#obey me Lucifer nicknames
theimpleafthing · 1 year
Okay now here's Luminae nicknames for the brothers.
Faded text can be seen in Levi's portion
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I can't sleep and Since my brain is filled with "A date with death here's a tiny fic??? On my brain mixing Obey me and A date with death Enjoy! A little background this is after the little stu t MC made with the candle in the Reaper's cave. Now it has been a whike since I played that lesson so forgive the timeline inaccuracies and any terms that are inaccurate. Also... probably ooc of the characters. MC's background is that they are the child of Grim/Casper and the MC of a date with death. I am aware that the game is inclusive when it came to preferred pronouns in a date with death so I tried to make it Gender neutral and as inclusive as possible to MC's other parent that is not Grim. So apologies if it flows wierdly. Spoilers for both obey me and a date with death I apologize.
Obey me!MC is the child of Grim/Casper from a date with death.
After the whole event on the reaper cave MC huffs as they finally laid down to bed. Hugging the familiar plushy that their Father gave to them. The Plushie is well kept and looks fairly new at a glance.
MC sighs one more time as they snuggled the axolotl plushie. "Azrael... Dad's going to be so mad when he finds out about my stunt! He's going to say I'm took after my other parent too much!" MC whines into the soft plush of the stuffed toy. MC whule they didn't explain it to the brothers knew what theu were doing when they transferred their Candle's essence into Beel's own. However they were prepared for the consequences if any. Plus it's not like they were going to die not with how they obviously took after their other Mortal Parent.
A few days pass and all seems well the brothers and MC as well as the Royals and Angels plus Solomon had a little get together at the Demon King's castle. A little treat to wind down after all that has happened. However it seems that MC has gotten too complacent as someone suddenly appeared. Someone who is all too familiar with MC.
Diavolo while apprehensive about the sudden appearance of a reaper gave a friendly yet domineering aura befitting of his status as a Prince. "Greetings Reaper! To what do we owe you the pleasure for your visit?" He asked politely.
The Reaper wore black clothing and his Hair is white and long and he has striking red eyes. Similar to Lucifer's but dufferent still. Everyone is far too aware of the head on stare that he has with MC. Alarmed there is a look of anger towards MC.
Mammon ever MC's protector pulled them behind him as if to shield them from the Reaper's stare. Paying no heed to Diavolo's words he simply opemed his mouth and uttered words that confuses the immortals in the room.
"Soulbaby...You know what you did wrong yes?" MC despite themselves blushed at the familiar nickname given to them by what they knew sprouted from an inside Joke between their parents. Slowly they mobed from behind Mammon despite his blurts of protest and pouted.
"Dad... Please don't call me that in front of them!" Theu whined petulant like a child. As theu slowly moved towards the front from where the others are surrounding them like a wall seperating MC from their Parent.
"DAD!? MC WHAT?!" Mammon shouts to which there were other noises of agreement. Sheepishly MC smiles at them and weakly murmurs
"I um.. really wasn't supposed to tell about that little fact?" They heard a chuckle from their Dad amused at the reactions from everyone
"Yes MC here is my child. My soulbaby if you will." He added amused as MC's eyes widened and they whined again at their father's teasing.
"Fascinating however all the paperwork in the human realm and MC's very own soul shows that they are mortal and very much Human" Diavolo finally speaks.
"Yes. I'd much rather keep it that way" the reaper gave a pointed glance to MC who looks abashed as they looked away.
"So I assume you're not here to take MC's soul from what she did at the reaper's cave?" Asked Lucifer as he absorbs everything.
"Yes and No." Answers the reaper. "I suppose it is time for introductions" the reaper paused for a bit as he looks at MC and then to the Demons and Angels briefly pausing as he laid eyes on Solomon. He raised a brow at Solomon but paid it no mind.
"What a fascinating gaggle of... Friends you have accumulated Soulbaby" he says despite another sound of protest from MC.
"You take far too much after sunshine..." he added as MC blushed. He then clear his throat as he started introducing himself. "As you are well aware I am a reaper and My name is Casper and I am MC's father." despite the topic already being laid out in the open the others still couldn't help but gape.
Solomon chuckles "So MC definitely knows what they were doing when they poured their essence to Beel's candle" MC pointedly tried to ignore their Father's stare but caved.
"Yes... Dad I'm sorry but I couldn't watch Beel fade away! Plus My soul can-" MC was stopped from their tirade by Casper flicking their forehead fondly.
"You take far too much after Sunshine, Soulbaby..." he says with a tired fond smile.
"But!" Mc starts to protest.
"I understand however you know that there will be due punishment. Once your term here is over we will be talking about it." He says leveling mc wigh a pointed stare. MC gulped but nodded nonetheless.
"Now that is over... " he turned to the rest still staring at him. Meeting their stares head on "now that you are aware of MC being my child... One wrong move and well I'll leave that up to your interpretation" He then turns to MC again.
"Dad..." MC warns to which Casper chuckles goodnaturedly but not without a bite.
"Do be careful Soulbaby. Tell me if they hurt you and I will be after their soul" he smiles menacingly. MC shakes their head they watch Casper about to leave. "Do visit back home me and sunshine miss you terribly" He whispers one last time as he leaves.
"No problem Dad" MC giggles and hugs their father. As soon as Casper left MC faced the demons, Angels and Fellow Human. Looking expectingly at them MC sighs privately to themselves.
"So where should we start... This might take a while"
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l3viat8an · 1 year
when lucifer's in his whole sexy dom daddy state or whatever, i just wanna smile softly and call him something cute like "sunshine" to see him falter
Awwwhsga no cuz this sounds so soft omggg
Like the whole daddy dom™ slips away for a just a moment and Lucifer’s whole face softens and his eyes light up! You somehow catch him off guard, but he doesn’t really mind.
This only works when you do it! Lucifer feels safe enough to let his ‘mask’ slip away around you. If anybody else tried they’d probably be dead hdjshs
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thigh-o-saur · 5 months
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asmomyluv · 10 months
Ranking Obey Me Nicknames
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This is just a fun post of me ranking the fandom given nicknames for the obey me boys! If I missed any let me know and I can add them or do this again depending on how many! P.S if I seem like I’m hating on a nickname I’m not! Being dramatic my aggressive is my form of humor 😔 I’m working on it I swear
12.Lulu- Luke
This just feels like bullying😭 I know his name isn’t the easiest to come up with nicknames for I’ll give it that. But I feel like he’d just be offended by this it feels like the name of a small dog and well…. you know
11. Sol - Solomon
At this point just make something up I can’t. Like “Sol come here real quick” it’s not a real sentence
10. Didi - Diavolo
Honestly I just don’t vibe with it? Idk it’s not terrible or anything but I’ve seen better.
