#octavian needs therapy
plushieslayer · 5 months
Reyna when Octavian became Pontifex Maximus (due to an emergency) :😡🤬😱🤯😨😠
Reyna when Jason became Pontifex Maximus : 🥰😘☺️😊😇😁
“Reyna wanted to strangle him. No demigod in living memory had taken the title Pontifex Maximus. By doing so Octavian was elevating himself almost to the level of emperor.”
isn’t Jason doing the same thing?
and the greeks DID bomb CJ.So what’s the point😭😭
also letting an unknown person,who claims to be from a camp of PEOPLE YOU FOUGHT WITH and who suffers from AMNESIA become praetor after like 2 days is so fucking stupid I’m sorry
*not reyna slander,but like sometimes I realize how much immature these characters acted,because they were in fact minors,child soldiers.*
they all needed therapy fr
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egopocalypse · 10 months
Fellow camp Jupiter hater 🥹🥹🥹
Oh. I could spout a whole essay on Camp Jupiter and why its structure in inherently Fucked Up.
Obviously, this is a children's/YA series, and thus functional adults are typically out of the picture (otherwise they would never let the kids do these things), but there are full-blown families who have been in the Legion for centuries, and they're still conscripting their kids into military service for a decade rather than serve themselves.
Camp Half-Blood frankly doesn't have a choice in the matter because there are so few demigods alive (especially after the wars), but Camp Jupiter could easily raise the age requirement for joining the Legion, and it wouldn't affect their numbers at all. You can't look me in the eyes and tell me a single person at CHB (even Mr. D) would let a kid fight if they didn't have to. If CHB had the numbers CJ had, the kids/teens would have an actual summer camp experience (and some light training activites to familiarize themselves with monsters, weapons, etc. like kids that did archery or martial arts as their sport growing up), and the adults would serve to protect the camp. The fact that CJ has those numbers and infrastructure and still relies on teenagers/young adults to carry the political and military weight is honestly fucking ridiculous.
Also, not to throw shade on Rick (I am very excited to read the new book with the original trio; I miss them so much), but getting recommendation letters from three gods is such a terrible requirement for New Rome University. There's no way that demigods or legacies that never went on quests could ever achieve that, which leads me to believe it's either a made-up requirement to prevent the Greeks from going to the school, or there are two more gods like Terminus hanging around CJ/New Rome that only get prayed/offered sacrifices when people need recommendation letters. I honestly wouldn't be surprised if it's both.
If I'm honest, the only thing I really liked about the Romans' structure was that it gave Percy hope for the future. He saw a possibility where he didn't have to die before his 20s, where he could actually go to college and feel like a semi-normal young adult, and he and Annabeth could achieve their dreams without having to risk getting hunted by monsters on their way across campus. That hope kept him alive during Tartarus, and without it, I don't know if he would've made it through.
The rest of the camp still sucks though. Fuck Camp Jupiter.
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literallyjusttoa · 8 months
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Apollo and Jason in alternative fits for the modern mortal au + more fun facts about this au bc what am I if just an amalgamation of random ToA AU ideas!
For this pic: Jason just finished a game with the basketball team of his fancy private high school (they're called the centurions). Jason isn't really passionate about the sport, but Apollo insists they need to go out and celebrate his win.
As I've said before, Apollo is will they, won't they-ing with Admetus in a small apartment while trying to muscle his way through med school. It's extremely stressful, and Apollo is definitely still struggling with maintaining perfection and not seeming "ungrateful" or "lazy". Part of his journey in this AU is rebuilding his support system after going no contact, and maybe actually going to therapy at some point! And also dropping med school bc that's not what he wants to be doing with his life.
Apollo is actually a natural brunet, like his mother! Artemis is a brunet too, but her hair is just a bit darker, closer to their dads.
Apollo's vision is actually just as bad as Jason's, he just wears contacts instead of glasses.
Jason wants to go into urban planning or architecture, but he's absolutely terrified of telling anyone in the family. Apollo's the first and only person he's told.
Apollo's got a small indie band with some of the muses (Urania, Polyhymnia, Euterpe, and Terpsichore) and the rest of them are all study buddies! They stay up till 3am chugging monster and five hour energy like shots and speedrunning graduate papers.
