#obiwan ........ hm
person25 · 2 months
I was thinking about how if i was a padawan and people kept calling me ‘youngling’ i’d constantly be pissed, like “i’m not a youngling anymore!😾”
but then i was thinking about how if i was a master i would 100% call my padawan ‘youngling’ 24/7
if only to see them look like an angry kitten
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absentmoon · 6 months
obi wan sleuths out that icees seeing someone but shes like haha i cant say whoooo specifically you know how these things are but over time she starts giving more details and hes like ... that cant be it. ... that isnt it. .... that cant be
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jebiknights · 2 months
Forever crazy to me when people write characters who have canonically (or semi-canonically in Legends) struggled with the Dark side brush Anakin off as a lost cause. Obviously in order to return to the Light you have to want to, I do get that and the characters are likely going to know that, too. But it's just so disingenuous to me when people have these characters be unforgiving and skeptical, ignoring that character's past and experiences. I'm not sure if it's just a lack of knowledge of the characters in question or if they just like using characters as Anti-Anakin/Vader mouthpieces but it really takes me out of a story.
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dragqueenpentheus · 2 years
not to be like. A Freak in the tags but
#sometimes things cross over from like. passion i love and NEED to create about#to like. SO COMPLEX AND BEAUTIFUL WITH SO MANY LAYERS THAT IT BECOMES HOLY AND I JUST. CANT MAKE ABOUT IT ANYMORE.#and that happened w ruehob WEEKS ago but god tonight hit it home SOOOO HARD#like. i'll need to marinate with this ship. consume the entire canon. dissect it later by layer.#and then maybe be able to make things#other ships that fall into this category are and have been. valvert. fitzier. jupeter.#like we are talking heavy hitters that i've tried to name myself after levels here#obiwan and anakin too.......#i wanna make but it's SOOOOOO#THEY ARE SOOOOOOOO#like. rue doesn't care and doesn't THINK about the consiquences of their actions. meanwhile hob is so completely fixated on his consequences#that he doesn't let himself be a PERSON#like. he needs orders so the consiquences are other peoples and the pain and horror he sees himself enacting has that degree of separation#and then RUE OUT HERE LIKE. HM. MY PRIORITY IS LOVE. BECAUSE I NEVER TASTED IT. BUT I KNOW ITS REAL. ILL DO MY VERY BEST TO MAKE LOVE HAPPEN#AT ALL TIMES#AND I WILL NOT AT ALL CONSIDER THE IMPLICATIONS OF MY ACTIONS THANK YOU 💖#like god rue is sO. i think they are the one i really have to sit with and mull and consider like. there is so MUCH in that lil freak.#like. ough baby rue is so complicated and brash and impulsive and hob sees that so completely as brave and i'm SOOO#i love them both so much i can't even say like#rue has so much shit goin on in that brain i need to piece it together. lads we have a GRAY CHARACTER and i'm thriving#the LYING baby the LYINGGGGG#i had a fic i was pretty deep in on that i abandoned after the hedge maze/tailor shop episodes bc i was like#mmmm nope these lads have too much percolating in em i don't have this umami right yet#and i was correct. the layers on them.#ANYWAY MONOLOUGE ASIDE!!!!!!!!!!!!!#these kids are stickin around even post series this is one of the long term ones i can tell
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sithbian · 2 years
i feel like my biggest character flaw is being able to recite almost all of the aotc + rots plot in order
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thejediscrolls · 1 year
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Captain Rex x reader
A bet was made throughout the 501st that their Jedi couldn’t take out the training droids without a lightsaber or the force
Fluff with a little extra fluff
“I think without their use of the force or their lightsabers, they would have a harder time fighting these tin cans.” Hardcase explained as he downed another shot.
“Our commander is more than capable.” Rex leaned back in his seat with a hard look.
“Of course you would say that.” Fives nudged his commander with a knowing look.
Rex glared at his brother, an all telling sign for him to shut up. No one else knew about the relationship between himself and their Jedi. Except for Fives because of the times he stumbled upon them outside of 79’s in the alley way. Now sworn to secrecy Five still likes to make jokes here and there.
“I think our commander would kick ass!” Jesse defended.
“We should make a bet.” Tup suggested as he leaned his elbows onto the table, “Whose in?”
I watched from a few steps away, the loud atmosphere was enough to hide my presence. It was another win for the republic and everyone was here to celebrate. I watched my boys take credits out and place them on the table.
“So… Care to explain what is going on here?” I asked with a chuckle as I finally made my presence known.
“Commander!” Jesse looked surprised, “We were just… Uh?”
I watched as Rex rolled his eyes and took a swig of his drink, “You boys started this, might as well tell her.”
It amused me how much he took on the older brother role, but it warmed my heart all the same. I could feel him relax under the light pressure of my touch as I waited for one of the boys to answer.
My gaze briefly trailed across the side of Rex’s face. Almost two weeks has passed since I was able to be this close to him. I couldn’t help the slide of my palm against the shoulder plate of his uniform. I knew it wasn’t truly him. Getting to touch him like that would have to wait until we were alone, but his uniform was apart of him and he wore it proudly.