9. Luci - Lucifer
Again I know Lucifer isn’t the easiest to give nicknames to but I’m like, again it feels insulting almost given how feminine the name sounds but at the same time it’s such an easy name to whine if you wanted him to give in that sounds so sexual sorry😭 like I could see you trying to get him away from work and just “Luci pleaseeee” and that’s like the only time he appreciates it
8. Tantan - Satan
There’s just better out there yk this is the kinda nickname you use when you want something and the other person is like “shit what do they want now”
7. Barb - Barbatos
It’s only ok because it’s him saying it out loud feels awkward tho like “barb” and then an actual person responds idk but it’s ok because it’s butler man
6. Levi - Leviathan
I’m sorry but it’s hard for anything to beat the number 3 spot… anywho I think Levi is a good nickname but side note I had such a hard to trying to figure out how to pronounce it caus it it like the Levi in Leviathan than or is it more like “Levie” idk maybe that’s the same thing and I’m going coocoo
5. Angel - Simeon
YESYESYES look it’s so good cause Angel is just a general pet name but yk he’s an ACTUAL Angel so it’s just yk.. o.o ok also it’s super cute and I feel like he’d get flustered cause he’s been called “an Angel” but it’s just diffrent yk ok yea I think you get it
4. Mams - Mammon
It’s cutie patootie of him and it’s giving he wanted a nickname so bad that he decided to make it work and he couldn’t be happier whenever you say it so I love him and he loves the name we’re all happy
3. Asmo- Asmodeus
Pretty pretty name for a pretty pretty boy
2. Belphie - Belphegor
Ok it’s basic I know but it’s cute. Like he’s such a Belphie yk? I’d expect literally nothing else but for Belphie to act like a Belphie and we’ll he does!
1. Bub - Beelzebub
ITS. SO. CUTE. Am I biased because Beel is my fav? Uhm maybe maybe not… But Bub is such a cute nickname for literally anyone but for him it hits ten times harder since it’s part of his name. Bub or Bub’s just feels like such a soft name and given how powerful and even aggressive his name naturally sounds giving it a more tender sound is AHHHH it’s so good.
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yeehawbvby · 1 year
Screaming weeping rolling on the floor @ Nightbringer lesson 16.. that was such a stark (and welcomed!!) contrast from the original OM’s lesson 16, I really hope we get more heartwarming and chill lessons like this in the future 🥺😭😭😭
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sakura-chan-25 · 2 years
Nicknames I would call the boys!
Nicknames I'd call the boys, except I'm terrible at nicknames! :D (Part 1)
Dateables' nicknames here
Luci (duh)
Azzy (by @iwannawritelots)
A/n: I'd probably use some of those nicknames outside as well as in little space. I hope you enjoyed and have a good day/night! ^^
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misc-obeyme · 10 months
in a lot of fandoms im in with the character like Lucifer we all give Lucifer the nickname Luci, but that will get confusing like SPN nickname is Luci, netflix is Luci obey me luci...
Well, I feel like that's how it goes when they're all using the same name... Luci is just the perfect nickname, you know? I suppose you could use Lulu if you really wanted to make him angry. I mean, I think that would make him angry in most of his iterations. He's supposed to be this big bad demon and you're calling him things like Luci and Lulu? Unacceptable.
I imagine Obey Me Lucifer would not tolerate being called Luci by just about anyone. I seem to think there was a moment in the OG when Simeon called him that? I can't remember for sure. But I think only MC could truly get away with doing it seriously lol.
I'm generally able to separate them all in my mind, but can you imagine if they were all in the same room? I think it'd devolve into a physical fight over who the best Lucifer is.
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not-krys · 1 year
58. Father (Houki, Thea, Abby, Clara, Miri)
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The one I got a little too exited to write, so I ended up writing it during most of last month instead of this month, whoops.
This one features Houki reminiscing about her past, Thea, Arthur and Theo welcoming their bundles of joy into the world, a quite spicy Vincent and Abby about sharing the news with him about becoming a father, a little Clara seeking out Mr. Akatsuki in her time of need, and Miri talking to Lucifer about Lilith.
Regular warnings apply: incomplete, raw writing, suddenly cuts in places; oc lore building; oc x canon children; pregnancy; polyam relationship with Thea, Arthur, and Theo; Abby and Vincent's does get spicy with him partially stripping her, heavy kisses, wandering hands, and mentions of past cock-warming (with a lil implied somnophilia from that? idk); Clara's includes talks of domestic abuse and her being left behind by her parents; and Miri talks a little bit about Lilith's death and the circumstances surrounding it it, so mentions of death and possibly spoilers for season 1 of obey me, I guess.
Check out my masterlist!
The moon cast a silvery glow over the small garden, the quiet of the night bringing peace over Azuchi. Houki sat on the veranda in Hideyoshi's palace, hands folded neatly in her lap as she gazed up at the moon, the light reflecting off her glasses.
A bundle of grey fur pushed against her elbow, not deterred until she found a comfortable spot on Houki's lap, her loud purrs of satisfaction rumbling against her legs. Houki smiled and scratched her ears, making purrs somehow louder.
"Are you lonely too, Miss Kitty?" Houki giggled softly. "Mitsunari will be back soon. Don't worry."
Kitty flicked her tail, curling it back into herself. Houki went back to scratching the cat's ears.
"…You know, my father and I used to look up at the moon like this… back when I still lived in Jiyel."
Kitty chirped, as if she understood what Houki was talking about.
"He was… a quiet sort of man, my father. He loved books just as much as I do. We would always talk about what we had read recently over snacks and tea. And he would sneak me books whenever Mother wasn't looking."
Houki looked down.
"He… was the one most opposed to me going to Vale Isle after Jiya had ran away. I was ill-prepared. I was not ready to be married to a stranger for the sake of alliances. I just wanted to stay home and read my books in peace."
She sighed.
"But… Mother won out in the end. We couldn't lose our good standing in the family, and I was the only girl of marrying age that could do it."
Kitty raised her head, curious as to why Houki had stopped petting her.
"It wasn't so bad, my brief time at Vale Isle. I met all sorts of nobles and royalty from all the seven kingdoms. I met a pirate lord and a warrior princess that taught me how to get away from… stinky kidnappers, as she called them. I even got to rescue another princess from a brutish prince from Revaire. Me, rescuing a princess."
Houki looked down again, looking at the white scar on her finger.
"Then, by some twist of fate, I ended up here, rescuing another person from a horrible fate. A warlord at that. Lord Nobunaga."
"It's strange… how different your life can go based on a single decision. How if my father had succeeded in keeping me in Jiyel, none of this could have happened. I couldn't have met with pirate lords or rescued princesses and warlords in peril. I wouldn't have met Mitsunari…"
Kitty rubbed her head against Houki's hand, making her smile.
"Or you, dear Kitty. How different my life would be, if I had stayed in Jiyel, kept company by my books…"
She let out a gentle laugh.
"It sounds a little boring and lonely when I say it out loud, does it not?"
Kitty flicked her tail again, staring up at her with her big purple eyes.
Arthur couldn't stop the grin on his face even if he tried. Cradled carefully in his arms was a small pink bundle, little curls of teal hair peeking under the blanket. He could see marks of Thea all over this little one's face, her nose and her ears most notable, but this one, this one, she was a curious little bird, staring up at him with her baby blue eyes. His heart melted just looking at this little darling, his little darling.
