#obey me Simeon fic
diavolosbaby · 2 years
Hello! Can I request a one shot of Simeon reacting to an insecure reader asking them if they would ever leave them or not like them anymore out of fear that they might leave them?
Hurt/Comfort pls ;w;
Sure :)
"Do you really think that...?"
Characters: simeon
Format: one shot fic
Genre: angst, comfort, angst to comfort
Pronouns: they/them (gender neutral reader)
............................................................................Hundreds of thoughts and nightmares of your lover leaving you haunted your mind. Tormented by the possibility that he would get bored of you, that he would lose interest. Maybe he was only with you because he felt bad. Maybe this was an angel’s duty. What was so special about someone like you anyway?
It took all of your courage to bring the topic up. You didn’t want to ruin the mood of your outings, so you waited till there was an awkward silence to fill. 
“You still love me right?” you whispered.
“Hm?” he muttered, mind still preoccupied.
“Like, are you bored of me?”
“I’d understand. You don’t have to pretend to love me if you don’t. I won’t blame you for leaving me so you can just be honest…I swear I won’t be mad or hold a grudge against you. I know you’re an angel and it’s your job so-”
“Do you really think that…? Is all he could say. 
“That’s not really an answer haha..” your laugh was very obviously awkward and very obviously forced. 
“MC, love, no…I would…why…”
You noticed he couldn’t find the words to respond to you so you took it as he is making up an excuse. 
“No really Simeon I-”
“No, no. How could you ever think that?”
You didn’t know what to say. “Well I just…I would think by now you’d lose interest…or maybe you never had any..I don’t know..”
“MC please. I would never lose interest in you.”
There was a pause before the angel continued.
“I wish you could see yourself the way I see you, see the human I fell in love with. You’re so perfect MC it drives me insane..”
“Sometimes I wonder if I deserve you. If you’d ever get bored of me while I’m still head over heels in love with you.” He laughed at himself.
“Sometimes I feel so pathetic for needing you. Needing you to live, to breathe.” He smiled and looked at you. 
You didn't know how to feel, but you couldn’t help but smile. You nodded as Simeon let out a chuckle. 
“I love you,MC.”
“Yeah..I love you too, Simeon. I love you so much.”
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pieground · 10 months
Simeon falls out of grace.
⚠️ : tw!gore, potentially offending narrative, spoilers from OG!OB.
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The scent of burning flesh spread through the air, suffocating everything it reached, killing everything it touched. It smelled like death. In the distance, a chorus of trumpets sang, a sorrowful melody to which the devil danced upon.
However, the loudest sound that could be heard was the agonized screams of Simeon as the fire engulfed his body, with nothing and no one to ease his suffering. Soon, he became deaf to his own screams, and all he heard were the crackles of unceasing fire, burning every inch of his very being down to his core.
Michael, who stood in front of him, had been clenching his fists so hard that blood started to form a puddle beneath his feet. He was waiting for Simeon to ask for forgiveness, to plead for one more chance. He was ready to take him back, but Simeon wasn't. He had made up his mind. He wasn't going back. He wanted this. So all the seraphim could do was utter a farewell before he turned his back on him, shutting off his cries of agony—the only sound that reverberated throughout heaven’s deafening silence as they chose only to listen.
Slowly, Simeon sank into the ground, peeling off the remnants of his flesh like a serpent shedding its skin. He could feel the fire dying down and his rebirth coming near to its end. Breathless and still in pain, he pulled himself to his feet. Although hunched and weak, his eyes burned with resolve. He watched as his new flesh grew instantaneously atop his frame, and next, his wings which were charred and bare to the bone, sprang with obsidian-painted feathers, bigger and stronger than they had ever been. His head then threw back and toppled over as a sudden sharp pain vaulted through his head, piercing his skull.
His horns.
Desperately, he clung to all the strength he had left, crawling further away from the gate where home once was—now, it was anything but. This place was supposed to be perfect, crafted by the love of their father, where darkness did not reach, where fire was pure and undying. But it was the same fire that had shown him hell, the fire that had set Lucifer’s six beautiful, proud wings ablaze. It brought pain, his fire, and his love. It brought him and his brothers ruin. From the beginning, everything was already far from perfect. It was all a facade to separate itself from the realm of sins, and everyone there refused to see, but Simeon wasn't blind… not anymore.
So he crawled with all his might, dragging his body to the edge of heaven, his new wings leaving a trail of ink—a fissure that marred the crystalline floor beneath him. The last witness to the path he was taking.
And after what felt like eons, Simeon finally reached the end of Heaven. One last push, and he would be falling down to hell. He was filled with relief but also sadness; tears shimmered in his ever-bright eyes. Sadness as he would be leaving everything he had thought he knew, and Luke who would have to spend the rest of his life reminded of how the person he depended on the most had turned his back on him—a guilt he was willing to carry for the rest of his life. Relief, because for the first time in his life, he felt the shackles that had kept him in the dark disappear.
And before he tumbled down into the darkness, he uttered,
“Farewell, delicate land.”
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simp-is-here · 1 year
The Outcast and The Angel Simeon x Reader
(Thank you @juhlydrawsblog for the title)
Summary: One self-filled prayer after the other, it seems as though that’s all anyone ever cares about. So when the words of you’re selfless prayer touch his soul, Simeon just has to know you
Warning: possibly OOC Simeon, Doesn’t really follow the plot of Obey Me, Simeon’s Angel ranking is changed, very much inspired by Hunchback of Notre Dame, angst, possible mistakes with religion writing, creepy guardian person (I don't know the name of someone who keeps a ward), not historically accurate clothes, set around the 1500 and 1600's, going with Obey Me being set in England, yes I know that Notre Dame is in Paris but the design is what I'm thinking of for this, will do my best to make this gender neutral, if there’s anymore I shall add
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The market flooded with townspeople desperate to sell their stock, voices talking over one another in an attempt to negotiate what they want before the days end.
Two angels on the top of the cathedral cast their gaze on the humans below, silent in voice but many words are exchanged through their eyes, an agreement between the two of them.
These people are hopeless
"When the first bell of Evening Mass chimes come find me here." the ash blonde angels voice calmly spoke,
"I understand."
The toll of the bell cued the angel to leave, only a quill and scroll in his remaining. Townspeople scurried to the church, not wanting to miss their last chance to talk to God. Simeon picked up the items, wings fluttering while he dropped into the cathedral roof, preparing for the words of the people.
. . .
Here high in the rafters of the stone church sits an angel, doing his assigned task of collecting the prayers of the humans below him, finally obtaining silence as each one left. The sound of the church doors opening caused his hand to pick up his scroll, readying for another uncharitable request to God.
“I don’t know if you can hear me, or if you’re even there. I don’t know if you would listen to my prayers”
Simeon hands lowered his eyes drifting towards you who gazed at the cross in front of you, leaning against the stone pillar, uncertainty fixed your eyes.
“Yes, I know I’m just an outcast. I shouldn’t speak to you. Still I see your face and wonder, we’re you once an outcast too?”
Your fingered trailed behind you, running across the pews while your feet carried you. The falling sunlight that shone through the coloured windows reflected in your eyes, drawing Simeon in like a welcoming embrace.
His wings fluttered softly, following you from above, completely enchanted by you.
“God help the outcasts hungry from birth, show them the mercy they don’t find on earth. God help my people, we look to you still. God help the outcasts or no body will.”
He was taken aback from this request, he had sat on those rafters many times, but hardly ever had he heard someone pray for someone else without demanding something in return. Earlier’s prayers repeated in his mind, seeing just how different people could be.
‘I ask for wealth’
‘I ask for fame’
‘I ask for glory to shine on my name’
‘I ask for love I can possess’
‘I ask for God and his angels to bless me’
The selfless words spoke over them, drowning out the prayers in his head.
“I ask for nothing, I can get by. But I know so many less lucky than I.”
The angels feet barely made a sound when they touched the floor, his chest beating like a melody to your words.
“Please help my people, then poor and down trod. I thought we all were children of God.”
The cross loomed over you once more, falling to your knees as through the weight of it was pushing you down.
“God help the outcasts, children of God.”
You lingered there for a moment, tears falling down your cheeks. A gasp left your lips at the feeling of a finger gently clearing the tear from your face.
He is infront of you, eyes that held a gentleness as he knelt beside you, his hand never leaving it’s spot.
“Don’t be discouraged.”
In the blink of an eye you were no longer in front of him, slightly hiding behind one of the pillars you steadied your heart from the scare.
"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to startle you." His soft voice called to you, unmoving from his place, the fear of frightening you any further lingering in his mind
"I'm... I'm not supposed to talk to people." Stammering warily while pressing your hands against the textured stone separating the two of you
"Why not? his eyebrows furrowed with his hush tone
You stayed silent, fingers digging further into the pillar. His softness was like a rope pulling you in, but the warning of your guardian stuck your feet in place.
Further silence endured before a small breath of air left his lips, mind running fast with different approaches he could attempt.
"You're prayer... it's not often one hears a prayer like yours."
Your eyes widened with the words leaving him, your voice refused to come out while you hid your face with your palm, the strange man had not said it mockingly yet the impact was the same.
"I've never prayed before, there is no need to point out that I didn't do it properly."
"I don't mean to mock you. On the contrary, your words spoke to me like none before."
Against the voice in your head trying to lead you out and away from the man, your feet carried you past the pillar. There he stood, a warm smile on his face at your reveal.
"Well hello there."
“Who are you?” you asked, continuing to maintain your distance 
“Simeon, it’s very nice to meet you.” a slight bow followed his words
“And, what are you doing alone in the church?” your eyes gazed with suspicion but were also filled with curiosity
“Not to be rude, but you came to be alone in the church aswell.” his answer was rewarded by the chuckle that escaped your mesmorizing lips
“You’re quite strange. But not wrong.” 
The moon now fully risen in the sky shone in the skylight, alerting your attention. Though a strange conversation, neither wanted to stop listening to the other, with a bite to your lip you prepared to say goodbye.