“It’s nothing!” Hardcase mutter as he scratched the back of his neck.
“The boys are making a bet… Again.” Rex answered for them.
“Hm… Now I’m intrigued.” I hummed and took my seat next to Rex, “What is this bet about?”
“Well commander, half of us think that you wouldn’t be able to last as long as us on the battlefield without your Jedi powers and lightsaber while the other half believes that you can.” Kix explained while nudges and subtle laughter was shared between my squad.
“I’m the other half commander!” Jesse smiled proudly as he rose his hand in the air and I couldn’t help but chuckle at his enthusiasm.
“Thank you Jess.” I smiled gratefully at my friend.
“Kiss up.” Hawk rolled his eyes and the group fell into a fit of laughter.
“Hm… How would this work?” I paced my hand on my chin in mock debate, “Well I don’t have any missions scheduled any time soon so would your training simulators suffice to settle this bet of yours?”
“You would really do it?” Fives asked, his eyes lighting up with excitement.
I nodded, “Like Jesse, I believe I have pretty decent chance without my Jedi abilities so why not?”
79’s atmosphere was loud, clones taking a break from the war to have a good time. I could hear my squad clearly as they hollered in excitement at my answer. They soon fell into another humorous debate over who was the strongest team member and I had to stop myself from snorting at their displays of masculinity. What warmed my heart the most was being surrounded by my boys as well as the other troopers who survived our recent battle against the separatists.
Thankfully, no more attention was directed to me as the 501st immersed themselves in their celebration. I haven’t been able to see him since we parted ways after the meeting with Ashoka, Anakin, and Obiwan. A sudden burst of relief flowed through me as I once again thanked the force that Rex was alive, still here with me.
I glanced down to the space that Rex left for me, his left arm resting across the back of the booth, allowing me to fit in beside him if I chose to. I smiled softly and took my seat. I could feel his warmth through his armor and it felt like home against my body.
He felt like home…
I leaned into him to gain his attention, “And you, captain?” I tilted my head and waited for Rex to answer.
He glanced at me, “You know my answer commander.” He replied with a knowing smirk that I returned fully.
I turned my head and the two of us fell into a comfortable silence as we watched our family. Echo was currently trying to beat Hardcase in an arm wrestle while Tub was trying to explain how to smooth talk a girl to Jesse while Fox just shook his head at Tub’s so called ‘wisdom’.
It was when I felt Rex’s free hand against my thigh that the butterflies fluttered in my stomach. I placed my right hand on top of his, rubbing my thumb against his worn knuckles. He leaned down to my ear.
I felt his hot breath against my skin as he whispered, “Are you ready to go home?” He asked I knew he was clearly referring to his place.
It was just a little apartment given to me by the republic, but it had meant every to me and now to him. A place to call his own… Our own.
I nodded, clearly not trusting myself to answer with his thumb rubbing circles on my thigh. I knew that no one in the entire galaxy could make me feel this much love towards anyone the way I did for him. And I had a feeling it was the same for him.
This was going to be a long night…
“Rex?” I whispered his name as I slid my palm across his to hold his hand.
We lied in the comfort of the silk sheets. I bought them during my few days off a couple weeks ago. The moon outside casted a dim light over our covered forms.
Movement underneath my hand brought a smile to my face from the very man that threw all meanings of no attachment out the window. If any of my fellow Jedi would know about what we share… I’d be kicked out of the order and would never be able to fight by Rex’s side again. A dark feeling consumed me at the thought of not being able to protect him. I quickly pushed it away deciding to focus on the now, which included my self being awake while he slept peacefully.
An urge to wake him crept through me. That consuming feeling of missing him even if he was right beside me took over the Jedi urge to subdue my feelings.
“Are you awake?” I whispered into the quiet space only filled with sounds of speeders and ships flying not to far from our window.
“Mm… I am now.” He muttered slowly. His voice was deeper than normal from the sudden use of it after hours of peaceful quiet.
He cleared it to speak more clearly, “What is it cyare?” I could feel him sit up slightly to surround his area and I knew he had his free hand placed on the blaster secured to the side of the bed.
“I missed you.” I said sheepishly suddenly feeling a little guilty for worrying him.
He chuckled lowly, the raspiness in his voice sending my heart clench as he relaxed back into the bed, “I’m right here mesh’la.”
I rolled on top of him, “You know what I mean. I haven’t seen you in weeks and I just...”
“You saw me during a holo call.” He teased and I couldn’t help, but cherish this side of him.
Usually he was very strict only light banter when he was on duty, but here… Just alone with me, he let his relaxed self show.
I slapped his chest lightly, “You know what I mean.”
He lifted his head then to place a light kiss on my lips. I never knew a kiss could make me melt away into utter bliss until I met him, but then again this was Rex. The man could make running a hundred laps in the blistering sun feel good.
“I missed you too.” He spoke softly making my heart beat a hundred times faster.
A blush rose to my cheeks as I nuzzled my nose into his neck, sinking happily into his warmth.
The next words he spoke had me grinning. He didn’t say, will you be nervous? or you can always say no. He said…
“Are you ready to prove my brothers wrong?” He asked.