Jason mainly hangs out with Reyna, Frank, Hazel, and Octavian. Leo and Piper are his childhood friends from when he used to live with his mother, but they fell out when he had to move in with Zeus.
Apollo sometimes has a hard time sleeping and other times can barely keep his head up. This is a lasting symptom of the severe concussion he got from his father, and it also left him with random moments of extreme vertigo and frequent headaches.
Other than Apollo and Thalia, Jason is closest with his cousin Percy! They love being jokingly competitive about everything, but Jason has always felt supported by Percy when the going gets tough. Still, Percy has his own life going on, son Jason has always felt bad about reaching out.
Meg comes into the picture as a kid Apollo found during one of those aforementioned late night study sessions. She was injured, but refused to let Apollo call for help. Obviously, Apollo is familiar with what's going on here, so he asks if he can treat her injuries. She reluctantly agrees, and eventually Apollo realizes that Meg's mom is his aunt, but Demeter didn't have custody. He gets Meg's phone number, and spends the next 6 months fighting to get her out of stepfather's custody and back with the family. The two of them get extremely close in the meantime, and bc of this Meg and Jason also interact a lot and get very close. However, in his fight to get Meg somewhere safe, Apollo is forced to reconnect with the family. Again, eventually Apollo will go to therapy, but I plan on making him go through the most stressful shit I can think of first.
I think that's all I got, enjoy!
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diakaashi · 1 year
I need to talk about TSATS somewhere and specially about Will, and it will be here.
I hope that boy got some therapy planned because I've knew it for a while he needed it, but after reading, i AM SURE. Until he went to camp he didn't stop at one place because of his mother's job, besides her, nobody truly for him to rely on. Then he goes to camp where basically he is a war doctor and has to witness atrocities everywhere, can we just talk about that for a minute?? How he was looking if I am not mistaken, for his brother when he had to be pulled out to heal the others, how many more maybe died before he could do something, how just the situation of having someone's life in his hands at thay age does to someone?
I can't even express how it angers me people don't really seem to notice what the Apollo kids TRULY go through. I may be rambling, but all he has ever learned to do is heal and take care of others, mask his emotions so everyone can rely on him, we see it ALL THE WAY IN THE SUN AND THE STAR, he is literally melting and worrying about Nico.
How he handles HIS EMOTIONS TOO??? yeah? Or better, the lack of it. Better said how he seems to be so unaware at times of what he is feeling, and maybe that's why he gets so confused to understand Nico's relationship with darkness, when he himself doesn't seem to deal with what has happend to him? Always pushing on what he can do next to help and next and next and so go on...
That's why maybe the whole Octavian thing messed him up that Bad! NOT TO mention the whole Hay Fever thing and how that could imply to a whole other box of stuff in the future or so... I may be rambling, but the master point is that Will needs Therapy just as much as Nico does! dammed he be, the poor boy.
I love him so much, and it hurt me to see how hurt he was during TSATS ... I love u will, let me hug u
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What was your first impression of Octavian?
Actually it wasn’t great.
Before I read the book my friend had already told ne most of what happened. Which means she also kind of inflicted her own opinions about the characters onto me. (Not saying this in bad way)
So when I actually read the book, I was under the mindset, Yeah Octavian’s a bastard. So my first impressions were like: Tav’s an ass, Tav should die. And like I didn’t even care to actually read much about him or analyse him. The fandom hates him? Ok sure I’ll do that too without thinking.
That was it. That was the first impression, he’s a douche…he should die. And this was 4 years ago.
Then on my 3rd reread of the series. When I got Tumblr and read many opinions here, I had a clear mindset, this is what I consider my own first impression of him:
He’s still a douche...but gods, does he need help.
Idk after this reread, I just thought he desperately needed help. And there were many instances that kinda confirmed it for me.
Especially In BoO, most of the scenes, he was in such a delusion and when he was having a mental breakdown (onager scene, Nico’s POV), it was kinda painful to read, like gods someone hold him down and get him therapy.
He was also mistreated many times, but I blame Rick for that unreasonable fan service.
This was like, 2 years ago. And here we are now. It hasn’t changed much.
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Rating PJo and HoO character, is might be a little controversial. 
