#normalize giving temporary groups GOOD names
First of all, so so sorry your situation. Im in a similar one actually so I really hope you're okay. Even though it's not dire, mine isn't either, it's very draining and can be super overwhelming since you dont have the support of your parents to guide you. People have already mentioned keeping documents in order. you mentioned commissions, time how long it takes you do to things and decided how you'd like to be paid based on the hour. Do Not undersell yourself. If you're uncomfortable with people maybe seeing your real name/using real info for payments, there are companies that work as your registered agent (at least that's what it's called in the usa) that you can use the address of for a yearly fee
You can also look into passive income things with art like making stickers for redbubble and Ive heard about artists making stock images before but I don't know how that really work tbh ^^;
here's a good post on general adult knowledge
here's a post on things to know once your out
Always Pay Rent First. Normally there's always some sort of way to get food, losing your apartment makes it super hard to keep a job
As for staying sane, people really help. Not necessarily even talking a whole ton.
Going and sitting at a cafe or park. wandering around a mall.
It's why I adore anime cons. You can look up board game or crafting groups in your area. If you're lgbtqia you can look for nearby queer centers, they're really helpful for advice and resources. Libraries are ridiculously useful. My nearby one hosts plenty of events and has a poster board for nearby event happening. You can just spend the afternoon there.
Journaling and deep breathing and calm music all really help me too.
Therapy has always been the most helpful but not everyone has access to that.
Also getting a good nights rest. So many of my problems have been helped a lot by getting better sleeping habits
As for where to move, think about things like climate, laws, how the people there act. My town is super queer friendly but two towns over they're very much not, so be careful. Normally a simple google search on the name of a town can tell you a lot about it.
When picking out apartments, things like if you have animals or a car are super important. I have a car so Im looking for somewhere that has dedicated parking cause I can't afford someone hitting it when it's parked on the side walk.
There are jobs that lead into other jobs. Knowing powered equipment, such as forklifts, can score you better paying jobs in the future.
If you're looking into something art wise, just focus on portfolio, no one cares if you went to college as long as you can do what they need.
There's also apps for things like setting up dog sitting. I've also heard of event staffing companies that'll give you jobs as they come, never done it though so look thoroughly into that.
you can look up the average rent/utilities and such of a town you want to live in to get an idea of what you'll be paying
Credit score is super important in the usa to renting, but I don't know if you have that or an equivalent. If there's is, there should be secured credit cards that help you start building credit if you have none.
Just remember that this won't last forever and you got this!! it's painful and scary but it's temporary.
Also remember that you still deserve better even though you're not being abused, it still hurts and that's vaild.
I dont know if any of this is helpful but I wish you the best and feel free to ask questions if you need anything :D
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seokmattchuus · 10 months
Mnet stays picking ugly ass names
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voidpetrova · 4 months
a little less lonely — jj maybank x reader
part 2 can be found here
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☄. *. ⋆ content warning(s) & genre: swearing, alcohol consumption, adultery mentioned, rebounding, one-sided feelings, explicit sexual content under the cut: unprotected sex, creampie, tit play, overstimulation, squirting — angst, smut
˚♡ 。˚ synopsis: what better way is there to heal a broken heart than over-complicating things with just a few glasses of wine to start things off?
things had never been so complicated. under any normal circumstances, people found themselves drawn in by the beauty of the carolina coast. so eager to strip themselves of their everyday stress, all they seeked was a temporary sense of peace—an artificial promise that everything would be alright. maybe not right then and there, because all those problems found a way out the minute sunny, warm skies and salty waves came into the picture. the people were friendly, despite the tension. the food was great, as was the company. there was no better example of the perfect place.
however, bad luck had a way of clinging to those who found themselves with no way out, not even on earth's paradise.
you were never able to figure out where it all went wrong with john b. no matter how many hours you spent thinking about it, let alone distracting yourself from it, you failed to point out where exactly the bridge began to shake. the possibilities were endless. did it have anything to do with sarah's sudden presence amongst the group itself? did it have anything to do with growing tensions between him and rafe? he could've been drained, you could've just grown apart. in the end, he offered no explanation when he chose to end things with you. it was a swift, clean cut.
to be frank, you were feeling quite zen with the entire situation. despite having spent two full years with him, it truly didn't affect you as much as you expected. if you were asked about it two years ago, you'd have thought your life would fall apart. when the moment finally came, you accepted it with a gracious heart, no matter how much you truly yearned for him. you loved him, there was no denying it, but you knew you had no say in the decisions he made. you knew that from the second you met him.
you found yourself in front of his doorstep, offering a few quiet knocks to the wooden door. up until that point, he had returned a two full boxes of a few of your personal belongings he had grown to collect throughout your relationship. a third box with your name on it was waiting for you, just on the other side.
when the door opened, you found yourself face-to-face once more. you offered him a kind smile, gazing up at him. it was impossible to read his expressions, to tell what and how he was feeling. perhaps stoic, maybe sympathetic, even. his eyes were almost soulless, despite the smile he returned.
“hey,” you broke the silence, clasping your hands together. “you have the box, right?” he showed no interest jn accompanying your dialogue, offering only a small nod in response before turning on his heel, heading towards the box. you bit your lip, as if ashamed for giving in so fast, it definitely chipped away at the zen you were feeling just a few minutes prior. thankfully enough, your thoughts didn't offer much consolation for long. loud, angry, familiar voices pierced your ears, you couldn't help but turn in the direction of the source.
the last person you had expected was to see jj, someone you had spent a good portion of your life dating despite the messy ending. you had spent a decent five years with him, no matter how bad the last few months were. he was somewhat of a childhood best friend, with the two of you growing up in the same area, both of your fathers being best friends. after a while, perhaps just before puberty, you grew distant, but when the growth spurts finally hit, you were inseparable. he was your first boyfriend, and you were his first girlfriend. you had gone through so much together, teaching each other the rights and wrongs of a relationship, and you truly expected it to last. everybody did. all of that joyous hope went to waste when he met kiara, leading to the ultimate decision of throwing five years in the water for a cheap one-night stand, which eventually led to a serious relationship over the course of a few days. needless to say, no matter how angry and heartbroken it left you, you remained civil—for everybody's sake.
much like every other day, he wasn't alone. you squinted your eyes amidst the sun's beaming rays, making out kiara's frame trailing behind him, down the stairs of the house's front porch. there was all too much screaming from her side, frantic arm waving, long strings of curses. however, jj wasn't hesitant to retort. you couldn't tell what the argument was about, but the way he stormed off and climbed into the white, worn-out travel van could only tell you one thing—whatever they had going on, was over.
you turned around once again, only this time, returning john b's stare. he had come back, arms wrapped around the box. you didn't know how long he had been standing there, you were more focused on the way the top of the box was sealed shut, your name written atop in big, black letters. “damn, at least we aren't acting like them.” it was your subtly unsubtle attempt to lighten the mood, but no matter how subtle you could be, all john b responded with was a shrug—before closing the door, right in your face.
it wasn't necessarily a feeling of defeat, as much as it was a sign that you needed a glass of wine in your system as fast as possible.
when the sun had finally set, the moonlight gladly took its place, casting shadows alongside your trailer park. you were sat on your dining room chair, a bathrobe hugging you warmly as you crossed your legs, admiring the bottle of cheap wine calling your name. there really wasn't much negotiating needed to win you over—you found yourself reaching for the bottle before you even began thinking about it. maybe that was all you really needed for the zen to reach its full potential.
all that potential may as well have gone to waste when you heard the doorbell ring, a feeling of unease settling. nonetheless, no matter how ticked off, you clutched the front of your bathrobe tightly as you treaded toward the door. “who is it?” you called out, once in front of the door. a sigh was heard at first, but you didn't know what to expect anymore. perhaps john b, perhaps another one of your friends coming in to offer their condolences.
“it's your ex-boyfriend!” the familiar voice practically chirped. of all the unexpected guests you could have had, this one really took the cake. you rolled your eyes as you hesitantly reached for the doorknob. “jj, what do you want?” you were taken aback once you opened the door, taking a step back when you got a good look at jj, two suitcases by his side and a bag slung over his shoulder. he offered you a friendly smile, accompanied by an almost nervous wave.
“you saw the shitshow today, i presume,” he let out a nervous laugh, free hand reaching to scratch the back of his neck. “kiara and i just broke up.”
maybe your conscience truly was getting the best of you, or maybe you were healing. whatever it was, it made you sympathize with him. no matter what the past stated, you couldn't help but return the smile, opening the door just a little bit more as you stepped aside. you knew they've had their fair share of arguments, but you never really expected them to break up. not yet, at least. “oh, well, come on in.”
his gratitude wasn't immediately evident, not as much as his shock. he expected many things, from more yelling to bag-throwing and even hissy fits, but not any acts of kindness.
in no time, you found yourself in his company, right on the chair next to you, and it was time to crack the bottle open. he couldn't help but laugh, seeing you so eagerly fiddle with the corkscrew. it wasn't in a taunting matter, despite the look you shot him, but rather in pale admiration. you had poured yourselves each a glass as you brought your knees back up to your chest, awaiting further explanation from him.
“sorry to come over on such short notice, but i couldn't face going to a motel.” you raised an eyebrow, shooting him a playful look. “that's okay,” you murmured in response, tracing the shape of your glass before leaning it in for another sip. “is there a reason you're crashing here and not at john b's?”
he shrugged, clasping his hands together quietly as he stared into his glass, watching the ripples and bubbles the pale yellow liquid provided. “didn't feel like dealing with his shit today,” he licked his lips as he paused, eyes flickering between you and the glass, as if hesitant. “also, sarah was with him. didn't feel like dealing with her shit either.” the unexpected mention of her name sent a sharp twinge in your chest, and you couldn't help the silent feeling of defeat from pressing into your chest. jj definitely noticed it, his following look all too sympathetic as he watched you down the rest of your wine.
“am i allowed to ask what happened?” you finally broke the silence, head tilted to the side as you locked eyes once more. he laughed, but there was nothing funny about it. “you could ask, but i won't tell.” you quirked an eyebrow up, his tactics all too familiar as you shot him a look of disappointment.
“why not?”
“'cause it's embarrassing.”
“jj, did you cheat again?”
“did she cheat?”
