#not super happy wiht it but
bbubbleo · 22 days
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put to much effort into this for no one to see it </3
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i-rolled-a-zero · 8 months
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Nyall might remember Caspian well this is his immortal cursed husband, Captain Lockjaw! He is also my backup character in case Caspian ever dies which i hope does not happen but hey its nice to have him just in case!!
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Hi hi! Have you seen the new Rook and Jade cards?
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TWST REALLY SAID HAVE A MERRY CHRISTMAS AND A HAPPY NEW YEAR (they dropped these card designs when it was still Christmas day in my time zone www) 🤡 IMAGINE THE PURE DISTRESS AND TERROR I FELT WHEN I SAW THE NEWS FOR THE FIRST TIME, I ALMOST CHOKED ON MY BREAKfAST The New Year Attire card artwork looks fantastic this year!! zs,j bdhjvkas3t77135f38odwOYdtSIvyiadiyisa I THINK THE tHIRD ANON SAID IT BEST, TREY, ROOK, AND JADE LOOK LIKE YAKUZA DRESSED NICELY TO USHER IN THE NEW YEAR 😭 and Ortho's there to be their cute and innocent errand boy nephew (when in reality he's committing just as many crimes as they are); I KNOW this kid's not above pulling out a laser beam and threatening people to get what he wants.
Trey finally gets another event SSR (man deserves it after like 4 Rs OTL) and not gonna lie, he kinda looks like my grandpa in that outfit... I really like the pattern on his rose print scarf and the flowerpiece though; you can also see the classic Heartslabyul solid sleeve-checkered sleeve combo. The parasol he's holding is nice too, it makes me think about him whimsically twirling it around as he walks through confetti.
This isn't one of my favorite looks for Ortho, but again I really appreciate how the designers and artists used their creativity to reinterpret the traditional NY garb into robotic parts! You can tell Ortho's "clothes" are more blocky and rigid than the others', yet it still retains the festive feel of the line. There seem to be cables and wires attached to the piece pinned to his chest, and, of course, three doggos at his waist to symbolize Cerberus~
Trey and Ortho being on the same banner... It feels like Ortho was dropped off for Trey to babysit, and Trey's the kind old grandpa who dotes on his grandkid.
... Okay, that's enough of being civil 😇
t315751vAUVgddfiyCUvILNDADFFIYAIBFQEOBNABHOACsdaafjkuc??F<>>Mw/q12yft7BLINJZ>?????m,A'PSCPK[QJNsn;nbegquo PLEASE, I'M SCREAMING AND CRYinf aG ON THE GORUNDA RN OTL Of course TWST would release a new Rook SSR not too long after I said Rollo has replaced Rook in my heart as the superior pseudo French anime boy, OF COURSE. WHY DiD THE YM HAVE TO GIVE hiM SUCH A SMYSTERIOSYF SMU g FACE TOO..... . . . ........ . . . .... . . . . AND THAT LIGHTING??//????? ? ?? ? ?hELLO??? ?? ? ?? ? ????? ? GORGEOUS 😭 THE FAN??? ? ?? ? ? ? ?? ? ?? HOW HE's POSED AEJQWHLBIWQ WIHT IT, weL,Ccopmaifn G YOU INTO YHTE SHOP... I'M GOIBNG TO DUCKIUFN G CHEW HSis FINGNERS OFF, HOLD ME BACK BEOFRE I DOn kqw fhgutiuqfvwofueiyviHnsoguewtqtbwipFFQEGFVIVOQE8?>vLM;N;AEGFLQMJEINP I'm not super into Rook's outfit though; the peacock imagery incorporated into his robes and stuck in his hat are kinda... too much for me? The colors are also weirdly blocked out; it looks odd to have the hat as being the one prominent part of the outfit in red. I would have expected... I don't know, more red throughout the entire outfit? BUT IT'S OKAY, ROOK'S FACE STILL LOOKS GOOD AND THAT'S ALL THAT MATTERS HERE
I love the fact that Rook and Jade are on the same banner this was made specifically to target me/j, shady bitches deserve to be next to other shady bitches 🤣 Imagine how much pettiness and fake smiling will be had between them????? ???? ??? ? I’ve been dying for more interactions between these two, so this is really a treat for me!! 😋
To summarize: yeaaaaaah uh my rolls are in trouble come 2024 🪦
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bipbopdepmop · 3 months
important psa regarding this blog and all of my sideblogs
for the most part i'm moving to a different blog. i will be hosting mcyt, homestuck, and any other stuff on different sideblogs there and my main would just be soup for whatever. this one i think will die - it's not getting deleted, I'm just not going to use it much anymore - as im not super happy wiht the way i run this blog and i have a lot of other interests beside mcyt!! but i dont want to annoy people with them. and yeah i could just make another sideblog but i feel like that would end up being a bad solution for myself in the long run.