“May I ask your name-”
“I must be off, it was quite nice meeting you Simeon.” his words interrupted by your rushed voice, your body no longer infront of him
“Will you be back tomorrow?” He asked, stopping your hand from pulling the door open
You pushed down the flutter in your cheeks, slightly turning to meet his bright eyes once more. The ghost of a smile playing on your lips as the thought of seeing this strange man again crossed your mind.
Simeon stayed in place an extra few moments, eyes lingering on where you once stood. A smile on his face for a moment before his wings came back out, bringing him to where he had sat, your words replaying as though they were still being spoken.
“Perhaps is alright.”
Thank you for reading. If you have any requests just send them to me and I’ll try to write them to the best of my ability
It has been a long time since I’ve written an actual fanfic without abandoning the project, so I apologize for this not being too long, I hope you all enjoy this.
And remember you are a fantabulous human being and that is my opinion to which you can not change my opinion so better just accept that you’re an amazing person who is doing a fantastic job. Keep up the great work. Have a good day or night or whatever you’re reading this at
Thank you @juhlydrawsblog @obey-me-posts @poetofthedyingstars @siriuslyblackonback @syzxu @coffeeandtealol @somany-fandoms-solittle-time @a-rat-that-loves-cheese @nwaml for your comments and reblogs. They really helped with having the energy and love for this idea and helped with me not abandoning this idea!!! So yes, thank you once again
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beels-burger-babe · 11 months
Heatwave Drabble
MC: God, how is it so fucking hot down here? Solomon: It's the Devildom. What did you expect? MC: I dunno! Maybe an ice tundra or some normal boring weather not a melt your skin off heatwave! Solomon: There's not much I can do to help you there, MC. What would you want- *Spots Simeon and Luke grooming their wings in the other room. Glances at each other* *10 minutes later* Simeon: You know, this isn't at all the appropriate use for our wings. MC: *Sighs, happily getting fanned by massive angel wings and being given an ice coffee from Luke* Does that mean you're going to stop? *Pouts* It's fine if you do. It's just- I've felt like I was dying all day and your wings is the only way I've been able to cool down. Luke: *Immediately falls for it* Don't worry MC! We're not going any where! Faster Simeon! Simeon: *Sighs and picks up speed* Solomon: *Cackles and cheers his glass against MC's* You, my friend are a diabolical genius. MC: I try.
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angxlofvenus · 11 months
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Idk if this makes sense at all, but it does to me😭😭 also no Luke bc he can do no wrong in my mind.
I got the alignment chart off of Pinterest and all the character art is from the official Obey Me! Game (I think…)
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sparkbeast20 · 1 year
The Simp Mug
MC: So I got this mug
You show the mug with the writing said "I simp for you" on it
MC: Whoever gave this. Thank you. I'm fluttered that someone actually simping for me.
The brothers: ...
Later that day
The Demon Brothers (New) (7)
Mammon: Which one of you fuckers gave that mug to MC!
Belphegor: Funny. I was about to ask you the same thing Asshole!
Leviathan: This is so unfair! I thought we all agree that we doing it subtly!
Leviathan: But NOOO!! One of you had to ruin it for everyone.
Asmodeus: Right!? Now MC would try and find out who's their secret simp!
Asmodeus: Personally I prefer being called Lover then Simp.
Leviathan: Simp: when a male is overly submissive to someone and gains nothing from it.
Beelzebub: Really? But we gain love from MC in different ways right?
Belphegor: Truth. I like Beel's definition more then Levi's
Leviathan: Hey! I'm telling you what the definition is!!!
Satan: Strange.
Satan: Lucifer hasn't said anything this whole chat.
Lucifer: And you haven't?
Satan: We all know that you treat MC differently.
Lucifer: The pot calling the kettle black.
Satan: Fuck you!
Mammon: Dumbasses! Focus!
Outsiders (4)
Simeon: It seem I made a mistake.
Simeon: So, Solomon and I were browsing Akuzon for a joke gift for Luke.
Simeon: But before long, the discussion move from Luke to MC. At that moment I saw this mug with a funny saying,
Simeon: Then Solomon explain what "Simp" means. But I didn't realize that I accidently sent that mug to MC as a gift.
Diavolo: Oh.
Barbatos: How did you manage to send such a gift?
Solomon: In our defense, we were both drunk at the time, and we all know how bad Simeon is with Technology.
Simeon: Did you have to added that Last part?
Solomon: Yes.
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peonysgreenhouse · 2 months
-`♡´- the day you and the stars disappeared.
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summary: the discovery and aftermath of your disappearance. what do your beloveds do in your absence?
tags: obey me characters (lucifer, mammon, levi, asmo, satan, beel, belphie, diavolo, barbatos, solomon, simeon, and thirteen) x gn!reader, angst, spoilers for the first chapter of obey me! nightbringer.
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When Lucifer wakes up, the left side of his bed is cold.
It's not the most unusual thing. Lucifer was much less of a morning person that you were. He glaces to his bedside table. 8:30; it was too early for you to be out of bed on the weekend. Even if you woke up early, you'd still be tucked into his arms, or scrolling through Devilgram on your D.D.D.
Lucifer sits up, a pout on his face. You couldn't have strayed too far in such a short time.
"Beloved?" He calls, hoping you could hear him if you were in the bathroom. Lucifer says your name, this time a little louder, but again gets no response.
It wasn't your turn to be on breakfast duty... Perhaps you had a bad dream? You did tend to hide those things from him.
He closes his eyes and thinks of you. Usually, he would feel a faint warmth, like the fluttering of a moth's wings underneath his skin; it was the feeling of your soul connected to his through your pact. But now, even with all his focus, the feeling of your soul connection is nothing but a cold static.
Lucifer swallows the panic welling up in his chest and stands, quickly throwing on his clothes and rushing from his room. He starts in the basement, looking in any place a human could possibly squeeze into, desperately calling out your name. The ever-composed Lucifer, reduced to tearing the house apart when his human isn't in his sights.
He hopes that he is overreacting. He hopes that he'll find you curled up with Mammon, or on a walk outside the house.
He hopes that you are still somewhere that he can reach.
"Oy, Lucifer, what's going on?" Mammon. Lucifer takes a deep breath and tries to collect himself. If he let himself be emotional, his brothers would take that as a sign that something is very, very wrong. He would have to hold himself together, for now. "You're waking everyone up."
"Mammon, have you seen MC?" Calm enough.
"I haven't seen 'em since last night, they were with you, right?" You and Lucifer stayed up late to finish paperwork for your new student council role. "You didn't make 'em angry, did you?"
Lucifer's pout deepens. He's sure he'll age a millennia faster with how much he worries over you. "No, nothing like that. We finished up the assignments and then went to bed." Lucifer sighs, "and then when I woke up this morning, they weren't there. It's unlike them."
"You sure they just didn't go for a walk or something?" Mammon checks his phone to see if there were any messages from you.
"Mammon... try to connect to them with your pact."
Mammon closes his eyes, and repeats the same action Lucifer did only a few minutes prior.
Mammon instantly shifts into his demon form, fear evident in his eyes.
"I'm gonna go drag Solomon over here. He'll be able to track 'em if they're nearby, right?"
"He should be. Bring Simeon too, if he's there.". Lucifer straightens himself out. "I'll wake Leviathan and then go get Diavolo and Barbatos. Maybe they'll know more about what's going on."
Mammon nods, out the door before Lucifer can even finish his sentence.
Lucifer doesn't allow himself any more moments alone, he rushes upstairs to shake Leviathan awake.
"No need to pound on the door, Mammon." Simeon smiles, but Mammon can tell he's annoyed. Giving Simeon a minute to open the door was Mammon's idea of being patient, he had half a mind to knock the damn thing off its hinges. "Is there anything—".
"Where's Solomon?" Mammon cuts him off, pushing past him and into Purgatory Hall's living room. The smell of fresh coffee fills the air; just how early did these guys wake up?
"He's still sleeping, I believe. Why are you in such a rush?" Simeon asks.
"MC's missing. Need him to find them. He in his room?"
"You heard me!" Mammon can hardly keep it together. He didn't want to talk about it, he knew that if he started talking he wouldn't be able to stop.
He hadn't felt your soul connection so cold since... since...
"What's going on?" Solomon steps out of the hallway, still in his pajamas. "I heard Mammon yelling. What happened to MC?"
Of course he'd have been listening in. "Lucifer woke up this morning and they weren't there. Can't hardly feel their soul at all, it's like they're—".
"What do you mean?" Solomon's eyebrows quirk up, clearly not expecting to hear that. "What does it feel like?"
"Damn it, Solomon, it feels like it did when Belphie... y'know." Mammon can't bring himself to say it. It was too awful, what he did to you. "Enough talking, do your magic thing and find 'em!"
Solomon and Simeon exchange worried looks. "Alright, let me get dressed. Then we'll head off. But Mammon...".
"What?" Mammon huffs, already heading towards the door.
"I'm sure they're fine. You know how capable they are. Perhaps they just wanted some alone time."
"Yes, MC has survived a lot. I'm sure they just popped back up to the Human World or something... We'll probably be laughing about this with them at the end of the day."
Simeon smiles, but it doesn't reach his eyes. Mammon tries not to let the thought that they might be trying to placate him bother him.
"You want me to watch over our brothers? Why? What's happening?" Levi sits up in his bathtub bed, disoriented from being shaken awake so suddenly.
He had heard the commotion earlier, but assumed that Mammon had done something to warrant Lucifer's ire. Lucifer searching through Levi's room while he was sleeping wasn't the strangest occurrence. Mammon did hide things in here from time to time.
"Levi, don't worry over this right now. I'll fill you in once we figure out what's going on."
"No, Lucifer, tell me now!" Levi stands, suddenly very awake. "You're worried over something, and you're never worried, not like this."
Even standing up straight, Lucifer was still looking down at Leviathan.
"Telling you would only make the situation worse." Levi hates how patronizing Lucifer sounds. He hated it when they first fell and he hated it now. "Make sure the others stay put, I'll be back soon."
Levi moves quickly to stop him from leaving. "If you don't tell me, I'll... I'll summon Lotan!" Lucifer steps forward, but Leviathan doesn't budge. "I'll really do it, Lucifer! I'm serious about this!"
It would probably take Levi a few hundred years to muster up the courage to stand up to Lucifer like this again. But watching the cold pity fade from his brother's eyes and turn into something more akin to pride was worth it.
