#now they rarely go near malls
toxicloveposts · 7 months
Fani and Bella are terrified of mall Santas.
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bratzforchris · 1 month
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Summary: Chris gets distracted easily. Like really, really easily. When he gets separated from Matt and Nick in the mall, he meets a lovely soul who understands just a little bit more than anyone else.
Pairing: ADHD!Chris x autistic!feminine reader
Warnings: Neurodivergent overstimulation, getting lost, crying, brief mentions of ableism
Word Count: 2.1k
A/N: The sunflower lanyard (pictured above) signifies that someone has a hidden or invisible disability and may need extra assistance/patience/kindness. I am not saying or assuming Chris actually has ADHD. If he doesn't, cool, if he does, also cool! This is all for fun and for diversity in the fandom<3 Enjoy!!
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ADHD was a difficult thing to live with. It was more than just the stereotype of “Oh look! Squirrel!”. It was a constant condition that caused a lot of impact on one’s day-to-day life and happiness. Chris knew this better than just about anyone. Having been diagnosed in middle school, he found himself on a constant pendulum between spaced out with his head all over the place and extra hyper. Though he was medicated for it, there were still days where his body and mind were consumed with extra hyperactivity and energy, meaning he could be easily distracted, rambunctious, and fidgety. 
Both Matt and Nick were aware of their younger brother’s diagnosis and were extremely supportive of it, letting Chris run wild when he needed to and gently reminding him to take his meds and do his other daily tasks now that they no longer lived with their parents. The youngest really couldn’t have asked for a better support system, but that didn’t mean that there weren’t days where his brain betrayed him for quite literally no reason. 
“Do you want your lanyard, Chris?” Matt asked as he grabbed his car keys off the hook near the garage door. 
The key rack held all of the boy’s keys and things they would need when they left the house, but it also held Chris’ green and yellow sunflower lanyard. These lanyards were a universal symbol that someone had a hidden or invisible disability and might need some extra kindness and assistance when they left their house. Chris had fought the idea at first, claiming that he didn’t need that; he rarely struggled in public. However, the change after he had agreed to try one due to Nick’s pleading to give it a shot had been immense. Strangers no longer looked at him like he was rude when he couldn’t help to butt in or play with his fidget toys as an adult, nor did shop owners hastily bat his hands away when he just wanted to touch things in stores. Of course, there were still bigots, but the improvement was more than he could have asked for. 
Now, Chris possessed his own sunflower lanyard, complete with a small card attached that read “I have ADHD. I can act restless and tend to fidget. I may act on impulse and have trouble concentrating. Please be patient and understanding.” and had both Matt and Nick’s names and phone numbers on it in case of an emergency. His lanyard also had a few pins, buttons, and pop-its on it so that the boy would always have something to fidget with. 
“It’s probably a good idea,” Nick added, coming down the stairs and typing out something on his phone. “Christmas is next week. The mall is going to be busy.”
Being triplets, Matt and Nick were incredibly in-tune with Chris and each other, and both boys could tell that today was going to be a more hyper, easily distracted day for their younger brother. Normally, they would’ve postponed busy, crowded spaces and must-do errands for a day where Chris was feeling more mellowed out, but they flew back home to Boston in just a few short days and had yet to buy Christmas presents for, well, anyone. 
Slowly thinking over the situation at hand, Chris grabbed his lanyard off the hook and placed it over his neck, but it wasn’t long until he had moved on to something else. “Do you guys think that there are triplets just like us?” he asked as Matt corralled him out the door. “But like, in China or something?”
The drive to the mall had been much longer than anticipated with all the holiday traffic, which allowed Chris more time to let his mind wander, blurting out every random thought he had as he played with the shark pop-it on his lanyard. Luckily, Nick quickly engaged the youngest in all his conversations so that Matt could focus, his own head spinning as he tried to keep up with Chris’ mile-a-minute chatter. 
“We should go people watching,” Chris announced as Matt parked their car inside of the heavily filled parking garage. “We could probably see some crazy shit. Speaking of which, did you guys see that episode of Live PD last night?”
Matt and Nick shared a glance over Chris’ head as they walked into the mall. The more Chris talked, the more he began to fidget, earning stares from onlookers, despite his lanyard. The mall was insanely crowded, which could either help or hurt. Somedays, Chris absolutely thrived in chaos, able to hyperfocus and get tasks done in record time. On others, his brain became so stimulated by chaos and change that he would shut down, often losing his ability to executive function in the process. Today was an absolute toss up. 
“Let the games begin.” Nick mumbled, grabbing his brothers’ hands and sliding through the crowds. 
As ‘cringy’ as it was, the triplets still held hands with each other in public, especially after Chris had received his ADHD diagnosis. Matt and Nick felt an almost protective sense over their younger brother, opting to help keep him safe when his brain didn’t always remind him to do that himself. 
Things had been going fine for well over an hour now, but it was starting to become too much for Chris. They had already gotten presents for their dad and Justin, and were now on the hunt for a gift for their mother. As much as they loved and adored MaryLou, shopping for a woman as 20 year old men in a mall this crowded was a task. 
The youngest triplet was beginning to become overstimulated. His own thoughts had already been so loud and so chaotic this morning, and to add hoards of people, blaring Christmas music, screaming kids, and overwhelming smells from the food court wasn’t helping. He hadn’t meant to get separated from Nick and Chris; the boys had been poring over the jewelry counter in Macy’s when Chris dropped Nick’s hand, opting to pull his Airpods out of his pocket. Maybe if he could listen to the music he liked and that calmed him down, he could manage the rest of this trip without a meltdown. 
Chris had just slipped his earbuds in and pressed play on Life of a Dark Rose when he realized that neither Matt nor Nick was standing next to him. Not yet panicked, he looked around the floor of the department store, searching for Matt’s Red Sox hat or Nick’s blond hair above the crowd. When that didn’t work, he simply shot a quick text in their sibling group chat that read where are you guys??. Much to his discomfort, the text quickly came back with a ‘cannot be delivered’ message, making the brunette curse when he realized that the signal in the store was awful. 
“Excuse me, ma’am. Did you see where my brothers went? They have tattoos. One’s blond and has a nose ring, the other was wearing a hat?” Chris asked the lady at the jewelry counter hopefully. 
Either not noticing his lanyard or not caring, the employee turned her back to Chris, leaving him desperate. He didn’t know his way around this mall at all, his phone wasn’t working, and it was beyond crowded. How was he supposed to find Matt and Nick? What if they left without him? He couldn’t drive and he had left his wallet with Nick. How would he get home? This was just a glimpse into the anxiety that circulated through Chris’ mind whenever he became overstimulated. 
The brunette felt his eyes beginning to grow wet, cursing himself under his breath. He wouldn’t, he couldn’t cry. Not here. Chris wiped a few stray tears that were running down his cheeks and began to retreat to a quiet area of the store to contemplate his next move. The last thing he needed was for a ‘fan’ to snap a photo of him crying and overstimulated and post it online. 
The children’s toy area proved to be the perfect place for him to hide. With all the stock having been bought out for the day in the holiday rush, the department was completely empty. Chris sat down on one of the leather benches, running his hands through his hair as a stim and anxiously checking his phone in hopes of regaining signal. He was so caught up in his anxious stimming and trying not to have a meltdown, that he hadn’t even noticed someone appear beside him. 
“Are you okay? I saw your lanyard,” You offered kindly. “You don’t have to talk if you don’t want to.”
Chris looked up at you, taking in your appearance. You were absolutely beautiful, dressed in a soft, sensory friendly outfit with a purple cow Squishmallow clutched to your side. That wasn’t what caught his attention, though. What truly caught his attention was the sunflower lanyard hanging around your own neck. Glancing briefly at the card, Chris noticed it read “I’m autistic”. 
“Can I sit?” You asked, gesturing to the empty spot next to the boy. 
Chris nodded, wiping his eyes and clearing his throat. “I can’t find my brothers.” he admitted tearfully. 
“Is that who’s with you?” You asked knowingly, having been in similar situations yourself. “Do you want to call them?”
“I can’t. My phone won’t send the fucking text and they were just with me and I can’t find them. What if they left me?” the more Chris talked, the upset he became, anxiously chewing on his nails. 
“Hey hey hey, it’s okay. They wouldn’t leave you. Would you like a fidget?” You pulled a tangle from your purse, holding it out for the boy to take.
Chris stared at you for a moment before tentatively taking the toy from you, instantly focusing on the colors and movement of the plastic. “...thank you.” he whispered. 
“Would it be okay if I touched you?” You asked gently. From your own experience, you knew that it was important in situations like these to ask for consent to touch someone who was overstimulated. “My lanyard has my emergency contact on it. Does yours? Maybe we can work together to find your brothers.”
Chris nodded softly, allowing you to softly look at his lanyard and identify both Matt and Nick’s phone numbers and names. By some miracle, your phone had much better service than Chris’ did, allowing you to let both brothers know where you were and that Chris was looking for them. 
“So, tell me about yourself if you want to.” You tried to make easy conversation to take the brunette’s mind off his current overstimulation and panic. 
“‘M a YouTuber,” Chris muttered softly, highly subdued. “And I like rap music and y’know, I have ADHD.” when he saw your soft, blushy smile and attentive listening, Chris became more animated. 
“I’ve always thought YouTube would be a cool job. I’m a pet sitter. I love animals so much. They’re one of my special interests.” You nodded to your cow stuffed animal. 
Chris remembered reading about the term when he was doing some self reflecting on being neurodivergent. Although he didn’t experience them himself, he knew that they were an enormous part of being autistic, and he felt grateful that you were willing to share something like that with him. 
“How did you, um, find me?” Chris asked shyly. 
“Well, I came to see if they had any stuffed animals because I love them, but instead I found you.” You smiled, fiddling with your own fidget toy. 
You and Chris continued to chat as you waited for his brothers. The difference in his personality when you first found him to now was like night and day. He had become more animated over the course of your conversation, talking with his hands, eyes aglow. You looked up when you noticed two men who looked eerily similar to Chris walk up next to you. In your head, you connected the dots that the boys must have been triplets. The blond who approached you had a hard look on his face as he noticed his brother talking to a stranger, but when his eyes caught your lanyard, he visibly relaxed. 
“Matt! Nick!” Chris squealed, leaping off the bench and pulling his brothers into a hug. 
You watched with a soft smile, thinking the sibling’s embrace was cute until the brother in the Red Sox hat turned to you. 
“Thank you,” he told you sincerely. “Thank you for helping him.”
“It’s really not a problem.” You were becoming shy under the attention, but Chris came up and wrapped his arm around you. 
“I love her,” Chris said, before blushing as he realized what he had said. “Not like that! I…I mean…” he stuttered. 