so anyways the new url is @sodiumvaporss! you may have just seen me follow you :) it's kinda empty rn but yeah! new mcyt sideblog is @mossyblocks
I'll also be reuploading some of my art that i was proud of.
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bunnygirl678 · 9 months
There are not near enough AUs in the Reguri fandom.
The last time I was active in a fandom was almost 10 years ago wiht 616!Stony (steve x tony but like the comics not the movies) and there were every AU imaginable and that was just for the comics side not even if you include the movies (which tbh i wasn't a fan of) I was so spoiled and didn't even know it, now here I am having read through the entirety of the English and Spanish ao3 collection of finished works, what am i supposed to do now???
The answer is...come up with more AUs.
I'm going to write this one once I get a few more fics out of the way, but here goes.
Formula 1 AU (note this is more pokespe than the games so you get the hyperactive red and the tsundere Green)
-Red and Green are childhood rivals/friends having raced in the gokart circut together before they both got drafted for formula 1
-at first they're on the same team but Red keeps winning and Green always places second, i mean it's still podium but Green wants that W
-red is seriously just happy getting to race with his bff/crush, green just wants to fucking win something on his own
-professor oak is like a famous engineer or something who used to race back in the day (think carroll shelby) and everyone compares Green to him constantly and he hates it
-and like Green can do his own repairs cause he’s skilled af
-its the end of the season and despite racing for the same team red and green are neck and neck for first only a few points away from each other
-red wins ofc, green is devastated, he contemplates retiring then a rival team scouts him and promises the best of the best, he just wants to winnnnn
-red is super sad because his favorite thing was racing with green not against him, and he's got this little (big) crush on green and now he has to constantly race against the man of his dreams
-also there are still pokemon, and battles and stuff, but like Green/Red just do cars now lol
-so the question becomes, does red win again the next season, do red and green pull their heads out of their asses and realize they're in love? Do i add this to my WIPs today or tomorrow?
-find out in like 7 months!
I have like a metric shit ton of f1 knowledge cause my ex-husband's family is involved in the business, i can't say more cause i'm not gonna out myself on here lol, but i feel like this would be fun to write
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bakugous-babygirl · 8 months
i need help
ok so i am trying to do a glow up over the winter, but i have no idea on what i should do. should i work out more, so im happy wiht my body? should i stop wearing baggy clothes and wear more appropiate stuff for a teen? do i even wear makeup anymore? do i style my hair. what kind of bathing suit would i need. what kind of food should i eat? do i track caleroires?
i dont know what to do. if you have any suggestones or tips, please let me know. i need help and i dont know what to do.
also, i am like super obsessed with chat noir. ummmm yeah
but if you have any tips, please lemme know! thanks sooooo much
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keroascrazy · 4 years
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lazychickensoup · 3 years
i really don’t know what this is but single dad bokuto is fun fosho
“Bokuto I had so much fun tonight. The pier was a great choice.” you smile up at your boyfriend. He has a lazy smirk on his lips and his eyes scan over all your features just adoring the person in front of them.
“Yeah, I had an amazing night as well y/n.” his smile fades a little. He looked as if he was hesitant to tell you something.
“Bo? Are you okay?” you reach up to hold his face. He takes a few seconds before taking a deep breath and kissing your hand.
“Yeah, I just need to tell you something but I don’t know-how. I feel kind of bad for keeping a secret for the past two months.” he sighs. You hug him reassuringly and he wraps his arms around you tightly.
“I promise whatever it is I can handle it. We’re adults Bo, I’m not gonna go crazy.” you squeal as he picks you up to where you are now looking down on him. You both share a long kiss before he breaks away.
“Alright, is it okay if I bring you back to my house?”
“Are you trying to make a move on me? It’s gonna be the first time I'm at your house.” you joke.
“No no of course not baby.” he laughs and carry’s you back to the car.
