#now he’s bringing kids to neil <333
cowboylexapro · 1 year
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aww neils death changed toddy so much!!
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Ok ok, I have a couple BUT can I pleeeeeease get, andreil snuggles and cuddles + playful fluff Secondly, henry and alex snuggles and cuddles + playful fluff I WILL LOVE YOU EVEN MORE ❤❤❤
AHHH so, I saw this and my mind just went here and so this is set between my Late Nights fic and I love you, I love you, I love you. You’ll see<3 (Your Alex and Henry cuddles are coming Abi, promise!)
Andrew was trying, so fucking hard, to not let his stomach muscles tense up. He and Neil were on the sofa, Andrew tucked into the arm with Neil pressed up against his other side, the redhead’s fingers underneath his shirt. His partner was currently tracing idle patterns on his stomach, occasionally just letting his whole hand rest over the little bit of chub there and sighing contentedly. Andrew very rarely told Neil ‘no’ to doing it, unless it was one of his really bad days, because although he hated to admit it, he loved feeling the soft and gentle touches. Be that as it may, he still found himself feeling a little unconscious of his stomach sometimes, despite the fact that Neil loved it, always seemed to find a way to get his hand there. Just like now.
Neil kept trying to tuck his head in closer and closer to Andrew’s neck, rubbing his nose against the skin, sending shivers down his spine. Andrew knew what the other man was after; he always knew when it came to Neil. “Is there something you want, sweetheart?” The hand on his stomach froze, only for a second, before flattening out and pushing up to settle on his ribs.
“I’m tired ‘Drew.” Neil mumbled into his skin. Andrew simply rolled his eyes. He’d said it as if Andrew wasn’t already attuned to him in every way. He pushed himself forward, watching Neil’s brows furrow before pushing him to lie down against the back of the sofa, then lay down himself in front of him. Andrew pushed one arm underneath Neil’s waist to wrap around his back, then brought his free hand up to rub his fingers around the curve of his partner's ear, so, so gently. Neil had been restless lately he knew, was always a bit fidgety in the same way he had been when they’d first met, which scared Andrew a little. This was stupid really because his junkie wasn’t going to run anymore, they faced things together, so he was just patiently waiting for Neil to bring up whatever it was that was bothering him. Neil’s hands were now back under his shirt, one on his soft stomach again, the other on his hip, thumb caressing little circles into his skin.
He’d thought he’d finally got Neil to fall asleep from the tickles to his skin, if the way his ankles rubbed together were any indication, but his partner let out a little sigh before he said a little hesitantly, “Andrew?” Well, that certainly worried him. Neil never actually used anything other than ‘Drew’ now, unless he was being serious or telling Andrew off for being mean to the cats. He definitely wasn’t being mean to the little pests right now.
“What is it?” He asked, pushing Neil’s hair off of his forehead, watching them fall back instantly. Neil chewed on his bottom lip for a minute before Andrew pulled it out from between his teeth.
“I was just wondering...”
Andrew said nothing as he trailed off, letting the redhead gather his thoughts.
“I was just wondering, how do you feel about kids?” Now this, this was unexpected.
“Kids?” He whispered it softly, not wanting to say anything else, just in case Neil started to think the worst. The hand that was on Andrew’s hip stopped moving and squeezed gently, just once, as if Neil was steeling himself to carry on.
“Yeah. I’ve thought about it a lot lately, but I didn’t know how to bring it up. I see you with the others’ kids and sometimes, I always find myself imagining what it would be like to have that with you, to have our own.” Neil’s blue eyes dropped down, not looking at him anymore, and he was now playing with an exposed thread on the hem of his shirt. Andrew let his fingers curve around Neil’s chin, tipping his head back up so they were looking at each other once more.
“I’ve thought about it too, Abram.”
“You have?”
“Of course I have, I was a foster kid Neil, my whole life has been dreaming of a family, a thing I never thought I could have.” Neil pulled him in closer, wrapping both arms around his waist and tangling their legs together. Andrew’s arms moved to do the same, pressing their foreheads together and breathing his next words against his partner’s lips. “And then you had the audacity to walk into my life,” a giggle from Neil at that, “and turned everything I believed in upside down. I hated you, I still do sometimes, because you were the one thing, the one thing that had the power to break me if you chose to. And I would have let you, just like now, if you decided that I wasn’t what you wanted anymore. I’d let you go.”
Neil was crying, tears falling onto both his own cheeks and Andrew’s, his hands coming up to hold his face, placing kiss after kiss, all over. “I’m not leaving you Andrew, I could never leave you. I used to believe I was nothing, you’d even agreed to that, but then I realised,” he rubbed their noses together as his fingers threaded through blonde locks, “I realised that I’m nothing without you. You’re everything Andrew. And I would love to start a family with you, if that’s what you want.”
Andrew laughed lightly, eyes roaming Neil’s face as his hands slipped under his shirt, finger tips trailing over scars and soft skin, finding that one freckle he loved so much on Neil’s shoulder. “You are a goddamn idiot. Of course I want that, how could you think I wouldn’t?”
“Because I need things spelled out for me, remember?”
Both of them laughed at that, because yes, sometimes Neil was quite oblivious to things, and there were times where Andrew had to his utter disbelief, explain something out for Neil to actually catch onto what was being discussed. After they ahd calmed down, the two of them settled into one another’s warmth, something that was comforting and just felt so fucking right, Andrew never wanted to be anywhere else.
They spent forever like that, just holding and touching and feeling. There were kisses shared, hands mapping out expanses of skin until Neil’s settled back on the softest part of Andrew, just as he knew they would. Eventually, Andrew went back to running his fingers around the curve of Neil’s ear, listening until his breathing slowed and ankles rubbed together again. Just before Andrew let himself drift, joining Neil in dreams and peace, there were words whispered against the skin of his cheek.
“We’re having a baby.”
There was so much joy in them, so much wonder that he didn’t want Neil to go without hearing Andrew’s reply, the joy he too felt at their latest decision in life.
“Yeah Abram, we’re having a baby.”
It’s short I know, but I really hope you liked this one<333
Tags: @incorrect-the-foxhole-court @junkiejosten10 @oreosndscones @koholania @skunked-up-kicks @shutuptheooo @hannahoftheinternet @palmettofoxesthings @jostenlovesminyard @fangirl0503 @stop-breathing-its-annoying @incorrect-the-foxhole-court @intoomanyfandomsstuff @imstupidremember @fancyclodpaintercookie​ @heccccccccc @prettyboysareindemand @acetheticbitchass @meatiors @princeofexy​ @emilyfairchild @kmskms123kms  @yourtypicalbookworn @sadboyayeron @b00kworm  @booksandbeanbags @aftghasruinedme​ @nightphans @of-stars-and-moon
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darknesswhispers · 6 years
Darkness suddenly appears right next to the dark box. 