“I’ll give you my number,” You chuckled, standing on your tiptoes and kissing Chris on the cheek. “For being such a sweetheart.”
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tags ♡:  @jake-and-johnnies-slut @chrissfavwh3re @suyqa @chrissturnswife @mbsbaby @herxysc-blog @lovingchrissposts @caffeinatedscorpio @spencereidenthusiast @crazychrisl0v3r @sturnioloxlver @whicked-hazlatwhore @blahbel668 @sturncakez @junnniiieee07 @biggesthat3r @sturniolowhore @patscorner @julesgrl @0strawberrysorbet0 @strombolilovr @matt444nixi @remussbitch @devthepoet1221 @mattyblover07 @loisnotaa @mollyquinnxoxo @graysturns @pepsicolapussy333 @ginswife @emmagirouard @athaliahxoxo @bitchydragonparadise @ilydeaky @soggyslugg169 @m00n-0n-paws @books0fever @stingerayyy2 @sunsetsturniolos @mimi-luvzyu @raysmayhem-72 @faygo-frog @oobleoob @billsslutt @aemrsy
note ♡: if you'd like to bed added to my taglist, click here <3
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yandere-fetish · 4 months
Yandere Ballerino X Female Reader
Part One
warnings: slight stalking, obsession,
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Yandere Ballerino visits his regular gym and while lifting weights, he comes across a cute (H/C) woman; You. He can't take his eyes off you while you stretch your limbs out, getting ready for the intense workout you're about to put yourself through.
Yandere Ballerino is too focused on your assets to realize he's half-ass weight lifting. It gets so bad that his personal trainer, who comes back from another client, has to yell his name loud enough to catch his attention, which in turn catches your attention.
You two lock eyes before turning away.
Yandere Ballerino swears his heart bursts from his chest at your quick look. He dubs you as shy beauty now.
Yandere Ballerino can't help but blush red after your sudden expression when you notice his naked body. He automatically wants to see more of your facial expressions and experience different faces from you.
Yandere Ballerino gets mad when he's forced to focus on his strength training instead of the pretty thang that’s working the stair stepper at the moment. He continues to sneak peaks at you when his trainer wasn't paying attention— which was rare since the trainer was dedicated to his job.
You never notice the wandering eyes that stall on your figure, nor do you hear the forlorn sigh coming from his mouth at the sight of your ass bouncing up and down.
Oh, how he could only see the sight of you bouncing on his dick— wait.
What is he thinking? He shouldn't be sexualizing you! He shouldn't be paying attention to the way your breasts move when you jog on the treadmill or the way your waist looks so flexible when you're exercising on the balance ball.. but how can he stop when you're all ready so tempting on the elliptical?
He silently lamented over what other workouts you could make tantalizing.
Yandere Ballerino becomes a mess when he can't find you in the gym after so long. It gets to the point where he cancels his session with the personal trainer and asks the front desk about you.
Yandere Ballerino immediately whispers your name when the receptionist tells it to him after sliding a hundred dollar bill his way.
Yandere Ballerino walks away after getting what he needs from the receptionist. He grins and repeats your name as if it were his new mantra.
“(Y/N).. (Y/N). *smiles* It suits her.”
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It's been a whole week since he saw you.
Yandere Ballerino has been non stop distracted since he saw you for the first time. Wondering about you keeps him from getting his much needed sleep, focus on staying in shape, practice for the numerous positions and steps of the upcoming shows, and even having his nutrition off balance.
He was becoming obsessed with you and he's never even spoken a word to you.
Yandere Ballerino finally expresses his feelings to his teacher and mentor, desperately needing the advice.
“Teacher.. I don't know what to do! She plagues my mind with every second I'm not near her! I can't even pirouette without thinking about her!”
“Hmm.. and you're serious about this girl?”
“Yes! I only know her name, but she won't leave my head! What am I supposed to do? I can't sleep, I can't eat— I can't even practice right anymore!”
“Find her.”
“Go out into the world and find her. Decan can hold your position for a few days— but nothing longer than a week! After that, if you can't find her, you must forget her.”
“Oh! Thank you, Teacher! I'll make sure I come back in new spirits!”
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Yandere Ballerino constantly searches for your presence everywhere. He went to the malls, the salons, the stores, and even the few parks littered around, but he still couldn't find you.
His spirits were low and the expression on his face said it all; he'd never see you again.
Yandere Ballerino was on his last leg when he walked into a coffee shop and instead of buying a drink, he ended up wearing one.
Just before he could freak out, Yandere Ballerino sees the face of his attacker and instantly melts. It's you! It's (Y/N)! The girl he's been looking for for five days straight! God has finally answered his prayers.
He silently thanks God for what he's gone through to have the two of you meet before hearing the feminine gasp and apologies from the cutie (you) in front of him.
“I am so so sorry, sir! I promise I didn't mean to…”
“It's all right… if you let me take you out for dinner?”
“Ah, um. *blushes deeply and avoids gaze* Me?”
“*smirks* Is there anybody else around who spilled their coffee on my very expensive shirt?”
“I— I'm sorry! I really didn't mean to! I should have been watching where I was going.”
“It's okay cutie.. as long as you agree to meet with me for dinner on.. let's say— Friday?”
“Okay.. *blushes* I'll guess I can go out with you on Friday since I messed up your shirt.”
“Great! Here's my number. I'll text you, (Y/N).”
After receiving your phone number, Yandere Ballerino began sweating bullets, hoping you wouldn't catch his slip up. It was too late now to regret it, so Yandere Ballerino just gives you a dashing smile and strolls right out of the coffee shop without a coffee.
You were too starstruck at his handsome appearance and his tall physique that you didn't catch your name falling from his lips without you speaking it first. You were too happy to finally have a date after so long that you were seeing stars instead of people. Your heart races and your palms are sweaty, but you try not to get ahead of yourself since it's only a date.
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Do NOT steal from my blog. I say this so everyone can enjoy my stories without the hassle of plagiarism or infringement.
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leidensygdom · 2 months
I gotta say, one of the wildest radical transphobes' talking "points" is probably bathroom discourse. I can't even put to words how utterly detached from reality it is. It's terminally online stuff.
So, bathrooms. I don't know if somehow other people's realities are somehow vastly different from mine, but I feel like the extreme clear divide between "men's" and "women's" bathrooms is just not real. Where I live, stalls are often gendered, but how much they get used in that way is far less consistent.
For example: If the place had only the space to make one bathroom accessible, it's gonna be the women's bathroom. Always. It doesn't mean only disabled women have access to bathrooms- It means that the women's bathroom is also going to be used by disabled people. And this is common. Really common. Maybe it's because the women's bathroom tends to need more space- For pad dispensers and trash cans, for baby-changing stations (yes, I hate that these are only on the women's bathroom usually), and so on. Now- You see a guy enter the women's bathroom. Are you gonna micro-analize if the guy looks disabled enough to use it, or are you going to wash your hands and go on with your life?
Again, baby-changing stations are almost always located on the women's bathroom. It sucks- It should be in all bathrooms. But it's how it is. You see a cis guy enter with a kid. Or maybe not even with a kid- Just enters, wanders around, finds the baby-changing station, gets a diaper from the dispenser and leaves. Are you gonna throw a fit or just let this guy handle his kid?
Bathrooms get cleaned on the regular. A lot of times, you may wanna go there, and get told it's being cleaned, and just get asked to use the other gender's bathroom. Cleaning can take hours. If the men's bathroom is being cleaned and everyone is now using the women's, are you going to deem the bathroom to be the world's unsafest place or are you just go take a pee and leave?
Fucking hell, sometimes the stall you want to go to is incredibly dirty. It happens. No need to get on details. Just the kind of stuff that makes you want to not use it. Or maybe it's clogged, or maybe it's not working. Maybe there's a note saying "Broken, do not enter". Do you cry about it or just go find another stall- Which may be on the other fucking gender's bathroom?
Most times I'll use whatever bathroom is available. One is busy? Ok, let me get to the other one. I'm AFAB and while I don't present femininely, I still look like a woman to most people. Have I ever been in danger because I cleaned my hands besides someone with a dick? No. Grow the fuck up. This isn't even rare. People will switch bathrooms for speed. People will switch bathrooms because one of them is out of paper. Because one of them is out of soap.
The mall in my current city recently installed "Family" bathrooms. They're not being marketed as unisex, or inclusive, or anything. Just "family" bathrooms. For everyone. They're great. It's the bathroom everyone will use- Men, women, anything in between and outside of that, kids, disabled people, etc. There's a bunch of stalls adapted to different needs. There's accessible stalls. There's pad and diaper dispensers. There's stalls that have a big toilet and a little toilet so parents can go with their kids. There's tall sinks and short sinks- So disabled people and kids can reach.
And, to nobody's surprise, there's no reports whatsoever of any sort of assault in them.
I'm just. I don't know. I'm sorry you can't detach the existence of a dick near you from immediate assault. I don't know why that changes in the context of a bathroom- I've never (in my long life of using whatever bathroom) been in danger for that. And I'm talking as someone who has had some unsavory experiences in other situations. Grow the fuck up and maybe stop basing your views on imaginary scenarios y'all need to come up with to justify your hatred of a minority. Maybe if y'all got off your keyboards and went outside for once, you'd realize bathrooms work much differently from whatever weird ideal you have formed about them.
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elli3luvs · 1 year
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a/n: thank you guys for the attention the first part got! seeing your reblogs and comments make me super happy haha tomorrow i will be working on all of the requests i've gotten :)))) hope you guys enjoy this part as well
cw: the slightest smidge of smut ever lol
ellie wasn't too sure how you managed to encapture her like this
studying was like a negative priority in her life, yet here she was at the library on a saturday, watching you scribble notes in your journal
since the time at the party, the two of you have been basically inseparable
she accompanied you when you wanted to go to the mall to get a pretzel
and you followed her around when she roamed around campus
she had a physics final in a couple of weeks but she didn't really care about that right now
seeing your concentrated look was far more important
she was looking at you when a guy came up behind her, tapping her shoulder
you look up from your journal at the sudden intrusion
"you selling right now?" ellie grimaced at this
"nah," she picks up a pen that she hadn't even realized was near her, "not right now." she looks down at her notebook hoping the guy got the hint
you smile at her as she looks up at you through her eyebrows
you don't know if it's because of your demeanor but since you have been hanging out ellie doesn't sell to people around you
she always rolled her eyes when the person would leave too
spouting a "fucking people, man" or "can't they see i'm with you?"
you guys were taking it slow until you decided you had enough of it
the two of you were sitting on her shitty little couch that was half broken from god knows what watching some sort of sci-fi movie from the 80s
she would laugh at the visual effects
you laughed at how nerdy she was to actually get enjoyment out of this
your heart was so full anytime you hung out with her
all you wanted to do was flaunt her around campus
that's when you decided to full send it
"do you want to be my girlfriend?"
ellie was laughing before you said that but her smile dropped almost instantly
you shifted your eyes around the room nervously awaiting her answer
it was like she malfunctioned for a split second
she looked at you with a look you couldn't quite place, "really?" she whispered
you nodded, "yeah."