You two drove a while to his house, not to your surprise it was very nice. You’d expect that from a professional volleyball player though. Bokuto nudges your arm, you turn to him and he gives you a quick kiss. His eyes were full of worry and he was fidgeting with his hands. You place your hands on his stroking you thumb across his knuckles. After he clamed down he led you up to the front door. His keys jingled as he was unlocking the door and you could hear tiny taps on the ground from inside. Then a thought came to mind. On your first date you had told him that you didn’t like dogs because they make your anxiety bad. You thought cute that he was worried about upsetting you over something as small as this. When he opened the door a little girl wearing his MSBY jersey on.
“Daddy! You came home eary!” the little girl jumped in his arms he picks her up and swings her around. She giggles happily hugging his neck.
Daddy, huh. Out of all the things I was expecting, this was the last of them.
One of Bokutos friends, Akaashi, walked from behind the door and greeted us. He got on to the little girl for going outside with out his permission and talked to Bokuto for a little while.
“Thank you so much for babysitting Akaashi. You remember Y/n right?” He looks over to me and smiles and softly.
“Of course, it’s good to have someone else babysit Bokuto for a little while. You three have a nice night.” He says walking back to his car. We all wave goodbye as he drives away.
“Daddy who’s that?” the child ask. Bokuto turns his body to face you so she could get a better look. You smile at her sweetly and wave but she shys away in her father arms.
“Bug this is y/n. Her and daddy have been hanging out alot recently and I wanted you to meet her.” Bokuto explainssteping closer to you. “Y/n this is Akemi, my daughter…” he look at you with hopeful eyes searching for a positive response. You carefully put your hand on Akemis back rubbing it slowly.
“It’s nice to meet you Akemi.” she lifts her head up at you looking back to Bokuto and you a few times. She plays with her fingers nervously just like Bokuto does. You study her smaller hands and her other facial feature. She looked just like Bokuto, almost like a twin.
“It’s nice me meet you too Miss Y/n. Are you the reason why Uncle akaashi keeps coming over to watch me?” You and Bo laugh, he pats her hair ruffling it.
“How about we go inside and I can explain okay bug?” she nods her head andn Bo leads you into the house. When entering the living room you saw blankets strategically held up and pillows making a walk way. Akemi jumps down from her dad’s arms and runs over to the fort.
“Look daddy! Me and Uncle ‘Kasshi made a fort!” she proudly yells. Bo chuckles at his daughters random burst of confidence. He sits you on the couch and places Akemi in his lap.
“Okay i’m gonna tell you whats going on but remember…”
“...the ugly words stay in my head. I know daddy.” she finishes his sentence for him. Bokuto was surprisingly very mature with his daughter. You could already tell that he was a great father. Though you were still a little in shock that he had one because that means she has a mother as well.
“Good job. Okay so, me and Y/n have been...going on dates. This is daddys girlfriend. Okay?” he speaks slowly, like she was going to explode if he said the wrong thing.
She sat and thought for a moment both of us scared, then she finally gasped and yelled.
“EW DO YOU TWO KISS AND STUFF THATS GROSSSSS!” We both erupt into laughter to the point where we were tearing up. I take her hand and whisper to her.
“Of course we don’t boys are stinking and gross.” she giggles and crawls into my lap.
“So what do you do then?”
“We go on some dinner dates. Sometimes your daddy will surprise me and take me somewhere fun like the movies.” I explain.
“Ohh can I come next time? I wanna see the new Kitty Force 2!”
“Well Miss Akemi I don’t see a problem with it if your daddy doesn’t.” she turn to him quickly wiht a pleading face.
“Please daddy. Can I go on a date with you and Miss Y/n? I promise I’ll be super good and clean up my toys.”
“Of course baby. It’s time for you to go to bed though it’s already 9:30.” Bokuto lifts her up and kisses her cheek which she does back to him. I wave goodnight and wait patently while they get ready for bed.
About ten minutes later Bokuto comes back into the living room. He tells me that Akemi wanted me to tuck her in tonight because she had something important to tell me. I tuck her in while Bo stands in the door. Akemi pulls on my sleeve and I turn my head. She rubs her sleepy eyes and sits up again to grab something from under her pillow. She takes out a handmade braclet and hands it to me.
“What’s this for?” I ask as she slips it onto my wrist.
“It’s a present because you make daddy happy and that makes me happy.” She lays back down looking up at me. “We are gonna be best friends okay? So we can have lots of playdates.”
“Yes ma’am. Goodnight Akemi.”