-Stanley-: *!!* 
Goodness: *!*
Goodness: *stays wrapped around him, tightly* 
-Stanley-: *kicks the box open*
-Stanley-: *ignores Goodness now*
-Stanley-: *gets up 
-Stanley-: ........ 
Darkness smiles coldly. 
Darkness: 𝓦𝓱𝔂 𝓭𝓸𝓷'𝓽 𝔂𝓸𝓾 𝓼𝓱𝓸𝔀 𝓾𝓹, 𝓭𝓪𝓻𝓵𝓲𝓷𝓰?
-Stanley-: *beams brightly at Her* 
-Stanley-: *<3*
-Stanley-: *new friend <333*
Darkness: ..... 
-Stanley-: *is happy* 
-Stanley-: You must be Darkness! 
Darkness offers Her hand, ignoring the happy vibes.
Goodness: ..... 
-Stanley-: ...... 
-Stanley-: *ignores her hand and glomps her in a warm hug* 
-Stanley-: *is radiating unconditional love and happiness, unbothered by Her dark vibes* 
Goodness appears as a short girl hugging Stan and Darkness as well
Goodness: *TRIPLE HUG* 
-Stanley-: You're so beautiful and smart!
-Stanley-: I love you <3 
-Stanley-: ..... 
Tiny XJ10: *I am outta here* 
-Stanley-: *puts an arm around Goodness as well and hugs them both tightly* 
Tiny XJ10: *tries to escape but remembers she is too tiny* 
Tiny XJ10: *<__________<* 
-Stanley-: *this is the best day of my short life!* 
-Stanley-: *emits more and more positive vibes*
-Stanley-: *until it fills the entire empty(?) warehouse they're in* 
-Stanley-: *its obvious Darkness' dark vibes set something off*
-Stanley-: *he does understand that She is his target* 
-Stanley-: *and he plans to love her into submission* 
Tiny XJ10: *spawns in awkward bee wings behind herself* 
Tiny XJ10: *buzzes and glitches again*
Tiny XJ10: *but flies out of Stan's hair* 
Darkness: ............. 
Darkness keeps Her cold smile on Her face. 
Darkness teleports Herself, Goodness and happy puppy Stan to the Dramatic Office's Lounge. 
 < it's mostly destroyed, but as soon as they appear in there >
< it instantly returns back to normal > 
-Stanley-: ...... 
-Stanley-: *his posi-happy vibes only get stronger now* 
Goodness: *!* 
Goodness: ......... 
Goodness is confused
Goodness but is rather happy and optimistic as well
Goodness because She didn't kick them away
-Stanley-: *yess* 
-Stanley-: *She likes our hugs!* 
-Stanley-: ...... 
-Stanley-: Oh! 
-Stanley-: Do you want some tea, Miss Darkness? 
-Stanley-: I can make you some excellant tea! 
-Stanley-: Or I can bake you cookies, if you'd like! 
-Stanley-: *pulls his head away only slightly to glance around, but still keeps his arms wrapped around Her*
-Stanley-: You have a lovely place 
-Stanley-: :) 
Goodness: *eyes light up* And I can help with cookies!
Goodness keeps clinging
-Stanley-: *!* We can have tea AND cookies! 
Goodness: Sounds great to me! :) 
Darkness: 𝓨𝓮𝓼. 
-Stanley-: *!!* 
-Stanley-: You mean it? 
-Stanley-: Well! What is your favorite kind of cookies? 
Darkness: 𝓖𝓲𝓷𝓰𝓮𝓻.
-Stanley-: And tea? :) 
Darkness: 𝓓𝓪𝓻𝓴. 
Darkness waits patiently. 
-Stanley-: *squeezes Her before letting Her go* 
Goodness: *same*
-Stanley-: *starts preparing tea for Her* 
Darkness: .........
Darkness makes a blink. 
Adam joined the Story 
Adam gets kicked out from the Art Room that he protected all the time. 
Adam appears in the middle of the Lounge 
Adam: ???? 
-Stanley-: *hands Her the tea cup* 
Adam: Hey— 
-Stanley-: ........................
Adam: .................
-Stanley-: *new friend spotted!*
-Stanley-: *glomps Adam* 
-Stanley-: *<3 <3 <3* 
Adam: *is v taken aback and dazed now*
-Stanley-: *his happy vibes increase*
-Stanley-: *is kinda literally buzzing with joy* 
-Stanley-: *i'm so happy right now :´)* 
Aurora joined the Story 
Aurora turned into Ad¿m 
Ad¿m: Finally!
Ad¿m: Finally, you'll— 
Ad¿m: !!! 
Ad¿m: *stares at Darkness* 
Ad¿m: .................................................................................... 
Adam: ....................................................
Goodness: ................................... 
-Stanley-: ............ 
Ad¿m turned into D¿rkn¿ss 
< everything becomes dark instantly > 
-Stanley-: ??
-Stanley-: *keeps clinging to Adam* 
-Stanley-: *nuzzles him affectionately*
Goodness brings some light back, automatically
Goodness: !
Goodness: Aurora! 
D¿rkn¿ss ignores her and lashes out at Darkness.
Darkness takes a sip of tea and places it away, calmly. 
-Stanley-: ....... 
-Stanley-: *lets go of Adam* 
< the whole Office shudders >
< and glitches once again >
-Stanley-: ........ 
-Stanley-: *steps to Darkness and Aurora, automatically* 
-Stanley-: *is glowing faintly with a warm, happy aura* 
D¿rkn¿ss ' hands dive into Darkness' body
D¿rkn¿ss fingers something inside 
D¿rkn¿ss crushes It 
D¿rkn¿ss turned back into Aurora 
Aurora: *stares up at Her* 
-Stanley-: .......
Aurora: *looks into the dark space of Her eyes* 
Goodness: presses her hands to her mouth as she stays on her spot, watching them helplessly
-Stanley-: ........ 
-Stanley-: *stands beside Aurora* 
Darkness ' vibes fade away, slowly but they do and remove their influences. 
Darkness doesn't lose Her calm cold expression, despite the fact that Her whole nature is falling into agony. 
Adam: ....................
Adam switched name to The Friend
-Stanley-: ......... 