"oh, thank god." she relaxed into the couch, hand grabbing your lower thigh and squeezing
she wanted to ask you that weeks ago but didn't know how you would've felt
she was actually the perfect girlfriend
you could always expect her standing outside your class to fetch you, even when it was an 8 am
she may have been wearing sweatpants and a hoodie with her hair literally sticking every which way
but she was still there
she would knock on your door randomly
when you opened it she would be leaning against the doorframe with a goofy smile, "wanna makeout in my car?"
there would be times you would show up to her room unannounced and it would be hazy with smoke
she would clamber around like you were her parents catching her, "fuck, babe. sorry!" her bong would be shifted to the side as she sprayed whatever was next to her to try and get rid of the smell
you didn't have to heart to tell her it rarely did anything
there were times you would be cuddling and someone would pound at the door
she would groan, getting up with an apologetic glance
she would grab the wooden box under her bed, taking it to the door to have a hushed conversation with whoever was on the other side
she would always come back with the money in hand and a smile gracing her face
"want mcdonalds?"
the first time you guys ever had sex she was so gentle
you noticed her hands shaking a little bit as she caressed you
obviously, you didn't say anything, but it was the cutest thing ever to you
she whispered the sweetest words to you as she continued to touch you so gently
"you are the best thing that could've happened to me," she kissed at your neck, "thank you for going to that one party."
it made your heart swell
there was one time she was knuckles deep in you, making you moan and writhe around under her
when a loud knock came at the door
she continued her ministrations, not caring until it got louder and louder
"els! you got anything?" the voice yelled from the other side
she continued fingering you, yelling a gruff, "no! fuck off!"
"you should," you let out a moan as her fingers circled your clit, "sell to him. it's important."
she scoffs, "no one is as important as you, pretty girl."
ellie was so good to you
she always put your happiness and comfort above anyone or anything else
you were so undeniably happy with her
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howlingmod · 1 year
Are you bored yet?
summary ; human/actors au again ... reader is a local clay worker that Wally may or may not like just a teeny bit. meetcute coric ..
notes ; they/them used for reader , not proof read and just a teeeny tiny bit rushed (i am sleepy) . glass breaks but there is no violence or anything ..
wc - 2k
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He really should’ve been more careful, looking back on it now.
Yes, it’d been a while since he’d gotten that vase and set it down, but, really, for walking past it every single day, he should’ve realized how precariously it sat on the table. He should’ve realized that sooner or later, he was going to be too tired to remember to give it some space when he walked back into his apartment. Unfortunately, however, he did not in fact realize that in time. And so, he is tragically faced with the terrible fate of going and buying a new vase. Perhaps this time, he will not place it so precariously. Perhaps this time he will buy a thicker one that has less chances of shattering into one-thousand tiny pieces in the dark at around 10pm on a Thursday. He had much to think about in his journey of replacement.
Luckily, for as long as he’d had the vase, he could still vaguely recall where he’d gotten it from. It was some pottery store he’d randomly passed by once just outside of the city, curiousity (and fatigue, if he remembers right, it’d been an eventful day and he was still too jittery to lay down quite yet) getting the better of him when he’d noticed it. The owners were nice enough, an older couple who he could recall telling him long-winded stories about anything tangentially related to what he’d been looking at. Plates with flowers painted on them prompted a story about some unidentified, gorgeous plants one of them had seen around a river long ago. A cup with an oceanic color-scheme had prompted a tale of a seagull one of their previous coworkers would feed bits and pieces of bread to on their break. So on, so forth. Long winded for anyone passing through, but pleasant for someone just tired enough to want white noise and easy, one-sided conversation.
Getting into his car, he wondered if they’d have any stories to tell him this time. He would likely be better conversation this time, now that he was less exhausted from being around other people for a long, exciting period of time and more tired from waking up at some time before 11am on a rare free day. He found himself gathering excitment somewhere in his chest, bubbling up in fondness at the idea of this little trip. Sure, it was just a silly little thing to be excited over, but it was nice to have a break from monotony, wasn’t it?
It was a nice day out, too. The breeze forgiving and the sun sociable in the sky, bright rays easily negotiated to peace with sunglasses. It’d been a while since he’d ventured out of the city. Sure, it’s not as though he lived in the heart of it, but it was still different to see the buildings like miniatures from afar. It was a nice break from the towering skyscrapers and heavy traffic. Especially the traffic, actually. He’d never been good with handling bad drivers.
There wasn’t anyone else in the parking lot, only one or two other cars there, likely the owner’s or someone in a closeby building’s. There were a few other businesses dotted around in the area, some strip mall closeby and a park on the way there. He was likely just early, there probably aren’t many people stopping to buy pottery at 9am.
The inside of the store was quiet enough, music playing softly enough you had to pay attention to the murmurs to pick up on it. The lights shone on everything, not blindingly as much as it was in gentle awareness of everything. As his eyes refocused, he could’ve sworn he seen a vague shape duck into a doorway near the back of the store. Before he could properly investigate his suspicions, his attention was drawn away.
“Well, I was wondering when the resident celebrity was coming back!”
He couldn’t help but chuckle a bit, turning to face his company. “I hope I’m not intruding, it seems I’m rather early this time.”
The older woman he recognized from his previous visit smiled and shook her head, “Much earlier, I’m glad to see the cold night didn’t drag you in this time.”
He returned the smile, pushing his hands into his pants pockets as he replied, “Oh no, I was actually coming to look and see if you had any new vases in.”
She’d lit up at his words, straightening up with intent to lead him off, “Of course! We’ve got plenty of new ones in since last time, I’m sure we can find one to your liking.”
“-turns out, that hammering I thought I’d heard from the neighbors had just been a big woodpecker all along!”
He’d smiled fondly, “Ah! You don’t see many of those around here, do you?” He was careful to keep a good grip on the vase in his hands, decorated in an intricate scene of a forest dotted with various birds. From the minute details on every pine needle and carved indents on certain elements, he could only imagine how long it’d taken to make.
“No, no you don’t,” she’d laughed, shaking her head as she looked back to the shelf filled to the brim with other, equally eye-catching vases. He’d studied the one in his hands a moment longer, carefully tracing over the carving of texture in a tree before perking up at a new sound.
A soft ‘clink’ had snapped him out of his thoughts. Initially, he’d figured the old woman had picked up a new piece to show him, but found she was still studying the selection herself. He’d turned around quickly, curious to see if anyone else had stopped in, but the store was empty. That was when his eyes caught that doorway again, vaguely making out the shape of shelving in the darkened hall. On that shelving sat one vase, darkness obscuring the pattern of it.
“Why put that one piece there?”
The woman had snapped out of her own thoughts, looking back at him momentarily before following his gaze to the pot patiently sitting in the shade. Upon noticing the object of his attention, she’d smiled once more and turned back to him, “Our resident potter puts their finished work there so we can price it and set it out.”
That had caught his attention. “Resident?”
“Oh yes! While we do get a fair amount from other sources, just as fair an amount is homemade,” she hummed, “Would you like to meet them?”
He’d readjusted his hold on the vase again, not wanting to risk another work in his excitement, “If that wouldn’t be a bother.”
She shook her head, “I’m sure it’ll be quite alright, chances are they would appreciate the conversation, artist-to-artist.”
Before he could offer any sort of further fret, she’d started off towards the hall, leaving him to stand awkwardly with the glassware on his lonesome. He’d glanced at the large cardinal on the surface of the piece one final time before hurriedly (and carefully) placing it back on the shelf, jumping to catch up.
It was far darker back here than it had been in the main area of the store. Combined with the noticable increase in temperature, however, it was more comfortable than you would’ve imagined. Through the shade he could pick out calenders, notes and other miscellanious papers littered along walls and desks. Half-dirtied rags were scattered on shelves, various bottles standing not far from them nor the different tools lying about. Before he could even try and dissect what their uses would be by simple observing and guessing, the woman spoke up again.
“I hope you don’t mind some company, (Name),” she chimed, speaking just a tad louder to properly catch attention in all the visual noise.
With that, he’d finally noticed the figure standing in front of a tall table near the middle of the room, turning their head to look towards her. Their eyes flicked to him momentarily in what he could only assume was surprise. They’d straightened up from their hunched over position, wiping their hands off on a dirtied apron as they walked around the table and towards the pair.
Oh no.
They’d opened their mouth to start talking to her, but he couldn’t pick up on any of it. He wasn’t entirely sure what he was focusing on, he just knew that he was particularly distracted by the person in front of him and it wasn’t exactly getting any better the more and more he zoned out. He couldn’t make out every detail perfectly in the low-lighting, but it was enough that he could very, very easily tell this person was very, very attractive.
“-so you’re that one guy on tv?”
“Yes!” He flinched as he snapped out of his thoughts, “Wally Darling, but just Wally is more than fine.”
You’d smiled and for a brief moment he had to hope and pray his wasn’t too dopey and the low light hid the heat in his face as you stuck your hand out. There was a brief moment your smile faltered, as though suddenly realizing something, but it wasn’t a fast enough reaction as he’d snatched up your hand. Your hands were, similarly to the rest of the room, noticably warmer. They were also noticably sticky with clay, some already drying out on your skin as the rest, inevitably, would likely dry to his.
“And could I have the pleasure of knowing your name?” You looked like you were stuck between apologizing for getting the blood of your work on him and introducing yourself, glancing between him and your hands for a few moments. He vaguely realized this was probably a bit long for a handshake. Eventually, you managed a weak smile, righting your grip on his hand, “(Name).”
“That’s a very lovely name,” he stated plainly, hoping you could pick up on the sincerity in his flatter tone, “How long have you been working with ceramics, if you don’t mind my asking?”
You’d perked up at that, seemingly completely forgetting about the handshake (that was still yet to properly break apart, this was definitely not a proper one, anymore) with the topic of your work. “Well, that’s a bit of a difficult question. I’ve been working with clay for a long, long time, but I really only picked it up career wise a year or two ago.”
“Ah! That figures, your work is all very professional looking, it’s very impressive,” he complimented. Sure, he might’ve been laying it on a little thick, but it seemed as though he’d suddenly lost the ability to control his words, them tumbling out before he could even really think about it.
Luckily, you didn’t seem to mind, instead reaching up a hand to rub at the back of your neck. “Well, I don’t think my work is that stellar, but I really appreciate it. It uh- it definitely takes some time, it’s nice to see it goes to good use.”