“you finally saw her without any makeup?”
it was his turn to shoot a disapproving look of his own, but neither of you could hold back the laughter that followed. despite it all, he shook his head, signalling that the break-up truly must've been something much deeper. “are you okay?” this was the first of your questions that was truly genuine. he nodded, once more. “yeah,” he responded, grabbing ahold of the bottle, filling your glass up alongside his. “it hadn't been working for quite a while. this was inevitable.”
you knew exactly what he meant by that, exactly what he was talking about. it was as if you, too, had sensed quite a while ago that a bad ending was written in the stars for you and john b. “well, these days anybody going through a break-up gets my sympathy.”
jj clicked his tongue before taking another swig of the wine. truly, he had been used to beer up until this point. the taste of grape brought back memories—how you would always have a bottle or two in your fridge while you were together. “that's right,” he responded, leaning back in his chair. “i heard johnnie boy lost feelings.” despite how painful it felt hearing everybody's thoughts out loud, you couldn't help but laugh bitterly. “no, johnnie boy lost love. found it somewhere else.”
it wasn't supposed to be a personal attack on jj's behalf, but the shoe definitely fit. his eyes were filled with a sorrow you never sought to uncover, guilt tugging at his heartstrings. “so, there will be no gloating from me.” you proudly continued, shooting him a smile as you raised your glass. he returned the smile, clinking away with his own glass. “well, here's to no gloating.”
you had explained to him that you were trying to keep a positive outlook on the whole thing, no matter how much it ate away at your pride. you talked and talked, and all he wanted to do was listen. “i even started writing last night,” you continued, downing what was left in what was definitely your fourth glass of wine. “and, well, i think there's a potential book in there.”
he couldn't fight off the pride he felt for you. “a book, really?” you nodded, the last of the bitter juices coating your tongue. “about all my failed relationships.” jj laughed appreciatively.
“you're not writing about me, are you?” he teased, earning him nothing but a humorless retort. “please, you're like the first fourteen chapters.” he grinned, even though he knew what was awaiting him.
“are you gonna be fair?” he asked teasingly. you nodded, just an edge of irony to your words. “i'm gonna be honest.” he feigned a worried sigh at your response, offering a displeased look, “i was afraid of that.”
it was nice to finally get some things off your chest, it was nice having someone to talk to, even if it was your ex-boyfriend. it felt like time was flying, and everything that had been bothering you up until then disappeared. “give me your glass, gotta finish this bottle off,” he insisted, gesturing toward what was left of the bottle, but you couldn't. shouldn't, really. “no way, jj, four glasses is my limit.” you made a weak, tipsy attempt at snatching the bottle away, but he was two steps ahead of you, pulling it away and coming to face you, as if he had a business proposition.
“if you help me finish off this bottle, i'll tell you what happened between me and kiara.” he was good, really good. you couldn't resist it, perhaps his story would provide at least some consolation. “hit me.” and so, he did.
you sipped away at your fifth glass of wine, ignoring the way your mind went fuzzy as the taste overwhelmed your senses once again. once jj had seen how dedicated you were, he smiled. “kiara was making the bed, and found a picture i kept under the mattress,” you shot him a look of surprise as you brought the glass back up to your lips. “a picture i didn't want her to see.”
“what kind of picture?” you questioned, a genuine edge of curiosity to your tone. your first guess would have been some sort of dirty magazine. your only guess, really, but kiara never seemed like the type to make such a big fuss over that. jj lowered his gaze along with the empty glass, only to lock eyes with you, once more.
“it was a picture of you,” he finally admitted. “it's something i like to take a look at every now and then.”
you didn't know how to respond. for the first time in a long time, jj had left you speechless. your reaction wasn't negative by any means, as much as shocked. you could only utter out a small “wow,” with truly nothing else to say. your eyes remained locked as you stared at the man you had once loved more than anyone else in the world, the same one that had truly messed you up in the long run. despite all of it, you harbored no hatred toward him whatsoever. not even to the extent where you found him leaning in, something you would've definitely pushed him away for. the only problem was that you didn't push him away, you found yourself returning the kiss.
however, you were the first to pull away, vision blurry as you both filled each other's ears with drunken laughter. “what the hell was that?” your tone was all but stern. jj leaned back once more. “that was something i've been wanting to do for quite some time.”
you couldn't help but roll your eyes at the stupid sentiment, despite the shared laughter. “oh, that's just you rebounding from kiara.” he shrugged, although he knew it was far from the truth. “so, you're on the rebound from johnnie boy. no harm, no foul.”
what really tipped the scale of morality for you was the fact that you truly had nothing against his proposal. you let out a sigh, “jj, it would be so weird.” he was quick to cut you off before you could rest your case. “we're two old friends who suddenly find themselves single, nothing weird about us helping each other out to be,” he paused, as if trying to find the write words. “a little less lonely.”
resisting would have been the appropriate thing to do. whether the answer was to push him back or pull away, the right thing would've been to resist. it wasn't right, no matter how good it felt or how familiar his touch was, it was morally wrong. it was wrong to use each other, it was wrong to go behind john b's back, just as kiara's. they were your friends. jj was your friend. it didn't matter, because neither of you resisted.
your mouths melded together, creating an all too familiar intimate connection, the air crackling with intensity. you couldn't help but succumb to his magnetic pull, allowing him to weave his fingers into your soft locks of hair. “shit, jay,” you exhaled through a moan, and it was the first time in a long time he's heard thst nickname. it's been years since he's heard it from you. he tapped at your lips with his tongue, eagerly awaiting your access. you gladly obliged, every gram of the guilt that had been building up, finally washing away as he continued to pursue you.
he wrapped his arms around your thighs, sliding you off the chair and into his grasp, not once breaking the kiss. you gasped, saliva trickling down your chin as jj stumbled drunkenly, barely getting it together as he located the entrance to your bedroom. when you fell onto the bed, the kiss finally came to an end, but it was only the beginning. with your head on your pillow and jj on top of you, heat coursed through your veins.
his lips attached themselves to your jaw, peppering kisses along the thin layer of skin. you whined, fingernails gliding down his clothed back as he sucked at your sweet spots. he could read you like a book, knew all of your weaknesses—all of your sweetest, most sensitive points. his tongue travelled further down your neck, veiny hands pulling apart the front of your robe, giving him access to your chest. you swore you heard him growl, but your own moans seemed to block out his noises as he took a tit into his mouth, the rough surface of his tongue circling your nipple before enfulfing the flesh whole.
he was hard, so painfully hard. you knew it, felt it, while he rutted his hips against your bare legs, erection hard against your soft skin. he whined, although he'd never admit it to anyone else. you were all he needed, this was all he'd been waiting for all those years.
“he ever get you wet like this?” the question came out before he could stop himself. there was a specific edge to his voice, a silver lining between curiosity and possessiveness. you couldn't bring yourself to answer, not while he had a hand fondling your tits so roughly, pushing and pinching, the latter rubbing your bare cunt, fingers almost immediately drenching themselves in your juices. all you could do was shake your head.
he was satisfied with the answer, enough to move onto his own clothes. he kept his gaze on your frame, wetting his lips as he took you in—tits bare and hanging out, bite marks littered around your nipples, robe untied, sweat trickling down your stomach, legs spread with your sticky juices coating the outside of your cunt. he peeled his shirt off, followed by the shorts and boxers he had dropped to his ankles.
eager. that's what he was. there was nothing romantic about the way you felt, eyes glued to his dick. you hadn't felt any of it all these years, and though it may have been the alcohol talking, you needed him more than ever. “jay, please,” how was he supposed to say no to such politeness? it wouldn't have been right, not with the way your desperate pleas made him want to ruin all of you.
that's exactly what he had in mind. he grabbed his shaft, lining it up with your entrance, a sigh of relief passing his lips the second he felt your slick coating his tip, and he hadn't even put it in yet. you bit your lip, knowing what was coming, hands pulling him in by his back. with every inch you took, more and more moans spilled out of your mouth. once again, he found himself peppering kisses. this time, on your cheeks. he cooed in your ear, telling you it'd be better soon. “just a few seconds, baby. little more and you'll feel so good,” he slurred.
he was never one to lie. the more you relaxed, the deeper he allowed himself to go. “fucking shit,” he growled, throwing his head back at the familiar feeling of your warmth. you took him well, walls clinging to his shaft, giving him barely the space he needed. you couldn't hold your moans back, and you knew your paper thin walls on the tiny island would do you no justice.
with your nails clawing at his back. he grabbed your legs, placing them over his shoulders to get a better angle going. your eyes practically rolled into the back of your head at the feeling. he drilled into your sopping cunt, hips snapping at an impeccable pace as he chased his high. his balls slammed against your clit, along with his thumb as he pushed his palm into your lower belly, smirking at the way he could practically feel his dick in there. his thumb rubbed at your clit, eliciting the sweetest moans he'd ever hear.
he watched your cunt swallow him whole, the foreign feeling making both of your heads spin. your eyes widened as jj picked up the pace, your heart racing at what was awaiting you. “jj, i gotta pee,” you whined, feet making an attempt to push him away, but it was no use. he shushed you, pressing down on your lower stomach once more. “that's it, fuck.” he quickened his pace, fingers aching as he abused your clit. your orgasm hit you like a brick. your mouth hung open but you remained inaudible, the only focus point being the way your legs shaked as your juices dripped down his shaft.
to add fuel to the fire, instead of stopping, jj began rubbing your clit a second time, flesh slicking the bundle of nerves up with your wetness. he was close, even closer after watching you cum all over his cock. “such a mess.” he teased, and he wasn't wrong. your sheets were soaked, your vision blurry, his pelvis dripping with your arousal.
“hurts so bad.” the sympathy he felt was overwhelming, but he couldn't stop now. he used his free hand to stroke your hair, moving lose strands out of your face. “give me one more, i’m about to cum, baby.” the overstimulation made your eyes water, hips stuttering to meet his powerful thrusts. all he could do was abuse the soft spot inside you, and it didn’t take long before you both came. he buried his face in your neck as he came, burying his cock into your pussy as he emptied all the cum he had to offer, hips stuttering as he moaned. you couldn't pull yourself together at all, head spinning as you did your best to recover.
when he did pull out, you found yourselvee sitting in silence. you were too tired to say anything, only able to turn to your side, eyes begging to be closed. you didn't mind the silence as much as jj did, he watched you closely.
he knew this would be the last of your interactions. he'd go back to kiara, you'd go back to john b. that's the way things would always be, and he knew that. he hated the thought of it, it left him feeling empty. unfulfilled. there was nothing he could do except make the most of the time he had left with you, wrapping his arms around your bare body and pulling you in close as he fought his tears back.
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ldysmfrst · 7 days
America Mate (8) - Time to Tell the Family Pack
Chapter 8 is live for Patreon members! This chapter is 11,456 words of fluff, intensity, and amusement. Check out a teaser below!
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“Are you serious? You agreed to be our playmate?” Soekjin inquires, stepping up next to Yoongi.
Standing up, you look at the two hybrids with a smile. “Yes,” you say, glancing over at Namjoon and Jungkook. “I may not be a normal playmate, and this may not be a normal situation, but I am willing to try to make it work.”
