#not tradfem safe
crazycatsiren · 1 year
Tradfems fuck off my blog challenge.
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ioncewished · 4 months
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Typical "provider" husband.
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thyming · 4 months
kys tradfem
Hello, dear anon! 💞
First of all, I would like to offer you a warm hug, as it seems you could really use some love right now. 🥺
Secondly, I think it is quite funny how an anonymous persons seems to know more about myself than I do – when exactly did I turn into a tradfem? What a surprise that is!
Just to clarify: I am not a trad anything, I've never been one and will also never be! ✨️
Please, stay safe and have a day or night as wonderful as you are. 🌸
Lots of Love, Luna. ♡
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sapphos-darlings · 11 months
Are you a radfem? You've reblogged from radfems before and share a lot of detrans stuff, I like your blog but I don't feel really welcome and safe with stuff like that
Hi! We're two people running this blog, and no, this is not a radfem blog, this is a wlw/female positivity blog, run by two people who fall under these two categories ourselves.
Detransitioning also isn't automatically a political statement, please do not label it as such; when we started this blog, I was still living as a transgender man whose history and present still heavily tied me to the wlw community. However, HRT was making me very sick and not actually masculinising my body, and ultimately it was both better for my physical and mental health to first go off HRT, and when living as a man didn't get any easier through that, detransition. Most detransitioned people aren't detransitioning because of an agenda, and furthermore, while plenty remain allied to the LGBT community, most are still part of it - myself, as a bisexual gender non-conforming person who has no intentions of ever entering a heterosexual relationship, for example, and a person who does not feel that I am any more cisgender now than I have ever been. Others detransition from a binary gender identity to a nonbinary one, ceasing transition but remaining somewhere inbetween socially and where they feel themselves to align internally. Many of us, like myself, still regard ourselves under the wider transgender community: for myself, because I am not and have not and will not be cisgender, even if I am socially presenting as my assigned sex. People who know me more know that my experience with gender goes much beyond simplistic labels and assigning any beyond the factual "detrans female/woman" to what all of the above means is very difficult, but it's a private matter to me, like most things concerning deeply personal aspects of my life.
As per the blogs we reblog from - to be completely honest, we don't vet them, and have no intention of doing so in the future, as upsetting as this might be to hear for people who may feel unsafe coming across posts from users they're uncomfortable with. Most of our posts come from the tags and as long as they're not inflammatory and upsetting in themselves, we have no reason to be skulking through the sources or cultivating a blocklist of blogs we overall don't agree with. So there's going to be all kinds of ideologies, bad takes, drama, horrible people behind the urls. I quite honestly wouldn't know if I reblogged a tradfem post from a deep-end Catholic, anti-gay user/source (such as a quote) if the post itself somehow innocently floated into the wlw tag and was talking about cottagecore romance or some equally benign subject. The reason for this is simply that vetting each and every blog we scroll past would make running this blog extremely draining and require such specific hard rules to be established between the two of us posting here about what is a "good" blog to be reblogging from and what is a "bad" blog - there isn't one blog out there that we both 100% agree with, or find non-controversial, and we quite simply do not have the required energy to be putting into something like that.
You, however, as someone who scrolls through our blog, are more than welcome to block and blacklist urls and blogs that you see reblogged here. You control your exposure, you control whose thoughts you feel comfortable engaging with. This is absolutely, 100% fine to be doing. You never need to agree with anything we post, or with any user or post that we reblog here. We're posting here mostly for ourselves, what we relate to, in the hopes that someone out there relates to it as well. That's... really about as deep as it goes.
In order to help curate your experience, beyond Tumblr's own blacklist and block functions, for desktop users I highly recommend installing New XKit (Chrome/Firefox) and/or Tumblr Savior (Chrome/Firefox), which will make it much more reliable to vanish users and posts from your curated feed.
Hope this clears things up!
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littlefemmecreature · 7 months
Many traditional young women seem to have the same story of how we became tradfem, can I know your story?
Of course!
Where do I start? Maybe here.
Actually becoming a tradfem was a really big twist in the plot of my life. My mother is a housewife, I have already mentioned that. But I always saw this great job as a terrible nightmare because of my mom's life.
I also didn't like religion, praying, any of that, for me it was really pathetic. Sometimes I even felt intellectually superior for being an atheist and not believing in anything.