“It’s nothing, really. If you don’t mind, could I watch for a bit? It’s completely fine if not, I really am just curious to see how you go about it.” Yes, he was definitely pushing his luck a little bit. In his defense, however, he was genuinely curious about how you managed to get all your vases so smooth and pack so many details onto such a small, unconventional canvas. It was just an added bonus that he’d possibly get to find out more about you, that was all! He can’t help the mysterious potter he hadn’t even known existed was not only nice on the eyes but, so far, was nothing short of pleasant.
You’d thought on it a moment, moving the hand at the back of your neck to hang at your jaw absentmindedly, “I suppose that would be fine by me, I can’t promise it’ll be too entertaining though.”
He smiled and shook his head, “Not a problem at all! I’m sure I can find enough entertainment for the both of us, I am an entertainer myself, after all.”
You returned his smile, finally letting go of his hand and breaking off your entirely-professional handshake to turn and head back to your workstation, “Well, make yourself comfortable, then.”
"Oh, trust me, that won't be any problem at all."
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boa-h · 9 months
【Geto Suguru】 Your Cat
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Geto Suguru recalls you as that one kouhai of his who runs to the cafeteria the moment class ends. Countless times he’s witnessed you run past him at an inhuman speed just to reach the cafeteria. There are really not many people in Jujutsu Tech, he doesn’t know who you’re racing against, for even if you weren't the first on the lunch line, the food would still be there. Unlike Haibara or Nanami, he rarely gets to talk to you, not like he gets to talk to first years a lot in the first place. But now, his silly little kouhai stands before him, breathless. Your hair is a mess, and so are your clothes.
“I- I’m.. My cat—” You pant, struggling to speak.
“You do realize having pets in the dormitories is against the rules, right?” He told you, but still held out the cat for you to take back.
You quickly took the cat away from his arms, “Please don’t tell anyone! Please!” You bowed to him 90 degrees. “I promise I won’t accidentally let her out again,” you assured him, looking up with unwavering sincerity.
He chuckled and ruffled your hair, “Then it’ll be our little secret.” He pressed a finger onto his lips, signaling that he wouldn’t tell anyone, “but make sure you don’t let her out again, I won’t be here every day to catch her.”
“Of course, of course! Thank you so much, Geto senpai!” Your eyes were teary from gratitude. He’s such a kind man, you thought.
But over the next few months, your cat kept escaping out of the dorms, such as when you’re in class, on a mission, or in the shopping mall. And every time you go to seek her, she’s always with Suguru, they seem to be in a really good relationship for some odd reason.
“Ah, your cat.” He says every time he sees you running his way, your cat in his arms or next to him. Satoru is sometimes near as well, threatening to tell Yaga about the cat if you don’t buy him the limited daifuku from the dessert store downtown.
Time in Jujutsu Tech went on until the summer of 2007. It’s been a year since the failure of the Star Plasma Vessel mission, Geto Suguru has not been looking right, he even stopped hanging out with your cat recently. You’ve asked him multiple times if he was alright but the only answer you’ve gotten was “summer stress”. What a dumb excuse, Suguru.
He got skinnier, his eye bags and dark circles deepened, and he sometimes even stopped tying his hair up in school.
“I’m always here to talk if you need me.” You told him, concerned.
Geto stared at your face, emotions hidden in his dark eyes, for a moment you swear you saw tears.
He hugged you tight in his embrace, his scent engulfing you. “Thanks.” He rasped out. You both remained silent for a while, and you broke the silence.
“I’ll be going on a mission this afternoon. Let's go eat soba after I come back.” You smiled up at him, and he nodded with a small chuckle.
“I think we should…” He started, “Maybe, would you…” He trails off, not finishing his sentence.
“Hm?” You tilted your head in confusion.
“No, nothing, I’ll tell you when you come back.” He smiled gently, as soft as a summer’s breeze.
I was going to go back.
I was going to tell him that I liked him too.
I didn’t want to die.
I had so many things I hadn't done yet.
You finally cried out in pain when the cursed spirit tore off your arm. Beads of hot tears rolled off your cheeks and onto the hard earth. It was a miscalculation of the curse’s grade, you couldn’t win alone. Regret washed over your exhausted body, you should’ve told him before leaving.
Geto Suguru was the last thought on your mind before your body was torn into pieces. Blood splattered within the veil, and a noxious stench spread through the area. Your remains are returned to Jujutsu Tech and later on cremated.
It seems like nobody was able to walk out of the summer of 2007.
Geto Suguru defected, he left everything behind and started the persuasion of his own life and goals. Except for your cat, he brought her with him, the only thing from Jujutsu Tech he brought with him. He cut off every last one of his way out, he even murdered his own parents to reinforce that mindset in his brain. He cannot turn back anymore, even if it’s Gojo Satoru who tried to stop him. Your cat was his only source of comfort for a while.
The cat lived for another 10 years after his defection, and the day before Christmas Eve, she died. Suguru suddenly laughed as he cradled her lifeless body, “Is that so?” he mutters, speaking to the cat as well as to himself. He stroked the cat’s fur one last time before handing her to the two girls he took in, who once adored the cat as well.
“Bury her.” He waved them off, a hand on his forehead in exhaustion.
When he sat alone in that dark alley on Christmas Eve, blood oozed out of his missing arm. ‘Pure love’, huh? How long has it been since he’s last heard of that word? I think you used to say it a lot… His life flashed before his eyes, how tragic, comical, and uninteresting. His best friend stood right in front of him, and he chuckled at his grand funeral for himself. Maybe it’s not bad to die in a way like this, he thought.
Geto Suguru looked at his best friend one last time, but this time he saw a white beam coming towards him — you. His eyes widened as he saw you running towards him, tears streaming down your face.
You were looking for something, something important. What was it again?
Oh, right.
He looked down at his lap, a cat resting there, nuzzling her head on him, purring.
“Ah… your cat…” he mumbles with his last breath before closing his eyes.
He heard his best friend laugh and sob into his hands, and the sounds gradually grew further and further away.
“Geto senpai!”
He opened his eyes again.
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dvrcos · 2 months
Ive been bothering everyone I possibly can by dropping asks abt Aaron in their inbox soo it's ur turn now
Any Aaron hcs? Your opinion on skater boy Aaron?
And because I love Kevin too, any Kevin hcs? I feel like people tend to forget that Kevin likes photography too canonically besides exy and history
Skater boy Aaron is real and true and canon (to me at least)
He is the poster boy for the early 2000s skater aesthetic
Part of the reason he continues skating in college is because he enjoys the heart attack it gives Kevin
Kevin doesn’t want him getting hurt and jeopardizing the team and his wellbeing
So Aaron makes sure he finds time to skate everyday
Aaron is a lover of pop culture and is just a fucking nerd dude
He loves Lord of the Rings and read Harry Potter as it came out (and also very actively hates JKR in the modern day)
Aaron Minyard is a chronic migraine girly
He’s a med student and athlete who gets very little sleep so his head constantly hurts
And yaknow what he’s a little bitch about it too
He is constantly complaining to Katelyn and using it as an excuse to be an asshole
(I love him so dearly)
I also think he is constantly cold and has terrible blood circulation
His hands and feet are always freezing
Years of drug use and constantly needing to take Advil for his headaches has just shot his cardiovascular system
So he’s constantly cold and doesn’t run a lot because his stamina is shit
He has a raging addiction to caffeine and his vice is RedBulls
His sleep schedule is absolutely wrecked from both Exy and school so he’s rarely ever without a RedBull in hand
I don’t think he cares a lot about his diet but he does try to keep it pretty nutrient packed bc he knows the benefits of it
But he also has a sweet tooth (not as strong as Andrew’s but still strong) and he favors baked goods like cake and banana bread and pastries
His vision is bad and it just keeps getting worse over the years but he doesn’t wear his glasses often
He usually resorts to contacts but has to switch to his glasses late at night or when his head is hurting extra bad
He loves tea
Like has an extensive tea collection and will spend the money to buy teas from around the world
He also has a mug collection (the Foxes start gifting him mugs every holiday when they find out about it)
His favorite mugs are his vintage Trojans mug, a “history is not boring” mug the Foxes gave him when he graduated, and a Hogwarts mug Aaron gave him
(they read the series together :P)
Kevin’s favorite areas of history to study are Ancient Rome and the history of Ireland
He’s fascinated by the Roman Empire and studying Ireland makes him feel more connected to his mother
I think he continues school on the side and eventually gets a doctorate degree and teaches a bit after he retires from Exy
He always tries to sign with teams in or near the cities the other OG Foxes are in because he doesn’t really know how to function without the familiarity of his people
Kevin works a lot on undoing his Raven dietary habits and since he’s surrounded by people who can’t cook he grows a love for frozen food as well as caffeine
I think he takes a few art classes and really enjoys it even though he doesn’t think he’s that great at it
He’s actually not bad at all and makes a lot of really cool pieces
Kevin exclusively wears 5 inch inseam shorts
Anything longer is blasphemous
He has basically zero sense of style and just kind of mimics what the others are wearing
Until Allison forces him to go to the mall with her and they spend hours building him a real wardrobe that is him
Most of his closest still consists of PSU and USC merch though
And truly would this even be me if I didn’t put kevaaron headcanons? No
Kevin is basically a human radiator, especially after practice
And that is a blessing directly from God in Aaron’s eyes
Kevin comes back from night practice and Aaron just clings to him, absorbing all of his heat as they fall asleep
Aaron is a chronic clothes stealer like he just has sticky fingers when it comes to Kevin’s wardrobe
They spend a lot of time together in the library
They’re both in quite intensive and workload heavy majors so they study together a lot
It happened more as an accident tbh like Aaron was heading to the library to study for a midterm
And basically all of PSU’s student body had the same idea so there was no open tables
But low and behold there was Kevin, alone at a table tucked in the back corner, typing away at his laptop
Aaron joins him without asking and it kinda just becomes their thing
Kevin joins Aaron at the library between regular and night practices
They spend most of their weekends there and bring each other caffeinated drinks and snacks
Eventually they’re not even studying half the time, they’re just talking and spending time with each other outside of Exy and the other Foxes curious glances and prying comments
Aaron takes a history class with Kevin but Kevin refuses to take any science class outside of his required credits
He’s not a science person so Aaron doesn’t take it personally
Kevin can never properly wrap his head around how strong Aaron actually is
It just doesn’t compute for him, like how can so much strength be packed into such a small body
But he is most definitely not complaining, especially not when that strength is so clearly but on display or used against him
Kevin is practically drooling anytime he watches Aaron body check a striker twice his size and send them sprawling onto the floor
They become each others partners/marks during practices and it is simultaneously the best and worst thing to ever happen
They’re just excessively flirting while tripping each other and fighting with their racquets
The other Foxes comment on their “weird and disturbing foreplay” every chance they get
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fantasy-mixtapes · 3 months
Kristen Applebees S3 Playlist: Side A
Here's Part 1 of Kristen's Junior Year Playlist, I am obsessed with it so far and will probably continue to be. Descriptions and key lyrics below. Spoilers for Episodes 1-10
Genres include: Pop-Punk, Alternative, Punk, Folk
1. Lavender Bones, Stand Atlantic
I know I'm out of my depth, but I just float in it I try to do my best, stop picking fights with it I wanna be upset, you're not alright with it I can cover it up, I can cover it Try to speak my mind, wish it was by design But I can only confess to having doubts with it Don't wanna feel regret, I'm not alright with it I can cover it up, I can cover it
So this is a perfect background music for the start of a movie about Kristen's life right now and I LOVE finding those songs. It's perfect on so many layers, it talks about feeling trapped, wanting to fix empty habits, and not to mention how "lavender bones" really hits home to my queer little heart. This entire playlist is really a game of guessing when the "you" in songs chosen mean Tracker and when they mean Cassandra, level: impossible
2. Starchild, Sweet Pill
What do you want from me? I am not a charity Work hard at everything Do it all for free What do you want from me? I am not a guarantee Go all or nothing Lose your money ... Set up to win Wind up disappointing everyone In the end I am disappointing mostly myself In the end Hang your Head
I AM SO NOT NORMAL ABOUT THIS SONG Guys its like it was written for this very specific situation. AND THE TITLE???? FOR A CLERIC OF THE GODDESS OF MYSTERY, DOUBT, THE NIGHT, AND STARS???????