Percy: 8/10
Annabeth: 8/10
Grover: 7/10
Luke: 10/10 (my favorite)
Thalia: 10/10 (my 2 favorite)
Rachel: 9/10 (my 3 favorite)
Will: 6/10 for HoO but 8/10 for trial’s of Apollo
Nico: 9/10 for PJo then 8.5/10 for HoO and 9/10 for ToA
Jason: 0/10
Leo: 8/10
Frank: 7/10
Hazel: 9/10
Here’s some reasons why,
I love Percy, I really do but I’m more of a fan of the villains.
When I first read the lighting thief I didn’t really like Annabeth. (I know and I’m sorry for my sins) bc she read a lot and just couldn’t relate to that.
Grover was a little annoying to me at first but I understand his character.
Luke is, and was my favorite character when I first started reading the books. His character goes through one of the best storylines in the book. But bc of the Annabeth thing people hate him, I personally think it was a “did you love me? Like a family.” Or something like that
Thalia deserve the best in life. I love her and I will NOT be elaborating (bc I’m lazy)
I love Rachel, her confidence and sense of humor is and painting skills is iconic
Will is just a glow stick
Nico needs therapy and a hug.
Jason is the most annoying person in the world. I hate him with a passion. (I like Octavian more than Jason 😌🤌)
Piper okay I guess, just didn’t vibe with her but I get her vibe.
We Stan Leo but I hated Caleo, so that’s negative points for him.
Frank was the mom of the group that everyone need, not my fav but I like him.
Hazel, is the sweetest thing ever and I wanna hug her. Please her suffering. Girl if you ever need a hug just tell me.
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thehyperrequiem · 2 years
If Joe Puddy was in Mystery of the Map novels
You have heard about if Joe Puddy visited the islands, now get ready for air Joe Puddy was in the Mystery of the Map Novels, so yeah enjoy.
Volume 1: Mystery of the Map: “*is trapped with the kids* Ok kids, I know that talking to strangers is bad and I am indeed a stranger who just met you, but we need to work together to stop that John Wick wannabe from getting away with the map, which I think it has importance, and get back to our homes, so from now on…I shall be your temporary Babysitter until we get back home, and that means we have to stick to ground rules. Sounds good? Ok then.”
Volume 2: The Lost Expedition - “*to Lieutenant Rodger* Alright you mad looking Karen, I do not know what your deal is, but I swore to the oath of men with facial hairs that if you are going to beat up some random kids who are easy to get beaten up, *gets out hammer* You have to go through me! Come on Rodgy, let’s tango!”
Volume 3: The Secret Society - “Woahwoahwoahwoah! Octavian, leave Jonas alone and let’s be reasonable here, I get the feeling that you are upset and being edgy right now, but is violence have to be the answer of this? Harming some people and getting rid of some parts of history? I mean, come on man, it doesn’t have to be like this, just let Jonas go safely and- *to Oliver and Mya* Stop it you two! You are ruining the moment! Why you gotta argue at each other for, huh?!”
Volume 4: The End of Time - “*sighs* You know…on second thought, I like being pessimistic, I know it makes me a sad guy, but it does have benefits to it like planning a plan of action or boost confidence…My wife once told me that “The nice part about being a pessimist is that you are constantly being either proven right or pleasantly surprised.”, I mean, she helped me get rid some on my pessimism through her nice therapy…Sure, she sometimes Nags and wants me to eat fruit, but..she’s my wife, she loves me like how I love her and she not only cares about my well-being and help me when I needed her the most, but she inspires me to have care for others, I don’t where I would be now if I was optimistic or if she wasn’t there for me…and even though you kids can be a little childish, you have taken me to an amazing journey, socialize with each other, almost got killed, and giving me comfort when I needed the most. Oliver, you are brave and courageous like a leader would be..even though you do foolish things with your friend, you are smart and take charge. Jorge, even though you are least likely to take things seriously and get scared, you cared for me like you cared somewhat for Octavian even though I am Pessimistic and rough, you cared for me, just like Elaine…and Mya, even though sometimes you are a stick in the mud, you are smart, mature, and protective..I knew how it feels..to lose someone you loved and it scarred you for life, believe me, I was away from my wife for hours and hours when there was a epidemic back in Eastman…it is ok to move on without your mom, I have seen good things about her through her, and even now through my empathic skill, I think she would be proud of you…Well, it was fun being your temporary babysitter, maybe sometime we would meet up and have fun again…if it is ok with your parents...”