I didn't really like feminine things either, sometimes I dressed femininely but not completely, I had a stage where I liked indie rock and I only dressed in black, I used to wore eyeliner all over my face, and more things an average goth girl does.
I became obsessed with feminism, I began to hate the simple existence of men, to make fun of them, even my own father. I completely distanced myself from anything that had to do with a man in my life and to reject anything a man said. I started getting into radical feminism too.
Then I got very confused and declared myself lesbian. Why? To keep myself safe from the evil of men because I have had some terrifying experiences with men since I was a child that I won't get in detail because of your mental health, girls.
I used to hate children completely, if I'm honest. I really rejected them, they were my worst nightmare and I convinced myself that for some reason that was okay — obviously it wasn't, what was wrong me? —
After that, I got incredibly depressed — it was to be expected — I wasn't working properly, I wasn't eating, I wasn't drinking, I was crying all day, and more. Thank God, I went to therapy that helped me a lot and I became more spiritual, I found the Archangels and I found Archangel Jophiel. I couldn't find God in my heart yet.
Then I fell in love with someone. A few weeks later, I found out that he liked feminine girls and so I looked for help on the Internet and found a lot of things. I searched so much on the internet that I reached the depths of the communities of "The High Value Women". When I no longer cared about liking him, that's where I started. I started to change my energy, to change my wardrobe — and I still have things that I wore before my change — I began to understand men and love masculinity in men, not hate it like I did so much. I began to move away completely from radical feminism and any related thought or ideology.
I started to get along well, better, with my father and mother. I no longer yelled at them, I no longer hated them just because, I feel like I grew up a lot.
And well, today I no longer feel empty and I'm getting better and better.
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discyours · 8 months
Hello. I came across your blog while looking for someone who had an experience similar to mine (ex-radfem). I'm sorry if I'm bothering you by asking this, you don't have to answer if it's hard for you to talk about it, but could you please tell me how you... idk, took your mind off all of that, how you're coping now, how to accept that things aren't going to change, I guess. I got into radfem community after a misogyny related trauma, but recently decided to quit it because I can't handle knowing all of this (being mentally ill and tending to over-analyze everything on top of that). I wasn't even participating in activism much, just reading, analyzing, "connecting the dots" so to speak, and it didn't last too long, but it took a huge toll on my mental health (a really huge one). I'd be extremely grateful if you could give me some advice. Don't mind any occasional mistakes, english isn't my first language. Again, I'm sorry to bother you like that, I just really need some help from someone who was in a situation similar to mine
Don't apologize! I explicitly say that my inbox is always open, if something is too "heavy" for me to answer I can just leave it. This may sound harsh but you can take solace in the fact that, for lack of a better term, complacency is the default. We are actively pushed towards an inability to realize the full extent of misogyny, and we are actively pushed not to care all that much about the parts we do see. There's a reason why "turns out my conservative mom was a bra burning feminist in the '70s" is A Thing. The status quo usually gets to you pretty quick once you stop rejecting it.
Now, in my opinion, if you do step away from radical feminism (and there is no shame in this. If we can recognise that there are stages of mental health where eating regular meals and keeping yourself clean is too high of a bar to reach, surely "be painfully aware of all misogyny at all times" can't always be an achievable goal for every woman) it's still worth staying conscious enough that you don't swing all the way to the other side. The radfem to tradfem pipeline is a thing, but it doesn't need to be. Don't let the perfect get in the way of the good. Having some passive awareness of men's misogyny can go a massive way towards keeping yourself (and other women) safe. But if your question is how you can stop feeling like we're living in a dystopian woman-hating hellscape every time you see a woman wearing a full face of makeup... the answer is that you don't need to do anything. It'll go away on its own (and you're gonna be okay).
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papirouge · 9 months
Actually we SHOULD normalize women not prioritizing romantic relationships. If I had to choose between being single and having a healthy relationship with God, or marrying the first man that gives me a crumb of attention before I turn 25, I'd choose the former.
I feel like communities that prefer the former tend to attract a lot of mentally ill women (usually bpd types with codependency issues) and then they get trapped into this vicious cycle of feeling safe and loved one moment, then paranoid and insecure later.