"MC is gone, and I'm going to the Demon Lord's Castle to seek Diavolo and Barbatos's help." Lucifer says it with such a barely-maintained calmness that Leviathan knows this is serious. That you weren't sucked into a silly game or hiding out in Purgatory Hall for the weekend.
Levi feels his heart sink.
"Now, can you do as you're told and stay put? I'll be back soon." Lucifer squeezes Levi's shoulder, forcing Levi to listen. "If anything happens, call me."
He nods, but once Lucifer turns to leave, he quietly falls back into bed. Levi watches Henry swim around in his goldfish tank; you had just fed him yesterday, how did things change so much in just a few hours?
No, he can't shut down here. If something happened to you and he wasn't there to help he would never forgive himself.
You had saved him so many times before, it was time for him to be your Knight. (God, he sounded like a normie).
When Mammon arrives back to the House of Lamentation with Simeon, Solomon, and Thirteen (Solomon had called her for help), the front door is blown off its hinges. Levi peeks through sheepishly at the four of them, waving for them to come in.
"What the hell happened here?" Thirteen tries to shut the door behind them, but it slowly starts to creak back open as soon as its closed.
"I told Satan what happened." Levi sighs, fiddling with the ends of his sleeves. "He went out to calm himself down. Said he'll be back by the time Lucifer gets home."
"Have you guys found anything here?" Simeon asks Leviathan. Just past Levi in the living room was Asmodeus, who was anxiously staring down at his phone.
Beel descends the stairs at the same time Belphie comes up from the basement: "I checked all the rooms upstairs, they're not up there."
Belphie shakes his head: "They're nowhere in the basement, either."
"I've been texting anyone that knows them from R.A.D. No one has seen them yet." Asmodeus blinks back tears. "This is crazy, you know! Why does this kind of thing always happen to them?"
"Well, they're not dead. So stop acting so sad!" Thirteen chimes in, sprawling herself out on the living room couch. "I checked their candle this morning myself. I can check again but trust me, I would know if they died. I'm a reaper, y'know?"
"You checked their candle this morning? Isn't that quite a walk from where you sleep?" Despite the situation, Solomon just can't help himself. Thirteen sits up and throws a pillow at the sorcerer, cheeks flushed.
"I just had some business over there, that's all." Thirteen huffs, sinking back into the sofa so she doesn't have to see Solomon's smug face. "Anyways, aren't you supposed to be doing your thing?"
"Yeah, get to it, Solomon." Mammon tugs on the back of Solomon's cape, pointing him towards Lucifer's room. "They were last seen in there. See if you can find anything."
Simeon stands near the doorway to Lucifer's room with Mammon, watching as Solomon searches for traces of anything that might give them a clue as to your whereabouts.
Simeon had thought that he had accepted being human. He thought the feeling of powerlessness that was so overwhelming to him at first had finally settled; there was nothing he could do to gain his grace back after what he had done, after all.
But now? He knew even as an angel there wasn't much more he could do to find you. If he had become your Guardian Angel like he had teased so many times, he could at least feel out if you were in danger.
Cautious Simeon, always so scared to make that final jump.
He says a prayer for you, quietly. Simeon hopes that his Father would still lend his ear to his own child, no matter how far he had strayed.
"There's one strong concentration here." Solomon frowns, gesturing to an area a little above shoulder height, right beside the left side of Lucifer's bed. "but that's all I can sense right now."
"Yeah, there's gotta be something else you missed." Mammon anxiously looks around the room, checking to see for himself if anything was out of place. "Keep looking."
They both follow Solomon as he does just that. He checks Lucifer's bathroom, in the closets, in the halls by his door... Nothing.
"I just don't get it." Solomon says, eyes closed in thought. He leans against the low table in the hallways. "If someone went through all this trouble to kidnap MC, why would they leave such an obvious trace behind?"
"Who gives a shit their motive right now. Tell us that you found something that can lead us to them, Solomon." Desperation drips from Mammon's voice. Mammon needs some hope to hold on to; Simeon empathizes with that feeling.
If Thirteen hadn't assured everyone you were still alive Simeon is sure he'd be snapping at Solomon too. Solomon was a good friend, but there's something about how casual he is with everything that makes Simeon angry. Did he not love you too?
"I did, don't worry, Mammon." Solomon pats Mammon's shoulder, "Once everyone gets back, I'll explain what I found."
Diavolo, Barbatos, and Lucifer arrive shortly after Solomon is done with his search.
The anxiety in the room is palpable; any news at all could set them alight. Especially Satan, who seemed to be trying to remember old breathing exercises to keep back his demon form.
"Solomon, they're here!" Asmodeus announces, and Simeon, Solomon, and Mammon come out from Lucifer's room to join everyone in the living room.
Lucifer doesn't comment on the broken door, he doesn't much care if the house itself was destroyed in the process of finding you.
"Tell us what you've found." Diavolo asks; Lucifer had informed him and Barbatos about what had happened on the way back from the castle. It had been a long while since Diavolo had seen his old friend look so grave.
Solomon comes around the couch and takes a seat by Thirteen. She scoots away.
"Well, there wasn't much left behind to find.... Which is good in its own way." Solomon crosses his legs. "Time magic was used sometime in Lucifer's bedroom last night. It appears MC has been taken to another point in this timeline."
As soon as the words leave his mouth, all eyes go to Barbatos. Even Barbatos looks stunned, eyes widening in shock.
"Time magic?" Satan stands, hands clenching at his sides. "I would like an explanation then, Barbatos. Now."
"I... am afraid I am as in the dark as you all are." The hesitation in Barbatos's voice does little to persuade the brothers. Beel stands and keeps a watchful eye on Satan. If you were here, you wouldn't want anyone to get hurt for your sake.
Diavolo stands in front of Barbatos. "Now, you all know Barbatos isn't the only being capable of time magic."
"Is it possible that someone else used your portals?" Thirteen asks. "You leave those things wide open, don'tcha? Seems like an easy target."
"I would know if anyone other than myself used them, yes. But I did not feel any abnormalities last night."
Belphie turns to Solomon. "Wait, you said time magic, what time period did they get sent to?"
"Ah, well that's a little tricky." Solomon answers with a sheepish smile. "The residual magic was strong, but you would expect more to be left behind if they went to the future. Future magic is highly unstable, anyways. It's more likely they were sent somewhere into the past, probably around the time of the Celestial War based on my analysis."
Belphie shakes his head. "You can't say 'probably', you have to be certain about this."
"Then, yes, I am certain that is where they are." Solomon answers smoothly.
The second the words leave Solomon's mouth, Mammon speaks up:
"Okay, so how do we get them back?!"
With lots of loud disagreements, and a few almost-fights, they come to terms that it has to be Solomon that goes after you.
No one particularly likes that idea, but he was the only one who wouldn't completely disrupt the timeline. His past self wouldn't be in the Devildom, so he could avoid paradoxes, and he was more than strong enough to protect himself if need be.
That same day, Barbatos prepares the portal for Solomon to go through after you. But not before one last warning from Diavolo:
Diavolo's eyes are stern, hand gripping Solomon's shoulder tight enough to where it would be painful. Solomon takes a step back, but Diavolo's body follows him.
"You bring them back safe." A warning, "And bring them back swiftly. Whatever you must do to get them back... do it."
Solomon, frankly, had had enough warnings from the demon brothers, and from his old friend Thirteen to understand that his life was forfeit if he came back without you.
He supposed he couldn't fault their protectiveness, however. If your safety was left alone in the hands of any other, he's sure he'd do worse to guarantee you came back alive and well.
"Of course," Solomon rolls his shoulder, shrugging off the Prince's hold. "You know I want them back just as much as you do. Perhaps even more."
Diavolo pats his back, his usual genial smile returning to his face, and he laughs. "Oh, I doubt that."
Barbatos gestures to the two, indicating that everything is ready for Solomon to step through. Solomon doesn't feel anything but calm, for what did he have to be anxious about? He was getting to see you again.
Was it selfish of him to be happy that he would be in a time period where the one you would rely on the most would be him?
"Bring them back to us," Is the last thing he hears before he steps through the portal, and into the past.
-`♡´- Lucifer
Lucifer busies himself with his work. If he fills his schedule enough, he doesn't have time to worry about you constantly, doesn't have time for his mind to cycle through the worst of what could happen with you out of his reach.
He volunteers to take on all of your duties that you were newly appointed as R.A.D.'s newest student council officer. Lucifer doesn't want anything to get in the way of you spending time with him again once you get back.
When he isn't working, he takes care of his brothers. The House of Lamentation always becomes a little quieter when you're not around, but the silence this time is more somber.
Lucifer doesn't scold them as much, gives them more leeway when they skip classes or forget to turn in assignments. He knows they're struggling and he doesn't want to add to that burden.
He hardly sleeps unless he passes out from exhaustion. When he does, his dreams are of blame. Why didn't he just wake up when you were taken? You were right there.
-`♡´- Mammon
Mammon had to be held back by Levi and Beel to keep him from going into the portal after Solomon.
It wasn't fair that that guy got to go and he had to stay behind. He was your first man! Mammon wasn't even sure that Solomon didn't play a role in helping you disappear. He never trusted that guy.
But all he could do now was hope that he would bring you back, right? It didn't matter anymore who saved you, just the fact that you were alive and safe and in his arms would be enough for him.
Mammon misses you ardently.
He texts you about his day every day. He knows the messages won't deliver, but he doesn't have anyone else to send them too. Sometimes he'll even call your phone so he can hear your voice in the voicemail. It helps him sleep.
-`♡´- Leviathan
He's just so tired of this. He thought once your trials at R.A.D. were over, you could settle down in the House of Lamentation forever.
If anyone deserved a life full of peace, it was you. You had endured way too much hardship on their account to keep having these things happen to you.
Levi tries to maintain a normalcy for you to return to. He buys games that you had on your radar for you to play with him once you got back.
He likes looking at the pictures you both had taken together. Cosplay pics, photobooth strips, candid polaroids... precious memories that could never be replaced.
And, when he really misses you, he takes one of your school uniforms, hanging up neatly in your closet and takes it to bed with him. It still smells like you, and if he closes his eyes, he can picture you're there with him.
