seen her smile at me like that. I like it. So I boop her nose and say
She scrunches up her nose and says
“I’m everything but cute right now.”
I shake my head and say
“You’re always cute.”
I kiss her again after she wipes her face off and it’s sweet. I pull her into my lap and she says
“I don’t like this.”
Normally I guess she would be more comfortable with me on her lap. But I don’t care.
“I guess you’re just gonna have to suck it up.”
We sit on my floor for a bit and I say
“Oh shit! It’s late.”
I check the time and say
“It’s nine o’clock already! You have to get home baby”
She stops at the nickname and says
“Wait. So… are we?”
I giggle and say
“After all of that? There’s no way we’re not dating. So yes. I’m gonna call you baby. But you need to go home and I need sleep”
She smiles and says
“Can I have a hug before I go?”
I nod my head and pull her in for a long hug.
I kiss her head and then her nose and then her lips and say
“I love you. Now go. I’ll pick you up for school tomorrow?”
She usually walks to school and I drive but I want to pick her up now. She nods her head and I stop her before she leaves my window and I say
“And I want my hoodie back.”
She laughs softly and says
“No way. It’s mine now.”
Then I pull her back in to me and distract her with a kiss. I say
“Well then. I guess this is mine now”
I swiftly pull the hoodie she has on right now off of her and she pouts and says
“Aw man. That’s a good hoodie.”
I smile and say
“Only the best for me right?”
She smiles finally and nods her head and I say
“Text me when you get home okay?”
She nods her head and says
“Yes ma’am”
I giggle and shake my head. I watch as she walks off into the night and I hop onto my bed and cuddle my stuffed animal with a bright smile on my face.
All of that heartache must have been worth it.
She was right. If loving her kills me, then I would die happy.
A/N: I actually kind of like how this one turned out. I know I pulled from the songs a lot but at least it was built into the words and not like a normal songfic lol. Because I’ve heard that many people do not like songfics :)
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joonberriess · 8 months
𓆩♡𓆪 “you don’t have to admit you wanna play, just let me rock you till the break of day,” – jock!jk
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·˚ ༘ 💌 TAGS — simping at its finest, blowjobs, cum-swallowing, degradation, dumbification, jk is mean but also a praise fanatic, oc is a cute puppy who eats it all up, objectification(?) pretty sure bc jk just has unholy thoughts about oc, oc is THEE it girl, dirty talking, messy lil make-outs, thank you kiss on the tip LOL, PET NAME GALORE, oc is a nice lil bimbo everyone loves ❤️ even jk’s friends luv her
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Jungkook listened to whatever the hell Jennie was explaining to him, in truth he stopped paying attention like five minutes ago. He sat there like a fried vegetable just zoning out and nodding mindlessly whenever Jennie looked at him and asked if he agreed etc. He didn’t want to be rude to Jennie but any more of this and he’d go insane he fears.
“So for the powerpoint I was thinking we should..” Jennie’s voice slowly fades out as the sound of the front door opening catches Jungkook’s eye/attention. Holy shit he doesn’t believe what he’s witnessing. He doesn’t realize he’s staring hardcore at Jennie’s poor unsuspecting roommate.
He instantly recognizes you as the girl he sees his team/friends go crazy over. You were quite the talk of the campus—cute, slutty, bimbo-like, these were some of the most common things said. If Jungkook had to admit, you were pretty cute and he’s only ever really seen you casually here and there. He finds himself licking his lips slowly and sitting up while clearing his throat.
“Hi Jennie, hi Jennie’s friend.” You sweetly say while waving at Jungkook politely. He gets an eyeful of tits and soft tummy as you pass by.
You’re wearing this soft pink tracksuit and white baby tee crop top which hugs your pretty little tits just nicely. Don’t even get him started about your backside which is enough in itself to bring a tear to his eye. Jungkook doesn’t realize he’s overdoing it with his staring until Jennie clears her throat pretty loudly.
“Ahem.” She glares at him, “As I was saying,” she shoves her laptop in Jungkook’s face.
He doesn’t see more of you because you end up heading down the hall to your room after saying “bye-bye” to both him and Jennie. “What? Why are you looking at me like that?” He grunts in annoyance.
“Not my roommate Jeon, you can go about fucking anything that fucking walks and has a hole between their legs but you leave y/n out of your lechery. Got it?” She hisses, “I can see the gears working in that stupid head of yours, so I’m warning you. Now help me with this powerpoint asshole, I’m not doing all the work.”
Jungkook internally groans—overprotective roommate, greaaat.
Whole time he works on the project his mind is filled with obscene thoughts and nasty little daydreams he comes up with just thinking about you. Jungkook’s had his fair share of hook-ups but none have ever truly made him go this crazy before. He’s fucking FIENDING for it, would be on his damn knees begging for you to crush his head with your soft thighs if he could.
Too bad Jennie said you were off-limits though. Unless..
Much to Jungkook’s dismay he doesn’t see you for the remainder of the time he’s there. He does see you more often around campus though, whether it’s you hopping out of your very pink car or you running about all over campus with a pink drink in your hands. He can’t get enough of you, and it’s fucking obvious to his friends who make fun of him for it.
“y/n, Kook? Really?” Yugyeom snorts, “Only in your fucking dreams will you ever hit that, your little guy down there probably wouldn’t even know what to do with all that ass.” Laughter all around them erupts as Yugyeom smugly smirks, happy with himself.
Jungkook rolls his eyes, “You’re so fucking stupid,” more laughing, “honestly, if anyone has more chances it’s me, you’re all either losers AND she’s never bat an eye at you. I don’t see any action from any of you either, all talk and shit.” He mutters while taking a drag from the blunt they were all passing around.
“Not true! y/n is a nice girl Jungkook.” Jimin snorts, “Watch,” he turns around and looks over the area for you, “hey y/n!” He yells while waving his arms. They all wait patiently for your reaction, low and behold you just end up proving Jimin correct.
You look confused at first until you smile brightly, “Hi,” you wave back while walking over, “what are you guys up to?” You tilt your head, lips pursed in a adorable little pout.
“Smoking.” Yugyeom replies curtly, “Want some?” He holds the blunt out to you.
Jungkook doesn’t know why but that shit irks the fuck out of him, he shoots his friend a glare and fans the smoke out of your direction before it can hit you. You smell like chai mixed with pumpkin, and he definitely does NOT want to ruin your pretty smell.
“No thank you,” you politely reply and then turn to look at Jimin again, “ ‘m a little sad though, because this morning I tried to make waffles but I didn’t know you had to actually pull the lever down and I didn’t get to eat my waffles.” You sigh wistfully, “See?” You hold out the raw and cold waffles wrapped up in a napkin, “And I don’t like it,” you shake your head, “you’re my friend right Jiminie? Can you buy me some waffles from the cafe pretty please?” You whine.
Jimin turns a little red at the nickname and nods, “Here,” he holds out a couple of bills, more than enough.
The other guys scramble for their wallets, “I’m your friend too right y/n?” They say while holding out their own money to you. Jungkook just stands there slack-jawed, he has never seen his own friends this fucking down-bad before. Oh, but they wanted to laugh at him for simping after you? Funny how the tables have turned.
“Reallyyyy?” You breathily giggle while accepting the money, “Thank you!” You kiss Jimin on the cheek before skipping away with literally breakfast, lunch, and dinner money.
“But I’M the fuckin’ simp? Yeah, totally.” Jungkook scoffs while shaking his head.
Jungkook starts making up an excuse to talk to you from then on. He doesn’t have to do much because you do all the talking for him, he just stands there listening to you ramble on and on about something he doesn’t recall asking. He thinks it’s cute when you stop mid-sentence and say in utter confusion, “What was I talking about again?”
If he could, he’d sit there and just listen to you talk all day. He’s surprised how much he likes your ditziness and dumb little brain fart moments, he finds that he doesn’t mind it so much. Like now, he was sitting there propped up against his car in the parking lot listening to you rant about astrology, time-loops, and anime..?
“Yeah?” Jungkook occasionally says while he watches you passionately explain to him what a fucking shinigami was.
“Think about it—politics and death notebooks, they go hand in hand for disaster and doom.” You softly say, completely side-tracking from the original topic, “I wish I had a shinigami though,” you pout while tapping your finger against your chin, “I think Ryuk is pretty cool. Have you seen the anime?”
Jungkook hums, “No, heard of it but haven’t seen it. So like, shinigami’s come with a death note or what?” He asks, ready for another little rant of yours (he doesn’t mind though). His eyes fall down to your pretty camisole you wore today. You were wearing these cute tight jeans that hung low on your hips, he loved the little pink bows you attached to the belt loops.
“Mm-hm,” you nod, “oh! I gotta go before I forget, all my undies shrunk in the dryer and now they’re pretty tight ‘n they fit a little smaller so now I have to buy some more.” You pout, “Bye Jungkookie,” you throw one arm around his neck as you side-hug him, standing on your tippy toes to reach his height as you press a kiss to his cheek, “bye-bye!” You wave and run off.
“Bye..” Jungkook whispers in awe, he smells a hint of your perfume on his shirt and he vows then and there he isn’t going to wash this shirt anytime soon.
The next time that Jungkook sees you it’s when he’s leaving your shared apartment after another project session. He sees you bent over while poking and trying to pull at the gas tank lid, which is obviously sealed shut. He whistles under his breath and walks over, eyes dropping down to your perky ass which is covered in these pretty little shorts which hug both cheeks nice and tight.
“What you doing down there, hm?” Jungkook leans against the car with his arms folded over his chest and an amused smile on his face, “Having fun?”
“Jungkook, hi,” you greet softly while standing up straight, “I was just trying to get this stupid thingy open because Jennie is letting me borrow her car cause mine is in the shop getting the windows tinted,” you pout, “but I don’t know how to open this stupid thing, and I wanna fill her car with gas as a thank you for letting me borrow it. Help meeeee,” you whine tugging at his arm.
“C’mere,” he loosely wraps an arm around your waist and guides you to sit in the driver's seat, “you see this baby?” He squats down so he’s eye-level with you, his free hand rests over your soft thighs while he points with his other, “You just pull this, and wa-la, the gas tank lid pops right open.” He chuckles and squeezes your thigh.
Your eyes brighten, “Reallyyy? How cool, thank you.” You happily throw your arms around his neck and hug him tightly, “no wonder that stupid thing wasn’t opening.” You giggle.
Jungkook takes a deep whiff of your soft coconut smell, he closes his eyes and sighs in pure bliss. This was the dream dammit, he never wanted to leave this spot EVER. “It was no problem really.” He mumbles more to himself while he stares at your pretty tits.
Fuck the friend code (if you can even call Jennie’s threat that), friend code didn’t have a pair of child-bearing hips and a ass shaped like a fucking peach like you did. Who was Jennie to keep all of you to herself so selfishly?
“Jungkook,” you softly say, “ ‘m gonna give you a thank you kiss.”
Jungkook laughs in amusement over how proud of yourself you look right now, he finds himself shaking his head and speaking in a lower pitched tone, “Yeah, where? Right here?” He turns his face to stick his cheek out.
A tiny little giggle escapes your lips as you nod at him, “Mm-hmm, right there.” You lean upwards to kiss his cheek gently, emitting a soft smacking noise as you happily smooch him. “There.” You say more to yourself.
Jungkook’s eyes drop down to your jiggly boobs which are pretty much in his face at this point. Your camisole somehow dips lower as your tits sit perfectly pushed together to accentuate their size. He tells himself not to but his dick seems to say otherwise as it stirs up in the confinements of his boxers. He already knows he’s about to be sporting a hard-on by the end of this interaction so he gives in.
“Want another kiss..” He mumbles while licking his lips, “But not on my cheek..got somethin’ else you can kiss.”
Your eyes follow his line of sight and you come across the very prominent bulge sitting behind his sweats. Your cheeks feel hot from embarrassment as the familiar throbbing sensation forms between your legs. Jungkook sees this when you suddenly begin rubbing your soft thighs together while staring back at him through half-lidded eyes.
“Whaddya say baby,” he lazily grins, “can I get that kiss?”
You stare back at him with those sweet puppy eyes of yours and nod eagerly.
Lips smacking against lips and quiet little moans/noises fill the otherwise dimly lit car (God bless his Mercedes for the interior lighting). You were tucked away on his lap in the backseat of the car, windows foggy and all as your hand slipped from the glass. Jungkook could die a happy man right now with the way he had a handful of ass sitting in the palms of his hands. He gave your soft cheeks appreciative squeezes as he kneaded the flesh roughly—greedily.
His own lips were a bit swollen from the hot make-out session but he didn’t mind, you were one hell of a kisser. One thing he didn’t see coming was how much of a little sex fiend you were, he swears he can’t keep up with how needy and slutty you are. He almost finds it cute how you pout and beg for him to let you have it while simultaneously humping him and refusing to let him part from the kiss.
Jungkook raised his hand and brought it down hard on your ass cheek, relishing in the resounding slap noise and how it recoiled/bounced in place. A slutty little moan escapes your lips as you pull back and pant softly against his lips, “Take ‘em off,” you slur softly, “hate these stupid shorts, gettin’ in my way.” You mumble with a tiny pout.
“Gonna let me see what’s underneath baby?” He looks up through his hooded eyes, grinning when he sees you eagerly nodding back at him, “Yeah? Go on then, slide ‘em off baby, show me what you got on.” He smacks your ass and gropes it harshly, only letting go when you whine at him while unbuttoning your shorts.
He swears under his breath as soon as the button pops open and you slip the zipper down. The hem of your undies comes into view, he sees a tiny bow sitting at the top so innocently and he can’t help but wonder what the rest of your panties are like.. Jungkook reclines back on the seat and parts his legs to make room for you.
You manage to slip your shorts down your thighs slowly with your hips swaying from side to side. Jungkook lets out an audible groan when he sees the cheeky undergarment that was hiding underneath. “Well don’t you look pretty,” he comments while running his hand over your ass, “bet you look prettier under.” He mumbles while licking his lips.
“But what about your kiss?” You pout.
Jungkook smacks your ass wickedly, “Don’t give me that fuckin’ pout. Didn’t know you were that eager to suck my cock, ‘s all you’re good for isn’t it baby? Just a dumb little thing who needs her mouth filled huh?” He grins when he hears you moan, “You gonna be a good little cock sleeve for me?”
“The best,” you happily slur, “ ‘m gonna swallow every last drop, promise.”
He finds it endearing when you hold your pinky out to him, and not wanting to be mean he hooks his pinky with yours, “Good girl.” He brings you in for a gentle little smooch, “Gonna ruin that pretty face of yours baby,” he whispers in-between kisses, “get on your knees for me.”
Jungkook finds that he likes how submissive and responsive you are to him, makes it a hundred times sexier in his opinion. You sink to your knees in front of him without missing a beat, you have your hands set over his knees as you sit there waiting with puppy eyes. “Go ahead baby, ‘s all yours.” He chuckles.
You eagerly paw at his sweats and with his help pull them down alongside his boxers until his fat cock is springing out and slapping against his lower abdomen. Your mouth waters when your eyes land on his perfectly sculpted cock, now you wanna feel it inside of you more than ever. His cock lays against his stomach, flush at the tip with prominent veins on the underside of his shaft.
“ ‘s mine…?” You whisper breathily while pursing yours lips, “ ‘s so pretty..” You’re talking more to yourself as you grab ahold of his throbbing cock and bring the mushroomy tip to your lips. Your tongue pokes out as you swirl it over the head, moaning softly at the tangy taste.
Jungkook bites down on his lip as he watches with hooded eyes, he can’t believe his wet dreams are coming true. Did he save an entire country in his past life? Made sense with how lucky he was right now. He brings his tattooed hand over the back of your head as he simply rests it there, letting you explore his dick like if it was a lollipop or some shit.
Your lips wrap around the head as you make these sloppy little sucking noises. Trickles of saliva begin to trickle down his cock, you use it as lube to stroke his girthy shaft—twisting and turning your hand around it while you noisily swallow around the tip. Jungkook’s lips part with breathy sighs escaping him, he relaxes into the seat and leans his head back with his eyes slipped shut.
You’re working wonders on his cock right now with the way you’re slowly taking more and more of him into your mouth. “Like that,” he whispers more to himself as he moans out again when you dip your tongue into the sensitive slit of his tip. Your strokes become slower but much more intense with the pressure you start applying. It’s getting a lot harder now to control himself from bucking his hips or something.
“Shit, don’t tease me baby,” he groans, “been thinking about your pretty little lips wrapped around my cock for weeks now. Knew you’d look pretty with a mouth full of cock.” Jungkook opens his eyes again to admire the view. “Open up for me baby,” he reaches down to thumb at your lower lip, “there you go—like that.” He grins.
He feeds you more of his cock watching as you eagerly take more and more until the tip hits the back of your throat. It sends you into a small gagging fit but the vibrations and pressure of your throat closing around him definitely sends zaps of hot pleasure down in his groin and lower belly. “Shit.” He groans loudly.
You whine around his cock and pull away to catch your breath, his cock slips from your mouth with a string of saliva connecting your lips to his cock. Jungkook hisses quietly under his breath and reaches down to stroke his slicked up cock, “Messy little thing you are.”
“Off, off, ‘s my turn.” You huff cutely before swallowing his cock in one go now that you’re a bit more prepared.
It takes Jungkook by surprise as he groans loudly and throws his head back. You begin working wonders with that sinful tongue of yours, pairing it with some mean ass sucks. He lets his hand slip from the back of your head to the nape of your neck, just holding you there as he lets you do your thing. You begin bobbing your head slowly while noisily swallowing around his cock.
“Fucking hell y/n,” he whispers slack-jawed, you’re a damn menace. How the hell is he supposed to last? “You just needed something to fill that needy hole of yours didn’t you?” He pants softly, “Knew the moment I saw you that you were made for my cock baby. If only you could see yourself now.” He licks his lips and gives your neck a small gentle squeeze between his fingers.
You slurp up all the slick you leave behind on his cock, your hand sits at the base just idly gripping him while your mouth does all the work. You pull all the way up until the tip sits in your mouth before you swoop back down to take all of him in. He repeatedly hits the back of your throat but you do a much better job at controlling your gag reflex this time around. Your sloppy pace definitely has Jungkook moaning and grunting under his breath.
“Gonna cum,” he sighs, “keep going—like that.” He whispers as a full body shudder falls over him.
You eagerly pull off his cock and begin stroking him at a frantic pace. You watch with glee as his cock begins to throb in your hold, but you don’t let it deter you one bit. You’re eager to see him cum, you want it all in your mouth. “Like this?” You say this while squeezing around the tip and flicking your thumb over it.
Jungkook gasps softly, “Fuck..!” He hisses.
You smile deviously and bring the tip over your lips, “Or like this?” You whisper, blowing softly over his sensitive head before you take him back into your mouth.
Jungkook lets out a mantra of “fucks” and “yes’s” as he reaches down to grip his cock, his hand covers your own as he begins moving your hand up and down on his cock. You suckle at the head and watch as he comes undone. “Oh fuckkk..” He whispers as his cock throbs, cum shooting down your throat as you swallow around him greedily.
He slumps in the seat and pants quietly while watching you clean his dick with your sinful little tongue. He doesn’t think he’s ever cum that hard in his entire life before. He saw the pearly white gates of heaven just now.. “A-Ah shit, no more baby, ‘s sensitive.” He chuckles breathily when you try to suck on his (slowly softening) cock.
You pull back with a cheerful smile on your face, the corner of your mouth has drool and a bit of cum but you don’t seem to mind, “ ‘s so pretty.” You coo like his dick is the most amazing thing ever, he watches you lean over to press a tiny little kiss to the sensitive head.
Are you even real??
“C’mere,” he pats his lap, “I saw the way you were humping your own hand like a bitch in heat the entire time you had my cock in your mouth.” He says as he hauls you up, “You also deserve a nice little thank you, don’t you baby?” He grins while stroking his hands over your soft cheeks.
You nod eagerly, “Mm-hm,” you wrap your arms around his neck and tug him closer, “do you wanna come upstairs after this? I wanna introduce you to my bunny Luna! Oh, and we can watch some anime together because I think it’s lame you haven’t seen Sailor Moon OR Death Note.” You huff in disbelief.