At your words, the pack erupts into exclamations of joy, shock, and happiness. The room is flooded with happy scents and a warm abundance of vanilla. 
Their reactions also make you smile, which only becomes wider when you become a Yoongi and Jungkook sandwich. Soon follows Seokjin, then Taehyung and Hoseok, and lastly comes Jimin and Namjoon. You have fully been engulfed in a pack pile. 
While it is all good and dandy, they won’t let go. Logically, you understand that they are just finding a way to claim you as their playmate and temporary pack member. The attention is a little unnerving. 
“Well, this is an endearing sight to see, Bangtan. I won’t disrupt too much. I just wanted to let you all know that I have sent over the signed contract. Miss Y/n only needs to attend a health screening appointment and clear her office desk by the end of the week. Everything should be good,” Manager Sejin says from the hallway. 
“I will let myself out. Remember you have a schedule tomorrow which Yoongi is excused from to assist her, but the rest of you need sleep. It's getting late.”
With that, you find yourself still in the middle of a very warm cluster of hybrid men. As thrilled as most Army would be, it is too much too soon for you.
“Umm, guys. Can we maybe take a step back?” you ask the group, resulting in unpleasant grumbles all around. 
“No, like, really. I need air, or space, or breathing room.” with still no response, you raise your voice, “I need out!” 
You are now batting and pushing for freedom while raising your voice, breaking the boys out of whatever headspace they had gone into. The boys move to sit or stand around the living room, now feeling mildly awkward as you are feeling disgruntled and overwhelmed. 
Once you can wiggle out of them, move to the farthest corner near the backyard doors, take a few breaths, and let the warm vanilla scent settle you. 
Man, you need to find out what kind of cleaner or candle they use.
The boys look at each other and have silent conversations with their eyes and hands about what should happen next since they realize they have overstepped yet again. 
At this most inopportune time, your stomach decides to roar like a ravenous dragon. Looking at your phone, you realize you ate last at the lunch meeting with Manager Sejin.
“It seems that my promise to keep you eating well and happy starts right away,” Seokjin says with a slight chuckle as he walks up next to you.
He hands you his phone with the Doordash app open. “Here you go, dear. Dinner is on me. Pick any place you like and order whatever you want. I think the rest of us should go unpack enough to sleep.”
The boys nod and murmur in agreement, moving to their rooms. Namjoon mentions something about no seafood, and Taehyung asks for nothing spicy.
“Oh… Thank you, Mr. Kim,” you smile while looking through the app, only to stop when a hand is placed on your arm.
“You are with us now. Please use our names or even nicknames. I hope you feel comfortable and allow us to use yours as well,” Seokjin mentions before heading upstairs.
“Names or nicknames. Got it – Jin.”
Before going down the hall, he smiles at you one last time, “When you are done ordering for everyone, just send it out.”
After giving him a thumbs up, you murmur to yourself, “Order for everyone… no, what was it again? Oy… I hardly know what I want most of the time, much less for seven Korean men.
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impishjesters · 7 months
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warning(s): none note(s): This was a request that accidentally got deleted so I'm fuzzy on the exact words used, but I remember it involving a reader who makes clay things and that it was for Gangle. So my apologies to the requester if I missed anything! A/N: I don't remember if it was platonic or romantic, but this was written with the intention of the crushing stage because I just think it's so stinking cute. I definitely feel like Gangle would enjoy someone going out of their way to not only help fix her masks but make her brand new ones without her even asking for them. Too cute.
Gangle x Clay Maker!Reader
Gangle held her recently broken comedy mask for what felt like the hundredth time, and it seemed like almost every time was a result of something to do with Jax. The most recent case, however, was the new arrival, just to have it stepped on breaking it further. If she had a mean bone in her body she’d curse the damn thing for being so fucking fragile.
Luckily she had you, someone who worked with clay to make all sorts of little things. You had even taken to making her some new masks, some she wore, some she put up as decoration too afraid to risk them breaking. Even when you reassured her you could fix them up if that happened, that offer extended to her two original masks.
When everything had died down she separated from the group and headed for your bedroom. She had asked once before why you didn’t just ask Caine for more space or a new room, you had brushed it off by saying it’s not like you needed a fully furnished bedroom.
Besides Caine oh so graciously gave you all the things needed to make new clay stuff, asking for more at the moment felt like too much—even if you deserved it for being trapped in this shit hole, all of you deserved more than you got.
Gangle raised a hand to knock before remembering that it wasn’t necessary and instead opted to push the door open before calling out your name.
Your head rose from the project in front of you, throwing a quick glance at your guest. “Ah, Gangle. Broken mask?” Poor girl couldn’t catch a break.
“Yes…the newbie broke it…b-by accident!” she tacked on. “Then Jax stepped on it…”
Gangle crept over and you gestured for her to show you the pieces. Laying them out on the worktable she hunched into herself, hands fiddling idly. “I-it’s not too broken is it?”
You shoved your current project aside and gently collected the fragments like it was a puzzle, whistling when you saw the damage. “Nothing’s too broken, especially since you already told me you don’t mind the clay. It might take a little bit longer than normal though, but I can give you a temporary comedy mask if you want.”
She shook her head, there was a certain fondness for her original two masks that it felt odd to wear the mock ups you made. Though she was starting to fear the damage becoming too much that these two masks would hardly be original anymore.
“Do you think you could…maybe make more solid copies of them? L-like the others?”
The masks you designed were made a bit more durable then the temporary comedy masks she’d used before. They were temporary after all, more akin to a cheap Papier-mâché mask then a solid structured mask.
“What like a better version of your main two? Thinking of tucking these two away for safety?” Gangle gave a nod and you looked at her, mask shards forgotten to reach out and touch along the edge of the tragedy mask she wore. “You know you could easily just ask Caine to fix them up.”
Gangle tittered nervously at your tender touch, trying to focus on anything but how close you were. “I..I guess I could.. but..”
It was embarrassing to admit she liked your handiwork, and while she was worried about her masks you did bring up a good point. Caine would easily fix them if they got that bad, but it felt like a last option to fall back on. In fact he had fixed them up multiple times prior to your arrival, but it felt like she was a bother having to always find him and ask time and time again.
If she was being completely honest, she sort of just really liked the tender attention you gave her and the way you kept working so earnestly on masks for her. Masks she didn’t even ask for, it was completely your own doing! So sue her for sucking up all the attention you happily gave her.
When she never finished her sentence you took that as her being lost in her own head and gentle jostled her face. “Outta that pretty little head missy, you don’t have to explain it to me. But yeah I can make sturdier mask copies.”
You gesture to the free seat nearby and she scampered off to her usual spot. It gave her the perfect view to watch both you and your work while being just the right distance to not be in the way or for her heart to beat out her chest.
The project you had been working on when she entered was left untouched in favour of fixing up some of her broken mask as well as getting a fresher template drawn up. Gangle eyed the ignored project before her attention went back to you.
“What were you working on before I came in?”
“Mm? Oh, nothing too important, just some little clay dolls.”
Gangle pulled her knees closer as she listened to you talk about the dolls in question. She was forever grateful that her masks kept the exact object she was staring at vague, if you knew that her eyes were glued specifically to you she’d completely unravel.
Physically and mentally. Maybe one day she’d speak up on her feelings.
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five-rivers · 1 year
Cryptid Crawl! 6
The problem– The main problem– The– Okay, the problem that was pertinent at the moment was that the hunters, cryptid and otherwise, had to leave having seen nothing even remotely interesting, nothing that could be a draw for tourists.  
That meant that, whatever else they did, they could not be seen being anything other than unbelievably lame by the general population.  Of course, the best way to do that would be to keep them from seeing anything.  
The very first piece of prep work Danny and Tucker had done was getting into Jack’s YouTube account and setting it to private.  That was, however, a temporary measure, and in addition to not wanting tourists flooding into Amity Park, Danny didn’t want his parents in hot water with the GIW.  Again.  
Once they filmed, Jack or Maddie could upload videos at any time, so something that would have to be done afterward was getting back into the account, deleting the videos, and corrupting the original files.  Not too difficult, considering that Danny lived with them, had a hacker friend, and could possess technology.  
But for the other groups?  Especially the ones that were filming live?  Not so much.  
They could not see.  Any measures Danny and the others took to stop them had to look either like local kids playing pranks, incompetence, or nothing at all.  Luckily, they were local kids playing pranks, and there was a lot of incompetence going around, lately.  
Danny and Tucker ran through eerily empty streets, listening for the GAV.  They paused, seeing the GAV hurtle past the mouth of an alleyway.  
“Okay, well,” said Tucker, “there it is.  You sure you want to do this?”
“Yeah,” said Danny.  “Who else is going to?”  He went ghost.  “Show me again where the GGBE are.”
Tucker held up the PDA and pointed.  
“Okay, yeah, I can do that,” said Danny.  “I can do that.  Sam, you still managing?”
“Haven’t made contact yet,” admitted Sam, over the Fenton Phones.  “This wig is surprisingly high quality, by the way.”
“Cool,” said Danny.  “Remember, call us if you need help.”
“I’m dealing with two completely normal YouTubers who think you’re some kind of endangered species, not ex-military super-spies.”
“He kind of is an endangered species, though.  Even Skulker says so.”
Danny shook his head and pushed off from the ground.  “Can hybrids even be considered a species?” he asked.  
“The New Mexico Whiptail–”
“It was a rhetorical question!”
William Monroe Delaney Montrose Woods the Fourth, generally known as Bill, was remarkable for three reasons beyond his name.  The first was that he absolutely and entirely believed in the existence of cryptids and loved helping Crawly, who he’d met in college, with their YouTube channel.  
The second was that he was a former Navy Seal, discharged due to an elbow injury that had never healed right.  
The third was that his last job was in data analytics… for the CIA.  Nothing special.  He just collated data in a nice, boring, quiet room.  He’d hardly call himself a super-spy.  And he’d quit.  Too stressful.  
But…  All his training did have the side effect of giving him a very good sense for when he was being followed.  
He tried to watch the figure out of the corner of his eyes, excited.  Finally, he was going to see a real life cryptid.  He’d just have to be careful… it was clearly trying to stay out of direct view… he didn’t want to spook it.  Crawly hadn’t noticed yet, either.  He’d have to figure out some way to let them know.  Maybe he could angle the camera towards the cryptid…
“Oh my gosh, Bill, look!”  Crawly jabbed a finger at the space behind his shoulder, and Bill quickly turned to see something black and white skittering around a corner.  “Quick!  Chase it!  This is a once in a lifetime opportunity!”
Bill needed no further encouragement.  Camera in hand, he ran.  