“I am.” I grinned.
“Good.” He wrapped his arms around my waist, “Do you want to bake some cookies?”
“Rex.” I laughed looking over to our holoclock, “It’s three am.”
I felt his shoulders move, showing me that he shrugged, “You’re the one who woke me up and we didn’t exactly eat dinner earlier. I’m hungry.”
I rolled over him and off the bed, never letting go of his hand,
When the day of the test came, the entire 501st showed up as well as any clone troopers not being drafted that day. The ramps above the training field were filled with cheers and yells as I got through each droid.
“The general is going to make it!” I heard Hardcase distance voice yell.
I wiped the sweat from my brow as I slowed my breathing. The training droids lied on the ground around me, each with a bullet embedded somewhere on their metal bodies.
“Whoo!” Jesse yelled from where he stood on the platform, “See boys! I told you she could do it! Pay up Kix!” I watched his hand shoot out towards the medic of the group.
I gave the 501st a thumbs up as I fell on my ass in exhaustion. Almost an hour and I finally… Finally! Managed to take out these droids.
“I see you’ve put our famous Jedi to work.” Anakin commended as he stood onto the platform looking down at me with a smirk, “I could’ve done it in half the time.”
“Be my guest sky guy.” I motioned for him to take my place.
His glare was as quick as his attitude, “Did Ahsoka tell you to call me that?” He crossed his arms, looking at his padawan, “Ahsoka.”
“I would never.” Ashoka smirked stepped up beside her master, “Besides, my master likes his lightsaber too much.” She teased as she stepped onto the platform, “I, on the other hand would love to give it a try.”
“Glad to see my old padawan is always up for a challenge.” Windu smiled.
“Master!” I quickly stood up and hoped up on the ramp to greet him.
“You did well.” He nodded approvingly.
“Thank you, master.” I returned his nod with one of my own, “I owe my skills to you.”
“You’ve earned your skills from hard work and focus.” He patted my shoulder, “I’ll leave you to it then.”
Rex kept a respectable distance until Master Windu left to attend an important meeting. Sometimes I forget that we still have to be careful around anyone who wasn’t Anakin, Padme, Cody, Jesse and Ahsoka. Our circle was small, but we quite liked it this way.
My hand found his the moment I reached his side.
He lent down to speak quietly in my ear, “You did good cyare.”
“Did you have any doubt?” I smiled cheekily.
He chuckled leaning back, “Never.”
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Tea and Roses
Pairing: Obiwan Kenobi x reader
Word count: 1000
Usage of female terms such as: Maiden.
Summary: You invite Obiwan over for tea and reading
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The room was rather silent, save for the gentle grinding of stone against stone, working against the freshly picked tea leaves. Your plans of the day were rather exciting, and with a man you loved oh so dearly. Obi Wan had been planning to visit for quite some time, with promises of new books and a fresh rose for his sweet darling. You had promised fresh tea in return.
A knock sounded upon your door, before sliding open, revealing a dashing jedi in those robes you knew all too well.
“Obi wan darling? I wasn’t expecting you for another hour!” You said with pleasant shock, a smile creeping its way upon your flustered face. In his hand was a beautiful red rose, one that could only be picked at the most beautiful time of the year. You knew he had saved it just for you, by the way Cody described how highly Kenobi talked of you.
“Well, my sweet Blue Blossom, I missed you so dearly and couldn’t bear being apart from you any longer… Was I interrupting anything?” His voice was so soft, yet so smooth...You don’t understand how you got so lucky.
“No no, nothing at all. If anything, I was actually finishing up that tea I promised” The smile upon your face only grew in size. Glancing back into the stone bowl, you found the small speckles of freshly grounded tea leaves, perfectly ripe for a hot cup. “Could you be a dear and fetch those two cups beside you? I believe we can begin. You brought those books correct?” Your voice was like music to his ears.. He never wanted you to stop speaking to him. It kept him grounded and made him feel secure.
“Well of course I did, you didn’t think I’d forget did you?” Obi wan feigned offense, but it was clear in his tone that he was instead playful, wanting nothing more than to bring a smile to your face and draw a laugh from your lips.
The shuffle of glass and feet was heard as Kenobi fetched the glasses you requested, not missing a beat in giving them to you. No words were needed at the moment, instead tilting your heads to exchange a quick kiss between the two of you, the action speaking loud enough on its own.
You scurried about, seemingly in a rush...But this was a common occurrence. You feel the need to get things done quickly. Kenobi never minded. If anything, he found it quite adorable.
“Sit sit” You insisted, motioning to the nearby empty chair. It was soft, plush...A fabric coating the durable metal underneath. The designs were simple and easy on the eyes, and you never had to worry about a mess. You’re rather careful whenever you’re the only one home.
“You’re too good to me darling” Kenobi added, snapping you out of your frantic hurry. The piping hot water had been poured and the tea leaves added. All that was left now was a simple sweetener. No consulting was needed for Kenobi. You knew him like the back of your hand. How he liked one spoon of sugar in his tea. Any less was too bitter, and any more was too sweet.
Your cup had yet to be made, more water heating up upon the stove.