Another soft cry caught his attention, taking his attention away for a brief moment, reminding that the sweet joy in his arms wasn't the only new happiness in his life.
Theo held a similarly swaddled bundle in a blue blanket, the man himself whispering soft, sweet things in Dutch, rocking the babe to soothe him.
Between the both of them was the love of his and Theo's life, Thea, new mother to a set of twins that, by some miracle, looked like himself and the younger Van Gogh. Twins weren't uncommon whenever he delivered babies in his doctor days, but this was the first time he'd seen two twins looking like their respective fathers. Maybe it was a vampire thing? Something to ask Comte and Leonardo about later.
For now, he leaned towards Thea, brushing back her sweat dampened bangs and kissed her forehead.
"They're perfect, luv." He said quietly with a smile.
Theo glowed with pride, his own grin not soon to leave his face.
"He's actually right. For once."
Thea gave a tired laughed.
"Save the arguing for when I'm not so tired and sore."
She glanced between the two of them, her exhausted smile warm and gentle.
Thunder boomed and rattled the windows of the apartment building, the only source of sound. It barely reached Abby's ears however. She stood at her front door, soaked to the bone and shivering. She knew she should go inside. She should take a hot shower and dry herself off, change into some warm pajamas. Eventually mop up the puddle she was leaving on the floor.
She could barely move, however. Not to enter her and Vincent's apartment. Not to face him when he would inevitably try and ask what was wrong.
She couldn't face him. She couldn't.
The rain dripping from her hair felt like tears running down her cheeks, though she knew she wasn't crying. Maybe. She wasn't completely sure.
She touched her stomach, her wet clothes clinging to her like a glove. Her breath shuddered as she touched herself.
It was too soon for any noticeable difference, far too soon. Yet resting her hand there, with her clothes clinging to her, she thought she felt a difference, a spark, something to make this real, to remind her that it was real.
Her breath shuddered again, her hands coming up to cover her face.
Suddenly, the door in front of her opened, the thud loud enough to mask the echoing thunder, filling the darkened hallway with light. Abby looked up, her eyes wide and shining.
Both stared at the other, struck to silence.
"Vin-" Abby's meek voice started to call to him, before she was lifted into the air and carried into the apartment, not stopping until her feet touched the fluffy yellow rug of their bathroom. Next thing she knew, his lips took hers, his fingers finding her shorts' fastener, almost ripping it from the denim cloth. He pulled her underwear down as well, his heated fingers pressing into her belly.
"Is it true, shatje?" he asked once he released her mouth, panting for breath.
She then saw the nearby trash can, five peculiar boxes filling it along with five little sticks. She froze. Vincent kissed her again, gentling his tone.
"That's where you went today, to make sure."
Abby nodded.
"Well? Are you?"
She closed her eyes, remembering seeing all those positive marks on all five of the tests. And the tests at the doctor's office.
"I-It makes sense, given the time frame." she said quietly. She could vividly remember the night she and Vincent had reunited, how he refused to leave her side, how waking the next morning he was still inside of her, rubbing her insides tenderly to not wake her. How very few nights after that rarely saw her alone in bed.
She then sneezed, reminding both of them that she was still in her wet clothes, chillier now thanks to Vincent removing her shorts and underwear. He gave a sheepish smile.
"First things first."
He reached behind her, to turn on the hot water in the shower. Abby took the opportunity to remove the rest of her wet clothes. She then looked at herself in the mirror, a full length one hanging on the back of the door reflecting her brown eyes back at her.
There was still no change, there couldn't be after only a few hours of confirming her suspicions with a doctor, she knew that in her heart of hearts. Yet she couldn't help but turn to the side, to see her curves and bumps in profile, and cup her hands under her belly as if there was a big change, something there for her to hold. She did the same as she turned forward, holding her hands over herself, holding what she assumed was the little life inside of her.
Hands larger than hers, rougher from years of painting and hard work, joined her petite ones, forming a little heart with his thumbs and forefingers. Vincent chuckled and kissed her cheek.
"You're still beautiful, you know."
He broke his little heart, one hand resting fully on her belly, warming her chilled skin. His other hand, however, had other ideas as it traveled south, tracing a line down to her inner thighs.
Mr. Akatsuki, owner of a specialty book store in Rhodolite, was locking up for the night. A quiet day was ending just as quietly as it had began. He turned his sign around to closed and was about to lock the door when he heard a peculiar sound.
It sounded like crying. A young girl crying in fact.
The most peculiar thing was that it was coming from inside his shop. How strange.
After securing the door, he walked amongst his shelves and tomes from across the kingdoms. The sobs grew louder as he drew closer, finding a small girl with twin braids framing her head and an orange pinafore dress hiding her sobs. Mr. Akatsuki blinked.
"Miss Clara?" he asked.
He knew the little girl. She and her mother visited his shop frequently because of the young one's voracious reading habits. She had already gone through his selection of Jade fairy tales and children stories and had been looking to sink her little hands into some Benitoite pirate tales as of late.
But it was far too late in the day for a young child to be left unattended. Mr. Akatsuki knelt in front of her.
"What are you doing here so late, young one? Your mother is bound to be worried about you."
The little girl sniffed and wiped her nose on her sleeve.
"Mama's not home."
"She's not?"
"No…" Clara sniffed again, "she said she was going far away… and that she was taking Papa with her."
"Taking your Papa with her?"
Mr. Akatsuki rarely saw the father with the little girl before him. Before, he would always see the woman and child that came to his bookshop, eager to see his latest findings. He saw the man so infrequently that he wondered if her mother was widowed or separated for some reason from her husband.
The times he did see him however, Clara's mother always wore scarves and long sleeves, down over her wrists. She also walked with a limp sometimes, making him suspicious of something foul going on behind closed doors.
"Papa… said some things to Mama. Mean, hurtful things." The little girl shuddered, "then he… he hit her."
"He hit her?"
"Uh huh."
Mr. Akatsuki brought his light closer, seeing a dark red mark across the child's cheek. He could feel his blood starting to boil.
"Did he hit you too?"
Clara nodded, cradling her sore cheek.
"I wanted him to stop hitting Mama, so I pulled on his leg, trying to stop him and…" Her tears were starting to fall again.
"Did I do something wrong, Mr. Akatsuki? To make Papa so angry?"
He pulled his sleeve down to wipe her eyes.
"It matters not if you did any wrong-doing, Miss Clara." He pulled her to her feet, "Your papa shouldn't have struck you or your mother for that matter."
Clara sniffled.
"I want my mama back."
Mr. Akatsuki frowned, glancing at the shelves that contained countless tales of love and bravery behind the young girl.
"If you promise to stay with Mrs. Baker tonight, I can go look for your mama."
"It's really noisy at Mrs. Baker's place," Clara made a face. "She's got a lot of kids."
"You… could make some friends there?"
"They're loud and once tore the pages of my favorite book."