Danny flickered ever so briefly into view in front of the GAV, and to the right.  He probably would be picked up on the cameras like this, but, again, his parents’ videos were the only ones he could afford to be caught in.  As expected, Jack turned the wheel so hard the GAV rocked up on one set of wheels before slamming back down.  Danny reappeared further down the street, at the mouth of another road.  
“STOP MOVING, GHOST!” roared Maddie over the intercom. 
“Wow,” muttered Danny under his breath.  “That really makes me want to stop, guys.”  He could, just barely, understand them thinking ghosts were evil.  He didn’t understand how they were still under the impression that Phantom, specifically, was that unbelievably stupid.  “Tuck, am I still on track?”
“Man, I don’t know why you’re asking, you know Amity Park better than I–”
“Why… parkour… expert… how?”
“Uh, Sam?” said Danny.  “I think you’re breaking up.”
“I’m being… chased!”
“Maybe I should–”
“Just a few more roads!  At the rate your Dad drives, that shouldn’t be any time at all!”
“Sam, can you hold out that long?”
There was no response for a long moment, during which Danny almost lost his lead on the GAV.  
“Managed to hide,” said Sam, audibly panting.  “Where did that camera guy come from?  He’s built like a tank and he can move.”
Danny let out a sigh of relief.  “I’ll be there in just a minute.”  He let himself fade into view again, luring his parents down a blind alley.  He phased easily through the brick, turning invisible again.  He did a quick check to make sure none of the people on the other side were too close to the wall - they weren’t - and that no one saw him - the tiger might have - and then the GAV plowed through the brick wall, sirens blazing and PA system blasting.  
Danny flared his aura, well aware of how that would show up on the GAV’s sensors at this point, and snickered as the GAV crunched over the Groovy Ghost Blasters Extreme’s illegally parked ATVs and dirt bikes in an attempt to get to Danny.
“My bike!” shrieked Brenner.  
“Dude, not cool!  Dude!” repeated Sullivan as Jack hit reverse and rolled over the bikes again.  
“Okay,” said Vid, pulling out her blaster (a Dalvco ripoff).  “We already knew these guys sucked, but this means war.”
She took aim at the GAV.  Of course, according to his parents, anything attacking the GAV had to be a–
“GHOOOOOOOOOOOST!” hollered his parents in unison.  And then the shooting started in earnest.  
Danny didn’t stick around.  Unlike all the humans here, he actually could be hurt by most of the weaponry going off.  
Besides, Sam needed him.  
“Hey,” said Az, falling back slightly as Ned expounded on some made up personal story that had only tangential interest to the actual investigation.  “Jimmy.  Do you hear that?”
“Hnh,” said Jimmy.  
“Like, a sort of electric sound.  Like the world’s biggest bug za–”  For the fourth time that day, Az tripped over his shoelaces.  
“Oh, I know what’s really haunted now.  Az’s shoes!”
“Screw you, too,” said Az.
“Yeah, yeah, they’re haunted by the ghost of his coordination.”
Az climbed to his feet and angrily redid his laces.  “If you’re doing this somehow–” he started, threateningly.  
“No, no,” said Ned, “I don’t need to make this look any more ridiculous than it already is.  Are you sure you researched this place?”
“I’m sure,” said Az, gritting his teeth as yet another crepe-paper and balloon ghost drifted down into the camera’s view from who-knew-where.  “I researched.  Extensively.”
“Because as fun as these are, I don’t think they’re actual ghosts.”  He grabbed the balloon and waved it at Az.  “Fun times with local pranksters who are really into the whole Halloween aesthetic?  Yes.  Haunted?  No.  The way things are looking, Amity Park falls squarely into the hoax category.” He gestured broadly, exaggerating his mannerisms for the camera.  
“At least let us get to the next location before you say that, Ned.”  He got back to his feet and smiled at the camera.  “Locals aside, this place is spooky.  An old observatory that was damaged and shut down under mysterious circumstances, it has had numerous reports of lights moving inside, strange sounds, and even the dome opening and the telescope inside moving.  Is this the ghost of an astronomer?  Or, like certain others believe, something else?”
“Ugh, don’t remind me of the cryptid YouTubers.  Those lights, though, I’m going to bet they’re kids smoking on the sly, or someone squatting.”
“And on the way there, we’ll drive by a few other points of local interest, such as–”
“They’re going to the observatory?” hissed Dani.  “They can’t go to the observatory, Danny will flip!”
Valerie looked at her sideways.  “Which Danny?  Your cousin, or Fenton?”
“Does it matter?  Both of them love that place.”
“Didn’t it get shot up by the GIW?”
“Yeah, and that’s why you don’t mention those guys to him.  He hates them.”
“He’s… a ghost.”
“Yeah, and the observatory is why human Danny hates them.  Keep up.”  Dani leaned forward, careful to keep both her feet on Val’s hoverboard.  She was the one providing invisibility, after all.  “We need to stop them.  We need to get… more drastic.”
Valerie made a face and waved a crepe paper ghost at Dani.  “I’m not sure how much more drastic we can get without advertising that Amity’s got something to hide.”
Dani scrunched her nose in thought.  “Then we don’t do it while hiding anything.  We do it while showing off things.”
“Not my hoverboard or your ghostly face, I hope.”
“No.  We’re going to take a page from my cousin’s book.”
“We’re going to chase a dog into all their equipment and ruin them financially?”
“I mean, that sounds like a good plan ‘B’ if you’ve got a dog we can use.  But, no.  How do you feel about fake-out make-outs?”
“Uh, Sam? I’m looking for you, but–”
“Running… again…  swear… last time… I dress up as you.”
“Okay, okay, but where are you?”  There was a sort of scraping sound from the Fenton Phones.  “Sam?”
“I’m okay!  Nasty Burger.”
Danny changed direction and arrowed down to a very familiar alleyway, where Sam was stripping off her costume.  She threw the wig at Danny as soon as she saw him.  
“Get ready to run,” she said breathlessly as Danny transformed.  “Those weirdos are fast.”
“I don’t know if we have any room to call other people weirdos,” said Danny.  He pulled the wig over his hair, then phased the rest of the suit off of Sam, who was struggling with the zipper.  He didn’t like his chances of fasting the suit on, though, and phased off his shoes before starting to pull the costume on.  The material was much thinner and filmier than his own hazmat suit, and wouldn’t be much protection against, well, anything.  “How’d you get away if they were so fast?”
“Cut through Amity Antiques,” said Sam.  “Ms. Larson made them go around.  No cameras in the store.”
“Smart.”  Danny phased his feet back into his shoes.  
“Thanks.  Contacts.”
“Right, right,” said Danny.  He phased his hand through his suit and into his pocket.  “Contacts.”
He hated this part.  Putting stuff like this in his eyes felt wrong.  Worse than swallowing sporks.  But, the ‘Amity Park Phantom’ had super noticeable glowing green eyes, so the ‘fake’ Phantom had to as well, and for Danny’s sake, those glowing eyes had to be caused by contacts.  
These ones had been produced by his parents after Walker’s invasion.  The idea was that a human could use them to walk unmolested among the overshadowed, but when no testing opportunities came up, the concept was abandoned.  
Danny opened the case, and already regretting every life choice that had led him to this moment, stuck one in his eye.  “That hurts.  I don’t know how people do this.”
“You get thrown through buildings daily.”
“That’s different,” whined Danny.  
“I’m getting pings from Cryptid Crawl’s phone, moving to your location,” said Tucker.  “Better get a move on.”
“Heck,” said Danny, squeezing in the other contact.  “Go rest in the Nasty Burger, I’ve got this.”
“I’ll try to shadow you after you leave,” said Sam, “but don’t expect anything fancy.”
“I’ll zig-zag,” said Danny.  
Sam patted him on the back and moved past him.  Time to do this.  
Danny ran back out into the street, but stuck to the shadows, scanning everything.  He had no idea how cryptids were supposed to behave, but he figured–
Holy moly, Sam was not kidding when she said that guy was fast!  He wasted a disbelieving second staring at the sheer speed at which that absolute tank of a man approached him, but he was too used to being chased by unreasonably huge and fast guys to hesitate any longer.  He bolted, using every piece of cover and concealment he could.  
He glanced over his shoulder.  The guy was actually gaining on him.  After chasing Sam on and off for at least ten minutes.  What was this guy made of?
Danny tapped into his ghostly strength and put on a burst of speed.  
… The guy also put on a burst of speed.  
That was scary.  
“Tucker,” said Danny, “which way am I going?”
“Give me a second.”
“They’re hanging out in front of the Skulk’n’Lurk,” said Sam.  “They’re posting live, Tucker.”
“I’m just trying to find the best route!”
“A better one than he can find on his own?”
Danny looked back again.  What was this guy made of?
Valerie and Dani stepped onto the street just within view of the cameras.  They were both wearing glasses, to protect their identities, and had swapped headgear - Valerie’s headband for Dani’s beanie.  
“Are you sure about this?” asked Valerie.
“Absolutely!” chirped Dani.
“I don’t think this is actually going to stop them from going to the observatory.”
“But it might make them stop and think, right?”
“... You know, I saw the post about this on the forums, right?  And the whole thread?”
“Shush.  Threads don’t matter, now,” said Dani as they crept deeper into the camera’s field of view.  “I think this is good.  You ready?”
Valerie rolled her eyes.  “Ready when you are.”
This had the side effect of making Dani freeze for a solid minute.  “Uh,” said Dani.  
“You can back out if you–”
Dani rammed her face into Val’s, probably way too fast, because kissing didn’t seem like the kind of thing that was supposed to hurt.  They did various things with their lips for a few seconds, and then pulled apart.  
“Uh,” said Dani, eloquently.  
“Yeah,” said Val.  
They both looked towards the ‘Investigation,’ the members of which were, in fact, staring at them.  
Val pumped her fist in the air.  “The only ghost here is Sappho of Lesbos!” she said, her voice wobbling.  “Yeah!  Girl power!”
“Girl power!” repeated Dani.  She hadn’t heard of any ghost going by that name, but she supposed that Danny couldn’t keep her one hundred percent up to date on his rogues gallery.  There were just a lot of them.
At that moment, Dani was slammed into from behind by none other than her beloved cousin-clone, who was dressed as a bad caricature of himself and running at what had to be something approaching a world-record pace.  Danny, who didn’t have the worst set of reflexes in the world, but did have the most ridiculous set of reflexes, picked Dani up, threw her over his shoulder, and kept running.  
“Is he still following me?” asked Danny.  