-Stanley-: That's not nice! 
The Friend for a moment seems like about to kill everyone around in a deep rage
The Friend but instead just kicks Stanley out right into Morayne's Lounge 
-Stanley-: *refuses to leave* 
-Stanley-: *She is my target* 
The Friend forces him 
-Stanley-: :( 
-Stanley- gets kicked out 
The Friend turns to Goodness 
N.: *the second he leaves the dramatic Office, he is caught* 
N.: *and whisked away* 
Aurora: ..................
Aurora: *finally steps away from Her* 
Aurora: *looks at her own hands* 
Aurora: *seems shocked for a moment* 
Darkness slips down on the couch. 
The Friend was all about to kick Goodness out as well and then snap at Aurora, but 
The Friend: ................. 
The Friend senses a soundless '𝓓𝓸𝓷'𝓽'.
The Friend: But you are hurt
The Friend: Yo͘u ̸are͡ ̷hurt̨ b͏ecau̴s҉e͞ o̢f th͡es͢e ̴i҉gno̸ran͟t idi̵o҉t̕s͝!͡ 
The Friend: Please please let me— 
Darkness closes Her eyes and lets Herself to make a quiet sigh.
The Friend: !
The Friend switched name to Adam 
Adam: *is instantly next to Her* 
Adam: *takes Her hand* 
Adam: ...... 
Adam: *gives Goodness another glare* 
Aurora: ........... 
Aurora: *?* 
Aurora: *Why are you mad at Her more than at me* 
Adam: *She started this whole stupid fight*
Adam: *Just because she disliked Darkness' creations with many of flaws* 
Adam: *>:T*
Stellan: *....Darkness is a monster* 3:37
Adam: *She is not* 3:37
Stellan: *Her pieces are the reason there are horrible people in your Universe* 
Adam: *Oh yes?* 
Adam: *Do you really think she was torn into controlless pieces by her own will?* 
Stellan: *........* 
Adam: *You are even more ignorant than I thought* 
Stellan: *dude, people dont know Her backstory*
Adam: ..... 
Adam: *It's quite alike Goodness' story* 
Adam: *She was torn as well* 
Adam: *And yet she keeps taking the side of her own abuser* 
Adam: *>xT* 
Stellan: *what* 
Stellan: *who??* 
Goodness: *She is not-* 
Stellan: *Mother Nature??*
Goodness: *We got too carried away with our fight-*
Stellan: *ploot twist*
Adam: *EXCUSES* 
Stellan: *okay but*
Stellan: *Darkness still isnt innocent* 
Adam: .........
Adam: ... You are happy now, aren't you? 
Goodness: ...... 
Adam: This... this is what you always wanted.
Adam: To have Mother Nature all to yourself. 
Adam: .... 
Adam: So go on
Adam: Go and run away
Adam: Don't you dare to come back
Goodness: *sniffles* 
Goodness: Y-you are wrong, I— 
Adam: Oh really? 
Adam: If I were wrong, there would be no way you would let this stupid kid to break in and stay here for this long 
Adam: Following by the Cornelius’ idiotic mission
Adam: If I were wrong and you were at least half as good and as perfect as She told me 
Adam: You would do your best to set the kid free and help her to find her own way! 
Goodness: ...........
Adam: You did fucking nothing. 
Adam: And you have got nothing to say.
Adam: You are nothing but sweet Lie.
Goodness: !
Adam: I don't believe in you. Not even slightly. 
Goodness shivers and weakens
Goodness tries to speak, but her voice is barely a whisper
Aurora: That's mean—! 
Adam: Get out. 
Goodness: ..........
Goodness tugs Aurora by the sleeve weakly and disappears with her
Aurora: !
Goodness pressed ESCAPE 
Aurora pressed ESCAPE 
< the Dramatic Office now can be seen > 
 < It fixes Itself grumpily > 
Neil: .............. 
Neil: *draama* 
Stellan: *so....the person we thought was evil is actually innocent and the person we thought was innocent is actually problematic?* 
Stellan: *what a plot twist* 
Neil: *I think it's more complicated than you think*
Stellan: ..... 
Stellan: (S: I think this proves you can't put people in boxes, because they each have their good and bad sides) 
Stellan: *but* 
Stellan: *it's Darkness and Goodness* 
Stellan: *I always thought it was good/evil* 
Neil: *.... They are kinda broken* 
Neil: *No surprise they are not in the way one would expect them to be* 
Neil: *welp he is kinda right*
Neil: *also they got some parts fused or \ and gone for good* 
Stellan: *I am curious whats up with the Broken Deity club* 
Stellan: *Because there are a lot that were fragmented or shattered* 4
Stellan: *did mn really break them because they were fighting soo much* 
Neil: *welp they kiinda mostly ruined \ changed the most of her creations in process* 
Neil: *she got super pissed* 
Neil: *their creator didn't put much of chill in her* 
Stellan: *well i can see that xP* 
Adam: ............. 
Adam: *keeps staying next to Darkness, holding Her hand* 
Adam: ..... 
Adam: *She is my only real friend in this whole big world* 
Neil: *They are just aliens with sassy powers* 
Neil: *Told you* 
Stellan: *Yeah* 
Stellan: *And definitely not any better than the mortals they reign over* 
Darkness: 𝓐𝓭𝓪𝓶
Adam: *!* 
Adam: *his heart sinks* 
Adam: *senses how Her hidden pain slowly slips out* 
Darkness: 𝓢𝓽𝓲𝓬𝓴 𝓪𝓻𝓸𝓾𝓷𝓭 𝓱𝓮𝓻𝓮, 𝓶𝔂 𝓭𝓮𝓪𝓻..,
Darkness: ..... 
Darkness squeezes his hand gently. 
Darkness: 𝓘... 𝓷𝓮𝓮𝓭 𝔂𝓸𝓾 𝓽𝓸 𝓼𝓽𝓪𝔂, 𝓶𝔂 𝓕𝓻𝓲𝓮𝓷𝓭 
Darkness: 𝓟𝓻𝓸𝓶𝓲𝓼𝓮 𝓶𝓮. 
Adam: I-I will 
Adam: I promise, I'll never leave your side! 
Adam: I'll do anything for you- 
Darkness smiles. 
Darkness sighs.
Darkness: 𝓣𝓱𝓪𝓷𝓴 𝔂𝓸𝓾. 
Darkness switched name to ███████ 
Adam: *!!!*
Adam: ................................. 