You and Bokuto head back to the living room. You sit in his lap as he just gazes down. Again he isn’t speaking his mind. You lift his head up with your fingers placing a gentle kiss on his lips. “Bo, don’t be so paranoid. I love her already. This doesn’t change anything about us okay?”
He lets out a relieved sigh and relaxes against the couch. Every negative thought he’s had for the past couple of weeks about you two meet had fled his mind.
“So, tell me more about her.” you say rolling over to get your own seat on the couch. His eyes widened at the thought of rambling about his little girl.
“Well she is 5 years old. Me and her mom met in college but when she found out she was pregnant she didn’t want anything to do with her so she left her to me. I haven't heard from her since. I think I'm doing a fine job though. She’s so sweet and funny. She wants to be a volleyball player just like me so we go out and practice on my days off. She’s terrible right now but I know she’ll get there one day. Akemi is my whole world. That’s why I was so nervous about you two meeting. I love you and all but if you two didn’t get along…I just have to put her before anyone, but I really didn’t want to lose you.”
His face held a saddened expression while yours held shock. Out of the 6 months you were dating you had never heard Bokuto tell you that he loved you. You didn’t say it either just out of fear that he would say he’s not there yet.
“You love me?” Bokutos eyes grew as the realization of what he said hit him. His face burned a bright pink.
“I- Well um yes. I’m sorry if it was too soon it just kinda came out.”
“I love you too, Bokuto. And I promise that I'm gonna love that little girl as much as you do.”
He smiled wide and fell onto your chest hugging your torso tightly. You both fell asleep like that in each other's brace. Only to be woke up in the morning by the paw patrol theme song.
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I agree with you completely about mcu. I feel totally the same way. Before iw and endgame i watched almost every mcu movies religiously like those movies were just amazing and each new character felt like it's woven so carefully into the mcu, but then they hit us with those endings.. I might be biased af as a Tony stan but endgame is truly traumatic for me. I truly went into the theatre feeling very excited and super happy watching it until nat's scene then i just felt oh ok Nat's dead ok ok they're not gonna kill anyone anymore right? And the ending happened like, if you're gonna hype us, excite us for 12 full years of journey you surely can do better than killing him as a wrap up to his whole story. So yea after endgame i have no more interest in mcu whatsoever. Didn't watch spiderman ffh, wandavision, tfatws and have no plans on watching any of their new releases. I'm just gonna be in fanfic land where everyone lives and everyone is happy :)
It's such a relief to realize so many people feel the same way about this, I honestly thought 2020 had just sucked all the joy of it right from my soul.
And yeah okay, I'll admit I'm biased as a Tony fan, but it wasn't just HIS death that felt cheap to me. I cried harder watching Nat go because it was just.so.fucking.pointless. Like, slight deviation here-- but I legit booo'd in the theater during AOU when shes like "oh I'm a monster" because she can't have kids. Absolutely boo'd and then it made me sick to my stomach to have her sacrifice herself in EG because Clint had a family to get back to. EXCUSE ME? Which one of them spent five years killing POC in some ridiculous vengeance based "my family is gone but you're here because the completely random Blip left you behind so you deserve to die" and WHICH ONE of them spent five years monitoring the entire world and trying to cope with losing half of everyone she loved? HM?? HMMM?
Anyway, yeah. At first glance I loved EG because yay, twelve years and so much emotions etc but on subsequent watches its so clear to me that at no point did they expect to get this far with the MCU with such a dedicated fan base and intricate story lines because half the movie is pointless fan service and the other half is literally "oh shit, we didn't expect people to care about this on a deeper level, what now". I feel like they literally didn't expect people to care about Nat's death or Clint's rampage or Stucky's ridiculously transparent "no homo" moment or how Tony finally got his happiness and then died. They really thought "well that's what's supposed to happen-- the woman dies so Clint becomes a hero. Steve gets the girl. Tony sacrifices himself no matter what. Thor goes off to have fun. Isn't that what you guys wanted?"
And its like, sure, in 2010 that's what we wanted for our heroes (minus Nat dying of course). We wanted Clint to be a badass, we wanted Steve to dance wiht Peggy, we wanted Tony to save the world and for Thor to be able to not feel the weight of Odin's parenting at his shoulders. BUT IN 2019 WE WANT DIFFERENT THINGS and they not only 100% failed to deliver but then decided to keep the stories GOING and yeah, I'm having a hard time mustering up the energy to care.