Mr. Akatsuki sighed. He hadn't been established in the little town for long, and the Bakers were the first people he thought of that wouldn't mind looking after a little one overnight, but it seemed little Miss Clara had some opinions about them.
"Just for one night? If it takes longer to find your mama, I'll ask someone else in town."
"Can't I just stay with you, Mr. Akatsuki?"
"I don't need much. I like reading so I'll be really quiet if you want me to be.. I can even clean up good if you want me too!"
"Miss Clara, I-!"
A little orange ball was soon clinging to his leg, her tiny arms surprisingly strong for someone of her size and age.
"Please, Mr. Akatsuki? I don't want you to leave me too."
"I get it what you're saying." Miri clenched her hands, her fist trembling. "It's still not fair… that she had to lose her life because she wanted to help someone she loved."
"It was the rule, Miriam." Lucifer said with a stern tone. "it was what Father said, and his word was law."
"Lilith didn't have to die for it!"
"I know she didn't!"
He closed his eyes, his brows scrunching as if he was in pain. "She wasn't at fault for what she did out of her love for humans. But not everyone saw it that way. It was just…"
"How things were." Miri finished, looking down and sighing. "Sorry. It's a touchy subject. For everyone. And I was being insensitive."
"You're not at fault." Lucifer turned towards her. "She would have said the same thing. Love is a lot stronger than we give it credit for."
"And… neither of us would be here without her." Miri said gently. "You would still be in the Celestial Realm with everyone and I would- well, I wouldn-…"
Lucifer snorted derisively.
"Don't think too hard about it, little sheep." he smirked, "you are a light in all of our lives and I, for one, am thankful for your continued existence, regardless of the circumstances that brought you into existence."
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theimpleafthing · 1 year
So here's lumines nicknames for the brothers and additional context is required and that is about the man with the eye patch . To keep it short it's 2 people from another realm ( Celestia and Harley) gotten teleported into the devildom and Celes knows lulu and Mina from there clubbing days ( mainly lulu) and celes revealed that to everyone that lulu is not innocent and so the facade drop and now his not acting all shy and quite and is now acting more confident cuz he is.
Lulu calls Levi big bro is cuz his dating his sister and thus explanes the big bro
Don is another character of mine
Here's the link to the post of what Harley and Celestia looks like
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gifti3 · 9 months
Lucy Goosey
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amaya-writes · 8 months
You Call Them After A Nightmare Of Them Obey Me Edition
Series Mlist
Notes: I miss Obey Me and I recently used this prompt for another fandom so I decided to just make this a series and do it for every fandom. Will make another part with the other 4.
Warnings: n/a just fluff, one of those rare moments where Lucifer is soft, many petnames from all, Mammon is panicky, calls you princess n stuff, kinda wanted a funny scene for Levi so that's what I went with, also panicky
Characters involved: Lucifer, Mammon, Leviathan
Gender-neutral reader, you/yours
"What is it, love?"
He picked up on the first ring. Of course, Lucifer did.
In your panicked daze you hadn't exactly considered what to say to Lucifer had he picked up your call. You just wanted to hear his voice, to know that he was okay and probably holed up in his office again sifting through paperwork.
But how could you actually tell him that?
"Oh- um- it's nothing, sorry I'm bothering you."
The soft scratch of pen against paper previously hung in the background of the call but Lucifer's hand seemed to come to a stop at the sound of your voice.
"You're crying."
It wasn't a question, but a statement that made your previous tears resurface.
"It's nothing."
"I swear, it's nothing you don't have to-"
"I'll be there soon, and I expect an explanation when I get there."
Lucifer cut the call even before you could think of an excuse. The sharp beep of the call ending made you sigh as you attempted to fix up your appearance, but the avatar of pride showed up at your door just as you contemplated washing your face.
He looked livid, to say the least.
But you couldn't find it in yourself to care, not when the only thought echoing through your mind was that Lucifer was here, and safe.
The fact that he looked ready to murder anyone who dared bring his beloved to tears was irrelevant.
"What happened?"
His voice took on a tender tone you would rarely hear from someone like Lucifer. The sound was enough to almost have you balling again, but you reared in your emotions for the sake of his sanity.
"I had a nightmare about you. I know it sounds so extremely stupid and I'm sorry I pulled you away from work but I told you not to come and-"
A sliver of a smile ghosted his lips as Lucifer ran a gloved hand through his hair. He seemed relieved at your words- a reaction you certainly hadn't expected.
However, he switched back to his usual seriousness the second he plopped down on the bed beside you.
"Do you know how many nights I've awoken in a cold sweat after nightmares of losing you?"
A shaky gasp left his lips as he spoke. Lucifer looked almost scared. An emotion you would never associate with the all-powerful demon before you. The mere sight made you instinctively caress his gloved hand in yours as Lucifer continued.
"Honestly, dear, I feel somewhat satisfied you care for me enough to harbour similar fears."
"You didn't think I love you?"
Hw turned to you at the question, slightly shaking his head as he replied.
"I didn't realise how much."
"Oh, Luci."
His nose wrinkled at the endearing nickname, but you didn't allow him a moment to respond as you quickly climbed into his lap.
"I love you, Lucifer. I don't think I've ever loved anyone as much, and I don't think I ever can. And the thought of losing you, no matter how bizarre, makes me feel like I'm losing a part of myself."
You leaned in as you spoke, dropping small pecks on his warm cheeks dusted pink.
"I know we don't do this often, because we don't have to. But I need you to know I'm just as hopelessly smitten by you as you are by me."
"I find that very hard to believe, darling."
Lucifer leaned forward to rest his forehead against yours, taking a moment to drop kisses of his own on your face and swipe at the remanents of your tears.
"Next time, just come to me. At whatever hour, whatever day- if you need me I'm yours, love."
It was rare to see such a soft side of the notorious avatar of pride, his words causing butterflies to swarm in your stomach as Lucifer leaned in for a slow, tender kiss.
Come morning your beloved demon would go back to his strict Tsundere ways, reserving his sweet words and touches for moments that mattered most.
But you were fine with that, because this was Lucifer. Your Lucifer. The demon you had come to love for all his quirks and flaws.
The demon who loved you just as much, even if he rarely expressed it.
The soft rings echoing through your room helped provide you some semblance of comfort, however, they could do nothing to quell the anxiety eating away at your psyche.
He was fine. It was just a dream.
Mammon was immortal. He had lived for hundreds of years, he was strong, stronger than most and he couldn't be killed so easily. You knew that, but- but after witnessing that awful, revolting nightmare you couldn't help but rethink those facts.
Because what if?
What if you woke up one day in this God awful Devildom to find yourself robbed of the only being who kept you going?
What if one day your number one demon, your world, your rock, your immortal and incredibly endearing thief of a boyfriend who stole your heart and soul and everything that came with it- was gone?
What if?
The question made you feel like emptying your stomach's contents on your bedroom floor, but thankfully, a familiar voice drafted through the air just as you were about to hurl.
"You finally wanna join me dont ya?"
