Jason: if we ever got into a surivial situation and you were both dead I wouldn’t eat ur corpses to prolong my own life :) You are special and unique for this :)
Leo and Piper: what
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plushieslayer · 5 months
Reyna when Octavian became Pontifex Maximus (due to an emergency) :😡🤬😱🤯😨😠
Reyna when Jason became Pontifex Maximus : 🥰😘☺️😊😇😁
“Reyna wanted to strangle him. No demigod in living memory had taken the title Pontifex Maximus. By doing so Octavian was elevating himself almost to the level of emperor.”
isn’t Jason doing the same thing?
and the greeks DID bomb CJ.So what’s the point😭😭
also letting an unknown person,who claims to be from a camp of PEOPLE YOU FOUGHT WITH and who suffers from AMNESIA become praetor after like 2 days is so fucking stupid I’m sorry
*not reyna slander,but like sometimes I realize how much immature these characters acted,because they were in fact minors,child soldiers.*
they all needed therapy fr
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whatohitsonfirewelp · 2 years
Okay wait wait how long was Jason actually raised by wolves before raised by camp Jupiter?
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bruciemilf · 1 year
Factually, I know Bruce is a bad cook. In my wonderland brain, however, he's a baker in some Hell's Kitchen-esque neighborhood, both flourishing and festering down the Narrow's ribs.
Curiously, The Bat seems particularly focused on protecting this joint. And whoever walks in it.
The classic myth of food is that it brings people together; That's the one thing everyone, under the greyscale rainbow in Gotham, has in common. Everyone has to eat, and everyone has to die.
And all kinds of people walk in there.
You get thieves with watchful, observant eyes nemorizing the concise, expert movement of your fingers and wonder how these machines of pain and violance can be delicate enough for sweets.
"I know what you are. I know who you are."
"I'm not exactly hiding. "
" I'm gonna rob you now."
" Take some tuna for Iris while you're at it,"
You get jesters with runny make-up and busted lips and a heartbroken hope in their eyes, crying over their fried ice cream,
" I'm stupid. I know -- I know what he's doing to me. And my mom's voice is just pounding in my ear, every fuckin' day, ' You're letting him, Harley. You're letting him and you deserve it. You should've married that fucking doctor. At least he didn't hit you, he just yelled and screamed and called you nasty names.'
Bruce drizzles some extra rainbow sprinkles on her ice cream. " And that voice is wrong." And he'll keep saying that voice is wrong till the day Harley doesn't like ice cream anymore. And that day doesn't exist.
And slowly, you learn not to be impressed. When you live with wolves, you sharpen your teeth. Dogs do what dogs do; they eat. An angry dog is a hungry dog.
And this boy, with a red scarf over his nose, waving a gun in Bruce's face, is looking plenty angry.
"Just fucking stay there, okay?" He'd probably sound more threatening without the glass tremble in his voice. "I'm just gonna take some cash, and,--"
Bruce's calm is frosty; He's got experience with guns being pointed at his face. " Your safety's on. "
Teal eyes are glossy, shining with feral, living fear, like it's Bruce who has him cornered, backed up to a wall and looming death over him. there's no kids in crime alley.
Whatever they are, they can't afford that title. But he looks exactly how boys in crime alley look; Young and scared and haunted.
"What's your name, honey?"
" Are you hungry, Jason?"
The way he wolfs down three plates with tears running down his cheek answers Bruce plenty.
"You can have the cash, " I don't really need it, goes unspoken. It already feels slimy enough to take it. The charities and well- filled cups of homeless people don't ease that. "I'm guessing you need it."
"It's for my dad," 'Dad' drips from Jason's lips like liquid hatred, " He told me to rob you cause you never call the cops."
" Calling criminals to stop other criminals seems a little counter-productive, " He needs to do something with his hands; Or he'll take Jason and hug him and drag him to the manor, where Alfred can prepare the fluffiest bed, and the warmest bath. So he's packing him something extra, to take at home.
Still. Hearing Jason laugh makes it worth it.
" You can say you got dinner, too."
" I'm not giving Willis shit, " Willis. One of Harvey's guns. They need a chat about working hazards. " Gonna take this to Dickie and Timmy, thought. Dick's gonna love this..."
And Jason, Bruce comes to find out, doesn't know himself half as good as he knows his siblings.
He learns Timmy, the baby brother, loves to skate, and he's the reason they go to the ER every other Thursday. He learns Dick can never run out of energy; Learns he's running on spite alone and they can't go a day without fighting.
And when Bruce is fighting Nightwing, the newest villain in Gotham, he learns both he and Dick can land the meanest Produnova recorded.