Adam: *wraps his arms around her* 
Adam: *burst into tears quietly* 
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nickireadstfc · 7 years
The Raven King, Chapter 9 – Spooky Scary Bonding Times Send Shivers Down Your Spine
In which the monsters go costume shopping, Neil forces everyone to have Fun Squad Hangs, we learn Things™ about Matt and I start to realize Andrew cares about 24601% more than he’s trying to show.
Sounds good? Then it’s time for Nicki to read The Raven King.
Finally, the much needed breather chapter is here – it’s Halloween!
Our monster squad takes this as an opportunity to go hang out at everyone’s favourite Fun Drugs Party joint, commonly known as Eden’s Twilight. Before they can go, though, Nicky makes me relate to him yet again by doing something I’ve been doing for years – pressuring all my friends into Halloween costumes.
(And carnival, and cosplay, in my case.)
           “You wouldn’t trust me to pick out your costume, would you? I’d probably make you a French maid or something.”
Except you’ve kind of picked out outfits for him in the past, for y’all’s club adventures, and you always picked clothes you thought he looked super hot in?
So basically, what this is trying to tell us is that Nicky has a drag kink.
           An animatronics raven flapped its wings and cawed at Neil as he approached. He pushed it to the back of the shelf and moved a glittery Styrofoam skull in front of it.
Bahahaha. This is such a tiny detail, but I love it.
You can never escape the ravens, Neil. N E V E R.
           “People don’t really wear these, do they?” Neil asked and (…) pulled the next one off the rack. It was a milk carton with a cutout for the wearer’s face and a bold “Have you seen me?” printed beneath it.
           “Oh, that’s perfect, Neil,” Andrew said. Neil sent him a dirty look.
And next: Neil, my boy, my dude, my son – does this.
           “We should invite the others to come with us,” Neil said.
Neil starting to bring the team together!!! Everyone slowly bonding and becoming friends!!!!!! It’s the fuck happening!!!!!
I am so, so beyond here for this, have I mentioned that already?
           “We need them,” Neil said, keeping his eyes on Andrew. “Talent alone won’t get us to semifinals. (…) You have to stop breaking this team in half.”
           “I’m not asking you to be their friend,” Neil said. “I’m asking you to give an inch.”
           “Give them an inch and they’ll take a mile,” Aaron said.
           “You really think they’re strong enough to take a mile from Andrew? You think he’d let them?”
My dude has a point.
My dude has all the points, in fact.
Nicky, however, raises the fair argument of how they treated Matt last year, yet when Neil asks how exactly they treated Matt last year, Andrew tells him to ask the dude in question – and also agrees to let the rest of the Foxes join their Halloween extravaganza, which surprises everyone so much it ends the conversation.
Well. Best to tell Dan and the squad the good news immediately, no?
           Dan stepped out into the hall with [Neil] and pulled the door closed behind her. (…) “We’ve got a visitor. He came by a little while ago looking for Andrew.
          (…) This is Officer Higgins of the Oakland PD.”
Weeeeeeell shit. I knew that dubios phonecall thing was going to come around again.
           Neil heard the doorknob creak in warning as Andrew twisted it further than it was meant to go. It was a startling giveaway considering Andrew’s wide smile and the breezy tone of his voice.
           “Oh, I must be imagining things. Pig Higgins, you are a very, very long way from home.”
I knew it. That whole affair stinks. Andrew is not nearly as cool and chill about this whole situation as he pretends to be.
What is happening, I’m so intrigued by this.
           “We were looking at the wrong person, weren’t we? (…) The other kids won’t speak up. They don’t trust me that much. You’re all I’ve got.”
           That got Andrew’s attention. “Kids? Kids, plural. You only mentioned one last time, Pig. How many has she had?”
She? We were talking about one of his foster fathers last time – but Higgins said they looked in the wrong place.
A foster mother, then? And a fair amount of child abuse, as it seems. Once a-fucking-gain.
           “How many kids, Pig?”
           “Six, since you,” Higgins said.
Six instances of child abuse, then, probably seven including Andrew.
Hell to the fucking no. Andrew, you stubborn shit, help those kids.
Also, apparently the foster mom’s name is Drake. Probably a family name. Will keep that in mind.
After that conversation, Higgins leaves again before we can get any more interesting information. Ughhhh. Why must there be suspense, I need to know now.
           “Why are the police looking for you?”
           Andrew tilted his body towards her and smiled into her face. “I’m in no trouble, oh captain my captain.”
Alright, first he references Les Misérables and now Dead Poets’ Society – Andrew, stop being a goddamn nerd. <3
Neil then goes to do what he came to do in the first place, which is informing the squad of their incredibly luck of getting to hang out with the monsters on Halloween.
It goes about as expected – meaning, everyone’s mind as blown.
           “How the hell did you talk Andrew into this?” Dan asked, staring at Neil.
           “I asked,” Neil said.
Genius. Amazing. How has nobody had this idea before.
           “He implied you were the harder party to convince,” Neil said.
Oh, yeah.
Let me sum this up for you. Matt’s dad – asshole extraordinaire – got him into drugs, as he wanted his son to fit in with the rich kid party scene in New York. Matt tried getting clean, but was a wreck when he arrived at PSU, hiding from any party people who might tempt him again by camping out on the girls’ couch – which, might I add, is an adorable picture, no matter how angsty.
Andrew ‘King of Unorthodox Helping Methods’ Minyard saw how fucked up Matt was and promptly gave him speedballs INSERT WIKIPEDIA HERE, which are about one of the most fucked-up drugs you can have (it’s cocaine and heroin together and it kills people on the regular. Fun!). But plot twist! Turns out Andrew had done everything with Mommy Boyd’s permission and his plan succeeded in bringing Matt into rehab and back into a normal life.
I have………… so many questions. Also, respect for Andrew. Also, what the fuck??
           “I don’t know if they’ve talked to you about Aaron’s history, but you understand Andrew’s, don’t you? He’s not allowed to fight his addiction. Watching Matt struggle was very hard on them both.” (…)
          Andrew said they’d picked up the [cracker dust] habit for Aaron’s sake. (…) Chances were cracker dust was a paltry substitute. Watch Matt crumble under temptation would have wrecked hell on Aaron’s own sobriety.
          Neil was starting to rethink how apathetic Andrew was about Aaron’s life.
Are you telling me Andrew got them all into cracker dust just to protect Aaron while he worked on getting Matt clean?
And you’re telling me Andrew doesn’t care about anyone or anything?
Andrew, you seriously have so many problems and you are so problematic like 80% of the time but dude – I love you.