Though, waking up and seeing you weren't there is like losing you all over again.
-`♡´- Satan
Satan worries.
He knew what he was like right after the Celestial War. He knew what monstrous things he did when he couldn't control his anger; before he made a conscious decision to crawl his way out of his emotional stagnation and to be more than he was created to be.
He gets into a habit of hanging out with Thirteen. Satan never really cared much for her attitude, but she's the only one who would know if you were still alive.
She's tolerable, in that when they get together they always end up talking about you. Satan doesn't tell her the best stories about you, no, those were reserved only for himself.
When he is alone, he often drifts towards your room. He knows his brothers often sleep there when you're gone, so he washes your sheets and makes your bed back up when they're not there.
Satan even tidies his own room just enough so that you would have room to sleep in his bed with him when you returned.
-`♡´- Asmodeus
To have both you and Solomon taken away from him in the same day, it seems a bit cruel, doesn't it?
He's thankful for all the consolations from his friends and his fans; the well wishes are nice, but it isn't the same as hearing it from your voice.
Asmo tells anyone who will listen about what happened to you in hopes that they'll spin stories back at him. Even if most were lies conjured to make him feel better, there always are some true stories in the mix. He hears a few rumors of ancient, powerful demons that he hands over to Satan and Belphie to look more into. He was glad he could do something.
Asmodeus starts collecting things that remind him of you. Flowers that never wilt, lamb plushies, silk pajamas — there's a box in his room of gifts to give you once you get back home.
He writes down everything that you've missed since you disappeared, he has so much to catch you up on, after all! And if there's a lot of 'I love you's' and things he misses about you in between topics, he's sure you won't mind hearing them, too.
-`♡´- Beelzebub
Beel feels a little lost without you there.
You were so ingrained in his daily schedule that he doesn't know what to do with a lot of his time. You, Mammon, him, and Belphie would always hang out after school, since the four of you had the same last period.
There was no sun in the Devildom, but he didn't need any to feel warm sitting next to you three. Mammon would bring cards, and you would take turns picking out games to play.
You would usually win; he loved seeing your smile as you asked for praise for winning. Belphie and Mammon would pout, but Beel was always happy to tell you you did a good job. He keeps an ongoing score sheet somewhere in his backpack:
MC - 102, Mammon - 16, Belphie - 59, Beel - 20. He didn't care much for winning as long as everyone was happy.
He makes his way to the gardens and finds your usual spot empty. Beel waits there for a long while, but only Belphie shows up.
Beel thinks that maybe in the past, you were waiting for him in the same spot too. The thought makes him feel a little less lonely.
-`♡´- Belphegor
Belphie misses you, of course, but he really finds this whole situation odd.
Time magic. Diavolo had said that other beings were capable of it, but Belphie had never heard of anyone, besides Barbatos, that had mastered it enough to send someone back that far. Belphie wasn't the most well-connected person, but he thinks he would've heard about them by now.
Satan thinks the same thing, and so the 'Anti-Lucifer League' is postponed, and in its place the 'MC's Detective Agency' forms. Beel sits in on most meetings, and the rest of the brothers join in occasionally.
But with so few leads there was only so much they could do. But still, Belphie is determined not to give up. If you were in his shoes, he knows you would do the same thing.
He would never admit it to anyone, but he wants to hear you say that you're proud of his work. To feel you pet his head and tell him he did good, to kiss him on the cheeks for working so hard.
...And, of course, making whoever did this pay for what they did would be good, too.
-`♡´- Diavolo
The last note you left him is still taped to his desk:
A chibi of you fist-pumping is drawn on the side of the yellow sticky. There's a big speech bubble that reads: "You can do it, Dia! Knock out that paperwork!" He can't help but smile every time he sees it.
It's silly, but when he looks down and reads those words of encouragement he feels your loss even more strongly. He's sure Solomon will be back with you soon, but as the weeks roll on, he starts getting impatient.
He sends all his best men to search for whoever did this to you. Without any solid leads, it was like chasing the wind, but it helped settle his mind, if only a little.
He supposes you did spoil him too much. He forgot what it was like to be so lonely when you were around. And unlike the brothers, he couldn't just curl up in your bed whenever he wanted to be reminded of you.
Would it be so improper to move you into the castle once you got back? At least here, he would know you were safe. Nothing like this would ever happen to you again on his watch.
-`♡´- Barbatos
Barbatos knows that all eyes are on him.
It isn't hard to figure out that the brothers are suspicious of him. Mammon's crows perch outside his bedroom, Satan takes extra trips to the library in the castle, Belphie "gets lost" wandering the halls after dinner... Even Lucifer asks him pointed questions about that night.
He understands that it comes with the territory of his powers, but when has he ever done anything to jeopardize the exchange program? If he wanted to send you away would he not have done it when you first arrived? Would he not have let you die at the hands of Belphegor?
The him of today would never think of such a thing. Barbatos cared too much about your safety to let you wander too far from his sights.
He knows it is an indulgence that only he is afforded, but he can't help but steal looks into your life back in time as you try to find your way back to them.
Perhaps the others would like to hear about how you are doing, but Barbatos thinks these things are best kept to himself. He was never a fan of sharing, anyways.
-`♡´- Simeon
Luke cries and cries and cries when Simeon tells him what happened to you. Simeon holds the boy in his arms tight, rocking him back and forth to soothe his troubled heart.
He had done this many nights in the past, and he's sure he'd do it for many nights in the future.
The last time it had happened it had been when Simeon had told Luke about losing his powers. You had been there, then, and had cried as soon as you saw tears well up in Luke's eyes. Luke was less sad and more angry at Simeon for not telling him sooner. He had held you both in his arms that night, and before long the three of you fell asleep together.
Simeon wishes you were here now to hold him. To tell him it was going to be alright. But he supposed if you were here the both of them wouldn't have anything to cry about.
Michael allows Luke to stay in Purgatory Hall for as long as it would take to get you back. Simeon is thankful for the company; with Raphael and Solomon gone, and the Hall silent, it was easy for Simeon to start blaming himself.
He hears Luke pray every night for your safety, and Simeon slips back into the habit as well.
-`♡´- Thirteen
Thirteen spends a lot more time in her cave when you're not around.
What's the point of going to R.A.D. if you weren't there? It's not like she cared much about anyone else that went there. And to hear the brothers cry about missing you... She couldn't take it.
She cared about you too, but you didn't see her moping around about it!
But even worse was the fact Solomon got to go back in time to save you. Just thinking about you spending all that alone time with that shitty Sorcerer makes her blood boil; he could live a thousand lifetimes and never once deserve you.
She goes and checks your candle every morning to see if the flame is going strong. Thirteen breathes easy when she sees the bright orange flame light up the darkness.
Reapers weren't supposed to interfere directly with mortal's lifespans, but she supposed it wouldn't hurt if she poured some of Solomon's melted wax onto your candle. It's not like he would need it anyways.
Besides, this was her making up for lost time. Every day you were away shouldn't count! You didn't choose to go back in time, after all!
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devildom-moss · 9 months
Biting their necks (Barbatos, Simeon, Solomon, Thirteen, Mephistopheles)
What would happen if you bit their necks with no warning?
(Barbatos x gn!MC) (Simeon x gn!MC) (Solomon x gn!MC) (Thirteen x gn!MC) (Mephistopheles x gn!MC)
Word Count: +2,800 (Simeon got +800. Oops)
Baking sessions – or lessons, depending on your skill level – were a good excuse to monopolize a bit of Barbatos’s time. It was just the two of you in the kitchen. He was at the stove, keeping a close eye on the caramel, occasionally brushing the side of the pot with water to prevent scorching. You neglected your station to get behind him and wrap your arms around his waist.
Barbatos chuckled. “Did you finish cutting out the dough?”
“I got distracted by how cute you look when you’re in the kitchen. I know I can’t steal you away from Diavolo forever, so just let me have this,” you spoke softly against his shoulder.
“I’m cute? You are the only one I’d let say that.”
“You’re so cute – adorable, even.”
You inched closer to him, and without warning, you bit his neck – just above his collar. Knowing that Barbatos may get upset if you marked him, your teeth barely grazed his skin, but the sensation of your hot breath was enough to make him shiver slightly in your arms. It was a shame how much skin he had covered; there were only so many places you could tease him directly.
“Do you find me so irresistible that you intend to gobble me up?” he asked playfully. His face took on a light shade of pink, yet he still had the sense to stir the cream and butter into the caramel, creating a beautiful silky consistency. You watched him work for a minute.
“If I said yes?”
“I would welcome it – that is, I want it just as much as you do.” You felt his tail wrap around your ankle teasingly. “But I beg that you wait until after we’ve finished baking.”
“Oh, you’re no fun,” you cooed into his ear, “but how could I possibly deny your begging?”
“I’ll make it worth the wait. You have my word.” He lifted the pot off the burner, and you took that as your cue to let him go. He turned around, expecting to need to coax you into finishing cutting out the cookies. Slightly surprised, he questioned you: “oh, you did finish cutting out the dough, then? I thought you said you got distracted.”
“I wouldn’t disappoint my favorite man.” However, telling him that you had finished your task and just wanted to hold him didn’t sound as sweet as telling him he was distractingly cute. “You know, that look of surprise on your face is cute, too.”
Before he could respond, the oven dinged, signaling that it had finished preheating. Barbatos poured the caramel into a bowl to cool while you placed the sheet of cookies in the oven. He cleared his throat. “I suppose if you would like, I could indulge you for a few minutes now – just while the cookies bake.”
“So generous.” You pulled him into you, hands quick to unbutton his shirt.
If one more demon brother bothered you today, you were going to set something – or someone – on fire. Luckily, Simeon was happy to host you for the afternoon; he didn’t even scold you about making threats of arson.
In the quiet peace that Simeon’s room held, your reading was interrupted by Simeon stretching at his desk – by no fault of his own, really. The lines of his body were so pretty. Maybe you still had some aggression in you that fed your urge to sneak up on him as he continued to write.