“Wh- Who?” asked Dani, lifting her head to see that Danny was being chased by either a red-faced fridge or an extremely buff dude who was pushing himself so hard all the blood in his body had gathered in his skin in preparation for exploding (if that was a thing humans did; Dani was a bit uncertain on the finer points of anatomy).  “Oh my gosh, that’s scary.”
Meanwhile, Valerie had recovered from her surprise.  She started running after them.  “Hey!” she shouted.  “Bring back my girlfriend!”
“Oh,” said Dani, pleased that Valerie was getting so into the act.  
“What are you doing standing there?!” shouted a man wearing a hat that said ‘DIRECTOR,’ his voice starting to go tiny from distance.  “Wasn’t that one of the ghosts?”
“Ahhh!” said Danny.  “Why is that guy so scary?!”
“Why are you scared?” demanded Dani, who had already forgotten that she, too, had been scared.  “You’re a ghost!”
“He’s just scary!”
“Bet I’m scarier!”
Danny’s fingers clenched tightly on her hoodie.  “No.  Are they following us?  All of them?”
“Not yet?”
“Rrrrrrgh,” said Danny, rounding a corner and doubling back down the other road.  “I hate this!”
Ned had never thought any of their ‘investigations,’ not even the Investigation, would ever lead to something real.  The image of that thing chasing that boy and grabbing that girl…  It filled him with equal parts wonder and fear.  
This special was going to make them.  They’d be famous forever as the ghost hunters that proved the existence of the supernatural.  
Jimmy put a hand on his shoulder.  
“Not now, bud,” said Ned.  “We’ve got a chase.”
Jimmy did not let go.  Not even when Az and the rest of the crew packed up and took off after the ghost.  
“Edward, dearest,” said Jimmy.  “My heart has been uplifted by the actions of those two young women, and I should like us to express ourselves as they did.”
“Aw, come on, Jimmy.  That’s sweet, but the network would kick us both out in minutes.  Not to mention we’d pasted across every TV in America as the latest scandal.  The shame would kill me.”
“You said it yourself, my love.  What paranormal investigator has self respect?  Let us throw it all to the winds of chance, and let them carry us away.”
Ned blushed.  “You make these things sound so nice.  But… maybe after we get the ghost.  You know how much this means to me.”
“Hng,” said Jimmy.
Danny re-emerged on the original street, which still held some of the crew and cast from the TV show.  “Help me find somewhere to crash believably.”
“There!” said Dani, pointing at a small lot with some abandoned construction in it.
“Perfect!” said Danny, throwing himself in that direction.  Time to absolutely eat it on live TV.  He cast himself on the mercy of the lot, and wiped out spectacularly, coming to rest against the fence at the back of the lot.  
The buff guy just… Stopped.  Then very slowly sat down.
“Hi,” said Danny.  
“Ow,” said the guy, which was fair, actually.  
The guy from the Investigation got there next, and spent the next thirty seconds staring reverently at the buff guy while the camera people set up.  “Incredible,” he whispered.
“Oi!” shouted Crawly, clambering over a stack of pipes.  “Back away from the cryptid!  We’ve got evidence to film!”
“You step away from the ghost!” countered Az.  “Our evidence is more relevant to the human condition!”
“The Amity Park Phantom is not a ghost!” Crawly countered in return, stabbing a finger at Danny.  
“What are you talking about, that’s a kid in a costume!”  
“No it–!  Wait, who are you talking about, then?  What ghost?”
“The one standing next to you!”
“Wh– This is Bill.  My cameraman.  Is this because he gets flushed when he exercises really hard?  That happens to everyone!”
“No, actually, it–”
Danny shifted, which was enough for Crawly to zero in on him, only to recoil.  “What,” they said.  
“Well,” said Danny, coughing only a little bit as he got to his feet and pulled off the wig.  “I am just a kid in a costume.”
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luimagines · 2 years
im not sure if requests are open still but if if it’s ok can i ask hyrule and/or legend comfort hc/scenario in response to normally chill, seemingly well adjusted reader panicking/going through a breakdown?
The last time I got an ask like this I went with Legend. So let's go with Hyrule this time! I hope that ok!
Content under the cut!
Hyrule had noticed something was wrong when there was a member not accounted for despite what everyone had said.
He had asked where you were but got the same response no matter who he asked. 
“Where are they?” He said.
“We told you. they came in with us by the front door, took the right and went straight after that. We think they just went to their room. We have more important matters at the moment. At least they’re here.”
Hyrule tried to bite his tongue and not reply in the same tone. He was tired. They all were tired. Twilight had gotten hurt badly and his magic wasn’t helping. As much as he hated to admit it, he had to take a break or else he’d risk running too low. And he didn’t want to give the group more problems as it was.
He’d go back when he’d eaten and rested for an hour. It won’t be much but he can’t exactly afford to stop as it is.
That didn’t explain what was happening with you though. Why had no one bother to follow you?
He follows the vague directions given to him by the group member and sets off.
There’s no rooms down this hallway. 
Where are you?
Hyrule calls your name and waits for a response. Maybe you left the inn? Would Wolfie- No. No, he can’t.
With a sigh, Hyrule calls your name again and keeps wandering through the inn. There’s a door that leads to the outside garden. An eating area when the inn serves breakfast on sunny days. He walks to it and instantly hears the tell tale sign of a verging panic attack.
His heart quickens the pace on instinct and he turns the corner.
You’re pacing back and forth, heaving with all your power but never seeming to draw enough breath.
Hyrule’s heart breaks. He didn’t even think you could get to this point. But everyone has their bad days... and this has been building for a while. “Hey..”
Your gaze snaps to him. Your eyes widen and you stop in your tracks. You gulp and shake your head. “H-h-he-...”
“You need to breathe.” Hyrule says quietly. “I’m coming closer, ok?”
You make a whining sound in your throat and fall to your knees.
Hyrule nearly rushes to catch you but he doesn’t want to make it worse with any sudden movements. He takes in a deep and calming breath. With his arms out, he slowly moves them up and down in the rhythmic timing of his breath.
It takes a few times but soon he can hear you forcibly try to follow him. You try to copy how long he breathes in, how long he holds it and how long he breathes out. It takes longer still for you to actually get it right and follow long. And it takes even longer for you to calm down.
Hyrule doesn’t know how long you’re both been there. All he knows it that the sun was still bright in the sky and when you’re calm enough to open your eyes and not choke on your own spit, the shadows have lengthened and the world has taken a blue tint.
He breathes one last time before letting his rest arms rest.
You’re still not ok. That much is obvious. It only takes him to open his eyes and see that you’re three seconds from bursting to tears.
He sighs. All that work. 
He opens his arms to you and with only a moment hesitation, you put yourself there and make yourself comfortable before crying into his shoulder as hard as you can.
Hyrule doesn’t know what to say. He’s not necessarily good with words. But he holds you and combs through your hair and draws random patterns on your back and shoulders in what he hopes to be soothing motions.
You both sit there. No words are exchanged and there’s nothing more to acknowledge.
You calm down once more.
Hyrule stops what he was doing and looks down.
You’ve fallen asleep.
Hyrule smiles a bit, glad that you’ve found at least temporary peace. With some maneuvering on his part, he picks you up and goes back into the inn the long way. Once he reaches the front door and gets someone to open the door for him, he carries you off to your room- promising to explain the story to the boys later.
He’s lying. They left you like that. He’s not telling them anything.
He places you in the bed, moving the blankets down and tucking you inn.
With a kiss to your forehead, he sends off a bit of his magic hoping to calm you even in your dreams. After he pops his back and goes through a well deserved stretch, he turns around and dims the light in the room. He doesn’t turn it off all the way on the off chance you wake up suddenly. It would be better for you to recognize your surroundings faster instead of waking up to pitch blackness.
Hyrule closes the door and thinks.
This is hard on everyone. Twilight still needs help. You’re arguably the most collected out of everyone with probably the exception of Time. And yet you completely broke down.
He has to keep trying. He has to do better.
Hyrule nods to himself and moves away from the door.
Without talking to anyone else, he enters Twilight’s room and gets back to work.
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madamudeeaaarr · 3 months
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Unamused Lillian and her unusual momsy mari, this is for my runaways au and also because i wanted to try this hair pattern
The runaways AU
Premisse : gloria and mari join together to flee under bad circuntances and eventually become a couple who together raise a family in the incoming years while preparing for an unnavoidable confrontation with martin.
Basicly just a funny brainstorm i had the other day but liked too much to just let it go hehe.
Notes about my lesbian moms soap opera.
■ Gloria actually doest know about Martin's plans but decided to leave because of the abuse of her children.
■ Mari's Backstory is almost the same from her Google doc files minus the accident she later names Lillian.
■Gloria was going to ask for Arthur's help but with mari joining in and begging for her to not tell the truth she agrees to left him out of the plan.
■ the arrangement between them being that gloria will adopt the baby and raise it was her own child so mari can go back to her normal life after since the kid would still have a opportunity to be with one side of the family .( gloria is a aunt in this scenario and the greywhinder trio are the child's half siblings.)
■ The group leaves in secrecy gathering was much resources they can to hide was far is possible,changing identities in the process and cutting ties to relatives and friends.
■ this is what actually kickstarts martin's killing spree on this timeline with Arthur still being the first victim of 84.
■ they move into a apartament in a poor neighborhood and the family experiences a decline in quality of life with both gloria and mari being unnable to work thanks to the current situation.
■weeks passed before is safe enough to interact to other people but with the money ending gloria decides to try finding a job, on the meamtime she and mari start to get close to each other and interact like friends again.
■Gloria has no luck with anything stable but on her dairly journeys for odd temporary gigs she eventually make friends with some of people of the neighborhood and a few that actually share the same building in which her family is currently living,they actually help her out with a more frequent gig at a local bar during late night hours.
■Despite the difficulties Mari experiences with the changes going around she and Gloria began to growl closer to each other with Gloria showing support to Mari in a gesture of solidarity.
■ Mari eventually gets closer to the older siblings once she reconizes that they have been experiencing feelings about sudderly leaving their old home,similar to her own experiences back she was younger and her father died.
■ around the ending of 84 mari decides to confess to gloria about her feelings and after a while decides to actually stay the family once gloria tells her that she doest have plans to return and instead is going to file for a divorce and use the money for improving the kids lifes when is safe to reunite with Arthur and the rest of their families again.
■The news about the killing spree going on back at their old town and the death of Arthur finally reached the couple and they decided to drop the plans of contacting any relatives or friends for security,under the threat of the informations about them being leaked.
■This changes every plan the couple made for the future but amidst all the chaos and emotional turmoil they are currently facing,the family realizes that they are set for worst financial times with their reserves going close to be empty and mari near to be due.