“Now...what books did you bring? Romantic novels? Adventurous fiction?” Your questions filled his head, and he wasted no time in pulling out two books from the leather sack slung around his chest.
“How about… Adventurous Romance hm? A dashing jedi knight falling in love with a beautiful maiden?” His grin was plastered upon his face, succeeding in a roll of your eyes.
“Oh you sap… What’s it really about? You’ve piqued my interest” Your question was quick, contradicting the slow pace of Kenobi’s answers.
“Well… it’s about…” The words seemed to trail off as your mind started to wander. It was then you began to take in his features.
The way the light reflected off the icy ocean blue of his eyes, or the way a gentle breeze from an open window would sweep over his hair, disturbing the present locks ever so peacefully. The way he smiles as he talks, and…
“Darling are you even listening?” Kenobi questioned, gently waving his hand.
“Huh? Oh! Yeah, sorry” Your expressions adopted an embarrassed smile, hand reaching up to gently scratch the back of your neck. “It’s just...you’re so...pretty”
“Well, yeah! I can’t stop staring at you and i just can’t seem to focus whenever you’re in the room”
“Well now you know how I feel” He hums softly, focusing on taking the first sip of his tea, discussion of books long forgotten.
“What? What ever do you mean?”
“Well, whenever you walk into the room.. The breath is knocked from my lungs. Your beauty overpowers all negativity and seems to ward off any bad thoughts or anxieties I may have. You’re so kind and gentle, and I can’t help but wonder how I got so lucky as to be with you, my sweet Blueblossom” His voice did not stutter or falter once. Every word was spoken with confidence, without hesitance.
“You are the very love that you can only see in movies, or read about in fantasies. You surely have been in mine a lot.” Kenobi seemed...flustered. He had been wanting to tell you how much he appreciated you for so long...He finally had the chance and took it without hesitation.
“Obi that was beautiful...I must admit you are quite the charmer aren't you?” Your smile radiated those positive energies he was just gushing about, and he couldn’t help but return it, your love for eachother powerful enough to shift the force. He knew he’d be getting questions later. But to him, it didn’t matter. He was with you, and it’s all he cared about.
The loving jedi Knight, that fell in love with a beautiful maiden.
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tennessoui · 2 years
I’m so obsessed with playmaker au!! im wondering how mob!anakin reacts to being truly not in control/someone getting to obiwan- like he goes out on business and someone gets into the apartment while obiwan and the twins are in there or something like that. i feel like anakin seems even more unflappable than mobiwan but surely something like that would freak even him out? or is he just pure base instincts and no fear by this point
lol my first thought was hm what if obi-wan had a stalker? 🤔 and then I was like why does that sound familiar and then I was like ohhhhh yeahhhhhh
Hm though ok for a playmaker au situation where Anakin feels out of control, I think maybe we could go with your suggestion! Someone breaks in while a Anakin is out of town, some guy who has a grudge against Anakin for mob related things and thinks he’s gonna kidnap his children or kill his twink
Only Obi-Wan snaps and murders him instead because he’s a danger to his life and his kids. And like. There’s no way to really cover it up because it’s in Anakin’s house and some innocent bystander hears screaming and calls the cops.
And maybe Obi-Wan would have gotten off as he was defending his kids and his house, but the detectives—his father—don’t want him to get off. They push the angle that the murder is too ugly and brutal for just self-defense, this man was practically tortured (he was), and then obi-wan had lied to the cops and obstructed justice.
And anakin rushes back because of course he’s Obi-Wan’s one phone call (especially because Obi-Wan is taken to the station and he’s allowed to make his one phone call but only while his old coworkers and his father stares down at him so maybe he should call one of the mob’s lawyers, but instead he cradled the phone to his ear and cries that he’s scared and he misses Anakin and he needs Ani to come to him)
(Highly effective at making the detectives terribly uncomfortable and highly, highly effective at making Anakin nearly lose his shit)
But even with Anakin buying half the jury, the detectives get the judge and so obi-wan is sentenced to a few months in prison because his father thinks it’ll do him good and he’ll come out of it a changed man, ready to be Obi-Wan again.
…….Anakin has a very hard few months because obi-wan is away?? Sleeping somewhere else??? Is he safe??? He sends men into the prison to act as bodyguards (they don’t particularly know that’s why they’ve been arrested), but there’s only so much control he can have when obi-wan belongs somewhere else.
Neither of them is a very big fan
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celine-song · 8 months
9 people you would like to get to know better
i was tagged by @obiwan thank you jasmine 💖
3 ships: aziraphale/crowley brainrot still going strong; as for my all time favs troy/abed from community, i miss them sm, and kirk/spok from the original star trek series <3
first ever ship: i really don't want to talk about it sdfkvnsdjkfv my first ever fandom was south park so... yeah...
last song: hemlocke springs - pos (listen to this pls and thank you. actually thank ME)
last movie: Raise the Red Lantern
currently reading: Native Realm by Czesław Miłosz
currently watching: nothing really. not a tv girl, me
currently consuming: also nothing dkvndv
currently craving: hm. some pumpkin flavored dessert
tagging: @olyphant-tim @90scully @walker-scobell @userdanewhitman @waymond-wang @maxinesminx @rileykeouhg @juliedelpy @robert-deniro
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jade-curtiss · 9 months
Hm, nice to see Obiwan also had the dizzy treatment, and it's not fanmade. Nice. Talk about equality. Thanks Disney for the progressive spin off.