You could barely hear his voice over the sound of the pounding music playing at whatever gambling den he had snuck out to that night, but there was no mistaking your favourite demon's cocky voice.
You almost screamed in relief at his familiar carefree tone, or you would have if you could just stop the sobs tumbling from your lips the second he spoke.
"Princess? Hey baby what's wrong?"
The thinly laced concern in his voice only served to worsen your mood, your sorrow quickly turning to guilt as you realised how stupid you were acting.
Mammon barely got nights out with Lucifer always keeping a close eye on him and Asmo, and the one night the two brothers decide to go out and party you ruin it with your nightmares.
Stupid, useless, human. The words echoed through your mind, forcing you to hastily reach for your phone and end the call.
You should have known your decision would only make matters much worse, but at the time you just wanted to hide under your covers and run away from the world.
Mammon was safe, and that was enough for now. You could deal with the rest later.
"Which bastard in this damned house hurt my baby?!"
Mammon's yell pierced through the dead halls of the House of Lamentation, jolting you out of your light slumber.
It was a good thing this was one of those rare nights when Lucifer was with Diavolo and Satan chose to party with Asmo, for if the three were at home you would be facing a much more embarrassing situation.
You contemplated leaving your bed to chastise Mammon, but the demon in question threw open your bedroom door just as you sat up in your sheets.
"There you are, treasure. Hey-"
He must have noticed the tear tracks staining your cheeks due to the hallway light, since Mammon quickly shut the door and joined you on the bed a second later.
"What's wrong?"
One of his hands almost automatically shifted to cup your cheek and turn you to him, the gesture causing your tears to resurface. But this time they were out of happiness.
How were you so lucky to find a demon like Mammon?
"Nothing um- I had a nightmare of you and- look I know it's stupid ok I'm sorry you can go back if you want."
"You really think THE great Mammon would leave his baby crying in your bed in the middle of the night?"
You couldn't help the scoff that left your lips at his response. His familiar mannerisms helped eliminate your previous fears, allowing you to collapse against Mammon's chest.
A surprised yelp left him at the sudden gesture, but Mammon still wrapped his arms around you to pull your form further against him. He shifted the two of you under the sheets a moment later, his arms never leaving you even as he moved.
His leather jacket was awfully uncomfortable to lean against, and he smelled of Demonus and his usual cologne strong enough to seep into your sheets.
The two of you would probably wake up with aching sides if you cuddled through the night, and he would spend the morning complaining about not washing off the glitter Asmo dusted on his eyes, which would also stain your pillows.
There were a lot of issues with your current position. But you couldn't find it in yourself to care.
Mammon was here. Beside you, in your arms with his heart beating softly to the sound of your breaths. And that was what mattered to you the most.
You knew he would never answer the call this late.
Levi was known for staying up through the night to spend hours gaming or streaming a new anime. His phone was almost always left on silent, something that Lucifer would constantly chastise the Otaku for.
Yet, as you shivered under your covers with the remnants of your nightmare clinging to your psyche, you couldn't help but hope Levi would defy all odds and just pick up the damn phone.
An annoyed groan left your lips as you shuffled further under your covers. Tears clung to your lash-line, but you refused to let them fall.
He was fine. It was just a nightmare, that was all.
Leviathan. Was. Fine.
"God, Levi, please pick up!"
Your frustrated cry echoed through your cold bedroom, but the only response was another series of rings from your phone.
After trying a final time you found yourself hopelessly collapsing against your pillows just as the first few tears slipped to your cheeks.
Most percieved Leviathan as the introverted Otaku who wasn't nearly as problematic as his brothers, but his position in the army ensured Levi had gathered his fair share of enemies over the years.
It wasn't often that he was called on duty, but when he was you always found your heart clenching in trepidation.
You couldn't lose Levi. It didn't matter if it was simply your dreamland—the mere thought of never seeing your purple-haired love again almost made you race through the halls of the House of Lamentation to seek solace in his arms.
But he was busy, and it was almost three am. And your stupid nightmares would probably seem childish and annoying to an immortal demon like Levi. Which was why as much as you hated it, you couldn't do anything but fall back asleep.
The familiar feeling of a certain demon's tail caressing your face made you hum in comfort. Your previous anxiety ebbed away, allowing your sleep-ridden mind to calm down and overcome the effects of your nightmares.
Only Levi could have that effect on you. Levi, who was supposed to be couped up in his room right now.
The thought made you snap your eyes open to sleepily stare at the demon standing above your bed.
A sharp shriek echoed through your room a second later, the sound causing a small smile to grace your lips as you tugged on Levi's sweater to pull him under the sheets with you.
"What- hey what is up with you!"
Levi sounded more pouty than annoyed, his tone making it clear he had noticed the tear tracks no doubt running down your cheeks.
The two of you remained silent like that for a while, with Levi awkwardly rubbing your back while you tried to get rid of the aftermaths of your nightmare.
"You okay?"
You considered explaining the situation to him, but you were too tired and instead settled on a vague reply.
"I am now."
"Oh. Guess that means I can't go back to-" you whacked his chest even before he could finish, eliciting another yelp.
"Ok, ok- I won't leave."
A pleasant hum left your lips at his reply, allowing you to happily collapse against his chest yet again. This time, however, you could feel Levi wrapping his arms around you.
Your night might have started off with a rough start, but at least you got a rare cuddle session from Levi.
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What if MC is just really blunt and just decides one day to ask their fav brother if they can touch their tiddies (pecs)?
(Im talking about Obey me, just in case you’re a bit confused)
I'm not gonna do all the characters of obey me but if you do want me to write someone then tell me :)
And also idk what kind you wanted, like funny, fluff or something... I decided to uhh...you can just see by the warning.
Note: When I mean it's not safe for work [nsfw], I mean my work, so it's not like extreme smut, but yeah....
Reader talking lines are bold
Characters: Beel, Lucifer, Diavolo a little extra: Asmodeus
Note from me: honestly, idk if I should put where it's reverse too, but I decided not to.
"Oh, Hey [name]. Do you need something?"
"Let me touch your tiddies— pecs."
He doesn't know what you mean. But once you explain it to him, he'll be a bit flustered but just give him food, and he's good to go.
"Uhm....it feels weird.."
Beel looks down to see your hands roaming around his tiddies— chest. He tries to stay still while focusing on his hamburger.
Beel shuts his eyes as your eyes widen in shock.
He looks away as he stuffs his mouth with the burger and just lets you continue what you desire. You kept teasing him as you slightly squeeze it again. He whined but didn't complain, but at least you are feeding him right now.
—nsfw under this—
He lays there shirtless as you kiss him. You tried pulling out from the kiss, but he hungrily chased for more. When he didn't feel your body on his, he whined, tugging your sleeve to come back to him. He made a pouty face which you couldn't resist. Beel could feel your hands slithering around his body, but you kept avoiding the most area he wanted you to touch the most!