anyways just please please listen to it its so great like even without the connection to Kristen, go support Sweet Pill they have a new album being released tomorrow (March 15th)
3. Uneeda, Deady
What about the bones The bones have no problem Turn them into ash And this never happened Your ashes big asses Your brains on the pavement Oh no! I can feel myself rot Unless I take your hand
Ok so this is kind of a genre outlier on the playlist since it is very very alt punk but for me it represents the rage at the mall, Kristen's relationship to Cassandra, and both of their respective reactions to what happened. It's very chaotic, but it was a very chaotic situation and I stand by it plus I love adding modern bands to things
4. Bite the Hand, boygenius
I can't hear you You're too far away I can't see you The light is in my face I can't touch you I wouldn't if I could I can't love you how you want me to I can't love you how you want me to
Yeah, sorry had to whip out the queer break-up big guns. I don't feel sorry I feel right.
5. Untitled God Song, Haley Heynderickx
When you're drunk near a sunset, look straight in her eyes She's a quick glimpse of heaven, forgetting her headlights are on When you misread her fortune, don't misread the joke She's the note on your lampshade, the honeycomb holdin' you And she spins me around like a marionette Oh, my web is still spinnin' My web is still spinnin', you can't see it yet
Immediately going from having total contact with a divinity figure to having to grasp for straws once again to a memory you hold onto, literally holding onto the shards of your faith. Having to both embrace doubt and faith at the same time. Girlies, I'm ruined
6. C'est Comme Ça, Paramore
In a single year I've aged one hundred My social life a chiropractic appointment Sit still long enough to listen to yourself Or maybe just long enough for you to atrophy to hell ... I know that regression is rarely rewarded I still need a certain degree of disorder I hate to admit, getting better is boring But the high cost of chaos Who can afford it?
I love Kristen, and I think her arc this season is extremely relatable; currently, 90% of what she does are bits, and I KNOW it's a coping mechanism, but STILL, WHY ARE YOU SO MESSY. I love you; keep being 17, but god, keep your clothes on and stop going to the steel plants girlie you're gonna give Riz a heart attack
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lady-z-writes · 1 year
Joel x fem!reader
A skimpy outfit. A feeling. A steamy afternoon.
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It isn't often that your raids take you to malls. Malls are a thing of the past, a life long ago that haunts you if you ruminate too long on it.
Malls aren't safe.
But the group of you going, you're feeling more confident than maybe you should.
The world you now live in has changed you - another thing you fail to think about until you're on the long, quiet trek to the latest raid location, your mind drifting even though you know that keeping focused means staying alive.
Robert had set this one up and, though you don't trust him, you currently have no other choice but to follow through. You needed the work.
Surprise settles itself in your throat as the team meets up with someone just outside of the mall.
Joel Miller.
Who'd have fuckin' guessed.
His eyes narrow at the group of you, distrust seeping from him. Even when his eyes land on you, he gives a barely-there scoff; nostrils flare for a second, eyes stop squinting only momentarily.
He nods at you and you know you're the only one who passes his scrutiny.
You'd saved his ass from a Clicker once.
Lucky shot. Lucky moment. Right place, right time. All that.
But he doesn't forget it and he doesn't bail on you if you ever call for him.
Which is rare.
There's a tension between the two of you but it's not hatred.
You're absolutely wildly attracted to him, but you can't tell what the feeling is coming from him. It's not anger so you figure you're on his good side. For now.
Once inside the mall, there are teams to be broken into. You're with Jake and Laura but you don't know them well. Joel's name was not on the list, from what you can recall.
He hovers back by you, gives you a sideways glance as the doors open, nods for you to step inside.
Your group is to gather clothes. Sounds silly, but the community is filthy and growing. It'd been a while since they'd prioritized this.
The team had been here several times so unless a new pack came through, it should be clear compared to the first raid.
Joel follows your lead. Silent, focused. You don't think you've ever seen him less than stoic.
The packs on your backs quickly fill up with clothes; Jake and Laura meandering into another nearby store, leaving the two of you partnered up.
Working in silence, you steal glances over at the man, watching him meticulously pick through the racks. He's intelligent about his choices for the community: jackets and pants with many pockets, things that can be layered.
But your eyes keep trailing to the mannequin in the corner - a black romper that's flowy. It's pretty. But there is no time for these delicacies. Not here.
You're not supposed to be shopping for yourself, you mentally argue. Yet you linger near it, touch it and relish in its softness, casually pluck at the ties to see how easily it would come off the mannequin.
You have it halfway off when you notice Joel. Staring. Jaw clenching and unclenching. Only his expression isn't angry. He looks lost in thought.
When you finish removing it from the mannequin, you fold it quickly in your hand, turn awkwardly to Joel, send him a sheepish look and a shrug.
It's subtle but his eyebrow quirks upward and he inhales sharply, his expression hungry.
Joel Miller is a man, starved.
The raid is a success. No deaths, no run ins with infected. Everyone takes the trail that's planned and avoids the hot spots. It's genius.
Paid, back to your makeshift 'home', you snag the romper from the zipper pocket in your bag. No one had questioned it, no one noticed.
It's yours.
The first nice thing you've gotten in a while. Keeping things for yourself is against the rules.
You're slightly worried Joel will snitch but your worries are lifted as soon as you try it on.
The broken mirror in your place reveals cracks of something that would be beautiful. You feel beautiful in this. It's something you'd have worn Before. A flash of the person you were hits you; a wave of emotion.
And then you're crashing down when you hear a knock at the door.
Frantic, you throw on a long coat, clasp it in front of you, pray it's not Robert.
Joel Miller stands on the other side of that door, and you almost gasp.
"Been a while," he nods, stepping in when you step aside. You close the door and he locks it. "Got anything to drink?"
You do. You're trying to busy yourself in the kitchen, using both hands which means your coat is open and-
His hands glide to your sides, pinning you against the counter, his touch making you jump and almost spill the drinks.
"Turn around."
His voice is rough, hushed, breathy beside your ear.
Slowly - so slowly - you spin around for him.
"Take it off," he shoves his hand over your shoulder and pulls at the coat. You follow orders, let the coat fall to the floor.
Hungrily, his eyes trail over your exposed skin - the cut of the top showing a good amount of breast, the flow of the hem almost like a skirt - short on your thighs.
His tongue darts out of his mouth before he wipes his hand down his face, looks serious again.
"You need to be careful," he instructs.
"Joel, I know. I-"
He cuts you off with a deep kiss.
You're stunned, caught up in this moment, feeling like drowning. But you quickly tread water, come up for air, let your fingers tangle in his hair as you press yourself to him.
A moan leaves his throat when your bodies connect; your brain slowly piecing together that he's hard against your thigh.
"Too much, sweetheart. Taking a risk, putting on a show for me. You think I'm unfazed by that? Thinkin' about you like this..." He kisses down your neck, bites, "it tortured me the whole way back."
The word rings in your ears. Torture.
His hands on your bare skin, you're igniting.
You dare to trail your hand down his body, cup his erection, squeeze and jerk. It's embarrassing how wet you're getting just from this.
You're about to get on your knees for him when he stops you, stares, breaths harsh.
And then he's lifting you up to place you on the counter, kissing down to your chest.
His facial hair scraping against your skin makes you moan as he pulls the loose fabric to the side and kisses; massaging one breast before taking the other nipple in his mouth, swirling his tongue on you.
You're desperate for him by the time he's kissing your thighs.
"How do you get this fuckin' thing off?" He mutters, hands trailing over your body.
You shimmy out of the top half, shifting to pull it down. Topless, you sit there in just panties and Joel's breathing is the only sound you hear.
Joel Miller is a man, starved.
And he proves that with his mouth on your cunt, his thumb on your clit. He'd ripped off your panties in his hurry, but he keeps his hands on you like he's desperate for contact.
He demands that you cum on his fingers.
When he says, "and then on my cock," you lose breath.
You convince him to get naked as you lay on your bed. He seems so hurried, so eager, he'd only pulled his cock out when you got to the bedroom - tried to slip into you with his jeans around his thighs - but you wanted to see all of him.
He obliges. Doesn't like you making a spectacle of him but he's desperate to be pussy drunk at the moment.
When he's on top of you, pressing into you, all else is forgotten. It's just skin and breaths and pleasure.
The first time isn't enough.
You both cum too quick.
Riled up even after he filled you, you climb onto him, grinding against him once again to urge his cock hard.
A sleepy smile appears for a brief moment, but you take it in.
His strong hands grip your hips and help you along when your legs tire. You look good straddling him, you think.
"I've been thinking about this," you admit as you ride him, the sunset peeking through the blind slats.
He quirks a brow. "I know."
You kiss him, beg him for more, praise his name when he flips you over and takes you from behind.
You're gripping his forearms as he envelopes you. His fingers clench the bedsheets. The deep rumble of his moans in your ear send chills through you.
It's not affection, but it's something; a dalliance.
He won't ask you to be his in the morning. He probably won't even be there in the morning. It'll be like you're a secret. But secrets are safe here. Secrets keep you alive here.
Your assumption is right.
All that's left behind are rumpled sheets and a sensation between your thighs.
You spot him across the street when you go out for your morning.
The intense stare can only mean one thing.
He'll be back.
You're eager, to say the least.