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midnightmeatsubway · 3 years
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Love or something (my bounty hunter & his would-be-husband-if-bioware-gave-me-what-I-wanted)
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majicmarker · 5 years
man i was gonna write tonight, finish off a wip and a drabble at least, but it’s 11pm and i’ve done fuck-all
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djarrex · 3 years
can I request a smut howzer x f!reader 👀 maybe reader and him after a mission, not sure how you picture him during sex, whatever you feel like, you’re the pro ❤️
sure thang :’) idk if I quite hit the nail right on the head but. Howie is just 🔥😏 *my requests are now currently closed*
lil smutty ficlet | Howzer x f!reader | 18+ | sub(ish?)!Howzer, grinding/riding, piv sex
"Howie, baby, how was your day?"
That flipped something in him - a sudden change in his demeanor. Soft, tired eyes quickly morphed to dark, hungry ones; exhaustion and defeat turn lustful and starved - and you're at the receiving end of his ravenous gaze.
"I need to feel you," he mumbles before taking large, purposeful steps over to the bed and towers over you - armor filthy beyond belief, hands trembling, bags sinking under honey eyes. You've danced this dance before, knowing what exactly he needs after a difficult, draining day of fighting the seppies away. It's gotten easier over the last year, but not by much. You’d like to know the details of his day, but that can wait until after - after you’re both coming down from your highs, cuddled up under the sheets while your breathing returns to normal.
"You know you can have me, Howzer. I'm here," you coo up to him while taking his hands in yours. "Let me take care of you, hm?"
You know he doesn’t like when you touch it, but Maker it’s just so inviting; his hair falls from its usual brushed up style, lazily resting out of place and sticking to the beads of sweat that had formed on his forehead. His perfect lips are parted and the faintest of low whines filter through while you rock your body back and forth on top of him - spelling out each letter of his name with the slow, purposeful gyrations of your hips. Half-hooded eyes are glued to the way you let your hands rove around your body, caressing your own skin and teasing your nipples for his viewing pleasure. 
Your hands fall from your breasts and crawl to his tight, lightly scarred abdomen, repeating those previous motions on the man laying beneath you. With your hips still grinding down on him at an agonizingly languid pace, you can see how hard he’s trying not to buck his own hips - the furrowed brow framing his darkened golden eyes that peer up at you with such intensity and concentration tells you as much. Howie’s always had a hard time letting you take the reins, but it sure is a treat when you’re able to take control. 
Even if for a limited time.
“M’not gonna last,” he groans - his fingers kneading the flesh at your upper thighs. “Let me - mmph - fuck you.” Momentarily pausing your movements and looking down at him with your bottom lip caught between your teeth, you nod with the corner of your mouth tugging into a slight smile. That desperate, submissive look in his eyes instantly changes to something different; you fall forward and his strong arms wrap around your back, hugging you close as he bends his legs and plants his feet on the mattress. Your face falls to the pillow beneath his head, just above his shoulder and you cling to him - preparing, knowing, without a doubt, what you’re in for.
tags: @bvcketfvcker @deewithani @chromia7567 @threevie @letitrainathousandflames @latenightsthoughtsnstuff @thefact0rygirl @justanothersadperson93 @ohtobeamoth @14mcmd1122 @tacticalsparkles @cheesemachine44 @damerondala @buckethead-over-heels @kriffclone @purgetroopercody @socially-anxious-fangirl @cloneygoodness @marya-komar @beskarprincessjenny @awkward-katiesaur @katiebits1 @kawaiitimecharm @shiny-mando @sapphichorrorpictureshow @fat-zygerrian @foodandbooksplease @the-siren-writes-it @ken-obiwan @parkotedarasuum @dinner-djarin @501stgirl @99squad @chewychewyque @obiwan-djarin @vaderthepotater @blackrose4242 @the-sad-batch @quantumowl @90steaology @queen-simp @mylifeinthetardisforever @sydnubabu @sitherin-mxschief   @sugarpuffstuff @zazzysseoul @ladykatakuri @bjm2020
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esamastation · 3 years
etaet: Jedi!Cody clone!obiwan? Or has this already been done?
When Cody had been called away from his previous mission and told that he'd be one of the Jedi assigned with clone troops, he hadn't been particularly surprised.
His mission record was mostly about war relief, post war restoration, negotiation in war zones and so on, and he's confident in his abilities and specialisation to know that as far as Jedi go, there are few more suited to leading an army than him. Certainly, the mess of Geonosis showed how few Jedi were suited for it at all, never mind well.
He'd been expecting the call of duty to come sooner, if he's honest – but the issue of Melidaan, after centuries of civil war, was so close to being finally resolved, that the Council had given him the grace period to finish. Cody supposes he will glad of that, once he got to the full swing of things of leading an army and the memory of fending of assassination attempts and terror attacks in Melidaan would seem peaceful and quiet by comparison.