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sionnaach · 3 months
Trigger warnings for drug and alcohol use, temporary character death, slight mental health spiralling
chapter one
I warned you about stairs bro
“What the fuck?”
Nico is back in the bathroom, staring at himself in the mirror.
He was just hit by a car. Right? That definitely just happened. He should be dead, not standing in front of his bathroom mirror, staring at his reflection.
Not a mark on him, either. Not a drop of blood, or a bruise, or even a scuff of dirt. Exactly the same.
“What the fuck.” He repeats, quieter. Did he hallucinate the last, what, three hours?
There's a knock on the door.
Ignoring the glare from the girl outside - who he still doesn't know - as she slams the door shut behind her, he makes a beeline for the kitchen. Again Nico passes by people all wishing him happy birthday. He shrugs off their touches and ignores the shot thrust out before him.
Piper is still in the kitchen, behind the counter. She grins when she sees him, holding the lit joint up and singing; “Happy birthday to you, happy birthday-”
He cuts her off again. “Piper, what was in that joint?”
She blinks at him, looking from the joint in her hand and back to Nico, more than a little confused. “This one? It's just weed, dude. And you've not had any yet.”
“Are you absolutely sure there's nothing else in it?”
“Yes? I mean, it's from my regular dealer. You know, the one that Percy Jackson Himself recommended.” she frowns, clearly concerned. “What's wrong?”
“I got hit by a car and died.”
“That's not funny, what the fuck Nico.”
“No, I'm serious. I’ve already been through this party. I went to the shop and got hit by a car while crossing the road.”
Piper looks ready to book him into the next available therapy session with the first of her colleagues who is free and also happens to specialise in ‘losing touch with reality’, which is understandable. Nico tries a different approach. “Leo and Jason are going to show up in the next like, minute.”
There's a loud cheer just as he finishes speaking, and Leo’s voice booms over the music.
“Chef Leo is back in business!”
Nico raises his eyebrows at Piper and spreads his hands. She's still frowning at him.
“Okay that's… a little weird, but they did say they were on their way. Have you had anything else to drink? Taken anything?”
“Before? Yeah, your joint and like half a bottle of moonshine. About an hour after this conversation.”
Before Piper can respond, Leo and Jason appear beside them, taco trays at the ready.
“Yikes, whatever conversation is happening here is way too serious.” Leo says, moving to place down his platter once Piper clears the counter for them. “You're welcome, by the way.”
Nico hardly waits for the tray to hit the countertop before he's grabbing a taco and wolfing it down, deciding that he needs to sober up immediately and figure out what the fuck is going on.
Leo retracts his hands like Nico is a feral dog. “Jesucristo. Piper, do you feed the boy?”
“Nico is a twenty-five-year-old Adult, with an Adult Job and Adult Bills. He feeds himself.”
Jason, meanwhile, is watching him with a concerned expression, moving to his opposite side. “You good?” he asks softly as Nico starts in on his second taco.
Nico covers his mouth to reply around the mouthful of food, because of course they’re talking to him while he’s eating. “Bad trip.”
“He says he's already been at the party.” Piper fills them in, giving Nico a chance to finish his taco in peace. “Like, lived the whole thing already.”
“Like deja-vu?” Jason asks, and Nico shrugs.
“I guess.”
“Deja-vu?” Leo repeats, inserting himself into the conversation. “The fuck have you been smoking?”
“Piper’s joint, or nothing, I don’t fucking know.”
Leo takes the joint from Piper and studies it carefully, like he can tell the chemical components through sight and touch alone. She rolls her eyes. “At least smoke it, asshole.”
He inhales deeply. Breathes back out slowly. A moment's pause, and he hands the joint back to Piper with a shrug. “Yeah. that’s definitely just weed, dude.”
“Whatever it is, it has majorly fucked me up.”
“Again, you haven’t had any.”
She holds it out to him, but Nico waves her off.
“I need to figure out what’s going on.” He starts, and blinks when he realises that Piper’s expression has shifted, nor is her attention on his face. “What?”
She’s glaring at something over his shoulder, and Nico turns to find Octavian standing in the doorway. He gives Nico an imporing look.
“Nico, can we-”
“Absolutely not.” His roommate speaks before Nico can, and Octavian scowls at her.
“This doesn’t concern you, Piper.”
She raises her chin, giving Octavian a look that is ice cold. “This is my house, and you weren’t invited. Get out.”
Octavian looks back at Nico, as if he’d somehow be on his side. He shrugs innocently. “It’s true, I just pay rent. Better do as she says.”
Jason and Leo are on either side of Octavian now (which, admittedly, is a little funny. Jason is both taller and broader than his ex, but Leo is about five-foot-three on a good day.) “Private party, dude.” Leo says, his smile threatening.