AND (i'm ranting, I'm sorry, I have a lot of feels about this)-- post EG, alot of the characters and the movies feel... unnecessary.
I realize cramming Spiderman into CACW was literal product placement for his movie, but also, you can remove his movie(s) from the verse and the only thing we miss are a few moments of Tony acting like a dad pre-Morgan. I never saw FFH and I won't see the next one either, zero interest.
Ant Man's story was important for the quantum tunnel thing, right? Great. Why do we need it post EG? Do we need another Captain Marvel? She showed up to rain hell on Thanos and now we're done. Same with Dr. Strange. Same with Guardians of the Galaxy. They introduced all these (for the most part) cool characters and they were important for HOW they wove into the Thanos story but now that the Thanos story is done... we don't need them??
GIVE US NEW STORIES not extensions of the same story that we already feel like is finishing. You called it "EndGame." let it end.
What I DO NEED is a 1980's era MIT sitcom featuring Rhodey and absolute disaster!Tony being roomies and the very beginnings of their friendship. Give me robot building competition hijinks or give me death.
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magneticm00n · 7 years
grand-king-toru~~~>dan-dowell, i’ll probs be posting less of anime and fanart, and more youtube/tv shows if anyone cares
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aphrorite · 2 years
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-ˏˋ sweetheart diaries ˊˎ- #2 🕊🌱 🐥 !!
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૮₍ ˶ᵔ ᵕ ᵔ˶ ₎ა ♡ ༘
⋆ ✧₊゚may 13th 2022 🦋 🫧🎐 ⊹ɞ
posting yesterdays diary log bc i was too tire to do it SLKFJLSDKSJS hehe. so yetsterday wasnt too bad again ! i wasntn sure on what to wear so i wroe a black pinstrip e skorts, a white puffy ruched tank, and a black t shirt button up tht had pretty rhinestones on it fo r buttons tht matched w my af1s and pearl necklace <3 🪄✨💖
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i woke up at 730 this time ))): but stil made it in time to straightn my hair (cos i shower on may 12 n hair got rlly wavy ) which was crazy !!!!! im proud of not being late late ⏰😁
at school i had a math test for mu trig, n it wasnt too dificult acc, i k i need to finish the homeworks still and do some word problem s as the last page is what i strugg with the most cos is the most difficult, so ye! OH AND IGOT MY TEST MARK BACK FOR 2 OF THEM AND IM SO HAPPY BC I GOT AN 88 ON ONE AND THEN AN 86 ON THE OTHER !! i still a a+ student. n then in art we were doing mosiacs n i almost done my butterfly one, i jus need to grout it ! i think blue, white or black, or maybe dark blue grout wouldlook good 😮😵‍💫😵
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break came n i scroll on aliexpress n played a little bit of projec sekai, have to get my daily in ! 😈 my main card is mizuki’s pink bow one, n then my title cards r “luka fan” “i love them all!” and “hbd airi” cos theyre all pink and aesthetic. and im thinking of all this new stuffs i wanna get on aliexpress, ever since i starte d regressing frilly stuff and pink sweaters is like,, really interests me which is crazy cos usually, even though i do love pink , i dont think id ever wear wear it or have super frilly stuffs, but i hav this idea in my head and idk if itll work or look how i want it to ,, though its opened my eyes to appreciate croquette aesthetic and cutsey ones more , i nev er thought id be into croquette though ive been into brandy melville ditzy stuff and soft girl vibes, and i think agere (age dreaming / half agere) allows me to feel mor girly and comfy in it even though u dont have to be a specific aesthetic to be agere. 💗
in regards to age regressing, i feel really guilty and shamefula bout it, because its almost involuntary righ tnow ); but talkign tomsyefl in a child voice in my head is soo much ebtter than hearing intrusive thoughts or mean voices. i just hoope it can balance it bc my ocd kicks in and says that the reason why i love pink and all these cute stuffs is because im an age regressor when really, i loved cute stuff before age regressing and so now that im sort of age dreaming that cute stuff i really really like! it had nothing to do with each other ther is no correlation. i like cute stuff because I WANT TO !!! not bc its trnedy or becuse im age regressing . i do like cute stuff. silly mind likes to play tricks )): (₸~₸)