You're absolutely right
And you know what's funny is that this flock of family oriented marriage obsessed women is that they will lowkey look down on single mother and how women who grew up in single parent household and how the lack of parental figure will mess up their romantic choices, but last time I checked, many tradfem obsessed with family and seeking fulfillment in marriage and motherhood weren't all from single parent household lol
Like- maybe some people are just emotionally insecure so that they NEED marriage/romance, it doesn't necessarily involve whether they had one parent lol
Actually I'm glad my dad wasn't around when growing up because he was a menace back then, and being surrounded by women just made me value even more the value of female bonding & emotionally independent from male validation. All my sisters are married/long lasting relationship and you wouldn't guess how they grew up.
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applebutterfemme · 1 year
just had to block another terf, so i guess i’m gonna say this: my blog is absolutely NOT a safe space for terfs, people who preach the “joys” of “traditional femininity” or anything of the like. I am a queer woman with many trans friends who i love dearly, and as for the tradfem stuff, despite the pictures of flowy dresses i may reblog, the women who believe in those principles would absolutely hate me in real life because i don’t agree with them. cottagecore for me is aboute appreciating the simple things in life, taking in small joys, etc. to me, that should be accessible for everyone, queer and marginalized folk especially. so yeah, if you’re a proud ‘radfem’ or ‘tradfem’ please unfollow me so i don’t have to waste any more time blocking, thank you.
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jemandrr · 4 months
accidentally browsing a (very niche) female-dominated gaming space and seeing people TEAR into people who want an option to change the player character's pronouns to he/him or they/them without changing anything else because it'd invite men to invade a safe space. For a game purely about dating men. Like, I've been through plenty of female-dominated spaces where queer people and similar-interest straight men are welcome (in this case it'd be bi men but yknow), so it's just this one community, but jeez. The amount of fear that anyone who isn't explicitly a femme female would come in and A. hit on the faceless women there or B. taint the game by making the devs add designs of men who they don't want to date?
I got such a strong terf-y rhetoric from that community, like we can't have anything in common with people who aren't like us going on. All about taking 'our' things. And a lot of people contradicting one other but not trying to find out what the truth is because they have the same conclusion. Like two people saying A>B or B>A and no argument arises and no one shows interest in which is true because both people conclude C.
A lot of people even saying that, likewise, things that appeal to female or queer audiences should NOT be added to mainstream media just like queer content should not be added to female-oriented media. These hard walls around what belongs to who is like...they were raised by toy companies or something.
Like what is (paraphrasing so it isnt searchble) "I would never come into a male dominated community because I feel like I would be invading their safe space, so I don't get why men would want to come here and talk about liking men." At least the people who are scared of sexual abuse are warranted, I've seen tons of abusive language towards people they think are women in male dominated online spaces, but what is this fear of even...sharing interests with men? I know we've been in a new era of gender role enforcement with the tradfem movement, but jeez. And as for these last two points, they both are ones that were contradicted. People also said they do believe in diversity BUT just *this* shouldn't count.
Some people even said it's not fair that they get pushed to be more inclusive when mainstream media never does. Which makes me wonder if they're so deep in their niche 'I only experience content made by and for exclusively straight women' content that they haven't noticed any of the movements in media going on over the last 1.5 decades. Like it's true that we haven't made that much progress, but how do they think that no media gets pressed to increase diversity? The more rigid/right-leaning male audiences of tons of media have been complaining about forced diversity for years in exactly the same way (and sometimes, when it really WAS forced diversity, everyone complains because it's not representing anyone really but yknow). But I guess they wouldn't know that if all of them avoid mainstream media?
Also...what is the fear that gay men like men in a 'wrong' way...(and again, the unargued contradiction being plenty of people saying that they also like media about gay characters, but just they shouldn't make these characters gay)
And like I do get it, in the sense that being marginalized makes you skeptical and fearful of things you don't understand in its own separate way from how being in a privileged class makes you skeptical and fearful of things you don't understand. There's a lot more fear of exploring things different and new because the possible retribution feels/has been higher.
Honestly, this post isn't actually about a couple hundred to low-thousand women in a small community for niche games. Not like, I think it's important, I want to actively make them change. It's not that big a deal, not that surprising in the grand scheme. It's similar rhetoric to things i've seen before (Tradfem/terf). I've seen screenshots of, like, facebook mom groups before. And I've seen way bigger communities be way more open and welcoming, it's just a little outlier.