Jason doesn’t have to say anything. Octavian takes one look at him and seems to reconsider whatever retort was going through his head.
Octavian meets his eyes through the wall of his friend’s shoulders. “Just… Call me? Please?” He pleads as Jason and Leo guide him out. Nico flips him off.
Piper is still scowling past him when he turns back to her. “Dickbag.” She says finally, earning a snort of laughter from Nico.
“Want a shot?” She asks, a little too enthusiastically, and Nico grins.
“Happy birthday Nico! I’m so sorry we’re late.” Hazel pulls him into a tight hug and kisses both his cheeks in greeting. Frank is a little more reserved than his sister, but still gives Nico a hug that is only slightly bone crushing.
“You’ve not missed much.” He tells Hazel when Frank releases him, a little breathless.
Leo appears with a couple paper plates loaded with tacos, which he hands to Hazel and Frank. Nico tries to steal one from Hazel, but she smacks his hand away with a sisterly glare. He sticks his tongue out at her and she laughs.
Leo gives his sister and brother-in-law a wide grin. “We had to kick out Octavian.”
Hazel grimaces, not finding this news nearly as amusing as Leo. “Why was he here? Surely you didn’t invite him.” She pauses, then turns to Nico with a disapproving frown. “You didn’t get back with him, did you?”
“What- Hazel, no.” He’s almost offended that she would come to such a conclusion. Mainly because it’s not exactly outside of his wheelhouse, in terms of bad romantic decisions, and they all know it.
“Good. You deserve better.”
He rolls his eyes, but gives her a small smile. “Keep saying that and I’ll start believing it.”
They manage to procure the couches to sit as a group, Perks of being host-slash-birthday-boy, Nico figures.
His social battery is quickly wearing out. He loves his friends and he loves his sister and her fiance but he hates parties and he hates crowds and really, Leo, why did you think this was the best way to celebrate my birthday?
It’s Nico, Piper, and Jason on one and Hazel and Frank on the other. Leo sits on the floor between Jason’s legs. He's playing with a Rubik’s Cube, because of course he is. Nico isn’t even sure where he found it, or if he brought it with him for some inexplicable Leo reason.
They’re talking amongst themselves with voices raised above the general clamor and thumping music, trying to catch up with each other, while Nico stares ahead at nothing.
They, being the six of them, could have rigged up Nico’s Switch to the projector and played Mario Kart until 4am while getting high, and honestly, that sounds like a much better night than being surrounded by people he doesn’t know, during one of the weirdest nights of his life.
“I’m going outside.” He says suddenly, knocking Piper’s legs off his lap as he jumps to his feet. She stretches them out in his absence, leaning back into Jason, and looks up at him.
“If you go to the shop can you grab me a box of Marlboros? Please and thank you.”
Nico nods, though he has no intention of heading that far again, lest he get hit by another car.
He takes the stairwell two steps at a time. Hopefully the fresh air will clear his head a little. His vision is starting to get hazy, but he doesn’t feel that drunk.
He misses a step.
He can’t catch himself.
Nico tumbles down the rest of the stairs and lands on his neck with a crunch.
Someone is knocking on the bathroom door.
Nico is staring at his reflection in the mirror.
“For fuck’s sake.”
He broke his neck. He fell down a flight of stairs and broke his neck and fucking died. Again. He pulls back his hair with shaking hands and checks himself in the mirror, turning his head left and right, for any sign of a broken neck.
He lets his hair fall back into his face with a frustrated sigh.
He backs up and holds his shirt up. He was hit by a car and then fell down a concrete stairwell, he should be covered in bruises.
Again. Not a scratch.
Someone’s knocking on the door.
“Give me a fucking minute.” He hisses, pulling his shirt back down. He leans over the sink. Splashes water onto his face and rubs briskly. Get it together, Niccoló.
He doesn’t even glance at the girl waiting to get in, striding past her and directly towards Piper, who is still in the fucking kitchen.
“Piper, I think I’m losing my mind.” He announces, somewhat desperately, before she can start singing Happy Birthday.
“That’s your frontal lobe finishing it’s development.” She answers with a grin. It drops, when she sees how shaken he is. “Oh no, what’s wrong?”
He leans his elbows on the counter and hides his face in his hands, breathing slowly and deeply to try and settle his heart rate. “I keep. I don’t know. I think I’m dead and I’m stuck in limbo which is my twenty-fifth birthday party, for some fucking reason.” He looks back up to gauge her reaction, raking his hair back with one hand.
It doesn’t look good, not that he was expecting anything else.
“Okay. In good conscience, I can’t let you drink or smoke anymore.” She starts, stubbing the joint out in an ashtray and tucking it behind her ear. “I’ll kick everyone else out, it can just be the six of us and we can figure out what’s going on.”