■Gloria decided to make a plan for preparing for whatever can happens next with the little income she makes,she talks with mari and they both agreed to have mari's labor at home and to prioratize the money for the youngest children in the following months until mari is good conditions to work again.
■however not everything is bad news and some of gloria’s new friends decide to step in and give the couple support with the little they can help. (ex :babysitting,giving gloria’s extra gigs,helping mari when she's starts to have a harder time moving around and doing tasks.)
■when march comes mari has a daughter which they name Lillian.
■was expected the family struggles but was a sight of hope they figure out that they manage to live a whole year in safety.
■ the situation improves when Gloria finally gets a better job when the onwer of the bar presents her to one the older clients who is looking for people to work at a local journal,this and the older children going back to school leaves mari free again to going back to work and she takes gloria’s old gig at the bar since it gives her time to be at home.
■the news about the killings stop but with the reports of martin also stopping the couple can't help but to feel unease.
■ the family is going well and everything seems fine until a unexpected visit shows up turns our mari's brother now a young adult man decided to try to find the whereabouts of his half-sister.
■like his father the guy is actually good in finding clues for missing persons and all of evidence pointed to her still being alive.
■he finds the woman or course but what he doest expect is to found out that her new family just happens to be the missing greywhinders plus a bonus niece.
■also “arthur” is back and the harmony & play is now expanding and becoming a frachise brand to the terror of everyone.
What follows is a story of reconciliation,drama and bla bla bla hauting toys and shit.
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bug-the-chicken-nug · 10 months
Thinking about like
An Adrien-focused MLB AU that works like a more "shonen-esque" magical girl show, basically. And also Adrien is like. Either bigender or a full on trans girl in this AU, because I've been projecting way too hard.
Marinette and Adrien are weaker than canon at first, and have to actually set aside time to train and all that, but in exchange, will be able to get much stronger and more versatile without having to rely on situational powerups
Like at first Marinette doesn't even have Lucky Charm, all she can do is see ways to use what's already around her, and not as quickly or creatively, either.
Adrien doesn't even have a true Cataclysm right away, and all Proto-Cataclysm does is like, expose/highlight weak spots.
There's a limit, albeit steadily increasing, to what Marinette can actually fix after a battle is over.
The saving grace is that Hawkmoth is also weaker at first, and in fact pushing himself to even be as strong as he already is, with his powers only temporarily able to restore his strength... And even then, it takes everything he has just to stand there and monitor an Akuma.
Causing Gabriel to at first be sick and weak all the time, which in turn is what pushes Adrien to try so hard to improve and innovate in this AU, and gives him all the more reason to constantly make excuses for Gabriel.
And I imagine that all the "themed", intelligent Akumatized people are like, actually a "2.0" creation in this AU, the first Akuma victims he creates are just like, people turned into directionless shadowy monsters that can't think critically and don't have powers beyond "strong and tough", making them predictable.
I also want to like just straight up replace the concept of letting people borrow Miraculouses with a power system/group of people i call the Torn:
Basically, a remnant of Hawkmoth's power, "trapped" within a victim who has strong, chronic negative emotions, well beyond just the scope of what's allowed them to be Akumatized. Emotions so strong that the butterfly can't be fully "severed" from them.
So, it gets its name from the fact that victims can be initially identified by the butterfly failing to leave them fully intact- a part of it stuck with them instead.
Hawkmoth himself actually dislikes it when this happens, as the Torn are no longer actually under his control. They no longer need him to use their powers.
Rather, their powers typically become markedly weaker. Still based on personality and emotion, but their emotional energy is converted into magical power much less efficiently. In practice, this makes them either normal people with a couple of weak, subtle powers, or people who build up their energy over time and periodically burn it all at once, effectively meaning that they have temporary transformations too.
Torn who push themselves too far or get too stressed can "relapse", suddenly spiking back to their original, long lasting power levels, or perhaps even beyond... At a cost.
Not only do their become reckless and unruly, but this power spike doesn't last forever, or come out of nowhere.
If they're not calmed, they're just... Gone.
Empty husks.
Used themselves up.
This creates a group that can simultaneously have both good and bad, desirable and undesirable people in it, creating both obstacles and new opportunities for the characters, and well as basically being an infinite well of sweet, sweet, delicious angst.
And like the main characters, the Torn can also steadily become stronger over time, and learn to store, convert, and release their emotional energy in safer, more efficient ways.
I don't do this to spite the Kwami Loaning idea, but just because I feel like this does more in service of making the AU "shonen-esque" in conjunction with its magical girl vibes.
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If you have more thoughts about Warsaw Misto and Jellicle Demeter (or just more about your mafia AU in general) I would love to hear it, that sounds so chaotic
I do have some! Namely, the general timeline of their relationship and how it fits in the general plot
Initially this ship started cuz I wanted to somehow introduce Demeter into the story, and I figured out this would make a pretty solid bit that would work nicely with the main plot. The plot being a secret will they-won't they relationship drama between Warsaw Misto (Feliks) and Jellicle Munk who come from 2 mafia families that have a bit shaky but long-lasting truce, with a sprinkle of Macavity causing chaos. They do get together after some back and forth, but ultimately the relationship implodes, with only a few people knowing it ever was a thing, and Feliks moves to New York to get away from it all.
After some time there, he meets Demeter, freshly broke and after a messy break-up with her fiancé. They meet online and strike a deal, as she needs money and he wants to look like he's dating someone to avoid questions about his love life. Plus, he just wants someone not from his circle to spend time with and also they both can indirectly get back at their exes by showing how they supposedly moved on and are doing great.
Pretty quickly into their fake dating they actually become good friends because they genuinely like spending time together, and besides bonding over their recent bad breakups they have quite a few shared interests, the main one being their shared love for dancing. Plus, Demeter has a chance to try herself in some more or less legal business dealings, and she discovers she may be into it. They meet each other's friends and families and with this Feliks gets a little taste of a normal life, while she gets a few opportunities for a new life and career. And a few months into their "relationship" they kinda indirectly kickstart actual relationships for each other.
They get invited to tuggoffelees wedding back in UK thanks to Feliks being Misto's cousin, where Demeter meets Munk and Bomba. While they're talking in a bigger group Munk jokes Feliks is lucky to date Deme and that if he wasn't he himself would ask her out. To which Deme jokes back referencing one of the things Munk and Feliks broke up over, implying she knows what happened. This leads to Munk having a few drinks for courage and confronting Feliks later at the party, which a few weeks and one party later results in them giving their relationship another chance.
At the same time Demeter gets introduced to Bomba, and they have themselves a bit of a summer romance that turns into an actual, at first long distance relationship. It happens while Deme and Feliks still pretend date each other for a few months longer, and help each other a bit with figuring out the relationships before ultimately officially breaking up, after about a year/year and a bit of fake dating. They do continue their friendship tho and Feliks gets to be godfather of one of her kids
So yeah, this started as just as temporary, kinda fake side ship, but I actually enjoyed playing with it and got attached XD Plus I think they have a fun dynamic, two smart, bit petty people going together through a bit of a life reset, supporting each other, discovering things and having quite a bit of fun along the way. And also starting the relationship to pretend to be all good and happy with life and ultimately actually getting there with the other's help
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nhidalgo9 · 1 year
June 20th Osaka Day trip (last day)
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Well this is it the last blog post of my time here in Japan. To my adoring fans reading every post thank you, to those that I met on this trip and are going back to campus I hope to see you guys there don’t be strangers, I’ve spent more time with you guys than I have with my parents this summer. To those that I met that will not be returning to campus (I actually have no idea who that is other than Uncle Sebastian), it was an honor learning from you, talking about life, and hanging out with you in a completely foreign country. We’ll keep in touch I’ll make sure of it plus those wedding invitations will arrive in the mail one day. Delving into our daily activities I’ll admit it was a little hard to concentrate knowing that this was our last group excursion, I instead decided to take in the moment, look at everyones faces think about our memories as a group and focus. On the train we used Spotify’s wonky UI to share music so we all listened to the same song at the same time with a playlist curated by all of us. This was super important to me as some of you may know that music is an important aspect of my life, it helps me connect to people, express myself, and is just a part of who I am so it was nice to share that experience with friends. 
After heading to Osaka castle which was almost begging me to climb it ( only professor Smith could stop me from doing it) we headed to the main part of our trip; Dotonbori and its many street markets and vendors. As Professor Smith said goodbye to us for the last time some of us had tears in our eyes (these names shall remain anonymous) it was bittersweet, anywayyyy a group of maybe eight of us went to thrift shopping and thrift shop we did. You could almost see the excitement burst forth from Casey’s body (you really couldn’t she has yet to give me a strong emotion). I actually ended up buying things with help from my personal stylists Unc Sebastian and Aulora. They helped give me that extra push to pull the trigger and buy the items when I usually wouldn’t. After we went to teamlab Osaka which was a little interesting and definitely beautiful and ethereal but for my last blog post I don’t want to bore you with some details. When going home our group cut off into two different groups, those that ate dinner and those who did not. Eventually it was me Unc Sebastian and Eliza heading to the train station. It was a very fun walk, we played music out loud, sang with it and they put me on songs I would not have checked out normally, proof that music can unite any party. 
Laying down in my silly little bed, writing this final blogpost  my one goal with this is to be able to look back on this at anytime (probably while studying for orgo or physics) and instantly put a smile on my face as all the memories come flooding in. The laughs, the misses, the food, the sights, just everything about this trip all at once. To serve as a constant reminder that hard work is rewarded and the temporary struggles one faces are exactly that, temporary. I hope that both in this blog and in this trip I have made people laugh and have a good time because I have been shown all of these things by my peers. I don’t know how many times I can say goodbye but here goes, See you Space Cowboy… 
Academic reflection 
To be honest the academic reflection for this day may be a little challenging because there was no threat of a quiz, and without that threat what will motivate us to do the readings. All we did was talk about our opinions on the trip what could’ve been better or worse. For the sake of the assignment I’ll try my best anyway. Ironcially this reading was all about urban planning again only this time mentioning Osaka. They mentioned various high rise buildings and skyscrapers that drastically contrast the type of buildings you see in Kyoto. This was made apparent when I walked into the “Times square” area of Osaka and all I could see were billboards and advertisements with one of them even dating back to the 1950’s. 
Another interesting point is that Japan has less strict zoning regulations which allows there to be all types of buildings around each other like restaurants next to apartment buildings next to hairsalons. Some may argue that this is better because it allows for there to be a greater diversity among buildings that are closest to the city. Seeing a store that sells yakisoba next to a thrift store was honestly a little mindblowing but thats Japan for ya!
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Daily Devotionals for April 14, 2023 Proverbs: God's Wisdom for Daily Living
Devotional Scripture:
Proverbs 14:13-14(KJV): 13 Even in laughter the heart is sorrowful, and the end of that mirth is heaviness. 14 The backslider in heart shall be filled with his ways: and a good man shall be satisfied from himself.