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Sephora (Jamie Campbell Bower One-Shot)
Summary: Y/N loves spending time with her boyfriend Jamie even if it means dragging the man to the mall to buy makeup.
Warnings: Major fluff
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She didn't understand the appeal of lipgloss. Sure, the scents could be absolutely delicious smelling and the shades could be rather pretty when applied. But she hated the feel of the slime that coated her lips especially since she is one of those girls who often licks her lips; FYI lipgloss doesn't taste good. But, it's not supposed to be eaten right? Plus there is the fact hair gets stuck to it so often during windy days and who wants to be picking hair strands out of your mouth every two seconds while outside while wearing lip gloss? Certainly not her. Don't even get her started on lipstick either. Pretty colors and bold expression sure but it either overdried your lips if it was a matte and made your lips look like the ground during a drought with it being all crusty and shit but if it wasn't matte well the color just wiped off on everything you put near your mouth. Eating something, throw that idea out the window. Want to drink something? Smudge the lipstick and stain the rim of your cup. Want to kiss your boo-thang yeah you're going to make a fool of both of you. So that's why she stuck with chapstick. Smelled good, tastes good if accidentally licked, and it wasn't always obvious whenever it rubbed off of anything like lipgloss or lipstick would normally do. So yeah, you can imagine that Y/N had a shit ton of chapstick of all brands and flavors just lying around in her house, in her car, and her purse.
So as she strolled through the make-up store idly browsing some nice new shades of lip tints in Sephora she couldn't help but pick one up and examine it. It was pretty in a shade of plum. Darker purple colors or natural is one of her favorites to check out when shopping for rare occasions lip products. But after a moment of thoughtfulness, she set it back in its little slot unaware of the man who came up behind her until a tanned arm reached over her shoulder to pluck the very same lip tint from its place and she playfully swatted at the hand with a playful click of her tongue.
"What are you doing? Put it back," she demanded softly not wanting to get more attention on them than they already had.
Being the girlfriend of rockstar and actor Jamie Campbell Bower certainly didn't make up for many private outings ever since he got that roll as Vecna in Stranger Things. They'd already been stopped multiple times during their time at the mall by some fans. Of course, he was always so sweet and gracious with them; allowing hugs, short chats, and pictures but at the end of it all he never forgot his beautiful girlfriend standing off to the side nor did he take long with his fans before returning to his lover to continue the shopping.
"Do you like it?" his accented voice spoke up thoughtfully as he looked at the small tube before those gorgeous blue eyes drifted over to the girl beside him.
"It's pretty. But you know I don't wear such things. The color just caught my eye is all." Y/N shrugged with a soft smile before she began to turn to examine some other makeup products.
The clinking of the glass tube in the small hand basket he carried for the Sephora store made her spin around in surprise. "Jamie! No! Absolutely not, you put that back right now mister!" she demanded reaching over him to grab the lip color from the plastic basket but it was pulled from her reach as he laughed.
"You like it, you would look beautiful with that color on so I'm getting it for you. No questions asked," he replied with a teasing cock of his eyebrow as if daring her to argue further.
"Jamie~" she whined softly and he couldn't help but smile at her pout. "Really. You know I don't wear that stuff. You're wasting money! You know I hate you wasting money on me!"
his brows came together and he leaned down slightly so their faces were close to each other. Those intense eyes staring into hers made her knees weak especially as he said in a soft crooning voice he knew would make her swoon
"It's my money love. If I want to spoil my baby then I'm going to spoil my baby." he gave her a sweet little kiss on the tip of her nose. "Now let it go baby girl," he told her before he straightened and wrapped his arm around her waist to carry on walking through the store.
Y/N wasn't anything great. Not a famous actress or a singer like her gorgeous boyfriend. Just a simple girl who posts shit on Tiktok. They'd met through the app actually after he'd seen her video; one she'd quite forgotten about and he'd messaged her through the TikTok app; from there it was history. They'd been together about a year now and she still never got used to his loving, goofy, and selflessly selfish attitude when it came to how he treated her. It was a dream any Jamie Campbell Bower fangirl could ever want in all honesty.
"You're impossible you know that?" Y/N looked up at him. She studied his beautiful sharp features, the way his blonde hair seemed brighter in the white lights of the makeup section of Sephora, and the way his blue eyes sparkled as they looked down at her with affection. God this man was perfection, and the smug man knew it too.
"I'm not impossible." his lips formed into a pout briefly before they curved into a smirk. "I just know how to get my way."
She laughed shaking her head before interlocking their fingers together as they walked. "You know, we should look at eyeliner."
"Oh? Did you run out already?" he asked absently as he followed her as she steered her way into a different aisle.
"No. I was just wondering what you'd look like with eyeliner on." Y/N teased but seriously was dead set on buying a stick for Jamie. Because every rockstar like Jamie Campbell Bower should wear eyeliner to make those gorgeous eyes more prominent
"I swear darling if I start wearing eyeliner I think the internet will finally explode, and if that's the case I might have to be bailing you out of jail, love." he joked back but he didn't stop her as she browsed the many brands on the shelves in front of them.
The thing was he'd do almost anything for the girl. As long as she kept that beautiful smile on her face; no matter how often she would complain that he spent too much money on her, what could he say? He enjoyed spoiling her and when you're someone who makes millions of dollars what's a few hundred spent on the woman he loves? Their attention was pulled away from the make-up to a shy-looking girl who had been in the same aisle as them and the glances she gave Jamie was one the couple had seen many times before and not just today.
"Hello love. Did you want a picture?" Jamie turned to her with a warm smile that only grew when the girl nodded "Alright then, c'mere!"
After a few pictures were taken with the musician, the girl was turning away before grabbing Y/N's arm lightly and leaning closer to whisper with red cheeks of embarrassment as she said. "I think he'd look so good in eyeliner."
Y/N's brow raised before she was giggling along with the girl before the fan walked away. A strong arm wrapped around her waist from behind and Jamie's chin rested on her shoulder gaining her attention back to her pouting boyfriend.
"What was that about?"
Y/N leaned across to grab a black eyeliner before tossing it into the basket in her boyfriend's hand as she grinned up at him. "That's 2 votes against 1 for the eyeliner. You lose." she squealed as his long fingers dug into her sides lightly as he tickled her.
"That's alright. I can rock anything." he grinned down at her before grasping her hand. "Now come on beautiful. We still have to go visit Bath and Body Works. I used the last of your body wash" he stated as he dragged her away to pay for the products ignoring the little giggle of amusement coming from beside him from his girlfriend who was imagining him smelling like peaches and cream.
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willel · 3 months
A thought on my mind I wanted to type before I go to bed.
Although there are a lot of allusions to time and time travel, I'm thinking there won't be literal time travel. If you don't know what I mean, my two main focus points being:
Will's original S1 outfit being a reference to Marty McFly from Back to the Future and various other Back to the Future references
Henry/Vecna's obsession with time and clocks
Even though I don't think time travel will literally happen, what if the team has to figuratively "step back in time" to find the answer to something? Retrace their footsteps?
They revisit vital locations from the past, finding clues to defeat Vecna along the way.
I'm not a Harry Potter fan but I saw all the movies once and I'm aware of the "horcrux" lore. Did they do something similar in the final movies to find all Voldemort's hidden soul pieces to kill him?
I have a different similar example from my favorite manga/anime called Natsume Yuujinchou (Natume's Book of Friends). To keep it simple, Natsume is an orphan who has been passed around from family member to family member and suffered a lot of abuse along the way. Why? Because he has the rare ability to see, interact with, and talk to yokai. Despite his best efforts, he can't lie about his abilities to himself or the people around him. Luckily, at the start of the series, he is taken in by distant relatives of his father and his life finally starts to get a bit better. I highly recommend you check it out.
In Natsume Yuujinchou, there is a chapter about a powerful mirror that is split apart by a thunderstorm. While venturing in the woods, a piece of the mirror falls into Natsume's eye. The owner of the mirror (a yokai) demands Natsume help them piece the mirror back together or else (threats, as yokai tend to do). How? Well, because a piece of the mirror fell into his eye, Natsume feels pain whenever he starts getting close to another shard. The pain is only relieved when he finds it.
The locations are a little random, but they're all around the small rural town Natsume now lives in. Some places are recurring important places in the story like a shrine, he's friend's house, or Natsume's school. Others not so much.
So think of it this way. The team with Will and El in the lead going from spot to spot looking for.... "something" that will help them learn information or maybe grow stronger? Maybe a way to defeat Vecna who knows.
So that leaves us with what are the "vital places" where they would find such clues to Henry's defeat. Let me put my brain to work
The Byers home. Reason? From the audience's point of view, this is where everything kicked off. The place where Will was taken. I find it unlikely though simply because the real life Byers house got sold off a while ago and might be inaccessible
Mirkwood, the street where Will first encountered the Demogorgon. It's also near where Castle Byers was and where The Party found El. Many significant things happened there Upside Down related or not. I find this one very likely since they posted a picture of what is probably a flashback in Castle Byers
Hawkins Middle School. Like Mirkwood, a lot of significant things happened here. It was where the Mind Flayer finally caught Will. It was also the place of El and Henry's reunion even though it was taking place in Max's mind.
Ruins of the Starcourt Mall. This might be unlikely but depending on how much has been cleaned up/repaired, maybe there is something to be found there as well.
Hawkins Lab. Of course, the lab is the true place where all this begins. Surely if there's a vital place that will help them figure things out, it must be the lab right?
Hopper's cabin. Maybe a stretch since they were only briefly there in S3 to hide away. But it was attacked by the Mind Flesher and deeply wounded by El there. It was also El's special safe place for such a long time relative to how long it's been since she was free.
Mike's house??? Nothing supernaturally interesting has happened here but it's a vital place of safety for most of the cast for pretty much every season so I dunno. Eh, this one is probably a stretch.
Well, that's all I had on my mind but maybe someone else has other ideas for these "vital places" and what they might find there?
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imnottheonlyone · 4 months
what happened to high school?
When I was young, I thought high school students were so cool and grown up. I watched as they started driving, dating, having sex, and going to parties and I couldn't wait to be that fun age. Now that I am in high school, where has the fun gone?
As people have realized, generations are starting to look younger and younger. When you imagine a senior in high school, you often don't imagine the people that I go to school with. Their baby faces haven't gone away and the growth spurts have not hit yet. Part of the appeal of high school is the feeling of adulthood and maturity, not only in the classes you take or your social endeavors, but in the way you look. I don't know if it's because there isn't as much of an age gap between myself and a senior in high school now, but when I was little, they just looked so old. I don't see that anymore. 
Also, technology is nowhere near new and exciting. It's a part of our everyday lives and I will resent that for the rest of my life. While it comes in handy for teaching and grading, and Google is a major plus, it shouldn't be our only source of school these days. I rarely get assignments on paper and honestly, I wish they were. I want physical copies and mementos from my high school days. Not to mention, I don't even have a real school identification card. It's in an app. 