I'm just writing this because I'm a bit shellshocked because I forget how much that those kinds of people are not just the older, tech-illiterate generations, and not just shallow influencers who will say anything for the clicks (or because someone behind the scenes is funding it), their views behind the camera up in the air. Like I think I cultivate the people I interact with a bit too well. Too many of the people I actually interact with or witness the thoughts of regularly are queer and have flitting relationships with gender and then I remember the other side of the coin has people who think they're being progressive by suggesting that everyone who is different be segregated and therefore safe from each other with no room for intersectionality.
#for the record in other communities talking about the same game i saw several people sharing tips for making androgynous or slightly butch#characters which is the wholesomeness on the other side#ranting into the void#is this one of those situations of like#'the celebrity you call ugly will never see this but the person you know who shares those features will?'#but with 'The men who want to invade your safe spaces will never see this but the he/him butch and other queer people who are otherwise#generally your advocates in political and social spaces will'#also ngl being gay admittedly does make this so much easier#but i cannot imagine having the idea that#categorically#'you and your partner cannot have any interests in common' but so many do#And honestly I would have trouble believing that any women who says they're scared ofplaying or discussing a videogame#with a gnc or gay person- would say that irl they're not a terf and they would let gnc and trans people into the same public bathroom#like i can believe it because people hold lots of contradictory ideas but#if more than 20% of them said it i would think that was legitimately virtue signalling#because while i think trans panic is waaaaay less common than the media thinks#inside a community with those beliefs when they can talk anonymo usly#itd be a tough sell for me. I have to imagine most of those women are the kind who would find out their partner was bi#and start feeling uncomfortable about the state of their relationship- with the way they talk about how men can't enjoy female things like#dating men and such#ALSO there are more women than men#wtf do you mean mainstream media is only for straight men#straight adult men is#like 30-odd percent of the us tops#they got more purchasing power cus of sexism and homophobia and so on but#its so self defeating to think of mainstream media as exclusively the purview of straight men
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I clicked ur blog initially b/c I saw you rebloging some aesthetic pictures and that ur blog was witchy. Read some of ur post and I see ur a tradwife. most of you guys I’ve seen online have been pretty hateful, (extremists, far-right, and usually a terf) so I normally just ignore the stuff I see but I was curious if you could explain to me how you view this stuff since you don’t seem to be the things I’ve listed above for the most part. /gen
(Not trying to be rude just curious)
Well thank you for asking instead of just sending hate/ threats like most people who come to my blog thinking it's just trees and witchcraft and are "disappointed " to realize I hold opinions the disagree with lol.
I am not a tradwife, I am tradfem I no longer consider myself a traditional wife because I unfortunately have gotten a divorce in the last year. I still discuss tradwives, traditional gender roles and the lifestyle because it is important to me.
While there may be hateful people in trad circles they (like in most groups) are the minority. Most people who consider themselves trad just want to live as traditionally as possible they believe in traditional gender roles and often simple living. Many traditional people want to return to more sustainable lifestyles things like homesteading or just growing a "victory garden " etc. Many trad women feel we face to much pressure to leave our children and work outside the home even when not needed and that this pressure is detrimental to women, children and communities.
As for myself I believe traditional gender roles are based on natural roles. I have been pressured and bullied for this and for wanting to stay home with my kids. I'm not going to speak for everyone who uses these labels just myself and what I've seen from these communities both on and offline.
Most Trad people are right leaning politically unfortunately in today's political climate being moderately right leaning is considered "extremists " so forgive me if I do not take that claim very seriously.
Additionally there is an array of different political opinions and beliefs that are considered right leaning. Not all Trad people would consider themselves conservative some like my self are libertarian for example.
As for the claim that Trad women are terfs that makes no sense. Terf stands for trans exclusionary Radical feminist, most Trad women aren't feminists especially not Radical feminists. Again this is not a claim I take seriously simply because it is used to describe any criticism of a trans individual or of trans activism.
Personally I have no issues with trans individuals who are decent people I may disagree with them but I don't hate them and at the end of the day grown adults can do what they want with their bodies.
I have plenty of issues with trans activism and the response to it I our society .
The idea that small children can decide to be the opposite gender is insane to me considering kids at those ages still pretend to be dogs and dragons. This has also led to parents losing custody and false claims of abuse against parents who do not affirm these kids feelings which is a major issue. Schools going against parents and even pushing children and teens towards lgbt labels especially trans labels is an issue.