Little did Jungkook know that by saying yes to all that he’d end up staying for wayyyyy longer than he initially planned. You becoming (a important) part of his life was a bonus. <3
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TAGLIST: @fragmentof-indifference @jungkooksseuphoria @kooliv @angelarin @jjeonjjk7 @lilliankoo @pb-n-juju @ellesalazar @saweetspoiled @laylasbunbunny @prettyprincejk @cherrysainttt @hyunjinswifeee @joongraduatewithonor @hellbornsworld @leire-mia @m1sss1mp @lissful @winkii @lifeless-firefly @exactlygreatcoffee @taestoess @ayalies @floweryjeons @softtcurse @lilspinachwrld @tearyjjeon @littleobsessedkitty @lovelovelovebts @angeljmnie @rerefundslocals @bangtans-mama @thvhoe @maddkitt @tvse @ohjeon @teteswtnr @jkslovey12 @kelsyx33 @milfpo1ice @sluttydidi @ztyur @beomgyuult @shescharlie @sweet-sourhotcoco @lalita-7 @hazzzelsdimension @p34rluv @kook-net @bonita0-0 @vmapy @dahliadaenerys @gukiebaby @babycandy111
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angelskills · 3 months
Can you do Choso reacting to the reader casually referring to him as their husband for the first time?
a/n: hello! thank you sm for requesting :) chosos reaction would be soo cute! I'm not sure if you wanted fluff or smut, so i added both! sorry for posting so late, also NOT PROOF READ!
"He's my husband"...
warnings: riding, teasing, p in v, overstimulation, multiple orgasms, doesn't pull out(birth control), whimpering, penetration, idk what else.
characters: choso, your friends
intro: your friend, Yumi, offers to go on a double date to catch up on your lives.
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You and Choso have been engaged for about 3 months now. You guys dated for about 4-5 years until Choso finally proposed to you. You both agreed on moving in together after the proposal. You must admit that agreeing to move in together was the BEST decision ever. You always woke up to him making breakfast for both of you guys, you never went to sleep mad at him, and it was just... perfect.
Choso knew your friends. You always gossiped about them (not shit-talking, just about the drama they have) to him and he listened to every detail VERY well. He knew every single thing about your friends.
Since you guys haven't hung out in a long time, one of your friends, Yumi, wanted to go on a double date. She was all the way in California for about 4 months, meaning you both had a lot of catching up to do.
After trying to convince him, Choso finally agreed to go, you know he can't say no to you.
You guys were finally at the restaurant at a table for four, talking to Choso as you waited for Yumi and her date.
"Y/N!!" Yumi yelled out, running towards you.
You smiled, standing up from your seat to give her a hug. "New man every day, huh?" You whispered in her ears, teasing her. Yumi slightly pinched your arm before sitting down. There's nothing wrong with Yumi, just the fact you see her with different men every week, guess every man she meets is always a red flag.
"I hear you guys are engaged," Yumi speaks, looking at you and Choso.
"Mhm," You say wrapping your arm around Choso's, "He's my husband now."
Choso turned red. So red, that man was BLUSHING. His face went rosy-cheek. This was the first time you actually called him husband. Even though you guys have been dating and are now engaged, he has never heard you call him your husband. This was new to him.
While you, Yumi, and her date were talking and gossiping, all Choso could think about is the fact you called him your husband. Husband. Husband. 'My husband'. Those words rang in his ears. He couldn't get it off of his mind.
After eating, you and Yumi finally decided to go home. It was like, what, 12am now?
On the ride home, Choso didn't seem to talk as much. His face was red, red to the point you thought he had a fever.
"Bae? You okay?" You worry, placing your hand on his head to see his temperature.
Choso gulped, he was so embarrassed to tell you this.
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"That's why you weren't talking the whole time?" You laugh, making fun of Choso, "Because I called you my husband?" You were lying on the sofa. Choso sat beside you, letting you place your legs on his lap. This might've been weird for you guys to do before, but you both did so many weird things together, that this didn't even mean anything.
Choso always gets flustered easily, and it wasn't making it any easier for him now that you were making fun of him.
"You never call me husband, it's a... it's a new thing." He mumbles, leaning on the sofa.
"Can you get me a glass of water, husband?" You teased, doing a silly face.
You calling him husband again, wasn't helping him, at ALL.
"Stop..." He cleared his throat, his eyebrows furrowing.
Hearing you say husband again and again turned him on so much. Especially with your voice, the word husband. He could feel the bulge in his pants. He palmed it, trying to hide his boner from you.
Sitting up, you were confused, why wasn't he saying anything? Until you noticed his hand on his crotch, you knew what was happening.
You smirked as you crawled on his lap, poking his hand for him to move it.
Choso gulped as you placed yourself right against the bulge in his pants. Choso's size was big. Big for someone like him. You nearly blacked out when you both first had sex. That dick was WORLD-ending.
He appears innocent, yes, the man who buys you flowers whenever possible, the man who chases and follows you around, the man who writes poems for you, is the same man who has you a moaning mess, dumb on his cock every time.
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Tears were rolling down your face. Him and his fucking stamina. Choso was fucking you through your fourth orgasm. You were a fucked out mess on his lap. His hands were on your waist, lifting you up and then letting you drop on his cock. The pleasure was overwhelming for you, you were just babbling and moaning, not being able to speak a word. His length kisses your cervix with each one of his deep thrusts, his hands placed on your ass, and his fingers digging in your flesh. His thrusts made you see stars every time, had your toes curling, and made your eyes roll back.
"Hngh.. f-fuck." He whimpered, as he jerked his head back, his fingers digging in your waist, leaving marks.
You felt another orgasm build up inside of you, your hands were placed on Choso's shoulders as you were riding him. He's even noisier than you are at this point. Loud whimpers, groans, and expressions from your warm and wet pussy clenching around him so tightly. Your nails were leaving little red marks on his shoulder, which is like a reward to him because he knows that you're making him feel good.
You were so close to your orgasm. You managed to whimper out a whiny "Choso...!", your pussy clenching around him even tighter.
"Haah, holy s-shit..." His voice cracked as he was interrupted by whimpers, feeling you tighten around him.
You felt like you were in heaven, your orgasms around his cock made a little ring around it.
He sped up his pace, his thrusts now bruising your cervix, his grip on your waist tightening. Your eyes rolled back, his fast and deep thrusts blurring your vision.
"F-fuck... wanna s-see you milk my cock ple-ase baby, o-oh my god..!" He whimpered, breathing heavily.
That sweet innocent man was fucking you as if he hated you. He hit your G-spot again and again, finally making you cream around his cock.
His eyes almost rolled back after he felt you milk his length and tighten around him.
All it took was a few more deep thrusts before he finally reached his orgasm. He made sure to have his cock deep inside of you so he can fill you to the brim, thick ropes of cum spurting out of his cock as he painted your walls white.
After cooling down for a few seconds, he finally lifted you off of his cock. Giving you a little kiss before carrying you to the bathtub to help you get cleaned up.
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pennylanefics · 1 month
Golden Hour - Andrei Svechnikov
a/n: my first svechy fic!! i am SO happy with how this turned out, it's so tooth-rotting sweet and UGH <3
summary: andrei tries to plan the perfect proposal with some help from his teammates and friends
word count: ~ 2.2k
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Andrei had been acting off the past few days. However, since it was now the offseason for him, he had a lot more free time to go out and do things, so you didn’t think too much into it. Except for when he was with you, it was just as strange.
He was far more quieter than usual, sticking to reading books in the little reading nook that you two had created in your home, not saying a ton during dinner, and even though you were trying your hardest to not let it get to you, it was.
“I’m going to the store with Pyotr and Jarvy,” he states as he waltzes into the kitchen, dressed casually in a simple grey t-shirt and shorts.
“Okay,” you murmur, continuing to scroll on your phone. He awkwardly steps over to you and leans down to kiss you. Quickly, you look up and give him a small peck, turning your head back down as soon as it ends. He seems rather taken aback, but leaves not long after.
You sigh as you are once again left alone in the house, the quietness getting too much for you to handle. So, you decide to go shopping by yourself, picking up some books at Barnes and Noble before heading to other stores you’ve been meaning to get to. You spend the day trying to distract yourself, meanwhile, Andrei’s day was spent differently.
Half of the Cane’s gathered in Seth and Jack’s place, all crowded in the living room, talking amongst themselves. Andrei cleared his throat and stood up in front of the TV. Everyone suddenly quiets down and looks at him.
“So, uh, I need your guys’ help with something,” his voice wavers with anxiety. “I want to propose to (Y/N).”
The room erupts in cheers, Pyotr standing to hug his longtime friend.
“Where’s the ring?” Martinook asks, patting Andrei’s back. He grabs the ring from his pocket, opening the box and showing a stunning diamond ring, everyone crowding around to admire it.
“I don’t know what to do, though,” he says as everyone sits back down.
“Do you want a private setting?” Jarvy asks.
“Yes, I don’t want to be around anyone.”
They all brainstorm ideas for the next fifteen minutes or so: at an art museum, at the beach, in the backyard of your shared home, during a romantic dinner at a restaurant. Everyone rattles off any idea that comes to their brain, before he finally settles on one, after some discussion.
“You should do it during golden hour,” Brett states, speaking up with his thoughts. “She’ll look even more beautiful.” Andrei blushes deeply but nods at his words.
“I think I will,” he agrees. “Although I’m not sure she can look any more beautiful than she already is.”
A few of the guys coo at him, Andrei wasn’t usually one to express his feelings for his partner publicly, so this was a new side of Svechy to them.
“I’m sure she’ll love anything you plan, Svech," Jarvy comes over to pat his back in support. “And she’s guaranteed to say yes, I’m sure of it.”
“I don’t know, I haven’t been the best boyfriend lately because I’m so nervous.” He wrings his hands together nervously, scared that in some way, you’d decline his offer and he’d have to go home like a kicked puppy.
“How long have you been thinking about this?” Martin wonders, looking over at his teammate.
“A few months. I bought the ring after we got to the playoffs, waiting for the perfect time. Seeing her with my name on the jacket, I knew I wanted it official,” he smiles and looks down at his hands.
The guys hang out for a little while longer before people need to start leaving and getting back to their families. Andrei stays over with Jack and Jarvy for a little while longer, catching up for a bit and asking him if he needed help planning anything else. So, that’s what they did, the two of them helped Andrei plan for his proposal, going over small details, the date he was planning on and what the weather was like, everything.
He returned home a few hours later, scared that you were going to be upset with him, since you didn’t seem too happy with him earlier.
“Baby?” He calls out for you, noticing that the house was rather quiet. He looks in all the places he think you’d be, but when he doesn’t find you, he gets worried. He checks one final spot, and it’s the backyard, where you enjoy reading on warmer days. You have a hammock set up in the trees, and he’s found you there plenty of times during the summer.
It was around the time of day that Andrei wanted to propose to you, but today wasn’t the right day. He walks outside, shutting the door behind him, and he slowly walks over to you, not wanting to startle you. He’s not sure if you couldn’t see him yet or you were ignoring him.
The sun was beginning to set, creating a soft orange glow on your face. He pauses in his steps, his breath literally taken away at how beautiful you are. Brett was right, the lighting made you look like an angel.
“Baby?” He calls out one final time. Your head whips to the side, looking at Andrei standing there sheepishly. He grins softly and waves at you, as you bookmark your page and get up.
“Hi. How was shopping?” You wonder, not caring that he was gone for far too long to be at just one store, but you refused to let your mind wander anywhere else.
“Fine. Jarvy needed a new couch so we went looking for that.” You nod, trying to push aside the fact that he’s been distant as of late, and attempt to reach up to press a kiss to his cheek. But since he was so tall, he has to lean down for you to do so, and thankfully, he does.
“Let’s go inside and have some dinner. I brought home some takeout,” he states, grabbing your hand to bring you along.
As the days go by, the day that Andrei had decided to propose to you on draws closer and closer, and he tries to keep himself from completely shutting down as to not worry you even more and ruin his chances.
When the day finally arrives, he’s way more nervous than when he made his NHL debut. Today was going to be a big day, and he was terrified yet excited, if you are to say yes. 
“Hey, um, I have a little surprise for you today,” Andrei says to you while you have lunch in the backyard. It was a nice summer day, not too hot and not too warm, with a cool breeze that made it bearable to be outside.
“You do?” You question after swallowing a bite of your sandwich.
“Uh huh. But you need to leave the house,” he bluntly states, but immediately backtracks upon seeing the look on your face. “I have to get something ready and you can’t be here.”
“Seriously?” He nods and takes a bite of his food.
“But a couple of the wives wanted to take you to get your nails done, I heard,” he continues. “They’ll be here in, like twenty minutes.”
Thankfully, you were already dressed and presentable, so it was now just a waiting game for whoever was taking you to show up.
Martin’s girlfriend and Brett’s wife pick you up and take you to the nail salon, acting as if they just wanted to have a girls day so you didn’t suspect anything more. They keep the comments to themselves, mostly, trying not to let anything slip past and ruin the proposal that Andrei was preparing for with Seth, Jack, and Pyotr. 
Andrei texts the girls once they have finished setting everything up, letting them know they no longer need to keep you any longer, but they had planned to take you to the bakery just a few ways down from the nail salon before taking you back home. 
And when they do, you are astonished. Andrei welcomes you in, wearing a nice dress shirt and pants.
“Hello. I have this dress for you to change into. We have a romantic night planned, so if you could get changed fast and come back out with me, we can go.”
You are so stunned by his words, you are frozen in place. He laughs softly and hugs you for a few seconds.
“Come on, babygirl. Are you okay?”
“Andrei, what’s going on?” He takes a deep breath and smiles.
“I wanted to plan a special night just for you. I haven’t been the best boyfriend I could be, so I’m making up for it.” Tears fill your eyes as you take the bag with the dress from his hands and walk to the bathroom.
“Also, I placed your shoes right outside the door for when you’re ready,” he calls from the other side of the door. As you get dressed and fix your hair a little in the mirror, you take a deep breath to ease your nerves.
The dress he picked out for you was a deep maroon, with lacy sleeves that went down to your wrists, and the flowy, tulle skirt ends just above your knees. It fit you perfectly and complimented your skin tone so well.
Stepping outside, you see he placed your favorite pair of black heels right next to the door, so you didn’t trip over them. You step into them and when you are ready, you walk back out to Andrei, who paces in the living room, waiting for you.
He hears you step into the room and he stops. His brown eyes are wide with awe, and his hands shake ever so lightly, enough for you to not even notice.
“You look…I’m not even have the words,” his grammar starts slipping a little, as what usually happens when he gets nervous.
“Thank you. And you look as handsome as ever,” you murmur, running your hands up his chest and to his shoulders as his hands land on your waist, pulling you in for a kiss.
“Come with me, I have to show you something,” he whispers against your lips, moving his hands to take ahold of yours. He brings you out to the backyard, and that’s when you see it.
There are rose petals leading up to a makeshift arch with fake vines and ivy and white flowers mixed together. Your hand flies up to your mouth as Andrei chuckles. He helps you down the steps and through the yard, stopping right in front of the arch, which was directly in the path of where the sunlight hits in the backyard at sunset.
His eyes shine in the golden sunlight, tears already forming in them, and everything finally clicks in your mind.
“(Y/N), you have been such an important person in my life for the past five years. I never expected to fall in love with you, but it has been the best thing that has happened to me and I wouldn’t trade it for the world. I love you with all my heart, and seeing you with the playoff jacket all the wives and girlfriends get, I knew I wanted to make it official. So…”
He pulls out the ring box and gets down on one knee, opening the box to show the ring. It glimmers in the dimming sunlight, sitting perfectly in the box. 
“Will you marry me?” You burst into tears as he finally asks, your hands shaking like crazy as he stares up at you, waiting for an answer.
“Yes,” you choke out, throwing yourself into his arms. He hides his face in your shoulder, the photographer stepping out further from where she was standing on the deck once you two got into place.
Andrei pulls back to kiss you, his hands cupping your cheeks, wiping your tears with his thumbs. He then carefully plucks the ring from the box and slides it onto your shaking hand. Getting up from his knee, he pulls you into a tight hug, his own tears finally falling down his cheeks.
Another sweet kiss is planted on your lips, his hands quivering as they cradle your face. Your hands wrap around his wrists to try and ease his own nerves, smiling widely against his lips, the kiss breaking from doing so.
“I love you,” you whisper against his mouth. “I cannot wait to marry you.”
Just then, Seth, Jack, Pyotr, Martin and his girlfriend, and Brett and his wife erupt into cheers on the porch behind the photographer. Andrei raises your left hand with his right one and the group comes running over to celebrate with you guys. 
The girls immediately ask to see the ring as the guys all chat with Andrei, congratulating him for everything working out. 
After talking a little while longer and more pictures taken, Andrei wraps his arm around your waist as everyone chats amongst themselves.
“So is this why you’ve been so weird lately?” You finally ask him, hoping that was the reason.
“Oh yeah,” he responds instantly. “I was so nervous and I didn’t know how to ask you. I bought the ring months ago but knew I had to do it soon.”
“It’s been months?” He nods and kisses your temple.
“But I knew I was going to marry you a couple years ago anyway.”
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lovedrruunk · 2 months
It would be so cool if you could write a venture x reader where Y/N is too nervous to speak to Venture so Mercy wingmans for them‼️
‘The best wingwoman ! ଘ(˵╹ᴗ╹)━☆
Venture (Overwatch) x GN reader
Authors note!; super cute request!!! Did I tell u guys I'm a mercy main…. DISGUSTING I KNOW!! But I also main Ana so it cancels out… also tbh there’s a lot of requests that I haven’t gotten to *YET* simply bc idk how to go about them :( but this one came to me rlly easily !! Ty!!! also finished this whole thing while listening to phantom of the opera on repeat for 2 hours (i need 2 write a moira fic omg...) UPDATE: HELLO??? THE MERCY MYTHIC? okok ill stfu now sry!!
Earlier today, you were dragged to a work party by your colleague and guardian angel, Angela Ziegler. You begged her to let you stay home, but she refused, saying she wouldn't be able to go without you since you were the only coworker she actually enjoyed spending time with. And so, being the amazing friend you are, of course, you agreed to go to keep her company!... Just kidding!
Angela knew you too well. Once she mentioned that the cutie from the Wayfinder Society was attending, you did a complete 180, now asking her what you should wear. She couldn't help but laugh at your reaction, amused at how predictable you were when it came to romance.
Sloane Cameron, also known as Venture, also known as the cutie from the Wayfinder Society, had quickly captured your attention ever since you first met them a couple of months ago when the Wayfinder Society was adopted by Overwatch as a sub-branch. Being the head anthropologist for Overwatch led you to spending a good amount of time with Venture and their team. Granted, it was just work and sharing data and all that, but you couldn't help but find them super intriguing. They were funny, lively, and so passionate about their work! But as badly as you wanted to get to know them, you just couldn't. Their confidence was a blessing and a curse, being the cause of why you liked them and the cause of why you were so terrified of talking to them.
Every week or so, you and Angela meet up at the cafeteria at Overwatch's headquarters to catch up while drinking your morning coffee/tea/whatever, which you of course just use as time to gush about your overwhelming crush on your new coworker. But last week... last week, you had decided enough was enough. You made a promise to Angela that by next week, you would at least ask them if they'd want to hang out outside of work. Feeling pumped and confident, you had excitedly gotten all dolled up for the party.
And now, here you were. The party was in an old Victorian mansion with lots of expensive art and chandeliers, nothing less for Overwatch, of course. The first time you had attended a work party, you were extremely underdressed, assuming it was a casual get-together, not at all expecting it to be an elegant and serious "ball" like party. You cringed at the memory before Angela snapped you out of it, handing you a glass of champagne.
"So? Is today the day?" she questions as she leans against the back wall you had been standing next to.
"I don't know, Angela..." you whined as you not so discreetly stared at them from across the room.
It was the first time you had seen them in formal attire, and you couldn’t help but admire how they looked good in everything.
"Go ask them to dance!" She suggested happily.
"What!? No way! I can't dance, especially not with them!"
“Oh, don't give me that! The worst they could say is no."
"'No' is definitely not the worst they could say. They could say 'get away from me' or 'why are you talking to me about something other than rocks' or 'your foundation doesn't match your neck.. and no I would rather drop dead than dance with you'."