Bonus for @sundove88 and Brave Cheetah
Mystery of the Map OVA: “Hey Octavian, good job doing the right thing, you saved the nexus from this Midnight villain and freed Paula…and sorry for calling you John Wick, it is just that…you almost look like him.”
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shrimpella21 · 4 months
open to: masc characters!
muse: octavian rhoden. physical therapist with a kind heart. probably has a crush on your muse, but he's a l0ser that's scared to show it.
setting: your muse just finished a pretty rough session of physical therapy (which can be for anything whatsoever, your choice).
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"Are you gonna be okay? Getting home I mean- I know you're still not feelin' your best. It's not a big deal if you need a ride." A gentle hand brushed up against their shoulder as Octavian smiled. He was always so sweet. Whether it was offering them extra time for sessions or bringing a spare sandwich, he always seemed aware of what his crush friend needed.
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percabeth4life · 2 years
If Octavian needed help sally would take him in cautiously, realise he needs therapy, and browbeat Percy into apologising because that’s not how she raised him to act
If Octavian needed help he’d be adopted faster than he could blink and Percy would become one of his biggest protectors like sorry that’s his brother you’re not allowed to be mean to his brother just cause he insulted your everything.
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algumaideia · 2 years
Octavian and/or Drew?
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Octavian became my favorite character, I just like him so much!!! Besides who needs therapy when you can just write Octavian feeling as miserable as you do??
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I started liking Drew a lot lately. I just don't get the purpose of she being in the lost hero. I mean she did nothing, except fight over Jason with Piper and be mean. It was just unnecessary.
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plushieslayer · 5 months
when nico shows signs of mental illnesses he’s a ball of fluff that needs protection,but suddenly when octavian shows signs of cluster b disorders and psychosis he’s annoying?
We know Nico has a mood disorder,and as a person with both a mood disorder and multiple cluster b disorders I can say that ALL mentally ill people can be manipulative and “annoying”;you fail to romanticize what’s unconventional.Nico is not “edgy” or “emo” (besides his music tastes),he is MENTALLY ILL and severely TRAUMATIZED.Stop romanticising mental illnesses.And stop stigmatizing mental illnesses.
Nico was just as manipulative as Octavian,but when he is he’s justified.When Octavian is manipulative he’s the MOST HATED character in the saga,even more than characters who did worse.Will calling Octavian an “anemic loser” even became an iconic line like are you guys ok?Will and Nico letting Octavian die became an iconic scene and this upsets me.Octavian wasn’t unreedemable.You guys even fail to comprehend what living in Camp Jupiter even means.Also the fanbase constantly making fun of Octavian’s physical appearance and everything he does like as if it isn’t his fucking job lmao.Some people even refuse to understand that Octavian was sick,due to his poor writing.People are for mental health unless it comes to NPD (and other disorders)coded/characters.Also Octavian was shown to be in a psychothic state near before his death.Also I’ve seen people creating WILD scenarios like “octavian **ing annabeth”LIKE WHAT THE FUCK.As a ** victim myself I hate you.I hate you people who HC characters you don’t like as assaulters.And as a victim I don’t even want to describe what I felt seeing people HCing my special character as an assaulter.Us mentall ill people deserve therapy,you ableists deserve to burn in hell.Have a good day stay safe guys.
I hope you guys cry realizing that the octavian fanbase is unironically the healthiest side of the fandom.
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To Know you better:)
Who is your favourite Pjo character?
My attention has currently been on a certain anemic loser (that I may or may not have molded with so many headcanons that he doesn't even resemble his canon counterpart anymore but that's neither here nor there), so I haven't given much thought to the others.
However, if I were to think about it character-wise, it would probably be Lester/Apollo (thought I like him for more-or-less the same reason I like Octavian; Redeemability) mostly because, one, Apollo is one of my favorite gods, second to Dionysus (both in the PJO books and in mythology) and, two, his character changes drastically throughout the course of Trials Of Apollo in a way I can appreciate.
Also because I want to hug him. A lot.