He grabbed your wrist as you looked at him, seeing his eyes filled with tears from all the teasing. He led you to his sensitive chest and whimpered when you finally touched it. You started kissing his chest down to his V line as he started to drool. You put 2 fingers in front of his face, and when he came back to his senses, he opened his mouth and stuck his tongue out. Licking off the whip cream you put on your fingers.
You started to play with his chest as he arched his back, dizzy from the feeling of it. Playing with one and sucking on the other. You started grinding on his crotch as he squirmed. You held his leg down firmly as you continued, not long he came. As you tried to get off, he hugged you, Not letting go. You were about to tell him to let go until you looked back and saw his eyes filled with hunger of lust. This is gonna be a long night.
Thank you for the meal. [Joke]
"No." Honestly, what did you expect? And if you ask why....just say you'll get a scolding. It would take WEEKS to finally convince him. He only lets you lay your head on his chest when you both sleep. Of course, in your mind, you were gonna take this slow. But life had another mind. You and Lucifer were stuck in a closet.
Why? Well, Luci [nickname] had to go back to the school for work at night and you were also there but were chased by demons because you may or may not have just uh....angered them by your bluntness. You saw Luci in the hallway and pulled him into a room. He was about to protest and scold you of why you were here.
Until you covered his mouth, and he heard voices. You quickly held Lucifer and went into the closet. It didn't have much room, but Lucifer was so glad that it was dark, so you couldn't see his state right now. He looked away, blushing as your knee was between his legs, giving him support to stand up since his legs were getting weak.
As I said, it was dark, so when you moved your body around to be more comfortable, you accidentally put your hands on something. [His chest]
Yeah, after that, he did not talk to you for the whole week unless necessary.
And if he does have to talk to you, he will look at anything beside you, and if he does look at you, his face will become red as his memories remind him this moment.
"It's me, Lucifer [name]. May I come in....?"
As you let him in, he led you to your bed and shoved you on it. He grinded on your thigh as he hid his face on your shoulder. He shivered when you outlined his back and slowly slithered your hands under his shirt to take it off. You switch positions as he sat there, impatiently waiting for you to do something.
He wrapped his arms around your waist [even if his fingers ain't touching] tears coming from his eyes, wanting you to help him with the 'problem' you made a week ago. You soothed him, saying praises of how good he was. He tried covering his mouth to not let the lewd sounds coming from him out.
You held both of his hands with one and kissed him, muffling his moans and whimpers. You tugged his chest as he trembled. Still grinding on your thigh, trying to reach his climax. You rubbed his crotch as he whined. You got his hair out of the way to see his face all ruined from the pleasure you brought him, making you want to ruin him and his pride more.
Oh, he loved how you didn't care about him being the ruler of demons and still talk to him like a normal being. He would always give you hugs if you allow it and sometimes make you suffocate between his arms and chest by accident.
You and him were in his office as you helped him finish his papers and some papers of Lucifer because he needs a break. You finally finished the papers. You looked over to Diavolo. Seeing him still working, you went over to him and got some of his papers. He tried to protest that you already did enough for him, but he tripped. As you tried to catch him, you fall with him because of the sudden impact and guess where your hand went?
If you guess his soft and squishy chest, then you're right. You also did an accidental experimental squeeze. Couldn't blame you since you were suffocating by you know what and could not see. He apologized, seeing him so stressed that you wanted to help him. Of course....in a different way.
"A- ah....this..feels new"
You chuckled, him trying to cover his face and biting his lips to refrain from the unfamiliar sounds coming from him, drawing blood from his lips. His face was already red when you blunty said how you were gonna help him in another way instead of papers.
He never knew a human could make a ruler of all demons tremble with a single touch. You teased him by only lightly touching him, whispers sweet nothings in his ears, and ignoring his pleas. He didn't expect to be so desperate for your touch, but here he is. Begging for you.
You warned him to quiet down that Barbatos could come in any second. You used this chance to tease him that maybe he wants him to come in on you guys doing unholy things. He whined, snuggling onto your shoulder as you continued playing with his chest. You lowered down, making him unexpectedly arch his back when you started sucking on it.
This was definitely gonna be a fun night for you two.
A small extra:
Asmodeus would probably love and be a little shy when you say praises of his beauty and etc. [I told you it was a small extra]
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Obey me idea: what if MC was turned into a sheep for anonymity’s sake? Say Diavolo realized that a lot of demons hate humans and have long memories so he turned MC into a sheep and gave them a fake name to protect them from retaliation after the exchange was over? And the brothers turn yandere for MC over the course of the exchange but they have no idea who they are? Then MC leaves (and prob didn’t leave a contact number cause they saw the red flags lol) and they freak out and try to find them again? It’s like a dark version of Cinderella, where the brothers try to clue together where they could find MC, and when they do… the reunion will be fantastic 😊 so what would the brothers reactions be in this case?
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Anonymous Sheep | Yandere Obey Me
Leaving it to Diavolo to make a conscious decision about your safety 
Never in a million years
But let's suspend our disbelief 
Let's say Diavolo actually had the forethought to put this in place for your protection against his favorite brothers
Ignoring the torture you ensued with your size, lack of hands, and your voice probably sounding weird
You’re mad grateful when it comes time to leave
Probably expressing your gratefulness when you start hanging out with him
He’s just so sad when you leave 
And even Barbatos is missing your presence in the castle 
So hey while the brothers are scrambling the internet and flying overhead in the human world to find some clue
Diavolo’s spending a lot more time in his new hotel
Hanging out with a specifically familiar human…
“Oh (Y/n)? No no, they're just…a friend…I made…who’s uh familiar with the human world…?”
Diavolo’s really bad with lying 
And eventually, Lucifer or Satan is picking up on the snake in the grass
“Hey…(Y/n) you ever heard about the devil dom?”
“What’s that?”
You best play dumb within an inch of your life
No nicknames, no laughing, nothing that gives you away
But the brothers are sly 
Satan or even Levi is slipping something into your food or trapping you in a perilous situation 
That forces you to admit your identity 
And when you do you are in trouble
“Ahhh~so, you thought you could run from us? With Diavolo no less? I’m sooo jealous!”
“Though we don’t have to be anymore now do we? Now that we found you we can take you back with us, right?”
“Yeah, not to mention we’ll get to discover this whole new side of you…the side you hid from us.” 
“Don’t pout, this is your fault for not giving us any way to contact you.”
“Yup! Speaking of do you have discord? Let me get it now! Or even better give me your password I’ll just see what you’ve got going on over here.”
“(Y/n), you're as light as you were before…I’ll have to make sure you eat more when we get home.”
The only one who can save you now is Diavolo or Barbatos
But Diavolo’s torn 
He loves being a part of the fun drama
What’s more fun than the siblings getting to know you more
“I’m interested to see what you guys think of the real (Y/n)! Haha, we’re already well acquainted. So I know everything…for the most part.”