           “What’d you guys get [for costumes], so we don’t double up on anything?”
           “I’ll ask. I’m hoping Nicky was joking,” Neil said, getting to his feet. (…)
           It turned out Nicky wasn’t joking, but at least a zombie cowboy was better than a milk carton or a cow.
Again, please tell me there is fanart of this. I NEED IT.
And before you know it – it’s Fun Bonding Party time!
Apparently, ‘party’ means a few hours of the most awkward social interaction ever – Aaron refusing to talk to anyone except his family, Andrew being annoyingly energetic and rude, and Nicky trying to make up for his asshole cousins by talking So Damn Much – but you know, it’s a start.
           Kevin shifted in his seat enough to pull his hand in his pocket. The rattle of pills against plastic was so soft Neil might not have noticed it if not for Andrew’s reaction. (…)
           “Don’t make me hurt you,” Andrew said. “I don’t want blood in my ice cream.”
Ah yes, thanks, I had momentarily forgotten how EXTRA Andrew is.
Kevin also finally solves the question of why he has Andrew’s pills when Andrew off his meds – it ensures Andrew won’t take them in the first flash of withdrawal. Alright. I would have expected some bigger explanation for some reason? Idk. Maybe there’s more here, maybe I’m just seeing things.
Onwards to more fun things – Betsy makes a surprise reappearance via text!
           “Just Bee!” Andrew said. “Bee being stupid. Bee being, ha. Look.”
           Andrew tossed Nicky his phone. Nicky took one look at the screen, laughed, and reached across Aaron to show Neil the phone. (…) It was a grainy picture of Betsy Dobson wearing a bee costume.
What level of PRECIOUS. I love this woman.
It turns out Andrew and Betsy are texting BFFs, which is something I absolutely did not see coming.
Apparently, Andrew likes her considerably more than Neil does.
           “Andrew goes through shrinks like he’s trying to break a world record only he knows about. She’s his eighth one at least.”
           “Thirteenth,” Andrew said. “She made sure to ask me if I was superstitious.”
Uhmmm precious.
           “Some insane number. But when Andrew waltzed ut of her office at the end of his first session with her she was right on his heels and completely unfazed. Pretty impressive, right?”
           “No,” Neil said.
           Nicky sighed. “Eat your ice cream, jerk.”
Eat your ice cream and learn to start appreciating Bee Dobson for the gift to Foxkind that she is, jerk.
Time for a change in scenery – from Fun Ice Cream Times to Fun Club Times!
Seriously, this club does not get any less suspicious to me. I resent every time they go there. That first night has me pretty much scarred for life and I wasn’t even the one who was drugged and kiss-raped. How Neil is so ‘meh’ about going there again all the time is beyond me.
Then again, ‘meh’ just about describes Neil’s attitude towards most things that aren’t Exy or survival. So there’s that.
When they arrive, Dan – understandably – raises the question of whether or not it’s safe to let Andrew be clean for a night, to which Nicky has to say some things.
           “Trust me, you’d know if he was clean. It’s, uh… (…) it’s unmistakable. You’ll see next summer whether you want to or not. He’s off his program in May and should finish rehab by the time we start June practices.”
This is the point where I wonder how long the AFTG books will stretch, time-wise. The first book started in May and ended in August, the second started in August and we’re now – halfway through the book – in November. If we keep up this pace, TRK should be finished around January/February and TKM should end just in June – meaning we will see Andrew off his meds probably?
10 bucks says Andrew has to come off them for some reason earlier anyways. Don’t ask why. It just feels like it should happen, for suspense reasons or something.
And once everyone is settled in the club, most of them go dancing, having fun, doing normal people stuff – except for our favourite antisocial ‘Help I don’t know how to human’ dudes, who once more engage in an unexpected heart-to-heart.
           “I’ve never been in a position where I could get to know people,” [Neil said.] “I know I have to let them in if we’re going to make it through the season, but it’d be easier if they were just names and faces. How have you stayed disconnected for so long?”
           “They’re not interesting enough to keep my attention.”
Yeah, hi, this is Nicki speaking, is FUCKING BULLSHIT there, I’d like to call them?
Seriously. As if.
           “What about Renee?”
           “What about her?”
           “She’s not interesting?”
           “She’s useful.”
           “That’s it?”
           “You expected a different answer?”
Is Neil trying to slowly find out whether Andrew like-likes Renee or not because that may be a wonderful, wonderful thing.
Also, “she’s useful” for fuck’s sake, stop blowing holes in my platonic goalie BFFs ship.
           “Yes? No? It should be – it is – irrelevant, but…” (…)
           “Sometimes you’re interesting enough to keep around. Other times you’re so astoundingly stupid I can barely stand the sight of you.”
I’m interpreting that statement as either:
1) I’m gay, you fuckwit (most likely)
2) I’m interested in you, you fuckwit (probably not likely at this point in the story, not yet)
3) I’m ace and could really give less fucks about this whole dating shit, you fuckwit (an enjoyable headcanon, but unlikely as we know that Andreil is #endgame)
           Neil scowled at him. “Forget it. I’ll ask Renee.”
           “You’ll have to stop avoiding her first.”
Yes, please do.  Preferably immediately, next chapter, get on it, chop chop.
I need more Renee content always.
           [Neil] went alone to the railing overlooking the dance floor. (…) He had to trust that they were all there, safe and having fun. He was content to watch and imagine.
           Lonely, too, but there was nothing he could do about that.
Except for, y’know……… Making friends…….. Having them teach you healthy social relationships…….. A wild concept, I know, but just consider it………….
Deep sigh.
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nickireadstfc · 7 years
The Raven King, Chapter 3 – Andrew Does Shit No One Expects Him To, Pt. 1
In which we prepare for more Serious Orange Sportsball Business, the picture-perfect princess quote happens, Andrew develops new levels of Interesting™, Kevin is a Grade A jealous boyfriend, and have I mentioned I love Wymack enough recently?
Sounds good? Then it’s time for Nicki to read The Raven King.
           Thursday’s practice was more uncomfortable than Wednesday’s was. (…) The problem was what Dan and Matt had noticed Wednesday night: the team stood to be so much greater without Seth on the line.
Yaaaaaaaaaa… That’s what I’m saying… I’m so sorry about this but it’s the truth…
           For the first time in Fox history, the team was a unified force. Dan and Matt could see that, but Neil saw the guilt on their faces and heard the catch in their words when they spoke during breaks. They didn’t want to find the silver lining of Seth’s death, and they were hesitant to exploit it.