Simeon had barely acknowledged your proximity when you leaned down and bit him just above his collar. You heard a sharp inhale leave him, but the way he craned his neck away from you, giving you better access, indicated that he didn’t have any protests. He stopped writing, and you heard his pen drop on the desk. You took the opportunity to kiss down his shoulder and leave a mark there, too. Finally, you were able to pull a soft moan from his lips – stifled as it was.
“H-hey.” His voice was more complaisant than objecting. “Is this supposed to be my reward for letting you hide out in my room?”
“No. You were just too pretty to resist.” You kissed the bite mark on his shoulder, then the one on his neck, before you whispered in his ear, “would you like a proper reward?”
Simeon mulled the words over. “Perhaps.”
You left Purgatory Hall a few hours later, sneaking out without anyone noticing. Simeon returned to writing shortly after. He stayed preoccupied until Luke called him in for dinner.
When Simeon joined Luke and Solomon at the table, he had forgotten all about his bite marks. Luke stared at him, horrified. “Simeon! What happened to you?”
The realization hit Simeon like a cement block. Internally, he freaked out, grasping for anything while Solomon sat there, amused, and refusing any assistance. What Simeon landed on was a disgrace to him as an author: he accidentally turned you into a vampire with a spell while studying. You were so thirsty, and he didn’t know how to reverse the spell right away, so he let you drink some of his blood.
With his clumsy lie settled, Simeon quickly sent you a text to warn you about his story, begging you to go along with it.
MC: Wow. Why’d you have to do me dirty like that? Simeon: Do you want to explain to Luke why you really gave me a hickey? MC: Two. But no. Good luck!
Immediately after, you got a text from Luke, asking how you could bite poor Simeon. You apologized. Luckily, Luke forgave you; it was an accident, after all, but he asked you to be more careful next time. You were definitely going to be more careful.
“Mind telling me what spell you used there, Simeon?” Solomon asked, holding back a snicker. “Maybe I should try it out.”
“Solomon, no!” Luke protested. “You can’t just turn MC into a vampire.”
“Calm down, Luke. I always get consent first.”
“That doesn’t matter!”
“It matters quite a lot,” Solomon smirked. Simeon had enough and kicked Solomon under the table with a look on his face that a parent might give an older sibling who can’t hold their tongue.
When Raphael walked into the dining room, Simeon hoped he would be spared from his torment. He wasn’t.
“Where’d you get a hickey from, Simeon?” Raphael asked nonchalantly.
“MC bit him,” Luke explained on Simeon’s behalf as Simeon seemed reluctant to speak.
“Oh, they got to you too?”
“What?” The word fell from the other three in varying degrees of shock.
Raphael shrugged. “What?”
The texts came rolling in again.
Luke: Why did you drink from both Simeon and Raphael?
Shit. You had to think fast.
MC: I didn’t want to take too much blood from either one, so I tried to take a small amount from both of them. I’m so, so sorry. Luke: Oh. I guess that was nice of you. But please don’t do any more vampire spells, okay?
Solomon also sent you a text: Want to suck my blood too, MC? 🖤
Before you could think of an appropriate response to Solomon’s flirting, a new message from Simeon popped up. This was more urgent than Solomon’s shamelessness.
Simeon: “I’m sorry. Next time, I’ll remember to cover up – unless you wish to bite me somewhere less conspicuous, that is. Still, somehow, I’m glad you were the one who bit me this time. I can’t imagine how furious Luke would be at me if I was the one to bite you. He’s quite overprotective, isn’t he? However, I think I owe you. A mark for a mark. Perhaps I should throw in an extra one on Raphael’s behalf. Doesn’t that sound fair?”
You were in for it now.
Mammon had told you that Asmo gave Solomon a hickey earlier that day. You didn’t know where Mammon was getting his information, but that did sound like something Asmo would do. Still, it made you a little jealous – not because Asmo had done that, but because you wanted to give Solomon a hickey too.
It was fortunate, then, that you had a study session with Solomon planned today. It was less fortunate for your grades and magical abilities that the only thing you had been studying since you showed up in Solomon’s room was his neck. That damn turtleneck wasn’t revealing anything.
Solomon noticed you had been watching him more intensely than usual. It was flattering, but you weren’t making any moves on him, and he was feeling impatient. “Is there something wrong? You keep staring at me.”
“Could you sit down for a minute?” you asked him.
Finally, he thought optimistically. Solomon took a seat on his couch. You walked over to him and hooked a finger under his collar, slowly pulling it down. Nothing. You checked the other side. Still nothing. Heat rose in Solomon’s cheeks.
“MC, what are you doing?”
“Quiet,” you hushed him and checked the other side of his neck again, pulling his collar down a bit lower than before. Where was it? It was a weird thing for Mammon to lie about, but perhaps he was just mistaken. Still, even if Asmo hadn’t gotten to Solomon’s neck recently, you figured it would be a waste to just leave him unscathed. You might as well use your blank canvas.  
You leaned down and bit his neck, sucking his skin – trying to mark him as yours. He whimpered at the sudden pain.
When you finally pulled away and inspected the pretty red mark on him, you noticed how flustered his face was.
“How did you expect me to stay quiet while you did something like that?” Solomon ran his fingers over the mark and accompanying teeth indents. “I don’t mind, but what’s gotten into you?”
“Mammon told me that Asmo gave you a hickey. I had to check, but I guess he was wrong. When I thought about Asmo getting to mark you,” you paused, “well, I wanted to mark you too.”
“Oh, he’s not wrong. Asmo did leave me with a hickey. I got rid of it with magic earlier today.” He laughed. “Honestly, MC. If I knew you were the jealous, possessive type, I would have let Asmo play around with me a bit more.”
“I’m not jealous per se. I just wanted to leave my mark on you.”
“You have.” He took your hand sweetly and added, “but I’ll make sure not to heal yours with magic. It’s a shame that you left it below my collar, though. I’d like to show off. Maybe you could leave a few more.”
When Thirteen invited you to her cave, you didn’t expect to find her distracted by her newest trap. The last time she invited you over, she greeted you at the entrance and guided you around. Maybe you had gotten your hopes up too much. It wasn’t as if she promised to give you her undivided attention.
“Work, you little fucker,” she cursed under her breath at the trap on her lap as she unscrewed the back panel yet again.
Your shoulders slumped, and you pouted slightly. This might take a while, you realized. Thirteen wasn’t particularly aggressive around you, but you could feel her tension in the room. Between that and your mounting boredom, you stood up.
“I’m going to take a walk,” you informed her. “You seem a bit busy.”
Shit. That sounded passive aggressive. Maybe you meant to be. She was the one who invited you over. It was reasonable to be a bit irritated. Regardless, it was effective. Your words hit her, and Thirteen almost dropped the tools in her hands – tightening her grip just before the pliers and screwdriver slipped from her grasp. She set her tools and her latest trap on the table quickly before standing up.
“Baby, no, wait. Come here.” Thirteen opened her arms wide for a hug, wanting you to come back into her embrace. You conceded, and once you were close enough, she pulled you against her body. “Sorry. I should have finished this before you showed up. I just had some last-minute issues, and I was in the zone. But he can wait. I promise.”
You buried your face in Thirteen’s neck. How was it possible for a reaper living in a cave to smell so sweet? You bit her softly as revenge for her neglect. She let out a startled yelp, but she didn’t stop holding you until you released her skin. Her breath was shaky, and her face was pink when she asked, “what was that for?”
“Punishment,” you admitted. “Is that okay?”
Thirteen laughed and pulled you backwards in the direction of her bed. Despite the fact that she was the one walking backwards, you nearly tumbled over her when she plopped down. You barely stopped yourself by putting your knee at the edge of her bed – right between her legs. She met your gaze when you stared down at her.
“Well? What are you waiting for?” Her pupils dilated, and the faint blush still sat on her cheeks. “Punish me more.”
“Why are you in the RAD Newspaper Club room again? I don’t remember inviting a foolish human to distract me today.” Mephisto sighed and scanned over a draft of an article on the new exhibit at the botanical garden. Technically, he had invited you to visit him earlier in the week “if you wanted to see how much effort goes into [his] work,” but he had clearly forgotten in his resolution to being a grump today. “You know little about the Devildom, and I don’t require your assistance. So, I invite you to get out.”
Sometimes his commitment to being a dick was tiring – especially when you were fully aware that he held some strong, affectionate feelings for you underneath it. Hell, he had glanced in your direction three times already, and they were not glances that suggested he wanted you to leave. If he wanted to play his little games, you could at least chastise him a bit – well, a bite.
“Alright, I’ll go, but first,” you left him in anticipation as you walked around his desk and leaned down behind him. You sank your teeth into the side of his neck, earning an adorably pained groan. Served him right.
As soon as you let go, Mephisto shot up from his chair. That was your cue to run. You rushed out of the room and hurried down the hall before he could finish telling you to “get back here this instant.”
You ran, stupidly glancing back just in time to bump into something solid. When you turned back to where you should have been looking, you were met with Lucifer’s confused face.
“Why are you running in the hall? What’s gotten into you? Are you alright?” Lucifer held you firmly in place by the shoulders. He was searching your eyes with concern. It was sweet of him to be worried, but you didn’t have time to stand around being worried over when the click of Mephisto’s heels was quickly approaching. He wasn’t running – but those long legs hastened his pace. He was like Michael Myers with a bit more urgency. “MC. What is it? Answer me.”
Lucifer’s concern had stalled you enough for Mephisto to catch up. He grabbed you by the back of the collar and pulled you out of Lucifer’s grasp.
“Wait,” Lucifer demanded. “What are you doing?"
“I’m taking this,” Mephisto informed him without turning around as he dragged you in the opposite direction. “It’s mine.”
Lucifer felt a portion of his brain die off. He swiftly turned on his feet and walked away. He was not dealing with this today.
“Can you let me go?” you asked Mephisto while squirming in his grip.
“If you don’t come willingly, I’ll throw you over my shoulder.”
“Are you even that strong?”
Mephisto’s eyes widened as if you had insulted him. You might as well have called him a weakling. He took your words as a challenge and pulled you into the nearest empty classroom. Once inside, he locked the door and held you close with one hand on the back of your head and the other on your back. Before you could register what happened, Mephisto had dropped you to the ground, landing over you, straddling your hips. His hands had protected your head and back from harsh contact with the floor.