Honestly, it’s tempting, but he knows that, for Piper,‘figuring out what’s going on’ is code for ‘are you in danger and need medical assistance’ not ‘the universe is out to kill me and succeeding.'
He deliberates for a little longer, before shaking his head. “No. No, it’s fine. I think I’m just having a bad trip. I might just… Go to bed. Sorry for being a killjoy.”
Piper rounds the counter to give him a quick hug. “You’re not, you’re being smart. I’ll let folk stay for now, but text me if things get too loud and they’re gone. It’s still your birthday.”
“Right. Enjoy your night.”
She gives him another hug, one arm around his shoulders, pressing her cheek to his hair affectionately before letting him go. Nico can see her pulling her phone out as he leaves the kitchen.
A few people wish him happy birthday when he passes them in the hallway, and he gives them half-hearted ‘thank you’s’ before retreating into the dark of his bedroom. He kicks off his boots and falls face-first onto his bed, not bothering to change out of the rest of his clothes.
“Happy fuckin’ birthday.” He mutters to himself, sending a quick prayer to whatever God happens to be listening so that he doesn’t suffocate in his sleep and wake up in the fucking bathroom.
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proteovaldez · 4 months
Im gonna talk Jason, Reyna and Octavian. Reminder I haven’t read these books in like five or more years. Are these headcannons? Let’s call it that.
Wolf boy Jason should be talked about more. Also I like Octavian as a character cause he’s a little freak. And Reyna is my personal Ace/Aro representation. My sister and I have made little phrases to help others understand how we’ve characterized them. Octavian is “Dog eat Dog.” Reyna is “Dog and Dog.” Jason is “Doggie Dog.”
Now to explain how I think pre Hera/Juno Camp Jupiter was like. So in my mind time works differently at the wolf house. Reasoning, no way a two year old in just a year is Roman ready. So Jason spends a lot of time there. He’s a baby, so obviously he picks up on the wolf stuff and as a result he’s more animalistic. The only explanation why he was able to succeed at being a soldier at age three for fifteen years is because he is not the usual soldier. He’s a wolf first and a Roman soldier second. No matter how much training you have, it’s kind of hard to beat someone who is not afraid to bite and theoretically tear out your throat. I like to think he had longish hair. I mean I fully believe he refused shoes and his cohorts would brush his hair or give him head scratches. He has definitely bit an adult.
Now Reyna is just trying to do her job. I mean you’re telling me that Jason wouldn’t immediately investigate the new girl. He does and she’s cool. When did she get the metal dogs? Doesn’t matter she’s clearly good with dogs. Also both of them are great fighters and intelligent. I’m confident they bonded even before he became praetor. I fully believe they are in love. I mean like queer platonic love. Like the most they’ve done is holding pinkies when slightly stressed or doing each other’s hair. She cringes when he tried to hug her once. So when they both are praetors it’s her just silently begging for him to wear shoes at meetings.
Now Octavian, our favorite little freak of a teen. Octavian is a legacy, I’m assuming his parents live in New Rome. I like your think Jason went to a school and had classes with Octavian. Octavian has always been weird. Also he can read. I don’t remember if legacies are also dyslexic, but you’re telling me Octavian wouldn’t know how to read with no struggle. He would and he’d lord it over everyone. I just know he’s always been a little ambitious and power hungry. I mean what child with prophetic tendencies wouldn’t crave power? He definitely notices Jason is powerful and useful. He knows it’s better to be on the possible feral child’s side. Also he’s incredibly patriotic like most Roman’s are historically at least. He knows Jason is good for Rome and I bet he’s one of the many who thought Jason fumbled choosing the fifth cohort. Like he’s known of Jason forever and knows that Jason is all for the Roman cause he’s a child soldier. He can rely on Jason to be on the side of Rome. Now Reyna he definitely was wary until he actually met her. He’s a smart kid, so obviously he likes Reyna. He respects her greatly until she becomes Praetor. After that he has two separate Reyna’s in his mind. There’s smart, intelligent Reyna, and then there’s Praetor Reyna. The second one is an implied sneer. Cause I bet she’s had to alter her original ideas and plans to appeal to the council. Octavian has heard Reyna’s original plans and thinks they’re genius, but Praetor Reyna is a sellout.
The three of them are literally the most recognized campers at Camp Jupiter. It’s kind of hard to not at least respect your coworkers when they’re useful and technically are working towards the same goal. Like Reyna wasn’t there long so she probably was just pleased she had people to talk to. Maybe not friends exactly but acquaintances. And Jason likes people. Then Octavian likes useful people. Also they’re teenagers. I just know the three of them hung out and have stupid jokes, but only do so in private as they’re kind of serious people.