"You, my brother, are consistently pessimistic," Rex says flatly. "I'd call it comforting if it wasn't so damned disheartening."
"It wasn't pessimism. Cynicism, at most," Cody says calmly, idly resting his hand on his lightsaber hilt – a habit he'd grown in Melidaan and isn't about to shake now. "Have you been assigned clones yet?"
"I got some of the Skywalker bunch," Rex says and at Cody's arched brow, explains. "They had like a bunch of different donors for the army, all selected for excellence in certain fields. Skywalkers are pilots and gunners and… maniacs most of the time. Supposedly, they're well suited to my predisposition."
Cody hums and checks his datapad. "I have been assigned a troop marked as Kenobi."
"Oh. Yeah, that makes sense," Rex says.
"They're like, uh… front line guys, I guess?" Rex says, scratching at his bleached hair. "The get right in and deal with the issue at hand type. Super smart too, from what I can tell. Couple of the Skywalkers know a few Kenobi's and they're always complaining about them being kriffin perfect prissy bastards, too. Should suit you just fine."
Cody gives him a look. "You shouldn't be talking about your men like that."
"Your men, and I didn't – Anakin said it," Rex shrugs and offers him a grin that doesn't quite meet his eyes. "He's my Commander – I mean, the commander of the 501st. 4N4-K1N."
Cody carefully doesn't react to the clone name – from what he's heard, they're all named like that, with letters and numbers. Looking down he checks the commander of the 212 attack Battalion. 0B1. "Hm. Is there a significance to the length of the names?"
"Not as far as I know. The shorter the name, the older the clone, I guess – the further long they go on the patches, the more letters they add to the designation," Rex says and peers in – and then whistles. "Damn, you got one from the early patches."
Cody hums. "I am not terribly comfortable with the terminology used here," he mutters. "It makes the men sound like things."
"It's how they talk to each other," Rex says and pats his back consolingly. "And yeah, it's damn uncomfortable, but you get used to it the same as any other culture. Or, well… if there's anyone who can turn things around, it's you."
0B1 is old enough to have grown a full beard and hair that cascades down to his shoulders in tousled curls and the look he gives to Cody is full of certain kind of guarded mischief that tells him the utter lack of regulation haircut is perfectly intentional and absolutely intended for a certain effect. The others in the officer core of the 212st have also slightly longer hair than is standard for a military, commonly with a parting on the side – though 0B1 is the only one with a beard.
"General on deck," 0B1 calls and the clones all come into attention in a sharp clatter of plastoid against plastoid, and boots against metal.
"At ease," Cody says, looking for one man to another. They're all identical, of course, the entirety of the 212th consists of Kenobi clones, which seems to be the standard with the Grand Army – 501st was entirely made of Skywalkers too. There's variance though, both in armour colouring and in hair. Few have tattoos, but it seems to be the rarity – most have settled on playing with hairstyles. One of the clones has a completely baffling style of a little nerf tail and then a single little braid behind his ear in an otherwise short hair – the clone grins cheekily, when he sees Cody eying him.
Well. In a group of identical faces, one would want to differentiate.
"I am Jedi Master Cody," the Jedi introduces himself, wondering at the absurdity of the fact that in a bunch of military clones, he seems the only one with an actual crew cut. "I will be taking charge of the 212th Attack Battalion from today on. As far as Jedi go, I am one of the more militant ones and have been going from one battle field to another since my knighting, so we will likely be send right into the thick of things as soon as I am settled in."
That makes almost every eye in the crowd shine with a sort of eager light, which Cody muses wryly will likely get dampened before long. 212st might be an attack battalion meant for the front lines, but from their files they haven't seen any actual action yet. They'd learn, fast, that it wasn't as fun as their trainers no doubt made it out to be.
"Tomorrow I will do a full inspection of every squad," Cody continues, "And I hope to be introduced to as many of the men as is feasible. We will be receiving our orders the day after, and likely will set off from Coruscant immediately. Today you will all have reasonable time off to fill up requisition orders for personal and off time effects and entertainment – make sure your men make use of it, we will likely not see a Republic planet in a while."
That gets him a few eyebrows and actual smiles, and a lot of tense shoulders loosen. Good – it's not enough to warm him up to the men, but it's a start.
"I will be eating meals with the officers every night in my quarters," Cody says – something he'd done in Melidaan, to establish a rapport with the military there. "I expect you all in comfortable but reasonably clean uniforms for these meals – no plastoid, though. Armour tends to make for uncomfortable sitting. If you have any questions, I am open to answer them now."
There's a moment of silence and then 0B1 smiles, lifting a hand. "Are there any restrictions on the form of personal and off time effects and entertainment?" he asks, with devilish glint to his eyes, his accent so perfectly Coruscanti that Cody isn't sure if he's being mocked for his own Wild Territories accent or not.
"Keep it legal and if it's porn keep it under wraps, I don't want to see it," Cody says flatly and gets actual giggles in answer from the clones. "And if it's alcohol make sure it's only indulged at proper times and not immediately before your shift. And if it's on your shift, i will put you in the brig personally"
The smile his Commander gives is full of trouble. "Yes, sir," he answers, sounding absolutely delighted with Cody's answer.