Actually, I want to hug a lot of characters. Like Meg and Lester and Estelle and Annabeth and Grover and Jason and Octavian and Leo (oh gods Leo)- just- everyone need therapy. Extensive therapy.
I'm not sure if this ask was only referring to only Percy Jackson or Heroes of Olympus and Trials of Apollo as well, but there's my (more-or-less) favorite character story-wise! Thank you for the ask!
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khaleesiofalicante · 3 years
I’m going to be honest. I was planning on reading this yesterday but I knew that if I started I would stay up until 3 a.m and I had school tomorrow 😂, but here I am:
“Rafael had all but screamed when Bapak had surprised him with the motorbike on his birthday '' It has only begun and I’m screaming!!!
“But Rafael had dressed up. He had even let Max paint his nails black.” I love Max and Rafael with my entire soul
“Max had a habit of ‘borrowing’ things and selling them on eBay.” I love that little shit and his mischievous 💙💙
Octavian was one of his closest friends. Okey but that friendship??? Love it
“Dude, college kids don’t give a shit,” Tavvy laughed. “You could walk into a lecture covered in runes, holding a seraph blade and they wouldn’t give you a second look.” “Cause they are chill?” “Yes. But mostly cause they are dead inside,” Tavvy chuckled. SJHDUEHISAM WHY IS THIS SO TRUE??
You should follow me on Instagram. My handle is simp_for_carstairs.” I’M LAUGHING SO FUCKING HARD 😂 😂 😂 “She is not wrong,” Lily nodded seriously. “I’m a Jem Carstairs fan first and a vampire second.” Me too bro
“I heard there is a dalliance between a shadowhunter and a warlock,” Lily went on anyway. WHAT THE FUCK??? I LITERALLY SCREAMED. AND I’M IN CLASS
“But people bothered anyway. People liked to bother about things that did not concern them.” I know this is of shadowhunters, but it really speaks of everyone
“Rafael was sure there was something more than friendship between them. But David was polite to a fault and Max was an oblivious little shit. So, obviously nothing had happened yet. Sometimes Rafe wanted to knock their heads together and ask them to just talk it out. But no, it wasn’t his place.” JSSUHDEWIMS. OK. if i continue to quote everything i won’t finish. Let's move forward
Me when i found who started the rumor: 🙃🔪 🔪
“What the hell? Come on, Rafael! Bros before…uh, girls.” I SHOULDN’T BE LAUGHING THIS HARD. MY DOG IS GIVING ME WEIRD LOOKS. A DOG!! Like...He makes fun of Max but he is also an oblivious little shit
“David and I added rosemary to this one,” Uncle Jace wiped his hands on his apron. “It has definitely improved the taste, hasn’t it?” I- I don’t know if this was on purpose but- I- Wow
“I am this close to kidnapping the twins from the academy and bringing them back home. I love Mr. Herondale to death but this is getting out of hand.” How can a line be so funny and beautiful at the same time?? 💙💙
“Empty nest syndrome,” Rafael chuckled. “I’m glad neither Max nor I had to leave home. My fathers are much worse.” He remembered his first sleepover at the institute. His parents had waited for “an excruciating hour” before crashing the institute and joining the sleepover themselves. HOLY SHIT THIS IS GIVING ME SO MUCH SEROTONIN THAT I’M ALREADY AFRAID OF THE ANGST
“David,” Rafael grinned. “Are you afraid of my father?” “What? No! He is just a regular person…who can throw me in the silent city any time he wants,” David rambled and then shook his head. “Where is Max?” He tried to sound nonchalant. But Rafael noted the way the other boy’s eyes fluttered every time he said Max’s name. Just the way a crooked smile appeared on his brother’s lips every time someone said David’s name. Idiots. YES THEY ARE😂😂
Ahhh yess. The angst is starting and it will break my soul. Guess I’ll keep reading.
“Do you people know Magnus could have destroyed the clave decades ago if he wanted to do that? EXACTLY. HE WOULD HAVE LET YOU DIE IF HE WANTED TO!!! I CAN’T.
“Of course you don’t see anything wrong with this,” Paige sneered. “It’s not like you have a problem with incest. SAY THAT ONE MORE TIME AND I WILL FIND A WAY TO GO THERE AND BREAK EVERY SINGLE ONE OF YOUR BONES!