S a m e  oh god why  :’))))))))))
In other – although related – news: It’s game day, once again!! I’m actually quite pumped for this one although I didn’t think I would be. I don’t expect much in terms of sports excitement (again, I just can’t get hyped over ball pass descriptions of any kind), but I’m very interested to see what their teamwork will look like now – and by interested I mean I’m already dying prematurely.
Spoiler alert: No actual sportsball gaming this chapter yet. In true Fox manner, we’re getting served some Angst and Other Emotions™ of various colours.
Kicking things off with ya boy Neil:
           Neil hadn’t been directly responsible for someone’s death in years, though he knew how many people died in his mother’s quest to keep them safe.
What do you mean “directly responsible” are you telling me you’ve actually killed a man or two some years ago, bOI WHAT THE FUCK, especially since you must have been sixteen or younger then BOI WHAT THE FUUUCK.
           Neil never wanted to be his father, but he didn’t want to turn into his mother, either. They were different kinds of heartless and Neil, for all his problems connecting with other people, didn’t want to be a monster. The way this season was starting, though, maybe it was inevitable he’d turn into his parents.
Next up, there’s ya girl Allison – who has had far too little to say so far, wtf, how’s she doing anyways??
           At first glance it was like nothing had changed, but more than a split-second look showed the fight had gone out of her. She sat with her fingers laced together and hands look between her knees, her shoulders slumped and expression dead.
Not good, then. Poor bby. That was to be expected, still – poor bby. <3
There’s a bunch of quotes a few paragraphs ago, though, that rang a bell with me…
           Allison Reynolds was a bewildering choice for Palmetto State. She looked –
Seriously, that quote was the only thing I knew about Allison before reading the book, and I knew it by heart before ever touching the first page. If I see this scrawled across one more aesthetics moodboard I’m suing.
           Surprisingly, it was Nicky who found the strength to cross the room towards her. He crouched in front of her, moving slow like he thought she’d run off if he startled her and gazed up into her face.
           “Hey,” Nicky said, soft and nice like the two of them hadn’t spent all summer cutting each other down on the court. “Is there anything we can do?”
           Wymack and Abby were conspicuously absent. Neil wondered if Wymack was late on purpose. (…) He was giving the Foxes a few minutes to adjust to Allison’s return and grief. It gave them a chance to see her before Wymack forced their attention back on Exy.
Also, 10 bucks says Wymack and Abby are making out in his office to pass the time.
When Wymack does return, he brings some pretty fucking shit news though – that everyone saw coming, though it does not make them any less shit: As they are now down one striker and neither Kevin nor Neil can play full halves, they needed to make some changes in their line-up. Most of these changes are pretty whatever, save for one thing:
Andrew will have to play both halves – meaning he’ll either play drugged, or show that he’s got more self-control in his pinkie than I have in my entire body.
(Which is not a lot since I literally ordered two new cosplay wigs yesterday despite having exactly No Fucking Money, but you get my point.)
           Nicky was persistent. “Coach, this line-up is insane.”
           “Yup. Good luck.”
This is such a Wymack response and I love it.
Kevin, however, is more ah, let’s call it insistent, on voicing his concerns:
          “What’s going on?” Kevin asked. “You can’t last a full game without your medicine.” (…)
          “No, probably not.” Andrew sounded far too cheerful for someone who was going to spend half of his night in serious discomfort.
I’m very, very intrigued to see where this is going.
          “He’s done it once before,” Matt said.
          “Yeah, last October. (…) Coach asked Andrew for a miracle, and Andrew gave us one. He made Coach come up with a number between one and five, and that’s how many points he let the other team get before he shut them out. It was probably the most badass thing I’ve ever seen.”
It also sounds like the most EXTRA thing I’ve ever seen.
But also badass. Holy shit. I would have paid good money to see that.
(I may actually have paid good money to see that because the books aren’t over yet and I did, for once, pay for them, hAHA)
However, apparently Kevin is decidedly not liking the retelling of that beautiful story.
          “So you’ll try,” Kevin said through gritted teeth, “because Coach asked you to.”
Ohhhhhh, someone’s jealous.
Maybe try being a kind fucking person for once and people might be more inclined to do things you ask them to. Just a suggestion, mi amigo.
Also, are we going to get to see Amazing Prodigy Super Talent Goalkeeper Andrew at last because I need it.
          “For eight months you told me no. In eight seconds you told him yes. Why?” (…)
          “It’s just more fun to tell you no.  That’s what you wanted, right? You wanted me to have fun. I am. Aren’t you?”
          For someone so small, Andrew made a lot of noise when shoved into the lockers.
I actually had to laugh at that last line. This is the perfect literary version of a good comedic cut and I love it.
          Neil didn’t know what amused Andrew more: Kevin’s violence or the splash of blood that now stained the front of Kevin’s shirt. Neil hadn’t even seen Andrew take the knife out, but it was in his hand in the air between them.
Fuck, funny times over. ANDREW, WHY.
(Which is, I feel, yet another entry on the list of Things That Are Probably Not Exactly The Foxes’ Motto.)
          “Kevin, Kevin. So predictable. So pathetic. How about a tip? A reward for all your hard work, or something. Ready? You’ll start having more success when you ask for things you can actually have.”
          “I can have this,” Kevin said, voice thick with frustration. “You’re just being stupid.”
And you’re just being the most stubborn motherfucker I’ve ever seen in my life, holy shit.
Say it with me, kids: A little bit of kindness, empathy, and giving in occasionally goes a long way.
          Neil understood Kevin’s anger. He’d been equally baffled this summer when he first saw Andrew play. It was impossible – should be impossible – for somebody so talented to care so little.
And I have to admit, I absolutely understand their anger as well, and I share it. If there’s one thing in the world that makes me want to weep to the heavens more than anything else, it’s potential being thrown away.
Kids. If you have anything you’re good at, better than at anything else –  HOLD ONTO IT. Doesn’t matter if it’s sports, arts, sciences, languages, social activism, fuckin’ jewellery-making, I don’t care, anything. Keep it, nourish it, take care of it and make it great – let it make you great. Doesn’t matter if you study it, make it your job, or just pour your energy into it on your free time. If I catch any of you wasting your potential I will whoop your asses in friendship.
Rant over, on with the story.
Anyone fancy a bit of good ol’ Wymack to wrap this chapter up?
          “[Andrew] doesn’t seem like the kind of person who can be bought.”
          “He’s not,” Wymack said. “If I asked him to do it for free he would. The only reason he’s getting something out of this is because I know what it’ll cost him to play tonight.”