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nanawritesit · 2 years
Obey Me! Characters As Types of Couples You’d Be
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A/N: No one requested this 🙃 But I couldn’t stop thinking about it while I was working at the coffee shop all day so here you go :)
Characters: Lucifer, Mammon, Leviathan, Satan, Asmodeus, Beelzebub, Belphegor, Diavolo, Barbatos, Simeon, and Solomon
Lucifer: The Old Married Couple
You two are the extremely established couple. Anyone who knows of your existence knows you’ve been together FOREVER
You have a perfect morning routine together that involves helping each other get dressed and cooking breakfast, and you guys get out the door on time every morning.
Everyone laughs at you for your duality. One minute you’ll be intensely arguing over who has to do the dishes, and the next you’re cuddling up to one another and kissing
You guys get on each other’s nerves a LOT
But you’ll always be each other’s rocks. At the end of the day, coming home and seeing him gives you so much comfort.
You can’t keep any secrets from each other, and why would you want to anyway? There’s nothing about you that he wouldn’t love
You’ll support each other through anything, and no matter what life throws at you, you always make it work ❤️
Mammon: The “Ride or Die” Couple
You’re the “most likely to survive a zombie apocalypse” pair.
Like if any of your friends could bring a couple to a back alley fight, they’d pick you.
You’re practically inseparable. Every time someone sees one of you, the other is soon seen tagging along behind them.
“Partners in crime” is your nickname from the brothers 💀
You always go on missions together, fiercely protecting one another against your enemies. You’d take a bullet for him any day and he’d do the same for you!
And it’s not just in physical fights either. If anyone ever dares to talk shit about you in front of him, he will tear them to shreds. Similarly, all the brothers know not to tease Mammon too much around you.
Leviathan: The Anti-Social Couple
People won’t see or hear from you for DAYS.
In fact if it weren’t for your couple twitch streams, they might assume you were dead 😀
Your friends know that if you aren’t given at least two weeks prior notice, you won’t be showing up to an event.
And early mornings? Yeah forget it. You two won’t untangle yourselves from each others’ arms until at least noon.
Which leads to a lot of late night anime marathons or gaming sessions! Dinners consist of ramune sodas and cup noodles, followed by a dessert of snack cakes.
You’ll go back and forth between hyperfixating on the same franchise, and not speaking to each other while on your own separate devices. Each cycle lasts about three hours.
Satan: The Smart Couple
You two are constantly fighting for the top spots in your classes.
To the innocent stranger, you could be mistaken as enemies. You engaged in heated debates, and often had different points of view.
But during study hall, people would find you curled up on a couch in the library with you in his lap as you both read your books.
On the rare occasion that you agreed on something, you were an unstoppable team against the opposing side. You’d eat them alive and leave zero crumbs.
Despite the debating, you guys are always proud of each other. He cheers the loudest when you’re awarded top exchange student at an assembly, and you’re practically his campaign manager when he runs for class representative.
Cute study dates where you wind up collapsed on top of him on the floor, books and coffee cups strewn everywhere <3
Lucifer comes in and covers you both with a blanket 🥺😭
Asmodeus: The Aesthetic Couple
You’re each others’ official photographers. If someone looked through your phones, they’d be full of well shot pictures of the two of you both together and solo.
You guys at the mall, you eating ice cream, him at the book store, you guys at the coffee shop…
And of course each photo shoot goes straight to devil gram. You’re practically an influencer couple, and everyone ships you so hard.
You guys took some spicy pics in lingerie together and they went VIRAL 🔥
Every time you go literally anywhere, random strangers will come up to you and tell you you’re the most beautiful couple they’ve ever seen
Most people didn’t know which one of you they were more jealous of, sometimes leading to them beginning to question their sexuality 💀
You have the same sense of style and always have the coolest outfits. At every event, you always look the best, and everyone is constantly raving about it afterwards.
Stealing each other’s clothes, shoes, jewelry, makeup, and bags is completely normal. What’s Asmo’s is yours and what’s yours is Asmo’s 🥰
Beelzebub: The Cuddly Couple
Also known as the “PDA couple.”
You guys HAVE to be touching in some way at all times! Whether it’s linking pinkies, his hand in your back pocket, your arm around his waist… if you’re in the same room, you’re practically attached at the hip.
You can never seem to be close enough to him when cuddling. Even if your noses are touching, he’s gripping onto you tightly and telling you to get closer.
You guys love feeding each other, much to the annoyance of the brothers
You sitting on his lap is his favorite form of non-sexual intimacy. He just loves how small you are compared to him, straddling his lap like a koala with your little legs dangling off the chair. He’ll play with your hair and tuck your head into the crook of his neck, smiling down at you affectionately.
Leaving the house without giving each other a kiss is practically sacrilege 😌
You have sickeningly cute food-themed nicknames for each other. Cupcake, honey bunch, sweetie pie, love muffin, cookie…
Belphegor: The Rebellious Couple
You two are always either plotting or executing some sort of diabolical scheme.
You plan the best pranks, and they get talked about for years afterwards. No one else could ever top them
As a result, a lot of your dates happen when you’re both grounded to the attic as punishment.
It was honestly stupid of Lucifer to consider a night trapped in the same dark room full of nothing but cozy blankets as a punishment. You didn’t need anything to entertain you when you had each other.
You’d make the world’s coolest blanket fort and hold each other close in it all night, foreheads pressed together as you talked for hours between kisses
You two never get in trouble without the other though, because that would mean you get punished separately :(
Feeding off of each others’ chaotic energy in class and annoying the teacher until you both get sent off to detention
Running away from Lucifer together, laughing and holding hands as he chases after you
Diavolo: The Power Couple
The two of you together are truly fit for royalty. All his subjects agreed that you were the rightful rulers of the Devildom.
You were a symbol of peace and love, making everyone feel safe and cared for
You always attended charity events together, making speeches and bonding with demons who needed help
You two throw the BEST parties. Your ballroom outfits are the envy of all, and everyone can’t help but swoon at the sight of you dancing the night away 🥰
You guys do interviews together, smiling at each other as you discuss your relationship with the public
Shielding each other from paparazzi, nonchalantly striding past them holding hands
“MC and Diavolo” becomes the new standard by which all other iconic couples are held.
Your fairytale wedding was the most watched program in the history of the Devildom ❤️
Barbatos: The Dependable Couple
If anyone has a job that needs to be done right, they’ll come to the two of you first.
The two of you just take care of everyone so well in addition to running the Demon Lord’s Castle.
You often tag-teamed as the brothers’ therapists. Barb would comfort Mammon while making dinner, and you would give Satan advice while doing the dishes, then you would both take a trip to Purgatory Hall to help Simeon and Solomon with a spell
Time-traveling together ❤️
You guys don’t get a lot of privacy and have been caught getting intimate by Diavolo a few times 💀 He’s also innocently interrupted your dates, not realizing how big of a third wheel he was being.
You started planning how to find the young lord a partner of his own so he’d leave you alone. And you figured you might as well get the brothers into relationships as well while you were at it.
Simeon: The Romantic Couple
Everyone thought you were the perfect couple, and they honestly weren’t that far from the truth.