You talk about warlock corruption but where all of you when Valentine exploited Jace and Clary? Where was this moral obligation when Valentine lied to his children and played with their feelings as if they were nothing but toys to be controlled and manipulated? I’m sick of shadowhunters victim blaming children instead of holding people like Valentine accountable.” EXACTLY. WHERE WERE THEY?
Ok, ok, I’m not ok but I'll just keep reading. I’m slightly traumatized but ok.
For the next thirty minutes, Max paced around the room, threatening to portal all the shadowhunters to hell. Then he went on about a plan to attack the cohort and portal them all to hell too. He kept talking about portalling people to hell. I feel him on a personal level!!!
“Rafael knew he had the option of not listening to what they had to say. But here is the thing about people, they don’t get to you. You get to them. They simply say something and leave. They probably don’t even mean the things they say or lose sleep over it. But it wasn’t the same for you. You obsess over it. You stay awake at night and let it consume your dreams. And that was the worst part because all of it looks like a choice. All of it looks like your fault.” THIS!!!!
“He ran his hand through the boy’s blue curls. Max had his own battles to fight. But they had to fight together.”
“Fuck everyone else,” dad growled. “They’ve hurt our family enough.” EXACTLY!!!
“He needed to survive this. So, he decided to go back to the place he had learned how to survive in the first place. He needed to go back home.” Okey, this was a lot and I need a moment and some therapy probably
“Camilla Alvarez.” Interesting
The texts are just *chef kiss*
“His father had done that. Alec Lightwood had helped Joaquin and his people create a new world in Buenos Aires.” I LOVE ALEC LIGHTWOOD
Okey, but all of that conversation with Rafe and Magnus was beautiful and now I’m crying
Blue banners when the lost return, the shadowhunter rhythm said. Rafael had returned home – and he was no longer lost. WOW. JUST WOW.
“I would like to propose that we include a provision on hate speech,” Rafael said. FUCK YEAH
Not to be dramatic, BUT HOLY FUCK!! All this Cohort moment really hits cause its what society is like
“This is unacceptable!” Paige Ashdown looked furious. “Lightwood, you can’t just keep bringing up new laws to protect your family.” “I wouldn’t have to if you didn’t keep attacking my family, Paige!” the Consul Voice boomed across the hall. “And I’m not doing this to protect my own. My family happens to be one of the many you’ve victimized with your vicious prejudice.” LOUDER SO EVERYONE CAN HEAR
“I’m the Inquisitor’s daughter,” she said. “Next time, think twice before you quote the law at me.” Hello? Yes, I would like to request a seat at the Anjali supremacy cause that girl is such a badass
She turned to the Council. The Inquisitor looked like he was going to cry from pride. Rafael’s dad looked half terrified but mostly impressed. Lily was blowing kisses at Anjali. The other downworld leaders looked quite pleased.“Over to you Consul,” Anjali gave him a salute as usual – and then she was gone. “THAT’S THE BEST SHIT I HAVE EVER SEEN IN MY ENTIRE LIFE!” Emma Carstairs yelled. “Goddamn, I wish Magnus was here to see this,” Uncle Jace grinned. “That was satisfying as hell.” “No worries, I recorded the whole thing!” Kit put up his hand.- THEY HAVE SUCH AN ENERGY
“He wasn't afraid. He still wanted to hold her. He realized he wanted to hold her even if it would set him on fire.” My heart, i just 💙💙💙
OKAYY. That was a lot of trauma, screaming, loving and hating. And it also came longer than expected but you can’t blame me!! I loved it soooo much, it was amazing as always
Now guess who has 10 assignments to deliver and hasn’t started them for spending all the time reading this?? YES, it's me, so I better get to work 💙💙
Also I am glad you enjoyed this. It is a very heavy chapter. So, do feel time to rest and recover.
I'll see you soon bebe 💙
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angelsodreamy-no2 · 3 years
things me and my friends have said or texted as things pjo/hoo characters would probably say irl :
Annabeth : *reads a novel during a test and somehow still passes "GUYSSS WHY IS THERE SUDDENLY A TEST, THANK GOODNESS I PASSED"
Leo : i just laughed at a kid who fell down from the stairs, the kids's brothers stared at me so i ran away.