“Ow. That still hurt my butt, you know?” You stared up at him. It actually didn’t hurt that much, but you wanted to complain.
“I’ll kiss it better later if you need me to, you big baby.” Mephisto sighed and pinned your hands to the side. “Strong enough for you?”
You made a half-hearted attempt to struggle. “Point taken; now you can get off.”
“Oh, no, I can’t.” Mephisto let you go with a smirk. He loosened his tie and started to unbutton his shirt. “We need to finish what you started, foolish human.”
(Mammon, Satan, Beelzebub, Diavolo, Raphael version)
(Lucifer, Leviathan, Asmodeus, Belphegor version)
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cosmicstarlatte · 1 year
You ARE The Father! Pt.2 (Obey Me!)
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->Click here for [Part 1: Demon Bros]
After getting back to the human world you realized you were pregnant. You decided to keep it a secret your whole pregnancy. After having the baby/babies for a few weeks, you finally decide to tell your baby daddy.
»Characters: Dateables
»Tags: Unplanned Pregnancy, Female Reader, Fluff and Angst, Certified Simeon Simp, Just a Smidge of Humor, Half-story Half-bulleted style
»Notes: I really hope you guys like this one, it felt so good to finally write part 2. 🥺♡
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Separating from him to go back home after the program was difficult but you decided it was for the best at the time, for him and the realm. It was heartbreaking and you might've regreted it a little. Anyway when you realized you were pregnant with his child, you were nervous to tell Diavolo about it. He already had so much on his plate everyday. You didn't want to bother him with appointments and other things. He had a whole realm to take care of after all. But you also knew you couldn't keep the secret forever (especially because what if your baby needed special demon care?) You finally call him one day weeks after birth.
"What exactly... are you saying...? I'm a father...? And you kept this from me!? I'm on the way!"
Understandably upset with your decision to keep it a secret from him but ecstatic you gave him a child
A family...his own little family...oh his heart ♡
Still felt guilty, did you not know how much you mean to him!? How broken he was and how much he loved you!? He would've taken care of your every need and been there the second you told him!
He arrived only minutes after the call and alone (He dipped so quick without telling Barb, oops!)
His son was so tiny in his arms! The baby shifted into demon form!
Teared up because he resembled him so much, same horns and wings!
Kissed and cuddled the heck out of you two
"You two will always come first. You're both my everything. Don't ever doubt that. And...we handle everything together, okay?"
He proposed with the ring he never got to give you 🤧
He moved you guys into the castle the same day and Barb lost his shit but in a good way
He noticed his son was a happy giggly demon but with a biting problem, especially when upset
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You wondered if Barbatos knew but ultimately decided he didn't. After all, he would have said something by now. You felt horrible for keeping the secret but you knew he had a duty of serving Diavolo; which helped run the Devildom. Barbatos would have helped you, you knew in your heart he would. You just didn't want to worry him while on the journey is all. Finally when everything was settled, you give him the call.
"Understood. I will visit shortly."
You didn't see the way his eyes widened at the news but he believed you and was well on his way to you after the call
He felt quite guilty and upset that you did something so grand, all alone
Nevertheless he still loved you and was excited yet nervous to meet his baby
The first thing he did when he saw you was kiss your forehead before holding his son
The baby shifted and he gasped at the miniature him, he was absolutely in love and even shifted into demon form himself
"The two of you mean the entire world to me. I feel our future is very bright. I vow to always love and protect you both."
He had called Dia and Luci to explain his absence
Stayed a few days to bond with you two (he grabbed a Go-Bag before leaving, butlers must always be prepared!)
Later moved you two into the castle to a very excited uncle Dia
He noticed his son was particular about his milk
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You really struggled with the decision of letting him know. You were scared of the consequences he would face. You decided to keep it a secret as much as possible but one day he requested a video call when regular calls weren't enough anymore. You looked very much the same and everything was going great and that's when his daughter started crying in the background. Simeons' heard the cries before in past calls and to his knowledge you babysat frequently.  He understood you had to go check. You didn't realize he could see the baby when you picked her up, you thought your back kept her hidden from view. He immediately knew. There was no doubt that was his baby girl. He questioned you about her and you tried to deny it but ended up confessing. You couldn't lie to him anymore.
"I'll see you two soon."
He was highly upset but thought about it more and knew why you did it
He didn't mean to put you in that position and ended up being more upset in himself
He loved you so much and hoped he could make it up to you
He hoped you could forgive him for not coming sooner but he had something to do first before seeing you two
He found Luke and chatted with him normally; he told him what a great angel he was and offered a bit of wisdom
He hugged the young angel for the last time
"Luke...I'm sorry and I hope you forgive me."
He knew that left Luke confused after such a normal conversation but Simeon couldn't bear to explain everything
After telling Michael what happened and being banished from the celestial realm, he finally made his way to you
Yes he was hurting from the loss but there was no doubt in his mind and he had no regrets overall
When he arrived and held his daughter, she glowed and he teared up
"You're an angel alright, a beautiful one."
You cried for him and he reassured you that everything will be fine, he was excited for his new family and he had no regrets
"I would do it all over again, and again, and again.♡"
He noticed his daughter loves falling asleep to his stories
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You didn't keep it a secret from him actually. There wasn't really a reason to nor would you be able to hide it from him in the human realm.
"Me? A father?"
Was shocked for a few days, he never thought he'd see the day that would happen
He was happy for the two of you of course but it all seemed surreal
Was supportive throughout the pregnancy and tried to find ways to make it easier for you
He tried cooking more and you begged him not to
He nearly fainted at the news of twin girls
On the due date;  all the books he read didn't seem like enough preparation
He teared up when you crushed his hand during labor
Oh he was in love when he heard the cries and even more when he saw they looked just like him
"You girls are going to run this world!" "Solomon."
"Right. WE'RE going to run this world."
Published a book called Dad Jokes Through the Centuries
Solomon: Family Man Extraordinaire ™️
He noticed his daughters seemed drawn towards his magical objects than their own toys
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⬦You might also like: MC Feeling Insecure
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ad0rechuu · 1 year
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warnings. ━━━━━ mentions of food, swearing, death, all the fun stuff
masterlist | part one
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notes. (solomon is younger than everyone but luke btw) i’m working on an ateez smau and a long form obey me series so enjoy this in the mean time ^_^ thank u for all the love on the previous part it was my first post so it’s been really lovely and overwhelming!! i’ll make a part three when the new character become official playables or i’ll just learn more about them because i’m only on lesson 60
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Luke: Here meet my dads!
*points to Simeon and Solomon*
Random demon child: Eww! Stop you're embarrassing yourself!
Solomon: Hey-
Luke: it's ok dad *glares at the demon child* Atleast my parents choose me, yours are stuck with you!
Simeon and Solomon: *impressed*
*MC in the back who taught luke this* : 👍
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devildomwriter · 4 months
Miraculous Recovery | Simeon x Reader
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.6K | GN! Reader | CW: Slightly suggestive
Simeon approached your bedroom door and knocked lightly. “___?” He called anxiously.
“Sim…” you croaked weakly and he stepped into your room to see you a sniveling mess.
“___,” he cooed sadly and frowned. He slowly made his way over to you, stepping over the hundreds of tissues that’d missed your trash can.
The bed creaked as he sat down beside you and pressed his hand against your forehead. “You’re burning up,” he commented sorrowfully. He looked around the room and saw a rag on your nightstand.
“Let me go wet this for you,” he offered and quickly left to wash it under cold water. He rang out the excess water and paced back to you. He laid it on your forehead and you smiled weakly.
He frowned and with his gloves on quickly gathered the tissues into the trash and ran to switch out the trash bags. Your eyelids fluttered shut and by the time he returned, you were already asleep.
He smiled, glad you were temporarily relieved of your flu. As you slept he continued picking up your room, he even sneakily switched your blankets. A few hours later you woke up to a cold breeze on your face and you smiled in relief. You glanced around the room and Simeon heard you stir and got up from the table where he’d been reading.
“___, how are you feeling now?”
“A little better,” you rasped and he shook his head.
“Not by the sound of it,” he disagreed and felt your head was just as warm as it had been an hour ago.
He glanced around the room as if you were being watched and hummed to himself. He knelt and moved your hair out of your face.
“I’m not really supposed to do this but…since it’s you,” he whispered and kissed your forehead. You blushed and instantly cheered up, but that wasn’t all. A warmth flowed through your body and as it left your throat no longer ached, your fatigue was gone and your nose was clear.
You sat straight up and stared at Simeon. He could do that the whole time? Why didn’t he?
He held a finger to his lips, “we aren’t really supposed to interfere with minor colds,” he admitted and you nodded and heard footsteps outside the door.
“Quickly, lie back down,” he hushed and you nodded and laid back down with a grimace. Simeon chuckled as Lucifer opened the door quietly with a bowl of soup.
“How are they?” Lucifer asked quietly and behind him, Mammon, Leviathan, and Asmodeus’s heads peaked in.
Simeon shook his head, “not much has changed, I’ll keep looking after them for now.”
Lucifer nodded and thanked Simeon, handing him the soup.
Lucifer sat down to talk with Simeon for a while as you pretended to sleep. When the coast was clear Simeon grinned mischievously, “They’re all gone.”
You rolled over in bed and chuckled, “Why am I pretending to be sick still?”
Simeon tilted his head innocently, “Oh, you know… because demons don’t know how to properly treat sick humans, so…”
“So you get to be here alone with me as long as I’m sick.”
Simeon modded and you laughed but covered your mouth, hoping it hadn’t been too loud.
Simeon handed you the soup and sat by your bed.
“Now that you’ve miraculously recovered, we can spend the night however we want,” he whispered and you grinned.
“Are you sure you’re an angel?”
Simeon shrugged and shook his head, “well, who knows really?”
You laughed at his casual response and he took a moment to look you over. Your hair was a little tangled and your clothes were messy from the days you’d spent with a cold.
“You may still be covered in germs…” he pointed out, “why don’t we go wash you off?” He suggested and you grinned slyly.
“Doctor’s orders.” you agreed and followed him to the bathroom for a thorough cleansing.