"Don't be ridiculous."
"I'm serious!- Wait!! Did you see that? They smiled at the new rookie! What if they like her!? What if they came here together!? What if they're dating!? Married!!? Oh my god, and now they're chatting it up with Tiff from communications! They're laughing, what's so funny!?"
"You have got to be kidding me..."
"Right!? She's not even funnier than me..."
Catching you off guard, Angela grips your shoulders, forcing you to face her.
"Shut up," she says sternly, fighting off the urge to smack you in the face. "Just ask them. You'll never know until you do... And if you don't, I owe that infuriating geneticist twenty bucks..." She murmurs the last part to herself angrily.
"Y'know what? You're right!"
You quickly finish the glass of champagne, putting it on the table next to you. Feeling encouraged by your friend, you take a deep breath before marching towards Venture... right before turning your heel and marching straight back to Angela.
"I feel like I'm gonna throw up..."
"You haven't even said anything!!!"
After a bit of back and forth, Angela is fed up and tells you that if you weren't going to do anything about it, then she will.
As she makes her way towards Venture, you whisper yell at her, begging her to come back and let you give it another try. But knowing you, she decides to ignore your desperate pleas as she continues to happily strut towards them.
From the distance, you can't make out what they're talking about, and it's driving you nuts. Angela's back is facing you, but Venture's face lights up, so you decide to take that as a good sign. And just as you start to smile... Angela turns around and points at you.
You freeze in place for what felt like a year before your eyes focus again. Venture is grinning as they wave to you, and Angela uses her hand to call you over. You force a wide smile (not aware of how crazy you look) as you timidly walk up to the two of them.
"Y/N! I was just mentioning to our sweet Cameron over here how you love to dance! They've never been to a party like this, isn't that crazy!"
"Yeah!! Wayfinder never had the funding by itself to afford something like this! I've never really had a reason to learn how to dance, so I have no clue; was hoping you could teach me!?"
"Me? Oh, sorry! I don't know how to dance!"
"But... Dr. Ziegler just said.."
"I know! Poor little Angie... ever since her last birthday, her memory has been terrible!! Must've confused me with Lena!"
You could feel the death glare Angela was giving you, but you continued to smile innocently at them.
"Well... I guess this would be a good opportunity for us to learn, don't ‘cha think?" Of course. Of course, they would somehow find a solution to your excuse.
"Great idea!!" Angela claps her hands together happily. "Why don't you two head to the dance floor? You'll only learn from experience!"
"I agree!"
Before you can say anything, you're dragged by the hand of a very excited Venture, and although your palms are sweaty and your head is spinning, you can't help but feel so much excitement.
. . .
And so as the dancefloor clears and the two of you are making your way out to the gardens, you spot a grinning Angela and a scowling Moira putting away her wallet.
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itsthatmff · 9 months
Watching a Horror Movie with their S/O
Included: Genos, Saitama, King, Garou, Metal bat, Zombieman
Some longer headcanons for you guys~
This turned out more chaotic than I had envisioned it, enjoy !
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Genos(with a s/o who isn’t scared at all)
Genos was the one to suggest on watching a horror movie together because he wanted to do “Social activities” with you. He once read during his daily web browsing, that watching horror movies with people that are important to you is a nice thing to do in your free time.
You both got Popcorn, snacks and blankets that day and watched “The ring” together at your apartment.
You honestly didn’t really feel like watching a movie, especially since you already watched that movie twice.
But Genos seemed so excited to spend time with you that you just couldn’t say no.
It began pretty chill, you both were looking at the screen while eating your snacks. Genos talked about how he never watched a Horror movie because he didn’t see the point in them.
Later, when the first jumpscare popped up, you weren’t really surprised. Genos on the other hand looked very much confused.
“I do not understand, Why did she jump up to the screen?”
“So that you get scared, silly”
Later, he started asking more questions and you answered them instead of paying attention to the movie. And after a while the “movie night” turned into more of a chit chat since you both lost interest to watch the movie.
“Y/N, I must admit that listening to your soothing voice is better than watching a horror movie. My suggestion wasn’t that good after all”
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Saitama (with an S/O who’s scared shitless)
Ever since Saitama got promoted onto rank B, you finally had some time to spend together as he didn’t have to patrol every day.
You decided that watching a movie at theaters would be great and left the ticket purchasing to Saitama as you bought the popcorn and nachos for both of you.
Little did you know that Saitama had gotten tickets for a horror movie. And little did he know that you were frightened by them.
You didn’t realize that the movie you had entered in was a horror movie way until 10 minutes into screening.
Sitting down on the comfortable armchair and munching on your popcorn, the sudden eerie music and the creepy hall made you halt.
“Saitama..what kind of movie is this..?”
“A horror movie.”
Saitama casually continued eating his nachos when he suddenly felt you grab onto his arm. He looked at you confused.
“No way, are you scared?”
All you could do was nodd as you were closing your eyes.
Saitama felt kind of proud on one hand to have you cling onto him like that, but he set his ego aside.
“We can leave if you want to, I heard this movie is shit anyways.”
You didn’t wanna ruin your movie date like this, but you really couldn’t stand being here for another second.
Once you guys had left the theaters you apologized to him, but all he did was take your hand and give you a small smile.
“It’s fine, cmon. The fact that we left earlier means we can still catch the sale going on at the supermarket.”
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King (with a s/o who loves horror movies)
King already shits his pants when seeing a monster, So I guess he Ain’t a big fan of horror movies either.
You asked him once after playing videogames if he wanted to watch a Movie with you and he agreed, not expecting anything.
At that night you both sat down and you decided to watch IT. It hadn’t even gone through your mind that the movie wasn’t watchable because it really wasn’t that scary in your opinion.
And King on the other hand couldn’t say no to watching a horror movie because he would’t want to upset you by showing his weaknesses.
When the movie began he already was shaking inside, and you didn’t notice until the first jumpscare popped up and he began sweating like hell.
“I’ll go to the toilet real quick Y/N”
A good 10 minutes had passed and he still hadn’t returned, which made you realize that he probably had gotten scared.
It was not too long after that he returned, ready to face the next gruesome 2 hours of his life, but there was no horror movie to be found.
Instead, he saw his favorite game playing on the screen, with you laying on your stomach and holding the controller.
“Y/N..what’s this?”
“I didn’t feel like watching the movie anymore. Playing video games is much more fun.”
A little smile crept upon him, he was very grateful to have such an understanding S/O.
“Sure, but don’t complain if you loose for the 2000th Time.”
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Garou (with an overdramatic S/O)
You loved to tease Garou any chance you could take.
It was always fun to see him react to situations he’s never experienced before.
That day you begged Bang at the dojo if Garou could take off one day of his training to have a sleep over at yours.
At first he was skeptical, he knew how reckless the youth of today could be.
But you reassured him that it would be a movie night and no more.
With his approval you had your plan rolling.
Garou was never the overprotective type when it came to trivial things, he thought it was too cheesy and knew you were independent enough.
Once at your apartment, you put on the first horror movie you could see on netflix.
Garou made himself comfortable on the couch, spreading his legs and tilting his head back.
You sat next to him, just waiting for the first creepy thing to happen.
You know sometimes in the movie when theres this tension just to turn out that nothing happened? Like when they turn on a light and theres nothing in the room.
At such a moment you decided to go all out, cling your arms onto his waist and close your eyes.
Garou was cleaning his ear when he looked from the tv screen down to you in confusion.
“What the fuck are you doing Y/N. Nothing even happened.”
“It looked like a jump scare..”
He knew damn well you were being overdramatic on purpose again.
“I swear to god if this is one of your stupid games.”
Despite saying that, he still wrapped his arm around your shoulder.
In some scenes where even he got startled a little, he tightened his grip around you.
The plan had worked. And you had to hold back your grin to save your life.
“It wasn’t even that scary- hey, what the hell are you grinning for? You did this on purpose didn’t you?”
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Badd (with an S/O who tries to act tough)
It was after school when Metal bat decided to take you out to the movies.
Everyone at school was talking about this new Horror movie that aired and of course as a good boyfriend he would want to spoil you and let you watch the movie so you could feel included at school.
You were indifferent with horror movies, they aren’t your favorites and you didn’t watch them often, but they certainly weren’t ‘too scary’ for you to watch.
As you both took your seats and the movie started, metal bat was already uninterested in what was going on in the movie. He was way more excited to be spending time with you. His gaze stuck on to you, he could see in what moments your eyes widened, when you flinched, when you laughed and when you felt scared.
It seemed like this movie was more scary than usual and it seemed that badd noticed your uneasiness.
His head rested on your shoulder,
“It’s just a movie.”
“I know.”
You knew, and still you felt uneasy. Though Badd’s assurance helped a lot. You combed through his hair as the movie progressed.
In the end, it did feel like the tension was worth it, as the ending of the movie turned out to be really good.
But that wasn’t the end of your date at all. Your boyfriend still had to spoil you rotten.
“Y/N, let’s grab food and go to karaoke afterwards, ya hear me?”
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Zombieman (with a S/O who loves Horror Movie marathons)
Watching horror movies with Zombieman was a usual thing for you two to do.
Especially since you two loved the old Halloween franchise. You’d both be on the couch at his crib, him smoking his usual cigarettes, a good whiskey on the table as you two watched and discussed the movie.
It was a nice activity you two shared. And it was obvious Michael myers was Zombieman’s favorite.
The smell of cologne, cigarettes and whiskey, the dim lit living room and the screams coming from the tv. Thats what you liked to call a romantic evening.
Its only when the room is filled with smoke and he sees your drowsy eyes that he decided to finally end tonights marathon.
He put his last cigarette on the ashtray and turned off the tv.
“We’ve watched enough, haven’t we?”
That deep raspy voice could immediately send you to sleep.
“You’re surely different to please, Y/N. But that’s what I like about you.”
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just-jordie-things · 10 months
[part fourteen] to build a home - gojo satoru
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word count: 4.6k warnings: !!manga spoilers!! swearing, jjk-verse style fighting series summary: when (y/n) (y/l/n) catches wind that the notorious sorcerer killer, toji fushiguro, has children, she makes it her personal mission to find them. the catch being she couldn't tell a soul about them- the risk of the zen'in clan learning about them was too great. keeping the secret isn't the hard part, it's lying to her friends, shoko ieiri, geto suguru, and of course gojo satoru, that she struggles with. especially when satoru has suddenly become so keen on keeping an eye on her lately.
series masterlist
[part fourteen]: “The Beginning Of The End Of All Things” ___
The next morning, Megumi and Tsumiki are delightedly surprised to find (y/n) making them breakfast when they wake up.  They’re smiling wide and both of them are hugging her while she flips pancakes over the stove.  She laughs and teases them for their affection, even though she knows just as well as they do that it’s odd for her to have stayed through the night.
“You should stay more often!” Tsumiki says through a mouthful of cat face-shaped pancake.
“Yeah, if you keep making us breakfast” Megumi agrees with a shyer smile than his sister.
(y/n) just laughs them off and refuses to make them any promises, and they notice something’s different about her today.  She’s in a better mood, dancing around as she pours batter into more shapes, including a lumpy bunny, a heart, and what was supposed to be a star, but fell apart when it came time to flip the cake over.  She’s telling them about her assignment in Brazil, hyping up the parts that weren’t so interesting and dramatizing the parts that were thrilling to be even more so.  Her smile feels genuine again, warm and comforting like they were used to.  Neither one of them knows what caused this shift in her mood, but they don’t comment on it.  They’re simply happy that things feel normal again.
Maybe even better than normal.
(y/n) even sticks around for breakfast, and spends most of her morning with them.  They talk and joke around all through breakfast, the atmosphere nothing but light and cheerful.  
Even the skies were sunny and clear of all clouds, it was as if the universe was treating them.
“Listen, I know it’s a Saturday, but I can’t stay all day,” (y/n) says while she cleans up the kitchen.  Tsumiki lets out a whine of disappointment, and Megumi remains quiet.  “I’m sorry, but I have important stuff to do back at school today”
“But it’s Saturday! School can’t happen on Saturday” Tsumiki argues, and (y/n) can’t help but chuckle at her frustration.
“You don’t think I want to go to school on a Saturday, do you?”
Tsumiki pouts, but doesn’t argue again.
“And anyways, I’ll be back first thing tomorrow.  I can even make pancakes again,” She offers, which seems to brighten the kids’ moods in the slightest.
She hesitates before continuing, her eyes fixed on rinsing plates in the sink as she speaks carefully, trying to keep her tone casual.
“Although there is an important errand I’ll have to run tomorrow,”
She tries not to think about it, even as she says it, even though she knows they’ll press for more details.
“Hopefully it won’t take long.  Then you’ll have me the rest of the day… we should do something fun” She adds the last part in hopes that it could serve as a distraction.
“What errand?” Megumi asks.
She should’ve known better.  Nothing got past this kid.
“I just have to make a quick visit,” (y/n) shrugs her shoulders loosely.  “Like I said, it shouldn't take long.  But if you guys think of something fun to do, I’ll treat you.  Think of it like an apology for me having to ditch you today”
Neither Tsumiki or Megumi ask any more questions, which (y/n) is relieved by.
She just wanted them to have an easy going morning.  And selfishly, she wanted to spend a few more good hours with them.  She didn’t want to think these could be the last, as the mere thought made her heart break.  But she also didn’t want to take any chances and leave without feeling like she’d given them good lives, even in the short time she’d spent with them.
After tidying up the house a bit and making sure they had a few things to eat for lunch and dinner, and once she was sure that they were set for the day, she quickly ran out of reasons to stall, to stick around just a little longer.
She couldn’t stay for the day, she knew she needed to get back to Jujutsu Tech to train, to prepare for what was coming tomorrow.  Still, her feet dragged as she made her way to the door.
Tsumiki and Megumi stood side by side while she stood before them, no parting words coming to mind, while they wondered why she didn’t just say goodbye.
“I’ll be at school, but you know you can still text me if you need anything, right?”
“Yeah” Tsumiki giggles, finding the question silly.  She always reached out whenever she needed help with homework, or making something to eat.
“You can call, too,” (y/n) adds as an afterthought.  
She turns to Megumi, noticing the cord around his neck that disappeared under his shirt, the stone hanging from it that was imbued with her cursed energy hidden under the blue tee shirt he wore.
Relief and despair make for a heavy feeling in her chest as she thinks about him wearing it every day.  If she survives, he’ll always have her just a snap away to protect him.  If she doesn’t… the tool’s power is rendered useless, and then who will he have?
(y/n) swallows the lump in her throat as she kneels down before them, her finger pointing at the hidden necklace.
“And if you need to use that-”
“I will” Megumi cuts her off before she could finish the speech that he could probably recite for her.
Her lips curl into a smile.
“Okay you little shits I gotta get to school before I get in trouble,” She says, reaching out to pet both their heads.  “Be good, alright?”
“Bye (y/n)” Tsumiki leapt forward, throwing her arms around (y/n’s) neck before she could stand.  Despite the sudden action, (y/n’s) quick to hug her back.
When the child pulls away, (y/n) turns to Megumi.
“You gonna hug me too, you little shit?” She teases.
Megumi blushes, flustering as he looks at the ground and hooks his hands behind his back.
“I hugged you yesterday” He grumbles, and (y/n) laughs, settling for messing up his hair again, knowing that would make him more irritated than a hug, anyways.
As always, Megumi groans and swats her hand away, trying to fix his ruined hair.
“Alright, be a brat about it,” She teases before standing.  “I’ll see you guys tomorrow”
They bid her their final goodbye, and (y/n) leaves.
After closing the door she draws her curtain, and lingers for just a minute longer on the front step.  No amount of stalling felt like enough to ease the anxious skip in her heartbeat.  It already feels like she’s been here for ages, like every second dragged on for centuries.  And yet now that it was time to go, she feels that urge to stand on the porch until she feels that urge to stand on the porch until she had to be forced off of the
When she’s finally ready to step off the property, she freezes in place, her eyes landing on two figures just across the street.  Normally strangers passing by in the neighborhood didn’t make her blood run cold, but these weren’t your average strangers.
They were clad in traditional robes, which looked completely unsoiled, like they were brand new.  Judging by the way they stood, staring straight ahead at her, she had a sinking feeling of who they were, and why they were here.
I don’t have any weapons, her mind quickly jumps to what her strategy would be.  I’ll only have my cursed technique and strength to defend myself.
Before she could come up with what her plan was, her feet were moving, carrying her down the steps of the porch, and across the yard.
There are people around, she notes, glancing at a few walkers down the street, a man mowing his yard, a woman gardening.  And if things get ugly, Megumi and Tsumiki are inside.  
She’s never worried much about witnesses when it comes to acts of violence in public.  Although the truth was people weren’t usually upset to have a girl with swords around when a literal monster was haunting the area.  But this was different.  Her opinions on the Zen’in Clan aside, those two were merely men, and if she approached them with cursed energy buzzing in her fists, she was going to make a scene.  Perhaps if Megumi and Tsumiki weren’t inside she’d say fuck it and take the ill-intentioned strangers down.  She tried to push the theoretical thoughts away, instead focusing on what she needed to do right now to get these men as far away from the Fushiguro house as possible.
She’s approached them now, standing a few feet away from them as her calculated glare slowly tracks between them both.  They seemed to be young men, probably not much older than she was.
I could take them, she tells herself.
But instead she crosses her arms over her chest, and waits for them to explain themselves.  She knew she didn’t owe them shit, and if it weren’t for their location and the risk of the kids seeing, (y/n) would have knocked them on their ass by now.  So she taps her foot with impatience, and sizes them up white she waits for them to state their purpose.
The strangers in the kimonos turn their heads, sharing a look.  They remained expressionless, but she assumed both were confused by her silent approach.
“If you don’t explain why you’re stalking my kids, I’ll have no choice but to assume you mean to do them harm,” (y/n) speaks up.
Her voice is shockingly even, although low in tone.
The strangers in kimonos look back at her, seemingly intrigued by what she had to say.
“So let me make this easy for you,” She says slowly, eyes flickering between the both of them.  Her arms drop from her defensive position, one hand setting on her hip.  “Do you mean to do them harm?”
Again, the strangers share a look, but this time there’s amusement on their features.
“You know why we’ve come,” One of them, the one with his hair neatly swept into a knot on the top of his head, speaks.  “You know we’re here on behalf of the Zen’in Clan”
(y/n) holds his stare for a long moment, her features, and her entire body, unmoving.
Her answer is blunt, but she doesn’t have anything else to say to them.
If I kill them both now, I’ll have to leave immediately to go for the rest, she thinks to herself.  It would only be a matter of time until the rest of the clan caught wind of what happened.  And were these two really worth the trouble, anyways? THey looked to be her age, for all she knew, they were just Zen’in lackeys.
But either way, she knows what’s coming, and these two were far too close to the Fushiguro kids for her liking.  So whatever their reasoning for being here now, if they had malicious intent, she would be left with no choice but to take them out.
“So you’re also aware that you have twenty four hours to deliver the son of Fushiguro Toji to the Zen’in Clan, before we’re sent back to collect him ourselves?” The other stranger, who’s dark hair is cut much shorter than his partner’s, spoke.
Now it was his turn to be on the receiving end of her icy glare, but just like his counterpart, he appears unphased by this.
“Yes” (y/n) repeats.
It’s silent for a moment, before the first man scoffs, and speaks again.
“You’re nothing but a child yourself,” He comments.  “What business do you have staking your claim in children that aren’t yours?”
(y/n) tilts her head at him, plotting to herself for a moment, before she steps closer, enough to lower her voice to a mutter.
“Awful bold question for you to ask,” She says slowly, her brows lowering as her glare hardens.  “Horridly foolish, of you and your clan, to assume that those children aren’t mine,”
She pauses, smirking to herself before shaking her head at both men.  Despite her intent to keep things from escalating, her once cold blood was heating up under her skin, and she wasn’t sure how long she could maintain this professional act.
Oh, if she had her swords…
“You said so yourself, I have twenty four hours,” She repeats back to them.  “And it wouldn’t exactly look good for the Zen’in Clan to pull some shady trick, hm? Or do you openly kidnap children now?”
“We’re not kidnapping anybody-” The short haired man leapt forward with a snarl, only to be stopped by his partner with an arm to his chest.