You guys dominated practically every love language: writing each other poems, having regular date nights, making passionate love, helping each other with chores and school, buying each other cute little gifts…
You take spontaneous trips to the celestial realm and everyone there freaks out upon your arrival 🥺
Romantic picnic dates in the flower gardens by a pond, with champagne and chocolate covered strawberries… putting flowers in each other’s hair and lying next to each other in the grass ☺️
Every once in a while, if the weather was hot, he’d convince you to come for a swim with him in the pond. Your clothes would be left on the bank as you laughed and splashed at each other, floating out to the middle and holding onto each other, foreheads pressed together with your hair dripping wet
He actually wrote a new romance novel inspired by you, and it becomes one of history’s most beloved love stories ❤️
Solomon: The Mysterious Couple
No one ever seemed to know what you guys were up to. You were extremely private about your relationship.
You guys walked everywhere together, but hardly ever engaged in PDA. You never felt the need to, because what went on behind closed doors was enough for both of you.
You were the closest thing this world had to soulmates, being so connected to each other’s hearts… the kind of love that transcends thousands of years
Working on your magic together, going on missions and adventures to acquire mystic elements and uncover ancient secrets ✨
Everyone knows when you two are close because they can smell a strong aroma of herbs and smoke
People aren’t 100% sure whether or not they can trust you… you’re both so charismatic and charming, but at the same time there’s this suspicious air of mischief that you both seem to feed off of
You guys really don’t even care what others think of you… the only thing you care about in life is loving each other for all eternity
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melverie · 5 months
an ask game specifically for your Obey Me MCs and OCs! List the OCs and MCs you want to get asks for and specify which species they are so people know which species-specific questions they can ask you Some questions have a lot of aspects to them; they're there to give you a little nudge in case you have no idea how to approach the question, but the only really important bit is the first question!
01: What is their opinion on the other species? Would they rather be a different one? 02: Do they have a nickname? 03: When is their birthday? Do they celebrate it? Do they even remember it in the first place? 04: What kind of magic do they possess? If they can't use any, do they have magic potential slumbering within them? 05: Which deadly sin best aligns with them? Which one do they embody the least? 06: Have they been to other realms? Which one is their favorite and why? 07: What is their favorite place, and what do they love so much about it? 08: Do they have a kill count? How high is it? 09: Do they attend RAD? What is their role there? Their best subject/the one they teach? Club activties? If they don't attend RAD, what do they do? 10: What was there initial reaction to Diavolo's plans of uniting the three realms? Has their opinion changed? 11: Do they still have any objects from their childhood? What is their most vivid childhood memory? 12: What is something they have experienced that has shaped them into the person they are today?
01: What's their relationship with...? [anon chooses at least one character for this one; MC is part of the cast if you're asking about OCs] 02: On a scale of 1 to 10, how annoying are they to Lucifer? :) 03: What is their family like? Do they have siblings? Pets? 04: What is a character trait that will immediately make them despise someone? On the flip side, how can you easily win their favor? 05: Do they openly show affection? What is their love language? [platonic or romantic] 06: Are they interested in romantic relationships? Do they have any experience? Are they proactive or would they rather be persued? 07: Would they date an immortal being if they aren't immortal themself, and vice-versa? 08: Are they easy to read or do they mask their intentions perfectly? Are they manipulative? A good liar maybe? What are their tells? 09: How is their temper? Are they quick to violence? Do they get frustrated easily? 10: Do they wear their emotions on their sleeve, or do they try to hide them from others as best as they can? Do they try to hide them from themself, too? 11: Do they cry often? What is the last thing they cried about? 12: What makes them soft? 13: What is their greatest wish? What would they be willing to sacrific to get it? 14: What is their biggest regret? 15: What is there biggest fear? Is there something they try to avoid at all cost? 16: How do they react when stressed? How does their behaviour differ when in a life or death situation? 17: What is a side of themself they don't want other to see? When does that side reveal itself?
01: How often do you think about them in a day? Be honest, I know they torment you in your thoughts as much as you torment them :) 02: What inspired you to create them, and what is the first thing you decided about them? 03: What is the biggest change you have made from their original concept? 04: What do they look like? Do you have a picture/picrew of what you envision them to look like? 05: Do they have any physical attributes that set them apart from others? 06: What is their clothing style? Do they put a lot of effort into their appearance? 07: How do you imagine their voice? Are they loud? 08: Anything you heavily associate with them? A color, a word, a picture, or something else? 09: Share some fluff headcanons about them! 10: How about some angst headcanons? >:) 11: Bonus: something else you really want to share about them that isn't mentioned on here ♡
01: What rank are they? [seraphim, cherubium, ophanim, ...] 02: How many wings do they have? Do they display them proudly, or do they try to hide them whenever possible? What kind of halo do they have? 03: Do they sometimes sneak out to visit the other realms? 04: Are they a guardian angel to someone? 05: Have they seen Michael in person and do they think he looks like a jellyfish? [the second part is mandatory, don't skip] 06: Did they know the brothers before they fell? Regardless of if they have or not, was is their opinion of them? And what do they think of fallen angels in general? 07: Did they fight in the Celestial War? What side were they on and why? 08: Have they ever questioned Father? What for? Were they punished for it? 09: How close are they to falling? If they are a fallen angel, what made them fall? 10: What is something they would willingly fall for?
01: Wings or tail(s) in demon form? What do their horns look like? 02: Are they part of demon nobility or would they have taken the train back in the day? 03: Do they have any special abilities? [such as Mephisto's power to essentially forge pacts with demons, Lucifer's power to read and manipulate memories, and so on] 04: Are they a fallen angel? If so, do they regret falling? 05: Have they forged any pacts yet? How eager are they to do so, and do they forge them often? If they haven't, why not? 06: How would they go about forging pacts? Do they have a specific strategy they fall back on, or do they go with the flow? 07: How loyal are they to their human master? 08: Have they given anyone their grimoire? 09: What do they do with human souls? 10: Solomon shows up at their doorstep in the middle of the night to ask for a pact. How do they react? 11: What is their opinion of Diavolo as a ruler? Have they experienced the reign of any other demon kings? How does Diavolo compare in their opinion? 12: What was their reaction to the brothers first arrving in the Devildom? Were they scared of a potential war? Hostile toward them? Did they extend a helping hand? 13: If they attend RAD, were they chosen for the exchange program? Did they go to the Celestial Realm or the human realm?
01: How old are they? 02: Are they immortal? If given the opportunity, would they like to be? 03: Did they believe in demons and angels before the exchange program? Did they have any contact with the paranormal before it? 04: Do they have a guardian angel? Have they forged any pacts? 05: Are they into demons and/or angels? If they had to choose one or the other, which one would they go for? [trying to word this SFW but I'm sure you know what I mean :)] 06: Who do they trust more—angels or demons? Why? 07: Where do you think they would most likely end up in—heaven or hell? 08: Do they carry anything with them to protect themself from the paranormal? 09: How close were they to just bless the water inside a demon's body and turn it into holy water because they were just so done with them?
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