When social media and technology was new and exciting, it acted as a third space for teenagers. Like malls and roller rinks in the eighties and nineties, Tik Tok, Instagram and Tumblr are the "hang-out spots" for teenagers in the late 2010s and 2020s. In the early to mid-2010s, teenagers still went to malls and roller rinks to hang with friends while also adjusting to the new online world. It was a place for teenagers to communicate their ideas and express themselves. Now it has become a part of everything. I almost never have conversations where someone doesn't whip out their phone mid sentence
Also, we have no defining trends for our generation. Social media has brought forth something called the microtrend. A song, make-up look or body type will be a trend for two weeks before out short-attention spanned peers decide it's not interesting or cool anymore and move on to something else. While the nineties had grunge and glamor and the eighties had acid wash denim and big hair, the 20s has....leggings? And Utah curls? What I mean is, when you think of the 1990s, a specific image comes to mind. Grunge music and dark eye make-up. When you think of the eighties you picture big curly hair and neon spandex. When you think of the 2020s, nothing in specific comes to mind because we can't decide on one thing. Nothing is interesting or cool enough anymore. We live in such a capitalist, consumerist society that once we engage in something too much, it becomes boring and we have to find something else. Social media and influencers only amplify that. I don't know if it's Gen-Z's push-back on being categorized or defined by anything, or if nothing is good enough anymore. 
And don't even get me started on the music. In the 20th-century, different music trends came and went. In the 70s hair metal and power ballads became huge. In the 80s glam metal, synth, and pop started to materialize and in the 90s alternative rock, grunge, nu metal, and boy-bands made their breakthrough. This overbearing control of the music industry made music a novelty and allowed teenagers to be a part of a subculture. When punk came about in the 70s and goth in the 70s and 80s, it allowed teenagers to interact with another and create relationships because of the subculture they identified with. This made high school the stereotypical version we see in 90s and early-2000s movies. The goths sit over here and the popular kids sit over there. Even in the 90s with grunge and the 2000s with emo. Though to come it seemed “clique-y”, it made making friends and self-expression more cohesive and less stand-out. Even into the early 2010s, those who liked pop punk, didn’t hangout with the kids who like mainstream pop or trap beats. 
With the rise of the influencer and easy access to higher paying or earning jobs, anybody can make music, even if they’re horrible at it. Content creators online put out singles or albums that sample the same beats as everybody else and have the same dense and shallow lyrics, where it is obvious they’re trying to sound deep and meaningful but they’re fully missing the mark. It’s hard to want to claim a genre or use a specific sound or style of music to identify your generation or simply the people you hangout with. New music doesn’t have that power anymore. New major music genres have not been pioneered since the 90s with grunge and nu metal. People that are making music aren’t creative and the creatives aren’t making music. 
The things people listen to and the way that they dress says a lot about them. For teenagers, it has said everything about them. However in the last ten years, social media and technology has ripped those ideals away from us. Nobody wants to be perceived as one thing. They want to be everything and nothing is good enough to define anybody anymore. Tik Tok has ruined the essence and the glowing aura that once was the teenager. 
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elliewlums · 2 years
Billy Hargrove 12 and 16 for heart of glass, also congrats ☻
content warnings: heavy injury, descriptions of blood, near death experiences, reader jumps in front of the mind flayer for billy (but lives), billy lives au
“oh, shit!”
there’s an incessant ringing in your ears and billy’s…screaming? your limbs feel heavy and full of lead and when you try to move, nothing really happens. you twitch a little and go back to being stuck. your vision isn’t quite focused and you can hear max trying to calm billy down somewhere further away. oh, you think, they think i’m dead.
you remember jumping in front of the mind flayer - billy was going to die, you couldn’t let him sacrifice himself like that - and then everything’s a little fuzzy after that. and now you’re here, bleeding out on the grimy mall floor.
“billy…” you croak; he runs into your peripheral vision, crouching and lifting your limp body into his lap.
“can you talk?”
you cough and force your lips to move and form words, though it feels stiff and unreal. crimson coats your lips and teeth and your eyes shutter trying to stay open.
“why did you do that, baby? why’d you do that?” he’s actually sobbing - you see billy cry very rarely, if ever - and you’re bemused.
“why did i save you?” you vaguely register his hand on your cheek, stroking soothing circles as he tries to keep you awake. his eyes follow your every move, scoping for the severity of your injuries.
“don’t you fucking leave me here. i need you,” he grits out through tears. taking your hand in his, he lifts your arm, only to find it completely slack. “squeeze my hand.”
you do, very gently. too gently.
“that’s all i go-got,” you murmur; you’re getting quieter, fading.
“c’mon, babe.” billy’s voice is desperate and pleading, “we gotta get you out of here. get you to the hospital.”
“i’m s-so tired, baby.” you’re whispering now.
“i know, i know.” he kisses your forehead and lifts you; before you know it, he’s running outside as the ambulance rolls in. “please, help her! please!” your head lolls against his shoulder and, had you any strength, you would’ve clung to him as you’re lifted out of his arms.
“billy-“ you say again.
“‘m right here, baby. gonna ride in the ambulance with you, okay?”
everything calms down once you’re on your way to the hospital; you’ve been patched up, the bleeding slowing immensely, and given some pain relief. your eyes flutter open lethargically and you smile to find billy’s head resting on your arm, his hand firmly planted in yours. your free hand comes up to thread through his curly locks and he jumps with a start, teary eyes meeting yours.
“you’re warm,” you giggle— the drugs are working. you frown a little at his expression. “don’ cry, baby.”
“how do you feel?” he asks, completely fretting over you: stroking your hair back, watching your face intently for any signs of pain.
“better,” you sigh. your hand comes up to ball in his shirt. “come cuddle me, i’m cold.”
“i’ll cuddle you when you’re healing for real,” he chides but wraps his arms around you carefully nonetheless.
and that’s how billy finds himself in the little hospital bed with you safely tucked into his side for an entire month.
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peterpparkrr · 2 years
(Not) the same as it was - ch. 3 | A Bridgerton Series
Series: (Not) the same as it was
Pairing: Anthony Bridgerton x OFC
Word Count: 1.4k
Summary: Lady Josephine Wescott has a semi-honest conversation with her godmother. A young Josephine Saville and Anthony Bridgerton fall in love.
A/N: This is a short chapter but there is a LOT more meaty goodness to come! As always thank you for your patience with me as I struggle to write multiple fics at the same time.
previous part // next part
series masterlist
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Bridgerton House, London, 1814
“Will you marry again?” Violet asks her as the pair sit across from each other. 
For the first time she can remember, it’s just the two of them in the room, no other Bridgertons are running around, distracting their mother. Which means that Jo is the sole subject of Violet’s attention. 
If she didn’t love Violet, she’d be terrified.
“I don’t know,” Jo admits. She knows that she should. She has nothing from her first marriage, and of course, she could live with her father, but it would look odd from the outside. A Dowager Countess moving into her father’s Edinburgh townhome? 
The gossip would never cease.
Everyone will expect her to remarry.
“Why did you never remarry, Violet?” Jo asks her godmother.
“How could I?” Violet replies as she shrugs her shoulders slightly. Jo can already see the wetness that’s pooling in Violet’s eyes. Her sheer love for Edmund is still written across her face all these years after he’d passed.
“That’s the same way my father talks about my mother,” Jo replies with a small smile, thinking about her parents' devotion. 
In her childhood, Jo had never realized just how lucky she was to have two shining examples of sheer matrimonial devotion. How rare that kind of marriage was. 
Jo had been so naive then.
“And how is your father coping with his daughter being so far away from him?” Violet asks. “I know that he and your mother were already planning the move to be closer to you before she passed. He must be lonely up in Edinburgh by himself.”
“My father was the one who wanted me to come to London. He twisted Aunt Elizabeth’s arm until she agreed to chaperone,” Jo admits to her. “I think he hoped I’d make a love match this second time around.”
“These men may surprise you,” Violet tells her. Hoping her goddaughter would stay open to the possibility of marriage. “I know the conditions were very different the last time you were here, but I hope you will allow yourself to open up to the possibilities.” 
“Everything has changed. I’m not the same person I was when I left,” Jo tells Violet softly.
“You never did tell me what happened between you and Anthony, Josephine,” Violet tells her softly. “I’ve never asked Anthony, and I don’t want to pry…”
“There’s not much to tell, we grew apart,” Jo replies. She does her best to keep her voice even, but she knows that she can’t help but give away that there’s rather much to tell on that subject. Not that she has any interest in sharing it.
“What about Eloise, is there any hope she’ll be interested in finding a match this season?” Jo asks, swiftly changing the subject. 
Violet allows for the not-so-subtle redirection. Though she can’t help but want to table the discussion for another time. When she can press Josephine with hopes of discovering what it was that caused it all to go so wrong between the pair. 
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Aubrey Hall, Kent, 1802 
Christmas Eve with the Bridgertons and Savilles had always been a grand affair. With the current count of children now at eight with the recent addition of baby Gregory, Aubrey Hall was fit to burst from all the excitement. 
It was near impossible to not be swept up in the chaos the younger Bridgertons had created thanks to their many new presents.
“Have you seen Anthony?” Jo asked Benedict as the pair stood near the fireplace, watching Josephine’s father show Colin and Daphne how to swing the mallets of the family’s brand-new Pall Mall set.
Why her father had thought it was a good idea to gift the Bridgerton children, the most blood-thirty, cutthroat brood of children Jo had ever met, a competitive game that required mallets would be a mystery to Jo. 
“No, he disappeared a while ago, I think he wanted to be able to hear himself think,” Benedict tells her.
“Ahh,” Jo hummed as she surveyed the room. 
“I’ll be right back,” Jo told Benedict. 
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“Anthony?” Jo called out as she stepped through the doorway of the library, having followed the faint glow of candlelight to the room.
“Oh, Jo,” Anthony greeted her as he stood from the chair he’d been sitting in.
“I was looking for you,” She replied as she made her way over to where was standing by the window, her hands hidden behind her back.
“You found me,” He replied with a small smile.
“You missed most of the gift-giving, the drawing room looks like a battlefield,” She tells him.
Anthony grins.
“Thank you for the present, it’s beautiful,” Jo adds as her right-hand reaches up to play with the necklace she’d immediately clasped around her neck once the bow was removed from the box.
The chain was delicate, and the small pearl drop-down was understated but perfect in her mind. She had no idea how Anthony had known she would like it. She can hardly imagine him asking her mother or his own for their input on the gift.
And the potential meaning that it might have from the pair. 
“I’m glad you like it,” Anthony replies.