“But why?” (…)
“Maybe you’ve noticed how much I let this team get away with,” Wymack said. “I know what sort of people I recruited and I know some of them need a little help to get an even keel. So long as no one gets hurt, no one gets caught, and no one is stupid enough to bring it on my court, I don’t care what you guys get up to in your free time.”
Aka Wymack turns a blind eye on the debauchery his team indulges in, knowing it helps them be more stable on the court when they have an outlet in their free time, and thus earning their trust and respect. Fuck yes, this is exactly the way to run a dysfunctional team like this.
Say it with me, kids: A little bit of kindness, empathy, and giving in occasionally goes a long way.
Bless Wymack for getting this, and in fact bless Wymack for just generally existing.
          “Does Andrew know you know?” Neil asked.
          “Of course he does.”
          That was interesting. Andrew knew Wymack could keep a tighter leash on him and was choosing not to do so, so when Wymack needed him to pull through he would.
EXACTLY. Take notes, Kevin dearest.
Wymack <333333333333
          “Andrew likes me as much as you do.”
          There was nothing in his tone to make it an accusation, but Neil still winced. “I’m sorry.”
          “Be sorry while you walk. We’re running late.”
I would say I’m sorry for dissolving into a puddle of “I LOVE YOU” every time Wymack appears and says literally anything, except I’m really, really not. That man is a treasure and haters can exist stage left.
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nickireadstfc · 7 years
The Raven King, Chapter 2 – The Parent Trap: Angst Edition
In which the Foxes are Sad, we unlock level 2 of Aaron and Andrew’s tragic backstory, some wild speculations are formed, classic sports drama tropes are embraced, and Fight Club is brought up yet another fucking time.
Sounds good? Then it’s time for Nicki to read The Raven King.
           Neil expected the upperclassmen to say something about [Aaron’s remark about Higgins telling him he had a brother] when they put the court walls between themselves and Wymack, but apparently they shared Wymack’s tact. They flicked curious looks at Aaron and Nicky from time to time but no one pushed for an explanation.
We are once again reminded that this team is, in fact, The Fucking Best.
Y’all may be trainwrecks with various degrees of viciousness and assholeness, but you know when to not ask questions. <3
When practice is over, they go back to their dorms, collecting a stray psychopath on the way:
           Andrew sat cross-legged on the curb, hands on his ankles as he watched their approach.
           “You shouldn’t be outside if you’re coming down with something,” Kevin said.
           “Such concern.” Andrew grinned at Kevin’s cool tone. “Don’t cry, Kevin. It’s nothing a nap and some vitamin C can’t fix.”
Oh yeah, Andrew made some funny remarks about being ~sick~ in order to miss practice last chapter. I sort of missed commenting on that. I’m sorry.
Also, #me whenever I’m sick. Goddammit, Andrew, stop being relatable, this really isn’t very comforting.
Andrew doesn’t leave us much time to think about anything, though, as he vanishes off with Renee as soon as they arrive – which seems to displease everyone apart from me, once again.
Goalie BFFS for LIFE. <33
Aside from this rather fun things, though, we are once again reminded that yes, a not insignificant part of this team (and, partially, circle of friends) did just die a week ago.
           [Matt] stared at the key ring in his free hand like he’d forgotten which one would let him in.
           “He was such an asshole,” Matt said quietly.
           “I know,” Dan said.
Let’s get real here for a second: This is a very, very interesting exchange. Like, you’re overwhelmed with anxiety and grief at the thought of going back into a place you inhabited together with a friend who is now dead, and that’s what you say? How he was an asshole? I’m not even taking the piss here, I’m legitimately questioning why Nora would have him bring that up in that moment.
My interpretation is that this is Matt’s way of not being ready yet to voice his grief, so he instinctively covers it up with a negative remark, although of course his tone shows how sad he is and how little he means it. There is a “… but he was also my friend” floating unsaid in it, a “… but he still didn’t deserve this.”
I’m very, very interested in how you read this comment, though, so do message me! Let’s keep the seth discourse alive and well.
           Matt sucked in a slow breath and finally unlocked the door. He pushed the door open, then flinched back from the doorway and clutched harder at Dan’s hand.
My Tol sad son P R O T E C T  H I M.
Going back into the dorm, they discover that apparently, people hadn’t just moved out Seth’s belongings, they even took is goddamn furniture. Jeez. Way to be thorough.
           It was like Seth had never been here, like he’d never existed at all.
           Neil wondered if he would disappear so easily.
Ahhhh yes, the Josten Angst™, much-praised and always appropriate.
I feel like this goes without saying, but I just realized I’ve never mentioned this, do I need to spell it out? OBVIOUSLY he’s not gonna fucking bail like he plans to, who are we the fuck kidding, as if. He’s gonna realize they’re his family and shit and he’s gonna stop running and fight, for them and for himself and for his oh-so-bright future. and it’s all gonna be beautifully tragic and sports-drama-y predictable in the best possible way.
I seriously can’t wait.
(Side note: Something being predictable doesn’t mean you can’t enjoy it, and even be excited for what’s going to happen. Just take fanfic. You know damn well those idiots will end up with each other, it literally says so in the description, but still we’re all clutching our phones scrolling frantically like oh shit oh shit what’s going to happen next. Just saying.)
In other news: IT’S BACKSTORY TIME.
I’m aware this ain’t nothing yet. This is like, level 2 backstory with 847589 more to come, and a boss battle at the end of every second one. STILL.
           “Why didn’t Aaron know he had a brother?” (…)
           “They’re twins,“ Nicky said. He waited for them to catch on, looked from one blank face to another, and frowned in disbelief. “Think about it for a sec, would you? Imagine you’re my Aunt Tilda. How eager would you be to tell Aaron you gave up his brother at birth? She hoped that secret would stay buried forever.”
Yeah, and I still don’t get that. Why did she have to give him up?? There is just no logical explanation so far??
The only things I can think of are:
She didn’t have the means to care for two children (the only acceptable option)
She didn’t want to care for two children and pulled a massive dick move
Andrew was sick/at risk of having mental health issues at birth and she pulled a massive dick move, although I’m pretty sure you can’t tell that this early?
Combination: Both of them were sick/ at risk of having mental health issues at birth, and she didn’t want to care for both of them, pulling a massive dick move. Still: Since when can you determine mental health risks at birth?
Bonus: She already knew he was going to be a gigantic asshole later in life and pulled a massive dick move YIKES her parents should have given her up at birth as well then ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
No matter what the actual explanation ends up being, I’m already not a fan of this woman.