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noahmullariii · 3 months
11 random pjo&hoo headcanons
mostly Will Solace centric cuz I'm hyperfixated on this dork
Will is terrified of birds (which is canon in tsats apparently but idgaf about that book sooo) after those chariot races in sea of monsters. that shit was traumatising okay.
literally any song can heal. cue Will bursting into I Can't Decide by Scissor Sisters while healing cabin 5 for the umpteenth time.
Jason is a feral wolf boy (it's not really an unpopular opinion but whatever). he bites, barks and growls when sparring. extremely territorial. doesn't like the feeling of a table edge against his forearms so he eats sitting cross-legged on the ground. doesn't like wearing shoes and only started sleeping on a normal bed at 12 when during a particularly cold winter he kept getting sick from sleeping on the barracks' floor and Reyna manhandled his ass to New Rome's furniture store and got him a thin mattress.
Jason needs to be within touching distance of someone at all times. he'd reflexively comb through and braid Reyna and Piper's hair, play with Dakota and Leo's curls, press his forehead against Gwen and Nico's shoulder blades and side hug Bobby and Thalia.
unmasked Will has murder in his eyes. his pacifism is not an innate trait, but his ultimate choice. a very hard one at times, because his brain's first instinct is always "choose violence". his anger issues are even worse than Percy's, although his self-control is better.
on a related note - grandpa Micah taught Will how to shoot a gun when he was 6. his archery skills are nonexistent, but he's the best shot with firearms. he tries to keep it on the down low however, cuz he prefers to give off a non-threatening sunshine vibe to most other campers, but he occasionally works on his shooting during solitary forest patrols and while at home on holiday breaks.
Hazel becomes a hardcore brony the moment she finds out about MLP. her favourite character is Princess Luna. her bunkspace is now full of merch and creepypastas are her new bedtime stories.
Nico doesn't like peanut butter but absolutely loves cottage cheese. Will finds that interesting. Will himself likes both.
Will loves emo music actually. although he will annoy everybody by always picking the silliest country songs during his shifts at the infirmary. he thinks it creates good vibes.
Nico's hair is thick, kinda wavy and hard to manage so he's constantly caught between craving to grow it out really long and impulsively cutting it chin-length. so in last olympian it's down to his shoulders but during Gaea war he sports a short shag again. after settling at camp he can finally grow it out cuz Drew shows him her cabin's secret weapon - conditioner!
everybody in cabin 7 knows italian (just like cabin 10 knows french. and yes, I know it's another popular one), but only to the extent of their music gift. so while Austin is bilingual, Will's innate italian knowledge is lower intermediate at best. although naturally they can only speak and understand it (just like with ancient greek and cabin 10's french) so they still have to study writing.
lots of those are inspired by general fanon as well as many fic writers' personal headcanons, but off the top of my head I can only tell you that the peanut butter one is from iyncbyhim by @yrbeecharmer
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jankwritten · 4 months
[this is jasico. to me]
yeah i get that
I actually very much love the visuals of it and it makes me want to write a feral/wolf Jason fic where Jason has been an absolute fucking terror to Camp Jupiter because he doesn't understand what they want from him and they don't understand why he is the way he is, until Nico di Angelo shows up and looks at this weird wolf boy with glowy eyes and immediately goes "oh I read a book about this once" and immediately starts using every dog training tactic he knows.
Nico "This thing almost bit my hand off which means I Need To Befriend it Now" di Angelo and Jason "Bite First Ask Questions Later" Grace
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broken-balance-baby · 8 months
not gonna make a bullet point post regarding pagan/vaas headcanons i just want to think of them based on their vibes.
warnings for canon-typical sexual stuff, that includes mentions of underage sex (vaas was like 16-- just to note but its not with pagan but with hoyt) and complicated relationships with the aftereffects thereon, mentions of incest (thank you citra)
first off i would like to thank my headcanons of hoyt terrorizing vaas's teenhood and decorating it with a transactional sexual relationship and furthermore fucking it up for him with older men. vaas's relationship with men is crazy cuz he's gay but any woman aside from citra just felt straight up unpleasant, no matter how much he tried. comphet, social pressure and an incestuous relationship with your sister sure does something to your sexual state huh
anyway. pagan and vaas. pagan and fucking vaas.
they're not at all romantic (but it could be but who knows), meeting in circumstances that ended with pagan smacking the gun out of vaas's hand to pin him against the wall with a knife against his throat, but that's usually how vaas is with men.
violence is a love language, after all. whether that be from the way he used to get hurt a lot when hoyt used to use him (and he really means use), his warnings-slash-tests he's provided jason with for his strength... there's a list that can go on. vaas doesn't really know people without it. started with citra, continued on with hoyt, doesn't know how it's going to end but... that's the thing.