(y/n) doesn’t move an inch.  Not even a flinch at the sudden movement.  She tucks her hands into her pockets, feigning indifference to the act.
Although her mind had already leapt to six different ways she could counter the potential attack.
“Let Zen’in Naobito know that I’ll be seeing him this time tomorrow then,” She states calmly, and this time she isn’t faking her relaxed state.
Both strangers’ eyes widened, shocked to be handed an order by anyone other than a member of the Zen’in Clan- much less a message for their head.  They seemed unsure as to whether or not they could agree to relay this message, but (y/n) sweetened the deal with her next words.
“You can also let him know that if I find anymore of you mindless insects creeping around here, I’ll be returning your heads to him, personally”
The men don’t seem particularly threatened by her words, but they do take them seriously, as they nod back at her in unison.
However, one of them smirks.
“If you find another one of us around here, it will be because master Zen’in has sent us for your head” He states proudly.
(y/n) tilts her head back at him, her expression unwavering as her eyes harden on him.
“I suppose I’ll look forward to it, then,” She muses, making the man frown in distaste.  “Now leave.  My message for your master is urgent, and I’d like you to treat it as such”
To her luck, they do leave the premises.  She lingers in the area for a while, just to make sure they really had slunk away, but she’d already spent too much time stalling this morning, and she couldn’t allow too much more of her day to be eaten up.
When she’s certain there’s not another malicious presence near the Fushiguro home, she takes off, the gears in her head spinning as she walks back to Jujutsu Tech.
With only one day left to prepare for her meeting with the head of the Zen’in Clan, there was too much to do.  But she didn’t make it this far, she didn’t keep secrets and tell lies and threaten one of the most prominent families in jujutsu society just to cower away now.  
Besides, after seeing how weak the two spies they’d sent her way were, she had a leap in faith in her abilities to do whatever was necessary.  She was a Semi-Grade One Sorcerer after all, and for someone her age that was no feat to laugh at.
Although, those two didn’t seem to be any older than she was.  They may have still been in training.  The Zen’in Clan didn’t make any half-assed decisions, so if they sent them, they did so for a reason.
To give her false confidence? She wondered, her pace quickening the longer she thought about it.  To instigate her into doing something stupid, so they could get rid of her, the only obstacle in the way of what they want?
The swell of pride she’d felt earlier quickly began to deflate.
Only making a few quick pit stops on her way back to the school, she still got back in record time.  However it was made clear quickly that it didn’t matter when she’d returned, because there was a very angry Shoko waiting for her at the front gates when she approached.
She should have seen this coming, but she’d been distracted by her own mind and her race to campus
The short haired sorcerer stood with her arms crossed, her white lab coat tightly wrapped in front of her uniform, and (y/n) doesn’t think she’s ever seen such a sour look on her face.
Not directed towards her, anyways.
“Where the fuck have you been!?” She shouted as soon as (y/n) was close enough to hear.
“I just got back from a trip to the convenience store,” (y/n) said, raising the plastic bag in her hands for proof.  “I left this morning-”
“Bullshit!” Shoko threw her arms at her sides, her hands in fists. “Cut the bullshit already! I know you didn’t come back last night!”
(y/n) winced, worried and embarrassed for getting caught in a lie.  Her heart leapt to her throat, and she had to swallow it back down.  She tried to come up with something better to say, but being put on the spot was no help.  All that was on her mind were the men that the Zen’in Clan had sent to her, and she didn’t have the energy to take on Shoko, too.
“I thought you were finally done with all the lies?” Shoko asks, sounding less angry and more defeated.
(y/n’s) shoulders drop in defeat.  SHe’d rather Shoko be angry with her than be disappointed.  Anger was a brief pain, like a smack to the face.  It would hurt upon impact, but then it would disintegrate into nothing.  Disappointment lingered, like a nag in your gut that something was wrong.  It clung to a person like a curse manifested by one’s own depression.  What’s worse  is the way the emotion looks on Shoko now.
“You can’t just flake in the middle of the night and not come back, okay?” Shoko’s voice is shaky, and (y/n) takes a few more steps forward.  “You can’t leave like him.  You can’t”
The mention of Suguru makes the bitter memory of his retreating form flash in (y/n’s) mind, but she shakes her head and tries to brush it off because she has to.
“It’s not like that,” (y/n) sighs, dropping her bag to close more distance between them.  “I promise, okay? I’m sorry I didn’t say anything, but you have to believe me, I’m fine”
She reaches out to place a comforting hand on Shoko’s shoulder, but the girl shrugs it off, tears in her eyes as she takes a step back.
“I don’t know what to believe anymore, (y/n),” She admits, taking shallow breaths.  “Why didn’t you tell Satoru the truth?”
(y/n’s) eyes dart to anywhere but Shoko’s, cursing herself for getting caught in another lie.  Was she getting worse at this? When had she become so sloppy? When had her friends paid this close attention to her?
“Why did you run away after- after what happened?” Shoko asks another question before (y/n) could come up with an answer for this one.  “That… that sucked.  We needed you, (y/n).  I needed you, and you just- you vanished.  Why-”
“If I’d stuck around any longer, I was going to go after him,” (y/n) cuts her off, her eyes meeting Shoko’s again.  “If I hadn’t left, I was going to kill him,”
Shoko’s eyes widened, and she’s finally quiet for a moment.
“And the truth, Shoko, is… is I didn’t want to do it.  I couldn’t, but I… I wouldn’t have been able to stop myself,”
(y/n) pauses for a moment, her eyes still locked on Shoko, as every word she spoke was true.
“I could have stopped him, you know,” She admits.  “Before he went on that mission where he… did what he did… we had a fight,”
Again, Shoko looks shocked by this new information, and although she wants to press for more information, her mind is processing it all too slowly for her to know what to say.
“And I ignored it,” (y/n) muttered, kicking herself as she finally processed aloud what had happened.  “I was stupid.  I thought he was going to retire, like Nanami.  I never thought he would…” She trails off, not wanting to admit the cruel truth.
“(y/n)...” Shoko mumbled, her head shaking back and forth in a small motion.  “You couldn’t have known”
“But I could have,” (y/n) said, picking up the bag she’d dropped.  “I could have listened, I should have seen the signs, they were right there,”
Shoko bit down on her lip in an effort to keep it from quivering, but the truth was she hadn’t stopped crying since Suguru had left them with his harsh parting words.  Finding that (y/n) hadn’t returned to campus in the meantime was only the cherry on top of her heartbreak.
“Don’t worry,” (y/n) spoke as she reached into her bag, shuffling around before producing a small box.  “I won’t cause you pain like this ever again.  You don’t have to worry about me anymore,”
Before Shoko could ask her what that meant, (y/n) pressed the box into her hands with a smile.
“Best friends don’t do that to each other, right?” She asked softly, still smiling.
Shoko looked down to inspect what had been given to her.  A pack of cigarettes.  
Not just any pack of cigarettes, a Russian brand that Shoko had never splurged on for herself, claiming they were too expensive just to go straight to her lungs.  (y/n) always laughed and asked what the difference was, claiming they were going to kill them one day eventually either way.  Shoko never had a decent answer.
Looking at the sleek black cardboard box now, she frowned, before turning to find her friend was already walking away, the plastic bag hanging from her wrist as her hands were tucked into her pockets.
Was this part of the apology?
Shoko wondered, puzzled as she stared at the random gift.  Her fingers traced over it’s edges carefully as she tried to mentally pick apart everything that had just happened.
But why did it feel like an apology for something that hadn’t happened yet? ___
In the last eight months of her sneaking around, (y/n) tried to recall every lie she’d had to tell, no matter how huge.  She wondered if she was able to count them all, if she could put a price on them, and value them at some unachievable goal for her to atone.
She thinks it would be like trying to race to the moon with nothing but a pair of kicks.
It doesn’t matter now, she thinks to herself as she looks down at the small paper bag of treats in her hands, tied off with a pink string that she fought the urge to tug on.  No apology will amount to anything.  And this time tomorrow, they’ll never see me again.
This thought wasn’t groundbreaking, she’d known for some time now that the end was nearing.  Still, as the notion crossed her mind now, her throat began to sting with the white hot burn of tears.
It would be the end of everything, whether she succeeded or failed tomorrow didn’t matter.  Her crimes against the Zen’in Clan had caught up to her, and the crimes she’d yet to commit would seal her fate.  If she succeeded, she would be excommunicated, labeled a defect just as Geto Suguru had been, and if she was lucky she would spend the rest of her life running.  If she failed, then she would die in vain, and everything she’d fought for, lied for, everything she’d ever done in the name of protecting Fushiguro Toji’s children, would be for nothing.  Megumi would be sold back to his rightful owners, like the valuable piece of property they deemed him to be. Tsumiki would likely be tossed aside, put in the system if she was lucky.
The end of all things was near.
This would bring the end of her time at Jujutsu Tech, she realizes.  She’d never see her own graduation.  She’d never get to know if she would be promoted to a Grade One Sorcerer.  She’d never know if she could truly master Hexing Eye.
With the thoughts of the big milestones she’d be abandoning, came the thoughts of all the little things she’d be losing, too.
Shoko, Satoru, their faces came to mind as she struggled to stop herself from clutching the bag in her hands too tight.  She would never make things right with them.  She was going to walk out of their lives without explanation.  And when word got around of the terrible things she was going to do…
She closed her eyes and bit down on her lip, willing her emotions to lay dormant, to not get the best of her in this moment.
They would never forgive her.
She was no better than Suguru.
And she had to accept that reality.
Why now did her heart try to argue with her mind? Now that she’d made her decision, why now did her heart put up a fight?
Her eyelashes are sticky when she opens her eyes, staring at the door before her with a sinking feeling.  She’d come here with a purpose, but since planting her feet at the door, she hadn’t found the strength to knock, choked up by her fear.
When this time comes tomorrow, she will be gone.  This would be the last thing she does for the people she’s going to abandon, and then she was going to disappear completely.
You have to do it now, the morbid voice in her head screams at her.  If you don’t do it now, you’ll never get another chance.
She swallows the lump in her throat, along with her pride, before she raises her fist to knock.  Again, her arm freezes on it’s own accord, and it’s as though it’s under a spell, as she couldn’t will it to just knock.  She’d been standing here for too long already, and she didn’t know how much more time she’d have.
Her teeth gnaw on her lip as she stares at the door with her mission on her mind.  She’s too focused on trying to notice the flash in the hallway beside her.
“Did you need something?”
(y/n) jumps out of her skin upon hearing the voice, swiveling on her heels to find Gojo Satoru standing beside her.  His brow furrows at her reaction, seeing as she was standing in front of his door with the clear intent of speaking to him, but he doesn’t comment on the strange behavior.
She’d been acting strange for the last few months now, he’s almost grown used to it.  Almost.  There was still a tug in his chest that longed to ask her what had brought on this change in her demeanor.
“You scared me” She finally spoke, although her words were mumbled.
Satoru tucks his hands in his pockets as his eyes study her.  While the sour part of his heart wanted to tell her to leave, the remains of the softness it once held for her spoke louder. (y/n) hadn’t spoken to him since the incident, so seeing her at his door now, clearly working up the courage to knock, has him curious.
He has a million things he wants to say, mostly questions to interrogate her with, but he keeps his mouth shut and his expression blank.  Maybe he didn’t want to turn her away, but he knows that she spent the night off campus, and the thought of where she could have been makes him sick to his stomach.  A slight grimace curls on his lip out of disgust.
Looking at her now, Satoru doesn’t think he’s ever felt so much vexation, so much contempt for her.  Until now, he didn’t think he possibly could.  He’d finally decided to drop the subject of her sneaking around, only to find out she’d been sneaking around with a Zen’in?
Sure he would have been upset by hearing the truth sooner, but it wasn’t like it was a criminal offense.  Just a stupid one.  But the secrecy of it all is what killed him, deep down.  All of the lies and the hiding, and for what?
For what? The question lingered in his mind the longer he looked at her.  She looked… weak.
Her eyelashes hung lower than usual, as if the act of keeping her eyes open was enough to exhaust her.  And judging by the dark half moons under her eyes, exhaustion had become familiar to her.  It looked as though a strong enough gust of wind could knock her down, had she lost weight?
Just as that dreaded sense of worry began to consume him, she finally broke the heavy silence that had fallen over them.
“Do you have a sec?”
Satoru’s nodding, stepping forward to slide his door open.  (y/n) watches as he swings his arm in a gesture for her to head in.  She seems to hesitate, so he sighs.
“Come on,” He gestures to his room again.  
(y/n) gnaws on her lip, still lingering at the doorway even once it had been opened for her.  She supposed she should have just left the treats at his door and cowered away when she had the chance.
With a sink of her shoulders, she steps into his room.  Satoru follows closely behind and makes sure to slide the door shut, before speaking again.
“We’ve got a lot to talk about, don’t we?”
taglist: @whats-humanity-lol @malinq-ashida @mor-pheus@bekahtaylorgriggs@pookiea@megumimind@thealchemical@pearlstiare@niallerhere@96jnie @purpleguk @peqch-pie@yukinemaroop@makis-girl@sadtoru @kamikokii @nerdiel-has-no-braincells @googlesheetshoe @vzleria @hilzup @cole-silas @iam-mia9 @stxrrielle @ezrahour @whatamidoing89 @idioseasworld @yuuuumii @l0diluvs @miffysoo @chibiizzy
xoxo ~ jordie
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jeanboyjean · 3 months
RIDE WITH ME ft. shinichiro sano. nsfw. 
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You go to a bar to meet up with one of your dating app prospects but he stands you up. You’re drinking your sorrows away when the guy next to you catches your eye. 
a/n: im so down bad u guys i just had to write something for him bc i NEED CONTENT. i truly believe he would worship the ground u walk on yes he would. i experimented a little with my writing style bc i felt like it fit better but lemme know what u think. it's my first time posting here for someone that's not jean so pls be nice <3
cw: fem! reader. mdni. nothing crazy just good old porn with a little plot! oral (f! receiving), protected sex. love at first sight coded. 
6.9k words
tag: @arlerts-angel @milky-aeons @livefromnc @kokonoiscoconut
song: for your love - måneskin
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Your throat burned as you knocked back yet another shot, willing the alcohol to soothe the ache you felt in your chest. It was almost twenty minutes past the time you and your date had agreed to meet... but he was nowhere to be seen. Disappointment flooded your mind as you sat at the bar alone, your feet throbbing in the strappy heels you were wearing and your skin itching from the tight dress you had squeezed into just for tonight. All for some sucker who hadn’t bothered to show. 
Of course he hadn’t shown. 
The weariness of dating was starting to get to you - constant swiping, talking to someone new every week and getting your hopes up, only to have them crushed again when it turned out to be another dud. What was the point in trying anymore, when time after time you were endlessly disappointed. Honestly, you should have known better than to get your hopes up but the hopeless romantic in you longed for the companionship you had always dreamed about. How much longer would you have to do this dance before you found someone who would appreciate everything you had to give?
You looked down at your phone again with a huff, checking one last time for an update. To your surprise there was an unopened notification waiting for you. 
Hey, sorry I can’t make it anymore. Can we reschedule? 
You snorted in irritation, reading over the text again. Your vision flashed red with anger as you stared down at your screen with gritted teeth. Reschedule? Yeah, as if. If this loser wasn’t going to give you the benefit of letting you know before the time of your date then there was a fat chance you would give him another go. 
With a heavy heart, you sighed and slumped against the counter, waving at the bartender to signal for another drink when you caught his eye. As he took away your glass, you unlocked your phone again and opened a text chain with your friends thinking you might as well make the most of the night since you were all dressed up. Maybe they would be willing to come out and join you now that you were here and dateless with nothing else to do. 
While you sat there at the bar, on the opposite side of the room, Shinichiro made his entrance into the establishment. He casually scanned his surroundings as he pushed open the door, a small bell jingling as it closed behind him. Groups of patrons gathered at the scattered tables and a lively hum of voices rose over the low music. As always, he set his sight towards the bar and he stopped in his tracks when his eyes caught on you. 
Shinichiro frequented this bar regularly, often stopping by after work when he needed some time to cool down. It was the case tonight and he had been looking forward to getting a drink alone with his thoughts after a long day working on a new bike ... or at least, he had been planning to drink alone. Talking to a girl hadn’t been on the agenda at all, but from the moment he saw you at the bar, perched up on your stool, all of his thoughts went out the window. In an instant, he was captured by your pretty frame, the way your brows drew together as you frowned down at your phone and he studied your image, wondering what you would look like if he could put a smile on your face. 
WIth a newfound sense of purpose, he approached the bar swiftly and deliberately, only stopping when he was at a comfortable distance next to you. His heart raced as he contemplated his next move and he lifted a hand to wave at the bartender. Now that he was in your vicinity, the heady scent of your perfume trailed towards him, sweet and inviting.
His proximity created a slight shift in the atmosphere around you and your skin prickled and your body tensed on instinct as you became aware of his presence. 
“Hey,” you heard his deep voice say. “Whiskey, neat. Thanks.”
You looked up. You saw the tall man, leaning against the counter with the sleeves of his jacket rolled up past his forearms. Dark hair fell over his face as he spoke to the bartender, his eyes scanning the lines of bottles on the shelves in front of him. From the side, you couldn’t see the details of his face but he cut a nice figure as he towered next to you.
As if sensing your gaze, Shinichiro glanced over at you and your eyes locked for a moment before you quickly looked away shyly, a heat warming your cheeks. A breath caught in your throat and your mouth ran dry as your mind took quick notice of his appearance. Yikes… he’s good looking. 
You busied yourself with looking anywhere but at him, your eyes flitting around you in a hurry, your hands flying to your chest to fiddle with the top of your dress. Luckily, you were saved from your flustering by the bartender placing a fresh shot glass in front of you at just the right moment and you reached toward it gratefully, offering him a sheepish smile.
Shinichiro followed your movements closely with a steady gaze. For some reason he couldn’t explain and before he could register what he was doing, his hand was flying out to stop you before you could take the drink, his arm moving instinctively without him prompting it to.
Your head snapped toward him, your eyes wide with surprise. His expression was carefully blank, but something bright flickered behind the dark pools of his eyes. You narrowed your own back at him, a scowl twisting your lips. 
“Let me buy you a real drink,” Shinichiro began. The words tumbled out of him, clumsy and not as smooth as he hoped. He winced inwardly. What was he saying?
You continued to glare at him only adding to the nerves he felt as he attempted a cool smirk, hoping he appeared more collected than he felt. He accepted the glass being offered to him by the bartender, grateful for the small distraction and the amber liquid swirled as he brought it toward him. His other hand remained outstretched in front of you to block your movement as he held your gaze.   
Unimpressed, you huffed out a laugh as you gave him a proper once over. You were no stranger to cheesy one liners and guys trying to pick you up when you went out. His appearance was simple - dark jacket over a white t-shirt that was stained with spots of dark ink and light wash jeans. The dim lighting of the bar casted shadows across the planes of his face and his dark eyes gleamed at you. He wasn’t exactly striking, but he was handsome in a way that tugged at your chest and interest stirred in you, your body ever the traitor. 
“Does that normally work for you?” You asked coolly, your eyebrows raised in a disbelieving look.
Although you had tried to play it off, your survey of him hadn’t gone unnoticed by him and he smirked around his glass as he took a sip of his drink. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.” 
“Mmhmm.” In a swift motion, you swept your glass around his hand and lifted it to your lips, downing the liquid. You welcomed the burn, letting it warm the ice in your heart. 
He chuckled and took a seat on the stool next to you. Of course you wouldn’t be so easy. It was a good thing he always liked a challenge - if there was one thing he excelled at, it was going for what he wanted and never backing down.
You ignored his presence, turning away from him and scrolling on your phone again. Unluckily for you, all of your friends had replied to you with their apologies, already busy with their own plans. You sighed, resigning yourself to the fact that you would have to admit defeat and head home for the night empty handed. 
Shinichiro shifted in his seat next to you, clearing his throat lightly. His fingers tapped on the counter less than a foot from where your elbows pressed into the smooth surface. You peered in your peripheral vision at him and watched as his finger traced around the ring of condensation left on the surface by his glass. He nursed his drink slowly and stared blankly into the distance with an expression that was hard to read. Laughter swirled around you as the two of you sat solemnly, lost in your own thoughts.