So apparently, Tilda Minyard met Officer Higgins on tinder (lololol), he coincidentally met Aaron and of course the whole shebang Mommy was trying to hide was brought to light. Fate and shit.
Did she at least try to make things right afterwards?
           “She told the fosters she didn’t want anything to do with Andrew, didn’t want to know what he was like or how he was doing, nothing. She even made them promise not to contact her ever again.”
Yeah, no, what the fuck???????? Seriously, did you birth the literal antichrist or what the fuck is going on with you and not wanting to even acknowledge the existence of your OWN FUCKING CHILD.
           “Aaron found the PAL coordinators and gave them his information to give to Andrew. Two weeks later he got a letter in the mail that basically said ‘Fuck you, go away’.”
I’d like to voice a litany of ‘what the fuck’ here as well but we already know Andrew and this is actually completely in character.
Still, what a fucking dick move as well. I feel sorry for Aaron. Like, your mother doesn’t let you see your own twin brother, even denied his existence all your life, and said twin brother doesn’t help you one bit, instead tells you to fuck off, see you never. And now you have to spend every single day with that dude who outright told you he doesn’t care you were separated all your life?
I’d become a bitchy distant weirdo after that, too.
End of story: Aaron couldn’t contact Andrew again later as he went to juvie, when he got out Nicky’s dad bullied Tilda into bringing Andrew home, and the twins have been stuck with each other ever since. That was about three years ago.
No wonder they’re so cold with each other. Holy shit.
Side note: Both Nicky and Dan referred to Officer ‘Pig’ Higgins as “Phil” on the last few pages, yet I went back and it’s literally never said that that’s his name? Is it simply an editorial error or do they both know him from their previous lives oOOOHH interesting, let’s keep it in mind in case it comes up later again.
           Somehow Nicky and Kevin ended up eating dinner with them. It was the first time since the upperclassmen moved to campus in June that Neil had seen any of Andrew’s lot socialize with the rest of the team.
It’s at that very moment Dan brings up something I’ve been secretly thinking for the longest time.
The foxes had been a fractured mess from day one. But when summer practices started, ninety percent of conflict on court began with Seth. Seth was always ready for a fight with Kevin and the cousins. (…) It constantly forced the Foxes to take sides. (…)
           Dan put her hands on Neil’s shoulders and fixed him with an intent look. “Don’t go so deep you forget about us, okay? Put one foot in their rabbit hole and keep the other up here with us. You’ve got to be the piece that finally brings this team together. We can’t make it to championships without them.”
EXACTLY. Neil is – involuntarily – the best shot they have at finally getting into the realms of functioning teamwork. He gets along with Matt and Dan as they seem to like him (and he would be a fucking idiot to ditch them okay they’re the bEST) and obviously the monsters have adopted him as well now. Ergo: Stop angst-ing on about how you’re going to ~leave this team~ and start realising this is your fucking wonderful fuckup family now, and it’s your chance to bring it together.
This is a textbook sports drama trope – outsider makes dysfunctional team great through the Power of Friendship – and I love the fuck out of it.
           They made it sound easy when Neil knew it wasn’t. “I’ll try.”
           “Good,” Dan said, squeezing his shoulders once before letting go. “That’s all we ask.”
Why is Dan so great, seriously. They really could not have a better captain. <3
Moving on to more fun topics: Dan and Matt find out Neil has been taking way more classes than he should and will probably get academic burn-out before they even get close to the Ravens, which makes Dan go into Concerned Mum Mode immediately.
           “When I was in high school I worked an overnight job, went to school, and captained my high school Exy team. It made me hate everything about my life. I don’t want the same thing happening to you.”
Dan <333
           “Thank you,” Neil said.
           “Don’t thank us, remember us,” Dan said. “We’re your teammates. We’re here to help you with whatever you need, whether it’s this or games or general stress. We’ve all got different experiences, but we’re used to needing help. We’re just not used to getting it. But you’ve got us now.”
DAN <33333333333333333
Forreal @God @the universe @Nora Sakavic why did you let me not appreciate her properly before the girl is a TREASURE.
Speaking of treasured girls I love too much: Murder snowflake is back!!
And murder snowflake is… Hurt?!
           Neil wondered what alternate universe he’d stumbled into. “Andrew hit you.”
           “A couple times,” Renee said. “I forgot how fast he is when he’s high.”
           “Renee and Andrew are sparring partners,” Matt said.
I want a billion Fight Club AUs now where Andrew and Renee spar in the weirdest of places, quickly attracting a crowd of youngins with bottled up rage inside them wanting to learn how to fight, yet instead of the whole thing blowing up and becoming criminal and fucked-up they just teach them how to punch and box and do a lil bit of martial arts, and even though everyone thinks they’re weird AF they’re the best teachers in the whole city.
Side note: That thought was mostly inspired by this bomb ass fanart I found the other day, not knowing it had any base in canon, I thought it was just a great AU. (Seriously, I cannot get over it. It’s so great.)
Also, I’d say I’m sorry for talking about Fight Club so much, but honestly that film is a masterpiece and anyone who says otherwise can exist stage left. I know tumblr likes to hate on the pretentious nerd-fuckboys who think they’re ~special~ and ~deep~ for liking it, and I’m all for that, but seriously the film itself is AMAZING.
Ahem. Moving on.
           “I am a born-again, Neil. Andrew is not interested in my faith; he is interested in the person I was before. He and I have more in common than you think. That is why I make you uncomfortable, isn’t it?”
Ohh, homegirl is smart. She knows you’re avoiding her, ya idiot, you’re not as subtle as you think.
Also, CALLED IT. Cannot wait till we find out how many axe murders exactly she has hidden in her basement. I know I say this a lot, but her backstory is the one I’m most most most excited for.
           “I don’t understand you.”
           “You could ask,” Renee said.
           “Is it really that easy?” Neil asked.
           “I’m not proud of my past, but I can’t heal if I hide it. When you think you are ready to trust me, let me know. I don’t want it to be a problem between us. We can get a cup of coffee and talk about anything you like.”
Did somebody say BACKSTORY UNLOCKING COFFEE DATE because fuck me the fuck up and count me the fuck in.
Dear God, this got long. I’m sorry. Whee!!
Quick info: Sunday’s update will come Monday night as I’m visiting a friend in Leipzig over the weekend and won’t be able to write! I’m very excited though, we’re going to a bunch of museums and will possibly wear cosplay while doing so because we’re NERDS it’s gonna be GREAT //storms off
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