doing the same thing, over and over again.
so when they start off like that vaas's breath almost gives away his surprise but pagan just gives him a small chuckle before he stops touching him, vaas is suddenly unsure as to how to go about the eccentricity and femininity this man exudes because he's never actually seen a man like that at all.
i think theyd be like. super slow in developing a connection but vaas’s interest in him doesn’t even happen up until the start of like. the more they do interact. he thinks pagan is strange in his nature, but it pisses him off to no end when he has to deal with him in the process because he doesn’t exactly like this type of strangeness, but it’s familiar in the same way a dog would find a wolf familiar.
he doesn’t like that he feels vulnerable because he’s got a weaker spot for older men, especially men who have power in their hands and vaas has focused a little too much on pagan’s fingers and the way the bones move under the backs of his palms; he’s not sure why his eyes move down to where the hands are when it comes to men but— he does.
so he puts back on that tough guy act. unfortunately, pagan is good at cracking through brazen masculinity. especially the vulnerable spots vaas has out in the open, he can see it: the defensiveness, the insecurities, the fear. like a little feral dog it seems that his defense mechanisms are useless against the way pagan knows how to make boys like him— boys, because to hoyt he’d never be a real man, to anybody he’d never be a real man and not even to vaas— behave.
and it makes vaas so uncomfortable. makes him angry. makes him frightened. what the hell does this maricon think he’s doing huh? ohhh, for sure he must be fucking testing my motherfucking limits no? no no no, please, get THE FUCK out.
but… it’s almost like gaslighting. pagan is doing something but his calm approach to vaas with his interactions make it seem like he just isn’t doing anything. but there it is again. and it comes again. and it drives vaas up the fucking wall because what the FUCK did i say about the definition of insanity?
and he gets memories of hoyt. hoyt who “played” with him, hoyt who, for the most part, had too much fun making him his little throwaway toy. the closer pagan gets to him the eerier and clearer the memories become to him and they are not nice.
so he asks pagan, visibly shaken, probably months later when they spend the rest of their time having to know each other, what the fuck he wants from him.
pagan simply looks him up and down and says, “i just want you, dear boy.”
(or so, he wishes intrusively for that day.
vaas would never actually ask or think past this, just assume that pagan’s another one of the hoyts, and that reminder is what makes him so angry— whatever it is that pagan wants from him, hoyt had taken it from him anyway, citra had taken it from him too, there’s nothing left for vaas to give him and he’s firm on that stance.)
but vaas was never good at making good decisions anyhow. the closeness of a man, the touch of a man, the approval, the love… vaas had only really known it in short bursts, if there was anything like that, but that was the past. hoyt and citra made up most of it. you could talk love and desperation and want and need with citra but when it comes to hoyt? you could talk about how much you just wanted to be taken care of, to be cared for, to be touched by a man and know what it feels like to be one in His hands.
it fucking sucks, lmao.
so when the opportunity comes, when pagan comes into his mind again, pagan who’s dealt with boys like him, his older presence and his sophisticated anger, vaas is afraid to realize that he honestly kind of wants him as much as pagan has been flirting with him too.
vaas has never been good at making good decisions. if he wanted to be loved by someone he should’ve been dead a long time ago. now is not the time for that— maybe they can fuck and get it over with and never speak about it again; vaas can ignore the way pagan calls him pretty, touches him softly and keeps him in a closed distance that his touch starvation simply cannot handle, can see that this is not anything new, just because he’s some pink posh peacock of a person doesn’t mean he isn’t a man and, for the most part, vaas just scoffs. he’s still just a man. he really is just a man.
so he lets him do what he wants with him. just like the old days, because this is as good as it gets.
(he’d be surprised to know that pagan could change that.)
anyway tldr this is them
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rokishimizu4 · 19 days
Masterlist: A slasher a day keeps the anxiety away~!
Trying to do an update a day ^^.
Many of these will be dealing with mental illness, triggers, blood, violence, and more. If you don’t like it, then please don’t read. NOT for people under 16. 18+ ones will be on my AO3 account.
Micheal Myers
Friday the 13th
Jason Voorhees
G (fear of water) 2
Daniel Robitaille
Billy Loomis
Stu Macher
Stu x Billy: No Touching 1
A Nightmare on Elm Street
Freddy Kruger
The Texas Chainsaw Massacre
Bubba Sawyer
Thomas Hewitt
Child’s Play
Chucky/Charles Lee Ray
Tiffany Valentines
House of Wax
Bo Sinclair
Lester Sinclair
Vincent Sinclair
The Collector
Asa Emory
Jesse Cromeans
Bad Bloods
Lost Tribe
House of 1000 Corpses
Baby Firefly
My Bloody Valentine
Harry Warden
Silence of the Lamb/ Hannibal/ TV
Hannibal Lecter
Will Graham
The Lost Boys
Silent Hill
Pyramid Head
~ Letters~
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gaybestie01 · 1 year
HoO meme dump bc i say so
Leo: *crying softly(
Piper: Leo, what's wrong
Leo: i just realized we can never know if a T-Rex is happy cause bc they can't clap there hands
Piper: *facepalms*
Leo: *singing if your happy and you know it softly*
Annabeth: Whats the worst thing you guys have done?