There is no safe way to stop puberty the harm caused by puberty blockers is long lasting and not openly discussed due to the nature of trans activism. Also it's not discrimination to not sleep with or want to sleep with a trans person. Women don't need to feel safe have males in their female only spaces. And most importantly Valid criticisms and genuine concerns are not hate.
I hope I've addressed your questions and I hope you feel free to ask more message me for clarification or to discuss further I am happy to do so However I may not get to your messages or asks quickly as I am working and dealing with the after math of hurricane Ian. ected please help out your neighbors.
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raton-laveurr · 7 months
Hello !
Welcome to my blog, take a seat and let me pour you a cup of tea... 🌾☀️🫖
My name is Noah, I am 20 and I am a french art history student. I am genderqueer and I go by any pronouns, I am also biromantic polyamorous and asexual. Vegetarian, trying to become fully vegan, anarchist.
This is a personal blog, but my DMs are always open, don't be shy (please read my DNI tho) !
🌱 My interests include :
Arts and crafts (cross-stitch, sewing, painting, DIYs...)
Art history
Anarchism, antifascism, activism
Horror-related content
Ghibli movies
Video games (Stardew Valley, Fear and Hunger, Darkest Dungeon...)
Shinies, trinkets, rocks...
Going on adventures !
⚠️ DNI :
TERFs, nazis, facists, monarchists, anti-antifa, bigots, homophobes, transphobes, LGBTQIA+phobes, racists, xenophobes, antisemistes, islamophobes, ableists, fatphobic, mysoginists, tradfems, anti-sex work, conspiracy theorists, pedophiles/MAPs, zoophiles, etc...
Nsfw/Kink blogs can follow/message, but I will not follow back as I don't always feel comfortable with this type of content.
📌 Tagging system :
#noisettes - personal stuff, updates
#artsncrafts - projects, DIYs, WIPs...
#promenade - cool stuff I see/find when I go out on my silly adventures !
#gallery - artworks I like
#🌞 - favorite posts
(I might add more if I need to)
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That's all for me now...
Take care, stay safe, and don't forget you are loved 💕
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menalez · 1 year
The radfem you're supporting (or reblogged from if you're not fully supporting her) is being accused of victim blaming because she saw a tweet of a tradfem talking about how a man abused her and she immediately went "Only if she had a job instead of "prayers"" which was based on pure judgmental assumption because she did have a job.
And now she's acting like this is a matter of sexuality when it's not what people attacked her for in first place.
Keep in mind radical feminism is not popular or heavily manipulated by media everywhere. Feminism in general is very censored or distorted by media.
She most likely does not know statistics about male abusers, rape and other stuff nor has contacted women who have been victims of that. And if she grew in a heavily religious environment like Mormonism or other evangelical environment? I don't think it's her fault for trusting men.
She didn't accuse heterosexual or bisexual radfems. She accused a random woman she knew nothing about of being stupid when she saw she was abused.
Her actual point stands correct about how advising women not to partner with men is safe. But there's a way to do it imo
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never heard of a tradwife who works honestly, i thought they were all for the whole housewife thing? i would also assume that she didnt have a job bc that goes against what every tradwife ive seen was fighting for (ie to be a housewife). and generally tradwives will sit there arguing against the very basics of feminism and argue avidly about how theres no way their man would take advantage of the fact that these women are completely financially reliant on them & that if u think theyre putting themselves at risk by relying on their husband then youre like bitter or sth so tbh i dont blame her for making the assumptions she made. i cannot confirm nor deny the assumptions either way tho bc that tradwife has made her account private
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womenfrommars · 1 year
Yeah about that post of radfems being tradfems in disguise, I have to admit that sometimes at least on here some of them sound like the morality police lowkey. I agree sexualisation and objectification should of women should be criticised, but a woman just wearing a mini skirt or shorts or something is not it. Once I saw someone say women shouldn't wear dresses in public because it caters to men's fantasies and the evidence was anacdotal, apparently she had tried going out in a summer dress and men looked at her more. To which I was just thinking if men want to have innaproriate thoughts about random women then we can't control it like why is it our resonsibility to control their sick fantasies? Straight up morality police logic that we have to cover up to mind men's sexual thoughts
My take on this is that whatever happens to your penis is your problem. If you can't handle seeing some skin maybe it's your responsibility to stay inside where it's safe. Once you are a civilised human being you can come outside and join the rest of us
I think the radfem may also be projecting. She felt insecure wearing a dress and therefore paid more attention to who was looking at her. If men find her attractive they will look when she is in jeans also, but in jeans she probably feels more comfortable hence doesn't pay attention to who is looking
Literally anything can be a male sexual fantasy. Hijabi porn is a thing, same goes for porn featuring nons, niqabs, tomboys, butch "lesbians", etc etc
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femme-dor · 2 years
For an energy that spans beyond gender & sexuality & a lifestyle rooted in sex work, so many Femininity & Hypergamy blogs carry the most homo/trans/whorephobic takes I’ve ever seen! Both spaces are meant to be a safe healthy supportive community of people that choose to participate in these lifestyles regardless of gender, sexuality or religion. Unfortunately it is ultimately taken & often policed by Christian Conservative Tradfem Straight Women harboring some level of Internalized mysoginy or wounded women with god/superiority complexes.