A necklace was not a gift given to a friend, not from a man. And Jo was well aware of that. And so, despite the potential ramifications it might have, Jo had made a rash decision, deciding that this was her moment, it was now or never.
“Don’t you want your present?” Jo asked him.
“I didn’t want to assume you got me anything, I didn’t see anything from you in the pile,” Anthony admits.
“I didn’t want to give it to you in front of everyone,” Jo explains.
“What did you get me, Miss Saville? Certainly not something salacious?” Anthony teased as he gazed into her eyes intently, his mouth curled into a smile. 
“Close your eyes,” She tells him as she steps toward him. 
Anthony obliged, his eyes fluttering closed as Jo studied him. 
“Should I hold out my hands?” Anthony asked, his voice dipping just below a whisper. 
“Yes,” Jo replied quietly.
Anthony brought his hands out in front of him, holding them open, palm up. 
Jo considered him for a quiet moment of anticipation. Anthony Bridgerton was the most handsome man she had ever known. If she was an artist she would paint, or sketch, or sculpt him for the rest of her life and never tire of using him as a subject. He was perfect. 
And so Jo placed her hands in his, wrapping her fingers around them as she stepped to him and pressed her lips to his, her own eyes falling closed. 
Jo hesitated for a painful moment when she felt Anthony freeze, and when his hands pulled out her own her eyes flew open and she was certain she had made a terrible mistake. 
But she opened her eyes to see Anthony already looking back at her, not in- as she had feared- horror, but with an unexpected expression that she could not fully recognize. 
Anthony’s eyes were dark as she stared back at him, but before she could open her mouth to apologize Anthony’s hands reached up to her cheeks, and pulled her face back to his own, returning her kiss with one of his own, one that felt impossibly deeper, and that lit something within her as her own now empty hands reached for the lapels of Anthony’s jacket, pulling him as close as she could manage.
When they finally broke apart the grin on Jo’s face was so wide it almost hurt.
“I-I… you have no idea how long I’ve been wishing I could do that,” Anthony admitted in a hoarse tone as he looked at Jo, brushing a loose strand of her hair back behind her ear.
“Happy Christmas, Anthony,” She told him in a soft whisper.
“I asked your father if I could court you,” Anthony admits.
“You-you did?” Jo asked, the shock evident in her voice. Her father hadn’t said a single thing to her.
“Is that alright?” Anthony asked nervously. 
“I’m the one who kissed you,” Jo reminds him with a shove at his shoulder.
“It’s more than alright,” She adds as she links her hand in his, brushing her thumb over his own. “Just promise me one thing. Promise me we’ll always be friends first?” 
“Always. I could never lose you, Jo,” Anthony replies, punctuating his promise with the press of his lips to her own.
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blackhakumen · 6 months
Mini Fanfic #1155: Welcome to New Donk City!!☆ (Super Smash Bros Ultimate)
5:12 p.m. in New Donk City......
Pit/Sora: (Walks Out of the Bus Together Along with Everyone Else in the Smash Family with Awe Struck Looks on Both Their Faces as They Start Looking Around the City in Front of Them) Woooooooah........
Sora: So this is New Donk City? It looks even more bigger than I imagined.....
Pit: Right? It's been one of top two places I've always wanted go to for the longest time now.....
Sora: (Turns to Pit) What's the second place?
Pit: The Polar Express.
Sora: Awesome.......
Pit: (Let's Out a Very Loud Gasps Before Moving Sora's Face to What he is Now Pointing at) Sora, look!!
Sora: ('GASPS') The Christmas Tree.......The Declarations.......Christmas Chrouses!
Christmas Chrous: (Happily Swinging Their Heads From Side to Side While Singing in the Public Eye in a Near Perfect Harmony) We wish you a Merry Christmas~ We wish you a Merry Christmas~ We wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year~
Viridi: (Walks Out of the Bus Along with Kairi and Riku) First day of December and they already got everything prepared for the holidays.
Pit: (Already in Tears of Joy along with Sora) I know, right? ('Sniff') It's so wonderful......
Sora: Amazing.....('Sniff') Sight to behold for- (Eyes Suddenly Starts Widening) suuuuuuoh my God! (Moves Pit's Face To Where's Pointing At) Pit, look!!
Pit: (Gasps Loudly Again as He Sees a Group a Man Out Walking Oit of a Building One By One, Wearing White Beards and Red Wintery Like Attires) SANTAAAAAS!~
Sora: There's so many of them!~
Kairi: You....guys do know that we've already met the real Santa in the past, right?
Viridi: Yeah, what make any of those fake ones any different?
Pit: (Turns to the Girls with a Very Excite Smile on his Face) They're the very first Mall Santas we've see in the long time that aren't Uncle Dedede for once!
Sora: (Grabs his Chin While Thinking) I wonder if they accept photo requests....
Viridi: (Shrugs) If money's involved maybe.
Kairi: ('Sigh') I just hope they don't charge us too much.....
Riku: Let's worry about all of that after we settled ourselves in for. (Starts Yawning a Bit) That plane ride got me more sleepy than usual.....
Dedede: (Scoffs While Walking Out of the Bus Alomg with Cloud and Tifa Behind Him) Bunch of posers. What kind of Mall Santa would charge someone to take one picture with them?
Tifa: There are few other malls I can think of, that actually does that kind of thing actually.
Cloud: I'm surprised you never thought about doing it as well, De.
Dedede: Why would I? It's the holiday! I ain't never gonna be the one to try and crush people's dreams of wanting to meet St. Nick for few a dough, especially since OUR mall starting to up charge the prices. (Turns to the Couple) Did y'all know they charge nutcrackers sixty dollars now?
Tifa: (Eyes Widened in Genuine Surprise) Sixty dollars?
Cloud: (Raises an Eyebrow in Confusion) For a nutcracker?
Dedede: Yeah, sounds stupid, doesn't? It ain't even that special looking either! We have people working hard on their grind to try and buy games, gift, subscription cards, and rare looking action figures that cost just as much and then some, and y'all expecting people to pay that much for a regular looking ass nut cracker? Hell Nah!
Daisy: (Gently Grabbing onto Luigi's Hand Walking Next to Them Out of the Bus) I'm telling you, babe, you have nothing to worry about here. You folks seems like nice people from what you told me about me.
Luigi: ('Sigh') Yeah, but they can be a headache sometimes. Uncle Arthur and Tony especially. I can't TELL you how many times they kept pestering me about not having a girlfriend and boyfriend......
Daisy: (Forms a Confident Smirk on her Face While Hugging on her Boyfriend Arm) Well, luckily, you got yourself a kick ass girlfriend who's more than willing to stand by your side throughout all of it. I could even brag a little if you want.
Luigi: If it helps get those two to back off a bit, then I say go for it.
DK: (Walks Out of the Bus Along with Diddy While Sigh) I don't know, Diddy. Are you sure Pauline's not gonna be mad me for what happened?
Diddy: (Gives DK a Reassuring Smile on his Face) That was a long time ago, big guy. She don't seem like the kind of lady who hold grudges from what I heard.
DK: ('Sigh') I guess. (Smiles a Bit) It's cool have an entire city named after me at least.
The duo then starts noticing a few city folks glaring harshly at the big ape in question, causing him to swallow his confidence down with one gulp.
DK: Even if everyone here does hates my guts.....
Diddy: (Pulls the Front of his Shirt to the Side in Awkwardness) Sheesh.....
Peach: (Struck in Awe at the City in Front of Her) So this is New Donk City.......It's so.....big, vibrant....(See a Few Cars Driving By with the Multi Sounds of Horns Starts Ringing her Eardrums) A lot more busy than Smash Town even.
Mario: (Chuckles Lightly as He Walk Up Next to Peach) That's the city life for you. It used to look a lot different when Lu and I were raised here, but it still feels as homey and recognizable as it always been. Pauline did a really good job taking care of this place.
Peach: Yeah. That's.....(Frowns a Bit) Great.......
Mario: (Turns to Peach with a Bit of a Worried Look on his Face) Is everything okay, Peach? You're not having tummy ache again, are you?
Peach: (Giggles Softly) No baby~ I'm find. Really. I just got myself lost in my own thoughts again is all.
Mario: (Stares at Peach for a Brief Second Before Sighing) If you say so. (Points at Himself with a Grin on his Face) Just know I'm always here if you wanna talk and vent, okay? I'm serious.
Peach: (Playfully Rolls her Eyes) Yes, Mr. Mario, I hear you loud 'n clear~
Mario: (Playfully Cringes a Bit) ('Ugh') Please. Mr. Mario is my father's name thank you very much.
Peach: Then what do you want me to call then?~ Honey? My Knight and Shining Armor? (Leams Closer to Mario with a Somewhat Seductive Look on her Face) My one and only Teddy Bear?~
Mario: (Shrugs) Whatever makes you happy, dear. Just....don't give Ma any ideas on the nicknaming department. She goes overboard with it real quick.
Peach: (Giggles Softly) I try!~
?????: Mario!~
The couple turns to see the Mayor of New Donk City, Pauline, walking over and happily waving at them.
Mario: (Smiles Brightly at his Old Friend) Pauline, hello! (Walks Over to Pauline and Gives her a Hug) It's so good to see you.
Pauline: (Hugs Mario Back) Likewise!~ (Forms a Teasing Smirk on her Face) I see you're looking a like a pipsqueak as you've always been.
Mario: (Smirks Back at Pauline) Hey, I've grown a least a few inches in the last few months or so!
Pauline: Really?~ Then how come I see still see the top of your head after all these years, hm?~
Mario: Hey, we can't all have crazy growth spourt like you do, Mayor Paulidonna~
Pauline: I thought I told you never to call me that.
Mario: (Playfully Shrugs) Ooops~
The duo turns to see Peach staring at the both of them before quickly putting on a sheepish, awkward smile on her face.
Peach: S-Sorry! Didn't mean to interrupt the reunion, but my name is-
Pauline: (Smiles Brightly at the Princess as Gives her Welcoming Handshake) Princess Peach!~ Mario told me so much about you in the past. It's truly an honor to finally meet you in person.
Peach: Yes, likewise~
Samus: (Watches the Trio in the Distance While Sighing) Oh boy. There's that look again......
Rosalina: (Raises an Eyebrow in Confusion While Standing Next to her Along with the Other Certified Mom Members) What look?
Samus: The jealous kind.
Bayonetta: Seems like our pink princess is slowly starting to succumb to the jealousy side.
Palutena: Not too surprising. We all been down that road at least once before.
Lea: I don't think ever have a hint of jealousy in my system.
Aqua: Neither do I now that I think about it.
Palutena: (Turns to the Keyblade Warriors) Give it some time. It'll come around eventually.
Samus: Let's just hope this doesn't go haywire in the long run.
Moms: ('Sigh') Yeah........
Christmas Journey Continued.......
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