“Long day?” You asked finally to break the silence. Curiosity would always get the better of you. 
Shinichiro’s head snapped toward you in surprise. While you had been mourning your lack of social life, he had been trying to think of what he could say next to get your attention. The last thing he had predicted was that you would initiate the conversation yourself.  
“It wasn’t too bad,” he replied. “You look like you’ve had better though.” 
You shrugged and tried to keep your expression in check. A short laugh huffed out of you in an attempt to mask your bitter words. “Yeah. I was supposed to be on a date. He stood me up though.” 
“Someone stood you up? Why would they ever do that?”
“I don’t know. Whatever. It doesn’t matter.” 
He cocked his head to the side, appraising you up and down carefully. His eyes lingered on your bare thighs and your chest and his body subconsciously responded to the sight, his heart skipping a beat or two and his dick twitching in his pants. You were pretty, beautiful even, and he was only a man. 
“I would never leave you hanging. A girl like you? He must have been a schlub.” 
You narrowed your eyes at him again, studying his face. “Does that one work for you too?” 
A carefree laugh bubbled out of him as he shook his head, his hair falling to frame his face. “Not really. Not a lot works for me usually, to be honest.” 
His candour surprised you. His dark eyes bore into yours, earnest and a little shameless. He didn’t appear to care much about the way he came off to you and it made you want to lower your guards just a little.
“I’m Shinichiro,” he said, holding out his hand. His fingers were dirty, discoloured by the same dark smudges that painted his clothes. He noticed you staring and pulled back his hand, wiping it against his shirt. “Sorry, I just finished work. I promise I washed my hands, it’s just this stuff is hard to get off.” A flush graced his cheeks as his eyes darted to your face and away in embarrassment. “I own a motor shop and I’ve been fixing up a bike all day.” 
“Oh,” you hummed. You introduced yourself, telling him your name as you held out your hand. You were no stranger to getting your hands dirty yourself and you were polite, if nothing else. His eyes softened and after a slight pause he leaned forward to take it, squeezing it hard. Calluses lined his palms and your skin tingled from the roughness as you shook his hand. 
“So, Shinichiro… I told you my story. You tell me yours. What brings you here on this fine night?” 
He grinned at you, taking a sip of his drink. “Well, like I said. I just got off work. I come here to wind down sometimes, get a drink.” 
“On your own?” 
“My friends can get a bit rowdy. Sometimes I enjoy the peace and quiet of being alone.” 
You shifted in your seat, uncrossing then recrossing your legs. Your fingers played with the hem of your dress and pulled it down when it rode up your thigh as you changed positions. It was hard to miss the way his breath hitched and his eyes flickered as he followed your movements. “Do you want me to leave you alone then?”
Shinichiro shook his head, breaking out of his trance. “No, I think you’re cool. I want to get to know you more.” 
You laughed, the sound bubbling out of you and into his heart. “If I didn’t know any better I would think you’re hitting on me.” 
“Is it working?” His eyes twinkled with humour. He couldn’t help but feel hopeful and he tried to ignore the excitement building inside him, twisting his stomach with nerves.
“Maybe… You’ll have to wait and see.” 
He gestured toward your empty shot glass. “Do you want another?”
You considered it for a moment, letting yourself indulge in the possibility before you shook your head regretfully, heaving out a sigh. As nice as it was to talk to him, the disappointment of your date being a no show had already ruined your night. Had you been in a better mood, you would have loved to continue flirting with him. 
“No, I think I’ll go home. I might as well get changed into something comfortable and drown my sorrows in my own bed.” 
His heart sank a little at your words, disappointment creeping in. He had only just got here and you were already ready to go, right when he felt like he was getting somewhere. Unwilling to let you go too easily, he tried his hand at another play. “How are you getting home?” 
“I was going to call an uber.”
“Don’t waste your money. Let me take you home. My bike is parked out front, you can sit on the back.” 
You snorted, shaking your head. “Haven’t you been drinking? It’s fine, don’t worry about me.” 
“I’ve only had one,” he tried to reassure you, gesturing to his glass. “I’m fine, it takes more than a couple drinks for me to feel anything. I wouldn’t offer if I didn’t feel up for it.” 
Maybe it was because you were a little tipsy but part of you wanted to say yes. He offered a hesitant smile as he looked down at you with an earnest expression and his invitation tempted you just a little. Thankfully to your benefit though, you had enough presence of mind to know better. He was just a stranger after all. A cute one, but a stranger nonetheless.
“I’m okay. Thanks for the offer, I appreciate it.” 
Shinichiro nodded, accepting your refusal with a heavy heart. It made sense; he couldn’t blame you really. If you were Emma, he would have expected her to do the same thing. Still, it didn’t make it sting any less as he nodded, lifting his glass toward you in acknowledgement as you gathered your things and turned to leave. 
Unable to contain himself, he chanced another look at you as you walked away. His eyes tracked the way you slinked away on your heels, your hips swaying with every step. As you opened the door and stepped outside, he turned back to the bar and heaved out a sigh.  
The bartender caught his eye with raised eyebrows and Shinichiro reluctantly pushed his glass forward to accept another drink. An uneasy feeling crept over him as he sat there, trying to process his encounter with you and dread flooded to form a pit in his stomach and his heart sank impossibly further when he realised he had made a dire mistake. 
Idiot. He had forgotten to ask you for your number. 
It had been two weeks since Shinichiro had met you. Two weeks, since he had last seen you. 
He had tried not to think about it too much. He knew it was silly of him to get so bothered by it. You were just a stranger really, you had barely shared more than a few minutes together... but there was just something about you that he couldn’t forget. Everyday, when he had a spare moment, he would flashback to his conversation with you and regret every decision he had ever made. He had kicked himself enough over the past few days for not getting your number or not insisting to buy you another drink. 
When he walked into the bar again on another Friday night, he wasn’t expecting to see you there at the counter. And yet there you were, in another short dress, the hem riding up your thighs, perched up on your stool. His brain short circuited slightly as he looked you up and down, his breath catching in his throat. As if in a trance, he began moving toward you like a moth would to a flame, weaving his way past tables until the bar came into full view.
All of a sudden he was stuttering to a stop in his tracks. Blood roared in his ears and his vision tunnelled as he took in the reality of the situation in front of him. You were here, yes, but not alone this time, instead clearly talking with a man next to you. Shinichiro watched with dread in his heart as you tipped your head back at something your companion said, your shoulders shaking with laughter as the man smiled smugly, his eyes raking over your body. Jealousy coursed through his veins at the sight. What could possibly be so funny? 
Shinichiro approached the bar slowly. His legs felt heavy with lead as the distance between the two of you lessened little by little. Part of him wanted to leave immediately, but another just wanted to see if you would acknowledge him if he stood within your reach. Would you even remember him? 
When he finally finished crossing the floor, he leaned against the counter behind you with his eyes fixed in front of him. He didn’t dare to spare you a glance.
Your body was stiff with irritation as you sat there on your stool. Your face ached from holding the smile on your face as laughter came out of you in forced bursts. To your right, your date sat facing you with a broad smile, completely oblivious to the discomfort you felt. You were decidedly not having a good time.
Despite your recent disappointment, you had tried to bounce back and had come out tonight on yet another date with yet another guy. Alas, it was to no avail. Although it had only been half an hour, you already knew it was going nowhere - there was no chemistry, his photos were definitely outdated and honestly the way he was looking at you gave you the creeps. Great, another dud. All throughout the date, your thoughts had kept drifting back to the last time you had been here and Shinichiro’s face flashed in your mind. If only your date had been someone like him. 
As you shifted in your seat to reach for your drink, you became aware of a person standing to your side. You turned to look over your shoulder and gasped as surprise overcame you when you saw who it was. The man was busy looking down at something on his phone and hadn't seemed to have noticed you next to him but you recognised the handsome face instantly. Speak of the devil, you thought to yourself. Without a second to waste, you pounced on the opportunity to ditch your date.
For Shinichiro, the sound of his name coming from your voice was completely unexpected. He jolted in shock as he turned toward you with wide eyes. You were grinning broadly at him, your eyes sparkling in delight and warmth filled his body as a natural response. He was an honest man. He couldn't deny that the sight of your face did numbers on his heart.  
“Oh, hey!” He said, trying to recover, a smile playing on his lips. "Fancy seeing you here!" He glanced curiously over at the stranger next to you who in turn scowled back at him. 
“Shinichiro’s a good friend,” you said enthusiastically as you turned back to your date. “I haven’t seen him in a while. Is it okay if he joins us?” 
Your date frowned, his face twisting in distaste. If you had any feelings toward him you would have felt bad for the clear confusion you were causing him. “You want him to join our date?” 
“Yeah. We’re just hanging out anyway.”
He scoffed. “Hanging out? Are you serious? I didn’t come all this way and buy you a drink just to hang out.” 
Despite it probably being warranted, his attitude was not appreciated. You glared at the man, your eyes cold enough to turn him to ice. “Well, I want to talk to him. If you don’t like it you can leave.” 
“Is this for real?” The man looked at Shinichiro who shrugged, unable to contain the cheshire cat grin that stretched his lips. 
Your date huffed, grumbling to himself as his eyes flicked back and forth between you and Shinichiro. His cheeks reddened with frustration and his lips quivered in anger as he stood in a hurry and gathered his things. “You know what? Fuck this,” he snapped. “I’m gonna go. What a waste of time” 
You lifted your hand in a wave, smiling sweetly, his reaction not bothering you in the slightest. “Bye!” You called after him as he stomped away. 
Shinichiro waited for the man to leave, before taking his place next to you. Your eyes locked in a shared moment as you processed the turn of events and in an instant the two of you were bursting into laughter, your shoulders shaking as giggles tumbled out of you. 
“I was trying to find an excuse to get rid of him,” you sputtered, trying to contain your laughter. “Seems the universe sent you to me at just the right time.”
Shinichiro admired the way your face lit up in unabashed joy, the corners of your eyes crinkling as your mouth stretched wide in the prettiest smile he had ever seen. “The universe does work in interesting ways,” he snickered in response. For example, he thought to himself, the fact that he had been hoping to see you again and here you were in front of him, the second chance he had been praying for. 
You continued to smile up at him sweetly, looking up through your eyelashes as humour danced behind your eyes. Truthfully, you had been hoping to see him here too.
“So, are you going to buy me a drink, Shinichiro?” 
He raised an eyebrow, a smirk playing on his lips. “Are you going to let me?” 
You crossed your arms in front of you. He tried not to pay attention to the way it brought his focus to your chest. You nodded toward your empty glass, a clear message in your gaze, and he leaned over the counter, waving at the bartender to get his attention. He pointed to your glass. 
“Can I get another one of whatever she had … and a beer for me, please.” 
You hummed in thought, cocking your head to the side. “Just a beer today? I remember you had something a bit stronger last time.” 
He grinned, pleased to know you had been paying attention. 
“I want to make sure I’m sober enough to take you home tonight.” 
He held his breath as he watched your reaction. You blinked at him in surprise, although there was no reason you should have been. He was sure he had been clear enough in his intentions the last time you had met. A flush warmed your cheeks as you tried to keep your composure but a small smile tugged at the corner of your lips. Shinichiro grinned in satisfaction. Gotcha. 
Time passed quickly as the two of you conversed. The banter came easily, laughter flowing freely. You were funny, he realised, more than he thought … and beautiful, exactly his type. Multiple times throughout the night, he'd had to pause to remind himself to keep it together, lest he fall too hard too fast. You had only really just met and it was proving difficult to reign it in when you were hitting it off so smoothly like this. 
An hour later, you were still nursing the drink he had bought you, twisting it around in your hands as you smiled warmly at him. A small part of him hoped it was because you wanted to prolong the conversation for as long as possible. He would buy you another this time, if it meant you would stay to talk to him. The grip you had wrapped around his heart tightened as you gazed up at him through your eyelashes, your eyes twinkling in the low light.
“So when are you going to take me home, Shinichiro?” 
Your sweet voice tugged at his chest, your words catching him off guard. Your hand fell down to rest on his forearm and squeezed tight. Your playful look told him a clear message, and he received it wholeheartedly, instantly becoming putty in your hands.
“How about now?” He offered, holding out his hand. 
You giggled in response as you took it, clutching it tight. 
The ride to your place went by in a blur. His head was a mess as his bike rumbled beneath him, the engine roaring as he zipped down the road with you sitting behind him. All of his thoughts were consumed by the feeling of you pressed up against his back, your arms wound around his waist, gripping tight on his shirt as your bare thighs enveloped him. All of his energy was focused on staring straight ahead, ignoring the blood pumping in his veins to gather down between his legs.
It was a relief when he finally pulled onto your street. You helpfully tapped his shoulder and extended an arm to point in front of him at your house and he swiftly parked his bike before helping you off with an outstretched hand. He carefully lifted the helmet that he normally used for himself gently off your head. 
“How was that for your first ride?” He asked, shaking out his shoulders and breathing in the night air.
“Good!” You nodded enthusiastically and he chuckled, smoothing down the top of your hair. 
A wide grin stretched on your face as you blinked at him. Your cheeks flushed with excitement and your eyes sparkled with newfound energy. He couldn’t help but admire the way it lit up your face in a pretty glow and his hand fell down your hair to twist the ends around his finger. The night was quiet but electricity sparked between the two of you as you stood there in front of your door. 
“Do you wanna come in?” You asked the question he had been waiting for, your hands coming up to grip the front of his shirt. 
“I- I shouldn’t. We only just met.” 
“So? Isn't this why you chatted me up? Why you bought me a drink? Why you took me home?” 
“You’re drunk, more than me. I don’t want to take advantage of you.” 
“Oh, you’re so honourable,” you said with a voice all saccharine. “It’s okay, I’m more sober than you think. I’m offering now, Shinichiro. Take it or leave it.” 
His eyes locked onto yours and he nodded. Okay, was all he said before you were pulling him into your house and closing the door behind you.
In a quick motion, he had you pushed up against the door, pressing you back against it. His hands cupped your cheeks as your mouths met in a passionate kiss. Your lips were soft against his and time stopped as you moved together in a messy dance of give and take. Everything in his body honed in on the feeling of you, your mouth, your skin, and he deepened the kiss, desperate for more. Blood roared in his ears and his heart raced wildly, his body moving completely by instinct. A low moan slipped out of you when his tongue slid over yours and the sound landed straight between his legs where his dick was growing harder by the second.
“Where’s your bedroom?”
His voice was low and rough with arousal. You swallowed thickly, eyes half lidded as you blinked up at him. As if in a daze, you grabbed his hand and pulled him along as you hurried toward your open bedroom door. 
Once there, he pushed you down on your bed so you were lying on your back and climbed over you, caging you between his forearms. He towered over you as he bared his weight into them on either side of your head and his legs trapped you underneath him so you had nowhere to go. Silky dark hair fell down over his eyes as he dipped his head to capture your mouth again in an eager kiss, his soft lips moving fervently against your own.
Your legs wrapped around his hips and you squeezed tight, lifting your hips as you brought his bulging crotch close toward you. The stiff fabric of his jeans brushed against your aching body, your thin underwear already damp with your arousal, and you mewled, eyes rolling into the back of your head at the sparks of pleasure it gave you. He groaned into your mouth in return, his hips jerking into you, craving more friction. 
His mouth travelled down your body, sucking the soft skin behind your ear, noting the way your body responded to his touch. Your back arched when he trailed down your neck, lapping at your skin and there was a sharp intake of breath as he nipped lightly with his teeth. The fact that you were still wearing clothes grated on his nerves and he tugged at the hem of your dress in annoyance.
“Off,” he grunted out through gritted teeth. 
Your pupils dilated and your chest heaved as you did what he said. With shaking fingers, you reached behind you to unzip your dress and pulled it hastily down past your shoulders. You hadn’t bothered to wear a bra tonight and your upper body was now exposed to him in all its glory. 
His breath caught in his throat as he stared down at you, watching the way your chest rose and fell with your breathing. A hand came down to cup a breast and he revelled in the way you moaned his name as he rolled a hard nipple with his fingers. Not one to waste any time, he swooped down to latch onto the other with his mouth, licking at the stiff bud with his tongue and sucking into your soft skin. 
You moaned above him, keening as you lifted your hips up flush against his. Your hands gripped his shoulders, fingertips lightly clawing into his skin.
“Shin, please,” you breathed out. “I want you to touch me.” 
His eyes snapped up to your face, dark with lust. He released your tits as he rose back up to capture your mouth in another kiss. His hips rolled into yours, deliberate this time, and you arched into him, desperate and needy. 
“You want me to touch you, pretty girl?” His hips rocked again, grinding against your aching pussy. “I’m touching you already, aren’t I?”
You mewled under him, bucking into him to chase the sensation. Desire coursed through your veins as you blinked up at him through your haze. You were beginning to lose your grip on reality; everything in your body screamed at you with the need for more.
His eyes widened when he saw your hand slide down your legs in an attempt to try and relieve the throbbing between your thighs. In a swift motion, he was stilling your hand, gripping your wrist tight. 
“What do you think you’re doing?” He hissed.
“Please, Shin. I need more. I want to feel you inside me.”
His eyes narrowed, irises impossibly dark. He pushed back onto his knees, towering over you as he pulled your dress down your legs. Your arousal was on full display now, your damp underwear a clear show of your desire. A low chuckle rumbled from his throat and his fingers grazed the wet spot as he slid his hand over your crotch. 
You moaned helplessly and lifted your hips up as he removed your underwear. Despite it all, a small cloud of self consciousness hung over you as you lay there vulnerable and bare in front of him. It was easy to ignore though, when you saw the way his eyes flashed with desire as he looked down at you. His mouth hung open as he zoned in on your pussy, dripping wet and ready for him and he licked his lips as if getting ready to eat the best meal of his life.
“If you wanted me this badly, you should have said so. I would be happy to help.”
His fingers slid against your folds, gathering the wetness as he began putting light pressure on your sensitive clit. You jerked underneath him, your thighs subconsciously moving to close together but he trapped them open, pushing them apart with his arms. Heat began to build in your core, blooming to extend throughout your limbs. 
“You look so pretty like this, baby.” His fingers dipped down to your wet opening, catching at the entrance before sliding back up. “I bet you taste good. I need to know. Can I?”  
You were so light headed, dizzy with arousal that all you could do was nod. It was all he needed before he was leaning down, sliding back on the bed until his face was hovering between your legs. His hot breath fanned over your cunt and it clenched around nothing, already so sensitive in anticipation. He licked a stripe up your slit, lapping up your wetness before directing his attention to your clit. His lips wrapped around the sensitive bud, sucking as his tongue skimmed over the bundle of nerves and his fingers came back to play with your folds. By the time he finally slid one inside you, you were paralysed with pleasure, your eyelids fluttering shut as you whimpered his name. 
He sucked in a breath at the feeling of your warmth around him as you released a moan. He slowly began pumping his finger as he continued sucking at your clit, curling inside you to massage at the spongy walls. You squeezed around him in an effort to amplify the sensation and it sent blood rushing to the growing member between his legs. A wet spot was forming in his own underwear and he couldn’t help himself from grinding down into the mattress. 
Electricity raced through your nerves as he added another finger and your thighs began to tremble as you neared your orgasm. You gripped your bed sheets tight as he expertly stroked you in a perfect rhythm while his tongue flicked at your clit.
"I'm gonna cum!" You gasped as you teetered at the edge and he moaned into your pussy in response, so far gone just from giving you what you needed. His heavy lidded eyes flicked up to meet yours and the heady look on his flushed face was the final thing you saw before you were careening off the edge, the waves hitting you all at once.
You cried out as you came around him, jerking and thrashing underneath his weight.
“That’s it,” he praised as you pulsed around his fingers. “That’s it, pretty girl.”
He stroked your thigh up and down as you shook underneath him, mesmerised by the sight of your pussy clenching. His dick strained hard against his pants and he moved back up to kneel on the bed, unzipping his pants quickly and pulling down his underwear for some relief. His cock sprang out, thick and heavy in his hand and he tugged at it, the angry tip leaking with precum. With the small remaining self preservation he had, he reached into his pocket before removing his pants to find the spare condom in his wallet for situations like these. 