Thought for the Day
Verse 13 - Laughter is an emotion, and it proceeds from the soul of man. When a man's soul is unredeemed, he can laugh with temporary amusement but still be miserable at heart. The world is amazed that Christians can maintain a spirit of joy even in great suffering. This is because the joy that the Lord gives to His saints is not dependent on circumstances, but upon abiding in Christ. The power of the Holy Spirit can sustain us in our severest trials.
Verse 14 - Those who slide away from God, back to their old lifestyles, are filled with their ways instead of the Holy Spirit. When trials come, they have no reserves of inner strength to draw upon, and many are destroyed for lack of faith. It is important to stay alert and not slack off in our pursuit of God. We must use our time wisely when things go well and study God's Word, storing up His truths in our hearts (2 Timothy 2:15).
Ignorance causes much suffering in the natural and the spiritual. I can think of a perfect example of this truth. Some years ago, I made a journey to Salt Lake City and visited a large church. Every family attending this church was afflicted with dysentery. When I asked the mothers to bring forward the children ill with fever, almost the whole church came forward. We prayed and rebuked the fever in Jesus' name. Instantly the children who were hot with fever were restored to their normal temperature. We rejoiced in the goodness of God, as we remembered how Jesus prayed and rebuked the fever from Peter's mother-in-law and she was healed (Matthew 8:14-17).
The next day, I was visiting the bishop. One of his children, who had been healed the night before, became feverish again. As we prayed, the Holy Spirit revealed that we needed to deal with the root of the illness. After asking the bishop several questions, I learned that the water and sewer pipes of the houses were laid side by side. Because the pipes were leaking and the joints were improperly sealed, sewage was contaminating the drinking water. Lack of knowledge had brought disease to that entire church. I told the bishop to boil all the drinking water and to have the church families do likewise. Through the knowledge given by the Holy Spirit to find the root of the problem and the practical knowledge of how to purify water, the families were spared continued illness.
Lack of spiritual knowledge causes spiritual illnesses. We must study and obey God's Word to overcome life's problems and walk victoriously in the Lord.
Prayer for the Day
Dear heavenly Father, I thank You for the joy that You have given me. I do not want to take the fruit of the Holy Spirit for granted. I am blessed to experience Your love, joy, and peace, especially in the middle of my trials. Truly You give us peace that passes all understanding. Father, give me a continued love for Your Word and a desire to study it faithfully. I also need the grace to apply it in my daily life. Help all of Your people to esteem Your Word and honor You by keeping it. May we all declare as David did in Psalm 119:11, "Thy word have I hid in mine heart, that I might not sin against thee." I ask in the name of the Lord, Jesus Christ. Amen. Steven P. Miller @ParkermillerQ, Founder of Gatekeeper-Watchman International Groups Jacksonville, Florida., Duval County, USA. Instagram: steven_parker_miller_1956, Twitter: @GatekeeperWatchman1 ,  @ParkermillerQ https://twitter.com/StevenPMiller6 Tumblr: https://www.tumblr.com/blog/gatekeeperwatchman, https://www.tumblr.com/gatekeeper-watchman Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ElderStevenMiller https://www.facebook.com/StevenParkerMillerQ #GWIG, #GWIN, #GWINGO, #Ephraim1, #IAM, #Sparkermiller,#Eldermiller1981
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letsgofoletsgo · 1 year
Wait is your HGS S/I named Coriander?
That's fantastic will you tell us more about Cori?
(If you want to. Sorry I'm just always so hyped for character design and HGS has so much potential etc)
Omg ty!! I may joke around but I do like HGS, and I’m always down to talk about it.
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Anyway, this is Coriander! Xe’s what I call a forest centaur; they’re smaller, have long tails with tufts at the end, have cloven hooves, and are typically somewhat small in contrast to grassland centaurs, which look like more traditional centaurs. Xe’s from a village far from Lyngarth, which was primarily populated by centaurs. Xe gets xyr black coat from xyr dad, and xyr body type from xyr mom. When xe was a teenager, xe moved to Lyngarth to attend High Guardian Academy. Cori was familiar with new magic, but it wasn’t until xe moved that xe got a terrasphere of xyr own, a light blue orb that xe wore as a necklace, and when activated became a silver scepter. It was also there that xe met Anise and Aloe, and they quickly became good friends. When xe was around 15, xe began to question xyr gender, and eventually came out as non-binary. While Cori did value xyr studies, xe enjoyed going out and partying with her two friends. They became somewhat infamous in the night scene, and they weren’t complaining.
As the years went by, the three graduated with good grades. Cori lived with Anise and Aloe for a little bit, until xe found a place for xemself. In this time, the three met Caraway, who retired from being a full time guardian to teach at the Academy. He became a part of their friend group, and the four spent a lot of time together. While Cori was looking for a job, Caraway suggested xe could help out around the academy, and xe accepted. Xe became a substitute teacher, helping Caraway in his class most often. Sometime later, another centaur came onto campus (whom I give them name Chervil), whom Cori took a shine to. After helping in her class for a while, they began talking. The two bonded over being centaurs in a non taur-centric city; while Cori liked her body, xe admitted it was cumbersome at times. It was then that Cher suggested a temporary body alteration spell. Simply put, it would give her lower half two legs instead of four, and thus making xem resemble a faun. Cori decided to try it out on xyr own, and the spell was a success, though it took effort to adjust to balancing on only two legs (along with the concept of wearing pants). After some time, xe became used to the alternate form, enjoying the newfound freedom that came with it. In fact, it became normal to see xem in their faun form as often as xyr centaur form.
Time went on, life was normal. Coriander did xyr work, partied with xyr friends, everything was good. Eventually however, xe began to notice that xe felt differently about Caraway. While xe had always felt a sense of safety and comfort around him, xe couldn’t deny a newfound warmth and happiness xe felt when xe was around him. While it took weeks of internal struggle and denial, Cori realized xe had a crush on him. While its uncertain when xe might tell him, xe seems more and more ready to pop the questions as time goes on…
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vedicrajastrology · 2 years
Astrological Chart Analysis Basic to Advance Concept
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Astrological Chart Analysis Basic to Advance Concept -
Basic Concept - We've total 12 houses in Astrology System & these 12 houses has their own significant meaning LIKE
>1st house - health
>2nd house - wealth , family
>3rd house - will power , strength, skills, efforts, small network circle
>4th house - nourishment care , home personal life
>5th house - love , romance, education, children
>6th house - enemy fighting, diseases, problem
>7th house - Marriage, Agreement
>8th house - mystical research, sudden transformation, chronic disease , surgery
>9th house - higher education, religious activity, dharma, temporary foreign settlement
>10th house - Professional career, name, fame , success through career
>11th house - All kind of gain & fulfillment of desire, your monthly or yearly salary, large group of network circle
>12th house - Loss of all kind of materialistic things, expenditure, permanent foreign settlement , Spirituality .
Normally people check their astrological chart to get the answer of their specific question, now whatever question they have , they only check that matter related house sign lord planet's house placement condition ,  like if you want to know your career life through Birth chart horoscope then maximum beginners only check their which planets are placed in 10th house of birth chart ,  these planets are called deposit or influencer of your 10th house of professional career & for career direction or success means which particular career you should choose for that reason maximum astrology beginners check their 10th house sign lord planet house placement because  10th house sign lord is the controller of 10th house of career & for that reason they check their 10th house signlord  planet placement condition like you can find this concept in google or youtube everywhere  
>10th house lord in 1st house  - health activity or health related profession
>10th house lord in 2nd house - finance related work, food industry , music field
>10th lord in 3rd house - sell marketing , networking work
>10th lord in 4th house - land, property , real estate work, norishment care , food service, work from home
>10th lord in 5th house - creative entertainment  field work
>10th lord in 6th house - job service, doctor, problem solver, bank accounting
>10th lord in 7th house - business
>10th lord in 8th house - research field, mystical field like astrology or any occult field work
>10th lord in 9th house - professor, teacher, guider, priest
>10th lord in 10th house - Higher authority Government field work, boss of any field
>10th lord in 11th house - good for all kind of gain through working under huge networking field work
>10th lord in 12th house - work in hospital , asylum, spiritual work, foreign mnc job
& also they check that 10th house signlord planet  own significant quality like if 10th house signlord is sun then Government or higher authority post , if moon then nourishment care, if mercury then business or networking, if saturn then iron steel related.. etc like this way they judge that planet own significant & house placement related work & that planet D10 dashamsha chart house placement condition based on that they judge their career . Yes, that way you can judge & similarly if you want to know your marriage life then simply you can check 7th house signlord planet birth chart house placement & D9 chart house condition & based on that you give prediction or judge your  marriage life but this is not the actual astrology , yes through this basic rules your prediction may be correct or wrong but you can't say 100%  that your prediction always came correct based on this basic rules which I've experienced as per my astrological journey & that I can say from the bottom of my heart. In the advance portion I've written the actual process of judging chart for prediction.
Advance Concept - I hope everyone has already checked their own chart with having 9 planets placement in 12 houses, Have you checked that 9 planets house placement degrees , that degree defines your life condition through that 9 planets which differentiate with others. 
similarly like 9 planets also we have 12 houses or cusp are also placed in specific degrees over 12 rashi sign, I hope that you can't find in Chitra Paksha Lahiri Ayanamsha but Kp astrology has given the extra option through Kp new ayanamsha , here in these system you'll find like 9 planets you also have your 12 houses placement condition based on specific degree like 9 planets & through that degree over specific zodiac rashi sign we divide that 30 degree long house into 3 parts based on rulership of that house. Like if native ascendant or 1st house is placed in aries sign of 0 degree then through this degree of aries we can divide native 1st house of aries sign ascendant into 3 parts  & they are house or cusp , nakshatra & sub nakshatra,  their controller or ruler ship like house lord , nakshatra lord & sub nakshatra lord . So we can write this 3 parts rulership as - mars (1st house lord ) - ketu (nakshatra lord ) - Ketu (sub nakshatra lord)   because 1st house aries sign lord is mars , 0 degree of aries sign that means 1st house of ascendant falls under ashwini nakshatra over aies sign that nakshatra lord is ketu  & 0 degree of aries sign sub nakshatra of ashwini nakshatra always start with ketu upa nakshatra .  So, if this native want to know his/her health related questions then maximum beginners will check only 1st house aries sign lord mars house placement condition but actually this native ascendant location is 0 degree over aries & that area is controlled by ketu as aswini nakshatra & sub nakshatra lord , So the actual controller of this native health is not mars but the ketu so native should check the  ketu's house placement condition rather than mars house placement condition for health related matter , similarly if you want to check your money savings or wealth related matter then check core portion of 2nd house through degree , similarly for marriage 7th house core portion & career 10th house core portion through degree, similarly like when you judge any dasha planet, you simply check that running dasha planet is placed in which house in birth chart & divisional chart but again this is wrong concept because that running dasha planet also has specific degree over the house placement zodiac rashi sign that differentiate with others condition so that dasha planet's condition is also divided by 3 parts like 12 houses based on degree, So when you judge that dasha planet core portion through that degree means nakshatra & sub nakshatra lord house placement condition then only  you'll get the actual result upto 80 % these are the rules given by GURU JI KSK & my GURU JI  but recently another technique has introduced by very rare secret astrologer although not openly because that rule you'll not find in any book or video or anywhere & that secret concept is called connecting planet concept who is not there in the list under  planet/house lord - nakshatra lord - sub nakshatra lord table of your chart  but controlling everything of that cusp or house related mater if you decode connecting planet concept then only you can get full information about your running dasha planet's events or 12 houses cusps conditions that covers remaining 80 % to 90 %  & remaining 10% is your higher psychic power that you'll get from blessings of God. 