work was soooo slow for a friday ))); i mostly did greets and extreme detailing but it was super boring and i was starinrg down at the clock. i do love internships dont get me wrong bec its a big opportunity though these days work is so dry and theres not a lot of sparks to it anymore, though i do feel like woring here hs help s lots wiht my confidence and public speaking! beforehand i was very shy to go and greet customers but now it is slowly becomign muscle memory so i am proud of myself cos of that
my mom picked me up n she was super hungy so she went to get some bourbon chickn from food court, we ate in the car in the shade and jus talked, n then went to home depo for a water tnak gear n some other thingies, i laid in the back seat while waitn for her cos me feet tire fromw orking, n then we went home ! i spent time w m sister for a littl bit n then played sims 4 hehe n tthen went upstairs to hug teddy n b on my phone for a little, ate some popcorn yumyum popcorn my favourite, n then mom n sister went out for food so i spent some time w my cat roscoe while waiting, n pet his soft orange white fur while he licked his blanket. mom n sister came back with CHICKEN NUGGET!!! i so happy abt that cos i havent had maccas in a long while so i enjoy my chicken nugget while looking at aliexpress smore, ˚ʚ♡ɞ˚
i was trying to focus on relaxing cos whenever id os oemthing i always feel very guilty. shame i livewith everyday , and it was a battle of tellignmyself tht i deserve to relax, and live i nthe moment, so i did! i worked on my bllogg, played arsenal fps game with my close friend, went on dizzy n smashed my anxiety of setting my acc to online and spent some more time w him wathc ing him play sonic, ready or not, stanley deluxe, and listening to undertale music he pciked out. speaking of undertale, i lstening to respite rn from deltarune . i dont relly like playing underale or deltarune and i never hav, btu ive seen him play it and i liked the music ^u^ i also did some creating and tried to make some roblox softline clothes, it difficult tho bc it was un-hardlining my other creation, so i ended up quiting it )): ill pick it up tmrrr probably after i take care meself. 🎆
i was srolling on shein while watching stanley deluxe , n then he went to bed so i did too, i was on my phone a lil more beside teddy n then around 12:35 i decided to sleep instead of fighting it. 😊😴💤
night night diary, luv u lots. bear says hello  👋🧸
╭┈─────── urs truly, ࿐ ˊˎ-
╰┈➤ sweetheart xx
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IbiYamaIru is peak rare pair happiness okay
Also i love the visual of these three “hardasses” (they appear to the youngins to be, Iruka @ the kids in achool, Ibiki @ interrogation, and Yamato @ team 7 etc but theyre definitely big softies lol)
But three “hardass” beefcakes in a big hug (bonus points if Iruka is the shortest in the middle and Yamz head on top then Ibi on top of his)
Iruka i think is actually the shortest so this definitly works XD And it's super cute. give all three of them all the hugs, they deserve it.
the only time you see these three being big ol softies is with each other (Well, Iruka's also a softie with Naruto and Yamato is one wiht Kakashi so XD) and everyone has concerns the first time that they see it because it just seems so weird and out of place loll
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thehappynerd19 · 3 years
How to study with more motivation
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Here are some motivational tips for studying 24/7:
Know your goals. What is your goal? What do you really want to do in the future? If you want to get good marks, there is no alternative to good studying. Knowing your goals will give you clarity.
Talk about your goals wiht your friends. When you will talk about your goals with your friends you will have a duty to fulfil it.
Make studying your habit , not your work. Make it easy to study and hard to slack off. Sit down at your desk with your book even if you do not study.
Use sticky notes, phone wallpapers to keep you motivated by inspirational quotes.
Join a community where people talk about studying and learning. You will be motivated when your friends are motivated
Want to learn more about being motivated for studying > How to get the motivation to study: 10 Super Useful Tips | Moinul - The Happy Nerd
Study tips, tricks and strategies for students!