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le-trash-prince · 1 year
About Me
Hi, I’m Em. I’m biracial, queer, genderfluid, and autistic. I don’t have preferred pronouns. I’m grey-a and polyamorous leaning. I’m in my 30s.
My AO3
What to expect from my blog
Sometimes I post NSFW content here—the fannish headcanon sort, so this is not a space for minors.
I grew up on kinkmeme rules, so I don’t particularly care to control what people do with fictional characters, whether it’s my cup of tea or not. I don’t align with anti beliefs on puritanism within fandom. I think ppl should just tag things so they can be avoided at will.
This is not a space for radfems, tradfems, or white supremacists.
I am a very political person, but this is not really a political space, for the sake of my mental health. I’m a queer latine living in Texas, and sometimes I need to not think about the fact that my government wishes I were dead. 👍 Me not engaging with a political or activist post is not a moral failing. I also don’t think social media is a reliable source of news.
I will tag content warnings when I am asked to. I am here to have a good time and I want other people to enjoy themselves. I aim to not be a bigot. But I will not make performative claims that this is a safe space for xyz group, when I know that I can and will make mistakes.
The fun stuff
I enjoy queer media and sci-fi/fantasy.
I watch a fair amount of BL/GL.
I like both wholesome ships and fucky ships.
I’m into Broadway musicals and anime theatrical adaptations.
I listen to a lot of different music, and I follow a few kpop groups.
I am very autistically into tea.
I love Murderbot.
I enjoy arts and crafts, particularly home decor related things. I do a little bit of cosplay here and there.
I spend a lot of time looking at and thinking about the weather.
I love baseball and I also kind of hate baseball.
I’m a monsterfucker and a robotfucker and a furry, I guess.
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discyours · 1 year
Generally you think that the efforts feminists make, fight against misogyny, the progress and fight towards theoretical full liberation would eventually fall short even for a simple fact that men are physically stronger than women? So aside from some sort of miraculous permanent separatism (which i think the majority of women would probably never settle for and men wouldn’t allow, right?) there is not really much else to do and we are kind of destined to keep being engulfed by patriarchy because its going to keep being reinvented and reinforced (in subtle and big ways and even by brute force-that they are more capable of-if needed)?
I’m very curious, when you say you don’t see women’s liberation as achievable, do you mean at all? I wonder because I don’t see it happening in my life time (or even in my hypothetical children’s children’s lifetime), but I do think an egalitarian state is achievable at some (distant) future point. I see the work I do now as helping with incremental changes to get closer to that (just as many women helped in achieving voting rights, or the invention of oral contraceptives as incremental changes).
(My POV explanation got rather long winded, but) I’m curious to know if your view aligns with this, or if you don’t think we (i.e., womankind?) will ever achieve true liberation and/or equality?
Not sure if these are from the same person but they're essentially the same question so I'll answer them simultaneously.
No, I don't think full liberation is possible. Not with any amount of effort, not at any point in the future. I think biology (not just differences in strength, reproductive capacity too) will always get in the way of "true equality".
That doesn't translate to believing feminist efforts to be worthless or "unnatural" though (they might be, but the ability to choose to try to rise above our nature is part of what makes us human). This isn't a tradfem blog. I'm still highly critical of misogyny and actively try to educate people on it, I still vote left wing, I still believe women should do whatever it takes to gain/regain/maintain the right to use contraceptives and obtain legal and safe abortions. The difference is that I personally no longer have a "zero tolerance policy" for any kind of inequality, because I recognise that it will never fully disappear and it simply takes up too much of my energy to care about all of it.
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