---------------------------------------------- Thnx regards
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azcanyonrafting · 1 year
Female Urination Devices for Rafting Trips
How are you preparing for your river rafting adventure? This outdoor adventure means there are no private bathrooms so make sure you're ready. Have you ever considered an instance where there are a lot of fluids in the menu and you need to urinate but there's nowhere to go near the river? Check out this innovative device for ladies.
This is a good addition to your outdoor equipment because it abides with the National Park Service regulations for peeing in national parks and other nature spots.
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What Is A Female Urination Device?
A female urination device or FUD is a funnel that drive's the woman's waste away from her body. This allows her to pee while upright instead of squatting.
This can be worn under your clothing and is a smart solution for outdoor activities like backpacking, camping, riding a boat, or any other activity in the wilderness.
Where Is A Female Urination Device Typically Used?
A female urination device is a portable urinal that allows a woman to go virtually anywhere. The design originated from portable urinals used in the medical field that allows patients to urinate in the bed while on bed rest. These later developed into FUDS.
The FUD can be used in any outdoor trip like trips to the wilderness, backpacking trips, rock climbing, camping, rafting, and all sorts of outdoor adventure and nature activity.
This can also be used in the car during a long road trip. For example, if you found yourself drinking too much water and there seems to be no rest stop any time soon, you can resort to this instead of a normal bottle. It's a better way to relieve your bladder of urine. You don't even need to interrupt your road trip with frequent bathroom breaks.
Different Types Of FUD
Disposable FUDs
As the name suggests, these urination devices are disposable which means that they're made of a disposable material like durable paper or cardboard. These are usually flushable and are meant for temporary use during any trip.
This is a good urination device if you want to test the waters first. You can use this urination device and then if it's a good fit, you can try other urination devices.
Non-Disposable FUDs
This is a type of female urination device that is designed to last for a very long time. These are usually made of plastic or latex so that you can just rewash the FUD countless times and reuse it.
This means that a single purchase of the device can last you for a lifetime. Just make sure that you thoroughly clean the female urination device after every use to ensure cleanliness. This device is good for river rafting or other aqua sports because it is waterproof.
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How To Use A Female Urination Device While River Rafting
When you're out in a location that's far from civilization, it may be challenging to find a comfortable place to urinate. When you're on an outdoor adventure with a group, it may be difficult to find a more comfortable bathroom option that will give you a bit of privacy from men.
That's where the option of using a female urination device comes into the picture. This allows women to pee upright without having to remove their clothing. Ladies simply wear and use female urination devices and leave no trace because these FUDs are spill proof.
Here are the steps on how to use one:
Simply unzip your pants and set your underwear to the side. There's no need to remove your clothes. However, if you're a beginner, you might feel the need to squat while using this. Take your time getting adjusted.
Take the device and place it over your private parts and then begin to pee. Make sure to control the flow of your pee so that the funnel won't overflow and mess with your underwear and clothes. It's important to know the fluid capacity of the funnel so that it won't have more than what it can handle.
Other brands come with a urinal attachment and more accessories that is a different design from the typical funnel. This extender hose helps redirect the urine away from your body so that you won't make a mess.
After that, you may wipe the urination device with some toilet paper and then wash it with some water. This gets rid of the pee so that you can store it in your bag when it's clean and ready to go. Leave no trace of fluid before packing the funnel away.
When you have the time later on, make sure to thoroughly disinfect your FUD. Use some soap or alcohol to get rid of any bacteria.
Tips And Tricks For Using A Female Urination Device
There is definitely a learning curve when it comes to using this, especially if it's your first time to pee that way. Here are some tips and tricks to help you answer your questions about female urination devices.
Preventing Overflow And Splashing
An overflow may happen among first time users. The best option is to moderate your flow for a bit so that the pee can travel smoothly through the funnel.
If overflowing is a consistent problem for you, then the best option is to upgrade to a bigger and wider funnel. There are many choices you can pick from. Just make sure to assess each option, read up on their information, and compare the devices before you place your order for one.
Splashing may be remedied in the same way which is by controlling your pee flow. Another trick is to keep the funnel closer to your body.
Make Sure To Relax
You may be used to the comforts of a private bathroom and you feel like it's the more comfortable option. However, being outside means you need to adapt to the lifestyle of having no toilet paper and resulting to FUDs to pee.
Take your time to relax. Take some long and deep breaths until you are ready to pee.
Working With Clothes
Some first time users report that they still feel the need to pull down their pants to use the device. However, these things are meant to be used upright so there's no issue with squatting or sitting down just to do the thing.
It may take you a while to get used to using the FUD while standing up but this is the more efficient manner. If you feel like you need to squat for the first few times, do it. Gradually adjust to using this while standing up. Pretty soon, you will be able to achieve this bit while upright.
Practice Makes Perfect!
The best way to make your body adjust and be one with a FUD is to practice with it. Use it in your bathroom and home and give it a go. More practice will improve your capability to use it on road trips and outdoor adventures. Afterwards, wash it with water to clean it before you pack it up. Leave no trace of fluid before sealing it in the bag. This way, you will have some practice before you go camping or on a river rafting trip.
Each girl may have a different approach to using the FUD. Everyone has questions on how to effectively use it while camping, rock wall climbing, or while on a river rafting trip like Colorado River Rafting, Grand Canyon Rafting, Grand Canyon National Park etc.
How To Choose A Urination Device (GoGirl, Whiz Freedom, Etc.)
There are so many brands of female urination devices available on amazon.com that you can try out. Some of the most popular brands include Whiz Freedom, and SheWee. These options have their own special features and something that sets them apart from other gear. It's up to you to thoroughly research and compare these FUD gear. Make sure to read up on the product first and any possible issue before making a purchase. You may also read up on how long shipping takes, what are the additional accessories that are in the package, how many milliliters is the capacity, and any other questions you may have.
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Final Thoughts
FUDS have definitely changed outdoor peeing for women all over the world. This is one of the most revolutionary products ever. Because of FUDS, women can comfortably empty their bladders while standing up. Women can now experience comfort during an outdoor trip.
On you next river venture, make sure to pack this in your kit! Experience the wonders of having a portable bathroom by the river. This is also a good move to urinate while following the rules of the National Park Service.
FAQs About FUD
If you still have more questions about the FUD, check out this frequently asked questions (FAQs) section to answer your query.
1: What Is The Best Female Urination Device?
There’s no fixed answer to this because each brand has its own special features that will help ladies all over the world. Some of the best brands that are rated 4 to 5 stars include Sani-Fem Freshette, Sheewee, TinkleBelle, pStyle, and Whiz Freedom.
2: How do you use the GoGirl female urination device?
Unzip your pants and push your underwear to the side. Take this funnel-shaped device and press it against your private part. Use your thumb and middle finger to hold it firmly in place. After that, point it at the urinal and pee. If you're in a river rafting adventure, you may point it in the water or in a secluded area in the woods.
3: Do pee funnels work?
Yes, they do. All you need to do is to practice with them before you use them during your camping trip. Use them at home until you're comfortable to use them outside. It's also important to learn the right amount of pressure to apply when pressing this against your body.
Aside from that, another thing to learn is how to clean it up and pack it safely after being used. One pee funnel can truly change the manner by which you urinate.
4: What is Pee Buddy?
Pee Buddy is a product that originated from India. This is one of the first portable urination gadgets ever released on the market. It was created to help ladies urinate while staying upright. That means they no longer have to make contact with dirty toilets in public restrooms to prevent the acquisition of diseases and infections.
This became the blueprint for other portable urination devices on the market. This has a rating of 4 stars, so it's a good product.
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humansofnewyork · 2 years
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(2/4) “A few months after Eduardo’s case I went to a music festival. It wasn’t normally my kind of scene. It was on the Jersey Shore. There were a lot of glowsticks and temporary tattoos. But I was twenty-six. I had to do something on the weekends. Everyone in my group seemed to know each other except for me and a girl named Kristen. We were the ‘bring-alongs,’ so we kinda got stuck together. Kristen’s only 5’3”. And she’s soft-spoken. But I soon learned that there’s a really big person packed in that small body. Her friends call her ‘KBad’ for a reason. She studied political science at Princeton. She spent two years in Mexico working for the DOJ. And she’s really, really passionate about changing the world. We did the dancy thing for awhile. But after dark the festival turned into a techno rave kind of situation: fire dancers, light show, the whole thing. Kristen and I ended up finding a tent outside the main action, with an opium den vibe. There were lots of Moroccan throw pillows. We laid down on the plush red carpet, and our conversations got pretty deep, pretty quick. At some point I told her the story of Eduardo’s case. I explained that it had opened my eyes to the power of ‘pro-bono’ work. Pro-bono means ‘for the public good.’ It’s essentially community service, and every lawyer is supposed to do 50 hours per year. But it’s a frustrating process. The system is email-based. It’s outdated, and disorganized. There are millions of low-income people who need legal services, but it can be hard to find the right case. So many lawyers just give up. I asked Kristen: ‘What if we invented a better system? If we could increase ‘pro bono’ hours by even 10 percent, that would be 6.5 million hours of free legal services.’ We could create a justice machine. We went back-and-forth until 4 AM. Honestly I thought we were just riffing. But two weeks later I got an email from Kristen. It was a pitch on why we should work together. God, it was so ‘KBad.’ It included a 14-page powerpoint, and each slide featured one of her skills. Later that week we scheduled a call, and we had a negotiation. It was a done deal. We were definitely going to do this. Whatever this is.”
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