Piper: Rickrolled my teacher in 4th grade
Percy: Kicked Jason in the shin-
Jason: -so I kicked Percy in between the legs
Leo: I burned a town down
Annabeth: What?!?
Hazel: what the hell is wrong with you?
Leo: alot of things
Frank: well no shit
When it's cold on the Argo II they just sit in a circle and Leo is and makes Leo sit in the middle bc he emits heat therefore he is a furnace
Jason: *going wolf-boy feral and tearing the absolute shit out a some monster*
Leo and Piper in the background cheering and hyping him up: GO, WHITE BOY, GO
Hazel: who the fuck added me to this group chat
Frank: Language!
Leo: yeah, watch your fucking language
Annabeth: "the fuck word"?
Jason: are you stupid? you guys use the f word all the time
Piper: oh my gosh he censored it
Leo: say fuck, Jason
Percy: do it, Jason, say fuck
Piper: I saw Leo spill his coffee
Piper: it's been 30 minutes but he's just staring at the puddle int silence, with ears streaming down his face
Piper: at this point I'm afraid to help
Reyna: we can't tell you bc you're not a member of the club
Leo: what club?
Frank: the hating Leo club
Leo: ...The fuck? I should be the leader of that club!
The seven + nico, will and reyna on a airplane
Percy: doesn't fly but if he does he is freaking the heck out
Annabeth: works on her computer the whole time
Piper: charmspeaks the flight attendants into giveing her free snacks and drinks
Leo: the kid who kicks the backs of your seat, can’t sit still, and just walks around the cabin
Jason: sits there is a smug look on his face because he can control the whole plane with the wind
Frank: sleeps the whole time
Hazel: in the bathroom throwing up and just motion sick the whole way, poor thing
Nico: the one person who has their music too loud you can hear through his headphones
Will: watches love drama tv shows on his phone and bothers Nico
Reyna: rather be any where else
To Percy- Fav song?
Percy: Under the Sea
Annabeth: percy your 17
Percy- i saved the world i should be able to pick my fav song
Annabeth: whatever Seaweed brain, anyway mine is-
Leo: *barges in through the door*
Leo: you guys know what mine is
Piper: no leo this question wasn’t for you
Leo: too bad *sets hand on fire*
Leo, off key: this girl is on fire
Annabeth: Leo no!!
Percy and Leo off key: THIS GIRL IS ON FIIIRRREEEE
Annabeth and Calypso:
Thalia: it's never too late to join the Hunt
Leo: what's the difference from snowmen and snowomen
Annabeth: don't
Leo: snow balls
Annabeth: percy, please bring me my dagger
Percy: look, I have a sister now i'm not risking it
Nico: are you saying my life matters less because i don't conform societies heteronormative, child-centric ideals
Percy: are you really playing the gay card right now?!?
Nico, in a monotone voice: Yaass queen
Nico: looking right because you left
Percy: looking left because you don’t treat me right
Will: looking up because you let me down
Leo: looking down because you messed up
Frank: what is wrong with you guys
Will: *shoves nico onto a chair*
Will: sit you need to rest and you lost a lot of blood
Nico: im fine
Will: no ur not you need blood, what's your type
Nico: what
Will: what is your blood type
Percy, from the halfway across camp: WELL IT AIN'T ME
Nico: *face palms*
Percy: I hate Octavin
Reyna: hate is a strong word
Reyna: in this case not strong enough
Baby Artemis: dad how long can a person breath in a washer machine while its one
Zeus, chuckles: well why would you want do know that
Zeus: wait where's Apollo!!!
Me: *standing outside of a burning school*
Me: someone said they hated Percy Jackson
Me: so i called leo
To Annabeth: can you talk to olives?
Annabeth: yes, yes i can
Nico: *shutting Snow White *
Nico: the moral of the story is that apples are bad for you and you should only eat McDonalds ice cream
Will: nico nO-
Police Officer: ok where do you live
Percy: with my mom
Police Officer: where does your mom live
Percy: with me
Police Officer: where do you guys live by
Percy: by my neighbors
Police Officer: where does your neighbor live
Percy: you're not going to believe me
Police Officer: tell me
Percy: by me
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Ok but Jason being treated as a robot by CH though. Like, they found him as a feral wild child and modded thin into a perfect soldier but they use the fact that he’s so perfect to dehumanise him. No one is that perfect, that good at following orders and rules. So Jason isn’t human, so why should he be treated like one? He’s a weapon. Not a person. Why should he be treated well, given constant love and affection as a child?