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simp-is-here · 1 year
We’re back again with more
Obey Me Boy’s Thirsty Thoughts/ Scenarios
Warning: hella and I’m mean like EXTREMELY suggestive, LIKE BORDERLINE NSFW, kinda calling myself out once again, implied sex, mentions of: sex, making out, sexual acts, kinda somnophilia (consensual), bathtub sex, size kink, sub levi, sub mammon, sub simeon, aggressive hickeys, tail stuff, semi public, finger sucking
(I tried my best to make this gender neutral, please let me know if I messed up and I’ll try to correct my mistakes)
Let me just apologize in advance for if this is cringey, I very much tend to word stuff weirdly if I’m describing something sexual.
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So you and Lucifer are (doing the do?? Making love??? Schlonging?? Having sex?? Whatever makes you comfortable)
His wings suddenly sprout from his back
He pays no mind to them as he continues to make you feel good
While he’s kissing your collarbone you’re running your hand over the feathers of his wings and up his back where the wings meet
I think those wing would be so sensitive but he wouldn’t want to admit it
However little things in his body language would show that it has an effect on him
The tremble in his wings, the small intake of breath, the way he pulls you even tighter to him
He didn’t want to tell you, but he yearned for more. And you were more than willing to give him everything he wanted
Though he’s greedy, there’s nothing he’s more greedy for than your love
That love may be staying up late to study with him, or holding him close when the two of you finish a scary movie
But sometimes that love is what you’re doing right now, pulling on the strands of his hair trying to compose yourself as you take what you want from him
Guiding him to do exactly what you want, the exact thing he needs to do to make you feel good
He could get drunk off of the sounds you make, the way you looks, how much you trust him, how much control you have over him
And sometimes that love is when you’re spent and holding him, praising him for doing such a good job while his head is against your chest, the beating of your heart continues it’s fast pace as you try to catch your breath
There’s nothing he’s more greedy for than your love
If you knew that cuddling and playing a game would lead to this, then you would’ve done so sooner
Levi was currently under you, his hands hiding his red face as you sit back up, wiping your mouth with a smirk
After some soft words you manage to uncover his face, kissing his lips once again while guiding his hands to your thighs
While your trace his bottom lip with your tongue you feel something slither around your waist, you look down to see his tail holding you tightly
Levi covered his face in embarrassment once again while unwrapping his tail from you, you grabbed one of his hands in time for him to see you trace your tongue up his tail to the tip
You guided his face back up to you and kissed him once again, his tail wrapping around your thighs and his fingers digging into your hips
He was in for a long night
Being loud was never a problem before you met Satan, it wasn’t that any of your past lovers were bad, you just didn’t know you had this side of you
However sometimes it was a challenge whenever the two of you got intimate, you’d have to bite the back of your hand or put something in your mouth
Right now the two of you were beside Satan’s door, his thigh was between your legs while his mouth sucked marks onto your skin
Your hands were so preoccupied with holding him close that you didn’t realize you were letting out sounds until a knock at the door caused you to panic
He answers through the the door with a smirk, continuing to move you on his thigh. Watching as you try your best to be silent
You gasp at a certain angle to which he quickly covers your mouth with his hand, telling the person on the other side of the door that he just dropped a book
You open your mouth and guide his fingers into your mouth, Satan’s eyes widened as he forces a grunt back down his throat. He quickly shut down the conversation and shoved you towards his bed
You were in for it
One of the best things in your relationship with Asmo is when the two of you bathe together
It’s not always sexual, sometimes the two of you just wrap your bodies around one another, helping each other de-stress
This however was not one of those times, though it did start out as one. But the was your fingers gently scrubbed the strands of his hair, and the way his hand lathered the body wash on your thighs, occasionally rubbing close to where you yearned for his touch
The steam of the water seemed to grow thicker as his hands danced across your shining form, his legs straddling your thighs
Though you two exchanged soft kisses, your hands were desperate to satisfy the other
You both end and his hands grip your hair while yours hold his as close as possible, panting into each other’s mouth while tired kisses as given
The two of you make it back to his room and take a short break before you continue once again
While the two of you were eating on your bed you had dropped a glob of pudding onto your chest
Before you could wipe it up Beel leaned in and licked it clean, continuing to clean up any spots on you that had pudding on it
He guided your back onto your bed as he left kisses all over your neck and collarbone
Eventually he stopped just as his tooth has pressed against you skin, his reluctance was quickly overshadowed by the want he felt when you begged him to continue
He dove back into the crook of your neck and sucked whatever he could reach, occasionally biting you before soothing the bite with a kiss or a lick
He had gotten down your stomach, only stopped by the fabric of your pants covering you from him
He looked back at you and gazed over the dark marks decorating your skin, he wished he could feel guilt but the way you smiled up at him with a dazed look made him want to do this again
Sex was not a major thing in your relationship, just something that occasionally happened
You both were in the attic room cuddling on the bed, his arms wrapped around your waist to hold you close
After a bit of self questioning you took his hand from your waist and lead it lower till it was between your legs
Belphie’s body tensed slightly before pulling you back to him, moving your bodies together as one through your clothes
His other hand which was under your neck gripped the sheets tightly as the movements got more desperate
After you both finished his body went limp against yours, twitching slightly from the intensity his body just felt
The zip of his pants was heard over the panting of breaths as he took himself out and guided himself into you, holding you close once again while pressing kisses to your shoulder
The two you fell asleep in each other’s arms, wanting no one to disturb this moment that hopefully would last forever
So we all know how his demon form looks.
A personal headcanon of mine is that all the demons in there demon forms they grow bigger
Now imagine while the two of you are alone with you pressed against the wall his demon form comes out
When you open your eyes again you see this 7ft (personal headcanon) demon towering over you
The way his large body wraps around you to bring you to his bed
(Let’s just say his height isn’t the only thing that grows)
Barbatos isn’t one to show a lot of emotion. Even though you’re his lover he still doesn’t show that much
While the two of you are in bed together he still appears to be well composed like always with occasional low grunts here and there
After awhile of not being able to see each other due to busy schedules and the demon brothers antics you both finally got some time alone with one another
You had hoped that maybe just maybe the time apart would show something of how he’s feeling, or how you make him feel
After a physically satisfying night together you woke up to his side of the bed being empty, a glass of water and a note explaining that he’s gone to do his tasks of the day was beside you on the table
You sighed and leaned back on the bed only to get poked by something, turning around you realize the frame where his hand was holding onto last night was completely destroyed
You replayed in your mind how oddly he was acting last night and now you understood why
A sense of pride overtook you at the realization that he had broken the bed frame trying to hold himself back
You just know that his skin feels like flower petals
So after the two of you *cough cough* you’re lying in bed together
Legs intertwined as he softly snores beside you
You just can’t help but run your hand over his skin, the soft feeling of it under your fingertips
He wakes up from the feeling of you and you both lay there and leave soft kisses on the others lips
You drag your fingers down his back, applying slight pressure with your nails which causes a soft groan from him
Your kisses become more heated as you raise his thigh so his legs are wrapped around you once again
This is definitely not where you thought you’d end up when Solomon offered to teach you
At first it started out simple, you’d be reading the book on the table and he’d come up behind you, leaning to see what you were reading while his hand was on your lower stomach
Eventually he started kissing from your shoulder to your ear, his hand grasping yours on the table.
With your mind officially distracted from the book you turned around, letting him push your shoulders down slowly till you were on your knees in front of him
His gasps echoed throughout the room while his hand gripped the back of your neck tightly, trying to guide you
He let out a moan when he finished (I’m not really questioning what I’m doing with life 🤣) stroking your cheek as he tried to catch his breath
He pulled you back to your feet and kissed you passionately before pushing you onto the table
Time for him to return the favour
(Please do not post my work anywhere else without mentioning that it’s written by me)
Thank you for reading. If you have any requests just send them to me and I’ll try to write them to the best of my ability
And remember you are a fantabulous human being and that is my opinion to which you can not change my opinion so better just accept that you’re an amazing person who is doing a fantastic job. Keep up the great work. Have a good day or night or whatever you’re reading this at
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dirwael · 1 year
simeon, who tells himself that your soul will go to heaven. he tells himself that when your time comes, he will be able to greet you in the celestial realm, that he will smile at your halo and caress your white wings.
simeon, who hates the truth.
simeon, who knows that from your pacts on your skin - symbols of not even indulgence, flat out ownership of the seven sins - that you will be cast down to the bowels of hell. he knows that your soul will end up in one of the circles, where you will be punished for eternity, while he is supposed to turn a blind eye.
simeon, who can’t help but fantasize, but wish, but pray, that he could protect you in heaven. he dreams about hiding you in a forgotten corner of the celestial realm. he dreams about laying next to you in the plains, bodies concealed by the always blooming flowers.
simeon, who dreams about holding you.
simeon, who wishes he could kiss you.
simeon, who prays that he could be free to love you.
without the judgmental eyes of Him along his back.
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cloudcountry · 1 year
the fallen angel, freed.
Genre/Tropes: No notable ones!!
Summary: if loving them is a sin, he'd damn himself a billion times over.
Author's Comments: this is me writing about the parallels between simeon and lilith. you'll see.
When Lucifer fell from the Celestial Realm, he went down with a bang. His glorious white wings were a sight to behold as they carried him through the battlefield, leading his brothers into battle as they fought for the life of their sister. The very life that the angels wanted to extinguish. Creatures known for their kindness and virtue and mercy, trying so hard to take the life of one of their own. Simeon doesn’t think he’s ever seen something so ghastly.
While Simeon did not take a side, he still treasures Lucifer greatly, and admires Michael much the same way. It doesn’t matter to him that Lucifer is a demon now, or that he has sworn loyalty to Diavolo. He would have done the same if he had a sister that went through what Lilith did. Whether what happened to her was fair or not, he cannot say, because he is part of a world that values purity above all else (at what cost?) and hasn’t changed that in centuries.
In a morbid way, Simeon cannot blame Diavolo for saying Lucifer looked stunning. Lucifer was a fearsome foe, but no matter how beautiful he was, Simeon never wanted to view him as an enemy. He’s one of the few angels that doesn’t view the demons as enemies—He knows Luke has questions about the decision Michael has made, and he knows that the young angel will eventually leave the nest and form opinions beyond what the Celestial realm has taught him. That’s the reason Simeon offered to participate in the exchange program with him. He won’t be around forever, though he thought he’d have a few more years.