Annabeth : ok go evaluate your life choices.
Nico : *sends a pic of the view below his balcony. Will : dont jump bestie. Nico : i cant even if i wanted to, its not high enough, i've calculated it since 7th grade.
Leo : please i chatted him when i was crying, i don't know why but i texted you that day because i was so sad. Nico : i dont frickin know.
Percy : then she doesn't likes you. Leo : fak me. Percy : *calls calypso
Reyna : i have my own problems and i only chat you in my free time. *also her, sends memes every hour
Percy : then just find other friends. there are still plenty of fishes in the sea, maybe you'll find a whale, or a mermaid.
Leo : USUALLY I SEND MEMES *textes while having a mental breakdown during a group therapy session
Percy : yeah, it took me 3 years.
Leo : *ranting about his life problems in the group chat. Percy : *ignores him and starts gossiping about octavian or luke
Percy : i was asking bish.
Percy : what kind of main character energy is that?
Nico : i'm weird. Will : finally you've noticed
Nico : will smiles and i'm like -_-
Nico : yes, i'm unseen.
Rachel : i like hedgehogs, i want a pet iguana.
Piper : i like girls, they're cool.
Reyna : i'm just anti boys. Piper : but you had a crush on one, FOR YEARS.
Piper : reyna used to give me mean girl vibes. i now think she's the nicest person i've ever met.
Percy : look, leo looks like an annoying scrawny little boy.
Nico : i just slept from 5 pm until 9.30 pm.
Jason : guys im off, i need to sleep now. Piper : it's still 9 pm. Jason : exactly.
Percy : i'm not that mean okay. Jason : you just compared our geography teacher to a "village/old mom" (kind of an insult) and our religion teacher's eyes to a fish's eyes.
Jason : "self pity". Leo : IZ IMPORTANT.
Jason : yea im okay with dating anyone short if they're nice. Leo : *sends GIF of agatha harkness winking
Leo : lets say something we like and dislike about each other. Percy : *roasts him. Leo : STOP. Percy : LOL. Piper : i dont judge someone's outside.
Piper : jason, change your hairstyle to this *sends a pic of william franklyn miller
Thalia : ugh i'm not your type.
Reyna : later i'll cook nico an egg.
Leo : i'm cute, nice, and smart.
(i want to make a part 2 so bad lol, turns out reading your old text messages are fun.)
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I’m in love with Octavian….
Like…Time just stopped for a second. And I had this spiritual awakening thing.
Ya’ll I need therapy…
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biancainthestars · 3 years
If I could rewrite the Heroes of Olympus series:
I mean, I think it would be more interesting if Annabeth and Reyna got switched but idk if I could make it work
Frank would be a year or two younger
It would focus more on friendships than relationships
Jason and Piper would not date
Piper would be openly sapphic
Percy wouldn't lose the Achilles Curse and the Tartarus scenes would be absolutely devastating
To add on to that, Leo and Reyna would have character arcs that aren't just about romance
Nico would have a proper coming out scene :/
Seven books so we could get a more developed story and point of views from more characters
I would want a point of view from Octavian. I don't think he'll ever be redeemed but I just want to read his pov.
More of them just being. Teenagers. Pulling pranks at inappropriate times and all.
No Calypso and Leo romance
TRAUMA. PANIC ATTACKS. DEPRESSION. ANXIETY. All these poor kids need is to go to therapy but they can't so I want to see it affect them.
Less seventh wheel bullshit
Leo would flirt with both Percy and Annabeth constantly, it would be hilarious (bc Percy would kinda like it)
None of this kaleidoscope/golden eyes and cinnamon hair bullshit, why can't woc have brown eyes and brown hair? Why, Rick, please tell me why.
I don't like the bodyshaming that came with Frank's character so none of that
I would just throw in casual references to the events of The Kane Chronicles bc they happen at the same time
Frank and Hazel wouldn't date the whole time
For most of the series, Percy and Annabeth would be the only couple, because as I said, I think we should focus more on friendships like the og series did
More character development for Jason bc all we really got from him is his stoic child soldier personality which is understandable bc like, he's quite literally a child soldier but I wish he could have broken out of his shell more 😭😭
Lots more but it's late and I am sleepy
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