Alternatively! Jason staying as a feral little wolf boy and of course he’s being dehumanised. They’re using him, using the fact that he’s remorseless, a toddler who’s absolutely terrified but simultaneously so dangerous. Why should they like this feral unroman kid, why should they treat him with respect? He’s a crazy menace? They’re still going to use him, but oh my gods they’re gonna make him feel awful. Make him feel bad that he’s such a bad person, who cares if it’s all he knows and all they’re making him do?
Jason will never be human. Not to them
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happyk44 · 1 year
Tryna keep track of all my "canon" AUs (ignoring AUs actually set in alternate universes, like the moon god!Nico one).
Kay, like we have:
Percy lives at the Nome after the second war to escape the gods/following a suicide attempt
Wolf!Jason, which is more of a go-to headcanon rather than an AU, but basically AU where Jason (and the other wolf-trained campers) is more wolf-like than human. Sometimes I will write Jason as always having engaged in that behaviour with other campers but sometimes I will write him only engaging in that behaviour in times of extreme stress and/or after losing his memory, because before he lost his memory, wolf behaviour was forced out of him in place of leadership ideals, so he clamps it down until he loses his memory and realizes how good it feels to be himself.
Feral!Jason, where he becomes a feral/wild child after being raised by the wolves, lives at Camp Jupiter and is used as a guard dog/weapon for quests
A subset of the Feral!Jason, where he lives in the Underworld with Pluto after the people at Camp Jupiter wanted to kill him because he was too much for them to handle but Pluto thought he was a cute dog so he adopted him instead (I call this one Underworld Jason)
DID!Jason AU, where he has dissociative identity disorder and there's four alters hanging out in electro-boy's body (Jason, Grace, JJ and T)
Mute!Piper AU, where Piper develops selective mutism after her charmspeak becomes too powerful/she can't turn it off/she becomes scared of it
Disabled Leo -- which isn't so much an AU but my go-to headcanon, but I love the idea of him losing his arm (often to Jason, as a callback to Hera disabling Hephaestus)
Leo was part of the Titan army
Bianca lives AU
I should probably go through my posts and properly update the tags so it's easy to find the posts when I talk about them but that is an effort I am too tired to participate in right now.
Anyway, have I missed anything? I feel like this is it, but also I feel like I'm missing one. 🤔
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wwr-afterdark · 2 years
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❝I'm your dearest husband!❞ corpse husband | personality: sweet, charming | yandere: delusional & soft | he/him
❝I was programmed for you!❞ old ai | personality: sweet, playful | yandere: delusional & needy | he/they
❝Did I scare ya, baby?❞ marimo moss ball | personality: a funny flirt | yandere: aware & sadistic | song: lights out by mindless self indulgence | he/him
❝Just one pill should do it...❞ japanese honeysuckle | personality: quiet & nervous | yandere: manipulative | song: happy pills by weathers | he/him
❝I don't need anyone else, only you.❞ lantern fruit | personality: stoic and blunt | yandere: straightforward | they/them
❝I said you're mine.❞ rose | personality: god-complex & bratty | yandere: delusional & controlling | he/him
❝I never thought I'd go through this again.❞ poppy | personality: DILF | yandere: aware & straightforward | song: meant to be yours from heathers, the musical | he/him
❝C'mon doll, you didn't really think you could leave us did ya?❞ calla lily (morgan) & lavender (tiff) | personality: southern belle & feral creature | yandere: delusional & sadistic | song: hit & run by lolo | she/her
❝You're my mate, I love you!❞ werewolf | personality: danger himbo | yandere: delusional & controlling | song: tear you apart by she wants revenge | he/him
❝I only want what's best for you, darlin'.❞ vampire | personality: flirty, southern gentleman | yandere: manipulative & controlling | song: bad things by jace everett | he/him
❝I’m not here to bail you out of trouble.❞ witch | personality: tired, sassy, but actually caring | yandere: stoic possessive | he/they
↦OTHERS (New or WIPs)
Bone Appetit Boys:
VANILLA - Soft pom boy. CARAMEL - Gentle labrador. S'MORES - Stoic doberman. HAZEL - Energetic husky.
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Let Jason Grace be the over protective menace that he is and chew on slippers as his reward and bite whoever says otherwise.
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butt-puncher · 3 years
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i only have 2 thoughts: tender moments and feral jason
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