Cody clears his throat and looks away from the Commander. "Anything else?"
He answers everyone's questions, some of which are about their free time allowances – something they apparently didn't expect to get – and some of which are about their future duties. 0B1 also asks about Cody's past records, what kind of engagements he's been in, and his eyes all but shine as Cody summarises some of the major galactic actions he's taken part of.
In the end, Cody thinks he leaves his officers pleased enough with their new General. When he dismisses them, there's no unease in the air, and everyone seems both briskly professional – and comfortable with his presence.
0B1 lingers behind, which Cody half expected. The Clone watches him, keen eyed and thoughtful, and Cody can't help but ask, "Well then, commander, do I satisfy?"
The Clone smiles, wide and warm, and it reaches his eyes. "Oh, you'll do, General Cody," he purrs. "You'll do indeed."
That one is going to be trouble, Cody thinks, straightens his shoulders, and prepares himself for a long campaign.
Aw man this was such a good prompt, I was grinning like madman writing this.
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ahsokryze · 3 years
Oh my gosh hi I love your writing!! If you're still doing prompts can I suggest 8. Patching the other up. With obiwan caring for anakin bc all I do is write and read anakin skywalker being beat up until he's cared for, that dumb clever idiot, bless him ha. Thank you!!
ahh thank you so much :’))
of course! thanks for the prompt // from these prompts
8 - patching them up
“Oh Anakin, will you ever try not to give me a heart attack?” Obi-Wan mused, taking the damp cloth in his hand and dabbing it ever so gently over the angry red scrape running down the side of Anakin’s face.
“I saved your life, old man.” Anakin mumbled, wincing as Obi-Wan brushed over a particularly sensitive part of the wound.
“Anakin.” Obi-Wan dipped the cloth into the bucket of water on the floor beside Anakin’s feet, wringing it out, before reaching back up to start cleaning the raw, scraped skin on Anakin’s shoulder, now that he had removed all the dirt and blood from the wound on his face. “I would hardly call throwing yourself in front of a giant sand bear “saving my life”.”
“It was about to attack you!” Anakin retorted. Obi-Wan rolled his eyes. “You didn’t see its eyes, Obi-Wan—its eyes—it was gonna—mmm—”
Anakin squeezed his eyes shut, tilting his head back with a groan. “Ooh—ow...”
“Sorry...” Obi-Wan murmured. He quickly cleaned around the rest of the scraped skin on Anakin's arm, all the way down to the frayed prosthetic attached to his elbow, making a mental note that they would need to attend to the damaged extremity as soon as he had finished patching up the more urgent of Anakin's wounds. It wouldn't be too hard to fix—Anakin would be able to mend it in no time. Obi-Wan let out a sigh, once again dipping the cloth into the bucket and wringing it out.
“So.” Obi-Wan gently began to dab the cloth along the largest of the scrapes, which stretched all the way down the side of Anakin’s leg. “You jumped in front of that aggravated sand bear and let it drag you half way across the field, before you finally managed to wrangle yourself out from its grip—” Anakin’s breath hitched as he attempted to clean a particularly deep part of the scrape next to Anakin’s knee. Sorry, my friend. “—all because you thought it was going to attack me?”
Keeping his eyes closed, Anakin shook his head. “You didn’t see its eyes, Master.”
“Oh, well, my utmost sincerest apologies, my friend—let me rephrase that—you jumped in front of that aggravated sand bear and let it drag you half way across the field before you finally managed to wrangle yourself out from its grip, all because it had ‘scary-looking eyes’?”
Anakin let out an exasperated groan. “I was saving your life.”
“Actually, Anakin, I think you may find that it was I who ended up coming to the rescue and saved your life; a detail you seem to have sorely missed.”
“Hey!” Anakin protested. “I—”
“You may have forgotten,” Obi-Wan cut in. “but the only reason you got out of this mess in one piece was because I managed to soothe the creature with the force and send it on its way, before it could harm you any further.”
Anakin opened his mouth. Closed it again. Then he crossed his arms, letting out a disgruntled huff.
"You're insufferable, Master," he grumbled. “It would’ve harmed you if I hadn’t moved into the way.”
“You don’t know that.”
“But you didn’t see its eyes, Master! It was—”
“Oh, enough about the eyes, Anakin.”
Setting the bucket and cloth aside, Obi-Wan opened a tube of bacta, squeezing out a liberal amount of gel onto his fingers.
“This might sting.”
Looking at Anakin's face, Obi-Wan began to dextrously apply the bacta gel to the angered area of skin, smoothing the soothing substance over the side of his forehead, eyebrow and cheek, in gentle, circular motions, encouraging its nurturing properties sink in. Reaching into the force, Obi-Wan grasped a slither of healing energy, sending it through his fingers and into Anakin’s skin, in small, comforting waves. He wasn't a healer, but he knew enough to at least ease some of the pain, and push the healing process along.
“That feel okay?”