Here he stands, in front of Michael. His posture is straight, but his arms are relaxed. There is no use denying the inevitable, and the expression on the other angel’s face is a clear indication that he cannot escape this fate.
“Simeon.” Michael says, voice regretfully and full of sorrow. Simeon is glad Luke doesn’t have to see this.
“Michael.” Simeon gives him an easy smile, like they’re talking over afternoon tea and not his fall from grace, “What is your verdict? I heard you’ve been discussing this with the other seraphim.”
“You know what’s going to happen.” he frowns, brow furrowing. Simeon continues to smile, “The fact is, you fell in love with a human. That human suffered a grave injury at the hands of a demon, and you gave them fruit from the Celestial Realm. You altered their lifespan. That’s strictly forbidden. You know this.”
Simeon says nothing. There’s nothing to say. He did, he fell in love with them, one of the human exchange students that attended RAD for some time. He cares about them in ways that tear him apart inside, He’s aware he’s repeating history. Simeon is painfully aware of everything he has done that led him up to this point, and yet he doesn’t regret a single thing.
If loving them is a sin, he'd damn himself a billion times over.
Is this what Lucifer felt in his final moments as an angel?
“You’re the last angel I expected to fall.” Michael says, his words slow and face full of regret, “I want to understand—why have both you and Lilith taken fruit from our Realm? That’s not virtuous, nor is it acceptable. We are not supposed to interfere, for what are we without our virtues?”
Nothing, Simeon thinks, Angels are nothing if they are not completely free of sin.
Their virtues make them who they are.
They may as well stab the spear that Raphael wielded in the Great Celestial War through his heart. Simeon thinks that would hurt less.
How many angels have to fall for Heaven to change?
Michael notices his silence and says nothing in return. (It's odd to see Michael being so stern towards him, but he's talked to Simeon like this before. It's his disciplining voice, and that almost makes him chuckle. Almost.) They both know what has to happen for the Celestial Realm to continue down the path it’s set forth for its angels. They both know where Simeon is going now. They both know his new place is in the Devildom, where demons are.
But all demons are not the same. Simeon knows this all too well, but it’s not as though the other higher-rank angels (aside from Michael and Raphael, who admire Lucifer greatly) would know anything about that. He always wishes he could have taken all of them down to the Devildom with him, to see how hard-working Lucifer still is and how strong Mammon has become and how dedicated Leviathan is and how they have a new brother, Satan, and he’s one of the kindest souls Simeon has ever seen and how Asmodeus has amassed more fans than ever and how Beelzebub has grown into the protector his brother need to most and how Belphegor...Belphegor...
And how they ruined Belphegor. How the joy in that demon’s eyes had faded before the exchange student came, and how the fascination he had with humans that had been shunned by the angels had been fully embraced by the human and Diavolo.
Diavolo. The demon that rules his subjects fairly and always listens to even the lowest demons. The demon whose admiration of Lucifer rivals even Michael. The demon who welcomed him and Luke with open arms and helped them adjust to their new home for the next year. His butler, Barbatos, who nobody really noticed but had convinced Luke that not all demons were terrible within a few baking lessons. Barbatos, the demon that had gone to supermarkets and little excursions with him on many occasions and had proved to have better manners than a lot of the angels did.
Bitter. Simeon was feeling bitter. How foreign of a feeling this was!
Perhaps he was already falling.
Michael is staring, and it's only then that Simeon realizes he said nothing in response to his speech about virtues. Is there anything virtuous about violence against an innocent family of brothers?
“We won’t kill you.” he whispers, eyes full of a deep regret that Simeon knows is about the brothers and Lilith, “I will never...obliterate an angel again. I regretted it...the last time. But I still have to punish you somehow. I still have to act with authority. I’m sorry. You will fall, Simeon. I only hope Diavolo has mercy on you.”
Now that his fall is inevitable, he feels the doubts that have built up over the years slipping free from his mind, and he clutches them to his chest like precious jewels. Heaven has abandoned him, and he will live without the eyes of grace upon him for all eternity.
And so he stands when Michael stands. He follows him, and the second he steps out into the radiance of his home, he hears the sound of Luke calling out to him. He cannot stop his head from whipping towards the noise, only to see the small boy standing beside none other than Raphael. The angel he’s so close with betrays nothing in his expression, but Luke—sweet, naive Luke—is crying harder than Simeon has ever seen him cry. The young boy is screaming at him not to leave, to stay up in the Celestial Realm with him (even though Simeon is helpless) because Simeon is his family and he doesn’t know what he will do without him.
Simeon breaks, his brow furrowing in misery as a stab of regret pierces his heart, and he rushes over to Luke with his wings flared out behind him. Raphael holds his spear as though he'll never let it go again as he points it warningly at Simeon, but Simeon doesn't even care as he scoops Luke up in his arms and holds the crying boy.
The young shouldn’t have to see such a display. Luke has been through too much already.
And so Simeon holds him. He shushes Luke softly as the boy grabs at his back, fat tears hitting his shoulder like stones.
“You’ll be okay, Luke. You can come visit me.” Simeon soothes, trying to reassure the angel before he, too, starts a rebellion against the higher powers, “I won’t be gone forever. Just...away. Shh, shhhh...it’s okay. You’re strong now, you don’t need me anymore.”
“But I do!” Luke cries, squeezing him so tightly that Simeon almost believes Luke can protect him from this fate, “I have no one else to turn to if you aren’t here-”
“Brother.” Raphael says, voice as deadpan as always, “Michael is waiting.”
Simeon sucks in a shuddering breath and sends one last smile Luke’s way. It’s like a token, a trinket for those nights when Luke has nightmares and can’t run to Simeon’s room anymore. It’s the comforting warmth that will replace the hot chocolate they used to make together when they had trouble sleeping, and a final smile in the series of smiles they have shared before.
Luke does not smile back, and he is still crying.
The next few moments are a blur of light and clouds. He sees his clothes turning completely black, his wings enduring searing pain. He tastes blood and bile and hears the screams of the fallen angels before him as he pullets to the earth. They’re so loud, too loud, and Simeon wishes they would stop and leave him in peace, but the clouds are closing and sealing shut and the light has disappeared entirely.
In the darkness, he sees them, and that’s all the light he needs.
Simeon closes his eyes, and he bears it.
He falls and falls and falls before dirt catches him, the slam of his body on the hard ground sending a shockwave through his bones. He doesn’t get up, he doesn’t even twitch. He does, however, open his eyes and stare into a familiar blackened sky.
“My, my. It seems you’ve found yourself in a predicament.” a familiar voice hums, a soft chuckle soon following.
Simeon opens his mouth to speak, but his throat feels dry and cracked. It feels like he hasn’t drank anything in months.
Barbatos reaches out to him, helping the fallen angel on his side. Simeon’s body screams at him to stay down, for him to stop moving, but he can't listen to it. He needs to get up.
“Do not push yourself too hard. The Young Master has already been informed of this matter and is taking the necessary steps to ensure that you're well taken care of.” Barbatos reassures him, the gentle smile on his face telling Simeon he knew all of this would happen, “Though, unfortunately I must admit that you will be another fallen angel that Michael regrets. However, beings in power do what they must, and they do what is right.”
“Barbatos...” Simeon winces, clutching his side as slick blood gathers on his gloves.
“Don’t speak. Conserve your energy.” he smiles, “I have called MC over, and they shall be arriving shortly. You are their hero, after all.”
Right. The reason he did what he did.
Blood on the floor of RAD. A demon holding them by the throat. Filthy, sharp nails digging into their skin. The images blur together because he doesn’t want to remember, it was so horrible and gory and he doesn’t know how they survived that.
It was probably only thanks to him.
“Do you think...it was worth it?” Simeon asks, a bitter laugh escaping his throat.
“You are to be the judge of that. I cannot say either way.” Barbatos replies, the response so serious it almost makes him laugh more.
If it wasn’t for the pain he feels all over, he might have.
He sits with Barbatos in silence, feeling and feeling as his abrasions and changes take hold of him. He doesn’t know how much longer he can do this, he’s sure he’s going to die here and now and nobody can save him, and he’ll never see them or Luke again, and-
“Simeon?” a gentle voice calls, a familiar figure running towards him as Barbatos steps out of the way.
A wretched gasp escapes his throat as the exchange student comes into view, their brow furrowed with worry and lips parted as they pant. They must have run here as soon as Barbatos told them what was going on, and the warmth he feels at the sight of the human he saved pushes out most of the pain. It’s like his arms have a mind of their own because they reach for the human despite the creaking of his bones and the screaming of his muscles.
They reach him before he does.
They crush him against their chest in an embrace that feels like the warmth of the sun on his back, and all the breath in Simeon’s lungs vanishes in an instant. his mouth hangs open as they sob into his hair, stroking his head like he’s something precious, like they’re so glad he’s okay. He uses the last of his strength to wrap his arms around them, straining the muscle as they cry that they were so worried and how he shouldn’t have done something like that if it meant falling from grace and that they aren’t that important and he shouldn’t have risked it and oh, he’s such an idiot but they love him anyways, they loved him when he was an angel and they'll love him now, regardless of what he’s done or what his fate is or what form he’s taken because he’s Simeon and Simeon is the only one they want.
He hears all of this and begs his mind to come up with something to say, something poetic and romantic that he can normally put into writing so easily, just to thank them for the kindness they've always displayed towards him, but he comes up empty.
So he quiets their sobs with a kiss. He kisses them with tears rolling down his face, he kisses them with his tattered wings and abandoned soul, he kisses them like that soul belongs to them because it does, even though it's been trampled and dirtied and destroyed.
They kiss him back.
And under the vacant, darkened sky with his torn wings and blackened soul, he falls all over again.
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solomiracle · 8 days
remember at the end of s2 where simeon put a ring on your finger? i know he was laser-focused on saving you but i also know that man was crying screaming doing backflips in his head etc and spends multiple nights awake thinking about sliding a different ring onto your finger...
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