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strawberry-squidkid · 3 years
This post is me being sad :3 feel free to pass i just needed to get it out
its only been 4 days and im not over him. is that normal? we started dating eachother after abt a week of rlly talking w/ each other, and 2 days before our 3 weeks he broke up with me, saying i was a burden to talk to, he was hating himself, and he wasnt over his ex.  I could tell he was off but i didnt truthful expect to be broken up wiht so soon. idk if i loved him yet, but i knew i rlly liked him and his comapny, being on call w/ eachother, talking ot eachother everyday. And i love to talk with people but i get so insecure abt the amnt i talk when the reason the people i date break up with me is the fact they feel obligated and burdened to talk to me for hours on end. What else r u supposed to do when u r daitng???? ignore eachother everyday and only talk when ur upset??? i dont think so, so wtf do u want me to do. I like to think im independant enough to feel happy when we arent talking w/ eachother but i do feel rlly happy, bososted, when we talk. so why did u have to say talking with me was a burden? i really hope u miss me tho. cause i miss u. but its to hard to talk to u without wanting to text u “i miss you </3″ every 5 minutes or without wanting to tell u how much i love you. And i feel kinda shitty im not super duper sad n cryign every time i think of him because all i rlly feel is numb, and im constantly doubting if he was really important to me and if i just liked him cause he gave me attention and idk what to do with myself  n e more and idk how to feel or process grieve or sadness or emotions and everything feels so awkward and wrong but idk why cause did i even like him or was it the attention i got i dont know anymore and i know i rlly like attention but is that so bad, is it bad to fall for a person who gives you attention and listen to you and talks to you and plays games with you and comforts you and lets you be mushy and soft. was it all just a lie i told myself. what emotions were even real. thats the thing i dont know.
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ao3feed-komahina · 3 years
by SHSLshipperNgan1245
A lot of classes has they own group chat so Makoto decided to made for his class
Words: 1263, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Dangan Ronpa - All Media Types, Dangan Ronpa 3: The End of 希望ヶ峰学園 | The End of Kibougamine Gakuen | End of Hope's Peak High School, Super Dangan Ronpa 2, Dangan Ronpa Another Episode: Ultra Despair Girls, Dangan Ronpa: Trigger Happy Havoc, New Dangan Ronpa V3: Everyone's New Semester of Killing
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: F/F, F/M, M/M, Multi
Characters: Naegi Makoto, Naegi Komaru, Togami Byakuya, Oma Kokichi, Harukawa Maki, Kirigiri Kyoko, Nanami Chiaki, Ishimaru Kiyotaka, Tsumiki Mikan, Shinguji Korekiyo, Mioda Ibuki, Fujisaki Chihiro, Tojo Kirumi, Yukizome Chisa, Kirigiri Jin, Kimura Seiko, Kizakura Kohichi, Saihara Shuichi, Asahina Aoi, Ikusaba Mukuro, Maizono Sayaka, Saionji Hiyoko, Ogami Sakura, Sakakura Juzo, Chou Koukou Kyuu no Sagishi | Ultimate Imposter, Sato (Dangan Ronpa), Komaeda Nagito, Hinata Hajime, Momota Kaito, Akamatsu Kaede, Amami Rantaro, Iruma Miu, Yumeno Himiko, Sonia Nevermind, Koizumi Mahiru, Mitarai Ryota, Yamada Hifumi, Kuzuryu Natsumi, Togami Shinobu, Tanaka Gundham, Pekoyama Peko, Kamukura Izuru, Hanamura Teruteru, Soda Kazuichi, Hoshi Ryoma, Otonashi Ryouko, Nidai Nekomaru, Chabashira Tenko, Andoh Ruruka, Munakata Kyosuke (Dangan Ronpa), Celestia Ludenberg, Fukawa Touko, Genocider Syo | Genocide Jack, K1-B0 (Dangan Ronpa), Gokuhara Gonta, Kuwata Leon, Hagakure Yasuhiro, Matsuda Yasuke, Owada Daiya, Owari Akane, Class 77 (Dangan Ronpa), Class 78 (Dangan Ronpa)