Even through your haze, your eyes widened at the sight. Your mouth salivated and heat began building in your core again as you watched, entranced by the way his hand slid over the tip, rolling the condom down over his length. You bit your lip as your pussy clenched in desire - you needed to feel every inch of him inside you.
He groaned as his heavy lidded eyes met yours. “You still want me inside you? You ready for this cock?”
You nodded fervently. “Please, Shin, I want it so bad.” 
“Come, ride me then.” 
He sat down on the bed, leaning back to rest against the pillows. You eagerly moved to straddle him, hovering over his hips and reached down to wrap your hand around his dick, grinning when you felt him in your grasp. Without a second to waste, you lined him up and slowly sank down, feeling him fill you up inch by inch. 
“Oh fuck, you feel so good,” Shinichiro hissed when you finally sat down flush against his hips. Your walls squeezed so tight around him and it took him all of the self control he had not to flip you over and fuck into you himself. 
His eyes rolled back in delight when you started moving, lifting your weight and sliding up and down his length. You leaned back with your hands finding purchase on his thighs and it made your back arch, your tits bouncing as you impaled yourself on his cock, finding the right angle where it hit you just where you needed it. He watched you move in awe, hands came up to pinch your nipples as you threw your head back, whining in pleasure. 
“Fuck! Keep going, you feel so good. I've been wanting to do this for weeks. It's all I've been thinking about,” He moaned, unable to control himself. It was all he could do to just lie there and let you use him however you wanted. He squeezed his eyes shut, focusing only on the sensation of your heat sucking him in as he fell deeper and deeper into the feeling of you. His head was so dizzy with lust - all he could think about was you, you, you. 
You continued to bounce in his lap, relishing in the stretch of his cock. His tip slid through your walls, hitting every nerve, and it sent electricity radiating throughout your body, almost too much to bear. The sound of your skin slapping together and the bed rocking filled the room as you deliriously rolled your hips in an effort to chase your high. 
Sensing that you were nearing your limit, he reached down with a hand to rub at your clit and your thighs trembled as you clenched even tighter around him, each stroke of him inside you bringing you closer and closer towards another orgasm. It only took you a few more seconds before you cried out, waves of pleasure coursing throughout your body. 
Your movements stuttered as you pulsed around him, clenching to build a pressure so tight in his balls he felt like could burst. Wanting to chase his own release, he planted his feet and thrusted up into you, his arms wrapping around you as you fell limp against his chest. His grunts filled the room as his hips snapped up to meet yours, fucking into you relentlessly. You whimpered, continuing to shudder from satisfaction and overstimulation as he slammed into you harder and faster.  
“Shit, I’m gonna cum, I’m gonna cum!” Shinichiro cried out, his brows furrowed, his teeth gritted together as he gave one final thrust, his hips driving in all the way. Curses fell from his lips as he spilled into the condom, cock twitching inside you while you milked him for every drop. Darkness fell over his vision as his eyes rolled into the back of his head and he came so hard that he swore he blacked out.
A blanket of quiet settled over the room, the only sounds being your panting as the two of you lay there catching your breath. You slumped on top of his chest, sweaty skin sticking to his, and his heart beat wildly under your ear, matching the rhythm of your own. He gently smoothed down your hair, pulling it away from your face to tuck it behind your ear and you blinked at him with your lips lifted in a satisfied smile. He slowly lifted your hips with his hands and your eyes fluttered at the slide of his softening dick inside you and the emptiness left behind when he pulled out. He rolled off the condom, tying it before tossing it into your rubbish bin. 
Flushed and spent, you settled into his side, testing the waters as you wriggled in closer towards him. His arm tightened around your shoulders and he pulled you in, closing the space between your bodies, letting you wrap your limbs around him. Heat radiated between you as you leaned your head against his chest again and listened to the slowly steadying of his heart.  
“So, how was your first ride with me?” You teased with flushed cheeks and a dazed look. 
Shinichiro chuckled softly and brushed away the hair on your forehead. His friends had always made fun of him for being so weak with women, always falling hard and fast, regardless of the possibility of rejection. They were right sometimes, he did have a tendency of jumping right into the deep end. But this time, he would be damned if he let you slip out of his grasp. No... now that he'd had his first taste, there was no way in hell he was going to let you go. 
“If this is how good it was the first time, it better not be the last,” he replied simply, placing a soft kiss on your forehead.
You let out a satisfied hum in response. A small smile crept onto your face as you lightly trickled a finger down his chest. You hoped it wouldn’t be the last as well. 
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cuddling with a one night stand? that's crazy! but i know shin would. he's the type to move in after the second hookup. i said what i said!!
interactions/reblogs are always appreciated!
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togrowoldinv · 1 year
Spring Break
College!Natasha Romanoff x Female Reader
When Yelena invites you on a trip, your relationship with Natasha becomes harder to hide from her
Warnings: Smut! 18+ please! Lots of teasing, cursing, oral, also some soft moments
Note: I’m back with more college Nat! Check out Sweetheart for some backstory here. Follow my library blog for fic updates! Enjoy!
Natasha Romanoff Masterlist 1, Natasha Romanoff Masterlist 2, Main Masterlist
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“Natasha,” you say breathlessly as the woman pulls at your hips to bring your center closer to her face. She hums against you as you continue to get close.
But then you’re interrupted.
“I’m home!” Yelena’s voice rings out from the living room.
"Fuck, she wasn’t supposed to be home yet,” you say while frantically trying to get off Natasha.
“No, not so fast,” Natasha says. She pulls your hips back down. “Just stay quiet. You’re going to come for me, sweetheart.”
“Nat, she could come in and-“ you’re cut off by Natasha’s tongue on you again. She works quickly and you bite your lip as you come for her.
“Good girl,” Natasha says quietly as she lets go of your waist.
You hear footsteps approaching your room and Natasha sits up to kiss you before she grabs her clothes and sneaks into your closet. You slip your clothes on quickly.
She shuts the door right as her sister enters your room.
“Hey y/n,” Yelena greets you. She walks right in and sits at your desk.
“Hey, what’s up?” You try act casual.
“So, I’m booking a trip for spring break,” she begins. “And I want you to come with us.”
“Us meaning you and Kate?” You ask even though you know the answer. She nods. “I don’t know Yelena. Third wheeling isn’t so fun.”
“So you’re going to just sit here all week? Come on, please! It’ll be so fun,” Yelena begs you. She gives you her best puppy dog eyes and pout.
“Fine,” you agree. “How much do I owe you?”
“Nothing at all. Kate’s mom is rich, so it’s basically free except for food and drinks.”
You give her a stunned look and she only shrugs.
“We leave Friday!” She says as she walks out of your room.
You shut the door and Natasha comes out of your closet.
“So I guess you heard I’ll be gone next week,” you say with a sigh.
“Why aren’t you excited?” She asks, sitting on your bed next to you.
“I just kind of hate third wheeling with them. And she doesn’t know about us so it’s like I can’t really say no,” you explain.
“I see,” Natasha says. She wraps an arm around your shoulder and you lean into her. You’ve found that you love the soft moments with her just as much as the sex with her.
“I’ll miss you,” you say. And it’s true. You’ve gotten used to sneaking around and seeing Nat almost everyday since that party where you hooked up.
“I’ll miss you too, baby. It’ll be okay,” she assures you. “I’ve got class in the morning, so I should probably get going. Is that alright?”
“Of course, yeah. I’ll talk to you later?”
Natasha kisses you once more before you check to make sure the coast is clear and then she leaves your room and apartment.
The days leading up to the trip go by quickly and before you know it you’re packed and in the car to the airport.
“We are just making one more stop and then to the airport,” Kate tells the driver.
You have no idea what that stop could be, but when you arrive at a familiar apartment your heart beats faster.
Your gut feeling is confirmed when the redhead slips into the seat next to you.
“Hey,” Natasha says simply, a smirk that only you understand is on her face.
Yelena moves out of her seat and hugs her sister. “I’m so glad you could come!”
“Me too,” Nat says. “It’ll be nice to catch up and relax.”
The ride to the airport feels long and intense with the way Natasha’s thigh brushes against yours. When you get into the plane, you can’t all four sit together so you split up into twos. Obviously, you and Natasha end up together.
“How are you here?” You ask her. The loudness of the plane and being a few rows away from Yelena and Kate allows for you to talk like this.
“Yelena asked me,” Nat says.
“Why? Do you think she knows?”
“I don’t, no. I think she just wanted me to go. I don’t know.”
You accept that answer is the best you’re going to get.
“Don’t worry, sweetheart. It’ll be fun,” Natasha says, slipping her hand into yours. “Think about the fact that I packed my best red bikini.”
Your eyes go wide and Nat chuckles. She likes how easily she can get you flustered.
She holds your hand for the entirety of the flight.
By the time you get to the resort, everyone turns in for an early night. Kate and Yelena go to one room while you and Nat take the other.
“See I told you this would be fun,” Nat says as she slips into bed next to you.
“I guess. But I’m still worried she’s going to find out.”
“Let me ease some of those worries,” she says. Her hand brushes your over the skin of your arm.
“Nat, we can’t do that here,” you say.
“We just- we need to keep it chill this week.”
“Alright,” she agrees. “Chill.”
Something about the tone of her voice and the way she kisses your cheek before she turns over to go to sleep tells you that she won’t be making this week easy.
On the beach the next day, your worries are confirmed as Nat strolls past you in a red bikini. Thank goodness you have sunglasses on or Yelena and Kate would see your eyes unashamedly all over Natasha’s body.
“Did everyone put on sunscreen?” Her voice breaks you from your stare.
“Yes mom,” Yelena answers her sister, rolling her eyes in the process. She goes back to her conversation with Kate.
“Y/n?” Nat asks.
“Um, no I didn’t. But I’ll be fine,” you say.
“You’ll get burnt, sweetheart. Let me put some on you,” she says with a smirk on her face.
She doesn’t give you a chance to argue before she’s in front of you with a bottle in her hands.
“We’re going to the water,” Kate announces before her and Yelena walk off hand in hand.
Natasha gestures for you to stand up. You do so and she slips into your chair. She pats the space in between her legs.
“Come on, it’s just sunscreen,” she teases you. You sit on the chair between her legs, trying to ignore the way her her hands are immediately on your hips.
She puts the lotion in her hands and begins applying it to your back. Nat takes her time as she does so. Her hands drift down further and over to your thighs. Deft fingers run over your inner thighs.
“Natasha,” you practically moan.
“You like that, baby?” She asks. Her mouth is next to your ear. You nod and she pulls her hands away. You let out a small whimper. “Don’t do that, sweetheart. You said we were keeping it chill this week.”
Her lips ghost over the back of your neck as she taps your hips for you to stand up. She puts the bottle away and walks towards the waves, leaving you there speechless.
And that’s what she does for the entirety of the next few days. Never missing an opportunity to tease you, she keeps you flustered.
On the final full day, you’re laying out in the sun when Natasha comes up to you. She’s been in the water and her skin glistens with water droplets. She takes her hair down and shakes it out. The water hits your body.
“Oh, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to get you wet,” Natasha says. Her words and the look on her face is enough to make you wet, and not from the ocean water.
You stand up and excuse yourself back to the resort. Trying to cool down, you get a water from the fridge. When you close the door, Natasha is standing on the other side of it.
“Fuck! You scared me,” you say.
“Sorry,” she chuckles. She hops on the counter. “You’re not playing it very chill by the way.”
“Me? Says the one who is teasing me!”
Natasha laughs and reaches her hands out for you. You look towards the door and back to Nat. You really do miss being in her arms.
Taking her hands, you step between her legs.
“What’s the harm in not keeping it chill just once?” Nat asks. “Besides I did actually make you wet, didn’t I?”
“Yes what?” She asks, her fingers hover over the waistband of your bathing suit.
“Yes daddy.”
“There we go, baby.”
Natasha slips her fingers into your suit bottoms and runs them over your slick folds. She smirks at how wet you really are. Slipping then down your legs, she gets off the counter and is on her knees in front of you.
“Oh fuck,” you say as her mouth gets work quickly. You reach for the counter in front of you so you don’t lose your footing. She makes you weak in the knees.
“Be good for me, baby,” she says with a sternness to her voice. Her hands grip the back of your thighs tightly.
You’re so into it that you don’t notice the door opening. But you do hear it close. So does Natasha. She stops eating you out and stands up abruptly.
“Was it Yelena?” She asks.
“I don’t know,” you say. “Oh god, I don’t know.”
You start to pace the kitchen in a panic. Nat hands you your suit bottoms before she goes to the door to see if she can tell who it was. She has no luck.
“Okay relax, baby. If it was Yelena, she would’ve said something. Maybe it was housekeeping or something?” Natasha tries to ease your worries.
“Or it was Kate who will immediately tell Yelena,” you say.
“Let’s just not worry about it, okay? We’ll get cleaned up and get ready for dinner.”
“Hey, I’ve got you,” she says, taking your face in her hands. She kisses your forehead gently.
It’s not long before Yelena and Kate are back and getting ready for dinner as well. The four of you walk to the restaurant and everything appears to be going smoothly.
Until during dinner when Yelena turns to Kate and asks, “Are you okay? You’ve been quiet all night.”
“Oh yeah, I’m good. It’s just- never mind,” Kate replies. Her eyes bounce between you and Nat. Your pace quickens.
“What is it, babe?” Yelena pushes.
“I saw something,” Kate blurts out. Yelena raises a brow, prompting her to continue. “It was Natasha and y/n they were-“
“We’re dating,” Natasha interrupts Kate. “We have been dating for about a month.”
“Oh,” is Yelena’s only response.
You jump in. “We were going to tell you.”
“Excuse me,” Yelena leaves the table.
Your eyes tear up as you worry about how she reacted and if she will still be your best friend.
“It’s okay, sweetheart,” Nat says. “Stay with Kate. I’m going to go talk to her.” She rubs her hand on your back before she leaves the table.
“I’m sorry,” Kate says. “I just felt like I had to tell her.”
“It’s alright,” you say.
Meanwhile, Natasha finds Yelena back up in the room.
“Why?” Yelena speaks first. “Why my best friend?”
“Because she’s everything to me,” Natasha replies. “When I’m with her, I just feel at home.”
Yelena sees the truth in Natasha’s eyes. She’s never seen her like this before.
“You’re not just hooking up with her?”
“No,” Nat says. “It started the first time that way, but really it was more than that by the time we finished. Yelena, I promise, I’m not going to hurt her.”
Yelena crosses the room and takes her sister into her arms. For so long, they’ve only had each other. And now they both have you.
“Can we go back to dinner?” Natasha asks, holding her little sister tight.
“Yeah,” Yelena says. “Just promise me that nothing with us will change because of this.”
“I promise, sestra,” Natasha says.
The two walk back to the restaurant and Yelena walks ahead to get to you first. She hugs you from behind.
“Don’t hurt my sister,” she says.
“I won’t, I promise.”
“I know,” she says. “Also, don’t tell me anything about your sex life. Got it?”
You laugh at that. “Got it, Yel. I love you.”
“Love you too,” Yelena says. She goes back to her side of the table and Nat sits next to you again.
“We’re okay?” You ask her.
“We’re okay, sweetheart.”
Natasha reaches for your hand underneath the table. With the feeling of her hand in yours, love radiates between the two of you.
And everything feels right.
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augustvandyne · 3 months
Lucy Chen x reader
Station doesn’t know about firefighter reader then on day they go to drop Lucy’s lunch off and they find out
lunch date
“Hi my love,” You surprise Lucy at her desk by dropping a bag of food in front of her.
“Y/n,” Lucy smiles up at you. “What are you doing here?”
“I wanted to bring you lunch,” You shrug, leaning down to give her a kiss. “And I can’t lie, you in your uniform..”
Lucy’s cheeks flush and she looks down for a second to compose herself. You weren’t sure if it was from the comment, the kiss, or both. But either way it was cute.
“Right back at you,” Lucy looks you up and down.
“Do you want to go somewhere else to eat? I only have an hour,” You stand with a hand on your hip, patiently waiting for your girlfriend to stand.
“Yes,” She nods and pushes her hands off her desk to stand. “Let’s go to the break room.”
You pick the bag of food up and she puts her hand on the small of your back to lead you to a break room where you won’t be bothered as much.
John watches this interaction and is struck with confusion. He shuts the file he is holding and sits it back on Angela’s desk.
“Did she— what just— huh?” John shakes his head, still trying to wrap his mind around the fact that Lucy is in a relationship - with a woman.
“Yep,” Angela nods. “She did.”
“Oh, she’s good,” Nyla shakes her head. “She kept something like that from everyone, much less two of the best detectives. She’s good.”
“How did she hide this?” Tim stands with his hand on his belt. “I know I don’t talk about my personal life, but she sure does. She had to have said something about this at one point.”
John asks, his face still shocked. “She always spills when she is holding a secret for someone.. so how did she hide this?”
“I have absolutely no idea,” Angela says. “But this is why she makes a great UC.”
All four of them continue to stare at the hallway they disappeared down only moments ago.
“You know everyone’s probably gossiping about us now, right?” Lucy looked around the room nervously.
“Oh well,” You shrugged casually. “That just means we’ll be out. And you can make your appearance at the fire station.”
Lucy smiles softly, catching your lips in a small kiss.
“And that double date you and Bailey are always talking about,” Lucy bites her bottom lip. “We can finally have it.”
“Bailey knows?!” John shrieks from the doorway. Angela, Tim, and Nyla are standing idly behind him.
You chuckle, locking eyes with John after Lucy moves to stand beside you.
“John Nolan,��� You step forward, handing your hand out. “I’m sure we’ve met before.”
John shakes your hand in disbelief, “I think we have. I recognize you. Y/n.. right? Bailey talks about you all the time.”
“Yeah, Bails is a real good friend of mine.”
“Chen, are you gonna introduce the rest of us to your secret?” Tim raises his brows half-serious, half-jokingly.
Lucy smirks, “Tim, Angela, Nyla, this is my girlfriend, Y/n. She’s a firefighter.”
You wave, “I know who all of you are.”
“We should.. leave them now,” Angela says. “This was their idea by the way.”
Lucy laughs as they leave and sits beside you around the circle table.
“A fun bunch,” You note.
“Oh yes,” Lucy agrees sarcastically.
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suniix · 11 months
Hiii!!! Request for Yuta, where reader knows Yuta has a crush on them, and gives them time to confess but ends up getting fed up with how shy he is, and just blurts out how much they like him, in the most random setting. luv ur writing btw (:
surprise confession | yuta x reader
word count | 1k+
note | IM GLAD YOU LIKE MY WRITING!! also sorry this took so long anon!! i got stuck on what random scenario to use, originally i was going to have the reader confess on a roller coaster but somehow it changed. if anyone wants me to write a roller coaster version lmk 👍 (also sorry if he’s a ooc im having a huge writers block moment 😣)
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You thought yourself to be a patient person, truly, but Yuta’s hesitance was beginning to drive you insane.
At first his shy behavior was cute. The shared glances, the way his cheeks would turn a cute shade of red whenever you complimented him, the way he’d stumble over his words when trying to compliment you back; you couldn’t get enough of it. Any day now he would pull you aside and pour his heart out to you.
But quickly a day turned into a couple of days, which turned into weeks, which then turned into months.
And quickly your patience ran out.
You began to think your feelings were once sided. Maybe you had just imagined everything. Maybe you had projected your own feelings onto him which caused you to misinterpret every gesture, word, and action. Had you simply over analyzed every encounter, searching for any hidden meanings behind his every action?
Doubt began to cloud your mind. You began to withdraw yourself from him, hoping that your limited actions would help your feelings disappear.
It wasn’t until while roaming the halls late at night you heard Yuta having a secret conversation with Panda that you confirmed it.
“Just tell them already!” Panda’s hushed voice was immediately silenced by another.
“I can’t!” That had to be Yuta.
“What do you mean you can’t? You like them, just ask them out!”
The two bickering voices began to grow distant when they started walking away from you. You stood leaning against the wall, a giant smile making its way onto your face.
With your heart nearly jumping out of your chest you happily walked back to your room.
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Despite the conversation you heard between the two, nothing changed.
In fact, it seemed as though Yuta’s shyness increased, making it harder for you to even talk to him at all. You’ve thought about making the first move and asking him out first, but every time you try and bring up casually hanging out together, alone, he stutters out an excuse to talk to you later and nearly runs out the room.