By the time he moved on to rubbing the bacta gel into Anakin’s arm, and down to his leg, Obi-Wan could feel that Anakin was already a lot more relaxed under his touch. His small attempt at healing must have succeeded, even if it had only eased some of Anakin’s pain.
When Obi-Wan finally finished applying the bacta gel, screwing the cap back onto the tube and setting it down, he looked at Anakin’s face, noticing how his skin had already faded to a softer rosy-pink colour instead of a fiery red like it had been minutes before.
“Ah, it looks like your skin is already beginning to heal.” he murmured. He gently ran his fingers through Anakin’s still-slightly-dishevelled hair, plucking out a few blades of grass and a couple twigs that seemed to have made a temporary home within his copper-blonde locks.
"Hm, it's like a treasure trove in here," he said with a chuckle. Anakin rolled his eyes. Though Obi-Wan didn't miss the grin that crept up his lips a moment later. “Wonder what else i’ll find...”
Leaving the rest of the mess of Anakin’s hair to be dealt with later, Obi-Wan cleaned his hands with a damp cloth, dried them, before taking out a roll of bandages from the medkit.
“Could you lift your arm for me, please.” Anakin nodded, lifting his arm, allowing Obi-Wan to wrap the bandage neatly around his bicep. “Thank you.”
Obi-Wan carefully wrapped the fabric around the worst of the Anakin’s scrapes, being as gentle as he could, trying not to aggravate the tender skin underneath.
“This all right?”
After wrapping the worst affected areas, Obi-Wan tucked the excess bandages away into the medkit, and slid it to the side, focusing back to his injured friend.
Anakin was running his fingers over the scratched and frayed wiring in his prosthetic, brows furrowed in concentration. Obi-Wan moved closer, lifting the hand of the damaged mechno-limb to inspect the damage.
“Will you be able to fix it?”
Anakin nodded.
“Yeah,” he said. “It’s not as bad as it looks. I’ll have to replace some of the wiring, and fix the servo here—” Anakin pointed to the servomotor in the wrist of the prosthetic. Obi-Wan nodded. “—but it won’t take long.”
“That’s good.”
“Yes, Anakin?” Obi-Wan replied, lifting his eyebrow. Anakin bit his lip.
“Um…would you be able to bring me my toolbox please?” he asked. “It’s just…I don’t really want to move right now because of…” he gestured to his bandages. Obi-Wan nodded knowingly.
“Does it still hurt?”
“Only a little, but I just…”
“That’s all right, I understand.” Obi-Wan smiled empathetically, picking out another stray twig from Anakin’s hair. He flicked it away, before smoothing back a few frizzy strands of Anakin’s curls. “I can bring you your toolbox.”
Obi-Wan turned to leave the small medbay of their shuttle to search for Anakin’s toolbox, but stopped when Anakin made a strange noise behind him.
Obi-Wan turned back round to see Anakin recoil slightly, looking at him with an almost guilty expression.
“Um…would you also be able to bring me something to eat, please?” he said. “I’m kinda hungry after saving your life.”
Obi-Wan snorted with laughter.
“Yes Anakin, I’ll add ‘bring Anakin some food’ to the list.”
“Thank you.”
“On one condition.”
“Which is?”
Obi-Wan smirked. “I’ll bring you some food,” he said. “But only if you admit that I was the one who saved your life today.”
Anakin gave him a piercing gaze. A beat passed. Another beat. And then…he let out a sigh.
“Thank you for saving my life today, Obi-Wan.” he mumbled.
“What was that? I didn’t quite catch that.”
“Thank you for saving my life today, Obi-Wan!” he exclaimed dramatically. Wow. He must really be hungry. “There. I said it. Was that what you wanted?”
“Anakin, that was more than I could’ve dreamed of.”
“You’re welcome. Now, please could you bring me some food?”
“Yes Anakin. Anything for you.”
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katierosefun · 3 years
Opinions on queer platonic Anakin and Obiwan
hi! hm....so i’ll admit i’ve only ever come across the term queerplatonic a handful of times in my life, but also judging by a quick wikipedia search on the term, i actually think it’s...honestly probably the closest to what i think of anakin and obi-wan? because from my understanding of the term, it’s def. something that goes beyond friendship but isn’t necessarily romantic, and...yeeeeeah, i think i’m on board with this! 
just because like...idk i feel like the bond between anakin and obi-wan is just one of those funny ones where like,,,i can’t ever really seem to equate them as like...the typical father-son dynamic that you would find between kanan and ezra in rebels or din and grogu in the mandalorian, and i think the key difference is just because at least in tcw and rots, we see a lot of anakin and obi-wan being on relatively equal footing? 
but like anyways,,,yeah. idk, there’s so many passages from star wars books that make me think “hm yeah i feel like friend is way too simple a term for the two of them”. like, bro....”two halves of the same warrior”................padme being like “oh, anakin has to know [that obi-wan is so super affectionate of anakin / loves anakin]” and ahsoka being like “anakin and obi-wan trust each other so completely i wonder if i’ll ever have something like that” like.......yeah what these two idiots have, i think, can def. be categorized into a queerplatonic relationship because. bro. look at they!
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