Relationships: Naegi Makoto/Togami Byakuya, Kirigiri Kyoko/Celestia Ludenberg, Ikusaba Mukuro/Maizono Sayaka, Ishimaru Kiyotaka/Oowada Mondo, Fujisaki Chihiro/Kuwata Leon, Kamukura Izuru/Komaeda Nagito, Hinata Hajime/Kamukura Izuru/Komaeda Nagito, Nanami Chiaki/Sonia Nevermind, Kuzuryu Fuyuhiko/Pekoyama Peko, Nidai Nekomaru/Owari Akane, Soda Kazuichi/Tanaka Gundham, Mioda Ibuki/Tsumiki Mikan, Koizumi Mahiru/Saionji Hiyoko, Chou Koukou Kyuu no Sagishi | Ultimate Imposter/Mitarai Ryota, Fukawa Touko/Naegi Komaru, Genocider Syo | Genocide Jack/Naegi Komaru, Fukawa Touko/Genocider Syo | Genocide Jack/Naegi Komaru, Kuzuryu Natsumi/Sato, Kirigiri Kyoko & Naegi Makoto & Togami Byakuya, Fujisaki Chihiro & Ishimaru Kiyotaka & Owada Mondo, Komaeda Nagito & Matsuda Yasuke, Komaeda Nagito & Kuzuryu Fuyuhiko & Soda Kazuichi, Komaeda Nagito & Pekoyama Peko, Komaeda Nagito & Oma Kokichi & Togami Byakuya, Hinata Hajime & Nanami Chiaki, Hinata Hajime & Kuzuryu Natsumi & Sato, Koizumi Mahiru & Mioda Ibuki & Saionji Hiyoko & Sato & Tsumiki Mikan, Matsuda Yasuke/Otonashi Ryouko, Hinata Hajime & Kamukura Izuru & Nanami Chiaki, Sonia Nevermind & Soda Kazuichi & Tanaka Gundham, Mioda Ibuki & Pekoyama Peko, Oma Kokichi/Saihara Shuichi, Kuzuryu Fuyuhiko & Kuzuryu Natsumi & Pekoyama Peko, Naegi Komaru & Naegi Makoto, Akamatsu Kaede/Iruma Miu, Harukawa Maki/Tojo Kirumi, Harukawa Maki & Momota Kaito, Amami Rantaro/K1-B0, Gokuhara Gonta/Hoshi Ryoma, Munakata Kyosuke/Sakakura Juzo, Munakata Kyosuke & Sakakura Juzo & Yukizome Chisa, Shirogane Tsumugi/Yonaga Angie, Maizono Sayaka & Naegi Makoto, Hagakure Yasuhiro & Kuwata Leon, Kirigiri Jin & Kirigiri Kyoko & Kizakura Koichi, Chabashira Tenko & Yonaga Angie & Yumeno Himiko, Kirigiri Jin/Kizakura Kohichi, Amami Rantaro & Harukawa Maki & Iruma Miu & K1-B0 & Oma Kokichi, Oma Kokichi & Tojo Kirumi & Chabashira Tenko & Momota Kaito & Korekiyo Shinguji, Hinata Hajime/Komaeda Nagito
Additional Tags: Fujisaki Chihiro Is a Little Shit, but he still innocent, Shuichi is a simp, The Author Regrets Nothing, Komaeda Nagito Needs a Hug, Oma Kokichi Needs a Hug, Kaede is done with everyone, Kokichi and Maki are besties, Alternate Universe - Non-Despair (Dangan Ronpa), there is no Junko only Ryoko, Everyone Is Gay (mosly), The Author's English is trash, Everyone Is Alive, Nanami Chiaki is a Little Shit, Peko is a god, Komaeda Nagito Being Komaeda Nagito, Kirumi is the best mom, Chisa is a best mom, Kokichi Is a Good Friend, Author Is Sleep Deprived, ;), Hinata Hajime and Kamukura Izuru Are Twins, Chaos, Chatting & Messaging, Nagito loves braiding Izuru's hair, Reserve Course (Dangan Ronpa), Friendship, Enemies to Friends to Lovers, Friends to Lovers, Childhood Friends, How Do I Tag, Celestia Ludenberg is a death name, people call her Taeko Yasuhiro, and she ok wiht that, Kokichi is innocent, kiyotaka is not innocent, Naegi Makoto Is a Little Shit, Hinata Hajime needs a hug
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paperstorm · 4 years
okay so just imagine steve and bucky being retired after endgame (they get together and become canon screw the actual endgame ending) and they live on a farm and i’m such a sucker for this au because bucky would actually get to see how strong steve really is and it would turn him on and bucky would literally ask steve to take him on any surface and steve would oblige because he can’t resist but to get a little aroused to see bucky planting and showing off his ass and thighs and i’m dying andie🥵
UGH WELL NOW I’M DYING TOO. Bucky never *really* got to appreciate Steve and his new body, what with a war going on around them and then being separated for so long. Watching Steve like just randomly lift things, like a little girl’s ball gets caught behind a boulder so Steve just lifts it up like it weighs as much as a loaf of bread and Bucky is like ....... oh. Once they got through the tricky bits at the beginning wiht Bucky’s trauma and everything and got to a place where they’re relatively stable and happy, they would just be all over each other all the time. That super-soldier stamina. Hoo boy. It’s a lot to think about. 
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