At this point, you’re not even sure what to think. Instead of trying to come up with possible ideas as to why Yuta wouldn’t say anything, you've come to accept the fact he likely isn’t looking to be in a relationship. Which, given the whole Rika situation, makes sense. So instead, in an attempt to try and move on again, you went back to avoiding him.
“(Y/n), Yuta!” Maki called out, catching both you and Yuta’s attention. She began walking towards the both of you and gestured to the field behind her. “Both of you, on the field now. It's your turn to spar.”
But it seemed the universe had different plans for the both of you.
Before you even had a chance to protest, Maki and Panda walked past the two of you. “When I get back we’ll switch, until then keep sparring.” Maki stated, seemingly knowing you didn’t agree with the pairing.
You watched as they walked away, feeling Yuta’s eyes on you. Without saying a word, you stand up and grab your weapon and begin walking over to the field. As much as you didn’t want to be paired up with him, there's no use in arguing about it. You wanted to avoid any unnecessary drama that would come from asking to spar with someone else.
Once the two of you stood across each other you initiated the first move, charging at him with a force you normally wouldn’t use.
Yuta definitely noticed, stumbling a couple of times trying to keep up with your pace. “Hey, did I do something wrong?” Yuta asked, grunting as he tried to hold back the force of your wooden spear with his own.
“No, what makes you say that?” You respond, backing away to prepare another attack.
“It’s just that you’ve been avoiding me—” Yuta stumbles back when you suddenly attack, struggling to keep up with your pace. “What did I do to make you so upset?!”
Hearing those words made something snap in you. “That’s just it! You’ve done nothing!!” You yelled.
Yuta stumbled back, landing on his back while looking at you with wide eyes at your sudden outburst.
“I’ve waited and waited for you to say anything. I heard you and Panda talking in the hallway the other night, I know you like me, but it sucks just waiting around for something to happen! I’m upset because I like you too! A lot actually!!”
Yuta’s jaw slightly drops, watching as your eyes begin to water.
You quickly turn away from him and wipe your eyes. You didn’t expect to let it all out at that moment, but just hearing what he said combined with that confused look on his face made you angry. You felt as if you were the only one suffering in this situation.
The realization of what you said began to kick in and you felt your ears burn with embarrassment. Did you seriously just blurt out how much you liked him in the middle of sparring? You were definitely going to remember this moment years into the future when you’re trying to go to sleep.
Standing up, Yuta hesitantly approached you, afraid any subtle movement from him would make you run away. He clears his throat, catching your attention. You hesitantly look back at him, feeling even more embarrassed when you see Yuta’s worried expression.
“I’m sorry for not saying anything sooner, honestly, I had no idea how to approach you about it and I didn’t want to make you uncomfortable with how I felt..”
You shake your head. “No, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to take my anger out on you and put you on the spot like that. Just, ignore what I said—”
His sudden yell startled you. Seeing the look on your face Yuta retracts his hand, you kinda wish he didn’t move his hand away. “I don’t want to ignore what you said. Um, how about after we finish practicing we.. go out to eat? Would that be okay?” He hesitantly asked.
You took a moment to respond, taking in how his eyes shifted from you to the ground, his cheeks slowly becoming more red by the minute. Struggling to hold back a smile you nod.
“Yea, I’d like that.”
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thank you for reading till the end! :D
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stranger-nightmare · 2 years
Pairing: Mechanic!Eddie Munson x (female) Reader
Summary: you visit Eddie at work because you’re just too impatient for him to get home…
Warnings: smut, semi-public sexual acts, dom!Eddie, bit of degradation kink, dirty talk, oral (m receiving), masturbation (f), penetrative sex (m+f), minors DNI
A/N: more of my speciality which apparently is just ✨pure porn✨ lmao! mechanic Eddie lives in my head rent free so I just had to write a lil something on it, I hope you guys like this! <3
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This is for people 18+ only. Minors do not read on. By clicking ‘keep reading’ you are hereby agreeing that you are 18 or older.
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You try to keep your face composed as you speed-walk through the garage. You could feel the heat in your cheeks, you just hoped it wasn’t too noticeable.
You’d been flustered and needy all day. You didn’t know what it was about today but you were just unbelievably horny. You’d tried getting yourself off at home but it just wasn’t working; it just left you more frustrated than you’d been to begin with. You couldn’t believe you were about to go pester your boyfriend, whilst he was at work no less, just because you were so desperate to get off.
You keep your eyes trained ahead, trying to avoid eye contact with any of the other mechanics in the shop. You just knew your composure would falter if any of them looked directly at you. You make your way to the back left-hand side of the garage, the area where Eddie was always stationed. It doesn’t take you long to spy your boyfriend and you have to bite your lip to stop yourself from moaning at the sight of him.
He was busy working under a car that had been raised into the air so he could get to it’s underside. His arms were up in the air, his bare muscles on display as he worked to twist something into place on the belly of the car. You smiled lightly when you saw his tongue poking out as he worked, it was something he always did when he was concentrating. His overalls were undone, tied loosely around his waist. He was wearing only a tight white tank shirt on his torso. In the back pocket of his overalls you could see his signature bandana hanging loosely. The front of his hair was lightly matted with sweat. And on top of it all, he was spattered and smudged with bits of grease and grime all over. You couldn’t explain why but it just made him all more enticing. You feel yourself clenching your thighs together as you take all of him in.
Fuck, he was so hot.
You clear your throat lightly to get his attention. As soon as he spies you his face lights up with a kind of quizzical delight.
“Hey baby,” he greets you as he manoeuvres out from under the car.
“Hey,” you sigh breathily.
Eddie comes over and presses a quick, gentle peck to your cheek.
“What are you doing here?” He asks gently. “Is everything okay?”
“No- I mean yeah, I-“ you stammer awkwardly, feeling your cheeks heat once again. “It’s nothing really,” you try to shrug casually, your eyes keeping trained on the floor.
“It’s obviously not nothing if you came all the way down here” Eddie speaks softly. “Come on baby,” he coaxes, “what is it?”
He dips his head to catch your gaze and you swear you feel your stomach flutter when his outrageously gorgeous eyes land on yours.
“It’s nothing, it’s not that important, it’s kinda ridiculous actually,” you mumble hastily, yours words stumbling over each other.
He tilts his head, not saying anything, coaxing you to speak further.
“Well, I was just... uh... bored,” you shrug again, your eyes averting from Eddie’s intense stare. “Just thought I’d come see you,” you chew your lip awkwardly.
Eddie smirks before taking another step forward, closing the gap between you. He catches your chin in his fingers and tilts your head, forcing you to look up at him. You can see by the look in his eye that he’s already guessed exactly why were you here.
“Is ‘bored’ perhaps code for ‘horny', hmm?” He asks smugly, his eyes darkening as he looks down at you.
You chew your lip as embarrassment courses through you.
“Come now princess, don’t be so shy” he coos. “Speak up” he taunts.
He leans his face in closer to yours, his warm breath fanning over your face, his eyes holding yours unwaveringly.
“Did you really come all the way to my work just because you were horny?” His voice is dripping with smugness.
“Yes,” you finally whisper after a moment.
Eddie’s smirk grows even wider.
“And you just couldn’t wait until I got home, hmm? You must be fucking desperate,” he whispers the last word so huskily, his voice going straight to your aching core.
He chuckles darkly before he lets go of your chin, his hand moving to grab yours as he starts to drag you towards the back of the garage. You look around quickly, praying no one else noticed the two of you sneaking off to the back office. As soon as you’re through the door Eddie locks it behind you before moving to close the blinds by the window that looked out to the workshop floor. Eddie leans against the the desk, his blackened fingers gripping onto the edge of the table. He cocks his head as his gaze rakes up and down your body.
“Well then sweetheart, on your knees” he chuckles darkly.
“W-what?” You stammer, flustered
“You heard me,” he looks at you unwaveringly. “It’s the least you can do seeing as you’ve interrupted my working day just because you’re a needy little slut. So, on your knees, sweetheart,” he hisses.
You gulp and nod lightly, slowly sinking to your knees in front of him. You run your hands up his thighs, feeling the hard muscles underneath. You quickly undo the sleeves of his overalls that he had tied round his waist. You unzip the reminder of the overalls and push them down just far enough that you could access his cock. You feel your pussy clench pathetically and you can’t help the soft moan that escapes you when you see the growing tent in his boxers.
You quickly push his boxers down too, pulling free his semi-hard cock. You look up at Eddie as you spit in your hand before you start to stroke him gently, using your saliva as lube as you set a steady pace.
“Fuck,” Eddie sighs at the sight of you innocently looking up at him while you stroked his cock, coaxing him to grow fully hard.
Once he was fully hard you move to add your mouth to the mix, taking in just the head and sucking softly. Eddie grunts, his hand coming to cup the back of your head, guiding you further down his cock. He pushes you down until he hits the back of your throat, tears stinging your eyes.
“Fuck,” he sighs languidly. “That’s it baby, just like that,” he smiles lazily, his head falling back as he revels in the feeling of your mouth on him.
You put all your effort into pleasuring him, selfishly hoping that it would result in him returning the favour. That is why you’d come all the way here, after all.
But you just can’t help how needy you were. You could practically feel yourself dripping from how wet you were. Looking up at Eddie, the way he was panting lightly, soft groans falling from his lips, his face twisted in pleasure, his chest rising and falling, his stomach tensing and un-tensing, the pressure of his hand behind your head - it was all driving you absolutely insane. You moan around his cock as you finally decide fuck it.
You take your own hand and shove it between your legs. You silently thank yourself for deciding to wear a skirt today. You push your own panties to side and slip two fingers between your slit. You moan again when you feel just how wet your were, your fingers sliding through your folds with ease. Your body lurches, your hips rutting into your touch as you start to circle your clit fervently. The movement doesn’t go unnoticed by Eddie.
“Shit baby, are you touching yourself?” He groans.
You bat your eyelashes at him, rising your eyebrows in a pathetic attempt to look almost sad and sorry. You give a tiny pathetic nod as you continue to suck Eddie like your life depended on it, your fingers moving on your clit in sync with your bobbing motion.
“Fuck,” Eddie groans, his fist tightening where it gripped your nape. “I knew you were desperate but fucking hell, you can’t even wait a few minutes whilst you blow me?” He laughs darkly, amused by how pathetic the idea was.
Your cheeks warm with embarrassment again but you cant help it, you were just unbelievably horny at this point. You just couldn’t stop your fingers as they rubbed fervently at your clit, your hips bucking against your own hand. You moan again as you finally start to feel some of the pressure be relieved, pleasure starting to radiate through your body. This was different than when you’d tried to get yourself off at home. Just having Eddie in the vicinity made all the difference. But having him in front of you, grunting and groaning, face contorted with pleasure, all because you were blowing him? It just made it all the better.
Until Eddie suddenly stops you.
“Okay, that’s enough sweetheart” he sighs, tapping your head and signalling for you to stop.
You pull your mouth off him with a pop, looking up at him with wide eyes, your eyelashes batting at him innocently. He strokes your face with his thumb gently, tugging on your bottom lip. You can taste the light tang of the grease that tainted his fingers.
“Such a good girl” he hums. “But I wanna finish inside you. I’m gonna send you back home with that pretty pussy stuffed full of my cum” he promises darkly with a smirk. “After all, that’s why you came here, wasn’t it? To get a good and proper fucking.”
You moan at the prospect, pathetically clamping your thighs together again.
“Up you get princess” he commands.
You obey quickly, removing your hand from your panties and standing up on shaky legs. Eddie grabs the hand that was just previously between your legs and brings it to his mouth. He takes your two fingers into his mouth, sucking off the taste of you. He hums in satisfaction around your fingers. You feel your pussy clench desperately again, a whimper flying from your lips.
“Mmm you taste so fuckin' good baby,” he hums as he removes your fingers from his mouth.
He smirks darkly as he moves his hands to your waist, pulling you against him. He latches his lips onto yours, delving in for a deep and hungry kiss. He opens your mouth with his, sliding his tongue against yours. You can taste the salt of sweat on his skin, the tang of grease again, and beneath it all, the familiar taste of him. You moan into the kiss, your body going practically limp as he devours you.
It’s then, when he feels your body go slack, that he takes advantage of the opportunity. He grabs your body, holding you tight as he stands up off the desk and turns around. He spins around quickly, keeping you in place. Once he’s manoeuvred behind you he pushes against your back, placing you face down on the desk, your ass up in the air as he positions himself behind you.
You whimper as he pushes you roughly into the desk. But your whimper is quick to turn into a moan when you feel his cock poke between your thighs, brushing against where you’d been aching for him for hours now.
“Mmm, I love when you wear skirts sweetheart, just makes it all the easier to fuck you,” he hums as he slides his hands up the back of your bare thighs. “Of course, that’s exactly what you intended though, wasn’t it?” he chuckles wickedly.
He lifts your skirt up and flips it over, leaving your ass perfectly on display for him. You hear the hum of satisfaction as he takes in the view. He kneads your ass for a moment, pulling your cheeks apart and massaging them, just toying with you as you grew even more unreasonably wet. You whine and push your ass back against him, silently begging him to just get on with it.
“Eddie, please,” you choke out a whisper cry.
“Don’t worry baby, I’m gonna give you exactly what you came for,” he promises darkly.
And with that he’s quickly pulling your panties to the side, lining himself up with your dripping entrance, and pushing inside you.
“Oh shit, you’re fucking soaked,” he groans as he slides easily all the way in, his voice dripping with lust. “You really were desperate, huh?” He asks cockily as he starts to fuck into you harshly.
He wastes no time with being gentle, with letting you adjust. Not that you needed nor wanted that right now; letting him fuck you hard and fast was exactly what you wanted. His one hand stays on your ass whilst the other goes to the middle of your back, keeping you pushed down on top of the desk.
“Were you touching yourself at home before you came here?” He grunts between his brutal thrusts.
You nod pathetically, your lips forming a small pout.
“Your fingers just weren’t cutting it, huh?” You can practically feel the grin through his smug voice. “Needed to come all the way here just to get fucked by me hmm?”
You nod again.
“Yeah,” he laughs wickedly again. “Nothing feels as good as this cock, huh, baby? No one fucks you like I can, isn’t that right, sweetheart?” He growls.
You nod, afraid to speak, knowing your voice would be a wavering mess.
“Use your words,” he bites harshly. “Tell me no one fucks you like I do. That only I can make you feel this good” he grunts, squeezing your ass cheek roughly in one of his hands.
“Y-yes Eddie” you manage to get out. “Only you can fuck me this good, only you,” you mewl, your voice shaky with the force of him fucking you into the desk.
“That it baby,” he sighs, his voice strained, both with effort and pleasure.
You whimper pathetically again, your face twisting into the hard surface of the desk as pleasure flares through your body. You felt so happily full, Eddie’s cock hitting that sweet spot inside you with each thrust.
“This feel good, baby? This what you wanted?” Eddie teases, giving your ass a squeeze again.
“Yes. So good Eds” you whine.
You hear him chuckle in satisfaction as he speeds up his pace even further, slamming into you. Your hips bang painfully into the edge of the desk but honestly you didn’t care.
“Rub your clit for me baby” he commands between his grunts. “I’d do it for you, but we can’t have you getting any kind of infection from all this car grease on my fingers huh?” He laughs soflty.
It baffled you how lighthearted, but also insanely caring, this boy could be even whilst he was balls deep inside you, fucking you over a desk at his workplace.
But you’re quick to obey his order, slipping a hand between your legs, letting two of your fingers find your clit once again. You start up your circling motion, a sinful moan flying from your lips as even more pleasure flares through your body. Your moans start flying freely now, a cacophony of pleasure leaving your lips. You can practically feel tears spring in your eyes as you finally feel your climax building, the release you’d been seeking all damn day.
“Oh fuck Eddie, yes,” you cry. “I’m close,” your voice is barely more than a strangled whisper. “Don’t stop, please don’t stop,” you plead incoherently, your brain going fuzzy, emptying of all thoughts other than Eddie’s cock moving deep inside you and your fingers working furiously on your clit.
“I got you baby, I got you,” he reassures you quickly. “Come on babygirl, cum for me. Cum for me, you can do it,” he pants.
And within a few more rough snaps of his hips you finally feel the wave break, your climax washing over you.
“Oh, s-shit,” you mewl, your entire body convulsing.
Your fingers scrunch random papers on the desk beneath you, your fists balling tightly. Your mouth hangs open, your eyes screwed shut as pleasure takes over your entire body, from your curled toes to the goosebumps at the base of your neck. Your pussy clenches over Eddie repeatedly, squeezing him tightly. Because of this it’s not long ’til Eddie is following suit, his own climax crashing over him.
“Fuck yes,” he grunts through gritted teeth. “That’s it baby,” he groans as he spills inside you, his hips stilling, pushing deeply into you.
You slump against the desk, your legs weak and trembling, Your hand going limp where it was pinned under your body. Eddie fucks your slack body slowly for a short while, milking you both through your highs. He thrusts lazily into you a few more times, making sure his cum was fucked well and truly deep inside you. When he feels your body start to shiver beneath him he finally stops.
He rubs your back with his hand as he slowly pulls out of you, a small gasp leaving your lips at the feeling of being suddenly empty again. Eddie quickly pulls your panties back into place, giving your ass a light peck with his lips before pulling your skirt back into place. He gently helps lift you up off the desk, getting you upright and letting you lean against the desk for support. As he does so you can feel his cum move inside you, pooling into a sticky mess in your panties. It makes you squirm, your thighs clamping together again.
“You feeling a bit better now?” Eddie teases as he zips himself up and ties his overalls round his waist again.
Despite your completely fucked out state you manage to roll your eyes.
“Yes, thank you,” you reply sarcastically.
Eddie just chuckles in response.
It’s then that you catch a glimpse of yourself in the reflection of the window. Your face was smudged with grime from where Eddie had let his fingers stroke your skin. You look down at your body and gasp when you see similar smudges covering your torso, all over your shirt. Hell, there was probably marks on the back of your thighs and ass as well.
“Shit Eddie!!” You exclaim. “I can’t go back out there looking like this! I am covered in grime and your fucking fingerprints,” you huff, trying to wipe off the smudge marks that adorned both your skin and your clothes.
But Eddie just chuckles and smirks at you, clearly not phased in the slightest that everyone was gonna know exactly what you two had been up to in that back office. Eddie moves to stand in front of you, slotting himself between your legs. He wipes a grimy finger down your nose, giving it a little ‘boop ’ at the end, flashing you a quick wink as he does so.
“Well princess, that’s what you get for being so impatient.”
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A/N: asdfghjkl this was fun to write omg, mechanic Eddie really has a special kind of grip on my coochie honestly! um yeah I hope you enjoyed this as much as I did <33
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kvtie444 · 5 months
°•★ SOLO .1
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A/N: luv this sm and it's gonna be a slow burn! so excited for this!! couldn’t pick a song for the first chapter so i did this lolz cool name n that
Summary: reader moves to LA for work and becomes the sturniolos editor, but what happens when she falls for chris..
Warnings: swearing, mentions of sex and drinking
I've achieved a major milestone at the age of 19 – relocating from my hometown to Los Angeles. While my current residence is a modest yet comfortable apartment, I aspire to upgrade once my income starts flowing. Thanks to some connections my mum, I landed an opportunity to showcase my photography and cinematography skills. My mums friend Laura manages the Sturniolo triplets, a prominent group in the YouTube community.
“Y/n?”, the barista interrupts with my drink. Smiling, I grab my beverage and head outside, taking in a deep breath. A sense of responsibility to make a good impression washes over me as I stroll, catching glimpses of myself in passing windows. The anticipation and nervousness fuel my journey to Laura's home office.
Arriving at her house, I ring the doorbell. Laura opens the door with a warm smile, “Hi dear! You look just like your mum” she says. Pulling me into a hug. “Lovely to meet you” I smile back. We exchange greetings, and she guides me upstairs. Seated in her office, she briefs me on the tasks ahead – editing their weekly podcast, vlog, and car video, along with organizing a photoshoot for an upcoming merch drop.
