#not to be a phoenix kinnie but
astriddraws · 11 months
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Demon prosecutie
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ace-edit-torney · 6 months
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Matching WrightWorth phone wallpapers
Free to use!
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phoenixonyx15 · 3 days
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Yeah we are
(he's eating an apple btw)
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aro-culture-is · 1 year
aro culture is seeing literally any romantic ship and saying “okay, but what if they were both aro and in a qpr”
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ot3 · 1 year
read someone's essay about being mad that fanon makes manfred von karma abusive abusive and one of their points of evidence was stuff from the anime canon and like yeah i get what they were going for conceptually but also i feel like everything decent he might have done as depicted in the anime canon is cosmically balanced out by the fact that, textually, he is going to drop edgeworth off at an orphanage until he realizes edgeworth would be a good prosecutor. like kind of an unchill move there tbh. regardless of the fact that he buys franziska toys.
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rockymintscollective · 3 months
Okay I noticed something [Spoilers for AA4]
I was playing the second case of the AA4 game (the one where there's Wocky in it and the whole thing where "herr forehead" comes from) and i noticed something odd. So I went to the little thing where you can look at the sprites and everything.
Take a look at this line from the game.
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He's smiling, right? Typically when you see someone smile, you think that, you know. They're telling the truth. That they're not lying to you. That make sense, right?
Take a look at this still. (Forgive me for the shitty quality of these things, by the way)
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This one is called "being sincere" and yet he, too, is also smiling. Though it's more... Small? More of a faint smirk? I would describe it as such anyway. It's more of a smirk. It's more of a casual thing. Like whenever you get someone a bottle of water and they say "thanks man" and they actually mean it.
Now. Take a look at this last screenshot I'm about to show you.
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Take a look at the name of this one.
He's confident in this stance and you see him like this at least once, to my knowledge, in the first case with Kristoph where you find him guilty. You see him have this exact face and see him wear it proudly.
Now think back to what I said earlier. What his first line was.
"I'm not an attorney anymore. ...That's the only truth you need to know."
He's not an attorney, but you can see it in his eyes that he misses being one. That he, deep down, wants to go back to what he used to do. Because of his smile and how you see him look in his "being sincere" look, you can tell that he's lying out of his ass.
Phoenix Wright, while disbarred, may have hated the thought of being an attorney. That much is true. But he still yearned for it when he was on that defense stand and yearned for it whenever he had the chance to be one again.
Phoenix Wright was always meant to be a defense attorney at heart.
Oh also if you look at the one time when he says "oh i assure you it's quite based" you can't tell me that he had a giggling fit with Trucy afterwards like
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you can't tell me this man said it like that with a straight face and then just went on with life like that. Especially if we think of the fact that this is probably during the time where slang and lingo is more modern like. Everyone's probably saying based and Phoenix hears himself saying that and his first mental thought is "oh fuck i'm becoming a gen-z adult" /pf
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Whatever the fuck Phoenix Wright and Kristoph Gavin from Ace Attorney have going on at some point killed the Queen! Too bad we didn’t see that part of the 7-Year Gap.
Did your fave play a part in Queen Elizabeth the Second’s death? Submit them here!
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Regulus Black loves the sea. Every day ever since he was seven he always wanted a house by the sea. Somewhere he could hear the waves and paint the sky. Regulus black found comfort in the vastness of the Ocean, the way something could be so full of life but so empty. Regulus Black learnt how to swim before Sirius did. Splashing him in the face as he shot past. Sirius trying to find him after an argument that one night, eventually wandering up to the beach, to find Regulus sat on on a rock, huddled in a coat, eyes glistening.
Regulus Black went down that day in the cave, because he wanted to. It wasn’t his choice that he fell, but he did. And it was his choice to give up fighting. In those last moments all ideas of the greater good left him. He was digging himself into a hole and he knew he wouldn’t get out. He had nothing to live for, nothing he cared about enough to carry on living. And so he just gave up. However, as the water filled his lungs and his vision went black he thought it was quite ironic that a thing he loved so much killed him in the end.
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Dumbledore: it will be fine, I have an idea!
The rest of the order:
Dumbledore: why is everyone looking at me?
Harry: you just said you had an idea then you stopped talking!
Dumbledore: oh my goodness I am very intoxicated 💕😜
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cinderedphoenix · 5 months
I have not seen enough art out there of dad-bod Phoenix Wright that it feels like a crime
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sincerelyang3l · 3 months
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I’m so silly goofy
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myersesque · 11 months
i have hypermobile ehlers-danlos syndrome which, for the uninitiated, is a joint connectivity disorder - meaning that my joints don't work properly and can dislocate way easier than the average person - which also comes with chronic pain/fatigue, slower wound healing, a whole bunch of possible comorbid shit (believe it or not, autism and EDS are somewhat comorbid!), and just general ouchy body-no-worky shit. i can't repeatedly jump up and down without all of my joints from my hips down threatening to dislocate. i once fully dislocated my knee by Doing Maths Homework for a few hours and then trying to stand up after. sometimes my neck just violently spasms for no reason, which hurts mega bad and also sucks mega bad.
it also means i can very nonchalantly deal with things that freak other people out! my shoulder nearly dislocated several times in class a few weeks ago and i just calmly shoved it back in place. i was once late to lesson in highschool bc my legs wouldn't stop spasming and i had to sit down in a vacant classroom with a teacher, and the teacher looked TERRIFIED whilst i was mostly just worried about getting another late mark. back when i still wore a binder (which i haven't in years, for probably increasingly obvious reasons) i used to physically reach under my ribcage and pull it back into place when the pressure caused it to subluxate.
all this to say: i think it'd be fucking HILARIOUS if phoenix actually-indestructible human-nokia you-cannot-kill-me-in-a-way-that-matters wright had EDS. in fact, i actively headcanon it! bc the mental image of him fully dislocating a limb and just casually clunking it back in place (with a few streams of pained tears, of course, but still smiling and cracking a dumb joke about it) whilst maya watches on in horror is startlingly canon-accurate and also it's a little funny to imagine a character who's so notoriously difficult to injure being taken out by Sitting With His Legs Crossed
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ace-edit-torney · 6 months
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Light brown Gregory edgeworth stimboard with Pastry and light academia themed stims for anon! I hope you enjoy your stimboard!
🔎 📃 🍰 | 📃 x 📃 | 🍰 📃 🔎
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mobtism · 1 year
happy disbarment day... to
✨ me ✨
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ns has unnecessary feelings energy
this is the highest praise i think.
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stabble · 1 year
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