Midway through our conversation, a knock at the door interrupts us. Laura's daughter, Madi, "Nick's outside, I'm leaving now," she informs Laura, who interjects, "Actually, Madi, would you mind taking y/n here with you? She can actually meet them." "Oh, I don't want to intrude," I say, but Madi reassures me, "No, it's fine! I mentioned you had this meeting earlier, and Nick saw your page. We were both obsessed with your work." I agree with a smile, bid farewell to Laura, and follow Madi for a casual chat on the move and work.
At the front door, we find a minivan, and I open the back door, greeted by Nick. "It's so nice to meet you! I'm Nick, sorry for picking you up so last minute," he apologizes with a smile. "It's fine, no worries," I respond with a laugh. The driver, Matt, turns around, and I smile and wave. "You alright?" he asks, focusing on pulling out of the parking spot. "Yeah," I reply with a smile. “Is Chris still home?” Madi inquires, and Nick nods. The car ride is accompanied by quiet music and small talk, centered around getting to know each other.
Upon reaching the Sturniolo's house, we let ourselves in and head up the stairs to their living room. I drop my bag onto the couch. Madi, Nick, and I sit around the couch, with me in the middle, as Matt heads to the fridge. "Y/n, want anything to drink?" he asks, turning to me. "No, it's fine. I'm good," I shake my head. He places four Pepsis on the coffee table before taking a seat between me and Nick. I smile to myself, cute.
Nick is incredibly friendly, and we bond over our shared interests in photography. Matt is also sweet, ensuring I'm not left out in any conversation and keeping me entertained. Madi already feels like a sister vibe. The three of us are currently laughing at Nick's tangent about some driver on the journey to Laura's. "I mean, this dumb fuck shouldn't be allowed on the road, didn't even know how to use a fucking indicator," he practically yells. I laugh, my head falling back.
My attention shifts to the stairs as I hear someone walking up them. It's Chris - he practically ignores us all as he walks to the fridge, opening it. Our conversation dies down, and the room becomes dead silent; you could hear a pin drop. "Who the fuck took the last Pepsi?" he grumbles, basically slamming the fridge shut. "Chris," Nick scolds. Chris turns to look at us all on the sofa. "Oh, hey," he nonchalantly nods at me. I shoot a quick, small smile before dropping it. What the fuck.
"We can pick up another pack when we go out to film the car video tonight," Chris starts but is quickly cut off. "Chris, this is the editor, Y/n," Madi speaks up, furrowing her brows at him. "Oh shit, my bad. Just thought it was some girl Matt brought back," he chuckles, motioning to Matt's arm behind my head on the sofa. We all just stare at him in disbelief. He hums to himself before walking over, picking up my Pepsi in front of me that I had already had half of, holding eye contact with me. He downs it and drops it back on the table, the can rolling away. "Dude," Nick scolds him. "Later," Chris mumbles before going back to his room. My jaw is slack from slight shock at him. "I'm so sorry about him," Matt begins. "It's fine, don't worry about it," I smile, lying at him; in truth, it did bother me because, it was out of order. I mean, I'm going to be working for this absolute dick.
We're snapped out of our thoughts again by someone walking upstairs, but this time it's some blonde Instagram model girl from Chris's room. She simply walks past us and leaves the house. Lovely.
˚₊‧꒰ა ☆ ໒꒱ ‧₊˚
Nick added you to a groupchat
I read the notification before unlocking my phone, it was a group chat of me and the triplets, just titled “📸”
I go on the chat, the only message being from nick.
From Nick
Hey girl, videos coming out in 2 days, I've got the SD card if you wanna come pick it up!
I smile and respond, agreeing to the plans. Nick and Matt like the message, while Chris leaves it on read. The noise from my upstairs neighbours is getting louder, prompting me to sigh and pinch my nose. I quickly pack a bag with my laptop and other essentials. Thankfully, the weather in LA is never cold, so I leave in my comfy outfit of sweatpants and a crop top.
I arrive at the house and knock on the door. Matt opens it, greets me, and pulls me into a side hug. "Hey, is Nick in?" I inquire. "Yeah, he's making lunch. You want any?" Matt offers. Despite not wanting to be a burden, my rumbling stomach speaks for itself. "If you don't mind," I smile at him. "Not at all," he says before heading upstairs.
Nick is busy cooking pasta, and Chris is lounging on the sofa, scrolling on his phone. He looks up at me as I quickly avert my gaze. "Hey, food's ready now if you want a plate," Nick smiles at me as I slide my bag off my shoulder onto the dining table and sit down. "Yeah, that's great. Um, would you mind if I edit here? My neighbours are driving me crazy," I ask nervously, sticking my tongue in my cheek. "Of course! Stay as long as you like," Nick offers a warm smile, serving the pasta.
"Just letting you know, Chris is having people over later, so you can edit in my room upstairs," he continues, placing my plate in front of me with a fork. I stab the pasta, blow on it, smile, and nod. Matt takes his plate and goes to his room to stream, while Nick leaves a plate out for Chris as he goes to shower. shit, it's just us in the room now.
As I eat my pasta, I hear Chris get up from the couch, then the chair next to me scratching the floor. He sits next to me, pulling his plate of pasta toward him as he begins eating. It's awkward, with his legs obnoxiously spread so our knees are touching. The only sounds are the slight chewing and our forks scraping the plate until Chris speaks up, "You drink?" he asks me. "I guess," I reply, considering I only drink socially. "I was gonna invite you to my thing tonight, but not if you're dressed like that," he says, stabbing pasta with his fork. Thanks. "I'm busy editing tonight anyway," I mumble, playing with my food slightly on my plate. He sighs before breaking the silence again. "I've got a fresh love drop, need you on the set for photos, can you take them like this?" he asks sounding more like an order than a question, as he shows me my own Instagram post with photos taken from a digital camera. "Yeah," I reply, my eyes still on his phone as I eat. He swipes off Instagram, and as he does, I catch a glimpse of what I assume to be his designs in his camera roll. I have to admit; he has a good vision.
I eventually finish my meal, wash up after myself, grab a drink, and head upstairs to Nick's room. He's playing Fortnite on his TV with Matt on the other end of the headset, presumably still streaming. We exchange silent smiles before I sit on his desk and pull out my laptop. He left the SD card out for me, so I slot it in and begin working on it. While watching the unedited video, I can't help but stare at Chris. As much as I hate to admit it, he looks good - the way his black tee hugs his biceps, how blue his eyes are. Focus, Y/n.
˚₊‧꒰ა ☆ ໒꒱ ‧₊˚
I've just finished the video, and Nick and I are currently sitting on his bed, sharing headphones. It's hard to pay attention due to the obnoxiously loud people downstairs and the booming music. It's now 2 am, and the party seems to be ending as the music stops, and the muffled voices get quieter. He laughs as the video ends, clapping his hands together in amusement. "Honestly, y/n, that's amazing," he smiles at me. I save the video and hand the SD card back to him, ready for upload.
"Tomorrow, we're going out to film another 'come eat with us' video. I'll let you know when we're ready for editing," he explains, and I nod in agreement. "I should get going," I say, looking out the window at the night sky. "Let me ask Matt to drop you off," he suggests. I nod and hug him before heading downstairs with my bag alone.
The scene downstairs is chaotic, with red solo cups everywhere, spilt drinks on the now sticky floor, and chairs moved around. Chris is by the kitchen alone, drinking Bacardi straight from the bottle. I sigh as I attempt to walk past, but he calls my name. I turn to look at him, and he waves me over with his middle and index finger. As I step towards him, I can smell the alcohol on his breath; he's clearly drunk.
"Drink with me," he slurs. I shake my head no, but it doesn't stop him. He shoves the glass bottle in my face. "Chris, I'm good," I assert, but he doesn't stop. He continues, and I try to push the bottle away, but it ends up dropping, shattering on the floor. I groan as I bend down, picking up the large pieces of glass.
"Y/n," he groans, but I ignore him. I wince as a shard cuts my hand, and blood quickly starts coming out. "Shit," I mutter, dropping the glass I was holding and standing up. "Let me see," Chris mumbles, grabbing my wrist. I let him, and he examines the cut, almost snapping out of his drunken state. His warm hand sends jolts through my body as he holds me. He walks me over to the sink, turning it on and rinsing my hand under it. I wince at the feeling, causing him to soothingly rub his thumb over my wrist. "Shh, it's okay, you're fine," he mumbles. He grabs a bandage from a drawer while still holding onto my wrist, gently placing it on my palm and rubbing it down.
"Pretty sure you're meant to disinfect it," I look up at him. "Pretty sure you're the sober one, and somehow I'm the one helping you," he smirks to himself. I breathe out a laugh as he looks up at me and away from my hand. We stare at each other for a second, the tension so thick you could cut it with a knife. We hear a door open, and he's quick to drop my wrist, turning away, making me frown slightly. "Yo, y/n, let's go—what the fuck?" Matt says, coming from his room and seeing the glass on the floor. He looks up at my bandaged hand. "What happened?" he asks, concerned. "Don't worry about it, let's go," I mumble, walking around the glass and to him. I look back for a second and see Chris leaning against the counter, eyes glued to his phone.
I get in the front seat of Matt's car and feel my phone buzz.
From Chris
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sydsaint · 6 months
Daddy's Home!!!!!!
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Summary: Things are looking bleak for the reader when she's facing The Bloodline alone. Luckily for her, a certain someone is about to make a comeback. And he's looking for allies against The Bloodline.
Another week on Raw and another week struggling to keep afloat with The Bloodline constantly trying to force you into their group.
"Bayley wait! Come on, don't leave me out here!" You plead with your opponent who's just pulled a win from out under you.
"Sorry, Y/N." Bayley shrugs as she passes you. "But I'm not getting involved in this." She purses her lips into a line and walks off.
You pull yourself off the mat, body shaking from being overexerted in your match. You huff out quick breaths and struggle to your feet, knowing that Jimmy and Solo will soon show up.
Sure enough, Jimmy's music hits and he descends the ramp with Solo at his side. You make it to your feet but have to force yourself to stop and catch your breath.
"Y/N! Tough loss, baby." Jimmy hops onto the apron cooing at you. "See, this is why you need us! We can make sure you ain't ever lose again." He insists as he passes through the ropes.
"How many times do I have to tell you no?" You growl, still leaning on the ring ropes for support.
Jimmy makes his way across the ring toward you while Solo comes around to stand on the floor below you. You're trapped once again. 
"Simple, shorty. Until you decide to join us, we always gonna be here for you." Jimmy explains with a grin. "It's up to you how long this goes on for." 
You groan and prepare for another tiring 10-minute argument. Your body aches from your match with Bayley and finally giving in crosses your mind for a split second. Working for Roman can't be that bad right? 
Just when you're about to maybe give in and agree to Roman's terms, Randy Orton's music blasts through the arena speakers. You knew that Orton made a comeback over the weekend. But why the in hell he's out here now, you don't know. 
Jimmy turns around sharply as Randy makes a B-line for the ring. Randy disposes of Jimmy with ease and sends him packing. Solo retreats for the moment and joins Jimmy at the top of the ramp. 
"Hey, you alright?" Randy walks over to you once Jimmy and Solo are gone. 
"Yeah, thanks." You nod, slowly regaining your strength. "Sorry, do you mind parting the ring ropes for me? My knees are killing me." You ask sheepishly.
Randy nods and parts the ring ropes for you. You carefully slip through them and head down the stairs and up the ramp. Randy hops down from the apron and walks backstage with you. 
"So, what are Jimmy and Solo so interested in you for?" Randy casually asks as you walk with him. "Old boyfriend or something?" 
"No, nothing like that." You sneer at the idea. "Roman wants someone female to join his idiotic little group. And apparently, I'm his prime candidate." You explain. 
Randy nods and directs you over to where a couple of trainers are waiting to check you out. "Right. And I'm assuming that you don't want anything to do with them?" He asks you. 
"Not in the slightest." You shake your head. "Why?" You turn to him curiously. 
Randy shrugs and steps back a bit so the trainers can get to your side. "We can talk more about it later. You should go ahead and get looked at." He gestures to the trainers. "How about we meet up after the show?" He suggests. 
"Yeah, okay." You nod. "I'll meet up with you backstage later." 
Randy nods and walks off so you are alone with the trainers. They look you over and determine that you tweaked your knee during your match with Bayley. But other than that and some general fatigue, you're in perfect health. You head back to your locker room for a quick rinse and change. 
When you get back to your locker room Shotzi is there waiting for you. 
"Hey, Shotzi." You greet your odd friend as you come through the door. 
"Y/N! I am so sorry I didn't come out to help you!" Shotzi jumps up and attacks you in a hug. "I was in a photoshoot and didn't find out until like 5 minutes ago." She explains. 
You smile and hug her back tightly before pushing her off you. "It's alright, Shotzi." You assure her. "I actually got some help from someone else." A small grin plays on your face. 
"I know!" Shotzi squeals. "Randy Orton helping you out with Jimmy and Solo? What was that all about?" She teases you. 
"I have no clue." You shrug. "But he asked to meet up with me after the show." You add. "Which is why I so need to shower." 
Shotzi's mouth hangs open as she's being her usual over-the-top self. "Oh my gosh! Y/N, girl. What is with you and attracting all the dllfs around here?" She asks you. "I mean, Roman? Then I so saw LA Knight checking you out at the airport earlier today. And now, Randy Orton?" 
"I have no idea." You shrug. "Maybe I'm just that irresistible." You joke with a laugh before disappearing to shower.    You have a quick shower and find Shotzi gone when you come back out to the locker room. Assuming that she had something else to do and you'll see her again at the hotel later, you get changed and head out. 
You barely make it to the backstage area when you spot Randy hanging out waiting for you. Slinging your back over your shoulder, you make your way over to him. 
"Hey, Randy." You wave to Orton nervously. 
"Y/N, hey. Thanks for meeting me." Randy waves back at you. "How are you? Everything goes alright with the trainers?" He asks you. 
You nod and blush over the fact that Orton is taking an interest in your well-being. "Yeah, just a tweaked knee is all." You assure him. "So, what did you want to talk about?" You ask him. 
"It's about The Bloodline." Randy briefly explains. "I'm sure you probably know that it was them who put me out for so long?" He asks you. 
"Yeah, I remember." You nod. "It was brutal, man." 
Randy's jaw twitches at the memory and he nods. "Well, I'm back now. And It's time that I took some revenge." He explains in a stern tone. "And I'd like your help. If you're willing." He adds. 
"You want my help?" You point to yourself in surprise. "Why me?" You can't help but ask. 
Randy shrugs again, his gaze falling on you rather than darting randomly around the room like it has been. "You've already got a problem with them." He reminds you. "Plus I've seen you in the ring before. You're one hell of a competitor. Which is probably why Roman is so adamant about recruiting you." He adds. 
"Thanks." You bite the inside of your lip. 
"I'm going to need backup if I'm going to do this," Randy explains further. "And you seemed like the best choice. So, what do you think, Y/N? You in?" He asks you. 
You remain silent for a moment and mull over your options. You can almost hear Shotzi screaming at you to take the offer. And frankly, you'd be delusional to turn it down. 
"Yeah, I'm in." You take a deep breath for giving Randy an answer. 
Randy nods and retrieves his phone from his pocket. You watch him unlock it before handing it to you. "Great. Put your number in there and we'll talk more later." He explains. "Right now I've got some work stuff to do. But we'll catch up soon, alright?"
"Yeah, alright." You nod and put your number into Randy's phone. 
Randy takes his phone back and walks off. You remain in place and try to process everything that's just happened to you. One thing you do know for sure though. Shotzi is going to FREAK when you tell her. 
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rafedaddy01 · 11 months
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Warnings: smut, dominance, jealousy, punishment, oral fem receiving, overstim, choking, name calling, language, 18+
Not proof read
Every year I’d come visit obx in the summer and stay with my grandparents. They lived on the rich side of town and I got mixed in with a bad group of friends, I’d gotten into a bad coke addiction and every time I’d get high with Rafe we’d end up hooking up. I didn’t mind it and neither did he, we both agreed to not let feelings get in the way and it’d be a friends with benefits thing. But when I was getting to close to kelce at the party that night I felt Rafes eyes searing into mine as my hand laid on kelces thigh, his lips pressed into my ears whispering dirty things as I giggled at the thoughts. I knew Rafe was jealous, it was written all over his face. The way his jaw clenched and his eyes grew dark, fists balled up ready to hit something or someone. “Y/n. Come with me. NOW!” He said sternly. “Yo. What’s your deal Cameron” kelce spoke up. “It’s okay, I’ll be back” i said reassuring kelce everything was fine, but i most definitely knew i wouldn’t be coming back, Rafe was about to plow into me and i probably wouldn’t be able to walk like usual. I liked when he’d get dominate over me but tonight I didn’t know I pushed him over the edge. Rafe had started to develop feelings for me that I wasn’t aware of and he wasn’t either until he saw you getting cozy with one of his best friends. “What the fuck do you think your doing” he spoke once we both entered his room. “What? I can’t talk to other guys. I thought we agreed this was just casual sex. I’m not yours Rafe” I said rolling my eyes at him. He came up to me and gripped my throat harshly. “Rafe!” I gasped trying to catch my breath as he peered into my brown irises, his however went from blue to black, filled with rage and lust. “You need me to remind you who you belong too?” He clicked his tongue throwing me on the bed harshly. “Strip” he instructed. I scoffed at his words “I’m not fucking you cameron”.
“I said strip” he spoke so calmly it sent shivers down my spine. I knew I was pushing his buttons and agitating him more, I removed my clothes as he watched very piece of item removed and tossed on the ground. “Now spread those pretty legs for me and touch yourself. You wanna act like a slut you get treated like one” he said taking a seat at the desk chair that sat in the corner. I was shocked at what he was asking me to do, I’ve never touched myself in front of anyone and the thought of it made me nervous, butterflies imploding in my stomach. “Rafe….. I can’t do that. To embarrassing…..” I spoke as my cheeks flusheded bright pink. “Don’t make me come over there y/n” as the threat left his lips I peeled my legs open and started toying with the sensitive bud, circling it with the pads of my fingers. “Keep your eyes on mine” he said unbuckling his belt and pulling his pre cum covered cock out, stroking it as I shifted my eyes on his and increased my motions. “Fuckkkkk” he hissed as I insetted one finger in my hole, eyes never leaving his. His eyes darted down to were my thrusts became faster, adding a second finger, curving them into a c shape. “Shit Rafe- please- please touch me” I moaned trying to keep my body from falling against the bed. “No, your gonna keep touching yourself until you cum, and then maybe I’ll reward you” he spat harshly as he continued his movements on his cock. I kept pumping myself as my eyes threatened to close as I was so close to cumming, the core in my lower stomach tightening. He reminded me to keep looking at him. It was so hot watching him jerk himself off to me masturbating. My mouth made an o-shape as I moaned his name, pussy clenching my skinny fingers desperately wishing it was his or his lengthy cock, but this would do. “Fuck fuck fuck” he said as his seed spilled in his hand and I laid limp on the bed. To focused on coming down from my high I didn’t hear Rafe move over to me until I felt his tongue lapping at my senses I’ve area “Rafe! To sensitive” I cried as he pushed his face deeper causing me to fall back onto the bed crushing his head begween my legs. I came a second time before pushing him away. “I’m not done with you yet” he spoke ripping his shirt off and slamming into me, overstimulation washing over me as I screamed his name. “Your mine, don’t ever think you can fuck anybody else” he grunted as his balls smacked against my ass, I was already so close to a third orgasm as he slapped my face hard bringing me back to reality. “Watch me as I make you cum” he said thrusting into me harder. I was so turned on, getting wetter with each of his thrust making it easier for him to pump his full cock into me. “Fuck Rafe” I whimpered as he smirked loving me in this fucked out state. “So full of my cock, who can make you feel this good pretty girl” when i didn’t answer he pinched my clit making me cry out in pleasure and pain. “You-y-ou Rafe….. only y-oh you daddy” I struggled to get out. “That’s right. You gunna cum for me again” he asked as I felt his cock twitch in me, close to his release as well. “Yes! Oh god yes!” I moaned arching my back pushing myself further on his cock. “Give it to me baby” he grunted as my eyes fluttered shut and I came harder than before. “Shit, so hot” he said pulling out and watching the white rim of your mixed juices on the base of his cock.
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